Tax Rolls 1933-34 F-H In ,hit A'JseJSRtont Roll tIll' following Abbreviations ore D 1 I/-So(l for the w'or"" Jet opposite to them: N.-North or NortherlY N. W.-Norlhwesterly $-Dollnrs S.-South ot Southerly S. 'V.-Southwosterly Cle,-Cents E.-East of Easterly N. E.-Northe=astel'IY COlo,-Corner W.-Weat of' Wosterly S. E,-SoutheasterlY St.-Street li't-Feet Imp.-Improvements Ave.-Avenuo No.-Number Bub.-Subdlvlslon Th,-'rhence K n. Jl.f.-San Bornnrcllno Base and Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange j ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN. AND WHEN UNKNOWN. TO TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF l'ROPEIITY Vulue of Vullle of 'ImprovcmculHi Heul EKllllc Thl'I'l'On 1 (' "' 3. \) f : . ZEVllllS, Alfred A. eta1 PexE/onal Property 3 c/o O. R. Evans Oampbell Sub. 6 i' !Z56_J~LQl'aDg~____________________-,-______________.______-------------------_______Ji~_;tL~--.-L------ !i ) f' r: 1 U II. "W_.__..~,..---~.-..--.i.-,.,-.- 5.E .. vans, Charles R.et al .i Kogler & Geigers Add. E 4-5 it-W 170 ft-N63 , i 1 A 7256 s. Orange l 1095 -70._ 170 .. 6,' f) ),Evans, Lewi s '321'l N. Glassell . Per6onalProperty Arthur West Add. 3 .--.-.-.--.----.".---.,.---.--.-.-----.. -_.__.._-~._-----_..-._----"_._-"_.__.~--~_._,_._,--_........-- 6?() !i IIEvans, Lulu M. 11319 E. Maple II II G....lt'"! !~ I I i' l.Exoelai.Qr .creamery . CQ. [926 E. First St. ,i :i . Ii !-Sauta-An&--_______________________+_________________________________ G'i'R Personal Property Bonnie Bra.e :3 A. ~_._---~----"._----- ,..._.~,_.~...._..._,-_._.__...._- m.'_~"->I_'" fr. ?35 N 41J,/J ft-s 1'l2 2/) ft - E 132 it A " , - ~Tr. 622 il :1 r-aan.k_.AnL_______________________ 'i i G'iIB T ..11 BeaohAdd.. I II 'I G SO-H. -------11'1 - Faerber,W. II -II~~:~~-~~d . I ,Faaok s , Emma C. e t 8.1 !R 1 Box 66 21 --_.__.-._-_._,~-,_.._--~._~ "4"""-__'_________.' ',--- Faerb er-,-Mal'garet... 9 A 21'l2 S. Glassell -_._-~.....__.._--".-.~._..".- '-----"-'-'---'"'-_'____'__h-;--- . . --.',. <~---"'-'--'-"-"-,^-.. ?94 S. Oypress P(ilrsonal Property s 4-3 it 10 D 1690 10M ,. 475 325 2430 690 ft ;2 ;!' 1640. 1095 93q 755 4s0 1120 51'l5 -1095' - II II !i " ii ~! 7700 ii I. \1 FORM OF ASSESSMENT" BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF' EQU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange for ASSESSED TO ALl, OWNERS WHEN KNOWN. AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO VNKj rll ,hi. Assessmenf, Roll the follGll1ing Abllre"intiom aro u~ed for the ulords .set opposite 10 tltem: :h of Northerly N. W.-NorthwesterlY $-DQllars h of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cts,-Cents of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Col'ner ~t of Westerly S. E.-Southensterly St.-Street t Imp.-Improvl)ments Ave.-Avenue mber Bub,-Subdivlslon Th.-Thence -Sun Bernardino Base and Merldlan. Sec,-Secllml ~--_....=_..~~.~- .~ .. " ~"..=~,~_.".,_..__"_.,_,__......,_.,=="==,,,.._",,.,,,.~,,,,,,,.,.-,,',","'"""'''-''''''''''''-''-'CC- 'JJ.~Jlffi"""''TlIr.;['fr!'rl:F1l'.l't1fl'I'lI''Frn:~(JJ~.'1;,~'I'I''''t"-'= .. ~_..<~-~..=. -,_.-. -""'- ,.~-_. -_";.;,;=,..''''~''''''=''''''''=='''----''' mm_.,._.._.,~" -,... '""""lr'-'''=='''''~~"'''~'~ ..._-~"-_.~ ~^_.._.- i~ I! II 'I , DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 11 ~ ~ 10. ~~ '~~ II II ,gj .- a.. I I' ~ ~i'~ 'I:<:"" ." "c..~.,...=..".,".,_., " -,. .=--=' """+.=="~======~~"==~==,==~~.=======.=.=" r="C r=.== =, -, 1.1 Ii , I' i i! ti r Ii Resub . Grand Ave..Add.'-I! 21 .1 " i l: :i !! 1 jll.,I, :1 , i I J.Mo.aOYSAdd.__._',,__,_____..____'_'_''__' ~...12, _ 13 :1 'I II :1 ! >Urant iI H ,;, '. Ana---",----,--,---------t-.----- H---:-t--"~--""-- 8J! I : i II Ii i~ _,,~ ~... '[ -H 0 ~+_12'5_._~9g~ II i II" I Ii: '1,,$ A II i II I II , !! , -r-r""'-T""'- I !I :: .==...~'_nn.._..""rr."""'~.-......."'..M-'.---'n-...---n'---.'..-.:..'""-n='"'""""';""".7'.....--....~'--'..i I SAN BERNARDINO :1.. JI' !I MEIIIDIAN 'i 0 11 ,II 5 ~ if Vnhwof - pa , Renl EslUle I' ~u 'I ,113'" .' P-' :1 Y.- 'ys I' '! :1 !! , , :1 I AI~ A I) I I I I I I , U: ! !I -- -r-"-.!.-' t I I I "'~"'~.."~ "",~_.~ _..,,~~ --.- .. -~- "..~"' TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDIIESS ) 81 iter, JohnH. et a1 .orence SUmmer 'alm__A.v:e.._,_Lynw.ood_. ;82 ~rg, Nathan T. L. :fOP il II Orange City ----L--- it il I~ " , '1 !1 :1 MoOoysAdd. il ~ ! .........Ee.rsonal"..Erope.rty.,.,- .va ;8-4' T.L. Glassell oj,: -...".,-----~._~-----_..__..~_.,~'--...--;r " I I I + , , 121 , I , I 'gr!: ;- :id .."_..,P..e.r.B.onaL:E1.r,lilp.e,r,ty_____,,_,, .... I ". I, "-- ~,Hattie D.. etal , 'iI . 011 ve Ii MoCoys Add. I! ~-'----------"'------'----I )&R I ! ,I yQQl<:WQodl:).. Adii. ;1 Ll, .Arthur.O. , 41 ...--+- 51 ')-" ! I Et Oambridge 1j II 'I I r .il II II II II ~ .1 187 ._Craddlck...Hom.e ..T.r.._......__,..."...,__,_,_,________.._. Ll,....Al'thux.O....... ..... Cambridge A A I I 1 ..'-....i _.~"_~.._ no ..__.__"....._....n._.."___ .-..._.-'-,,~_..--._.._-...~ ,,~~:"',.._,",t_::",'"O,,'=='""'="'""" :1 I! I; Ii 'I " , I.' ._u__..~_,_"~.........,__" II Ii I I 1'1 ". , ': ,I ! 675 965 1485 ii :1 :1 'I II II L--.. II ' 965 2160 Ii II !i II -r--"'--" " il II " 675 II Ii I' " Ii !I j i , II I =...,..-- - - ~ \ ~ 0 ,--.-----..'2""'-.--..""'--"j'''---- I Value of IImpl"OVCmenls; Thereon v, '~ s 570 ..'".._---~,.,- 465 900. ellQ 78q , ........i..-._____~"..~....------- " il II II il " I I ......1'... ....... ""--'''''.,:O"~~' 5510 i I I I I ! I 3 c/o Florence SUmmer I 4.,.. . .-.-......~213-Ea1m.A:v:e...,._Ly.nw.ood_._.__._____.__....__...___.._..__.___.._._..._...___.___.___.___._....____.._....__.._..__._....._.___,... 6,iFa1nbarg, Nathan i 7.1615 Durant i j .. ......--8.,Santa--Ana...____ ...._._...... I , i I, 10 ,Faris, T. L. i 1l1'N. Olive I i: I 12" "t___.",.,_.~.':'_-___--.-".-"-__.M~--_'-._.--."___..__.."_"'____._.__ I " . 13!i GR4' [l 14!,Faris, T. .L. 15 12SI./. S. Glassell l ~---G 8-;---------.---.----.- ...---.---------.----.--.--.--...- ....................--.-----..-------...-. , 18 i ,.Farrar.Hatti e D. tilt al 19bns. Olive " , 201' ; -.------'----::------.".-.-~._..__..~"._ .._...._~_h__"._~_"_._~..____.__.__....___....___._"_____._..__,._._.._.___...._._.___.".__.__".._.__._.,....~_._. _......_....,._......._____.....__.__.._,___ aSH 22 ~F&rwel1. . Arthur . O. ,i 23i:166 N. Oambridge ~ .-' 251,' &g7 2611 -.-. IFarwell, . Arthur O. ]1 2711166 N. Oambridge 281' i; III ,. :~ , Ii .II .1 ' ! II" I' '.1.. ~ ,_ i, II 'I.j i 'i~ '-',I ~U ;' c., H if" '. ~ 'y () li:) In. thit Asse.ssmellt Roll tftC' Jollowirlg Aburcv;at;o1lS aro ;} ;~, ,ued for tlw ft7Drtls set opposite to tltem: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Northwest6rly $-DoIlnrs S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cts.-Cents E.-East of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly COl'.-Corner W.-:-Wejlt of Westerly S. E.-Southen.sterly St.-Street Ft........;Ftet Imp.-Improvaments Ave.-Avenue NQ,-Number Sub.-Subdlvr.slon Th.-Thence S. R M.-Snn Bernardino Base and Meridian, Sec,-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STA Assessment Book of the Property of City of ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN l TAXPAYER'S NAME AND l'OST OFFICE ADDnESS BERNARDINO MEHlDlAN '" o 0:;!2 "10:; O::u ;;]< "' ~ Vulue Reul Es DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY - o "~ ll'~ PlIO 1 681 2 A 6j tel', John H. et a1 Resub. Grand Ave. Add. 21 ...,,---.':t.----,.,-. 5 I] 682 MoOoys Add. 9E 12 B 9 G8~' p Orange Oity Personal Property 17 D 121 ~._-------_--.-._"_~_.,_._,,_..>._~~"___'"___""._.__.__.._,,_.'~_,_.__'"___,_,h.~._.__~__._~._____. MoOoys Add. 148 8 A Personal Property . , McCoys Add. A 96 12 211: ,. il il ~ I ,I LQo]<wood.E/ Add. j II " -..-----.---.-----1----------.----------. II .1 .. il.OraddickHome.Tr. !I il II I [I 'i "T !I f' m---r 1 I./. 5 Et A ~ R ) 216 11 67 Ii 29!! I.; " !! 30il 'I -.-..-------- . ..-- ......-..--~......." -.---.-" ..._._..~"..--_._-",...;. ,] "."."."..,l"".,.. " i~ i \ \ Y\' 'f'- .;.::;;::~"'".-,;:~-.;:".""'''''''"''- ,,:,~""''''-=:.~''"",:,_= ";"C=:;"''-''''''''''';;-;'=1=''''''''="",,,,->-;;>-==,,):.;;.==;;~, " ".::o;:=:=~~r_;;:.~~~~":;:~"'-""""""""""""'=""""';r.:_~""":o"".,,J\:~"""',.,,', ,"0'0."'.".. , ":,"":r'" In thi. Assessment Roll th(' followiug Abvnwiat;ollS m6 .) luetl fOT tile words set op]Josile to them: N.-North of Northerly r-J. W.-Northwesterly S-Dollars S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterlr Cls.-Cents E.-East of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Ccr.-Corner W.-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Pt.-Feet lmp.-Improvements Ave,-Avenue No.-Nurnbol' Sub.---'Subdlvlelon Th.-Thence S. B. M,---'.lilan BCl'nnrdlno Base and Meridian. Sec,-Sectlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF : Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fi ASSESSED TO ALl, OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, 'f() ( '"""==""""-"wlr.rmi'F;r;''''f;'ifiiTlf'i''iifN>fflf''t'Fiii'u'riiCi''i'"'''017XR'i'1ifi""i5"XT.T~"""""===="~ ..,... ."~ ._~. .==== .--- ~'"-_.~==,-"---, -_.'"'_'''*"=-''--''~'--"=='''''''"''''''''"'''''''''''''"'''''''''~",",~,,-~----"-""~-'~-"--:-'~-'~..'"-"-:==.~.',=~=_._",",,~ "'" "~~~".... ... .. ....",. .......... .................. .................. ..."""'l ...=~............................... ..... .......m .................~F~~::rn~~~;;~r;~~r~~l~- ~TV.II~O of I I:; i[ CI:l ~!/ Voluc of ~lIlprOYCIllCUI8Ii DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 'I' ~ ',~~~ .." II. ~ fil I 11001 E,'"IO '..' ThomHl I'. I l=l.... "ffl 1~1l1;J I S U .'; ! I'. 0 0 . of! .. 0 I, .,,,, .1.' I; '.:i~ ~::l~ :.l'l~ _I ' ,~ o~~ '" ., f'i: " .....,..~.o.,"..=.o.....~............==....._.. ..k~"......".="..==.......=."'=.~===~=,.,..===....=~==,.==....=.=.=......~.if!"....I~~"............"..;F.." .........~.$.... i~ II Ii I , , I ' I I: ! II ,I II .1 Angel.eno...TrL.. .N..IO.. ft I. 8) 810 ,..' II)> Ii I". 9,' '.' I.' " I, Ii II :'. d; li!i S 40 !:l- P-1.Q' II j 40' -t i----~-.. 11-.m5 ",I...U19" II 13' , ;i Ii 810, 'i 12 'I ",,' h I: it r II !, Ii :::i ' .~-----r-----..~_._._.-+t--~'--'--"-'-----:l.--.-~ --.--,----,.,---, II . I'! ;1 ii il Ii. II iiB.;A ii il 1015 S7~ hi 18 B Ii 'I 540 69 : I [" , -"- -- I --r.m. --- I ~._~-~--_.~........_-~------- -- l 'I I I 11 I I II ' I[ ~I + ...... ''';-lj.~~~~_, :; -:'1' ~ 'Ii 66. 'I 11 ! I I !I ,I 810 I! ,. I ,[ i ~9-.---_...,;....:,....___lQ5_... Iii I' .1..1 I II . ... ........ ~. . Ii Ii 11 A " Ii tl'--"~""_.+'.-.f"""" Ii ;! ! ,. TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFIClC ADDRESS 68:8,. Farwell, Arthur O. L66 N. Cambridge , --+.."..._,._"._._-~-_._--------------~ 'I J II Jq~Q..ft GS!}' rederal Finanoe 00. -[Thermal i t.a...'1'r..........................._..... ~29 N. Syoamore lalLta...Ana.__.._,,____.. ;i ii h i[ " Ii I !I H.Personal.Property.. G9G 'eldner,carl H. ,250 E. 65th 'va. C. Z. Culver Home Tr. ,000000gel.aB-_____.....__._mm W 25 ft.... 691. 'eldner'HJao.ob 'i ~ .. .. ... H il !I Ii -.......H....Eersonal...P.roper.t'l '05 W. Chapma.n . Sp.otts Villa Tr. ---~--'"-------_._'-------~"---'-~T , !! 692 :1 ,I 4 [ II Tr. 622 II ..---.--mr----.-. I "H".1 ...... ...... . ..................... " Ii il 0.0 eart s Add. I~ .1 I Beach Add. .P.ex-sonaL.Ero.pe.r.t.y___.._... 'enton,a. . E.. .HPers$;mal...:Ex.Qper..ty..... 53 S. 01ark 693 enwiok,......Mi.nn:1..e....E'. 15 E. Washington 694 ernald, . A.R. et--a.L.. )7 W. Palmyra .. ...........Pe.rBQna.LhQ,p.EU..tY-.~__..... Ii I' Ii II i! Ii, --~._----+._--...-.~~._-_..._._--_..~...__._._~L.. II i[ Ii !i il I' :! " 'I il ~ ,I , I I I I I I i, 117 ' II II ..~ .. 16 A 10 B :,":t":;","""",,C""''-''''';.;;;~'_'_' ,."..... c ....-,."~''''''O;;"''O,.''O'O,~'"',,:~C,"'',.=.,'''''=,,,.o"''''"'''''''''._.----'.'="_ -11:'0: , 135 6051 1405 82:31 770: ........I---~ " , 325 ~O --1;"- " ii 37~i :i I' II t: ,I I: 745 'i .' il II Ii . -r---'--w---_. II II r I I 1380 il 14~~ ~r;h:h'1~l l' ?, In lhu AS8~JSmCllt Roll tll(, following Abbrevilltioll8 are !J .~-~ used for tlac words set opposite to them: N.-North of NortherlY N. W.-Northwesterly $-Dollars S.-South of Soutllerly S. W.-Southweaterly Cts.-Cents E.-East of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner \Y.-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Streot Ft -Feat Imp.-Impiovements Ave.-Avenue N~.-Numbor Sub.-SubdivIslon 'l'h.-Thence S. n. M._San Bernardino Base and Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE B' Assessment Book of the Property of City of Or~ ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKN( ~I r 'J. " TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PIIOPEHTY BEHNARD/NO '" o al~ "'u ~< Z Value of nC1l1 Efltnlc " ,.e' ~ i Ie! h, ~ If ~ I, ,r,'. i i I 1 G8R', 2Farwell, Arthur O. 3166 N. Oambridge ~"-""--'----'--'-------~f-'-----'---'--,-_____,__~~%i.----Ll(L''--.'-.--,~,--,L-,_54<l, 'I I: ;: i 5 13 ElIO " 6 i N 10 ft 12 135 Ange1enoTr. N 10 it El~ 9 } Ell0 7 8 9 GS9 1QFedera1 Finance 00. , ThermalitamTr. 8 A 1015 ..j w It' .. Ii ,~ " 540 il lEl B 11' ,:' ,:429 N. Syoamore .,t, I i' 12 ,j!"-----iSan'ta.'Ana...,.______________ H j ii 1.3 pn ' .It :~::~::~T6;::\::. Ii o. Z. Ou1ver Home ::~Bonal Property .....,.1 J 11 f I'l 111,0 R A1:lgelas..._________,___--'~------ Ii,'! d 691. !i ; ,!;.; i ~ " !j .1~Feldner,Jaoob Personal Property . ii'!l 1~705 W. Ohapman Spotts V111a Tr. 11 il___lt___,_____._,_.__..".,..._____......._,;_.....___"....,..,___.____..__'''.._..,........_._ ' .. .'->-.'-.'---"'-""'--'----'"1' " i --~-~-.-:r-<~~--.~-------~~---"--'T".-._""..._--.-,--+;--~ Ii '. G9H j I; "II. ii, ":1:" 66 --,_..---.._.._"J'L~..i.__.._,,,__!l.ii9,.. 810 ..lQ.5 A 1405 2f 692 .... T" nFenton,o. E. 2053 S. Olark i .. Tr. 622 , I"'-~r-'---;; 3-'..------..-----..--+..-...... Ii . 't II ..2?,ienwick"M1.nni,emF. .......... _._~ l: jl 2!615 E. Washington II Oosuts Add. _____.1..;._._____ il II 'I 1 If :1 Personal Property i' i I I; 17 II " '---.-----..+-.. '.-..-,.-- Ii 325i ...l'ersonaLProper,t.y Ii 16 'f , , 2? 694 'i 74.5 ',i ii .1' ..._ __ ;1 I: 11 rl ---;----r....-T----r- I, ;! i' :1 II . il I' Ii iii I: if I.! I, II" i II : Beach Add. Ii 10, B II 13ElO" ...,=.=='~=;'=='.,.'"==:::::::O~''''';=;:::;:;.,:,=--=~~.;:J~~'f.,9'''"'==.;=''''''r::=.,",._)1 II.", I . ..,.> [ >;~~._~ A 3~erna1d,mA. R.. et..al 3f1207 I' 3 W. Palmyra . _..,..",--l'ersonal Property I 81 1" rhu A"elS"wn' Roll thi' followillS Abbreviations (ITa rued f<Jr Ilul lcarcb set opposite to them: N.-North ot Northerly N. W,-Northwosterly $-Dollnrs S..-8oulh at Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cts.-Conts l~-Ea.lilt o( Ea.sterly N. E.--Northeasterly Cor.-Corner W.-Wesl or Wosterly 8. E.-SoutheasterlY St.-Street It't..-Feel Imp.-Improvoments Ave.-AvenUe No.-Numller Bub.-Subdlvlslon Th.-Thence H. Il. M.~-Sl\n Bernardino Base and Morldhm. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF' Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange j ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO 1 -:0::' -::"~:~:!Cti~L!:.J:~~~1~~!ryE:2.!::~~TIIT!;=:==-"'""=-' ~-''''~-=- = _:.~ ">='=- :;,.....:.~ ::::.--:::- ~::: ~-=-N----i:-=-:"':====--=i=~-=-r:-==-i=-- =;:-=~-i----l-- I'SAN nERNARDlNO II r.. I , TAXPAYER'S NAME 1-- MEIlIDlAN i 0 I Vnlo. of I AND DESCIUPTION OF PROPF,RTY _ 0. _ ,I i::i &l I Vnlo~ of 1'lllproVI'IllI'OI~1 POST OFFICE ADDRESS ~... i 0,* ; ~... ii ~ fj ! Henl F.!Ilule I,! Theft'ull :.' "g.s ooS2 1f~ ,,;:;!... " . J :' ... ~ gP=l ~~ H P i[ :"o(j) ii 7., Ii ': : .-..,.- ,.""~,.,, ,.'"-'."',''','',''''..",'..-.------.. --- ,.,",.,'''''',."..==.''l~'.''."t:.."..".,.~1 .." '-'.l'f"". ....... ...... .......~I.. ............. .... ...; il -i . i i! I il I I! ') , i J 21~ 139--i G}J !1 2 Fernald, Lelah, M. 3 207 W. Palmyra 4 PersonaLProp.erty Beaoh Add. s 45.3 ft I' 3 0) !! I ) Ii N 9. 4 fL___j_.!t_~'___,)____l__ 1'1 II i :1 i' ", 810 :j '"~~..._._.___"m_u__'"__.__..._._~.__,__..__._~____,,_._.__..____________~~_._.____. ,.....}--_._.._.._--'"._..~~...... 5. G8fi , r ,I 6 tFewell, E. S. ~ B.'a1;.r~e E 4s:,/(u.j 'to(- 51!?IAr""'li 7. <: (/"..70 ' 1'5 W s:'u.."",r.. """'n fA '71'11.. 8 Oau1dwel1& WitherbeesAdd. ... E 56.2 ft 13 A ) 835 " 495 E 56.2 ft 14 II ~ ..._...-....... "-..- ._'_._...~_._...,._.___u._,.____..__..___~_____.._____~..___-.-.----~---...~.--'_._--._-....-...--_._r---.--~......-..---.----L..~--.~.----r..--.-.~.---...._"--,-..__. 9 GD? 10 ..Field, Clara O. II Ii " ~ 975 ___.~_I' , . !i I; ii 1r--.--.-m~..-.~---'"""1I~._"--~-----..~"---,....-~,-.--~." !i J' 'I " I' i! 'I Ii ii !i II " 19 .......f H.. Personal I'rQPerty 11 1,548 E. Almond Oosarts Add;.' __.__l~___..______...____.__________.__.__.__..________ 11 A. 60d 13 G9R ...-.->-"-....-"." , 14 '11'1 1 ~R e d, 1511619 w 'rr . . 1611 I, ~~ i, 17 Ii r Cor.a W. Lookwoods Add. Nt 18fJ'1lld,-June , 19 ~265 S. Orange __ 20 L --..------.-.--.------ !j i~ :i Ii I! ii I! 11 'i I 0_.____ _______ r , --T----------------------- '----"'------.--..--..-.-.-~---.i.-,.---..+' ---...-..-.- I II ,i ;1 O.Z.OulverHome Tr. S 60 :t't38~ I, i; i! I S 60 ft foll Lot D & :,1 'I I L Ii , -----....Jiha.1!..P.o r 1 an (;L-~j-Ii.Q.t.JLL___ ______,_.___~---_....___ :i by reaaon abandonment Ii ~ '.:: i) II ) . 'i at bet Lot D & Plaza Lot I' II il) II" " ,. 'I I' J.1li_____._.__ . Ii Ii I . I Iii 25[1 ----------------T-----.---------------------- . L i! 7 -: 0 'I,---:i --'---------111 ----r-------~~-- J6ji:r1elds,J.W.__ ! N I " . .....- - .. utwocd PI. 6 ,I' " 27i.327 E. River ' .. ---- ......4# - 375 I' :! '...1 .___ 28" ~--..~--- i il r! , 'I', -----+----------t----:I I II Ii I II II I! II ,I 11 Ii Ii:! . -.....-..t...".-.."-..--. . r'--;1-;~-' . Culver " A~ " ) 895 I 29~ 20. G9n '-''-'--''"(>'"' 975 st~ 21 .-.--........."r-~ 22 23., r~ '- " Ii ...........-_.........L_ ii i 33q 7:11 30.,F1ene, Oarl. A. , " II " i[ rl II II II if -+~_.._..--&-- Ii I] II Ii II Ii 535 I. 62~1_ II ~ "1 '::f 29 ---.- . .. ..-Henry II ., I GrntesAdd. 3 31 246 _ 32 ~,,"m''''''I'_ N. Grand "'.. ~...... .r.UI/JIl,'l.,'l"U~1H .non ute JOtlOWillg Abbrel,3iat;ons are used for the tvords set opposite 10 tfwm: lorth of' Northe.rly N. W.-NorthwestEll"ly S-Doll~rll mtll of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cls.-Cents ast of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly C01',-COrnel' Vitst of WesterlY S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street "eot Imp.-Improvements Ave.-Avenue Nu'rnber Sub.-SubdlvJsfon 'l'h.-Thence ,f,----:...San Bernardino Base and Merldlall. Sec.-Reetion .._...."""",~,o.", FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAl Assessluent Book of the Property of City of Orange for t ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNO tt"ivffi'i<<f"':!t~"-r.li:""'Tlt '1~i'I-":'G-'Hronlo-'I.-6n;n..nE-;-"'C'.'r.I"F'; ~'==.=~,=~=,,~,,===,~" "1 ^'M_...._,=,="""-._,....__,~=.=""'= ".._..,_.,~".^'_.__.d. .... .._~.'"--'~_.__."_.__..._h_,.."",.:c._'_..".m.__...m_=~,.__,.,___.__""..,.....~"......_.__.===.~_ ..._-'_._~=..._..,"_..."."""".,..=.=."=^= .,,=,,~ .'.r~~"~="~,.'.~'~r~~'r'-'i "-'lf~=-2 ''''~K=="3 IlsAN BERNARDINO II" 'II 'I Ii ! MERIDIAN ,I O! Ii Vulllc of .; (.l:l ~ Vllllle of IJm)lrovcllIent~i 3>;; ~ fj HClll Elltlltc,~ Thereon I; ". :ll <<Ii ' '. ., !ll~ :::>! ii 'I IX; ,ZI II I, '-.'.'.'l""'.'t'J'" .'.."=""~'.'='.'.''''.''''',*=''$''='.'..'' Ii ii)) ii I: J1 'I' :f!1 l Ii II Ii ii 83511 8551" !I Ii Ii 'I il' I: il I! i' -----~....~"---.~---.,.-----.~--.--.~--,~^---~.-------~.--..,~~------'------~.-----."----~.-"--..-.---.-.~--,~>+----~"-..~......Jl_---------r------_f_----- 'j ~1.1. i il II II II ( "I, ': . . i!. II ,,,,oil . "i "to II .,Orange Oity 19 H,. I,[i . II . 1400~ 960,1 > I !I E 8 it 20 ") II il Ii I," I, Ii, '1 Ii . ii Ii II II 920 II 60~! II II II II ii Ii ir-"--". Ii I I.,: " I' :",'(' Ii I , I' ! ii ii II I: l II ".: I) i) !i Ii S 48 it 9 A ~ ~ i; 610 7861 N 2 it 10 II ~ il I: ---=-----'---=~-----'--r--~'- -, -'--t-----r------- II II If d I: I; I' J !I Ii r---t--.^..+----.-...-"-..-.-t-.--.-....---f~-"----..- i, Ii II II i :1 Ii :'1 ii I II jl j, ff 112. lii 1..9 .~ Ii /1, "I II II g ~_,Is,~_, II I I U,' [i II II 'I II , i , I I . - -"~.;:. -"'-~"'*_='",:"'::.="~==. ~.'.=:~,..:;."'" . __'~_~'_"h_' .~. ,,---...----- -. --'~'T--" ..-..-----..-."..;~,~.,.:;;;;_'"--__... ._____==~_~,_'".....__ TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCIIIPTION OF PROPERTY . "" o :.a ~"* ~... <IJ-5 Q .g,s ~ =- I g : o~lXl ir;",~;,,::;;'::,,_i~..:o::;c;:.,"" ....---'''...- --"..-..--. . '--~-,_._,,_.._._~.._--, ?:i {1 her, B.J. Personal Property . Oleveland Oottage Home Tr. 12 B. Almond (~!. ,) . L. Paloma PerlJOIlal ProPlll'ty Oambridge Tr. 136 22, -----. --~--....--...... ('I" <) I. .J "..Rcse L. Personal Property 011 ve Ii iJ '! "--"'---'---'---r Resub. Grand Ave. Add. ( .111 ,Edwin R. Personal Property Glll.seell Mrs. P. F. Hollister SUb. 4 il I ----...-'-.,-....,.~-.-.~.~,-.....~-~,.----4-.-,-.-.-._.._..____,.~..__..__...._..___._._.~_____,~___.~_~. " 'I , 'h' If lJ l ,... Eliza.beth . ) ~~.~. o . .."j{I/ laoh___ .'if) t Ohapman ..T.r. Und l/T int .inS. 8. 75 ao -w t 2 'i Ii Ii " " .--..-.._......r.>-- II ,I " I -, -_.~--------~._--------, 11 II ... j ..Oha.pman-T:t'.~lJng,~2131n:L1n ~ I_'ibbero "~b. ;: :3 ,:13 -Eugenia- 'of~~oy !r:1li . Aw. Ii S~.75Jjl,C ....VI lil " !I laoh i7 D. M.- . SEt SlVt 121 F II If Vlllue Tree ) 'i B 1015 " I' d 579; E .~, ~" . ;.'~ '1201 . !i >... 96: .. .5lt<L 540 ,>>""--"._~,-- -".-."-...".-- . I o.5fo ;{8& 0 . (). .'n dO llf elli! Asseunumt Roll th(J following Ahbre"iatiolls are used for t116 words set opposite to them: N.-North of NortherlY N. W.-NorthwosterIY $-Doll!}rS S.-Sol1th of SouthorlY S. W,-SouthwesterlY Cts.-Conts E,-East of Easterly N. El.-Norlhellsterly Cor.-Corncl' W.-West ot Westerly S, E.-Southeasterly St.-Stroot Ft.-Fel'!t Imp,-ImprovemonlB Ave.-Avenue NQ.-Number Bub.-Subdlvlslon Th.-Thence .s. n. M.-'-Snn Bernardino Bnse and Meridian. SeC.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOAR Assessment Book of the Property of City of Granl ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN ::9r:.:~::::::~~-:"~\!.!~~~~~~!,!..~g.f.l.!~f2~;~:~~:1~~:':~~:~'~'::,~"',:~. , ' ,I '_"e'" ,_"~_,,_"^_,,,,~-<==""~m'__''':',' ...-----------.--- ----.--HHII;:~~~~~:~~I~~T:. .r'~~l'='i '~2 i: MERIDIAN ;1 ~ 'I :: Valw , " I !i r::: ~ i VnhlC of i~m)ll'ov{ ~...e- ~.!i6. QJ... 'I'i ~ p;.' Real J.~81atc I! Ther :=... 'W..d'U ~t\ I flool U !' .9 Q : = ....9: a I S < 'I :' i; ~...l ; ~Jt:Q :~~ ii z:1 Ii . ..._.,.,o..=o...co....=,"".=.=c.c.,.,,'_C='''.'.''',_c=,o,.'=.',"..=."c' ...'l.f!!c"="~=-='-=".,..o.t==.,,"=.~,=s'.'."'..'=."'.'"",0.' I' r i:i II i' N Ii TAXPAYER'S NAME AND l'OST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPEIITY ,....",c',Jt;.c..;" .___.m..'m'....._.__.__......_".__." . _.. U' ..._...,....._._.,,'~... 1 I ,I 'I I if. . Personal.. Property. Ii I, :1 11 835ii II I! 710 I 21' liFletcher. ..S. -J. 31e64rN. 4' .Oleveland Cottage Home Tr. 12 r I, Ii Ii Ii ~-~-t- : II Ii 5 Ii 711 ii 'II II 6~l1nt,B.ora.ngeOitY" Ii 19 H.~ Ill! 1400 71i229 W. Almcnd E 8 ft 20 II.~ II 'i i !! ,! .1 ..".E>__...__...".__.______..__.._.___.__._.___. ---.----.--.,.-...-.---------i.---...----+-..+...___l,-._.._.. 9 712 I II II 'I 10 I'Fl~nt, Paloma Personal Property Ii ii il II! 1121 i.!1.1202~. Oambridge Tr. 136 . . ,......... ....... .... ... ...... .......,........ . ..u H11,11 22[ BT 11111 Iii I 920,1 ., " !i I i~ fl'i- 13 II ~J '1' 3 I[il i! Ii . II I. . iJ 11 II Ii 14il II I "'I ::f;~:~' 0:: L. i "oll.. Gr=d Avo. ::~onal prO:'~::t ! ,:. ~ I I I 1711 714-------. I! .---------------.---- r-i II ~ 181; : Ii [I I! 1~IFo1'bes,Ed'W1n R. 'I Personal :Property -iill 1 1,52t N. Glusell Ii Mrs. P. F. Hollister Sub. II 4! . II II 1015' 20111 Ii II it -j....-..---..-----.-----.-'----..--......----+--...---.-----.-.-.-.-.-.--.-..."'........-.----..-..-.--.--.---..----.--.---+-~..-___.._-4__.._:J.-._...._....__.._,_...._._ 2lli 7l5.' Ii li!1 I' I 11)1 ni' I, II j' 23IIFODJ~~:th ~. Chapman Tr. Und 1/3 1nt 1nS e. 75ao -wi fi, 2 I_ E~2..9;J.~ I!!;il~_ . . . "II :i "'''1'0 .A'! Ii II' 24 Ii .J D.", '..~JP./ I i, ,i I ._iiLong._.Beaoh -------:f_._.___.._..____._._.____._._._____. Ii ,t. " ;1 ii ;1 " ~ -_.-~--tr--~-~ 2511 7 :t G I, I! !! ~' Ii wi II 'I :1 I . II ~Forke.l'j-.Eugen1a-----!Cha.pma.nTr.J.!nd-2/J;!.ntJnSI!l.75~c E ,5.8.. ;1!f.5 :i Z7~' . "~~~;J':-- Ii 'I il ~.~~ Awl. ij II Ii 2SiLong Beaoh il I ,I -I " ....5~1 540 ---~----"_._'---~.~--_._~---~--_.._-,--_._--~---~--_.-----~-_..__..~ 'r-- Ii 'I I; 610 .--....-.,--'- I. " 1575 .:c~ Z9il 301IFo1'ney.. D.. M.-- i, lliiR 1 Box 121 F il 121' '" ~;t !!",,,Ana..,.,,,.__.,,,,,,,,="=.,,.. 7.:i'l i II "ii,1 ~BibberS.Resub. , I BE * SW-4: 3. B. II II ;;;:;x;,,=~===.'"""""__~ lo5'?P ~ { .In HUll .n.~IItl"U"W'If. JUJU- HU' JOJlVIVI1'g ....UHJreVrauOTls al'e used for tTle 1vonls set opposite to them: N.-North of Northorly N. W.-NorthwesterIY S-DOllJU'S. S.-SQuth of Southerly S. W,-Southwest.erly Cts.-Gents E,-East of Easterly N. El.-Northc.astorly Cor.-Corner W.-West of Westerly S. E.-Sontheasterly St.-Street Ft.-'--Faot Imp.-Impl'ovements Ave.-Avenuo No,-Number- Bub.-Subdlvlslon 'l'b.-Thence S. n. M.-San Bernardino Base and MerlClhm. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY TIlE STATE BOARI Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orang ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, ;1 'I II !I 'I 'I 'I I iI 'I , '! ': ; --jr----t-----.-------.._ II, .. Ii: :: I 'I , TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS BERNARDINO MERIDIAN DESCRII'TJON OF PROPEHTY . . Ow .0 .z..../ o o -..~. M';'C:C_""",_',,,:":,',..:,:t;c::y;t,,, .eo ~ ..,0-" sg..g g 56~ :.,:~~.~._",-. Ow ..~ o ~ ,;l" ---,-",--,-,,,,-,,-,,-,--~--,,,,--,",-._..,._. -..........O>._."...._....____M._____......_._ .,.~~-," ,...-,:--"-'''';H;::'''...... I I ! ~. .__'" ", M.... ~___ ..... ___~,"__mm'_ -c1:'''_~e (, Ii 7iR l[ ~:IFoeter. ..T.o.. I 311603 E. Palm I; p Per~onal Property -I it .. Craddicke SUb. 1 B .____~.-1_____ ;1 d ., Ii 'I , .-4 !i I ;', 719 ~ ii liiFOWler,O. . A. Ii, 'li339 S. Parker \ +----.------- II Personal Property Tr. 716 11 720 'iIFrance, M.G. ., I! 11015 F. Street ,~San-Be.rna.J::d1no___ 'I Ii 721 Ii . .~-(' IF:anOle!~I. ...,. a:::~!:1~~t:~Py. ~l 0 '".a;r,k.. Elf .tilh1IllsJ} f r f:t:Gd-1J. , Ct.ld. 91'! >>- (l];a,s..iLJ.__-+ I I 72 ,) I '- 'IFranke,Oaoar G. , I ~314 E. Chapman II i --1:- I: I, i: Ii Ii I :i " if i! I II 'I I. :1 , I ii Cottage Home Tr. :1 1i ! PersonalPrope rty ii -Ii 7 w 33 tt 24. C. Z. Culver Home Tr. ---rr- I h II II ;1 !i Tr. 720 Pe reonl:l.l:?rop /9:1:' 1;y .------1-.--------- !I I Kordee Tr. I I! 723 iFranzen, Adelheid , 13343 Tenth St. WJce.rAide I Ii iI Ii Ii Ii il I I I I --~--------- i~ II ---.------.- .t.orange 01ty.._... {, II T 1 10rang.e01.ty " ii I ..~/10 II il I' ( ! ~ -i . I I i II II 724 ~ranzen,--,..Ad'lheid_ 3343 Tenth St. SBO_U""N64.l.....ft .G..., Ri..v:e.r.side_ 725 II -J!-. -4..-!.-----B..-t Ii ! I , rranzen, . Hen41'~r:7r)f1)A--I!ti-:-- ~.L IIU-ll67 '--19' ;"IZi~,JW. I'v'-",.,,/o/ ~"n~),. "~" _*An.L"',"""'.'-;'""='"~''',.,''''=''''''''''".;:'''".;:::''oo~ -\:'.~,""";;"""'"'.."":-..-=""=,,,:=~ I I , ! ..~".."..f'.~'"=='F-..'='. -,,=,=,-. , i : Value Value of Imp,'ovell Real Estate Thercl '=~f" "'''$''''' ggO . ( 325 lJ .I !i i 11 Iii mil Ii .~ 0:;"'':; 93511i"CI 'I II r- Ii It II Ij ,. e !~ i\ ii, i' Ii I: II II Ii 'I '! , I 270 i 745 1; " i' Ii Ii ~ II II i II II II 1m 2025 555 5400 ---J-.--____~ . , Ii " Ii i' II " II E 3~ ~'--'~==.z...,~,"... '''-''","==:.--',= ) I L3.Q~ 111 l/Itll Assessment RoUthf' following Abbr.wiations are used far the fvords set, opposite ta them: ,-North of Northerly N. W.-Northwesterly $-DollJl,l's -South of Southerly S. W.-Southweaterly Cls.-Cents -East of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Col'ner ',-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street :.-Feet Imp.-Improvements Ave.-Avenuo a,-Number Sub,-Subdlvlslon '1'h.-Thence B.llIL-San Bernardino Ba.~e and Merldinn. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF E< Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO UN TAXPAYER'S NAME AND l'OST OFFICE ADDRESS Vulue of nenl Eslnlc DESCIIIPTION OF PIIOPEIlTY 71 R ~ter, T. O. Per.s.onal Property ) E. Palm . Cl'addioks Sub. 1 B MO 719 rler, O. - A. Personal Property I S. Parker Tr. 716 11 325 ii ,I '.-------'-..--..---...--.-.-----------------r.----- ._----_.._._-------,._"_._---~_.._-_.._-.......,..---~.._--_._.--- 'i !r 'I - Ii II 935 ii' , il II Ii I "--r----r-----r- !j Ii Ii Ii Ii :1 1.'1 ': " II.' 'I !I 11 [II II ,i ..1 I,. I' 'I i,' , ' ".~~.--+-----4.-----._t_- --.-4-- : II I' II . II ii' I Ii . II! i Ilil.,. II il I . il Ii 745 III 1 72qi ;1 ,i 11 ','I ill ii ; '"I I II .-.~._-----~---.-.--_._---~--..---.-"---~._~lr-------r-.--------4t----......,,-- Ii.' II 'I Ii d :! I " ,I II ,I I. " , II ii !i ;i I' I' ii If Ii Ii .. II 62' II 720 ,noe, M. G. I, \l :! Personal Property 5 F. Street ,--Be.rna.rdino____ Oottage Home Tr. 7 .-'L..... 721 ct.~ -(" nciscoj ~a:::n fir E?t ~l ~ 3~. ~1(- 'It. 'rex,1\. Et. M.ll~al '1 t U[""' . d-,') , ,4....:), tL flJ. wseiLJ. ~_ 722 i O. Z. Oul ve.r Home Tr.. 24, w 33 ft 270 "~----'r: I il .~ [I Tr. 720 I A :I?e:rE/onll.], ProPerty nk., ,.Osoar G. 4 E. Ohapman 4. 723 Ii " ,. " :! '0 Kordes Tr. :1 , I 11 I I -----~- I I "I~' II ,400 nzen,Adelheid B :1 555 ii Ii 9 St. II II , " Ii I ' ~__~_---L--L" II ' ji II 3 Tenth u.si,de 724 nz enr-Adelhe1d I: i; " Ii I ii 11 .1 I .......~ Ii ~I I I 3 Tenth St. ....~/l0 . i' ,I I: I' ".~----, I II 11 ,. ~ .. j 2025 ...."S.50U"N6!h.L,ft.. . ..Orange..OLty ...,.G... e~si.d "} ') ,.. Jii.;) lzen, HenJ$C;f-;:')5:.d;'tf7 ~7 1~~c,'~:i,/~,t.W I I ...... I ..Orange-Oity 4 B I ~-"- ~m,l"-"""" ,-..........."'.,-.."'-.-...-..-,.... ".... ,;';-.,----,...-.,---.-..-""'-. '" 1.1.1 Ja~. Vulue of '9 W' <'.' "~': "'. . ~. I' '",45 " Ii I , 570), 341~ :,} (] . ~ rued for the words set opJ1osite to them: N.-North ot' Northerly N. W.-NorthweaterlY :II-Dollal's S.-South or Southerly S. W,-Southw6sterly Cta.-Cents E.-East at Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner- W.-Wost of WesterlY S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Ji'L-Feel Imp.-ImprovomentB Ave.-Avenue No.-Number Bub.-Subdlvlsion 'l'h.-Thence 8. n. 1\(.-8;1\11 Dernnrl1ln(l Basa nnd Meridian. Sec.-Section l'"UUM U~' Aljlj-"ljljMJ!;NT lJUOK Ul!:lJUi.l{J!;lJ lJ r 'l'1lJ!; ljTAT-" lJU Assessment Book of the Property of City of Ora ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOI .~ ~~ ~li> ... o gjf:l ",,0:: ~~ Z , TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS MERIDIAN DESCIUPTfON OF PHOPEIITY Vtlluc of Henl Eslutc i I :,j II' i., 'I" J ii 1 726 2..Franzen, . .Henry&. Mary OrangeOity 14 B 6970 3R 1 Box 67 + I .--San-t&--.AnlL----------.---------.--.--.--_.____.___._r__._______._..________....__._______.___________.__.._____._____________.___._-':_________.___ 5 72'7 ' 6,Frazler,J. W. 7.426 N. Oenter 8 .....__......__.. HM._.."__.__.___....._ .. "'__""'_._~_ 'r"- .. ..J'ereona.lrrQPe:rty Tr. lfgo 9 610 ....--------...-----..------y-----.--------..-----.---..-------- .---.-..--------.---r-~-^"-----"'---'-_.-._'-..-:-~.~-'-.---~.---..-~'-,.~....-._.~--.- 9 "'1 ") !..' & ~("\ wrree, J. H. .. :F'erE/onlitl:prop~l'ty l' ...Ii II I' 20 .. .-------..--t-----------...--+- j' ' I. " ] if '1 !i :i I 960 ~I -,1'- i 111;260 N. Harwood] Oottage Home Tr.. ! " il '____IL____ 'I ] . .. -----------------t- i 13': t"J2f1 II " 4,,; J ~I i i 14;iFranzen, . Lana ~ 0... Z. Ou1v.er HomeTr. : 15!10/0 Ben F. Dierker 1'..11 i 1(1, t-~7-'15--W-.--Palmy:r2.- , 1 7il 73{) ii 18'IF k El. tree" l\!lni, 19J {IOx/,A , .~,j - I;! ""JJ.i)~tC't" '.,,1' 20r E 140.19ft "'---_.._^~._,~--_.._---~.."-- . E 51 ft II 29 j " 30) , Ii 'i ---~-!t~-'--..-..... ....-._._,-"',"~_._""""-..-"-" I' 810 ----"-~-.r------------_.-~-~---- , ----~.__....- II II ---''''[! II --------...---------t---..-----------.---.-----..-----------...--- I il Tr. ... 622.... c.{vl...- Geo ...H..Pil'ieH!2m e Tr_. 11 A 535 2~ ,..'.3.1... t-- ..._'_.._,--~ 22Freeman,ArChie J. ] i 4.- I JM" II iI , I I " I, '+. II I; II II, :1: ,1:1 ---T-------~~.---.f-.-~~-l--- ji Ii i: II ft!11 'I 3 G! 270 ;1 i!: , 'I 'I' ----L--.--'--:----.-____~..-----L,..-.___>_._ ..___...,.__ II .1, I II 'I II 'I I, Ii i, I, i 3 2 " ,I 340 " 2ir:~1l 2nd St. ,I I' 24 t' --_;~.I_Qoean:~. .')L______________: ______ i', .4.", . I ....... -2~Fr..e1tas.'~.John- ....--.- .1 i - 11- .----.-.. 2\'537 N. Batavia i ____lJL_.____ -....-.J)~r!!.QJ!Iil.J,_:!':t()P~l'ty Il Chapman Tr. W 155 f t-N 98.99 ft- s 329.99 2Q 73,1 3QF:rench, Oliu 3~424 s. 011 ve 3i ~='''',"''7_ '.!'.r_L 745 "''';'''""''"''''';~,.c''';''"'';::-'::::::O'''='=o.=,='"''''':.:.:,:;.'"~:,=_:;."'-:;;;=~~..-u---'"'''=I::''''"'''"O~"~;~'''"=7.1:=~=====}:'''''''''"=.,,'' ., " I, !i 'l",',:~"~::: "''''''':,'~ n...,....Ju. ...... lflU'UIil /J!ll~ uppasue 10 tIlen,: "VUNl Vi" A:;:;J<;:;:;MJ<;NT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fOl ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN} -North of Northerly N. W.-Northw&sterlY $-Dollurs -South .of Southerly S. W.-SouthwesterlY Cte.