ASSESSMENT ROLL 1928-1929 P-R In- this Assessment Roll the JollowinB A bbre!liations are used for the tllorcls set oppr1site to them: N.-NOl'tIL or :\o;tht!rly $-Dol1fLrs N. W.-N-c>rUnv.esterly S.-SOUtll (lr Soutllerly ctg.-Centfl s. \Y.-Southwesterly F..-l~ast or 8nsteriy Cor.-Corner N. E.-Northeasterly W.-Westor Westerly -St.-Stred S. E.-So\1thellsti:l'ly Ft.-Feet AVi:.-Avenue Imp.-ImprovementB No.-Nllmher 'rh.-TII-ence Suh.-Subdlvjsion S. D. M.-Snn Bernardino Base and Meridhm Sec.-St!cllon. FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALlZA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange for ASSESSED TO ALl. OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNOW '">"."~,-,.,~,,,__=,",~~"',,~';'=.~'. - -_,~'~._. .. __m_ _...,~IJ,. ~~!.IfH~_~__A_H.Q DOo~aIKlIIHG. S...HUAllA --, . II r' il SAN BRltNAI1DINO lL ~EmDIAN I[ 1 2 i~ -~ , TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOI'FICE ADDRESS DESCIIIPTION OF l'ROPERTY .~ 00 ,,,,,,, " "" iI en 0 Ii j,_"- 11 I' ,I il i.8' ~ :~-S g I ~ 5"' i oW k ,E-< 0 .' ~I""O._ '~... . ~ pji:< " o ~~ s< z Value of Real [sLate Value of Improve- menls Thereon v" --I" $ $ $ 12.17 ride, S. M. ,_:i.......a,.l..i.JI:!LSh, 1;248 ________+ MG.Q.Qy_~,!LAgd_W Personal Property ~ '1 " 205 ~ I; 1 , 123:...,ft__=-__ ___________UL_1lL~--+.--+---1-QIQ.----~-~~,- ,,' , , :1 ride, T. C. '. Personal Property )1 OJ I L" ' ,I ,. _____,,,__._____,J.__E,~JJ)L.l:l_,,Q~_________________________-----------LsLL:---,-+---l-.'. _--1l,,__I5_Q._L... _:J,Q~_9_,-j;.:.,__ ( I; I ;, : . Ii ' [I ,i J,,_.Qb.a.pman__ AJI:_8. 12,lD abe, W. R. 'i , ,___." ,..,_____c___.,}_,.G,eo,..____A.clli.B.Q.nLa,_J3.u.b_____.___._____,____________.+_a._+.Q__,__l___-t__6I5__j_._l0S0 -+-.' ~ . 'i " , arthy, Raymond A. Personal Property 'i I, : ._SL,...G1.asae.l.LSt,..._____.,.,__,_____~-M.QQ.Qy:..!_fLAdd.--------------,------.------------"------I!I-J~J.L---~, _1____ ~ ___J_Q5.9___.. _..ij~t ~ -- I, II [3 I II 1650 11 ii . i Il II E Sft ~ ~16 II n 1 60 il II II i117 'II . I: i 60 ..--'.------'.--.--1'''-..--..---.-..------...-.-... .... ...-.-"---- ..--.---.-.-...-....--.-...--"....---............-....--.-- ...--.----'"-~------.-.-j ,-.~----.--1---.-.-..~-+------~'t....--._. ....._-~- .~--..".~.--r-..--.---- I I . 1. " ! I Ii i,i! "9 '2 I. ',I, I I,!,'! II Ii i: ~ - --I --- - , --- - ~:--Il--.,,'-- I' [I i ;1 il I ., lollum, Claudina I Personal propertY:1 I ' " I .1 i I I I ~So i ; N. Cleveland I Craddick's Sub : 9 ! A I' ;, 975,' _ I -------.-----------.------~--- ---1---------- .--- ---- ---------- ----------- ----.., --------1 ,-----+---~--- -1--"-- --------. ------ :------------- -'r-- 125') I i Ii Ii ' '.1 I,} , I II, i, i, Personal Property Ii I I II Ii ,I 11 U~~i.---- - _____+-"h"!'0'"'-"".,,_'_4 ",,-,_"< ~_ ___ ___ +4+' _i-+_4_P)"t94~~ "..... ,... ,.:jt... ~ i I' I !(;I 1: ~ II I , I !I I il 't-----'----.---'---.-------'--. ,-,.,-.,---,--,,,--.-.. -----."'.!.-.-------..-'t-~.m~--.-r-"-----T.~.----. -r~-- --._- -:i----- -----... 1- ~,' Ii, [, I Ii II " II ii' '.'.' '.' '\ ~:10 II ~ I : III 1..' .. il 1 !! l' II 1 --..---------.. . ..----- ...--t---r--r"--~----'''---r---:I'I-- 'I I i I ,s....._.Gr.and... 1250 1.251 I -----.11--- ilurel Zadie Nutwood P1aoe N 50 ft - 360 205 125:~ ii :1 "'W-- , s. Grand St. iolluml T. S. "'''''''''==''''''"''''~",,,.,''"''''''''',='''''''''''''.,=''''-,;-,,,''''''~','',,.;;..'=~"""""-'-'''~'''''''"'~c.,,"='"'''''',''"'''''''''..'''''',.'''''''"='D'";"'""''"".'''"..';~.",,',"''~,,'''''',''''''~,,='""'=.. '9 \ I vq in- this Assessment Roll the /olloluing Abbreviations are wed lOT the ftlords set opposite to them~ N.-North or Kmthcriy $-DollnfS N. W.-Northwesterly S.-South 01' Southerly Cts.-CQlltEt S. W.-Southwesterly E.-EflRt or Ensterly Cor.-Corner N. E.-NllrtllcastcrJy W.-Wcst or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Soutlwllsterly Ft.-Feet ^"c.-Avenue IlI1p.-Improycments No.-Number 'rh.-Thence Sub.-Sul>dlvision S. D. 1II.-San Bernardino Base and Meridian Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF E<:: Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO lJ - "';:: G'~.F.i.:"oa. pElliitlItG'''1l r; '~OO~i:illillIH~.S;;'HTA-AH~ 11- ~I SAN BEItNARDINO ~__._~~~RIOIAN__.___: 1 2 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY "~ 00 ',"'-' " ~ Jjo i.eo ~ ~.-s 0 " .- . 00:< 0'" ~ Eo> 0 o~ "~ ~i:< ~ o ffi~ ~5 ~< ;Z; Value of Real Estate Value 0 Improve ments Thcreol1 $ $ 1217 MoBride, S. M. 1~9__Ji.___QJj,J1:,e__ill_._,__.. 12:18 -i.-,Mc,Q,QY:.'-!L.A!l..,L_. Personal Property " 20' .\11 12!L_Jt -=--__________,,____-11..7_J\__"__'-___"__..J,Q2Q___".__._1_g;I,.~ j,' ;' I McBride, T. C. _(;_l2...E-,-_Chaplllan.Av_e.L. 121D H l: Personal Property Ii , , .-----------,--t--,p aJ.m.__ PlaQJL__._______.._.____._______,,____.______________*_~____t::.. ..,__+___+____ _]5.Q _, 106{ McCabe, W. R. ._,,_,,____~__..~___GaQ.....Aahi.aQn~_a.....aub._._______,______._ .......-------.-----iL-2.-.r-C-,-,..+.., ______"._.975_,___:I.Q.~{ :' [I : I:: i,' . n I, ~ :'1 Ii I: ~;:::~-~:~~::::n:t~~----,-----.~-J-1!Q~O-y~-..AM-------".----____~~:~~::~_~r op er~~__._;i. .2 ....+A_.,...,__ f, It '! 3 II i' 11 " 'I i,"I, II E 8 ft - '116 I{ II '117 'II .,,-,--.--. ...".."-.,,,---,.---..,,- ,--."...-,..".-.. ....----....... ....-.--n....--,.:-"-.-"~ ! II :1 I! 9 .2 II ,lJ:s7..S._Grand, 1250 I ~ II .. 1650 ---"-!:-....~------f,-.._.__.-_._--' "...----.-,. 1650 60 60 121 .135' 1251 McClure, Zadie Ii Nutwood Place \1 N 50 it - 360 20 _2}?_~' Grand St. ....m~.'. ..mm....._...._._ 1') r;:[). .') t-W' ~~ i Ii .------.---r..' :i " --:'t--- '1"--- ~i 'I ji , ~lf II Ol'addiokl s Sub -+ --.--..-------- -- ----- -----~~---- - --- --.-.----.-,---- Ii Ii MoCollum, T. s. Ii d " .__?~_:L~.,___'I':tJ:~_!!l_________________~...2.hapmaI!_ T:r:'2_~,,~.~~____~!L=.__..___.__._... 1254 J ...... ............ . " MoConnell, W. H. II . - --~ _3Il N. Lemon st. ________~Al'!.h:ur ~e.~,!;__~~cl,_____________._________..... I I I .1 McOollwn, Olaudina Personal Property 3~_~._Q~ev ~.1and___. Ii 9 ,A "---'------'-'1t-..-,--.- ......!'...-.'...------,---..- !: f!--' 975 ", ~, -l-"" =;t 1253 Personal Property Ii Ii 4- C . -----~'----+-- I' " ti 4- 2930 911 ......1[-... -..-."~,._.y..-..--.-~'---.--~-_.- 'I 11 ::?;3 , ..,,,.- _~7.5 ..-r I; 4-( "",..,~.=.="""'..","""=''''''=,-z""'''~''''==''''''''_'<.--. , Il 1 Li' I' II' i 'II I 10,' ! I I I l ,I Ii \1 I 1 I' I ---I'. -,,--l--,,~ ---: --+----r--- " 'I ' ! [ ! I[ 1'::'0 J In this Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations are used Jor the 1Vord.s -set oPP{Jsiee to "Iem: N'.-NOl'th or N'o!tllerly $-Dollnrll N. W.-Nortlllvl!stcl'ly S.-South or Southerly CtS.-C.elits S. W.-S-outhw(!stt'rl)' E.-l~llst or F.usterly Cor.-Carner N. E.-Northeaster],. '\-Y.-West or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Southeasterly J."t.-~'e(!t Ave.-Al'enue lmp.-Improvemcats No.-NumlJ.er Th.-'l'henee Sub.-SuLcHyjsion S. D. !I.-Slln Dernnrdlllo Base IInd MClridi:nn Be-e.-SedloR FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAL! Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKN ~:}: rlA,~B__,'i'-if(iiJrNJ_ ~i-i'o,~:o:O,f~ni~llrir~) ~~!K~~~.~- 1~\) ---,.'- ~-'T'---"-"~-" " lr 1 DESCIlIl'TION OF PROl'ERTY . . . ..~. ;1 11 SAN BERNARDINO :' MERIDIAN " i\..._._.___.7_____u_______: q ii ...............[1 r ,I ':':L_. '-r 2 TAXPAYEIl'S NAME AND 1'0STOFFI CIl ADDRESS ! Q. ~ 1=1'" ,........ I,) I\.J o Q l...l:lr:: 0 bJl~ '.;::!-l ! ~:::l;:Q l:: dJ o I-t ; ~ 0 I;'j~ r.X 0 I om,., P::: Eo< 0 . o ~13 ~5 ~< Z; Value :i of I TIcal Estlltc Value of Improve. ments Thereun $ 1~255 cCormick, 01arence O. Personal Property ii !I I?_~_L_.LfilllQlLS..t-'_,.---------.----!-'rhexll1.a.:!,j",:t.a..T;r",,~3Q-.ij,-------,,------.----Uz---~B--.-,.----+-.----g-~5.c_--3Q.\L#- 1256' ., I, !i cCcy, Daisy M. 121 E --!:I::tlLJ3,:t_._, I' ~_~_~~_T.r~_56_6.-_----------_--------------------1-iLr-"'"--c-_____.___.J275-,_ . . --_._~.- anta Ana, Cal. 1257 . 'i . I' CD1)"1le.l.>-...J~,,..B-.----------------:----t-------------------------p-ar.aonaL...Er-ope.r.j1y-i-.---r---'----r--l---------+-----.---i' 93 S. Olive St., i McOoy's Add !II0 I A. :.i 1155 1215 ii.. . ~ " I Ii ' " Ii 1258 cDonald D. 'I _._--.,-----,-----".,., ..__._-_._'"----~-_._-'_._'_.__..~-------:;._..__._--'-~.~----_._,_._-_.__..__......~._-- jl 34 S. Parker St., ,I. Kordes Tr. I! ,; j :e.(LJ::.!l,QIlJ:l,:t,_J)X9.PJ~J'JL~.---L---------~ I" , I' S 0 "___-jl-_'''mm_ 615 540 1259 , a t--- II J:i;J,Q ft - ii -il,. --i-' " I.i 9 D il Ii 10 II " il il19 111 , ,-- .,ol!o,w.e~l__"'-.Jral.arius._lnc.._. _ ____~_-u 9900 7920 4-SOo ...1 540-' lS90 690 4505 " .--._._.._--,~~-_.._,.-..-.._~...__. :ox 2781 Orange City II ....---..1:-- 12GO ,oElroy, C. James, O}L:-__9~lL~t ._L____________ ,__I_.1J::....J~J5___Lgg__J.~ ..--------"I,!-l-- __.=-___.____..------,.--.5]0-,-..$55- li ., Ii Ii I, 'I :1 I - ~- Ii 13 ,I " _..;__..w.__~----" .. Ii, :1 -!,.. --..---...--..---+--------------.'.-..-.'-+1- :anta Monica, Cal. F 5 ,i ii Ii ------~, Ii 765! 12Gl , I, !cGJ 1_~L.91ayt9.1:U~--'----___________+-_.--..--------------.--.E~J::f:l()1!?':l_PJ::()p_~.J:'tY. ,I ..1).#1,. Box 49 ~. Ohapman Tr. N~- - NWt 12G2 !' ~.c G 1],1 L_Q layt gn i .---------------t---------------,----- . ______ {, D. #1, B()x 4:9 .rR. S. Williams Tr. All - (Ex N 20 ft) 'Iu" Ii ,I i! :, -t---.----------------"-----.-----"". .-,,,.-,,-.-,,,. .----.-".---. .~ ,,,..........,,...,,.,,.".,,.',,,.,.,,..""""..h.,,,,. ..,,,,..,,,l....... ..ii Ii II 3330 .. o 5.87 3275 -, ~) ) I U51 lt~ this A8sessment Roll the followlfltI Abbreviations are used lor the -words set opposite Jo them: N.-North ()f l\olthCl'iy $-Dollnrs N. W.-Nol'thwesterl)' S.-l:loutb 01' Southerly Cts.-Cents S. W.-SQuthwes.terly R-E,]",t or Rllst(!rly Oor.-COI'ncr N. E.-NmUlc~sterly W.-West or Weslerly St.-Street 8. E.-Soutlleasterl,. ]~t.-J,'eet '\\'c.-Avcllue Jmp.-Impro'o'ement.s No.-NulIlher Th.-Thence Sub.-Subdl\'Isiol\ S, B. llf.-SAll Dernnrdlno nllSe and Meridian Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange I ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN lei .. - 'j,:o :'riA:Gci-,l'Ri-iil'IHG .\-ii-,D-9'cloj(.j'i~'Dii-iG:sAJii.rK~X--' '1,' I' , !: _~",,,,,,,,"~,.,....,....,...,......._--.---~-,,-,.,..,.,..,,.~'"~'C -".'"...._,....",---......, "......, "...."............" TAXPAYER'S NAllE AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCIlIl'TION OF PROl'ERTY 1263 MoGowan, Nanoy J., , BaE~t_o WLQ.~.!~______________.___ 1'){~ .~ l~U::l Nutwood. Place, W~- Ic~___________'_._._,._______________. i12/132 . . 525 765 ..._____".,,____.-Ji..-___~__~---~-.-__ji-----".~-'-."---m-~--.~4~_.-_.._.._...~._..~ MoGrudy, E:mma Personal Property I: , !iJ8q,_1'l~.Q!.~!l:~~t ...L__________.lW. H. H/_lJ1ayton IS _ Sub 1265 :: 10 ,..----------~--_.------------"--,-,--'.t--,-...-.;, A_, .._i~.--" : ' 000 "--,-.-_...,.---,-_._----~,_._..........-.._. 370 -~!j.Q MoGuire, Mary D. Personal Property . I f3.~X:O:;:~!1&~.1l1_.L_______,______..___~--Q,u1 ver__HotEll_TrL____________.____________ I, Ii I' I II --.-- - ---i2f3(i--- .----------------t------ I It .. 8 ...~T---. " 22 i' :; -...'-.---..-...-.-- 1i--___911Q___9_:W 55 1485 795 795 __895 ,--..-----.---. .-+--.-- I I- I ,123 i '; I ,: I ._,"..m_'_..'._._.__~_' __-'.__..____~,.,_, ~."2-!t.,".,--..~w.~, - ....---..... ..,;~,_.... --"'"-tt 'I I :1 . I, I " . II il II B .......12-,,- I " 'I I i i ,.'vl.<J.!11~ Y:t'~I_J()}:lrl et al... _ __ __ ...____~________,. "___ Per 8()l1ctl_J?rClEe:t'tY____~ . .... .._!_ ,IS05 iV. La Veta I: Riohland Farm Lots, S 3.10 ao - 'II 6.50 ao-,:60 - [i ~~ I i , I, I' !:II ~~~_i:: 0 :~~-k:~ ::-:-,_u__ ------;------ ~- Tr~-~49 --- -- ----- ____X~E!l_ol1al.J'.r_~pe_r_t y- -lli,"l ~-----: - . --- '-11'-- --~ -------, II 1 11 '1116 I' II . , Ii r----1269~h~_J --"--- nm-------IILI!+ ~:O:~::~BG:~:~: II .' ~------.---___--'-,. __Iil1,~'!I'OQc:l,.p,,1.E-_()~_L_ E!-=_____________._ .......J2IJ,,3L?_ '1' IIReno I Nevada ;! :! I I . .11 i I Ii )[-- +----- ---.------ --- -.--- ---- ----- -- - ----+-1 . ---1'-+--- _L__ II '[ II Ii I I ~;i' ....." ..".,........,...~...,-..."..,....."....."".=~~""".,"..~",,'~"'''''..... 11 -, .'0' "='-'- '""~"""",,~~=-- "" =, =- ,,-,~ ,'-'-. _'N",,"~_",,,,.7,~_~,,,.,,,~.,,_ - - - ,= _ = --_\..."..""""-~~,,=,-- .. ~MQlnnis, J o.hn !!:st. " II.QLQ__SMl._T..r.....&..._Bav_...B.ank.,__. II Los Angel es, C al. I 1267 .. .J'r:.~3L '-F" , , 525".._ 3.10 2790 720 150 150 1501 ______L 915 ---..+1. , i! __,,~,g5_!i_.J080 I)}') 0 ..f------....--- !i !! ;! '"O''''~'''"''''-~'-~'';';'''';''''~M:'':~~~__''' .,'+""'""'~,,~''''C....,"' ..~...;^"--........ ~,,~","'~',i,\ ."'.--.'tl'-.--.'.."'.". .,---~" ',' .."'7'~ .-~ ..,..,.....- !",,::,,: ,..',:..';..., I '''~"'::---~'''''': '~:::"'~-1 ,:"::";,-;J-.', In this Assessment Roll the JiJUQwing Abbreviations are used lOT tile words set oPPrJsite to them: N.-North or Xorthcrly $,-Dollars N. W.-N-orthwllsterly H.-South 01' Southerly Cts.-Cents fl. W.-Soutluvestcrlr R-P.'I'lt. or F.flderl~' Cor.-Corner N. E.-Northellsterly W.-West or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Southcastcrlr ]~t.-Pcct .A"e.-Avcnuc Imp.-hnprol'cmentfl No.-Number Th.-Thence Sub.-Suhdil'lsinn ) I s. B. ~[.-Snll Bernardino Bllse lInd Meridian Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK, '~t~?~!~j~li~!!~~, i~_~~9ii{~i":G;'~~~Ti~:ti'A: a ~ f i 1 2 _______'11 . II ~ :' SAN BERNARDINO oj :1 MERIDIAN " L_,___~--a'--.- ,I ,IH " .,.-1\-, I, :1 Ii TAXPAYER'S NA:.m AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRll'TlON OF l'ROl'EllTY ; p, ..!<l '~-B g : ~ g~ I off) \.< ~ E-c 0 ~tl . " ,;!~ .. o gji3 '" ~ ~< 2; Value of Real Estate Value of Improve- ments Thereon -f- $ , $ 1263 rudy, Emma owan, Nanoy J., stow Cal. . Nutwood Plaoe wi - '1 12;J13 2 ' '. 525., 765; ___L 1-264 ----------~----------------I----".--.-.------.-----------r-r'---'---r----~------------'~------.4r ! Personal Property l' i '.' '.', .1' '1 '. ," 7.70 , ~. " ) i ~. Oranp;e ..El_hL____.____'w .H.HLP:J,ayton I s Sub _____.___________________,__1 tLiA__~--"----..-;..:---~QQ_----.9l:i:Q,ll I' '. . ., . , , , , 1265 uire, Mary D. Personal Property 1a.h~nl Qe():r€!;e. I ii ".Q~_Il:.Tlg!3_J'l.t_._,_________________4--Qj.11 v e !:__Hot ~LL1' r_~_________._.__________________.____Lf$-+_-,.--,c---.+-----9Q9 Ii !i : ' i! , " ij 22 I! n j! I: " 11123 I I' ,I ~ I "___._"_.___.__._~___._,_.____.__.._.__.__.._ _______.._,_.__._. ._~__._~~____.__.__,__,._._, .~~__. ...__.......'_,_,___._,______'-.____m.___.._'..____..____.~__.__,.._._.,...._._____._.__.._." . ...... _._-._-~_..- _......! -2.4..----i- - ,-t--,~. .... ..,..._.i~,.. 1. ,''}!~6 I. ! , ,<;,\.. II 'I . Ii II I' Ii .___1 Tr .~17_ .......__ .....~3..1 B I: il ~ il r !' ,I :1 11 ' , II Il~x:r~L,.:r()!1l1"'~_a.~__ .._______ .__11,___________ ... ..__......_ perElOnalJ:l:r()pe:rty.....~ . ...., II Riohland Farm Lots, S 3.10 ao - W 6.50 ao-'i60 I: " Ii., II i I' i; Ii , ~~: o:::k:~ ::-:-:--------.:--i--Tr-.~;;--~------.-~~~:r~9-n~)~:r~e:r~Z ...l~~-r-=--+----"----ti----~--~~" II II 1116 i- ,I II 1119 ---- --- '------------r---- --- '---~--------' '------.-----.--.------------------'----r---' ----i. ~ II . ...Ii II }.],.1,!:!l_~9 o,c:L P:J,. aCl,~ Et__":__.___._ .--------.-.---l?Ln.~R.-,--+ ..__"... ...-~g5.'T- 10ElO Iii i Ii i; I Ii " __I I [ , II :: ,I' II /1) ; 0 ~~. ....~____m -- i - Lt-- -~.--t-- - - II , i I II :1 .------~.:~t==--~~--==--~-=~~-~=.:::=-~-- ;4~,! 795 795 iS65 _..j~--~.. i I ,999_11 55 i 14El5 I 1 I .....-..."..-1 , 1 i I , " Ii 11 ,I ,I nnls, John.Est. _aM__.T.r.......&...Sa\C._J3ank.,___ 5g5, Angeles, Oal. 1267 n____',_ w. La Veta 3.19 2790 720 12H8 , 915 i 150 12H9 I; i, -\ 1 " " . ~5()L . Evans Av~., 10, Nevll.cJl3. Tn this As.sessment Roll tlle following Abbreviati-ons are used for the fuords set opposite to them: .N.-~ortl'OI' Ko.therly $-Dullars N. W.-Northweatel'ly S.-Soutlt or SQlltberly Cls.-Cenl'! S. W.-Southwester)y "'~'p. ') B.-East or En:;tel'])' COl'.-Corner N. E.-NorthclIsterJ:-' "~ W.-West or W.estcrly !'It.-Street S. E.-:-Southellstcrly In.-J.'cilt A"-l!.-Avcllue Jmp.-Impro\,(!ll1ents 1/ _ l' No.-~umber 'l'h.-Tllll'llcC Sub.-Subdil'isioll ) Qi"Y S. B. }I.-San DernardiJlO Bas<! and 1Jerldinn Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK, -"..--~--'----' :! Ii 1 2 ......--. ..--il-...-..-t--- il ' Personal Property ii 'I S 59.5 ft - N 3~7.5 ftr 1 1. I, -----.----,---__..E:2__:"'._E'2__"'__ ,.----..--.-...--...... .---.-....tt,2Q. .,-~-", :, II :1 f' .---~fO:liV;"l'R1IlTtIi1t~l{lraoO~lltNlllrlCi~"tffjl..'~1fk- TAXl'AYEII'S NAME AND I'OSTOFFICI'; ADDRESS DESCIUPTlON OFl'ROPEIITY 1270 McNeal, Kinsel Personal Property " Mrs. P. F. Hollister's Sub 577 N. Olive St., McNeil, Anna 430 E. Almond St., :C. Z. Culver Home Tr. McNeil, Mrs. A. M. 430 E. Almond S.t., 1273 ' .."....--.-.----"'".-"'------ ---.---------~~~-'-.------f--.-.--.--m.-----.~.-,-~---'.-,"---.--"--~..--,-"..-.--~--.-...---," " C. Z. Culver Home Tr. McShane, A. c. 344 N. Lemon St. Richland Farm Lots 127.:1 ."....._._._.._,.,,-,_._,-----,-~~-"-_._---_._-_._. McSpadden,. . Ida ~.91UI.QntgQme_;ry.w.6.Y:.. ',l'~a_Qtjf5_lj5___E.:tQ.:fj; __::::.. N~Q utt - I ,-..-1,,-. I: U ,I ~i " II 1275 [! i' " , t! I, ~I . ...___u.jr "..__,_______._ ~I -Ii W. H. H. Clayton I s Sub II Ii ;! " ji .-'.'----.---.--i------------' ....-..----- David Golels 2nd Add fElrsonalf:l'OPEl:rty MEl:a.l'lE!,1!;l,QPo l~,-,_ 393 N. Center St. 127H -- , " Ma~_e"__J"e,,Q];2Ql..c;L_______m 393 N. Center St. _____P_El:l'8QPaJJ':l:'QP e:rty_ I I ':laJU,s..Ql1"....Andr.ell..________._______,~--------,--------. ____,___... ..____E.\';);rJl_Q.nM.J':t:gpElJ~t_Y_ 4127 S.LemonSt. IPhelPsTr. .J278 ~ ::~~:~:,~._--C-.._. f-:;u,,'~~ot"-;: ---.. 1279 Ii I Ma.han.,__Qharle1LL~_______l_; ._________________,__.__.___________....,_, ............,..._. I f ' II o c E fie Elapson Ii Spotts Villa. Tr. 141 N. Pixle;y:8t.1 '_"0.."..'..'_....",,-.., ,,,__c. "_e'''.'''''~" "'""~.,,,""';"',"'~=___"_',._~~"''''.'"'''.',='''''' ""-"""'~"'"","~-"""~"',c. 1277 r- q :1 SAN BERNMtDINO 'i MERIDIAN "~ ,~,.:j t Jl~ .9' ...!<l ",-,,0 ~~o IE g5:l :;U) lot f-< 0 ~tl " . O!~ 12 67 : 68 ..~._,---."t--,~ 1[ '" o ~::i ",5 G~ z Value il of ': Real Estate Value of Improve- ments Thereon $ $ 675 205 900 270 1030 475 "'-'''"11.'''-. .11- mm1 . ...J~;J"Q_;__5lJ:Q: :! il .-..-1\. ..~-- :i II :1 5 'i " II I 1 ,I ,[13 11:, ~-:: " +A I -. A I: , 130 I II I' -+--- 1 i17 il i, I, II ",.g ,j 38 5 C ~"_""""",-"",,,,,=----,"="m -I' l15,m135 900 1050 -575 1455 600 340 825 900 900 (1'11)( 'Ii" ~ Iu thiJ Assessment Roll tile lollowing Abbreviations are used jo-r the words Jet opposite to them: N.-North or NOTtlloCl'1y $-D~lIarlil N. W.-Nortbw.est-crly H.~8-olltll or SoulJlCrly Ct-s.-Ccnts S. W.-Southw(!stcrly J~.-J\ast or Ell5tCrly Cor.-Col"l1cr N. E.-Northeostorly W.-Wcst or WeMt.crly 8t.-Strect s. E.-SO\ltltellsterl)' l't.-F<,et AI.e.-Avenue Jl11fJ.-Jmproy(!meuts No.-NumhH Th.-Thence Sub.-SuMlvislon S. n. ;\I.-Sltn Dernard[no Base and Meridian Sec,-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUJ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNF 5::. ,~I~I~i_;i~Xitl Jil'iiXii ~iQ~'K-il'i~ ii iii~ . ii.:iiTAA"l'lA -.-. '.'1: ! -----r ii SAN BERNARDINO l_____..._~~~nIDI~~___~_._ .' " o~ .3j o ii Jlt: ,ll" .,,- I TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCHll'TION OF PROl'ERTY .9' .!;1 '~{iS ~5'" 0'" " f-< 0 '~t: ~ . ~Ii< ... o ffi13 ~~ S< z Value of Real Estnlc Value of Improve- menls Thereon $ $ 1280 flgham, Elwood Personal Property '~UL. __'/{a_\Tf;X:!'Y.J;;J;'J___ ......_____,._______,.'tI:/,tc t :r.lp..!__E..22_________.______...______ 1281. ",.-----,-,---.--,,;i-,-~. , - r-___+..._,_2~Q___,__2~_Q._ . flsur, o. E. 11 .._~_.L_ :17 H ...t.~-.__. .........j. ,~_..,'_.._-_.....-. gg59 10M .495 I ~._M.L.QJAS Eli3.:I,;LJltL...__._____.______l_Qr ang~.QJ~'L______.____________... ...._..._,...._....__.. , II 1282 rlEj\,l~,_.6_t.anl,e.y._'L.L " ______.__._...__________J)_~!EjQP.~LP1-:.9.P ert_Y__.l_ .---l-. , 'T --.4i-----' :) W. Ohapman H Tract No. 621 " :i :23 i! " , 340 1790 '1')8')1 _fvJ () I: " l: ....~...~...tj---_..._.._-_..~_..__..,_.._-- tl,<Ej.,Ji);:._~~L.Q_'__.__.. Weloh & Harrod's Add : : .--4-..-------+,---" " ii i 5 J F. M. Gulick 1065 1050 o National Bank of Orange -------J28~! " I, .-.---+ ..---,------.--.-. .... ,-~ " - --..1,._- rolf, Geo. et al Personal Property 8 s. Glassell St. .... .1285 Phelps Tr 6 !1 1320 1035 " Ii '.---'n-.-""--.' roney, Frank V. J~ S. Grand St., Personal Property i; " , I' ,~1l Ii A 675 l~dg Resub Grand Ave Add 128{~ ._______"._ .__~_._.2U_.__,____~.~,.__._ .--.-.,-,.--4.,---.--.- " ....__...~-~.__.- - __ - ____, _'e_______,._________.,.____..__'''. rtig,lVilliam E. D. .}, Box 150, " Tract No. 123 allEl~m L_ 0 ah--------.--~--------------l---------------- 1287 !i .". . ...."""...-,......"......".", t. Ii li14 640 +---1 j' ___1...__ , -----..--..-.--'-..--1 rtin, Etta ow. Ch?-pJ:l18Jl 1288 Ii ----------,----1,- j'l' aQ1...N o.,--.,g]JL 'I I! ii II II II ,I __.,_..L:_~~____~_~.__,__..____.___. II i~ II Orange Oi ty, Ii I! ",'.,',.,',"0'-.." '"'''--0''''''' ".. -""".--...."-" ~''''''_''"O''''=''''''~'''''"_'''''''''~''''''';''';'"''"'-_'~~~~'. "~"""~~ll' ii ~ Ii n._._'...lj'_ .__~9_Q ....:,__}150.. Q.,,'1I,l)!......M11,:rt.:lI:L_____ x:.1t.i Il._li...., E . 19 W. 9th 6t q SaIlt.a.Ana All - (Ex S 5 ft) 6 D 2065 I"", 'IT' ..- In this Assessment Roll the /ollowing Abbreviations are used for the luords set opposite to- them~ N.-North or Northerly $-D\lllnrs N. W.-Northwestcrly ...{l ""'1':), s.-Soulhor Southcrl)' Cts.-Ccnts S. W.-Southwesterly i, JLC~';:' E.-I~nst or l':nsterly Oor.-Corner N. E.-Northcnsterl~' ;' W.-West or Wesll!rly 8t.-Street S. E-.-Southellsterl)' II ~~.-}~c~~~hcr *lle~Tt~ri~~e ~~g:=~~hdj:fsT;~ts ;1 ).~ ~ S. D. 1r.-Snn Demardln.o 13nsc And Meridian Sec.-Section j~~~"GrLA-GGIPRIIIIIKll-A"Il~l/QKUllitlIIlG.;...H'i-AAHA--------- ill , ' ,d " ,I c'}i II 1;1' FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOAUD ( Assessment Book of the Property of City of Oran ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN lJNl\.N01J1N, II " il il___.. :i SAN BEIINAIWlNO l\'IEUIDIAN ..,~"..,~_"-.....L,-"-_.'....,,.__._..,__ _"._....-;1"'___'_.'~r~----".__..___,~..e I TAXl'AYER'S NAME AND ]'OSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCIIIl'TION OF PROl'ERTY "~ 00 '"'" Ok ,)10 ::E..d~ .~o ! ~ g~ (5(/) l-o E-< 0 v~ 1i't .:li:< ~ o ~~ s< z Vullle of Henl E!lllllt' \, I i~ $ $ 1 12RO ,.,1(, J..__ 1/ 2 Mangham, Elwood Personal Property i Ii .__L3J, is __.N,--_'I/'i'1:1L~.1Y...__~:t._!,._____________.___~..J'_!'SLC t __~_Q..L~9_.._.______________________h_____,______:i'.' 2 1281 i! I! 540 ,t 5 Mansur, O. E. , _____~~:).2il:__NL_Ql<!ss..e:I.l__Sj;;.___.________________~.jL~?ng~___Q~.:t. y__. 7 \I h 7 H 2250 ,17 \I 10eo 8 .128~2 Tract No. 621 .________p eXE!9n~,LJ'.Q'p~.!'j;L__if. 1123 11 ----.\..- _____.9..JJPJl,S).!!'_I_fitJ'l,l'l:J,eyYL___ 10,240 W. Ohapman ..-----..-----.----.---r----'-.-.------.---..- 340 11 128a I. 12 'Marks Fred O. ___"____~__'~.~_._.....lu.___________._____._..___ I .. -.'.--....'------..tr---...-.----- "--il- 13 [lc/o F. M. Guliok \Velch & Harrodl s Add 5 1065 ,14,lcloNat ional .Bank of Orange --,,-~L----------128,1--------- ......-...---:.-.------- !i 16 ;Marolf, Geo. et al Personal Property 17 .'45eJ S. Glassell St. Phelps Tr 6 .1 1320 'j I' , , 18 .__1285 ...._..--,f--.,,-~-_.-- il F~ 19 ,Maroney, Frank V. Personal Property i 20 [4g4 S. Grand St., , ;1___~.d_______.__.128ft_____ I ,i~ ., Resub Grand' Ave Add 11 A 675 I 22 !Martig,William E. I' 23 iF' D. 3, Box 150, II II I!, 24 I;Anaheim Cal. ____.,___.."fj..______________J__ '____~~._.______..._...__ 25 ~ 1287 ~; 26 ijMartin,. Etta ..--..~..-'_._._t-,."'---~.--- " , " , " i' Tract No. 123 I , I: Ii ---------'---.t--.- ..--.---.--.-..--------"".- II ,14 6!~0 ...~7_~(JI.Q..-'ijll:!LM!1,*'-ttIl.___-----_.----.- .__J__'!'!'~QLN9..._gLL___,,__,___ 4- A 690 28 i100 W. " Oh!tpmM 1288 3(};MA:rHn,__L.~_ I; Ii Ii " :1 " !I " II jj I u__ U-l 29 I 311419 W. 9th St., Sant.a .Ana. O:range Oity I .. A,ll - (Ex S 5 ft) :i jl +.--. I: 6 ,! 