Tax Rolls 1933-34 Tax Exempt Property A-Z j In Ihi. Ass''''''mI' RI'Il,lhp Jo!IOI'~lI". 4tl>rf'i(/(ir't''-~\?r n rr? ;1 rrr VfI (i MrIUQ I}f ))0' )fFO'lliM~P. !h\(SSE:!I$ME])l,])'1l00K REQUIRED BY THE STATE BO'A'RlJ"OI llsed for tile 1vonls set Opposlte to them: \ -', "r)..NOl'tf. o} ~;;he"y, ,N.,W,LNo,thiv..t011lY ILDolla-~''l-[I' I!) )-') .A...:.;A.S'1.. -~-oo""""'" lp .._AI"- cAfl t1-e .D'""qI)'AlrtYf"dD'~- ~~cty of Ora-ng"''' lS~~South. 0:11 Southel'ly -.s. '\V.-SoUlhwe'bterJy tlta.-lle t.~ .) \ . lfl.t'IlD~htlJil~.I.1.1t-y YiJJI\.. ,.J.,J .Jl A,UU \.AI. '. . N':Je ~.a:: ,_ .IP.I. . \....I-,a ~'-Enst of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Co 'net' " '",-, - -r-_ )---."r \. ..~Wtlst of Westerly a.E.-Southeasterly St.-Street ""J'H~...-. , t.~.';~bor c'1,/;,C.:JTJ:rJ'JI~I:~X"I.r ~h~i.'>riir.\~Y\\l1I ' \ rm 11 tl'f, \. J \1, \ II I 1J.l's''liES81W 1V\1iJ .:d'llL W'lVNli:R8\WAlEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOfrtf,;T:9 ~.'_,~.~.~.,,~_f,:=-~~~~_~._,~.~~~.~~~_~~~~~...~~:~__,~~~ ?tf:~_~,I:~~~_":~c.=~ect,~:.,_~_~ffiJltQJl E~EM~'t._~,,~~",._.._~~__~____C"_.,"~".___.___.~_._.~_,--"__.~_.________ 11" ~__.._ WI1.mU~!i.U:N'T:-'l'IlIN'r1:-l(:.!l'I'tJmo,ORAN(lIl,C.U.I'E'. , ,'," .,,-, '" " '" , ",'" ",', '" ""'-"""'-"".,'..'j'i:1A ."_..__..~,_.....__..___~,_._.,._,_._____._.__.._.___."._...M,,..-...__."._____'_...._m __~__ _~__ _".........~.'-- .._...-....,_"'"___-'-___~~^ _.~___._~____ '~_-'--.________ ___"._______ ______ ~------------..,_-__-_-_ , , II , 'I 11 "i ': p I 2 j SAN BERNARDINO I ~ I' , TAXPAYER'S NAME 1,- . I' -! . . ,.MERIDIAN I 0 :IJ' 1 I.... I Value of AND DESf:HlPTlON OF PIlOl'EHTY is ""_ ' &1 ~I 'Ii 'lV.l',h~I~-Rf ~lI1provc'~cnL POST OFr'ICE ADDRESS =... ~~...;~ ~fl!i! S t) I"~ PIl, ~slille Thereon .gj -;::..9 ~~ ~ < !I (,.1 0 o~ _~ :;: I; !i I\.l E-tlfJ ,.--. I ' .--;:----,..c';-""';:;.c----t",:!?"';;'''' 1"--;'" "".' ....,,~ -""--;'--',;l''''-- _W" ''';'It''''$'''''~'' 'c,--"'''"_''''~~'''"':; , !i "'---'1;1"'''; "I ! ('~ ~ Churoh, 1st Chri st Seien tist ft ; ~ 2395 it 229 Angeleno Tr. S 125 S 125 ft ji , " I" ! i: i I -..---..-.---------.-.-------..,-----.--.---------.------.--..---------.-~---------.------~--.-----,-.---.--.-------------------.----1..-----. ,') ~ (. ,"" 'ii:1 il '- !" I, ! 'I' I: I Ii " II 13 14 A ) ) II ) 770 246 Church, Mennonite Pilgrim of Or. Oau1dwel1 & Witherbees Add. w 50 ft " I' " -------.---------t------ :1 it II 'I Ii " II " I .-~-.-._...-----_r_----.,."-.-..__..-"._"-.-.---"--._--.__'_.__h___._____.._..._.______.._~___________"_~_____; I 141q 1831 I III ,I : 205 i~ 87d ,I I, i! l 1 II ' j ~--~---------------- I II I; 'I II !'. 4077-76Q ,I 4995 : C; I I 13. II ,I il 1195 I, I -----~--------------------------~------- .----------------,------____+-__il_______ '; -~~-~~) .,1 II' I il II 1 B I I 121/5 II. ~ ; : --t-L:J 159~ . II II II' ~ 4 II II 1110-:2670l II i 975 ,.~ -.j IIJL: I Bonnie Brae S 76 ft 1 A ,") ~ ('~ 'r"'1 ,~-I U I , , I I -I -, I ! i .' ll3Q.Jk._QQ1Uns______________.l A. Blake 2. II Ii \ il II ;1 g45 1080 Bishop 0/0 F. of P. E. Ohuroh of L. A. '1 .'1 ("' ~l ... .- d ~ I , Ohuroh Bd of Latin Amer Missionllaeo. H. Pirie Home Tr. i of M. E~ i 12;-Mll.-.J:oh8Bsau,et-,---Los-Angel-es---+----,-------------------_______,________________________1.___ f) ilr. f'o r-) ,I '.- -~ \I ,I , s 30 ft-E 60 ft 5 B Churoh, Christian P. J. Sohaffers Add. 12 A ~ .J e" ,. ',f, I l... ~, I I,} Ohurch Evang Luth of Orange I Sohaffers Add. ., 'i " II I I --,-..-.------"-..-"" .-.-..-----""'--..---... J\, , III ,hi> Assess",",,, R911,llw J<1IOlvi"lf_ Al(brf"ia'l, 'P't"'I"', ,., / T~ :1 liT! II {I :,J;' I! JIl III .1 ' II'FO"'!MI.0'" ".c.cE""MEllllYBOOK REQUIRED BY TIIE STATE B'(')'A:"''D'. .'0. Ii wicd for tho words set opposIte to tllt:Jm: J '. , ./ ( ) 10\ I\f~": Jt!I'.Ll.u ~ ' .n \ ~.Ls~~~~: gi ~git~:~l~ tl,~,t ,fo~,\~~;Ve"i't~~i!: it~g:h'i;.U) j' ) 'jl AI3Sc}S5mcwtl U(iJ6k ~Df I the ,PF(i);Q,;errt\!" -((i)f", Qit-tv; of Ora:tIge'.;~ E.