ASSESSMENT ROLL 1928-1929 A-B ~ ""'~'.'.'_'_;~""".:0.',"':"'"',")?__).~":~C,,,,?,-,,,,C"-', ,,-. '->'-:,,,w'..",'P":":\'7!,~,~~''''''.'''' '- . ",",,^(',.,,, X," . "'--"'"-i"_"",C!""'''_,~, ','-- '~W!X-' 'i';,+,,{i,'ci . In this Asses.sment Roll the following Abbreviations are used for the word.s set opposite to them: j'{.-N(lrth or Northerly $-Dollnrs N. W.-Northwcsterly jjA.-south or Southerly Cts.-Ocnts S. \Y.-Southwesterly E.-F.a!;t or Enstcrl)" Oor,-Corner N. E.-NarlbcRstcr1.v \'.-W(!st or WCFltedy St.-Street S. E.-Southenstedy l<'t.-l~cet Ave.-Avenue Imp.-Illlprovements No.-Nmnbcr Th.-'rhcnce Sub.-Subdlvlslon S. B. U.-Snll Bernardino Base and Meridian Sec.-SecUon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUi Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN[. -'"~:--G;:'fi:;.i,'(flJ ,-foR'r~'rI-irG"Aifli)jo(j ll:,i1I_" .DI'~'f, I:.i.~ii'f,,'...li'X--'~"~-"" ...c"". I' ~ ; SAN BERNARDINO Ii MERIDIAN i ~--"--r--"--- c=.... i.8' ~ 4l .3j i 1~.s: bDm (,.) I-< i ~ oP=l .3~ ,~o I 0(1),.., 1-'-1 VJ : E-i 0 ,.."j".,.. I I ! i ...-"^".- .... 1 _:__ n) 2 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ~ o ~~ ~< Z :1: Value I of :: Real Eslate I' " Value of Improve- ments Thereon i 'I i Jameson Tr --~-,-----,--,-_._----_._, I: .. ::$ .. - "$ I II I ' ii, . .60 B ____~_-n-,,-I~-~_ . ii 1 Aaron, R. E. 19Q_~-.Jame $.QJL___ .) !.,; , , 675 J I , I 7MI -.--- __..n_'._..___.__.._ J I r :' --~75-4 Adair, A. B. BQL143_________ ~l Adai r, L . D . ~ Ii U6__.E~n_'>laple-~t-~---------------f- CEl,ulQ,Y1 ell Fullerton, Gal. , t_ ."._.",t._.__._.~~"._._.._._, , 1170, Adams, . John 457N L. B.at.avia __._.___._~___,JL.___n_.__.____._ Cl:),aPlllan Tr Nt ...f;ll...,Jmx Sly-=-.R/Ji) ttQi'_Ange_;!.~:l:l,Ot\l'n. . I, i I I I , ___+1raot AdalilB, Luo.retia.'\c',." 352.9-RoLsQm__S.:t.. ' No 235 I'l I! C j::..i.,j:/.:.<:":.,:.;.'.':::i...>.";..,<,,..,.-....--.,.:';'" ,..iliiiliillin ii'" II" 1',.-',.:' '>,CC',:;:','" ni - " ,." I -'.. L .".. [- I .I "."~""~'''~c,,,c;.c',''=.'.,,'''''''''''.-m"'"z'''''''..,,,,.'''',.''-'-'''''',.-.,..-~'''''='''''''''''''~,",".<<:.-",~.".,.,,". """.-"".",""=""",,,.",~,",,'.";'Y;" . -~ ,"'" - ~ .~,...,", ~ "', ,,,,,,,,~1'f/0l ~, _~..m"~,, -. 1:l!"lII ._~.~ 2 In this Assessment Roll the following A.bbrevlation.s are used for the word3 set opposite to them: N.-North or r-;o;thClrly $-o.ollrus N. \Y.-Northwesterly S.-Soutb or Soutllerl)' Oh.-Cl!(lta S. W.-Soltthwtlsterly F..-t:a\lt or Easterly COI'.-Corner N. E.-N(lrthc:Jsterly W.-Wcst or Westerly St..-Strect S. E.-SoutlHtasterly Ft.-Feet A,'c.-Avcnuc Jrnp.-Improvcments No.-NumIJer 'rh.-Thence Sub.-Subdlvlsion S. n. M.-San Bernardino Daile ,nnt! Mllridin.n Sc-c.-Sectlo", FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQW Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f. ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNI< t SANJ:~::~INO' ]1 ~ ii ! : ~ ~ ': g~ 1~~~'~/It: ~< :,i[: 'fl~ i ~ g~]~ .... i. ~ ~ i ~U) ~ I-'-( z ."1'1.....'11 II 1 II i II Adler, Hannah II 1 ;' II ! . i! ! 6~g:ton_______..__J 00 Bari.!..6'.Ad.\L.__________'__'___'__''~-.l5-L,~--->~~,--+--~-?2-4-__675- 1\1:! 11 ! 'I' ' L. I ~ ' I, Ii i I'! Aokley, G. W., ",'[! [i ii' 'I, Ii i i:' I,; 22..IL1L._oen.t.e1'____"____,__,,,_______tlionnie BratLh,____________,__.,, .'.-'-I:I.-Lrl A..-c-,--1.L-,il _105JL,'.,-__SlQ, I II;; " ,l;Z ! I · [i I[ , II i I; Aguirre, Pedro :: Personal Property II i Ii .3.li1._..N.L_Har-"'lQQ1L..______"____.".___LYLe.l.O'lL&...lia:!tl'Q d..'.~M.uJL______"_______.___~~-l.Q-r-L-,----L,-.---...66.\Lj. _,.!l:5Q__ :; [I . I:' Ii ," J .1 'I ~ .);, 1 i I: : J..) II I 11 ii Fred Persona.l property',',! :1, ii " '" :1. .. _,_,.____,__"_,____.~,-1~-1-::",~-_ J-,- __~---J95-l--,5 4Q.. II II I Ii ; Ii iI " Personal Propt1r'ty III ; Ii II I '.' 'I .. -----. -"..,t~:i,,~-"r-'-'~.,-'-~ 'I I, i II ....,1,.,,1.-..-. 'I ,- -,-Ii __,,11,,,___.' _.Ahl.e.;Le,1<t,_Qt.t.o_,1.._,_.,,___,_ _----,-.---------,---.l',j:1;t'.sQnalP.I9,J;LBr,t.y , I 1" R. D. 3, Box 59 110ll.aprnan Tr, Et - sEt - 4 I 0, \: 5 Ii 1600 Hi: I I I' Ii ~: I j I I i 'I :~k:~~~ .~:~ ).---- .. ..- :;;'o;t~: 8u~----. ... ... - ----11' --~;11 --~ r 1- ~ol- Santa Ana, Oal. ~ : I! Iii , ; j I I i Ii 1'7 I II I 'I ! II I: .. A,..-in-!3,':.-o...t'~-.. ~~, ,'-L. -----'-----~I---------- -,- . ---,.-. '.-111--r-'-I",..-.- 11----I:,il,------11[ _._--,-- ." "".... G_ i Pe:rsop,a.1Frope:rty 54::; E .Ohapman. I! HarWQQd ' sAQ.d I 6 - i~ i 11:;625 Ii 2265., ,-,-----,-. __.Jf____-"-,.____,__E..laJ:L:- ,-,---,- .... 11'-7-'I-""-1~--'t---" l' -~-. --'---, ......I.I......L11....... [II. : i. ! r ,.........Ih II , I ~-=Jsn r. II tm- -+-{--'I I..l .J........., Ii 11", :'(<t"h ~.~-a~-.P-iil!iil ~"';;jt D. P.09lC.!1 'j It j)ltfi;~:'~ ~il If: ^il" TAXPAYER'S NAiI'IE AND POSTOFFlCE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 10 Ahlefeld, ii _~n. S. Ora!lgL.________,_____~i Oulv~.!:.,J:lotel_ Tr__"____,, 11 :, [i AlJ.lefeld,.George i' 'il ,I . .._.,,_,,_,_______li_Q,L.zL_Q:u1.v~lL...BQll1e 'l.'.~__,_.____,_,_ [1 "11 S~, - ... ~6.Ls~S.h.e.;f'Lel',,_ Ii ,. Jd 'e"'~.~',..,""""='''''''',=''''''C"''".,''''.=''''==m=,'-''''''9'';'"''~'".,'=,,,,,,,,,,,'''''',,"''''.",,,,,;~,,"'-'''~'''''''' ''/,b. ! I[ ~. '....1 1 2 Value i! of :: Renl EStllle Value of Improve. ments Thereon " Ii !I$ Ii 1 , , ..__75Q-4.,_"JJ.5Q 375 11 Ii :1 #,---- 1 ii 1485 j' I' Ii Tn ,his As.sessment Roll tJ,e following Abbreviations are used Jar the toords set opposite to them: N.-North o.f Korthcrly $-Dollnrs N, W.-Nort'hwcjjtcrly 0);' S.-So-Ill.h or Southerly cts.-Cellts S. W.-Sollthwcsterly U E.-lIlts! or Easterly Cor.-Oorncf N. E,-NortluJf\slerl.v W.-West or Westerly Ht.-Strcct S. E.-Sout.heltstcl']y Ft.-Feet Ave.-Avenue Imp.-hur,'OVQmcnts No.-Nmnller Tli.-'rl1ence Sub,-Su )divlBioll S. D. ll,-San Bernardino Base lltld Meridian Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNI< ,. -".~ ~- ._"- ~.--. ..- ------ -'"'- .. ..- ~1t:T~-~~~'.';:;;;;'-i,~:;;-r.rD";;ij1i'fln'-lfiftfflF.fl~.{' .._" . ...r Ii . -, l~'" Ii , 2 II SA\~::I~~:~INOr~ 1 ~ I,,", I Iii ~ ~ I: V.lue 11 g b 1:.E.tl U I v... I i2l 6 II of II 'B~. I iSg~ ~~ Ii p< !: Real Estate ':: il eX S ~rJ) k ,~f-" II Z ii ili E-<. ~ I "If ..... li"-' Ii' '!!$ 'I $ Iii. I ! i 1,1.. I i I Ii II I ; i. 11 " I I I I; I ~~Q--~--~-rKog!K~:',""-~-Add' (:n~~: - :::~;~~j :1 1 F,l+ JOO im-I ~ ...-l.-I-----~-t-_-m-------~- . L'M W~'-"'JLi "t'~.. t-+.lQQ! --~ .. "!i 11 I II II :: " II I 11 II . Ainsworth, M. O. Illi!1 II l, O,LQ__G.e.Q..,_S.QhnaQken'QJ~rg_,_____+. Qbpman__..T..~,Ml..:t,_"Nw:tl:_,:::.__.,__,_,__,_________,_,__,LL-!-. --L-+--J.'II. -~&-ic_..22~-t.I,.----J.9Q.- " II I ',' 'I N. Main Street ~ .~' Ii II ,! ;~O II Ii Iii II [' :~':~'::~~~~~~-lB'n'Y ""to' s ~~_~_p"'nnal.f"QO'!Lt- 41~:--r-l'0;i- .. I~l., II II i'i i: .. III'. I: Ii!, : II ! I ' I' II -AinSJ'fQr:th.,__F.er..sJ.I>_HL_. ..,...____ .... _.___~---.----,-.......------..--.-.---:---.PM.sQnall'r-QPer-ty:--Jt--.---t----t---t---...-+-..-j!-------... ), I: I Ii;i 414 E. Ohapman i Orange 01 ty, E 75 it ~ 11 i G :,~ 11,11, '13350 il il :1 II "N 31 ft - I 12! II, Ii Ii Ii 'I I II II Ii ~'~::O:;h. :;", H. U~ ~~m__ - p""nal;;;p:;t~- ~ -t~+-rm !IT- 414 E.Ohapman ; Shaffer I s Add 14 B Ii 1245 675 II Ai a.,. 4Q9- Alabama 61;. Henry Grote I s Add. W~ - '.5 - I I I.. .... H Huntington Beaoh, oal. Ii ..,.. II I 47 : !il 1500 i'll 405,. . ) ii' !' II :' ......_..___,____..::.t;:l__.. --...-.-,-- " ' . ------..-.-- ..---.-.----.. .----...~...-_.---It...--.---.., ;::1'::~::::y'1'r.a.QtNQ7J.6P~:r;~Q!1~lPrQPe):'ty 121-: ~ 360 ~..196o. ,I " I ~ ..__.._.__+.___. __,____._.__________.. -L.-~- II ! ~ I . ",..,,,..,,.,.,.,.,.,"'-,,~,,*,""" I 1m !i) TAXI'AYfCU'S NAME AND POSTOFI'ICr, ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Value of Impl'Ove. menls Thereon V " ,.11 ., i' l'k L Ainswortb, F:r;l;Ink L. 6415 I ~ J 'FI ""'"="'''-~'~'''''=='"O"="";"..,c",,,, ,..'.";_="'~,~",..,-="",.""'=o"=,-"'""".,,c"""-,,,"'. '. -""=="~,,,,",,,,,,,,,.- .."""",""-""""'",,,"'",..... 4' ----'t~ L -~.. ~--~~~~",,, ~., -~,' >>.. .~ ..w ", ~?''''^'' . ~" .. , .1l!I. 15'i'!\'l'!'!f".,.,,~ 'e" ~0~ .~ ,,,,..,1\1 - ~"~. "''''' 4: In tMs Assessment RoU the lollowing Abbreviations (Ire used lor the words set opposite to them: N.-NQrth 01' Ko:thcYly $-DoUara N, W.-,Northwesterly S.-South or Smltherl.)' Ct$.-Ce-nls S. W.-SouthwQstedy K-Eil'st or Easterly Cor.-OQrner N. E.-Northetlsterly W.-West or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Soutl)(lasterly Pt.-Fe!:!t A\'(!.-AvcnulI Imp.-lmpro\'cments Ro.-Number Th.-TIl1lncl! Sub.-Subclivlslon S. D, M,-SlIll BernnrdkJo Rase and Morldian Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ff ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK 'I SAN BERNARDINO I II I MERIDIAN I ~ I W-'---~'-~-r~!: ~ ~ I! Value Ii t:l'O i:..a...t:1~ I Q).... II ~~ il of 11,3.... ! ~;:;ii!P~ 'I:" ' I g I-l I ~J5 ~f;t ,i Z II Real Estale I! en 0 i~ 1::, Ii i' i --1__,-",,,-- ." ii I I 1']1 I ,',,';$ I ii I i I, Ii I, I :i Ii I II I ,II I I ]1 Ii i i.Q1!J._Y er _lie t5lJ,__l'.L____ __._______.__.._____] _i;9-+_=___ .. _..ii, .____~.I---.-~g,o ,i ________1 :1, I ' I 30 ' II 720 990 I I i I: i I, , , 1'1 II , ,', i' I A.J._q all:tl!r. ..._t!~.~arQ..._____________+--.----------.-..-J)13-r~()g~.L.Er:Q.2-El;,.~L_~--...-+__-;---~..--...~---.---~.-.--..---1 477 N. Oypress Ii Gee. H. Pirie Home Tr II 221 A' Ii 525 : 270! Ii I I' I II I I II ' l' 1 'i ' _Ald,en_".__.ltf.,",-.E-L-__._u~..._____.____ -._______...~l_.._____~____.____~.________.__._ .._____'"",..___P_e.r.!?..o.na.4.__Er QJ.H~:r._,tY.___~4.._"....,.._,"~_____ 375 N, Harw~o)d ii Weloh & Harrod I s Resub II 9 : 0 ~t~ ill II I ! ' , Ii I ! Allen.,_J'liUlarn______._________+_.______..____...______.__.J'.~r!3.9nJ:!..:tJ'x.QP~..1L.. ,-.i-.- 4 :, ,I 1 3 N, Oenter St. ~ Library Traot ;! 5 I B ,i I! f. I; " I' .All1.-~>_.L-'-_~___..__________+---.---._- .-..-....-.----___.._.__._l'.l3.1'!'().ll,.aJJ'l'oper1Y.il 1'. O.Bol\; 401 Ii A. L. O. Bibber's Resub 1,1,1[. 23 A ;j.U ii II ~i 'i Ii !, ----.-.t----.---. ...-- .- . J'Elrl3.(jll,al:!':r()pl'lr1y \1, Ii,. Nu twood Plaoe II 11 5 i' I ---.-. ... .... ..... .-..--p_e:rSQn.a1.__l'J'.QQ.erJy_l.__.J___ .---L Ii 1" 11. ;1 I O! ' : I I I I :1 , I -----1------ -- I i 525 Ii 495 I II I 1:- Ii " " I ._--U-._._._--,_._.__.._-~...__._"--,-_..._..__.- Ii if , 825 ii hlO. I t J , ~ Il II I 1--14s---1!--sl~]1 I ._5. I! . i I I Ii I II II ----r- [----- -----jr-- -I ,I ~900 l~~ 600 ~3)~"7-1 !I i 'I I , ' ,J '''''_'''",-,;-,'0''.'",."",," .....----.......-- ....-....-- :A-:~ :':~G', PRI-liii'M~Aii~-..-.);;" u ii:i-iiiJ.j~~-;;l~ i :.l...il~ TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFJC8 ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPEIlTY , ''''''"'1-_-' ,),-) ~~_. Albers, H. L. 35LLaL.ihflJld____._____._._.____. Personal Property II .",t; ,'-..;:!I" II i ;2!J t-.----...- 1\1- 1:Ll;19Q>_A.ll i.!:!_J2.,_ 620 S. Grand . " i e)l Al.t...,-.Chas.~.L....______.________..._4.____..___.__. 429 S. Olive Phelps Tr "J ....'r:; , 10/.... n ALtheide.,._E.~_______....___.______+------_---_...-----__.___..1'e]: s01;!~Ll';r:'Q.Q.l3.;r:'::t;y__ i; l27W. Palmyra ~ s,.e.aol1's AO,O"E}-: i II il ..A1.YQrd,_j{a.U-.J.'-..__.______..___~----.-_... ti 320 N, 011 VEl .... _!IP;tlJ.:Ul' Wl:lstAc:lQ,_ 11 I2 ;3;) 16 .... ~~._,J--, I , , I I -," "'<-"-""-="'~ '=-"'."=---"",,-~--'.~=-=,,--,-, I ] Ii ,I f' ""..-~=,~-~"'!.".,"'="'''''''~''''''''~'O,'''.'''=,,~. . " 1 .. ~ 'I 'I II I i. 2 Value of Improve- menls Thereon ""--ii._. n...._ ....F,. ---~-'--.-~~.-._.,._r.-_....~---..------ II ,I II " II II ..~ I, 660 SlO ..-..-t~---_.--.-~~------..J---..-"-- ii' " if 1370 1215 " I, , .11- , , ------::r 600 1035 , Ii Ii I: I ...Ii ...... ,,'----H- I; ........_......._.....1.'",.._ " A n.lo II I ~ --f' - "'"11. =~""- ili ~~..~~." ~L,,:I~ ~'" ,. ", ilL ~~ .~-- 5 In this Asse.s.sme:nt Roll the: JoUowtng Abbreviations are: used for the: wards set opposite to them: No-North or KortnerIy $-Dollflra N. W.-Northweatoerly s.;--Sotlth or SOlltllerly Cts,-Cents R. W.-SouthwcEltel'ly F..-Enst or EllStedr Cor.-Cm'ner N. E.-Northeasterly W.-WestQr'Vestcrl)' St,-Street S. E.-801IthenstC!dy I,'t.-Feet AVC!.-Avenue rmp,-.hnprovemcnts No.-Number 'I'h.-Thoence Sub.-Sulllllvjsloll S. D. M.-8:11.11 Bernardino Base a.nd 1Ilerid!tln Sil-IJ,-Sectioll FORlVI OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQI Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UI s ~~ "LG~-,,-.,~",ij1ti1"!fm.fTlff~: ,."~! r)iT!i.li...X .!~.i,J1L - r'- I 2 I SAN BERNARDINO i\b:mDIAN 'I II I, , i I, :i Ii 2 Amer. Legion Bldg. ABS,~~a~~e ! Ii I ' :11 I, 'I' .'1 il.,.,., _.Q{9_HE1nJ:.Y._waJ.J,_e,09JL_____'_____-l.,Jll:l;tng!LQUY,--.s-9....L:LL:::.___._______._._.._+_15_+, Ji-i --+----:1--.--7.' -..---- : I II; ,: II '1, . I' II --- j; 16 I II 'I' 1255 I, 300C ,I " Ii i ,! 'I ._-_.._--~-~.'-_..,._.__._...__."-_. 3rd Add ~ I " II i' I ._~~_..AmlJ. ng.,_EJ.:n.s...Li:l.L__._______.____._~~---_-_-__-_-.---.-_-.__._.1'J')I.S,QnaL.E1.'.Operty__t". ---..~.-_.---.l------i, ........---'r-- .-..-...-.-...--....--.-.-- :.1 1; I' , '. 10 606 E, Chapman II Harwood I s Add 11 1+ i - 'I 221')0 157: I' I: I II 11 . !i II II 5 ! - 'i :i 221')0, 1') " ~>:m<'! Ii ,I i . !I;: '1 __,:_..4-_.____...m~..___,___"_01______________..+__-_-~-"--.----..."---.--------,--...--------------.-,--.-..----*-~-~.--._"..--~.-.--!f--..-..--.-.-..fL--.-..~--"--t-._._-""-,--~. , :I !!' '" II 13il Amos, E. G. ~ Personal Property I'; ,I I: I; .1 14.J 721 Vi. Almond LI<:Qrdes'l'r il 20 0 4----------])-8.--------------l--------------.----------.------------li-- 16 Ii Amos, Walter Ii Personal Property II 171 J06 .. ",.on I Riohland Farm """. .. - B 59.5 " - .. - I 20, il: ~:-l~-:,d:;~-o:~-- ;:::--H . . .....--11',: ---------------- ..---~er 6 o~:~-~l.oper t;-r .. -I . --r- ..~-~- 20 ii Ii ,'i 21 Ii 1+91+ S . Cambridg e________J"I, .Rio-:11 ::~__ Far ill _~O~_::__~l :.~:~5:c~)~:_.~._(~~:__J.I-...?-~-II-=--..-.. ___~,I., L621. 2~-r------- jJ) Ii ,- ~ ,;cc, -- I' :i Ii ,. 'illl.' tll' 23 !I' Anderson,W. E. I:,' Personal Property i,' ill :, I I I il 'I .. : . 11' II ., :t-Jj.-"111-------I'!,.'t~20L- --------- -1"6-: -'-I- -- -\-lUQt39_Q 2611 Andren,C..,r. ~ Persona.l Property [I I , II \i I! :1~5U~ J)hapo",- ---------r~-':.Y1lla1_Lm- --- --j- ~! ~i I "' ~:: l---"' 29 ' - II ." Et - II 19: n , I II 525 i: 24 SO ~~i-- . II " ---. -="~-:t--------~-=~--- " .- ---~+ -- I I 1 :1 lil'ml "~ 1.8< ~ i ~ :! .3j ;1~~; ~m 0"", I ~ o~ 11I~ J; 0 i oUl "'" P:; 'E-< 0 ,-^~..L~.~,.", ..' 'j' I i , ... o ~~ s< z Value of Real Estate Value of Improve- ments Thereon TAXPA YER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADORESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY , "'"'."11 .1(..".- I' " II 1 ;)1 8 715 49~ .--+..-l'----r , ....--.-.:1 1170 4:5C 67~ , ..'"".-, .m_146.5_.~___35' " I! '[ 5 In this A3sessment Roll tne following Abbreviations are used j()rthe words set opposite to them: No-North or KOi"therly $-Dollllrs N. W.-Northwl!lItel'I,r S.:--S(l1lthor Southerly cts.-Cents S. W.-Southwl!Rterly E.-Knst or Rllste-rly Cor.-COI'IH!-r N. l~.-Northe<lsterlv W,-West.or Westerly St.-St:re<lt S. E.-SontheaBtcrJ)' }<'t,-[.'eet Ave,-Avenue Imp.-lmpro'o'l!lllclIts RD.-Number 'rh.-Thence Sub.-Subdi\'fSlloJt S. D, M.-S:!lll Bernardll"lO Dase lInd llcrlcl:lan Sec,-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQW Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f. ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN!' Orange Amer. Legion Bldg. ASB'n. of QIQ_HenI-y_jllaU,j&~L_____,_____._ l'~~~:~::~~ID~~~-f---'. 1 I :MEIUDIAN Ii ~ Ii Ii g~ I;;.s~ I ~~ ~~ II V:;e Ii '~: i ~~~ !~~ ~<!i Real Eslate ..,....~. ~:,~l~~i,....~ '.11$ . ...... "ilt Ii: II i II II!,', I' , Ii 'I ,.1 I. 'iil'I' ..!, t ~: i '~--i-'- !i---jl'- 12~5 II --300~ Ii 1 :' n n . Ii [I I I Jl: ~II Ii I Ii _+---L-!__ f----.+. -,----- II 441 ' Ii Ii 1125' 225 I II, '. II I , I, 'i , II I ' ii:1 :' I __,___.....J:..ellQnaLPr..op..er...tY_-j1 r--L-+-+----~----.-,-,' I[ 4 I - 'll ii 2280 i: 1575 I I, I I 'I I, ~II 5 I -, ' II 2280 il I' Ii! II I I ,1 I' Ii -'-t--.j--4-- .-ll._____-y-.-_ _ --_ " I' 'II i Personal Property II, i ,I I, I' I I' I ' ~ 20 I 0 II: !ll 715 ~ 495 ---.---.---.-.--.---,---.-.-, .,-. --- ---.-.~- -J-----~~.- -~---__i -----. Personal Property II i I': II :: I I ," i 450 Farm Lots, E-~ - s 59.5 ft - Et - :1 20: I'I 1'1 1170;i 675 II I I I 'I ..-...-1,.....,.-.-.-....,- ...--.-.- ..---....---.-.-.. ......-..,-.,-.. --- -- ,-. -' -,- -----,-tl-..-- + --- --1----+ --.-1-, ------~I-.