'ID 2065 ",-C'.,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,',.,, ,....,_'_",,,,.,..,,lY==""'" """"''''-''"''"<'"'">"'.' :1 ;i............1, ........... .... ~ ...... ........ ...[' it"...... r I r 1 'i>"'"',.',,,,,, v,"",<>,;;,," "C=""M"""'~'"""'''~'&",;",,,,,,,-,=",,.,,",,,,,.~'fl~~""='='_~,, ,_ "'~. --- ~ ~""- -- -- 'i! tJ.:X In this Assessment Roll tIlt!' followIng Abbreviations are used Jor the words ;set opposite to them: No-North 01. N01UlI;1l'ly $-Do-llurs N, W.-NorUtwest-erJy :'1.-80ut" or Souther!)' Cu.-Cent.!! S. W.-SouUnvcsterl)' J-:.-E:I.st or F.nstoerJy COl'.-Corncr N. E.-NortllCasterly W.-Welil or Westerly St.-Street S. F..-Soutltenstedy Jo"t,-Feet AI'('.-AvellUC JlI1p.-1JilllJOvcmenta No.-Xul1lhcr 1'h.-Thcltee Sub.-Subdivil.lion S. B. 1[,-8nn BernardiIlO Buse and McrJ<lIan SeC'.-Seetlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO V (l '<oJ I'f ~6.. ~"FL.i~-a'; P'RlIli-iH-GAH ~ ai;lo-Ku-li-ioiii~';;':":iii^ ^~,; H-l II ---rr I SAN BERNARDINO -I Ii MERIDIAN .l__,___~.._..____~_._______" I 2 12HO Personal Property "~ 00 'Bl-1 ~~ .eo ~ ~..g 0 ~Il"" ~6S'~~ o{/} I-l ............ f-< 0 "' o f;j~ "'~ ~< Z Value of Real Estate Value 01 Improve mcnls Thereon TAXPA YER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIl'TION OF PROPERTY .$ $ 1289 Martinez, Rioardo 402 N. TJemon St. Personal Property Geo H. Pirie Home Tr. 1 A 60 Martinez, V. ..El.'!:lC_~~L._...__ Gloryett a, Cal. ..________ _j___}!ii:J,:l:l3,~~Y:J'I"_ lOS0 ~g 1291 Mart Y_L]];d.!V,--_ ...._ .~~_.,-_._---"------~"--j:-~._..._~,-_.. ________.J)~:r_f3Cl.P:El.l.!'!'gp~.!i;y. ..-B " ..-...\"--.... ug-l g~ 342t N. Glassell st. 1. 20'.) _...rJ-\},~ Arthur West Add 1 11375 J.l_~~:lCl_.J\<:iQ.:l:ph___,_.________ el Locust Ave., LQIlg Bel'l,oh, Gal. _12Ua "--~._'--"-""'T1"-----"~-'---'-'-'--_.-~------_.'---'-~-'-'"-"'-,-..-----.-..,--..-'- 'I ..___..;1 Traot No. 123 16 640 101 'I I Ii '11-"--'.-""'- +- --'1"-'---' Masonic Bldg. Assn. of Orange 0/0 H. 2;. Adams, _lQ59_J1:_.CJ11l.PllI1l.11 St,:! 1;2~H Personal Property Orange City, $, 7el.S ft C j 18300 115C II II 7 el II j I ___.?5~.N,-jl_l:!!!-_U_ eL~t--,________________L__fl.Q!:!:n i e J3~EJ,_~j':J,:.L_____ !i " j, I: Masten, Charles H. Ii . ,I ..~ N '~i~"---_.. .-ran, _T~,___ Massmann, H. F. Personal Property 1295 .10 -#..,--..---.-- I I J3 ...975, ....... ..9: Personal Property !i :' " i! I .. ~ ... 5_,:8 I' . 1l\:25 el' Mathews, aBOarD. Personal Property 1~ K 'I . .J3O';Ls.4L________________li......JLq..Y1g_.Q_Ql.e..~li._;;;J1~;L.Ai;ld__ _.._._________ ..._.......... 1297 11'I i I ., iM<:l,thewe,O. D.. II. Personal Property II' I LI_~QX-5-lJ:2_____ YI: ~M....$hadeJ.'~3<<lA""- ~- - - -- -j 1>5 f' - --t .!:i1'15 -r-c--7! 'I II : I t: :: :~-~--~~-I~-- . ..l~l1i__~-1 4 '- "."~ ..-......^'...-t-.---..--' ,--. .9.9Q_,___9[ . 1 l1l tMs Assessment Roll tile following Abbreviations are used lor the words set opposite to them; K-N'orth or Northerly $-DoHofB N. W.-Northwesterly :'i.-South ot' Southerly Cts.-Conts S. W.-flouthwcstcrlJ-' J~.-El1Rt or Ens1.e]'lv O<lr.-C()l'lwr N. E.-Northeastl:riy W.-Wrst or W-(!sterly St.-Street S. E.-Southeastcl'I)' Ft.-Feet AI'l".-Avenuc Imp.-Impl()Vemellts No.-Xumhcr Th.-Tlu!llcC Bub.-Subdivlsion S. D. 11.-8;/\.11 Bernardino Bllse and Meridian Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fe ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK, (.l .)11 --0-.=_"__'..'............,,..._..'.......-......-._________... .fl.,,o.Gij,IRlllrlIi.GAIlD ~OO~RINOlliG.~AIlTA""1A r 'I 1 ---"lie 2 : TAXPAYER'S NA:VIE AND 1'0STOF.F'ICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY r SAN~ERN~RDINO:r Ii MERIDIAN ,: (<, .i---..-. ~___!: 0 ffil2 ~G ~< z .~ 00 '0", u ~ eXo .e< 'U ~-S.El ~g~ oUl " << 0 ~tl " 0 OliO< Vulue of Real Estate Value of Improve. ments Thereon -'-;f'-'- -'" -"'''-1 il [ ii " ,: ;j ''''---'r~''''- :$ 1'289 ~rtinez, Ricardo Personal Property 1290 'I'" . ' , Geo. H. Pirie Home Tr.' 1 . A' ., 825 .. 600 ' -'---'---".--.--""'-.---1-------------".--------,-.-------"-----,,,----"-,,,,------.-,,-!f------.--.t'--,,-+----r------r.-.,,-,,--,--.--,--,.---------,~ il Personal Property II it )2 N. Lemon 8t. trtinez, V. )_~_~~.L__________,,____________._________~--:!-Ia~}aE~}'-.,'!':~_'_______.______ loryetta, Gal. 1291 , 9 :, .---t"- ,- ii , II Ii , A 1....--....- 1080 300 __~02_" J,ri;YL_Eci:w-!_. ,....-.... -..,----------------t------------------,..-------------J'5l:l'f3_2!la_J,__p~2Jl_~r_t,L-.~, I: Arthur West Add Ii 'I ]! I' r " I: ,!X, A_Cl21:PJl_______________l__.____._________________.._______ J' Locust Ave., , Tract No. 123 ~2~ N. Glas sell St. 1 Ii il ii " " i' ......~..__..-"...-..-...,.J.:.--~--- 'I 1875 '--gro-+ 855 --.--.,,+- ."----...--.-.---~-"._----'-'rr-~--..-.. .._--f--- 120') .. 9'l..J:-:..J ,sonic Bldg. Asen. of Orange I;' " i'j , d "---"'---"---ir'-"-"'-"--'-'~'-- " , I 1 , l i ......._---,_.._"_.._-------,---_._----,~--~.~- :1'116 i I , i' I li ' ii :1 ---------.-----.-,,,----- .,---.-----.----"------.-,,,,,-----,-------,. .t- '--'-.r----- Personal Property II Orange Oity, $,78.8 it - II II :1 ii " ..--Il________,__.._,~..,;f-- 'i ,I 640 ....j~- :i !! 1015 Jng 8ilaoh, .0,a1. . _12_9.:3 ,,__________.____ , I' 'I i .---~- !i " " Ii ..---..-tr-....-.----- ----r 'I I o H. Z. Adams, )5E)",lj:L9h~.P1l11lJl . ~t. II 7 t~- II ;J ii I 0 , 1__.'1_ , , , L 18300 11500 . L .._,__~...,,~..__.._.. n Ii II Ii il Personal property, Ii. ., II II I I' 'Q...NL__Shaf f er 8:t,,___ ..__________..__~-J3onn i ~_:e:;I,',Cl,_~_j'~.,____ m_________________________________pQ,_+13___j___~-- 1295 II II' i il I il "sten, ()harJ,ee H. If Personal Property i I ,: ,4 N. ~n6 s~-' . ___'__.:._~!i ___Dav:!,Jl_-'l'~_'___,,______________ ___________ _ _ __.__m___.____. ".m--m.--I~--)-+--~-T---l--+--:L.1tg2.~-----~55--* I j . II II I. Ii :1' [II Ii II :,thE)we, Oscar D. II Personal Property il li!i '.i I' _______l.JLltYid CO.Ml!JLRnUdd_ __ -----------J---~.--+~- ."J----l---.9-9Q~-- _9_QOJ !I -- 11! 'II I [i II it I I, [i .-- 1 Per.Bonal Property Ii. " :i M.....-8hadel1 R ),M_,Add____ ---- !t-5-'t' "'-;....-L---~. ---- I . Ii i /. . il Ii ': !i , f----j, 1294 ;13smann, H. F. ....._1.___3]5+____9'191 " " i! ji I,thew $,0. D.. . .^'..._--",.._..~.~..~..,~......~" -_..~""~....'.'- I; : 'I ---U2.5-~-_7-6__5+ ~ ~) [I I 'b" ,~ Ii ~ !\ -~i ,z-5!t2 [I '-. ",- ".---,-='''"'-~..,,="~ m=---r -I '"'''~='''''t'''''''''..,,;'''''"''';.=,,''''''''' -"'...,'O",.'"",=,..""",',,,",,"~""~""'"'"VA""=____'="'"'..,'=..t== _"'~","""="'" ""==,,,,_~,,o,.-<.,-~,,,,.-,,,,,,,.,,.-..,,,.,=.'u,,,=="=~"====-=_,,,,,,,,_.v-=.=~~;""=-~c.-:;;- Tn this Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations are ltsed for the wC1rds set opposite to tllem: -'" K-North or N()~tbal'ly $-DoJlnrs N. W.-Northwesterly -P f:S.-South or Southerl" Ots.-Ccnts s. W,-S-outhwesterly E.-East 01' l~lt"tcr]~' Oor.-Corner N. E.-Northeasterly W.-West or Wef;terly Rt.-Street S. E.-Southensterly Ft.-Fed Ave.-Avenue Iln-p,-Il1lprovcmcnts N(I,-Number 'l'b.-Then-ce Sub.-Subdivlslon ,.,. S. D. M,-:,San Dernardlno Dase nnd Meridian Sec,-Section U FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange for ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNOW i~~ij~. P'RI 'H-iijj-G -^ii-~'li O'Q x'Bi1ipiJlG~:'5';:iirA'...ii... . I !I II SAN llE.IlNARDINO :1 .MERIDlAN i II-.--.-~'^--._--,~._-,._-- I i.~ ~ 'I =.... u ~ II J~ i]l~!~ ii......,. II ! :1 'I " II Ii I 2 TAXPAYER'S NMrlE AND POSTOFFICE 'IDDHESS DESCHIPTJON OF PROPERTY . o ~~ ~< Z Value ,! of i: Real Estllte Value of Improve- ments Thereon Vi 1;298 $ Ii 1$ #''''w ..' C". ,'~.."'. '"".''-'.'_'..',' tics, Mrs. S. J. Ii , : i ~ ~ 6__U>.__.Q;r; ang.(L s"'L_____~_~_________~-j'he:rm~l :It..~.T!:-'-''---.---..-----.----------Jf:t,~--t-~--~---i---f.---I2Q~__J 15__~--- 12l.1.) II' I' I tthias, W. C. Personal Property ii i . II ' .._.._________LHenrs._GIQte'_'L.Ad..d_~__________________ -----..----~if3~L--I--=-, .--.. II ! il ;r " :: Ii --iF2--I-a----i-- --r--675_,---J.-2-60- f--- 'j i "I ' h I '!' ], , Per Bonal Property II i Ii I" Ii .~~P______ .._..__.__________._____+?__-+12_____..____~--.-~---~Q~-~---~~:?-2..-.+- II I i I: . Per Bonal Property II II , jill i 4 .... ... --..-...----.---.- ....-...-.-.t---t-- I i Personal Property I i I i 1,19 11 .-. ..l---i- !I I !I ! il 'I I, I Ii , ado.w, Arthur e. 'I Personal Property I I, I 2W.M;~Ot -~-----t Troot No. 12L_________I'-I~. +ir-+-75~-t-.901 adows, ehas ~ w. I! Per sonal Property I' I Ii II i 22 ! A ' II 11 1125] 10M Ii _~~~__pL_. .-J-----l---~-QQ-L---:g2-1...... :r :':1 I! Ii ] 1",1 .1] .- '. '. ~ !. t ' i I,il I p:roperty Iii : ': .1 I, I , ',I ,i _~__U2_ --l__L..5_J_JQP. :9--+,.'---~7,2---L I I ! If i 'I'" :! '1'h :i ',I i li:1 ]1 II -,--~,.~.-,-,,,.,'''''',.,'''''''''',.,'''',.,,,.~,~....,,,.,''.~~"."..,'~"'-"",.. ,-~~-~-'"'-,' ---"-'-.'j~f'~' .> .... '. "11-. ..-.......,.,'."."...,..-..,-."...,....-.".. .--.' - ,.." -- -- --. ,--.-, - --. -'-, "-' --- -- _I~, '"~_ '_, ._____._ _ _ ..',,' _ _______ii .....U"___g5?Q_"__J~QQ_" 5__N..__Shaffex__St...,,____ 1800 tthias, W. e. 5_1l..__Shaffer....Bt_._______._______,'--!lraddio.k!_8.__Sub___.__.______.______________. 1301 Ii i! ,I xon, Rebeoca J. I! ls._c..ent..e:Lst.__._____u"_____"_~,,gEJ.O-'-..-~.~lS<:l~-l3. 130.2 Ii yes, Charl<9s.T. 1:. I: I , I! -!r If ..5g5_,__3()()__~ 1303 , II Nutwood Place .-"-.-....--I!..-.--....-.-..------.'..-"-.---..--.--.--- !i Ii II !i ......~ -';'_J:l:E!~EE3!!'L'li_~20 it Ii ...........t. ,_+ ,729+ }485.. H _2_$..!__.Q!!'.ng~__5Lt._._m. .yes, Lee 1 S. Olive St. 1304 1 N ~_..Q~~!!.(L.~_!....______ 1306 adow, Elsie '4 N. Harwood i ___,._~....QraddJok I s Jiub ___"___n" I Personal 1307 : ~dow ,M:in<9:rY_Cl.)i: . i .t~ Personal _I""'" Tr ..-"-'- m__ ~ - -----~~-----.__.t --- . A S. Tustin ~.,- :qo In this Assessment Roll tIle following Abbreviations are used lor lite words set oppo3ite to them: l\.-North 01' NQdlu'!rly $.-DoUlirs N. W.-Korthwesterly S.-South or SO\lthl!rly ('es.-Cents s, W.-Sollthwestedy E.-East or Ell.I3tcrl)' Cor.-Col'l1cr N. E.-Nortlteasterly W.-West or Wc~tcJ'ly 1'It.-Stl'cet S. E.-Southe-nstcrl)' rt.-}'cct A\'e.-Avcnue Im-p.-IlllprOVCrnel'lts N-o-.-Numbcr 'l'h,-Thence Sub,-Subdlvislon S. B. M.......,Snn Bernardino Base atJd :UCll'idiall Sec.-Scction FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO U )[,5' --~"".._.., m,.. A.~.fL.l.G~,rRIIUUl-GAHoe(J.QI(UINQIHG.SAI1T.\MI^ TAXPAYER'S NA11E AND POST OFFICE <\DDIlESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY -r~--~~-T--;--T--;..'.. I' SAN BERNARDINO!, ' ': :MERlDIAN )' ~ li_.__....,,_,,__.__,._~'_~_- 0 ffi !2 Value Value of ~ 5 of Improve- ~< ments Z Real Estate Thereon .- 00 .., "' 0" <Xo i.-e- ~ '"ffi.g g ".- .0"' ; oif;) I-< :E-c 0 "- 11'~ <2'" 1298 .".'.-..n,.... I' I' I! 'i $ $ Maties, Mrs. 8. J. . '. !i " 55Q...JILQ;tang!L S'!;l.L.._.__..__.__.._.._,..'1'herma1 ;h.j;~ T~..L._._----..----..____._.___nfL_..,lL__L._-4-_.J5Q.--,-...J_~ , i ',I to<< MI) IL .. ~~; il Matthias, W. C. 195..N.__Shaff..e.r...St.L__.......___.__._LlieIU'JL..G.r.ot.e.'_.8._A.dd.... 1800 ' Personal Property ....--....-........--;39-. __ .,._ ..25?0 l~QO Maxon, Rebecca J. Matthias, W. C. ;, il : 195.N. ._Shaff.er...St..........__.____..._.,_..G:r.addi.c.k.:.s_Sub______...___..._. ..-.......---.--.-....-.--..it22-.-i..B.-..,-.-..L.-.4..._...975. 1301 ii !i' :!: .Jt., If 11 I II !i Personal Property ;1 2 i D ...-.--.....................-...-..-.-..... ........--il--...-~-.-.. il . :1 . 1260 "<~-_._-_._-~-_.- " lJ:ill..a.._o.en.t.er.-3t._.___.....__..__~-..Q-e~...~-~l:1-i.!;l()~.~13...~~~_....._ 1302 . ;: :i ._--!~---._.--li--- \! 600 1035 ...--.----~-'r------...~....-._- 'I Personal Propert y !I ii m m_....__ .... ..-llg--L~-+. mmli._.2~'_m9()0 Ij i Ii i I! , Personal Propert y !i .....m.~~9 mm:! !i .1 t :1 :1 Meadow, Arthur O. it Personal Property j' 235 W 1 Ii T 12 ,I 2 ' ': 750 900 ~. - .~!30;' . ~~ ---Ie.!",' .!lo, _...l..__~____ - . - -I~ 10 - -. . r~; .-- T- !; 1';1 Meadows, Chas.V{. . ~ Personal Property il . [! Ii $ "2!..!!... Gjj3(~'-'-__~..[BOM!-'.~''''-_~''_~ _____. ~122~t:-1 T..'125 +--'0 .0 Meadow, Elsie Ii .Personal Properjly II i !::! I 3.14 N. l:Iarwco d ____...___...._j Or ad d i ck.~.~!!Q.__.._.._....._..._.._.__....____ m__....~6?-..+fl. -1;----4:.--. 6QQ__~ .__2.J.:S 130"'1 I 't. 'i i mi.: ~ i. Ii Ii': mJ . . . Personal property II : ~~~--"LC-'l'L. .-~.--~f-Ip.. ili.5.1}?f?T,\tl~ .....~..O..~C"OC""..."II.'~- ,."~..~ ..._._-,.~. ,....-. ._..- ..1.. ..to ...'''+''~ -"="=1h0-=-c-+~o.-.-.."" ": ................ ."..-.... . " . - ... .. -.... . j .-1 ~l"~7--" -_.,,~~ -"'-r: Mayes, Char:lBeJ, 612 1?._Qr a!!gE!.__I?j;L._n._...__.~___L Nu,:f;]'QQ.c!_J':l~g~_._...._._. I 1303 ~ i~ Ii Ii I: ii __ ......_.._ iI'.1l.13~2E1..'J:'l."L .... .~~?()"ft Mayes, Lee 421 8. Olive 8t. .~-._._.,..._.._--_.. -~-----,-- _<t.u}9g , "1"-" 14$5 ,..--_,.0-"_'- 1304 !.Ie 8,(lQ'!I ,MJnerYa Eo .l!:3~-1'ufltin ,.~.".,""',.."""''''''''''''".,''''';,-''''''";z,"''~., P' ,M _ ~.N ._,,-,_.~- In this Asses.sment Roll the following Abbreviations are lIsed for tlie words set opposite to them: N.-Nmlh or KortherlJ' :$-DoJ]ar!l S.-South or Sout.her])' Ch.-Cenls 1~.-En6t or Efl:stor1r Cor,-Cornel' \Y.-West or We!ltcrly ::';t.-Stl~d Ft.-Feet A"l'!.-A"lJllue N{I.-Numher 'rh.-TIle-nee S. B, M,-Sun DcrnardlM Base and i\reridlnn N. W,-:Northwesterlv S, W.-SOlllhwesterly N. E,-Northa:Oflter]y S, B,-Soutlle.nstcl'ly hnp.-Impr01'l!lllellts Sub.-Subril't'ision Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAl Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK~ '" ~~Ic;:;-rR'I'ii'ti'K~~'~H oj'QQfi'j-H[)iH\i:;-~~-NTA-.\ ii~ ."'mW_. -, . SAN DERNAnDINO II [I MERIDIAN ' 'I----~._~---_.__..._._--..._"'_.._._' Ii ,I d'" II j~ .. ...Il Ii I' ,I TAXPAYJ;H'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE AIJDRlcSS DESCRIPTION OF PROPEHTY !.9< fJ , '"ffi13 0 i F:ll=l- i ~ o~ I oU) k i~ 0 ~tl . ~ <41" 1;308 illS, Therman 11 .. .----------------~U--+A--,---T'---~---?2:l:Q--,,--------. :i I ! 'I ! :1 ' ii i Ii i .._~.. __..E_._._.ls.t__..fit..._l-____________________e.-_.'iY.e_1Qb__&._.fulJ:_:r.Q.d..'-.lLM_&..ub_______. 'ta Ana, Ca1. laO~) ;han.,___Henr.y___C.________.__________~-.--- !, , --i------.,----- d , 2 -.-j, II 4 505 505 D. 2 Traot No. 513 II g II 1310 D. 2 Chapman Tr. E 1.63 ac - S 5 ao - (W-ditoh) (mK~) W E 1.45 3750 \ '.', 1311 ._._._,_._...__.,-----_...._"..~.,--' --.-- ;han, Jas. V. Personal Property ______J D. 1, Box 120 ----13J2 Chapman Tr., NEt - 3 F 10 5605 540 f: ...-f.-.-.--- ! lks, Charles J S. Orange St. personai Property Resub Grand Ave. Add 12 B 750 1080 I_ander ,Theodore , I' Cosart I 8 Add Ii " ---1;.-.-..---.---------- ..-..-.--...-.---.-..---- ~ " 20 B 750 630 singer, Lloyd L. E. Palmyra at. -------1314..--________________... Personal Property .~ .N. Higgins, ii Traot No. 600 I, 1.60u1a,-Mont_.______.______.__.____!__.__._______.__...._._ __________..___ 15 c 570 -* .- ..-.------t ...-....-- , ,----...+1 'i ii ,! !f------.---.-- I! ii. Ii Ii Ii II -----l " i _._-~.._-"----H-.~_.- I , , I 1 ,() .. -.--.j ! -..--..--t-...-.. I I I i ...1--"-- '0 ". -_._,.,. ."'.,.-~",.",.,.""'''~-,''.~",.c.,''','''''".=",;,,.. ..--'~.'",.,"''''''''';'O'''''=".,._,~ '..1:. I' .."''',. i '''~__'M''',,,,, In this Assessment Roll tlte following Abbreviations are llsed for the words set opposite to them: ~-.-NortJJ or Kortherly $-Dollnrs N. W.-Kortl1wl!starl)' fl.-S()uth or Southerl)' cts.-Cents S. W.-Southwester])' E.-ElIst or EnBterl)' Cor,-Cornel' N. I'i,-Northe~Bterl}' W.-West or Wa.~tel'l.l! St.-Street S. E.-Southenlltl!dy Ft.-I"eet Ave.-Avenul! Illlp.-hnprovelllents , No.-KumLer 'rh.-TllI!nel! Bub.-Subdlvlsion ~".. ) <, \ S. "'.".- s."nD ernnnllho DaSe".n.d'."'idl.,n See.- s.. '."" ,-- "",",.;J ,~-~--,--""""","-,,,,,.-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,__,,.,,~~,~,,,,,,..,=.~.,...,..,..-....,.,.,......---,-...,.,.......",,,,,...,...,.,.~,.,..,_..~~--cc,',..="'., ~_._______~.:!i.:D:.~.!i.:~.!.!!..:!ill_lt(i "'Hoeoo~a~'!~~!'E!.!!0____--,-_._.~_ ~i .' " 156 FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD 0 Assessment Book of the Property of City of Oran: ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, , ---,-.",.---,,""-..,---,-.., ~~:'::="-'------r--".lr'---';'--'-~- .... I: SAN DEItNARllINO 11 ldmt!IlIAN ~ 'j'-"'- l2 .eo ~ ~ 5 .~3 ~~..8 ~il c< ~ ~ ~JS~ ~j::: z f-< 0 Vallie ,,( Renl EHlult. VI III I T ~~ 'LlXPA YEH'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY [1} ..il.1 ~ , ~ ~J m :!-' iF $ $ 1 laus 2 Means, Therman 1: ~.._.._:l.~_6.;LLE.__lst..at....,.._.._ ....._._____......_l'le.1.QJL.&..Hm:I..Q.cl,l_!;ljl,!2.S11b ..___. .."._.____._...41,7.. D 64..0 r"' ! ~~' ,~ Iii li: ~ i.~ ~ j'1 6 " ....._._..,,+_M.eehan.,...Henry. , l 7, R. D. 2 <1 Santa Ana, Cal. l;~OD 5 c. Tract No. 513 2 505 10 II 8 505 505 640 8 II 4 9 II 11 1;310 ,___~2_,_.MEl eh~ ,._Usml'Y...iJ... _._,.-t~- 13 R. D. 2 14, .. '[1 15 Ii ....__...__....1_011_____ I: 16 Ii Meehan, Jas. V. 17 R. D. 1, Box 120 I. Chapman Tr. E 1.63 ac " S 5 ac (Ex St) (W-ditch) 10 E 1.45 3750 -_.".......~--_..._....- Personal Property Chapman Tr., NEt- 3 F 10 5605 18 . _,,13.1.2 ~ Meeks, Charles 20 476 s. Orange st. .,,__ ~l."..______.1at.t".. Personal Property Resub Grand Ave. Add 12 B 750 22 MeiSinger, Lloyd L. 23 631 E. Palmyra St. Personal Property Cosart I s Add '20 I B 750 ..,,:!i!.._ .-.-13.LL__..__.._... m_"_1" 25 Melander, Theodore 26 128 N. Higgins, Tract No. 600 15 c 570 '.J 27 ... Missou1a,_Mollt....__._.._.._....__....__-f._'''_.'.'. 28 29 I' I ---ij-...--.-...-..--.-.....-........-.,..----.-- il II i! I' M....._~.____._..__..__.m__,_."'_._,_. .+ II 30 31 ~; 11 I I """,-"y"'""""-'''''''''''~'""",, I "l . ...... ~ Ii In t/ds Assessment Rail the JoU01.ving AbbrerJiations are llsed lor the words set opposite to- them: 1.h':!""'1 X-North .or NOltherl)' $-Doltnrs N. W.-North\vesterly . 'W 4 S,-South or Southerly Gh.-Cents S, W.-Soutbwc-sterly E,-Ell!'t- 01' Easterl;:.' Oor.-Com-er N, E.-NortheAst-arly W.-Wce.t or We.sterlJ.' Ht.-Street S, E,-Sollthcllstcrly l,'t -I-'eet A,'e.-Avenue Imp.-IrnproV{!mollta No.-Number 'fh,-Thencc SuIJ.-Subdh'lslon ) ~ 'I s. B. :\i.-Sau Bernardlrlo Base and Meridian SCC!.-Sectloll ~.."."".Q""".... ,., .. . .... .,. ,. .., ., . '.. ~ II A,IO.fLAGCI,fftlt\T1HGAlHI800I\BIHllfItG.SIII-ITAANA FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK HEQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQl Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orangei ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN IS' I AN Bt-:RNAROINO Ii , :ME.IlIOIAN i: f<< J -"'_~__ 0 Ii r.::12 'I ~5 Ii ~tl e '1 r::l <ll [3< I .Ol~ z . . .~. II II II I' ,I Mellen, John Personal Property II ii .~ ~ IJLJi;L CllWmJJ.1L_,__,.._,,_,______.._.,,_OJ:l;),I),glii., Qj,,iy___A. St r iti__ in . LZQ_U along""....:;. __+___.. ]_~ _____..1 ' . II , W side :1 2 ,E , :[ ; 4015 :1 I II E 44 ft - ,ill ,II ;, '!! Ii:' +__,_._,_,..1 alfL,__.___,_,____._I"________________".____._",____"__.,,,-.--+--.j-"""--1-",J.-,.-,---+,-,,--, I MellSI;l, John I: ii j . 'j ! I,ll 1- ,! , "-...-......,.-.,..1~1l.2---,,,,_.___,____,____,_t-_____,.,____-'''''',,-----,- .--.--------"----,~----i-..---,----f-.--..L---"t.----,,,, Personal property!1 I' 1',,[ Ii'.'!' ii 3 '- " " 810 1215 -----..--,-,,,--,,.---------... ---"j - - -" l. -- . T----~ ' -", f- -- .-.,+--.--.. :1 I I I Ii i j,' Ii ' Personal Property ~ !i B - _"'_'_'~""_'__"M' "'.... - .~....._,____'...."_ . _....... .... ~.____.___. ...._....._m_._.~'~n.3...- __n.I,~,~___.~ _. n._...~tL~, 'I Ii 'I I'il Personal ~roperty t :~~ _j+m +;-0; II !i il I .------.,.,--,-.....-....-----,-._..,,_______J',er,s.QX!.~J,__J;>IQP~]:'_ty._.. -.-,-., ---"-..'.-'.,c--...-..' .c..----.,,-,--.-...----- I' , : . I ,i ., I !i Ohapman Tr. W 3.50 ao - NW~ - .! 9 ! E ii 3.59 2245 i; 675 (I "', ii i:1 :1 I, I i j ii ,i II :::'~~":.:~__ --F;,:.:o;;;---- --- ----l;- t;rt r~>;o r- 715:: 8ant a Ana, Qa,:),. ~er sonal PrOpel'ty I i \ i[ .. .... ........ .. 14 I . II 1515 II 900 _ :-' "___.-llle'"" 1111': . r I I ! ...... ..'n......... I 2 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICI, .\DDHESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ,eo '11 ~::l-S 0 I~;~ 0'" " :~ 0 '''''''-'-'"''''1''---''''" "~ 00 '~"' u" rJjo Value 01 ! Relll Eslntc Value of Improve- menls Thereun --Ii !i iis I, " '.n..''"'''.,.__..........''I...... :,:$ 1315 14!~0 218 E. Chapman O. Z. Oulver Home Tr. 3225 1170 Mellen, John ,.. 0/0 Otto Buer, !! tt;a,,1f,..t/'--~--f!>--+J. . ;: igi5..L[-,-__a,~d st,~.-----________f__..__,______ 1318 . Traot No. 202 I! !I Mellor Frank H j!' ""-~"'--.'...." ". . . ". ...... ... ,...... ",,'., ., ..... II 4-1 t--9_E.L,Map.l.e_Rt..L_,_ . 'I Ii 18H9' v' .L i[ i[ Ii Melton, 'N. E. L9.Z6.E.._1'.al,m_S:t',m -.H13,Q;rm1~L 1:3.:1:.<1.12 . .T,;1;_.. i I! 112J:: .. .r"'; .),?~5 .,~.._T.J;:Jl._QtN,Q.,,~7,q, , I " II ...EJQ,n ..':':., W 30 it - I ....m.. ___....._____.nJ' ! i ..Mehi.an.,,,,E.rnaat_,,,.___,,, , 11340 E. Walnut St., 1:320 945 1321 Merritt, C. A. ~ " ~_____~I H'.Phl~:~_ PM~on~._8ub__ II m I; ....,...."..m....."._"..=_.....'...~. ..l ...... . _ _ # mM..."'''"...,...,'''..,"..~~''''"..'''''''''''''="',' ..''',''''c.,='-''''~,.==''';''-''".,,''','''''",'''', 129 S. Orange St... . .r:.-9, i_vO In- tMs A.ssessme-nt Roll the following Abbreviations are used Jor the words 3et opposite ta them: K-Norlh or No;tl1crly $-Dollnm N. W.-Northwesterly H.-South or Southerly Cts.-Ccnts 8, "'.-Soulllwester]y K-F.:lst or Ens-torI;}' Oor.-Corncr N. E,-NorUloQl\sterly W.-WClIt or Westerly St.-Stre-et. S. E,-Southenstel'ly Ft,-FC!ct A\'e,-Aveonuc Imp,-hnprovemcllh No.-Number 'fh,-'l'hencc Bub.-Subdivislon S. B. M,-San DerllDrdirlo Base nlld U.aridlnn See.-ScC!Uon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK, \;>1 _..;'.._.:':..'.__.',,.'~=...,'_____..~...........__"..M___...__'"'_ ~~-'_I;I:F:~~~~-!,IJILI~,~ /1,1(0 1I00K D 1/'1 Dol "~, SAIlU AH~.. TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS ~I . .. SAN BERNARDINO L- ,..._ ME~~~._~_ I 2 .1' Ii ! Messenger, Horace Personal Property Ii I' ii '11 I' :1 Ii 11 " ii19 'B i, 1050 ....---~-.._-.--~..-.-.p-.-------....--.'...."m--T--..-1.----..--'-'-.-.~.~-".,;---.. II! I: i II :' !i II Ii i: "~ 00 'a>-> 0" Jlo I", ' I..... ..M I r..g.-s g ~D'lE :; ! Fl =i:Q = I1.l ! ! 5~ ~ ~~ i E--4 0 .! ~ o ~~ :j< :<; Value Ii of I; Real Estate Value of Improve- ments Thereon DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY j~ " ...[; II I' !, $ $ l' 1323 n Mesam, Mary J. ?5}..Ji._.J&ut ~1;___S..L-_________________Ll:!.Q!ln tL~r ae T..!:.!..___._____________ , I'! " !: 1a2~i 540, .._.,_____,.,~~._f,c ,! 'I J.9JilL...Qr11P <:!..JI:li.L.____. 1:325 _:_.___:._::~-Q1J}iJ.1:L~[3..-Q,JI9-n e y I~_SUQ.________ I Ii :i II 7 B ......_._._.,-*--'".L_-"'-t-_."'.--..Tw~ ...--fr---' 975 . ....--.....-....--....-..-.--t-'...- 470 _~12_ i Messeng'~r, Lily L. Personal Property Ana t "')8. ~,t~) ..._-( , " LQr ange.. QJ,.ty___ I' i' , " Ii 1- -----,-.--.-.-..-.~--- ....._.f...-"-.._.._._-t.~,..." !i i I, P""nal P"p"'y I ____________...___ _ _ ~l I_ I! I' ,I I, II , ._.~_Q_JI!_:-_____._. .......... ... ----ll/J?i1L :113 II I: jl il 'I I. I .._"....__.'"......mn_.. "j!_ _. "'____'j"__ 11 ! "7 B " """"""-f .._____1;__"'_ --'..i~- II I ., , I: . ...2~2._,_ 540 5~.2. :1 I gg5 .Jil_L~Y.9_~IJ1Q1;~_J?..:t.._______._____.~__Tr a_Q.L~ 0 ._...E15___.______...___.__.__._ 1;326 ' ;' , Messerall, C. P. I: , 618 E. Almond Ii Cosart I 8 Add -.... ......." --..-....---.--...-..--.....---.--....----......--+-....--.....-...-....-..--.-.--...-.-.. .1:")"'''.1 ii ..)h./ I Ii !i A ....-i' ..."___~go.._" , 610 i I I I I I Metzgar, J. C. _61L.Bu Bh_St_.~._..__._.. Santa Nt - -cl 3600 :),.620 2 .V32!J -,. .t'mom -. - .- ~---.._. . ......~.~._.- I~ McCoy' 8 Add ...'...-(1' " _.mmmf' I nil II I ---_.-J.-.....J , ;1 525j 495 ..u+ "315 1215 M~Y Slr ,.AlldJ:'..ew R. D. 1075 ~jyer, _.AJ._....'f'l......._....._.._._._. ~ N. 15th St., Welch & Harrod I B ReBUb , ii " " ~~~;;;--- .. ..1;21~" I Ii, Ii 11 '. --- - . ._p,=~~-;;~;;;y-lt~I---I-M Geo. Achison Sub wi 123 I D , Ii III 450 I, 900 I I' j I I I I II, '24 ,II II ___._ '..____ I I "II " I I 'I,' Ii I I 'I I ' I I!: 'I I I 'il '. 1 I l; !i I il 16 (-I 11 n__m ....-.