-Enst of Eastel'ly N. E,-Nortllensterly COI'.-Col'ner - .It' '" ''fL' j' , ' "JI, 'T " ' W.-Wcst of "WC13terly S.E.-Southea.aterly , St.--Street , , .. , ." '..:,,;;:~::_~.( ~~:-~~~)b.r '1'Z'c.~J:nfJi~'i~r::~n\sl *~~'f~ln~l\q\'1 dHUn'CFi \i\ftMPti' II . \A&~E8SED ,'1'6> JdilL \6>WNERS.\J1CHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNO'W':JY"TO H. Rl\-f.-Ran Bernardino Base nnd Meridian. Sec.-Recti on p., " - ll~1 li SAN BERNABDINO :1 ,_ ,II I' II I" - MERIDIAN II - I Ii I., ',- ii 0 i!I" '.' Ii Value of "~"""W, "" """"""~~",il jjl t:Wl:~:~f~:::~'" Ii.. 1'1 II !I i i !'!i I II :1 ji !I 2025 I: ~ II ,I II , 15.":! 1960 II 498 'I i Ii ;L___________________________ ------- -----"7---------- -------------- -------------------------~ ~:-~;-L--r-~a9Q-~---- 1830 ii 54 I , , TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADlJHESS :1,---; q ., ~-: "'1 '--, ~ ! i 1 2 14 Ohurch, Orange M.E. 675 Orange City E 3 !i !i 4 I 6 7 Ii__________.._____________ I ._._.___._-k-----J;_~____...;;..--_.--__...J' 'n I ,I. i II Ii. r . II ,I J 1:340 .!i .... I 1J'>51 2J77"J-' . -2Q.25-*---- II II 1,1 Ii II I' ,I ,! II Ii II Ii 266Q.L 2046 I' 810 Ii II " !i ~.-~--.._-._.-..--.-..~---..-----....-----.---.-T------.-----.--.-'-------.---.-.---.----------......---.;r-- ') "I ,. i ,) I...', ! ,.;.. 9 Oi. Ohurch, 1st Presbyterian 1 I!, Ii -if Ii 2 O;J;'ange.City. A !i Ii 11 i: Ii 12 Ii Rich1and Farm Lots Beg 68 ft W-NW cor lot t ,I Oraddick Home Tr. th S 135 ft-W 98.411 ,[ Ii -________________________________-l__________..f.:t,_H..1.J~-;tl-,J 98. !L_t::t.Ji~gL.. II Lot 60 x 165 ft in I " II I' " Ii 'I II " :. II 'I Ii 31 ___;..._+ 31 II , II I' 1 II " II ~-------_._----_._._---------.__._-_. , " " ,1 ".' 'I c_ :to i ,i 3' , I I 411 Ohurch Immanuel Evang. Luth. 51 I 61 7 8 9 o Ii i' Ii :i II A~ I II 440 II 33~ ",) Ii II I J "---L--t--~ 123 II' 111'.1 '~I I 2000 1 ~~a - I I I I 880 44<~ ~~.~ -~ 11i1j 4&5"2 Q~ .1 ",,,...., ,I --.-.-.-.-..-.---..---.-.--...-.,.----....-.-.--.--- ., -r , ., I! s 4.4 ft 9. ii Ii 10 i Ii 'i 10 -----.-T- - ii I! II Ii 'I -If wt 1:-4 ')/I""r- (~"J Ii" 5 lienryGrotes Add.. W 60 ft..Ellq2f'tin !i _Roman '71 II " ',sl! 'i 91 '01. .So.. OIl,1..",.AeEl.'n.._Of7tll J}ay !\c;J,Y!'l]lO!L_n .1 738 N. Zeyn :1 ~,An2heim"".,~,===~ Oathol1o BLsho.pofL.A. San Diego ') /1 "-1 ~ ;:..:r.. c.) A Craddicks Sub. 5 33l , [" thi8 Assessme1lt Rpll.th.p foP01VinlJ Al;br~via~;~ll$. q~f1~ used for lIte words set opposite to them: 'N.~Nortl1 of No;therly N. W.~Northwestel'JY $:i-Dollars '" ". . . 'S.-South, ofl Southerly -8. W,-Southwosterly Cts.-Cel)ts~ :..; ~ E.-East of Eastedy N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Co)'ner W.-West., 01: Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft.-Peel' " Imp''"'C7Impl'oyemQnts, .!ve~_~Av..en,4e NO.-l'{um-per-. . 'Sub.":"'Subdlvlslon' 'l'h.-'rlU:!nce S. B. ?tf.-San BOI'nnrdlno Base and 'Meridian, Sec.-Section "-{ j--) TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICl~ AllDHESS 1 ~; /1 ~~. ...-, f ~ , l 2 Sisters of St. Joseph 3 3150 S. Ba ta via 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 17 18 19 25 26 27 'II-i!! I ('I ,'1:11 II,> ill An ,a'O'RMliOF iASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOA'RTfC .?; ) As:i;~ssme1llt: llPook 'oft the "Pl'tl}berty i(!)f~ City of Orange . I (jHtJR0Hll:XEMPT' , /, ;ASSESSED 'TO .aU ,OWNERB', WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN,. TI BERNAHDINO MERIDIAN DESCHIPTION OF PHOPEHTY . . " ... " 73 g ~~ g~ ~~ '" .22 ac in 4 Annex 31 573 ft N of La Veta Ave, bd E by Batavia St. '" o o::!:ji ~~ Il'lu ::;:... ;:> i< 9 Value of Vulue pC Hc~\l Estate Thereon . 