- ,---- I Personal Property I[ I II II il . m_.___.__,._ I' I I I' II I: , I' 1 [I I i' Personal Property ,I I I: Ii i: :1 .'l'1' aQ..11...N o_~O 2 __ _, __ ._ ____ ,_ , __, ,,__ _,_,__ ____ ._,__]1, __16_j,_ ~__. _J1i. "_~" _ .ulQ..L__3.9.Q5_ -.-, -.- ]' I II, iI Ii Ii' 'I II ~ I I ~ II H I, t I I ' Ii ,I II AndrEln, 0.. J.,. ~ Personal Proper y JI 4 I J. l II ..~ 125.J 61t:! _7551fl~.ohapman___________1 ~ot~s Villa T;'________..__________. li'~-T 11--1-- -jl-'-125~----U-. 19 i"-i Ii _~<~2:~ ..1'.. II [: 'I ,I ..."..,L., II ' II .:.::::.."_.:::.::~.::: ...:;1:..:::. II 2 h ,I i V.lue of I Improve- I ments Thoreon I I Y"'f~~7!~fJffI~!i..~~:jj:'P~~])iIFf!l1}@:::~~f.fA.~:"="_:"_" .:-':: .:" ~"-:":.:~:~~:,:' TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFF1CE ADDRESS .::::1"- I! DESCRlPTlON 01' PROPEHTY I .i, :)1 i, __I_Q_Ia,ng~__~.i_t.Y,,_~9_14 ft - II I, il ii -Ame,r,l.and.,--Herman.--,....:....._________.___l______________'_._______._______,_,_._ 262 N. Grand Ii T. M. Shadel' B 3rd Add ~JD ;j~ ; Aml1,ng.,.._Er..n.eLt._...cL...____ ..,___......_____,.__.1>-._____,__.______,_, 606 :E. Ohapma.n I Harwood's Add ,r, ~ (""j ......':}L_____._____ , Ii i'i II I, ..---.--if--~-~------~-'-_.---._--_.-----..,-----~--~- 'I i II Amos, E. G. 721 Vi. Almond Ii " :~ 1<:0 rdes '1'1.' ",)~i .......,_,_.,,_.!J,L'-_.,._._ .._..__._._-_.._.._._-_.,.~-_..~ Ii I: j' I, Ii Ri ohland Ii I Amos, Walter 306 N. Lemon Anderson, James H. 494 S. Caolbridge .:ill Anderson,. W. E. ..2.LLt..N._:einL______,___________ 1'1 ..:1. . II Et 240 I I \ \< " (' 'I ' .J _ I -I .~. --j ~ ~ In ,,!lis Assessment Roll the lollowlng Abbreviations are used for tile woras set opposite to them: N.-Xorthor No,thcl'ly $-Doll:nrs N, W.-Northwesterly g,-8onth 01' Souther]}' Ols.-Cents S. W.-Southwesterly E,-l~lt&t or Eflsterly Cor.-COl'ncl' N, E.-Northeasterly W.-WC!3t or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Southeallterly Ft.-Fect Ave.-Avenue Imp,-ImprO\'cments No.-Numher TIi.-'fhence Suu.-Sub{Uvlslon S. n. n,-San Bernardblo Base Dnd McrlrHlln Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAl Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKf'o. ~r^z.' Fii'~ Ii~piif ~-T"I!j-';' A w'jj:'jiooK i1~i'ijDi!to-;'~~~H;:;(.;;-r{~ rH-SAN'~~nN~~lDI~O -11 4___.,,__~~IEIUDIAN ___I II : I: :1 1:1'" :a,..t;l~' IV... .::lj <11.....9 I '=>>tJl t", e gp;t fJ~ ~ 0 :5C1lI.l ~ Eo< 0 Ii , II 1 2 " II TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ~ o ~~ ~< :z; i' Value 'I of ! Renl Estnte VuIue of Improve- ments Thereon ~OLw..,_ Ohli,P!llan_________._______..__Ph......kL_QLl?j,~l;g;lI_'_!L.R~]Jb ,.__.jj't_~__S~. .-:.-.-- , J;) " !i II il Ii Ii :I " Personal Property il I ., _+.5..__.j_B_____,___._~...---6.Q,Q4---...-}2.Q-J i ! Ii' , ~ : I : II I ii i :,1 II' I: i' " :1 \\ l ' i: I;: 1,1 ;i ._.___...______i.-.l2_+-.=._~._~___1__JJ,J~0 -,l---....---.-...II I i II '.', Ii ! : ii :' 11 i , I 11 i ...R._n.1LO.A1J..t-z_.__An.tQJL'li.L_____ -.--.------r.-------.-.---.-----.---.-- .._.____~el:!;1.Qlla.LP.l'.Qp1>rj;y---_t...--..-.i-.-... ii ' 1:. Resub Grand Ave Add il 4- A " 1,1 -I;) i: il . .,4.Jl_~h() ny_._.!!'~ e s..1!_'--_______.________~.--......-----........--.------_____J_e.~Il_().:!l1;l.J._1'~gR_e.1:.tLl-....---+-- 220 E, Palmyra i; Oulver Hotel Tr 37 1 - (I" Ii II ' J.I~ Ii ' . .- Ii II 'I 11 __All-thony_,.._.T_,__G.'___'__'___'___.__._.__~r___.__.._ __.._...._____.__..P_!ll'flQlliJ.l......P.rQPer..:\;y.. - . ~ 'I II 4-2 " II I[ fi. II ....ii"" . 1$ " ii h) ':l,:,., Andrioh, Geo. M. Andrus. Io.a M. Ii _21.2.2._B.on_Ban.Q__A.'l,e.~_____.c____ .,__~~'-Q1J..l'Le.r--HQmfL.j'L--------.------ ,i " " Los Angeles. Oal. jel II .__._-_.~._-;,_._._.""-_..---.f. il ii 675 'i 10M 430 S. Grand Ii Ii ,I ' :1 :1 .._.r~_..'_m.~'.~..__m...__j~_ _________L_____ ~7-5-II I _I 900 I !S25 , , .J ~._.-i,..'_"-" i' , 'Ij- I i 1035 305 E. Palmyra f--=I :U Ave, C. Z. Culver }lame Tr ___~p_~1_, .lhm.~.YJ'. I, ;1 " ._"..,__.__~_ ...._._~,"__.__~..._.____. m __..._,__..... II Tract No 600 '. , " i~ ........_.__l'!lr e.9Illl,lPrQPtlrty. ii +.., I II 9 II " il . ..~---l---, 7 1 o 570 912 E, Walnut .1'. ..' '::;tt!.) i jl I Appel Rob1t. if t---- .0...._.1_______ -~----..-_..~----_..----_.--'-ti------_...--'-"'- --------J.- .._._...ii.. ... -m..----'-.-'.-T---.~--- :1 912 E, Walnut 'II Nutwood Place 600 675 ,JH i ii ii Ii _..AP..P_~1.,_l\9.J.1fl-L________ ..-----f ------------ ----------- ~9l2E.blnut . ~ 'Chapman Tr, NW~- II !:ii Ii Ii iJu " ili! ~__APR~1,. ROQer.LH...!-________.___l-__ Ii' 11912 E, Wll,lnut MrS.,. 11 Ii Ii t: n-----.. P. F.)lol11ster'8 Sub I' , _l'.E:ir.fJ_Cll1al..l'.!'()pE:irtYil..--t ,I il 10 E ~ i,1 'I Ii -----.m--_-----l---l..--+.-~- -l------+.--------. !! 1 II 'I. 11 I - I Ii 675 ~ 405 I Ii Ii ! ,I II ~'-r I, ;: II I ---- --- ------II'-t-I- iU 1?7C\ ' er, 'H \ +~+--" I ,I II 1 " mti- '--'~"-:,. !i " -il.. 7065 720 10 II J i' .!---.-..----..--....-----..-.-..-.-.-.--... i1 II Ii I' ..JL I! I! " Ii ) In lhis A.s.sessment Roll the Jo-llo-wlng Abbreviations are used for the words set opposite to them: N.-North or No:therJy $-DoHnrs N. W.-Northwe.stedy S.-South or Sonthe:rly Ots.-Ocnts S. W.-Southwesterly E.-Enst or Enstcrly Cor.-Corncr N, E,-N-orthcnBtcrly W.-Wcst or W-csterly St.-Str.ect S. E.-Southenaterly l~t,-Feet Avc.-A"cnue Imp,-hnprol'cmt'nh No.-Numller Th.-Thence Sub.-Subdivlslon S. B. 11.-8ao Derllardlrlo Bas\! and Meridian Sec.-Sectlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAL! Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fm ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKN( "~ 00 .~,.., :; eX::J 1: . 'I Ii Ii II Personal Property Ii , i: i I " -..--..--i-5-1-B---~- ..t--.-~-.-.6QQ-L-32Q...J-- I" :1 II :1 II I' ...[ i'l Ad Id M '. . ,I., I' .n rus, a . il II' jl I . ~ . I ,.. ,. ~ \ II ! _. Ii i: 3180 '1 !I .J.2.2 B01LSallo__AJr..e_'__'__~._"_.__'.I' .Q.......z~_.Qu1.y.eJ:_liQ.miL..1'L----..-.-"._------------71..-12-t---..,..--.t-----r--- ----t-.--..---t... ! ii' Ii '1' I,OS Angeles, .Oal. l: !I' 'I li \ II II ! t!I\!l.9Jl:u.t.g.,_..Ant QIl._W_L. ..._.___._.._._______.,,__ ._____.._._____..__.........____ _._.__l'.e.~Mna.L.Er'O:.ReI.t.Y.-+--...-j-- .........____ .-,;....___.!;......_ .. .......--..."..-....--....---.--,'... :! II . II I ii Res'Ub Grand Ave Add ~ 4- Ii il 1j,l.!~1l2 ny,....I.@1_E3..l3___!3..!.______ ___.__._~---.-.-------.---------,,----1'~!..Il-9g~1 :E'r qp.er~y:--l--+---i :1 37 I -- . II II ii ..._~_.._...- _..--~".._. Ii il 4-2 II ; II "."f'--- 'm__\ II 9 Ii Ii ji II .-.------.----.---.------------ ......---l;----t--)i .. --'--'-r .. ----ii- Place Ilil' 7 1 ., 600 675 II III' Ii Iii II ! Ii:: Ii 'I ...1-.-.! ---- ~ .--+.------l------. I - 110 IE. ii 10 ': 7065i! 720[1' . Ii I i I' II Ii -------+----'----r-+-t ---- +----+ I 11 , [ II 675 ~ 4-05 II '1-+ " '.. ~'" ' I ~ l ' I, 11 .. ~ il I: ! r I ~QJ_Jy_'_Q.hapma.n.__._._.___....___~8,~---k,-QL--S.i9 b.~L'-!L..Re su."Q..,___".wt....::-....6,b. !! Ii Culver Hotel Tr J ii ,t ...._.__.~_--._---._---.--..--~.---__...-.....1'.slJ:.!lQne.LEroperJ;y II ii C. Z. Culver Home T:r j; , I. i' I " .l--- I: II Tract No 600 Ii \ J\Pj).e1LRo ]:l_~t . ---------------t------ 912E. Walnut ij Nutwood I. t I AP.Q~l,.Jlo b51_r t".._"..______._.___..!.____.._._._.___.__.___....__._.f..l3.I'.s..21113,t_,E':r:():p~rty I. [J 'Chapm",n T~', N\~;t- 50 ,. APP51J,.,....RQ'Q.er.:Lll.L_._______._J_______..._.___......________________...______ 1,1 'I .~J,[r s. I! ., Ii ~ II ............-1 " !i '."9: riiG-li",:j;'Ai {H''fi-iIG .....ii~.ii"QOI( ii'i'ifHu_G :'S~iiTA1 itA. ~-.-- TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS ,.....c..b. "I) .1 '.. :Jt"..".I ".ndrioh, Geo. M. .>, _M.. '+30 S. Grand .Jr[) ::>20 E. Palmyra 'f J.J. 4.n.thony_. .._.T..._".G_~_._____.__._,,___ 505 E. Palmyra Ave. l.,J"'-1 ':it 4p.p.I::JJ,J_H~.!!.J;'_y_.~_. 912 E. Walnut 4t~ .1H 912.E. Walnut 9l2E. WalIl'l),t T II SAN BERNARDINO I! 1h:RIDIAN DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY .,,_J'~1'.f;l9nl'\.l......Pl,'QPe:rj;y.. P. F. J:!ol1ister'sS~b .,~~''"'''.-..,."''''''=~"-~"'=''''''=_'''k'"'~='''~",,..,.~'"',,''''''';"'-'"~""~,"~...,',."""''';''',,.~,,,., .m'''.___,_....___....____......'."... . ....... ..._,..,,_..~~,,'m".. _. 1 '_"'~__C_' 2 - If I Q. ,.!.tl' !~'"13 g I ~t: ~ g~ ~~ oU) I--< ~ E-< 0 . o ~~ ~< z Value of Real Eslate Vulue of Improve- ments Thereon II II :i Ii $ 11$ I ii A 675 ' 1080 ,. " Ii -.-.-,...~'t.~'-.-...-~...~r--- --.--. ..- ..'-'--...-1'- . ,i 675 ' Ii -~-4------~-.---;.~-....- I I' I: I, .... ... ......- .j, " ...."... 1035 900 .11- !I -..\i.. .,_.-...;L_~ I II Ii ii :1 o 570 "",. ~ ""~,,,.,,,,. ";;~~'''"''';;';;i;j",0'iJ"",~;;:,,;;,:;,",i;,';t:';':",'~<i"''';40l>~.i'''''i'~",o;.";<",..'""',.~0i'i;;(,,;''R,.,),,4.','*'..>);'';'-W''~'~,",,,>_,"N..;."'cli,,,",",~..... In this Assessment Roll the Jollowlng Abbreviattons are used lor the words set opposite to them: N.-Nortb 01' N01'thcl'ly $-DOUllr8 N. W,-Northwesterly S.-Snutll or Southerly ots.-Qenhl S. W.-Southwesterly E.-]~Il~t or ERst'llrly C(l1'.-Corm.!r N. R-Northcllstoerly W.-West 01' W.c-sterly St,-Street S. E,-Southc:lstl!rl)' Ic't.-F.ect Ayc,-Avcnue lmp.-Impro\lements NO.-Kumbf!r Th,-'fllclIce Sub.-Subdivislon S. B. n.-San De:mardlno BllIle (md Meridian Scc,-Scctlon \..., ( FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA. Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK, .... MW" .._. -"-,-I.;;A;;J'..LMi.Jl...f;lL1./i:LI!.I~~~' 2 IIS~NJ::I~~~INO. II ~ ;r-----.----. ~ II : Q" ..!d I ffi Value gc: i~.9gl~/I~ ~ II of 'B: i ~ gs:i ~~ P -< !i Real Estalc Ji 0 : 0(/)1-1 IXiP Z !I 11' IH 0 ....... ,i: II i I!$ ,I ' I · I Ii Archibald, Jennie 'i 11, '.', ,c, 11 I I.' 675 " ....J23_L..Q.em..ex._SJLL_._.,....___._.____,; Da_'{~sL.Q21 e.~~. 2n(L~<l,SL_________________._____~_?]_+.::~--i~---.--L---2~0--+--------.-Jf .' 'i' ,; -.. '.' II I t. . , , ,,u!~ I i I: I Ii I ' i . I ii' Ii, I z . O:u.lYJjI__IiQm1Lj'J..____.________.____.___.~ -Q.~+::--T---.l---Jl.___9.QQ..~--..--.7:;Q-4 , I ' I! I; '; , I 'I: I .. ,I, i' !!' " TAXPAYER'S NAME AND 1'0STOl'FJCE ADDRESS [)J l ;1 il I' DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 1 II Value of i Improve- ments Thcreon 'n' " Ii 1 Ij II, il ,I 1.tI! . !!... Archibald, Jennie , . Ii. _3.23_.N...._C_e1l..t.d . r_. -Sj.i~-_.-_..----.r'.. . . .",~ , ~ ;.,,;< I ~.J , I, ;j " ':1 Ii 'I [I -36.3--s-..-Qrang.e--.------__.___________.l Q:ulYeLHQ_te.l....Tx____ . ..---.--. -i---Z.O-i ...-- -..--- .l.---t-.--795.-,!- I! !! Ii I, i),l, ii 'I' :.'.1' I, 'Ii II ' i' II Ii !I PersOnal Property II " -~- Trlj,QLN9--1..2L____________________________~--lg-+-=-.-f---.l---~--.-Q.4Q.j--.-l,Ql5.-1, I:! I! :I!! I 1'1 11. i; I . I; I, I " ._2j)1.JJ'.L.lli,rQ1L.___ _......._ .___.._._ ..--.----r,J~~ a\:\'9__g.J,'.!?n~L_J},Y!:!..~...M._g___.__.__.________.___.__~--J,-LI.JL-:--.-J-----j,...---I5'O-..J-..J.:L7.9.-i l: [i I . ii! I, ! :!, ,; ~ . i Ii 11 " , I! I' ,. , , u il Ii 'I i !, ... ,......- ........ ...--.- ..~...-.-. .-..---------.- .---...--.. ..---.-------,-..---.-..---._,.-.-......---...--.--.--...~ -- .-+ --t .. 'Ii, Tract No 545 ii 16 B II II,j ,', ji il Ii " II :, j: I II iI ...A1'lIIstr_ong_,...-W_._li._..e.LaJ. ....___...__._11._________.______.... .._____. ... ._.J'.e~JiOJ),a.l...E...QJu:l;r ty:._~--.+_.-:..... ._+____*______....._~--.--.......-.J 22 Plaza s58re '!i Geo. Aohi son I s Sub II 5 I A ill'I'" I, 750! lOgO i ~:~:::"'~~~.--- n---u!c~~.~,,;:;;~ ;,-- ....n ..- ... .. n--U-+J~1 -_.-. t . t;95~L 7~~ I u~'!i I I . I! 'I! 'Ii I, , I ' ! ! i II Ii i I i .......,1 ,I':l Armor, Samuel Armstrong, Albert 1J:5.6.N._..6hafter...6 t .__.._~ ,",--'",-", 'l' tu Armstrong, ,JeSI;J;le A,. etEJ,l Santa Ana., Oal. [)() ..A..m!1j,;l.'Q1J.g,__W,....-,L... 22 Plaza .' Square '''''''r''''''1 01 , ij 'I 4 'I .. .-9-5+ I I , I __.-l-\".._ '! 9~~-~ , 300 990 8 In this A3.sessment Roll the }oll.owing Abbreviations are used for ale tvords set opposite 10 them: N.-NorUl or No~tl1erly $-Dollars N. W.-Northwest-crly S.-South or Southerly du.-Cents S, W.-Soutbwesterly E.-Enst or Rll.lttarly Oor.-Co:l'Iler N. .E.-Northc1l8terl~' W.-West or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Southcnsterly Ft.-Feet AWj,-Avenllc Iltlp.-Tmprovement!:l No,-?iulIlber Th,-'flmncQ Bub.-SubdivIslon S. D. lol.-Snn Berllllrllirlo Duse nnlllhrrldian Sec.-SectIoIl FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAL Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKN I o -:;':.".0 :fL";~I;~~PR-ilj'ii"-~-"'N'ii^D".(j:O'K~l"piH-G-;'~A~ l"A"AK;" -... DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY "l..SANTh~::~~:~INOr U_.__~~~,i , !I 11 ~ '0 I' .n....:! II ~l;: ~ II ~~ ~< ~ 2 _~JL. n !I " 'I ..r. " II -----r 1 " TAXPAYEll'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDIlESS 1.9< ~ J fA-5 0 , ".- I ~ o~ I oU} '"' 1 E-i 0 ~tl " ~ oai:< Value il of I Renl Estale Value of Improve- ments Thereon ..j"..- :1 I' , 'jl li 'I II ---f' I , , I , if :1 $ ~ in 'iJu ..3_li:li:_~,__~a _Y~~_______....__.._.___]-1IU:!;}'YQg.!i.J~..J,E,~_....--.-..-..----.......--..-....-.- ~jl Personal Property , i: , .~Q..t.-3-- .......:__._~---5Q5-,.....-..-~2.5~ 1I Ii " II ;: I Ii, 1! Arnold, Floyd R. 'I" ,I I II I II I ' I: I! i" 3!1:!L.L..._L.a3..ftta....__...______...______.I..lJ)hapJllan.....Tr.,--.JL5.Qml:t...."'_E..3-62,.8.1t..f..t_=.._.s_..25-...f..tf__.__~. "--.-"---~.I Ii il i ii .' N 157 f.t - 'I 12 i DI I I! I ,I . 'I " " " ii ,I II I II ._..._-----~. .---- -..T......-.-...-...~- ..l. Arnold, F. R. 75 '.) ~J!:.. "01"-"-"-- .""..~--._~.__o.-tt- Grand b;) 990, -.-Jf-'--' I G 945 405 1350 -----li-- , I ! 720 I I 'I I! I 1035 I I , ..-..,--- ...\ 675 Asa, Katie M. 2g8 N. Oenter Geo. Achisonls Sub .___JjJi... _ '''-'-r,' " I' . r I Atherton, Boaz ir C __~~S_~~_~~l vti;L_.._..______..._...____.._J_~i_:~~~:~.....___.._..___..........___ ._._..__..___.__..........__...___ ..~.__._....I__.. ..+~.~o _1,.. ... 11g5 l: ;1 i l' II I ',.1' 'I '.' " ~. ! I!, : : ' I " il 469 s. Grand IIOhapman Tr, S 3.50 ac - N 25 ac -(W-ditcl1) I' 7 ! D b.5011 3150" ,.~"'! ',',',1, ,[ , \, ". ; . I I!, .i i -~ t ::::~~~-~=~;-~~..--_..-_... ..-----..-----.1-..---------. ...--....--....- ._;-~~s..~nalP;~~er ty . it- .-;-- .. ....1.....--]......--..-1,.... ..If-.. I Ii II!, Ii " 245 !i II --......i-..------I~ ----.- :! I :i II Atl;cineon, Mary.l\. . [I . . Personal Property I Ii i: .ii .. 1.1_.15.6..-6-....l11a:clc___...--..~-.~.,i ..'s:p..Qll..!_l2.....su'lL_____.__.____......._.._._...........____..___ .11\ _1.11"""_ -e"- .~: ___~..---....6m+--J~ '.. ii'. I !I i'l 'I Hl il "1,<<5 ~ ' , ,I ]' ~<~l~~~ II t I -l~< I Atherton, 0l1ar1ep R. 705.. ...._..a_19_.25_...f....L,,,......._..JI_...___. ... ''''--.0',- T 11! 'Pi In IMs Assessment Roll tTle following Abbreviati.o-ns are used lor the luords set opposite to them: N.-North or Ko.~herly $~Dollars N. W,-Northwesterly S.-South (II" Southerly Cta,-Cents S. W.-Southwest()rly Jo:.-Eilst 01' Enslerl:- COl'.-COfrler N. E.-Northcnstcrly W.-Wcslor We-sterly St.-Street S. E.-SouthcasterJ)' Ft.-Feet Ay,c.-Avcnuc Jrnp.-ImcrOVCIU(!nts No.-NumlJl'!l' 'rll.-TI1CIlCC Sub,-Su dlvlslOon S. D. M,-S.nn BernardinI) Bns-c Illld Meridian Sec,-Sectton FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUJI Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f. ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNI< q ~tt't''"'tP-l'it:tti'tItt''''ltii~&~tlIfDIHF.-!'Art'f'''-A}f~- r 1 , I: Value of Improve- ments Thereon I I i SAN BERNARDINO ~ MERIDIAN "'1 !" I I 1=1.... i.... ~, , 00 I...t::-S g ~ ~.... .1' 'tlH '. ~::IS I=l ~ : l-< I 'iJ: 0 CUI:.>-" Ii eX 0 ; oVl "" p::.... :1 I ~ 0 Ii ili,'r Ii Ii ~ Atwood, G. N.!' I i ~ . I : i : : ,.,~I2_~_gl a~~ e],J__,____________ II Oha.Rman....1.;J_!ii. - N~ -----.----.----j~--~-i-~---+5--J;--J))gL-3~(U 'dO' 11.1 ! i .1, ii .. II . 11 I ! . II ::1 Atwood, Q. N. ii Personal Property Ii i ; Ii <ii 1 2-75--S.~--Gla.a.ae.U------------fl: ...llJllPbel J..-~1!~---------------------.--.--J_3___L-r. __-Jl__~---24 30_~-----2.2Q.1 -.t Ii I ' I' I' , {" 1. 'I · !i Ii I' i I ' I: II ~ Personal Propertyil I II', Ii h I J__720___E._WaBhing..ton_._...___._~.________1:pa.1lU__PlAQ.e_______. .._______.__________________.____. l....lD.+-"'...-. ____+____ ...lll__75_Q_~.---6.3Q- Ii '- i' I' I ' I: ,I " :! '-'~) i: i...11 'II !.. [1,1. ii '.I! '/wi I: , ' I. i 1 Ii:: ~:::'~~~"b'th___i T,.,t _ No _566__ -----------ti L I~-+ --II'i, --1-5'>1' __ ~ t ,) I' ii :1 Ii :i -. .ii PersollalJ':t'Qpel'ty ........... . .'{ ... ,...:1 '" !. I, II ",'.' II "i' i ----..-....--': .--------l-ObaQjJ\J3,!L.'l'x..