-H-. " " " L " .. _ __'___'__"..'__0__ ,-------,-,-.!r--___,.. , I I' f', Salem, Ore. I 1330. ~ -.-----.---..--.---...----.--.-.-.-.-..-- t- ----.- Meyer, Antone W. ~ i' I: -.----.--"t331--------..-- ------r-----...-.-.-- ['i ,I 43'7 El.Lll,Vl;lta II II Meyer, John H.... 39BiI.Ql'I.a.J3t...., ?''tfr---- . i-T.:ca.o t N.o._.2l9.....___._.___.._ I 6 " 73-'1____.... I r) I '-i!5 ~ '1');;', \) " . .1 Ii San Diego, Cal. .".~".~~--"." "'.""~~,"'"'=,,"",,=~_.,"""'.."'"-"'~_."""="'''~''"'" ""'''''''''=",''''''''~'''>"c"_.,,,'''',.,,~'''"='''"'_'''''',,.,'''''O,___,''''''.,,'''='--"'""''''''''=='''''~,,~''''''',','''''''O_'-...,'''~,._,..-,''_'''~.-"',..'"''''''=,.""'''''''''''.",,,"=0''''''''',,,,,,, In thi~ Assessment Roll tI,e following Abbreviations are used for tl16 words set opposite to them: N.-North or No,therly $-Dollllrs N, W.-Northwesterly S.-BoutJl or Souther],! Cts.-Cil'nts S, W.-Southwesterly J';.-!\Ast ur E",stC!rly Cor.-Corner N. E,-Northeasterly W.-West or Westcl'ly St,-Strect S. E.-Southeasterh' :F't.-J.'eet A\'e.-Avenue Ilup,-lmprove-ments NO.-XumlJer Tb.-'l'hcnce Bub.-Subdlvlslon S. B, l[,-Snn Bernard:lrlo DB!;e Ilnd l[erldlun Scc,-Sectlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK .0'0. Jp ~ )r'~l A:': .~~ -i'L'i\~i.i:':piii~TiH'~' ~it'p"~-O-'Q'~Q'iH~'iti~:s:\iii:': j,'ll'A'" . 2 ~ . II SAN BERNARDINO I! MERIDIAN +---- " II ii 4 -~-----,..._~_.._--_._-_.__.~._-*-_. I: II ii " 1;};~3';; !: ~,~ I, !I . i I,' i ',' I ' 1.!.EJL~!.J___~.Q}J,tlL.!h.____~_____________\:;-_____._______________________}:>_e:J:'_~.Cl~:I:))!.ClP er!l..__+__. 1------~ 132 N. Cleveland St. . i Henry Grote I s Add il44 " I, I' i! " _Mt:J.Y_~J,'.,_J,~g,l'l.:i,g____....___________..._______._ ..--+------~------------..--__ ..___p ~.LB.QIl!'11.l'~()PJlJ:'tY--.--ii-.--- . T-- E~ - NWt - I[ I:l li ;1 . 'I i :1 ] I i -- --~---l i! I 1[19 " :1 ii ii I --- ~--- - -- )-- Personal Property I [ II i Ohapman .T:~H L~t 4;~9:7:$~Op:t~~:yr~ .#I~9l_3_JG_... I ! II i . , , .'/Le 1_0 h_!'l: ... R<J,u.oA 1.il.!l13.1l.\l,P_____________________ .-.1--)J1.-----, I ! i I I I I TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADD!lESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY :1 Ii . II I: Ii II i[ .. r j >.\3. '..~ .0 ''-oJ Meyer, John H. '/i/ I 3ge1E_IQw.!LS_t_L,_______________)__B:~l!1}.b __2:E.l3J:ld Ave Add San Diego, Cal. laa.j 1420 E. Palmyra J835 St. , Chapman Tr. , i, i I, I: .--f--- .M~B%.,__J.Unnle_J3..L_ 3048 Main St., San Diego ,Cal. 183H Thermalita Tr. [ ! +- ! I, Meyer, O. A. 545 N. Clark St. t887 Meyer, Riohard 5;!..9......Q~UfQ.:r_niJL[t,._,- -_._t. , i: San Franoisco, 1338 Cal. , ,I --1 i ! Ii Mt:J.Yel'_,_:EL:i..Q.h<U.Q_____.,,______. . . ...... -~_._----_._._--_. --------..--.---.----.-----.-----..-.-----.--.--.,,------. Ii ~ Traot No.. 545 II II --..------.------------...---.---lr-.--..------- ...-----.---------..-.--.--....------.--.-.-.-.-.--..-.".-.--.- ~ I, 519 Oalifornia .st.. San Franoisco, mCal. ""~"""''''''=''''_'=''''';''"','',,,.~,';,,-''.,..~",''''',.,'','=,,,''',.,=,,c " .o,.,'"'''=,,-',,;,..~.=,''-'"''=''',''''''''' il ., Jr, ![ I ~ o ~~ ~< '" Value of Real Estate Value of Improve- menls Thereon "~ 00 'E"' OM <nO i.8< ~ i '"5loS g i ~ g~ i of/) I-< : E-i 0 ,...'..H,. " " , I' I; $ ~j)tl . . Oli:> .~...__...____iL----+---3-29__'_~_8 2.....} '; ,L I J I' __,..._..___~.._'_m~._"": I i .~.~.,t ......'...-.......,---...---.,--'it...,.- 1050' 855 i , ""'.-'iJ ..-;;-... ".-., 3400 540 D 5 ..."""._._~.;._-'_._.,-r:.._---..--.i , " , I: il ,I I '; 750 270 A 'i ---.-'I-----.-.'.--..I!"-- I, , I ----,~--_.._I 115 675 'I I .. ~ II j' ---.+'---'-""'.i!'" .----i! :1 .. ....--~ 640 j 4 I .*-____32.__ i I ----..!- , , t ---.---jt.----+ -----If----------.- 8 B. ~. I[ 300!i ,450 . . I' 11 !' I, Ii 'ii ., [ .. II I I; I! '1'1' I ,: II T ~ . .1-1~.-J_,,',:: , Ii ~'! " J-- - , II ----I ~;O 111 this Assessment Roll the following AbbreviatiOllS are used Jor the words set oPPo$ite to them: N. W.-NorthlVcsterly s. W.-S-outhwesterly N. E.-Northel1.sterly 8, E.-South-aasterly Imp,-Jmprovemcmts Sub.-Subdh'llilon Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN, ...^^....__..._..,__.'._..___n'_'....._ . . II. SAN~::r~~:~rNo ., ,-----.-.--.- ,! i p., .!.d !1 ~'O !~-:lg ~~ 'i 'fl~ i ~;~ ~~ 1 Ji ~ i ~U) ~ Ii ii I I ii " " " I' i !I 6 'E '. 10 . 10500, 135 -.-..-.'-..'-.-.--.-----.---'-r-.--T-...-.--<.--.---.--r-.-..------!r"'..----------.-1-..---'..---'- Ii II Ii :: Ii, i' ...-~..-.-~-~-~-~---.~~-~---.------~.--~--.-..--.--~~---~~-~-.~4.-...-~.-i-..--..~-..-~~.-..~~-.-.-.-..~-.~---.~.~~~. -1'-. ~.-..---~... Personal Property Ii I ' .. , , N.-Xorth -or KmtherlJ! $-Dollnrs S,-SOllt]\ or Southerly tJts.-Ccnts K-F.f!~t or Eillst-erlJ! Cor.-Corucr W,-WestOl' Westerly 8t.-Strc'-'t Ft.-Fl!ct A,'c.-A"enue "dlr. No.-Number 'j'h,-Thence "'(;) ~ \ s. D. M,-San DeltlllrdlJLO Base llnd llc:ridlnn "'l~) . <. 1 ~"'--I::G: r~~9'G--:r.~.i"liHr~i;'ir!io.61( !iTifDI tl.G..:i~ifi:;;'XiiX-" ^"----'T ---.-...-... Ii , I; TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY , :1 .--.-.cif.. !: I?:, ;<<.) . ..J ), Meyers, Joseph J. et al JlLQ._E:.y"'a_h~_.B e .1l,~.Q.I!._~~__~~_.____~_J..iJ hl>,pman~_.'!'~~.._ swL: I' Ii R. D. 1, Box 84 A, . Santa Ana, Oal. lal0 ,I ._~-_.__._.~-_.~._._~-----~---~-----~_.~--_.._~._._..~.-\--~~-~-~--- ;1 1: Michel, Henry Est. c/o Henry F. Wefel, Admr. _53.5_E,~1)a],myr <lL~S.:L__....~~____~_._~~ l~l!l 1'12 : B ~ I i :i .I .--~il--~-. I , Cosart t 8 Add I 2 ~ 0 ~~ Value Value of of Improve- ~< ments Z Real Eslnlc Thereon $ 900 1440 "..~t_'-.-"--..-----_.-..---.---,---_....--...---"-~-,-..--..----.,--~.-..~-..-~----------.-...,-..-._-,- I ----+---.-.~--,.,*_.,_._-"...__....+--_.._. I . +._._~-.~.~-,-._~ Ii I ____~_~_~+5~~+A il ! II 'i I 11-- il ~~~-__~.~_____.____~~_ .~_Eer.S..o.n.al.l'rop.eI:ty_-l.. ......_! " i'i 3 I A i II' i !I I 'I I .. n~----~-~-----~Ir-l Personal Property ~ 1111 ' A II i II' ;: . ..~~-..~-- -.....--.... .-- -~-.-~. ..~.~-.--~~..-~.~.--~-~~.~-.---~~-- . ..-..--l--.---j~-n~.--.-.-~-+--.--ir- !: i !I 'j Personal Property 'II. II' I !I S 3/4- 116 I A .~---~ .-- -~--~-~_.........._._~- .._~------~-~-------~~--~---- ._~-~--+- 'II I, i 1'14 I A ~ I ~-~-!-~-~l' " I I I Michel, Henry Est. , _~~bLJl~n.:r_'L~W e~el_~Aq!!h_.~~~~_~~__~~L_~_LjJ"'_-O-'.--J;l:lb 1:l~:;:~!LB!3.!l:\!lL__~_ , 535 m. Palmyra i J:3.t2 _M.1..ohe.l., _.~Re.nl'.Y~~ c/o F. O. Hoskin 373 S. Grand St. ;: , , " " ...._..____'m_'~-.--.-.-_.....--.-.".- " 1: Geo. Aohison' s Sub ......1a,J;.~-~ Mickert, Fred1k, Z64N..Center .St. ~~~_~~___~i;J:14_~_~__~~ ~. Bonnie Brae Tr. -I:-~._- Milbrat, Lillian M. 368S. .Glassell St. ., MoCoy's Add 13'i- ii .._____.,_...,.. ,f' t:itF'l. !j ~--' u-.~--.-.-.----~~~--~.._.~-~T--~- Miles, F.E. 204s. Batavia St. Ohubo I s. Add , Ii I; 11 Ii .-.-~--~--~-..-------~~----L--~--------- I I """-"""""'=''''''"'''''''''''''=''''''''''-''''==^''''"'''''''''''''=CC'''"'''''-'"'~"",,,,C'^,,,~,",,,"",; .""','","c.''''','''''''''''.'''.'''=''-''''-..=''''''='',",''''''' ....~...~il.--il-~~]5()-~;~ ...~~()3~L ..~.'~--Ti ---..,--,-...-.!+---..,- -IBOU 720 750 ..".. ___.liu.. +.~. 1050 765 ___..----LL_,_____._..~ 1240 lOBO i: " . .....u.. .-l---~--~- ..----~ir----"- Ii !i jl ii ., II i! 10"'0 tI it 0 Ii ii il T - -~--f~--~+-~~~-t~--.. II 11 ,I II Ii .; () I! i Ii Ie" Ii ii I: 11 I' I'. 11 ....+,11' Ii .. +-----~- i " Ii ..., '1-' .' 945.. ",' r'y) i , ~-+ In this Assessment Roll the /ollo-wing Abbreviations are u3ed Jor the words set opposite to them: '~ 6A. N.--:\orthorXo:therly $-Dollm's N. W.-Nortllwesterly ,;' " "~ S.-SOUtll 01' SoutherlY' cts.-Cents S, W.-Sollthweaterly ..JIL.f:.-F.!lst or Enst(>rlv Oor.-Corner N. E.-Northeasterlv , W.-Wellt or Weat~.Jy St.-Stre-et S. E.-SouthoCl1.stcrl,)' I,'t.-Ft:ct A,'c.-Avenue Imp,-Jmpl'ove-ments No.-Nurnher 'fh.-'rhence Sub.-Subdivision ) tp \ S. B. ar,-San Bernardino DnsoC an<11J.erldhlll Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQl Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UI ~~'~'f'"i.A'6'~-.ri,i~Ti'jiG';';~'D"i-ooKijliplu~i;'$'^ilTA'iit'F'"""" r ~! I 2 SAN BERNARDINO rVIERlDIAN ~--_...._-_. Ii :.8< ,.!.l !"il! .~~ i ~~~~ j~ ~ 0 I om l--! _P II I E-1 0 'I!'"~ !I II 'I 'I I, ;;--4:J3-E.__1a....J[.ata_...st~,._-.--_--.---_,,--+_-G-eQ._.A.Qhi.s.Qn.!..a-8.~_E_Jj.lLft_-=-_____________f-1___ i D W 85.5 ~ o ~~ ~< ;<; il .,.,.11" l'AXPAYEIl'S NAME AND POSTOFFICl, ADDRESS Value of Improve. ments Thereon Value of Ii Real Estnte DESCIlIPTION OF PROPERTY 'If '.'.""".'if" ,$ II $ , 1:34H Miller, Arthur H. Personal Property I , 225.' 360 ..-.--!i--.--.---*--.-...-..- ----r.---- --.-. II i: :1 I . 510 II II II la.17 I' " _~-....M.i.lle.r-,--(l. .._I.._______._______________+_ ,I Cramer - Krasselt Co. :1 Ii : II , ..--.---It-..--.---.-,-----.-.,--- I Ii 4 : G Ii ]I " ii il .._--_._--_._-_._-_.._-_._"_..._._--.~--- II Personal Property 1 i ._~!:- ..ti.~-,- ..'.--+ ,. ii W 100 ft - N 46 ft - Et-SEt- , 605 Chapman Tr. Milwaukee, Wis. .__la:18____ ....--!,-.-----... -..r-~--.--.___+__-- '..."t..--..'--......--.-- Miller, Emma S. I. i. iT. M. Shadel I s Add i " .._--_..~.__..__._---------_._. ...-" ..----..---...-.-- , , Ii i, 261 N. Glassell St. " ~_--.,,--..1;119-----------_.----- II Miller, Julia H. II ~:~:_:::.::~~:' II .1 ;~50 II Miller, Ross l-~QJ ....N...alaIweJ,l,st_L_ II II II.Miller, R. W. t-4:3{LE.LBla:;~~;-St-L- -------- Ii .oQ!;.J LMiller, R.. W.et al .. !I I, I' II r'l ZJ3...N..__L.emo.n_..at.__.__._..______.______*. _Ill3cY1!l_1!L_ ._______.____.____________ , i I,; tI ~ !, ,8 I .--..-.-..--------.--...-.--------.J-.-- +- .---,---. ~------..i:..---.---.--+--.--- Personal Property I 1111 II ii +----+----1' ~ II 6 i l ~- [I Ii [I Personal ProPerty J " ... -.--...-------------..-----1[11,3--1-];1--.. ,- i, 2250 1305 630 Geo. H.Pirie HomeTr. 595 A __... ...'".__.__.______'._n_....'..____._,'_".__...___._._......,.._'_,....._.__. r .... -- ._, Ii 2lJ-OO ..'---'1r--.---.-.. ( T...J!!. S1}/!.c;ii;l],~ sMd ---...-,...,-- la51 Z2QJ___~lJ:39_ .G.eQ..._...A.Q.h.;Le_Qn.~_e._s.1JJ:L_. -J-- ., I[ , --"'W- , -~ii'--"-.' I' II II Ii " Ii Personal Property ]i '17 B ---1 - L__ Ln_ - 118 III I .11-..-il---21~Ll-----~2 I i 975! 1620 Ii" if. II ii I! II j' L I t I" II ': i' w-...--11-----.--r--------- Ii II 600 Ii 720 li:1 ;i I 1353 Ii, ...-I,---.----l-....---t I 4 ! B i I ' , I I t!.MUle;r.._JVm......M. II 831 Mapl e Av.e ..,.. " i : Loa AngeleS,OalL -.-.----.-.-------f---" ......------". ___.____m____..l'~r sQn~l'!.QIJ.e..!'j; Y II A, 1. C. Bibber I s Resub S~ - Et - 1--------- ------ II Ii II I ! < /:, ': II >J ., II , -1 ----'-C----r------ il !I I II I I! ;,. ! ",''''''.,''"'<''''''''~'''~.,"'~~''''''''-'''''''"'=~~'''==.".. ,"~-;.~",'""'"~'..=.-;'"",,=,,="',",,'==~'o""-"""O"",""','="'=,..,'-''''"''-''''''''""'''=='''''=';;''''"''''''''''''''''~'';'''''''-'-'''''''''-'. ,.:.-,__,.- ','~'~'~"r-""'-=-"""',""'-.~""~''''",,=''''''' In this Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations are used far the words set opposite to them: W~ N',-Xorth or Nortlterly $-Dollnrs N. W,-Korthwestcrly S.-South or Southerly Cts.-Cllnts 8. W,-Southwasterly ,'---: ,-, ~ E.-En~t 01' Enstcrlr Cor.-Corner N. E,-Nortlwilstcrly '," . _ Il.-. 'l...._West or Westerly ~t.-Stroet S, B.-Southeastcd.l' }'t.-Peet An~.-Avcnue Im-p.-Improvament!ll No,-8umber Th.-Thc!nc(! Sub.-Subdlvislon I t"'Y s, B, M.-Son Bernardino Ease and MerlcJillll See.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQI Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO Vi " "AT:;~':'fL^OG~Ait;;iI'O:~ip],iiili-"-li;ii'ii{,h^'iiA II' r. I DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY II ili SAN BERNARDINO Iii I, MERIDIAN , ;I---".._--~~-~! II I if-~"'--~'-""~"~~"-""'-'O" ,-' , 2 , "~ :i 'a~ ...., ""tr il~ 0 " 'II I: il I' ',.1 i ~ " " Milosevich, Dusan J. et a1 !, II I II I: !': i _"~l!U__'N..___'NiJ..Bhilil-'sj;_"___________iJJ.hapman_.Tl'.____-IDY---7-3..0-81Lt::L=-NlY-.2Q5-,-S.8-X:!;~--+------+--------t-----t-.---------;j------ ': Fullerton, Oal. I: E 55 ft - [112 I P . II .: 225 " 1'):;;:;; 'I: Ii. : (lUlU .. I' . '+Mi.t_chelL,_...J.{innie_~D.___ ______________Ii_.___.________.___.._.____..____f'~J:!?9n1l,~f:J'_'m~;r_ty~..__~.---..;-----L----;i--. if $36 E. rilu1ver St. Ii Rich1and Farm Lots E 1.05 ao - N~ - b4 1.05 2025 .1 8 t:.:l , I I _ _ un i TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOI'I'ICE ADDRESS 1.8' .!:<l i~ll g ~~ i~giil ~~ : oU) '"' p:p.... ! E-4 0 1.- - L. ~ o ~ill ~~ ~< I: Z ii I: " Value of Real Estale Value of Improve. ments Thereon jS "''I 1$ 185.1 405 . . :...~.J!iQ.IJj..Q.a,..-,IQ-seph.----.-- i [I R.. D. 1, Box 66 1a57 .. ----------------~!---_._..- .----... i ;, Chapman Tr. I i: I ,. .,-~.tr-._..-, --.---..--.--.-,.--.-,.,-,....--.-----.-..,"..----..-.,...,. I!R. S. Williams Tr. .11... I I .. ----t.-.- . --- i. Oosa.rt I s Add , ....._...l'.ersoJl.al_ProJ,2er.:t.y___.if. i' ...--'..-)l,..-.'.------'.v....--- , _._---,~---,------ E 10~14 ao - 10.JjIt 56$0 990 II : III iF Ii II Ii. II .. ..--..p-e.r.s.ouaLPLOpel'-:!;Y--l---L-.-I.---i....... --".....-..-.---i-----. II H- ! - · Ii 5 ': 3200 .1 1350 II II 11- ..-.,---- II II SIB ., Ii I' I ., ........1 !I 2 I, Ii " Ii I' ..-..---..-.------.--......--..- ..-- --.-.....---......-- ..-....--l-..-...- , 1116 . A ij17 II ! ..._......... ......... _f:.s:r_a9!la:J. J.":r91'el'JY.. -~"-If .--,....--,-----... _t-M.!;t11_:l..QJl..,-L.aWl.'-e.nO'EL----------..--.- I: Ii Box 56 0 ,l. .1;358 I' II 1!-M.!mk.,-JaQQ1L-----~-. ----. i ii 576 E. Van Bibber St. , 1.:/>""1\ ii . ~);),} !; :, Monroe 'Nilson P. .~........-.-. ..__ ,.._....._.._... ..._.._ .m.... ... ..._m.. .;1. ..m_m II il R. D. #1, Riverside, Cal. !IS ')('1) II ct~) }~ 'i _~_Mon ig9m~ll,.._.1!:).rv~__~t.._a;J..._...._._____T---------_--.----- 111104 N. Main St., i Orange Oity II Sant a Ana, Gal, ~ .~-----------.1ati1-.-.--_-..---.--.--... ..L--.-.-.~..-.----.-._.-.-.m ._._.....__._.._..____. .....___.__.~._....._..... ._._...___ I, ! ~M9UtgQI1)erY,Tarverm et a1 I Ii 0/0 Kay !;IQ],c).El:t', ....... .11! Tract No. 545 Ii ! .lNOITdcQ,-~;2L------.---_...--.--- i-.--- .--. ......___________m__.___~__________..... Ii " " 750 -"t,_. --!._"--_.~..'!;.,--- Thermali ta Tr. B 750 115 -...-.-'--t--- . i .l--- -I. I! i: ji I' I: I I: I-I!' i ,I ..---'-.---~,.---...'lr.-...-'----.--.,- II 2250 ,I " I 2250 ,I I, " ,I ...- --li-------- I ;i Ii Ii 300 II I ..-+-- 'I ~ 22 ,B ~ ' , I i _. _. ._.____1._.__. ;, ! i .....,...--.ir.- i: I; .. ~---- f-----~- -.-- I Ii , . II II LJ~j-+" _j '~o_L!.ll 1 !f--rII",o 'I ";" I I Ii Ii f-- ,I" I_ii . Ii Montgomery, ... Tarver...e.t. a1 ...~--110Jt.N.-.Ma1n-.at~.-. Santa Ana,Oal. _7.2a......_______..__.._.__._.____._.._..___ I ..,~ 0> .,..r;IWU In this Assessment Roll tAe followi'~l1 A.bbreviatiorlS are used for the. words set opposite ta them: N.-North or NOltllerl;)' $-DoJlnl's N. W.-Northwesterly R,-SOllth or Soutllllrh' Cts,-Cents ~. W,---,...-Southwestcr]y I~.-E>lst or Enstcrly C:or.-COl'ltcr N. E,-Northel'l:Gterly 'V.-Woast 01' Westerly Ht,-Strcct S. E.-Southeasterly }'l.-Fe~t Al'c,-.\venuc Imp,-Improvements No.-Number Th,-Thenc-e Bub.-Subdlvislon S, n, ],I.-San Bernardino Ease nnd Meridian Sec.-S-aetlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UI , i.~ ;. :F'~^'G6;' r~1 Kr'ili-.jA'HQ--il-Q'{)Kai'iij)I'"r;-:s'~'iir ;..'~'I'l';' 11 )\.~ ..__,m ~ DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY !I ~A~ BEnNARDI~~ 11 I! MERIDIAN !! :I--------~ ;i =.... :.8< ,..\<l 00 I~..;ig ~Ilt;; .is....:! : R :;joiE ~ ~ V" i ~Ul" Ol i" ffJ 0 : ~ 0 I 2 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDHESS ~ o ~~ ~5 g< z Value of Rcal Estale Value of Improve. ments Thereon t , , , i . 1$ $ 1863 Montgomery, Tarver et a1 F , ., Ii II II '! " I 6 A .' 150 ,. ,._,_.__n_,__ ...__.._.--,.._._-,--_._'"-:t-_m"-__._-+--_._..-_.n-~__"_..---f!----m.--.--f.----'---.-r-.--.---'- li20 II i I 150;i 11 Ii Ii !i21 \I 300 I: i ~;;lg_y:+~ m_+___~1 .,,: .___139 J__:J:.QQ 1 i " :1 ~3/25! II Ii 225 d II! !!!: :' Iii:! i: :i II i ,:1 I, ,: I" , "I ..--------------.+---t--- .+-t.---t----.----t------ 1[22 I A I' ': 750.! 360 ',' I I, n 11,.1 ,I' i " P 1 P t ,. .._._~Jl.on~_ ....J'O.P..<J:I'....X_... .....~ .. ~---,----t----~-------- , I ii, ,17 B 240 .._JJO!:LNL..Mg,m~t_. 'iJraot No. >;4<:: '."--...----..-----___._.__..._____"...___'___.'_________~_._L_____._.__,.____~,_,__,_ -,I Ii Santa Ana, Gal. " 'I I, H il jr-.--..-.--..---- ..----.-...---..-..--.--.---.--.- II II l;~H.J: , ., II ..-.-.--.-.---..-h-.--- .-----. , I ! ._._E__4!Lf:L:-____ il.-MD.nt.o:,r&,-_Re.j..ino -.-----.-.---1,-.---.--------.--.-.- 477 N. Olive St., 18(j5 G auldwell & Wi therbee I s Add II I 'I 'I .j ..MQg<,!'i,_j]._~QLl\._L__________________._+--- i I I \I ,11S (f ,I I .-. --.._----,-- \I I -+---.---. 600' 540 600 540 344 S. Shaffer St, Geo. Aohison I s Sub I II _______ 'I I, " I! II ,I ,I L , i _J)jJift_ .--.-. 'i- -- "'Tn -.--.",-,--.... , 'I .t--- " I Moore, D. T. & Mary A. I i-.2-J7--E.-Almond.8:t., ----------.. I la68 ! i , I !'19 I .. .,..;...-..."'+ II I[ 'I II 1200 S10 ------- -------L9-- +~----,---iL--~------------ II !I il i ii :1 '; Personal Property I i Ii! il ------ _____.j!i__.T_L_M.__Shad.el_1Jl_3rd_ML___ ---- -- _ _ ---- -- _ -- __J 32_ --: ~ _ --~ _ _ -+11_ __ _ _ ;_J'EQ_Q_J_~_l.J:IQ I I i' II ~I I, II 'i " i [I i Moore, Lorin G. " ~ Personal Property "I!: II i 27-3 --a~~px.eaB__________ n__ -- -i-Beach '-s--AdL---_______.__________________ 1..3- __;_L_ .1-__ - !----~-j-2Q.-~f--~5.5 I I <, , Ii!! I, ",: II i Ii I' , i !i!' II II! I: /' ,I l--t---r-~'!~-_tl-...::~~-. i II I~ i 'I I I ... ~ i!" Moody, W. C. et a1 Box 663. Resub Grand Ave Add A I 750 1035 Jte..y:~.:rJ,Lllll1s.C-al, laU? --- ......._,.,ft. I ..--.'+.... ".".w'- .. ~ l-Qrange_GHL__E.5Z_f:t:: I Mo.ore ,Frank L. i !261...-H._Or.anga_St_.___ . 13li9 In this A.ssessment Roll the following Abbreviations are U3ed for the words set opposite to them: :lr~'''' N.-North or KOltherly $-Donarl~ N. W.-Northwesterly ". i:ft So-South or Sonthcrly Cu..-Cents S. W.-Soutbwesterly ;; '. , E.-Em!t or Etlst-el'ly Cor.-Col'ller N, E.-Northenat-aTly " ", '.,,: W.-West Gr Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Sollthcmstcl'ly Ft.-Feet A\'c.-Avenue lrnp,-Ill1pfOl'cmcnts \ No,-Nllmber Th.-Tllcnee Sub,-Subdlvislon ,l, V' s. n. ?f.-Snn Dernardlno RUBC find llIerldian Sec,-Sectloll FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO U .,,,,=...-'.,..-....-,,..,,...... ---,,,..,,...- --.-.,.........-,.--..- -,-- o ~_ A.a 'UGG III IHIlA 0,80 Kill 1lJ/f1O S Ill"'" " _.m_" '"..... TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOl'FICE ADDHESS SAN BERNARDINO MEll.IDIAN , 4.___~_,__.__; I 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY "~ 00 .",.., 0... ~o ,8' ,.!:.ol ,.l:l.;l 0 ~Dt: ~::I..9 = '1J , > op;:j ~t;.. Sf/) l-< _P .... 0 ~ o ~~ s< '" Value of Real EslIIIC Value of Improve- ments Thereon r--'. $ :$ la70 Moore, W. A. Personal Property _"_294 N. _lLC!rwo.9sl..._St....____________.______-;e-Q!' ad d i ok I B . - " su'9___~:i_:______________.____.______J1l--.- B ___ iI ,114 :" il il15 " , Ii " .-..----.--..---.--.-.---.-.--.----.--ij--- " 720 605 I " El - 1--------..10.71_______________._1.____________________ ! I' " " ...-..... .W" '.Tr.. -'-'--'"---~---..m-.--.....f_-~h.._-..- ".-"."." Moore I Warren D. Personal Property 222 W. Palmyra 1372 MoCoy I s Add W 3/4 - ..--------..---..+-------'~---------___.E...lJ:.7-..l:Li:L-:-- 2 B 835 . +__99.Q__.c..____..9.!!5 ..+----~___,_.__....__,._ ~__.___.___._.___'_._"_m_.___..,_...._ , 3 II -.-----it...-- -----+-...--. ...,-""-'+r----'..- , Moose, Margaret K. Personal Property" , i' II : ..------.~-S-..1.-7_6---ac--=:_'li.2'_.5Q.a(:L::-.NE~-:-.NI:Yl;:::sd-:--. ..._._ ----~3.L.-iJt.--r9. II ' " :i ,..;l..]~,--.l3;;Q-....I~--_5$5 +Jl.__D~__..2..,..J3ox..-19_--------______.. ~.. 1378 ~Morey, A. P. t~.1!JiLyJn!L.sj:;L_ Ii II _ '113_ h4 :! II __ .\'l.ElJ911.&ff1!:r:rQ_q's. Re~tl'9 .CJ_ .~l_.___ 660 .."."'---.'---.'--'.':r' 660 __.1~ 945 Ja74 i: L!.{()J:'gl'l:l1_L~._M,-. Ii " II 229 N. Pine St. ~I II 1375 'I :! !, ; ,,!i ;i ~_M() rg>allLBL.E '- .. -------------- r----------------------..--------------- .-r-t--------+----t-------t---- il % B. F. Buskirk, Welch & Harrod's ReBub N 3 ft - E 35 ft - 1110 I D ~ i 11 " II Box B6g Ii II " 1111: II jl Iii ;1 270 ,] I' 1a7ti I! " I ' : II I, ~---.-----. -----..-.----..-.----.----1-----.-.-...---...-.-..----- .------.-..--.--------..-.-..-....-----------...-...--. - ~ --.- --1-- -.-~-lr-----.-1--- ----t--- ~ Morgan, Susie E. II. :' I : I ~ 'I I !' I ; 357 N. Shaffer St. Craddiok's Sub ,20 IA : I 810 'I 615 r','li ----- . t ~l77_______ --------1--------- _________________________ ________ _____.__I____~-- _,___~____ ____11_______ -~l-- I I, i. II 'I :i Morin, Thomas i:J:ll'rsona,l Property I \ i 'il !, 461 S. GlaBseU St. . Resub Gra.nd Ave Add 19 I B II Ii 1200 I: 1080 ....---.- I "----- -- "+t 1~2~.Q+-;!\9,2 -- .. ON __, _m ^' . -..----ou...'-..-F- PerfJonal_Property :i I, ....--. "rf"---.--'.- 'I !115 , " ---PI; ....",... ---* Tract No. 136 B 810 ---,4.--..-,.,..--..,--,.~ " ii 1620 "-';'"'''''"'''=''';''''''''''O-.'''=,'''''r,=",''' ";'=""'~'""",,,,' '''''''O''''-''',"~-',,:,,'-,''''---,='''''''''''~'';.-;'''~='''''~'''''''_'''''"'''='l'"''''''"''''~_"""""'"'''''~'=I,,''''''--ec-~'''<lr--'''~o''c~:',:'',''''''' ..., ".- '" ' '" ..,...., n' .. "_'_'_'.~._,_,,.._."_'__..4_._.._ _- m.'.----.."---"--..''''''..,,,.,.~''--'''__'_...,,~,.,,,.",."'':,__;''''',t~+,,,_i,,,,"-.,;..,-.,,,,,~u,,,_~,,,~"",,,,,,", Tn tllis Assessment Roll the joltotoing Abbreviations are used Jor the words set opposite to them: N'.-NOltb or N();thcrly $-Dollnrs N. W.-Northwester]y 2~ S.-Soufh 001' Southerly CbI.-Cent:!l S. W.-SoQuthwcstcrly _I_~ ' 5 B,-llllst or Easterly Cor.-Corner N. E.-N()rthc,lsterl)' W.-West or Westerly St,-Strcet. S, E,-Southenstml;r ~;:::r~~l~lbcr 1~~~~'f'1~~~~e ~~g:=~~~d1~fsToc:ts II .S' s. ll. M,-8an Dern.nrdlna Base and !lerldlnn See,-Scctton FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQl Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO Ul __ '~~,:~~~i"A:~ ii;' PR-I~Tiu-a iilJi-S;oo'iiiiiiiitiO";,^liT..: A'''~' , - i, fr I' II 2 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND l'OSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY )1'- 13/8 SAN BERNARDINO MIiIllDIAN !i , ! ::: ~ ~ . G ~< z Value of Real Estlltc Value of Improve- ments Thereon '--'~~-~-'" "_______n___n__n' ,_ I o~ 00 .~,., " " " <nO I ~ .l<l :a..::: U . ~ 0 ""- ,0,:0 o<n " Eo< 0 ~Ilt: 0" .:l~ $ 1$ Morris, Mrs. J. M. Personal Property I - .. 57D-1I.--Qr.ang..a_.at_.________________LTIH~.rm<J..l t:t{;j.-'I'~------_-_______________________U_9___,L-.-----:--_+___15L____t>T5 I ;1 " mm ~ Morris, Mary F. l! l' .. ,J If-.-7-4-7-W-.--ChaDman--St_._______________~~L:SPo-'t..t8---.villa__TI'_______._____________________.__ "1........4) , ~: ()Dt :' - - , t-6.----LA--. Morris, Robert W. ,..J8J__.S..'-._Eat..av.ia._.s.t.~_____.__._______I-:-Sp o:tt_lLSM1L J38J ' ...--,-_;1.585__,____6.75__ i: I .--..----------....-..-----------------_---1g1L-I-.::: ..._4__-#__........!'. ..n]J3_!--___~72_ ,! II 'I I, Ii '! I iJ~--' --'-il- H-i'--:L.~5_,,______.__ Morrisqn, Delmer i .' '. ~-?35.-Kt18-9n--J).:r......,--_____ --._____._.______+_l!_l?,Q.]__NQL-7l1:9._______:.. , , ! I Santa Ana, Cal. I IB8:~ I f-..Mo.rI-O_w_,.__-'1lalt.e.I'_a.__ ._F'eIll onalI'r.op.e_r:t;y I i -----'1-- H p3 Ii Ii ii :1 ff Ii il 8 I 335 s. Grand s.~. J;~S~ i !'-- ..---....-....-.- - I Cul veL' Hotel Tr. , , '.._.M9J:rOw_, i - i 335 s. WalterS.. Grand St. t;184 ."..- --.--",.. - -.--~..-- -!,. Geo. Achison's Sub .,...- -- ;...._m.__.'.r-- - - -....1).....'.-..- -.----,-,---t.-~- , " 1+05. 720 I, I , I . I! -.-.il " .'i---205 , 405 I A 750 'I . !i i ' .1'r"PJ)J,'ty__..I_____t___,-- Ii ' Ii [I 7 Ii ! A , i il I , i, .!'I ;1 -~~ ~~~--I--~-.-;---r--.--.-~I,i----~~;-l. ---~~~~-- I I ,I' il !' I' 'i ' II I I !I Ii Ii ... --II-----f----~---+--_.-J i~------- 1119 I A 11':,... Ii 1260 Ii 1035. I " ,/ i'" 'I. .,/ 'i II' ( I .-' t ~I, ..;. i i II !ii I----r- '--'----t------n I I! I 'I , ._MQs_a.__H.L-'l~__.__.______.__ 183 N. Grand St. 1385 i Ii II -Milllnt_._.My..r..Ue._L.___.______._.