-Cents -East .of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner -West .of Westerly S. E.-Southea,sterly St.-Street -F-oet Imp.-Impravaments Avo,-Avenue .-Number Sub.-Subdlvlalon Th.-Thenco 11, M.-San EOl'unrcUno Base nn(l MerldJan. Sec.-SeeUon ""'"''''"Wrr.iff~'i~''7.i1ifo?'FilTNTrNtr''S'ffliii'Cf7''-'(m;o../:m,~'c;\i.IF''~ - ,-, ""..,==='_"'''''', _h.... _"_._"".,.~,'~.. .___,.._,''._.,."...__ _,,,._,,. ..., .""'!""""...__,.~.. _'"''''..=''',==~_..~.,,''''_ ~-"'""''-'===='",'",==.""..,__._.__.__.._..w.____...__.."..._...__ -----"""------~"'~..""--,, '~-'-"';~1r=-;='-"--~.--...=M... ~..".__..______=.--....__n'==~,~-......-~..-.~.--_""=_=..------..____.=""_ ~... .~.._..._.....____ Ii II , ... .__'_....h."___,,,~__.. ~..".,,__.."'''''-'.....__.. "",,,...-,,"-==,__.,,_.m_"'''n'_~~~_..='''-__~,_.,_ ~., ___ -Ir" --,............"-----...._,, ......_--,_..-,,--.. ..__".....,"'.w".,_..........,__, . " ..~.."._,,______'n_~m.. ....~~II~~-~~::iri~i~~~O 11'-~""".-r-~-i~~.Tv~~e~:-l~~ 'I =: ~ I Vullle of I.JmpI'OVCI11CII141' , "" ~"" ;1 ~ IRE:' . o ... 0 e ~u cnl 'Slule i.l. Thereon I" @-o 1..gg ~5 ~< i! '':;~ ~ =..... ('lit:.. :::> ~ 0 oP=l ~p Z ;LYl:o,",' .....t..t.,~,.,"o- . -I- ,'c.'-~"lcs~' II II I II TAXPAYER'S NAME AND l'OST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PUOPEHTY Box 67 'I OrangeOity " 14, B :1 ..~ " " ii II !I 6970'11 ..........=.t.'r.. /, !: il II I, 765~ 72fl nzen,.. Henry & Ma:ry t lOrAn /il,~-_.._._--__._~ r-'f) 7 I,", ~ier, . J.. W. 'I Personall':roper:1iY , \.. N. Center :i !I Tr. 4Bo 9 ,..;<) (1 , '-:., " J. H. Personal ProPerty i , Ii Oottage Home Tr. " II ---'-~~---'---~-"----'-----'I 72D i ~ II II IBen F. Dierker Ii W,.-Ealm~ra..__,_______.,_._.+. 730 I (,El1~n" 'I Geo.H..PirieH.Qme'I'1'. 1, 11, A 110 ,.d,./I', ",( (Jv" Ii Ii :),. LUi cre ,'I Ii ~--_.__.---~.,.-_.~~=-~~-~..,- "~'=-"-~~f-"~-"'--'=--,--~--,-.------_._-,,-=,_,____~___._ ii i I' " I . I ~ 4 II I, 'I I, ----ir-- II II L . ..... . ....:l'.e:r!!Q!l!1,:t l':r.9Pel':1iYij._ 329.99 ft!! :1 11 Ii N. Harwood E 140.19ft " .~----~~------~.-- zen,. Lana O.Z..Oulver Home 'I'r.. "'3'1 ' . ; ... lan, Aroh1e J. Tr... 622 2nd St. " i L8i.de-..,__.________'"___~_.___:L.----.~---...-____.._.._'"_'_'. i! II l 1 II . . . '-;Phelps.'l'r..~_ 'YD9 ',(''d'.,... ias, . John__...... '. Batavia Chapman Tr. W 155 ft-N 9S.99 ft-s t33 ~._-'----_. b.,. Olive 3 . -~'i'5J ., . 011 ve ;:>::",..:."c:~=='"''"- () n. T" ,hi~ Aueumetlt Roll th(' following Abbre"iat;ons aro ;] ;} rum' for tile word, set opposite to them: N.-North ot Northarly N. W.-Northwesterly$-Dollnrf:l S.-South .of Southorly S. W.-Southwosterly Cts.-Ccnts E.-East ot Easterly N. E,-Norlhensterly Cor.-Corner 'V.-West of Westerly S. E.-SoutheasterlY St.-Street Ft.-Feet Imp.-Improvemenls Ave.-Avenue No,-Number Bub,-Subdlvlslon Th.-Thence K n. ~I.-San Bernardino Base and Meridian. Soc,-Sectlon l~F TAXPAYER'S NAME , )1 MERIDIAN ,I 0 ,I Ii V.lnc of ,i. AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPEHTY i ffi ~ if VllJU~ of 1~U1Pl'ovemcttla: POST OFFICE ADDRESS : ~ :i~1 ~i ,I e e3!i Henl T1.81atc ii Thereon ii '.:::-1 ~::l- (Oj~ :1 S < ,I !: ..CC. ',.",...". ,....,~..~,c,.....'7~,~,~,...,IXi..... ."" .'.."j~T.. ,,,'...,. ,I", "'" .,...,..,~." !1 1'1 II i" ' ',' !i Ii ]I I.:,' I: ii ','i 11.- , !i 3 I' :i 802 W. Palmyra Riohland Farm Lots Und tint in N 3.25 ac-: I! " Ii I! !i I! Ii II ,..""-,, ._",,,,,,,,,,.-,,,--,,,,.--,,,L....._-,,.--,,,,___,__,._,,._J'L5,,?5_,!!'_LCEx,_s':!i. L__"..._, '"59,----",...,\l..5.5L,lli6.5,J...___llJ,5L. II II ii' !I i.11 II i .,.1' II' jJ ~ Ii II n 'I'!i. II 11 I!l. 5511 1565 II ~3~i FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange :f ASSESSED TO ALl. OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO l '_"___"__,__"_n.'"""_,__,,, . . 0' u",. _._ '_0".'_" __",., .--..----.,....-.".....--.......-- ". "__"~_'_"_'___m_ 1 734 2 . Frevert, E.. O. Personal Property 4 5 'f'jf) - 4,) ,"1 6 ,J'reN:el't,. Wm. G. 7802 W. Palmyra 'I Richland Farm Lots Ii II I Undtint in..N3.25 W 5.25 ac (Ex St) ac.. i -Ii ! 59 B 9 7:]() "--"-"""""""'-''''''-''''''-1''-''.'''--'''''''-'-'-'.'''-''''---"-"----,...-""-----..--'''''-'''r''''''-.''---.,---'''-~ I '.. II , !i i' II 'I I II I' r II II --f z. 0U1:~:'~~______t~ :-_-L+-':LII--,~~t. II I'" III "... Ii,. 'I ,.' .1 II , II I . II:i !' Ii ~. Personal.propert1T I: I[ i il I' i,f "f;1 'Ii, !I Ii il IT D. '__._._.___~_R1t. "'__~~,,-'~53-=--______j_=____ I ' 4051 10'1 73 8, ;-!l'" "''''',1'''-'''''-'11'''' 'I I' :1 i Ii .1B.ea,QhAdd. 13" A 11:5 5 ~ 29 ~I 'I Ii II I, I II '-'---1--'-..'----'--'''-----.- --",,--, ----,--,. -'--------,-,---,- ,_Ii" "- ~-,."-..-"''''-,~"....-....,..,,....l.. .11 '.11 II '.11 .':'.1 I II II Ii i ' il,"'PersonaL Pro.perty. If ,I ..I \' 'I I \,.'.262 N. Orange i.1 T. M. Shadels 2nd Add. :i 20 . Ii il 10"'0 Ii 71011 . 'I I: ' . !I il 0 Ii j ~L____.,_______: :'i ]i II II II' i' --'----."~-._.,----~.".-T---.--_.---.~--._--------'----------.---_--_-1: --..:.___.__J____~t__.__ii -4- ___ _ j il: . ~! I{ 0 II r' I ill r'---'-'" il ,. ---'. l;Fuerst.enau"Geo...F'lm ... ...._u, ....,,,l'us.onaLl'l'o.perty ~ . I II II :1232 s. Lemon I! Beach Add. S 50 it Ii 4: 0 .. I 1 745' 91JI "-,-,, 1--.---- I'! I IL II !",l1.~;n: A",h=~. -----20=U,.po,,,! rl ~ '131 N. Waverly Tr. 219 ii' I II 27 I " )Friedemann, Agusta 11.226 8. Oenter Z Personal, Property I, 737 Ii " HF '1Ir1Ck,Armilde E. L. -II )I!R. J " " 7l ~ ~FrQst, ""{alterE.... )!~ 2 Box 463 I' ~Bake.r.sfielL__, ., [I' , ~I t"'.,) n 1. oJ ;, I' -;,Fuerst enau, Ohas. .....B'. , 610 C;:"'~""~~,;::'''''',~~c.,.:,,,,-,. ';"',""..0;''''''''.: ""-"'=l<;",m= g (fL!tt lOQ. T" this A.os.lSm.", Roll the followi"8 Abbr.vi"tio", ore used for tile 1vords set opposite to /}wm: ,-North of Northerly N. W.-NQrthweSlElrlY $-Dolln.rs S.-South of Southerly S, W.-Southwestel'ly Ct.s.-Cents E,-East of Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-Corner W.-West of Westerly S.E.-Southeasterly St.-Street I"t.-. Fe.il~"'.' ~. Imp.-Improv~ments Ave.-Ayenue No.-~~ '~ Bub.-Subdtvlsion Th.-Thence 8. D. M.::.... n'i. 'l:JterunrClino Base and Meridian. Sec.-SecHon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOAR Assessment Book of the Property of City of Oranl ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN llNKNOWl\ AND DF-SCRIPTION OF l'ROPI'~RTY i <>: &l. Value uf Improv, I ~ ~q" I~ 1';1:I.0:: II R 1 Est tc II POST OFFICE ADD1Uo;SS II C1.. :5j Q~ ~ tl I ~ u il en' a , Thm :' .g.s ~~~ ~~ S -< I " .......=~===...==.=...=,....==...=.=..=...... .,,-'=='=..=.','.. .=.=.=+.J"'=~='f~.=t_l. z..==. r'! ", ....=..."4$.... ... Ii' I I I: ! ~ : Iii ; i :1 !I' I:. :, I ': Ii I. II II 675 'i I. l..__-L__ II I ~.I ~ 11 II II .1 II Ii ~ II l II I' Ii II i! " 6 :1 . Ii 10l.. 1.'1' II 610 Ii. I Ii 11 I, il ;: r-..-t-.-... II I !I Ii il . ........... '~"" ..... 11_ . ! II 12' 0 II II Ii I, I I !1 ..L.....-.._l....._ " 'I II II 'I d II II Ij II S B 'I ~ ,I II. II I, --+- ~"II ii II II .'.Iil (I 3 B " I' I .. ......................f...... ..........1...- ___"...__.__.."."_..m_...."'_..~...,'_ .._.~u_.._. _.....u....__..u "'''-='''=C'''::...,.---''':;:;;'''':....7_''''''''::::'':.''';O';;;.7'=O:~";;'''':O: 1 1").1 ')' , '. . .- 2 Fullerton, Edward 3 ,52S E. Palmyra 4 M. Pe rsonal...Property.. .. , Ij. Bibbers Resub. A ~-'--"'-----'---""---'---'- . 5 743 ., I T I :1 I A 6' ;Funk,John 7 '143 N. Batavia 8 Per.senal.Property .. , , I, II 19 Ii !: .-.-.-----.-.-.-...------.-----.!.----... I' wt Spotts Villa Tr. 9 744 cO Gackstetter, John II 446 8. Grand L 3 II . Ii 741) .1 'I , !I Resub. .Grand Ave. Add. II iI ;i I " ;i " I 12 . . Personal Erope.r.ty i. i , I i A 61 , I Ii Tr. 7g ii ii 13 :1 II II ij Personal Pr.opnty Weloh & Harrods Resub. W 31 ft il -"_.__.~._-_..._...._~-----'l--._.__. ~(ji,GaUon.,.=HeIl.rY..G.. ~71375 S. Oenter I? i; ~81 r--..---- il Ii " 11............... 'I II Geo. Aoh1scns Sub. I, !I .r Spott. V111. Tr.?'''''''''''l- mR.r.tr I ..! 2 01 , I . I I I .+..,,=.,.-.1,,== .... _...__..1'eraQn.!i!..l.frope.rty.. 71f!)' '-f;::: . -: 't :9i , ,oi GalloWl;1,Y,.E.. B. -1115 ,21: N. Pixley 1215 ' !I il .......,\ 610 II !I 1-'- I :1 205 1- 730 it ii II Ii II Ii II II .J 610 II ,I , II 1 g10 IIi thu Asse.smelJt Roll tlU! following AbbreviaMo1J.'1 are n used for the words set opposit.e to tlwm: ~-North of' Northerly N. W.-Northweslerly I-Dolla-ra S.-SOllt1t of Southerly S. W.-Southwestel'ly Cle.-Cents E.-East ot Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY C01'.-Corner W.~West of Westel"ly S. E,-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft.-F~~"'" ~ Imp.-lmprovements Ave.-Avenue No,-Ny 'i Sub.-Subdlvlslon Th.-Thence S. B. "M..;;..... at'~l'na.rdlno Base find Meridian. SeC.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF E Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO U1 ":'~:~~=':''-''~',~1.r!IT['!~-"1~~~:.,~J!r~~~L~_nr~mJ::'9:!!',;\;-r:Q~:;:~'~~~~~"~~~~:==::':.='~~'::'=~~:;:':~~::~::~::~:::~~~~~:'~:~::::=:~::':::: I; --"~.-- ...._....___~__w.. ._._.""...._. . .... '----fsA~~~;;~~~;~~-I~':"~~-""""'I"~~li-'T=r !I MERIDIAN] 0 II Ii V.lue of II i.,.. :: r.c: ~:I Vallle of ]mprovementlil ,,~ , ~ "" I' ~ ~ ,! I' lE'! ' !i Q ':.cl Q...lll a.l.... : IX!...... II . \Cll !.stutc i: Thereon !: ;; ::I.... tIJ.c{<J ~<Il !. o".l U q d ; .gj ~;;~ ~~ Ii ~..;, i! I " oc~~~~~~~~C~_"~C~C~""~o .C.o... .. o~.r--f~ ....... tl"-1111 ~~l!!,-4 :1 ,I 1i!1 , . 'I' "<I 'I II PersonaL Property , V II Ii ). 'I ;, '[:1 ,I I! : Ii ii II 4 A Ii 675 I 9351.... d Ii i I; Ii I -"----'-__ I il I[ II f .. ..1 .~.... I . 2 I, I 1 15 II I I '--'---~--'-ir-' II 'I II l' 11 Ii i, 1III .~ Ii il U' 6, A i 610 112$ ii II il --+-----li- i' ii I[ II II [I Iii '1"1' I I, II 6 if , 12 'I 10 ii I Ii Ii ::it ii I, 13 III 111,' 610 i! I II .! !' ,i I' ----.---------------------.--.---il-t----r-.----- i r I: III II [! II II I Ii 1'1 II II II I I II r ~ II Ii . I II I, " II W 31 it I' 12 0 I'. Ii 205 :: 24lj\ 'I !I I, ~ ---- -.---1----~--- ; -t------ ---:.:1 ----- -~I-- II [I: I' . ~...g B -( 730 II :S6t.. I! I -1--.1- II Iii II I I' , I !t'l-- 610 II 102 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DE~CIIlPTION or PIIOPERTY "',cr') . t f '.~. u11erton, EdwardM. 28 E. Palmyra Bi bbers Resub. Spotts Villa Tr. wt 19 A il !I ~ Ii 77q I I 713 unk,John.. 43 N. Batavia iJ " .....11. Personal Property f'.m., 744 tackstettu, . John 4-6 S. Grand 745 " -t1--' II Resub. .Grand Ave. Add. II :1 II ii " Perscnal P.roperty a.U, Harry M. fit a1 1 :Box 266 :1 Ii Tr. 71S u I~ ii " 'I 1: ;! 74f1 II il " It. .'" '-"-"".---~-- Ii I' ,I ,I ii , Personal Property a,lentine,..E. L. 37 E. Syoamore Weloh & HarrodsResub. 74 '7 ~-------_.~-_.~.-~~---.______t_--.--_.._-~-.-.------.-.--.- i: ,I . )l?i,'l Iv",t.;,.; ,j-:,441''iA/ tllag'l,,,,.., B rallJt. M. (I.gJ, !J f!' ~I r. 136 100/1 ~w~"A 111@!IIdoolm Ave. )..1 a,,, ~.,/1-t JViP~ '" fI!1Lh o.s.:.Atlge~e.s ' r ......_._............__.....~- I a... A"'1o'~'.""~ II :, I 74~ ll,..lon,....HenJl.y...G.-... '5 S. Oenter . .....1>ersoul!.J. J.'roperty 3 B 7,19' ,11oway, . E.B.. P!lr!1C>l1alPl'OP!lr,ty. 5 N. Pixley Spotts Villa Tr. 810 37 ..,_......._.~._-"-.._-,,.._..._... -.~._.'.~"."-,_._--_.,.._.. ", ill- ali. Assessment Roll tllP following AbbreviatiollS ore ~t,,,. . lIsed for the words set opposite to them: ~.-NOl'th of NortherlY N. W,-Northweaterly $-Dollnrs S.-South of SoutherlY S. W,-Southwe.sterly Cta,-Cents E,-]]ast pi, Eaaterly N. E,-Northeasterly Co-r.-Corner W<-Weet~. of::Westerly S. E,-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft,~., el.t,"-,- Imp,-Improvements AVe.-Avenue Mn.,.-' - umber Bub.-Subdlvislon Th.-Thence S;.B" h .-+@an Bernardino Base and Meridian. Sec,-Sectlon -~- -W'it.'iil~ll"'i-; f,jf",,'r7. lffll~rn~i(] lI'J'(tl1Ioo:ii~C'XL"iF;='=""--="'-=:-----"-~~'=-=-'''"-='=--~'- - - -..",...--~---=~-=-"",""---"-""""~""",,,,,--~--=----------"--", ---~-~~~-,~~----' -- ~.--~--- --... .~"-.- - - --'-~~-~<~~--=~"~ff- II - l-r-'-2~J ,SAN BERNARDINO I] '" I' TAXPAYER'S NAME II MERIDIAN Ii 0 i i Valuc of AND DRSCRIP'I'ION OF PROPERTY I l-< P:: ~ II Vnluc of Jmpl'OVClllcnt. POST OFFICE ADDRESS ;1 eo ~ ~.lIlI :."'" !' ~ ~ II Relll Estate Thereon I g. ~-sg ;:r~ II. ,,';;j "I. 'Z~ ;J:l-\1~:: S : ~ .. Q 0 p:j :~i Z :1 ""^"O;:''''"~~''''''';;''''''':C-_''='"'''''''"'''''1f''~'''''''=*=~-;O:=;:;;~'':O::~-;:=;-''fF'""~~;::;;:;;:-1""f""''''''''''"'::''"' Ii Ii Ii , II J! I' I' j! 11 i lj. . ,M.~ . :1 . II 5 " II !I , , FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD o~ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ' ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO ..__...,,__..___......___>.._.~..w,~... ..._"m.'_.'_,_"~.'_,,,_,""_ '~".'=,=;;;:::;:..";,;:c.~.---,,,,=:,"t:::-:,-:::. .___.....~...,...".__~,..._..........__.~._______~"_._"_,,.~.._.".._""._..~"_..._M"-'.-'.. .~......_u~'"__""..~'". "'_"'"','_'_"_...m..___'..-'m_..~_"..u_..~,",~",,,__._.~__,__.","__'~'"_'_'^"_'_"'''~..._.._...~.._,_.' '"=."l$~=~~ " " II I 750 Garcia ,Luis . :: Halladli.Y . Tr.. . N44 f'.t S5iStt !i il 70" Ii ';) II 35 185 N. Cypress II II 751 .Gardner, Ernms.uA. 87.50 .ao__NE~NE~BE 1l--(ExBR). 752 Ii ,i!:: I: 'I Ii _~~~_.__.__._._"m"_~.____,_.____".....;...__._._,________.~___.____.__u_~~~___._._______'"__.,,__"__..__._____.______.~_............;.-_._.._"_,,_...___l___L._"__._.______~.___m___,..._..ll I ;1 !I Box 267 Gardner, Emma .A. Box 267 G<lc:J.'@ers....AM. 11 'j--- ii " ;1 " .il " ii :i II il 710 34 75:1 I ,I " d " " " --r--------- 1! i ii i Ii i Ii I ,. L-t--. Ii i:i II!. II Ii 12 A. II i. ! , Ii Ii Ii r.----.--.---.--.----.---------------------------1--T---c-i-r-.----- .. ,! i II ,I GardnersAdd. ~.. 11 !i 111300 Ii! j: 'i II 2 . li!i 540 7 !I I I ii 'II I 1.'1. II 40 II '3: _.__~.___lL.__~.l_~__"2___"_..._.._.__._._ ! II' i: ., G_eo.... . H. :pi r1 e.Jicme Tr. 675 25 G!udner. DiaD. R. R 2 754 Gardner.,. H. . .H. R 1 :Box 274 ..----...-..-----.ii 75fi il ., II. , Ii .1 II J- il , I I II , I I: ii i, Ii ,. , 11 -- ' l~ 11 I' ., " F II I' ;! ii 'I ., Ii I- , II 11 I I I ,I . I II .. Ii I' '1 ,_-+----L_____.L_____ , I' 11 1[' ,I" ' i 11 [I ~ -'-T _ .. ij . il-!I Ii 7 ! A II Ii 760 II II II II il II I I Ii I I: i Ii Ii'" I II 4 5 540 540 5 ------.--11 I' il Gardne.r.,._Ome.r...__.__....__.____. P.e.rsoIlIil.ll';t'QPe.:J.'ty 270 N. Lemon Longfellow Tr. 71 756 Thermal1 ta Tr. i 24i i , , i I 'I I Ai ! ..c,;;:",.,,,,:.:,,~"~;t:,",,"--r-"' I , g10 ._.i6 ',.. ....37 Jarth1ie ... Martie... ..0..-....---.... .. q.-' -./ 'I i! "'-- (6 'h~."A_,$.~ '''''''.~..::tA..,!.,{"I:t,.. ~02 'N ,.- S:bC~l ( Ojt;. .' {j 3:an:t ~ ~,.~ Q. _...~...u_~=__,,~.~.~.,,_..._ \ " __.... ,j,-:!)..Ll~.~..:._~___"_ ~--_......~-~.,,~_.._.,.~,..,.~. ---""-'--= ._.~ P&rsQnal Property --~~..~~,~.. --...---.--. ......"_.~""._~- """""---- /3.4/5 ~ In thi- A.ssessment Roll t1/(> following AblJre"iatious {Ire fB>I;"",,,' . rued for tlw tcords $et oppasile to tlwm: iIi~._NQrth of No-rtherly N, W.-Northweaterly $-Dollars S.-South of Sout.herly S. W,-Southwesterly CtI:I,-Cents E.-Ea.st pt'. EasterlY N. E.-Northonster-Iy Cor.-Corner W.-WesCo,of:'Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Stl'eet F!:--:-~et..:.- Imp.-Improv'Dments Ave.-Avenue No' u bel' Bub.-Subdlvlslon '.rh.-Thence S:.l3,-1t .~n.n Bernardino Base and Meridian. Sec,-Sectlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOAR) Assessment Book of the Property of City of Oran~ ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, ee.""=.'""="......_,w.....,.,_,._.____,_.....=~_"'=,=.,..,,"",.".,~.-,~.,...,..'",.,.,.,,~~''' .""~~~1.~...........~'11.. ..."lr~l.~~'-"~' 2" ISAN BERNARDINO Ii r.. II " II MERIDIAN '[ 0 Ii ,I V.lnc ~i ~ ~!l Vnlue of ;Improve ii ~ J' ~ ~ : ~ ~ 111 ~ =: i.'I' Reel} Estate ::. Therl I "~.'" I~. I "" '::1 I' , ,I .~j ~l~ ~~~ jJ ~ -.. i:i ii .'P"='==.".. .,.,.=",=.==="=,.""="==,====.,.",,,,,,.,' .= ,=. --,,-=, -=,,~=. =- ='tAl ,,=-~-,.=== =,.,~= ~==Il=$ .=.=""="="'r==..'.= .1 Ii I II Ij II 1>" i I] II I I,.i I '1 Ii I, Ii! ZGarcia., Luis 1 Halladay Tr.' N44ftSeHLft I: 4. &"....~ ~ " :[ 'I 3185 N. Cypress "" 5, II ,I ]I ',I 'I 4 'I J: ..-""'.---..-.-----.-------,.---.-----.----------..--~----..--~-._~.-.-.--------.---.~---."-.-----.----.~----------r;-------rr---.--.---.------- 5 751 n II.: Ii i.11 Ii I ! [ I i I 6iGardner, Emma A. S 7.50 ao.,.NE ..r-.NE..r-SEi-(ExBR) 1:3lm4.9116.50~ 6295 I:'! 7 "BOX 267 8 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS m:Sf:RIPTlON OF PROPERTY ;c,..~:. ..-.,.._....---_.,,-". ~. .,.-.-.,---_.. _......_---_....._-~,_.._.._.. ,~...~_.._."~.,,-~,-,~- 1 750 705 , O!~rdner, EmmaA. I 1iBox 267 21 -r--'--' GarWlersA(l<:l.. . 11 , ...-_..~----l-;--_._..-"'-_.----.,--,--"-- , ~j II ,I II !, ,. II II Ii II . ~I 71Q } '".._------_.~_.....,,_._--"~""_.._--~_.----_._-_..._._._..-..-----...--......-------------,-.--------..----. 9 752 IT II i: 'I I " '------Ii- , i! 75~ I " I Ii 4,!Qi,rdneJ:, Dian R. II G.eQ.. H. FirieHOIll$ Tr. ,12 A ii II 675 .. ) :: I 111 I] 5~.I,.R 2 Ii I: ' . II 111 I' I I" 6, " II 1:1 ~Ij. 7 5 4---.~.-=-=-"--~----.--=-1r-.---~..-.,,----=------~=--- ."-",,.-------=r--=------r"-.T---.----=- . II 1'1 I 11 ail II I, n :~Gardn8r,,,H.H. I, GardnersAdd. I' 1, :j 1;00 91iR 1 Box 27~!1 '11 2 I II i: 540, :Qf-~---~------=="""=-=--.-=----t_-------=------------------""=.--""--=---=~+---=-=.--=-j---l---.2lKL--~ :11 I! Ii 4 . Ii il 540 '211, Ii Ii 5 II ;.',1.. 540. :31111 ~ II ~ .!, Ii II II I' 1" I, II' '4', 'i Ii I . ll' ~~ =--li --------= ---.---- II t !i 'i 755 Ii . II II :~~::~x~:::--luLOngf'l1o' ~,~- .....- r"...., ! 7 A I I ~~' ~! !I I'll II ~~. 75 6--T ii I Th''''''ita Tx. -"",,,-,,.,,,,",,, 124:' !1 31' I; ii __-<L___ I' I' ii I' !I .. ~ 760 ld' ,!Ga.rth~Mart1tl...Cr"'''' ................. i ?611~~-,,~;tA.-, c' ',,)€"'1i"b.1:;,;v 11$02 "".~Sb.~l' >:lv. . II I' (, Ii l= ~~~1!~=~~".:,t~~~ i I $10 '.',' IHI5 '"1 i" .' h.) : V;''W FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOAR Assessment Book of the Property of City of Oranl ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN. AND WHEN UNKNOWl'l 111 Ihit AssclSnaoltt Roll t./j(~ following Abbreviations ar(l lued [or tlJC words ,fct opposite to thcm: N..-Norlh of Northerly N. W.-Northw8sterly $-Dollars S.-South ot southerly S. W.-Sout1lwesterly Cts.-C-ants E.-East of Easterly N.E,-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner W.-Weal of Westerly S.E.-Southeasterly St.-Street El......jreel lmp.-hnprovemenl8 Ave.-Avenue N(J~umbor Bub.-Subdlvislon Th.-Thence i if. 11 M.--San Bernardino Base and Merldlnn. Sec.-Section :J:,-~:.'~::=~=:,:;:::::=::~,":.lli~lU[j!"7,-.t;mf,:'!'!I!~l~itLJj'Hlm~q~m1r~~~-':::~':::~."~:'~'.:=:=~~~~:~':::=~=~~==:~~~==-~-=.'~:'::::=: _,""~"_^==",,,=,,,,""_"'_"'''_''M'''''W'''__"'''__''_'''_'"__'_.._._=~~=,."",-~_~,.=..-.,=,,,c,,...",,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,, I 11 ,376 s. I 12 1.--.--..-.-..--.....-...-.- ~ i 13. 7S0 I I I I , , I ]9~OlJ.N. Pine [..__lL , i ! "="~=lF~~~i:~~~~;:r~~.r=~'I""T=v:,:~ '.'. : , !: ~ ~ ': Vnlllc of t. IUprOVf " '"' ~"" ! Ii W 'I R I E ~ Ii 0 ,.;a o~ :"".... ii:P:l u!- en !,8lulc ': Ther i'. ~.. ;~-:I ~ j~~ l'I:;:..r, i.' d '-1Rl j ~- 'f!;~ ~ ,: ii ~ .:o~~ ~I'" I! Z il .~...".~'~~r:Trt I 1::1 : II.' Ii i I ! 3 150 N. Oenter i Library Tr. I, 1lJ.. A. I: 1015 I; 4 I' 'I I 5 - - ....- ...;.~...-----...--...-.. ~--"--- -,~- .-''.------..-''.---- --.-.---.---.--.- ---T-...-- -;-r-". r"-~- ""-r ....-- 6...t..~ '~:Ud. . .".- ..J.... Tr. 5~51 I: 9" I I 270' !>7t .:J(!~ U ,I " II Ii 7. ~i7J': 1l..I!!lll,l:l\~y-- ~l~"v: i, 11 " II II 270 ~: Do L'~~ --~-~-~~~------~----~-~~---: --t~ -I- ... {- 10 ,Gaylord. .. Syl via M.. C.Z..Culver . !icme.'l'r.. 'I' 61 : 1( II 94-5i Oenter 'I -. Ii I Ii I:' II I II ill t--.--.-l--T------...1~-- I' 1:1 I' II I I: Ii I II II ,: if Personal Property I' ,Ii II II 'r Ii II . il Culver Hotel Tr. Ii 2L II Ii 720 II "..---~---._-+_-.-~--_"-_"-__~___________.____.._"._..._~.~__""__.li. ~.__~_...__......_____.......r...... ii i! Ii r ....... ... "-r ''''''--r-''''- I! I II III.. ......L.. Personal Property : ,I Weloh & Harrods Resub. IE 82 it III 22 C I 716 I' I ' -.-~.-----.-.-.-..-.-...-...-.-...-...-.........-...-...--..- l i "''''''''-''''" ......-.-r-.....-.~.-...- Ii . ..-....---.... ... ......... "'1"''''''' II II II II .. ; II '.... if i' I ,. I: II' . ~ ,: II 'I'i I I il i 5 lB. I 475 Ii Ii I ~ tl i-.: ' i, i 1 II -.-~---l~-I---.- '11..-....- li2S, 'f2.2~1.. ..l595r"'~: I I II I Ji II il +.1 I i"--~" I -- I 'I l'AXPAYEII'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PIIOPERTY .w".__..__....,,,_...... .. -~..~-,_."-".,, ",'"'c:""wcc",o-''-;",,-::,-',, _.- _..,,---"'--~_..--._-"'-".""-- ...w....___.._..__,,_~__." .....-.......1.,.. .. . ...,,~"'. , II i! 1 7_,., () , 2 Gates, Genel1a A. Personal .Property I' I' '-"--_._-"-~._--'~---1f---- , 14 ; ... "'rGaymoI1,...Al1son J. ,! i' 15 ~3 71 S. Orange b 16 ! L 17 ii H l 761 18 ' . . ...tGebhard...Emma B. 21 762 :j Ii Ii Ii 'I II II Kogler & Geigers Add. N 50 ft-E 122 it " PeraoI1al ProPerty 22:.Gehle, Ernst I , 23 i .158 S. , '_.K , Harwood 25 763 Ii I: , , , i 26" ............. rGeo:rge,..-Al1ce..T. ..etaL_ II I 27c/o 345 N. Batavia I 28 1.___.._...----.- 29 R1chlandFarm..Lo.ts._.YL!....~lL.!I,.50.a.c.. .... 764 30 George, John Pu.e..o.nIl.1J'rope :rty 3LEl171: E. Palmyra i .__}f.li ",,,,,"-''''''..-.~- ""...,"""""'-"?~'=f~=""'"=""",_,,;:-.,;;;:-.,,"'","',""""__;:;;~,,,oo"""'"="''''''-''"=--.__n~.~.= Hartwicks Sub. 4 . .:",;~. ~: 610 :...,~ ~,,,,,""':":'.~,",,,"="'" &~IS' f .' _.~ ..w~ ..g~~..u..n'...' .....~~ ...,.... JuHu.'.......5 ~...u. Uy.<<~n.J.lI~ U'-6 -- rued jor the words set opposite to them: N.-North of' Northerly N. W.-Norlhw&sterly .$-Dollara g.-South ot Southerly S. W.--SouthwesterlY Cts.-Cents E.-East ot Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Cornel' W.-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street I~t.--Feet Imp.-Impl'ovements Avo.-Avenue '!i(J.~l1mber Sllb.-Subdlvlslon Th.-Thence S.:tt !If,,,--:-Snn Bernnrdlno Base and Meri<linn, Sec,-Sectlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange i ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO I t~~~:---:::'jVUill8~I~$.i~!;:'!ficrKJ!!.ilK'f!!{~.:~:!ti'!lJfl~~!I,;t~QJr6Pl,f!.~.t:~=7::~::::"~-:::'-~::::~~:~:='~~~~_ . ,. .-""==,.---...----.-...-,--.,-==-- ...,~..,,""~=,.--- ,,, .".~==,,,,,,,,,----,,,,,,,,,.,- .--.. .........-----..----.. ...-. """...._'"_.._....'m.."'".'~...'-_____.,__.. ,..._....._...,.._.._'__......'m__._..___.__... ''''':.<1-''-'' I' , "-..-....-------...-.--....-....----........-...."."..---..""..--, ..... ..... ....~.,",..~.----,,_...~.__.__. ""._...__.._..~....~.""'~,,"......h ....u... ... -~~~~~--..~lFi;~~~~~--~~.T Villi:. ~T DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY !, J,., L, = ~:, Value of ,JlIlprovemcnt~! ;: 0 ~ ~ ~ ~. 4i... :! ~ ~ il. Real Estulc ,.:1 1'hcrcolI :1 , ~... rn..g 0: '.rill '..1 ~ ~ 'i 'i I, ';ij ~::l- '1Il~ !,::;l!' I' t.1 ,0 olXl:'~ !! Z!) I:' ,.~."..';r'c1i.'-="i~.~.. ....... ..,.-+-~."-'4-t-,.,,=.,='-.-...~'=.==.__.._.'."T.".- !il. Iii II !f 1.1 I!. 'I II II II " ,I , i.1 ill! ii ii 'j 'I Ii " II I" !' '.1' "I I ii 1015 Ii 101d Persona1J'rope rty TAXPAYEII'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS 757 Gates, Genelia. A. 150 N. Center ,I [t. I " I 1ibrary Tr. 14 A , .....--.-...-.--.----..---.-.-...----='1----...-=-..-.-.....-.-.---.----.=.-----.... -=.-=_. -"'----=---.=r- "[ --'-r- -..-=;- 758 ii ,'I II 'I Gates ,MaudeM ;> jJ ~TX.545 ~ 9 ,B ~ i, 270;: :1 '1.:7.4' .d;\..l~~ll A'i!1J"l'"! fo.j;J:::1:; ~ I :1 Ii 11 II l :1 270 II I I jl I lilelli..>lJl...7. ....- --'''-- ..-----.--r-----------.--..---------.=-=--------...==r -----=. ---= . =11'-'--""---'" --...-+ .............. 75!) ii, ,I I' il I 4 dI II ii' 9..5 I' 81~. Ii I ' :: II II 1 II ~'II : :: ---rr-------............---- -"-~ I[ II I I' Ii ,i i ~ I ,I . .. . ~ J. I..' 21, Ii 720 102d I 11'1 1'1 : Ii II I 'i. i:.i ..j I' h---"-------~-----------.---......,_._-------_..-----l---.-"t-"------"--.-.~tr---T-'...-...-.._~- !:--_._~- I'll' Ii II ;1 ~ li;1 Ii tI II liil Ii i. . I, ~ II ! Ii II ,. " 11. Weloh & Harrods Resub. IE 212 ft il 22 0 ill ill 719 III '37' I" ,! 'I 1 I . II ,1 II I ,I ..~-_.--_."--------_.,-~-".. --- -~ --- -._--~-- ~-- _..~~- - --- ~- -+..~-- - - --'---+~--T- -'---ri-~---'_.-'--n-- , I' I Ii II Ii j Ii Ii ii II II II II II II P it ! ~ !, ii . Iii 5i B L 11_471__1 I I I:" Ii i, ., 1 tl w.~ .281. z.a I. ....1595 .7,..":,6'~~L Ii 'I ~. 1 I j , Gaylord, ..Sylvia Y. O..Z..OuLve.1'. Hom.e w.'I'r. 61 '16 S. Oenter 7GO ii Ii II I II II p 11 ~' ------~----_._.~-"""-_.._-"---_.- laymon, Al1sonJ. !i II :1 'i Oulver Hotel '1'1'. Personal Property ~71 S. Orange .i ------.--.------.--,-~-----~~r---- 761 lebhard,Emma B. k Personal Property ~04',N. Pine -_._._------~~.._"._-- 762 leh1 e, Ernst 763 , tI Ii " ii :1 .,.-- !I II 'I ..i,..R1.chlandFarm iL II I .....!..~ Personal Property ,521 S. Harwood Kogler & Geigers Add. N 50 ft-E 122 ft ~eorg.e,...Alio eT..etal_..__ .1.0:t.s ...... _.\'l..1"..N.lI,.5Qao /0 345 N. Batavia 764 Borge, JohnO. Personal ..Property ---I I I I 610 ~.'.;;;'1~(;2 17t E. Palmyra Hartwicks Sub. 4' , i ,.,,,:__,,:;,,..;"__-";:,,:;-.,,=--"-O,O,,'--'.-;,;..~.,::"",..",..~"-'-'.,";;;;.:.:'::;:""';~"~~:::~":C";,""''"'''':-;=-.c;,_. III 1M. Assessment Roll the follotuing Abbreviations are )3 used for the UJOJ'ds set .opposite 10 the-m: N.....,...Nortb of NortherlY N. W.-NorthwefJterly $-Dollll.rs S,-80\1 th of Sou the-rly S. W.-SoltthwostcrlY Cla.-Cents m,-E1ast of EasterlY N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner W.-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft.""""l"Feet '. lmp.-Improvaments Ave.-Avenue No.....,.cNumber Sub,-Subdivlsion 'I'h.-Thence S. B. M,-San Bernnrrllno Base and Meridian. Sec.-BeaHan TAXPAYER'S NAME I II MERIDIAN II 0 II I' V AND I DESCRIPTION OF PROPF.BTY !: 10<, ~ l.< : ji fZ ~ 1:1 Vf\lluEc of ~1l1~1 POST OFFICF ADDRESS '.' 0 '.:a 0... I. ~ !'I <Xl ~ I. Re. .'''e, r .. ~ ,. !i.gj :~S~ !l~ I s~ Ii i, .. ...... -~~...~~ ._._~.,...~.~._.~ _.~-~ ~~-_.~-'f~i.f'-t---~..- ~r'G,5' I: i: I' " , l )7 ~ 'I' __~_~_~____ palmyr~~_~~_ __~_~________~______________ A1~~~~~_~_~~_ ft) ___~_____ -~~:J------l--~t---20;)l-- II I Ii Ii II 5 riel.()' ': I 'I I " 4 u" I' I, II " Ii II. j!:i 6 IGerken, H. J. :!Qra.nge 011;y All (rex E 15 ft & S 12 ft:"W51P 1:1, 0 ~ ii US5 7 11702 Bush st., All (Ex S 12 ft) i: 12 II ':' 19SO! 81 I' II 'I i. --san:ta-Ana---------~------~--------ii------------------------------~--------~-----l---.~--__;-t--:i--------t-' 9 1""(,("' Y"j I I !I il (. J -.-' , ,':I . r ~I j!i 10' I, I Ii .Ii.. IGlbbs, Nettle Orange 01ty6 i L 16, A,: Il1015! 11 iF. 1 Eox 564 II I II II Ii 1211 I' .', 11 I. ~;untl~~;~on-:seaQh-- ------ ------- Ii --i-~----t II ---ii-- IUD Ii '11 II ii Ii.. 10 Ii II 540 1" I' '1.'1 Ii I' ,ii Ii il II i: I: ,:i!! 11! ---------~----r--:--r--T--T------~ i:-~- PeraOnlil,ll?:l-'Qperty I: I B 50 :ft-N 128 ft-E 125 ft-W 15~1 5 " i.". ,--~._.._._._-_._-------~---_._--_..~----,---_._.._----'tu-----.---...---.-----r---.---.1i'.-.----'~-.-.-..-'-.-,-" , 'I Ii :j I, il II' 11 1,29 1.11 'I 10S0 -Ii ~ ! I <j III,' II II Ii 'I' Ii II II II 111' -----r-I'i - II II i i --- . ..-~------ I JL _B j 'I If .67511 il II II Ii Ii II II 11 II II ,I II -1'1" II II ~- i~ ij Ii !,I !I " II I; II 6 0 II II j! FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOi Assessment Book of the Property of City of Oral ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNO! 1, 2 :.George ,John C. Tr. 716 295 3S17t E. 4 14I,G1 bson, James C. 151~65 a. Bata.via. ~ 17 ii , I 18hGlbson,. Mamie , 191.")21 a. Tust1n 20' Spotts Sub. u , "--_."~._----,._---,._---,-_."--------"~_. 76!). Ohapman Tr. o 205 21. ! 7'"/0. 2 21,G11 ohr1st, Mary I 2310/0 1st )41 251' " i 26 j ( ...... .... ,G1l-Qh,1!1-str-Mar.y--Hel~s) 27237 N. Orange ~. . Ii T.. M. Shade1s)rd Adei. ,I II 11 -~ II I~ ...If-Thel'mal1ta-Tr.~ Natl. Eank of Orange Iri'l , 281' ;1 " " il II :f---- II II t Personal Property II Spotts Villa Tr. I' 29i' 7~12 I j; 30:G1111 am,E.T. I 31i149 N. P1xley , 321 '''"'"'''"'''"''''"'''P,,,,,,,,c. ",,--.,~::;{.:.-:.:;O;".,,",':;:" i I ----..--.--- _._~. n.. "~.'~'''''''e. ............. ""'U'H.n." ...t> FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF, Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO [ used for tlte tvords set opposite to them: N....,....NQrth of Northerly N. W.-NorthweatorlY $-Dol1ars S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cts,-Centfl E.-East of Easterly N, E.-Northeastel'IY Cor.-Corner W.-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft.-,.Feet . Imp.-Improvementa Ave.-Avenue No.--'NumlJer Sub.-SubdlvJslon 'l'h,-Theuce S. n, M.-San Be-rntl..rdlno Base and Mer1dtan. Sec.-Section ~:::~~'2~:'.'.-WI!~JIfL.!r!::I~~R'f.;{:~m~~~1~:i_::'.~m:^~Q~:;--~'q";{t!F;~~:~f~:':':::'~":;;:::='~"'::='~:~=:'~~'::::::::'::: ;1 , , M"_=""'=_==.,=,"._.___ """r""""'":==.==_.......,...."._..____...,,....__.._....___."...==,,",'~,,~,,..,, ...-----".-="= ~~"--~--~~~~~lsAN B~~~AR~JN~T:. ~~-I-~1~'2-..r [, MERIDIAN I 0 I 1 Value of I ' 'I I ,.. ~ gj iF Value of ~mpl'ovemcnt11 I. 0 '.'~ I:: ~ ~ . ~ ~ I Rcnl E8talc '.' Thercon II . r::I '-'0 b(l'" "..,..U J " !... 0 ~ ~ oS 0 . ~ 'I '" < '.'. :. '.' ,...., ~.- .... 'p.. . , .L ~o~P=l ~~' Z Ii I: il .-.---. . .~,;",.".,=,;,;,.,.."... "'.""."-;,,,.. ...... . -..-..-..'!c~,...,.,~...". .. ....ii'..".."~"$""'..,.,"'=,=~"=,.".,'=.,,==jl= i'l il '[1. II I.. ! I' Iii: I H 11 I: 11 I' :,11 ,I I: II' ,I I' , . 37, 1,1:' 295 Ii :! . r fI If "7~ E~ p'lm~ra_ . ~.~.___._.__~ All ~"_ E7':t~___~ {~~~L ~J-L200ii: _.--15;3dL ~, 'I I, , ,: "..:.6:. J~I Q,..PE' OU1. All LEx US .ft.. Bl.?ftcW51b II. C 11,1.5 ~ <>' l~ 702 Bush st. il All (Ex s 12 ft) I, 12. ". II II 1980 II JI- ;! Ii II ii Ii __ Ii snt~~~~..--.-----.--._-.._-------r------_------.-----.--.-------.---..----.----t------.----.- ii---I:i-------t---. II .-, - i' I Ii I " II Orange CltYSt 16, A ~ II 1015 I! I il .-'1 -rIl' -----1 I '---1'1' i'I". ~ . !i ':1' I' I;. I ii I II II I! il Spotts Sub. 1110 . 'II 540 I: 106~i 'I,,',' ',I, Ii . :: Ii I II ii ~_.--T ~._-- I r-t r ![peuon!!.1 Pl:QPel'ty If ,il Ii l ._..__J:hapoan Tr. '50 '....,28 '.... 125 ,...W 't 5. 0; I I 2051':'J"r .----,-..- " -.- -- -.'------.--.------.---.----+.--T-----,.--t--r-..-tt--.--Ji- 7'"}O II II' II II " d . ,I . , 'Ii Ii II II !! I i II . ..Ii IT. M. . Shadel B ',3rd AM. .ii .29 . I .1080.11.. '1~35 Ii II I Ii , I I TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDIIESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ............-..--..----.-- --'--'--'-.--.--. "~,,. ~'(' 5 'I' :" ::.. ',) t feorge, John C. Tr. 716 ibbs,Nett1e. 1 Box 564 .m.t1ng-ton--BeaGh 7GB Lbson, James C. , )5 S. Batavia 769 Lbson,Mamie 11 S. Tustin .lohrist, Mary , o 1st Natl. Bank of Orange 7~-;1 ;i ~r Ii II II ....... ........ .....l~'l'he:t'malita .Tr._.__ .. -.-..-...."'___"._._~-".."._..~.M..__.____.~.m____'.~ j Ii I I I II' I, , , , JkI._B.!.. I ' I ! , i , ---6-7-5-.-.",.86" .;.;'.~-e: loh,rist)-Mu.Y-(-He1_rs) 7 N. Orange 7~:2 I, I , l-:::::a~~:::p;:~y 6 C 810 l1iam, E. T. 9 N. Pixley "--""1 """""=.""'"",""-="0,"",," =-:=,-"",;,.~" 7tr90 ,_"~,_~. "-'~->"-""''''''"''-'','''''''''''''''o-"'~'~'~~~''~''-'~""~~-~_."'-''--"_"~'__"oK.~.~.,.~~W_'_'" .. .--. ..... --,. --,..--..-.....-..--............ -..-....- 111 thn Assessment RaUthi:' fOUOW;'18 Ablwflv;atlolls are rued for the words set OlJposite to them: 1:'[11 ot Northerly N. W.-NorthwElsterly $-Dollars ltlt -or Southerly S. W.-SQuthwesterly Cts.-Cents Bt of EasterlY N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-C-orner est of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street ~et Imp.-ImprovBments A va.-Avenue 'umber Bub.-Subdivlsion '!'h.-Thence .-San Bernardino Base and Meridian. Sec.-Se~t1on FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUJ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange for ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN,.TO UNKl'I !SAN BERNARDINO 1'1" i il MERIDIAN '0 i , :'! I ! ~ "Q.~ i! ~ ~ ! . ~ ::.8. O.!lll v.... :1 = i:a I 0"0 !=I..g'g ~~ 11'1 =s ~ i: '...o-ol ~ ~- ..$iat ,I;:;J q ~ .. 0 o~ - I Z '41:.;:.I!). ;::;::C:"i~_~:O:::;",""""- ;..-;:11:.,::.""",--- Ii II II i' ii i' Ii II I " 5 II 1:1 m211- i! Value of ;! Value of i.lllprovcJl1ent~; Renl Estate i: Thereon I! _,.,.,.~c ,____, il 'I '! Val 'I' TAXPAYER'S NAME AND l'OST OFFICE ADDItESS DESCRIPTION OF PIIOPERTY s, Eftie A. ,'. 7/ . . , l' I .3 y , . ,,,; f''; ,I" ( , ~ ,. 1ft j-~ t.) :,1,,) "i,l,f, 'P. 1.;1,)/ ______:!____,_L___,,_ :BeaohAdd. s -k o ii I !I !! ''If II Ii I' " II !I !! 450 "-'.>>, -$~-- :i 'I I' !i ,~ ",-i6J I' ': ii i! " i: !! .'."F" I I 7~'3 Orange Oity ii ,------------'---', ,-------,--,-, ----~- ----.- ,---- ~--TI! . I' "I 11 I !, 14 D) Ii II , 15 It.~ Ii J~____-+_.~__ II .' i[ :1 I,.' ' 87~ 774 Igly, Rebeoca ~. &t:~/ fj ~ r-",.t'lft'; 4l;'4I.,tI,i " i<'U/ s 9.4 ft 1405 Sherman /t -;t .'-:' , L./!/..('l o ....--.-------.-----.--t--.--.--...---"'---------~---.-_______._...__._____".__~_.___..+________~_______l.L._._-'-'r--~-. 'I' I Ii , Ii , ii IIII Tr.716 18 III 325 [i , . ' i: Ii I' 'I II il il Ii !I II ---.