____El_::JH-_::.___ . --.----.----------fi--I..1!-t-t..J,Q1--E3-2.2-~----.2i~ Ii II ,II I ! II 11 H . II, iI Personal Property .1 .11!i ii ...130 - .!1,___Pil'_~__UomEL'rL___.._____.__________.__._____. _~LL~__.~__ :---~---_7.5Q-i-....l:22. I i I Ii II i II I, II 'r -f---- il fi :: --ri-L--l- il'&"'~l!'15_- II i 111 - '___'___ [_________: -"-'"--~"-~,t-.-...,- '-rm.- .,,---,~ II I , I im ... Personal Property Ii 1 r:. ...1. .0... hland__F'arm...l&.t.a,_w__.. -1).Q..-ao-=E--}.-o.;)-ao"'Nt,,-.II---.3.ll:-I.~ , .. 11 J!l 66 :ft -w 264 :ft- Nt _ I 11 I_ I , , I TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY . :1 o j: ~ ~ '. Value ~< ,I of i !! Real Estole " cc-"__!j'''", II $ ., ii !I 1 11 , 2 '-'f' i$ b~) Auer, Frederioke ~A.u;fdenQerg. Aug. I jf-E...-'Ii'a.ln.u..t.~.. :1..-.---. 'i . ! ~ " !i !i ii ..._________________._. . __ !~JJ-<;l.Q. ii I i ~.. Baoon, Harriet E.I ..... .. r2).;)-...E..-J!aP:~:-;-------------------I-'lLM.L-flli<Ul~.!L3rQ..-A.dQ,...--J 82 it.- Ii Ib II I II Ii I' , Baden..D. II jl Ii 1[-720 Ou:!,. ve~__________.._..____n~_T_;'.~C t.. N9_~Q~_______.__._________________ I... .ZZ I II Bag,sn,Pie1;r1ch .. ~_.72CLJlUb_eL....._________ If Ii I' ~ 'I L 'i , , , I Ayala, Antonia I-Jhln.....D..el..--.--...-- 7t5 19~" X~2~ 2085 2860 11.'.'\, .\.,1 -"....,~... ''''q_'__"_____,O'_''",,,,,, "~.'",,_~,..._,,~,___, "'''.,,,~ ...~,,~.,~"_._,,~._..,_~.,"'~"..~ .,c .'__.'___'. ~'.." to In this Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations are used Jor the words set opposite to them: N.-North or NOlthcrly $-Dollnra N. W.-Northwestcrly S.-So-uth or Souther])' Cbl.-Oents S. W.-SollthwC:9terJy H.-Ell~t or Bnstarly Cor.-Oorncr N. E.-Northenste:rh' \V.-West Of Westerly ~H.-Stre:et S. E.-Southeastcl'l;' F't.-I"ect A\'c.-Avcnuc Imp.-Impro\'cmclJt~ Ro.-Numher Th.-'l'hence. SlltJ.-Subdivililon S. B, M,-San Defnardirao Basil nnd lIeridlnll Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN. -'--r:_~~:'rv.~~;~;iii'i~'tljjQ"i;-~'~'iiQ'o:ltiJ"~'D'ijj~:"3'^-ifr-f~:t~.~--::..... - 2 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS 1 II " Ii " "'k , 1._, "e,m .. 1 SAN BEnNAnD~11 l~__~IERIDIAN .;_.___~: DESCIUPTION OF PROPEHTY .go ~ ~.s.2 it:g~ .. :;f/) H Eo< 0 1 ~j)tl " . ~i'" ~ o ~~ S< z Value 01 Renl ESliltc Vulue of Improve- mcnls Thereon "~ 00 '-,"" ~ " J;o , 'i " 1,$ !, Baden, Dietrich et a1 . 'ii J~Q.Q\l],ye l;:__________._______________lRi ch1 an(LLlg'_Ill_kQj&,___~_~~_J.:!;=Y'_..l91tj'J___:.Jl.l-=--~--14+.::.__'m.__"---.--, iD ~ II ! ~:;::::~:h:j ~'_ ... .._-JJtoOo>" "-1<<L .. ___ P""=-"oP'~:J '-, LL- ..... '~i', Ii I'" L\ , I, I: ; ____+.RSlJ~JJJL. Gl'~n(t_AYJh_Mq__._______ ------------------.-.n--15-,...A Ii i: i1 i! __~ w. !I . I' Ii Bahr, Reinhold B. -47.7--S.--0range-- bl Baier, Fred C. _,aQ..:x.__~Q2_....____~______.. "'" ) CJ..;".. Baier, Lewis J. Personal Property Personal Property B '_. Fo rJi!yth I sJ~.1J._'Q_____________.__~____ I! -il-.S Ii I iA Personal Property J-75-6" Ql.e.rk...S_t..., ~ ~I ;, '~ c'),) it " ...~__J...'l'];a.Qt...N Cl.._..6~_ 11 " .21, - !, .:i> 6 li!l'xact No 00 II il Ii I! ~ " If . . II .".-......------.--85.----...""..-.-..-.-"....-...-..----'-~_..-..-.---..._....--._.-_. ...---.--".. ...--.".-..---..--. .. , " i' 13aieI' , Mabel A. ~ , _,_____. .~_ i_::W)!l-,-_R,-_Y~:i:' i s~1J.b ,__lL5QJ.iL::_J'LJJL.i.:t..:_____ I I I Baier, Mabel A. . j'.Q.....BQx_3.6_1_... II i " II .' ,'. ll." t ...__.....If..J.1'ao_ . I' ,: " ii 11 Ii \" 1 C).:. ..B.ai e.r_,___Mab.elA._________..____" .__ P. O. Box 361 !j ^------'.fL __P..__O.__Ro.lc_36.1_____________ 6G Baier, William _.R.._-.E..__D._,......Ell.Q.!2lldiQQ,_..Jla,L-, Personal Property Ii I' ..1.2.. " II 4 " I, Ii j! or' .-~ .-1- .--1' ,- -,['- I 1 ! 0 I 3 In _________.____1 --5-J II I I , ,! Ii II I' ,.,,'1' I Ii II ml__ ...~ ... Ii Ii II II II _L~ ++ - [.159-1->170 !L1--~----~--.-41---3..Q.c I (,/ ' (I \ I P 1 \ < . I ~ ; - , ' ,0 , , -il-.t. .~t--" . UQ_23S_ II " d =""""".=,,~"''''~'"~=. ~.="",'"''''''"_=".'"'''''''=="..",''''''''='"=__<=_7'''''"'';"''m=J;'''.'''','''',-=''''''-',' ".'=;*-,.",=,"""',....,=.,""""'""",,,".,.,,..,,=',,",,,'"',',,,,"'.,,.''''__:''"-'"'=i''''''''W=~-~~ . .._ml195_____197Q. __'+95,_u225.. "",,-,,-- -75Q...., ..7.2Q ." ....._675': 720 .36Q ..;. 1.350 ~Slo 525 305 765. , ...._._,,_._~._-- ....J! 655 570 .. __570 -~- 11 " !: 1170 1:1- In this Assessmer~t Roll the following Abbreviations are used lor the fUords 8et oppo-sile to them: N.-North or No;tllerly $-D-ollnrs N. W.-Northwesterly S.-South or SOllthel'l3' Cts.-CCn.tll S. W.-Southwesterly i':.-Ellflt or Ellstl!tly Co.r.-Gorner N. E.-Nortltellst:orly W.-W<!st or Westerly St,-Street S. E.-SouthcnstC!1']Y In,-I,'cet J.\'e.-AvellllC Imp.-lmprovemclLts No,-NulIIber Th.-'rhence Bub.-Subdivlsion S. 8. }I.-Sun DQrtl9.rclino Elise l\nd Merldtnn Sec.-Sectioll FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN II :~4_~",":.fIJ"jJ;~Jltikij~iiiXiipJ'_Q'iii~ilipi"ii~'~,~iifrA-iiiA -- .r SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN 1 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY "~ ,ij,s o ~:s ,20 ~ ~i1 0 ~tl ~gEQ j~ 5Ul J-I _P f-< 0 ~ o ffi~ "~ ~< Z Value of Real ESlulO Value of Improve. ments Thereon TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS ,-c",,-,","".,','_"i'.-'=""' ,I " I, I' il I' " II. iI Ii . -.''''-1 bl Baird, O. R. " ;1 " H ~._..._.._.________~:'1~L__________ ..---------L------____.__.____ .______________________..._ ..____~..-------~---- Ii I _ :;:e:: ~:::g:' .1 II ahapman T', . 213.53 ft _ . 102 ft _ ." _ I 2 " I j: !j ~ ! I , Ii 'I' I' t---------.---- ..-.--------_______________~---.---~-----aE*---=-..---=------':':~.-----.,,~-...--.+--I1-+-'I---i---ii. ...10_ ..._ 'I t ~). Iii " \ .Jt", :1 'I I. , II Baker, John.. E. .,:i Personal Pz'operty III 6: ' t-l5-lJ:-.8...-Qr.ange__.__________________ ,_QI'.angJ;LO.Lty --__________.__........___ ......___ __1___ ---I-J"---"- __.1.___ _.__ " I I' I Ii ~H I:, i :j i I I! ii "I Balter, P. H. II Personal Property Ii Ii II i! l.aQ1N.-G;J,fJ,J>_sell_ ---- ...... t'r,-J!t.--SbSc4.el-'~-M4, ..._W.lQQ_J'j;.::'_ -. ...- .1,'--l] I ~ I,) I II .1,,,, i I II13aker, Pierre H. Ii : I', I' ,I !' !I i ! ...20.LIL.....al.aBa.eU_.S.t.__________..______~-'l'r.ao-:t..l{Q-57_1-------_________.____________.____~--.-6-. II D:) ,I Ii i ,I II: Ii I i' Ii, I II Balcer, P. H. Ii Personal property: I I ,2,a" '"Ol.aJ>\jjU, -, - -, -._" 'f"'"'J9,9<1n,,,,._- -- --- - -, 'u,_ "'-r 3 _15 Baker, . Will:l.am ~, Ii !II I, : II I. ._______..._____;H~'Li.2k_1JLS.\,l,:p_ .. -------------------------.----+-2--1 ..-.". I' I I ~ I ! Ii. Personal Property I I ----_Lue..Q......lL_J>ix1.e...Ho.illiL.'l'.r_________.___ I I .j..]Q_a_.]:J_5j;lLl2..tL_.____________,______~~~....- Ou!.y~ Hom~_~~________ ----------------L7 7 -~-:::--+---j,---.---.3?Q.__t__---}}g-?- I, .' I ' " , I' :' Santa Ana, Gal. 'I' :1 '"",,,,:, !' UC..J il . ~- Bake..r_.___QAl'letta.....J..L~.___.________1i:,., ----.-----..----.--.--.----......---....--......------.-.-_.---~--.-.--L.-.-.-,-.-..._+.-----...-..-..--..---.--~--_.._.__ ii 1:' ; 445 N. Lemon Ii Oauldwell & Wi therbee' B Add :1 18: B i, 675 " 675 " 19 , II 270 675 +f..-.-..-------tr-.--.~- ....-.--.....;i-.......-_v- 270 4.6-75-~ 300 2100 71:6 " I ..... ! ,__3750 {{I,Q .......lj----.-... _60Q_j__________ .. ..1, - .----. I, :' ii ii :i .- 525-i~ :1 4 ! loaO_ t....80-7.....E.-Ea1my:l'a--______ Ii v5.. Ii 13alderama, R. I, I. ~.-_'t1.3_N.~_aypJ:.e.B.B__ " 'i 6 Ii 4 -r.-!!---75.+-----J-'I:Q I II ~ . . I 'I i! +-1 ,,~~5,t ,:,;9, l-r~1 Ii ,i'''''''' ,-,..,..._,..-""""~.-,,"=""c.,,;,_,,""''','',"'~_,,."'',,'',,'''',...,.CO,. w" '(~ , ' \~;;f AI'"' ,', .A,~ In this Assessment Roll the /allowing AbbrevlOtions are used for the 1QOraS set opposite to t!lem: N.-N()-rth or NQrtherly $-Dollnrs N. W.-Northweslerly S.-Sontll or Southerly Cu.-Cents S, W.-Southwcatcrly E.-guilt or Eastl,!rly Cor.-CorncT N, E.-Northeusterly W.-West or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Southeaatcl'ly 1<'t.-Fcet A\'c.-Avenuc Imp.-Improl'clnents RO.-Number 'rh.-Thencc Sub.-Suh(livislon S. B. :&I,-Sall BcrunrdlM Base and !lerldlnn Sec,-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f. ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK \^' 2 .':11 [' _ . ii :'_-'il:-G:'Fi;"~'(j_:-r'~ 1~'i"t-~IfA"iili!loQi(iililif~'~;.~'iiii;';); iii"-'- . --c , SAN BEHNARDINO MERIDIAN 1 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOPF1CE ADDRESS DESClllPTION OF PROPERTY "~ 00 ,~,.., ~ " <nO .8' ~ 1,s g "~ ,00:> o<n " fo< 0 ~1t " " ,~13 ~ o ~~ B< z Value 01 Renl Estntc Vnlue of Impl'ove- mcnls Thereon , I i i -,-".,~)_.,,- ! ~ l &.'''' .ltl I Ii J. Baldibla, Abundio" Personal Property 'i. " i: ii: i! i: . i 3_:.-_~91._JL.~YlU'.es S ___._______,__.__Jt_GeQ..!-H.,__P i r i ELH9J!!.e_,_Tr ______________._.__.._______~--l.lf:_J-A.-.--.--+...--T---LJ.-SO-j-----f;-25l :""",:1 ii! ',i : i 'j, ~} I ~ :1 I' 'I _ I: j, I Ii J Ball, Margaret A.' et al II I I, 1 i II II 1:1 ' 5...if_lI:27._S ....J>.ix~ey.______________.._.~.J,'xa.Qj;.-NQ....5::6----.-.-__..... ._______._.______ .........----I..Htt-A----.-+ ....._"..._.._150--,....--:3.15.- I. ",!' !I i- 7 'i {/',12 1'1 Ii I 'L'~" :I I i' I' I' Personal Property il i: :1 9_.4__427__S._J>i xle.y.___.......______________.[L_.Traa.t__N.o_._51h5__________._______________ ...._.._______L_19_t_A_ '---i' . ...,____-3QO_.[,__......_495. 'il 1 i o II ~J~ J I I i 1 II Ballard, R. L. It Personal Property II I d. 5Q5_E ..Fa..lmY~a.-.,-..-....----------.lQ.Q S!lri.'_!LAg,4..._____._____,_. m ..-... ~_2_jIL 3 Ii 100 11 II I 4,U Ba.ug,lok,HenJ.'Y :F. , Ii Pe.rs.onal Property il II' Ii . 'I ,I I :1.-.29j,JiL-ol~}~dgE:L-.----..-..-.--...1-T..r~Q.LNQ-Z72,_JLl.05J.t. - . ........... - ..~-. ii_A. i ji ,.. JL Ij ii 7 Ii Bank, Belvedere State ,: II 8" it Ii (I, ) , -1-- 591_'lIhit:tieLE1Yd.____.___lLiI;l.r.a:r:y .'l'r,,_All -.. .Ex..JL."tlf:L::-W95ft ... .. .11 .1.. I A Ii i, 9 Ii Los Angeles, Oa!. Ii I' I',i, I o Ii 10:2 II I I' Ii I liml3.a.nlt.,_l.at_.JJQm._'O'L.Qr.a.ng.e__._..___._~-------.-.-- ._...__._._.._......._.m.___ .------.~- .--i '-'''.i---'-''--''-. .... i~'---i".... 2 Ii Orange, Oa!. i Spotts Villa Tr, S 72 ft - E'~ - I 6 : B I: 755 I, 1105 'I II : I ldi..';' 'I Ii 3! '1.1 Jl 11'11 i. ' II , Ii , ii' Ii ~t::~~~'~.:~'.f Q,,,,",,,--- . ..1~~""t-:-~2~---- ..-- - t ~J' -j+ J~;,__n 1 1 : . Ii:. ' '6 !, I II II l3! -. iil 360' II I I :' I! 'I ~~.-~ll-.n ..101-------i.:. -'- .-. ------- .. ..---- -il~~tnl--.--.. t-1'O t--- 19 i l: Ii ii i , II Bank, 1st. Natl. of . Anabe1m. Ii. II b': I 540 l~r-Ana.he.int,_QaL -tJlr.angeJl:Lty-._-_____.___..._____.________. 22 \~~~ "I ~i ij \ J lnl,., l..~o 'I ': I! ~ i[ ~ Ii .-+_.-----j n -I-_n~- 811 Ball, Margaret A. i! m_+... II I' n -~--99Q-~- .__l~9Q. ! li.. ..f .._750;1035 ,i I i f-99QQ .. _2l6Q '1,,,.- .-.,-."---,.,,' , I "",",/;," -4 .,. , ..L_tj; In this Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations are used tor the ,vords set opposite to them: N.-NOl'th or NOltherly $-Dollllrs :N, W.-N{)rthwcst(lrl)' S.-South or Southerly Ots.-CentR S, W.-Soutll\Vcsterly E.-J~llst or F.uterly Cor.-Comcr N. E.-NortheaBterl~' W.-West or Wcstc-rly St.-Street S. E.-Soutbeasterly Ft.-I'eel AH,-Av~mue Imp.-Imprm'enHmts No.-Number Tb.-'l'hence Bub.-Subdivlsion S. D. 1(,-8110 DernllrdlTlo D!lBfr and Mel'idinn Sec,-Sectlon \") FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAL Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK^ 1 2 .~SANJ::I~~:~IN~ ...1\1 II---~I '" -:-r--, il g'O :ffiil1 i ~~ ii 'I r~ II po:! ~~ I: (/) 0 oCf.l1-l .IX: .. E-i 0, I ..rrll! I I Ii Ii I II I; ,: ii! Ii i ii 11: Ii Ii ~'naO""__'__ 1 Trao~ ~-~------------t~titt-:; I-n- " Ii I I II I, \----------1 :---------l~[~ ,-LI-;:~ 'I " Ii 141 " 225 -~---------.-..----------------------t-~------------..-----...-.---_.-----------------_-~.. ...15_1..._11._..._, ..-.-11....--- Ii . 11 II. 1116!". ii Ii ~ II II 171". Ii -llr--n------- . -- I : - ----- n__ n-nj,i.~J~ f I; " " .--..-,..---.....--.----..-...--....----- II. i ~, i \1 Il_______LULl__.______.._____ J--------- .. -------.--.- II II ] I: Banle, 1st Natl. of Orange I :.~ o'ao~C~tL __ __I:n:~r~''''n __m___ '~ Bank, 1st Natl. of Orange 11 311 Orange, .Oa1. . II Qrange Oity, N 26 ft - w 1+7 it - , I i_ :__._._.__________________....___._._...~. __. .__-"____._..____JLlt7_itm.""_.(ElL N._20..f.t.) I' 5 Ii " ..... Ii 6\ 108 I Il~~nk ,-1a..t Hat l......Q.L.O r-g,!!Ke--~---1-.-----.-----.-------.---------------...------.----.--.. . 811 Orange, Oa1. . II O\:llyer Hotel 'l'r 911 . ....- I: '.' I: .0.' ~--li_--------.. --- ~-IL -------- - r----------------- ------~----- ".,---.-,.,--.------. I[ Ii ""'-"-""-_"'-~;~";"~""'''c.'__''__ -'o,"'".-~.,-.",. ,,_,,'._,._._..._..." ..,,_.,,__._.~...' _.m_ .__.. .._.. -~."_.. ,1",,-,",,,"-~!i.~rL.l.llG.AR~JlTlIIG."'Me.BCl,oXIU.IIDIIIG s~,~"'"""'~ i I 1'1 ............11 II " H II ii " \1 ('", il TAXPAYEH'S NA"IE AND POSTOFFJCE AD\JHESS Jtr~ Bank, 1st Natl. of Anaheim DESCIUPTJON OF PROPERTY " II o ~ ~ 'I. V.lue ~< I of ~ 1\ Real Estate I' 1,1$ Ii " Ii 11. " I: " .1 ,i :1 II. Ii' Value of Improve- ments Thereon .-.. ..;l~''',~',' ,$ , il. , (I "'''''-4 , il Ii I :I , !i -_or .if , I' I, I ,I 'I I: " ...{---- i; i! ji 525 -300 ..~_._~_.,- -mil'- , , , ,. 300 340 II 22 241" " ii. ..1 II I I, [I 6 II , B Ii 1 -..-...---t-----I---- , I i I I 9 I B! II 2310 1; -+~; :It;g'6~~'~~ I I li!1 Ii .1 1 ;l-~-l. -\-. r -;;~r-;~ ! .. I'" II I I i Ii 11 Ii . .. -++-rj,''''i-''TO I 'I I. , , 1..c~.".C".'\ "."...".""..."..c.c..~ I I 975 270 Ii I "--r , ii Ii ....fv.---- -+-.--------.-- ~1l!- ,v """ J ""lur- !!!!r- -,,_,,) _4 In this Assessment Roll the !ollGwing Abbreviations are used for the words .set (Jpposite to them: N.-No-rlh or Northe\'!y $-Dollnra N. W,-Northwesterly S.-South or Southerly Cts.-Cents S. W.-Solltlml!-stcrly E.-gllst or Elislerly C.of".-Corller N. ]~.-NorthcnsterJy W.-Wcst or Westerly St.-Slreet S, E.-SllutheElsterly Ft.-Feet A"e.-Avcllue Imp,-Jmprm'emcuts N.o.-KlIln\.Jcr TI1.-'rhcncc Bub.-Bu1,dIvlsion S. B. Y,-Elm Bernardino Buse and i\lcl'fdinn Sec.-Sectioll FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAL!I Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange for ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNO ,"""",", . ._ ,_~. __.__, '.~, _____..._...__". 'm__.~ -IL..9-"(.!",,GG.PflIIiTlHGANllaOOUIKPING..lllililLL -.-,..........".-----=...--.--....-,-.---...".-.. .. .... -".1::. ,I II II II SAN BERNARI>INO :1 if lvIrmJOIAN" ..._1 il ; Co.u i. I! g () !~..s g ~Il'" .~: 1 ~ g~ ~~ i: eX 0 I olf) k ;.>-1"" Ii i!-< 0 'I ' II II [, :, 'l'AXPAYEIl'S NAME AND POSTOFFlCE ADDllESS DESCIlIPTlON OF PIlOPEIlTY , Ii "r" lOB Bank, 1st Nat1, of Orange , 1 I, i Q.r3~l}K~i_Q~_h.________,.__.___.___.,,__~-J ~_~'_..Q~~gK~.~__~.\:l:1:>L-.J.1:_.2~__r~_:_'IIJ&~J't._=_..._.4-----r---._H. .-', II ,I I II Ii N 134.01 ft - II ;: i II i: J10 ii II iJanJ!;.,_..llL~._N.a.t.~L.._Q.f_Ql.'lillg.!L.___J..-..---.------------.-.. ...------. ----.-,-,.-..-.--,--------.----.l.-,--,...----.. I' Orange 01 ty, wt - ii 1 F.~ I 'I ;: 11 N 26.9 ft - wt - ,I 2 11 B':~'~:~:'~~ .-:;-~. ~~---I-----------t:- :~:':~,:;':'''d' _ _ ___~or:n~'o~~_ __ __________ _ _._ ~:, -;:l~ { !! ~ F I I m Personll.l,!:'j?oPEirty ....\1,1 W 16 ft I I !I ""1'-'''' 'I Ii It " 5 11'-"" 1 II'" p , 2 r' " o n 8< z Value Ii of t' Real EsLate Vulue of Improve. ments Thereon II .,.H.. " $ ii II. r $ II .' 'r-""'- .......---i'...-. 2430 I, II .. '''-''---'-'-"'--'~f'' , 1275 Ii Ii i ,-.-,+----4-- .. I; Orange, Oa1. ~ ,:..) L.L~ i I~ ;, il n ...~ -- " I' ii Orange I: Oity, ~_a.nl\:,J..f?tmNal1.Qfe:._ A.. ,",.. ~. I 19 i A I 20111 .i Santa Ana, Oal. 11 ! ". II IJ,L.~ j! ..ft :! I II 'i Ii Spotts Villa Tract i! ii ...-T.-..--.--..--..- .--.-.--. ...--... -- .---....---- Bank, 1st Natl. of S. A. B Sll.nta Ana, Cal. I " ~ _____.____._j-..l..~jL Ii Ii 'i Ii- Bank, 1st Natl. of S. A. et a1 I' !i Orange 01 ty, Beg 5 ft W - NE cor - lot 3, II I II _Omge,_.ClaL-___ -----J--:'~.~~:~.,~;:';:6b: ft, · 60 ft,N 6l' liB I 'I II i !; I ' ...Bank,,,l a-t-Nau.--a!..s.--..A..,;--;-.-__...__-tr_____________._...__.____________,_,__l'.. e r_ so XlJ!'L,!:'X.9.Q!?:I:'~Y..__ __ _._._[___._: Santa Ana, Oll.l. - .OhaPllllJ,tlT:t', S 16ac-(ExN 5$ft - W 10? ft) I 7 I D I I I I i 0/0 N. T.Edwards, f- IG , , i .. --.j..-.. Ii " II 'I !' , " ,-mii Ii I, Ii I, ""'1'" ...-...-..-..J-... .---li , 13140, 5220 .. ...._~. --.---~i-. ,. 2250' II _ ,,?It 3.7 5,1- J,:l..7 9.Q:I 1440 ;~ 3300.0 9840 '''Ii 1560 1620 , ....~__..___.__..