____._..____4._.______ 1! ....._EeXJ;1-Q-Il.J:\,l Library Tr. .___I'ers.Q.llliLPxQ_pe.r_t.y_ 224N. .1 Traot No. 272 " j! Ji ~ ~: -Mue.l.l.e:r-.~+__A.._.1._.____________L------_____________E~1'_sona12:r..Q.2.~l'iY II 0/0 Louise Mueller ~ Beach'I:l Add ---1 ~ .1 !i Cambridge 1386 215 S. Olive St. :: ::1 -f-----Ji----------+---- : ,i 1200 :1 1530 ,,""".,",'.-""""'.~,.,'""="'" '"'''---"'''-'''--''''''==''''m'".=:"'''---'''''''".,''''="'~'''''='''=''''=,O==~K.,,'''"="""~'"","~'="'''''''''''-, ""~""==.. '-"*:1""'i""='~ """" In this Assessment Roll tI,e Jol101.oing Abbreviations are used lor the words set opposite to them: ".'. C'" ~~"t..: ' Ji.~.\.JI N.-Narth or Northerl)' $-Dollarl:1 8,-South or 8outllerl:3-' cts.-Oents B.-Enst or Ensterly Oor.-Corner W.-West or Westerly St,-Street :J.'t,-I.'cct A"e.-Avenllc No.-NUimber Th.-'rbcneo S. D. M.-San Bernardino Dose and Meridinn N. W.-Northwesterly S. W.-Southwcsterly N. E,-Nortllensterlv S. E.-SouthellsterJy Imp.-Improvcmcmts Suv.-Subdivlsi-on 8cc.-Sectl011 FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQT Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO Ui' _A"\.. .i.:r:.ri.AGG;PIHltTI"GII"gnOOI<DJHgllt".SANTA.-I./j.-l r TAXPA YER'S NAME AND I'OSTOFFlCE ADDHESS SAN BERNAUUINO MEIUDIAN I 2 DESCRIPTION 01' I'HOPEHTY "~ 00 'Z...:! o " " <nO ,0. ,.!d 1~..;3 g ~Ilt: : ~;&1 3~ i c;cn I-t _I" if-i 0 ~ o ffi~ ~5 ~< ;Z; Value of Real E5lote Value of Improve. menls Thereon .ii--'" ,$ $ V387 Mueller, Geo. L. ,.-...R._.Jl....__Z-,_..BDx_19L.____________.__. .--.T----'l'Il1Q_t..._N.o~...2l.9._________._____.___._______._____.__.---~--5--:-"'-------c-------T---7.5Q--..,-:!.-1Q5- 1.;388 , Mueller, J, Henry \1-28.1.... .N.__Gamhrldge________ 1;38~ Personal Property I _;_._Tr.a.o.t...No._272.________ -,-3-_,_A n 75Q.-,,__:I,035 Mueller, John H. G. Personal Property c-.S.05-E4.-..P.alm.yl'a_Bt_...._______.____._____.__r_JIemPhill....._&...Eaxt.ollLB....8llu. II s--l~~-u-~-------:i-:---i:---+-.,,--. Ii 1 ,) I: I: 5 ,. I :! 6 -...ij-...,. .._--..~_..._- I I, 1425 1240 ,_:I,~1t5_.--,-JJ,]Q II I ,--..--.- i I II -,. ..."..1.."...'-...._,.,-------- l;)~)O iMueller, Hulda I , L._~?]_lll_L.Mf.P],~L!?t! I I la~)j. _.-..---.. ..~' , I 13_9nnj,13Bra~ Tr. I 4 ..,""1'------. B -.1...- .m......----'r 135 ... _~~?~L._____~25g_ Mueller, P. G. Personal Property . _157_ N. QambridgE) V~t9:~ $~_! Tract No.g19 'I 7_ " " I _..___li__. .+75.0_ 1555 ..1:----'-----..-.....____"...._ Muenoh, Harold F. ._g!.9_J2_~uJ,_My,~!!.Q11 Muench, Paul. G. c/o E. J. Atchley 5 55.N.LQyILr. e s EL_ 'i I' :i i! Traot 'I -+--- Ii , Ii i . . r:J:'~(}j; .!IlQ .621_ ........ ------.------.--.-..---ii1J--~-~--..-; ____i___2!+9__,.__!.9!:'l0 , ' ,I I ;1 I 'I 1 II I , I' Ii 'i II i I'! <; -......---- .....------.----.-------- . ---i------f----+--t---J---------f------ Traot No. 716 ~24 I ' Ii ,I 270 I, 1230 II, ,!I : 'I "I I' -----..------.--------------------.-..---- ..ij--T---'-- ..-I----l,...---r------- 16 Ii No. 235 173 N. Glassell St. 13!J3 JA!lsng h.Ll'_~uLg-'-_____________.________~. o!oHerIryWalker 1145 E. Chapman -------...-13H1----_ :j --~--,,--,.._._-...-_..___._.._l !i I, 500" 720 II I jl" / :: Ii, - (' ) I '//r ([ ~, ii -I') ( C i-----r--. I' Ii ~ u LG7 I\.'\ In eMs Assessment Roll the JoUQwtnlj Abbreviations arB used for the words set opposlte to tllem: N,-North or No'Ulerly $-Dol1ars N. W.-Northwesterly S.-South 01' Southerly Cts:.-Cellts S. W,-Soutbwcstcrly g.-ElIst or Easterly Cor.-Corner N. E.-Northeasterly W.-West or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Southeasterly Ft.-Feet A\'e,-Avelluc Imp.-Im-provements No.-Number 'l'h.-Tbence Sub.-SubdivlsIOJI S. D. 11.-San BernardIno BaBe Rnd Meridian S(!(!,-Scction FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange I ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN A.GL~A."f,I.PRltmN~ MllJ ~"'o-t:llLlitIlKG-; 5-Ai-Ct'\.IflA TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFlCE ADDHESS , iI SAN BEHNAItDINO " l\'IERIDIAN I.----___~-----, I ~~-'--' '. 2 lJESCI\IPTION OF PROPERTY "~ 00 'il'"' ~::: L.ee i! ,g....~ "7t-::l 0 ~n'lil ~s&l B~ QU'l I-< _P Eo< 0 ~ o ~~ ~5 ~< z Value of Real Eslnlc Vnlue of Improve- menls Thereon $ $ Iq(~- .'_).Jl) Muenoh, Paul G. Personal Property _l.]J__ll_.__9l_1l,_!l.f3_~_lJ:___$:t.!.__.__._.______---,~_Tx.aQ.t_.NQ..._..6.21.._._.___......._........._...._._._.._.._____.______.___.+19__+_=-_. 13UG m~___""",__. .---+_3-4:.0._.,___.1.9-15_ " Muench, Paul G. 173 .N.._...G 1.assell._.S:t.._....._.......~.___._.__'ti_..Gao......li.~-1'.irie.._Home_Tl'...__. 13U? " -.-l-.9-,.A- ...,.,;..,.__...."-~:'_.._._--'_..._--+,- . _-675-_-5/+Q Muffelman, Wm. F. Personal Property _._.__.._.____.,__B.onni.e__Br.aa..T.l'..._.___._.__.___._____._....___...._.__.l....8..__.,..8. +-.-975 ...,..__..85Q 2LtO_.N.. ....Shaf.f_eLS.t.__.. tPilhQ .I,)..JC) Muffelman, W. F. .2lW._.N.....Shaf.f.eLSt....__ 13~~} .'.-----.---.t' :1 P..J...Shaffex_'s.Add ....S.6S..B.ft- :1 .....JI11-- I Ii il i, I " iI ' Ii ; -.......-.--l9/20,-A-. II i fB ..H .-...1,.--990- --+;,--- .315. .__:._.=L'Baach.!.a._Add_ Mu1vane, A.H.. J.62._SE....G.r.and...Bl.J.d._, .... ",_oj _1500_,_ _5/+0 " Gorona, Gal. 14~)o Traot No. 123 N -25 ft - ii II i! I! .1 ii 'I _I m' :i17 I .._..,,1,.. ..M1!!tlJIl.6.I'.t. ,..Al..:l..c.6. 4037 Arizona St., Ss.n Oiego, Cal. _____._.._._14ll1..____._____ 340 605 Mundell, G. C. 431 Marietta ___.____.1.10;L___._.______. Traot No. 491 :; II II :i I, Ii .... ..... .----;.:-;:~::~.~-r-o;:;;~--.r.. II !I 9 . " . il I , -----------.....-.-.'--,..---,-,-,----...-------.----~ .'...'-~--.--,...~._,-.. , -.-.-.."'-,...'-.~.__.-._----,-..--.--- ..-,-,-,.,4,,------.,-t.,-~.-- - ---;..'---".-f- --"...------U,----..,-,---.--- ..----,;~.--,-----,._--.- ii I i! ! I" r ,I I !' I' : h 7 I B I II el25 ,I II ' i I II ..' ..-.-..-- ..----..--......----.------....-.!I---+---,-. 1..---.+--.----1....---...... PersonalPl'opel'ty' ! 'I i II II I, 3~1 :- i II ; II . -+__'1 i I 4elO :1 'I 1100 ....-k----- .- -- -- MU1lo.ell, G.O, if 431 Murietta Ii Cosal't I B Add ...---.----.-1.4f.l.L--.-..-----..........--.---.-..-i- ....-.--....--.--..........-....-- :1 II .' ., '"._---~,.__._._--'-'ij-_._--' il 270 675 Munn, NOl'aet a1 2~.6 S. Grand St. . :: , .1 Ii II C. Z. Culver Home Tr. I Et 600 585 "'"""''-'''-<~';'''-'''';.,'''~-'',''C~'"''_""''"''''~''"~"'''"'''t''w' ' ~ 'I cf / '168 In this Assessment Roll tlae following AbbreviatiolJS are lUed lor the words set opposite to them: N.-N(lrtb or Northerly $-Doll:ars N, W.-NOl'thwl!$t,",rly Fl.-South or Southerly Ots.-Cents S, \'I.-Southwesterly f\.-gnst or 'Ensterly Cor.-Corner N. E.-Northeasterly W.-'West or Wcsterly St,-Strcet S. E.-Southenstcl"]Y ~~:=~i~~lbor ~h~~.A~~~~c ~~b:-M~L~li:f~~~lta S. D. M.-SUll Bernardlno BaBe and Ucddiall Sec,-Sectioll FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQI Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WHEN VNKNOWN, TO VI \\~9" .'- ,'";', ".i:Ii: ri:";'o'o; piINT'IN';ii~'Ii--ii'i)."xli-iH';;'i ItQ', 'SiKYA'.lii;': , , . H_'__' 'p ______ Ii' __~~C'~~O~~I I ' 2 SAN DERNAIlDINO l\'IERrorAN DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY "~ 00 .,,>-> o ~ ,;so ,go ~ 'ffi~..9 ~tl ~oJXt ,;~ oC/1 '"' _I"'" E-< 0 ~ o ffi ~ ~5 ~." p , Z Value of Real Estute Value of Improve. ments Thereun TAXPAYER'S NA~.JE AND POSTOFF'TCE ADDRESS $ $ L-HH Murphy. Bertha R. et a1 ._5J,.~._~_L G l<!"S3LeJ 1._.s:tL_.__..~ 1405 Personal Property ..', Mr fuJ... FL HQll i s t Ei.~.S S~'Q.________.____.__________..___,__+_~___.+.::______.~,.__._____-..~~.~_...,_____~22. 'I Murphy, E. B. oj ;, ii -7.1.2...'Nash.i.ng:t.olL_____.______..-IL.E.g,lrrLElaQL____.______________. Personal Proper~y " '11 - ..'t-.-""'-------'+--...'.--.---.-.'- ....-..j~'-..-- :12 .+.___7.2Lr__~72 900 1"U'.: :4 (>> : 233 W. Palm St. Arthur West Add . Pel.'.sQlla.l___I'.r.oP.eJ.:.ty ------.1-----.--.; ---- --. , ,- ;,_.MUr.phy.1_...Mar.gare_t_E....._______._-~..---.---..--- II E 3S ft - i!19 ii :i :20 " Ii Ii __..___n._...g,_.__-+-__~_.__,_____..~-- i i !I :1' Ii , 975' S55 I' i- 150 I"'~--'''-------'_. ..1402____.___________.. ...- .-------.--tt'.---. ....--.-----.-..j .-- , ' ..__.".t~'._,_,_..~.__m.M_ .. +~._- . '-'....---f;-.--.-'-----...-.--. ,..~!___,.._____"O" , " Myers, Irvin H. .' ;1 I! 257E. Maple St. !--... ---14.08. Myers, Mary A. 1605 S. IIGII St., . Nutwood Plaoe S !4- 4-50 14-$5 .. "'.. .....~_.._-, ~.- i: _ ________~-..--m-.-,-.L-,___...- Ii -..--Ij ._...._,___....'_..,___..~_..___m_._ ----..'..--i; Traot No. 545 :, !120 " " ., Ii . .....~. " Ii i' I' I] II I B 300 675 , 'i.li:!.l<8:Il8:. 8:.El..(JJ, 1;y'~ , , ! Kansas ...,- '.. '"t .'..---.---,----,"---- - '!j"--- ~ . H4 .Ii. ,:I '() ,J ~8,1!-Br-1ouiee Q. ().. Q Y'fc)bo,^, , 20511 Hydo at. .__......___.__..._..___~_!..L_...._.____.__........___. i 'San FranoioGo, Oal. . ,___C1.t..8:Pnl~.n_}'l' m .... .... .~E~=______________".. m__m___~!j.___, F_____.l~~__li----.2 7 30 --1----..... II II II 3.$3 2315' 540 .1 II jj i ;:!I " I', ,,!I ' [i Ii j , !!:! :: -..----- +.-----.----,.------..~-'- ...___._______~el's.~l1:~~I:l'.<?p.~r.~r. -~-..J-------!-..--+-----ji---,--.-~---.- iii, Weloh & Harrod's Add W~ - S 122.S5 ft -II 2 i - : I[i Ii 1315:,1 1350 II, III i iii ': I Ii I :: I I Ii II II ..-.--11" -:-'~r :-~-P~-;~--H~ l~'::~ er~--~~~.180Il~Ur9j)ElrtY-- ' --;---1.---'-t--.--II--1--;;--;--.1--~~5 ~ Ii I: Ii r, ----. --.---- -.---. I,. I ' "--~..,, ~""'".-- tl'! --.'.. _.,..'.~...~........'"'..._~,..,.~'~-.~.':..:."....=.=.=--~="-=-:.=.-' . "I" ,"' .., - "'" .,".' ''''''---:>;'''~'"'"''"-'--'-.~'''''1~'-'''''''''''C'',''',^,.'",?-'''-''~~~.'' -'"',.~;,,-,,-;.;;;,.::";_..'~i0"'~;t. II S 3.36 ac - SW~ - 1410 ] Myers Sarah M. :r----.-----OL..-.----..--.---. :1 527 .E. )llapleSt. II 1411 !i___My.l,:lJ~_,_Mary...Q...._et ~1_. '! 520 N. Gla~S~l~et. !I , ____._~.......L~:..~'~---~-~.i (;, :',;- !:: II 'I i! jl I' (;:.<<.0. ~'-' In tllis Assessment Roll tIle /ollowing AbbreviatiollS are used lor the words Bet opposite ta them: N.-NOI'th or Northerly $-Dollal'B N. W,-NorthweetcrJy S.-South o-t SO\ltllcrly Ch,-Cents S. "',-Southwesterly IC.-Ello!'it or Easterly Gor.-Gomer N, E.-Northeasterly W,-Wcst or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Sotltllcnsterl)' }o.~t.-l~ccl:- j.,Yc.-Al'cnue Irnp.-Improvements No.-Numbcr 'l'Il.-Thence Sllb.-Subdlvlslon S. D. !I.-San Dernardlr.o DIlGe nnll MCrllHllU Soee.-Scetloll FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange i ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN il,~ _.__.~ .. -- ---.--, -- ,... -'-'------' --.. A.G.nAoG(I,I'f<IHllllliAHlleOOXQIHtlUl-G.""HUAHA I ~ '!! ~ SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN r- - r----- . T- I! i' 1 " 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY "~ 00 '-H 1)" ~o ,;,go .!cl Cl) :..;l.;3 0 bJlt; i ~ gE:l ~~ ! oU1 J.. r.c:;..... i f-i 0 I ,-...,.".,'....! ,'.,.',.........!;,-, ~ o ~~ ~< z Value of Real Eslntc ' Value of Improve. ments Thereon TAXPAYER'S NAME AND I'OSTOFFICE ADDRESS i."'c' , , T I: Ii " " II II $ $ Jlt~ Myraole, A. C. IlfO W. Walnut -_._---~.- Personal Property C a.ul d we 11..-&....1li.t h er be.fL~LAdd...._~_5D.2. f t - ___~_____._L__,____,.___._-;-____.___+___.__.. I, "I , , Yf 100.2 ft *3/24i A 525 945 141:3 .MYX.<!-.9l.e_,_TQJlY_.E..... 322 W. Palm St. J4:14 . .:_._____________.____.._____._ J'J~],'_'~Q.l:lQ,Lf::r OP er:.iLJ~------t--... '"-~_.._,----_.--> I . ~___..'...._m'____"_----"..-...,,--,.__..~ , Longfellow Tr. 3 A 780 405 JLaah, __Ha=i.at._W.._Tr..._.__. Box 674, Hanford, Cal. _.___.__--14. 15 . Chapman Tr. S~ - NW~ - ,-.--..--.-.-.~-"'---,----.--.,~--".--L-,.---,.--"-..----...~lm..'-_...-oj.....---,-.---l--.____--~ ;1 Ii Ii 1113 !. F 5 3330 I. !I ., 'I . II : II i .--.-.- -..---.-. .-.-.- -...--...-.-...-..--.J-.-.-.--.,..- " ii , jl " , --""";r- -----_..-f_. , ..-....-.+.....-...-...-.....- Nash, Harriett W. Tr. Bex674, Hanfor.d.,_-<Jal...___._.... 141fi Personal Property Rundel's Sub Lots 23 to 45 ine i! i II i ... ..-..-...-.--..~_..---+-..--._---.-1:..... - -,]----.-----,-..--.---. . I I i. Jr., ! .: i I, __._m. J6.+- . _\: .._:,.J,5991:__.J..~g5_ II 'i 4800 10$0 -'------._-..,,'------_._-,._'- Neale, Ann M. i _JS5._S...Gl.assel.l St.. J417 :.., , !~ ._Cul:ve :r.HQj;gl.'l.'r.L Neel, A.J. ..l!l:_3..8..__P-ixl.ay_S.t..__. 1418 ____;._KQ.r.d.eJ:l__..Tr........ Personal Property' I. . :!, i: :[ ....... .........-..-.....--- ...-.-..-.-----..-.---....--._--!I;-lj.--i..A.--+.--~.-----l-~Q2CLt-._-- i ,', ,I , :i Personal Property,,! !, I' Ii ..____._.___.___._ .-..----..-LS---LL+- ..___iL__._~.__D20 -11, .._.33.15. I' : ' :'" I II ~ II :11 I' II II , !I ' I 'I II .1 11.l ~---: ~ - -.- -f- -- r- __lj.J,5__~___ -.- I,! Ii. II II I' I,. l-tl I, Ii'" n "- 'I : --Ti,~o, hi 7~5~ II !i II il Neely, 'N. G. -.12.6-S.--Glass.ell_-St..________...___Ll'lJ, e :],D-e._.'I'x'-_._____.. 1419 it IT Neely, '/'1m. G.. i1 ,. II " .1..2.iLS....--Gla~ae.1Ls.t.--....-._-.--.._--__t..'l'r.aQ-t.--No.--57J....-__._. ..___......._...___.__..._.._.._ 1420 ... i II I ~ -Ii ~r.a.!)LN_Q.-12~.. I! ~! II _....,<~,...,..,.._,.....-.-.......'........._.....-........jlI'....~.........'......."~...~~~".~,....'''.."'".....~..,,..._....~~...."_...~,..._,.~...~~,... ... -.-.,... ,~..,,= .... .. 'I ~.,._~._'""-,-,-,--- .., .om..." "....__..._.___""._.,~^";..;.,'"."."'"'"'".c-"'__.;..,..."_".,".".,,--m..""..,..~,~>,.,"",.~_~''',.,..,..' Neff, Ida M. ..lt03_.E. .__.ay:a.amo.r.a....S.t~_ Anaheim, Cal. 1!~'O In this Asse.s.sment Roll the Jollowlng Abbreviations are used for the words set opposite to thent.: N.-North or Northerly $-Dollars. N. W.-Northwesterly H.-South or Southerly Gta,-Ccnts S. W.-Sollthw€'sterly R-EIl8t or EAsterly Cor.-Corner N. E,-NorttloCasterly W.-Wcst or Wcsterly St,-Stl'ecl; S, E.-Southcmstel'J.)' Ft,-l,'cet AW1.-Al'euuc Jrnp.-Improvemcntll No.-Nurnber 'l'Jl.-'l'henee Bub.-Subdivislon S. D, !I.-Sail Bernardino Base and Mertuhm Sel!.-Scctioll FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQl Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN VNKNOWN, TO VI' 1'10 - ..- ,..., - ."'. ._------." --,_._~- -- -.....--,.- I~ _ A /'i nACC PRI-!I'nNG~mu;N':: UlnA-JlNA I I, " '! I 2 A I' 690. 925 I +------rr--..--.t----.-r--fi--- Ii I ii :1 i; " ;i: 1:;, Ii i Ii F !: --4--.----,-.j-~-._.,.._-.....:-.~--....~-.--<.:..--.---..--.-li..----.._______ i! I . !I' 270 : 9 j B 525 675 1:16 . II 300 675 ......---"-...,.........,...,---...-,,......-.-..,..........,.. ,,-, !.I..SA~~ERNARDl~~ ..... [I' 'I MERIDIAN ! U_~__.._.__~~ ! , .. o el~ ~1i p< z TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOli'FICE ADDRESS Value of Real Estnte DESCHIPTJON OF PROPEHTY 0, "6 ~..;l 0 ."- ,00:> 0"' " Eo< 0 .~ ,,g,s o J}~ ~t: ." ,;ji:> :1 ... ... ....~ ...il II !I ,I II II , " Nelson, Charles J. , . Personal Property II I, ..~jQ~E....~_W,_.ReJftQlt.~~~_____~___~~c.~"~.~.Tr ~,Q:LN 0 .._~L2__~_~_.__....__~.__~~~________\14 . ''''"'''~,'''C'.,__. $ 14~~1 232 N. Waverly 14;~;~ St. !-..N.e]"EiQQ._.L.ew.i.s...H...~_~__....._ 536 N. Glassell St. .~~-~~~...._-"f-~..~-_.~.~._-~~.~~~-_...~.~_.~....__I:'. e tJ'l.Qn1JJ p rQJ2.e.:!'E_ I , Geo. H. Pirie Home Tr. II All - (Ex 111 40 ft) Nesmith. Mary F. 176 s. Camoridge Personal Property Craddiok Home Tr. 9 675 Personal Property Neuhoff, Annie L. 567 Van Bibber St. Cottage Home Tr. 111 130 ft - L 1200 Neuhoff. Annie 567 E. Van Bibber St. JJ~~6 A 600 A. L. O. BibberlsResub Neville. Minnie 262 N. Pine St. Tract No. 202 8 810 900 Newcomb. Fred R. D. 1. Santa Ana st - Orange Oi ty G 3790 7 A . Newell. MaryE. 624 E. Almond St. Personal Property Co Bart I s Add Newman. C,. D, R. D. #1. Santa Ana Personal Property Meehan IS Resub S 100 ft - N 235 ft - Value of Improve. ments Thereon I,. 1:'41' 990 MO 1305. 1890 625 .,. .' ,. ". ." ..u" , n'~~",="""",'~"'_""'-=,,,"~_,,,~ ,"' ~'Al\IA'" '.~t.L In tMs Assessment Roll the jaUo1Viplg Abbreviations are used for tlte words set opposite to them: N,-NorUl or 1\orthcl'ly $-Dollars N.1,r.-Northwesterly fl.-South or Southerly ots.-Cents S. W,-S-outhwcsterly E.-Bllst 01' Easterly OOl'.-OOl'oer N. E.-Nortlle'lstllrly W.-West or Westerly St.-Stl'cet S, E.-BoutheastoCl'ly Ft.-Feet Ayc.-Avenue lmp.-Imptovcment9 NO.-Numller Th,-Thenee Bub.-Subdivislon S. D. lIL-Snn Bern:nrdlr~o Base nnd lleridlnn Soc,-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQt Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ~ ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO U^ }1 I :'-===;::C~p'illinltiGAljo ii.QOl'iflltlOIH!iI:SMiTAArIA ,_ ~' i ......1"".: I I' i: ".,_..__.'_.__m"~._.. TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY II.. ~~N ~~RNA~~INO ~ ;, MmuDIAN I ~_..._..u.._..__.__. , . " J~lr30 'I Ii --- ___W''''__'',"'_'''''''''__'_'''','''_''___' i1 Ii " ii Ii I ,I I' :1 Ii" Ii:, 'I I: i' :;p: ,a , , "-- aao ~r..;..L...-i~------rr-----11 --.:I~ I!: 'i ii Ii !,' il " ;' Ii.. .I, ii II j , ;i II .___~___j_ICQgl.eI..&_G.ai.geJ:~.JLA.QQ__.E...~fZ-l:L..::.._{..iniLall eyl--~----j-.--1f-.u-.-.-- ,; ,J I ",! II I,. . adj) !' 3 ! A 630 ~... i.e< ~ I ~ 00 : ~-B 0' tl(l::;l 'n..:l '1."'" ." g ~ I' ~~ ~ ~~ I (J) 0 : f-t 0 fl -"-""'-"""1' - ""'+'"""" o_'_'!I''''___''-' II ,I " I: II '" I, ~ ~! ~< z I .I! I 2 Vallie ,I of i! Real EstlllC II :' ,.,! I!$ Value of Improve- ments Thereon li$ Newman, Horace T. Personal Property ~_9:!JJE.LAlmQn.cLat._,."_"______~.__....~_L.B:e.a&h.'_li2u.A.dL__,,_____________.._______ , 14:.:>>t lQ}5 Nev~an, Horace T., L.5!1:3...E....A.lmoncLS:L............._.. 210 H..--- , I'}"') H.JI.ew.t.OQ, ...a.~..:r:'.:u_____ ..'uu._.__..._...._uu4.,_.._.. .....---.-.-..-._..__.._u___l'~.rMLIlal_pr.Qp,e.J:ty.._L__~_~J'"""-f-,,--u--i'- !" I' ,. , c. Z. Culver Home Tr. S 60 ft - (inc por-li I' il I: ,I ;:1 :: ,I Plaza lot adj) Ii B . - . 9601 1125 .u,.._u_..__S_.6.Q_LL=._,_..__.u_.,_...~19".+~_~_.._"L.-..~--_.6QQ--li ... ii I: .1 Personal Property ~ : II I' m._.._. LQl}.r;l,PllIJID..Tl'_LuJ:L !j.. /:!.9 . =_ J!Kt _:":.. _ _u.. . _. . _ __u u,+5_, __~j,_._ -.:c _ 4:.+__3J9Q--r-_....2.l5" I I ! , 23$ S. Orange st. , 'f~-'-"-- \I ~ ',. ,) .lL Lit);.; I .~",~ J.. ':i~)() i, , .....-'''-u---...lgLut=. " II ~ ! ii iI ii : - i' ii 'i ..,...'".....Q:r::.t:LI1Kf2.QA:J;.y___..__. ...----u-.-------1!12-JJL..J.-uL. -1!i.....?0Q-~,.-.J,.~-g,Q. ,. .!" I :! ',I ;' i: "I 'I Ii : ' ii If :i Personal property' I I' II I' I: II . 675 ,I: "I " ......_"...u_u..... ....u~.____u...._~.J:_]JL.~___~.._...t_._:L 225.,+...J:2_~Q I 2 ! II I, II 2"0 II " I] '; 0 i ~ :. I' il I" II I I Ii I. i! I il il ...u____.l'ElxsQna.l.l':r:QPEl;L'_ty "Ii....-- ..m..._..+_..u_"._~.""__ :i ii22 .. B Iii. .. 'I i i I: . I, , I 1 ' I; !: II 'I j(L.I,:'L:~.::) .....m-u-..-..--'--.-----..-....1-...~I-.---;-r.-1'---.. r- .,....,...."..-...."...,....,."~="~..~,,-,..,,... -- -', .."_".~II.,,~~.f!:~II!,,..-, !j-.,=,,=...=~:~ .m.._..'__.___,~<-.__._~....,~,_." ~ --- ""--,,~~._,,,~ ...,~.~~ ~~~-~- -- - - -"-~ --""",""",,,,,,,,,,~-..-,,,, ~"""'~"""~--"ry , , ' .f:lPOt1;1313ub .L 'I , i; t. " , Ii I ii u..li , I .~15,J.._..~~() . , Personal Property '! I ~_ggfj_.'iY.,.J'A~!!lY..:r:.~._._....__...._...._... II 11 II il Ii II tlUe J, !:lEl!h_Er..eiLHL.......___..__._.._.._ " ..~.-M..().Qc>y:ISuJ..(!.cl...".--"". :i if \I l4a7 1. 639 E. Palmyra Cosart I s Add s 70 ft - 550 925 i~ ii .. _u____.,,__._.... ..._.__.__"+______.__._..... I II Ii ............ ,.... ..r, .....,,'"..~""-'." "...",..,..."..... II ~ , ,;C";;, " '. - ",. 'CO" "",,~,'__;'-'.""C:C""__:''''-' ,:,~;;,~""~",,. ....,..'''c'~' "',_", .. """'~"'~""""'-"''''''"___''''''''''.-<.''' --"'<~ "h"'" .,,_..' ': ',_._ """""'.''''M,,_'',~"''"~"'"''j; ""In ~, t<.J In this Assessment Roll the Jollowtng Abbreviations are used lOT the words set opposite to them: N.-Nortllor N'o:,thcrly :$-Dollnra: N. W.-Northwestcrly H.-South or Southerly Cts,-Cents S. W,-Southwcsterly B.-Ellst or Eastcrly Oor.-Corner N. E.-Northcn~tcri)' W.-Weslor Westerly St.-Street S. E.-:Southenlltcrly Ft.-Feet An.-Avcnue Imp.-.Inl)lrOvcmcnts No.-1\:umucr 'rh.-1'l1enee Sub.-SubdivlslclJ\ S. n. M.-Snll Bernardino Base and Meridian Scc.-Bection FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU; Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNl 11'" .. ____m.._.'....=""""'" ,__"'_..,,____.....'__..'...~.m.. ....__....._____ . ...1.._~.n...GG Pflll'lTIHG-AtlDIliOOJ(IlHlllltlCl.IlA fA Ii.... TAXPAYER'S NA~m AND POSTOFFICE ADDIIESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ..~"..u...._____...,~ .. .'.-- ..----.~...----_.." SAN BEllNARDINO I 2 ~--- MERIDIAN ~ 0 Ii , ~ l:J Value Value of " . ~ :,g. -{1 i MIJ Improve. il 00 1'"5l-E.s: ~tl ~< of .~,., "" menls il 0 " I ~ g~ Ol~ z " RCCll EstClle Thercon " Ii lfJ 0 olfJ " , ;~ 0 :' ....'t....... ",__",,+,,0.'-,'"',. ';'" ,.-.h',,,,,_,~-,, """'-"',0- i ii$ li$ " , I' 'I I I, I " i il I -";-'~-.'CfP 1408 Nieweg, Martin, 265_N ,-Shi'1H.~...L_$..tL__________~_ Cot tj1,g.~._.H01!Le T r . l!;jB Personal Property ________________________-+_5__+::____+-_ [I ! 19~+_--2I?5-- Niles, Geo. L. -3-21__N..._.0.U:ll.Lllt.....___..______.______.i._A1:..:!Lh1lJ:._.J'Le!l1.. Ad,d L_______________..__ 1+10 'I ii J 1\ I I': !, :', ,! 0 i _; ; 000 I' MO ..-.-..-------.--ii-.J--.-,--------tr---.-t.-...-.L.--."",-.-.-.--.-.-..- Ii!:: , " 1 , Nommela, Agnes B. , Personal Property:, .. ~ l,. . I, ,,' , , 'I :' _1..i..ongi.eJJ.0J'LTL-_________.____________.__.__________l?_Z---;J\--...~---1r---~...~Qfi5.+---54Q-- _3f17__W...Maple_.S.t....._____ 14.1l Nordeen, Hortense L. _3Q6_B~.__Gatal1na._S.t._...,- .__.___ _"'_..___L_KQ:r~L('lJl'!':r.L__JL5.9_...Lt__=_____......_._.._.._._------- Los Angeles, Oal. 14-12 ii I' I' , 1 i ,. ': I i ',-;! "18 I B ii ' --t---j---"--r--.-"r-"'.-j--- , II il 220 j~5_ Ii i .........._____ ......._.__..__ ...___.._.J2_e.r.Sllnall'rQI:Hlr_ty__il____..J ..----+----*-----~------------ ....---- ,i · '115 ',A ~ i j! Ii Ii I Jj(;n~J!QllillJ)_rQLle..rtY--*-----~-----1 I, :i17 : B il18 \I " --:,- ...--------------- ....----- ...------..--------------II-.--~--.-,-r-------f_------+------- ~ 'i Personal Property I l ~O 6~_.._C1M5'g'St: .---1 ch.pm.:"-__st_~N'~ _ ._ __J7-1 E_ .~. .~ ::~OOOL'08Q " Ii' ' Personal property ~ !i _.NorJiaen, _.1onas",M.., 141 S. Grand St., 14.1a : P. J. Shaffer's Add j: , ji I: I " Ii i: I: ...,-~-_._(:...."_.-.. I: 1330 675 _NOl'.th.Qrosa,....L.enor.a. ..J...., ---I ....-,..-.----.---.-"'...tc.-- 11 1050 1050 1155 273 N. Center St. Bonnie Brae Tr. ________..1ilL______._ Nuffer, G. A., Nuffer,. Harry H., " , " ~ i:';" 5~1 Ji:.A1mond St., .. - fKOgler & Geiger's Add -..----,-"---.--.--,.------.,~~--"--------.------..-"T..--,-"...---.-----...-.'.---- ......-...-----,'---...-....,-,..-,------.,.--..-----,---.---".-'-.. II I _~----.-_.--_-..-----..--...-...-- ...._.u______ 'I Ii ....Ii ,.....................' "....""- , "'._" t E 47 ft - W 101 ft -\ 3 A 735 1060 , ..~-"_.,--,._,...,".". ,-~_..., ,---.-.-..~!-._...-'------'----.---;r------.--~. I".>" (' i J' "/ , (~i (' > if It . ..-I---T---".:- ....-.. ii-'-."-~------- !I I I .ji :~~=------'~'==:-- --l=l t ~-=l.==t~::i """';,;;"~',,;,,,.-,,~ ',- ,,-;,,,;"~_,~: ''''''''';'''';''''',''''F':'''''~"'''.:~.,;i'""c',,'''m '-";"'~';""";"""",'~"'''';c '~"";C",' ,',,,",,,,,;.," ,,,,,~,.- ';'" """"~""''''~' In this Assessmellt Roll tile lQ!lowing Abbreviations are used lor the tuords set opposite to them: t. \-.J"l! X-North or Northedy $-DoHnrs N. W.-Northwesterly U S.-Soulll(lr Southerly Ots,-Cenl!l S. W,-Southwcs.tcrly t E.-Rlut or Endedy Cor.-Corner N. E,-Northe.asterly W.-West or Westerly St.-Street S. E,-Southellstcl'ly Ft.-F(!.(lt Ave.-Avenue Imp.-Improvernellts I' ~ No,-Numboer 'fh.-'l'hcnce Sub.-SubdivtsiQIl I '; ttJ s. n. M,-Snn Dcnlardlno Base and Jicridian Sec,-SectlOll b,;:9':i(~G;';~"p'il iii';:'ltiii:i:ii'i)'a5o-iiQj'iili-ii-ic'. sAiiTA'AUA FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUl Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNI DESCRIPTION OF PROPEllTY Ii SAN BERNARDINO 11 :l MEIUDIAN r~-~------ ;' I:::+-' I.e oM 'I: O'~ i "5l-B g ~Drt 1.;:1..... Fl::S:::;;:: s::ou II Q 1-0 j;: 0- .er:.. '! ~ 0 ,olJ) _F' l' (/J I~ ~ ,', ..,,-I II ; Ii I 2 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND I'OSTOFFICE AIJDIlESS ~ o r;jW ~5 ~< z Value of Real Estate Value of Improve- ments Thereon LL1G Nunn, Mabel, Personal Property p.almY-r.a_...HQ.t.aL_______.