220 56:: .-c-;:,,,,=,",,,="''''::'''';:'''"O C-;:~;::;:O",,".l:! ~:<.. Tn thi~ Asse.wmmt RfJll.the fQ!lo~i'lg Al,brpvia(ip1r:lr -q~(tl u-setlJor the words .'wt opposite to them: Ii. of N'o~therIY.N. W.~NoT'thwesterJ:Y I}, of! Southerly '8. W.-Soulhwosterly of Eastorly N. E.-NortheasterlY !t. of Westerly S. E.-SouthoD,sterly l' , IItlP.--,.lmproyemqnts/ mbe:r.. c ' . Sub,~SubdlvJslon -Sail Bornarlllno Base and MerJdlllU. ;;-Dollar., .., _ o.tg.-betJ<ts;~_J) ~ Cor.-Corner St.-Streot A v13.........A v,en;tlQ I ,I .rh.....:...l['hencb' Sec.-Section 'I i C -iliT ('I ('.1)11'11.' III AO ilF'ORMM;JF lASSES$MENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BO~'RljOf,~~9 p) ) ~~sts81}jne:tlll;'J?€):ok~oftthe .Prd'Pertyr,.ufJ1ity of Ora;ug~l,fo1 , OHtJ1H'lH 'l!:!CEMPTI I A ' \ASSESSED :1:(;) .}/'JjL 'OWNERS, WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWlV,.TO. UN} TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS IlESC,RIPTlON OF PllOPRHTY BEllNARDINO MEllIllIAN , i "" I~~ ~~ '" o o::!:j, ~o:: Il'lu ::;:... ;:> i< Value of . . V:itlt~e pC nr.lill~slate ,'! ~. Thereon rs of St. Joseph . 22 ae in Annex 31 4 9 220 . Batavia 573 ft N of La Veta. Ave, bd E by Batavia St. ="'==~- --"-=-~"""""-- .2.;J..O hI lhi.' Assessment Roll t'lE' jollolf,irlg Ahbre"iatiV/Jll,(~,.,O used for tile words set opposite to them: N,-North of NorthorlY N. 'V.-Nol'thwBstorly $+--Dollars " S.-South of Southerly S. W.-SouUnvestel'ly Cts.-Cenfs .. E.-East of Easterly N. E.-Nortbeasterly Cor.-Corner W.-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street I,'t.-. F.€l et, Imp,-Impl'ovements Ave."...-Avenu,e No.-Number Sub.-Subtllvlsion' Th.-Thence S. H~M;:-S;tll Bernardino Base and Merid[nn. Sec.-Section J. , .J" I i! I'" ,FORMJOF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BX THE STATE BOARD' Assessment, :So6k "of i thePro,erty .of l:ity of Orang 'ASSESSlED'ro ALL ,OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, OITY OF ORANGE EXEMPT SAN BERNARDINO I' I!: !, MERJlJIAN !i ~!i ,I Vullle. ~~,... I' gj~: il Vl.tluc of i.,~.lIlprOVelll o :a 0 ~ v II ~ ~ I Rent Estate, Thcrco ;: ,~j ~-S ~ ~~ II ~ ~II i; "",,,",,l~,-,,~::",- __~~c~: ~ ~_;~"iilll,_:::~":.-:""Ji.,'i",, i! ",. '- - ITt """'''1$''. ii I: ii !I 'H ;1 II " Ii TAXI'AYER'S NAME AND POST OFFrCE ADDlIESS DESCIlIl'TION OF I'ROI'F.IlTY I 4 ') 'II r--' (' c",':] 4' ~ 01 ty of Orange P. J. Schaffers Add. i i .-..._-_._._.__.._~-"_._._------'..__.._.~.._-_.._._.--~"---~-_._---_._--_.__._----_.."--~--- <;-< ~:' ') ,_ cj I - J1 ty of Orange Tr. 545 ~) /~ (; r~ J .,J ,j 'I :1 EIarwoods Add. I II I; ., --'---- Ii E1y . 2:;? 59 mft Ji ty of Orange '1,/-'1 01 J;" ':~ ',,) . -ji ty of Orange Jsmeson Tr. -------"--.-'-~.-"---.--..-------_r__~"---.,----~-"- Lots 14 to 22 24S? )i ty of Orange .60 ac in wi Chapman Tr. Bd NW1y by Dennis, S by Ohapman Ave E by Oity Limits 248::\ lity Of.Orange _OrangeQi ty N l:;?ft 248:1 li ty . o:f'Qrange _Q:!:.a.llgeOity N 6 it 1 A 2 II "~-~----- .0 2230 2055 II :1 i 112;;1 ii i! if " I' ,I " ii II If " [I II :i II I, I: il " 11 II II , il II !, I: , i , il I' I Ii .60 I 18: 40 "; " ~--~".._-~-~_.~._- !I Ii ;1 ii II il __-,_m :' " " :1 II il 775 II _-3.!to+__u 3040 9 " 250 I 1 ,. Ii II Ii " Ii Ii !i 11 -~--+-- I 'i !I ii Ii ,i Ii i 14. I, II II ! II - II -l9; G! I; Ii i 6 A 4. B 11 II F II I , gi -I I I i HI I I I ,Iii! Assessmellt Roll/Ire> following AlJbrevinti~ll~ (I/;fJ used for the worrJ.~ set opposite to them: of NorthorlY N, W.-Northwesterly $~Dollara, of S-outherly S, W.-Southwesterly Cls.-emU's' If Easterly N, E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-Corner of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Sheet Imp.-:-Improvem(lnts A"e~AvonU,a ber Sub.