-- II -1---~- I' i' II ,I II " II II Ii I! ii' 9000 Ii 70oq., . I 'i !i " .. I, I, "----r-~--i--- -r-----r -r---' I 16,11 ...720 il 4o~ Ii 'I' , i :1;; I) . I, I 'I I I' ! . , ,Ii " I! Ii: : i.i i: II ------'--'--r--'.--r--ll. --T'-'-----T------ 11,'--.' I' '.1 ,: ! , I I I -, II . i I[ II I'; ~'I, I I, II II Ii II 49 i II i' 1030 114~ i r--f---- -,----- Ii II II I' I' " ".._.~ __Z3..l__~_.._ L " Ii j, I! ii 7'/f) Igly, Sherman lapman 7'/; G IgIYI Personal Property lapman Li brary Tr. All (Ex N 41 it-W95 it) 11 A 7;'7 !I II Culver HotelTr. LIl,L!;I.,nnilil-"O. i; II II 'I .-_.___L.._____._, II !I 3. Orane;t 7"0 I Cl )n,W. -E.-. Personal Property ~n9 il Henry Grotes Add. " !i II il II -"1-Tr.._622.. I , I I I... .Geo.,-Achi,Bol'l..-Sub. I, 'I 24:5 ;i ii _4:9~ , " I i I g. Shaffer .,W._.A..___._._,,,_.., 3. Grand 780 . William A. 3.. Grand Personal Property I , i , 2L A 675 -100 /3?5a .tv:! ~n. mil ....usessmfllu noft. Hie jOllowrng .AolJre",iotions are used for "ie worels set opposite to them: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Northwosterly $-Dol101'8 S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwest61'ly Cts.-Cents E.-East of EasterlY N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner W.-;-W.est ofWestorly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street .E;'t,.-]J'eet Imp.-Imp.rovements Ave,-Avenue No.-Number Bub.-Subdivlsion Th.-Thence S. D. M.-San Bernardino Base and Meridlan. Sec.-Section: FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BO Assessment Book of the Property of City of Ora ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNO ;i ---'---'---~'-~------"-'-'- ."......-..--............. .... - .~~. .....".!s~~::i~~i~I~~ .r;~~r.~"..i~~~~": ' ,"!i ~ ~ ji VuIlle of Imp o :.a-~..loll 'I.l.. :1 f9 ~ Ii RClllEBtotc 1 ~~ !mofl (,l ,f~ I'i ~ -< :: ....., h~ ~.. ,,;:l, -... .. m.. .rl.mt'~.r.. +:<:... ;11.. .... ..........111 II " II '! i! ii I! , t._+_.-.~._---+-~-- ii Ii " II 1'1' Ii II' " " II Ii II I, I, TAXPAYER'S NAM1~ AND l'OST OFJo'lCE ADD/lESS DESCIlIPTION OF PROPERTY 1 7~! 3 2 Gilli8, ,Ef~i~.A....... 3 l'tul:3t?Ji:r>fl""> lJ, ) .0,.;;,,1) ,A-tJj {'J! /( t?l..J-' ..~....m__._......._~L_.....__..J S t Beach Add. 5 o --------~-,._~_._._~_.".._.__._._-"----_._-----_._~--" 5 I 7""4 , I' , 6' )Gillogly, 7 'l5~ u Rebecca A. ;;!:j,~t, 8~_ '1._ /J>;,~ ,../ ...,a"'...'VIK<'Ch.7 n jf-t,{.,.... Orange Oi.ty S 9.4ft 14 D ) 15 II .~ ....t -,' .", , (.."..,f<l: Ii 8 II 450 Ii II " " I 1405 , ._-~_._--,._-~-_.._~....--".._--.~--_..____.L_________.~-J1-_._.__~_._....__..__.l-,..___ !i II II :: ii [ II [, T 1 I , ] i " Ii il " :i :1 I I il il II " ..._.~...-~-'"--<....------iL.--.__.__.:,._."_,_,__~._"_...;.,... 9 rj r' ... I I :J 10,:Gillogly, Sherman Tr.716 " , Ii 18 Ii , U Ii. I I ! II ' I' I, 1 I ~---,..- 11' ME. Oha pman :,' ,"'-., 121"; 131 I: I 71/G 14 : I,Gillogly, Sherman il 15~E~ Ohapman :i Library Tr. All (Ex N 41 1611 ,;.. ----_.__......_..__..__...._-~----_._--_..._.._---- 171 7 ~j)"J il I I , Ii J: , 18Ir:Gilman,Minnil!h'O. ji Culver Hotel Tr. . !I 191: i<331 s. Orang, 'I I;: 'j 20!1 :1 --r~---------....,.......~.___,,__.__.________._-+---_______ I' .1 211 7 no.' I' t () I. 22 " i!Girton,W. E. , 23:1143 N. Shaffer 1: .2..4' 1 251: 7 7 9 p, , ~Q~G1Bh,......W.A._...._. " 27li3El3 S. Grand ~8i 29: Giah, ~~l~1am A. 30:3El3 S.Grand I 31 Personal Property ft-W 95 ft) A 16. __Tr.._.6.22 231. I] Ii 1,'1 II I,', II ii il Ii II II lH mJ. ... .....I.m I: II I I il I I II i, I I 'I , ,. :' Personal Property Ii .1: " ., II 49: II Ii jl .1 I: il Ii Henry Grotes Add. I I II il 'I 'I I l Geo...Aoh isonSUb. II " 11 Personal Property 1 I i II , I I .] 21m_A I i ! , 1 fm.m....mm'fmmmm.=m" I i , !: " , " 325 I! II il ]1 I' Ii j! .. I, ii If ~ II " Ii II " !I I '1'1 9000 ii I L II Ii. .. ! ': f-..--t- ji , . . I' 1< il .' II ., ii !! 720 I , 1030 II " t- il ~45 Ii II II r 675 lUo m mUI ilsseUUlollt ltolt r/lp Jouowmg AtJbl"eviations are used for the words set opposite to them: N.-Norlh of Northerly N. W.-N(lrthwesterly $-Dollars S.-South of SoutherlY S. W.-Southweaterly Cta.-Cents TIt-East of EasterlY N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-CQrner W.--:..oWest of Westerly S,E,-Southeaste.rIY St.-Street Ft.-:,-Feet Imp.-Improvl(lments Ave.-Avenua NO.-Number Bub.-Subdivlslon Th.-Thenco S. n. M.-San Bernnrdino Base and Meridian. Sec.-SecUon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARl Assessment Book of the Property of City of Oran~ ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, :~"-==:~-=~,"''':~~~!C:!:!;')A!~~,.~!~rl~~_'i'q'''lr::~~t':V.R:LO:;~'_~~~~Jf~~=~'==~~' "....._...-......._--=~...=.""-==--..".,.,."""'.^.,.. _=="""",,,_"~"'m.m_ .. ,"w_, ....._..._.."='.._. =-- ~AN ~ER~ARDI~~r--r I' ~ I :1 MERIDIAN : 0 : ... :' ~~ I ;1 0 ~s~ 't.~. :..1' ~ ~ li , l=I...rn.s;:; Q w r ~ U I' HL,S ~=~ ~ii< I'i:>-<' ,~ OJ5!i Z ,__ "':;;"ft,-,~,"o.: -,tc";:;:,,,:.;o-,::o ..'^_,..~__ "-,,,#,,.. TAXPAYER'S NAME AND l'OST OFFICE AODIIESS DESCIIIPTlON OF PROPERTY '___.'___w... . _ ,',;:;:-'fl.;'.' ------".----""..,,'.,,. .,---"..",.~..-- 1 7801 2 " 3 Glanville, O. T. Personal Property i i_..2.1.')-JJle.:v:elancL____________________l__Tr.._._2..35-------=------------------------~_.15- 5 782' '--.""-'--'2 Value of Renl ESlate Value 'mprove Ther( i1f :1 , 1 " Ii ii ii i! I: ,I I. I! --_.""--...:..--__'+9.0__;_______ ~ . Ii , __ ______i.1 H=-~-=:" _Add:___~_'40:t______~~J ..-~-_c:-~-l; I~ II Ii " Ii Ii II Personal Property ,',' 'I Oosarts Add. 14 19 i II ~ 810: i --LII I ----~- I ,I T-----;----- ,I II!i I, .111 II ~ Ii · Perscnal Property ili Ii if Ii I, Ii I'! Ii 11 II :i Ohapman Tr. sw -.t Ii 5 F 11 10 ii.:. :i Ii i Ii " ~_._--_.-~---.._---------~--._~_. II ! ii ,I il 11-1.,1 II Ii I II i NlJtwood,P;J.., 12 3 II I' :: i.: .... :i ,I 'I 'I I' I: 11'1' II II 1 I' il .--" il Ii Ii II. !i I I' II 'I i II I' il .I II 6,.Glasbrenner, 7172 N. Pine 8 KarlF. it Personal Property 9 78.3 10'Glesener, Henry N. 11 ;605 E. Palmyra , 12i 131' I' 784. 141,01ine s,Dora P. ii 151'R D 2 ~!. . 171: 78)) l:' 18': I,GQddal'd, .A.nna M. II 191331 S. Parker , 20'.' ----r--- 21 " ! 78H. .-------.------[r-.-------------------------.--.----.---- , I~ ZZiGOdd10ksen, Arnold Lenz I 231306 N. Denter 24 Personal Property Ii rf ~ 19 -t i: Ii II I, Ii 20: " " ii ., , I , I , ........1 , 788 II il !I , , II I II Ii i !i i' I 'I II I, II I II I Dhapman Tr. Personal Property E 2.50 ao-N 3.61 ao-E 6.50 NW Tr. 571 25i I ! 7,8:7- ..2~ Ii'Godd1Cks en,EmiUe_ 271,306 N. Denter I: 281 _U-_. 29:. .li'e1'Bone.l l'rope:z:ty David Ooles 2nd Add. 30,Goeteoh ,Oeo.R. 31 xltl!!4 E~ Walnut 5760 II " 505 [I ji " Ii ., il II 375 II 1 1055 1 .Ill IOU .I.lsse.!slllem: J(OU tnP jOtlO1VlUg .l!fJ{Jr'C()latfons aro used for tlte words set opposite to thfJ'm: North of Northerly N. W.-NorthweslerlY S-Dollars ~oulh of Southerly S. W,-Southwestel'ly Cta.-Cents East of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner ~'Vest of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street -Feet Imp.-Improvementa AV6.-AvEmll6 -Number Bub,-Subdlvlslon 'rh.-Thence M.-San Bernardino Ba.se and Meridian. Sec,-SeoUon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQl Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fOl ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN. TO UNR =:JylJillj~I~::F~:J:i~f['1'frr@~~~~~Q:tti.~~\!~~~.~.:.:'::~'.::..::'.'_:~::::-::~,.:..:.,:',::-:::-'- i , ......_.n._._..M....'__=""..__ '--"""~" -- .. .__...~,.... ""~=.===.=""~."""".....='"'=.... .~~~. ~~~N~~~:~II~ -r ,. Ii MERIDIAN i 0 'i I~~ . W~ I~'" !..i. "'~u 1= ~ '",. <Ii ;''' ~,. 'z :"-.n'''~','''' - TAXPAYER'S NAME AND l'OST OI'FICE ADDRESS __'_U__"~___~""'__M'''"''''''='= ..,. '~':i' " 2"-'.._~.m"fi-~-== ii I' i! Vl1lue of :! lmprovcmcnl8il "\ !! Thereon I,i ,[ , DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Value of i) Rel1l Estate , i " i' Ii 'I ' ; ,,'I I .Clev:elanci--.-._____.._..____.._.+-.Tx._2~-5----..--~-----------------.-----..--,.--15--.-'----+--.-+----49.0-,,__)L5_____ '78,9" i I: II " ,...,. I! 11 Ii :i II 11 ti Ii I i: i: I, :i Henry Grotes Add. S 40 ft i 1 ~ Ii: I: I' , .--.----..---.-..-.-.-.----.--.--.....--...--.---------.. .---.. _______________J'-____ --------:...__2_. .----- -......:..-----:...---940.---1.7-2;> ___ Ii Ii , II (1 II " Personal Property ,'il . I II ['II 4 ,ii II' I I Oosarts Add. 1 i B, 1'1 !' 810 Ii II i ! II '. r- +-r-r--T---~ # i!!i ,I I! II ii ' Ii P " II Personal roperty '1.1' Ii II 'I ii ' II Chapman Tr. SW i 5 F I, 10 ~ 5760 85Q 'I ,: II !'I !i i'i . I; I ,i I )1 -^-~----~---~~~_."-.--~+_---~-~_--._.__:: __._4__._ III ,I II il " il Ii II Ii Ii l~d II NlJtw99ciP.l. II 12 3 !i ii 505 Ii 5 -~- II )1 11 Ii .-.-..--1-.---------.-.-.--..-.-----.--..---.------------1- '-----'--'r-.-'T-.-. il I, i! II .i i II iT I II : j I. , '"--'-"~--'~~-'------rr- !I I' II il II i' "II, II 3751 ll~ Ii it '" ,. o~ .. 'B~ " ,,';',,'.c.r,co.,.:;;; " II II i8-<'" .0 .", "oS " ~o~ ..~ .f:'c~..., '-.:::--e,',,-,:I' .,.--.......,.-..'''....,........'- m... .'~..~...m.~ n=' :i " I 'I I, Ii 'I ,. 'I ii "18-1 'i ,I 'I il ii._ ': lville, O. T. Personal Property Bbrenner, KarlF. " 1< !J !( I~ Personal Property N. Pine 78-3- lener, Henry N. j E. Palmyra 784. lee, Pora fl. ). 2 78-S lIH'dr .-Anna M. S. Parker 7811 liokeen, Arnold Lenz N. Oenter :~ Personal Property II Tr. 571 ii 'I " d II m..L_m_ il II II :f II 11.- ,I Ohapman Tr. 'I 19 'I " t' II " Ii "Ii " 11 Ii , Ii "- 787- .1 oksen,Emllie I'erSQultl Property N. Oenter David Ooles 2nd Add. 20 788 soh, Geo. R. PersonaL Property E 2.50 ac-N 3.61 ao-E 6.50 NW " ao-li . E. Walnut , [I '1 Ii I 1055 I ii ii x " , ..'"."~=f'." II I, II !i ji -li L , 'i II " Ii 93q Ii i' II Ii Ii Ii i. " " Ii II I l~~J I i , " ^'""",:,::O'.;.::=~"~'~""~.,"'..=. ....m..,=!~,~2,",=,.==i~" Inlhit As.~essmellt Roll ,hp following AbbrfJ~iot;(Jns are IlScd for the words set oJlPosite to .them: -North of NortherlY N. W.-NorthwGatarly $-Dollnr,f.:J South of Southerly S. W.-Southwealerly Cta,-Cents ,East of Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY COl',-Corner -West 'of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-St1'eet -I}'~et, Imp,-Improvemen ts Ave.-Avenue -NUmber Sub.-Subdlvh,lon Th.-Thence , l\I.-srin Bernardino Base and Meridian, Sec,-Sectlon F'ORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQ] Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange Jot ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNJI. . ~'~:':,"'",~':o,,~-'-~~1:T:,.-b:~~ ~ .ec~~ 4:>!f!=:. !!~ =: !i Renl ElItnte :; Thereon 15 11~ 02~ l's ~ Ii .. , u"~~" uj~II"S' ""..c.c...~.' ....... .'T.."$"o I!, I II II 'II Ii il ,J Ii 11 '1 II 1i " " -..---.-.---__.______--i..---...___.___--1'~.._.......;"___~;J.._______"~_ ii Ii Ii ,.."'.:W!.r;~!T-::~;-:,,1;~~'"'z,::'='.~r,~.l!.~'gj!mITQ7'~~~:i.,g~!~I!:~=.:~:'-::::;~:::-.;~~;..,;~ "_'.~_-:' TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS "",c:.;~',.:O'-,,:,*'--- " _""__._._m~'..___~___._" _ ___..,,__..-___......w"....._ 78 f) dfeder, Irving I. , N. Sha.ffer Personal Property Library Tr. 19 B 7~) 0 lin, Ernilyu I N. 01eve1and hrlilOnliil:property Ii - , 'i" Henry Grotes Add. 30 ~~""'=~-"""'''',"'"'''~ 1039 " 29q 1000 105Q ',' , ----.--.-----...----~.._-------~..----~---__i__---~--..,-~+_-..----:,---,..---.----.--+....-------,.--.-- :i ;i it II 'i l! 'I "1 Ii " I " g ,;1 " II il i ;, II ;' ----~-.~--;-----rl---..--;+-- , II' iI " il ii , Ii I, II Ii I I ,I I ,I ii.' 1, II Ii 585 Ii I 11 Ii Ij.I:: ....._.....__., '11..i.. oj i' " 8 _,,_"'-lL.__ " 2+-_.___. u-;-_ 1\>0 I, _____-;-__ n I 1'-' i: Ii Ii II )i:: II ,I ~ , Ii, f, II i II 5 610 ii 65$ I. 'I" I, , !i :. II Ii. I ;1, ,1:1 , .~-~----------.._--"-~-.-t.-.-..-.-~~----t,.......-~--.-'---____t--.-~ II !i:; .' 1 il IIII II ' Ii 17 I 'I 59Ct Ii I II 9g5; I'.,,',' i' , I' I,l,' Ii :! j II il ,III [---' I, I' , 4 Ii - 11-....... ~35 Ii ,I ~ " II I 7!H de, Frank T. l?e.rsonal property il ~I Tr. i' il 215 N. Orange 792 r- Ii i! dwln, Arthur S. W. Palmyra 'I' i .- 'I jl II T-r. 622 PerE/onal Prop~rty .'_""'--_'___"""'__"___H."_"'_ 793 ii ~ I: II Ii I' I " " I' Ii :i Ii il Henry .Gro te s Add. ath} Eda, E. Palmyra Persona1Prope r..ty Palm Pl. 794 r, . Cha.s F. E. Maple 79fi I ,,:Henry: ...Gro te..s.!\,Q,~t.. r,Sarah S... E. Maple 796 , ' 8, Julia A .et.al N. Pine &.Geigers .Add'.V/nlfo :t't...E!;?l;;? ft... N 122 ft B Kogl.e.r 6 I: ,i 810 Ii i! !i j! II II 6~q :1 'I 79~ 325 . ". 9'3 Jut) ~.~ ~..- 4......."'....n.....~ ......H .....- JU"""'V"f& ......UU.""'[f~IUIrIi l~r6 FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARI Assessment Book of th€ Property of City of Orang ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, used for tile words set opposite to them: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Northwastel"ly $-Dollnrs S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southw6sterly Cla,-Centa lit-East (If EasterlY N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-Corner W.----'Wost'of Westerly S. E.-SouthensterIY St.-Str60t Ft.-'F,'eot '., Imp.-Improvements Ave.-Avenue No.-Nllmb~r Bub,-Subdivlsion Th.-Thence S. n. M,-S.an Bernnrdlno Base and Meridian. Sec,-Sectlon w.rt;n1'tii-a:,,;,l;ll1'l'1'_\!l,-I':nl_~~,X~(l:,,~'fT,l!J)!(f;'()nA~!hc;-"~;rr;u;l;,:-,',--"- "",,n.,_::'____: '_: ~~~"=-"'--"--'"""'~- --,,, '_.., - '"' ._--, - ,_"" __.m_.__.~ nO_'_" __'__n""__. _".m_.),._ ...___ ._ 1 ... .->- -.""----=='-'==......"_"__........w_.".__.._..,, - r-. - - -.- ~- H_ $AN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN -r - II~ gJ I:~.o:::: ii"'u I:~ '" ..J.~ -----..)l-- Ii !I Ii j, II I, " , l~' i~"T"2~ .1 I I: )' Value I Vallie of I~nprovcl1 ;j Real Estate Therel TAXPAYER'S NAJIIE AND POST OFFICE A/JDHESS DESCIUPTION OF PIlOPEHTY " o = ~ .g"s ;.t( ,._ .....rn "'T'" ii I, Ii !' lsJ,d ".g 0 ~".!1 ~~'" . ;"F"""'~'" , rID <:2~ :! 'I '~:;-'--;':"Wi""- 'I II .1 ,'C "'..'~.''''. -".,~"'. ?8 }) 2 GOldfeder, Irving I. 3122 N. Shaffer 4 Personal Property ii ii Ii " 1030 Library Tr. 18 B 5 _.~-_..,,_.._"_....'"--_._~..~---------_._._--_.- ?DO ~._------:'"._-_._-~-~ ._--;---"~-~-~-~-~----- ]11 ili Iii II i I! I 'I ' L Ii r! I' " 'I II " 6 ,Gol1in" ,Emily " 7 :125 N. 01eveland Henry Grotes Add. ----.~------"'--.-._--."--..-.,,.,,"-----.-----__.l____.__ 9 Pe:reonal PrO:2erty 30 1000 1 " " - --~---r._._---~-~.-r--r---..-'-r-- i 'il II II ;. 'Ii H Ii " Ii I: il I: li'l Ii !L ~ ill, 8, i, I ~ : ' ' I II " ]1 'I I",' ------,-"--'---I!-- ! .. Ii . III lJ II ': I" I' !i II II ' !. I, II II j: II Ii Ii 1 i ' II 1r 585 Ii .. j!1 '.: 2..,--,--j--L ' M Ii _ ':i!~ II II II II Ii I, Ii ii Iii II I: : 'I I. [I i! ,.., C) 1 ( ,. 10 ,Goode, Frank T. , 141 ..... I'Goodwin,Arthur S. 15 :798 w. Palmyra 161 17: 793 jl . 18fGorath, Eda I: 19 !.737 E. Pa.lmyra )Oi " 211 i' I 22~Gorr, Ohas F. 11]435 12: 13 : I' 23[714 11.__ 25 " Ii :t'e:rE/Ol1a:!.:t'roperty N. Orange Tr. 215 810 il !i ,[ '[ I. Ii 1\r. 622 Ii 'I -----.J______.. !i Ii 'I 'I 'r" I; Ii Palm Pl. 5: 610 i: .. II I' 'i I, I! Ii Ii ! "--~.-T.--_:"._---+----- I II !i , II I I ~ 782 Personal Property ----J....!l:5.....f:t Persona1Properiiy 794 ii " I' I Ii il 17. II " !i " I 985 Henry Grotes Add. E. Maple If I! !i " il LHenrYCh:ot..ftS.Agg. I II II .~ II I Vi!fo :t't-:E ?1? ft- N 122 ft 79 fl 26' ..... lGorr, Sa:rah..S.".. 27:714 E. Maple 28[' 29] It, .. ..1135 il 796 I +l I II 6 I, I 325 B !I ' I, I 30.Goss, Jul1aAet..a1_.... 31173 N. Pine Kogl.er ..&Geigera Add. ."'":=""'"":O"'.,,:.c::"'-'",,'~"'''',,:::,=-::'''. .~:3~...O .J/I. un, ....use.!l.IJmclU I10ll UW }OLf01Vlng AtJlJrB"".atum,'I' are 'U7 u.'wd lor the words .set opposite to them: - N.-Nol'tl1 of Northerly N. W."-NorthwestarlY $-Dollars S.-South ot Southerly S. W.-Southwcsterly Cts,-Cf;lnts E.-EJnst of Easterly N. E.-Northeas-tarly Cor.-Corner \\".........West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft.~Feet Imp.-Improvemants Ave.-Avenue Nd,-=Number Sub.-Subdivlslon Th,-Thcnce S, n. M,-San Bernardino Base and Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOA Assessment Book of the Property of City of Oral] ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOW :~.::;:::.~::'::..":'.'_~:J\r~1lli!ll~~":J~!I_lli!'l'I~'Cl~:f'l'l:BE.I:b:!~~2~LJ:,\~;~~,~-.~ --"" -"'===-",-",,,,,--"""==.=.=",,,,,,,,"==,,,, ='~=-'-~-===, ~.-""-~.~,,,,,..,-,...,..,...,, "'II~~~ ~~~~~~~;~~ri ","lr'~'~'T--~~'~" , MERIDIAN !i 0 ,! ;. Val I '"' i! ~ ~:! Value of ,:Jmpl'o ~ ~ .go ~ ~ ~.. ii.' ~ ~ :.;11 Hen] Estate i Thl ,gj 1~~ I~ Ii s;J :1 ,,''''~_ ...:,~"~:~ :'0"; ~-,,~ "'~ I ,!if I "11 , !i TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE A DDRF.5S DESCRIPTION OF PROPEIlTY 1 7 S}', 2 Goss, Julia A et al ,Personal Property 3 173 N. Pine r Angeleno Tr. 16 ,i 745 II 4 J I 'i I ~ .----.-7 [;-;----------.--- ----.-------;-- ------.------------------------- - '--'I---' -.---.---T--r-------t-.- 6 : Grabe r , Henry Personal Property 7' 493 S. Glassell ,I Resub. Grand Ave. Add. 13 :B 675 I, i ?--.--......-......------.-.....-..--....----..___.____L_._._.._._-----..---....---.--.-----.----..----.-_...____-+-....l.4__......'.'..._..---~.--.-.,----7.45__r---... 9 o 1 Z -rr---- fl fj i! ,I ,I Orange Oi ty , ,I ii 15 II I 1150 II 16 " ii 1080 I' jl II i~ II " " II il :! " ,. ,I Ii 31 7D0 .... fjlGrace, Etta M. -II ;-II~:::a:::~_~~_~.__. 711 0:10 !i u.V I, g~G;rdft, Tllomas E. ~:176 S. Pine i )1 N 22.8 ft 19, o 3535 .1 " II ii ii 'Iii .' ---."".----------~~.---~-~_.--._-~.!. ~--..------r~l-----,.,: - , 'I ,I, Ii 11 II II II 'I " I. II Ii ~i Ii II jl ---..--.-'--------.---.~--_..--.--_.---._------------'---..-......--------j'---~-...--._-.---""'--._--_t'--_.- I, .. Ii ji Ii Ii II I II ~ ~ ii ;'.1' II . I! II -~'--t- ii r " II II Ii I. ~.. . ~ I' II Ii II Ii I I I i II 00 ee.rtl.\l Ad,el,. N 60 it 22 :B 405 'I: 1 I' 8 oq:t , l i Grafft , Thomas E. 3[,176 S. Pine 1,...- J; Sll'2.. Personal Property Tr. 123 16. 575 " II il II h I~ +- I' , .1 it :j I --T""- II !I " " ) i Graq.am.,..Doro.thY_D... I () ,<4..A.-v I UJi.f' 31 II PersonaL Property NE i il II if- Bibbers Resub. I 5, B 540 I' ,I ii r- !I ) ",.):..0:) 0: "do- , 'I Ii I' II il Personal Property 1, Graham, John '237 W. Almond Orange Oity W 58 it 20 H 1175 III lM-$ Assessment Roll tilt> following Abbrelliat;ollS are rued for the lvords set opposite to them: .-North of Northerly N. W;-Northwestel'ly $-Dollars -South of Southerly S. W.-SouthwosterlY Cta.-Cents ,-East ot Ea.sterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner ";."-Wost of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street t.':"-F.eot Irnp,-Improvementa Av-e.-Avenue 6.-"'Number Sub.-Subdivlslon Th.-Thence B. l\L-Snn Bernardino Base a.nd Meridian. Sec.-Section ",""-=~Vt't.~il~:g:.'ii:;2!W~!?:::,1'_~tl?!'11N:C1:':~W~87J.11l~~::~;yr~t5~'!::-' --'I! TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFIC" ADDRESS 70', ss, Julia A.. et al :iber, Henry FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF E( Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo. ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO UN -,,--, -, _'~_"'_~~""'=''''''_m....".__._,.,_="..'m==,.,."",=_,_..,._.""-'-"""=""""=="""~""""'~"'.''''"''''''''''I'''''''''"'''''';f==~,.,.w.....~" "._''''''''''''''=='''''". "...... .....,i~~"~"~r~"lr""I~""~r~~2 ..""'1,""" !'SAN BERNARDINO 1[.. i' Ii !i :. MERIDIAN 'I 0 ii Ii V.lnc of ~ ~ ii Value of [Improvement$' ~ 1p...~~ ~...* ~ t1!i Real Estate i Thereon go -sg = ~<il '~-l 0-'" I ::0 ~ 0 01%1 ~ Z 1I:',{f.l ~,:!? DESCRIPTION OF PUOPEHTY -'---'-,......--"...,,,...,,,,,,,., "..-.. --'-........-,.....-.. .PersonalPl'operty -'If 'iT il 3 S. Glassell Resub. Grand Ave. Add. 13 B 675 .-.-..----.--...-...-.......----..---....---.L------.--.---..---.----.----.----....-.-.--.--...---r-.J.1t._.....~'.--.-..-..~.-....-~--7Jt~..L.----.--.-_..___ 7 un lce, Etta M. 19 Frenoh St. l.ta-..A.n&--....-_____ QnO 0. v ' If'ft, ''1'h.omas E. ; S. Pine -+ I, 801 ,fit ,Thomas E. ; S. Pine 1;;1'.\.2.... U t,}, .... ri ji II -t- II II II ,I II II I I .ha.m,--Doro.thy...D._ ()..{4;(A>-/ Cdi' OI1ir.; o I}',')" ham, John W. Almond ;i !i Ii ii II 1, I .!:I I ----~--._~..._._-_.,~------~.-~-..__l.-,_...___;.......____...~_".--.4----.-~.",.._---+------_.-+"-- ii 405 Ii ii Ii I' ,I I I I 15 16 II II --_._-_.._-~----"-_..-- j: " ,', I: -i~l " Orange City N 22.S ft 19 0, f ,I, " " !~ jl !! N 60 it 00 ea;rt sAc;iI:l" 22 B 1150 1080 ! 770 3535 Ii , 6Q 2735 " IrA 5""11 II , I '. I' ..."..~~-_.._---+-,.~~-_._--+._- jl d -..-----..--~~--..~_.---'----_._---..,,--_._----_.--..-~.._..----r---------.-..-"--1----.-.T- Personal Property if ii , 16 II rli .~..'-'_-'-.'" I' , ; , I I ! i ij I, i ' II I' , . II ,i I i [ I . if . 'I 20. Tr. 123 Bibbers Resub. Personal Property Orange City w 5S ft 1'/ ,. ii " I' " Ii I I , 78+ i: 1 II :! Ii I' -1;--------:'--.. II " I, I 575 ii II I I, if 142~ II I 1175 $6 f'; ,~,,::"z:.:"""-.- """"",==,,,=-,...0... thi, Asses,mllmt Roll ",P following Abbre(.lilltion.s are used for tIle words set apposite to tltem: of Northerly N, W.-NorthweaterIY $-Dolln:ra ot Southerly S. W.-Southweaterly Cts.-Cents )1 .Easterly N, E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Imp.-Impl'OV'ilmenLB Ave.-Avenue bor Sub.-Subdivlalon '.rh.-Thence jan Bernnrdlno nase and Meridian, Sec,-Seotlon 1!'IfR' .'s:i~,l~fiiI~l.:l'!!I_:~~~I.tl!'I!.2:i:~m:~~,~:~X':::(;~,'I':;~:::~ ,I' I' FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property. of City of Orange for ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNI __""=C-==_.""_""_'_'_'__"="~==_^,.".____,_,..=_=_=_.""".,.--.,.....w._"'.=,_^._..M..__..__.._.."..,.,,..,.,.,...c~""',,.,,~~~...,,_w...___ _.._,,_...~...,. __.._.."........_.m.=..^, . ..- ..-,,,--, ........-.=""= ---------"-----~~- BERNARDI~O i: '" "II II MERIDIAN I' 0 I , ' p::~ I 'll:S'~ I ~ P:: 'I !:l:... <fl..::lg ~(l1il I: ~ ~ i. .SJ ~E- ~~ I: ~.... :! l> oJ5<Q p:: '" r'::'~'"' ,."~:~;~~,,,:._'._;"'.,..,..c;,,. ......_~"~~ 1 II.. .2 _ II : I! Value of Ii Val\l~ of 11mpt'ovement~. V~~r Real EstateL: Thereon Ii I r, I " , ii TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDIlESS DESCRIPTION OF PIlOPEIlTY Ella Bonnie Brae 21. B <, . -'._--"'-_.~.__.__.=_...'"--1'-r-'-=-- Ii II I il 'I II II 945 II 93~1 I; , I I " !! r-;r"-=- ii Ii I 'I:,' Ii " Ii I: ._.,1 " if ~l ': 11 li I! II II , I ..~-_.._._--_.._-_._._.._-----_...------_.._._-_.__.__.------.----.------.---------.-i.--.-.-.--_..___._.._.+___.___...__.___~ .".. ,............."......----- . .w......"._..~ . 04 Chapman , , ..------ If) " Ii II P t '1,1 Ii 'I . ersona1Proper. .y 'j ii , Arthur West Add. 5 ' . " .' 1690 II 109~ i : ! ' j i i : ~ : .-----.---.--.---.--..-----r---.------.---------------'--.----..'-.-.-----.-.------'----.-------.-+-.--+-----'---t'-.-.-..----c--.---.-- i. ~I I: I: II . Ii I' Ii . 855 u':.1605.' I,ll II!. II :, II II' I1II II I,il II ii' II II ' I" I il II I[ il 3 Ii (I 505 Ii I II II ! !]!i i: I'" I' I:i '"..---..--"-.---~----~-.L-~..--.:--l...-..---1- i.. 11]1 i' r:l j; !I 6 ,f Tr. 13 1 B , Emma A Ii t al G1assell lR , Emma et al I, I' ,i ,. Ii " ii :Ii jl G1assell ._----............ n7 'dEmmaet al Tr.235 51q: Gla.ssell , Ernmaet al -------r- " II ,I L t---- II Ii I! :1 Ii II 26 :i 305 I' II ; ili I' '. ii. ' : Iii III Ii. I,.., " .; I . I' ----------J.-----------L---L------ U .______-1_.__ ! III II r II j i !i ! ! 18, A ii I 975 750,: II I i: I' . i: il II II !, 1" II Ii !I II !I r i II ! I II I II " " , ., II ~ J Ii II I! 'I I )8 Tr.621 G1assell )9 , L. L. eta1 G1a.ssell Chubb s Add. , :i " i --------:r- I' I Ii II ~- :1 Ii Tr. 71g !I 1'1 I, Ii ;1 :1 I Henry Grotes Add. Ii , .----=tt I! !I ii ii ,..L...L.._ Pe.rBon!i!.l Property '^l i I 1 6 205 II ;1 " Ii II Ii H 7SJ I' Ii !' .0 :l:1assell )ha pman 26. 'II II I II Ij Ii 1995 III 183J- I !I . '?!2.I--..,-.II.... I ;~:l}:~E] 1 , Wm. .D. Pe:rsQIlal F'rope:rty I O' . S 111 lh~ Aue.ssuumt Roll tilt> following AbbnwiotiollS are ~. l usod for the worel, set opposite to them: .' N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Northweat6rly $-Dollars S.-South of SoutherlY S.W.--Southwesterly Cts.--Conts E,-East ot Easterly N. E.-NorthoRQterIY Cor,-Cornor W.-:-,West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft.~Feet Imp.-Imp.rovomenta A va.-Avenue No...::.....NUmb-or Sub.-Subdlvlslon Th.-Thence H. n. }.f.-San Bernnr<Uno Bnse and Meridian. Sec,-Seollon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOA Assessment Book of the Property of. City of Oral: ASSESSED TO AI"L OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOW ..,'._......._.......l_"""..._.._..._......_.M..,.,..._.".___.__..._.._...,..._._=_=~_-=~'~"""""~'''''''''''''''"=.''''''~,,,,,'......,......,---,..,'.....,~._,. --,....".,.-......."...,--.._.....__.__.._~;_.^.=--'--_..._^-'=~~'-"-"OC'1f'=-~._--''''-"".,.~'-._---"''' !iSAN BEllNAIIDlNO :1 ~ il I .... ;i MERIDIAN---l 0 11 II Val , ill ~ ~ I: V nlue of tlmpl'o E: 1:a'E:,,!oII: ~... 'II ~ e Jli Reul Estate I: Th d... "'-S8 '~~ Il ~~, )1 .gJ ~ =P5 ~ ~ !t;:J 11 ...".,.....=.."..... rJ!....'.f~ .. .,,:.., .' ./r'.:;:." rr 'f" !I I II II if ji ;1 ji r ., il II Ii , .^..,..----_._--~.._'--"~ Ii ' -'..,~:~:=::==~"''"':~:.:':::=:=!tlJ:.mnL!:::..Jk~~.:flf~1!:~CIJrryxm:)~:~~,!~~''<R1I~/,.::',' ::;:'~~~- ,,:':,:- :--:::-~--:==,',::-"~.~',;'"""~,~~~~:~--::~':::~~:::.. --:~:~::'.~:::--::,: , TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCIIIPTlON OF PROPlml'Y .n.'''....''"",...___"_,, '" '.. ~ ___m.' ,...".. ___.........m...._". ...,_.__"__....~_...m 1 8U4 Bonnie Brae il I. 21 B 2 Granger, Ella 3 637 E. Ohapman 4 t ......".-..~-.-~.--,~."-~..._""--,-,-_.--"------~-.--.-"__~_,_____'__~.,____..__________.__~__.__~__~_~_+f-.--....--.~-.----. - , II Ii p ii :1, i~ J ii l!i 5 S I) f) 6.Granger, Emma A 7 312 N. G1asBell 8 Personal Property et a1 " H \[ I Arthur West Add. 5 ............ 'l~ " I I I 945 I , I I' p 1690 ._---_..__._..._"_..-'"-_._.."~_...-..-_._-------~~_.~- " ;;;, -------------;~_._"~----~_._"-~--------i:------ II II II ,Ii II II II 855 ~ "I' , II ill I Ii,' :~ -"1'11,: -- ii -1--- I, I! i I I~!I Ii 3: II 501:: ii' II '1 II .I, II : i; :, ~!-~.-_.---_.4-----.~.-----.F---- I, " I. I' II', II II I: ~I . i' " 26 'I 'I! ,I I' i ~t Il i' 'f Ii' 9 sor; 10Granger, Emma et a1 Tr. 136 1,..:6 11 ,312 N. 12 G1assell 13 807 14 I,Granger, Emma et al .15 h312 N. G1aesell !, 16 Ii ~ Tr. 235 17t 808 18' .....Granger,_Emma. et a1 . ~Tr.621 19,312 N. 20 21 G1assell '---'H--'.'-'-'-"'--",.-' --"--.~""-_..---...-._--"-- '1 II Ii ~ Ohubbs Add. :1 " I. r l! -~- II Tr. 718 ,[ II !i II II Henry I il --.---..-.-----...--rr------..--.-. -.... Ii II II I 118 ,I I: , ----r--+- I' , , ~ Ii 6 809 i,1 j) II I~ ,J 11 Ii II Ii i~ 11 I] Ii " IJ II :,1 it r ,I I. !~ ,I II H I.. !1 II II " Ii !I ~ Ii Ii !I il Ii H i4 II II iI ----r II h II ;,i ii " I. II ., Ii II 22 ,.Granger , L. L. et a1 Bi312 N. G1assell 24 --"--y-- , 251. 810 26rGranger.,_L._L. . ..-- 27 :312 N. G1aBsell .___.f.~L 29' 811 I 30iGranger,Wm.D. 31637 E. Ohapman 321, ;;o;;''':-''':"=.''~.' A PUBQn~l....PrQPerty 1 .f.ersQD.al. PrOPerty Grotes Md. Ii I I' I .,,_:_...;;:;:;=.__..__.....~_ I ._____..==-- ._ ._... E 17 h ft I ',', ,: ,.-' ': : ,",,, -....-...-"--="'"""''"'==o-':""~,~';\.''''~~'''"~~~''''~''---~qa;1:.='''''':7=:,''=''''';:: ~ 26. 305 975 .-t--- Ii I , if l~ II I 205 'I I, II 1995 325.." ." il ? fo 0'1 FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAL] Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange for t] ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNOJ =~~~:::::=-..=~n~II~~:~:'J.~5;'1.=';~: , 0 0 ~ ' " p"'i ' .1 I .. - -- . -~-"._.ti:.fj~ft"r~t--~.r~- I.i. I II I 'I it II ....; i II II il I' I II Ii ac- Ii I ~ 64 I! J II E , 1.1~ !2l___3.9.+-____6 II.' I' II.' I' I Ij '! Richland Farm LotsE44tt....S59.,':;ft...Wt--mt II 20 i '. I ,., I .450111 3,:;11.1 II i ' , q I: I I II I! Ii. I I. II Ii II I "I I i! " '-----t--,----+---r---t-----t--- I,' II I' !' Ii ',' ,I I' " I, I" I, I.' 10' I 'I 1125 II .1'11 It if I II I II II II __.,. ,i I; III, 'II 1-. , ' I I] , 'I ! ., II II H, 1125 II 135~ '1'1 ,II I! I' Ii II " I I ,I Ii I i II Ii I I -- -l--"---'-t--'--'---l"-'-'-'" II , ' II I I, I 115 iH_! I ~5 ~ II : I II I ! II Ii ---r-----L,' ___~II , ,Ii il II I I '-,.---fll-'--.-,---'--" Ii I II Ii 7: Di 4.701 3985 II Ii Tr. W by Olalll Ii Ii II II' :1 ' !I 1,.1 .-4 II 1...,5551 770 1,1 thil A'ueumcllt Roll the follow;lIg Abbreviation! are fuell far the lvord$ 'e' oppmite to them: ~.-Norlh .(lot Northorly N. W.-NorthW&8lerlY $-Dollars I.-South of Southerly 8. W.-Soulhwester!y Cts.-Cents ~.-Ea8t 01 Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-Corner N.-Wellt or Westerly B. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street "(.-Feet Imp.-Improvements Ave.-Avenuo 'la.-Number Sub.-8ubdJvlslon Th.-Thence i. B. M.-San Dornnrdlno Basc and Morldlnn. Sec.-Section TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDllESS c,: 1 ') >oJ .,..,. ~ant, Geo. Per.s.Qnal.Property ~80 E. Walnut Ohapman Tr. W 1.11 ac-Nj.61 ac...E 6.50 "_____"_____,~.___,..--,-,---.._------""'---....----,,Jfl'Li: S13 ~ant , Mary R. i3 W. Palm (' .~ " I '1 '-J.. .. 'assle, George A. Sohaffers. Add. o W. W. Parsons :r---N.--,Gl&S88J.-J..-______,_.__L__ ,I 8jf) assle, .. G. . A. Henry. Grates Add. o W. VI. Parsons 7 N. GlaAsell___...,. 81fl li.tz.,._..P.et,er . If- ' Tr.571 o Oedar Ave. n.ver.,--Ool.o._____________,__ 817 ay,Edwa.rd .: OhapmanTr. , Ii 4. 70ac in Bd N by Valencia 9 N. Ross Jl1iLArul...________._.. -------r---- 81g . il.y,.Jesse -L..et...al ,)" ^ 1, '1 j..v Ilv") .:..,' ;;.. AlVl4-""i~r' f'~ 1>+ :1 ijKordesT.r... .......__ ii 'I Ii :1 I; II II , ~-..oraddicks,.-SUb. II ----.._--~---. Sin LY, Mettie ) N. Oleveland 33~ , 16.+..,)3 1 . ~: :,'C ,,,.,;.:' _" . _ . _ . :..",0:55 .., . '''l~,,, . - 1):1.'" . "1"'---"" 221 I 610 33 ,,:=,~""'"'''',:;:;:,,;~..''".,-''':' --=---"";:';"=="-"'- . 1~91) .,~# III : ;~(I l/'J. IIn. AsScs.smclIt .t1oU tflp Jouowmg AlJ()rewallOn8 are .J ;Y used for tfte 2(lords set opposite to them: N.-North or NortherlY N. W.-Northwesterly $-Dollars S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southweslerly cts.-Cents E.-Ea.st of Easterly N. ro.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner W.-'West or Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft -Feet Imp.-Impl'ovemen ts A vo.-A venue No.-Number Sub.-Subdivislon '1'h.-Thence S. n. M.-S!\n Dornnrdlno BIlBe and MerJdlnn. Sec.-Section FORM'OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOAR! Assessment Book of the Property of City of Oran~ ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, T"'-""":':;'-~" '~~'t,~fK1C~:;:~:t;'~!tarftI1L~_::!tt!l.Jft:q:t::':!~-1~~12Jfi~}-::~M~:~f:::':";':';;':,~,:,,:,.::~~~,.._._:~.:.:::_:.: . ._~.,~ .=.=.,.._..-.~..._._.. m_w..~_.__,....~..~".~.,.. __ _~_._.,....._"_m_". ==""=_.,"'_"_~,,~.. . ,,^,~,,_. ..._=-~.~~.=,.,~ ,GraY"Edward 1+.70ao in Bd N by Valenoia Tr. W by . ::,~::".,"""=- ri~li ~:l' ~n:~Of[;r~~~ ,: S if ~..!It ! ~.... J1 ~ ~ II' Rent Estate rJ'hcl'c :.~ 'oo..,. bO. . ""u ! '. 0.".. 0 "" 'i ",.;, :) .'. I' 'Zt-l ~ =i:Q '~~ I.}:) !I fi '; ~ ,oJ5 Ii Z II b ......~- if.'T1.l--'-r. . h 1'1' I: ' II I I... ' .~. I, Ii Ii ao- I, II II II II I I~ 'I. ~ II t 20, [II' ili. " I Ii II' .1 i i if --------- -----r-.,-------lLII-- I' Ii I I i: :: Ii ii ii 'I II Ii II 10, B I f ;1,125 II ~ :.' II Ii Ii! . III II 1125:1 I I' 1, II, III Ii i I II II ' I[ I --t---- I' I I II ,I I , I! 5:: ~5 11 [l I I II 'JI II ii I I II I: -"-~----.......jo----_. -_..!-._---------------- 'I ~ II Com I 7 , . . D, ..1,' 4. 701 " I --"-'--.'-'--'-""-,'''---- ------,.-..". --.-....- TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE AnDnESS ..,.;::".""*,,~.~.:;:.,,..,,; 812 I Grant ,Geo . ff-- Per sonaL Prope rty_ ,13M E. Walnut Chapman Tr. W 1.11 ao-N3.61 ao-E 6.50 NW..t n Ii 61+5 .,--\---------,--...------------.--.---.----. II Ii Ii II II II " II I, I: R10hland li'armLots El+ltft-S59.5 ft...W~Et Ii " " " I, 450 I: !; 313 ,Grant. Mary R. . : ' :333 W. Palm ._---------'-----'1-------------'- " I 814 :Grassle, Ge.org.e A. Sohaff.e r s. Add. , ;,0/0 w. W. Parsons ;20-7-N.-GJ.asseU- I-J , I: 8"'''' I' 1 f} i, liGra.ssle ,G. A. I;~; Y. w. Par.,n, N. Glassell_______,_,___-1_. ,I I 81(>) II ! n il .1 'J Ita i~ ~. ratz,Peter U T.r. 571 Ii Ii 11780 Oedar Ave. II , :1 ! :1 ;nen:v:e;r",-colo.--_____....,__.__""__..."_____i_________,..______________ 817 j Ii Ii 'i OhapmanTr. ~ ! Ii ii .1 Henry Grotes Add. i: , " II I! " 37 1 3985 :1 ;839 N. Ross SlR . I ,I .- ._-. ~.JtO"de' II I' , , I Tr. .16~m.:e '1'-''''- II I' I " ,[..---- " " I , . 555j:::.j ..-" 770 I '- ~ j2anta Ana .Gray.,--J.esse_-L.__et"a.l... 9~ 17 1 . JtwNr' f~, ~_LO&) 819 22 11 Gray,.. Me tt1e." ............ 340 N. Cleveland CraddlcksSUb. 'I I I. , -i .610.[- ..-"....-..1 ---'--c~'~_~~"""'^""'~_~~"~'"~~~~~"'''_'_~'''"~~_'-'"'''__..~_-''''''' .._~,"~_..~.~'..._ .. __._.."~". () I" thi! Assessment Rn1l1hC' follmuillK Abbreviafhm.'i arc Ilsed for fIle words .set oPPOSit6 to them: N.-North of Northerly N, W.-NorthwesterIY $-Dollars S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cts.-Cents E,-East of Easterly N. E,-NortheasterIY Cor.--Corner W.-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Streot Ft.-Feet Imp.-Improvements Ave.-Avenue No.---'Number Sub.-Subdlvlslon Th.