__.__.__~._____u_t. _lluJ.~L.Hu:!ial.JL___HQj;-<1;LJ&L25~u26I,Lti-- !l---r-----.--~,---,-----.---~. _.-.-.~ "'if ' ' ;',' " ': II I ";: ' in (Ex S 50 ft - VI 132 ft & S 4 ft - Ii' '., E 132 H) :i _ I- I 10330 1755 2520 ._1117 .._~_.._.l_>.___._.._,.____,________.__...,_~_.____'_.._._._-0 -------- ---------~-n-.-.--- r.---.'---'-.-.."------t:~..---"--...--,,..--'------- Nunn, Ma.bel, Palmyra Hot el Chapman Tr. N 64 ft - El - E.~ - SE~- 4 G 810 540 .....14:18__.. ...__,__'...__.._"' _____.______..._,..___...._m__'_____.____.-.....___m__._.__,___.-1.i __....._.__l,' ,____ __..,'____......".---.....-,1, ..---.-----~._---'-----:r._----.-------.--'--- "-- :1 ' Ii ! Personal Property i: , j! I III : A I' 11 I . .__ _~..___._.._..._. ......_._._.._...__... . ..._...__._._._..___._..u__..___.__.___ . ___._._~__.___..._+_.. ....!-- -----------r II I' I I! ! 'I 1 !.' C i il : I I: ! ' Ii .. .__,_._,___,,_,......_,_ 't-------,.-----".-- ,...--.,.,-,.-...-,----'"---....--.'- ,.----.,.-,-~-".,-.----...,------,--,-,..,~,-._..-.._-,..---. . ...." -..,.-~,------,-_...-------1..---._..~i-.--.--,-..,-..--n.-~, _.M' -....n'-.-->------'..- .__.__.~+"_',.._m_.. ii, Ii ,I 1 II ;! I ,i II I Ii ~I! ): 'I i ..............J'EJ:rs_()I}EJJl'rg.P_EJ:riy_._~', ....---.....,1, _ ... n'__J~____~________+____ ~, I: Ii i 1[15 I B i. I 990 2970 , I' 1:16 II 990 ,I " , Tract Nc. 545 N 50 ft - 150 840 Nuslein, Frank Jr., 483 S. Pixley st., ______14:l!J. , -'.~---~--.-.'.JT".-- I! i~ ------'-...tt.-.."------- --..--~.",._...--., " Nystrom, H. et al., Q/o Ouae. Lundblade _9;J,;J,,_W.L4lst .Dr., . SpoH s Villa'!'r. E 56 ft - 1015 915 1,os Angeles, Cal. 14fjt) Ql''>!3r, Qhadea Ii'"~ .. 2lt5 S. Lemon St. Beach I 8 Add II 675 1'51.. n_U______ ~')------ -*-- Oehlke, Juliana ,i Personal Property :1 I 118 I !I ,..m.__..,__'__'__ ,..-,_.'._,__"...___m_________ ,_. ,.. ..,.______._._._..__". ---'''--"-''--- ...,..-- _.."',.---,,- ..-lr Ii Ii ~ . '"eloh & Harrod's Resub W 162 ft - il2 :n . (II 810 I 225 II :' i'l 'I I II I :1 - _______n_________________ --n-nmt--t----+----t---+----- r---- Personal Property i Orange City H 1080 355 3375 Ober, Cha.rles F., 245 S. Lemon .St. __..__.____-1452__________ ..-------r------ !i ~ I " 323 N. Pine .St. ! 'I lIi15? . il -'.___,_..___.._,.__~__!.L_____~__._._____,_.__.____t_,._-----,------,-,..-'. II !i NWa. - NE~ - SE~ - (Ex RRs & lot 90 x 300 I I ,. II T ___n____.__.uin.J1K_Qo..rL__~___________u_f" L.rl L-r---9-tl'l .s-~7-~-:-7-23_p- ,_ _ 6_3.Q T- l,..~\f,", 1(" I 'ii I I' I 0___+_ 00 U 00 ---tt+~1-=t== '.'1r -+------.--r-------- o I Connell, Thomas 406 W. La Veta St. ,.,-_..~...^.,~---_._._--'----.-._--- .' '~"--C'--'C__"" :."--,-;:-,_. :__:':L"..~,~'- "''..---------c",---.."-''''''''''.-.,,"-'-~__,...,--~' .....-- -"211 )~ lIt this Assessment Roll tlae following Abbreviations are used for the words set opposite to them: X.-Nortli or Northerly $-Dollars N. W.-Northwesterly S.-South or Southerly <Jh,-Cents S. W.-Southwestcrly E,-rlnst or Easterly Oor,-Corner N. E.-NorthcRsterly W.-\Vell.t or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Southellstcl'Ly l,'t.-Fcct Ave.-Avenue Imp.-ImprovcmcntB No.-Nlllnber 'fh.-'fllcncc Sub.-Subdivlsioll S. B. M,-San Bernardino Dase Rnd Meridian Sec,-Sectlolt FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU, Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN. )1J , III SAN BEIlNARDINO. ii I _~_~E.nIDIAN ___,_. 1.:,(l.i1....(lCi.fllUlTln~AllllSoOKIlINDING.SAHr.o.-^UI. TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCIUPTION 011 PROPEHTY =+-' .go ~' 00 : "5l-5 0 'ZH : [;!::lgj ~ l:: !~~ ~ , _..' """""--''''['''' ~1il J~ ~ o ~~ ~< :z; ': I 2 Vulue Vulue of of Improve. menLs Rool ESlule Thereon ii,',"" !:$ !i$ .-',..,0 Ii Ii i: II " " if Ii ."..j,.-c-- 1.15-1 Oleson, L. A., II ': I Ijn _lJf)f) ________________ ....--.-+------------- , ..-----.---..--.----.-.-.---.-.----.--.-.-..-.---.--.-.-.-.-.. -.-..-.--+--..--. ,. h " ".-----..f'.-.-..-..-.."''''"'"-.-....-.. 011 ver Margaret E. et al, Personal Property It It :119 A l 'i20 : 11 ) ..--.-,---...".----..-.."-.,-,---.--.-'.--- ....~-~-,..---.,--,-----tf-':-.-----+-_..-..---+-. -'--"."'-"'-'''- ,I I il ' ii 9 ,B ) ho It ) '1 ) :1 " il : .. ..-.---..-,~_..- -,-..,--..------."..------.-.-'.-.-'.------...-',"- ,......'"'-t--~,.__...--.-t.,-."" -,.~--j-.,-..-.,.,-"-i+----..-- . ---.,+ ;1 Personal Property 3510 10500 Sunshine Apt. Davis Tr. S 90 ft 11 It ~------- ------'i--lfo~ :1 2145: 1440 'I ., .. ....-....--.,..-------,--,- ,._--,-_._--~------_._--,..--_.~------'-----'--"- 11 S 55 ft - 1456 ...._,,-~..._.,",._.-., , , -'.~------_._.-.,---"- OINeal, B. c. , 629 w. La Veta il'~ '''-1 ..J...:JLal Traot No. 545 3 B Ii I, " ....m'_..~...___'.,__-.--_ , 300 520 Orange Co. Frui t Exohange ..,.,.._..,___....,:;.".u_ ..---.-..-----.---,-...,-......-.-~_...."---...,....-'.---.----...._---,---- ...'m'__.""_"...____...._._._....__.___'__,__~"_m "'~-"-'''lf.-'. ..._,---\ 1 Personal Property [, I' 'I 2 : F P er so~:~--;~-~~:~-~; ...-,r " II :!19 F } I : 11 It __,120' It , ..--.--.-..--~"'_.--'-_...-_._-_..._~----.--'-._-.----~---.-....--------..---.--.,,--'--.~-.-~-.~.~-----..'.--'T---.-...--r~'-,.. -'~"- ....-'--t~...- 'I ' !i I' I: !! II II 11 !II ii 'i __________ 1-2.- H~J:L-Tl---4 ___ 2 2 ~Q-- l------ ~ 75 11 I, I" :,1' I ! I ~ ~ 1:' ~( Personal Property II" I!, :1 II, I," 1350 ,I i 1" : (. 4 13,c:J-=-J'{l-:::_SlIIL:::-J~-=RR,L~-lJ:.---Uil (L--t-_- +-~-~-C:1---?2~Q..'~:11 00_ 5 Ii li.I'11.> .')1 '.1 , ! 11 1" ii Ii l' " +---~-- ,i Ii II I .. I I:' -- ~.i0;Wt.I,.:,~"..="..i.. - h.,.~-....,.-,. .....~.I~.;~)i"C;-i;~+i...............ihl . -~----- ._,....(~'_..,_.~~ Orange Bldg. & Loan Asen., i 3 Plaza Square. .: Orange 01 ty S 32.5 ft - W ~ - 1710 3240 1___...__,_... . 1', ........ :liJl3 .,_..,---_.+---,--------'-, I I I I .'--11-.'-1: .._..----,_._._.~_..-.\.._- i P. O. Box 277 Orange Oi ty S 40 ft - W 50 ft - 5100 7500 I r----.---.-..---~.-..--.,----....-_...,---.--.._---.-- i 14b~) .-'--'~T'---~---.l-...-~----~ I: [: I' , II 1\.Q&JL_JI'---liQ,gSl!.L_________.....~____+_ 0 :i:l'l,l.lIDl_Q HY ~ 1.'A'n Ii lo,=g, IO:~'~Old stO'", CO.. 1 ~_..Q1:~l}~ ------------:..:----J.:. _QlI.JtJllilll-IL.Tl'_______~_1..?9 II il " ..I!, !: IT 1 Ii ,I I Orange Fireman Mut. Ass'n"., "',''',...(~=''"'.,..'''='''.-'-'"~='''''''''',,='",o'''''''L'._\'''"','''"',''=''''''''"'=="""""""""'_ ""","-,=""""",,,==,,-,~,,,,,,.,,.-,,,,"~ , "^"~';"'~~",""H'""_"~"U ,~~_,,"...",_..___.__.. "_._..~'*......~,,,""_.. -...__,~".".._.,. In tMs Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations are used for tile words set opposite to them: (- N.-North or N{}rther]y $-I>ollara N. \Y.-Northwesterly .l. S.-South or Southerly Cts:.-C-ents S. W.-Southw('sterly E.-Ellst or Ensterly Cor,-Corner N. E,-Northenstcrly 'la.' ~ W.-'Weat or Westerly St,-Strcet S. E.-Southensterly ~...." :b't.-Feet A\'c.-Avenue Imp.-hnprOl'cmcnts -~ / NO.-Number Th.-Thence SulJ,-SuhclivlBloll ) 15 s. D, U.-Snn Bernardino Dase am] !ferlcllao Sec,-Scctiol:l FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN 2 . .......m' .._'. ,..._".,......' ."._"" A.G..fLAGG.PRJhlTlNGA!i!UUlOKIUhlDIIlG,SAUTAA"A TAXPAYEH'S NAME AND I'OSTOF'l'ICE ADDHESS DESCRIPTION OIl PROPERTY :,1 IV-- II Ii SAN BERNAUDINO L__~~EmDIAN .__,,~ I ... o ~~ ~< Z Value of Improvc- ments Thcreon Value of Real Eslalc "~ 00 .0....:1 o H ,);0 ,8' ~ "".;1 0 1Il:l..:l ~ 0'" oU> " "" 0 ~/J1il . " .2fS 1 ~H}J Orange Mutual Citrus ABsln., Personal Property , I JlQ~_Ll:5.'____________________________;r __12-~acJ1I_~_jI,g!L______JL~_Z:_:LL_::.J...9_t~Lt,_~_-2;__l_____i--=----'- l2..___j____J.'. ____*____J,_llL~--_------ I, 11,;j '; _ ' II All - (Ex N 21. is ft - E 110 ft)i 4 I II . !: ., II ---------- II 340 II II ,_J,J,~]5_ II II 340 II ;20 II 600 ) I -~ ,. '" ~ ... __~_:1b~_____ Orr, N. Personal Property .-....-...-.----.-----..--.;1.-.-.-.---,-.---..---------.~.- ..... -.-'1.-. , I! ~ ,I II 2 ------.-.--..-.-.. .--.-.------..-.-.----. ..-.-.l- il , h2 IA t'i i , , - ---------- . ----+- ,I' ! I, i ii 5 !- Ii ! I I I. , ---------.-~---"--..,,.---..~---.. ..m_.~...'__..__,..'_'''_ "_.....u.._.._...~.._'...____ - -~ ~~ - -~ -- - _.u ~~ "'1~'- ........--(1'- --..-.--.--.-'--.-'- ......,"-1-..- I' I I is : D , !! I' ~! i " I I, I ...-------~- .-.~----I._-----'-+.-._".'---'"1---..-.~.. .~_..--'.~tr'-----..--_. -T-----'--- 1 <.HJ"" II I ' : I paCifiCE~:eO::iC Land Co., I.i II I ' Ii I' :i j' I I 'I ::: :~~:;,:~~~--- ---rh~::~ :~~~:::t:~ N;~x ':"~o ~~~ :R o:~:;' ;~-I;;- ~ ii 3: ,i-3235T- l4h7 II It i 1:1 q I! I ; Ii :.1 !..' II ' ' i' 'I 'I m_._._ ..-'-..,---..".---..-.-.----- "'"--"'---'-"--'-""''''''''''--' ---..--.-.*--.,,-.-.--t-..--...---~-----..l!..-~--_.-..--.r----.----'--'1~----.--- II 7 I B ' I: Ii 375 il 450 ~i ::: I . I i' I , , 'I ---- I -t~1--!---r+ l'l~"" -------=:==--- ..4; .---....---.--1'-...------.'----'--'-'-..---'.- s. , 713 E. Palmyra .____.________l::lbd_________ Palm Place ._.._.._'!.._.._._~._--_....,-'----'--_.._.- Osmun, Geo. E., Personal Property .593N.Glassell St. ______JAbA_______ .n I' Therma1itaTr. t! ')1 .. _,"__'__'__'''_''__''__'__.'_..._~.._m_'j!'__''_ , Owen, Annie E. 601 E. Almond St. il Traot No. 40 ....LHiS_. Pacholke, Paul W., I I-' 365 N. Pine St., Welch & Harrod IS Resub Santa Ana Cal. ____~~___l.__...__.___._^__.,____~,_~__~_____. ....,--U'----,r- _Xi:l..Q~ aBL Mary.Jiu.________________L__.________ ;1 Ii Jameson Tr. ~ R. D~ 1, ;H 11 'I II -r------------.-- 11 " Ii 'H___~_H:-'-~.. r-.-- ....___ 675 610 "-'''---'-rr'--''''-~' 1275 900 ...11-- . _._,,_.._,1\_._.___"_..__,","_. I --if-.----.. 750 765 640 360 In tMs Assessment Roll the }ollo!uing Abbreviation.s are used lor the words set opposite to them: N,-N(lrth or Northerly $-Dollllrs N. W,-NorthwesterJy S.-South or Southerly Cts,-Cents S. W.-Sollthwesterly E.-Bast or F.nstcrly Cor.-Corner N. E.-Northeasterly .. \~f r.; \Y.-West or Wederly St,-Strcet S. E,-Soutlleastel'iy L G -.JI Ft.-Feet A,'c.-A\'enue lmp.-ImprovemeJlh: / No.-NlImber Th.-Thence Sub.-Su1J(]h'lslon ,.)J__~.__.~~.~'_ ~_r:.=~~.~.~.~rLlnrdlllO Bilge And J,Jericlll.ln Sec.-Section A..G.FlA(,iG.PRUUlHGAtUIDOO!lB1HDJIHi.S....U'...AHA .~. FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange I ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN 11 SAN BERNARDINO !:.. MEllIOIAN ',.. _"___1 0 ~~ ~tl 1j< , Z Ii 1!" II :1 I, I ., ._~9L~ '----..----.--.-------------r.~~aq.h~~-~~Q-~~-;~-~::~- ~;~:i:~l~--:-~~-- ft )- ii :--T~-r-t- II .1110 ~--- i' Ii ' , Ii 11 .1 Ii ,I I 2 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND I'OSTOFFICE ADDRESS - DESCHII'TION OF PROPERTY "~ 00 'E""' tX~ i;E~~ ~+-' 11+-,0 btl<ll i =..... = ~ i ~ olXl . I':I~ ,. om k ,~ ! E-'I O! Value , of "Real Estate I Value of Improve- ments Thereon ._""",'.''^_" II ..--- ,_. ..'-.-...-.--.....--Ij :, 'i "''-'-''",0.-__.; .'-"""'--jl' !I$ " " II . ...+. II~ !!i' , I J461. Orange Mutual Citrus Assln., Personal Property II '17 I' (; !lS !" ': ..-...--......----...--.--1----..r----.,.......--1-..... ]i19 'II I' II .' 340 i: __~_..__.3Jr9_.. 'i-.nItI5 . 340 600 ) I' II ......-.....-.....-....--..--.-.--h..---.-...-..-.......--.-....-.-........--.-.--..-- II II , ,20 II E. , , '.' !i -.-----..,--------,.-.-,..--,. .....----+-~ -----..,----~---..-.---..----.,-..-.,.--...-'"---,-,...-.....- .....-.,-.-------.----..--.---.--.,.-,..------.---.-4------4---'-~---.4L.-- I i' Ii , I Ii 2 I - I . J I!! !, I:' I !! ! i !i ,,- ---.~~--,'--...---- .."1\..--.-..,--~.--..~- . --,....,----.- --------..,..-...---.....,-- ..._..~_.~..__~___._.__..."_..'m_.'__,______....._.._____ ..-~.jJ.--.-.-----r-----..--t___---.-.,ir-,-- I: I ' !I ~ ' :1 I': !i ! , I' 11'12 iA .. 1275 !, I ; :: i! II I ! I!:' ,: ...........-....------.-.--~- ....---- .. ......................- ...-..--......-... ".'.' ....------- -..-----~---I.-----1----~---.-tr--_.--+------ 'I' Ii - II d , : Ii ii Ii ! : II ii -- ......-......-- . ...-l---..-j-.---r--t-----:[--.-.--...-.+-..-...-- ,I i I Ii I: I ii ~i , ~i ' Palm Place Personal Property -..'1---- Ii Ii II ---+-.------ l~U)) .._-_.._~...."''---_. Orr, N. S., 713 E. Palmyra _____...._l:lbl1 675 610 Osmun, Geo. I ,.. i! ,.--'".~ti_.-,-~-,.-..--f~---.._.-----..._- , , , Personal Property 593N. Glassell St. J J h-.t __..__~__,____._~__"_____.c;.._::t _____,___ "il II Thermal i taTr . 1! 900 Owen, Annie E. 601 E. Almond St. .... .l.Hi{j Tract No. 40 5 750 765 14bti I: ! D " Iii i I' I' i.. .-- . ----..-rL-i-t-i1- 11:1 1" i Ii II :1 . I; i ' P 'I :' ...---.-..-111, _.QQ~.2Ill.IJ!l~..'I'_r! ....-~~~.. :....l1l,...l}'~Tlf!;-!..:-l-.-_g.Y.p..!'(lJl.i----j---j--..-l.---~----~+----. tl St. prolongated (Ex S ~50 ac & RR r/w) ii 4 I G ; Ii 3.1~ 3235i . !i' I: i! I ',I I , "'-i-~------ 375 ,I 450 i Ii ~ , " Welch & Harrod 's Resub S 640 360 Pacholke, Paul 'N., 365 N. Pine St., Santa Ana Cal. _...._.._~-_.,----,~._-,_.._--_.._,--- ~~.._----,-,--------,---,------ Pacific Electric Land Co., .7 seU~.!...E_._.E3.!_qg.!.L_____ Los Angeles, Cal. J4b7 I; ii ..E.~diaEl.,_M_<gy'_ G LL__.__.'__~._:-,__~_~.,_____.__,...,_____ ii R. D~ 1, ii Jameson Tr. " !i I! ~ r------------ -II ,! II ,.~..................,.."..'..F i' ...f........-.......-.. i< : . ---'-~.-r:-._-.."'-----r-- .....-+... , .__"!:'_____....,l~,_.. 'i 7 : B ti t Ii III il : i' ljt ( ---.--.---------------..--- ....1--- -T--r-.:I -~- .'.....,.....,,,...~..._'"~'.,..=. ,.,.,......~.........'".....,..,.,...,....,.,......,... _.... .~. ..,.~_..=+_....~==- ! _ --- .._---.--_.. --~-'.I.__.~j... .........'-.r- , i ,i -:~ ((J .---,--.".....--- '~'lj!! ",w :1 In this Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations are used lor tnewords set opposite to them: K.-Nol'lh or Korthllrl}' $-Dollars N, W.-Nortbwesterly S,-Soutb or Southerly Cts,-Cents S. W.-Sout1l\vestcrly E.-E~lst or Easterly Oor,-Corner N, E,-Northcastcrly W.-West or \Vellterly St.-Street s. E.-SouthenstC!dy ~~~~:I~ber ~b~.-;-Iql~~nc~e k~g:-~~Cil1;is~~lts S. D, J\[,-Sun Bernardirlo Basc and Meridian Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOA\W OF EQU, Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN, ll~ K~ (;'.~ii-~(i ~'PHi H'1~~iiij';':H ii'iiiio'iiii'IHiiitG', il-Ai.tiA.-I:H';. -- .....,'..'-.." Ii " 11 II SAN BERNARDINO " MERIDIAN I 2 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY i: Ii =.... Ii '€~ I; ~,... iU)O i1 .. .. .. HI: I ., " " !I I i:a- ~ 'mil 0 '. "~ I~ o~ IoU) ,.., I~ 0 !~ ... 00. .. .2~ ~ o ~l(j ~~ D~ Z Value of Renl EstaLc Value of Improve- ments Thereon Ii '.'''-' -"- '1"'-" IJh8 Padias, Mary G., cb_J.!.J:'~~_.:!~_!~_ Vo~_el, 14-6 S. Jameson l" .a ..4hJ .Pah.J.<:tl!.:I. eht ~L.Ival-'_________....:____.L_____._____._____.____R.er_~_onal J"roper~x_-!-__.~____~___.L j: :1 . ' , 352 N. Shaffer St. 'j David Oole's Subl6 '- -r-------....--.-. ['10 I I' II I I ,. 1: ....-j. , '375 315 -1__---+-____ Jameson Tr. B ii ..----.--.f--------+r-..- 7S0, -2T(J" SlO J~f,U I j -.E. aino_,_ Thr eJ'l.!L---.------------.----r-..-------------.----.------__....l'iJ] son~.L PrOD e rt 1-.--t----r---+-:----.!'.----.-t---75 154- S. Center P. J. ShafferlsAdd ;i6 i A, :, Ii 124-5: 540 J~r, 1. f i Ii J' all'1!~:J:'_,_Jr al!lL__..___.____~______.__~._.______ _._______.J'_~r s.CJ_l!.aLP.!:.opert.y__' --.-i--.-+--...L i I I P. J. Sllaffer'sAdd N55ft- 119/10: A ' _\.11 ]1 i I' i'[: " I' " ' : ' 'i ,: 'i .. J?_aJ.m.e.r_,~J..--.LA..,_____ ._____.__.____~----.--.--.-----.--...---.-,--E.e.r-SQ1).aULo.pJ:lJ:..ty--if----~----i..---.~--.--;,-------~--- . ii!' ,'. ! TnermaLL te. Tr. Ii 7 A 1125 1620 :1 I II' . , : II , I ' I' I- :i I' ' , "F !1 :1 i : Ii:: :! --1..--:.... .._.._____....._...____..____._~~rl'lQnal_:p.:J:'Qllg.tY_._~---L-.-."---.l.-----+-------+--- II i I:!I 6 ,I 4 167 S. cambrridge W. B. Forsythls Sub Ii 10 A ,! If 75 ,: 5 0 1414 ',' I:' i:1 'i I!: : Iii Lar..~cte.s,_.A1ll.etl.....M.._,_________._T-----------.-----------------.--.-.-.-i--.+--------i----+----f-.--- 411') N. oypress I Geo. H. Pirie Home Tr. II 19 I A 1, .' 525 ,] 180 ,I ' " , II 3! B 525 ,I 11 L~r);::, II: " ii ---~--------~ ----~ _~h-_ -------- -- - --------_. -- --- --~ ~----------~ - - - ---- ----&~- --j --- - ~--- ---l!-~."-_.-'"tr---"--'""'--"-'-t" .------~..-,."- I! ii I I' peraonal Property il. ,j . '; :i ~ 909 E. Chapman I! Traot No. 219 __._______~Lri6 _' II , 2' II --.-....----.--------jr--.--.---...--.-----..-- .-..-..-..------.---.----.....--..--- .. ..--. ..----..j-.-- --.j-.=--.....-.tf..-..- 1M S. Center " I . ____~--------L--_.....--..-.... I: ,! 1155 1035 Ill''''.) :t.it-./ 553 N. Glassell St. 1.,''''.' , ~i';)l __~ anD5lJ,h..J.I!ll!&ll.1. 1M Parker,elIas.S., 1 2295 " 216, I d !' C;I ,_...1.2.9_Q_.+_____ .2_S't..NL_C'u.as s ~n " :1 Ii Ii il'.." ,. I' I 1.. i,.,va,":'" ,,"------ -H--;--1-1-5'5-i-- " 6 I - i , 'I h65' 900 i \ I~ i' I", ~ ('; "' '-J I . r'- ..-~,. '.'- .. _1:"_' ,,,,- ..~"'-.._-"..,~~..._' ~."-."."=_~.... . .'-. .....-,.... "._,,__..c...-,~__"~"_- ' . "='jl",,_..+-..+.-...=, I .. . ." ,. ... , - ... .. .. --..- . - .-- -..- ..,. .. ,-, ,l-.. -r-- Parker ,Jennie E" V~!\7 )11 lntltis Asse.s.sment Roll tI,e following AbbreviatioTlS are used for the wards set opposite to them: N.-North or l'iorth,ed)' $-Dollnrs: N, W,-Northwesterly S.-South or Southerly Cts,-Cents S, W.-Southwesterly F..-Ell~t or EARle-rly Cor.-Corner N. E.-Nortllem;tcrIJ' W.-West or Westerly St,-Street S, E.-S()uthenster]~' l.'t.-I,'eet Avc.-A\1ctlue Imp.-Impro'o'cmCllts NO.-Kumber Th.-Thence Sub.-Subllivision S, D, :.\I.-Sun Bernardino Base und Meridian Sec.-Sectiol1 ;,.. FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQT Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO U^ ..,,,......,......--..=,-'---..,,' '.'-..",-,. 'i,-- _A.!,;,g.....oIi, PRltUltl~^lll) flOllKlllWUIlG.SAItH.A"'" I -Ii " " - r:--' ~A~ ~ER~AR]HNO. '\1 ~MElIlI)JAN 11 ' J:l+-' !.e- ~ '3:5 '11g.9 ~~ u ~olXl 1Ilj3:: J::::: .. oC/) J.i ,~ lr-c 0, "--~'__o,l .."....,"o,""i ""f'-"'" li$ " Ii :1 I 2 TAXI'AYEH'S NAME AND J'OSTOFFICE ADDHI\SS ~ o ~~ ~..t, I Z Value of '~Renl Eslntc i DESCHIPTlON OF PROPIIHTY II II , I', ,.~~ ~'''t' I' il II ii .. ii I , 1 , , i: .l~l","? Parker, Oleta E. , :1 !i i' II, :, 0 ' il 5-: F !,l', ~ -+--,,-.--,--+-==-+ ,I 1 ; iJ " i 11 i ,! II, II i' 5 ,I Ii l i I: H I' I : i' Ii 5730 3245 Personal Property _lL....Jl._JAl., NE.i - ""--..----.--- 'Chat>m~IL Tr. II s-k - N'ivt - 14 it) Value of Improve- ments Thereon " cu.,.-,_"". i], II 'I , 675 _Ear.kinaoIL,_\V..._..R._., _.._ :! , t.------t!---'--..- Los Angeles, Cal. ----.------ ....liL~l________,____.________i_____._________________------------------+---<--------L-.--l--___+______ II: I:'; i,j Parks, Rex A. i Personal Property ii i ~ ,i 'I II " :; !i 34 , iI , Ii i i'i -----.---..J~ibitL----------------,--------_..._________-------------------------I---i------+-----r- !i I :I!: Personal Property i!' !' II II I tr 'I Ii i 'i:l :' lj.iohland Farm Lots W 4.05 ao - N~ - t 25 i 4.05, 3645 , ij i !, ---,--JL],f'?3...11_.:-____-"-_________ii-_~---.:----.+------9.$_ ,'" " ..----~_.-----.-._---~.--._----,.,-..--,---..--~,..---..---..-~-._-_._-'-------'"'.------~~-----.-+--,-+.----.----r- " I, i! I H 3 I D , i: ;: 750 E. 25th St., Geo. Aohison1s Sub 600 165 N. Cleveland Henry Grote's Add 1110 Parks, W. W. & Eliza J., 712W. Palm II "'..----..-...,.---..-..-,-----..-..........-----.---------,----. 900 _I l:it;l Parmenter, Lester S. A. L. C. Bib'ber's Resub 3 A 750 ------.--....._....._li~,2__ 810 1170 RQ 1170 -r----- --- --..... .....,-----'----'-",'-,.'.,-,---, -- .--""'~..---..---'----_.._---.--..,-.,'--,-..--,-,--..~-.--, --...-..-., -'-....---'-..t------..-...j--.- " " -----f--.--+--- ..---........--..---.--- Parrott, Frank, ~.ll S. Pixley IlK') , '"--,-~----~~-----.-~----,.~----.'i-----,-,.---~-.--.----- *3/25' A (I .___.._.._._..._______._____+_.__.....L___ 1 Personal Property H ii 43 1125 W 4Lt ft Traot No. 9+5 250 315. Parsons, Abraham G. ..~~r.---._tm.._----t__.-----..,--- !i 251t N. Grand st. !,1T. M. Shadel' a 3rd Add ------1~8i_-----.------.---J-------_-------------------_.. I, Pa.r aCns,.A.. . G., ~ 254 N. GrCl,ndSt, I: DEWi $ Tr. --_______J 4K;i I: .,..---.-----.-.--- --1/-- ii Jj ii i: 1890 , ...' .--~-- -,.-.,-4..---,~iL.---.-.- , , ..j~,_-_,_,--.,_-..-_l____~ i! I' ::j ,I ._._'__'_.___,,' ..-_~_.__~...._.~_.4.:..-----.-"-,-_ m+___._,.~__,____~~, " it, A 1425 13 il " I: !I -_.__._-~-------,_.._--------,-_._--~_.._--------_._-,.__._..~-- II II Ie .i1 ii" II T..M. Shadel' a Add ,II ! ,i ,} II j " , ~--~ I ,I I 1,', i Ii , Ii Parsons ,F .W., .. Personal Property !' 207 N. Glasae.ll. st., 2 2775 l 2625_+ " :) I! " :i " W 100 ft l' II -_._-----_._---~-_._.- =='J"". - =-- '" 675 1+275 \ \ ,.!!?! <, - -tla'~ .LtCJ ~ In. this A.ssessment Roll the following Abbreviati<ms are used for the ioords set opposite to them: N.-North or Korfherly $-Dollnrs 1':. W.-Northwesterly S,-South or Southerly Cts.-Cents 8. W.-Southwesterly E.-Enst or F.nsterly Cor.-Comer N. E.-Northeasterlv W,-West or 'Westerly St.-Str.eet S, E.-Southcusterly Ft.-Peet Ave,-Avenuc Imp.-JII1]lro\'cmcnts Ro.-Numher Th.-Tlwncc Sub.-Sublltvision 8. B. 1I1,-Sl1n Derl1lmllno Buse and Mel'id:lun See.-Sed[oll FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO U, '1~ -'i~-' .';'::ll,.i'i.1.-cii'~'riij,ii'i.ii~'Affii'iiooKijl'iiDitio:ij.,HT~ANA ' , .....,,--,---_. , !i =.... ii ,~j II ~ lot I, en 0 ........,..,..,......."......",.11.. I' II Ii 'I I, Parsons, May A., !' " 'I !: j,: ,.. 1.6l.-.N.-...Gr.and_..__....______________J_L.1:bJ::aI'y--T.r..________----------------_t_ 5 14~7' I i Po .l<l: !~-a2 i ~t: i~5~ ~~ : o{/} 1-i:P=i I', ! fo-1 0 i ,-+ -..,...-"....,- -,At" I ' I, I I! I, !- I I i A, 1680 , 1125 -'--Ii--jr- --n----.-- 1'1 !: Ii I' I: I: i' i; I 11 i I: 4- ~ 5 36-_E. - JLan_.Bihhex___ _______~ Tr~.c.!.._~<2..'-_ ~lI__________.__.___________+--l-i--A..-.----jt ____~__l_O_+_- _____ 11 i: 2 II 260 I' I. TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICl, ADDRESS fJIiSCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SAN DERNAIlDINO . 1 MmUIJIAN i! _____._._..1 , , I 2 'I , ~ o ~~ ~< Z Value of ii i: Renl Eslnte Vulue of Improve- ments Thcl'con "if"O-'" '1$ lk'. li$ 1~i86 Parsons, Will N. ~' K JLJtk 975 -, 1215 il !i I, i; ~- 'I I' i! Ii II II Ii !I " II , --r--~--~-----r - --- ----~--- I II II . I I - I I ft - N 159.57 ft - II 9 i - ~ II Ii 2215 , 1SOQ 'I I' 'I .--~-~-il lQr-- -rll- -t - -i-- Personal Property 'I'. : II II ,~;I I ,! 1 I I '1 I il -~:;' J.+_ ---- ---JmiQ I II I! . J< III Ii' I ClUJ.) ~ I I, Ii. II ,I I' r----- Ii :1 , .__..'.'~'.m.., ...!J---- " " ! 201 N. G1asse1l I. Ii II II II ~.. 1 Davis Tr. , II 1425 2025 lih) ;_~_!:_!t.~~.._______.._~__ , --- --- -----~----- - ---------------~------- Patriok, Minnie ii I' 506 E. Ohapman !i Personal Property Harwo od t s Add w 4.95 w -.-,---.-~,-~---,--'."------,-----------_._--,-~---.~---.-..---,-,.f----~,.- III .14:Ud I , II Patrick, WoH., :1 . I, '" I a..AdL r..-.;t35.-.s.~.-Q.yP_I'.eas.------..:.....-------['I.-.-ahubJ.l.-. -----.-- :! i I :. i ~ -~.- ---~-- ! I , "1' '....-..,.........'...,.~.._,.-"".....-..',,,.'~'"..~.."~,.,,~., 7!:1:5 ,c (I "[--'-' "'""'""~.'"""="""''''''',.=''''"''''''';''',c=''"..Ji'='''<;T=-~''''"''"'''''''''". , In this Assessment Roll the /allowing Abbreviations art:: u.sed lor the words set opposite to them: ..t till>, '9-' N.-North or Northerly $-Dollnrs ..L. S.-South or Southerly ot-s.-Cents g.-I~fLst or Ellster]y Oor.-CorIlClI' W.-West 01" Westerly St.-Street I~t.-Feet A\'e.-Avcnue No.-Numbcr Tlt.-TllencC! .,. _ L~ ~__,,_~. ~~ ~~'.=-~,a,l~,.~.e~~~~.~~.ih~ .~.a.~.~,~,~.d Mel'ltUan cI L,G. r~_oe;_~,!t~1 ~_!!!1G Nj.~,B"l1o(),~_,DI,~?,IIl\l ,-\i,',JlfA AHA r N, W.-NCIltJlwestcrJy S. W.-SouUlwostcrly N. B.-Northeasterl)' S. E.-Souf.lwllsterly Tmp.-Improvcrncnt8 Sub.-Subdivlsion Sce.-Soetion FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange I ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN ..., I' ~ I SAN BERNARDINO I: MElUDIAN I!---------."