-Subdfvlslon Th.-:-Thenco ;;\11 Bernardino Base Hnd Meridian. Sec.-Sol:cUon ! "iii" ,FORMiOF 'll.SSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARDOF'EQ .. ~ ,,' ',',' ASSeSSID&nt ,:agok 'of the Property ())f City of Orange fo~ ASSESSED TO ALL -OWNERS ,WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO.UNI CITY OF ORANGE EXEMPT ili~-I~:--l.E:-it:jl; r.il~N'riNG"s;rjj''-jfb;''OR:i.}:{j'i~i'-c,{i~IP-;'' ,.,o,_.~__~ ~"""'''''''''''''"'~'''''="''''~'''''''''''''~''''''''''~~'''''''-'''''''~~~~''' ,=,,.,,.""_,. ----------~~~---------""---~--~~""""-"~~-""~--""~-""-"'~-~~--"""~~"" ....,SA~ BE~N~R~;";~!!' '" "T TAXPAYER'S NAME MERIDIAN 0:1 AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY "0 ;"eo"o .. !:ill'll:! 1'.1. V.Inc of - _ ,..., _ " Hcnl Estate POST OPF1CE ADDHESS I Cl... '1'.IJ u ~p11 -.. U II I ,~jJj~ ali S "': 'twww--_ .w.. ............ 00",<150; . . t~l"$ :1 i! " Ii 2 ~ ii , ~ " I, 'i Value of ii :,' 'I :)mpl'ovemcnt* I Thereon Ii iI ,. ii -m I ~ II ii ,. -.--,'"'",,,,;:."11: , " II "'-:-;$"-- !' . ~\ , f Orange P. J. Sohaffers Add. 1 2. A ii " ., it II 2230 'I I " 2055 'i 1852~ ,. II I, '. .1' I " " ',' " -.'. 'I of ' 'II I' . --+,----L-U2;i-4-____ I 'I II i 'I !I II I, I! 40 ,I '11 ji II li !, ! ----------".,--.--.-..--__~.____.__~._____.__..+--o--.____.__.____o___~___._______.__.____+-~ ~~ q ',I ! ij I; II Tr. 545 II f Orange o f Orange j wHarWQod.e Add, i !I !I !' --J il 'I II Jamelllon Tr. I ,I 1 -----.---.-------------.------.-.-..,... I I " if II ,. II " I , :! ..----.---'----~-.---r__-_..~------------.--____.__..___.--__"'"'-_.~-_-......-.-,.-O-"---__+.-_-.o---_~_-+---- :: " :' I::.: II Ii ; Ii III II St II I Ii II __II_~ i~ --rr- i' Ii il I! i) I ji !I I I' " , !I St :1 I Ii il I " II 775 il! II 1,...1 I, Ii --3'!QJ Ii I II 3040 Iii 933& Ii II I II II Ii ,I i 1, il iil I -t----- " --+- II .60 I I , i I I :E:LY .22. 59ft (' :) I, ---"- ; . } ; f Orange 6 A 4 B 1l II Lots 14 to 22 1\) >..-.--~.----.--."----__~_..._..___._,_.~_~___"_____o__._____ " i f Orange Ohapman Tr. .60 ac:l,n wi 1,14-, F, , , , : , , , , , ! 250 II II II t-- I, .. II I All ; :1 il -rr;-- !i , Bd NW1 Y by Denni s. S by Chapma.n Av~ E by City Limits LOra.nge .OrangeOity RJ,g:t) , , ....+-. II Ii 11 Ii , i , I , 9iugJ , I i i ) '1 .e f.. .Orange____ ....... Q:!,'l1\ng_e_Q1:t;y liT 6 :ft 8 1 Hi 'r". All ~-==,== 0:."==":="'"==. "='",,- 1 i$:.ft 2.7Ui FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY TIlE STATE BOARD Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orang. ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, " CITY OF ORANGE EXEMPT ..,._......=,~~-',.-"=,,=""="""',",. In thi$ Assessment Roll the following Abbreviatiolls are used Jor tlte words set opposite to them: )N.-North of NortherlY N, W.-Northwest61'IY ~..:-Dollars S':-'South of Southerly S. W.-Southwe.aterly Cts.-Cents _ E'.-Enst of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner W,-'Vest of Westerly 8. El.-Southenstcl'ly St.-Street Ft-li'eet Imp.-Improvements Ave.-Avenue No.-Number Sub.-Subdlvls[on 'l'h.-Thencc H. B. lIf.-San Dernarc1lno Base nnd Merlcllnu. Sec.-Section :~~~~~=~=:]:!!~!Tilii~J.;:l~R!.:~:t'"mvliN","~LI3;rtt;~ttt.?,~2iiA:N{i.~~''''C-E!Kt7;"''''""''',: ','-,:.".,'"'.',"',',':~=,~." """"""'.,."...".~...,..--,......-..............~ ,",- -- .."....,---- "'..__" ""....".,.."..........,..m.....,,_,_ .-'........,.,,-.......--~_. . .."....'.....,.."...h..,..__.."...-.,... ""~"'""""""~~~-.="'-"-.""'~'*i'i'......~.'"'"'"~,-"-' ,! :1 'I' ] :I 2 SAN BEUNARDINO i! i '! 'J ~ ., " i MERIDIAN ji 0 !! Ii Value oj ~~ .--+-------: ~ ~ rl VuIue of l~mJll'ovelll( o !~.-lll: 1\>.... if ~ e i Relll Estate!1 Thel'eon .g j ~-S ~ i ~ ~ )! = < I: Jj ~ 5 g ~ :t2 ~ it ~ i; i. "'k"'!1c,""t':':" ., ,.,.cc~" --- '"!I'T'''-.-...-.' .