--=-Thenco S. B. M,-Snn Dm.nnr'dlno Base and Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange: ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN. AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO -~_.."'''WITmnl('i!I.-I.Il.N'I:r.''I'IlI~'I'tIl'lJ1r'r'(,ilTi{'Rl'nr;'''''~~''''''''=. --.................,..-= ~SAN BERNARDINO '" I I,T'" ,I MERIDIAN I 0 I! Value 01 I "" Ii ~ ~ Value of I~mprovemenl o .9< ~ il p::l ~ Renl Estate ii Thereon ..l J~!~~iJ+ ~~~..~" II Ii III II II 'Ii, I' I' 'I 1i ,I :',1 Ii !I ,,: iI li"il ]1 I I' II ,I Ii II II I: Ii 2. 30 1~ II II. il I' ~ " '11,1.. IJ..li ,II Pe r sonalPrope r.t.y II II Ii I , Ohapman Tr. NE a- i, 10 E il10 il 5760 II I 1. , i' I mm,,," - -"",--,,,-- ---'----'''- ___,______!lJly Sg,7~Q,- iL~,-\.~~HQhL___,__~'___'~ "_- --F~I~ --3J.1Q+I' _ ii il ! 11:1 ;1 II ~ 675 ...~ 1 Iii I I 610 II I il ' I! jl 'I II II II II I II II Personal Property [, ,;11 I II Ij I' J I ' 18 S. Oenter :i a. z. Oul ver Home Tr. W 12 ft-E 25 ft-S 3411 56 ) il I I' II I "II I . -,,-, ,------__-'--____._.______. ._~_U,lt-1L5Q.J_11______1 f:i6 _.______~~___L__9c3o-L-7.;;~i . ~ I, i' ' Ii S 50 ft Ii 57 II I II : ~ ,: ,g II .. ,I 'I ., 'ii Ii !: II I: ' II I II ----~;------..t--------I:---+- lil---l reen,Mllton Weloh&: Harrod.s.Resub. Ii 15 D il .575 I 'I il ,I .L_, II I II II 1:, Ii : ""OoM -pro:.:YI7-bt D -11 . ;~~ ~.--.; 1 I I Ii I , I , , I , ~ . ... ~..._".".,=.".,',.". -,.,,,.,.==,- 1142 ~ / 25'/:10 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND l'OS'J' OFFICE ADOHESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY -:::k,o:_.-,,,.,,,::, ^~._.......m._'.."_._...._~.."..~._____ .._.~__.m'___.._'__~..._._M'___.,..___._.'"....... ----...".....''''....'''--...'-'''0....-.-...---.,. -,--.._-.,"'''_........._~,_.._'''-~''".~-_.--- S20 ireat We,stern ,..,,': <I" I r If, V..:V"i'; l,-'-Oyi>X'Sl:lll Cordage Co. Personal.Property R10hland Farm Lots Ely 2.33 ao-Wly 9.33 +-_ _( Ex W 4 ft-N J~.LLfi) a.c Ii , , 24 821 ireoht, M. etal. 040 E. Walnut lOBO r:')f) () ..... '- :t ) 5 II II II " 6 il I, i 260 recht, Max1m111ian , :1 Hartwioks SUb. i! !I ;i 040 E. Walnut .\j-', ~2') \_~ i) 'reen, J. A. , , , I I "71~. ox 292 82fl , , , , I l, II II Bea.oh Add. :1 reen, Th08-S..-, 63N. Oenter 82fi reen, Thos S. . Ar.:t.h:u.r.West Add. BJ,Q, :ig:J, 53 N. Oenter .--.".......'''......--..--"..- ......-,-"_..,,-,-- .. "...'t-.-'''.------'''--''---''''-''''-''-'''.'''''''---'---'''~-'~''''''''.'''.,.",''-." ~ t 1") In thi~ Ass.essmellt Roll tll(' followillg Abbreviations are ., .1 J.. \. u.sed f(Jr the !vords set oppositll to them: N.-North of NortherlY N. W.-Northwesterly $-DoUars S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Sollthw-8sterly Cla.-Cents E,-fiast of Easte.rly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner W,-West of Westerly S. E,-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft.-Feet Imp.-Improvements Ave.-Avenue No.-....:Number Sub.-Subdlvlaion Th,-=-Thence s. n. M.-:-,San Bel"nal'dlno Dase and Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE Bq Assessment Book of the Pr(Jperty of CitY' of Ora ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOI ""'V'-';"'~""~~"''''-r--- - wYfifNaf'""If-7'".r;.tN 17.'-I'IU:l\"J'lNd 'l'I'TUIJlU'," OI~.\'Nl'JJfi""'"~{T",,". o. m ~==,,~,,_~ _~ '"fi l]t 820 21Preat Western 3 IN. ?6y.J~~s-s / ,...."._11-____. Oordage 00. Personal Property ~s~~~~~~~~~I~~11 r~rl! " MERIDIAN ill l:: i,'.I' I' , , .' if) . " ~I" ~ ~!I Value or IJmp o .90"'0'.; : IJ;l ~ 1'1 Rent Estate ::. " ,..tl _ !4.l... I' ~ u . . J ~... <noS t) i bJl:l l:a...t. ]i !::II' ,~.s ~~S I~~ ,I ~ 'I II +.<Il.~" ,.,;t:,o.,~..,*,.,..".,+,~:~...'''*''.r'''..''."'''.",.,,=i!s,,.,0 II, I I' Ii ' :' II II I' 'I Ii Ii I' I;' I: TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDHESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY , f' ,. , ""''11'''"' 'I Riohland Farm Lots Ely 2.33 ao-Wly 9.33 lEz.. w 4 ft-N 329. Lit,) ao !i 24 5i I , 6 I' .. !preoht, M. et 2.1 " 7 ;n.040 E. Walnut 8 .---.~.-_._---.,,-"'--,----._.__._--_..,---"'...._.," ---_._-_.._-~ 9! 822 821 Personal Prop.ert.y 10 iGreoht, Max1mUl1liLIl v i; I 11 ~040 E. Walnut I 12-f.-- '~;I! -82.1 " 14 ~breen, .. J .A. ~: rIg S. Oenter -I -------"----,--,-,,. 17 I 18;] II 191i 201 2q 824 I ' n preen, . Mil ton 231~ox 292 2 II ' .,,,-~~, , 251i ii 26" I", ,....".~Green,-.ThOs"s.--- 27463N. Oenter 2811 I! 291! Ii " 30!:Green,Thos,S.. ,._,,, ii 3111463 N. Oenter II ,,3. i,.'''t:"" "-"'''''"''1~',":::':'''",'':;;OO=;;:O:''';_''''",:o::"'",,; :"''':==~_"';"''''':''''':.;,,:~.,,~,.m 'dt., 'I' , ",-""-.--",,---,,---------,-,,.,------- -r ] I ! 'I II II .... ,.. ".~ ,I , I II ' .. ... , 575 Ii." II' , ; .. i" ,I " 'I il Welch. & Harrods Re SUD.... .D :Beaoh Add. l'e.rsonalPrope rty...._ ll: 45 :ft Ii I' ,I ii " t;~.~ Ii :1 I -, " I. 82fl D 270.. ":"',,,,r,,,"',, .. ! I I ..."'."'.."'."'~..'''''.'''''' II II II $10.. 821l .. Arthu1.' West Add. 16 ".\ ...''^M'.'''..,....__"_..,......~... '...m_,,__,,~_.._ I~:t~/ . I :. ';;; ,"':)OiJ~;'i'd.'&JiIiii'jj"""&'Mf.\~"*-"""#i.""",'''W>__'''''''''<_~-'''''''"''''''''''''t"",''&m",,,'''''''''''~"""";W;""_h"r"OW.(,,,_",,,,,",,,.[.w"''''''''~.A;'''Jil''''''4".;w,J='''<'~=''''''''='l?_'''''"''''''''~'~''''''=~''''''-''''''","_,"~,_o,,,==,",,,,,,,-=<,~<==,,"",,,,,,,,,,;,,--,",,;;ii0'1~;,,00~'';'.~~~=;';;;;",,-':;--,";;;;" '.O._...",._.__,"___~,,__..,.. > -"-",--- --"'" I 1 III ,hi. Assessment RoJlth!' following Abl,rcvint.ion8 a.rc ...L . llsedfor tile 1vords set oppOJJile to them: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-MorthwestElrly I-Dollars g,-South of Southerly S, W.-So\lthwesterly Cta.-Cents E.~Enst,ot Easterly N.El.-NortheaateI'Jy COl',-Corner W._West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St,-Street I'~t.-Feet Irnp.-Improvementa Ave,-Avenue No...:-NUmber Sub.-Subdivlsion Th.-'fhonce S. n, M.-Sall Bernardino Bnse and Meridian, Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD 0 Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO .,-.,..,,-,...,....,..,~-"Wff;ffiffi"'s-7I;'~"N'FlFi'nD.-mm "iiTiTn~oi-OfiA'N(i~:(:_CAT.~.:'. ~'-..., -"'""'''''-''=~,",",,,,""'~-~-~~'' ==~.,....--...~--..----., c . .'~!r~~~~~~~~R~~~~ Ir=.......llwi....'....l~2'... ii MERIDIAN Ii 0 Ii i! Value of 'I '.' ~ (/J ii Value or :.'mprovemenl ! '"' i:l. 'i::Ll~ ",I I 0:.= ~ ~ G;l... ii P=l ~ ii Rcal Eslalc i ThCl'COI1 g (; 0I).,g ~ ~ ~ II::S ~ ' I' '.:;0-1 ~ =~ <\lb- I:::J it (.) ,0 o~ ~p :; Z II ._,,~,,~..,~,,:=:.,,:c;::"':;o,,~;-;;;;:;;"":;;:::::;:,,'---~-;;-_:::.,'''',..'.:::,,'''',,:,,;;;;,::'--~o- :",,,::~,:....cD,,~.~,o' ..;~~..-.c:~::...,;::--f=:;c:".:"'1:..; ::__.,;;::.:,,;;:~:'l:;;:-.c-:~;:;:.:-,. ""~"':::::""'~~::;:.,,:::::;="':o'" _._._..,'" 'I 1.1 Ii Ii I! "il II ',I !I' I Ii II! i Ii ,] II II , TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADnllESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPEIlTY f'C"--- , ::""oc:-,.:";;,:;."o:")~ ,...-....,--......"..- .--"-. ...-, ---.."~"-",."._~--_..'"~_.._,-"'~.~ 827 !Green, ThOS. s. ;463 N. Center Personal Property 1i Tr. 123 9 575 1351 -'-!i----- II I, i S28 , '0 0 ~ Ii regg, ora "'. i 11405 E. Mapl e , Personal Property 1 B II II ii II II 'I II 1150" '611 Bonnie Brae II Chapman Tr. I' Ii -~'----------'"--li------"- Ii , , ...---.---------.---~--"--,_.----,-".---,-+--.---,.-..~-------..--..----.,.----"..-.----'----~--.,-------------....---..--.........--.-.7r.--..~~.--..-----".-.-"-"J"---.-----.~ I :: 'II ,i. :; I'. : " I' :1 I! ,1 i! II i,' I . Ii Personal Property Ii I III. o. Z. Culver Home Tr. E 130 ft 16 . ~ i.. II il _____ N 2 f.:t-E 1;0 ft 17....:.LJ.. Ii II .-r--II , II Ii I II Ii I Ii Ii 'I': ii I " il I 2 1160!, I I. ,I , il I ,I ~---t~,-_.---~--~-~..-~-,---.-~ , il" I !! ! ! i !I II I 11 Ii', III Ii 880 il ,[I II'" " 'I Ii Ii I " .1 I' I '1 . ii II " ---.--".---.-w.,-."-----"-.----"-""'wT---_--,-~--~_,-+_-,, L___ Ii II il 'I ,[ I Ii . ~ ~J 1125 3071 S2!1 ~Gribble, ....wm. M. \; 11204 s. Ora.nge II Ii , 8:30 Grieser, Henry Ig90 N. Shaff er Personal Property N 2 ac - NE ~ 4. E 661 <;\ 3, '1 () .. 1 , IQriff1n, John M , , ,I I' 1 -~--""_.-------,_.----~---~~--- Ii,' 832.. · Ii :1 ;Gr1:ff1n,..JQhn. Met. al Ii Spotts SUb. ! ii iP, asadena ,I i I ,I r I i i I . ....."" " " L,Valenoia.Tr. .1 II I, II :Elonnie Brae " 1:3, B 1051 833 1 ,Griff1n,.J..w.W. , , , , ~259 Glover Pl. , lto.S_Ang.ele.s '! 834 Ii ~..19 II . I I Ii. 20. I : II I y--! " II " Ii ;i '11 Ii 2~" I ,l il 760 Ii II 610 II I' I .475" ..... .c.,92~ 141 S. Center I I I , 1 I Sohaffers Add. Personal Property ;Griffi th,Ka tes. 11 B 1125 1341 7na ""~~""."';c:.:;'.<.:...".".._.:..,=."""""""'=".:..."'-"':".:,,,;_;:"""'_.."_..,,_;;:'" """"""=,..'~"_.._n...r___ ~"""""".-",""-'''''!'''_'''_''_''''''''"",-"",,,",,,,,,-=,,,,=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,_,,;,;,~~",;,;;,...;;:,.:;;;;;;;;,c;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;,;;;:;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~,;;;;';;~;":;;:;;';~^;,7^~;;;;;;;:';;,;,-;;'~~=';;':''';';;;;;~',;;;';:;;;;;';:;;.;;:;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;,...,;;;;;-,.;;;;;;;;.:,;;;;;;~,;;;;~;;:;;"~~;;;,:;,,., Tn ,hUt Assess/lwllt Roll thf.' follorvirlg Abllreviation.'1 are used for the words set opPDsite tD them: -North of NortherlY N. W.-Nortbwosterly $-DolJara .South ot Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cts.-Cents ~Ea.st" of Easterly N. E.-Northeastel'ly Cor,-Corner -West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street -Fee~ Imp._Improvcments Ave.-Avenue -Number Sub.-Subclivlsion "l'h.-Thenco :. l\f.-San Bel'narmno Ba.se and Merldilln. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF E~ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo: ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN """"""-,,"Ti;"Rri'"~""F'Fh",'TrNaS-rifDro;-t'i'ir7\XOF:." rr;\i~~""""- _......._".._-'-'~~O";"';=-'-.M"~'~""''""'~_..=---~,'"'"''""''.;..:,.~~~,'''''.~,.......''".~' ....-",,,...---...-.,,,= TAXPAYER'S NAME AND 1'0ST OFFICE ADDRESS ... '.!'~~~:i:~~~il~~l'~'ll'...'. ......i......Tvul.:C.Of...lr...~ I' "" Po !! ~ t2 II Value of 11mprovcmenl~1 o :E Z,.\IIj ~ ...'.1 !Xl ~ '1'1. Relit Eslulc :'1' "hcrcou i., i:l... 1Jl~ ~ ~Drn !I ~ ~ ., ' :1 .gj r~~ ~~ !i ~ ' Iii 'II Ii ~ 0 0 IX: ~: z' I Ii .. ........... ..,.."....,""iIl.",.;~,<f)., ..'T' .",'f,...~.".,.il'$'''''''''.''.''''.''ir'.''''''=''''=''.'*'."f II 'I' I: II II II ii 1'1. ,1 , , i'l il :: It Ii I: 575 I" 135~ "!I ' ii ---~-'--r---'-rr '!i- I II ' :i 11 l~ II Ii " ~ , Bonnie Brae 1 B II II 1150.. -61~ .........--........--+.....-...--..-.-...-...--...--.---.--.-----.--.--.---~.....-.----.l~.--+-----.+-.-{-- ! ' Ii ji Ii il ji It , , Ii Ii I' Ii II !i it ~ ~ Ii II 1125 II 307J II il ~-J- II II II II II ii ,I . 'I II 66dl I, I' ,! -r-- Ii . , [I El80,. 105.'11 I 'i' " ""1. II. !! I: !I II . II II Ii il ---ir------;-...Jr----r.------;.----,-- I 'I'! ,I I, II .1 I i! ii I I 19 ,I II 760 II ' II ~O' I . '1111. I 610 Ii II .1 II Ii i 1'1 II I II i .11." 2,...., .475.1' Ii DESCRIPTION OF PROPEHTY ''"''''':;04';;;'' , ,- S27 en, Tho s. S. Personal Property N. Center Tr. 123 9 S28 gg, Oora E. Personal Property E. Maple S29 bble,Wm. M. Personal Property ;~ s. Orange C. Z. Culver Home Tr. E 130 ft 1L?_.fj!- E .l3.Q..H 16~ 17~ T II ,I Ii , II I; Personal Property II II " II II Ii h !' 11 '1-, E Ii J__~___ji Ii .' , ,II I' ' , i I , " " II 13 B 211 ii 1160 S:30 leer, Henry Chapman Tr. N 2 lil.C - NE tt N. Shaffer 'i II II 'i ----1r- d " 831 ffin, . John M Bonni e Brae 832 ---.----.----[--------..-.----.------..-----.- . ., ,i ffin, JQ.hn M e.tal Spo tt s 8\),1:>. 833 ffin,J.W. 3 Glover Pl. .'.Valenoia Tr. i ! i r- ......,.92-JI , a.dena :1 II --....-----.-----...-1. -.Ang.el.e.s 334 , i , I , I ... j Pexsonal Property ffi th, Kate. S. S. Oenter Sohaffers Add. ,11 B 1125 134d 7n.a 10;LQ :~~e!'fi:f3;\l('ff~~~~~:T::'~~~~~-~~..s:;~~..!::"!....~~~'~;~,,:?;;'!:~~,::::::!::,:,::~~,","-:',!::.,:,::,:~-:,:~~';"':~"':'~~~~~.~~'""~:'!~~'~~,':"_~!'!~~~"~!~,.,,,,!"''''''''''''''~-"0"'^",,,,;;';~#=,,,,",,,~~~----O=='c,,".,,,,,-,"",<.,~,,,",,--- ",,,',,,,"^,, ~'~<', ~ ,-- ," ~~ -., Iu ,!tit Assessmellt Roll ,lre following Abbreviations are rUled for the words set opposite to them: N.-North ot Northerly N. W.-Northwesterly $-Dollars S,-South of Souther-Iy S. W.-Sollthwesterly Cle.-Cents E.-East of EasterlY' N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner W,-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft...:.:-Feet Imp.-:-Improvllments Ave.-Avenue No>-N~lmber Sub,-Subdlvlsion Th.-T,hence ,g, Il,"M:-San Bernardino Base and Meridian, Sec.-Section :;:-=-=-_ .~~~~~-"~ ""':"F~"'''!'''"''':'.'''''o;-~~",,~~f,'l'T'===--=------__=~==--=--:-==='~==-=~_:__:===~-=-------;;.- --::---' ~_~-'-I--=:::::: IlsAN BERNARDINO I ,_ II I I, 2 I - I I TAXPA YER'S NAME d MERIDIAN 0;1 V.lne of AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPEBTY I "" ~ e3 ~ II Value of I~mprovcment POST OFFICE ADDRESS 'i ~... :E ~~ ~ 1il E9 ~ il Renl Estptc if Thel'con ,~ ~ lfh9 0 ~ <U ~ -< :: !~ ...~ ~ =::::: a:i:I:; P, i' U o~1"ol rJ:i 'I Z! I' ""lr,Yi-'i'<:O", '::.."'""'~.'f-" .....'.t'.=....".....=" II il III Ii ,I 11 II ,; ~ 1150 Ii f! FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD q Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL .OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TC 1.1:2 :--..'''''''"*"''.: ....,,---' ..,_."-~.,,._.. -.--'.--.-."."'-'. ..,_......_.___.._..__.._......___m.__.... ..._.._"..........u.,..__.,,__._..___...._._. 835 , - ,Griffith, Thoe E. (L. I Oauldwelle. Wi therbe'es Add,. 4 A 56! ) 1561 N. ~ Orange ..-.-".-----'1 I I , 'I Thermali ta Tr. " II --------..-"------.-~----'---~---------r-'-- ;! ii' I: 1'1 ~ :! I' I: il I 675 Ii I! 11 8 B 51( - , ) i I' , 5 IGrifti th,Thos E. ! 7 ;561 N. Orange L__._" ___.__.-,__,_ 83G ~ I I I 837 ._..._._.___.._".....__~__._"M__:-...____._..;.:._.._.._______.._-...--r:-------.".--.--- " ;~ ) I prochow, Henry I, llfl41 S. Batavia I.: ziI l' Ii 311 H I' +ll!..... J ,; 6\ 7~ - S:3R slarotf. . Flo.r.a L. 91i193 S. Oypress Ii 0,1 . 1 l' I, " , J Personal Property " " !i Ii ii 'I 7, Ii II . II ____"__'"'___",,_,_.L_.a___.,,~..l_ II II II 9 I: " II 540 540 540 1111 Spott s Sub. I I .. II , " 'I. ji I' II '. II' ._______H____"_~_"_____.._..___~"_..______..._.__._""_~.~-~-,-.-.--,-.-.--_.--:L'-'~"--.-'-"r--"----'---'--.-+~--* ji !! I, i: I II ii. I! il :1 II !i!! J :1.. Personal Property il Ii :1 '.'1' Ohubbs Add. Ii 11 A II 1080 II III it " II 1, ;i "_""_'____'-"-__-..______________________'_'__"""__.__'1'1..----T----t'-----.-r-- j' ,:, I Ii " 11 !i 1',1 II I' Ii is I II . 1 ~I I I!.' i I I I "[i"l I I II II i 26 84 838 2UG M jiross, ary 31i436 N. Oenter II 1-'--_ I' 51! 840 6~ Gl'oss,,_R.l!l.__ 711291 N. Harwood al: Ii 91: ii O!!Gro s s ,Rob_e:rtE._ _.. Personal Property 841 iI Ii I ......-----1 I II l'el:'l:1Qna:.J.PrOPel:'ty II Ii 610 Ii II I I , i 91 Tr. 480 Tr. 202 1 855 . 1'98 'l'he:rmli.lita Tr. 9 A 1015 ~~ ir 111291 N. Harwood " ?' ,------- -~----,,----~,-- - --.~_._,- '1 i I 100:.t1 """"::;-.'''"'''"c:c--.~..,,;''-=''',J"''''=O::;;:,...-., ;:~.Jii.J:'!""r::~B~#;~-;:~~~=""'''''''''""'~0'''''''''''L<",''",,,"''~=-~...:;:''""lj""""=<::;~;~':::~;::::~~~~~::;;:_~:::=,~-::':~::':::~~~~:,,::~,;:'?':~~,:~~~:::":~~~~"=::-~~1:~"0:'!~~;.':",~E::::-":::::-::-:~~~::~::~,-",,,,';;C0'n",,,,~--' III thil A.ssf!'ssnaollt Roll tlH' followilJg Abbrc<,;Iintions are used [or the words set opposite to them: ......Noreh of Northerly N. W.-Northwesterly $-Dollars ..:..South of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cts,-Cents -East of masterlY N. rD.-Northeasterly Cor,-Cornel' ,-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeastel'ly St.-Street ....:...-Fe.ct Imp'"""'7""Improvements Ave.-Avenue ~:L-N~lmber Sub,-Subdlv1s1on Th.-Thence n."Ml~San Bernardino Base and Me:rlclla.n, Sec,-Section - "",. ---~"^"',.-,~ .-,--. ~ --.. FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fo] ASSESSED TO ALL'OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO UNj "~,~~~=~,..,, .....,~=~'~=~~"'~="I!~~~~~~~~~~;~~1.~~r~'..i'"""T~2""'l""'" il MERIDIAN : 0; il Vnlue of ij DESCRIPTION OF PROPEHTY ~ gJ i Vulue of IOCUlprovcment11 ~ ...i 15 ~ Q.l ... ~ f5 II Renl Estate II Thereon I' 00 ~-So ~~ ::8< I II .. ~X",,~"'."'.~r~.... -t. ... ...1'. i! :1 Ii II 1150!1 5651 II ' " I " :1 : ~-I ...1 . Ii I' il ii ii II 675 ii 510li Ii II ii ! . Ii Ii II !i !i '''-'"'''''':''''Tf;i\lfi'F1r7''1nrN'l'Z'''F"iirn'i'fN(f''ifi'i'ffilo-;"'1i'ii"'.tNfflf"~^0\,'~;' ------ --'"'",......."""'"',~_.""""'..'.-..,'"-".-''''"''"'~~."'".=-w:,,.-;:'';..-=''''-'_~__._._'~,c;,~~,,,,,-- TAXPAYER'S NAME AND 1'0ST OFFICE ADDHESS -~_..."'_...--...._~..... ."...................."..-... ......,'+~..,..,'".,.,'.,="',.,'"., II il Ii ,:1 l' O~uldweU i! , & Wi therbe'es Add. <0'15 {~ u ,ffi th, Thos E. , N. Orange 11 I ,---.--..,----.-..'--'-----.-:r----------.---. nn~ ~ ~00 i II JTbe:!.'m~l1tf1 'l':J:" II !I 'I " ,ffi th, Thos_E. _ N. Orange 4. A 8 B (~ .~ 7 ,j v' .. ..----..-..----.- .---.-----.---.".--.---.--.--,-..-.-.-.--- .._~-_._---_._----_._-_._-'-_.__._.._-_..__._...._--------.--.-----.--..-...- ..__..._--------_._-----_.._----------_.-_.._~._----_.-._----~-_._---_..--_...- , 8~) R il ii 'I I, II Spotts Sub. " ~ II I II il I! :1 ---...---------'---.--T-...----.-.-- L. I, .1 Chu'bbs Add. il - -..-.____._.---J, , S. Batavia I if Ii i' Ii _______-U. II Ii II Ii " il i ~ i: " " " " ,. .chow, Henry Personal Property ~ff, Flora . Personal Property 3 S. Oypress 839 II il '1 ,I ii il I' Tr. 480 I Personal Property.. ~ss , Mary 5 N. Oenter " ------- , 840 '.ss, .R..E...._.. ....... .... Pe:J:'sQna:I. prOPElrty L N. Harwood Tr. 202 841 ) ss, Robert. Jt........ L N. Harwood 'l'l1e:r:rnli,li:tlil T r . :".,::::',.""--"=""..,.,,,.,,~.c,:.:."~'"'..,^."'.- ~ _. ",;:-_.. '^~ ~ ~ "_"""'~_ 11 i !I Ii II ii 540!1 11111 51:\:Q.L I' II' 540 I,ll II j I: 1\ II II i 'i II ~ III Ii II I II !i , I' " II I J: I, lL_...-y-.___.".______ il II II Ii II il!I'Oeojl ij~ II I ,i ,! --;--r---T-..---""'l------T- . j ili ['I Ii II I ! !I , I li~l! i 610 I 91 I I I , . 'I 71 :i il , I' ! " Ij I: ~ I; II 8 .....L..-- 9. A Ii II " II r !! g 9 .i .~ II I 1015 56 1; , , i [155 i. '9 er 10 Q:1' ;:;~;.:;,:~~::;;;:~~,~::e.';::.=~::~::'=;;;':'.;,":::~~;;,,~~~~'::~~7.:.0-;t':';:;,:~:'E::;;?,~::;~":!::~'~1S.Z:,::: !':1:::~:~~~~;:'~:~S'...~~'!'!:~~",.'!; '~",'!f:".~0~~~E:'?~~.",,~,,~,,"-0j~~ri&~~-E_~~.':':.-:::'.':...'.:',_~";.;;,::,;;;,,.^, ......"'...,~_""",^'"".,~~"'"'"","'~"""'"",..,"~,..."'''''"'.... '''''_''=''''_~ In tI,U Assessment Roll the followi"g Al)bre\ljatiom are IUOU for the 1vords set opposite to them: ~,-North of NortherlY N, W.-Northwesterly $-Do.llars .-South of SoutherlY S. W,-Southw6sterly Cts,-Cents ~.-Enst of Easterly N. E,-Northeasterly Cor,-Corner \f.-'West of Westerly 8, E.-Soutbensterly St.-Street 't.---,-Fcet lmp.-lmprovements Ave,-Avenue fo.~NtllJlber SUb,-Sllbdlvlslon 'J'h,-Thence . B. 1\1,-S3on Bet'nnrdlno Base and MeridIan, Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF El; Assessment Book of the Froperty of City of Orange fOe ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UN" "-"'---9\;'ffm-f.Tr""s:":'"'j."if.-iJ:rrfiJffN':i"fi[ff-"'lfi'ifiJ"lo-'T"olT,i'N6F:-;''''CXfiIll'''i~,'"""""""'''''''',..,.=.'.=~',''-_cC''''=''''''''='''''''''''',,,",,'~.''''''''''''''''''''''~.';'.''-",,~"'_~'''''.~ ....."..,._.~~~.....,"' '''=.=='.",,"=,''''=-'''=='=""= --.. :~XP~:~~'S NAM.E---" ~~"-----'---------'-"-----'-----------~:;::~~~I~~ll~ r--T-~-1 V'h~::T1 AND DESCHIPTION OF PBOPEHTY I P:: ~ :: Vlltue of I~lprovemenl~ I POST OFfICE ADDRESS ~ .g.~..w 'l-l :i~ ~ )1 Relit Estate Thereon Ii i:l... 1l-S<.l !P~ ,I~U II .gj ~ =,s -'t::.. ;is < II o 0 J\~ ~,. "2; ."....--..____";~-""..,,-:.-,.;Ft:::;:;:",,." '-.;""'.","':,-.:. :,..:."..;~,~' II 'I II ., ii I S 4 ft 23 ~ ,i Ii, N 42l ft .. ~ '. Ii 775 'I 13701' ---'~"'''-''--~~"'---''-~'-----'~~------T'---''-'~---'-'-----.~""._._._------_.__.~-,~.__.,--~'"-_...._-_.._~._~"N---'-__.____~_~.._~.,_~._'~_____.H_._~""_~I._.__._._.."..__-7-- ;i ii.1 'II il , I, il II :1 'i II h ii :! II jl II Ii II ~ Oauldwell &Witherbees Add. 5 A 1150 117011 II I Ii I. ,: ~2/2~ A II 115 46~1 il Ii, Ii Ii .-"--------"...--..-----.--.-..----------.,-.-r--~'--r---l-"'-"--!i--""-'-l"--'"--~--T~ Ii Ii II II Ii ' I: II Ii I, I' ~i i 'I " i! 1000 86d1 II II Ii " il '--"li---'-'T---'---"-'~"T'-' .---."-.--- _.- II II i; II ii, "I'. i ii I 16 B II Ii 675 t' 90d " II! . II .-.."-M"'-....-"-r"..--;..--."----..-:i-.--.-'-~---,.'"-i"._-------i..~ ~ :' i i I i Ii! i I II II, Ii Ii I 1~ I 'i il " I II ! i! ':1 Ii J 110 I 5040 Ii lJJ~ 'ill' ' 'T- I 'I I~I 490 ~~;f; I :"~f"- ......__._..,..,.._....._.n_ .........-" ..."..,-_.. n .1' "2"' ,) 't.. ~ote, Lena et al Personal Property ;8 N. Harwood Henry Grotes Add. 0,1 f) .) '* e) " rout, Perry V. Prospeot , ,...,.-.-.....--..4."...,....--..''''...... r" 11 ~ I, ',. ,~),~ i.;. rove, O. M. I :: Tr. 545 ]1 I :1 :1 1 w45 it Lel W. Culver 845 Ii ~ber, Theodore n Personal Property ~::"__ ____ .. ..... _J...'~"..'._Ban'd~.Add. Jt'Il:~~~S5-,,-tJ__ il !I i! !I ii 00 sart s Add. --.--"'-'-'.-"---'.'-.-"---"-' ..,."........-..--..--...--+.,---"'.---..,---.,-.'"'-'"."-...---.--....-.----..----,...- ,i I! :1 II 'I I, il Ohapman Tr. 8.tH rumm, F. W. personal property 15 E. Palmyra. 847 ruwell,D. W. personal Property ji. !' ,I " il I' r II ii 'H" ,., II !! .......1. 1 Box lle BE * F 3 84 R ru\'Lell, , "Ray_ 19 E. R1 ver Persog~ll'roPerty ,. Tr. 299 I' I II Jc " Ii II ,I 4: S4D ruwell, Personal Property NE * , , , if ... - -1'---'" .......!--'-_.. I' Ii II ! T. E. 10 i , I FI . Walnut Chapman Tr. -..--."..."",..,.,,.., ~..."_...---~.,,'" '--~'ir";O;"-;:'" Ii" Ii Ii ,. Ii ii , !j "f ! i' I :1 ~;::--~;:r Ilo!l' " 'I I !! Ii _"_n__~."'_"'_'__"""'____~ ,. .._..___...,,__..._ " 10 2430 2e .-----....--.-'"'--.. _N_~_.__~ r ,;, I __""_",_"__",'__"m"'C""-".,..,~."",,,,,"~~_,,,,~,,,.,.-~m'_...~~~~,,..,.,.,...,,,~,,"~~,_~m__,..."....,,"...,._..,., .m....".'_.._.._"..__.~~.._"_..____~_ ..____M._...'.,,~_~"'~_'''''....:;.='"';.:;;;::.:::;:::.::. :C::"~::C:::=C~:=":","'"'~~_~ III thi~ Assessment Roll thE" following Abl1r.evi(Jtioll,~ are I 1';') rued for tire words set opposite to t'lem: _1.. ti.~North of Northerly N. W.-Northwesterly ,$-Dollnrs S.-'-Sonth of Southerly S. W,-Southw6sterly > Cls.-Cents E,-East of. EasterlY N. E.-Northeasterly Cor,-Cornor W.-West of Westerly S. E.-Southall.Bterly St.-Street I"t.--Foet lmp.-Improvaments Avc.-Avenuo No.~Nutnber Bub.-Subdivislon 'rh.-Thonce S. B. M.-San Bernurd[no Base and Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BO Assessment Book of the Froperty of City of Ora: ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNO'J -,_.., ..-"'======...."'="'.=""=."-'==; "="=="""'~'"'~j.,:-.._..,-""'"=='"'-.="'=.=~ir'=....="lr'"...l...."'"=~'''''''::-'-'-- 'I SAN BERNARDINO II", i. I I TAXPAYER'S NAME MERIDIAN "0' , v I AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPEHTY " '" .Iea i(J ,I V.lnc of nup 1[.' POST OFFICE ADDRESS ~... ~~~ ~~ ':I'~ fj II Rcol Estate "J , .gj n:~ ..3~ i::;": Ii II ' 0 0 o~ ~... :.','>: " , . ~m ~ r I l;" ""~:2 . .... . ~~. .... .... ......~~....... .........~'~"....l.rT ,: 2 ,Grote, Lena et al Personal Property " , II ' il ';' :! 3138 N. Harwood ! Henry Orotes Add. 84ft 23~ ,I II :1 11__ ___:L ._...____. ____ _, ___ ---------------1--- _________________________ N 48 ft_.__._.______l__.L__ 775 ...L I 5 . 0 4 <) II II ~II II I 6 'I::Q' t') 'p') , i"l 0 ld 11 & With b Add Ii 1'1 I: I., . rou ., .. erry. V. I au we .... er ees . :; A,',' ! 1150 II ill !, 'I!! l' :' Pro speot ',i,' 'I I 7::8. , ,I II 9 " 1 1 Ii i~ ~~'~.~1:'- il iJ t II Ll:::~:- A I. I i.i Ii 13 i., 84 r.: II ,. l ,) II 141 il I;Oruber, 'l'heodore Personal Property II ~: p05 E. Ma~_~_~______________._____ __~.~lCh_~_~::::~:_ Ad~___~:~:::~1::~5~-J:-1l~___.L II I I. :,: ' I 8 If. (' ~I II 17 I' 'An 'I Ii I " !I, I 'I 18,Orumm, F. w. :1 hrs.onal :property , 191:615 E. Palmyra II Oosarts Add. 20[! ,! .~---"-t'------.-----.-._-.~--------.--.----..-~...--___+>_------_...___._..'.."_..__.________"____.___.___,___,_____ Ii i 211 847 ,I n do .1' II . '1: ruweU,D..W... 'I ! 2311R 1 :Bo,x 118 ii' Ohapman Tr. I " ' ..__......l.4.~____._____. 'i .----.--________.._._...____________.__""_. 251 8 4 R ~ , -, ;'." , ...--...-.-.-....---,....-.-~.---.-._-----._-.----..---------.;..-.-..--...............~_._._~'~-_._-T_-.-.~+-.-._"_.----...-lr'"-~ i' P il I' rl i' il II Ii II I, ii il II II 1000 11 ..-_~..===""~:~:"'::-:',-',-:,'-','~~.I:'!':~~-Pfii~fi'Ul'i'io7'(jR:\N6~~upr:== .ilL._ .. ...".--..---..__.__.,~^',__._.___.__.___,__________.__..___..___.__~-+-__.___._.___.___...m'__ Tr. 545 W 45 ft ----n--- r I; , 11 16 :Pereonal Property BE 'It ), Ii " " " !' 11 ,I !i Ii " " " , -h--- I ....2.6 !Gru.well.., _.. Ray: , 27b9 E. River F'l!lre9!1al Property i 4-1 Tr. 299 i: " , r II Ii i! i I I I - -1--" i IL____z.sI! il; Ii Ii 29:' r;:: 849 II 1 3QIOruwell,T. E. I' 31'iE. Walnut Pe.rsonal Property NE i 10 t Chapman Tr. 115 I"! , Ii 'I il- El F , '~."'r--..-_m~ F -.j I I, II :i ,I " , Ii il !f I 675 Ii it ij I I II II Ii -r--.-------- II Ii 1110 ,I I I " If ' Ii II II II 'I II I " ;; it"- Ii 5040 ii Ii -----+ II I, , 490 f.. 10 2430 "'^'"'""'-'----' ~,_._.~-"-",,". H' HIWI .rAIIol<I!""'/ItUH nun UIP JOHOlVlng AOUrel'lUllons lIre: 11:l, used for the 1-1.101'(18 set opposite to them: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Northw~.sterly $-Dollars S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Soutltw6stel"ly Cts.-Gents E.-Enst of Easterly N. E,-Northeasterly Gor.-Corner W.-West ,of. 'Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St,-Street Ft.-Feet Imp,-Improvements Ave.-Avenue No.-Nflmbet" Sub.-Subdlvislon Th.-Thence S. B. M:--=-San' Berllardlno Base and Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE ASSeSSnlent . Book of the Property of City of 0, ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN. AND WHEN UNK. ''"''".''C''='''=''=''"'='='''''::w'mffJf1'f'''l~rr'T;'1f1:'ff~~I()''~''''OIr;\N('JJo:'i...-c,'(1jfy)"'............. .... .. _ __.. ..,..,...,,= ._ _,._. "'__'m.__... ..~="""'===.""""''''''''~.~._,,,.,..,--..,.,,.,,,, ~~....... ..~:~::;,=~ ~'f ---.~n:'~""' o"'''m'''"''-~-!~' ::'~o~~';"1 ~J,.,:~., 1 POST OFFICE ADDRESS ~ ;aQ. ~ ~ ... ~ ~ ii' Real Eatllte 1:1... <Il..cl~ I;f)- ~ U ' .gj ~ =..91i~ ::3" II l.I oolXl _ I ~ I ! ~ E-t(/) I"-< I .. ....-,.,',..~c,~.~."=='"'C""".= .......'.F''''!'="~'"~=~c=-"~_.". ""'r..""~"it"'.$"'O""...=.,...... il Ii II ;! I il iil :! I ~ II II y---- " 11 I IT 1.1 'I . '!,'I !I !I' 1 II Ii I .. " -.--:...........'----.--"~._...-._.--ii----_.-~--- ;! ii d ;1 ili! II il il II II I, ....... il Ii I I i ~ I.! II :1 ~ ~ ~ II i1 ..tt U Ii Ii II 945 II ~L----L-_^--.-_.__S. II II ! I I I ' i 1135' 1-----1 I I[ .......745l I m...... _~,,~..,,'_. -,-".._,_..~."- 1 I 8,... () .. ..:~ ,'.' ' . \... -l.:j.. .. 2 ' Gu11ok, Fra.nkM . Sr. 3 ;154 N. Harwood .-.--.-1--...----..-.--===__=_.___.__._.._=-___________1__...___'__ :1 "I Personal Property Henry Grotes Add. s 7 ~:-___=___+2:j=- n F' "1 ' 'J .).. _ " 5; 6' .!,GU11 ck ,Frank M 71,154 N. Harwood JL_ _ .. _...=_.._.._____.__...._ II 4 ~ H OottageHome Tr. .____N 7 ft,..W'2' II '! II i . I, . let i 1 .."-_._-----_._._.-.._._"-~------.~_._._~_._._.._-------.-----~..,,--_._-_._--_...,--------_..__._- 9 S' ....') \. i)...'~' I :1 1 I I 111245 N. Ha.rwood II Tr. 202 I' ". 12: II --~~r---S5_-,3--------.-------------"""r-.i..1 .--------.-.- 11 .'" + I ~ 14IIGulhdge,. Margaret E. 'I Longfellow Tr. 25 i152 s. Oypress I 16 I , " . ---.-----~-.-'----~--~_...,----.~---~>--.......r---"-__~______~_'_.__~__________.__._.___ i I 171 85A: ,I IS IGulledge,Ma.rgaret E.I Ii 191:152 s. Oypress Ii WE I' -.-.,."'1--~-._._...-----."-"-------_...,--->.----_...rr_-----'-.-,...--.------~~.--"----._--.-._-- 211: I, 22iIGunther,A. F.! Ii I 23!1235 S. 011 ve I :Beaoh Add. 211 . l -- r---------.-..--------.----t--- Ii Ii Ii ------...--._.._....._ I AngelenQl'rL .. 10 ~GUlledge, Elmer R. Personal .Property Ii . , 131 ,g, A Fersonal Property Ii il Oottage Home Tr. Et 19 8S'fi I Ii i II II ii !I 17, Ii I A Personal Property 25 i 8 SA '. -2.Q~Q1.lnth.er._JQnllla 2711235 S. Olive I' , _ .28i: I ,I 29,1 ., il .li...a", .0.. , .1 i I ; I 85:7, i 301: Gunthe r, ...0'.m..E. Ii 311361 s. Glassell Personal PrOPe;rty Culver Hotel Tr. N 5 ft I, 321 -,_.._.~ ,". .._-~,_..~" I ....,...,.....~.-----"."--_.. ..,_.._'_'...H_....'__ "";;::;,,:,"""'-'.~,:~""'~'''=';O"=_'""'''''''''':''''"=>;:;;::;. ._ 1020 730 Ii I II Ii I' II ,I " 730 ....:.... ~ I I .760 !j I, ii II I: f!- 1485 ~ I., i~ , t; .... ...... ~......,,"..,.,,'-'.... ..u..~.. ."." JUUUfVllIS n.IJOl"'eVHliiUllS artii Ilsed far the worrl8 set opposite 10 tTu!TlI: -North of Northerly N. W.-Nol'thwesterly $-Dollars .South of Southerly S. W.-Sollthwostel"ly Cta.-Cents -East ot Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner -"West of, Westerly S. E.-Southensterly St.-Street -Feet Imp,-Improvementa A va.-Avenue -Ntlmbot" Sub.-Subdlvlslon Th.-'l'hence :, J..r;~Ran 'BernardIno BUBo and Meridinn. Sec.-Sec:L1on FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU Assessnlent Book of the Property of City of Orange for ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKfI, _..._....~:'M-:-:::~::.~.:_,~:::..-._-^==~=.:.=...".."...__" .__"=~~-==~-"-=.=-"'=-=,"'.~==='"'''''''',..=._.,'w,_...,,_,.'__""""=""==~"'_",~"","==""""",~""" . ""l~~~~~R~:~~;~~T~lr'~=I'II~ . 2T~""-" ii MERIDIAN Ii ~ ,..11 I! Vollle of !i :. "" ,; ffi ~ i Value of :~mprovemenUi o :a- ~,.\IIl <l;I... ! ,0:1 e3;! Heal Eslalc i Thereon I' og,3 ~~~ 1: I ~ < ~ 00,0:1 - Z .._..~~ ._m "_'_e..~._ _c,-:,,:::;"'-""'o"""~;:::::c; ,,,,,,::,,---,c::;,,,,,",,,,"""'''-'.,,_,,-::;o:;:o,:;:,;;.,,,,-~o:c;:;;:,,,o,::::,,,,..:::-.,._,,,,;;,,-. ,. ,:.:-;_;;,,::~.._J.lt _",.;;;.,~t if.J 'C"T:' 'It:: .. c-;""';:~""""$"; !! :1 i! i: ; Ii ---~~~:.-~~----~-~2:~J_____1 __ " 1020 +- 2055 Ii -----li-----T--.--- Ii Ii !' .. . 7301195$ i II '":,'''''wnmTff(''i!rf-''TiD''n'''OJlIN 1'1r.-:(I-";!lJ'u:rnn~~~:.-~.:."..~". H~ TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF ]'ROPEH1T ... '''-'''~:'':,"' ....~ 3 ;,: f).. ... _ ,1 '0 Lck, Frank M. Sr. .Personal Property N. Harwood () ~ 1 . :) ').. " :1 Henry Grote s Add. ...-..---.-..----..-.-.--..---~4-...---~------~---.. :I , .ck,FrankM N. Harwood If I. t .. ...... ... C':'.. &.=,.~~~..:7_ft-.____.. ViiI T l--... II i' Ii ii .' --""'::,,~c-""".$~=''''::: 11 , Ii 19 n;--'9. o !):'~ "--.-...------.--...--.~---_.---:--~~....~.,-.-.---.---.___7__..-..-...,---.----"'-~----- . Ii I f' !:. . cJla!5q" - .- ",' '., : _' 11 :-:.'....~-t: --T--- 'I II II ii' ~ 760 li.1 45~ !I Ii ',ii. ~ -.-~---~.~---~-...--~-.....-.-.-----.~-~-.-~..-.:...-.-~..---...~..-i---L.~--~--..--~--~-- i I; I! 'I , II!i Ii II Ii II j: 'I Ii" , Iii: ;j I 11 ~ ~ : Ii 945 ii 2~QJ~ :;,--", II II Ii II --#--.-_--U-____~, II edge, Elmer R. .; i Personal Property N. Harwood Tr. 202 13 i II -.--.....-.-.---.------.------W 85.:3.. II edge, Margaret E. i I il II 'i Longfellow Tr. J. S. Oypress -_._--_.~-_._--,--_.__..---_.._--_.- 85\1i edg.e,.Mlil.rga.ret E. a. Oypress 1 il . Personal Property E t Ii Oottage Home Tr. jl .----.....-~~_...-..~-.-.-t-..-----~ ,I '1 Ii ii II .1 'I II J: Bea.oh Add. ______ 1______-- " II Pel'sonalProperty 19 or-.r.:-. oil,). II il II '.1 17; ~ I I I i . . J~2l..: ~ I ; 'I I I. 'I 1 Ii I I I I I :ler, A. F. S. 011 ve st::'(l, i1 1. 1..6.1' ,._..EmmaQ.__ ...Angele.no......l'r..L 3. 011 va 0""7 ()~a; ~ ler ,0.. .E...._ :E:'ersona,l ProPe1,'ty. I. Glassell Culver Hotel Tr. N 5 it ,g. :r II i! .1 I I ii 'j '-~--r-~-- I r Ii .I 730 , .-.il, ''':.",,''!: A A Ii ,I 'j II Ii 196j il ---J-- i II I 1135 i ~t I I 7!j,5~ _n__" ---f.. 4 1485 ~ ) In 111M ASSCJsnJOtrr 1(011- U1f> }OI!OlVlIlg AllOre~wtlOn:J fIre lued for tile words set opposite to them: N.-North of North.orly N. W.-Northw6sterly $-Dollars S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Sonthwesterly Cts.-Ccnts rn,-Ellst of Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-Corner W.-Wea:t of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street l"t.-Feot lmp.-Improvomenls Ave.-Avenue NO.-Numbor Bub.-Subdlvlslon Th.-Thence H. B. M.-Snn Bernardino Basa nnd Meridian. Sec.-SecUon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOAnD OF E Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UJ ii MERIDIAN :! ~ Ii 11 Value of Ii !: lot - ~ Ii p:: ~ II Value of :~mpr()vcmcllt~l e :..a ~.-l4 !.'I ~ p:: 1.1. Renl Ef:llnte - 1'her(:'on I'.' Cl... W....l:I I:,l ~p~ ! ::g ~ i ;' .2-3 fE.s j~ Ii P , II II i: () oolXl)oJoOp' Z II !, -- --,---,--;:,-,"-''''..'-'''';--; ~-' ''''-':''''i.t:~ -.,.~, , -.---.,,--.., ',j!,' -;;.~:_;c ":;':,#""c$-~'c:;; :';';'~"'~ ;::""''';:''-',",,''O:::''':::'''''''''''';:'~~'~':;:~ 11.1 II r 1'1 ' II 'I, II. I ., ! .1 " 1'1,,' ii i,.'I' :1 Ii :j,1 ij tr " i'i 1690 ,I J.67qi ,i TAXPAYEII'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCIIIPTION OF PIIOPEHTY ~-""-"-'''--'~-----''.._-~- ___...._..__..__'_...~_m~"..__..". Q :""0 U.,),('j , uetl1n, Abraham ~ ,.,.."