-------'--~i I I, 2 Patterson, Emlin F., "_~!!O E. Palm. Personal Property 1 i: ~ C) !I 'B....l 'I ." I Ul 0 , it' II Ii Ii 11 II i Cl. .!.d ':0..,,0 ." '<Jl".j.l 0 bJI", I ~ 5i'ii ~~ i oifJ ~ ti:l..... i E--t 0, .. o ~i2 ~e ~< z Value of Real Estale Value of Improve- ments Thereon TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOI'FICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTJON DI' PROPERTY """"'11 ',...'..'-il :$ I -.'",_','.'_.0'''','.'"",,_'-' i:$ 14D.l II -jr-- I !i }}O 525 605 lJ-75 II E 30 ft - W 100 ft - E 50 ft - W 150 ft 22 Oottage Home Tr. lJU5 1. Pat t er son ,_ E.>-...E~,___._____ 640 E. Palm. _L1U6 , , .~-_M_---------..--T-----+------~.,..--.-T-.---r.----._----_.+-----.-------- I:! ,,", ,I 2' B 900 405 !I I Oraddiclc I B Sub .._l:'licul ._ E.ilte.lyn-.!i. _,___________ _____\__ _____________ l'er sonal,_l?J_9..Q@ri;Y-_J___+-____,_________,,________.+-____ 'I I I: w. Palmyra : Tract No. 716 E 2 ft - !i 4-: - ~ , ! II :~ 5 ~ 465 2}25 I I: I ' ,I ,: ~--------------------- L____--"_______________________________ ___________Ii---.9_---t_~-__L___oL__.J6Q_...iI_--...?E..2.Q II II il I'" II Ii II Ii 15 ' }60 I II II Ii 17 , ., 360, .If...... - ..-----------:-:-----------------+------~I-__c_------------------------ .------.-----ij--L9-+-=-.----+------i- 36Q__.;______ Ij II ~! 21 . }60 II Ii 4- Ii !: II Ii 28 5 0 l---- .. ____nun. .-- .......::_ 11------------------------------- -i-?~-+,'--+---,--l1:.2.0 r---- tll.. t .I,tr!! 'I[ , -11:1, , Ii Paul, Frank J.,:, II! II II t600.!,.Pi~~; --- ... ..._~~"ot."-o. 622 ---.-t 2' r -I-'i~ 2)0 :! _"2.5 III II I Iii , II Paul, Mathias, i, i J: I Ii II ,I la5 ~ ch Fr8l!~ A. ShQWalt~~___._!rl-J.:52.hn-R.~-()~~ole~~-~~J;--~~9:-----_________________J._=--1___~,i __L_J4-5 ~___U I! I I "II ], II :: II Ii ;1 ~-;;~ ::::eA~:.. ~___-~~--+-~~:~ge-~~ty------- --l-~5 .--:-r-~I----I!-~250t6;~ ~.j , :1 ,J 1'1 I Ii i:. ~ II (1~,C:,o 1--- + . _.'..'_'. Iii i!.__ -~~-~--1-~-:~~.-~ ..__._n_._.. ~~_=_.--. -- --.- - 180 In this Assessment Roll tl~e JoUowir~g Abbreviations are used lor the words set opposite to- them: N,-Nortll or r.rulthcl'ly $-Dolllll"s N. W.-Northwesterly 8.-South or SoutherlY' Ots.-Cents S. W.-SollthweR.tcrly l~.-EAt;t or Ensterly Oor.-Corner N. E,-North-oasterl)' W.-Wcst or Westerly St.-Street B. E.-Soutlicnsterly I~t.-Feet A,'e.-AvCllUO ]lI1p.-Improvemcntll No.-Nmnbcr Th.-Thence Sub.-SubdivislcH1 S. 13, :M,-San Bernardino Dose nnd 1llcrldian Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU, Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN, l~o - - '::i:~,~ f,i:i.'ci'G: fft'iN~ii i<~'A-itil^e-OQK;j 1;'IPin~':'S'Ai-i'iAJ:i(...-- - ~ . r ... LI SAN BERNARDINO I MERIDIAN 1,8< ~ i ~ !"5l..:! 0 : ~ti ".- ". :,0'" "'" I o<n k P:l ,E-< 0 ___.,.......1-. .~ 00 ';:l'" "" Jjo II ., I: I 2 '" 0 ~~ Value Value of of Improve. ~-< Real Eslalc mentA Z Thereon TAXPAYER'S NAME AND l'OSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPEHTY Pearson, Benjamin .J1:~jL~L._ OUye St. , :1 ff I: ,I ji ,I II 'I 'j , .__________--CauJdwe11 & Wi tl1e!'bee.'.0dd.__._______.______~2--,---~.. ,I ' " 'I I, " i; , Ii " I: ", ._.._...__~._IIfl,;L 1fl,~fl,L'J'_:r_L_...__________._...__..__._..___i_-?-.i--.A.._.~.....l...}.I2.."--~2-12-- I: I !; " h. $ 1500 340 --.-.---.- ,! -----r--- 750 J501 Pease, Arthur H., ._61J.__W._.Qb.apnmn..AY.e...,.___ 150~~ Pease, George L., -E.e.aJHL.::..K.oJ.:b.e.l'.g."O.Q...,.____.. ._nlt:L.My:r.tJ..e..AY.e.._,..__.....:...__..~._.(__:sPQj;Ji-'L_yJ;L_:!,,~_T;L.-.--.---.--------.--------...LLt.-Q~--...ir------t-.--..2QOT._LJ.2?_ : Ii! I: :' 10ng Beach, Calif., if' ' li~n;). I I! uU I: i i II I !,:,. . ._______________.____Per:SOJla1 P.:rop_er1Y_-t_+__-,-___ " Spotts Villa Tr. II 4 i B " W 6L ft. - .. ii l, 0, i, 1375 .......--.....-..-----.-...-.-. ...-i--.--.--..---- ..-.-.-.-..-.-......-.---..--.-.....-..--.--..--...--....__.__.._.._.__.__._Ii___..+..____.._i._._..~..--.+.--.... ..-......-,'----.--.. ~I I ,!, I ' , " . Iii ili i' Ii i ," ..,i!--,~.,.+,~-,------~._-----._--., , 1255 1590 1215. 611 W. Chapman Ave. """ If L__..____15!lt. , ! , I Pease - Kolberg & Co., ! 6l1W. Chapman Ri ohland Farm 10t S S 162 ft - W 165 ft - i I .. .....--....--.-----.-. ...... -. --+ .. '.. ........... -. .............EJ.98Jt.__=___.. '153'1":::'. ii...1i-?lJ:75 .. ii--.-. pearson,l~~~s L., II Personal Property Ii; Ii , -+ " I _..o.to--Orange_Bav.inga..Bank ...__. ___ -f_.N_W~__ ::...lUYL= _.8E:L=___.___. .___.. ______ __ _.. .___... I _3lL.lt__9__~_J.9_ _..~.59 _I' __1.05.0 I I \, I 1[';0' ~~! II' , II 1.1 U 'lJl I i I! 'i ;' I i:1 i'1 '; II I ',; , Peers, Jennie B. et a1. I:. Perilonal Property II , ! i I:! .r (I !', ! . !. t I ii Ii ii --.221-.E.....AlmOnd______.._..___+.!.I..o:r:.a.ng.\i.iUt.Y-....-JY..-3lu.t...::.....-----.-------. I :I.-Q..jl-.~.jl--.1i --..+-.-1.Q5.91~..2[15 I:. II E 20 ft - I 19. II.. Ii I, 'I . t .. ., I I' I. I Hl07 [ I ' ' Ii i' I' . ....... ............ Ii II: ii' .1 __1' ellI).l'.a.a.e.~ t er_1'...,..___..______II..____.____.__.~____.___.____~ er. Son!l:J,__!:rop.ert.y__~li....-!--..-t-li----..l +--6-5... 445 N.OU.:v.eSt" i Qa1l1dwell & Witl1erbee I S Add II 15, A ii ii 750 ii } ..... ! __~_______ i Ii il 'In' 1-' II I '''''-~=''''''''=>"=='-"'''''_"=''"'''''"''''''R>",,,,,'''o----'l''m'''"''''-'<..--=''o>'''O' ....,"""""'.-.~"'c~,,""==""k"".='=,'-",;o=,,""'"'~""-"r.. -.-. ~,,- f~jjI lSI In tlu's Assess-ment Roll tI,e Jollo'luing Abbreviations are used for the words set opposite to them: N.-North or Northerly $-Dollars N. W.-Northwcsterfy S.-South or SoutbClrly Ctf.1l,-Cents S, W.-S(luthll'cstcl'ly E.-East o-r Eflstcr]y Cor,-Corner N, E.-Northcallterly W.-West or Westerly St,-Strect S, E.-Southeasterly Ft.-}.'eet A\'c,-Avcllue Imp.-Improvcmcmta No,-Number Th.-'l']lcnco Bub.-Subdivlsion S. D, ll.-Bon Bern/mUno Base and Merldillll Sec.-SectIon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO U, .:~ . ~;'G:'n::,J;;J-Q';--~~i',ki-"iN~ti.-ti~',n:.fQ'f1iiN Pitt o:IiiifAAlll. -,.. -.~.- . t- I' 11 I.,. ii SAN BERNAROINO :1 I l'vfEIUDIAN .L____~....__ '_'H_"_ ____.""'."^ '" ...'. ""',~ TAXPA YER'S NAIIJE AND POSTOFFICE ADDHESS II I' I I r 2 DESCRIPTION OF PHOPERTY "~ 00 '';::~ 0" ~o :,2' ..!.II -5l.:i g '"O- j ;l; o~ : ocn I-< i E-i 0 ~tn "" .;lji1; ~ o ~13 ~5 8< z Value of Real Estate Value of Improve. ment;; 'l'hereoIl .'.""1' Ii .)1 II ii " [I Ii Personal Property I F arm Lot IL_L!i2....5..J:.:L.::_.1L~Q15 ..5...1t f---~--~--_---L_-_-+-___ i:: 1,:1 I, E~ - E~ - ! 20 . 1510 375 1508 Perdue, Burt _l~Q. NL_L.e.mmL_________.___J,-ll. i ohland :~ Ii 15m) i f-.E.\l r k;ins..,....Jla.rQt.l!Y_E.._,_._.________.~-.-...----.-------.-----..-..-...1'.c;l;r.so\1<1,;LuQJ;)Jl;rJ.Y-_il--__i__.. I ~ i ! : i I !' '[ 1 256 S. Lemon ,I Beaoh I s Add 6 i C ..--.-~.---+---.-1----- iJ;, il , 990 ~ 1510 !: )i I " !' I ii" E ' T'> nl T'> t " "'" ... _el'kins..,_R.-R....,_..__._.___......._.._.__.__..._+.__._---------.----...-..--Le.X.s.on."'""-Lr.o.:p.er.. .Y---,I-.+----...,-.-li-----t.---.--4.-..___. , , I :' I' ,I i I" ':1 " 191 s. CIY~J_:els.ls ': Chubb I s. Add ill 12 i A It., ii 10150 Ii 675 ~ l I i j; Ii .. " .--- [' II i I. 'I !: II I j' II '. ~ I , I' , -Etikina,_ReleILL.~_e.:L.a~..,_____+._______________.______._._. . -----t----i...-l...--- II Ii i I I , 90S - 3:Itd St., S. W., lie. Z. Culver Home Tr. L1i 35 I - I I Canton,Ohio 1: i I ;', .--...-. -.liii2.-------_.._...1____.___._._._____.._.. ---.. -____ _.___ _____ _..__._! _. ~....__ _.L._ ___ __.__. ____ _n " , Personal Property ~ I I: il 27 I I ' L-i ii 'I Ii il 2: 1 : .' 1320, II I' 20 II " '. S25 ,: -...-......-..---..-.--..-....--.----.........-. .. ...---.....-"-.-- ...---...-.-- ..-. --. ..-- - .-..- -... .-. . -.... ... - . -.-. --... --- --J!. - -. -.;-.-----.-.'1,.-...;:-...----..-,,---.-- 'IL II!I 'I il 'i , . , " It)JO ~~!-.._- 750 Perkina, L. D. , 373 S. Grand St., Culver Hotel Tr. 720 990 1'- . ) ........... td,~J " ..---.....".---w -....-.... ,- ---.-'-._..___'_u_~_..__..____,~.,__"__m__._'m_ ...1 Perry, Harriet T. et al., R. D. #1. Phelps Tr. 1555 151---1 ~ 'i Peterkin, George W., ! Ii ,.,!' " i'l 'I 4' i I. " .. g2J,_'!, WalILl!1.. St ..'-.-.....---.....--.____~-.Q)1-a.P.Jl1.a,!L1'-~!..1U&--:tt= .JL1J2 ft ...::::...JLL= SE!L.lr.---i--.Q-+----~i...-...:,...--2().(L~----...- 1515 . . ~ ~ i . . i!i :: .. 'I I .. . !I, I Peterkin, GeClrge W., Ii Personal Property 'I i . Ii ii' .. 2;:n 11{ ..._'A'a.l nut S t .L._______._~,ii _J..Q.!liLR......S.Qh.QQl e.Y~1iJ,J'LAd\i___)L3.z..1.t._..::_...........illL2...Lm::..-~ __~.'___ ... .~_..31Q-4--:w- ,'! !i I · " 32" - '32l3 - i !i i>' / ! . -.----i--------~----.~.- -:tI:"--- i / U32 ~; f 111 this A.s.sessmellt Roll the following Abbreviations are used for the w()rds set opposite to them.: N.-North or No~Werly $-Dollnrs N. W.-Northwestcrly S.-Hauth or. Southerly Ots.-Cents S. W,-Southwestcdy E.-Bust or l~lUlto(!rly Oor.-Corner N. E.-Nortltenstel'ly W.-Wes.t or Westcrly St.-Street S. E.-SouthenRter]y Ft.-Fect Ave.-Avenue Imp.-rmprov(!mellts No.-Nnmber 'rll.-1'llf!'flcc Sub.-Subdlvlsloll S. n. 1of.-San Bcrnal'dltio BaBe nod l[el'idJan See,-Section i..':ri, fl(GG.i>-iil iil! liG~i-iii.ii'o'!)i{~I;'i:iIIi'I",~5Xt>iTKA-il-~ - FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQI Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UP l'oY II II.~AN ~ER~AnllI~~ ..[1 L! MmUDIAN, :: ~..__._~_~._----J , TAXPAYEH'S NAME AND I'OSTOI'FICE ADDHESS DESCIUPTlON OF PROPERTY :,8' ...!:t: i~.s g I ~ giii I om '"' i Co-i 0 ,..-,..,., --+.." .~ .33 Ok Jlo -'II ii ~ I o i ~g ~< z I 2 ~ .-.~'l ~! -ID..' '. """".. .".".~, I: II I 1 II , Ii ,. 'i I " '" ., ~+"'~-i_--r--_*"_'~OO ,,--~5..0 i II II Ii I Ii . L.ElI.JL.SQ. ft ..~_...'!L.__+_...L.__.~.___~__-+__.___~___.___ ~ .., Valencia St. adj) Ii 1 I II' 3000! II [I 2 3000 " ;1 , II.... .-....--..--...-"-.-----.-.--t-2...!--=-;.--~....--i'---2150 .."..__.__. I! i ,;;' Ii! "L II " 'I ; " ;1 I ..-_._..._il.SJh~I>~EL!l___1.z:__.__~_~l3.C -.:~.~J1l...::-..-.-...______.__.~__~_~.JJ ,.1 I,i :. ;:j . I ' ! ~~ ~~ Value of Real EstULC Vallie of Improve- menls Thereon l[jlH ""'-."""f-' , i I , "'-~', 'f>' .-' 'C ."c__'"c.,', ",~,'''"'''- ".-".-,"',"'~,,~ "._ I' $ " $ Peterkin, W. D., -5.zS,.N...Gr.an.(;\----....___.____._,.__TJ1Sl.r.m.l;!,J, i t<L1.r..L_._________._______..__ Peterkin, W. H., .J.6Jl..Valeno.ia..S.t_.....,_____...____...._._..__.._...c..-Wm>-...R.L..Far.l.rLSyp____ All 134 ft ( rhc II All II 810 II II j;.:'I" d.h'; Peters, Emil H., .~5.J__.~~._~1,l.s!_:!"Il.__.__..._..._._ 161H , I':i :1 i' 6 " 4405" 50 -+-----t-.--r--..-~--..--.--. Pi'Jtel'S, .EmU H. et a],. .25J.S.......T.u.stin. "Qh1'\PI!l.anT;rS~JtJt -- E li?Qft:-S.5.8..9 - !I .------:1 , 1- I _~~ "_~__._,_., _ ___'"m~.,.,_~,__,,__.....,__~,_,_ E~ 1 D 300 1260 1 ,..;.,;ti.~ . .dr..~ p ...Ee.tS;U:'B,Jie..l1;rYe t.....1'\],. 604 E. Washington j'}'.Jil' "~~ (''''1i Co sart I s Add ii ... ... .-T-..' I. I Ii 13 : I jl.-- , ,__L . ._-~_.,_.._--~--- B 990 S55 .E.e.t..e.r.s.en,__P..e.t.el'_C...., Ii :1 I Bonnie Brae Tr. II " I II il .P.et.e.r.aon, Emma,___.___._. -...---..-.-.-.f,--....-.--..---....--.--n.----.. ...... ___. .... ..... .. .... ..... .._ _ .~. . i' ii !iKordea Tr. " ~ !i 1 ;"~')I;'" Ii :1 ., ,"....h....,;t) I' !.ii, ,:1 i .P.e.t.e.I'.aQll.,.....G.e.a..__.1i...,__.....___.___.j_____._...__....__..._.._.._.____...__._.._....._.._.__.. ..__.....__._.__._... ,I 414E. Palmyra ..~ GeQ.AonJaon's Sup. 11 l~------------------- If I U'-"_.."~'.'jr.-'-. ...___--t--____.._,....._..;....___ .,u..-__u__u,_,.u___;t~..~___..______.. 24$ N. Shaffer 1')..')1<) t f..If..,J St. 9 B 975 765 154 s. Pixley 12 B 615 450 .>. t..-. .. -. -- ---~_-.__-~u.-..u-,__-_;i-.-"u.u_,----~._- '--..----........,...---,...... _'....."....m___.._,._ "'""''-~~~~='''''''''"'"''''-'':>"''' 11 B 750 .l ~"n '1u In. this Assessment Roll tIle /qllowing Abbreviations are used lor the words set opposite to thenJ,: N,-NortJl or No.therJy $-Dol]ars N, W.-Northwe3terly S.-South or Southerly Cts,-Cents S. W.-Southwesterly E-,-r.~lrd or Eflstcd~' COl'.-Comcr N, E,-Nortllc./Ist-arly W .-\\ es.t or We.~toarly St.-Stroaet S E -Sonthc:Jstcrly "'t.-I.'cet A"e.-AvellUC Itnp:-Irnprovemcnts No,-Nmnber Tb,-'fheucc Sub.-Subdivision S. D, Al.-Snn Bcrllard:lllo Base Bnd 1Ileritllo51 SeC,-Scction FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU! Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNl '8? ~",~[Ac;ij~~m1immUiG'~'S'AFf'A~it'~'--''- i: if 9 il II SAN BEnNARDINO I; MEIUDIAN I h'~ 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPEltTY "~ 00 '.:::1-1 u ~~ i p., I''"' ~ Ol) ,.J:l.S 0 llj)+-' \ ~ 5~ a~ I orn M P:; 'E-< 0 ,..f.. I ~ o ffi~ ~5 ~< ~ Value of Reul Estate Value of Improve- menLs Thereon TAXPAYER'S NA,m AND I'OSTCWFICI'; ADDIlESS " !'t--~------,-------"'-'----' ,....'"'.(c " 0"'.".'" ,..,.,..i~,,,..~ Ii Ii II 'i , " ".''''-'''\;-'''-- 'i $ ,.."-,.""..",,-t;,,, ',$ 11 r::'I" Id"' i ....... "'" /..",,:1. Pfeiffer, Pedrilla P. , ---+--~t--~ --t-r--~--~950 -~--~6~ Ii I ., I' ,. I~~~ I .,.. ,~I1 I, ,!; : . "..v I,.' i'l I I , I! Ii :pJ-IJJ,],i~.>lL1:l~n:r:Y_____________________!._.____._____________________._________________,!-_.__-+___._+____+_______1...-------.--------- 365 S. Olive _:: Richland Farm Lots N 59.5 ft - S 211.5 ft 1 180 'i ii W 114 ft - Et - !I 20 $10 225 , , . J27_.N._Q~.Ell}_cl___._____________._. i.~~ br:g.r y..'I'J:'.~___..1L 41..l_1;..=-'I[__2.5.L~_- II s 55 ft - Phillipe, Henry , , ::' i;: I 'I I i ._..__.__~_,__lj_"__._...____,_.___.._.,_.__..__~._.,.__._'k___'~_'___"_ ..---,---,.-------.,.-.----.,--.,,----------\t-.---,----i--"__,.j..___....:..._..__._.___l!-_,.'m..._...______. 1'1: , I' I; ,: iI j Ii I,' , ,i 1$ I A .. I' ' , , ..-..--.-.....-.--...--- ..-.-'.1'.-. . ...--...-......-.... ...------....-.-....----..-......-. -- -- .- -- ....-------------.-. -t- -- -.~--- II I, i' il13 :! ..----,..i\ ..".._,..__..__J". i! . . . "t .'1,. _J6~h___.__.____._ 365 s. Hall aday Tr W 52. 4 ft 5400 3150 Olive 1,:-,,, "'1 i]L...Jl Phillip.s I Henry " +-- ji ...'1.--.-----..-.--.-- 365 8. Olive j ."-:''1..1",' d"""O McCoy's Add A 1075 945.. i' .. ..il !i H i ii' (I 23 i D 'l ,I I , 24 ' II n._ ..._'",___,_...__..._ ..~".,-,.._-.-.._--t-..,--....._.........., ...._..,.ji___,...... .n'... r ._-.,,--..-.-"'-~''''- ..- I! I i !I i ii!' " Ii " I, !', " I: 'i i: . .Hart.l'Il.ck' JLS.:ub________..____.__________.____..__._.__.__~ 11.:.._..::__--i:--.-.-li--15.\L~---g~-0 ,[ .i Ii Ii ii ii !I ii i II i ' I, " ..~ !! Geo. Aohison's Sub El~ 675 540 900 Phillips, Henry 365 S. Olive II II I ;..'",u .Itd".....f Phillips, L. V., elQ C.. ...c... Bentley,__ 210 E. 5th St., Long Beaoh, Oal. .-..)-- __m ......_~..')( ..'-'~'-_.__..._..- i; " I! ..._..._._-,~_..._,- i! i'l 205 ii 675 Phillips, .. L. V., 0/0 Geo. Oe,rriker, Traot No.718 5 i , ...., .-.-------..1-.-.-...--- " \ ,,/ I,I[ .;. r, \. \~ .. 1\',":-' ~ In this Assessment Roll tI,e following Abbreviati<ms are USfll/Ol the words set opposite to them: N.-North CIl' Ko:therly $-Dollara N. W,-Northwcsterly s.-~outh or~S()utberly Ctii.-Ccnts S. W.-Southwesterly E.-lttlSt or 1'.llsterIJ.' Cor.-Corner N. E,-Northcasterlv W.-West or WCliterly Ht.-Shcct S. E -Southeasterly .'t.-F?ct A"I!.-Avcllue ImJl:-lm!lrOVcments No.-:\ulnbcr Th,-Thence Sub.-Su ldivislon S. D, M.-Snn Dernnrdll"lO BUlle nnd MCl'llIlull Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange I ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN 84 J~~ "'O~,: .~''- t'L;t1i;:(j;,P:Rri~IXH;('Afi'ii'a:ooKijl}iDfi{(j':"SA~t~;rii;( DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY II "'Ii i.. SAN J:r~:'~,~~INO i! il---"---...._-.~-"~-----i ii 'p. ~ I E'c: j:a..s:: g ~~ I' '':::....:1 I.<ij.......... w 1"1' t.l ~ i ~ g~ B~ ,~o ! oW ~ _fo'" 11"~ I ~ 0 " ---ir~~~-~-~' 1 i: 2 .~ TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFl"]CI': AlJllIlESS ~ o ffiJ:l ~fj ~< Z Value of Real Estale Value of Improve- ments Thereon I , II " II !! CL9f'L~il--!.._J]~]Hl._________________JLT);: s,ct----.N.Q-L-2-"Z 1 --.L.I l~L-,-~.__~. ..415-_ I: "I.. 1\ \I II 20 1 415 ii 11 ['II 21 II -,:: 415 : I' '" " ,II ' :t I. II I ! I: ;..'. _____16~~..___________________~----------------.----...-.--------t--t--r---~--t--------+---. Phillip!,!, L. V., II , Lot 49 X $0 ft in [I 3' Cl . , 115. 675 ii' I,: :i i li:i ,; .________l_____.____--Bd...s_~--Tx--#-71S..,-.E-4-TL/fl},j..s-----if------i-----"-f----;i----------,,------- :i 1 i,' !i Ii 1'1,' I' I' II I! li:1 il i i ji Ii ; Phillips, L. V.,:; I. i ,'ii' I! Ii ~ 'I': 'I I' bb 1 :1 ;1 20;) if .... ..17:> ...N. ._Ol'ang.e______________________~-T.r.aoLN.o-.-7- .9-----.-.--.-----.-----------.----- .---2 -.-"'-+---f-.----ir--. --i.----- . :1 I . I' I,:, II II I 6 I ' il ii 205 II 'I II II 9! _:: 165 ' Ii ..... .1.... Ii I 135 Ii ---l--~~-+-:::'- ... i- ...if--t ..------H-------- 11117 II ii 150 Ii i' I I ,! I " I---J-----i-----~ --+---.- - --- ii - ---- - I 14 I II I, 415 II 135 I ,I I, I Ii I I :i I: [i I: Ii II II Tract- ;~. - 23- -5-----.-.---- . - ------.----.- ---.---- ---------------1" ---;-r~-+- ~~I --r 565 lr' -;-i5 i ;:1 I, II 14 525 450 I! Ii A, ......_L.__.___ 55 1---1 -1---' Ii I II i Phillips, W. A., I, Ii o !9___~~I~~__ Pen~ e 09 e t __.___.__~.___~ .' 'I'~ ao:t...-B 0 .__~22____________________________._l ~-'L+- I' I' ii ~,',~'--"'" ...t I I , ,.."'..!" "fi '~--.".-, .-.,,,_,.,,,iI,__,,,,_"'__~"',~ ;! $ "--.----!, ..~ ;$ 1 ;:.~.. ~ .u'.).l_ Phillips, L. V., 631 E. Jefferson " 1"(3 N. Orange Chapman Tl'. 1503 II II I ;...., 'I . tlch Phillips, W. A., -i" I Tract No. 571 1+03 8. Glassell IGd6 _~_!l_~~ 1 ip.'3.,-!'__~'_',____ 403 S. Glassell 1,::;,.".; .... Duu Ii I: Ii .---"-----.-tr " I II II S 2 ft - N 54 ft - W 132 ft ..-..---"" --,~..".__.,_."---'---.~-'-- "..... ... ..-... ..,- I I, .I!'.-.---.....'- i; -- -- -----,..~~-, 31+5.. 630 --'-~--'--'--;r..-'--~.,... , ! 338 S. Parker .!, . 1 ~ , . ~I ',v\.\7" : ii !i . . [-1- -i-- .' -"r"---.-~- ~!5 In this Assessment Roll the lallowing Abbreviations are used jor the words set opposite to them: N',-:North or No~tll{ll'1y $-Dollars N, W.-Nmthwesterly g,-South or SO\1Ulcrly Cts.-Ccnt.e s. W.-SoutbWDS.tCrJy l~.-.:"!lt or EnsL(!\,]y Cor,-Co-rner N, E,-Nol'lheasterly W.-West or WC!sterly St.-Street s. E,-Southensterly Ft.-Feet Aw!,-A\'cmuc ITllp,-Improvemcnbi No.-N\1mber Th.-'l'llonc.e SlIb,-SulJdivls[on S. n. U,-Sall Dernlkrd[no Base and Meridian SCC,-SeetlOJI FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange I ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN J~{ Ii I 2 :' , d : I" I ---....-------'--'------.--..--1;..--_._ ..------'.-.--'-.--------------.----..,.-....,--.,-.-- -".~-.,_.-_.---~.--,..~----.,.----.--,-_.~4_._--~--.---j.----i--..-.+--~---.'r-..-.'--.---'" [! " n ,I II II i: I Ii! L ;: Ii i , "'" I' '"--..-,----.--.--.--- .____u_,_._.,_,__,_,__.__,,_"'_______.~___,...____,___._---,_.- ---,.---------..- .--"--.------.-.-...t------...-.t------!--.,---~--...----.!t'"--.---.-.--.~-------.-- , r __j,,}i.-'i-:i.i:<j ;j'; r-~i~T!'Rii ~ Ij~, B-O-.J Ii ~ jliDiii(,i:~J. ij T 1;.~H~ r- SAN BERNARDINO ~,._____,__~IEnIDIAN I~ o ~~ ~~ z VuIue of RellI Eslale TAXPAYER'S N,IME ,IND I'OSTOFF1CE jlDllHESS Dl,SCHIPTION OF PROPERTY : ,9< is i,.(:l-B 0 : 1/)::;1..... i ~ 0'" i oifJ J..t ! E--I 0 j...--, i I 1 "~ o 0 '.::l~ 0" <Xo ~t: ~~ i ".--.""'!'..'-., ..'Ii I 1 '-"Or; $ t ,'" .r"} JU),) 6 Phillips, W. A. _~_Q3_S.__G.laaM:l,J_______ I' I -',.' '-~l._---1...-_-_~-~75-. ~, ,.. ' i : 'I 5 II i Ii '!. Ii I . Lockwood's Add --'-----.--.------..---.--.l;.....----.--..,~---..-------~--,- II wi 16d~ !: ii I. !, ,."-.-~--------._----.---~---.--T-~--'---..f_--.-.-jr'.~---'---.r--.-.,~ , 2 i B 1500 , _.l'hill1pa.. _I'lL. ~AL,-._-._----- 403 8. G1asaell t ",,.,.0 ie"U),} ,I ,I q I . ---_._~---_..__.._._......_-_.__._.__..__.._--------_._.-.-. Resub Grand Ave Add _Pl1.U ],ip~L_\Y.._J\_'_,__ 403 S. G1assell E 161.05 ft - S 342 ft (Ex st) 3135 Meehan I B ReBub , ... ..---..l~iftL---------. Phillips, W. A., ~038. Q],aBE:"1I3ll,. Valuc of Improve. menls Thercon $ 810 1215 450 900 II :i ;1 if 22 .. -"-.'.--'''-.--'.--'.f... --~~,-,-- 360 1740 , 300 i 1050 ..--..-.~-..._-._----,..-..--t---..-...-.--.--'--..- , 150 --1-- ----.,--..-r---',.---------'-,.,-..,r---,.----- 150 300 Tract No. HE; 16 ."!--.,,-----'---...'.T- i: tall Phillips, W. A., __~Q3J3 .q.J.,?,s s ~1:L , ii 'I 'I I, '1 'i 8 A ......--l--.-..- +---.--+ Ii 10 II 'I 11 ----....--~-~A-P--.----------------tJL-g5r II il17 ! B i i 1123/25 II Ii , I' ' I m___..jl__+_ ......., Ii ~ 300 225 I Tract No .54:5_ II it II II 55 520 900 II 2 2g__._.___~15__ 990 .,_ .__..._.275_L _____ 5BO i 12 I \I, 1,. I 340 r I' . ...------------.-----t-...-t----+--~------ii--\~c~.~-;i-__:':c.,c_ :1 I I I I II i !! II " r II t...J ,';r / i r 15:12__ "t..,... I ~ Ii Beach's Add Ii --.-___..~...__nl- :: ! ----------i..-. ---.------.------..---.-----.------ I I i ' .,'-,',',',--',"--,.","'~"',,'-",,.-," ",''',''''''",-."."=''"'''''=,='''''''~'''''''''''''' ""-'(,~""'''',.=.''';'''''=-''',...,,='''''',"''''''''''='''''''''''m'''''''''''''--w41=>''''"''''''=="~-""--"",".,,,,,,,,*',,,,,=,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,, Phi11:L:p S ,\'I.A. , lJ.03 S. QlasE:"1ell 9 D _____.....1" 11__.=_LlC1CS.1.t3_i t .L______ I 10 ill' ...."....--...-!-....... 1], II 745 150 675 6 in this Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations are med for the words set opposite to them: N.-Nodll or Ko~thcrly $-Dollus N. W.-Korthwcsterly S.-Souih or Southerly Cts,-(1l:nbt S, W.-Soutbwcsterly E.-Emit or Easterly Cor.-Corner N, E.-Northeasterly W.-Wc-st or Westerly St,-Strect S. R-Soutlwnsterly li't.-I.'eet A\'O.-AvetlulJ! Imp.-ImprovclUents No.-Number Th.-Thence Sllb,-Suudlvlslon S. D. Jif.-Snll Bernnrdffll,) Dasl! Rnd Meridian See,-Seetioll FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUj Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN} )~ l,. 13 ii II ;1 14 ;1 ,I II I' Ii I 'I ' ~-l-, Ill! 6 -- - J -: j ::- ,- II i II . ii ,I, ; 'I i ' I! I j~23--2-0 -!--:-~~'-'-r. ~-- II i - ~ i! !i i . " il 38 (' 94-5 \I fo1: Lot ~ 1125 990 ..~-,-,_._-".._._-_._.---....----,-,-,--,---- - -------t-----~- -~ --f---.- ---~-~------- ~ I I I I , ! I llU.QhiLaJ1~Q.J'arllL:(.Jl.tJL~~-~--~------EL-::~.-'-------1~r ~ --.t--------~-- , _ _ ,i _~.~_ _ __ "'-"'7-.--"-'-"-'~'~":'~'::~":~---- .:~' ~ I 0L ~ !' ~p w"i;H, 'I' Ii: ~ ""';',-'>'''';;',,"'' :~~g~ii~I[i(i~Efil1i~E~i[2ill,E~~~J(^ii~' . TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDHESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY I --.",,,11,""-"' ii 15J~) Pieaso, Nioho1as .l;t;:;LN..__iJ_~Bs Geo. H. Pirie Home ~r. .~, " j _[t.H:~1: Pioazo, Roma1do et al ltJ5_N..t......Qy~______ Geo. H. Pirie Home Tr. tQ~i6 Piokering, Laura I. !tJ"LE-'--2DJL..$tq,____________________+..Q~1l1g,we1LLi{i therbee I s Add E 56.2 ft Santa Ana II \I la~~j Pieroe Lilian E. .-~-~.-"-------.---I--------,~-------'---rr---.,~--~.-----~ c/o W. T. Fogle Nutwood P1aoe 324E.Toluoa Ave., \I \I 1 a,N:' .,iIl., ,...1[, il Pieroe,:ijyrtie R., ....2.5J__s.mQra.ngs_ O,Z..Q1,ll.v:e.!'Jlorne.J'I:" . 'II 42 ft - \I 11 \I N 50 ft - \I ._"_.._._.~.__.__.._...,.~.."-'-,.._-'-_..,_.,"-- II D & that por - land a~j lot D by reason of abandonment - St bet k<2.1;__])l_:P laz,,_Lot. ~-~,.,._----_.,--._---- --,----_.----_."....--...~----_.._._.--._--~._. l~'Q I ... O:Jln m-l Ii Pilch, Ne.:t1;ie 0., : I . __2.3.5 _K'-..Qr_J~J1KsLJ;!k~_______~__~ 1__N~i!.,[9_Q(LE,lao e _,______m____'__'m____~_. 1U19 I Pine, O. F., __7.11_1[._P_B,lm 11 SAN llEUNAnDINO ~ MERIDIAN II ii gc: 'I '"...l Ii ~ ~ Ii :1 II il [, , :, i 'I , I I i. ii ! PI ,.14 ~.s g ~Ilt: I 'i ~ gP=i ]~ i5(/},.. 1"-1 i~ 0 , ''-''1'" "'-'.",.-,~*-',-,'"'-.---.- ~"!i' ", _"'"'......co "Il',c i: ii$ , i;$ 21 A 525 95 i: i" il 'I 575 --+---t----..LL 20 A 795 A'HHi, : --f-, ,:- II I; i: Ii ' , fr i; :! 925 4-95 " . I: : D_____:: 565 .415 205 _ ., .' , ..__:',___4_15_~~-----__-,- ;1 ;1 : 6901 675 .---;:------.-t' -- - --.--. , " . 'Ii !i " :1 ....~-.---i"" · 4 ",.2....:.___, 565 75 "-...--~---"rr_.,--..--'--'----- Iii 4 .l'_2-~1f-_w~-2:I,2 I' :1 I II~, II II , I '"~I-- , _~t~5 ("' \ I ,) ~~ If ~ bl this Assessment Roll tile followi.ng Abbreviations are lIsed Jor tI,e words set opposite to them: N.-North or Ko~therly $-Dollol'S N. W,-Northwesterly S.-Soutlt or Southerly Cts.-Cents S. W.