+$"= ... --.._ :! II Ii ii il Ii 'I I 11 'i "..."'-'-..,.....~~~......'" TAXPAYEH'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DF:SCRJPTION OF I'ROl'ERTY -i,' 0.'1:' J ()~ :) . ~ Oi ty of Orange Kordes Tr. 5 6 A II ".""~."__.._..."~_"_w_."_...~_~"_._._._____..____~__._"_."~~______ , --------Ir---"l " I: ii II .:z :r ~} n _ :f, t.J . City of Orange Library Tr. 1 B _._"----_.._-"._._~~-_..,.......~---_._-_.__._-.__.__._---- , I. " '. Ii Ii II' ): I I II II il I, 'I I. Ii II ~ I il II !I Ii II II ----~-i : ,~ ') .'1 ~''1 r-, "'''- "7. \.J { ~ity of Orange Chapman Tr. E 60 ft'7'N327ft-N 9g. ~9ft- S 329.99 ft 3 G q ,i (1 n h. '-J \...) '~I :1 'I .1 Geo. Achisons Sub. :1 II ~---J.------~----~- 3choo1, Center st. 6 to 19 ino D :! Ii '~------r i' " I: ., 9 J \.)() I..... J, i..) ~ohoo1, Lemon 8t. Rioo1and Farm Lots N~ 17, o__.~__~__~.._.._.,_..________,__"_ .-------.- --.------.----L___________ 'I ! I: ,! 'I II ~ " II Ii II II :1 l-~L 4 --_.._---_._._-_.._~---_._.---_.__.- 24(~O 100001, Orange Dist. :1 l' ,I ---J 2, Tl'. . 566 1 '"-----"---_.~ 24[/1 ohoo 1, OrangeDis t. ...J-L.R.SohQQleysls_t,A.O,o., .N18.:t:t , i i 1 I I I 6 I; II 945 . 1( ,. J' 745 Ii 610 :f----2.f II H 'I I. 'i , Ii Ii il if 2500 44l rr-----" ,I Ii II " II ., " I ji II II I. i " ii " I , _~__N__ ~ I 6885 90S 5 Ii il I: II 13500 ' ii I I I: 'i I: !I Ii 50511 610 I 3093 , I. 180 505 09~0' 5051 ......_975. ~""'-~- '':----.-= M '=~=~l' //1 this As.s~ssm(mt Roll thf' fGlJowillg Abbreviations flre llsed for the words set opposite to them: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-NorthwesterIY $"'-Dollars S.":"-Sollth ot Southerty S. W.-Southwesterly Cts,-.cents E.-East of Eastt'lrly N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-Corner W.-1Vest of "Westerly a.E.-SoutheasterlY St.-Street ~~:-~;~b.r ~'~E.:...~:;'.:'l&1:~~nIS ~~.'::::Ti~~~~o ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO l s. B. ],f.-Sall BOl'llm'dlno Base nnd Meridian. Sec.-Section or TY OF ORANGE EXEMPT =~____"""'Bin~~!.~~.~':h~ij'ri1IlliTI~sL~~iJt!~':~?_L?t~;P:nt~7~'~~\f~=-'~' .' '. ~~-=-~~~;~._,~_,~_' ,"': "_'="__'..n_~-"'=....,::,::",~.=~-,.=.:...;___,_,~-,-.",-,-,..~:~~-- ;.....=.."'.r=~"' FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f TAXPA YEll'S NAME AND POST O"FICE ADDIlESS IlESCIlIPTION 0" PIlOP~HTY 'I SAN BERNAHDINO :i MERIDIAN I: jl " " Ii I ~5 ',I ~~ ii cot II il I, " " I Ii Ii '" II o .1 O::!:jl ~O::I Il'lu ::.:'" ;:> i< ,I "-0_ ~_-$ I .I Ii ii " Ii 945 ii 745 Ii 'I -.ill jj --T-- Ii Ii Ii ! '~~T~~"TI.. .- Ii i I' V.lue of II Vnlue of i~mprovemcnL~1 Heal Estate i[1 ThCl'{'on il ., 'I ii I! I! I: ,."-,=""""ollr,,-,,,=-.,,,-o,-"tr", II " , il I I , 1 Ij !, ,'I iI !i 10~ I! ,) I' " il 26q ii I Ii Ii 4440 !t 11 " II " i' 2500 " o .~ 00 ''::;~ " " '4~",~rn;:,,;; "'" :.a O,.!lll -", " O~O ~.- ooll'l ".t,~c:~"".-.., o 1 () ~ t ',) -! ii ty of Orange Kordes Tr. .....,.---_...._"._---_.._----"..-._---------~-^_.. 5 A ., " [ 6 II 7- II ')'1 r,.1 n ;,...,' :~. \.) , 'i ty of Orange Libra.ry Tr. 1 B .---....~m--.__.._.__.__._._....__..._._._.__~,~____,__>o__'"..___._"_"_.~_'__.__.____.~.~____~______....._.___..____._.___.____________~____ .._-~---~-_._-~~---_.~- Ir----t-----~ II Ii I' Ii ' " I',. Ii I'il III II II II ~ -II ~ii 6885 II 909 III I! II II I, JL 'I 1)500 i )09)~ II Ii I :i i! :1 ii :i!i Ii I: n_._...____._.__________...._.___.___._______,_,____...__-.--.-..-.-.J---.->"~-----,--J-._......_ll_-.---___i_-___L_ j: I: i! Ii:! 1: ii Ii i, " ii li!1 il 1 iijl, ': 505. .1111, 2, Ii ~ 610 II 1-11 II I' II r I II I .j'll 180 II I I I ~) ::.J ('1 ~l h.. '. ;,) ,I i ty of Orange Chapman Tr. tl Ii II Ii i il li: 60 ft-W 327ft-N 9el.99 ft- s 329.99 ft 3 G () /1 f\ ',' ~~, ~., 0 . I whoo1, Center St. Geo. Achison.e Sub. 6 to 19 ino D II II II II II 'i I, .r-. Ii ! 