..: ),'~t>'I:' I' (- ;,j ) 4m~1' &. Ohe.pl1l8.lI - Library Tr. ~-_:(-~--_______~__________-.J_______________ .Personal Property S 125 ft I' 17 A agenl Wm. G., 4.5 N. Oleveland I t " il Henry Grotes Add. Personal Property :! " i' -"-~--'----~"-~-------"----'----""'--'-"",,~-,~-,----~-~--_._--~--~._----1~,~ I: Ii II II II I II 411,. Ii , II Ii 32 990 J. 34. 55!) '''''-~----~'-----'---'------'-----'---'''-_'___'"__'__''____...___.____..._.^~_____u_.__.____ 1 I! :i Ii Oa1l1ldwell & Wi therbees Add. '! ! I ...,1.-----+--___.._._____.._____".___ Sf; 0 n Jefferson Tr. 571 ~ 675 72~ II I, I, ii ~ il I:. ,. II Ii ------------r---.------i!' '---"11---..---+-1,',1 !i ;: ,i if I: II I' !r ' ; ! 1j I',' :; Ii [i PerE/onal Pro"""ty II "'I I! ....... II Ii II 716 ____~_______~__j 22~LLJ~~_ II -v{ Ii II' --..- il II il i! I) II j! " I' ~ Ii It I: I, I: :, 11 II' II 375!, J. :39~; I I ,I ! II I I Ii' , II ---------------------~~-----_.._"-"----------- :1 I ii II '.:"1 Ii " ~ . I ! ] 11,/ 1070 II 87~1 . 1 !I II , i-r I mLT- I 745-~1 7 B agen, Wm. G. 4-5 N. Oleveland ,I .-r------________ " " II , 86.1 tger, .R. L. 4-3 w. Culver Tr. 862: , ! --..-----~--_ir il I. I " il 'I I agerman,..J. ..0. PersonalPrQperty 86,'1., thn, ... Henry. J. 10 E. Culver Richland Farm Lots W 66 ft-E 198 ft-N * i> ii II II I, iI II " Ii ,: ~ -, Ii 19: Ii ' 381 , , , PersonaL Property 864 ii !i -1 I ., Per~SbnaL_Property. ~hner.AOJllph. jl N. Pine Angeleno Tr. , .. 8611- i ne II, ., Alonzo-,.:!'..__.. 6 N. Orange Personal.. .Pr.operty . , Thermal! ta Tr. 20 A 675 ,,,j''';=:,;,,",,-," .""'-.................-...---.........,. "-..~"...,--,--_........,,_. .'"";~==... -~"'- "."..._.~-_.- "ll- ._.0 ," );) lit t!Ji~ A$Ses!lmcnt Roll ,he following Abbreviations are used for tlw word, set opposite to them: N.-North of NortherlY N. W.-Northwesterly $-Dollars S.-So11th of Southerly S. W.-Solllhwestorly tts.-Conts E,-East of Ea.sterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner W.-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street I"t.-Fect Imp.-Improvements Ave,-Avenue No.-Number Bub.-Subdlvlslon 'l'h.-Thenco 8. n. ^r.-San B-ernnrll!no Base and Maddlan. Sec,-Sectlon . J'::=:::::.::::;:::::-::: . --W~~!J:_"""~~~~~~C~~~"'".''''''~T';'';:';'::;:;::'"''''-:''''''''''''' i DRSCIlIPTJON OF PROPEIlTY FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE no Assessment Book of the Property of City of Ora ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNO, .----~~.~,~~.l.~=r ilSAN BERNARDINO 11... If fl '1 MERIDIAN 'I 0 II ii , '"' I CI:: ~!! Value of !~mp Q :E'5~ ~... ~ ~ il Reni EstillI': ;.j 'J s:l... W (,I llPlI o".c U '., I[ o 0 Q -S 0 : = d I,!. ~.of, 'I ;: '.;:;0-1 o~ g~ i~~ I P :1 g ~rJ) i';.?;:1 ''''i1.,;::~.~ ;c;:;..',"+:::c:~;;:.;:: ~~,.",..---,~.,~ c'~" "--::';:::~"~"~'~;:'l:;: -..","----.. ,I II il I! II il I Ij 2 IGustlin,. Abraham : .,.~..- __ ))/?-,,:-'.t 1:'" ,,-_~,j 3 ' ,C.ate.. ,8. Ohll.p",ah " Library Tr. S 125 it l' 17, A 4 /~i, (('. I, 5------S5~~-'----------------------"----'-------.-.-----------------------.-r----------e---i-----ii- I! Ii II 1: ..- .---....-...".".. -~""------._----."'""'"_..-- i';" 11" ~ 1,(1 TAX PA YER'S NAME AND l'OST OFFICE ADDRESS :. ~, !'l -;';oW"--'-- --""..---,--,.--".--.. '-"---""-"~"~' ... ..~.,_,,__.'_"""___'M .. __,..__,..__'_..,_._e"~' 1 Q-O u.;),(1 Personal Property 6 Hagen, Wm.. G. , .l I Ii !j Henry Grotes Add. Personal Property 7145 N. 8 Cleveland 32 ....".--...----....-.-.,,~'-----_.-'_.-.-_r_._--------.----..-_~~.____._____,,~_,____.,.__"__.~_..___.__..".~_._~.._.."_.._._.__.__.~_~_____..._.....--. 1690 990 ...____._~."_._....._....___.__..m____..__~.__M.____."_._."._..'______~__..._..___ ,. Ii " 7, B II II' I Ii! If : II II ii ,! II ,I II 13 86.1 if' --r---.----........,..I'I ---T1I ------.T ::1 ii ,1!:1 14jiRager, R.. L. ~ Personal PrOIErty Ii Ii II II :r43L ~v.. ___~~~__~.~~6~~~--_----~----~--!~-~~l-~--~~- 17 I S 62, ii I , 'I Ii il I' :1 Ii II!i II 1& ~germa.n, .J.c. . if Personal Property i: II II II 19 b41 Jefferson Ii Tr. 571 'Ii: 11 Ifi 1'1 37~ Ii i I : ! II :; ii 201: ,i!,' I: .---'-'-, .--.----..---------., I, II ii 21l Sf;') 1-----------------.---.---'--- ili ----------il ---1 22' II ! II 'I ;3~;.H:::.:. I Riohlond ,... L''''';"::":::::';'_' t I 3'. I I -__2-1{ +-.--------____ ________.______ ~ II 25 Ii 8 64 Iii! !. 11'/' II i' 26~ahne,-AdUPh.T .PerBbnal.Property ii, f' il 271i51 N. Pine i Angeleno" I! 19 ,i I _.__-ZB~ II Tr'l I I ~ l j 29:: 861), II I 30;1iainea, Alonzo-.T.. Personal Property II I II II 20 I[ 9 sco 10 .Hagen, Wm. G. 'i Oa1ll1dwell &WitherbeesAdd. II Ii II I. ,I il 11 1145 N. 01eveland )1 , I , i 12' J.....,,----"-...---__.._._____.._._ Ii -11 Ii II i I i , , I N. Orange Thermal1 ta Tr. A 675 1070 745 I 675 b~q..O -:..I_LV .HI- Itna n.:i;'lt:flOl\"flH:!IU l1l.DH UJf' JOlCouJlng Ilh01'61HatlOllS are used for the word., set opposite to them: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-N-orlhwesterly S-DolJnrs S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cle.-Cents E.-East of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly COl'.-Corner . ,W,-West of 'Vcsterly S. E.-Southellsterly St,-Street { J.'t;-Feet Imp.-Impl'ov.-ements Ave.-Avenue No.-Number Bub.-Subdlvislon Th.-Thence ~ "S;'n:-M.-San Bernnrcllno Base and Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE B( Assessment Book of the Property, of City of Ora ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNO TAXPAYER'S NAME AND l'OST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY o~ ~~ 01" Il::~ "lll:: "'u :::l< ::> Z Vn]uc of Helll Estate II 635 q 86G 21'Haiat, Jaoob _Y. 3 :45g S. Grand 4 5 867 6 Pers.ona.l Property Resub. Grand Ave. Add. g A 7 8 9 N. Oenter Tr. 123 S 22.5 ft 425 Wm. D. Personal Property S 35 ft 19 425 i: I' ,I i,[. Ii , 11 i Ii " --12L_________ '---'--Y ---------------- ----4.-JL----.---L.. ii II ii !i 13', 868 il Ii " !i II II II I ,. il Ii 14 !~all,Ge.o. W. et a.l II Tr. 272 Ii 10 A ii 625, 151362 N. Shaffer:1 : ,: I': II' , il ' i , 1611 I, I. .' II ----==-r----- ------- -------- -.- - --- -- -.- -- -- -r- ---.-. . ---------- ----.--- ----- -- . ---- ----.-- --- -- - --- --- ------ -~--------- ---- ------- 1711 8G9:1 Ii 'il il II 18116&11, . Geo. W. II Jameson '1'1'. " 2 B il II 690 I, q Ii " 191~. Shaffer" 11'.li 'III II 20 i 'i, , . :1 . -----~r---- 8 '4' ~------------------"--------T---------------------- ---------------1---'-------r----r------------,...- I II J. '.1 II 'I: 22liHall, George W. I Personal Property '.i 'I 11.1 I II , I I i ' Ii "i 23li362 N. Shaffer -. il David Ooles Sub. II 7 . Ii ii 675,; 2 i il Ii g ,II Ii 6 ,I ----- 41 ----------- -.-+-.... ---- ----.--,,------.-. -.----....;;--------,c.--4---__75_i___ I il I; '! "I .......-...-~2:71,...... u~____ _..11 I 9 i' j 67511 ~i i !: j II ____1BlL Ii II I II I I 12151 I I .;. ~ 10 il j: 29iJ 8 ~' 1 Ii 30iiHall ,GIl 0.- W. ., 311362 N. Shaffer Ii =~J~ ..__ I..._._..~_=_.._..__,.._..__._=. . I i -.1.131 . D ., il OrangeOity ._,.,.~._,.- ,~- ,.-.~._-"..._--"-_._- ..._-,--- ._."._.-.."-~...".--- ~o4o used for '''e tunrds set opposite to them: rorth of NortherlY N. 'V.-Northwesterly outll of Southerly S. W.-Soutllweaterly last of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly West of Westerly S. E.-Southeo.sterly l.i'eet Imp.-Irnprovements Number Sub.-Subdlvlslon H.-San Bernardino Base .and Me:rld'au. $--Dollara Cts,-Cents Cor.-Cornel' St.-Stroet Ave.-Avenue Th.-Thence Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT nOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQU1 Assessment Book of the Property; of City of Orange for ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKJIi ""'i'fr;iiR1is"i"~LHN'i'ri'i~fNTi:'NCfl1fftriiT~6nXNmf;'"i':.mtJ"":'"'"-'~"'~-_~""""'~"=.."""..,..".....,.".,.,...."...,.,.~,....."...."....".,....,.,.,...".,'"-,-,.'""~"...~C'"-,.".,...,."........,.,..,..,...,..~-=-c-...,'-,..,...",,~,.,..,,..,,..,...,""""C'.,...".".~""'c"="""o--""~~,.,..,_..".".".."...,..",.,_,...-....""...,."."...,.,...,""".,.....,..", . .... m.. ..m.........m .. .... .....~"........ m.m............ ........m..m"".~==="~ "'m "=~'~S~~~~~;~~~I~~II~r"im.. ..~2.....r. .......~ TAXPAYER'S NAME I MERIDIAN Ii 0 il il V.lue of II AND DESCRII"I'I(JN 01' PROPEI"f\' ....:.. ' ; '.' ~ (/).'1 Vllllle of i}mprovcmcntJI l'OST OFFICE AIJDllESS '.. . . ' ,. i <; :E'~...." ~ .. ~ ~ i Relll E'tnle i Thco'eon 1, I g ~ ~.g ~ ~~' ~;J " ';:;..4 ~::l- illEs: ~ ~ ~tZ= ~ I Z C'--.;-,--.,:J.[J,,-; --"",,-,:--""" .-.- '----....~ -.,.,,"--.,.;""tr'c"S..,,----' ,[ [I Vall 1', I I! .1 ii Ii ~ A ~ ., I: 635 i 73~: :1 II ...........-............-. ......---- --..--.-_..--_._~---_.... -.. -.----..-.....-__.____._..1V.:;._ :f.:!i.__.2...__!'..... ....-11---...:----.. -.:-.._.._____....... ;, Ii 'II II II Ii !I ',~::~ .. ____._ JTr'.'23. .. ,_~.~:nal_~O~;~:~:. ..~;L ".. ,., , _~~~,_5~~.. II s 35 ft 19 il:1 425 ,[ 72~: 'I II 11 i. 1.1 . . .1 I II !i I I I ,] '[ II I II II I, 'I ..----l ..-----..--..----...... ..JL-..-L......-l..I-. I, 1/ II II !I I il Tr. 272 10 A II ' 625!1 1560J III [ii[ "i: : il 11 ! Ii 'I Ii II !i ';,! II q .., ---..-----.-.-'-.~...-"'-.--._.---.--..--.-.------.--..._4_.--~.----._--.~-----.-._-"-_.-----.-..-.----.---,---.---...--.----.--~--...:~._..--------.-.-""-,.........-,-.--~~---.4..---------"'-.+-------.-.-!1-------- II :r II II, II II ~ 690 . il 17~i ii 11'1 , ...11 I II 'J J ,,' 'i If Ii ~ I! I 6 I ....;J_..~ . 7. _.._-" II 91! I 675 I .....1':- , i , !I !: ,i ii :f i! ... ,Ii" _m.... 1 ---. I i: : ..~....jr....f...... I co...:ooi:lc 86() " Jaoob.M. Personal. Property ~. Grand Resub. Grand Ave. Add. 8 SG7 868 Geo.W. et a1 . Shaffer %9 . Ga.oA. .. 'fJ. Jli.TlleE/Ol1.'l':l:'. 2 B lffer .1 ---.....-...-...-...-........-....-.--...1.____....__._.______.. II i ~I 'i ,I :1 David Ooles SUb. II Ij --'-----~._---,..._---_.~-------,--_.. i! Ii " !I ~ j: 0 George W. Persou@'l Property Shaff er ?~: 1 I i I I II I' I ,...Orang.....,--Ci-ty ... ...,.1... i , ! Geo. W. n13 I I .D ,'~~' I I i I 121~ Ii I I ~g ....li!2 ,;. <. ~ ,~ Shaff er . . L~ ~~. '.' :," -(..,.,....' r'" -, .,? ~ ~Ql() ~.. ....... ...-..""'c..".n""'~ ~.".,." ....,- J......"WH.e! n.Ul/'l'V'UUV/Ml ure ~_t.7 used/or rhe t.vords set opposite to I.hem: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-NorthwesterIY $-Dollars S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cla.-Cents E.-Enst of Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-Corner W.-Wosl of Weaterly S. E.-SouthofJ.stcrlY St.-Street Ft....,.,Feot lmp.-Improvements Avo,-Avonue No:;:::'Number Bub.-Subdlvlslon Th.-Thence H.ll~M,-S:-.n DorllRrdlno Base nnd Merldlnll. Sec.-Secllon =:::~;:~:='=:~:,=~=:I~;;~,!~f~~~,,!~7~i:i~~\_~r~~_-;:_:'~Y~t::::r'::-'.:"':"~:::":':::~::,-,:::,,~:~:::,--=::::::':::::,:_:;::::=..:.:;:__::::~~, FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD Q Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO ~-~=~=~-""'''''';::::::::.:;:::-'::::::t~~:~:::~~:;~~I~:~=rI---::-~-~--r~---;ci:'=:f;:;'~2:"''''":': ]i MERIDIAN :! 0 :1:1 Value of , IX: ~. Vulue of ilmprovCIltCntl ~ ~ Real E8tlllc' Thcl'COIl ~u ;3-< z ii -J "'-"...~.'''$~~ I: II 1 A l4a5 551: ',' II -------,--3---!'.-~---,i,---~~L--13QQ~JL----3.a~ il TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFnCE ADDllESS DESCRIPTION OF PllOPEHTY , . o o~ ,3..3 o o .~_~":,,,-t!2o.:;:'" ..,-.. "M';""',',,";rt:'. '-'0' _'_""__'_'_'__..___.~_'__"._.'.._ --- .,..._-------,....,,-, 1 ,,~.: ') :~, I t.., 2.Hall, Mida M. 3 182 N. Grand 4 Personal Property Orange 01 ty '_'_.__.__.m"_."__.__~."."_.._._,_____,..,__._~__...._"...___~'__._."..____"..._~_~,.~.~____"'__..__~,,____,___._____..___ 5 0"; ') ;_) 6 -.) "'. :.E o~ Q)... ~-5 g ~ll ~lS ,il" i.~;.'-,O~..;....:~.7.1:.'.~.-..- , ----,";\;- I- I. 'I " II !i Valenoia Tr. II II " 3 II 295 50 I i: ,! ._.__.__._,...~._~-_._---_.-..-.._-_."-~--------_._".._-.,._.~"..__._-_._--._-"_...._,..._~.._,._-----~-----_._-~--_.__._~--"""._----.-~_.- II 'I " 'II 11:1 II i II II I II 925 !! -+--jr---' Ii 'r".I' ---, Ii ii il ii 61 ' rHall, W. H. , 7 275 N. Shaffer Jj_,__ '__'____________________________~______________,____~,___._____~_ 9 S~' 4 _O.Hall, Wm. H., Personal Property ;l , I J i,275 N. Shaffer il Cottage Home Tr. ~L---~----,-------__4---___________ I 8~' r: ' 31. '/;) I, 4ILHalleok:, "Al:fred H. 6 Personal Property I' il 5 '272 N. Oleveland , 6! r 8 7',f] ---~---- SIIHallma.n,J'rancis E. 9111026 E. Chapman 01 r~--S~' 7 , I I - 2 I! Ha.mann, ,Alfonse i Tr.621 3il1753 Plaza del Sur II il II 1+IIBalb0a---BeaOh-,--------~_____~_it Sir 8~'R II 6~Hamann"Ma.rgard """", "" ,----J" II ,I 711600 W. Oollins II Chapman Tr. 5ll______ II :iHM~ ~ :."u.,. ...1 '..621 II " I :1 Cottage Home Tr. ,I 11 -----------.-----.-,-~"~"~--."~.-".-----.----,~-~.----..---rl---- ! Personal Property Tr. 736 1 " . ._.._---_.+--_._"-------_._-"'-------~---~_._---"-_.,.~._----,-_._--~._--"_.~-_._,.~~--- I 12"" " I: I ,I q II II II '" i ii Ii ~ ,1'erSQnaJ.J'rope rty NW-k 2: -~.._---~~-_._------ l!:600 ~'I w. OOllins :: ii Ii ,I " ,- i: 5 99 :I Ii !I !I " S35 ,~~--~L---Ji-~--- II , II I II I :1 ,. Ii " II " Ii if ---------!'-----.-t-------- ----------,----'----------r ,i I, II' I' II II i! I II Ii !~ I il I' I' ~ ,I 305 Ii l54~ II II I, Ii, I II Ii !I II I, !:. Ii -+--+-----_1--__--+. II I III Ii ! I I II I '"n",,!I. , I 145 I II 102 I -[ ._-~----_. , il !I 2025 Sl , GI 110 4565 505 I 1_ ""~:"-:"'-. -~......_'"--_._~---_.'"- .-._'"-~..".._.._- J ;<~~Q. III thi! AssesslIIllnt Roll tile' following Abbreviatiom are I~secl for the wouls set opposUe- ta them: rth of NortherlY N. W.-Northwesterly $-Dollars Ith or Southerly S. W.-SouthwesterlY ..Cts.-Cents st of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corncr est of Westerly S. E,-Southeasterly St.-Street let lmp.-Improvemenls AVe.~Av(!n\1e umber Stlb.-Subdlvision Th.-Thence ,-'-'-San Bernardino Base and Meridtnn, Sec,-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUA Assessment Book of the Property of City of qraJ)ge. for 1 ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNI 'mll'1ITi"'s';-.'tiIlN't1.'.l.lllx'frn-O.'-sTtmTB'....-oJl;(N'crR":"''''Ei:i''i'P'7-'""""'= M''''''''''''_' -_.-._-..,=~..--,-----.---"'," '~"-~--_'_'"'' ,""-,-...___._____"".===,,=,..,_, "'_,~=_='=_=_"""====="'~, '~~"~~=~~~"'-~"~~~"~'~'"~=."T~"=~.~~..."==.=."~".=.~~='~~~-=1::~~~~~R~;~~li ~l~] "If 2 ....... .... 11- TAXPAYER'S NAME MERIDIAN 0 'I I Value of, AND DF'sr.n Pl'lON OF PROPEl TY lil::: ~ ~ Vnluc of !Improvements! ' t... , I ' ',( ! ~ .go 0'" ,~ ~ ~u :.'1 Real E!ltutc" Tl,ereoo Ii POST OFFICE A/l/lHESS 0 ~ _ _ ~P~. _ .gj ~1.Q '~~ ~ -< :'j g 00= - Z c' -;.o.,^;;;:J[l;""..::"" "S,~o;c 'o-""c:;;c-: _..,t<:..':7"'"C::";:"'''_~ "S",C '__M_"_",__ I: .i:I' " ~ . ~,; II Ie Ii ."t.=..........=,....~.'..T=.'=. I.i !II ' I I' " ,. ' Ii Ii I [I I It ii f\ 162511 ., 270 5101: Ii ! I: Ii I' d -..-.-____._______-l_____L___.___~~.!l-__._~_~__.,"___ Iii ! [I I 'i r i! 11 Ii II 11 Ii il Ii I, It- !i b- Ii 'i II !i I, :! j: ii I' , ,.-...;...--..---r----""~.-,-.,.-_..._."..".~--_.~.__..."...._.---.-~.._- , i: !i " il 675 2701 II " II I , ;! --+---j______.l~____L_~_ :' II 'I . Ii ili Ii Ii 'i I' , < II j : ~ ,I i 11 Ii : 1lJ.} . II' ~I 805 Ii 3751 'I i, II 'I I' --~~ - - ~-- -- ~--- _l__~_ ~---__ __ -- _~~~"___ ____ _ -.1...--_ II II Ii il II il II II III" II II I' 1 '1111 10 I 8910 I:. 69~'11 i Ii il Ii II Ii !i , ---.---~--~.-___......_-_~---._...i.._,---------4______lL._.,__...-~-~ Ii Ii ,I Ii :1 1..'1 II Ii. II ',i I: I 11.lJ..51P. 36lJ.5 ..~.I ! Ii II II L' Ii il -+ I I I -ru~lQ15mm I I ~so :;:..".....:-,,,*~-'~ , Ii il il !I " [ Personal Property ,,_......,..,.......__.___.___'_.'.m _ _m_____~__._.....___.._.._. " ,~.... ey, T. Culver Tr. 622 27 ----~_.~_.._'-----_.._._._-~.- ~81 r ,Sads. Orange J,i.._ PersonaL .Property " ;,; Jlutwood Pl. 9 lJ. -.----.---..-----------..-------.--------,.----.----.-.-.-.------_._,_._..__._-----_..-.-~------._~...._-- j 8-2 1,V. W. Oli ve I , iicaUldwell& W1therbees Add. Ii i'j 'i II rl :1 :1 " tLtf..JI.,Yh:' 'I Culver Hotel Tr. ~~.-m.._--_-----.-------.1-------..-----~-.lJ:..J.:.!!=~Lk::liQj;_el_.!>.9_t..~_~ II " I John J. lJ. B Nebraska St. 19e1.Cil.S_._____...._____.__._ )83 --'-- II " " Ii Personal Property S84 1,_..JohnP. Walnut Personal Property R10hland Farm Lots i ---------..-..---~.~,__L__.._..~__ j is!) 'I II I' OhapmanTr. ;1 ~ II I! NlJ..50 ao -Si(W-ditch) II I[ 10 E I' I I --~'--------,r-- 1, . Minnie , Orange s86 II ~ ! " 'I .jf1Q ii I, !, II I: '""+.- 1,.Minnie_ .Oa.mpbell...~Sub. Orange ~g7 II I, ..~.. 7 l, Minnie . ....Mr..s..l'.. . .F. Ho..ll1 s:t-eJ:'llS\Jb. Orange 3 Vulll l'rf lJ.75 3501i 84<),1 I:, 5 2 i , I :, II ,: , II . .~7 5~~ 'I I I I I' 1Ql5. ......~.59 ,=,,",,= :=-..=:c==""'= I ~ f 10 ~llL5:, o In tl,~ Assessment Roll the following Abbreviations 'U"e c used for the word,~ set opposite .to tlwm: 1 l,:,. i 8 N.-North of Nortber'y N. W.-NorthwostcrIY $-Dollars L -" S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwest.erly ,Cla.-Cents _ .:: ' E,-East of Easterly N. ID.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corfler I' I W..-Weat of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street ! i~I>1 "Flf.TFeot lmp.-Impl'ovemonts Ave.__Avenuo I' : Ii No';-r-Number Btlb.-SubdivlaIon Th.-Thence : ' I~i S. B. M...;..;....San Bel'nardlno Base and Meridian. Sec.-Section !."il!,.- ,,~ - - ------=,-mniflTg~'1~ llllf:.:'tlNO sruiJffi7-(>>i:tymr.--c--;fr.i'i":-~- "'= .-.,-.,,~ .-...--. ,- .....".,.,""'.--...,...... "-='-'=""""""""""'~""'""-""',~:--~':"~-"__~=~-_'-~:':-~,;=~~"'~::-="''''"~'''-"--'''-'''-'''''~'''==~:::=~=~~==.:=::= I ['-'" ~"----.,.,.....----~_.~_._--~- ----------"------ ^--_---Hfr-"'---------~""'"""- m____ ..,' _"'--_~,_,.;.."".."'''"_<__~..''c'",.' """." ""',.1'" -]~ """-1'1.t;i"" , . " 5 I' I 6 jlianger ,Sada 7 :626 s.' Orange Ii ~' ...'.... ~-~..,~-- ...._.~_m__M....__ ...._..._-_...__...._~-_..-"""'-'~._---..--~~..------1'"'----.---~-.-,-.-.---~.-...--....-.-.-."...--------.-----------.---.._-_.__._._..._.._._...._..;- , Ii.! !, 'i < II' W,lianna, John J. 'f Oauldwell &Witherbees Add. q :, j Iii 11 iU215 Nebraska St. ,i j i .!f----_lZjL.Q.lLAng.al.8.L-.-.-------_______._____________J___ -- i'I']. 13 ij S 83 .j jli I , , . 141 i I iaannum, v. W. i I J81~anson,JOhn P. 19 i:724 E. Walnut i: 2011 'II -'--..-.-.---r---------...--.---~---~--~-,..~--.---"--.-.~~-...----.--...-7.-.....-.---.-.---.---.._..--..-...-.--.-________.__~.._~__.~___.u_.._...__.._......__..___..._~..___"_---..-.----i"'"-.--..-------.---..--..-..-.---.r.-..---.......~ Ii po r- ,i ' :; :' 21[ ,.JC!',)" ' ",' Ii ~i P 'I!" 'j , 22'~an80n, Minnie. ~ Chapman Tr. :! 23' '1 !~92 S. Orange il :__.1.: '! _____ I' ! __.___J 1 I I i + I I 25 ! 1 I 2" ' ....~..~_....-_.". ~anson,_Minn1e__ 27 F92 S. Orange 'I ----:t-- ,'587 :i 301....~anson ,Minnie II 31'/292 S. Orange " .;.;''".'"..~ "'f ".,' I ;il :1 i!: d II Il 111 -.--i FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE Sl Assessment Book of the Property of City of ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN. AND WHEN TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDnESS ,SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN 'j ~ o f:ll2 "'~ s;;; z Vulu Real 1 DESr.RI PTION OF PROPEllTY , o "~ o 0 .,:....l ~ -;:''-'It'';,~,,,,,,=:; .e-", .Cl O..:.d 4.l... !1~ l~ :l~""'::_O""._;:-;::O,_~,_~:"._o" ,. "'-'i',,,,,,,,,:.,, ----~--:c- .;:.,.,-..---;~::,$,.:--;o-- ~ QO' ~ l,J , j, ',~ ;, \ 'II ._ ,i.,. .... per.sonal Property ~ " "'81 (). - Personal Property lfutwood Pl. 9 4 ~ 9: <::89 .-' '- '-i."J 4 ii " il E B " , I II I. I' !i !i "__"_J.._..._._.._~.___,_._-.-..~._"-_J~-_-_.._ Ii I, 11 Personal Property i' I: !; , l__~~L ----"- - ~-- - -t-- ~ Personal Property R10hland Farm Lots 1 10 8e , N4.50ac -si (W-ditch) 4.5p 31 10 E 8 S() '11----- " ii Ii I! ii I' " II I C.ampbeUSub. :1 II Ii :1 ii Ii ..~ . ~ Ii Ii I, ',1 ii I ..----~--1i- I, I I' I' ,i ,I II II i. ~ I I' I :1 I i! I . .,.",-*.. -."..-,.,,=- I.~'_""..'-- I' I, 10 ! !i Ie II ~...Mrs.p. I l 7 . F.. Ho 11161;,e],' a $lJb. Ie "'_.~-'~.:;:;:-~,~::-;,;"''""='''''=~-'''''''=~'''''','''''' , , I .:;;;:'''~,.'''~:''':;,='''''=''''''=,="~...,,'"'"_;'''':::..::o:,,:;;:;::''"..:'"''c' -,~=:.;===":..,;:;"",,,..,; ;O";;;=:--~,""'I;': ~ ccc==..,.='c=..~.=.'c,=,.."C,.".,.c,="..",==,"=.====".='~. _"_'~'''_'''''__M,''',,''_ ---"-_..._"..._"'^,,,. . ~ - I used fol' the wOl'ds set opposite to them: . f.-North of Northerly N. W.-Nol'thwesterly $-Dollul"s :,-South of Southerly'S. W.-Southwflaterly Cle.-Cents l.-East of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner V.-Weat of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street ':t.-:-Feet Imp.-Improvements Ave.-AvenuQ lo,""-Number Sub.-SubdivlsIon Th.-~'honce . B. :rd.-San Bernardino Base ani! Meridian. Scc.-SecUoll ''''~''''''--'i\'n;n'Jnr-"S-;r.H~'l'Z-'11IUWrI~(r8'tU[llO-;---l)lU'N'l11f;' "-C;\T,n"; -. .n______.... .- ..............=~';="'.--._---m_._.=~"""~,."-"'~."""='=--=-;....,.=co;'iF~,._.-._.._____._..__."'~... FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OJ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO 207Ql ; Ii I --~-'~----"--"---'---'-"----,-----+ 11 , , ',I '11"[ - i, * I, 'i . Ii ,II '2/24 A II II 115 I II II Ii ~-+------ r- ~ I' !I I: Iii ' I .'i. Oraddiok e Sub. I' 10 B il. 540. I!' ,I ;1 i rI IN. Harwood ~,.I 1.1 :. . ill'[ II Ii -t'1 :1, Ii I' : II 'I, I' ..~~2J""~-L.-- - !..rM'~::d'. ------~------- :;:T! ~ :-- 4~ W. La Veta I II i I II Ii 'I Ii II 'i, ,I ,I i ,I -_._-'--"'-,o_--"-"~'--'"-"~--'-'---"-'-------~r'----.-----~'-----_.-_..--.-.-.--.------~-----.-~--_+_._____r__-.---------+----1~--._------._I:'-.,~-..--..----.J~- ii I, II I'I II ;'1 il'l II 'II I' ;'1 P P :: I I ~ .... eraona.J,mroper'tY " . ,I :L I If" II II' Library Tr. Ii 19, B, II 1825 II i I! , . II II --.-'.-------.-H.-..-~---.-'-~.--t- -------.--.--------..-------.---!--~-__,___1. I' 8~J4 II " . I' II " i I' II cendorf.f.,---Ohul.sW....mm. ~.-.I.Ora.nge.Oi.ty S 50 itl%2iB.... ...~ I ii II E. Fcurth I 1,li I, ia.....Ana Ii I Iii 1,' I' !I Ii Palm PerElonal Property ~.... 9 II Pl. !i 'I _....._...,_nm......_= ..m.....~~~~=~r~ SAN BERNARDINO . MERIDIAN IfT~' ii ~ !I '10 , c:: ~ Vnlue of ~ E3 Henl Estulc S"" Z . ," ..,."t".j"" , II Ii , TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDHESS DESCRIPTION 01' PROPERTY " o o~ 00 ..:i....:l o ....,<11., .S<'" .0 0", ;g.s 8 ~g~ '"Ci_~:C~__;: ~~ -bDm o . ~il< "~""~'''''''.''r~ , ,'i ('\ (Y.O O()n" rdin, BessieM et al . Personal ..Property 25 W. Ohapman P. J. Schaifers Add. 18 A 1195 --....-'..-------..--.---..--.,-.---.- ..-.---.,.----'----..-~~-.__._---.~-----..~-.-~-...-~-.----."-.----..~-'----".,------.-.-~--.-~-'~"__T--_+---- S8D rding, Samuel ~ N. Tustin ,I il Tr. 78 I 405 " Personal Pro~rty if , 'I I: 8 .~-......-..-...--..~-...---..-----.-.-.---.-.--.-....-m---i_---.--...---..-..----___._.__m_._... I SDO ~dy, Elmer E. ....Personal .Property 'I H--- !: r , ) J. V. Dorsey Tr. 545 E 44.4 it-W 89.4 it i--W...--Ou;]iv.e;tL- 8~Jl : 'fl, May 8D.~ ~rQve, Unity H. E. Ohapman ...~ .1690 89:!) ,an, .R. A. E. Washington 6751 I ".,""'"."".:;-==,:,"":,:::....."=;=~=."=""'=-"'. 2 -" Ii Value of 'Improvement Ther(,()ll 90 I !---.-- 49 ---r !i If 94~ Ii --+ F !i . ... ii ....:2l7~.. II 'I I I 85 . I ~,--"~-~.."... _>::;::I:=-"'="",-,^",,== '="'==="' '~4Il tqJ!;./ 78ft! 1" Ch.il Assessment J(olt lilt> JoHol-Vlng AfJlJrevJatlOns (Ire 1 1- (l U$od for Ow loords set opposite to tlwm: . t . t.~.-North ot NortherlY N. 'V.-Northw611lerly $-Dollnrs S.-South of SOlltherly' S, W.-SouthwoBlerIy Cts.-Cents g.-East of En.slerly N. E.-Northoaoterly Co-f,-Corner . ~ W.-WOBt of Weslerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street .' 'F~-Fect lmp.-Improvemenls Ave.-Avenuo , Nt);~Nllmber SlIb.-Subdlv[slon Th.-Thence s. D. M.--San Bernardino Buso nnd Meridian. Sec.-Section ::=,~::"~::~::::J.!1wmu~"i:if:~]'"'i:'i[F.1'T~2L!f,!1~12Y::()~1.E!'~:; :c:;\r.I"F"':~:-~::',i~:::_~::':-::_~::::'~::'~:',::"- FORM OF' ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orang ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, ."~.,~..._..__...._.. , ,.........~.',."...,."""'-"~,.".".,.-=".",..,.".,.,.,..,.,..,~.,...._.-...,-""'..,..,.,....,....,..--~ .,_ m~ _. ............ ......, . , ._~~."'"-- .~-_._. ~-~. - -~--~- .~._~."'...._.- ._- --r-"-_""m.."--..~_"--",,,..--.-- -......-il'-.....''''==.~''1'.''-~'f-"-~'2 " iSAN BERNARDINO 'I r.. Ii I . MERIDIAN Ii 0 II ii V.lue, I p:: ~ I' Vnluc of :lmprovcul I ~... J~~ ~... ii ~ e I Benl EsLlllc Ther('(] ,9,5 ~~1! '~t II S'" I ~ o~~ ~iO II z i .._~~-~-.~-====~ "~" ~ . ~'=~"~'=="~="'"~IF.Jl'='rc ""'"i"""".r..c="" =f'"'." ....r. ., Ii II II it TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCIIIPTJON OF PROPERTY _",",,,..m.._.,,,,__,_ ",,,.,,-- .".._...~. SSR II I Ii II I! II I I , 1 Ii " II il , 2 Hardin, Bessie M et a1 , , Ii if 'i 119511 II " II " II ,I 405 Ii , Ii .---''---- ii Ii II ~ " . 1151_.~ TI I il 540 ,I , 540 ,i .: II 1'1 !I , :i I 'i . 'I :1 -_.~--t---~ I ., I II I !i Ii ,.251 I, , ...Personal . .Proper.ty f 3 2525 w. 4 Chapman P. J. Sohaffers Add. 18, A c - .._--_._.._.._-..."--------_.._--_.~--------_.- <(Sf) II ii " I. 5 6 "Harding, Samuel 7132 N. Tustin 8 Ii , " . - i~--'-- iI I: " i' I " , Personal.. Proprty Tr. 78 8 2C ....-.-...-....---....-------'.--....-.---.--.--j-.--"..---.-.-...----.----- Ii E Ii Ii , Per sonal .Property:.___ ..l. .. ; ~2/2~ II ' II ,I ~ il101 II II II I. II . . . Ii. 9,- :1 il ii !i Ii " I I ..! ~ II 9 SDO o . Hardy , Elmer E. J 10/0 J. V. Dorsey ,],~l2--W,--Qul-ve.l'-.---~,,---_ 3 8 9J . ,~-- , I Tr. -f- A 545 E 44.4 ft-W 89.4 ft ----r- Ii :1 411Hare, May 51350 N. Harwood II i; 6" F ,I i: 7'1 .- I ! Oraddicks Sub. E ;: " 1 -.-.-----L---. 892 Sl! rHargett,J.essie L. 9r222 W. La Veta Gardne r s Add. Ij -.-...1. ~--_..~._-----"----_._.~.....,._-------- ! 89:i 1 'I il Ii ul. " il 19, Ii ' i ! .t-: I, I ji II .1~2 I! ?!,Hargrove, Unity H. R!ll'fl()na:L:Pl'()P!lr1;Y 'l' 31i439 E. Chapman i Library Tr. II I 5 r----8~)-4----~---------.-------r II ., Or",.._ O1'Y_ El 9 i 5.!'H , ark en do rf-f'r"Ohal'l e B I' , 71:122 E. Fourth .w......... , S 50 ft.. .r.....B........ I ..1690 ....-_:2J: il I, II II . .~. II iliIan.t./iL.An II 8!}f) )' 1 . I , ) Harlan ,R.A. I i . ~. ,. . - - I , I I 'I I, I ...l"~1'_El()11.1il.1 P:rgpel'ty.. , , I , 728 E. Washington Palm Pl. 9 675 I >O"'o~:""""'=, -:::"~"'''''''""''"'''"._____. , tqJo_/ 111 tht6 As.,essmollt l~oll t1u;" j"otlOllJing AbiJreilialiom (lfe rued for tlw words set. upposite to lItem: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Nortbweatorly $-Dollars S,-South of SQuther:!y S. W,-Sol1thwElsterly Cts,-Centa. E,-East of' Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly COI'.-Corner W.-We!ll of WesterlY S. E.-SoutheasterlY St.-Street Ft..-li'eet Imp.-Improvcments Ave.-Avenue No."-N"umber Bub,-Subdlvlsion Th.-Thence S. I1.'M.-San Bernardino Base and MerIdian. Sec.-Section ==~==~~~~:""::=~"~"':~j1Ffi)~~Cj:(;'1;'t{~1;"W':Fl!~}:'1'lga~-'S't:t~fiT~:;:::()tl;~;rr:~:'--':"lr;L~:':'::_::::~'T::'_M________=" . if 1':'0' _1L.,..... }'ORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOA] Assessment Book of the Property of City of Oran ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOW, ---.---__--e____ ___. ........... _."...."___...,__,......._m__.."....m....._._.._..___.."w.... "'=..,-=.~"""-==.=-'~.,.,....,.""'""..,."..,~,..",.""".-"."..", --......-.."'--...--"'..."--."Ir..'.'''.''''''..=-.--..-.-----...=""--=""4F"""='""4r"'.."'-'~.,....,...;......=~~;~,'''-'" I: Ii if I: ::SAN BERNARDINO il '" ii! MERIDIAN Ii 0 :i Vall ~ ~ '. V ulne of 'J mpl'm ~ fj Relll Estate Th( d 13'" " Z ij ii .'k~...."...l 's' .."...."".'1r$"."'''." II II Ii II " o o~ 00 .;:;....l o " .--;c'-'li:_;cfQ;;,,;:.~. :a-~..ld <l,) ~-.9 t) ~i ~=~ "'~ oJl~ - '~J~;';;':: .... ,__ TAXPAYEII'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF l'ROPERTY ;...'.....;.:O-ff.::"""'.,O:.' 1 89h 2 Harmon, Oscar D. I Geo. Ach1sons Sub. 22 D 1r 475 3 j478 Shaffer 4 . .. " ---.-.----:'-'-.,~_.....----_.._-._--~--.~.------~-------.----~~-"._-_.-------._-~..._-"_."-~.~_.---..-._.--~-~.-~.----,----."1-"--7-----.,.,~-- ,C; () >'J 'I .. ..' II' 5_' U I I .1 'I , I' I ,1 6,Jfarms, August! Pe:L'E/onal PrcpeJ:'ty 'I .1 7 ;1504 E. Chapman ,I Ohapman Tr. W t-NE ! (Ex E 54 ft-W 84 ft- ~ I : : i i ! 8 : ) ! I,' \,:1 -",."..,. .' ..,''''''-www___ww,,_''_'w-_wcw________''_....,,-______,_'w_____ew__-----------"N-,l-)2-f-t- --L_...-.,0-ew---4..S....:-,,2SW___.. 9 I E 54 ft-W 84 ft-N 132 ft- NE ! "" 270 II I I .Ii ,I II Ii '1 'il 'I 10 I " ,i if .....12..L_.________.-_____.. I . iI 131'1,' 89 R Ii [I 14 i:Harms, Emil il Personal Property 15 il'R "1 ;r ill Ohapman Tr. N .1 NE .1 :i 6 F i,l 5 2520 ii '" , r 1j: II "', " I', ,1, , : 7,1,.... 8 9 n------wwt----- ----:-----------------------. ------------- ----~II --.-- --t..'-rl:--- --- -- +---- ill ,I 1[1 181!Ha1'lll a,Ernest , Personal Property I' " I, Ii ' ,I 19112004 E. Ohapmanl Ohapman Tr. E t-NE ! (Ex NE 1 8.0) il 4[ 0 II 4 ii 2325 1'1 Ii .I!' -1D+----------...-,-.--.--.--....------------if--____._-.___..__..____.----..-..-----..-..----------..-----..---------l_:w_.--.--,l-_._J_:w__ii'___WC_.., 211; 9J 01 . II II ]1: II II :t~"':: ::::: " i Tr. 622 '.."naL 'ropor', 12. l' 32511 . ~~ SU! --~-~-il --~-- ---~-- Ilf~I-- ,,26~Ha.rmil,--JOhn,H.:w--- ~ Personal Property. .. ...... I! II ' , II ii 505 I _:t~3 E. Walnut II Tr. 621 I 14 II II Iii ii 1I1I 'r-.. I Ii I' 'I I IIOhapman Tr. W t-SE ! .~ 4 O! '5 ?1+o5j ii '1 II '! II I, Ii I: I, 1t1r " li 29! 902 30i,Elarms, RQs.1na 311;257 s. " l __.J.~I,"_===. Oenter .-.........--....---....,,^- .._.... "'__...___M~__. '''''''""=.;;"''"-'''--'"'''=,='''"''''~-''"'""...-'''';:..~''''~'=,~ .----'"..~._._,_.. "*" w__._'"~ ..~ . Ilk3j.... l Inn Assessmeru. StaU tilt' Jouowmg Abureviatlons arc used for tlte words sel opposite to them: I of NortherlY N, W.-Northwesterly $-Dollal's of Southerly S. W.-Sollthwesterly Cts.-Cents of Easterly N.E.-Northe:nsterly Cor.-Cornor : of Westerly S. m.-Southellsterly St.-Street Imp,-Improvements Ave.-Avenue lboI' SUb.-Sllbdlvlslon 'i'h.-Thence Sail Benlar(lIno Base and Meridian. Sec,-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALI Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange for t] ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNOJ r;,i)-r.i'i''''~-:,2~.N1'\(:i'R(~'J,'~&:~::~'.f~[t!~'():;'':9:r!::\1[q.~,'.:cr;(l:~?'"-':-'" "'_m"'_~"_" ,_._,..,_,_,_,...-_.__., ill~~~ ~~~~~~~I~~T~"T~ ...,......... .!1......=2... Jr.~3 ,) MERIDIAN '! 0 Ii il Value of II ~ ~ 'i Vullle of 'Improvcmcnt~' Value I ~ ~J" ~ ;1. E 'I ,r o .~ O..w 4) ~ ~ i Real !.slntc, Thereon 1', Trees =... ~...!,,1 bPp, Iool U ,I !, o 0 1=1 ':l 0 """ "e, -< ii, " '':;...:l ~ p.... "t:. ~;, ' I ~ Or.8~ -I"'"' i'!; ,I .."..'fL .,t':...."....,..,..".t'$ ....""..=.,,"~=..=.,.,",.."',. v "'f'.' . .... ,I ii I' I' II ,I It Ii 4- ii 4 75 !! Ii Ii il Ii 22. D ii 570: il TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESr.RIPTlON OF PllOPEHTY ,,,.,--....-=..:1: ~ '.'_'.'~"__'__>_"_'_m __,_,."_,,,,__u, H; Osoar D. ! Geo.Achisons Sub. Lifer ._._--..._._._.,~-----~._-_."---_._..._.- ------------.-----r' __..L-____.___._ D7 II II " .p~r80nlil ProPE!:l:'ty It I ~ I Chapman Tr. W t-NE i (Ex E 54 it-W g4- ft- 1! Ii 'il , ;!:I ;; !: --.------.-.-.----------N--l-32-.f.t.)----.-4.-.-..0-_.....:..4.g~-2g~0.-:...-.-__._.._..~ E 54- :ft-W 84- ft-N 132 ft- NE t II II . ii 270 it 2g6~ il , .. il il I! II ill. II ' I: II -----;I.r. ---r-'--r-- ii '! 1) 11 I; Ii Personal Property Ii il Chapman Tr. N t-NE t 6 F 5 25204S~ II !1 J 8 -----------------l.---------.-.--------..-..---------~.T--.--~--l-.--r-~-- ii -----11 .--.-- Ernest II Personal Proper.ty il ,! Ii II Ii Chapman Tr. E t-NE t (Ex NE 1 ao) 4 0... Ii 4 II. 2325!1 77J I. ii " II I II I' '. iI i : i; , i: !! I ~ --.-----.--.~----------.-.----1!'u--~._._..______._..___~-.-----.~------._'-------''"'t--'-~----.-_.-......~_r---.-----...............~_.__~_,_,___._._~ 10:1 ii i II Ii Ii "I i' I, I II Ii Ii il ~ ~ il II II 325 II 119~ t--.--.l--+-- ! III II I " .jl + I 505 146 I I August Chapman )R mnll 25f Chapman 255 ()eorge W. PersonaL Property ;1. ,. Parker Tr. 622 12. .-----~-----.----_....----.~<i;- " 'I :! :i I: r 1 rohn.H...~~. 2 ~" il II ~ II I' II II Oh.apm.an '.1'~. ! I Personal Property. ...1 , I ~alnut Tr. 621 1.0 s1na W t-SE t 4- C ! 2lj{)5 I .. 1681 'enter Ilk3!{' ill U,i, Assessment Roll tIll" following Abbl'eviations are used for tho ~vords set opposite to them: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-NorthweaterlY $-Doltars S.-South of Southerly S.,W.-Southwesterly Cte.-Cents E.-East of EasterlY N. E.-Northeasterly COl".-Col'ner W.-West of Westerly S, E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft.-Feet Imp,-lmprovements Ave.-Avenue No.""'----Numller Sub.-Subdivtslon Th.-Thence S. It M.-San Bernardino Base a.nd MeridIan, Sec,-SectIon '=""'='"."m-~i:ffif''1'z'FJlI1..TI;\-~~:nfF.'w~c;ff.i'F''~''''''''''''''' ~..,""",,",~~~=,,,-=;c'=~""""=""""='"'~'==""=T""'-"-'--'-'-"-==''-'"',''-'- FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF l Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f( ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO U =~"'"='''''''''''"''''''''''=~~'''=..",,== ."