-~outhwesterly E.-East or E~slerly Oor,-Comer N. E.-North('llst1lrl)' W,-West or Westerly Ht.-Street S, E.-Southcnsterly Ft,-I.'eH ^"c-.-Avenuc Imp.-IrnprovcllIcnts No.-Numboer 'rh.-Thence S\1b,-Subdl\'tslon S. B. It-San llernllrdlrlo Dnsc- nnd lIeridlQIl Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN/( Ja7 TAXPAYEH'S NAME AND l'OSTOFFIClc ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY II !', SAN BERNARDINO , MEiHDIAN ~ ,! II ! S ~~ ~< Z I 2 ----'-"I- .. ! -,1.-:,Gd1:~2,~_!,.t~!"tiili,E~EJ~llflf():l.!'~~';A;i'h;"';':~A Fister, Ohas., R. D. 1, Box 60 lbQ~ Oha1;lman Tr. N~-Nwt- Ii ,J Ii Ii " ii ,I I[ II I! '! II I' il I I, l:l.... I.g. -{1 .3j !~~..sl " j ~ 0'" ~ ~ oC/l H E-< 0 '"'..".",_'''-,,',',o_'___',.._^,__'o..'.. ~nt; "" P1~ Vulue of Real Estate Value of Improve. ment.; Thereon ".-,-Al"-" " ii "..'."-.'... ,.._;L__o,,,, is I : ~ I, $ I 'v ,ill .l ~ .'oU Fister, 4gnes B., 391 N. Grand 1001 David Oole's 2nd 4dd 10 1050 10M Pitoher, Grace _2Q!J.--R~Qamb.ridge T r fW t 1i[Q~-.Ill.9 765 I I I l , .1 4 F 5 3205 \I F , I' II I! I' +- 1 I' I 67-5 975 675 :1 'I 67-5{-~ 675 it 540 6001i hOO Ii I: I! I' I' " I: ,I Ii !i II I: I: \I ....,...-,---~...--'------.._--"-----.'..-r"--.----- I: !: II \I 11 11 lD;J6 Pitoher, Graoe _~2~_~._gl't_l!'\)1'.~~EJ__..____ \I \I \I -..-~--'---~-----_.-..._____rr~- I' I I I ________10t)j_____.__.____________L__ .___________________ -J- 1'1 ~ 1)avJeLCQle I s Sub \I \I , Ii iI il l il !I .----...--.----..-+- ..--.-.-t.-- 1 ..,-..--,-..........-- 'i , , -+ I! ..___1:-_____ :i " Stq. , 1 , 41 I .--+--- -+....--.-+--. --,. 1~ F 1;l\:),. e1...,.... _1).....0., 192 N.Sh.a:[;ter 1'~ _________ OQn 795 605 PixleY,n..o., 192 N.Shaffer II 13 B i oJ- 4055 2430 2250, 135 . ~-":t-"-_._..-.....,;-~ I'I (ll.~~, ': ' I !! ,) ,....9J:!lJlge ...0 ity SI ..z. 16 ~^'~;."'~wc-.,~.._..,..._". s;s ~ ~ In this Assessment Roll tlte Jollowing Abbreviations are used lor the. wards set opposite to them: N.-North or N-o~therly $-DolJ.ars N, W,-Kul'thwesterl,y S.-South or South.erly Cl;I.:,-Cents 8. W.-8outhwesterl,y E.-F.ll!lt or Easterly Cor,-Oorncr N. E.-Northeasterly W.-West or Westerly St.-Street S. E,-Soutlll!lIsterly Ft.-Fcet A\'e,-Avenu-c Irnp.-IlUprovmnenh No.-Number 'rh.-'J'nellce Sub,-Suhdlvlslon S. n, 1If,-Sllll Bernordino Base and MerIdian Sec,-Se(!tlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK )'b~ ~;l:;-9,~-~i~-~,9!:r:R_\~ti'UGj~A',~,Q~j~'~i,i(\'[i.ilitB~ti{~'iiii-';"'::'.:'-'-- TAXPA YER'S NAMl, AND I'OSTOl'FfCE MJDHESS DESCHlI'TlON OF PROPERTY "~ 00 'B~ " " <fJO ,eo ~ ~..s 0 ~tl : ~ EP:! j~ 000 '"' -p E-< 0 ~ o ffi ~ ~i5 ~< '" Value of Rcul Eslate ""'.~- I 2 I , I Value of ' Improve. I ment.'> Thel'eull i ,!l ..11 ,I SAN BERNARDINO !: MEIUDIAN ' ;~____,~_______.___m_____ ---~~'~~~~~"~"--4r= I $ la{jtj Pixley, D. C., u19?_ N. Shaffer JDD/ Geo. H. Pirie Tr. 7--r-L 675 63Q.J I I I I ,[ B$O Ll~6Q -t ., Pixley, D. C., _J,9~2_Jj:. Shaff er St. , lGDil.) Library Tr. 11 B Pixley, Estella 127_N..---.Gen.t..8X-.____________--+..Libr.ar.y:-T.r... lDa!) -Ii 3 " II Ii ~ 2 !: ii II 6! - Ii ;; 525 340 ""-'--.------.----.-.----t"-----!-------.t------1~.--..---"ii-..-.'.----'-:---..---..-- R ,_._+___ I'; 1215 141.0 'I I .. I ..3.94--1 Pixley, W. C., _ J..2_7_N.._--'1en.t.e.r. IDb(J Trall:LNo.. 622 N .l2.Q_ll - u.Pixl.ey, W.C., _~27J~-D.en.ter___________.__...___.___.______1_-Tx-aa:t..-No-.-2.-J5--------- I latJJ ii II Pixley, Oaman Box 4g ii'Henry Grote' B Add --. -.-..----H .........--,----,-.---. .... ---...-,-.-.--..-~,.---,---_.-"--.---- II ii i, II '. ,i 42 I -. I I! 10501 1260 .--t.----....-LI -..---,-----4-----+-------+.,.....-----..----- i ~ I !" ' , I : ' ,!! 'j ii ' i 1:1 ,j Ii if 'I ' 11 ')" ." J.t d,::", Pixley, 0aman Ii ;, II' : ,. , Box 4g I' Craddick' s Sub I IS 'A , [' glO., 270 .-------------.--.-...-.-.-----....c-.--.---------..---.-------.-.--.-----...-----.--.---.---t.-c---"...--..-".-..-.---'~.--T----.II, I' II II 5 I D I' il glO' 1080 II ,I II I , , II I I I I , I I , lnt)J _!,ol1E:?~Mra. L. R. , / 2- .::~-, () cft;;- p..~ '.'/V'.?L..e..t..:..;."v'" H-:re E .Pa1IllYl,'l3._ 10(>>6._ Plotner Samuel i; ----.-------1-.---_"'--,.-------.--------..---,--,--1-!-.-'-'--- ,-,--.- -"-~-----'- . --...------.---",.-"-~--. ,I 153 S.Gral1<1~t., I P. J. Shaffer I s Add lahl I: I ]I bhapman Tr. I I ' . , ..-.--..1-'.---'-.'-- I . II 16 I !i __~__,._J:__ A ;! 1330 1620 W 2l3.Ci- Ell.25 ao :N , i I ii, ,! ; I, .j--.--j-------j--.--':------n ,25 ao-I 7 I D Ii 3' I I 2040 750 I I --I--- i I ~I I t------ 1020 _I'(l.PJl_LBebeooa K. I 222 N. Gr-and T. M._~hadella3rd Add 39 w , In this Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations are used lor the words set opposite to thern: N.-Nortb or Northcrly $-Dollnrs N. W.-Northwcsterly S.-South or Southerly ats.-Cents S. W.-Southwesterly K-Ellst or Ensterly Cor.-Comer N. E.-Northe~stcrly \Y.-West. or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Southenstcr]y It't,-Fcct A\'c.-Al'Cmue Ilnll,-Imprm'llln-ants No,-Numbcr Th.-Thence Sub.-Subdlvision S. B, ~l.-Snn Bernardino nase and !feridio.n See.-Seetiol! FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK )'Ot1 A . 0 . rO:Ci'G';..-Ii'j ii'fIN'~'~Nii-B'ifQi(ifi~'DIH,G:-~AiH'A' j:ii:r ~"'--"'~f' """~...,.--,,,,,,-,','.",',..""~',',-.'-,,," , ii :1 ."...1[ II Ii Ii I' I< :1 1("" ~;N BEHNARlHNO jL__,_ MERIDIAN I::+-' i.e- ..!.: 00 t "5!.-s g '13: I' ~ gs J5 0 olf) '"' 'r 0 I i I 2 -., i I , I TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFl'ICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ~tl " ~ "j:< 0:: , ,Ii I! :i f<t _,' 0 , ~ ~ ~< Z Value of Real Estlltc Vulue of Improve- ment~ Thereon , 'fI- ,is :! $ 1 ~)tJti Post, Alba L., _,1'_... O. Box 323, 1209 E. Almond II 11 II 375 3~ol ---I 375 I 375 135 i -rl.5 310 II 11 375 300 il , II 7 I'l A Jameson Tr. II II II II 9 10 II J Dt>> l Post_, 001'(1 A] i A A..... ---i~ 230 N. Orange ltth(':5 T. M. Shadel's 2nd Add 16 1200 7201 ~: _ 1 l' !: II 2 1460 I) ..._l'_O_El~Qh~.Jh., R. D. #1, :,-- 7M 990 Weloh & Harrod's Add E1 - S 122.$5 ft 2 Riverside, Cal. ____._~tlUH .... ..._.___._ R. D. #3 . ---------Jildl-------- Tract No. 136 11 I B 810 I ---I 1320 I I I' ,: I ;' ..._._.__._"'_~..,----"-------w-."-'--,..-,..,--,.---..-- -.-.~..-"'"--.---~"'--,---.----,--"'-----..---..-.,-.--- m-'...~_--'-'-rr___-~!--;'.~--r-.--:i--- Po et, O. W., I: ,: ~ ; , ! :I! ;, "'____,__~_.___.__.__.__L__,____.___,,_.__._,_..___..____.____,__,.__._~__,_____..._,.__.____________._+__----L-..-...----------c-----+~ I! I : ': I I " Poet, K. L.. 189 N. Lemon , . S.l - 2 11 D ~ 1350 .! :! ...-i.._ ,,--~.-,---n----------;- , :1 640 i 'OrHnge 01 ty lUll .. II II i' 12 II .__._-'-~-~---'------ ,_..._---------~------"-_._----~..._.._-~~_._;-_._.._,. Potter, Claude E., if ___5.21L3Lan_Jlibb.a:r:._..__________.____________Il..A..._..L..___0......J3ibb..e.r.Ls..._Re 61l.b__ Iv'i2l- " " !I I: __~--A.Qhi80n I 8 1 :: i: :, II " 5 -~---: L ii ii i: , II ~fLc~_~_ -i~~jT~ 91;-+- 13 I II; ,I .i $25 ~_j q'J' L+-~_ ! Iii .... wl:::Ji~ B -'-"-1" _Q.QO ]'.Q~Q .. Potter,NQMU. , JL4--.E..-I'.aJ.myr a 1875 855 "'~"""',..."'=.~"'"''''''''''"~'."'''''..,='''"=''-'"''-"...,''''''''=,,~~-. D 40 In. tMs Assessment Roll the Jollowing Abbreviations are usc{llor the words set opposite to them: N.-North ()-1' Northerly $-Doll.o.rs N. W.-Northw-astcrly S,,'-B,outh or Southerly cts,-Cents S. W.-Southwcsterly ,,-!'.lIst or En~terly Cor.-Comc:r N. E.-Northeasterly ir-1Yest or \\c9lerly St.-Street S. E.-Southel\stel'ly .t.-I' ~ct A\'c.-Avcllue Intp,-Imr,mNemcntH :No,-.Nlltnhcr Th.-'I'hence Sub,-S" llllv-Isloll ~, B. 1f,-SlIll DCfnardiflo Base Rnd Mcri(HllD Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange I ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN _~: -0 : l~"G(r'j>1i jil{.jj' G).~ !l"B):lO~~'li'lDm~'~s-A!iTIA.~ c TAXPAYEll'S NAME AND I'OSTOFJo'ICE ADIJHESS i SAN BERN AUDINO i MEIIIDIAN ~ ::----r----- ~ ~ i 14 'd i :a~~ : /I)...." CQ f:l ...3....:l :E=..9:;~:fi'1 5< 'cl,~c=!~~~ ~~clcz II ' II I! II 'I I DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Value of Real Es!nLc II ,,--.','.-.,'.',...,,0.,..'.,..,".__...,'1 $ 1$ Idd') Pott er, Raymond J., 5?JLE._Van Bibber I d 8 '.1 \ E" B 600 N~ 5 ," A. L. C. 6ibbf;lr's ReBub Power, J. L., ..9..?1i_Jl.L_..QyJ.~___ l;Jlu *3/21), B I I! I VI 41) ft - 225 Tract No. 541') Pratt, Addie B., .--2-'t6_Q.oJd en 8i.--.. Long Beach, Cal. ..___._~~ Z. CuI ver H;Jme Tr. 8 60 ft :i (Inc por _" !i I Pratt, M. G. , I' II II Ii 28 ! . i:' ~: :1 i i Ii i; ^..___~__._,_,_..~__,__.,---il___________. .__..__._____________,__.__.__._____~,--~~---L-----~.--~ II : ' I: Ii i; ii" I' 'i ~ , [i '1 __._.~._~ Har'OOd!~Add _.. E ~O:lO ft- "59'57__1 9 il " 'I 'I 9" I, i _.~--- -- - ------.._---t-~ ,I. .. 1-11J-~,~9. B3 ~-2~05 I :1 I C 960 'r! 565 lI" Pl1'l.za Lot adj) " 1 . .' .._._EliJt 516 E. Chapman .__.___.__lrii~L_. 1500 ir--- Precht, R. L., ~ N-. &. ~, .. K..._.D.... 7f2_ V)d(~ Ccttage Home Tr. 1050 .,.......f. 'r Prentice, J. E., J:l_~_[).__.J_,__J?o_Jl:_192__.____:_.~_L Cha.p!llan ~~_~~1?3- ac - Et 1;j,H Prioe, R. H., 25?.. .El._Q:I,.!'!_l'l_El~!_L___ Beach's Add SIft - " :1 5 --!t--..--.., ,I 6 ,I I , , ! II l--~--- " B ......--.-...-"j ..-.....i.-----~-'--.. 121+0 II N 57.9 ft - lijcsO P:r'J2&LRobert S" i: jL-.-.----.----.---------.--.----..--. Ii il Caul dwell & Wi therbee I s Add i ~! -+-------- .I i I \ '. I. "'____+----___,__.,. ----1----..,-+---------- 6 A 1275 452 N. G1aesel1 2 Value of Imllrove- menla Thereon 1260 1135.. lOBO 540 720 1260 1490 :' --..-,--,.--,-_.__'_0- :1 -- 1080 r 600 . ,,- '[ \:t:..,' , o+-_____~_-,.-.,- ."'o,o",-"",-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,""',"'''>J'''=''',",'''''~,, !U 14' I In this Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations aTe used for the words set opposite to them: N.-Xor-th or Northerly $-Dollull N, \\'.-Northweslerly S.-South or So-uthel'ly Cts.-Cellts S. W,-Soutbwestcrly E.-I\nst or En.'ilerly Cot.-Corner N, E.-Northensterly W.-Wm~tor Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Southellsterly l.'t.-l"eet Ave.-Avellue: Imp.-hnprovetnenh No.-Kumbct' Th,-nlellce Sull.-Subdlvlsion S. D. ~L-S:an Bern:lll'dino DUllc and ~[cridia.n Sec.-Seetloll FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQW Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNB - - _X,_ (. ,ri)ia:i{; i'.i(i~'j'i ij,G'J.'jj)il3j(i.K~IHili ii~';'~;;"I'li;".A)i j,- SAN BERN AUDINO i' MRRInIAN : '~'----."""---------7-----: I 2 TAXPAYER'S NM.m AND l'OS'J'OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY "~ .3j g" <IlO ij ..: !I .8' 75 ..d-O 0 ~::i- ,0", o<ll " ,.. 0 ~'it " 0 0l0< ... o ffi~ .5 ~< z Vulue uf Real EsLnlc Value of Improve. menls Thereon "..""."...,.,.,'''',''''''1;-'..'.,.... IbtUL Price, W. H., 311 tL CFlmbr..1ngA 1 '-~"'i) .uL"" TrR,ct No---2.99 5 .~ 1')40 SSO Priohard, Traoy c., .~~J~.s2-W..-6..t.h-S.t...~ , i " ,I. i! Clarissa C. Honev's Sub Dnd'~ int in !: is B 415 360 Riverside, Ca1. ltit5t) Prioha.rd, W. C., -;-- 629 w. Maple It>l):l . spott s V1Ua Tr. E! - W~ - 2 D 900 405.. PrieRR, Wm. F. , ii ; Ii ! --r--+- I Ii 13 , ii :l , i: ,! ji , I _. P...Lino EJ., ]a'l1J!Y...JT '_L__...... __.._......____L ---.- I i: I 350 N. Harwood I, Craddiokls Sub 34S N. 011 ve i Arthur West Add 1!J, ('i " !: Cu ,.. 'i " p I l'.1:in.Qa,--EJu'Ji...___...._..._._.____...__~--..---_---..--....--.-..~-..-._......__..__...___.._.......__._....._._+_...__~-......--1.-.--..... ,!i 1 ' 350 N. Harwood! Craddick's Sub :i is I B Vjbo' :1 II' , " ' i ........----.-..----~--.. ---------~----------_..---_....- --- -- --t----.. 1__ -~ '1 ~ - I, . 9 B 900 540 i i , I I l- ii " Ii " Ii ..--~,-,--..--.-.--7r.'..-... 600 --'-"rr"-- .."--...--'-----...'... 600 450 1 ., .~ ..dc' "proot.Q!J... John S.L_____...... ...-r----.... .....-..-.---t-....-..-,.----.-..... II 35 I ' " II il Ii ...-~......l-J~T A !I : "_,-_n.__ "--T'--'-~-'--'--I---'~ ,-- I: r'" ,I '1 ii Pl'uitt,Cha.s. a., !f_...6l...l._E ..ah,.... !: I' , I' , , ,. ! }'1' (1Y~y. _Fr e-d M. I, , .--------...-.--.-----.........---...1,. 1 ' Ii ..iDb~J ~ 2iS3 N. Or ange 9 rxK .Aj)l)l,: T. M. Shadel's 3rd Add 1055 1350 .Qr_~Q._CiiQ!{.'JL~:l,tll___..._.... li,- .----'--r- iS10~l , :! i!--Ko.xd..e.a..1:r.. il I, ~I Ii I II , 'i i Ii: ':1' :' 'i 'I I i: I! ...._~......_______...+....~.+-Q--_...--1r-.--...~...-B50 'I I'" 'I" 1,1 I !i " I' II ..--1 I 115 MarysvUle,o.al.,. ':: '1;\ \.'\1 ( , I II I [, I' ;I-r---~-"'- ~~ : I' I! , , II , ' --j-!-'----'-------.- liC"-' ;~,.;, In Ibis Assessment Roll the following Ahbreviations are ll-sed lor the words Jet opposite to then/.-: N.-~orth or Northerly $-Do-llnrs N, W,-Northwcsterly S.-So-uth or Southerl,)' cts.-Cents S. W.-Southwf!aterly E.-EIt!lt or Ensterly Co-r,-Corner N. E.-Nortlul'lIsterl.v W,-West or 'Vester],)' St.-Street S. E.-SoutIJClIstCI']Y I~t.-I,'eet A\'(!,-Avcnue Imp.-ImprovemclItll; No.-Number TIl,-'l'lacl1cC Bub.-Subdivislon S. U, M,-Sall Dcrnardhlo Dase I\lld Meridian Sl!c.-SecUOII FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN Jgy '~~-:-_ri':!'L;~~'; i_~!ij'I~-Q' ~-~'ii__iiOQiiii.ti''''iH/i. ii~-iJ.A';;' , -,----,--,---,,---- -,,------------ =,="===,~.',~o,;~,'~~"'- ,=-,;==,==,=".,_,',,,",,;,^~;,,;,_,'__'..""""'_';"'-";;',C"''-'_''__,'"'-..~,,''~.o TAXPAYEII'S NAME AND POSTOJ1J1]CE AllDlIESS DESCRIPTION 01' PROPERTY i SAN BERNAUDINO I: l MERIDIAN i , ._--,----.,----~---,' :[ ii "- 00 ';::...:l "" Jjo 1.8' -ti ~ i~.s 0 bll1il ; Fl ~iil = ~ i ~~k'~~ 'Eo< 0 .".".,..",..1,.." I ~,~"'+, Ii I 2 . 0 ~~ Value Value of of Improve. ::3< menls Z Real Estate Thereon ."'W-''''''.'', I' .1 H i- I :1 'I -~'" "'.""',1" ''-C'. $ ,-""",,,-,.,,", 1$ liJ~ J\) Pruitt, Effie G., ,..23J.NL_Cen t er ld~jJ < 'Bonnie Brae Tr. 22 B 1050 ~65 Pruitt, Emma J., ?1? 8 ~-D.r.ane;'" lou;~ I' I I Ii " Ii: l':a.ulver Hntel '1'1'. 2 11)00 ,..25~Q5_ i' Pulley, Charles 'N., , ! I' 7 ,I .1- Ii Ii II il , ~-1il 16 I a I , , il i ,I ii i ' r ! : :i Ii .--j----,---+ . ,I 31 jl " il 34 ggO 7-95- ,. ,. , Y;5 R._G=rl..-- ld~d :-D.avj Ii Onl", '-s-2nd-Add. Purdy, A. W., 1011 ~ Harvard C(;;.K. 3t-. , , Ii : Geo. -----+--- Aci1ison I s Sub I; 1-- I 600 610 Fullerton, Cal. If lU~:1 , u._kl,ttnam,.__-1.(t~__y..LL-__________~______-------i________.___ ..._.___.______.__._________..______ .1 I I' : :1 221 E. Palmyra Ave.. ' ;. O. Z. Oulver H,jme Tr. , i! ----if " 90 660 $10 w 19 ft - 11 \I 44 ft Ii " , Ii II - ....----4,-.- I. Ii ii -.--.-..'-1-----'-".. "' -.-.~-...f,-..-.---~--iT.------ _...,_.-+--,-----,",-_.... '.:: :, ., L___..__________J.;-J~)!)__..._ I' Ii Pyeatt, Leo. A., " c/o c. E. Morrow ...._.f '. :, ii 11 ir , A. L. O. Bibuer's Resub E~ - st - 5 B 600 945 P. O. Box 215..______________--------------- liJ~b t -.--~..-~..----.-..-~.--..-,-----ii--~--.-,-j,-,--~.-..,--.-...;~.---+-----_t+--.-.---- Pyle, ,Jol:lnl'l.. ~--5QL})'LQli ve_._______...___.______~_M:r:.I!...-J)--.Ji'..!-I!Ql}J-f1~.(ll".l'l. Sub i,! laVI .J I, Ii I: II li Pyle, J.W., , " Ii traot ,1L566 I N 44 ft - '/It - .....2.___ i; J 3,,9+ , , Ii ! _J5Q ~~Q- r,OLN.L. 011 ve Ii Ii j; :1 Ii , ._____________.__1~~~...::-----'-----~--.f72-j--...- 1 4 675; 1305 I I , 'II 54:[1;- I I I i , I I ~__H_T-----~--- - I I: 'i. 730 2335 I I ,. ,., ,-"" Itl~~ .:~--Q1liJ,JtQ.:!L. John. 1017 E. Palm:ire. I Hll.l)1pl:l:!.ll & Paxton'13 Sub , i i """'''~''''~'''";",'''''''-'.','''''''==,='''-"=,=~ c~.' '0 )U In tMs Assessment Roll the lollOluing Abbreviations are. used for the words set opposite to them: N,-North or 1\01thedy $-Dol1ur8 N. W,-Korthwcstcr]y S.-SO\lth or Southerly Ct.s,-O(!nt5 S. W.-Southwes.ta-rly E.-F:a!'t or I~:nst(!rly Oor,-Comer N. E.-No;rtbeasterly W.-West or "'csterly St.-Street S. E.-SoutJlenstel'ly Ft.-Feet Al'e,-Aven\1c hnp.-Improvcmcllts No.-N\lmbcr Th.-Thence SulJ..-Subdivlslon 8. B. ~r.-Slm Bernardino Dnsa Dnd Ueridlm'l Scc.-ScctlOl\ FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the .property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK "_A,~ G..f~A.ii,~JRiijjiiiG i.:tio O,Qi:i'~~!)l'i;l'i.H G-,5'.~iii",~'!'l~- )~) TAXPA YEll'S NAME AND POSTOJi'F[CE ADDRESS DESCl\JPTION OF PI\OPERTY II Ii SAN llImNAHDlNO 11 MEIUDlAN h~-"----"-----' !I : Q. ~ ,: g'O :~..d g ~... 'I '.;:j~ "Fl::l...... =:{l :1 f.l k I ~ ottl 11lj3: ;1 ~ 0 'orn k r.c: i ! ~ 0 "0-1,,,.-. . ''-''-'. '."'. ,.-..,,---p......,.', , , :i ,I 'I " :1 Ii " 1 2 ! I' ~ 0 ~~ VuIue Value of 01 Improve- G< Real ESlUlC menls Z TherCll\l " " .'____''11- . "----r'. -'.".',"'_'0'. $ $ 11 '.( ,tj J3...J''l. II Q.uintana. J. G.. 4'10 S. Olive lt~iJU I Phelps Tr. ~.2 825 ! ; lfa 5__\ I ; ~_~.-.Boz 19 h,tH. Traot No. 600 1q ! 0 . I :r--~-5.]~~~1 , ' Ragan. O. S.. Rails. L. E.. cW._li.--...Dle.:v:..e.laml..._____c__l Oat t aglLliQJ1L(L1r. II S 23 ft- II ii 11 c-1--1", .1 0 c.JL24 ft- 'Ir~ - _ (.,. 810. 1080 ~ __-,-----T_C__c_._~-.-.-c-.. .1nU:~ Rail s. Wm. a.... 165 Clark l~J(h) ----,---.---------+--~--4--_IT---.~---..----+.------,--- Kordes Tr. 17 o 615 375 _...Ral.ph.-~.-cca.-.----.cc---.-c-c-c------c-: 606 N. Main St., --_._---,-,-_.._-,-,-_.~-~_._.,---_._._-_.,-~'---- ,.......-----...--,'-..'.,.- ---,_.,-,~._'-----'- :; , ..,__,__,__~._--..-.-"-"_-L-..,--.-.-.-,-..,. , .._;~.. -...-.,---..,--,....'----11'- T. M. Shadel's 3rd Add 34 , 1200 2160 Sant a Ana. Ca1. Ralph W. A. J ..225 S. Cypress Beaoh I 8 Add 18 o 990 1035 ;: Ii I, .__c__c____-, I I, I' , , I I i ! . !: I .. Ii; ,I:: :1 ..c-~-.c--tcctcc..-li-- .__tccc_c___jlc______... II I ! Ii I[ I! II t: II 'I- I 1:1 I, 5 I,' 795 !I !I ----,._~-----+..~---.-------+--~-- Ii Ii " i! ._+-______1.____+t_____.,._4- , II Ii !1 ; p" " I: _____--1uU.D -+._c_ ,. , I: :' 426 N. Oypress Geo. H. Pirie Home Tr. , , , , , 41 B 525 415 Ramirez. Juana cc____cc_ -lnOti-----.---.c_c---c-..---l... Rand01ph...:Lar:rY P" ~... 1,1 Ii David Oole's Sub I, II " ~ " Ij 'I I Da.vidOole1 (l2nd Adli I 342 N. Shaff.e..r. -"'," ,..,......-..,,"....., 540 1 ...; il ) -_._-----~. !i , ~-----,-' Ranney ,11', I..,. 345 N. Grand. 5 990 900 t o--li (.1.' ---11------.:....- ..---;.-.......----'-,---~ I' II II ,..,c,""",,,,=,,,;,-,,~~,,,,,,,,,,,",,,",,,,",,==,,~,","==",,<=" / In this Assessmellt Roll the Jt}llowing Abbreviations are used lor tile words set opposite to them: N. W.-Northweatm']y S. W.--,.Soutbwesterly N. E,-Northeilsterlv S. E,-Sollthellsterly Irnp.-Improl'cments Sub.-SubcUvilllon Sec,-SectiQIl FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK l' j~.1G: ~~.-North 01' Kortherly $-nolla~s B.-South or Soutlwrly Cts,-Cents E,-El1st or 'El1sterly COl'.-Corner W.-Wcst.orWcsterl)' St.-Strel!t Ft.-Fl!et Ave.-Avenue! No,-Numbel' Tb.-Thence! S. B. M.-Snn Bernardlrlo Base and Jller[dlnn Iq~ -_J., u, Fl,A~",f'RI"TI~iiAriU iioilK~fiiDiHG>~hij;':AiiA. SAN BEllNARDlNO MERIDIAN I 2 li" >> j; TAXPAYElt'S NAME AND POSTOFFIClc ADDRESS IlESCIUPTlON OF PROPERTY "~ 00 .;l....l 0" Jio .r; ~ ,.J::l.J:l 0 ~ll~ i ~gfQ ]~ , oUl I-< '"'"' : f-l 0 ~ o ~::J ~1l 3< z Vulue of Real Estate Vulue of Improve- ments Thereon $ $ IlJU~ Rathbun, Harley C., 443 N. Orange IlpU;) Treq,ct No. 215 7 . - '.-r---+- II h 900 1200 II -------~1j I' I! II 1 I I 1650 _675 I I , I 1 I 1 Ratliff, M. S., 0/0 John S. Roberts, 262 S. Glassell JuJU MoCoy I s Add 7 A _RS!.t1i:f..t, R. M. J----- 273 N. Lemon It~Jl ;i i -r--+- Ii ' II 13 B 'I ~---,----"-~. 95- 900 Davis Tr. 975 __RaYmond,Jat hani el L._>____..l~__._____ , +-___._.....i___.J~._._...!j-----...-.--"- 329 S. Grand ~ ," ,) l .tl.!"J. Geo. Aohison's Sub 9 A 750 675 _~El.~~an_~_L'L___.____._.~___________~'.. Los Alamitos, Oal. Orange City S 5 ft - ~ ~ ' ..----Ir---~-r-~--:- !: 6 i D l Ii I II I ii 7 i \I :1-:-- I, il '! ,."..,-t.------------t--,.,-..-.,.-..-''''.,,-----.~."..."~'---"_..~---_. II 2440 2430 .1lJlti_ . I ..-...,.--'-,,,...-- .. '!_.,........,,------ ",w-_.__it,_ Reavis, Ada L., SOl N. Glassell 9 i ~ l: 1515 4725 ____-..l......___, _______ -~-- Davis Tr. N 63.S ft - 11 11 10 _._-----~-_._,._.,-~_._---------~_.- 11 19 11 1275 340 lb14 11 :j I + I: " ....--..+-.., ,_. ......,_--1\,..----- _~,....._.__'_-;; Reavis, Ada L., .--~_._--_...---.----------""-.--,._._-'--.-.-..--'.--.1:-- ..-.,,-,,------ Ii Traot No. 437 i ~ II I, i! II ~- :j !I " ~ i -.--.--...----.-+- l '" I L 600 2025 i[ " .':" :1 -. , l! " II ..1...-...-...-.._.,"_ II II 'I !i i: SOl N. Glassell 1 B I --t -Ii ".,,"';""',"~""''',..,''''''.-'''c,~'''''~,_''''''''==,,~"==?^ -"",=""",.,<",="'= i :: I II ' , -!-.ii. I --+---- ,;".,,- ~,' '"ll. ;J'LI In tMs Asses.sment Roll the JoUowing Abbreviations are used for tlle words set opposite to tAem: N.-Norln or N-ortherly $-Doli]nrs N. W.-Northwesterly S,-South or Souther];y Cls.-Ce-nts S, W.-So\lthwestel'ly ]~.-East.or F.nsterly Cor.-CornCf N. E.-Northcllsterlv W.-Wl(!.~t or Westerly St,-Strect S, E.-SOllthcflstCl'ly Ft.-Feet Avc,-Aveoue It1lp.-lmr,rovcments N-o.-Kumbcr 'l'iI.-TliclIce Sub.-Su ~dil'isioll S. n. M.-Sau DcrnurditlO Bnse and lIIcri.tHllu Sec.-Sl!ction FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUf Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNE )q~ _0' -A':~: 'ri.'~'Gii PR-Htt'l ii-i; ',i,iij'[i ii()'i)Kili'~D'i~'G, -~~iirf;"-tl~ S....N BEIlNAIlDINO i' M l___.~__~nIDI~~__~~ I 2 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCltJPTION OF PROPERTY .~ 00 ..;::,....1 0" <Xo ." '" :g.;l g ~tl ~51$ a~ i o{/) I-< P:: i [-I 0 ~ o ~~ ~~ '" Value of Real Estate Vnlue of Improve- ment!> Thereon c".c;''"f'''--' '''''.'.',___, I I I i 1'. $ $ ltJ1a Red Fox Orchards Oorp., _JJ.:L,QJ::e.aEL.L.Qha.pman Chubb1e Add II II II II ,~;- i' 11 II II s 28,4 ft - 1 B 450 1755 + 11 2 II 300 3 II 1080 4 II 1080 5 11 10$0 16 II 375 , L.l7. . II __:.-__---3...75 12150 i lS~ '. 375 11 S 2S,lf ft II 300 ,-__---200 i ...Re.dden, w: ....L. , i~.129 s. P..ark.e.r.._._______._. l\Jll : 19 jl ii 20 II II I: il :i! " i 6" 4 4 Ko r d e e ...T.L..-.--.----...---.-...--------.---------~.-'_t-J?------+---.--_._.:I,5_,._.._.~L5_ If II II l\liu i_..13~llJ:.Jj;_'._QJ1!'J,:P,I1tQ,IL..---.--.--.-.....-+--'rA.!'J,.Q~t-N ilL} 20_ i 1 t>>J.S " I I Reed, Ohar1es 1..5-9lJi.....JlJ.:Mg.e........ IblH 'l'herma1it,Q. Tr... 1:- i: I , .1.42 .1h...J:).i7~j;..______.___I...1'...........LLSh!.lU e.r.'.JLll<td.. -- ....1u,Gu. ..~ . Ii I I -1__.Cauldwe11 & I. ii II I ,I. ______._.____...______.__.________ ___4_~~-f_..--~--_.----]2CJ.--_f_--..E.II:JQ. 1.1 ' ' ". . 1 i , :i ' :1 ; f Ii Ii '; II; ,. ,. . 1/L.95Jt -____.______~-1.?-r.fL~~..-'-.-.60<L'I--762. :1 ' ! .. "i ii Reed, Charles 0., Reed, Emily V., i_~~!iN. Center .____.__ __... ___..._._____.J_5._i_iL+__._:~---.,-.~g45-.~-.- 79__0. Ii J I ;" 'j I I :i ,1 I' ., i! I! I 'Nith~rbe.El~"l Add"JL2.Q. ft-=-__J23/24 A " I II II II I ""Ii '.'. 'I " I" i ii Ii j :: , : " 600 I, "-I' " '';-'--~'' .,-----.. I" :1 II:: ' . :' " 360 1170 Reed, Riohard . .Jh.9-5-N~ 01 i V. p. 111<':.t i Ii ~ Rees,L1J,li:raL" Ii !i r Bonnle B'M T,. II . --.. - E ___ =__, ______ "'___.'"~,_ ="''''" _ =""""''''=---=''''''''''='''''''''~==''"''''''''''"'''_~~=o;==____r"''''"''''''''_=~'''== --- -"---~""""'... 10 0 ii " ~Li:9 Ii ',,-.. '.1.(1 I ".' .,,~ ., \ -g , 00 ~ ." In t!lis Assessment Roll the Jollowlng Abbreviations are used lor the words set opposite to them: N.-North or Northerly $-DollllfS N. W.-Northwesterly S.-So'ltll or Soutbel'ly Cbl.-Cellts S. W.-Southwesterly E.-Bust or }~"ster'>' Cor.-Corner N. E.-NorthoaBtar]~' W.-'Yestor Westerly St,-Strect S. E.-Southeasterly .,'t,-Fcct Ave.-AvC!llue Imp,-Improvcmellta No.-Rumbcr 'fh.-'fhcl1ce Suh.-SuluIlvlslon S. n, :M.-Snn BernnrdlTlO Base and ~rcrldlan Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK, l~l,. ""rG.'J'i"iGc;'~ffi.,tifIHG "Ii,Oj.-~gK@i!'ifIHI;" ~"ilT",-i."i.' I 2 .;1.. ~. 11.[ SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN TAXPAYElt'S NA.m AND I'OSTOFFICf: ADDRESS DESCItJPTION OF PROPERTY "~ 00 '~.., " JS~ "~ 1i'~ ,::a~ ~ o ~B g< z VallIe 01 Renl Eslnle Value of Improve- \Hcnls Thereon $ hj' .i) _K",'~,~:. Rees, Mary E., 261 N. Pine l\J~rj Traot No. 202 10 - 930 " ., Rees, Mary E., 261 N. Pine 1 t,;;:"j Traot No. 1')6 7 B 810 .20g E. Kelso St., Cauldwell & Wi therbee I s Add 9, A 1275 1195 .I [ 1 I II I I 675 Reeves, F. V., IngJ.ewood, Cal.. lu;~u , " Reeves... Iva J-w--- " _..-0;-___________.________._._ l: , I: Ii ]i i: --.