~_jf___ ...... .m ..______._______.l._ "'--If- II II , 'I ii l~-ul I: 7950' 4050 II !. ii i Ii Ii I: ii il .. ..-.---. t--. ...-...-.-...-f---..-.--.-it- 15.90 I 1200Q i 2925 II . I I I I I II -~---_. 'I"" 1 "3 0 I [, ''I ~ <, Ii. ~._+'~.~ ~ I' II .,,-," ~,~u.,~~~,"_ - - ~--, '" ~~- -,.,=t~,-~~"- _I"~. I ' . I "',-,'="~'",:,c.,'-'"_"=~"_"".;c.,",","'""'==~",,."'"''',,..~".~,"="'=--""-""',,","" ,s Tn this Assessment Roll the following AbbrevialiOll$ are i 5 used Jor the 2uouls set opposite to them: ,,;.... N.-'North or Northerly $-Dollllrs N, W.-N()rtbwest~rly S.-South or Southerly cts.-Cents S. \'I.-Southwesterly B.-J!IlRt or Easterly Oor.-COl'nl.!f N. E.-NorUlensterly W.-West or Westerly Rt,-Stnet S. E.-Southeosterh' Pt.-FoCal A\'c.-A'o'cmue IUlp.-hnprovcments No.-Number TI1,-,!'bence Sub.-Suhdlvjs[on S. D. M.-San Dernardlrlo Base and ~i:(!ridlnn See,-Sectlon f~ "';'. ~:f-Li:~(j;-r:ii-IiiTI'ijij-A'ji:ii"Bo-o'Kll' tiDiNG~iAiirA-.iii'A" , TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFl<'IC[( ADDRESS 'q 111. J -? , " Ii I' I FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK I' I 'I I, I SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN' DESCRIPTION OF PROPEIlTY Bank, 1st Natl. of S. A. i I' Santa Ana Ca1. 'I Kordes Tr -- --- - - - ___ __ '..J.._ .___ ______ _____________ __ ____ "-~__. ___ __ ___~_______ ___~______ __~~ _ ____ , ~ ~'i JJLi I Bank, 1st MatI. ofS. A. \1, [' . :i $ li,_Sant.a.,-Ana,--.cal~_._____.___._.__<_._LGhubb~.Add..__AlL~_(Ex...S I Ii . ~ jl ~ :i '1 , II i! " I.aan ta..Ana,_Qal.'-.___....__._..__.__.~ Or an~j)i ty,._._....s..5._fJ;__~__...... ii i: f .. ~ .+.-.----.-. Ii Orange City, I' Ii I ..-.....-... -.-1...-.-...........-.. ....-.....- Bank, 1st MatI. of S. A. I I' 11 II Orange City II Ji II ..-.....--..........-.--.............-.-......--.--.. .... ..... ..-. _ ....."....~. -..-.........--..-...--....--- , I' ~ [! .....-..............----.-------- ......__.....__....._._._.....~- 121 ,I I "f: , i .. ---.-.......-.----.--.....--.........--....-..11-.........- ~ ''''' I' gJu ' Bank, 1st Natl. ofS. A. " II Ill.. i i Bank 1st NatI. r..--........-',..--....'...........--... i Sl>.nta Ana, Ca1. ...9J.jl...,_.A. i I I I I I I I .... .......1!:~n.__. Santa Ana. .oal, . 'sank, Orange Co.. T;r: 8< Sav, _5.an.t.a_.Ana.,_\J.e..l_>.......__.__.._.___ .t2;~ 'I II . ~: I' I II 3 [ F i~3/1~ II II I n.-.---.......; . I' I II i I[ il 1 Ii !i ..jl ? ,.. II. .. . + " I' 13 II Ii !I II I' II II ......-..--.-.... ...--.. ....-. -....-. . .--- .......-if. I !I ! -- --- --tQ I', ' I ' i 10.3 A L.. -I I \1 " II i! .--....-..il.1. il i! d , " iI Ii il '''.''-''1r !i !: 2 ;1 'i 28.._lt..ft.l..._.____.. II " II II II II II It II W 17 ft N 54 ft N 44.4 ft II N 14.4 S 40 ft - N 54.4 ft - ft - II " , . II I~ .G:e o.....1\..9Jlj..Jl_Q..ll.~.~._Su]:>_.._ I i , , Bank, Orange Savings I. --Oxang.e.,-Cal..--------.--..--___t1Q..Q.k'!!QQ.Q,.'.1l. Ad~L__...__._...____..._._.....__________ II . I I, .....j. 'I I: " 'i i!i ''''.".",.-,."'''~..-,'"'''''~-.,,''',.,, "~ .Jj.:! il J; s 'f II II II II Ii ;1 I.!;< -;j !~--s 0 : ~ g~ I oU) k i E-i 0 , I I IB --i-'"~'.'--'~'.+- ..1._+_1L_1_ ! II " il 19 :1 . iI II 20 -t., ! i II m13J:I 14' II , llt_1I i ,~... @ID p::i" m-II' -~"fr" 'I , ii I It r........ ..H-..- J I, I, Ir' I. I: II } H II I .11 I I 2 . o ~B ~ 0"" Z Vullle of Improve- ments Thereon , Value Ii of I: Heal Estale I II il$ ....__..wm+; ....... :L35()!1___1 ..m.------l! _5940 .1:. 4455 4455 .4.455# ._..$:;5 '; I.noo , Ii ...... ....~ , ;1 i~ . ii " i; II Ii ~. " ....+- 1170 1155 II 123001 I 4~16 ""-.'---it-. I" :i ii 'I I, 3645 II Ii + _ .3375+ II 44511 'I ..2295.~ II . I t?15-li--..12Q111 !I 'I II )1 _90Q 1_.___2.12_1 \()~l\:;.(l '1~L\j0 I ! 9900 7920 :i 265 I , " II !. I, 'i I. Ii " I- ii ii , 720 :i ,i ..117.92.0 :1.. ;: " 'I II !, 'I !; I !I .... -11~...l.- I ' I I I I- I , , ................jl, ........ i Ii - I mlll<< - :t6 Tn tllis Assessmellt Roll the loUolvinf! Abbreviatiolls are used Jor the words set OppO$lte to them: N.-North or N'o~tl1.erly $-Dollnrs N. W.-NorUnvcstcrly S.-South or Southerly cts,,-Ccnt.'3 S. W.-Southwesterly \i;.-Rllst or Ensterly Cor.-Comer N. E.-Northe-rlllterly \Y.-West or Westel.ly St.-Street S. E.-SouthensteL']Y Ft.-FeeL AI"C!.-AvC!nue 11l1p.-Jmprov\l1ncnts No.-NlJIllhe-r Th.-Thence Sub-.-SuLdivisioll S. B. U.-Slltl Dernllrdlno BlIse and Meridlnn Slle.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAL! Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKN, '" .,._ ._.m.~."......._,,_"_ .~. ..mm'_.om __~.I'/lIIlTlllGA.It~.Il00XBINl>UlaSJ.llrA.AHA .. ... ... ~.. ~.. ]r... , , 1 2 t~ " II "~ o 0 ';:lH !i (,) ~ I J5 0 , fi.. " !i Ii ,I I, Ii ' , ' " , _~~..~..__.._ __.....~_._._..____. _ ._.._ ._._.~~.~._.__..... ~_ ._~~. . _ - ~~ng}.l._. :-_~._. ._~. 11 26 'Ii - :1 II ' , ' II , ... -~- ....~. - ...u... -. -.. -- - -.-.---------.~.-... ~ .-.~-~- .J~. -.. ~.,~- II $ D TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESClUPTION OF PROPEIl'I'Y j.e- 'i1 ,{l{i 0 I ~ gOl I 0"' " f-< 0 Value of Real Est!\tc Value of Improve- ments Thereon $ 1, .'. ":"~.'l! jl 'J' . .i,~e Bank, Orange Savings, ""O.J'?,ng_E>,__Q~;t!..____~____ ,; _______.______;.'l'R!1cQ...t..1!Q_EIL I, .-t---~- " " 'i 900 .. n_._.___~.___4___~_~ 450 I' _BB.nk.,._Or.ange__.OQ.._...Tr........&_.Sav~._~____f-..__~.__..____~____._._..______ . ,.' Ii Santa Ana, CaL I Orange City :I " ~ J 1 L<.<...l ''-'''1'_'' II 1$ II 2250 375 1350 ii " ..__. _._.. _.__. _. ... . __l~j_____. ._.._ --_~_. - -_ --~~...---...l.......--- ..-..----- - .-....-. --. ..-..- ..----.- . -- -.-..-.. .. -~- - -.- ... ~.. . -...~..- ~- I I, Ii Geo. Ach1son1s Sub, S 40 ft - , I' __~()s__llI),g~lesLQ(!':L_,-______. -------- -l-- ------------- ..~.~.~.___..~_______.__..u ---- ~ 'A' " JLf~~J ii i " I: II ....---iij':!..~ci..J~!q-- 571__ .._m_ il ~ " I' I! I: il Ii I: Ii i) II ii Cottage Honle Tract 5th & Spring st. ii ...._.._-jl-j-- ,I II 20 0 II If !i .+---- -1:-------...-+ i' I .W''''',j. ,,".-...---w.+t...- 'I ,: " :1 i: Bank, Security Tr. & Sav. 450 7$0 "'__1_. ........1;__... ii Lon~ Beach, Oal. II " ii I! I, Ii . ::_ 24";.- I! 26 I - II i: I Ii I II 2$ I - I' i,.. _Y:l5 415 415 Bank,W.este.rnTr.. & Sav. ___l3Q_Jil..__.JJ1:L.6.t..__.____.____ II Bauman, Charles F. Personal Property 2$0 N, ..Cleveland 10 925 1125 __________1;.2:~~___________. ~___~----- , ii " , .__.._--~ .. .,,----+----1,. I, r . i :;:g;~ 'G::::::l s, O. (Chapman Tract, N~ _ N]~t Personal Property 1111 i G Ii 5 :: 4500. l~~g I: I. 'I ' II' . ,I I' I-;~;~~~::;;:~.--- i--- -----p,;::::, p~:~;t! T 1-1- -t - - t I 898 N, G1aElee11 I! Spotts VillaTr $ A, II i, 1255;! $10 II !------.-j ;i( L______ ----------11-----------..------------------.-------.--+-.- --;-. - .-~--t'; --- ----- if- ---.-- --Ii I :Sarger, VernorS, 0, Personal :!>J;'()R€lJ;'ty I ii, t' i- III $98 N, ..GlasselL. 12 E il! .'\' I 2535 1,',1,., 795.1 OrangeCi1;y, . E. 26 ft - I IIJ 40 f:L:- 11 11 \ - .\a..j . ( Tn this A.s.sessrnCllt Roll tlae JollowilltJ Abbreviations are U$ed lor the words set opposite to them: N.-North o.r No~thcrlr $-Doll.nrs N. W.-NorUnvcstcrly S.-South or Southerly Cts.-Ccnts S. W.-Southwcsterly E.-E,)s\. or EflBterl)' Cor,-Cornf.!r N. E.-Northeasterly W.-West.or W.esterly St.-Street S. E.-Soutlle.llstel"ly Pt.-Feet A\'c.-Al'cnue Imp.-Imp1'OVelllcnts No.-Numbcr 'fb.-'l']ulnce Sub.-Slllldlvlsion S. n, )f,-SUl1 Bernardino DllSC and Meddflln Sec.-Sectlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK \1 if. .~"~:L~;_!l~:~;o~ ~Tif~~2l~!-:!o~j_~~~:i1[Na75'Ai-ij"A)-"'A- r It SAN B]~nNARDlNO Ii IvIERIDIAN 1 II 2- ! DESCRIPTION OF PROPEllTY "~ o 0 ';:lH o . " ",0 J.e ~ :~.;3 0 ~ntl i ~ g~ ]~ oU) I-t _ ~ 'H 0 '" o ~~ 8< z Value of Real E~latc , Value of Improve- ments Thereon TAXPAYER'S NA~IE AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS 1;j1 , , r I II j! ii $ $ Bargeten, Jacob Personal Property ;__!;5J,._.ttLGr.a.m;L..________...____________l.B..9Jlli.Le.. Br M__'l'r_____,_,__ t ,.. , .1...,)1 ii " __1.16 i-A-"-- , I, Ii I: II " I II . -ff i: " H j! 'I II ..-,-12QQ-.~-U70--n , , I II 4 'I ._.,;-..-..lQQ5 .-......9511 II I' ,I II Ii L__.~_U25_.,. .75QJ , ~ I, II II _Ii . m__,___ ]1 II 1 ~55-1 I ;~~~ I I :1 I ..---'--'1'-.-.-.1 300 _J275_ '~1 ",0",) Jl.f.)':_ Ii i ....__..______._,______ .__..~.-..-3.1+..o":-.--"-,----,.-- Ii Ii Ii Personal Property II II I, -----------+-13 ,-... ,.....~59_.1i_L.Qn,ng.L__.____.________+..'t,--M. Sp_Ii!..@.l'.lL}rQ_M.d___________._ ,I Barker, Fannie L. I g-139._1L If H nrl " U, I"l.~'" I ^ 'rl arl'lQ.>!,;.!,._._____....______._.._._.+_A"-e1U'y..loLl..Q..YSL!L.n!i!.l..._____._____.__ 1 . .1 " . " ,j~.. I 1".)') i Barker, Mary F. et al Personal Property Jl " ij- ij ~i Ii Barker, Melisea O. Personal Pro party i:' Ii 1f-.~~_8.s_'___Q.e.nj;~._________________#_Q_._ji...__CJ.!,ly er_J-I2illJL'l'r....___..Et_,,-... ..(Ex..'IL12f..t . I I! I ~ E 25 ft - S 34 ft & E 13 f.t Ii II II' Ii S 50 tt) i II II r------.-----i ;i;-~.---..--------.-.- -li---.------N .70. it - 1 " II Barnes. Alex W. ~ ~.]lJ:L\V..P.f),J,I!I----- ..___ _. _. 1:J!,i_C111 a.lld .. ii Ii 11 " I~ I! lab. Ii 'I ': I!J_arne ">.,__<l_e o.rgsLRL._..__._._____._____+... ~ " Ii Vernalie, Oal. I: Tra.ct No 600 ,I I' II !i II " ~--.--.- -.,---.-.--.-----...--.-.-.--.-.--.---..---.----.--L-,.---.---.11..--..-----.-...-..-.-.. ,I I' ~ II II I 1~7 'I~ i! P. ii-fl-1t~.!!"1~,-IL.. E. .JtL~_13]:'u!!\ll:....Mary Ji ~! l 'i 527$. B:l,rchSt. ! Santa Ana, Oa).L Farm !Jcts, S 2 a,c - W 2, 75f:j,o - ILnm - -, S 5.50 ac 2 1[175 11 Ql;laP!llanT:L'l'l.ot,.. $l!;:L-:- ~------ 'J, '\ , " ... I :t8 in t!ds Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations are used for th.e W'CJrds 3d opposite to them: N,-North or NoQl therly $-Dollars N. W.-Northwcstcrly S.-SOUUI or Soutlwrly Cts.-Cents S, W.-Southwesterly F..-Enst or 1:llsterly Oor,-Oornet' N. E.-Nortl1ellsterly W.-Wc.st or Westerly St.-Street S, E.-Soutllcnstedy li't.-l,'ect .I\\'e.-Avenu-e Imp.-Jmpro'o'crncnh No.-Numbt'f Tll.-Tltenc.e. Bub.-Subdlvlslon 8. D. Y.-SUIl Bl!mlUdlno Basl! DIUI MeridIan Scc.-Sl!ction FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK ~ AG. rL"GO;p,ilrtruiGAliOBOOKai-NDI:Uij.ii:..itT~-AH:" r I, :i ![ SAN BERNARlUNO j', MEIUDlAN . Ii 1 2 __II .\ , , , , TAXPAYER'S N,\ME AND POSTOFFlCE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ~ ~~,_._.___._.~..____ 0 !! ffi e ~ti !: ~< " . ~ ~fi: I Z o~ .3.3 j:, 0" I rX 0 " il. :.9 ...!4 i -wil g '00- ';:toP=! i aU} k : E-t 0 i Value of Rcal Estnle Vnluc of Improve- mCllts Thcreon ii I . ,,) II lLUl) Ii Barnes. Jesse G. I, Personal Property , ......l36.-'II.L..RQ11.1L..._____.._______._.____.__._I.llliapman_-TL.__:L:3.2.._H_-"-.wi_="N_J+6_U._"'__~-".--.-~--T- ._'._ .. I' Ii I . . . I' sEt - 'I It G t,):;~! :! ! Ii _Bar.n.e.tt.__Mr.s....._.A..._E..._.._._.___.______.I___.._.._.______ ....._._.______..___p e;_a9J1J;1,l.P.~:QP(3)::t;y_ ..1; 001'. Grand & Almond Ii O. Z. Oul vel' Home Tl'. E 99 ft _ 'i '.'-i-.-' ..~.__..__...--.-! 205 6lt5 , i I I .....(-..-.---.--.-.....-.....f'.. .,,_. ..--njl J j(l , 2lt ! - I , I , 900 1185 , I iJohn R. SOhooley's 1st Add l.'i-- . 13 B ~ Ii ~ ", ..-.-.-.-.-........--,.---~-.-~.--.~---...-..--..-.._-.-.--- ---'---" -."..-...........--...-... ...._....._.__.u -....-~ "--'r..-..-...-.-...t---.-... . "1.: ---- -. ....--+... II 5 !I ff 'I 1, ;i---- ---1----' I' I: il II 1 il ..l Ii I' III , il :, . ..-..-.....-.---.....-. ....--..- ... -.-- . - .. ..-...-.-..--..--.....---..- .....-..-.--....i.. ,I Personal Property I: Ii llt A i ! i' ~ r II' i .jll.J,5.Ll~._..'._I', ... , I . ' !! i ' I ~ 16 . II ' i. :1' : II I: ! 17 i I: il :1 i "._...._'_.~.."""_._...______..M...._......__".u.._".____~...___.,_. ,-. --..- ___"___'M"._.. .---------~-- .... -"-'j .j..---.. ""1'__ ..-_._._-:~--_..- ...m_~.__?__~ ....__..~".------ I I' II I. ':, 'I l I '-It I . -___~_U~-ft~L1Ll3J~. & s_162fiL_ 53-:r !----J-15001-:--..~ ; I~; ~; ':;1 (, Ii HI ':' \~ 1,--tctT J . -t ,I I I___~__ ,l JL___ .-1t.....-,,-,,----jt- Ii , ,. i II I ..:6.ak'neH. _E.ya_...F,~_.__._ 280 N. Shaffer St. Lit ...-.._____~----.-..-----..---.------...-..-.--..--...--.."P.eI~Q_n.a1.J'r_QPJ,r..t.y.... liBonnie Brae Tr Ii 975 1215 _:6.arJl&tt...._.E.ex!'teJ...._._.._.._________. 0/0 Walter Sallman 565 360 Barnum. Willis E. R. D. 1 265 I tl I II 1 I .1 I, 3025 i I Oourt1and. Kansas i.H .....__.... ,;:_._"..:l!citd____.._ ....J:Ei .. ... ..---.-l I: i! i! Ii 11 Traot No 718 I, .l I' IITraot No 621 I " , H -11 Barr. Jennie Oommuni ty Plaoe 6lto ..._.___.1:11_____.....___.. .---;1 " if Ii I' .1, Longfellow Tr ., ._ S:fill.'t..LAna,___Oal.L..______. .___..._..___~--_..Il--.- ..... .._._.______._.__......_ Ii ~ i, I' .._,,_._____ 145__._._____.._ ~ .---...-.--".-i--.-...-.-"".---.-.-'.-. .. 1...-.-- -..... ."" ....h-____ i' , --~---_._---..-- Barr Lumber 00. Box 14 765 .. 840. . ,1-..- ~~;~l I II 840 $40 II Barr Lumber 00. Box M , i_J~anj;!)",_Ana~_Q_gl....___________1 , I 1. ..' ~~' f'; In this AssesJment Ro-ll the following Abbreviations arB used for the words set apposite t.o them: N,-North or NOltlle-rly $-DollIlTS N. W.-Northwestllrly S.-South or Southerly Cts.-Cents S, W.-Southwcsterly E.-~;nst or Ensterly Out.-Corner N. ,E.-NorthclIstcrly W.-Wt!st or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Sontheastcl'iy I.'t.-Fcet Avc.-AYeIUIC Ilnp.-lll1pro~'cmelltg N{lo,-Numbcr 'l'b.-Thence Sub.-Sulltlh'lslon S. n. ~t.-Slln Dernardirlo Base- nmllIeridlllD Sec.-Bedlarl FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f. ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND 117HEN UNKNOWN, TO UNR . ~. Ii ir-..A..5J.J.JJlGj.eJUll.llIIli....HJUHlOJ:Il.I.JlIllIIIl.JiAJUA..A.N.. Ii I I 1 r.~~---II' 2 . I ii II ~ ! Value of Improve- ments Thereon TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFPICE ADDRESS ~ :::-1 Ii SAN BERNARDINO !! ;! NIgIlIDIAN ',i !:---~---~._-.----! DESCRIPTION 01' PROPERTY " ~ 00 'B'" . " lf>o i :a.=:~ .~o i ~ Z~ olf> " E-< 0 u ii bJJtl ' ~ . Oli" ~ o ffii2 ~!l ~< z Value of Real Es(nlc LHi 'r " " II I' 1,$ $ II " " I' 'i 12 A 'I Ii II 10 . II ....-..'....-.'....-....-,......--.,,-., .. .....".11..-......-1"..' ii i II i II I ".,--",-"".-,--",.,-", J.lL!-A-" , 5 'II ..",...-..-.t'. 750 .,_lJ:5,.;, Barr, Wilbur ,; Tract No 720 .. -"--..---.-",--'---"L-'--~,,,___,__,__JLl~!fQ_J:t;._= f:~------ Lid Barrein, Reinnold II I! u,33S_W,._..l'alllL...,____._____________,II1.Q!:lg;f@.:).J, 0'11.__',\]:',___,____,_, I, r. ii ii " ........m_....m.t;___._ }SQ 825 Ii II ~7~- ~ 1 i --.--,.--il l "\,' ..~[I) '; '1 iill.arr,el'.a,_S.endali.a,.,....,__.______,_.~ .___, __,.______..,,_,_____._,____ ._. ......_. ._... '''m''..'.... .. ~... i ,I I: I: 515 N. Lemon iilJohn R. Schooley's 1st Add,N 20 ft-W 50 ft- I: 2 I !i .1 II II II 3 I'.. " 'i .-- .-.t......-- ... . f'''--' '--'-'-'-----,.1 S 32 ft- ~ 300 570 , - I 'tl Jl~:lrd -~- - -------- --- --- ---------- Bartelheimer, Henry ....._-_._-~-----_._-_.._---------~_. ., " :i r; : ~g7S.Sha:(f<'lr I I' U ,_.___...._'."'__. .1iJ' '._,'.... ..,._,__._ i I Sartl1ng, Dora L. i 1625 E. Chapman I ['------ i. {j. t'-"'-- -,-- , I Bartling, Eliza i .. . . IJ._:;:).J?__9A~:Qm?,!l...,____,_,_"'__._ ,. -Ii I: Cosart's ii ..----..-"......--- , Add ...-, N 54 f1; :i u...j! . :1 Personal Property , ;i 'I :A 450 1035 --.-...-.~.--R".,-.- ..._--...-._...._.-"..._-".-.--_.__.__."....._~ I' II II H , II Lo okwood I s n 2 il -tt ........._---) Batohelor, . Franois. D. i' I ~ II , ' '---tl'.1::.?,Q:t :0 437,_, --- ... . .. _ ---- --- 1,1-:;1 ~ ~n-i! -'-:~:;_ I: II I :1 II 15 II " I: 525 I: ._,,__ia~.__.._,,_.. .... ....,.-,--,-J .._,--------, "-..----.--- .,________________,__,._ -L"J-----..~...--,-,-,-. ,~.. ~. .. Personal Property II Ii Ii [I il Ii I' "DaVid Oo].e' s 2nd AM, . Nt - 24 Ii ji 495 Ii 810 II II!i I, i - --- , ----.--"' -- -- .---- -- ------,--- -----~- ---- -~---- --- -- --- ---- --- --~- -.- -- - -- ------1- ---Ji - -- --) ....._..-..-._,._--~!...._._-~._--...~~j I i 'i I John R. SOhooley's 1st Add, 'N 50 ft 1 i I I I I Ii II 4 i < -. II S 30 ft" .2._. =- +----525-!--5~--1 i Ii 1"/2>b. lUqL$ 'I 'I !I . I ...,..... .. "., I · J.. _iL__ i " 1 Ii PerBona1 Property Add, W 55 ft - 1 A J 141:)5 1335 II ..Jf 9ft.- 6 II II i I I . ~ :1 - -- ",j 11 I 339 N. Center S.t. !,,__,_,____lfi;I_ I Bates, Amy. 1 507 N. Lemon I i :."_._---~-_.._-_._. ;iJ "'!; Fred E. ,/:)S,,,,~?,-;1- cri2'-'-.x~:y.';;F ': Personal Property )..:. ,/.) I. I;'\"'::l~. .;.t1 /,', I: .~agno U~'_'.__"__'_'____I! Che,pman..J'r.,___W__J.~J._l....a.9- _1l_9..6.8 .ao.""