....,...."-.-.,..-.---_._~._-- . ..........--..---...... ..........".....--.----........-...----.--....." ...........--. .....__"""". - - .__.__..___.... __"."-0___.'''__.'' 'n',"___ ___=--=,~===-""' il.................................!i I SAN BERNARDINO il I, MERIDIAN ,; ~! --....I(---.~""l"====T---.---2=.--...--i!.=.. . - - ''-.'';''','::;:1:, . o "~ o 0 '.;jo-l o " -'_'f..tIJ 0.. :.a 0..41 ~..s ~ ~"- oJ:~ ~"~.~::",,:.,,:..:., ~m ~~ '" o f;jgj ~'" :;:U p< " Vullle of Hen! Estate Value of :Impl'ovcmcnLdi Thereon TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF I'ROPEHTY -;1-:,;',''''''' ;--..":- ,I i: , Ii '''''';:';:r"'$--O;;c;.:~ -,.. " .,."~1'$"C I: ....~~"., rr Ii 'i I, ii 90 :3 arms, Rosine. Personal Property 57 s. Center o. Z. Culver Home Tr. W SO ft 72 500 1175 i , .1 .' ----.--.-..-.~------_._--_._---".._---t--..-~-----.~--..--~----._---~~."~_.._"_."._._-_.._~-"-~-.--~.__.~~__.J;..._ .j :) !j 4! Ii -------------ii- ,I Ii i! i! ! 610 975 n I,' ! , :: .1 Tr. 566 4 arms, Rosin!!. 57 s. Oenter , :: ' , ., , ."._>-_.__...._..._--"~_._-"-----_____."_.~_~____H__"_---.----__,,__.._____.._..________w..____.______._.,_..___-......__.___._..___.___----.L..___~._..jL.._____~__._._._____"_____ n;li) :- .J ~~ . '} : '1111 9Q! 920 " 22~, II II I Ii 11 1 --\---L_ -L 'I [I. il II i II II I (i 'II :i , 'j ii ii Ii I' i! l! Ii II II 9. 1 II Ii 675 l' 1241 ~._-----""~~--7._-.---~.--..---t.------+----,-~--f---~._.~~ I; i! I I. 'I , II il II Ii !I I: I " , , Ii i ii 7 2 ,I Ii 505: I: Ii . il" , , ----------________l__L_._~_.______L.__.-1._._._5Q.5.......__.___+.62eL_ Ii )I!i Ii !I If Ellft I:. :illl IC9-f:t"'L7-7--U~_6 II 'I I, :1 II II Personal Property II II II N 50 ft~21. '1 II mu~~~ 12. H I :j IT :1 :' I ii Henry Grotes Add. arnett, Burnle. L. et al 1'1; d ./, I - ,J 1/, . fJ."P,'!A.I."'(' (,' .jn,,,.,," 1.4;1_ -'t- arper, 0.. B. .1 :1 I II :1 Nutwood Pl. " I i ,I :i ~ I Personal Property Ilf)r> ;} :~ fl 39 E. R1 ver 907 arper, Marg;aret R. Per son!l.lPrOPlu'ty 25 Ri ver Ave. 'i Nutwocd Pl. :i ~-----_._---,..-...-----__.___._~...__.~_____1_______..... 911 R arper ,W....E. 1445 I i I 510 - .1;. 12 E. Chapman 11Q Ii '[ ! II ..............11- 157~ +- I . ! 90 ~) Il.rr-ing-tonrGI'aoe -A. 52 N. Harwood Henry Grotes Add. II I -...~. " ""'~'''''';=",--===.I:'' , ," ')' 1 . ' 1 ' "J..~:..,. ~ In thi:t Assessment Roll the following Abbrel'i.alion.1 are rued for the words set oppo,'iite to ,hem: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Northwesterly $-D01l11.},8 S.-South of Southerly S.,W.-Southwoaterly Cla.-Cents E.-East of EasterlY N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Col'ner W.-Wost of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft.-Feet Imp.-Improv&mcnts Ave,-Avenue Nb.""-Number Bub,-Subdlvlsion Th,-Thence .~.B~ M.-Snn Bernardino Base and Meridian. SeC,-Sectlon FOR~1 OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE Assessment Book of the Property of City of 0 ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UN/< !i Ii ,; :i -----'----------...---_.,'~.._-_.~_._-- , Nutwood Pl. II 7 - 2 ri " 505 I: II 'I ------------_____-.i____________________________________----~-~.---'~_--.-L__~______5Q5__ - - ~ ,I II ~ 'I Ii Ii I' II I i TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DERNARDlNO MEllIDIAN DESCRIPTION OF I'ROPEIlTY 11 90:3 , 2 ,Harms, Rosina 3257 S. Oenter Personal Property O. Z. Oulver Home Tr. W SO it 72 5, DO 4 !, 6 ~Harms, Ros:l.l1!l Tr.566 4 7 ,257 S. Oenter 9 r, , :- : ,~ "" '") .f:; . Henry Grotes Add. 12 i I. 13 ii 11 'I II ! , --4----L.. ..----.----- , 'f !( ii 141:Harpe r, a. E. I 1511139 E. River 1611 1711 Ir 18~Harper , Margar. t R. " 19 ',','225 Ri A ' vel' Vlt. -, 20lr --..----0------- 2d DO fi- n ' . Personal Property ,I Nutwood PI. , !I :1 ._'-~~-_.*--._----------~---_._-~_. 'I 'I iI 9 I 1 907 Per so nal P:!.'oputy , II II II 11 ~ II ,I I' i! " ..II I! ii !I , , II , I' t- ---- - - I I " 221:Harper,W._E. 'I 2311712 E. Ohapman -~:t 909 Ii _-----26:Ha.r.rrington, Gra,oe A.- ! 271162 N. Harwood _...2)' if 29' " Lookwoods Add. 'I 'I E 11 it 1 A ) 2, II .~ 6 II ------------lL9-f.kE-7-7-f_t ;f " II Ii ! 1'_l!l1'~()na.1 Prope rty !J.-- , Henry Grotes Add. N 50 it 21 I :1 'I ii I' " 11 " 30i, " i 31i, I! , ;)2i ~...;c="'"""''_;:.'"'' "7'""=""'="'=~'"":;:,="'''""=;.,,:;:C"::'.,,'''-~~=; .O,.""';,O",;:;=='~"'.,"_-==="".=.=:._..;::;,e.,"--,- '"' o ~i:l OQ~ o:lu :ll<: Q z Vullle of Belli Estate 500 610 rl i! " Ii " 920_ 675 1445 _ 110 g10 '" ),) "'...;.,..;- It. rhi, ASSOJl'IlIWIII Roll ,h(> [o[fmvirlg AblJuwiutjolM are used for the ""07(1$ set opposite to them: N.-North of NortherlY N. W.-Northwesterly $-Dollnrs S.-South of Southol")Y S. W.-8outhwuterly Cla,-Conts ri.l,-Ea.st of Easlerly N. E.-Northeasterly COI'.-Cornel' \Y.-West of Westerly S. E,-Southeasterly St,-Stroet I.'t.-Foot Imp.-hnprovl'lments Ave.-Avenue N6.,.,.....Number Sub.-Subdlvlalon Th.-"l'hence S.'llrM.-San BernardIno Base and Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE Bi Assessment Book of the Property of City of On ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNl nERNARD/NO ~ o ~~ "'~ ~u ~< Z TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS 1 Dt 0 Vlllnc of Real Esllllc DESCRIPTION OF PROPEIITY - o " ~~ .l2~ j 2 . Barri B, O. M. 3 5250 Dahlia Dr. .......:LLO.s-Angel.esr...--------.-.-.-~-.----..--. 5 6 lit 15 ) ) .1L2.-i'_t_.___.....:~__,...lL...)__ II -N 2 ft 17 ) !I !i ~--.;3115-L '....1 iJ ~ [I " i)', ~1 ~~ *' l It ~I' fu: ! 0, O.Z. Culver Home Tr. 2700 7 8 9 .._._._._._.~_._--------~_._._-_.,.,~_._._---_._--"._.-----.--.--.-----.----...------.-.;-.--- -T.-.-..'T..~---..-..-- ,i I; ')i 1 10 Harrison, F. E. Tl'.215 I: 11 ,Olive" I" 12 " ff"'--'.'." -"-.........---...-~~..-".----._-.-"-------.___L~. 13 (\"1'. ,) ;j...., t_. It 895 ::. , " , ,I j: !i il 'I ,! II i: ,i ii L' ---.-,r--------.. .------....., II :i Ii ]I 1 ! 14 I.BarrOd, OhaB. I. 15~~25 E. Ohapman il 161 I 17ii i! 18fHart,JJark L.. 19 :11t~ S. Oambridge ..._...1.QL.__... 21 Library Tr. 1620 21. 13 Ii II " ---.---~-.._-....~~-----_.~---."..-..o-.___1f.-.-.--.....+-..-...-.....,......_._"._.~~-~--~-_--i.-...-.,.-- II 'd G-13 Pe:x:sQulil.l l"rope:rty Craddick Hcme Tr. 5 610 .._-_._-----_._._-_.~._----_._---- .._-,........._-_._-_._,-_......-.._---".._------_._---~ Dtll 2Z I Hart , , 231705 E. I II ..._..11 ' I, 251 !, i; Ii ". ..2.6 tHartt.w.-o. ""'.__.. ... 1.71i705 E. Ohapman 28, I 29:, I': 30!,Hart, W.O.. etal 3905 E. Ohapman __12!1.___ I,.,~.="-,-- ..-=,..;=""="'".="'~"""."';:""".','_'"'.':;,..:o:::o.". .! ,.-. w. O. I " ! " Ii !' .. ,ii:i ! 'I '.1' " I" I: 11 . I ii 1800 ii I!. +-11 II 1'1 __...____...._____ .,. I I' I ----ij_..._-----------.. --+---------- I! i II !i !' II II Ii II II H I 11. L I !i lUO I 1--__ II II Ii I [I II I '1 ~ 1195 I' " I I Personal. Property Ohapman Henry Grotes Add. !J1S II II + ..01aytonaSUb..... 91B -Orange.. City It E :'"=::;-...<;;::==-~,="=-;::=::,;:..-.."'"=-,,,---,._--. ---,._-=~o~="""~o::=,,:::;.,:;:;:.;:c"." ~'''''''""''-''''-:.:.-c;;''''".::"-'''l''''''~::;''"''::;.,,~--__._:::.."';;:..~_="''',."'''''".,,O.".",~=..~:;:::c""""""::::.1;:,=~"''''''''',-''''~''''';,:,,=~ c"""'f'~,,:';'O,."'''"' i i , 13346 - ~"'"-'O:"'"~"""="-'"""""7_._~ used for the trJords sct opposite to them: N.-North of NortherlY N. W.-Northw.esterly S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly E.-East of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly W.-Wcst of Westerly S. E.-SoutheasterlY Ft.-Feet Imp.-Improvemon ts N6,,...-Number Sub.-SUbdlvlslon SXU:"M.-:-sall Bernardino Base and Meridian. $-Dollars Cts.-Cents COl'.-Corner St.-Street AVe.-AvenllCl Th.-Thence Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange. i ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO [ ===,~'i.r.;:ny,:!t:.!-i:!l)'jl.r.r!~.J~~t~.~'l'~.~rl"~~'i'J:r!l~i:::9:n.~lf;^'c:nap;' ~ -"=="'=~,=_.---,.,,'-~,.--,-----,=.. "~-'____"'_'_'_"___'__>"_'__'M """"",",..".=~~"=",,,,.,,,",,, "'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~'"1~ ....1... "~"'II""" . "2=r , l\IERIDI~1 0.. '; V,llIe of " i '" !, ~ ~ Valuc of 'XmprovcIllCllt~i O~.. w..... R I I' It' '['I ., :E e.w ~ u- ell ,!.SllC ,1crCOII, 1=1'.. -<il CJ ~D~ ~ .~j ~~~ ~~ ~ <1 ~ e~~ - Z :,1.':.cq:l",; --,,,,..~~,.,~,,:;;::,,~ 00--. "';''';:';:';''''~';i':::'l m_~,," ii 11 Ii ii ',Ii.; 311~~._2t)2~"':' Ii i I; I, ii I' [' -""'~""=~,,,,. TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFfCE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY '''--w--'- ,,'___'....... ~Jl 0 trris, O. M. O.Z. OulverHomei .Tr.. L 14 ti 2700 I !50 Dahlia Dr. '! 15 ), i ): Is.Ang'el.&BT-------_________.~______._________.___.____JL~J_~~-;_~~ ---~~1._.-_n~ !j H " Ii ...~._... '. ..'--T~ ii I ., " 72~ !.l t 1 I '. ..---'-..-."------.--~.^~.,-~--.-.---..-.--..---------:-~--.--.-.-.-.--".--.-..-----.-.-----"---~--~-------.----".---"'-.-i-r-.------~---T""--_r.".._.-------,.___.._._.__"__ ; :! "" rrlson, F. E. Tr.215 4 1'l95 'i Ii , h-- !i lve ii ,I ----+- T- i, il n.' ') ;f.t 4. :( ii :1 " 'i :1 Library Tr. II f---- Ii 1620 ~rod, Ohaa. 21 B ; E. Ohapman [}., ILl il " i , 'I Pe:rsonalP:roper ty ~t.,Mark..L. , S. Oambridge 610 t, W.o. Personal Property :i :1 1900 II " I Ii E. Ohapman Henry Grates Add. 9,LS , I , I .. .i_.....Olaytons , , I I t""W'.nO. .. Sub.. " glOJ_ II Ii II II 1195 I... E. Ohapman 9IB " W.. 0.. et .al.- .Ora.ng.e ..City E. Ohapman "^,,;...--"-,":.. "''''._",'''~ ....".. .-..-" l07q 1095 " ti " 190~ Ii I: i! ..".-- Ii 'I II I, I' ,I 'i 63 .,~c-;:".,.-..z:o="'~.~."==~,,, .;-----=>::..'= _"=:::,,, I 33.j.b. 15&,0. I" t1li~ AsseulIlellt Roll tlrP following Abbrcilintio1Ui lire used for t'U! won!:s .set opposite to tlwm: l.-N()rth of NortherlY N, W.-Northwesterly $-Dollara i.-Soutb of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cts.-Cents ~~Enst of Easterly N. E.-NorthenalcrlY Cor.-Corner ~.-West of Westerly S. IiJ.-Sollthea.ate.rly St.-Street ~t.......,Feet Imp.-Improvoments Ave.-Avenue .Jo.-Numbel" Sub,-Subdlv:lslon Th.-Thence ;,.B. l.J.-Snn BernardIno Base nnd Meridian. S-c:c.-Se~tlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF E Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fc ASSESSED 1'0 ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO Ul ~-"""""'-'""'wff.iijffi'""".s'7'"t.1l.V19.""i'I'fi3ITm'a"'ifiFUiii(i7'"'oiR'NaH;''CA'J:W~~='''''''-'' '" '" -~"'= -~.-- ----------.----T.. ----~-~.~-, - - . :1 :,SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN TAXPAYER'S NAME AND l'OS'l' OFFICE ADDllESS DESClllrTION OF J'ROPEIlTr CI-t 7 - o .u 00 'Z..l o o "":';;:t~:~:~_'o,c=: I I I' II , "'- ~o~ e..:! 0 oSiXi ..J;<~_ -;;;;",,,,:,,;_;,,,,'~C;";"";':"""'___'''~-:''''''f~'''''''''-' --- ...,,'__...~~'__m' _.. "____._m_._~_, ...~ ,rthoook, v. w. 15 S. Parker Personal Property 18 N 50 ft B Kordes Tr. ,-------------_.._-_._,--_.~._-----.:.;.... n j R .. ,tfield, w.o. ~5 W. La Veta Per sonalProperty Tr. 545 3 B i:' ~ ~~r'~~r~~-""~."r~~'=2 0" " Value of ~ ~ i! Value of '1l1pl'ovcmcntsi ~ ~ Renl Eslate I Thereon ~< :<; ;:"We:.' ''''-"'"-'"''':'fI':-'~~$ ,I Ou "'. . 0 ~.. " il :i --t- ~ _ .",.,~,,-'._I..C".,~. .C.-- II'" " I " , , ":-''''''::CY:''''";i: + V , 480, [; 195 -~---,--~ 270'" 42~ :)19 .------.~_.-------~--_....-_._,._-_._~_..._---_._--------..,..-.-----.--.--------..-.---.-------'-.-----....----.-----.--_._-_._-+,----~"------_._,_."~~----~----_.,._-_._------~~- " ~I ~J 20 I ,I I .II II II II Ohapman Tr. Ii --rr--.---.------------ Ii " Ii :i H ;1 II " ii Oosarts Add. ,I Ii ii L it " il ;( , iI I'! II ,I. ,) Ii II II Ii II :,.1 \,[' 'I II II I',',. 'I I '., I' I ,I' '; I -------r----.-----------.-.-.----T-- il Ii 1'1 Ii i 'j Ii [:1' I: , I 540.... ,I 931'1i l II l' II II Ii II li-----L II II Ii I[ II II III Ii ,I ,I I II HI'II"l ~- I II ~~~ II 1181 I I I i I ,uck,Walter .28 E. Palmyra Personal Property Ei-SWt 8 D ,useerman, Carl Personal Property ~3 E. Washington '1'" A Ii c. I! ____________JL10-.:f.L_.._,+-2.CL-. II [i ,I II !I i: 021 -"~----~.__."-,---,----,--~--"_. il I! il II 11 'I ii Ii il Nutwood PI. " Ii 10. Personal Property ~vens,Mary E. !O S. Orange D22 .._._--,------~--_.,-------,--,--------"_..._._----,,._----~,------_._'"- ,I '; 'I ,I ,I Bibbers Resub. II ii 11 Ii II II !, II ii' 'I II II I' II II I 11; 1.12; Ii Ii " ~wk.s,. .Earl B. .4 W Third St. II " I' II If. 15, !I I II :I mta Ana 023 'I I Ii II " , .....If" 474 11 l' 'I I I 7, 10' ~wk, . Walter_.S.. PerSQ!l!l,).PrQPe rty )02 E. Palmyra Valencia. 'fr. w S 117 :ft-W 92.!j. it '''=':::''''~=;;:o'''';;c"~-,,,~~-=''''~,~,,::;'''"'':"'''::::...,= --.- Ii ~ 'I II 5 ,. !i 4 A ,. I[ Ii ., Ii I If !i ii 2405~ 'I II ,---~-_.,--"-- 74-5 8691 i' 150-~--~- 475 I , 81(/ 340 ....,340.. Uj~ , ',,j 'J ~2a In tlii, Assessmeut Roll tll(' following Abbrev;flt;arlS lIre ltscd for the wards set opposite to them: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Nol'thwostcrly $-Dollnrs S,-South or Boutberly S. W.-Southwestorly Cle.-Cents .lD........Eaat of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner 'W.--West of \Vesterly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Streot tu'l.-"",Feot Imp.-Improvements Ave.-Avenue No,-Number Sub.-Subdlvision Th.-Thence S. D. AL-Snn Bernnrmno Base and Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM Of ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE ST. Assessment Book of the Property of City of ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWjV, AND WHEN TAXPAYER'S NAME AND 1'05'1' OFFlCIC ADD/lESS BERNARDINO MERIDIAN ~n'J; o " ~~ '" o 0::(2 ~o:: <'lu ~< ::> ;;: Vllhu Relll E DESC.RIPTION OF PHOPEIITY f\ -,' ,., 1 ',' I 2 Harthcook, V. W. Personal Property 3185 S. Parker Kordes Tr. N 50 ft 18 B l' , ___",.,,--..'.L;~'-----_____'______'______________-0--_____---------------'--------------....----------r---.-----'-.--~,--__r,.-.,...- 5 i' Di 8 i Ii i! 61:Hatfield, W.O. Personal Property " 71625 W. La Veta Tr. 511-5 3 B 2' 9 01D Wal ter E. Palmyra Personal Property Ohapman Tr. Et-swtt 8, D 5 21j.( , 13 i, 920 II 'I i I i I 14~Haueserman, Carl 'Ii 'I t :: r~-: 2 .iohin.t:~_______t~..rt:-Add.--_-~--~.ID-t-L -~-~---- II I: ii' HHHavens, Mary E. ' I I: I :1 1911620 S. Orange , Nutwood Pl. I 10 Ij. -- j1 -- ,..J.9~___--;-------_.-------'- --- -------- i-------- --- ---. -- -- -- --- ---, ------. --- -'- -- -- --.---- .-- - .- -- --;--- - - '- .- II 21 !L2 I I 'I' 221 , I, 'ItHaWks,Earl B. II 2311314 W Third St. -,i -HI! Santa An,a 2511 !J 2 3 II .j --- ..16 'Hawk , -Wal.ter -8. "__ I ::1'002" Po1myro Ii 2911 I' 3011 Ii , Personal Property 71 ___.J.~ Personal Property II-~ B1bb.ereRe.s.ub. 15. A 51 I " Ii I, ii :1 L , -~"--~_._~._--_.._t_.-.~."-.- Ii , I :' ,Personl'k4. Property ii II Va.ll!!noia 'fro il :i II :1 11 8117 W ft-W 92.4 ft 47 f~ 7 II-j Ii 1 10 II-~ I--~___._----;.-.-....~,--._--- ;r,.::::'~i"..:;.""':'"'!""'::::;c-~"""="""."'=~,C""",,.:._.:,."'=:::=~;;:,.,,'='.:::.o:."=.=,:;:""""";:;-=",,,,,,=;;,.,_,,=,;,,;;,,~," _._.._!._.><,_._,.'M'__~'__,........,._.. .'^."".."'_..._,_>o.,_....~~._""',. " ._;._;;-,.",.~'".,-,,,..,"~' i :1 I ,I :I !I 'I , * 31 31 11, 12: ;ii;-,:j)".l',,';;";;',- ,.l',.,- ,..,'...:'.:",." : i! ii " 'I * i -:;"'-"~ /'38 ..,Y,j)[u:;x, 1/1 UJt~ As!essl1lClIt f(all tlu.> following AbbreviatiolJ.'> are used for the words set op/)osite to them: -North of NortherlY N. W.-Northwesterly $--Dollars -South of Southerly S. W.-Southwest.e-rly Cts.-Cents' -East of Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-Cornor .-West of West-erly S. E.-Sot1thell.sterlY St.-Street .-Feet Imp.-Improvements Ave.-AvenuQ t,-Number Sub.-Subdlvlsion Th.-Thence B;' M.-San Born.ardlno Bllse atHl Meridian, Soc.-Secllon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF E' Assessment :Book of the Property of City of Orange f() ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN. AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO Ul' ! , ---'-'--~"-'--'--"'-'--'-r---'-':------+---'----r- , 'I II ,I i; 'h Ii r: ii ;i 11 Ii I' !I ! t 1'AXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDFtESS BERNARDINO MERIDIAN DESCIIIPTlON OF PROl'EFlTY ::: 'S-I:: tl... ~..tl~ ~1il .~j ~ =~ B~ ~ oJlP< ~ . "F'i'. ",,!:;1.c.,.,..... ...... "1'". -"..,....__..~.,-.."... .'____..m__.._" D24. rk, Wal tar S. Li brary Tr. 8 :s 12 E. Palmyra ----"--~_._---~------_._.._-,-_..-.__.._-_._.._._---_...._--_.."-_.._---~._-_.._-- (), f) t""" ,I '~,). 'den, Ella M. N. Shaffer perscnal Propf;irty Oottage Home Tr. N 50 ft 2 "._----~-,,_.._--" ..._~._.."---~-_._--_.__._.~ .._~--_._.__._---..__.- .. o o:l:j r-lo: O'lu i"!< p z Value of Value of Rcal Estate Thcrt>on . m~'~l'" 'I II :1 , 'I .:,.,.",:""'otrr;C'"""::=:~'C'"::;O"-:: il ii , il .,,, . '. i! " H 1115 121~ MO I 169~ ---------.~.-.._---"---.--_~.___..._,__,..~_______._._m_._.___._......~__.__."__._+_____.'--___._._______._.__...;."____.."_..____..___.__ , ." 'i " , , 11 Ii "i---~~______..L_~___.._l___ it II : 'i:1 Ii I il 11:1 ,I Ii i Bibbers Re su.b. SW..t, 4 B :,/1 II 540 860, I II ;1 II i 'I ;1 !I ii I! :: , -'-->'-"'--"-~-'-~"--------r--'-"-~---'---~--'--'-'-'"--'---.'~---'---'---.-._----"._--_":""'.---------._.......J;.__..........!:.__.__..____._~_~.._.________~~ !i 'I II II ,i j, A ,}; Lli 14s5 i 1~~~ ~ : i i ii II __L- _____...._ -----__L_ 'II" 'I " i ii. 1111:: I, 159~ ,\ Ii ;J II i ,.......~..l-~ .........l il Ii 1':,1 .' I' .' i Ii Ii I II Ii I I n- 'J (' "_:: '0' I~ ) es, Lucille D. Grand Ave. ta_Ana 927 O,Z, Ou.l ver Home Tr. E 75 ft 39,) 4o~ i il 'I I II il '! II il Bonn1 e Brae ~! i ! t~.--- " nes,H. L. 12 A i: N. Oenter ,~ , !i Ii ___~"~_'________._'_m_.____..____...__^"._ 928 ne.D,..H...L. N. Oenter f.! 2 f) o.es, H. L. N. Oenter '; Ij :f I il Library Tr. .----L-------..-- ,j ii i ! I B ?e~aQna1 P~QP~~ty S t 10 11 Ii , Ii Ii ..i. II I 'i Ii 7 C):"(} ,-, ~) . ' II il II il m~ . .O~ange Oity 11 11 i I .7i. N. Oenter I II il 11 'If leSt H. L.. '.="""'.."' ii II I il II I' .1 Ii 10~d . ii Ii ~ . " Ii >> ,. Ii Ii II I: 1015:1 ., !i 781 ii ii II 945 11,95 I; I' 261 I "'-;:'""""""F g j 9() '< I 111 Wi. Assessment Holl tIle following Abbreviations are J') :I. used far ,he words set opposite. to ,hem: -..._~...... N.-North of Northerly .N. W.-Norlhwestol'ly $-Dollars S,-South Of Southerly 8. W.-Soutbwestorly Cts.-Cents E.-Ea.st of Easterly N. E.-Northeaaterly Cor.-Corner W.-West. of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street F~,-Feet Imp.-Improvements Ave.-AvenuQ l'lQ.-Numbor Bub.-Subdlvislon Th.-Thence S;. n,"M.-San BOI'lln.rdlno Buse and Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE S' Assessment Book of the Property of City oj ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN. AND WIlEN TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDltESS BERNARDINO MERIDIAN DESCRIPTION OF PIIOPEHTY l'~ 1 i ~}2,4: " 2 i:Ha.Wk, W&l ter S. 3 11002 E. Palmyra 4' .'"'.----..-.-.-------------.-.---..---.---....--- Library Tr. 8 B -~_..~._--_."._~-'---_.~-------,,--~".,"---~ i '~ !ii 5 ~:?5 ji 6 !iHayden, EllaM. 7 ;,241 N. Shaffer ;,,, Pe:rE/Ol1al. Property Cottage Home Tr. N 50 ft 2 -."" 9' n')("r. '",,' (" ,) \ o. Z, Oul ver HomeTr. E 75 ft 39,) , II I, 40~ Bonnie Brae ., 12, A ~.------~."..~---T--'.-.--"--"~~~--~_.-..~.-.~._.""--.,--.-.----" , '-,.~'---_.^."----".----~-.---.-.-.--____r'^.m-__-'----T---._.-;:-_.-"--~ i' 10 A,~ II Ii 11 +,~--~.~L+--L-- , ,I ,. I' "" Ii 7 B I: ii lJ I: li!1 Ii II I ]1 ~-- ij--. il SWt 4 Bibbers Resub. B I II II Ii II !' 929 Pe:reonal ProPeJ:'ty I i: L1 brary Tr. !i +-,--",--"----_.,,._--,---,-- II 8t I 251 ! I 26~ 2711 ,,"!.-.......1t-'! , { 29' :;30 ~j' ) ;11 II Ii 30,1 Haynes,H.L. [! I J';I ' I 3111163 N. Oenter ~,==J,f i ==~==~=,,,',.,',',.,,' m__. Ii Ii " :1 Ii il 'I 1: Ii " i' :1 I' ,I " II !I I, -'=_.--; - ~. , i :1 il- Orange Oi ty " ii " i 1, E Ii I! I !: ii """"':C=^'""""'='""="";.""_"==";";:::.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,=;,,;::~..,;,. ;';=;""""=:;';;;'.=",,,:...,,;..;'==,=~","",,=';;,.:,:==::;;"~" _.'eu',.~"_~_,",_",_""_,_,_,._,__,~,__",~,,,~:,,,,__ __ ..~-'"-~-~"'-_.__._-,-^-'"--- -. V.I Relll 1, ..--' l( ii !I Ii " " -r-- Ii Ii i! I! lJ il " -"'rrc I' " g;i 1 " p, //1 thi, Assessmellt Roll t/lf~ following Abbrei'iatlolls a,.e .... usecZ for the HJ'o/'(ls set opposite to tltem: ~.-Norlh of NortherlY N. W,-Northweato-rly $-Dollars S.-Smlth of SouthElrly S. W.-Southwesterly Cts.-CentB E.-East of EasterlY N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor,-Corner W.--:-Weat of Wefliterly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft.-Feet Imp,-Improvements Ave.-Avenuo No,-Number Sub,-Subdlvlsion Th.-Thence S. il~'1\f.-San Bel'nardlno BaSEl and Meridian. Sec,-Sectlon FORM Ol' ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF E' Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f(J ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN. TO lJJI BERNABDlNO MERIDIAN ... o o::gj '"0:: "'u :<i..: ::> z TAXPAYER'S NA~1ll AND 1'0ST OFFICE ADDRESS Value of Real Estate DESCRIPTION OF PHOPEIlTY Thereon ~D~ = " Pl" 031. N t-E t :aynes, Harry L. 475 ; Oottage Home Tr. 21 63 N. Oenter () ') ') 0, tJ ""'" aynes, Harry L. 636ft !J45 Tr. 123 3 63 N. Oenter f) ".' ,) . d..) Ii 1: I, i: II!I. ii!i " Ii ]..~oL--lJ50 : 'I ,. II I' II ;i " ;1 Ij !1 ii !i , ,Ii ' il ~-------_--,,____"_______...L___.-:--._____~,_~_._____..,_ I. II' ;; Ii ;, il ~ II ~ !I 925 p l~g~ I' I' Ii ,I ii ,--r;--'- : II II il 11 ~ , , ~ 1: ~ i I! p 245 12.l5_ I' 62J ayward, A. M. 60 s. Oambridge Personal P:rQpe;rty ;1 " :1 N 29g ft-W 337.g5 it- R1chland Farm Lots i! i: " i-J.!i: I 1 I II I II , i I' ,I CUlver Hetel Tr. II :1 E 220 .1'.:L " F F ,I H 945 :1 I () 'J " , {) ".1: azenW1;J,.,lijj.lll .,i.3~5 71. :t;"'1'J,.,t::' 2~J: 33 ... /11' ~lt-n..v:.....', ( L.-'-"',- aa1la-Aa~_________ 93 f) 35 ii MOOoyS Add. W 124 it earn,....s. E. 16. A 214 s. Broadway anttl, Ana " i! Ii " -~-_.~-_.._.__._-~ --_._-----".--~-"".._."---_....__._--------"-_.._-- r :1 'I :1 :i D iHj Ii Ii " ii It. edder, Paul 4.5 s. 011 VIII ?ersonal Property 117J Ii I' .---Jl-._ Ii ii 16 Ii ~ I I' II " ..~ II i; 20, ~ Ii I ' ~ 1 i I: Beaoh Add. AI 1135 ..~ ii 'I 1. II 937 i' II Ii ~.. 97~ I ,I I " , i '-'""-'-"!'''' ii II II II II .if eikes, Cora...... .1'lll'aQna.l p;rpperty. I [ I I , )3 N. Cambridge Tr. 202 945 93R DI .--....t.".. I i i E gO ft-W 162 it ~ikes, Oora.. ':1:35 ..... .:i,9el Welch.&.Harrods Res1,l.)). )3 N. Cambridge ....-.-.. "~""^._..-,,--., '-'-'"'.'~' .."..... ..........., '"~._......_-_..."'~._,, --~- ..~---_.-. ._--""~ _._....."-,-,, '"---~---_.- :"'--,-.=-~,..;:;=~~ i.~2:;r f155 [, ~ . i In thu Assessment Roll tht> following Abl"..e~,iatiolls are . . i ~} ~ , u.sed for the words set opposite to them: .. .,"';;'" UN.-North of NortherlY N. W.-Northwesterly $-DoJlara S.-South of Soutberly S. W.-Southwesterly Cta.-Cents E.-East o-f Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly C01'.-Corner W.,.-We.st. of Westerly S. E.-SouthoasterIY St.-Street Ft,-:'Feet Imp.-Improvementa Ave.-Avenue No._Numbor Bub.-Subdlvislon Th.-Thence S. l1;~":A~.-San Bernardino Base and Meridian. Sec.-Sectloll FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE Assessment Book of the Property of City l ASSESSED TO ALl, OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WlIJ TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS BERNARDINO ME1UDlAN DESCRIPTION OF PHOI'EIlTY . o . 0", .." ~O 0- ~~ ~~ o'lli' .. o f:lf:l Ol>: u 13< z II ~,: , 1 031 2,.Haynes, Harry L. 3'163 N, Oenter Oottage Home Tr. N t-E t 21 , j , 5 ' I () ') ') ttJ,:. ,:'" .j::'i'; )8111'1 ::I;~ ,,j "itt' :", ...", 6lHaynes,Harry L. Tr. 123 836ft 3 Ji;: Iii! ~...,. '.il' ~) '" ~~t '~:i: ~ ' , I ' J ; t, " 'III Ii!! 10!IHayward, .A.. 11. lil~.'II:.'I.1 1l1,...i460 s. Oambridge ij']I!. ii 'i;],!'! ( '.l!,.,i' .l2 I ., ~!ij1-'-"-------------- -~'---'"l ~li;l:l i i ~II I 13 '.' I ~llll i 'l'lii'i I! II I 1. 4 i!Hazen, . Wil,U~m__ 1 I, I.. ;.3:2-5 7). x..'u",.t.. 11.1 15 iR ~ Bp . 33 ,I I II' 4{~l'"j{/ (Ii::'}. ..1 16 I. L_._____________L_ '-1 . I I ~ I ill 'II I 'II Ii 19i,1214 S. Broadway , '__._20 !.Saltl.lL Ana ]I 21 !' f) ., (' Ii ' v ) ;u IjHedder, PauL Ii 2311245 S. 011 va ........-2..41 25 I! i 2JilHeikes,.. .Oora...._. I 271303 N. Oambridge 7 6 ,I 3 N. Oenter ......._..I:i...__.____.___.____.____.....__.._.____....._._____..,..--___..._________.____._.._...____..____....._..__.._____._...._.__...._ 9 f.J 'J I", .t) ...; PeraonalProPerty N 29g it-W 337.85 ft- _~-E._2.2.CL!.t t i I' I , , 34 " i; II' ""t --~.~~ R1chland Farm Lots 11 ') " d tJ. "t Culver Hotel Tr. 35 " ..~----........_---,..._-~ D3!1 i: 18 [[Hearn, .8.. E. , i )4000ya Add. W 124 it 16 A , i; -----..-~------,.,-.~.--,._----,~-..---_.-,-,-------,--.---~.,---_.~~-----._-~----"-"_.-"~-_."_.._.--"-----,~..---------_.-~_~_r---m-.-~_~~- I; Peraonal Property i ._4 Ii II I: Ii -_.-#---~- " II [I I' ,I !i ~ " 20 'I Ii Ii !i :: i! r---------r-----..-r- " l' Ii , Bea.ch Add. 16. A 937 , . I'ersonalProPerty i Tr. 202 I I , ~.-._-,-< 'i .i 'I ~ I i il II j, I :1 2S!! II 2911 ii 3D,Heikes,Cora. .. Ii 31p03 N. Oambridge 321 938 :"""'c-"",;;"'<:=:-."':;""",:::,,"''''''':''':'-="''''''r,='"'~'';z:..,=,~;;=""'';;;w. "";..:.==----~_.<;::;:=:;:::.;:='''''''-.."r:;::;;:.-=::_'''''''','',::::,'''.:'''':,'''''''''"""'''"''~c: Ii . "ii'.i=.i'.===i.._ii_ .....itrl."..".".i._~i- 'ii":"'_ i ';;;"',::":"-':.'.:.::.,'.'.'.: ',:::;:/;;_, ;':" I ":,:,,,d~:;;/;,,;_~ i!iV:ji~J~iV~;:~!f:i 'iJ[j;\:~li~Mx~:;: :':-ii';i: , . ......,.. h.i...U ".. i",..,&Ji.~ ...... .J,._...., tj Ii il -I~ . , ',:,:,..'"., 11 :i ii ii Ii " :1 ii '''-It'' .._~ I i Welch & Harrods Reeub. E 80 ft~i'lJ.6?;f'1i .ff . 1 D ./11. UlU ASSeSSmellt l{olt tile> Joltowing AIJorov;atimlS arc rued for the. words set opposite to them: , N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Norlhwesterly $-Dollars J S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cls.-Cents . E.-East of Easterly N.E.-Northcast61'IY Cor.-Corner W.-Wesl of Westerly S. E.-SoutheusterlY St.-Street Ft.-Feet Imp.-Imp.rovements Ave.-Avenuo No.-N.umber Sub.-Subd:lvlston 'l'II.-Thence S. B. :M;~Sa;fI. Bernardino Base and Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO l -~"""Wn:iffiii"'!l';'-:r;HN'I'ICll1l!lN1't1:(rs'rt!llio""-'ntf;fwoir;-'c-,~~='~' .--. .....,..... .--.. .--.--.... .-". ..n__..'_'''''. _______..__~. '''_.-_~.___.__.. _____.' ....__......."". .... .... .L... '''.''m.,__ ..__,__....__-...__ .....n__._.__......j.j.. __'.n__ ..... '-''-____. ,,_.~__ ..,.",.,.".,""'"..,.,.-<=~,,.,,,.,~,.,. ..........,..,.""~.~-~=.=,.",",""'""- "1 ......... T~~' 1! .. ~2'~' SAN BERNARDINO ,i.. III] II MERIDIAN I 0 I ,I 'V I ' , I;! ,! lIllC of Ii i ~ ~ II Vallie of Impl'ovcmcnlal .~ l5 ~ ~ ~ U~ :1, HCfll EstlllC I Thcreon ' - I..l b,Cp, .-:l.,Q "_ ~ <<: :1 ~ <'l~" '" .. .cZ Z il cl0.".. .... ..'~.."'."l'$""~".' II " Ii il j! .==="'==,==~=~~~'-==~... TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDIlESS DESC/lIPT\ON OF PROPERTY " o ." o 0 ',;:;...l o ;''':-''-'''-;c'J~'''-~O:''~' D3~ feikes, Cora Arthur West Add. 22 j03 N. Oambridge ._>.._--_."_._----_._--~.,.----~._---- ._._._-_._--~----- ;}10 'i .1 II ,i 'I i Tr. 299 7 leike s, Perry Personal Property 103 N. Oambridge .".._-_._--_..._._--_.,_.-._----~._~-----------_._._--, . . ~ I ." _.~,. !i 610 ii _L-__.-L. II Ii , 11 " 'I :1 610 i -..........t I I I , !J.50! L , ii - B.di 10151 ., . , ..-.--..-.-.--.--.---.--.----.--.--.;.~.-.--~----------.;;.--~--_._--.....-.---._,____...:L.-.. Ii " II II Ii II 12~1 Ii " , I I, i II ,I I, 'I i 'I" ,! Ii -'-r---T"'-'--~-r--"---r~ 'I I: II II II I I. I' n.r..l .Jl [eikes, Perry I II 'I .~ Ii II Jl ~ I ,I 'I II I' , I ;03 N. Oambridge i Tr. .202 'I 'I II 'i -rr-- " Ii :1 !I Ii 'i Davis Tr. I ,I i! i1 I II ii !(Oulver Hotel Tr. ] 39 !J. f\ ,1 ~') ;} i ''-' eikes ,Perr.y 15, A 03 N. Oambridge --_.__..,----~------_....,.._._..~.._-_.__.- nA! ') t)";t .) ell Arman L. __."...___",._..._~.__,_...u,__.,,__..__ '" . 410 ,!) ,", l l.:. ~J<, r '''j!fI.r..J .,/:;J- "';J~"~'( /..-' (I.,..,.... li""" I 'I " :1 I I ----.--'"------..--.,-"---.------n-~-.---"...------~-.-,-."-.--.-__.._...___.~_.."_..__. :1 'I Ii Ii " ,I II 11 Thermali ta Tr. !I rH4 ell,Frances J. Pe~sonal Property 31 N. G1assell 945 I n I. ........Q"'.......~ i I 8im, . Emma...et.-al- ~O Anaheim Bl vd. LLV:EL 94 () I ., il , I ......1 , I I , 29 llbling~.Regis.A. lO W. Palm Personal Prope.rty '1 ! I R1chland Farm " 'I II II I, iI II I, 'I II 675 12B5 lOBO 1.B 11+60 Ii 122~ " 21~j " 14 :!Heik es, PerrY' n 15"303 N. Oambridge 161 ti 1'171 ,-1~:, , I I 211, ~}J4 ni:Heil, ,Franoes J. 23~531 N. Gla.ssell (j ,,_-241' 2511 D 4 5 " Ii I, . 26~HelmrEmma,etal,,_, ,. 271120 Anaheim Blvd. Ii 1Q!!.....' ',;.~i.y.e j,I' Ii n4 ~ 29!1i./. () ~ 30' f ,. ilHelbling, Reg.!-S.A.. 'I I' Ii 311730 W. Palm j I , 1" thit Assf!$Smenl Roll tllP following Abbrovil,tim.s are rued for aJa 1(lords set opposite to them: ~ ',>(" N.-North of Northerly N. W.-N(lrlhwestcrly $-Dollars ! . ) S.-South of Southerly S. W.--Southwestarly Cta.-Cents - '"" - E.-East of Ea.sterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corncr W.-Wc.st of Westerly S. E.-Sout.heasterly St.-Street I.'t.-Feet - lmp.-Improvnments Ave.-Avenuo NO.-Number Sub.-Subdlvlalon 'l'h,-Thence :-:l. B. M;~San Dernnl'dlno Base find Merldlnn. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE ST Assessment Book of the Property of City of ASSESSED TO AIJL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN. AND WHEN TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS ~~ 'oil" BERNARDINO MERIDIAN ... o o::t:j ""~ e:lu ,ii'!;...r, P ;?:; Vain, Renl T DESCRIPTION OF l'ROPERTY 1 rnr) 2 Heikes,Oora 3303 N. Cambridge 6 Arthur West Add. 22, 5 !HO 6 Heikes , Perry 7303 N. Cambridge Personal Property Tr. 299 7 6 9 ~} 11 10!Heikes, Perry 11 1;303 N. Oambridge 4. 6 '1'1'. 202 13' fl.' 'J. ~} .1 ..;.. Davis'1'r. 15 A 1~ f:f4:J 10 Tr. 39 ~-----~-_._..._-------~---- "----y- , Per.sonal Proper~y Thermal! ta '1'1'. 4 , II ,: Ii;! -.--.-""-------..~-..T-.-..'--..".-.-'--..;----__+--.....-.-n__-..-~ I ii ~I 'I !i!1 !! \1 '! ;1 .1 A . 10 Ii " I .-----.--r ., I. :1 II II . i . Henry, Gr9tes'AM... !i:115.19 it ,40 ., --.--..------ Ii " ii I, " ii :i +--.-+ II Ii ti ~I I' II 11 f! ~ I' ~' d ~I : I "1 "'a" II' .0 :I I .. , I 14 1] R10hland Farm Personal Property LOts >w 1.80 ac-E 2.75 29 ac-Nt "'''=;''''"''''''''"=,::::==:0-:....,:::;::..,;:;:,;:-.-:;.,=-=";:0;"=0:.'''',''"-'''''''..0' ,,;:;,.,,~,,;;, ",;c:o "".:=~~""':=,~ ....., III thi! Assessnumt Roll the following AbbrelJiatiOlu are \'4 used for the words set op]Jo.~ita to t/rom: "1 ')7 N.-North of NortherlY N, W.-Northw6sterly ;-. Dollars - S.-South of SOlltherly S. W.-Southweaterly Cls,-Cents - ....- E,-Ea.f:lt of Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-Corner W.-Weat of Westerly S. E.-Southensterly St.-Street IfIr.~Feet Imp.-Improvements AVQ.-Avenue N'o.-'--~umbel' Sub.-Subdtvls[on Th,-Thence s.lJ. 'M.-:--San Bernardino Ba.se and Mertd1rm. Sec.-S~.ctlOl1 :FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STJ Assessment Book of the Property of City of ASSESSED 1'0 ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN I TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS SAN BERNAIWINO MERIDIAN DF.SCRlP1'/ON OF PTIOPEIITY " Q Value Renl F.l 1 04? 2 Helwig, Emma L. 3 616 E. Chapman 4 5 D48 Harwoods Add. :3 20: 6,!:Ie1w:l,g, :Ji}Jlma L. Or!3,nge City W 22 ft 11 E 17~ 7616 8 9 E. Ohapmsn i) '-1 f) .... t 10 Eel wig ,Emma L. 11616 E. Ohapman Orange City E 50.:ft 19 A 13 950 14Hemph111, t. W. 15 r 1 Box 4lS C 161' San.t.a.-AU&____.___._.._..________.---__........_____._______.______._. 171 851 I: 181Hemderson, Max M. i J9 :212 Bank of Italy Bldg. .l1._.__}O IAna,heim______________________________________________________________ 21' !)5~~ Personal Property Davi s Tr. N t 1 A) . II 2 tlL ..-----.--..--.---.---.-'-<---.--,.--.- -.---.--,;.-----,. , 21'); . Halladay Tr. E 4 :ft 11') A ~ tI ) 42~ 19 ...'"..-._-_.__._._....,~_.__....- 22' iHenry,..ArOj1.i~hM... 23 i <1,.2. (.,./. ~"'t-/hJ i: (l-h.41.JL(~'r"". I 24' . Per.sonal Frope rty Craddicks Sub. N 55 ft. _____JL22 ft. .. 1 A 1 ! I' 71 " ::" E' II:: !: ,,;' I, ______..__L_E_-'~_ .___"__....l______ , I'. " I! ~Ii i-. !I::I! 251 953 .. L i~--..J21fienry,.W1U1am 271797 E. Chapman 281[ [, 29i A.-.- ii .' "n___"..._.._..e_' ,'." .;~ Personal Property Lcckwoods Add. S 40 it ! 17. A) , .. 5: : ~ it " , 11 :r !i .__~Hi___ ___~ L I' II Ii II 85,1 30:Hensley, ..George.F. 31~:35 s. Oypress ;1 II ~ .T.r. 545 I: ,. il E 44:ft ?2/24 A 1) ,~",:::"'''=:;:,'''=.:=:::;:,~..;..c-..;.'"'"c'''',~;''''"",.,"'',.'":o;c'''";';'''':.;=,","'";"::~'"=._;_"'"~'-,=,:r"""="""'.=""""""'""'~"""=.===,:;;;=_.:=,,,.=;:;:,,""';;;~:7 ':.''''''0' ."."...:.:....,.;#;; I: Ii II ni; "''C'',,"';;;'''''''''' i,\ 1/1 UU' A$SeS3me,1l U.o[{. till' following AbbnwiariflllS are IlSeeI for tlte loords S(!t opposite to clwlII: ~lh of Northerly N. W.-Northwesterly $-Dollars t.11 of Southerly S. W.-Soulhwoaterly Cta.-Cents It of Easterly N. E.-Northensterly Cor.-Corner lsl of Westerly S. E,-Southeasterly St.-Stl'oet at Imp.-Improvcmenta Ave.-Avenue iJmber Bub.-Subdivlslon 'l'h.-Thence ......San Bernardino Base find Meridian. Sec.