-.-------~--,4----r----+,-_+_ !: i I'" , ", , ~: 477 N. Shaffer ll}~t>> Tract No. 571 475 . :1 1760 Morrill., Kansas ~_~__1~J4tl ": ir , I, i ' _.JiBav.aa.,_:Lv..aJ.._.e.t._.al.._,_~.._.__....-+____.____..__.--.---..---.-.-.-.--.-.-.-----il-...--i.'-----r-..-n---->------.---[ , i; I ' . / ' 4 i A 825 855 o 0 Mable Reeve 8, 00 sart r 8 Add 11 I i '! ! I :i :'1 II. 'I "'. I !I ,I',: . ..--...-....- .-..--...---.--+-...-..----.-.----.. .. ......-.-....-...----..-------.-........--.----.--.....-.....-. . ......-...-.-l.--...-r..-.-.'......--r-----.r--.-----'-.-..-.. --...-..\1 Reitz, C. J., I , 1 I Tract No. 622 IS 360 513 E. Washington ____._..lu~;;::j.- Remland, Otto A., 161 S. Harwood 1 tj2:~' Lockwood's Add " ..-..------.-..--.----.--.-----L il i) " II ", ! 14 i A.' II. 1.1 I r ' ' I 'Ii I : I: Ii i I .j I! ...--.--t---+--.,--t----l II i Ii Ii ~I '"! I I I il:----. .11, I I ,I , I iI it 1! .---.;1 11-...-------..--.-.---------..----.--.-..---....-.-- -..t [I Tract No. 219 n i, ,I Ii 990 ,i " I !i Ii I: Ii j, 480 .ReynoleJ.J3LR,a,lph .H.L. 285 Maplewood Ih6U 675 1620 " t---- il , Rice, Ne~l~E3., Box 93 L ... -"-'''''--~''..'-';_.'-' .- I . . ~ ... I Weloh & Harrod's Resub o 660 17 " II i ; ~ i II '.. () I! I'.' (' I! r II i (, I. .. '--, i ~i r~"- I: _.__!'tiP.on Oal. ". ta; 'J ( In this Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations are used lor the wards set opposite to them: N.-North or N-o:therly $-UOUllr-s N. W.-No-rthWoCstel'ly S.-South or Southerly Cts.-Oenh S. W.-Southwesterly E.-Hllst or Ensterly Cor.-Corner N. E.-N<lrthc!i1sterly W.-WClstorWcsterly St.-Strect S. E.-Southeasterly Ft,-li'cct Ave.-Avenue Imp.-Impr()-vcmcllts No.-!\umber 'l'h.-'l'hcnce Sub.-Sulullvillion S. n. M.-SU11 Derll:[lrtlluo Dase find MerhUlln See.-Scctioll FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAl Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fc ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK/ )91 I 2u....l ,.. ......- ._.'.._,----,,-,--,-,...._-~_.,_._"- --------.' - j..G.fUC;;I;i.f'JlUlTINliJ.tIO!lO(lJ::8IHDIHG"SAH1AAHA. ~::-'-_. II ii II SAN BEltNARDINO I: ME1UDIAN ---, TAXPAYER'S NAME AND I'OSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ~.... i.~ ~ 00 "'iil.9 g .,i '.::11-1 I" "0", ,I ~ I-< ~ U'lo oCfl '"' . r,.. 0 '[1""---" """j ~ti " " Oli:< ~ o ~~ ~< Z Value of Real Estllto Value of Improve- ments Thereon '-"',,_.:cl' ~,;"'" "'---"";!-'-"-' ''--'- i $ ~ $ il ....".\t" hJt) 1. Rioe, W. J., -3-62-.s~ Shaff er 1\)tj4 ,ccreo. Achisonls Sub r 19 FL- 600 'i 1035_1 - II I , Rioe, W. J., "362 S .-Ellaf.f.ex Halladay-T;r . E .4 ft - IS A t ----1 " II II 19 " --H- 4755 30601 In~)d _Ri.ch,.._"ALexan-'iex__._.___.____'. R. D. #1, Box 101 A, .. -n--r- _._~ Traot No. 716 : 27 300 925 Santa Ana, Cal. _____J a ~~ )-l -,"-_._-'_..~ "i ;, ", I; .-__.,_,__"..___._,..w______\l-_____;__....,..-__.__~-._r--." I , I -1 Riohards, A., 2L~7. N. Grand , Bonnie Brae Tr. ....__...___itlrJ.LL..- _____.___________._..._..._____.l____._._._____ ...-.------.--..-.--..... 20 A 1125 1125 i, Ii __._____________,______,_,..,__,"f__._.._,----'--._,_,__-i,._.._.__t------'_,_._.-tj___m___..____..:+----______'____ Richards, Bruce, 144 8. Olive ._..llkl\l__ Traot No. 622 16 ' I 360 435 Richards, Guy G., E. Chapman Ave., N 50 ft - Library Tr. 17 I, 1$ __,.,_.___._.___1!.-._.________... ji Ii A 600 . II ___ .. __.._____.________________._.____..___.._J.____.____.u_u____.._.._._______.___.__.__________ II 3190 . ..._____...____~:'.'._....-_----,,--'--.'--m-~._:"- 11250 ilk)' Richards, Marjory 144 S. Olive --.._---- ---~ , i: Ii Tract No. 545 -l-..---.-...--------.--------.-.--.-...-..---. I, .tt'. ii 7 ,.' B ; d' : -u--------r[-----+----.--+ 300 ,-----.'T-~'~-.....---i.- l!JtiC'5 "if Richardson, Floyd D., _..l22 S. Parker :' Ii --t ! Kordes Tr. :!, . Ii 21' 0, -------.-,,-.-*,------------t----.-........'----.t-----"'.-j.-. """"'m""~'='="""""':.,""'"'''''\"..,='''"'"'''''''''~=''''''_'='''J'''''''=.-=''''''='''''''''~ , I 22 II ~ 1116 II 715 205 F .J , II N.45ft - Ivdu I II II 1\ I I .Kordef3 Tr. ..--,--- ~ Ii' iii ----,;.---,.----.---4); __lli_Q..Qar.dson, Ida 16~ S. Parker ii ~i ,[- II ., Ii 11.7:~ o <9 In tMs A.s.sessment Roll tile following Abbreviations are used Jor the words set opposite to them: N.-North or Ko:thel'ly $-DoUnl's N. W,-Northwesterly S,-Soutltol.SO\lthcrly bts.-Cel1ts S. W.-Sonthwcsterly E.-Rllst 0.1' Casterly Cor.-CorllCr N. E.-Northenst<lrly W.-West or Westerly 8t.-Stra-ct S. E.-Sollthell:!1terly Ft.-F'eet ^,'e.-Aycnne Imp.-Improvements No.-Kumbcr Th,-Tbenee Sub,-Sul1dlvlslon S. B, M.-San Uernllrdino Base Ilnd lloCridJan Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAl Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKA Jq~ -_.~.... ...,,-,_. ""fLrUGG,I'RlIlTlIl-tiA/l.OIlOllKllltlOUIG.SAJlU..I.lU ~ r Ii SAN BrmNARDINO i: MERIDIAN ~ HI! ! I 2 t I iI , TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDHESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY "~ .3j 0" cJ50 I Po< .!:d :~-5g ~Il+-' i ~ 6~ ]~ , ot/) l-< _~ IE-! 0 .L, ~ o ffi~ . ~ ~-< Z Value of Real EstaLc Vallie of Improve- ments Thereun ".-"",,~,,__ll 11 I I Ii Ii " i! ;i $ IG~to Richardson, John 21--0 E. Almond IG-l1 i:'Tract No. 235 S 50 ft - N 104 ft - A 1200 675 .L ~ 910 E. Almond 1642 Tract No. 622 4 375 , 1: , " Ii 11. --II Riohardson, John Richardson. John 310 E '. Almond II J\ioh.ard!LQ1l,~_r@dL________.~ I : !i I t--Y II s ' I ,I " II I: I I, t-I i---~ -:; , 4' !' ill i - . 'I , !i " I: , " I' , :1 h '. 5251 I~-.~-tr , Ii 265 . 720 1035 " -II !i ., Tract No. ~7. II 164.3 R.iley, Orookett B., 339 N. Oambridge , 'i " j .' 'I ..----It--------1! 2170 it :[ :1 , -l---;t :i- 750 1215 II II ' II I :1 I, '. II II I !I! II .. ..----r~L-+:I\i----t-14-55-r-~~51I' I ' 'i 1,1 Ii " .__!~______._ I ----+------~--- ----,-- .1 .1, Ohapman Tr. W 165 ft - N 2.50 ac - S 7.50 !j;c - i: [I I S~ - ( W - di toh) II 10 E : 1080, ~: i:, :' .: I I I II' " " ' il i. i i::: !i . Iii. -------.--------.-------.----------t--I--~-1--.-t------t---- ii' I ~ : ' I ..~. Therma1i ta Tr. 111 2111 A ',' if 11 li j' ' T I I, 1'1 ii" \1 Ii : I ! I t- 1;- t---r.-rl,-.-+--- Ii . , 1: ! ' I I " I .._......_1 Tract No. 73 'I 11 Iii -t- # " 592 N. Lemon Tract No. 716 ,.. 360 , j' Ii .- ~ I' .Rioha.r..daon.,_W_illiBllLR.__6_LaL__L________.._..____.________ 314 N. Shaffer ~ David Oolels Sub N 50 ft- " Ii " . Hil4: 1645 H Ii i! , -Ir- I: II Hemphill & Paxton's Sub ..----.--,-.--,--,---...--..---....--.--'-...'.'.-'.-".--.,--.--.-,' Riddle Oarrie E. D. _._____.......H...L._._.___.____._....._._....._...I Box 404 1646 ~oo 1 'IA jfd7 ~~'-- Rios James S. "',.._,-.___..,~,__.,L ,__"_..._..''''''.,......''.....,.._.'''__",,J._. 528N. Ora,nge . 1&18 750 270 Rios, JlJ.mee_S., 52$ N.. QJ;'l;tnge .. 675 ,,,.--""'",.'-~~'O"""'"=~,,~""""""";'''''',,,,~~,''-'"'' .-,.....j .~. ,- llOIO D Tn thi.s Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations are used fDr'Ole words set opposite tot/lem: K.-North or Ko:tilerly $-Dvllllr8 N. W,-Northwesterly S.-SoQ-uth or Southerly cts.-Cents S. W.-Southwc~tcrly E.-Enat or EEllltel'ly Cor.-Corner N. E,-Northclll;terl~' W.-West or Westerly St.-Str.a.at S, E.-Southenstcr)y ~~:-~~~bcr ~I~~' T1~~c~e ~~~:=~~e~I~~i~:~~:lts S. D. ;\1,-SUll Dern9.rdln() Bnst! Illld 1I1crlditm Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f{ ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK Jl\q . i.,j_.!.~~,~;l~;ialiiI"lii~.~-~~ s'c'oiiol:iol'iiii:"SAtllAAHA .. 'IT' ...11. .rr II SAN BEIINARDlNO II ii MElUDIAN ~ 'I:" Ii 1 2 I , TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFI CE AIJDlIESS IJ ESCIUPTION OF PROPEIlTY "~ 00 'il'"' " " il rn 0 AI'M"""'N~' u',.+ 1,8< ~ ''"5l1i g. i ~;g~ ~ ... ffJ I~ l:: ~~ " " ~'" ~ o ~~ ~< Z Value of Renl Estllle Value of Improve- ments Thereun $ ;$ -,..,",-"..j, ! lli49 Ristow, Emelie Geo. Achisonls Sub 16 A 675 1570 -1(i50 ~ir Roaoh, Edgar B., 2515 S. Coronado St., _L..illLMl/;e.leJ:l.. c", 1. .1651 T:paot No. t!99 1 540 540 Robbins, Nathan Jh....ll--jfl,__Ma--1'l~Cllapma.n Bp.o.t..t.a-B.uh. " 112 I, ,. ! I il 17$5 240 ~ B 600 '1("1"") . )n..." ROberson, Kelly L ii 7501 900 Box 95 165~ " --_._~_..,_._---~._,.---" 1125 1035 Robinson, F. A., ~~~_IBonnl' B'~ T', !I ill i " ,iChapma.nTr. Sly 3.25 ao in NWlj: -, 3, G p.25,! 1500" 'i 'I! '", " 'I i i ! ' . ~ ; i II -I I __.'. 11._ 'I ______._.__~~_____.__ .!---------~-----------~---------~-------~rl -~- -T il 1'1' WJ..2 - "'Ii 2 .1' E 1".',5.9011'" 37"'0 .1' _CllaPlllanTJ.'. J~ 5.90 ao in 'I I, '," 0" .i : , Iji! 11-+' --+' ----~--.j, -11- I, , , i 16 : 1050 I 'ii :' I" ---+-_.~._,-~._--+------t--_.._- 279N. Center 1655 B 6}0 Robinson, Homer 60lN. Batavia 1.t::~ ~---_._-- 9$5 . .RQP;I,:naQI1,._L...J"_.., $55N. CI'lJ:llP:J:'-1ggEl 1657 2700 Robineon,Leroy E.e1; 01..1.=:, , i $55 N. .Camb.r.1dge__ Cb.apllla.n..,Tr ..._. W lO 1;1.0 3\ F 10 5605 205 ~ /1) ~:.:;, :;. :i GO In this Assessment Roll the J0110Wirlg Abbreviations are used jor the words set opposite to them: N.-Nortll or Ko~therlY' $;-Dol]ars N. W.-Northwesterly S.-South or SOllthcrly Cts,-Cents S. W.-Southwesterly E,-Bl1st or Enstcrly Oor.-Corner N. E,-Norlhcmstt!rly W,-West or Westerly St,-Street S, E.-SOltthensterly ~~~I~';~lbcr ~~~:=i~}I~~~~e ~~b: ~~Edj~b:i6~ltS s. D, M,-San DCfllardlno Base and :Meridilln Sec,-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU, Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNi 'Yoo ....ti_"-(!,Mi~s;,Jf'Il.!.Il!!!I,~!\IU?, DQIJKB DINIJ ,5 liT ), ), SAN BEHNARDINO MEIUDIAN I 2 TAXI'AYEll'S NAME AND POSTOFI'/CE ADD/lESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY "~ 00 'il'""' . " ",0 ,~ "6 --51<'3 0 ~tj ~gS ]i3 oUl '"' 1-'01 H 0 ~ o ~~ ~IJ ~< z Value 01 Heal EstaLe Value of Improve- melll~ Thereon 1658 $ Robinson, Robl;Jrt B., " SOhooley's 1st Add W 50 ft -E Ei2 :fA II :! 2 I il r :1 I Ii I Ii ' " S 32 ft- I, " " !: :: !i " " .--..!iLt5-.YillJ. Bib b er John R. " II II 675 ,: 60 II II II I -,---- 1659 Robinson, Rob't. B., ..----1; A. L. C. Bibber's ReBut 19 A ----tr 600 1260 5!i5-J1.an Bibber 1660 Roberts, Mary A., 262 S. Glassell 1661 ii _Ii Beach's Add 7 A 2700 610 ....Bnx.-2-.39-=.-L7lLa~Qant.ex_-..S_t_~ '@6"i02 ..It 'ill... ij i' I: " II I P.- iT. ~1L-__.. 111 I i , A '1245 540 ________ ___ "0_ I:" , ..Rohertson, Edgar 0., Rodieok, Mathilda R. D. #2L~ox_3112 1005 ti :i Ii Ii 1)+ I~ , II ' . I ____.I._.GampbelLJ3.ub_.___iI'-.lQ2._iL-:-:______ ....__...___....l.._.:L_L~L_.-.-_-,-_EQ.55. .'. ____.2.29 I. . Iii" , I, II I!: , L_~L~_._i" __t._~2L~.__. 1[1. I ,I I i' II I: Iii II I. 1 I: II 1 G Ii l.j. IT ii ii I:..' Ii : .1 ' .-..~--~_.-m__-_~-_.--~.-.___-.nt'----.h--- I '! 1. A II ~ I I . I ..-.----.------+-..j I,. 3 I , Ii I I I : I ._~=_~~=~.A-..~ =tr~.. ..... RObertson, Zinnetta G., --297-..8 ..Glasaell____. 1003 Rodieck, E. A'I R. D,__#3, Box. 222.L.____._.__~x..ao'LNo. 437 Anaheim, Cal. 1664 " , I I r Ii I,ll "'hap T 4 v. man Il. I: r, i'! S 4 ac NJ -SE~ - 3750 540 " ...BQ~s, Charles .hL_____-----1,,_______._____.___.____ Ii 306 w. Palm I, Longfellow Tr. 1666 II " ! II 'I . (i. Tract No. 513 II Santa Ana, Ca1. , "~'~~~'-'~"~""~~~T'"''-'''~''''''~''''''''''..,,~'''-'''"""'," 1 -+----. 1015 720 ;~ _JlQ,gerlO.J- E.~, Ii I' +--. 5.4~ II 600 , " i~)!" C .~ "; ,'! . 9211 S. Ross St" 1 "_-~, !Qt- . i""o .9.01 In this Assessment Roll the /o'llowing Abbreviations are used for the words set opposite to them: N.-North or N01 tharly $-Dollll.fa. N, W.-North:weatarly S,-Sotlth OJ' Smlther]y Cts,-Cents S, W,-Soutllwestcrly E.-l\!l!lt or Ensterly Cor.-Corncr N, E.-Nol'thcastcrl}' W.-\Vast or Westerly 8t,-8t1'cct S, E.-Southeasterly ~~~~::nber 4h~.i~~~~~e ~~b:_~~g~8~f~~~lts s, n, M.-SIlIl Bernardino Dllse nnd Meridian Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU, Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO [IN, -- -- -' --.. -'.'. -, ,..'...- .-.,..". ... --..,-.....- .....-.,..--., ,- ~~,&"'-~'H. .PflJIlJlNQ AIIIl JOOKilllllllltG. SANIAAJlA 1 2 11 ii SAN BEltNAllDINO Ii I: MEnmIAN : L---..-._ __,..-.-.--J , , TAXPAYER'S NAM1( AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY "~ .3.3 Q k <Xo .1667 Rogers, Floyd, 2.01L'lL. Birch St "_, Brea, Cal. 1(i68 ~ o ~gj ~5 ~< z Value of Reul Eslnte Value of Improve. menls Thereon I:E~~ I l/J'Ei~ , ~ 0'" oUJ k ! E-i 0 ~tl " . Oll:< $ $ 600 J.2.Q ..I.J.u:t.w.ond....ElaaA , ! _____j___1L_-l~--.-~ , ___________,_----J..___-i--_-----------+-__,__...._'"_.__...,.........-______ 'I " ___Rof.l;ere, Henry 133 S. Shaffer Harwood I s Add S 55 ft - 9 10 " " .._______~66~.L_______ l 900 675 _'____'_~__~-".--_-------_-_.-_--_.----... .._______.___.___,_._____,__.__...'!i.._ ..--.,-~-._~.,..------T'--- ."'----...---.--.-~_.f!__---.,--. Ross, E. V.. Box 1354- 1$ Kordes Tr. o $75 375 __lLar stow->~al. lb""",U ----'-_.-;:--_._.~--_._'_._-_._---_.__.._._---_.._.,----.----..-.-...--..-----.--..----.--- .._---~--~------ .._RQmer, Henry. , . '" r I I' '. II __1 Z~ R.a.s.elawn-_EL+_______________.+-_J.'.:r 0.Q:li._.NQ..__.1f,t__~"____LLk1L--'",...... I' , I' " , , ' __::_;:,j,,~~2~4_],__~---"'----.----;,-.{----lJ:5.Q-i--------.. Rose, Clinton E.:. Ii i: ,. 1.---.----.--------"-------..,---.-------.-------------------.--.---.-------------.-----,--- ...-'----.-.--------t----...---r---..~:'--..--'~-'---.-~T ..--,--,--,----- 2.} N. ib';;.,;iT <>t. i Cottage H~e TT. Und I int in I )! - : . 515 2)0 Roe., ,.th.T O. I -~---~-------~------------~--~J --~--~-- 25}JL. ~lll3.ffer St. !Q(li)tage Home'!'I'. Und J int in il 7 I - i \Ii I 520 Ii 270 1674 .!"", \1 ;',. ,I ",':. 11, i!' I! ,: ;1 I [' i P d " DOl'othy~_, _~ _________________+__-'-__-i_____+__-t______L__ Il T:rSJ.Qt No. 136 \2 'B ' :1 94-5 \1 ll~55 ~ " I --~- i- , , Los Angeles, ,Cal. 1ft?! II 2 , i I L_3-..2!.c!~n,__Jti_(Jk.;!1'1\~...1 I ! 282 N. Oambridge I ! , i I , , i- .....m~,._..,_'__.'.___.,'_.._,.,.._"..._.__.,_____...,...._ i' Ii , ......____,____....u._'"._ -rr-'. Traot No. 136 .1672 :1 !1 Ii ii i' Ii L " " " II ,I " :1 II jl " J[,_F-o !L!?_" 292 N,Cambridge ,,--~- ", """=."'''='''''''r=''~='''''''_""~'''''''"''''m~=w'"''.".-''''"'''''''""'=~'''''"'"'''''==""" 450 ,.. .'"m+_...'.~,_.,..J..-.-.._,_ 4- 810 12$5 B -i-- , I i I I I , , ''''''"P,''"~-''""''-''' jr--- Ii i! ~,,' ,. II ! , , , , ...----:r i I .. c en Ql '~~~ "',},< In this Assessment Roll the following Abhreviations are llsed JOT the words set opposite to them: N.-h"orth or Northerly $-DOUIlTS N. W.-Northwestcrly S.-SOUtil or Southerly cts,-CCTlts S. W.-SO\lthwcstcrly E.-East or Ensterly Cor,-Corncr N. E.-Northeosterl:.' W.-Wcst or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Southcllsterly Ft.-l"cc~ A\'c.-A\'E!IIlH! Imp,-hnpl"ol'cments Ro.-Number 'rh.-'J'llcncc Sl1b.-SulHlivlslon S. n. !I.-SUIl Dern:al'diflO DllSC Rnd Mcridinn Sec,-ScctloD FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU, Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNi 'Y 0""; "''''~-a.:P;L;GO FRI--"IIl.v;'ND"'iroQkDIHDlfW~A;t... "'Jl~ TAXPAYEH'S NAME AND POS'I'OFFICE ADDRD:SS SAN BERN AnDINO MEnlDIAN I 2 ]) ESCRIPTION OF PROPEHTY "~ 'il,s "" <1)0 !,8'.,l:l~ I -fi... 0 , "P- i ;;: o~ ! of,{J I-< 'E-< 0 .'1 I ~f1'!E " " Oli" ~ o mB ~< z Value of Real Eslate ; Value of Improve- menls Thereon -C'!!;~"'" ! -"""'-''''--'r;',_L--'' :: $ ii$ 1675 Ross, Hattie M., . 3lJ:lJ:~~~QII~.~, Oxnard, Cal. Tra.ot No~ 122 :'_2 I' , I! [I I: r :' :! i, . l c ,_ I' ~'r-------lr---- , ' 1525 $25 825 825~1: 'r $25 II II 5 II II i 7 i 1676 , II I' i I, :1 I 12 Ii H 'I Ii ~I II II 'I 1116 , II I 1-.--: I ' +- .BO~13siter, V. A. , 205 Spurgeon St., Santa Ana., Cal. W. H. H. Clayton's Sub A 900 ._~~1fi~f7 ,I -Ji-... Rossiter, V. A., Sant a Ana. CAl. i r Ol1.apma,nTr. Ii I' i ~ I: , " i S 7.tt.6s,<J:: ,N'wt E 7.41$ 5395 750. ...gQ5SPllrgE;lQIlS1;., , .. Ii , ---'1'-'-- 1678 II 'I' , i II i II il J .__..~------------~~~-T-....l--.~~_._..5 ~2..~~.__ 2 I ' I :! 300 I ! t Ii ii ': I I :i:i . ' Ie 3 I - Ii ! 490 11 ~I , Iii, 265.' -, I I' 'i . -- 5 _l.-ti-.490 I,'~ 1 't II, I) Ii I 6 I ' II !i 265 Ii 11.1 II .., ~~ - :t :;: II 91 Ii 490 Ii. :1 II ._~_.~._~._______,+_J,Q.L=~.~__._~_ 265.-L..____~ ]1 :J.l ! -, 'I 490 . II 12 I - I Ii 265 4' i ' ,i '1;5--1-=-':,1_1 ~o I , II !I 14 i II ~ri Rossiter, V. A., I' ~ I!. ~__~~1J..!Keo~ S t'.l..~_.~_..~__~.........~_+lr ~2.Ll!()_!..~222..____..__~_.____.... Santa Ana, Cal. .,' II II -------.-r-" ,I i I: II II Ii I: II t~~ l~ II Ii 11 II i: ii II " , Ii I' ,I II 1\ Ii II II J II II 265 IS- "/,1';; ";:- () -"'''''''=''''=~'''=''''"''''''',,,,,,,,,,,,,=,,,..,,,;,,,,,,,=, -- ,,"71 ~O'B 'Yu"} b~ this Assessment Roll t116 loll-owing Abbreviations are used lor the words set opposite to them: N.-NQdllOrNortherly $-DoJlnrs N. W.-Northwcstcrl,)' S,-Soutli or Southerly Cts.-Ccnts S. W.-Southwesterly - E-,-Eflllt cr F.llstcrly Cor.-Corner N, E.-Northeullterls W.-Wcst or Westerly St,-Strcet S, E.-Southellsterl)' I.'t.-Feet A,'c,-Avcnue Imp.-Im-prol'cments No.-Kumbcr TII.-"'hance Sub.-Subd.!l'lslon S. n, At-San Bcrllllrdino- Dase and Merhlilin Sl:'c.-Scctioll FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQl Assessment Book of the Propelty of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO Ul\ A:,,''-ri.\ila'-,ii''ii'ilii-~A'N-ii'i(;O-KBil-ioiNii.iuHrA'''llA TAXPAYER'S NAME AND I'OSTOFFICE ADDHESS -~ SAN B~;RNAnDINO "if ~_.. MEIlIDIAN I! I P' 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPEHTY "~ 00 '">-1 tl" J50 ,.S< ~ , "ffl-5 0 iP'" 0<1) " : E-i 0 ~lItl "" OJ''' ~ o e~ ~< z Value of Real Estate Value of Improve- ments Thereon V. A. Rossiter Oont I d. Traot No. 595 II " " Hi 'i i, " Ii !: !: " !j :i """'i I $ $ II "~~----------~'-T~--------~'---'_._--'---~"'------'----. " " I' 25 --------jj-- , . 26 ( 490 26~ 490 265 490 265 490 265 490 300 300 265 265 _.'___H_____._.______,._~__.____.___.____+___------~-..--.~~______ 15 16 , 11 , \I -.H,--.,~--'~~---_.___.___~_____.__.H_____r_------.---- 17 18. . ! 19 I II II 20 II 21 II ------+:---_._----------_._-,~-------,~------ 22-;--- 23 , 25 1t---~ II II II 27 2S II " 29 30 265 265 II " 32 33 ..._______________________._11._____ ...____________________________________L.l4_r_:'_______;_ -------------------.---.---..---.-" [i 35 ' I ;1 ii Ii 36 J_ir;~t________1__________._____~_____.______________!---~--~--+,'-------t-.I j: ,I, ,,; ii il i :" Rothenberger,. Don y., ~ :,! I; i: 10.33 W. Sth St., [I 'Lo'okwood I B Add N 40 ft - S f50 ft - t 7/1S! A. I '. 570. 7S0 I I! : : I::' :1 ..----_..-1-__________ 11-----1---"---+---f----'--"--- !! i' I ,I ii .1' :i n III ~ 'i oh1_n~._ d 50 6 I .1-'-"","' F arlll_J!Q t s_.__.._ E 3. ao- II.... . ..-."'''--,,----.--,.,-,~~--l,,~,~,---,-.--....~..-.--.-,---,,. --,,~-,---~-,,---,~-.~---=~----~="- " 265 " 265 II ..__!__~~2.._______.__ 265 265 ...--+---- Santa Ana Cal. . .-,,-----.-,----.,--,. 16MO Rowell, C. F., ., 150 0 :h5p ..._-9~- il , / I l'd'1'" In') __7 19 _'!'I_L_1J;lLi[~t a } ~4 ryO~ In thi.s Assessment Roll the following Abbreviatio1ls are llsed for tI,e 1tJOrds set opposite to- them: N.-Xorth or NO;tlH~l'l'y $-DOllUfS N. W,-Northwestcl'ly S,-So-uth or Souther!)' cts.-Cents S, W.-Southwesterly E,-I\llst or Enstc-rly Cor.-Col11c-r N. E.-NorthclI13.tcrly W,-Westo-rWcstcrly St.-Street. S. E.-Southellstcrh-' Ft.-Feet A1'C,-Avelluo hnp.-Irnprovements No.-N\lInbel' Th.-'l'hclnce Sub.-Subilivisio-n S, n. n.-Sall IJerruudlno Bllse and lIcrid:lnn Sec,-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange 1 ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN _ ___ _ ,_.. .'~ M'_'''' ,......~____ .. '. '..' M_ .....__. ... ..__ ~,~"_ ,411,-"UJ-~G.,r,altITltlC>..I.IID,BOa:KBIHD1!1G SAHT.I..lNJ. -f! .. ~l "-"]1 ! I,ll ' SAN BERNARDINO ! il MERIDIAN Ii ~ -.,------------j I Po ~ l;'c: i:m.sg ~tl 'ilo-l : ~"i'1i d" ~ ~ i ~cZ ~ r.a~ ',_=.'~_.."c.-.,..L """"'-'.-.,,1" I II ! I I' !i I 2 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ~ o ~~ 13< z Value of Real Esllllc ,I Value of Improve- ments Thereon _...-,.-l~ ",",'.---.'"'_-~'_'."""'" ',', .._~ . $ I! $ 1681 Royer, D. F., ~. ?Q;t,_lL..~pman 1682 Tract No. 21q ,/ 30 67.'5 13'50 Rozell, C. E., 415 NL-Ratavi~ l(iS;j Rich1and F~m Lots N 1 ac - 8 2 ac -'II 1 act 21 I: 1 630 945.... Rozell, C. E., _Jtl5-_R..-Ba:tAtl~..st.~,_______ . 168:1 : - I 'Gardne.I'~A.dd______._______________~_7_! I ~~--_,"_~9~._~g5-_ !' 'I Rozell, Chas. J., __.l..5S-J3~amhr_i.dga Iti85 W. R. FOl'syth I A Add !! ; , :' Ii r i: I: :1 ' , j' ; . : I 67h: 120 __._._J1_-9-+-.A~__." -_---..L-+- ___._ ~ I ' :! ! il . , " q __~Q<l_l'L._s.P.?'r:!..r.<!c.__,_,_... I' I' Rudolph, Catheri-n€l ii " , a' ii )i! ,I ...-4.2.9---Sr--Glas.a6ll-.-St.q----__t Re sub....-GrMILA:ll.e..A.d.d__.________________+2J__i_B___----+--__-1f_ 1~.86, . i :I! ,,' d Ii, ' Ii I !i I: ii --_______._____L_An J2; e l,.SlILQ.J'r....____ I " 1200 ,I 54.Q. Russell, Floyd II ji I :: . I 1$ ! -t----T :1 I I I .' " ,ii!: L ;: 62~------ ---t 71 - H II ' " II 9 II I'!, 'i .+-t-f- I' t-- Ii, . Ii i ~ I ' 'i I I ,I 4 I C; 1110 [I m250:1 1620 I~_.l '+____~-.-. !I I' : 1$75:1 2625 +2gJ~ I I" '\)S I I~".. -::T---f---l---~g5.--~--- 1195_ Fullerton I I :: ': -4 4 'I 3 0 ,I 340 .... Russell, Roy r ..Jlus s~ll,__ H_LQ-'-'-___________~- "- 'I 553 N. Harwood - II 'Tract ,I -II :: - Ii 'I .t=--~ ... , '11.Ohfl.PIll!LIl Tr. N'II~- '! II II II ..0r.angeCi ty lli8'7 2305 1688 2014 N. 13r9a<l1l'!LY, .. .fumt.lLAn.a._,--0.a1. 168}) Rutledge" L. V., WID 850ft..,- /2 ..B Runyan" HolUda,y, Nutwood Place 2 5 -"""'"',,-=,=.==""'=,,="'''','"''',='''='," r 015 S. Or St. i~1." In this Assessment Roll tlie 101l0loing Abbreviations are used for the words .set opposite to them: N.-Nol'th or Northerly $-DolIars N. W,-Northwestcrly S.-South or-Soutllerly Cts,-Cents R. W.-Southwesterly E.-Ellst or R:nsterly Oor.-Corncr N. E.-Nortllenater-ly W.-West or Westerly St.-Street S. E,-Soutllc-Ilstcrly Ft.-Feet A\'c.-Avenuc Iml~,-ImproWlmflnts No.-N1Imber 'l'h,-Tllencc Bub.-Subdivision S. B. :U.-Snn Bernardil"lo nue and Unrldlun Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU1 Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, 4ND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN]' ,;,t)" '1t:::: c}J '(O{ __'L'!o,.H~~lL,rRI~nil~}'ttQ Jicili"i'-'ii:i" a :U."T ^ :i , SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN . I :' I 2 TAXPAYEIl'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDIlESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY :Il>... i:;P~ .011:< ~ o ~~ ~< Z Value of I'Real Esllllc Value of Improve- ments Thereon 1tiH! Tract No. 202 , Rutledge, 1. V., i t.'(J- ~ _-!-'4.J. ~________ 15 810 1350 -r- .tt-- i 6 0 2875 1350 , -I " -:t-- ., Rye1, Rowland A., 925 W. Highland Orange City , " -.8rmt.a-Ana,_-1laL____________1.-_____ 1 ti!J3 N 22 5/12 ft - Saokman, J. Wm., _102-7_.J'L_6t.h_.Rt.,___ N l+o ft - S 64. El ft :-----________i~3.LllJ---.1'~,---4f_--5400 j. . I! 1,6-~ Santa Ana, Cal. 16~! Saez, Oscar et al. , 263 s. Oypress 16~5 i -----"t Beach I s Add 14 o 990 1035 Salbaoh Ida K. ___.__.________...._.1..__..._____._._.__ L.._____..____.____ ; .---'-.---7>lr--'-----..-----'-- ..----~lr-.~-.---).-.-"-'-- ...1T-~--~;:.-~------il--------.--'"-- 535 E. Almond 1 (iUtj Kogler & Geiger's Add W 50 ft- E 92 ft - 3 A 750 765 Salkeld G. B. ___._..1.......... .........L 606 W. Ohapman lij~J7 :i I: ~I-- ."......._,.,..--_.__._~_.- Kordes Tr. 1 B 1725 405 .l3_~!.!:~~jLl!El...rY._______,__________~__. 606 W. Ohapman 1698 Kordes Tr. m--m-----'---..--~---.--------+---,-t.----.-..-!..--.-~:-_,---jL- j' I,!, I' 2 A ------+---6 .- 1575 ,I 40g Sanders ';, ~.J -l~. ,ll~' " Hanna L. 11 ,I !i I. Ii --------------ri: 11 br~~y _1!-'--_____I'l'-2.2.Jt..:-__________ -----------tl: _~--A-r-:--T-~l+2Q~- __~l12_ I , . j I II J , j, j ,. I' i! ~ I Ii Ii :1' I I' I I ) : II I .. . ___I'.:: Thermal1ta Tr .__ii__fil__A-_~--_t_--~...--l.1'5--L-U5 , ~ : ; i ,: f- (, (, '/ () i' 'I ,( :: 0 :' i .. ,. .' Ii I i I t , ..1 'I ~---------- ~ I II I, I. --,--'- ~--.- '.--'11111..,- -- - -----. -- "..._-,---,..--,----,,~--~--~-,.,-----"'--_._--,--~~" '^.. ,. .. m. .' "'"_'"_".''''_'m..___''.''''',~_" __'.m,,_'_",,__.~__wm__"_" _ m_^".""....w""""___"...,,,~,_...,.,...,..,~ , , I! II " Ii 16~J Sands, Roy '?l.o Fe<J,era1 Finanoe 00. , Santa Ana, Ca1.