....sJ..'"' 1 ;j~) I. ,b In this A.s.sessment Roll the following Abbreviations are 1 used lor the lliords sel opposite to them.' '''-'0 K-Xart_h or Northetly $-Dollllrs N. W.-Northwesterly 1'><"" S,-So\lthorSoIlUu:!rly Cts,-Ccnts S. W.-Soutllwcaterly E.-Bllst or F:nstcrly Oor.-Cormr N. E.-Northcllstcrlr W.-Wcstor Westerly St.-Street S. E.-SoutltMsterly Ft.-Feet A,'c.-Avcllua Imp.-lmprov.emcnw Ko.-Number 'rh.-Thence Bub,-Suhdlvlslon S, D, 1I[,-8ll.n Dernfll'dlJlo Bllse and :Meridian Sec,-Section :-:-':;~~','il-;fri~_(j;_~..riIiiu(~Xti1 ~:iQ_~~.i1t!!:INi,1~tij!. ...111: :'__', _' : '. :'~.:' :"=_ ,'_::':- :'-r Ii il Ii :1 I I: I: . r I 11 !I TAXPAYEll'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS JD:l Bates, ...1.~s.. N.! FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQI Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UI .:.::.:::::: .:.:.:.: . - II ---,r--_._'..~ 1 2 SAN BF.RNARI)INO ;L_______~RTDIAN____ '" o ffi~ ~5 ~< z Value j: of !; Real Eslate Value of Improve- menls Thereon DESCRiPTION OF PROPEllTY i,~ rtj j q) 17J-S....:: bn tj: le:::l....... j:lVo ,;=0- Il$~ I or/),.., rJ:l f-< 0 "~ 00 '.;:::I-l u~ ~o ;f 1$ .1$ ...-.-ir.-9..-.LE.--.-- ..~J.J.:i.---2lZ5-..-.... il II JI-L_C._ Sates, Fred E. _.28.2.JL..JdagnQUa...... l;jli Ii t . +.TXM__N.o__6.QQ_.__.___.. " I Ii 1,1 Bates, Geo. L. --+..--.------ ".525.+1125 .2;i 2-.N._Wa:ve.rly_.... .-------. .--.---_._~-Ohapman-Tr,-.E .266 .-7-5.-f.t.."'.S-~21.-ft ~ II wt - II ii II i' Ii _a~J&~.,_..'O'e._Ql'ge.._L..L__._.___.__.__.__.I-.__._.__.___ 252 N. Waverly Traot No 600 , II ,; II --..-. --...-- ....-..---...............-.-. ..-..... .. . . .-. .-.-.-...-- .- ..l-........-.--..-.-..- ....-.-.-. --............--.....--.... .-..- I, " I' Ii Ii I, ......-......-. ..-....... . ...- ....... .... ..~.._...-.. II II !i Ij Ii II ______.16n_ .---.--.------------1----.-- ..__._......._. ... .........._._ il Bates, George L. ! Ii " II Tract No 272 II Ii II ----~--_.._._..._-----_...._-.j;---~--_.__._----- j' I ., I I I 15'1' 252N.WaverlY t :'T ....----~L~l__.. :Elates, Mary t. --,..,. 252.N. Waverly " ,. il t' I' I il il il--.. 6 ..~_F_+._.+.~"L __Ul5_+___~7Q , 'i " " 20 11195 75 -I...... ---"'--'i' .........-----.;/-----.- --...--.......--------.1 c 525 525 525., 525 570 ...5]Q 525 600 " 8 II " ii '. 10 II , - -.-.~. .-tr .. ,. 12 : II 13 II ).] II H I, , 20 II ., II II II ii u ii 22 II .--l- .-__..___L.__.__.__L_ ...-....--t[.--.- --...-+- ----..-....--..-..-.. ~_.---. Ii I i Personal Property Iii;: . 1110 I A I Ii II 690 ._._.___.u_____..___._____.._.__.___ ..12.J.lI....-L.-~-- .....J --690-4. .__... i ! ii 21l II ; ii 845 I I 'I !::I' ..~ -1..tu"'5r---- i I II II .: F -tl 1110 I ,~6:~1 ",-~ II I' ~rt.~-II- I " I _ __~ i :: 11 1150 II II 'Qna~llla.n Tr ,_.6.\'(* ~ 7 r-...---- 'I \.. :1, ~"',"l,"__..i! __ !!!I~~ '"'1 t'>.ii In this Assessmellt Roll tile J{lllowlng Abbreviati<ms are used Jor tlte words set opposite to them: N,-North or l\olthcrly $-Dollars N. W.-Korthwestc-rly S.-South or SOlltheriy bts.-Ccnts S, W.-SoulhwCBterly E,-ElIst or F.ust.erly Oor.-Comer N. E.-RorttlclIsterl... W.-Wcstor Westerly Ht.-Street S. E.-Southeasterly Ft.-lIoect Ayc-.-Avcnuc ImI1.-Impro'o'cmentR No.-Number Tlt,-Tlwncc Sub.-Sub{Uvisl(l1l S. D. M,-San DernllrdiTl() Dnlle and "bleriuinn Sec,-Sectton FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAL Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN,TO UNKI\ .\ 1 __,lJ- 211 ..m T'.:. i! Ii" A_:'.a'-;F~~(; G-,h'iN'r.i~G Jii'DjI99Kli"IJiil!R'~~-~~i\il.'-x.'ijX ' .. ~ I[ .... I SAN BERNARDINO L_._._.!IERlDIAN"._.-_.._i, T AXP A YEIt'S N AMlc AND I'OSTOF'F'IC~ ADDHESS thO "~, , , I, I [I : p., ~ I~~ 0 , " 0- I ~ oP=l J~,~,~ i I I I , DESCRIPTION OF' PROPERTY "~ 00 '.:::1-1 u" Jio ~t: " " '~~ Bates, Mary E. .._.25~.._N. L._wayj;u:J,y______....._...____._m.__~Qe.o...jc.h.i.aOn I EL.Sub_..___.. Jhl' .__..............__.J_l~..;_A_.- ,I ' I' Ii II Property ii --.---- .,,'-'-' ..... .... ~ o ~~ ~<: z Vnlue 01 Real EstHte s -'r.-"'r' . ..S.2.5.......---.BS5"t 'I Ii Batt, William F.. .. il Personal 11_~J~!LHL_.Gr.ll.nd..___..._........__.:..__..__+'l'.LJ4..-f.lhi>,.del!..s3.l'd_Add..._...______ ......-.......... , 1 j ,) Jd.:.. jJ1--('_+.=..., _._._.___1+... Batterman, Herbert W. :1 .f_216._N.__Wa.vedy._.....__.__ , "~ ~'l_"~\ JJ...) ii Personal Property 'I i , . IS A -...-------....---..- '11 -.. - .1. -. II ' , II , Ii .-lIS +13. h !: ---i! .._.---. ---.---.4 Tr a.Q1....N.9_,gJg__._ -...--- I i: ,. -,---9$0-+1350-+ 6 .' +_..ij.9Q..., " !i __:U;;5J ',. I' d " , it II II Bay, Laur enoe O. II Ii ;,..j:3.3_.j!.....J'.arke.r..___._____._........_...._._J~1':ract._NQ..5~5__.....___ ii J b-1 il !Jlll-Y, Myrtle E. . 1.. ..2.QZ._.6...Buah. s.t.... -.-..-....--.--..- i u ~;-j I I, ~ Beaoh, William II !I II ..jll'. .lJ:l2..fL__Pixley__ ....... _L'I':ra&:LNQ5ltS,.. H..16ft -.E....9.Q.. ft....."'... [i Ii I~ II II S II II I J Illi II ',,'i I; 'i 'I I II 'I _ __Bear.o.a,_L il1a_.H..._B..._.______..__.+__________...__ ..-----.-.-.-- .-...- ... !!-..-+ II 281 S. Glassell ~. Campbell Sub ii 4 ii' :", ~ II II JJ.H [ II _lae.ard.,_.ThoA.__._____.._.________.__l_.____._____.n._-.--.- 'I. --.+ ..J.. i 5S6 N. Orang~ ~ Therma1ita Tr 14' A Ii 1\1L) 'I t::::;'~~~i~iL.) ~g;:; ~ ~,;go~ Add~; ~9 ft - . 150 ft ; I. ,. I-EaO",", ~ t. H._ . ___ __ __ + __mm _.~ ____mm__.___ ---LL !! 1034 W.Highland 8.t.< [I"oosartls Add, E 40 ft - 20A [I San ta Ana, Oal. i ' II i----- ---h Personal Property . -;~ j 'i 4 6 I , ii B t.1:- ISPQ.:t:l;JLV:l.lla.Tr'mtLlJ:l.93.ft", . wl- Personal Property .~ 24 26 ~ I l3 II """:i'- i: 11..........30Q 5lJ:Q "M.il-- IUS I ... 175 ." 225 4so 2430, 9.00 ...-..,--.- ...-..-------.---4.----- . - ~ ~ -- 540 I I : 750 ,i .' i: .-11- ...--.--+.-.----- I: 73S Ii 765 il !i .' '.1 'I I Ii II ....1----+--...-- I ..660 II 540 . --1,~1-':~ il II " " n!!_._"~ i: Ii Ii In tlds Assessment Roll tl~e following Abbrevtations are used lor the words s.et apposite to them: n? N.-North or Kortherly $-Dullars N, \Y,-Nortbwesterly ro..,j(.;oJs.-So'oltl1 or Southerly Gtlil,-Ccnts S. W.-S<lIlthwl!stcrl,. E,-P.lU't or l~f1sterly Oor,-Corner N, E,-Northcaa.terl,. W.-West or Westerly St,-Street S, E.-Southc:\stel'l)' llt.-Feet Ave,-Avenue. rmp.-Improvements No.-Number Th.-'rhcnce Sub,-Subdlvisl<l-ll 8. n. M.-San Bernardino BIIBe and },ferirLlau Sec.-Scctioll FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAL Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKA :-'-~IJ~,~tjJ?:fFiH'i:N(fXH~-'jj l)O:~ ~f'~'i1(ii~:;}A'(iT~-_AiiF-' r u__o 2 II Value of Improve- menls Thereon $ $ ;; ..._100'- " " T:::. ... .1[-. ~"4I , SAN llEHNAIlIHNO II 1.'1.' ,L_.__."~nIDIAN _.__..__!~ [:; ;' ',.'1 '" . ~.. ~ ' V nllle ~... '.... 'tl r.,.l -, I'! '3j --5l-B 0 ~tl ~< il of 01-1 ~g~ r:l~ .;:, iReal Estlltc ~o OUlI-< '~p " ,0<:-. E-1 0 ii II 'i~ i: i: II it II I 1 TAXPAYEll'S NAME AND POSTOF'FICE ADDllESS DESCRIPTION OF Pll.OPEHTY a .,0 Beckman, Gottfried G. ~.Q_~_.JY.-La__YJ:l.:t.a._ 1,1 Personal Property ., ;, 6 _____.________1E_5_aQ_=-..w_1L5D._..aQ_::._.N.Et_"'_J{Yl..t_,.,,__~-=-----.j--3L,..J!.--_9___._--5+-.-.J75Q.-,.......1..2Q-4. ,I Ii' 1; r! :1 Ii 'I Personal Property II -------------.--------~13-i-A- 'I I il ,I :! Personal Property d il , t.13_~jL,--1- . _.,,__615,,__ 2,7-0_ rl Ii . i' !I i , I ....,,------4 ..._lQ5Q__.,_lgQO~ Beckman, Jennie L. et a1 i! .2.S0_R._._C.en:t.e:LB_t_.____________ii-J:io.nn1.(l..BJ:.a.LT.I.__.____.___..___ .. P I, J d:;., Behrmann, Henry " I: _BQx._682..,..........l51..J3..L_..EarkeL_.____.____p~.Q.rJie..LTr___..__ . '~ >> I; t d ,) II n I i! ~i ~.. " 2 . . IICauldwell & Wi therbee I s Add ...--.-----.- ._._--~._.._._---_. .-..------.,...-.--.---..,..-....--....-.--..-.....- Bell, Charles H. .g.;n1.1{,.1.!~~.L__~]J_~ 10-1 _12 I fA +____"_ I I , I, 750 I' ..-Ir----.--..~.. --.-..---.-..+ L ' .. ......~?? -J~ __1195_IL QU_YsL 1 d;) Bell, H. A. r Ii 'fl-' __.jlj':t;agLNQL.....~9J__ II " il I' I J[Trag:tJiQ... Q 2,1. I . ---~ :1 I J5 --+-.. "",- ...-j--- + I _._il ,. .ltso _ 1215_1,_ JleJ..l, FrankE. Personal Property i II 6 II II !i , , I I , '"----1--- 31+0 1675.,. .552,_Jt..I':!.ne...S:t.L Adh Bell, R. L. PL_Q_.._.BQ.L6.1!L_._._________..__ Laguna Beach. Cal. - -<",'-''''1 1,1 . -Ii C rM(l1.Q k'sJllJ.Q :1 " ", r: (. I, .'-'--1---..-.-...---. ..-.-..-... .'---.--..-'.-.---'-. ....-.-.-.- -..--.- iorange Oity, W 40 ft :~ t ,I .--.--l.----..-----..--.--.-..-... ..--.--...-.-.---. .--.-_____. _____. ~ , s 36 ft I 12' A ....-11-..'-. il i il :, Ii II II if II II 20 I II I H T' "HU 675 '-;r- . ... :1} 2. Ii I' ,,- " I' --'t- " ii ii " 6750. 3015 il ,I Ii ii II II II - 1>- -- --11---. . -..--If , I' , Ii I II I, I' I ~'II 525 II' lSO ! i 40 I I ,I 44 I II L__ ~-2g5_11__,-:-_.2."II_ I I ", LI(,C I lv"" ,.".'".",."" ""'''.'''''1.Li. I.,""..~t' -l.,,,",=",,,,,.~,,.,,,..,.,ll; I ". I , : I, ! _ : Ii __ _J___ ----1 , 19' 0 , I I I 'I .-..l....-,i , j Ii j,-- I I: " --l ~~.llQn.,_.L_J)L___________..______ 4917 Ro.s.e.w.o.od Ave. J.,os Angelee,OaJ... 1 "K ____..._......_._,,~_L~.___. II II j3el tra.m, Z. 465 N. Oypress Personal Property .,1... ."~...-r--.------~~-~- II i ,I , 11 I 1 ., I I I 1.7 1 A Geo. H. Pi).':!.e Ho.me '1').' II 1 ."."-',."-,.-'-',,~"'~,~"'''~''''''',.'_,,~.-,'''=,,w_,;.~'''''",,.='"''.~,="" .,~"'".===''"'=,-~",===~"="'".~=='''"'''''".-"''''"=.,..=~",."'"'',,.-""'''''-,,,'-'''''''''='''-,,,''''''''''''~,~,,~=''''="'''=="=,,=''''''''--'''"''~',=. ~~.I (. In ,'ds Assessment Roll the JollowlllgAbbreviations aTB used lOT the words set opposite to them: N,-North or Northel'ly $-Dotlnra N. W.-Nortll\vestcrly s.-So'lLtb-or-Southcrly Ch.-Cents S. W.-Sollthwestcrly E.-East or EllStcdy Cor,-Corner N. E.-Nortllcmsterly W.-West o.rWc.stcrly St.-Street S. E.-Soutltcnsterly Ft.-lied A"c.-AvCllUC IITIi',-lmprovcm-cnt9 No.-Numbe.r Th.-Thence Bub.-Subdivlsion S. n. !f,-San Bermrrdlrl() Base amI M"cr[dillll See.-Scctlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f{ ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK I~ ~ -,.~: (;-.'FL~~<r;-p ii iiiTi~iJAii:~-~-9ijiflii'iibrNC:,;, ~A:!'!tA.;A_ll'.i."- TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFfCE ADDHESS ii: 2 _n] Vnlue of Improve- ments Thereon , , I I' ,> n 11 '11" J d ~J Beltz, Frank E. et al J,)U . B ~!}JLQ.k e .,_HL.J!.L_.._ 766 N, Shaffer St. .!~' .u...! .lb5 Sennett, .J4r.6.L..A....J... .11 II ~~.5 375 15 "! if I ii.. 375 !.'... i ! !i 71': !, " t-..+--t--.:i,-J.t-----t. 17 IIfll ii .'~~5,: ..\ j , ~r=~r1. t..."...... 'i I I... .........""_....... ......4,. . i. _ 1)) I : 11 'I ..-3.9Jl..N.....Har.w:o.Qd addiok-'_s.....811b.._Nt II II If II I. II - -~ ),-1 In this Assessment Roll the lollo1ving Abbreviation.s are llsed far the words .set opposite to them: N,-North or Northerly $-Dollnrs N. W.-NorthwC!s.terly S.-Soutb or S()uthel"ly Otg.-C..mts. S. W.-S-outhwl.'sterly fo~.-Efl'St or Easterly Oor.-Corner N. E.-NortlleiLB.terly \Y,-West or Westerly St.-Street S. E,-Southe.nsterJy Ft.-Fcct Ave.-Avenue Imp.-Improvcmcnts Mo.-Number Th.-Thence Suh,-SlIbdlvislon S. n. M.-San Bernardin<! Bnse and Meridian Sec,-Bectlell FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAL Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK!\ '."-=""""'~~~~'" II :r:' Ii SAN BERiNAIlDINO I ii ji MEIIIDIAN ,~ II II-'~--~---------~'-P I ....... "'"::" no~"V~ ljl~i~ III Ii '1,1 ii " 11 'i ' ~ j; Ii II ". II i~ i I Ii: II __~ addi..Qk ~ Sub ,-_w:-L=_~L-=-_____ __ - _________ -)LUrl--.a--\----lf------J------"--- -------11' I' r-- I' II I I' It __ II II 16 I II ;: ~: 810: 'I ~ I '! I' -, I " I I I, " ~ II II 1117! II. Ii II II -r- ._.___________m_________._m -ir--m-.~------"------~-------t-.----.---...".--.-.----.-. ..-.+ ~; ,! " I I ~ Personal Property II ' I, 11 315 i Davie Traot II 20 I B I, :, 1385 540 , Ii Ii i :1;' I I: i-------------- --- ------- ---------.------ --t---r-- -.-----~ ----- ~------'-- ----- --1 Ii Personal Property Ii I il II I: I' Il 11 II i ! Phelps Trll 9 ! 2 i " 825! Jil II I II ii ' -..------ ~l:. ... ..- ---.-.-..-T~.:~:'--i-:;tTh5 -- -. ___un r-::~ ------ .-.. -1 ~;!~m._ -!-. -~~~-\.- Ii II ill 15 III 600 11 .1 I -------------;-l;'~J---._---------- .----..r---I~-------'---- -----.....--...--..-. .... ....-.....--...--.....--..-- . ...-.~I,'II'--191--I~- ii Sennett. GertrlJde A, I: ii ' Ii 'I ' I Ph_El_l,~_ Tr ________________._._________t_Jt_~-~-~----+----i: ..___et~5__!-..I$]&". II II I !i il il 'I II II Personal Property II .______~--L!h-H!~1 ay:J;.9I!I.lL~J!Q______ -----.lj--?3.-;-A. m ,. i: Jill II ' I ~ I,ll I I ~-_.-___.-~_-_._~.--~-----.._-__---.--~----~----"---.-___._._..__._._~__.___.___.,____.~__.______.._._~_ ___.___..._m ._,._,._.,.t\,_m___..__~------.___+-.-,- Ii A.&Lf,I.Alii.oP:IUN'tIIHI AIID.OQQICBIUDIIlt: !l..unA....~A ,.. 1 2 ii iI 'ii II I' I ~ ,I " 'I- II ~ TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOF1'ICE ADDRESS I! Ii Value II Renl o~Sl"IC , Ii ii$ I Vulue of Improve- menls Thereon Ii .'-,'-.,."" :';$ , J(~,lJ Bennett, W. T. &: A. J. _3_~_ N. Harwood a t""t --.-------..-= Bennett, T. A. 237 W. Maple St. lLt,i"1 _ _________~'U_ Bennett. Chas. O. 460 S. Olive -+- i , it 60Q _lL6.!tJL....-O.lWl St. l~JO Benson, A. R. ].lI~~y'camore " " Ii -1"- ,. --~ 1875' 1080 _". .-._ ~__._ .., __ jt--..______.____m.".. .,... ._____"4 I ~ I : -It H- -.----.---..-+-------~-.- :1,.-----( II I. Ii I" , ,'. n II I' il J I 'Ii ,I I' I i it Ii II .. r-~--1rI09-~s -ie:" I II.. I, Ii ~ 1." , ..-r,-=i--I Ill- this Assessment Roll the Jollow1ng Abbreviations are used for the words set opposite to them: ~;l!-- N.-North (lr Northerly $-DoII1H8 N. W.-KorthwcstcrJr ~:1a S.-South or Southerly Cts.-Cil'nts S. W.-Sollthwcsterly F..-RII5t or EAsterly Oor.-Corner N. E.-NOl'thcllElterly W.-Wes.t or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Soutl1e-flsterJy }I't,-Feet A\'c.-Avenue Imp.-Improvcmcllts N().-Xumber Th.-'l'llllnee Sub,-SutJdlvls1on S. D. Al.-Sall Bernardino BIlBe llnd Merllllnll Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAL! Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fOl ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNC 2 ,I II -- --- ---.--..----..-----.. -.-. -----------tf------.----------.-.--..-.---.--.------..-.-.. I' I ~ :enson. O. 1. i! r) 519-..-Jll-,-_Yl~~_nu t ___________________lTraet *L1t~iL_____.__ !I II ~ I' I: I' II - -..--...----f---- -, f: ~ Bonnie Brae Tr ,I " " ...+-.-.-.-... ...---.-.--..... -.-- Ii I: " Walnut Ave. Tr Ii if II --.------..--------.---.-.- ....----.-tr---------....- i' Ii II " , jt;1n!'!Q..ll._JL.._~_____________________~__ ..______,. II W, H. H. Olayton I s Sub !1 ir It Ii -----.-.------.---------------..--.-.---11-----..'.'------.'--'--"-"--- 'I II 1 I {:~q;~~.sii&;~'R l'ilT-I~K~ Ailij-ij()'~iii-i'HDI KG';-i"Alt'TA-XiiX-' ., =r ,I Ii , TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS ."_',, ,.c- ~ Hensen, 1;";1- A. R. lt7......JL._J1Y_Q.i;2.mo r e ..( ,..;,.t: J.. ~f:; .._______J.~_td_________ ;eneon. O. L. no ]!;. Walnut t" , 'I n._______._..._.-' ,.....1._..,___ Jenson. O. L. 11Q E. Walnut 'I' ~.';.'.')" ..." , 310 ]!;. Walnut II ~ ~ II j~ !c - r' il ., Ii " " i ...---J-.18--+-=-,__ ..+--iL....--.}.6.0.__~--_------L II ' II 32 I, il 33! - II I ..-------------------------+n-J4_j_-=-_____#_ II 35! ii Ii 36 ,I Ii ..-----------------~J7-+-..,,---.-+,- - , I 'I I I, ; I, ! Ii Ii I I :1: I' I " ----..------------ ;1-6,L r .: - : I, :: I. -c .+1-1- II II It il ~ Ii :I .........j: i' Personal Property il ,! 11 if ,I . ---.. _____._n____mn_.._.__.. ......---l-lg"r---:-.' Ii 13' [I II " ----l--+--T " II 17! A I, I, '.'1' 18, II , ; " ' ...--------------.----------.. .........-..u--19-1--~i 20 i to ' t DESCRIPTION OF l'ROPERTY Tr..ag..:LliQ.___7-1.Q.._____,_._____________ II II II II to II " W 22 it - to " ! II II ,I ".-.,,'#"'=""',.~""=""'''''-''''"'=,,=='''"'='''''''''==''''''''=~.=..-=''''''',."'"=""",,,,,==.,,,=, ,~,'",""",,,"="= '...[ , SAN llEIINAIHlINO I MEIIIDIAN ir'_."---~-------! .~''''~".,"_'__'-'"','','',~:=..,'''''"'=,''''".~~'''',''"''''",',,..w,"""""""""""CC' L __~_H, ",,_ 11 :1 ~ " o ~g 5< z I Value " Ii of :: Real Estttle Value of Improve- menls Thereon 1.9' ,.!:d 'rfil-5 g ~tt l:l::l-..... i=: v ~ o~ "'~ oU> I-< P:; E-t 01 d :!$ II $ 325 325 ..-----;;.---325--1..- 325 325 325 .. " ... --~-- ---cj--------t--- " " " i: ir -----li---- ii I' , " Ii :j Ii " I .---7-5Q-it----.-----l- " 675 675 1650 " " i! ..... ..- - ---jf--- A 1200 1170 t. Ii ~-'_..,- !, 1 .---1:--- .-.----....... ---1------ . --'"1i---- 900 ._L5Q..., 330 :! .. ---..-. --.-t....- , 1350 21 22 II :1 i: !: " Ii t.. "---r--'--j!