'I I . i I, , Ii 5 il , .1 il ,------.--.----------.------.---------_+-_0______------_._____~_______. '.)~.or) 'I r~~o ' II I'; I " :) ---- I Jhool, Lemon at. R1oh1anct Farm Lots Nt 17. ._-~.."..._-_._--_.._-~~....~,,-,_.._-".__... .._......_.._"."._.."._._-_..-------_._----~..- 24 r) 0 ,hoo1, Orange Dist. Tr. 566 "------_._"------~---- I Ii -~ I' il il Ii II il I I , ,hoo1,-Orange.Dist. _J..LR. Sob 00 1 eye ;1.1;11;. Ad.ct, N lel:ct I I I I, -JI-1 Ii 4' Ii . ~ 5: III! 6[ 71 -r I I t I 24Di 505 ,- i ! 505 _. ..9Z5 ,"--''-'';"''.::.,';;'"'":".,'',c,,;,,,~.''"~='''',''"_,;:.:~..--~__~ .~ ",,",- 3J/b )_1 t I" a,i, Assegsmeut Roll tlip followillg A&bre-.:u-aioJl"t (lfC Itsed for tlw words set opposite to 'hem: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-NorthwestllrIY $-Dollars S.-South ot Southerly S. W.-Southweaterly Cts.-Cents E.-El,lst of EasterlY N, E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Cornol' W.-'-West of Westerly S. E.-SoutheasterlY St.-Street li't.+-Feet Imp.-Improvtlments Ave.-Av-cnuo No~-Nllmber Bub.-Subdlvlslon Th.-TholICC R. n. ?It.-San !3ernunl1no Bnse and Merldlnn. Sec,-Sectlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD ( Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, T CITY OF ORANGE EXEMPT "'::.:::~:~.~'::~:'r"l~~L'~i!i~.R1illi!iRfL]~:g.~l{f.;::=~~l1'ii~';"C;~!!~-,-.=,_.." ,.~ ,-,~="'," _ '" ....~=~:2= ,""._., .,....:--_'-.~.~........-''-"~"''~'., ~..,.".".",.,.".,',"'",."~.."",.,,.,.,....,,~..,....,~.~,c TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE AmlHESS 1.-_ im.. . .~~'-ij~~I~r~2~ ,SAN BERNARIJINO ii, 'I Ii , '~I I MERIDIAN ! 0 ii Value of :1 ~ f2 Vullle of iImpro\'emel <11... i.i ~ P:: Real EsllllC 'j Tlle,'pon !I'~ Ii s;;; II ,:' r~ I'.. .. .... t~.~ .1 'i Ii i il I. I! ! 0.. ;.EQ..lll -,9 " ~o~ o~1l'l '-~"':,",t.E:j;";",.-,,,.-;::, DESClllPTION OF PHOPEHTY . o "~ .g,s " " '";-:--'';''''''!~'''Y}''' ,) ..' '-) ,) '._ 1, __ 1 2 3 4 5 6 School, Ol'ange Di st. Chapman Tr. S .50 ac-E 3.66 ac-W 5.55 ac- Nt 4 G 'I 11 " 'I 1,.50 II II I I, , !I II 'I ' '1 5"'1' ij ., O~: , !I 3075 n " () ') (~'J. J'-\ .. m ...mm--m---------------------.-------___....1L_1J2....i:t~H:l_5_Lt~2.J!J: ft- _______~___ I s 396 ft-Wt-SE t - , N 1. 75 ao-W t-SW t (Ex RR) (EX St) II ji I !i W 57 ft-E 147 ft-N 132 ft-S 162 ' Ii , , ~ ' , ! II --.ft.-1L~-~----.-----__L~__--'~____t_--L 630 " I, . II Iii i[i. , I i I I ~: II ~::I .--1-1 II -L_..L_J 350 Ii , ,I,!" I' i[ II !i ,i 4. II, ! Ii 1350 II II J 6530 II II , . 1.1 ![ il : d i i , ' :! Ii -----r-----t-lIr--T II ' ; I II II! ;1 !: 11 . I! Ii 810. 1082: --------.-------.----.------------:---------------------------.------------------.L],g----------~----+----lQl5J------- S 450 ft il A Ii 105 II II I, Ii Ii II il Ii II II Ii ii" .1.1 Ii I r .. II r 11.- h II l--L;.......i ~ II 2 j I II II II II 7. _L__ 9 .....__._-"_.__._-,.-.--..:----~-_.._..-.__.._. 10 il SOhoo1, Orange Union High Olarissa O. Honey's SUb. 5!.j.g 2,-____ .".,_.~~_.._--------~- 3j II I 41 I, 511 !I 61! Ii II 711 ,I Sii .Ii School, Orange Union High Ii 9' Lots 6 to 12 inc II ,2 J. U i! Tl'. 215 10 810 o " il 11[ i: JI 2j qj 3! I I .__._---"~---'-"._-_._--_._------~-- 51 I i (i~ 711 II ri 3ii -1. _ii! JII )1'1 -, I ill 24DPi -_.__._-------~_._--- School, OrangeUn1_on. High Tl'....Mo 675 610 610 4 610 610 '- .""','''.-;;:"'~'''.-'''--;;,"'"..:.~:,.==:''''''~,'''''',_=;w_~~= "_.:>..-;;=-..=:::~.,"" 'It tlii!l Assessment Roll tilt> following AbbJ"(wiatiOltii are used for the tVQrds set opposite to .them: h of Northerly N. W.-Northwest(lrIY $-Dollal's I of Southorly S. W.-Southwesterly Cts.-Cents of Easterly N. E.-Northe!\ster1y Cor.-COl'ne1' t of -Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Imp,-Improvaments A "e.-Avenue nbe1' Bub.