-S~ctloll ~iLl1Ri~~j(.~~~~~~.[~rf7'~~T!T:~~!:'2:=~~::,_:-'_':':':._:',~:':':':":::"':::-=:::::~-=:~,=~~:'-'::_-::::~~'.:':,~=;';':':;.:~~'::':::'::;';~."~:::::::'_'.:',,""_~~'::__:':.:::::";'=:~',_: 'FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALi Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange for tl ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNon w .... .~_"._._.__ "_'M""~...... " mo_,_ ..^ _, .._"'"'"-"'~=''',:''".~ '_..__.... TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDBESS 'I m_~__._...._.-_.. ;1 iisAN BERNABDlNO II " :! MERIDIAN " DESCIlIPTION OF PROPEIlTY I J,., l:I.J,., o .... 0 ,~ l=I ~ - 4:1.... oe ~0'3~ ~ll:{l '.:i~ ~ =::;;:: "'~ ~ : o~"" ~ I ":;'l:,}!L,:::,'c=F"';;:"=""""'''::''"'~ ~"-';;"r;' ! I Ii , " ...__,...........N_,......._.._ "''"'''"'''-~''...-.._.'''''' ..~,--..^..".- _....-.~-_._-,-."'''...----'^..,.,_.. __"_"___".~m__..__",_,_. 4? , Emma L. HarwoodsAdd. Ohapman ~---_..__._-,.------- ."_.__.-..._"._-"_.._-----_._-_.._-~--_._--"_._,,-_._---~..._._-_._- )18 , Emma ,L. Orangl! Oity W 22 ft 11 Chapman .._-_._~-'-._-_..__..._.,----"-_...._---_._.__.__.--?--_.__.~_.-_._-_.~_.__._---_._-----_.__._-----_._----,_._"~,-- , . ~ ~ 'l=17'I~=2m7'1! o II ' Value of ~ ~ Ii Vllll1C of Jlllfll'ovement~' ~ ~ il Renl ERtutO Thcreon S -or, Ii z E i4D ,Emma L. Ohapman OrangeOity E 50 ft 19 50 Ll,L. W. It 4g 0 Mla 51 Pel'filOnalProperty Davis Tr. sQn,.Max, ,M. j ,Hallade,y,.T,l'. 18 Ji:. 4 ft lk of Italy Bldg. 19 n 5 '~ A i1 II , " II , .- Ii .._...__'"M~.___-"'='==_.........m._ "'= 3 Value ( TI'CCS ...c,.,~c,$.,..,.,..'.,.,..=~=....=~...~..i'=.....=. I, ' I I I " i: I ii 2055 II " ! I 1785 I; ii i 'I ___..l......-_.._. ~ _,4D50 :i " 'I I, i Ii !I Ii 2835 42S0 6951' 990: 65~ 354D:1 :1 ~'--"-----~_._--~-----.---_.----<--"--r---~. ! 1 N t i, 1, A~. _'~___'II, 2 "_.'~~[_+_7._:"'-"".:. I Ii ,I '. I' ,I jl II ii ii il !I Ii A ~ " ) ,,- ;i ~---"--+-"_.------.-"-~--..----4-.-----+..--"----"..:....---,.---~-..,.........._-__ , I I! Aropi~AM ....... .I~.~vp.~.-' 'IvttJ,~'r'-'" Ear.sonal Property Oraddioks Sub. N 55 ft. N 55 ft. 53 J ,p,el's.onal . Property S 4D ft ii l! 11 Ii -I!- ., 1117 ,. 1I'J Ii [' i Ii I ~2/2lf Ii ' ,I WiJ.1i ammA._ Chapman Lockwocds Add. " 5 :1 II ',Tl'....5lt-5 Ji:1J:4 ft ',George,F. Oypress ~,'--_:._"...;:,,,,,~ ..-..,"".,,"'="".-."'";~:;:.=-'"",--='"'="'='" 1 2 If II if Ii II I' Ii I 1 I , I I ! I I II 'Ii [I 115 I, I II I ,i i I ~",._+._..C",.=..=. =~.==..... , I 1&31;; A " -..I ~ I A 71+5 Ii Ii . ~ 530 ,! [i ii I 101+5 _.;:. 29~1 " BL ~ /1""<"- r ::;",'<2'. thi, Assessment Holt tll~ following Abl}T(wiati.orls m'o Ilsed for the Ivor(ls set OPl)osilC to them: of. Northerly N. W.-Northw6sterly of' SoutherlY S, W,-SouthwGs:tel'ly r Easterly N. E.-NorthEUlsterly of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly Imp.-Improvemen ts ler Sub,-SubdlvisIon l.n BernardIno Base and Meridian. $-Dollars . Cta.-Cents Cor.-Corncr St.-Street Ave.-AvenuG 'l'h.-'l'hence Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALJ: Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange for tf. ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNOTf l.11~.!L.lill~_~:.~i~fil{~~':::l:Il_~;~NGR;"'-C;\T.W; ~"'~"",.e""""=="""""""''''''==''==='''''~''''''~'''~'~=''''''__m.__''='_'',___,__",__.."'="". ,,===""",_"".,=__.......___w^ ...-'''.....''".......--....-.,."...'''--......-.---.----''''..-...",,''..-''''''......".---..... -_.,-------~---_._-"_._-,._--""'"' " ............'mll ''SAN BERNARDINO !I MERIDIAN ii ""1,.".'-0:" '''t'f II il !I ., !i :! " 1: II .'I........rm2TM'3 I, i: Value of II Vullle of -lmprovcmcnl~1 Valuc 0 Rcnl Estllte,,' Thercoll!: Trecs :1 . , " II ' .."~~.".,.=,.,=,.....'t..'T..'c."'=.,," i Ii I Ii i Ii , ., !, !i "35:i ,."J". , i ~ .~ ,gJ u " ,....,'cc.cjt.,.:g:l_..". "'. ;.aO,.!lj sg-s g ~ .- o~lll ...,1:1.,...=,., "~ :r~ ~~ '" o 0:I~ "'0:1 "u ll< '" z TAXPAYER'S NAME AND 1'0S'I' OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 01' PROI'EHTY ;5 ton, Walter W. Oleveland Personal Property Oottage Home Tr. 16 , I. " I --;-'---.--'--.-----.-.----M.-.------r-------------.-.---._________M,.,._,.___,.___._,.__._.___--,-.__;_____~ T (ll ii li- ':---- i' ------ ':! ::1: ji :i I! Ii Ii Ii !i ;1 Iii! :l Ii N t 5 . 0 Ii 4-5Q H.'. 615. , II Erank B.ea..oh Add. Ohapman -..--.-.."'-----.-.---'~-.--_....-,..-----------------~.-.___._._._______.~._..__..~.._~.._____.__~__.."_m_."....._.'_.____m__._."______~~_~_...___M_"'.._^_._.__._.________;.,_"_.._.._......_______"~_..;"._"___ 7 :i I , i :1 !, Ii Ij Cra.ddlok Home T:r. :i " !I II i-- II il :ITr. ...571 I i Ii :1 'i .---Tj"-.".---".--.----~---------~--._..--.--."._---'----...--'--~"--+_..-_...--,---_._.-._---.-t-.--,--:.:-.-.----.--..-.--'---rr-.----'~"-"........._----~ , , !, il " ! I !Ii ri Ii., i Ii Personal Propertyi' ~ II ii Ii il II II Ii 375 :i II _ II II -S7~---1l.7-~ "T 'i ,) I 375 i Ii II i 'i i i I ...........r i lJl , I All (Ex S 43 ft) 10 II $95 340 4o~ Frank Beaoh. Add. 1 ,) 9 D ,; " " ., " ii !I " 11--'-- I 11 Ii ':I !i I: 610 !I Ii ii :, i , , Ii Ii !i II I: II i, I, ! ,I :; Ii ..-.-~___iL._~__~__...:L-____~.__ p il :! " II n !i It !, II !i Ii " II !I !~ " 72~ ::lhapman 8 r-, Geo. J. $. ::lambrl dge ~) earlK 21 395 ferson o 11l1pW. fer son Tr. 571 12 23 25, Ii II II -+- I O. J., Per sonalPrope:rty F il " II " ii " II II II Ii I I 540 ,,',: 1'16 .. 1 . Spotts Sub, 3atavla ..:::::=""'"---,...,.::,,=..< ') '" in Wit Assessment lloll tile> j'QU.owing AbbnwiatioTts aI'(l used for tlw wDrd,~ set opposite to them: i 4)....8 N,-North of Norther!y N. W.-Northwesterly S-DoUars 1 " ! S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Sonthwestc.rly Ct.l:l,-Cents . -.. ""VJ>I E.-East. ot EasterlY N. E.-Northeasterly C01',-Corner 1V.-West of Westerly 8. E.-SoutheasterlY St.-Street Ft'-r'Feet. Imp.-Improvements Aye.-Avenuo No.,:,",'W,t1m'ber Sub.-Subdivision 'l'h.-Thonce s. R)\J....,..,...San Bernardino Base and MerlcHnn. Sec.-Scctlon FOHM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE Assessment Book of the Property of City of 0 ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UN/J TAXPAYER'S NAME AND 1'0ST OFFICE ADDRESS BERNARDINO MERIDIAN DESCRIPTION OF PBOPEIITY ~ o j 1 n~h: .J lJ t} 2 Herrington, Walter W. 3 232 N. 01eveland 4 Personal Property , Oottage Home Tr. 16 5 95 fi 6 !Herron, Erank 7 337 W. Ohapman Nt Bea.oh Add. 5 9 () ~ "" ....) . ..f I , Herron, .. Frank Beaoh. Add. 9. D 11 337 W. Ohapman All (Ex S 43 ft) 10 II q,o 13 .~ .) ,) 14 Craddiok Home Tr. Geo. J. 8 s. Cambridge !) 5 ~) Pearl K 19,i631 Jefferson I; 20 --------;r- Tr. 571 21 '" o o:~ ~o: >'lu ~< ::> z Vullle or Reol Estate 835 o 450.. 895. 340 610 395. -..----,.-'"~~._--.-------~-"--.---.-..--,,~.-"---~.--.--"'.~~_____'_'_U_'_"__'___~___._~._._._,,_.n_...,.___,_.....u______.____..___.___._._._,__...__...____...__.__--.._.._._.~~"_"'__~_._.__ 21 II ~) G 0 ii 22 il Heslil, PhilipW. !' 2311631 Jefferson __.1.41__ I; 2Sil Ii 26" ...... "1..' ; 27! _... 28,1 291: Q 61 3d ii Hessel, C. J. I' 31:'173 S. Batavia Personal Property Tr. 571 12 ........--......-------...---.----__..__._.aL- 25 l .1 " q I I " , 'I II ;' ., :: Personal Property . Spotts Sub. 11. ""---":,'--"""=''''''''',0;:':"''0.''-.._. ,..''':'''';";,,,c:''''''''"o==:..=:::..,,::"=,=~,::;;'''':::,,~,='"''=:._ i. i' :l il !i Ii " ,; II Ii I II l, ii 'I )i II ii 'I ii II " ~ II I 375 -J.~ 375 540 Tn this Assessment Roll tlte following Abbreviations are : ~) ( " used for tlte WOJ'ds sat oppo.'iite to them: .".._.,.l N.-North of N01'th&rly N. W.-Nol'thwestal'ly $-Doll.E\rJ:l g,-South of Southerly S. W.-Southweaterly Cta.-Cents E.-Ea.st of Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-Corner 'V.-..,;West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Streot Ft.,Feet " Imp.-Improvements Ave,-Avenuo NQ.....:...Number Sub.-Subcllvlsion Th.-Thence So n, ~.1t.-SaJi BernllrlUno Base and Meridian. Sec.-BeaHon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BO Assessment Book of the Property of City of Ora ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN. AND WIlEN UNKNOI DESCRIPTION OF PHOPEHTY " Q ~~ ~i" v TAXPAYER'S NAME AND l'OST OFFICE ADDRF.SS MERIDIAN 1 . , [i C- 'J .JV.:... 2..Hewlett, Sherman E. 3 469 N. 011 ve 4 Personal Property Tr. 566 7 505 0(' 3 oJ j 6 :: i,HigglIlS, Alfred 7!2g6 N. Orange 8 ....__-'-....._.._~......__..m_.'m_..____.___,..___,._...,_____._____._.~_--->-__"___."__.___~___._._.____.___..______.______'m..".~___..,___...____~~________.____.__,.._."_~_".______....__ 5 ..622 8. 315 9 DG4 10 "Higgins, Alfred i: 111286 N. Orange 121 -.-,1.------.- f.\6' ~ ,) ,1 Personal property T. M. Shadel s 2nd Add. 23 950 -r-- i 13 I, II 14liHigg1ns, William O. 17 96 () 18tHight, Wallaoe Ii 191!333 N. Shaffer I' 201' I: 21,. I' nilH1le, John H. ,. I! 23liR D 4 21!.Anahe1m Ii 2511 ,96R II J6jiHllk,Anna- 271i 211 E. Maple " I 28: jl I 291i Personal Property Ii o. Z. Culver Home Tr. 52. 810 'I il :'! Ii :! I :: : U il ..---..--.--.--'T------..-"----.~-----.__.__"~________._.~-------___r_---.~-_.~,._.---'.,,---.-,-"---------"___'r--..~ , I' 'I' 'I Craddioka SUP. 22. 23 II 730 730 A . . .------.---.-,-~;;..--._.._,-----.------.--~----------.---~----._..---_._____i_ .,,-.__.._...~,--,,- , () I;:; ", '.I t, t Therma11 ta Tr. 11 B i! II H " II 'I I 'i 'I 'i i , II 1.11' !I I , II , ., . II [I' . ..~ il II I ---L-L il II II 'I !' II 'I I' II 675 i " 'jr'- " I Personal Property T. M. Shadels 3rd Add. W 41 ft-E 82 ft if I' 21B/26 i: I i ! I 915 i I I 969 I, Oil 3 :iHill,.. I! Hugh Personal Property 311,337 E. Culver I,: 32 :::"".. ..-..--~.==-:''-,.=;;o;''''';,;.,=''''''=;'''':~,. Geo. Aohisons Sub. E 85.5 ft 22, ~ .~ II ":""""=="''''"=,=~~'''';.."'''''''''-~;.:;==''''~.;:=~.,,. .... ""-;:0 ~...."",..."..",.... "'VH ,.'U..J"....""...e; 'UJ'" ""....HUtl" "'t< rued for !lw ,(!OrcIs set opposite to them: )rth of' NortherlY N. W.-Northwestarly $-DoHn,rs uth of Southerly S. W,-SouthwesteI'ly Cta.-Cents .at of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner rest 01' Westerly S, E.-Southeasterly St.-Street eet Imp.-Imp-rovements Ave.-Avenuo ~umber Bub.-Subd:lvlslon 'l'h.-Thenae :.-San Bernardino Dase and Meridian. Sec,-Sectiolt FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAD Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange for tJ ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNOI '::~~..:".!,R1'>''l',?:,:-l.'~ii~Il!:(;.~}~'!l1_I11l'J-i :-:.o:n:\1;1Cl~/':C;,~'I;T~I":'::,:::: """.~""".,=~,...""-.-.^-~..._."" ." ...........................r ~AN BERNARDINO II ,MERIDIAN j, ~ '~~ ~~ ,o:lu :i~ <! '.;:0 , z 'r~i~=r 2'r~1m Ii i; Vnlue of Ii Vulue of illlprovcmentfl ii Value, ii Reul Estllte ' Thel'coll 'fl'Cl'f :! II II !i 8315 Ii II !i i Ii II , " ;' I' --~_..__._-""_._-~.._._--_._-'-_._..~----~_."--"~--_.--~_.--:r--~._-~_..--"..._.~_...__ Ii ~ 'I ij 'I Ir II II II -+------f.-.---..-----+-----~- i!:i !! ii I 11 I II I, Ii II " rI Ii 675 ,i.! 66~ " ,r Ii Ii II II ill !I if r- i-Ii II II ,f 'I 120f TAXPAYEII'S NAME AND POST OFFICll ADDRF.SS DESCRIPTION OF PIlOI'EIITY , ~ Q."" ... ~ :.d OJll .. - <lI-S I"l .Sj ~"oS tj 0 o~ ..;.-lr~:".;;;c:'_""'.:.!i0.~.._ . ."ti~ II II I' ~tt " " ,,'l~ .,."...",,:.--.~.....,.-.,,~t"'"'' ...----........--..---...--..--." .. _.___m.__._.~"'.._.__."..~... '___'..'_._.m_.._.,,__ ,..... ._-,_....-..... fi,.-' q .JO ~ ~tt, Sherman E. ~. 011 va Personal Property Tr. 566 7 ."-._--~_.~---r---......-____ '1(' 3 ) d t .ns, Alfred I. Orange ..Tr..622 D64 ns, Alfred I. Orange Person~l Property il Ii ~ Ii Il. Ii " ~ " , Ii " I; il II " ,II .........;;...._--li-. I Ii T. M. Shadels 2nd Add. 23 )65 ~ I ,I Ii Personal Property I I 'I O. Z. Oul ver Home Tr. 'I Ii II !i 11 Qradd1ok.a .SUo. A ns, William O. I. Grand 52 .---_.__-L.__ I )6 () , .Wallaoe . Shaffer 22 23 II ---.--"---_"_.-.....:.L___~_~ l67 JchnH. . , Ii 11 'I i. I Therma11ta Tr. B 1m )GR ii Ii I' ... .i~ !i */26 . +. , i I, -W- . ;1 II II Anna. i n Ii iI II i'] I, Ii II II. PerSOnal PrOperty , I Geo. Aohisons Sub. E 85.5 ft P.e.r.sQnall'rQPerty . Maple T. M. Shadels Jrd Add. W 41 ft-E 82 ft '69 Hugh. . Culver 'i " Ii 'I J.'- ""-11 ~."..~ I, ;! " " Ii " ;' 505 I. i! I 950 I " ;i rr 810 II ., " Ii ,I Ii II 730 ii :1 730 Ii , 9151 945 ----=="-;::';'=':0'"' / L.5~12 "--~.",..--,.,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,.,=~= .ie's=e,c.c.== " II Ii Ii Ii I' 1171 II i. I' ,I ii I 265~ " " Ij " d Ii " 595 'I 90 _~.;O""';;;;'-""="":;'" ,"-,o""""",.:~o=",::",,,::;,,c.-;.;~ .." IIU-:I ./'I.il'Ij~UmlJ'n ,I\on HIt> JUUOWlllg /H)lJl'{Wlatlo'h~ are used for the ttJ(Jrrls set opposite to tllCm: -North of NortherlY N. W.-Northwestorly $-Do!Jal's -South of Southerly S. W.-Southwl!stel'IY Cta.-Cents -East of Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-Col'ner ",-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street :.-w.eet." Imp,-Improvements Ave.-Avenue ).-NulT,lber Bub.-Subdlvlsi.on 'I'h,-Thence B. M,-San Bernardino Buse nnd Merldlnn. Sec,-Sectlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQl AsseSSlnent Book of the Property of City of Orange fOI ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNF. :""'" , " :'~l'j'I;ii;Ril-JI:i:'':E~f;I~'~:':vm:~It'!::{(j'" Jj_'f'tJ l?i(j'l:~(nl'~_:!.~i'.lll:,:"::~;I.~_r:-tt:~ _'_'_'_.m..._...~_.."..."__..,,,_===,,,,,,,, n"~'''"'_,_,,,_,,,__,,,,,__,=,,,,,,, ,j' _ ____,..m..."_'. .. _.,.,..,._._ ---~- .~- TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFF[CE ADDRESS Ii SAN BERNARDINO MEIIJ/JIAN DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ~ ,S'~ l:l... ;.::: ~ ~... 00 .~-Sg aot$ 'Zo-l - ~~ U Q sj:O; ~p 'll"~_::;.-;.-c"'~,~.::~._-.:::; 'r'. f)~' 0 " , ,) 1 ton, Bernina. 7 B'. Gla8sell Thermal1 ta Tr. 7 B , lton, Bernina Phelps Tr. 20 2 ;;! 1 S. Lemon ---.------.--.-----'-,.-.~-.-.--------.--.-_.____._~_..J__ D80 lton, Delbert B. O. Box 364 :1 II ,. ii , ., --i-- Wgl. 36 ft Cottage Home Tr. g !'t-i-n---.. C) "1 '. u... ;1 :, 'i 'I 'i 'I :1 A .ton. )1" . l (.)' 1J ~y. Jet a;J; Perscnal Property 7 N. Glassell Thermal1 ta Tr. 5 ."_."_._-~--~-_._.~-------..------~-_.. 982 .Y.ard.Lily V. ) S. Oenter :1 ~ Pereonal Property Geo. Aohi sons Sub. 22. o :i .---.---..'-..------.'------............;--------------..---- -.--.----.---.-.-------->--.-..... " , , ------+ :; II , II II i I I ,I I, II II ...,.....+ , ., II I' Ii I I i' il II 982 'ok..Margaret .A. et al Mocoy E/ Add. 6 , ~i " !i .~ B I' I' ~ 8. 011 ve 984 st....J,ulmie.....E..... N. Oenter . J?l:l.:rf;IO/lal Property , Ii f 13 I L 98i') chcock, Alton L.. Personal property i! :~/10 H I S. 011 ve S t :..:....':;-~:;.,:..ec,'~'"''''';"~''''''=='':o...,,.==",.,,'_'.===m"_. . ".. .-...",...,,,,.-.'="'==,,.-. 'I ~"II , 0; i2 " ~p::: 'I ,O<u i 5< !Z T ~ $ I' II !i -.ll..y.'-n----.----------..---............---t----.----....-----..-..------_.____.__...____.__._....___..__~_ .) i d:: :: i: U !: I! ii Ii I !i Ii :i " Value of Real EllltHC :f 'I I, .......r........ ., I, 'I Ii !i 675 :i 2 ""^f:~ :i Vuluc of II ~mpl"ovcmcJlt8!i ! Thereon :: !i , . "11""$- II " i! " 735 ;1 540 34$ II 'i ri Ii 67511. gOG !ill II II I ' ......-t- II ~ ,I I' 10151: 72~'.i: Ii ! , , 11 .1 ---r~ I' II II !I , " 55f '. ,. ., ,. i! II , " II I; II II II 4 11 " " 'I 40 I, 5 Ii !! --~______....!o-..___ d I, Ii <I ii I I, 29& II I, II I' ,i " 965 I' Ii II II 'I I II i II I il ........1 I 575 I I I II 1960 I' ,I II . .~ , 14to I II ", 60 ~. ~; ~..'~.' i:: ,; -.-.-.--...--....------.-----......---.-...--.-_..__2.____.J....__..______2.......______________ i; :' ,I il :i !i jl ii II Ii ~""=,.-;.==,,;.:,=:;;:""":;;: ~===="'- ~=c,~,;;~ll: ,{9':lO in lIn.1 A.ssessment Holl thp jolfowi1J{J A.bbreviations nre , ' used for llw Ivords set opposite to tfwnI: , "(} i r '", ,-North of Northerly N. W.-Northwesterly ~Dollllr8 L, cJ .-South of Southerly S, W.-Southwesterly ~ls.-centB E,-East of Easterly N. E,-NortheasterIY Cor.-Corner W.---:"West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street E1L.,;..... Feet Imp.-Improvements Ave,-Avenue No"'-:-'Mumber Sub,-Subdivlsion Th.-Thence s. B. 1\{;-8an Bernardino Base and Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BO,t Assessment Book of the Property of City of OralJ ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOW Z .Hill, Stanley H. G. 3 252 N. Oambridge 4 , . " _._--_._.".__.._--"------_._-"-,.__._---.::----.~-~.._--~---"-------------_.__.._--~-----"_.._--_.---;.-----~_._~~---~_._---;-.-._- ~ Ii. I .0 P '\-.j' ;!: i' J'" n ,M 1: J . t;<Jc~'. J1.--' _ ,) Ii!; :1 ,f f '. ,,,L I..~, ,I,!t~.~)./ 11 5"H!-l-l-;--~GTJ;;v' /): ""'!! Personal Property " 7 ,2~2-N-rCaJllbr1_dglt Tr. 139 10 B 3 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDIlESS , 'SAN nERNARDlNO MERIDIAN DESCIIlPTION m' PHOPEIITY . o . 0... ",0 ~ 0 0- ~o:l .~ "'. o . ~"" 1 ~) e.' 0 Tr. 4-37 4- B "' o o::~ "'0:: o:lu ~< Z Vnl Value of iJmpro Real Estnte' Th, 270 ~ I.I~' ,) ",': if ,_ .---.___.___"'.__..__._..._._...__._m.__~'_.."_.._________._________--___.________.__________._._._.._____._.____~_____"._________..___.____.___._._...._~_.___,____ 730 )iiHiU, W. M. L(,34-1 N. Pine , I ~ . -r--..---- , ~ ), (\ ":' ~} ii ~J t. t).- , oi " !I it- II D Personal Property Weloh & Harrods Resub. 5 fllHill, William S. :liE. Ohapman )1 II Sl~r4 IjiHill,Wm.S. )j!2128 E. Ohapman )1: _i, Ii lJ'Pf.:: 'I! " L d\ ,Ii 'liHillebrecht, Wm. 111505 Van Bibber iJ tL Ohapman Tr. Ely 6.30 ao-Wly 9.30 ao-8 17 ao:, W t 14 F, ,+--,---- h ----~.."._-------"_."---_._,-~- :'1 ii i.).. Personal Pro:perty ,[ II '1 ii 575 'I. I] II I: I! ."~i------+---~ II :i ij II II ' ,1 Ii : ,'I 116.3ql '! II !, II i .. '. :1 11 I. " il '- , 3395 '. II Ohapman Tr. NW i 3. 0 I! 10 i! " ii ': --.----.-.-----.-"_,._.-L_.__..~._m__.."___~___._____..._--.~--._------._.~_______.._._~__._..__,___~____~_."...._.--+-.-'-m"+----.:~.-._--'"--~.-.._.i_."..~ Personal Property 'I ~ i !; l' .' , 24 I' ,I d I I! il I, , -r 11 ,. :i ,. 12 Ji !; Ii II f) I"..,,,! -I. ;, i ;!' '1 ! " !I ii :i i I i I I I 'I II il II I I' .;''''.~~''''"''...~".-''''1::"...."'". . D. Bibbers Resub. A " 11 il ,. Ii ~tHin.ya,rd.,.RaOhel 'lil4-2 S. Parker I, Iii G.._ I;' (). ,>'" {> , .{o', ,.A..... o Kordes Tr. Iii Ii , :1 I!Hll ton,Bernina :537 N. Glassell Ii Weloh .& Harr.ods Resub. S 50ft 10. "'" __.., ___~ __'__'__.~_m___. __m>o...'......." ..._"......__....._ ;~""c:;;;"";="',.'"'"~:)="'"'=:"~;~,:::: 3645 ':" .. ,"'" ...._'~ ~ II I' ,I l' \; !i iI 'I 1, " ., II II If Ii .I il I; .' II I I, I, , " I' Ii II . ~ I' Ii l' Ii II 'I II II H I I " " " ,I Ii il II 555~ 55511 ;! II .540 I I I 610 "-~' '_.,,-,-~.'"'~._---.._~.~ ..-... _.~-~'"~"-_.." '=~=7."'l'> I o~ 1~' Itsea for tlte tcords set ol'positc Ii> them: r.-North of NortherlY N. W.-Northwestel'IY $--Dollars .-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cts.-Cents l.-East of Easterly N. E,-Northeasterly COL'.-COl'nel" V.-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeastel'ly St.-Street 't.-~eet.. Imp.-Improvements Ave.-Avenue rQ.-'-Numbcr Bub.-Subdlvlslon Th.-Thence . B. Af.-San Bornardino Bnsc nnd Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY TIlE STATE BOARD OF . Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fi ASSESSED '1'0 AU OWNERS WHEN KNOWN. AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO l) '=''''''''-wn;i''iy.lI'-~,,;.'t;tiN'f''.r.-ljRIN'fHl(fn!!~i'tJllr()-;''(j!H*"tJJr'-'oxr;rY.~- -."",.- """""'".-- ..~ ......~~,.""'=,-.....-...---..,..,,,.-..,,,,.....,.....,,,..,,,,......... -...--....--..--L..........----"""'....----..,'i.-...=;;o;J'...... ..e====... . -'_ m..'.. ......'-, ., I; :1 .; -...-.-..-...-~.._----.---.,--.__.._-_.-~---_..---...-_.,"._---..L.___.~~__.___---'----._....______._...__._._._.____..~----..-------"-.~."------._-"_...L..~L__~_ ., " , i, :1 II 540 " 55$ Ii ii --:--+--_~.--.-.-._n_'.~_-.______~_ 11 II iI I' ii ii' Ii II~.!I:" II 965 ii 291 Ii " Ii !I Ii Ii Ii II I, II i---fll------{- 'I [I I ii f rr II ~ ~ III i 5751'" 1410 ___'I [ I' II ='"''"'~='i\'''.='=~.='''"'="'''T.; ri II ,SAN RERNARDlNO il .. I MERIDIAN Ii 0 I __I: lfJ 10::", , '" '" v.... ;: CQ u 11'~ . ~..;, ~~ Z TAXPAYER'S NAME AND 1'0ST OFFICE A/JDRRSS DESCRIPTION OF I'ROPERTY " '" ~ o ;.a O"ld &0 jg-a~ 'il...l S g~ '."n;:..r)5,:;....,,;~,~, f) v' P '. / II .... 1ton, Bern1na Thermal1 ta Tr. 7 B. 7 B', Glassell --'---n.'-"'~r\. ---...----.-.--..--.-.--.-------.-..--,..---.-.-.-_________________.___.__._.. .J I ..J i i n --_.__._--~- j' lton, Bern1na Phelps Tr. 20 2 1 S. temon 980 Lton, Delbert B. , ,I ~i ,] :1 'I 'I ,'I Ii " 'I 'I I I] i I :1 'I II 'I " I Personal Property Oottage Home Tr. W 81.36 ft g 0, Box 364 II ! il ! : ~ I -~-._-~--_il______ I It-i-n---- D81 1-(.(~.)\,--tJJ ,ton, j.(". -Mary. J Personal Property e-t-a.-l- , N. G1assell Thermal1 ta. Tr. 5 A 982 --------.----- ,yard.,.Lily V. I S, Oenter Geo. Aoh1 sons Sub. 22 o :! 88 a -.--------------------7- ..-.----.~------------...------__.____M ck ,..-, Margaret A. et a.l MoOoYe Add. 6 B S. 011 ve il I' II l.. II Tr. II I, II II Ii I ,[ I, II i 984 at,.. M1nni.LE. N. Oenter .p~_:t' E1()Ila1 . Pr()perty 1 123 131 "-----.------------ 9Sf) lhoock, Alton L. S. 011 va Personal Property Orange City at H ~'_.__m ."..~~""";;_.~=,~.:"',.=;"''';;,,~.'''".,=~ '1/ " i! " .~ 2 ii 'j i: Value of II ~mprovclllentsji , Thereon __ll~." II " ii i: 735 --- !i 34$ , gO~ .I , 'I I. !i Ii II --+- Ii Ii " if 72f !i ], i! II II ." 60 ~ ~~"J. ..,,_,e~... Value or Hen) ERlntc 1'; :~":$ I, ii II 'I , " 675 """"" "'";;:;;,,,,"",c;:.::. "'""O:"'''==:C-="'"''''',:::; -'-,=,",,,=,,.,,.",_ """'",.""",,_ .'.. ~. II if ~ 1 I: Ii II 540 .! , II " I [, 675 'I Ii ,I I :: ii !, 'I !I , 10151 II it i I, II I' ~ 1960 r ~q*{' ,{9;W I" thi. Asses.snumt Roll till." following AMrevilllions al'e lued I'or the words set ol'Jposite to tlww: q I J' -OJ _ N.-North of Nort.herly N. W.-NorthwesterlY $-Dollal's - S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwosterly Cts.-Cents E.-East of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Cornor W.-West. of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft.~_Feot._ Imp,-Improvements Ave.-Avenu() No.-Nurnber Sub.-Subcllvlslon 'I'h.-Thence S, B. 1\{,-S:m Bornnrcllno Bnso and Meridian. Sec,-Soction FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orangi ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN. AND WHEN UNKNOWN, ~ 4 --~-'-'-"'-ny.,(\------..----..---_.-..-.---,--.-._-----.-.---------.-..----...---..-;,-.---.----.--,r- ,'} J ;) II :: H 5 !i i' _ :i !1 ;" !I , i' ! 20. 2 " - ,I '"-----"---,.~---~._~.-._.---------..-,-,---..,"-.----...--~_.,-._--------------._.-.....,--------".---._______."__"._._____'_H_____~-_" . II ~ II II n , 'i i d " 'i I' II , I I I Geo. Aohi sone Sub. , 22. O. I I: Ii Ii ."---".-.--------'-""-.".-.-'-.,--t.--..---.~---..--.----~------.--.-----_...~--.-"--_.-----._------.~"--~-"--.-~-~---.-_...,.-.----,---.o.i--_."..-,--- , ,I ~;." :':---'-=_' :'\"Tt;fi,lflL:!1f-::'~,~_~'I'IT~~'.1(r:!'I'i'(Ji1I'(r;__'-"_6)r~;[(;l!{~'-'-(l_xql";-- TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS 1 f) Y' {"> '. ~ r') 2'Hilton, Bernina. 3537 B~ Glaseell Hilton, Bernina 7 i 421 S. Lemon Ii___ 9 D80 10 [Hilton, Delbert B. L 11jip. O. Box 364 l2" --p-T:u-s1ri-n------------. .31, 981 , Ii Fe, 1'1'''') -4 Jail ton, -Ma1'Y'...J-&t-al: .51537 N. G1aesell 16 i ~82 18Ii!IU1'ard,LllY V. 19i480 S. Oenter Ii ~oll -" i; D8 ~l ~ti' I' ~2IiHinok,Ma;I;ga;I;et .A. et al " Ii ~3il 332 S. Olive !i ':I} :sr 984 Ii . ~6IHi;!,'B:t,_Mlnnle._E.__.___.__ ,I ~711445 N. Oenter II ~8!' 'I '91; - Ii 98;:) I. 101! Hi tohoook,Alton L 111'190 S. Olive II l~ i.,o=o==,=.",.,. 'I , ii Ii -~_.L__ i i ~! il ;1 II ~."'~----....~"....,..,..,".....,..,..- -......---. - .. ...-.... -.. .- _""-....c."'""""'"'" 2 i''-'='~~'-''-'''='''''''~~ "~~-"~~'~~~~"i1 'SAN BERNARD/NO MEIIIDIAN ;~t: 0" ~~ Ii ~ ,10 " ~ i2 . r.l~ ;1 ~~ ' II f5' ii Z "-n:- ;-""'"'-'''''''r'''j'':;;:-;;;''' ij Ii --~!I . . I ; ! DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY " o o~ .,g.s o " "..-~;c#;"r!t "'" ;EO"", ...0 0 ~".$ og~ .t~:';.." :i Value 0 Value- of ~lIlprovel11' neal Eslate I The-feol 675 , it , i il 540 , , :'!ii" The rmali ta Tr. 7 B 675 1 " Phelps Tr. I I; il 'I i! W ell. 36 ..ft Oottage Home Tr. el 10151: I, ri .1 -r--' il I ,I l 'I il Thermali ta Tr. " -il--~ 540 , 'i 965 i: ~ (I :i ~--i i Ii II ; tI 5;-5t II I , " il I I , , J Personal Property 5 A. 1960 . E -, "--';:;:;c,.c::'':':;o"_'''';'';,''''':;:;::C'.=_'.~::;:::;O:I;:'""''-'''e;.,==~-=~,~",,,,;,_. Pe;I;eOna1 Prop~rty .i; :1 , :; il il [I II Ii ..-...tf'''' i I Tr. 123 il- II I , i MoOo1'e Add. I 6 B I Ii ,. Ii !r i! II II I, 11-- II 13 ,. Ii Pfilrlll()nal Property Personal Property n ;1~/10 H I . Orange 01 ty S t ;_~'=',""'-'<'"c.. '-",,-,='''''':.:::::'=''''''''-'''...;:""'''.' j', ..,{.~ I." ,; , L tl1.tf 1" thi;/! Assessment Roll the j()llow;ug Ablmwiatiolls are used for lite words set oppasite to tl,em: ~-North ot NortherlY N. W.-Northwesterly $-Dollars ,South of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cta.-Cents ..-Enst of Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-Corner If,'-West at We-sterly S. E,-Southeasterly St.-Street 't,-...Feet Imp,-lmprovements Ave,-Avenue lo.......:...Ni~mbor Bub.-Subdlvlslon Th.-Thence '. n~ M.-'=-San Bernardino Basa and M-erldian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f, ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO [ ~''''''''''1r-rr;n:Rrr's",;'''f.ifWi9.'''"PJII:N'ffXTI''''wPin)to;'''o'ifX-YnR-;'-CAr.T1".;'--.-.,-..-.".,,,,.,,,-------.~-----,=-=,.,...,,,.,=.- .~,.~~,..."""".~""""'=...~===;=""'=..,"",..,"''';=-='c=~==,.-"'.._...._.....'.=,"._ ..__,___._ ._..m_''''--=''m.._..._,.,___.__._=''''=.':",_,_~ --~-,..',,,,-,-~,,.,.=-",,,=,.,,..-..,.,,,,.,,,, """""'''''''''''''''''''''''''='-_.._."..----==",,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,""."= TAXPAYEII'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS ,.,.. ,...~"~"~~~~~".....~....~~."=T.~~~..~~.'":"T=~l~.....~r..~-~!f~~2~T :'SAN BERNARDINO :1 ~ Ii I:: I,! :, MERIDIAN ,: 0 Ii:: Value of : , Cl:: ~ Value of i]-lllfll"OVemenISI ~ ~ ,I Rerd Estate Thereon S~r z ' DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ~ ,S-1=! =... .-;J...~ 00 .- 0 ';j...:l ~ 'ai- l.) oolXl ._".._,,,_._~--Jj-... -.,~-~,_._--- -~"----'''1''---''''"'----'--'-"'----~''.--'' 'o,';;;:__'--;':.:-""',p"""" .~ 1!'~ ~&>o 'I " "*.'j'..."..""."..'1\l'..'.."'=.'=..'" Ii :1' ii : 'II II I ;! , , .m__._".___,_.+__._.__.",_...___"~_~_"."':"_.____.______._______...i_ :i II!i;I,' ii Ii ii ( II II "''''O,,,:lt'';. "'-"-'''~'''-''"", .--._......~_._"_._._.--..._. !JSG tohcock, Alton L. o S. Olive Personal Property Resub. Grand Ave. Add. 1 B 1080 () G' ,., ,J'() , ..".____'_m___.._..___h__._'"_..._-,...._"_.______~______~__.__".___,_~.___"_u..__~__.,____.__~..._ :; ttig, Emilie 6 S. Olive McOoysAdd. .i 965 11. :e f'~ I. Ii Ii , 57~, I 53~ ~) EJ ,'i _m.__....___._'_._._._'---,-_____.____."_______.__...__________._'_.."__~_".._...__'___._..__..____,__.__________,_"'_""____'_~_~___~__._____"_,_____~."^"".._..."'~_~ ..--.t- il il II 11 i, iI 162~ II ,Ii ------'~--:r_----'--' ----rr----"..- I, II, , !I j' "12~'. ]1 II I lid ." A I: I, 895 :: '+0; , " i! Ii !i i .._.._._."--_._......_--._~-"._,...- ..__.+-,--~-......;,._._,_._._"---_._- ...__....__..~~---_._."- I; , 11 'i il ri 135 !I 136, il Ii ;; -----.1!-- ii !i II i: 'I :1 Ii II "il . ii- II _.~., "II ; 2610 I" <~:;;..J.~ . I I I I .63 47 ar, Clarence.E.. , ...j. , , ii i! --1 , Ii ii II ;1 II II, 4 !,I, Iii I II -T-1--r--- Ii ' I! , :i ii I ~ -~--- Personal J'roperty 3 Jefferson Tr. 571 17 375 D8D bos, Earl o. Personal Property 7 N. Pine :i Tr. 136 ,I Ii ..........-_._------""._--------._...~--_.__.__._._"-~-_.._---"----- 7)0 :i " 13 B 990 bbs, :Emma,. A. >4-00sarts I! II ~ ~ iI '~ ;?S.e.ll1.'.,_lie.l2raakL_____..__________...L___ _ , .- 991 Add. 12 ..--' 1 ,i I;' DOS, 1 Personal Property Fred H. D.2 I :) R. ;1 " __----11___._~"_...__"_._____.__.__ s. Williams Tr. N 60 ft-W 120 ft F - :} S 2-----.. i; : .-.----------f\--_.o---.___._. II Ii 11 '1 :; j, I, II -11---__ I' I ~'b.e, Qr1Q_M.... D. 2 PC!l:rsOna.l Property i I R. " " ,I ~ 1) ".".\'~tl'.". !~.. '-)'7' :"'1/.11..."1 )/l.L' r f,1 i j~'.' ~-; !~ v ;j ...... '.'1" i I I S. Williams Tr. I: " I' i ' ~ " F' 1----1 I, 4. I All (Ex S 20 it & N 60 .___......_. ft-W 120 ft) 9DB J.86n,- be(, r . . d!Jf../ '~'" (l-;;~"Jl'.",)J-- . r,. ,I.,{,' .3eno+Jl 'm . (, --I ;t.r>"t...., '..... A' i! '., 545 12 14' A 135 135 1J.l It :.~~P.~!2Y,~" .,'~,~=-",,:=~~""""==='=.:.~=.="'=== .....----..-..."..-...,-........--- .. -_..._..,--._,_....".."-~.._.. l' ,I II " 113~ II -'---'~-'-'-"---""'-'" ,~._~-,..~-,," \? 1 I,l ,T,;s Assessmelll Roll tilt" following Abbreviatioll.'l Clre ltSed for the words set apposite to tllem: 1 It) ~t: North of Northerly N. W.-Northwesterly $-DoJlnrs i ft J South of Southerly S. W.-SOttthw6stel'ly Cta.-Cents - - '.-:mast of Etl.sterly N. E.-NortheasterlY COT,-Corner W.---West of Westerly S. E.-South6!lsterlY St.-Street Ft.~Fe'(lt Imp.-Improvemenls Ave.-Avenue No.-NOmbc:r Bub.-Subdlvision 'rh,-Thenco S. B~ M.-=-San Bernardlno Base find Merlclilln. Soc..-Sect1on FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE 1 Assessment Book of the Property of City of Or ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKl\ nESCRlPTION OF PIIOPEHTY DEHNARD/NO MERIDIAN TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE AnDRESS VuIue of Rent Estate 1 98(-j 2 ..Hi tchcock, Alton L. 3 190 S. 011 ve 4 Personal Property Resub. Grand Ave. Add. 1 B lOgO 5 6,Hittig,Emil1e 7 376 S. 011 ve 8 C' '''I D. I: McOoys Add. 11. B 965 .' ...---.-----~--"----.~---.-------.--"----,.-..>------"--"-____.__,._~.____.___._..___"~_'~.e',.~____.....____"~".""'_._._ 9 ~) E; ,'i 10 'H ,. oar, CllarenoeE. I 11[603 Jefferson 121 -------~.~-,~-_......_.._---,,--~._._--_..__._-----_._~~-- l'e:!:.sonal Proputy i: ~ Tr. 571 17 ii 375 II : . ~ ' ! I ;' -'---"'~'---'--'-*-'-----;~-'-"----";"- ;. 'I:i, ,: !i il ,: I 13' ~)8~) ,. Personal Property Tr. 136 13 B 730 i: ::1 I, I --.------..-..----.-----..-."""--..--.--.--.---,..----.4--.-~.-.'"--._--"._.---..----!t"-~."-._-_":"---"'----.+t- I' 12 A g95 992 ,i Ii i~ , if :1 I ,i i' ---;t-- .--,~-----_...- ....------..-------.----.. .---li.-----~.-...--"--~---"-'-""~- " , 'I II II " I " II' il'l I;i 1 R. S. Williams Tr. N 60 ft-W 120 ft : F li:i 135 I I p II Ii I II II i ------ -----------------~------tTi: -------t I I I I Personal Property .- . -ii ~'l 11- R. S. Williams Tr. All (Ex S 20 ft & N 60 I, . ' 'Ii I ft-W 120 ft) I: F . I 4. 2610 (--'--;-11 II : I I II ~:,.I ~j , I, , Ii , ] Personal Property .' 'ii 29il 99 R e:<: 1)P!/~'-{I1. 11....'jl,. / I' ,l$'ft-~.:~~, 'lI' " t;;:b"1,1i;! 1'" 30~H9bl!len,--3~nOu~'f~i ".........:1 it 545 I 311 R. 1). i..A"',( !.I, P II . J :1 :"1~ .=~~-.!'~__",~;:.e.y~"",".~=,,"~~~~~""~,.."="===.==,~=.-._ .'._~".__"'=~=""===="=~="'=""~==~=,.,"="=",..""_..".""., 135 135 ,'".:","='""~"'_';:"=:c;"'~" .'''''''"'''''''1 :r.:o-.":;'-'-'::.';-"'="=;:'''''~''' 1'f 'l()("a u ~ .l.1l rillS ASS(J'sSnumr J{OU till' jOilowmg AiJfJreiJial;OIlS are used for the words set opposite to t/wm: '-1 ,,) N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Northw.osterIY $-DolIars r)pJ S.-South at' Southerly S. W.-Sollth\VesterlY Cta.-Cents E.-Eaat of Eaaterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner W.-West of Westerly S. E.-Soutlleusterly St.-Street Ft.-Feet Imp.-Improvements Ave.-Avenue No.-Nllmber Sub.-Subdivlslon r.rh.-Thence S. U. JW"TS~n Bernardino Dase nnd Meridian. Sec,-Se-ctlol1 FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOl Assessment Book of the Property of City of Oral ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOfl TAXPAYER'S NAME AND pos'r OFFICE ADIlHESS SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN . o = ~ 00 ';:;-1 o o Ul .&'" ..,0"" _", 0 =~o ~=- oo~ ;~~ ~5 <2~ Value of Rent Estate DRSCRIPTJON OF P/lOPEHTY 1 994 2 Hockemeyer, Minnie 3422 E. Palmyra 4 5 DUf} Personal Property Geo. Achisons SUb. 12 E 675 6iHesi ) n:-'1'. 1)\, '. I ,~i::; ,~ j]1,'il( i L. '1 ,!Le" "l Gf ~_ ""~ i'''' '-...)', r McOoys Add. 9 A 1710 7 1):90 8. Maee~ll 9 QD/) o ~Holan, I! " q191 S. 211 -~.- 01ara L. 1 + I ,I J. II ---#-- 'I 1 :1 Personal Property , II " :i 'I !I " , ------7- 1690 Oambri dge O. Greggs SUb. W 134.SS~t-s 150 it I 3 ! DD7 II 4 I!H01eman, Henr~ I '"/ q',/. ,'i)"(",,.i ,/ '., J (/ 1(' (J. ;1 .fii 5 ' p, I (.A.A. ~ 61 a 7,1 998 I' 8 ~HoUand, Eula 'I 91:cj 0 Ben Gelker " :1 Qjknbe d 99~) 21~ollingShead, O. M. i 311607 N. West St. ~aheim " 5/1 1 n " 0 Ii 6Jrol-lingSWOl'th,Alef J. 1 I' ,~; h _.. " A " /, -! ' I ,.....,._'(1. ,""','....;;JIf., . "<,,..Yc,/ , 7 : .d1hv IP-'i-~O, C I.. lcJ-( 8, () ?I 1 0 D 1 I: I' I' )ifH01l1ster, ' Josephine, A. ll::~4 3 S. Oambridge /':;l. <-_ ,I. ^-f"".'il I tj', ;;A~_)I'-,'r::.A"""": I (? I! Tr. 545 16 A 135 Ii il -n ;1 I " II Weloh& JI1il:rrods Reaub, 20 D 575 Ii " i! -,-----..~-----,--,-----,-....,-----,--,--__;:_---~,--,--L..-l--__..___.1_,__ ---".._._-----~-.-._~._-_.~-,---,-_.~._,---._--_.,-,-,--'--'-"-'-"'---'-'-"--~~"'"-----"-'------'^--"----' .-..-'-.".--.----.~.._--.--."---"----__.____.______.."___'_M ....-......