- II 1275 .. I: .. 1275: II . I: Ii :1 I ]I: I [ _....L__#__..Jn5_..~______-1!_ ., il 'I i II 1275 i! II i II 1275 Ii . ~ ,c\'l*"TlO : +_+_L Ii , .....----;+-.-...-,..-- II I ! ''''''=''''-,.. I Ji , of' t~JO in this Assessment Roll the lollowing Abbreviations are used lor the words set opposite to them: N.-North (If- Northel"iy $-Dollnrs N. W.-Northwesterlr So-South or Southerly Cts.-Gents 8. W.-Southwesterly E.-EmIt or gnsterly Oot.-Oorner N. E.-N(lrU\(~.asterlr W.-Westor Wcsterly St.-Street S. F..-SouUwllstCrJ;r .'t,-Feet A\'c.-AvCllue lrop.-Jlllprovements No.-KlI1nber 'Th.-'fhen-ce Bub,-Subdivlslon S. D. ;\{.-Slln DcrnnrdJrlQ Dllse and Merldhn Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNK ....--.-......-.-..-,--..- !i-' AGrLAUG.PRlliflN..AIHIIl:C10lUl.IIiOJUa,UNUAIIA TAXPAYEIrS NA~lE AND POSTDn'ICE ADDRESS ......r Ii i " , ~S B II AN EHNAHDlNO Ii MERIDIAN '1..____ Ii ~ ~ II .3.3 il ~ ~ I ij.c 11'--1 -1r i' 'I 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ~ot; ~ 0 o:i"' .. o gjl3 "IS ~< z Value of ;i Real Estale Value of Improve. men!s Thereon I (:.-. Ii , Ii !i r $ $ l~H) Benson, O. L. 1-5],0.J!;......J\fa..lnut___.. J ;(1 . ,j Chapman Tr, I:: -.S1.-::..JY:L~--------.-...----..--.-J..J.--+JL-';'_"_i_.1Q__!t-__7-3.Q5..-+-----..--1 I' I , ii I: Ii i' ,I __~l'.il!f!..<LO. I, ~ :1 Bentz, May ii Ii: .. Ii ,i i .-5-3LN-..0r.ange__.___.______+'tb.ermali1a_T;L_______._.___.._._______._..__._+_1t:__..;_B__~---jI-__._+ ...-75.Q-i: ...--fS55.-i hili I! il II . i, i' ! -I.. ... , I, ", J Ii 'i' i' J,: Ii! i Berbermeyer, Fred Ii Personal Property II i ' '1'1' I i Ii I :1 'I ,i .------.-----J.Ri.Qh.l.a.n.d...-j'o!');'.m.-LLm,_JL_7-LQ.6..Jl..Q.-"'.._.._________+_2...4:.~-"'-'.--*7-.-Q~I-_..6JS5_!i___l::;15-1[ II I!."."..' ~, i,', ii . , Ii p ....---______-Jj.,.Q.r./ldd1.ok_lll_.S:uQ ........ ........... ~ ij Ii ,:I ij --+.- '---'-'-'-"--"-'" il Ohapman Tr I l Benson, Ora B. 11_~lCL.E....walnut___.. il "!j", iIL\- , !i Ho.ngy-~.fL.s)JlL_____._.._._.______4_.1.0_+-.A__, , i --j! ..-..J---9.QQ--j I I ......_.______.___tl Ii t:", :l_ Q\L7_.\'l...J:a1l1l..... " Ii ')n1) ,I f.v .. ~ II Personal Property H :i ! ,I . ......4.10-!.A !I ' 11 u_....-.-4-- - --.-_..;;-- .. .675.;- ..9QO_II I i I- i, '>'OJ I----------...t.""''''''''-------.-i..m-- .... ..--. I Bergemann, Emma C. et a1 i: I Ii , .oor.. Shaffer & La Ve.ta I, Chapman ft, i i, L . l ,---.---------.--...---...... ..--.--.-.-.-i-.--...-.---..-. 12mt I I i I Bergemalln ,LQuise II i II 1.-.R....-D~-...2----_---____._~Qau1.dl'Lel.L&-'llHhe.me..e-'-fL~--.-.._._. II' (~O"l II I Bergey, O. ~.' I 11000 '.wilton Pl." .. -.io~:pmon .;. Los Angeles,Cal..... .. .+. ....... ......... i' ". "......,.,.",., ""'-"""~-""'""- ,..'"'...-'''...~-'-.."-'-'-".."...---,.-",l-,,----.,''''''''',,_"~'".""~'"~'""""m""'""_""~"'"'''~''"''''=,=,,~='''''',.,,'''''''''''''"',,=''',,''''',,,,"" Ii jl ,I Ji , 1;--.' .......--1;- :1 i: N 1 ao - E 2.68 ao - N~ - w 6 ao -~9~ML~ - 12, D , I ',,,' "'''-'---''''...-..- ............", --..t'..-mlm.-.llli-..------!!--.--"t Ii r , i I I! Nly 1.05 ao - Sly 3.78 ao - I" ii I,. 1.1 II I : 1"1' I: II Ii . ..-..-...--.-----.1.2.+D-+---l..O'5:fmU95-l-",,--jf I I' II Ii Ii I I: II!, 1i I; I ii I, Ii I II II II I 'I il I I tl II I Ii .."..._ml._1Y1 -r-I --t-..-75.; ----11- : il II I II II il I II t: II MooJ 1080H I -'II-~-:) \(,0<:' II----:T('~;) . "I i I II I -~ f I T--~1 .11 II I ._... (Ex l+ lots) 1275 . ...Et-",-.NEt:--""-_...__..".....__ Personal P~operty "'.'~j----~. '.".. , .~ ~" 11,,,- _...~ !ll~m " c-;~\a..;j f'.,J ( In this Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations are used lor the ulOrds set opposite to them: N,-North or ~O!tllerly $-DOUIU'S N. W.-Northwestcrly s'-SouthorSoutherly Cu.-Ceuts S. W.-Southwester))' F..-East or Easterly, o.or,-0O1'll(>r N. E,-Northcostcrly W.-West Of Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Southeasterly Ft.-Foeet A\'c.-Avenue Imp.-ImpfO\'emclIts No.-N\lmber 'fh.-'I'bencc Sult.-SlllJilivlslon S. B. ;\1.-Slltl Dernardlno Base and :i\l'Cl'ldlnn Sec,-Sectlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAl Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fc ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKI -~ Berger. Ghas. R. i' .. li- ;,__QL.Q__Wj11.Lli._~~JL____-'.;...-t-O-. 265 S. Genter ;~tlb z. Gu1y~.r HOlli!'l Tr r' . ~ANB~nNAnDINo r~ 1 L-~!EmDrAN _______i ~ :1 ii g ~ :a.s~ ~Dtl ~ B II V~:e I"! 'O~ FJ: ,..o~ l=: V .",.~_< I ~......... ~ .!"' : Real EstClLc eX \:: oU} I-t "p:;i3: ,! 1\ ~ 0 ii- I' is I I !i Personal Property ii j: I ----'-----r-U+"::-----t-.-t-----El25.~-..-.22..5-1 il I !, i! : ' ii I ' , Ii , Ii i " :1 ..__~_....__.".__.____l._._~-.~.-~.,.----....-_~-----.lL....--- -~..-.-----t~-...--"...-...-----p i:, ' :~9/2q A 1:. 2 II if ~~,f;G-:.~i,Ki;.G-;r~-liI-l'jPiij-AIj'o--li.ircij(iilkili-ijqJ;i;A'ilfA)'f,i;\ . 1 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND I'OSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF I'ROI'EllTY Value of Improve- mcnls Thcrcon ii " " iI .,j:.. $ ;~lIiJ , ii j! " Bergil.r..,_G......LL-_.___.____~.----------------------------. 181 S. Grand P. J. Shaffer's Add, N 50 ft - :;;;0, 1125, 945 'i I. ~. ..J~.e 8..~~y_..__f?5J.1 eEL______________1L 'I. i! 11 664 W. pa1my~a Ii Tract Ii '}l jl, .. 8 ___(~\l~ ____P e;r'so nal prOll.e_:t.1;y_l____+____i___J__.__~-.------~- '! I !! 'I . II 6 B '750 II 'I Ii, , I' i ______________.__R~.r~QJle.LI'l~.Qu.m;'.t.y__L----+--.-,--.-j-.----'1;. ."...-'-- ..,1--..-.- '[ II I . :' ,i No 716, W 4El ft - II 4 I - " . 360 2040 'I It i' ........~--.-f-. . Ii ' (I 19 i II '! I I -~~~--II ! ,'Bertman John E. Ii !-----"'.---->-..-----------.----....-..------i!.----------. 454 N. 011 ve Ii Gau1dwell & Wi therbee I s Add ;)lJ\~ ,-.-:d ~d ii .If_Be:v:ar1.y....___William_M.._.... --- --.--- i, II 355 S. Orange I 'j' h ii' ,..../_1\1 II li.J;l;!,QQer,~-A.nnie-L..-.-...-.-------.----+------.-~---.___"....._.__.__,,__P_er.sonal.l'ropedy: l ..~ ii 639 E. Van Bibber (i A. L. G. Bibber I s Resub II 13 i A 'I . J' I I' 'i II t.d.ln [ I'., I Ii II ill-:~~b:~ :::::._~- .-l~~~~ Bibb.; '~':b--l"""".' Ero.,,', +~~t~ II "i'j II ;1 , / Jl I ji II t..! h. i ii ~I j Ii t_s_idllnglllaiel'_.__Fr..ed____._____+________________________ . ..------ ........-li. 1182..N, wa.:e~;\y II Tract No 219 . ~. 12 i- ii ,-,<1,,)__ . .4 II' II 'i ~__..B.id.l..Lnglllai_er..,J.Qu i 8 e _ ---~f------...------------.----perao.naLP.r.o-perty J. !I 182. N. Waverly :,Tract No 219 'I '. . Ii' 1,~lJ ,i I~ I j . :~:':~~= IC''''',"k Ho.. II ...~. "..,..,........ Ii Ii , I I -..~-t~" , : i , ...-________L_~.._ ....__ ..i~____ _m.--;f""__ ..... "1 I 720 I , ! Ou1ver Hotel Tr 795 675 1125 -~-~_._-_.".~--..- - --->>.-. .._...__._-~-"-,j 600 495 750, , .....--J---...-.. 13 I - I - --,-+",---,-)1,,-,,- ... .--.....--n.---..-.--..-- Ii I' II Ii i I; I: I ,1 II 6..- "T-t"'--~I: 675 ~-855 , d I ""1-' 'I 1, I i " , ). :, D, " ", -It... t-~t-. 675 1350 --____.___I'..lll'MnaL Pl'(1 Plll'.:ty. Tr ",..O''-'-',~="",",,,",,"'''''''''.''" i I, I: A , A .. .1~1111 _,~.,,,,TIi , , ~""==i ~Q }......") lit tMs Assessment Roll tAe following Abbreviations are used for the words set opposite to them: N,-N-o-rth o-r N(J~tberly $-Dollnrs N, W.-Northwestedy S.-South or Southerly C(;s,-Cents S. W.-Southwesterly E,-gUllt or Ellstcdy OOT.-Corner N. E.-Northeasterl;)' W.-Wesl or Westerly St.-Street S. FJ.-SouthcRsterly Ft.-I.'cet A\'c.-.Avcnuc JIllP.-ImIJrovemellts NO,-Numbcr 'rh.-Thence 8ub,-8u ldh'ision S, B. hr.-Snn DernardilLO Base and Meridian ScC'.-Scdl()n FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAL! Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNl _.E~_J-~:;:G i3~ pi'!' liij'l-ijif;i;i(1l ~cio'~-i:~I~D_liIG:;'~A)(rAi".A - DESCIlIPTION 01' PRopmen r -SA~ B~~~ARDlNO '11\ Li MERIDIAN: , -----~----.I !.8' ~ i~..s g I ~ g~ oUl " ,f-< 0 I - 1 2 II !i I 'il II Perro nal Property !I I' E 2 ac - NwJ\-_-=____________+a___lJL.~---1t-2-~--3.~QJL---l26.Q.+. ,I II ," , I , :, Personal Property 'II' I, I I I I II I I I +-~_'-.3?,-lli lliaulLTr ,_.lLl,a_<W_==-____________+_.A_-+_~_ _._~.lILrJ'QQJ5.Q + _J.I:lQQ -# - II Ii i; I Long Beach, CaL I, ~. I, o ~:.,,,, . !! J', I' . f;".~ ,f " Ii: ',.. :i il i :i, J!;lr.dll..t)ye.,_~d.a....Q_L.....___....__._____~------------_J.e.rsQllaLP.rQP.e.r.ty_f___+________#-__L_ ... --+--------*.'. . j] I I I! II R, D. 1 ~ Q. Z. Oulver Home" Tr fl 61 i il 1050 795 ' "J' K!i II! 1 t~.~c~ 1,: !.: Ii ji 'I' i'l ::~:";;::'Lm___.~m-I(),..;;, c~.~. -~_.. ._J'=aLE'"=>Y-ll~i;j -j~r .~;;' -7;: !::~_,i:t ~!,,' .:!. L ~. ,:; I ' l ij i Ii il ..Bi 89Y,.J!in.nl.LK.L____._____..___t________ .....---. .....----------.. .......----.-.+----...I--.-.+--.i:...---~......-.-----~--..-.-- ..........\i. I:' ' . '; ~ Lookwood I s Add I 10 I A i 'I Ii II . 11 II . -~..---._-.- ....---..-----.-........----.........-.-........----...-.-- .... .--.l~-'-I. 1 !I ! Ii ~ Ii II. I' 155.N. lVaverly Ii OauldWElll & \I'i tb.eroee I s Md \1 13 B ______.~~:~L_____.___.__.L-------_...----- L-'-f'.' ...-..-.....- 1\ 11 +--~.,~-._.i.~-.----~-----.~j..'__~.m_"-_- I! I' II Personal Property Ii! ' I I" 203 E. Maple St. I;T. M. Shadel's 3rd Add, IV 50 ft - ~5/28, - , ,,)").) I: II I ..____.__...____ ,-,,-,,_ ___ ___ ___ ______~-.----_ ________________.___ ---. .. .--.-.- - ..-._.-~ --.-- t--- - .--- -\.. -- - -f,' -......--..-.. " P 11 ' Blaolt,. J. ..B. . H ersoIlal Property ~ I: II 435 E. fi11Il1Y1,'a ~ O. Z. Oulver HomeTr, E 5 ft - Ii " Ii .J I] I Personal Property I TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS ! '. " I , Ow '3~ o Ok UlO ~1t o ~ Plii: ii ^~ . o ~~ g< z Ii Value II 01 :~ Real Est[\lC + i\", Value of Improve. Iii ments , Thereon 'i Ii , !I 11 $ " i!$ i: , "ji \' ;,. (w,J. ,j Bills, Chauncey l~1j-.L~_QILapman ;~lb jlJllil>J1ID@_ TJ;_, Ii Bird, E. M. .3539._...E..__2.ruLSli..________ .Arivaoa, Ariz. 990 990 605 315 "y" I J' " ,/ -'~'::3f..._.,.._,_.."_.. _____"_.,___.__.'.. !i 1 --"'-'-h' .....-----.-!r Bivens, Maurice E. 825 150 345 Blaok, Saran J. --f Ii Ii 1350 630 1215 ;: Ii " .________:1 W ~2;) l' I: II ..._._.,-~~_._--------------~-_.__._.~=---_.~---_._---.--- i 78 i - ( .....7-9j--=-....!~ 1015 810 Blaolrourn, Wi Ua.r<i , I I . I Ob~.an T'. N &.1LM..-..n\ - _._ ........ - .__ ~.....~ .....__..~......_ .,...._......._ .___....,....,..,,_ ...._ .... .0... ,_~'..._.._.... .... ,....._ .,_.....__,~_..,.._.. ~......,,~... ,I " ,i iI Ii ---11.--....--11.-------4--...-.. Ii I; II I' I II, "I' 'I ' II Ii il 1 --lq.d-7+- 4165h175J II il;' II. Q C r II rr t c: c !,' II . I ~= , I ml , i ...21Q_'I'u.s..iin i tk '7'7 ~~'Mo1.1 '"~~~~ li ~ In this Asse.s.sment Rqll the following Abbreviations are used lor the words set opposite to them: ~ ;") N.-Nortll or Korthcrly $-Dollnrs N. W.-Korthwcsterly J~G B.-South or SIJ\ltherly Cts,-Ccnta. S. W.-S-outhwesterly E.-B.ult or Ellsterliy Oor.-Corner N. B.-Northe:uitel"iy W.-Wes~ Of Westerly St,-Strcc~ S, E.-Southcn&terly }I't.-Fect Al'e.-Avenu<l Illlp,-Improvcmcllts No.-Number 'l'll.-Thenec Sull,-Subdivision S. n. M,-Snn Bernnnllno Da8Cllllld M:er!<Ultn Sec,-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALI; Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fOl ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNC A.GJ~l:.~(lG,.Plll.llTII>!O)'lloaCOl(el'-N~I1fG,5ANlA"'H)' .~ SAN BEnNAllDlNO :i i-- MERlDIAN.._~_.J: ~ [: I", 'I' ffi12 'I s:l'" t:..s ~ ~ 1 ~ 5 I ,g Q ,w-ll,!; ,,~ I ~< t'"' I ~ 5'" ~ v I' P I ~ '~'I~~~i~~ Ii Z I II I II II i I: II 1 ~ersonal Property I +1 I Ut-L.c-+--'r---1'50--r--~M~- I II I I 'I [' Ii: ' ' \ i:1 Personal Pl'opeI.ty~I' 1'1 I! I , II I II II 'I _ >....a.__u __~___~_2Q... -j1_~g05_~_ :)'350__~__ I I ' frontage of el7t ft in Ii. II I ". : 'I 175 " 525, 'I' i' JI \ i'l: .... ,--.~--.--~--L-.-Jr------4---------Ji.- Ii j 11:: ;;! i1 ~erBonal Property II II il i': ,i Ii II 3 I A, ii Ii 675:i 630: -'--l-t: -~'. ._._~.~_.._Ii_._____~i.:. -----~.f. I I,., \; ., 11' ii, II;: I '! , . I, ii I ,'r I 'i .".696 ! W, lob . :""'.Q~ 'o.!\dd,.' ~ j,"_. ... .l~:J~ \11 t 055! 72Q! .Jm:!;JlUle-,--CIJ.l...--.----..-.----.-.t--------.------- ..........--_.-~------ !-=-,\--t------r-.----.t-------t ~)J~ j\'. I I' II: I:: : 'J I~'!~('j I, I! I ': Blanchar, Chas. H. , _1'1, Personal Property jl I , I! g59N._~th~~f~\el~-- -.------ - . _\.QQ.t1;ag~ _H.QmL~ ------~ .--------------'--.--1111-.~11 ~.-I-- -~I:,'I',. ,--~ ('"""I.'"",ot 1 I,. ' Blank, D. A.et al:1 Personal Property II I , I' i' . . /.f 0 / ~'VL>w:v-">..-ftrrt II i J . :' ': :' Ii oc. i9:1 17 ,; lit '" I' ^. " ,I 112<':1 I' 5Q.5:...1l.i_G:lasael:~~<A&""'--r-Tllil.Illlfl - _a ..'1'__.--.------- -'-"-+.. ~IT---.t. -----.:L...I..'---.--.-if- II II I 11 ", ii I' 1125,1 lOgO i: . "., (~ii I ,I':i I Ii ... u J ' Ii il 'I 'i t."JU. ill 'I I I II:i ;: I[ 11 ' i 1 . ; I ~ ': I _);l_U~s ene~-,-JlQ~SL..--------;-;-::--t------..--..---..-------- ----' ..-. ....\----~.....+--t-------+-..--.---.1.. 635 W. Al.mond ~. I<Or.de.s. Tr . ... 20 1 B Ii I, 715 I: ~~31 iil. ~ I "" Ii 'Ii 'i Ii Ii '[I I ,I 11 .J1.:lJ_~!!~ner" Julius i _~__ ' ,^__ L[ I ('/"'I (--I .'1 I,' v, \'10 i ( be, ' ..............', II. 'I TAXPA YEll'S NAME AND I'OSTOFFICIC ADDllESS i ,I '. ii !: II , " Ii 1 2 _ 1L~__ II " II DESCI\IPTION OF PllOPERTY Value of Real Estate Vulue of Improve- ments Thereon " , .. Ii I, $ I!$ " $ . j') 'l r:..v.'~'jt. Blaikie, W. F. i Z.3;LN.._..Q.aJl1bridg.e__.____~_P.l'JW.i..J:{lL2.7.~---.-------- '. ".",,), , -"'? ' !..w,'""", ~. Blake, Fl.orence A., II ,. 'Ii R.._.D_._1.,_Bo.x_93_._____..__~___phapJllan-'1'1:.,___Et " li j II Lot wi th ,\ " I:, Bd E by di toh, W by Cambridge St ')" " I _.__..._.__..._t~\1~...____.._____.____.__!_ 'I i, r 420 N. Lemon Ii Geo. '//~. Ii _..._____.____t;;,&_L.__~.___..____ -----"f' Blakesley, Linnie B. H. Pirie Home Tl: Blanohal', B. H. " .lQ3Q-r;-,.l3,75,. 635 W. Almond B . '.""'''"''='''""'-";';'''''';'-"'='l""",,,,,,,,,",,.-_=,,"=,=.~=.-.,- .;,m" " , i ~ ~, In this Assessment Ratltke following Abbreviations are used for ,he words set opposite to them: rr J'\. N.-Nortl! or N-o:therly $-Dallnr.s N, W.-Nortbwesterly . -)v S.-SOUtll or SO\ltherly Ch.-C.mts 8. W.-Southwesterly .... B.-g,l"!lt or Easterly OOT.-Comer N. E.-Nortlle:lsterl,' W.-West or Westerly St.-Street S. F..-Southenslc\'Jy Ft.-Feet Ave.-AvCllUC Tmp.-ImprovcmCl1ts No.-N'umher 'rh.-'!'hence Sub.-Subdivlsion S. n. lIf.-Snn Dcrnardino Dase llnd Meridian Sec,-Sc!Ctioll _~-~G_:'Ff5~~ift!B!!~~iri!HD Oil ():c>~~j]{~'(ir~: sJ.:iffA.~tiA-- n JU , TAXI'AYEH'S NAME AND I'OSTOI'FICI'; AllDHESS 'F") 1...J~J~~'<'I}" Bookins, Anna D. l4~L.EL2.7..1h-5.L- FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAL! Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fOJ ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKN( 1 2 K II~\I II SAN BERNARVlNO iI II' .MERIDIAN I, il ~ c: il ]~ ,.il i I I I Ii !I: II ': -+11 5-i-L-:-----~----i.----S.25-~-----J-- Ii I , :, t, !I I' 1S! II 600 , I I ' II , I' ., Pl oill1r~~__t-------L-_i,- II 10; -. j I" 675 Ii i ~ : :1 I I., i; ----t----~---If---t---- 21 'I', 0 1'1', " 655 Ii 1 II -+--~ u--~-----j~--------t 4 i 0 I, 675 ' II DESCHII'T!ON OF PHOI'ERTY --il Phelps Tr Los Angeles, Oa1. )" c' ),) I~')I) . . ~ II Ii anthin_._-.M.a.LliL-__________L " ~ Tract II 420 N. Center " " ~ ,.:;;~)~:l , , :BQlm ,-~t~.Q;rK~.'O-'-..------..-----------__t_'-- II Personal No 4130 203 Maplewood ;:;:;.);) , , i Traot No Goo __________~~... Bonal....P.NlliOlr.tY.. ii " :6.Q!!ltl.;re......_L.Q.;LlLi2JLJJJ.___________i___ I 0/0 Della Parker Ii Geo. Aohi son I s Sub " B.,P.I, Box 83 I, Ii O.al.e.xi.o.o_.___Qal._____.______________t-______________. 'I 'j', !, II t~I'Jt, , II l'i',1 ! ii ! i, li[11 -+----1--.-+---+--------+-- I ,I, I,' ',' Ii,' " ~! i: i' Ii i i:,: Person<L1Property II i ------------------l-~--~...Q--.i-- --1 II' II II I i: Ii I II 'I Personal Property ~ II I ' , .Lf - ~--239-"--.!t2.25~-- 2S i-II 300 II I I I I, , 'I , ! II i' II i ! ' 'j II il P er Bonal--prop.rny-ull---f----i----~,I,,----i,;I,---u---..~,'. -.------1,li- S17ao ~Et- m 13[ F I ii 7 ! 5040 Ii 630 II i II Ii " !I II W 3 aO -6 34 ao -, ..., ~ 14! II. '11 3 ',i 1920 ',! i,l II I I i I: , : ----.--u.--------u---------.--------,----.----t-~-1--, _Ii_____i~------*-,: ---___-1 Ii! I, Ii II Personal Prope;t>ty' i I Ii i,l I'i ,! ,!! I ft - 3 LJtJI IIII 94J--.lQ~'I_ 1 j-'\H( I '1'12~ IC'li 'I; -~"""~~[ - - ! ! Ii it i, ..... .____ _~. fl<fl2..Hi3__Y.DJ,.!!-_J'L.._ ii I Ii Ii Bor.9.h.(!,r.Ji.__QM1_..A_'--___~_________ --11-.-------.