-Subdivlslon "I.'h.-Thenco San Bo"nar(l!no Ba.se flnd Meridian. Sec.-Secllon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF E( Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo CITY OF ORANGE EXEMPTASSESSED 1'0 ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN TAXPAYER'S NAME ANn POST OFFICI, ADUIlESS Ii BEIINARDINOI MEIlIDIAN I '" I o , o::!:j I Ii f;le il ., ..... " Ii G [I ,i< ,I Crrl"f'" 'II ii Ii I, I' il :i Ii Ii if Ii-50 It / !I ii I' ;r-t- i: II 3075 ~1. 58~ " :! " DESCHlPTION OF PIIOPEHTY .------.T""--~.;.r...~ I' Ii I II II I I i ~ "e.", ~... ~~~ , o. "~O i: ''::0-1 : iJ =SS :; g ,o~ ,;''''';rr'.J!}''..,..:';.::;",::t.~--,-.. '---H: - >,.. ..,--......--_....~..._,.. . -,....'... .,---- . l) 'J ~- ~ .' L, Ora.nge Di at. S .50 ac-E 3.66 ac-W 5.55 RO- Nt ------------------.---------~-----_______l'LJ.~2.1t-E 16.5 ft-N 234...f.h.__.. S 396 ft-Wt-SE i N 1.75 ac-W t-SW i (Ex RR) (Ex. St~ II W 57 ft-E 147 ft-N 132 ft-s 162 : .--.-.---....--.----.----------.-.-.----------.~-___.__ .__.____.,_._-.-i.t-W -h.IDi!._i___._. Ohapman Tr. 4 II It I '\ " Orange Union High Olad.8,sa Q. Honey' s Sub. [! Ii , , Lots 6 to 12 :Lno i; I' I !i II ---.--.-----.-------.-.-------...--.----.-t----------------.-------------1 '"I ", ";1 Ii I II ", Ii , Orange Union High Tr. 215 10 11 : Ii ,; Ll.2 ....~---"'-'-.----r...'----.-.--._-".-.--.._-'-.----~-.-------_____.__,_..,__.__.____"______m_~__..' , I I [I Ii il -------------------J_ I ! s 450 ft " ii " Ii " !i , il I: I' Ii II II il i' I '''If---1-i-- !i : , 2' I or; , Ora.nge UnionH:Lgh Tr.480 L '. I 4 ,:";;::,"~~''"="'''"''''''';;:''''".=_''''=:r~::.~~.;l= .~ , Ii Ii :1 I Ii I :' II Ii il : II. 'I , , I Iii: __~jL-+- I II II I! I II I) il Ii II II ij II Ii II II II r i I I G II II II 1 A! 2, V 4' " " " II , A, , I .......,.1-- I , I I ~~ ~~ ;',";;t':;c:,:c;;::' r I' . " [i E Value of ii Value -of ilmprov.emcnl~i Real Estlllc!1 Thereon II ji !! ,.~~.,,__il ~~_ ,0..____."..[1" _....~ -l---lT' ,I il " 2 630 I; il 5481 Ii Ii -r II II II II , ii Ii II Ii I' Ii 810 II 11 I' 'I 810 il 1082~1 1Ql5-+------~f-- 105 II III' II II I .1245, 1350 131)0 " II 1350 II JI 6530 II 11 II \1 " il ..---6l5- 610 610 i I II c- I I 610 610 " ._-~."""-=."_.__. In. tFd, Assessnuml Roll t/u' follmving Abbreviation,,; are used [01' IlIe 1vords set opposite lo them: .":":"North of NOl'therly N. \V..-Nol'thw-esterly $-Dollnrs -South or Southerly S. W.-SollthwestArly Cts.-Conts .-East of Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-Corner '.-'\-Vest ofWesterJy S. E,-Southen.stcrly St.-Street L-Feet Imp.-Impl'ovements A ve.-A,'cnue a.-Number Sub,-Subdlvlslon 'l'h.-Thence B. l\I.-San Dern.fU'dlno Base and MerldJan. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF E Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fc ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO Ul' CITY OF ORANGE EXEMPT SAN ~::ro~~~IN~!! ~.T~~r::,:e~fll.... , ---Ii ~ &3 Ii Vnll1~ of '~mpl'ovcl11cnt~i I' 41... n P=l ~ il Renl Estutc;1 Thereon Ii ~qI:~,~~ ~.l~i, Ii II Ii II ii" :i !I 'I " ! 'I I i! 480 ii 4895 '! w t 7 B 445 I I ,. ------------------------------L--~--~__L___I~L_~L , 745 47q 745 ~ 705 331 .:=.:'~:=~l.\:!l~JT!:~~..~.:..,Q]!.fli!f.!!~K"~.t~~!.~.L,3i!E::~.~.....J~lf.!.:.:.___::=~~~~~.=___._-,""__,,_,,_,_,___,~___,,,~-', . '~-:" . ," ,"""'''.~~.:"_ ,,"'~ ',""~""""--""-- ..-........,..,..,....". TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF 1'1lOPEIlTY 6 .e-S..l4 =... "ffi-S ~ ,,gj ~ o"s " o~1l'l ,- ..,",..;;,,:':..-,,;-'::_~'.o,,~,,;:c;:~E;1 , , 2,18~ 'hoo1, Ora.nge Union High Walnut Ave. Tr. E38 ft 12. W 22 ft ') (I (} 1"1 f-.J'1;:;' ----------------------------__LQts_~ to 13 6 ~-in.CL..c1nc-s.Ladj-)---- 270 H150 lhoo1, Orange Union High Clari ssa C. Lots 1 to 6 inc Honeys SUb. B ""~'_..-'-..