-------- Ii ~ ObaPlllan Tr, E 7ac - I ~ Boneoutter. Harry D. lJllf", .tV<),e,y___ "r,', ",",,' .-p.) , !.w. II BOoUeas. Beulah I; l1.7.6:!-__JtL..38th_.8t..L___________-i-.Q . " i, Los Angeles. Oa1. ~ " ',F. ~ ,,,,'-.Ie.., glOl.. E;. Obapmal,) ')<'0 _, .__"_______.___"..-L~) i) t J Borchard. Julius 226w. Palmyra z. Oul.Y&x.JiQ.ffi!LI.:r..._JL6..iLf.t II II MQOoy's Add. w 5.4 ~l-4 - II ~"'''''''~''''''.a=''"'"''"'",''''''.''"'''''''..', &J,,~. j' ;;i x;;,; ~ -'!~"::k"'" .~ ::f; .1 !.9< ...!4: ! -""" 0 ' , tfj":;..J 0 I ~ go:; I o{() 1-1 i E-i 0 , "1"' I , I " o ~~ ~< :<; ,I dU $ Value of Real Eslntc Value of Improve- ments Thereon ::.~ " ~ 011:' il , --T---'---~'--'-'-+- 270 ---+-. " " 1490 ii I' II ;: i , .---.-.-.-.+-- I 720 " I h ..- --.- if- - Ii +__.2Q9..\ 64 [I .5~_. , In this Assessment Roll/he lolloltdng AbbreviationS' are used lor the words set opposite to them: N.-North 01' Kortherl1 $-DoJ]:nr.~ N. W.-Nortl1wcsterl)" S.-Boutll or Southerly Cts.-CcntB: S. W.-Southwesterly- "} 1 E.-Ellst or Ensterly Oor,-Corner N. E.-NortheasterlJ' l.Ji1 W,-W,"st or Westerly St.-Stred S. E.-Southeasterly Ft.-Fcct Al'c.-Avenue Jmp.-lmproVemel1tB "I NO.-Number 'fJl.-ThCll-CC Sub.-SlIucllvislon r? S. D. M.-San DernanIlno Hllse and Meridian Sec-,-Sectlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAU; Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fOI ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNC l..72-.-ll_._~nilld " I, I' I' ii OhapmalLTr..,~l_Lt - S " !. B~ ,I" - S 235 ft - E 1 ae - . o ~ S [I Value ~ <tRoal O~st.tc ' 1'1 $ ~$ :1 I, ii " :I Ii :I i )i i I' r~A l' :1 ____3.0-0: 13-<15--7-- I !I II' , ' , , I ' ~Iill:' ; I II L I ~5-LL",-E_La<L"'----1 151 E ----r-r--~~15+--~~~~ "Ii I :,, i " 'I , Ii i II II II '_J,_b..Y:5-+- i Ii !I I I 1 [': Ii I I '"i ' II I ' !' II 'I ------f-~-~-~----~---~--1:wj-----. I I Ii!: ': i, " i i: I , I' Ii II I I! " , L+-J}}54--3~Q-J- II il I II r L I , I II 'I" ili I [, II " ;" " i'" I,: "I ' I II' '! 'I' -_-1'L_ir--F-n~' --Ii ___J ----- -~--- ---:: : t- r I Ii g I II I' 'II 1350 855 ; . !I I ,j II +\'17 I "" il i: 7470 !~. Ii I 'I II ;' !: ----l&f--~-r- l!il-+-7117-~i--..6Q75-+. 'I I 'I II I, , 'I' ii II , I I! " i; I ~: : ! i ' : I i II II II I: !t__I-E'-f-" tll g.50Ji-69ltQ-~__13ZQ_,~ I I II " i' , I' " . ,I i I il '. Ii , 'I', II ii Ii " r! Ii E i ,I I 468 [I II Q ~-i~~~~ 1-2~~-t-- -- -t' I', Ii 11 'il I II I I !i __t '510')30 ii 'c'! l\ b I I! ii .., I" IrmH U ....H ... .~ ~_5AN ~:~;~trN~_._JI 'I' i' : '" -" : !,"" 1:8"""'"' iil .~j ~.t1.s I aom II i "k I' 0'" "., I' !I ~ 0 ~,,~;,:.,.~,J~,,_. ,_~i,"" I I , ' I Ii , " I I' . ,I 1 2 -"-_ -II j', ~-:- f I.A;;(i"i-' ~-I-iil:i'M-G-^HQ'lJcii~_fI iHP"i""ii:',-":'NI:AiNA""' ii '! W Value of Improve- menLs Thereon '1 I 11$ II , TAXPAYER'S NAME AND 1'051'OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 'J ,II ,:",dlu I' it Ii Ii I,' Tract ~ Personal Property Borohard, Robt. A. 46-'l_J:?-,--PilC.l~y__ ;;>tl ;N<L5.!!5 Boring, J. P. et al - swt " w 51 ft _________L-______~L::_1,'i!6L - II JL !1 Ii " jl jI Boring, J. P. ,Ii " Ii. 17_2.~ Gr~A-<L_____.._______~ Hen~y_ Gr()te I s Add iii'" 'J IJ r~:>J~) i~ Ii Ii flaring, .J,.. .P. '.11 .l.72-JL.-Gr.and_.____________________4Jl.r.ang.!Lill.tr._______ ".~_.,,) 1'_'..1,..." ii ----'----'If---" i: I " , PeraonaLProperty , ,---- I Ii - :! ")I' ,'l t-,w':l"JL Boring, Belle D. ): jl l]~_e_LQ".!lJJ(L_______._.__________________~.Qr ang,LQJ. t y_,___JL.t9..L~f t " I' II N 19. e ft , Ii ,! II __.______.._.______._.______-----1i__._~__,_____._.__._..____ " "..' ,,,,.' ji / "') I, ~~'7(_ II Ii II ______l..Qb.ar:nllaU-1'1: , ~ " I ._J II ~_l._l._ 14 _.BOL..2Q.9.______________ _Q.hapman__TI._,__W'2'__.__.N2-__S'2'-____..____________r_ 'II B~..,SW-t-(ExRR'S) 1 II Bosen, Henry Personal Property ~QJl.5Q.9-__________________ i,. f &~ .. r.:::l.u at._..:::.-6.t._~:c.j.Ex._.NE.-99_.f_L).___ Boson, John. ,II { 1 , , I I "--~"I",.,,..~...., .~~=t..~ , ! ';'C"'~'~I ._>i~ ~~I.J~~IIi:~;:' ,i-" ",f;>'i4~; ,_,!ip," \:_~ .. ~!!!(.?J.lli,,:; ;~:;~F; ".1 i '~ .~ .~,~"~-"~ ,0 13f':..J In, this Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations aTe used for the words set opposite t-O tl,cm: N.-No-rth or KOltherly i-Dollara N. W,_Nort.hwesterly B.-Sautll or Southerly Cls.-Cents S. W.-Southwesterly E.-I~llllt or Easterly Oor,-CoOmer N. E,-Nort.lumstcrlr W.-Wes.t or Westerly l::H.-Strcet S. E.-Southeasterly Ft.-I;'!!!!t A\'c,-.A\'cnuc Im:p-,-ImprovcllIcnts No.-Number 'l'h.-'rhcncc 81lb,-SulJdlvision S. B. M,-Snn Bernardino nase and Merldian Sec.-Scction FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALIi Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange for ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNC k.l1..e.L.IaO.;...l'.IlUiUNUlilUlllQltWUQJlUl...5AKfl .... -~l , I 1 -..,..=,..,.,.,~.,.".,..,=~, ILc___ :1 I, 2 1\ SAN B,'EllNAnUlN, 0 !,!,~ ],' i MEnIDIAN , II ~ I': t..-,---~~'.._---!' 'I :1 : 0. : :; ffi a:! Value I ,~3 ~.sj ~* !1 ~< il of I[ ~... ~ 5~ ~~ il z Ii RClIl Estale I Ul 0 0 t/)... ~ i! Ii II. . l-< 0 iI !' il II :1 "/.. " fwJJ :1 I . I II Ii i e 1; [i$ VuIlIC of Improvc- :1 mell" :i Thereon q " , ,I :$ , TAXPAYElt'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDltESS DESCRIPTION 0[1 PROPEltTY ;!$ l3ortz. Joseph H. .lJ:.Q!t_NLltell.1!!u'_lU..__________4 T:{.ao 1.Jio 'J .. ""i (."Jb._ 480 Personal Property !i 1 ______.._.._,,_._~_____.__+-12.-t-~-.+.. ...+__._,1_..55Q_.~. _-99Q_..~..... II ' Ii ! ' I' ' Personal Property II II , II 2 : G '. 20 d --'ll.-.-t+.-+-. ..~.. Bove e. Thaddeus F., .. 1; II 1 .7_0l._}L~_.BatalTia___,,____.____._.__.__lL<1l1.aPlllaJL'l'.r-,-......Jl.2'---=.----..-------. ......... , :i II NEt. - (U:x R R) I 3 ;G ..9~JQ,: 3865 ..21,EiQ 9 'I,i B ' ' , ...-g.W.eIl....-RutlL.F.....-..---.---...".--...---t .__...._________.__.J'~ROlie.l._I'r.Qp.e.1'ty--.-~..----....i---..., 505 N. Glasse11 11",'!.i Thermali ta Tr II' 1 : A ,:~;)O ' 'J I, 11 II Bo:!,,! e r ,_.;I9hn._..._...__.__.._._._.______!-___._.____.___.__._"".._.__ ..--.......-.-------..-....... -....--,,~ ".-.. ...1 614 N. G1asse11 [I E 2.12 ao - NEt - NWt - sEt - (W - R R) il 31 , ,. ". ~~' Ii t~i~,..Jt~: 'I Ii !i .B.01Lex.,___J_ohlL.__..__..._____._._.___...__{___.....___ -......--- ....... ...I'..e.r Bona1__P.rope rty . i 614 N. G1asse11 ~Ohapman Tr. '#;J") ["".i r~t ":..... . , Ii j ;. i.l, t",,, Jt.,. , ..m---lr....---- '---'if... I: , I: II 11 -"'il" I :2.12. 1425 1575 ,I l+ 9 1285 270 S 1 ao - E 3 ao - S 12 ao - ii- " Nt-ii l+ ! G 1 3000 iSlQ ._..BQJ'll.e..a...H.__A.,...~__....... .... ..---..--...-l"..- -----. ... !i ~:,:r::: 00.1> riO',Md Farm Lot" · LOO ao - . 2.75 L;.. '.1 !:: ~., ._..~.___._6dJ.:J____.____..___L. ...--.-....-........--..-.-.. -.. ~ ---..~....-..........--.. ii .......- .-.... ~ Personal Property ,\.. ao-N~;\-: 29 ,I .1. SO 1620 990 l-j.".... !l Ii II II 11 B ii + I i , II .-.---..... ~-....-L 'i Personal Prope rty .......-...1\....-.-- r Bqwles, Louisa 1. I , 1 , i : .....-\ 990 720 il Oos.art I s Add _._~_._~---~.~_.- .----.,-..-~. --.---..--.-~"- .--.-...-.....--.-..,--.-.-.-.-..-....--.--.-.-.-.---.....- Ii ~ I' i 560 Van B:l,bper !i Orange Oi ty. st- I -' ..... 'I' .~__..______~~D!L_._____.______m-iL___..___._._______.___.-.----....--.---- !l II I! Bowyer, O. M.l il.560 Van Bibber \1.;, L.. 0, Bibbers Resub, I! I r--. \.. 4122 E. Palmyra L_...__.._~;.JJ.-. . . Ii !! .1. ii BOwyer, Obail.J4, , 13 \ B 3690 12151 I I +---. -I;. . " !: --,.,~.. II W 25 it - Nt - E~QJ.L-::.__II.........____ ' ; [Ii i . i 2 I B ~ iil' ... I II -. 1.--.1.1 ---', -_..~----:,i-lQ.2Q7l.-.n.a5~" I 1'1. "I r 'e \ ." <) 9, ", 1 . 1 I, '., . , I 'I " I ..' , I I 'I.! u.-til-tT-- .....,'"-"=,~,"_'.=,r.--?_",,-.~~"'''''.''''''~'''=~'".,,''''~'''',~=..,~,,,._<o1,=o'"'~., '''''~,~..,,,,''"''''',c,,''_""'''~'''..'''''';,,.~,,,-"'''',,,,='''"""''~..,.'_"OC'''"'""''"'".,""~'''"''-'"-="'~'''"".,,''''';.,,'''=~'''"..,,'''c~,,..,' J,~ tltis Assessment Roll t^e lallowing Abbrev{ations are n f) used for the words set oPPoJile t(} them: '~0 N.-North or KGTthcrly $-Do-llnrs N. W.-Northwesterly L S.-Soufh or SOlltlLerly (Its.-Cents 8. W.-Soulhwesterly r..-l':nst or Eftl>terly Onr.-Oorner N. E.-Northclllltcrly W.-Woest or \Ye.<;lterly St,-Street S. E,-Bouthcastcrl)' B'l.-lt-'ect Ave.-Avenue Imp,-Im[1fovemcnh No.-Numhcr 'flt.-Thcmce Sub.-Subdivlslon S, n. M.,-Sall Dcrt1ordir.o Base .IInd hrel'idlan Sec.-SceLlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUf Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO UNF ;~ -t ii.i'LAG'~' ;"jol'!Miilii,;--,o;ii D iiiiioiiBI~ol~if;' 5;;.Nr;.;'~_~~M_-- TAXPAYER'S NA:\'lE AND POSTOFJ'ICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY r~A\~:~~~:~INO j ~----r;~----,i Iii '3!l ! ~ll] i ~m '11 I ~g i!J1~i~~'1 t' .....T'l, , " ~ I! 1 ii I " . ii Ii !: i' I 2 I ii Personal Property II ii I -L-LQ-~=--'.t-_-L--.il-._7-5D--+-llQO- 'I i . ;1 II . II 1111 - II il ~ i II '~ !I I ' I! Ii II '1 '. Ii :i , I I Home Tr, E t _ personaLProper.1Yi ISt--'- ii .iJ----IO~~.-4----;~~ ~ ; , i: :; il i . Iii " ,I ~: i ____________Personal Pr op~~ t4---~-----,---*---l-- I Ii Ii . lS A Ii ~ 1425 I, III. '! 1 ,II II i; ~ : -----r- --~----+ ------t------ · 70 It - w 50 it )\:~r Ii: 5550 +-.~oo Ii I I, Personal. Property ~ " i , ,i I ,'13onnie Brae Tr . .~ 21 iA . I' Ii ' , !i Ii i ..--------Jr--------------------------------------r-----+:::: " ~ Personal Property ~ I ~:'" I' Ii i 224 ~L QlaaEleU Ii Davis Tr uS iA 3225 10M -- ._.;~h:~ -.-- .-.-. ,.--". . ---".~. .. .-.------.. -i-Ii ',... r -: .. .'65~ ..l62o. Brahy, Paul J. ji Ii:: I I I" I C. 1 6 ' Ii I 6 .1Q.lJ-.N...__YaiIL-_____._________i!_Txa.Q.:L NQ_l.IIL_.______________________________ ---- -t--",---< - ---ji- - - ---lI-- - -3' 0__. -- -- --- -- I 1'1' I, Santa Ana, .0a1.. Iii ............ II . II, I] i ~tl;) I . II I ,I \1 ' Ii ii ,1 :~l:~:~.:: ::~' H. ~-. -. .. '"~Gr~d. y,~ ..~.. ..- - - :~-II ; -llli]---~~~~-r---;~5 4t1J 'I'j' II ' ! Ii II -t--.~--- i . 435",]'1 450 \ s' '\ 11 Ii 2~\ ~J l -11-",,,,,,","~",,"'4 - .-.11. ... .1. I . "" I I I , ;~~)b i I' ..&'" r! " i! Ii Ii ~I \'1 'I I! i! ~: AngelelliLj'r. ~ o fa ~:\ Value ~< II of i Ii Real EsUlle :! ....,11 ii $ Vulue of Improve- ments Thereon !:$ Boyer, George R. l]~1L-~am.b.r.1JiglL_ N 10 ft II s 40 ft :el'J..\:te.n.,__ChaI.Le.a__H.~__ '. ii il il " Ii II Ir I . ! Oottage il , b,J'"",,'0' I.,,;.J , 24g N. Harwood h ,; Bradshaw O. B. ;; .-----.-...---,-.-------.----.----..----------t--..--------- 224 N. Glassell . ~ Davis Tr '):)1. \ II "",t .J I' ~,)."'J\~ r~,;'"_ () '11--------- .. 1245 ;i ii I' II H Orange ,I I II ~hU '!i ".---..-------. ----.-..-----..--...-.-...----'-.-----.--1------ Brad Elhaw, Mrs. L. H. Brad Elhaw O. B. ._-~-_._---,._-------_._._--_.._._,-------_.- 224 N. Glassell Oity. All - (Ex N4s..4ft 243 N. Qrand Illl' ....____.t;"d " II " , 1125 1755 ---i!---------.- ."--.Jt-.._.-~ ;1 :i Bradahaw, Mary F. _:6xa..!1dQ.l1-.Lo t t a _.E.er.ao.naJ. Propeliy ._-~---,._- 725 E. Palm St. Welch. & HarrOd I s Resub. w 53 ft '" ..220i I ; i t- ""o=~'""'.~"~'"'' --=="~~.."'=,~""="'"=""===",.""..,,.""=,,,..'''''.,.- """"",=,~"",.",,.>,,.-- .' .j ill,' ... j1 }iIM;;@ ~~ ,-- : (14 In this Assessment Roll the following AbbreolationJ are used Jor tbe 1vords 3et opposite to them: N.-North or N(I,tllerly $-Dol1nTfl N. W.-NorU"...estcrly S,-S.outh or Soutbcrly Cb.-Cents: S. W.-SOollthwclltcrly E.-East .or EftfltClrly Coar,-OQrner N. E.-Northeasterly \Y,-West or Westerly St.-Street S. E.-Southellsterly Ft.-l"cet A\'c.-A\'cnllC ImJ).-ImprovClncnh No.-N\lmber TII.-'l'hen-ce Bub.-Subdivislon S. D. :U.-Sll:l1 Dcmartllno Ilase and Uerldlan Sec.-Sedlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange i ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN Jl ,Ej::E~~ii~r.~Iitfii;.v,ij It.ij9I{~ !li~(rlL.i ';:~.Tl~Ji^ ~:::: ","'."::::"..:".--::.: ....::::::::...::::..:::: :'-.":'::: TAXPAYEH'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDHESS -::r: I: -- ....__....~.._~ ,.,~,.--.._.,....._.- '--'.-~~ P'-"-' II ~A~N~:;[~:~'~INO 'Ii ....~ .. 4----..-- 0 il 'I' a. ~: : ei ~ Value J::!.... .... l'.:I' 01) I' r::Q 5 f I; ,~~ I' 1~_",o , ~~ 'I'i. ~< 0 I :-rl ""' ~ 0 CIl \:::: : z Real Estate ""'] ~:""r~ ~ cpO,!!, ""!'$ ~ I i: I II) li Personal Pl".operty ji i 11 ~-1 i-Ii I' I II Personal Property i I '! Ii, il ! i !1 '! 7' 1('17:5 , g ~-i-+--+---I-~+---""-'. Ii i' , I: L , i: !i I !i , 'I i if i '~ i if "c: ----+--J..tLf-L~ 11 I . II I 'i, , ~ i II!! . I' '. it i.', .... " i ii" i -2--tB-.i---J.I-"l', --~O.o.-+-_4:Q5 I 11:1: (I I 'I I: ~ I i II I' " .Ifl+ .1m:' +1t.+--t-- i, ~ ! Ii I,.' II '11 I: i PeroQnalProperty !I ...' I :. .Ii i ."-""---"-"-J;I::.!-O~~4~9k '~_S~______' .~~ I : -+-"1--- il-"-.":~:~"-"J$Q , . I' I l! 1 Ii '~;! I' ; I !I ~~;~~:~.~-*,,:~-----~ 11111 2 i ;.rl--I-;65i-~70. Ii Ja: I ,'d Toronto) 5 Canada : II II 3 i": Ii ;, 765 75 ~d~L__ --- ------1-------"-""----"- ----------..;-~rSO~~l pr:p~~t;-t,1 -"---tl..-111 -""--j~"..-"- Br1nlcman, G'!1 '1 ," I I "",' [,Mrs, P. F. Hollister's Sub ~194'- f. Ii. Ii 1125 !i. II j Ii I! I Ii , : t .' I I~"_____._.""__".__"__.".____ ... ."_ :---I-".._"K__.L__~ 1 "t:: -.J,.-.-..9"9"5. ----------- I 1I rr- ..Io..l.J )C._ . I I Ii Ii 11 1 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Value of Improve- ments Thereon ."_,.A.-.~,,,..^~".... Ii , , $ :j' ';.'. "ow\. '. ~ ! I' Brattmiller, Chas. l3Q."_N-'-_Pin!L_"_,_._~____#_H.e.n.ry--.ar9n~ " ,. 'I ;.~t it.) it Ii Ii I[ -lRe.SUb-cG.r.and-_AV_ft.-Add Ii Ii .I II Brattmiller, O. F. ! I' " .l7R~,-.E1lliL-----_--------"---1-ILO ckwo .QJLI-.Ii_A.d.d. ')'. \", i ,_" II] ~ '. ii , i' , --!i-L_L.._-'L.._"B.ihb..er's .jf..---~25-.,-.Z20 Brattmiller, F. W. lJ,.b!:2__fi..." Qran..ge__ II ,.i.~ ,-"., ,;.,t I d 900-4--_.2..10 Braun, John 5QEt..L..Jlan.JHbbe;c._______ ;~t I~' Reii~...JL2..5 ft-F. 7-5-Lt~ ii II I, Breckenridge, Ella L. Ii " !l59__~_Drang.a_--_-"."-"----_t.Reaub-Gr.ancLA.'la.-.Add..-"- " ',J' n t-dau 'i'5~!i--720 . I. Brennan, ij. E. 39:.I!"Jf~_.J!~r'^'gog,...__""" 576 N..GlasseU. ....)I ,"j 1..,1,) Brook, Allie 519_"Jl"," OhaPlllan Personal Property Tr " .__-1-Li A , . . . . . ! t I I . .'. I ..,"'=, ="''''".""~''''''\"'' '''''''"'''''='''r=' """-=' 'i '1'25Q 'I 4oc:: -""t...-...".".".~"-.-"-....J. - '. '-_k Ii 1 I 00 ?> o!i s'~ -I r; ..II. ,I . I ' I !i , ' " ~t 'J' ~'i.:'iii'&,,1 ~"'0!i(() ~,) '. 'e. 'f;; .~i1i ii'.. I, 1m>.,."",. ",Ai...,. t, \ , ..I l .-1.... i i II u 'n~ \.'!U I. Ihls A..."m... Roll ,h. Jollowln~ Abbr..latlo... are used lor the W{1rd3 .set opponle to them: N.-North or S'Dllher1)' '-DollarD N. W.-Nort.hweaterly F;,-SOutb at' Southerly Ct.s.-Cen18 S. W.~alllbwlllltllr1Y E.-IU~1 Of F.n~lt'JrlJ' Co-t.-Comer N. E.-NorUllltllltcrly W.-W(!~l or Westerly St.-sueet S. E.-Sout.heasterly f'L-}'ect }.\'c.-AvlIlnue Imr.-rnlr,rovcments No.-NlImher Th,-TheI1CCl 8ub.--SU'ldlvlslon S. D. 1I.-8an Demanllno Due and Meridian Sec.-Seetlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUi Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS'WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNR ,;;~ :::~~~."'...'~:;::=''';;;'::'~;=';;:;iWJ.~~~,~=:",~,: l."~="o;;~:.'::>:':-"'.'~-:~':- " I , I, ii ~"'-'"-'---"-","",- -~, ---- ,-_.~..",-- -."". ......, '''''_'O''_''"''''__'';''''''''-_''""'"'''''''~'_''''''',,,",;,,,,,,,"'~"""""=""'''',C',,,,,,,"''";,,,._,,.",= """""--'''''-'.--~''''~~''='"'''-~'''''''"",--" ."'....__.,_''.._____._m_"__. ...-_..__.._.~.._-_. I~AN BERNARDI.NO MEmDIAN ~ .,-----.--.'__---->------. : 0 I I 'el ~ il...... .~..!<l! I O'l 1["0 "'~O! ~M , , .31-1 Ilfl-:g~ 1. ~[l i. :>l< I 0" ~ 0'" , ~ i'" ' i ~'"11"~:":"'" ..~:":.I":""l.." I i II ! . II '1' I I I ""-"'. .-... .~.. '. .... ..--------........=. .. ij I I , 2 ^------- .....--. 5 " i;J 3S 'II' , II' II Value II of j! I$Renl ESIOlO t I 'I I Ii I ,i ,I II !! I 'I I ! bl-t---.-J.1 Ii r 1440 II 855 :1 ii Value of Improve- ments Thereon TAXPA YEn'S NAllE AND POSTOI'FICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY I . , 'I .;. , 'I. 2 Brook, Alexander G. Personal..Pr.operty iL.-~3.?E,Jilll.'Lt;J.;r__._____.______._ I'Ricb1and Farm Lots, JL SO fL-:--L ,t I' , (Ex N 155 ft - E 5 ft) I , PersQnal Property I I 4 ~ Hi""'''' 9-..!:lI:QQkman,QeoUA.. ~ " S05 ",,,un.:;;:;,,,;;;,: ~:~~~~;:~-'6;H ~5; ft~ E 1041 JLi _ I Long Beach, 0a.1. ii .. .1 ~;.'- "'^'. t;: 1) 2 ....-.............-.-... ........J::;..t.L.._....___.________+___._____._____.___..--_.---.________-----! I 3, Brockman, Oeoil A.! II ! : 6~HS>'\ !'. ~'!l I 'I.AO'ij;;;t" I Q''''''''k.a,., T'.. .-.. -lL!.__+.+ ... .6.75 . __.90.0. i-J&l1&;.. li1.e.fJ,~;=-~~a.l.L.