-..-----..~.-.---~~,~.._,_,__,____,_,__."'~._.__....m__...__ 10, " ,. il " , Ii H Ii " I! " Ii 1L " 12 " 24fJ~ .._--_._----~-_._~._---"'..,.~-_._-----~--:-'--_._~._~'~,.,-_.,_.-._--~._---_._-----"------_._--~-"'--~-~ Ii II ---+-. hoo1, Orange Union High s t Rich1and Farm Lots 14 5 16200 ..,,~_.......,..-~._- Ii , 11 i 1:1 " -----..---...-----.-.'---.----------------.---..---.--.------rr-----~---~-_.- II' II Ii : ,I : I: ;i 11475 ,. .') I! (' i) I~. 'I ;} .- hOo1, Wa.ver1y st. Tr. 272 B II 13815 , ! ii il Ii 88 34d, I, , ji ii i: i I if !' !I , 1481~ -_._'---_.~----_.."'-_...._--~_.._-,~-~..__.~_._.._._--_._----.......-------.;..~~-_._-,---......._--_._.._-..........--.-- 1 1"'" '-J ..; , ,{ 11 II 'I 9114.2QI!! " ' II II I' " '.! ![ " I II , 6750 ,i 1001, Orange Diet. 4. 70 ac in NW ~ Annex 31 4 Bd N by Almond Ave, W by Bush St. ..--------..~"-.^.._.._____,__'____M._..____~..__, .-.'.--------,----- '1, ;i II -4-, " 'i I, 'I !, jr' Ii i II II Ii I I ,~" w,.. '."", '-- ;',"~,>."==:,c.,,:."''''''''~;=''''''''''''=':.::o~''''',.'t::i::==-_:::',r;===-_~~.~ . . ".-:;:"",~~::::: =-;:~:::-:-::=::::-=~.-:;:= I: Ii 12240 Ii ii H II ,! " II, il ~ i i I , , I _______n_ ~-"--- 5:{k()~/JJq~I) !I, ,hi, Assessmellt Roll th(J following Abbreviations me use~l for tlle II.JOI"f[S set -opposite to them: N...:....North of Northerly N. W.-Nortlnveste.rly $~Dollnrs S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwostel'ly CtS.-Cents )- lit-East of Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY COl'.-Corner W.-'Vest of Westerly S. E.-SoutheasterlY St.-Street wiJ Ft.-Feet Imp,-Improvements Ave.-Avenue :No.-Number Sub.-Subdlvjslon Th.-'rhence " 'H. n. :r-.-r.-S..n Bernardino Basl) and MerJdlnn. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOA; Assessment Book of the Property of City of Gran ASSESSED 1'0 ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWl OITY OF ORANGE EXEMPT 5 16200 Ii I! 'I II:i ii I!!I il " I' r-l.ll;-l---ll.-- I!I , . if i 'i Ii 11475;: 1 1.1.' " ~ II II II !I Ii II ;i jj I , Ii il II i 914.211 II. ~ -+ II I i I 1- =:':=".=:~,:=~~~:~f!!;~~~~~=-~~=~=~!:~F~'I'I~~~.!.~~~~3!.jl:i3:':~ltjC,(i;ll-',~_~,-=-_"~~,-,--"-_,,,_,---_,-,-,*-~___n"^ ,,',", "'. '~"-':'_~~~=.,:"~_......."-'~_':...:"-- -- "-;:". '.,' '-'--:~~1'-:_: .--~~=: ,:... :--~1="'"-- SAN BERNARDINO Ii MERIDIAN ~I ~ o::!:j ~o:: o:lu 13'" i< TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE AJ}DHrcSS DESCHlP'I'ION OF PROPERTY :s =~ 00 .~~ o .._..,,~,;..~ 0., :E Q,M ..;1 0 e ~.s o~1l'l ""t.. .I ii II '. ...4 'I o~ 'O. = " ~~ " .,f:,.,.... "...-.......,.,.....,-------............. ..-"..-"........_.._..,- 249h . School, Ora.nge Union High Walnut Ave. 1'r. 12. E 38 ft -._--~---.._._._-_._-----.-----4--__~.. W 22 ft 13 Lo-tl:d+'Ei-ta-6.5_ino__(.1nCL.iJt_.l_dj_)_ ]I 91101"j /~ ~....) , School, Orange Union High Lots 1 to 6 inc Clarissa C. Honeys SUb. B . w t . 7 B . .-.------.---.----------.---.----------.-.----------1-------.-------------.----.---------.--_____.____.L_:L_._-"---+.__ Ii " I ! 10. Ii I 11 II I ii II 12 n !I II II . 2 Ll !)~ School, Orange Union High S i 14 Rioh1and Farm Lots 'I I. Ii " il __.___L_._ ~-'--_._---------.._._---._.,...._..__.._"'~--_._-_._, ?1 'J' n "... ,:,{', .1 School, Waverly St. Tr. 272 B I 1-.-......-------- i ~.., r:" 0 i I...,.. j , ...---~"----.--.--"----"--.-'-.----...--_____r_-----"---~-----~~._~_.__.__~_._______ Ii School, Orange Dist. 4. 70 ac in NW -a- Annex 31 4 il Bd N by Almond Ave, W by Bush St. :[------- I' II !i II .,.mull , -~--r-'-"-- Vall Vnlne of ,)mpl'o" Rcnl Eslutc ii The T . n -.-1.... .-.~l....--> ' " jl 480 270 12150 if !i II II " :i .[ " ii II II ii II ,I . !i 4895 1 445 7~___ :! 745 745 705 q I '___'_+-_0 8 --------rr----.,- I. Ii ,I 6750 ~ II ., i I I 1: I - I -,--~.- ~.._---,