-------_....---t-...-------......-.--.-----..____._.________ i I I' q ,;.,H~ I I " Brodersen, Jerry N. i PersonaL propertyl~ :..jl_?Q5.._S .."O.r.ang!L.__._.___.. "-'-'-"---i !h..-L.Q.ulY.er_HolllIL'J'L_..._______.________-I-2' 'j' q. 'I 'I ,;., 4 . II I I II :erQdersen, Jerry N. Personal Property I. ....I..ij........1 f' 2Q5 B llj I f-. - .L._.Ql'angs_______....__..._. +Geo..._A0.h1SQn1a..Su.1L._ ......... ....... -..... - ....._.... .--..--t..14L-t- I ~~II I I I I 1,1 Bronkend, AugUst 11.1 Personal Property! liil 'i 4 i t-5-5.B.--Orang.EL ........ .~..-.....4N1,I,1;.!!gQg._:p;l.ll..ge . ........ ... . . . . ....45 ..... T..g-.+....l-~-- _.-I 0 !i ")K ~!I ii Ii ;~...'I i ,...l:ft.. I I I j Ii III ! I II Brook, Emilie M. ,r Ii i. ; J4Jl.L;~;.__._.__~.M<1_____ --.--1' .1.A.I-~~9O<LIAZ Brown, A. ':~':. II, it II .....il!................'. ij t ; ;; ;: ".., , -~'-,..."_.^'_....o,.,_.-,,,.~. 7. I . ii 001 ~_.m_ mii-i+ckl"", I...... Iii [I II i ~'~"n="t"',~" 7 536 Vi. Chapman ~ ......-....-..--.....-..--,..,.....----1.-._____..__.._.._ II. 'I I Traot No 71S (i.;, ...BrQok,...Ben.__..... II .. dl I I , I I I 205 i *- Ii II I I 75 I -.-]. -..--.....__..._c.__.,_... . ... _...._~."-.'".,,'". 7- 72lL 75.5. i ~....3.41.j..a.-1.Qa....Angeles.....a.t....__._: , I TraotJQ31L_.__......____ Anaheim, Gal. .~ .~ .,,'"':;, , -~ ~'.'~ ~ , ,,,\C) In ,M., A,ssl!'ssment Ra!lthe Jatlollllnq Abbreviations ort wed for the loords set oppos~te to them: N,-North or No:thllrly $-))ollllrs N. W.-Northwe:atcrly S.-8DUth or S&\ll.herly Ct.9.-Cents 8. W.-Southwcstcrly }:,-E.u~t. or F.a.stt1rly Cot.-Comer N. E.-Northcltsterl)" W.-West or Wc.sterly St.-SttoCi!t. S. E.-Southel~st.erly lo't.-Feet A\'c.-A\'enue fmp.-Improvemelillll No.-N\lmLcl' 'Th.-Thence SulJ.--SubtllvlsJon S, n, III.-Snn Derml.rdll'lo Dllse and lIc:rldtan SeC.-S01!UOI1 FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO U <?L ~. A..A1:LM!~ClU!JlggKlUti,QUlA...ID..tAAiiA~~ . .~' ,.. ._.._~----~~ r !i i! Ij DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ..._..... -"~_..._-"' _...-....... .-. ~~~N~:~I~~:~:~_I €~ I:a'-".gi.~ II 'Ei-1 ;~~! S~ II ~::: 01./} ~ '~P' ' f-< 0 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFlCE ADDRESS '.f' ',,: 1 ~-' \ _~ t.J! ".-~co..'" I ~ " ~ il " ~I :1 ~l ,-..,",,,",,,,,,="~,. ",'."_,,,~,;~=,=-,,""" -.".^, ".""':_=_""'M"'"""'"'''='''''~'="'O'''-=''',,,,,,,.,,,~",,,,,=",,,"""""'""""~"~"""'^",-'~""".=","~'''''''".,,"''- 2 Brown, Arthur C. -_~_l.lQJ;1_F.rlli.:LSi,- <I Santa Ana, Cal. ;~!~~.:l ~ t' I -____t'Oraddlck I s Sub A 5 6; Brown Edward T. ----+-__.___,__...J._.__~'"_____._"" " ;1 -~---il---_______.____._____ i ! Weloh & Harrod's Resub , D Personal Propert 7 374 N. Cambridge 8 14 II 1.5 II ~L::1,i____ 10 Brown, Jay 9 'i !-- "__'_.__~'_"+"'___"'__._.m_'_____._..___ Ii ;', ii " I , I, Traot r) a Personal J'1'9Perty 11; 402 Marietta No 491 12 [,_____________ :!.;"~ti______________....____.__I--------- 131 Brown, Jennie E. ji 11'_ILO/o J .E...Pal'.ker.. \ T .M. ~haQe1.lsAQQ " 11..-.56...-..._J.Jil[..--lL..-n...-2.....-------.-..-----'-----.--+--- '~"\; t....",f_, , ;1 HI! Brown, Josephine il 18-1--2S~-fh...-.Qli.Y..e.._______..._______________bjlil..Qhl-'LMd._______._____________ , ! ""'''1 -9-- ..."...._ no ____.m~..m...___........__."'..."_...._._m..._. 9 II -- ;i 11 ~o ~.'i' ~ j ~ i~: /:.', {, ',..1.). ._.~ -- --_.. ~ I, , 'I II ..a. I' ;"-il- J.'.O.Jm., _Kathenne___._________,_.________ ...._.. .____._____ p , '2! 303 N, Waverly ~3 Ii :i " :,d ',;""q ..-.jt.----......---__-";;,cCL..._._.....______.___..._......___ " :51 arQwn, 'l'hraE?Q:i!!. Ii 611350 S. OUveSt. . !:MOooyls Add ?-~--------__------_..--~-------l---"-------_.-------.- 8 ;~~jtl . .. .... ..... j 9 II BroyleE?, JamesVJ. ... .. .............l;cr . Personal ~i-522JI:.-1'.alIL_-____fd-~ t ~gJLHom\l .:11' ,_JL5.1...Z.Ln , , .~~.._-_.~~~t.=---- -~-- II! tl I' II II Traot No 513 s 1~~.Y"""!!!..F'<,",lliLI5 r~~: i I I ..--..4~=~)~ PerE?onal P~'operty ll.. ....1 " I I ~g I JLI_" ... .-.------- . .---.------ +-~9+'!......-i f i 1 ! I I Property I I. i i] I i -----.If--8-.--t-~-+- 11 I ' j I ! ..,..~~.$....~".___.~$w............~.,.._,...,.,..~ ' ..--.t..'.......r. I. II ----f-------------- ~ !; . ..-.."'_"~'"'="'==_.""'='c"'..,_,_ I 2 i II Ii ~ o ~ ~ I Vnllin .. ~<, of 'I i ! Real Estate !I I :, l._~..__..-" . , .L 1$ 11$ II 1, II ,I II ;: .. L' " 6 --lI---Q75.-iI----.- -75 11 j: I I' I Ii ., " 'I ;, " !I -..--it-.---.---....- " Vulue of Improve- montH Therelln 640 450 640 .......565 1.35o -----...2..25_Q. _ .. 90.0_ 9.Q_Q 1!ll.0 -.._Q9.Q .... .......UOO: '...-..-.......,.".. . ,._'"'..._.....,,~. ----;3-bci; .-......J;]5~ , ~ 7-9-5 o._..,..~"',,~ ...,'t' 'b ...."..'"..~.."..~,;..\.~ IIi if ! (, ; ',I .if:.', ,m_,' !\IV;\..~ , ' 11~ this Assessment Roll tile following Abbreviations are used for tile words set opposite to them: N,-North or :t\'QrtJter-ly $-Doll(ll'S N. W.-Northwesterly S.-South or Southerly Ct.s:,-Oeols S. W,-SouthwesterJy R-Rnstor Eflsterly Oor.-Cornor N, E.-Nortllcflsterly W.-West or Westerly St,-Street S. E,-Soutlt&f1sterly Ft.-Fcet Al'o.-Avenue Irnp.-1mIHOYCmoellts No,-Numbcr Th.-'fbellC{! Sllb.-Sulldlvlslon S. B. l:l.-Sllll Dcrllllrdino Dllse and Meridian Sec.-Seetio./l FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUp Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNR n .__A. .1.L^- I'ftl H-i I (i'A:iiD.B- Qt Iil~ D lH4': SA ---i -"'jt"~ _n'" N'__. __,_.._.__."" . dT! i p., ,1i! ;:l'" i,:a,.tl(,) I 41... II 'g~ I~~~ ~rE II rX Q o{/) I-< ~p , !-< 0 If - I - I- I , I I I I I I Broyles, W. H. II II ill, I, II, ,I" ' _2lt_Q_JIL_Harl'LQQ. d...-------------'---fJl. QjJ;,ag5LliQlll.ILT.r.'_-lL35--LLli-=-~-=-____lr.' L7--l-=-+--L-_1L. --525--r-' --3.l5-1 'jl ~,) I i 1'1 III I I, t.J.},w I I 'i I' 'I Brubaker, Benj. s. I:.' Personal Property I11I I Ii:: I. · II .~' I' ..2!!L_N,__.Cambridge. ----1..1 T.r.ao-t-N-Q_5_7.1..___unLt__ilLL1~,__,_,_______,~'I_ 1 - 'U--. -_+_ 210 _ 'I ,I I Ii' , 'fl,!"" ., '-"')!i Ii. 11 Brusca, Joe " Personal Property! I . II!i :1 : I, !I!, :! _lZ9 __N.L...Par.ker__.._____ ......--- .. ----------tS,p-Qt:t.L1[Ula...T1:-,-5-itQ....25_f.:L"'-_N._OO"'2.~-fYt=~6--~-JLT--+---t---~_..LQaQ-: ;~~jl 'I II Iii I I'!I :1 1 , I' '-t,' I 't'I~'i il I . I I' II . , . .! II I :::~.~1d:>,~~)l.-.~.--I~.~:~h;'"n" Sub ~---- I ;~ti; ;i--jll -T~T-;6;1 t.J. l I: II - I '-ti ~l--mil ::~~;~~.....t.aL_ - rT;';~ ~~l;~.--. .---.-.-11 ;!~ i ~t 610 ~975 I ' ), II II I i! ~ Ii il I.... Jh i ,i 1 II I' "I I" I, il 'n I I I _!;l:\'\.9k_~.;l,Q,gSl,__J)am_______ .... -----____l___________m____ ---_ _.____]'_e r sQnal. J'l'_O..P..e1'J,J',_ -Il-- - -- ~--tll --1. _ ___; __m___~ ~ I II I II 434 N. Gl~;~61:Ylj. Cauldwell 8. Wi t'herp.ee I i3 Add, S 45 ft -I II g I, A ~ I: 1150 II 600 Ii I Iii ! I . I ' i ' ! Ii : Jluel',--.JOhn_E.~_____._______..._-t_____.__._____________----.-. ----- --t---'----l-----T- ..------ .<!----- .-..-., Tr 4 1 2625 675 4J6_S. Gl&.6se11. . Nutw.o.od Place m~...l. ..1.' ~. Ii 1275:: II ' I 1" . ~ II 2'1" Ii II 975" il I : ----- -._~-- o. ..- .._- ~2~'t. t-~;~j-1 i Ii ]1 I'i Ii 825 .. I ii,l il "i " t- \ I ""nt--;~l\'1;q- i li._ I[ il II -. T ...... -t-l TAXI'AYER'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS SAN BEUNAIIIlINO MERIDIAN 1 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPEltTY '" o ffi~ ~5 I' ~<: i ~ ]: Real Estale ii il........cc...~$......-:i $ !il I! , I! Value 01 Value of Improve- ments Thereun ,I I I I p",~ I I, , ;~:'1 Bryant, William H. II 13 II "'';;Ie L1)U b~ '''is Assessment Roll tlle lollo1fJing Abbreviations are. used jllr the words set opposite to them;' N.-North or No:thcl'ly $-Dollnrs N. W.-Nortllwestcrly S.-S(Juth or Southerl)' Ch.-Cents S. W.-Southwestcrly E.-En"lllr Easterly Cor,-Comer N. E.-Northellsterly W,-West or Westcrly St.-Street S. E.-Soutllells.tel'ly Ft.-F.cct },vc-.-Al'enue Imp.-ImlllO"cmoents No.-Number Th.-Thence Bub.-Subdivision S. D, M.-San DcrnBrd;no Base nnd Meridian Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUi Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNi ~~ 2 UH[~A~^~;~;;~lNO II ~ r 1 " ' , ~ ~,' V I I' i ,g. ..!4 : ~ ~;! a uc ~i 'II,. -33 : 1~..s : ~~ S~ II of :i o I i:t olXl eH> '7 ,: Rcal Estute il I! ~:::: OU)/.t P:;P i: - I, ..... "'!I' "f~'''';I''II$' 'I I, Ii i, II I 1 ii~! I, I Ii I: Buer, Louisa II i ': I! I i, ,_It:2~_~..!..j!!.1l-JLEl~n______._____.._____~_li1,t tWOg_g,._~.1aQ~________.._____________~ 11 Il___~_-it-___II____.Q.7.5 . .1 j II II II . ,51H i Ii i I!!: Buescher, Wm. i, Personal Property J I I' J I I I I 'I jr--3D..6-.1l.-..Bhauer..... __n______._ ------- ~ Da.Y:iQ,~:Q.Q.l.e.s-6llb - s-;n-ft-~- ---.-- - _'_n___ ~ ~11-:---. ~i-L~9-9 -t-1} 29 I; ~ ' -' ' II, I' 1 i , -'/ ., " ~)~ i I Ii I I - . Ir II I I I I I I I I I II I I I -- cB_uh;rmal1.., - (l:., _.L, -- -- -.. -- ---- - -- ----- .-1..---- ________________n .- .- --J?~9..Q.na.Lh9~rj:,yn1______l_- - - -.. - t . .__.~_. .______~- _______ Ii I t I I !S27 E. Palm I Welch & Harrod's Resub, E 54 ft - '11" 1 : D ~ I: Ii 655 i 1015 I I I 'II Ii I' " II I 2 II , Ii. ~ I ;)O:~ il f . 'i I i rB...,::-~,;,dal,,::. -~ -.~~i. ..-~~....-~--p~"o~:;~'"~:ty; .~~ t-~+~t~f-.-~ .Ii . R. D. l,Box 1121,1 Ohapman . Tr, w4 .ao - SEi ...", . .. 'Ii... I. ..IF . ...4.. II. !:2139l...2I99 I, - ,!' Ii II ~;jll') -_.~.---t-...''..--.-''''<--~-~ ~-~~-T"+~lg j r 4670.\. II tjB1.l,:I.lard , W. O. i Personal Property II ~:;: I ,257 .;1_' __QeI:ltJ?r H____._____. _/_Q-'__.L~~l,y_e!'._K()ll1.e._'l'~, _JL5.~_~1;_ -:.------n----..t-7.Et.::.n-;---~-----~L-}lt5-~--JJ5Q- I ~)O:l ii) II I ;:. II !:l1.l,:I.lard, W. o. !: Personal Property II ' I :~, .. 1--Q,t'Q-..1'..L....:. BaWJ>s._c__.__.__ --- '-i J).a,vi~_ TL -- ----- --.----- .. ------- ---. .-- ~- J.5+Jl_-+__ -i':- '-~I-- - 9757 - _945 253 N. emon I: , II II: ;ji):;: ,i ! t t1 I ' II [~:g:~::~~arY_L__----'----l:~:"';':.\dd ... .u_~_._---I~;~,~uf . I . /'1' I I: I 6do I' ; I, Ii !-Bumpus._-B.esai.e._B..______ ._._...:.._._________________p~rSOI'@lflO1!eri:l I ~-.~--+----l-- ..---;-.-.----.. 'i 426 E. .Ohapman Shaffer' s Add,wt~N 3/4 161 B · II II 265 ,I ~- -~~_" '-4~1- I J :::J +,l~o 'I I !i I II 1-- #- AG.F.LlGG PlllllTIIWJ.hUIlOOUIH,DJI:IIl :S....IITA.lN.l --- r ., !i TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POSTOFF1CE ADDHESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY .. """-il'" :i ;.1 ')"J'h (.w 11.. ~--' 11 ii Value of Improve- ments Thereon ii "",~"""",,'.'II"'--'--"" , 11$ l-----.-ttu -...- I! I' , 900 I' 675 n~ ~~,.j In this Assessment Roll the following Abbrevlations are used lor the. words set opposite to then~: N.-NorI111lr Northerly $-DoUnrs N. W.-Northwl!8t~rly F;,-South or Southerly Cts.-Centll S. W.-..<;;outl~w(!stcrly E.-~:a!lt or ERstl!rl)" Cor.-Cortler N'. E.-Northeasterlr W.-West or Westerly St.-Strec~ S. E.-Southenlltcrly Ft.-Feet A,"e.-AvellUll: Irnp.-Improv(>mentll No.-Number Th.-TJ1Cnec Bub.-Subdivisioll S. D, If.-Snn Bernardino Base Itnd !(erldl;llu Sc:c.-ScctJon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOAHD OF E Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO (~q ~~'.~"""""^''''~-:'.:(;'~:rtlw'ili"i l.ti~-;';~P P Q(I~~lilPHIG_,.S~Hf-A'\'/fA ._"--"";r-'~'-"'-'.~ I ....."^._~=='""'--'"=,...,.,,,..==~,.,,~._-- TAXPAYEI\'S NAME AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF I'ROPERTY I I, ~A~A:;~~::~;I' ~~JI!~ ~ ~ va:lIe ~-2 "~ ,IJ.lji1. v... I e6 II of I OJ ,OJI';,.J 0 -- ao:G ""< I, I '~" i ~ gii'j ~~!:E il Real Eelate I~ft-I. 'i i il ii I, II Ii :Fersonal Property II I, !i" i i II Iii E 111..-Ut.)t'_4-t-.B.-I.--+--..-+_11.5.5-i,f_ .121, I' I il ili Iii I' I I 'I ------..--~-19~-A-~----t II 211" Ii Iii 231" : III ii . I i I I: -'---;~r:onal ;ro~-:~~---r---i-.T--Il----.~ I 4 I D I, I II 2250 7~ II ~ i' 'I ii 175 ----.------~-J-~-.+-.---I . il- .. .ZZ5Qii__ 715 I j I! :pl;)r~OrlalPr9Pl;)rty .1 II Value { Impruvl men!s Thcl'CO '''' -'^.''-_C-~'''__'.O__-_''_'''''''-''''.'.-'''_- "'.",__.-.,_",__ 1 ;)u( $ 2 Bunke, Clara et al ,L :l .-Z3-~...,~,--Ql.i.'Le.....-----_..------__,,-~.h.'..a._M.s;L>-_iUL=-jE1LS -5._f.:L,.. ,\i /',"",' ..)it \_'1 5 Burelbach, F. ---~---7Z2-EL&t.h-s..t.L________.___.__._tl'rao t. No JuL______~__ ' if 7 :: t Ooeanside, Cal. Ii --ji..--..3.0Q-.~-.. 300 340 " 8 , , 'JU:1 II 9 10 Burkett, A. D. .._~..._._..- ii' i" , "..._-_."~~_._,-"----~-"_._----- 11 275 N. Grand Ii Orange Ci ty 12 "-._~._-..----_..._.__.._---~..__.._--~--_.-.._-_.._-_._-_._._-._--~---_._._--~..._--"..- II 13 , ,)JU -.._-..__._-----_.._-~----"_. l4,: J31.l,:r:1cEltt, Mae A. '___.__......m_."",... It " I j ii -!~-~--12l!-_lL__QJ. i v ~--------_____LBonni e i I [---I II Ii 'I" ,I 17 B1).rkett, Nannie C. i,. Personal Property I I ~~__?'!QJl.Q. el1t~:r . ~:t;.!.___._.____-:-_~. _Qha.pma!LTr_,__.E-..Q,.3.Q ao_'::_It..9-dQ--.M...~6..3-Lg,Qt__.+__i_._.I_.. ..j.. " I ' , :i 19 i ~ (W - di tOh) 14 i F i I' 3770 20 i ;) n ;) I; . r 30 II Ii .. "', t . !i " .........-.+----.--..--..-.--..--.-.---.-.---.--.-.---.-..------ jl j..J !I II ~!I -- -- - ----- --- 1- -- ----~-1----------: -----~-----~ Personal Property 1 I Ii : __._ __.J~' 11,,51 675 1 ~--.- -..- -_. ~ . l I II I i' 60~. .~ I 265 -L_.i , .~ Ii- v';" i': 16 :' ;') '. l . .LJL Brae Tr ..-1.7 , :: I: .-U25-~__1555 !: il . ". .. ~. I 75 Ii " ;1 .--11--.-----. " ;! 2'L Ii --.!-.-.---.. i ,I 25 ~ Burnet tEl, Tl1oIna.s W. " Ii 26 'i 271 S. Grand N' ". ''',. ~?l... ........-.--1iLL______._ Long Beaoh, Cal. " "., ...._ ()J,) -_."-_.__..~-----".._._..,,----- 825 915 ---.---..-.--...---. ,i Ii c. Z. Culver Home Tr L--.-...-.--..--.____..___..._... r Ii " ___~.::.z. Cul':,:" ", W 40 it _ Ii , ~8 L Bushong, Fannie C. 9 323 E. Washington o . ...-It.--- 615 1 ("o\? "~= In this Assessment Roll the foi/owing Abbreviations arc used for the fuords set opposite to them: 4 0 K-Nortllor No: therl)' $-DollaTl~ N. W.-Northwcstcrly .\ S.-Soutbor S{)ulherly Ota.-Cents S. W.-8()uthwcsterly K-F;Jl>;t or F.nllterlJ' Cor.-Conlcr N. E.-Northeusterly W.-Wcst or Weaterly 8t.-St.rect S. E.-Southeasterly .n.-I"eet A\"c,-Avenuc Imp.-Jmprovements No.-Number Th.-1'lwncc Sub.-Subdlvlsion S, n. M.-SIIIl Demllrdi!lo Dmse ll.nd llerlll[lIn Sec.-Sl!Ctlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF E( Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO ~ \ yu :O~''''''4~'"'''&I}i:'A'fG'';:f~Tili'iNG'A_~'ii."iio~Xill"pt@.~si~rr~j{~ -.==JI.-.:"::::- .. 'n ..__..._~. w..._"w.,."'~ ~_'h,,_._ "__~_'~'_"_'_""'~_""w""'_"~""~""'=""_""~'='.'""" TAXPAYER'S NAME AND I'OSTOFJlICE ADD/lESS SAN llEnNAIlIJINO MERIDIAN 1 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPEltTY "~ 00 '.o~ 0" <Xo ,S< ..!.4 ~73 15 "0- ,0'" 0'" " << 0 ~t: il" ",Ii> ~ o ~ ~ 11" Ynh.1C ;< I of ;E Ii Real Elllllto YuIlle oj Improve mellls Thoreull , I: . I ["'-'" 1$ i $ I I I Personal Property I I I I II ~_l.z~ ~----ii----JQQ- r --~5: :~:~t::'::, ~~:~~ .-----tR. S,.ruli"'>J',..8..llU7_..~ l,1-..I,lQ,J-55'5 + ... . '" 7 Brawley, Oal. f" 40 ft strip, being N 20 ft - II - i-Ill. OW 150) 8 " ,'. lots 0 & E & S 20 ft-Lots D&F ii I II II " ,~..;~;~, JOh~ ~~m - ......-..T- -- ---........ ...~";o~.;;,,p,;t~-i-t.T-+T-- t--.. E. F. II I ! I I Ii ~~J!.M.unJL~.5l.Mh,__9alL____ --.--\----..-- n_____ -----------------1--t---L- 1---- ___ _.-!- 6 !,I '-'&;1 i 1'1 1 '. II I 'I' :r I' tIll I I 7 I' I ' , II I II I OaBf. Wire & Oable 00.. Personal Property I ! il. i Ii ~-rBQJ:L-:WL- m__ - - ----.-----t.L...9ng~eJ,loYl-1'!'- ----.--______n___ --------1:- 9 ~+-r-tm;~~l. I Ij " '110 I" i I Ii 765;! i---. .- -- +- .~.. -_m..m-.-._--+~~I:-I-lll.-I.. :~.'_'i55 " I' . il I 13.. " I II II 765 ------.- ----------. ----.I--=----f-B,-t--~-I -lO-5.QJ ~1 I I II , ' : I 1'1 'I l -..--....-----.--.-..-.- ----- ----. -- --5 - I-i. I , k7't::r;1 I ;----,----1-----;---.'" " --- I " I I I ! 1'.'1 1.'1 I, .. - . i I' Ii . 'I!!! Ii .. Tr ,--_~_1i7 ft~____________-________ 2-O.-i-~------t---66~--....27~ : 'i ii .'; S")? dj ,) C ~ G: s .. + ...-- I Ii. ,~"~_~ ,~,<>_~ 1",,=_ ,,_~,_I :i .1 I.. ii' I.' ='~~~-r'-CW~~i ....................-1 ,. ....,,' 'HO 2 Buskirk, Thomas E. i; I 3 .!l-J5~,-l'JliJ,J3L____________._____._1T.raot ~2~L_______________. 54Q 72,Q ~ : Ii c,~ .__.._._____..___._.____... 'I t)dl ~ . ! Ii Oallahan, J.ohn et .al II . #- 429-E .S;v.Cl8ll1or.e----.::-___________I..Tr.ac.t__N_Q_56_7____._____ ;)~1 II '; Callies, Augusta i" L '2a. ..~,.,. k". .____..___. ".<JiM ,1 Ii ....."....,-I",-"..,---~".,'_..,-,--,---,-- --.. f--- II 270 .5065 1350 _.lOBOO, "'''"='''.c'''''''"'''~'~''''"r.~'''''''''''''',''''==,.'''''''''"''''''''';,.,=''''''"'',~.=~===\=,