---,------ , i' ., :1 il " " II i!1 l ,- W. B. Forsyths Sub. - 6 A 610 ,Kordes, ,Tr. 14., o j- II Ii h Ii i! T----~--"f--- ;] Ii. II 555u Ii II, I' !i Ii II Ii II 'I!' Ii . ii II II IT :1 II " II 54<l II- I " 5l:tQ,_ .''\.... 'i II I 4 , Personal Proper_ty Valenoia Tr. 15 1 ~ ' .___,...__.~____.._M""......_~_."..__. .. .~.~_.,,_.__._."m._.__._.~.'"_ :,:.:;;:~."'""c,:;;:Z;.,,,..,:==""':..="'"='"'".::"''';;.:::;;:='''"';c,:;;::::. ..:""'~""'''''~~.':"":'''_'"O'";;;''"',;:.'_';:;.o"'''=,;;;_''''='''_~''__:oo,,'''',;;''''~;;',,.;,;.~_:_,"O,'''':';'=: .m._.._...__..",.___.".._'.._... ...-._,-,~...~"."_..._~ , fll eni. Assessment J(oll thp j"ollowirlg AtJbl'CDiatiollS are llsed for tlw wards set opposite lQ them: ,it of Northerly N. W.-Northwastarly I-DoHars 1\ of Southerly S. W,-Soulhwestorly Cts.-Cents of Easterly N, m.-NQrtheasterly COI'.-Corner It of Westerly S. E.-SouthcD.aterly St.-Str-eet. t lmp.-Improvaments Ave.-Avenue tnber Bub.-Subdlvlslon Th.-'rhenco "":3an Bernardino BasEl and MerJcllan. Sec.-Seetlon FOIlM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAL Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange for t ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNO j'f,IlJ!'II'S," UtNlT\IJ "I'lt.l~.'t'I~tJrO-.---OTl;\N{lR-;uc-'\l;rF."--~--"""""""="===,- -------- .~-.........'"'"'~""""".-"""""'''=-'r~..........-..-.'m-."'.'....m..... ""'"'~"""""""""=.,.,..",.~".,.-';.,.".,~~,~~~ : SA; ~E~~~~~I~~II MERIDIAN cr' I' il " Value of Renl ERtutc 2'~l~=3. I! Ii '; Vulue of !i i~I11Pl'ovcll1cnt~i Vallie Thel'coll Tree ", . , ._.__.~-_._"_.__._._..--..__._~-~-+_.--+_,_._-----L.___~+-""_.__ if Ii i: ~! I! II II T'"A'..'f... 1n f j)+v'd~i~iIC 'l McOoys Add. 9, A Ii 1710 il 72~1 /,,0 '<.J 'II " <.)vl~' , II I: 61aaseJ..L 'i II I i: !i ,I ,I, : : II , !!:')'! ._._----~_._~_._---_._--_._--~~--~----------------_._,-----_._-_._-----------~-"._~.,._-,._.__._......,.----......._._--+--_.~----- i I i' II II il 135 I, ,I I: Ii " Ii II I! I !i Ii I! Ii 57511 Ii II II I! ----...-....;.....--.---------4---4-.~-.-_.~_,_._.L_____~..____._~ 'ii ii ' !I Ii II ii Ii Ii II 610 Ii ii I' i.' 11 I' il II ;I Ii I' I '" o I>::gj "'I>:: "'u ::S... p :<; TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE AODnESS DESCRIPTION OF PHOPEH'I'Y - o "~ 00 .;....;j o o <n "'- ;Eo.. ".0 0 " " 0 ~"- o~'" .!;<~ "~ ~~ Ol" r Ii $ '1 I I :! :34 eyer, Minnie Palmyra Personal Property Geo. Achisons Sub. B 675 12 ---~- ') ~ : ' ~') I:) () Clara L. Personal Property Cambri dge W 134.SSftt-S 150 ft J. O. Greggs Sub. 1690 II I: " " ~ II Ii 87 l, Henry i! ,t;! . J _." ,I f !.l,'\"-J.,'i},,;lt.(.;.;,.,.,..J..'1 (! ~ il A Tr. 545 , if if II ii ii 'j .---.------.----,-----.-.----,-__----1_____._ 16 v.l"", ./ "",i~ (,/ I( (" l ,( .., 98 il :1 i! ii Ii W.el.ch& Ha:rtQde Reeub, :1 I " I " D l.,__!l:ula 20 l Gelker --'-'_._.__._._-'--"_._-~_._._--------_..._._-------_.~."------_._._~_.__.._.._--, 39 ; shead, ,. O. M. w. B. Forsyths Sub.' 6, A West St. L-... " " I' I il Ii 'I . :i .Korde.s ..Tr. :I il u ,I I Personal Prop.er..t.y '{) 'sworth- -AlexJ. , :J ' I)., (! -..j('[,-'1l\, /\-,'::-"'C...-'" v /J{.ij~, (Licf {I " 4 :' " 1... .....555 - , Jl I ,I I I: I II " II 15 I I I i . ! ! er, Jc seph1neA. Oambri dge Valencia Tr. 540 .="",....5JiQ"... ;i . ..~,.__... II ,. I: i, II !i , Ii -$ Ii :i 1l2~ I, I i II ,I 11791 H H 'I 40 ': ~I I II Ii ,[ II 6JJI II Ii " ,I 171q il 'I Ii Ii i ---T-- " I! II )00,1 I " -------...-.... ._-... .... J~~.~.v...6 ......"".,,....~..""fl'" U,~] FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the PropertY' of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO l used for the words liet opposite to them: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Nortbwestal"ly $-Dollars S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwestel'ly Cta.-Conts lit-East of Easterly N. E.-Northea.storly Cor.-Col'ner 'V.-Weat of WesterlY S. E.-Southensterly St.-Street I"t.~Feet lmp.-Impr-ovements Ave.-Avenue No.;,LNumber Sub.-Subdlvlsion Th.-Thenco H. gI..l\I:.-San Bernardino Base and MerldInn. Sec.-Section wlt;lm'Il'fr.J;"&1iT'?''T;''jI'J::>:T>>nl's'runm;- om\'N'(lg-;"~U;l'F"; .. -~__,_____ ...--..---..--...,.."......--..,,- ......---.. - ..~.~"'"~""Ti'~""=.~~~~==,.... -~ I'S:~~;~~:~;I~~T~ .~ i MERIDIAN ii 0 " 0::12 Il.l... ,~~ j: : S~ Z --r---:r-r , , , TAXPAYER'S NAME AND l'OST OFI'lCE ADDRESS Vnluc of I' :~lllprovcmcnl~i Thcre'on ' DESCHlPTION OF PROPEIlTY Vnlnc of Renl Estate ~ =~ o. 'Z~ o " ~~,,'fI:'_:; .eo,.. "" 0", ".., 0 = ~. ~ =- . 00< .:+~:,~: Ji """---:"1-1::.'" if Ii i - ;/--; .~ 'I II " !i ,,-,.t'"'$'" - ii , II 'i " 1 " . ~ <) - ;} . .. )lmra.Jjl L. G. l6 S. Cambridge Personal Property ~ .. Tr. 599 4 137q 540 --.---.'^'.-'.----.'.----'--------..------------..----~-----_..._~ r--- 1,-; :"1 'J . t, '_' .J .i :1 I .1 Oosarts Add. I I I lIme ~~c M!n~,i e ?,)~" If II ,^ .,t- (.J (Ajl'~< , () 4 .. 895 ii 2" 14 A ,_._~~--_._._. .--------.-.-,..- -~---___L 1 ') " .1 _ '11.1:' -_.,-----'_._-~-------~-- lt, O. M. ii ii [I II il II W I'! II I i' t-I-+ I " " I 'I , I i il 'I " i II II II , 'j Personal Property " ii i, p i' 94~ " ,i ii I! Ii ii 76~ " II Ii , : " .! II Geo. Aohi sons Sub. Ii Ii ii :1 " :1 o s. Center 610 19 A I,) '1 ~ t} ~.... d It,Julia. A. 4 N. Oli ve Davis Tr. 4 B 1285 --L i , il :f SolJ.a;t'fers Add. i il !i .-----.--.------------.-r--..--~----,~-----_____ ;1 ,.. --+r-- I' lOnG II " 'i II ,I ii' i , , ii I , :, II : I: - --------4----..-...-.--.--t-.-------._____.r--_ !\ 27q It, ..QllYb._P. lj. S. Shaffer B~ " ) 13 16, 1195 !, S 14.85 ft!! il lilt} 7 " 1'1' 'I ;i I,'t' Ii Ii I II I II >l Ii II II ,I ii Ii I :1 I f?'? il ji II I' Ii II' ii , i , 1 II I ladel, Emma It N. Glassell l'dsonal Property 450 121~ i Arthur West Add. . ! - .----T---------_. l-RichlandFal'mLQ:ts mY. * (E~<!; II ;1 II I i 6, 2000 'I , " ., II II I, :1 ----+t-----"~,._-~_ Ii II 7.1J:?Sl,,_':".l.~i~ ,.-- il II II i! II It II II ii !I ,- !i 1008 ley,_ EdwinA. !i Ii 32 ..rr. ....... " b II --+- il a 30.:ft) ~ E. Almond lO:)!) II ! 11~ I 'ton, Geo.. W. Person!;;!. J?roPerty W 1 ac-E 3.75 a.c-N t I Ii .1 :i II ~. I Riohland Farm Lots W. Palm 29 810 1 'c::"'".,...~..".~==-;;;:;""':o~""""~,::::..c:~="'-""""".~ ..."..;"'~"';;''''''====n"__''~''===o==".o;o:...,='''"==''"'''~,,'''_'=,~,,=''''',="""":::::~~=~==""o;"-C',_~=""~,,.,;-..- f.f71..a. ln tMtt Assclsuumt Roll the following Abbl'o()iat;olls are r.-~31 used for the words .'wt opposite to them: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Northwosterly $-Dollnl's S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Soulhwesterly Cts.-Cents E,-Enst of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner W.-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft,~Feet Imp.-Improvements Ave.-Avenue No.;.LNumbel' Sub.-Subdlvlsion Th,-.rhcncc S. B';,M.-San Bel'nnrdlno Base nnd Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE m Assessment Book of the Property' of City of Or~ ASSESSED 1'0 ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKN( , Julia A. 15 264 N. Olive 16 17 lOnG 1 18111l011i,Qliv1a P. Sel;l.affers Add. 13 B.~ 1195 191'134 s. Shaffer S 14.!'l5 ft 16. ") 2Oi! , . ,. .--..--- -----~-,..__._--..----,.----.17""'.----.-,-....-~,.,--.-~~~--.---.---_._.,____.__.______,_-.~-.-.-.-~.--~-,~__~_.,.;... ...__.w.._____.__+-_ ,. r 'it Ii ii --:----r--]-----.t---.-------T--- , '. : .1', I' ~.. I' '. 1'1 - ,I II TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OI'FICE ADDHESS ,SAN nEHNARDINO MEUIDIAN Ilf.SCTIlPTJON 01' PROPEIlTY lIJ'i<J 1: 2 HolmaJjl. L. G. Personal Property 3236 8. Oambridge 4 5' 11.' :.1 ') - ,.I "..' .J Tr. 599 4 6 !Holmes~c MJ-np,ie ?Vj '" 1i'11 7, ex; < o Oosarts Add. 14 A ! J 'I~ (/ 9 1:):J 4 , O. M. Personal Property S. Center Geo. Aehisons Sub. 19: A li)') r.: \, ~-' f) Davis Tr. 4 B 2t11 11) U '7 nllHonadel, Emma Ii !i ~ro4t ~. Glasse11 'I 251: 1 0 0 R ..26iIHOney.".EdWin A., I , 2711708 E. Almond 28: 2911 1. () [) 9 !i 30il Ho rton, Gee..W....,....... Ii ii 311i802 W. Palm ....3....2. I"...,..,.......,..........,.,.............. ..........'.'...,........ ---, -",-. -"-~"_.._---,,,, _.' ---" -- ~''''''''''''''';''';."":o\"-'".,,,.'''''''~';::.''';::''""''''''''-CO', Pe~eonal Property :1 l! !I Arthur L-. West Add. 6 1 Riehland Farm Lots NWi-JE1L8 JQ ft) :1 32 'I II :2.27, , Ii ii 'I ii 'I ~-- :1 'I' II PereOn!iJ,l. :ProPerty j 1 :! R1ehland Farm Lot s W 1 ae-E 3.75 ae-N 1< Value of Relll Estate 540 895 610 12!'l5 2000 7425 Ii ~ 'if "':- -. '1 29; 1 ""==='-- ='''''"..,.~,~''''''''''c,~~.,''''".;",~'''''''':"'',.'":,:.;:c::;''"'':.;;:cc,,'',,.,''''''''-''''''''"",_"''''''':;."'''.~''''''''',.-'''''" '--'";;'1',':,'''''-''''''' ii..."l it Ii I .._"'~........w" '_'__~"'.~m' !'l10 [./7&0 t/dw Assessment RollllJc> follolving Abbreviatio1ls are rued for tlle Ivords set opposite to them: ~f NortherlY N. W.-Northwester.ly $-Dollars )f Southerly S, W.-Southwosterly Cta.-Cents ~ Ea.aterly N. E.-Northeasterly CQr.-Gorner [)f Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Irnp,-Improvementa Ave.-Avenue or Snb.-Snbdivlslon Th.-Thence LU BCl'l1Qrdlno Base and Meridian. Sec,-Sectlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUAW A~sessment Book of the Property of City of Orange for tb ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TO UNKNOW InTI }J,'. J,~~...Z._l'lIlNTJN'(]a'I'umo."oll;~N(1F!;=if.\T:'fP;_ ---"---'-'-il !I i: I 3 ---:;- liSAN BERNARDINO !I MERIDIAN '"' o ~~ i! "'~ "'u ~..; Z r "'2Ml I: 'I i V.lne of II VIlJUC of !~lllpI'OVemcllt~! Real Estlltc i: Thereon Ii j: ii ., TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE A DDHESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPEHTY . o "~ 00 '':...l o o --,.,'..;..,...::-.:c.;lf.!. ,9-'"' f.I~"o1 ~ .,g ~~'" .....-1.::':.;0':,.,:;: ~nt:: "" 0!i3' ii "#y 1 H :i Roy S. A;1.l, C:E:lt S 5ft) 6 D i " '''c~ :i 'i. Ii " jl 1$55 ; : ~ "-'._'lr ,----,,_.---'^~....._.. .... "'."-_..,,--,,. "ft. !i o O:ra:nge .0:1. ty rese ali.--.----.-------~ , 1 , F. O. - 675 GeQ. Aoh1 sons Sub. :) A Jrand Vallie 0 Tree8 --'-"..#-C".T II II Ii ;! 'I t ... '. ~, , 1" il " .-. ~n - ' . i:-' , i' Ii M~ --_.__._---_._-----------~-----'---_.__._-.;....----_._._----- ') ,~ , Lyle A. 'iarwood l Welch & Har:rods ,Resub. 'I II i' II Ii i: il ii il I ,I 'I 6 o 595 44d 1! " il 1125 il 2085 II Ii , Ii II ':' lo;i--~---;,------ Ii il , " 'I I'" I, ' " I , ------r- ") . t) ss,. Oha.rles O. Perscnal Property il ii " Ii <i if Tr. 219 Ii II r----- II 11 Ohapma:n 24, --.AlL(.ElLE_;;O_f.t.) 2;;____ 1l'.._H. Tr. 437 6, .e ,: 14," !I II 270 I! I 1.6." II Ii 2.7Q Ii -------------r- ------r----:I----r-I -- .. ...4---- I' , ll'l ," il II 270 !I if 475 'Ii, il h .. II I: II II I 540 II 'II I ., II i: II ii 1 :1 I ,"15 t 270 Broadwa.y , ,.1 Ij !; " it Ii ii --,---4--- 21 " 23 I' f) , !j I, " II !! if :i !I II il il II !, O:range Q1 ty ... 1 t D .gg3Q.. 1150 .. ....Pe.J:.sona1 Pfope rty. ~ingr-SarahA. :)rlange ,.' T. M. Shadels 3rd Add. 36 () Geo. s.. nive 2 " .~..,,,..,-, =.=g!?_~.~.. I! t. II Ii II '174~ .. .: 11 I . ",.,:':, ,:~" ~ 45[ I ~-'----'-"'-''',- ,--"-~----- III Ild! Assessment Roll tll(> following AMmwiatiolls are used for the words set opposl~te to them: .. '"\. N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Nortbwesterly $-DolliLrs L). S.-South of SoutherlY S, W.-Southwestarly Ots,-Cen11l E.-:-IDast of Easterly N. E.-Northea.sterly Cor.-Corner W.:";"West of Westerly S. E.-SoutheasterlY St.-Street Ft.-F&et Imp.-ImprovementB Ave.-Avenue No;"'--Number SUb.-Sllbdlvlslon 'I'h.-Thence S. B. M.-San Bernardino Base and Meridian. Sec,-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD ,( Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, T ~;.........-....._~~Rn__-,.!I'::':J~~_?<'rz -l'JUNTI1i~~.:_"'!l?l?i_ O~i::V;~T,TF; TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS II ,) 'SAN nERNARDlNO Ii MERIDIAN DESCRIPTION 01' 1'IWPEHTY " o o~ o 0 ''::; -l o . '''?,,_,_,r:fl_ "'" ;.aO,.!oil "-:I ~ ~o- oo~ :"t~-~_. ~~ Oil;> - -t!:',cc; 1! I) () '.' ~ ;,Horton, :Roy s. 315 Cypress All (Ex S 5 ft) 6 Orange C1 ty D -Santa--Ana InLi """""~."",,~~ ,""T~~~1~2~~ o Value of ~ ~ Vullle of 'ImprovelllCl ~ fj Renl Estate Thercon S'" i"; 'I i ... rt I! .... 1$" i! 1855 -. " " ! '; _____~__i-__~~____---- ;' ii ., " :i :I ~~ 1: 675 3 A it I' +-1.D~~_____ :1 I, . Ii ;j 270 ti I' 14 lI!i 270 ~ : 1 i i i I ------.-----------------'--l.6....-.---!'..-.-.-----.T.. -----L---2-7-Q...:......----_ " ,II 'I Ii Ii ,I !, 'I 18. II Ii 270!i !! Ii I, 'i II Ii t 475 il ii i'l II 540 (, II i: 'I Ii I, I~ I ii I 11 Ii " II I I, ,Hosk1ns, F. O. Geo. Aoh1sons Sub. ,373 S. Grand ,.......'-----_.__._---_._--""._--_.__.._-----------...,...-_..".~-~--.. , 1 'll' ') ~ , ;.... !Hosk1ns, Lyle A. 345 N. Harwood Weloh & Ha.rrods .Resub.. L C 1 i\ -' ') lit ,) I IHotohk1ss, Oharles C. 11015 E. Chapman I I " Personal Property Tr. 219 'i 24, " ----A11.--tE.1LE_5'O_f..t_)____L2;; " I' " 1 wi 11 , " 'I ._------1 I I , , if :a , , iHouok ,F.H. Tr. lt37 6 ,302 E. Broadway :Anab,e.1m "..-.....--~._----,...--~-_..._---_..------ 21 23 II 101!) ii II II .J,. i! :i , Ii Shadels 3rd Add. 36 Houghtal1ng_,..,Sarah A.. 295 N. Orange ... Peraona1Pl'ope rty [ T. M. lOll) Howard,.G.e.o. s.. Orange .01 ty 1, D !i II II 186 N. 011 ve II Ii 'I II t: il II I. il II " 11 II " 595 4~ ~ 'I ,I! 1125 20e ;J :1 n if 1215 Ii II I, II I I I '17~ II ,I 'I it II \1 I 2025 "" --;"",:o=,:,-~,",,",,:;,,:"_.c:";",~ 41; oJ 2?3Q 1150 ,;:;:;:;o..,::===-'o: 13070 , , i 55:l~ 8' i; I~ed for rIte words sat oPJJo.~it.e to them: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Norlltwesterly $-Dollars S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cls,-Cents 11l.-East of, East-e.rly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Cornol' W.-Weet 'of Westerly S. E.-Southea.sterIY St,-Street ["t.-Feet ,:: Imp,-Irnprovements Ave,-Avenue No.-Numbel' SlIb.-Subdlvislon Th.-Thence S. n. M.-San Bernardino Base and M.orldllln, Sec.-Section ___"'"__'"._'U _,_~. ~'n J~'''''''''''D ..-.."......,."'.UH........ U'(j FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange j ASSESSED 1'0 ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO . TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE AODHESS BERNARDINO MERIOIAN ~ .eo 1-0 ... 0" g ~ ;g-s ~ 'Z~ ~ =- ._.r,:"~;._;.,,_,_;".~.4tP=l " ~ 1f~ Ol" ... o 0::12 Olo:: ~u ::;I.... ::> :<; Value of Ronl Esllltc Vullle of DESCRIPTION OF I'HOPEHTY "....1:1-.;;,..--.' C*""f' I' .... '. ..... ii' Ii II " 11 ~I li .:.:-,,,-.-,,.~," I il J! l':i '7 'yt, E. ~i~,drum ,.':')'./{_",,/ I_L'l. (, f' I~C/:" , V j Nutwood P1. 10. 1 610 , I 100. --~-_.._-"~---"._._._----"..__.....__._-~.- l'iiR .----1' 'I p !i yt, M. O. o N. Oambridge 'i Ohapman Tr. Personal Property N 4. g 7 ':0 - NE i 3 E ,: ti ;;4.# Ii g 2815 965 --~"'---'-~--~''''---'~_._."---------_._-,..,~,-,"...-------,-_.. .------.-.---.,..- --------~--.._-_..._-~-._...":'--._~_.__._--_.-.,."-,--_._--.- 1 ,,' <) '. :.' J , bel', J. W. Personal Property Ohapman Tr. S 5.35 ac -N 11. 25 ac-W i (Ex NW .35 ao) 2 E 2700 Ii. Ii 66J I' ii H' 1 N. 1'0ambridge 1 'i ')0 I,' '- :1.<1y, Geo. R. l N. Shaffer i d Oottage Home Tr. :1 I. 1 Ii Personal Property i ~ [I ,-- 3. 925 ll~ Ii _L___~-L- i' II Ii 'I Ii 8J ii g4~ 1 f.121 ~-.'---"---J,. i " !; ii ...L-. ,bner.., . Christian BsaohAdo.. 7 o , 'f! 895 r Dewey Ave. il' '1'1.1 Ii i, 1; Ii Ii ; !, I: ',' ii :: ;: ..t.ar-to.wn,-wis.__,_.______________r___'__.___,____.__-----------..--.-.--.-+-.---.;---i-f---~-.------ :1"12 -} 'I , " !i .' ~ ~ 'I ., i' Ii il I go.'or' Geigor, A::~':n~5P;::r:; it 1 I IU'5 .. 601 ii, . .-----. :1 rr-I - II --l- i: II I II I' iPe.rl3onall"l'operty 'I III .............llm...... I: I Library Tr. i: 13, A il II 1015 11 104' I :1 il Ii I , :1 'i I !/ I II I i II McOoysAdd. UnO. tint in 13 :El: II 111.,1. 520 ~ II Ii 'I , , i :!, :El' M. ! S. Shaffer In')9 1-' _ ~1 'f.,. Laura_:El.__. .. N. Center 1024 fman, Etta :ElOX 7 i.".1/I.{' 1-) J In 11Ii~ Aue5Smlllll Roll the following AMrevia(.ion.~ fire used for the 1vords set oll]Jositc to them: N.-North ot NortherlY N.W.-NorlhwesterIY $-Dollars S.-South ot Southerly S. W.-Southwesterly Cle,-CenlS E.-East of. Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor,-Corner W.-Weatof WesterlY S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street I;'t.-Feet ..; Imp.-Improv-ements Ave.-Avenuo No -NUMber Sub.-SubdLvlslon Th.-Thence H. it ?!f.-Snn Dernnrdlno Base and Meridian. Sec.-Secllon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE B( Assessment Book of the Property of City of Or~ ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNG ;i Ii ,I j: I' !l ! ' II II II, 'I I' I ! W----1!_LL~.-_..E700_-l_ \ 'II II 11 BERNARDINO TAXPAYER'S NHm AND POST OFfiCE ADD HESS DEscnlPTION OF rnOPEHTY " o 5, ]! ,) ! 1 n .' "! J.. .... I I 1 2 Hoyt, E. ~1n~rum _(/.~ _.~,_;/, :_~,--z (i:; {(x, . .f" \/ Nutwood Pl. 10. 1 3 4 5.. 1:; j R 6,.Hoyt, M. O. 7 890 N. Oambridge E Personal Property N 4.87 40 - NE t Ohapman Tr. 3 ,j: 9. li 1 !) ;.'i i tl ii II 11 ,'811 N.lCambridge II 12 ' f--.-~;-.---l-:-:~-)O - .----. ,I 13 ,'.. II '- ~i I J lOiHuber, J. W. Personal Property Ohapman Tr. S 5.35 ac -N 11.25 ac-W t (Ex !rN .35 ao) 14 I' Huddy , I; 1511251 N. 161i nil I Geo. R. Personal Property Shaffer Oottage Home Tr. 3 '" o o::~ ~o:: elu ;;j< z Value of nenl Est111c 610 14. 2815 ii :~ " 925 1'121 . , -,---"--,--,---~----,,,,;,,,,----,,,,,,--"~,--t-._---1L.__.~__~_~__~....._,._.1...____ " "ii!i I. II I i JI I' Ii 19 i1l7 Dewey Ave. .!--lOt-Ylal.t.er_t'O'Wll,_W1.S.______ I 21 1'122 ,. I I 22 ,.Huff, B. M, i 1 II 23\143 S. Shaffer _~4" 1 z51i 18"H b 1,_1,],6 D.er, Oh.ristian Beaoh . Add.. 7 0 895 __".m__...____.~_._______..._._~...__"____.,_______._+"~,._..,~___._"...__._.^.__~._..___.~_,,~__.._ Personal Property Kogler & Geigers Add. W 125 ft-N 63 ft 1. ---r- 11:')9 ".... 1) 'I II il " !; H II II -I,- I II II II 'It'" Z6'1 -- i.Huff-,LauraB.__. " 271,158 N. Oenter ., I II _"L__.18J.-___..__ ,j! ! Ii 291' .1 () 2 4 ill ;,! q if , I L , :1 ;1 Library Tr. Ii II !I il :/ :1 I , :;tt Per sonalProperty 13 A ii I! ,. 13. 30Huffman, Etta 311,R 1 Box 7 Mc.OoysAdd. Und tint in B ~~.".-::t,,;; -, f: 1185 II 'I II I, illl I: II fl 1015 ,I I , 520 .....'........-.........".-.-"^.. .... . - '"--.._~._-_.._. J 0 /'~~I _ __ __ ..___un.. _." - ~ Itsed for the wards set appD.'iite to them: .-North of Northe.rlY N, W.-Northwost-orly $-Dollal'B .-South of Southerly S. W.-Sou thweaterly Ct.a.-Cents ,-East of Easte-rly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner f.-West of Westerly S. E.-SoutheasterlY St.-Streot t.-Feet !mp,-Improvements Ave.-Avenue 'D.-Number Sub.-Subdlvlslon Th,-'L'henco D. I\f.-San Bel'nardlno Base and Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Jil Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fe ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN. AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TO Uf\ ffman, Margaret L. M. Nutwood Pl. 1 6 505 TAXPA YEn'S NAME AND l'OST OFFICE ADDRESS "~ ~tj ~~ .. o o::l{l "lo:: o:lu 5< <'; Vllllle of Henl Estllle MEHIDIAN DESCIIlPTION OF PIlOPEIlTY 1 If '1 - -. ..' '- ~) lO Mont Eagle PI l--Angs-1-8-s________________________________._.___.______._._____________.__._.__._.._____.. 1 :~;(' J. ."".) 2 " "' I. 375 ~ ; 'i "% It 'I] 7.7 _._------.-,I----------,-----;,-----,J-,-5 !I -+-- i ~,,~ ' , ;hes, Joan A. Jamescn Tr. 9 B 340 34Q f : 436 :uua...-.Beach....._...__.__.._.__.______...___.______-._______.._____._____.__________.____...____.__________.__ J ':~! 7 .~-----~---_._-_.~._"--"'----- h, Alfred & Sophia N. Oleveland Personal Property j! if I 'I i1 'I I II _.'~-'~--:-r' 33 ~f :1 i: i/ II ;i I I 990 Ij il Ii II " I' 311~ II !i il Henry Grotes Add. !I --1t- II " " If i~ Iii 2 R --' ~, Alfred N. Cl eveland i " Orange Oi ty , ! ii i " I! ~I I E 115 ft - N 44.4 ft (Ex ii " il 400 'I El6~ ,I 'I I, I' :I" ; ,I .+---..J._____~--_____:.__ II il I il i 'I 5ElO 4ElQI.' :1 " ;! ;i I. Ii Ii .-~----~-.-.-.--------.~~.".-~.--~'"._,,-~_..-.-_._l~.__*.-.-.-.-;-...--t---"-+----.--.----...-.-.---..-..,.--..,...,...---- , "' ! " 3 F und 2/3 leasehold int) --_._----,._--~_._-_.._--------- 1029 l ,_..Jul1JI, M.. Ii .i Q. Z. Oul ver Home Tr. E 107 ft 69 S. Shaffer I] " I " 'i --~---_.__._.,-----_.__.~_._._----+-._.._.._------._-_.- to 3 0 1,0. U. ----- II ,I Chapman II -------jf- , I I S i - sm t 1440 " 69~ "i S. Tustin Tr. -, il I' El D 5 II --- ---------------------:--------+-.--- -.r----,,- I ;1 i :i :1 1'1 II 'I' II 'II I ~1/12 A if il 1350 ~ ; I! II' III ---------------.---.----~~ :: +- I ,I I I I Ii 405 ~ I , 1070 Pereonal Property , (, 3.1 : '.f I i Davis Tr. I, II ~.- " il II II R10hli,ndJ'aI'Jl1 Lot s I' Nt r'O... U.___._._ .......-.,...-..-- ~ .___.m.__. _ 186q:-- --I "' I: I II 6~ I" El4 .I II S. Tustin " 3 ') \' -' '" ~... , Duran. L.. si-w 66 ft-Ji: 462 ft-N't" W 66 ft-E 52El ft-N t 3El C. Oul ver 3El ' ,...;"_:.':'''c."'-;.,'',;"'::::,''";:,:.:..'"c-:O''..,,,,-,~'''''J=,=--=;:.,"";O;;;~ '"-'''','--~~''''--'''''-''-''''''' .._m...._.._~~_.".".,,",,". jlJQ JJ,.~. Q In this AJsessnumt Roll tlU' following Al,brcl.lillt;owI/ are ~ used for the worrls set opposite to them: :, N.-North of Northerly N, W.-NorthwesterlY $~DollaL'!1 B.-South of SoutherlY S. W,-SouthweaterlY Cts.-Cent.s E.-Enst of EnBterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner vV.-West of Weat61'!Y S. E.-SoutheasterlY St.-Street Ft.-Feot Imp.-Improvements AYo.-Avenue No.-Number Sub.-Subdlv[slon 'rh.-Thence S, B. ?\f.-San Bernardino Bllsa and Meridlnn. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE nOAI1 Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orani ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOW^ ,,_ _........_..,....,._........m. ......M.....___''.__ , s .~ 00 '':::~ c " ",,,{,f,l.- "c :.a 0.14 ".., 0 .~O ~ .- OJl'" ,t<... o ~ ~~ ,:!EO Ii Valu Value of :~mprovl Heal Estutc Ther TAXPAYEII'S NAME AND 1'0ST OFFICE ADDRESS BERNARDINO MERIDIAN DESCIlIPTJON OF PIlOPEIITY p'-- '...."11.'.'''.$ 'I I, 1$ 1:; 2 :i Huffman, Margaret L. M. .4610 Mont Eagle PI ....Lo.s....Angel-e-8.--.-__._......._.___._____...l___._______.__... . 1:;~2() Nutwood PI. 1 6 505 2 II 375 iI II' i; .._._--3---~---'----475-"-_ . !,' Ii . . ~ ~. : Hughes, JoanA. .Box 436 .Laguna.Beach.... 1";2 '7 Jameson Tr. 9 B 340 ..__._--_._'-_.._--"--~--"--_._---.-._--_. ...._--_._.__.__."-_._..__._---._._-_.._"-----_.~-------_._-~-~_._---_._- : Hugh, Alfred & Sophia !,155 N. Oleve1and , " :1 ..,....----.-----...----.,-- II I i! Henry Grates Add. Ii 'r-.-.~---'------...,- II '1 Personal Property 33 990 , , 1 'i2R '-----r- .1 i Ii i. liHUhn ,Alfred ~155 N. Cleveland 1 " Orange Oity , II , " 'I -------t--------. I~ 'I ') E 115 ft - N 44.4 ft (Ex und 2/3 leasehold int) 3 F 400 I 1029 ,!li1,l:J.1 ,J\l.l1.11 M. (i I' " 11224- S. Shaffer I' II '.-------------...-- C. Z. Oulver Home Tr. E 107 ft 69 580 10:30 " I~ I.Htill, O. U. ,. " :446 S. Tustin , Chapman Tr. I , , il II il Davis Tr. " II " Ii !L II II il RiQbland Flil,rm Lots I 1440 r r , --------"'---.-. _...__._--_.._._-.......-_._---~---- . ln31 iHull, .0._ U..:__. i446 S. Tustin Nt Ii " :\.1/12 I' 'I II !! A ii !I II 'I I, 'I .J. 1113? \.' ~.... Ii .__._----------~.~-~._------"..__..__.-.._--y--~ Ii , Hun t, ... Ilu.ra.n. L... . st-w 66 :f't-E 462 ft-N'h W 66 ft-E 528 :f't-N t 38 i I I !.j.o5 Ii I 1070 I I ....1~;~:.'1'.'-;'~& !( , .'. >'xL...",i:1 526 E. Oul ver 38 ""'''''''''....~''''''.."'''....'''''"''''''~~..--.'.-.:-.':-.,-,~~~'mJ:!l~~''*''''*'~=''''''''""''''<>>''"~_, ~-"~'''', - ""~-,,'.""Z:tt,,. "',~,,,,'~.-_..'_".~_"=' c \" FORM.QFASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF E~ Assessment Book of the Pr~pe)jty.>())fQit~>of .OralJ.g~ f~ ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN. AND WREN UNKNOWN. TO UJV, In thi:t As.wss,mmt Roll 11Ip following Abbreviations are used for the war'ds set opposite 10 them: rth of NOl'!herIY N, W.-NorthwesterIY $~-Dl)HD.r-s tll of Southerly S. W.-SouthwesterlY CtB,-Cents It of Easte.rly N, E,-Northeasterly Cor,-Cornel' ~st of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street at Imp,-Improvements Ave.-Avenue llmher Sub.-Subdlvlsion 'l'h,-Thence ........San B-el'l\tlrd:lno Base and Meridian. Sce.-Sectlart ~!:~~plfR~~~:JL[~11Ci~nTI'l,,",TI.~~LJrFffif.l.[!7;~\'N.T'EJ:,:,~~Irr'~'=';=:"-"'"):"'-''-''"'-.-..;~'~''-",,","':':..~~~';---~"::':-.:..~~::::~="~,~'.=:'-':-:';'~~::': :'-'---'-:'-'~~~~~:'-_::'~::~:~~~~~1':-'--":"':_~-'~:::.:.::-:-:....:.~~ - , I,SAN RERNARDlNO TAXPAYER'S NAME' ii MERIDIAN AND DESCRIPTION OF I'ROPEBTY POST OFFICE ADD/lESS ""'"".",'-'''-'''':<0 "....v ___^._....~ ~-_....,...._---"'._. ~ ') '"} ,I U.) r, Elizabeth S 9.4 ft Orange Oity 5 6 :~ . Grand ._W~'."~'M"_" . .. ii ''"~---'''-----_.._-~'-:r'-_._-~-"-"-"'-"-''.._'_._'-'------"-_.~..~------_._-~_._~"._._-----_._._.__.->--~~-------_.~---'-:r-' 'i 'I ,; Jameson Tr. 4 A ., , " t !.. i "J' r,Luoy G. litney Realty 00. ') ~ '_J ;) ~, N. W. Personal Property Grand O. Z. Culver Home Tr. 23 3h :er. E. Personal Property Shaffer S 2 ~'93 ao-W 10 ao Ohapman Tr. 3 E, 37 iZ, Ssm S .$ ft (EX alleY) N 38.9 ft (Ex alley) il 1~/14 15 F~ ") OrangeOity r. Broadway 13R Ift,J. O. Gla8se11 Personal Property m. M. Shadels Add. 4. 39 lft., 'liUda,P. Ohapman PUsoIlal :PrQper1;Y Harwoods Add. w 6 ft 40 , Kenneth, R. Culver Personal Property Tr. 716 24 2.9 1 ~._- ~ - . _. ,~~ ~, - .. .. .N'__'~~,':fI 2 Value of Heal Estate I II Ii 2350 # 'I !I fi Ii Ii Ii , + " 340.iJ ...~ ... o .o:i(l ~ .S- ~ I r.l ~ I .t~ 'ffi-s-g ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ o'l~ !' Ii':; I f l!}", ~,,"~' ~ ~~ ~~'~.'r~'m".." ., i1 ( II I :1 I! " , , Ii H 'i il Ii 810 1795 .4635 2430 2235 245 11'1 I,. ~: ^J.f U Value of mprovcment Thereon '"._~o , , g5~'n_' I' Ii II II l, I' ~ZeJ~, 740 92~ 1615 :, 1020 {. Ihc " i ------..~_~"___...__"__.c...,_,_.,._.._;;c.....;,,:.o""'",..o;c;:,""'-"'-""""=>~"':':~_~='''''~'_''"'!'":'''-<:,"""_~_:,, "N ~.. ~~,. .~, l!lllli, Asscsslmmt Roll thp follolVing AbbrevjfltiolT.~ are used for the words set opposite to them: ~.-North of Northerly N. W.-NorthWllsterlY '--Dollars ')l ,.-south of Southerly S. W.-Southwestllrly Ct:3.-Gents ~, ! '.-ITIast (If Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner .,' . W...,....-Weat of Westerly S. E,-Southoasterly St.-Street l"t~rJJ'eot Imp,-Improvements Ave.-Avenue 1'{b,":'7:Number Sub.-Subdlvlslon 'l'h,-Thencc s: B. I\L~S,tn Bernardino BallO- and Merldtll.n. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOAR; Assessment Book of the Property of City of Oran~ ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN. AND WIlEN UNKNOWN, TAXPAYER'S NAME AND 1'0ST OFFICI~ A/}J)]mSS DESCRIPTION OF PROPEHTY Value of Ronl Estate Therl "~ 11'~ i~~ ... o el~ ~u ~< Z Vahu 1 " 1 :,' ',) ') . -,' 'J .-) 2 Hunter, Elizabeth 3212 S. Grand Orange Oity S9.4:t:t 5 6 H~ II ~ 2350 1/\" 4 i.I.) er, Luoy G. 7 % Whitney Realty 00. Jame scn Tr. lj. A " ')- , j , '} " U., ao II iI " 'I II 11 'I I' 23 !I --T' I, I ' I : " :r J! I i i !I I II i , , :J.~/J,ltl ii Ii 151 , II II 810 N. w. Personal Property O. Z. Culver Home Tr. Grand 1!J3h ~ 70; N. Shaffer 6 il II Ohapman Tr. . S 2~'93 ao-W 10 "-,-,-----,,,----+_._--,-,_.- !I 11 ,i OrangeOity Personal Property 3 E 2.9 1795 1 7 lD37 8 Ii Hurwi tz , Sam " 9111620 N. Broadway ,I N 38.9 ft (Elt alley) 0,1 _~,San:li.a..,_.Ana,___"__"'_,,_,_____,_,._.___,,,_,_+,,-,-,,-,---_"_".__,__________,_____",_ 111 1()3R 'I ' 2 "" Husor.oft,J. C. s .$ it CllJ:x: a.1hy) , , F:~ II ,) ......!.l..-_.__ " I Ii ,1+635 Ii ii " Ii ;; 3 229 N. Glassell Ii 'I " j' , , Peuonal Property II II :i -'!r-.----....."..-.-.--- !i !I II 'i II' II I 1, I.: I' ,I , m. M. Shadels Add. 4 2430 I SI 1r139 61IiHusor.llf.t" "'/Ulda,,P. ,_,,_ 71524 E. Ohapman J I. 9'1 1 () 4 0 I I )11 Huston, ,Kenneth-R.---,_________'" 1!627 W. Culver 1 I -r ,jf II Harwoods Add. II Ii , .~_____h____,"_..__.____.__.._~.._._..,____._.;._~'"_~_,___.___.,.._____,.....___._.'_ w 6 ft 'i I' il , I: !1 ~ H , il Ii " II 'i ~~ 2235 , 1 I, I Ii I Ii i 1- 'I 1 I i !I I I I, I I I, , I I 24 Ii 245 1 II ':,.~, II " ....co.,...",,-..:;.. "''''''''';:''''~'"'';:''::O ;,jt.'.:'" .." Ii I II !41~do 8 ,P~reQIl,l!\lPrQPe r1;Y' Personal ,Property Tr. 716 -- - n___ ._____w...~..~ ....,0'"' ""~. J uuvu.rolll!l ..r.lIl[J.rlJi,lUIHOll.~ are 6) , lls(ul for tlte words set opposite to t"em: ..) (, N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Northwesterly -DoHms - ~JS._SOll th of Sou therly S. W,-Soulhwestorly tts.-cents E.-East ot Easterly N. El.-Northeusterly COl'.-Corner W.-West of Westerly S. E.-SoutheasterlY St.-Street Fl.-Feet Imp.-Improvaments Ave.-Avenue NO.-Number Bub.-Subdivlslon 'l'h,-'l'hcnce S. B..M~-San Bernnl'"(lIno Base and MeridIan, Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY TIlE STATE BOARD ~ Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, TI ....."w".,,"tl,'~'J'tl"T.!.!~W.lW<{'L .1!ill!.Q."..P1!A"'jlfu.E:.\!"'K,L,..""T'''''''............,,''''~''''~~,.,~""=...="~'~"'".~=="""===."...=..,,=""'...... ......iisA~.~E~~~~~I:r:..."'.il..... ... ", . .....1......2....., TAXPAYEII'S NAME " MERIDIAN ',0" !I Value of AND IJESCHIPTJON OF PHOPF.IlTY , . Ii [;.j ~ il Value of I'rmprovemen POST OFFICE ADDHESS ~ ~ f~~ ~ ~ Ii PO fJ II Real Est"'''!1 Thereon .~j ~~~: ~~ Ii ~ ~ I) !j ...'c",iL,,)j"',.,[;>c..,....,:,,, .. II Z, ~i'f--=" "r, ..~ -'~"'-- ~ I[ II :I!i [I U I ,I il II 975 i. II I Ii .--.....--.."".-"--..T"...--.-..-------..-----.----_.____.__---.---_________.____....i,___..____..__."..___J___.._,_+,____-....-4-.---...- I I! II [i il ]1 I[ ,I I ill! 'I I! 4 " " , 75 'I ij!i if i :1 -.....----.---...'''.'"----. -...,.."..----..-.-- 1 :.~ I. ,Hutchings, Mary A. Spotts. Villa Tr. w 60 ft~ Eu6 ft 1 o 1021 535 W. Chapman ----,.--~_.__.__.-_.,,--_._,----_._.._.,-,,-~~- 1 ., ,:1 ~) ~~ i ..... !,Hutchins, O. D. , ,I. I Personal Property ,311 N. Lemon Arthur West Add. w 94 ft 20, 450 1. ", t .'J - ':1 'J .-............-------.....--...--"1---"----.- I , '_._--_..,...__.._~--'---_.._,-"-,-----_._._"-._._~_._-,~. --'~-'_.._----._"----,.-_.-..."-,-_..-.~.--...---------"_._~._:;""_._-"....l.....-~__,___.jL-...._____.",~_ ii " ,i 'i I[ (Hutohins, o. D. 'I Tr. 749 6 180 'II, "i I] 11311 N. Lemon II II Iii ,) II r--"---it i~l ,t-----.-..---..---------T-..--.--------------------------......--- I---r--lll.---"-r-- 'i ":i I' ' '" iHya,tt,... N. J. Personal Property I' Ii li";:;::"~ <U I ". 123 '. 5 II II 575 Ii. 145 ' Ii I!I II Ii G!, 4-"-~----'-' ----r-- --..----.~---.....--T--: '1 ..1--~r- HYle, Victor P.'. i..f Qu1ve.rHoteLTr. il 36 - II II 745 ~. 671 ! II II '] , 115 Wahl Ave. ,I :! . II II I! ,I 'I I Evan s-C;l..ty-,....P:a...__..............__. """"'''---''''-...- ..-'!---- ......-..-...".."'....."-...---__"'.....____.______.. ,,__ ___. . .. . '" __ -"T'----~ -----11-----1_ .__""..___"......_ ---"'4r Li4fi I : Ii -. .1 ' , .: II II II ,I I I II' 'i ,i 'I II II 6 Ii 1 i Caul dwell & Wi therbee s Add. I 20 A II II 75 il 22 I I I ) I II :1. II 1" 1'1 i I II 'I. , . -1-,;17---- -.- .- .....1-------.-.-- .-...-... -~-~t-t-- i-I ;1 ii. II' ,i I[ II i! PIP t I; i II I ji ..ersona.:rope:r y I ---~---.----...-_r_----I-I-I -I II Personal Property II ~ I I... Ii Tr. 235 W 50 ft 1 II II 280 51~ II [I il ---. J r ;;;~-~-- .. !ley, S. G. +63 N. Olive :ngle, at! s.c.. igB N. Glassell Ohapman Tr. S 56 ft-N 132 ft~E i-SE t :1::4 R ngl1s, J.B. 11 W. Walnut ;'"'~"'.==""=,."',=:<;"~. 5's-:..'.f.....'..... I,'. i " '~\ In thit Asseumcllt Roll the following Abbreviations are rued for the tvorlis set opposite to t"em: 1 :,)() N.-North of NortherlY N. W.-NorthwesterIY $-Dollal's , . ,,).. S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southweslcrly Cts.-Cents E.-East of Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY COJ'.-Corner 'Y.-Weat or '\Veaterly S. E.-SoutheasterlY St.-Street Fl-Feet Imp.-Improvements Ave.-Avenue Nb -Numbet. SUb.-Sllbdlvlalon 'l'h.-Thence So A'M.-SaIl BCI'nnl"dlno Base and Meridian, Sec.-SectIon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARq: Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orang! ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN, , 10 i:Hutchins, o. D. 'iTr. 749 6 : ::: I ~:1)1~'~_:o~_____L~___ L-c-l- I 13 Ii 1 !; L14 il Iii,' ~ III "I ;' 'I,: I, 14 I :! I:,' ,,", ,HY~:~'~:;~d C?-e., :1 Personal Property I,ll Ii III II ::~jj .. .-.. ------+ "'_'~_________ 15__-Ll_!_~75t__:. 171 1 4; 5 II i 'I 18~HYle, Vietor P. ,II Oulver HoteL"Tr,.11 :36. I, 745 !I 6,: [911 II II I I il 1[115 Wahl Ave. [I I, ' ! I i, -- 20 !'Evana-Oi-t'l-,__Ea.______________L,_______________,_______-,---------------L--------'---~-_I ___L______.....J____ ~;I,lo~':f,G.1 Cau1d_ll&WHh"b,..Md. 120 A. I ;1 6751 '" 231:463 N. Olive il II I I -.--- _._~-- ___26 flngle,Otis-.-O--.--.-------~--------..Fe:raQna.l_PrQPerty ..__~_ __ T J II I , . I, 27 !5M N. Glasse11 Ohapman Tr. S 56 ft-N 1:32 ft-E i-SE ~ I 4[ G I 1745 Ii lJ-~ ___L_ --+--, II L -t' - . 2911 1 [) 4 ~ III 'I I 11------ 3011 . II 311~~':~';;:~~:;u--- -- i Tr. 2)5 p..oon'''~:''~Pft 1, t 200 I II ! TAXPAYER'S NAME; MERIDIAN Ii 0 ,[ I' Vnlue 0 AND DESCIUPTION OF PROPERTY ;.. 0,. . Ii f:J ~ II RVn~'~ of ~mprovem 1'0ST OFFICE ADDHESS...=.........,....,............=.. ___.______ ..,,,..=.. _. _ .._........."",..... ..-__~,j~.,U~.'~~..~III..t~L,I, =..~n_:.'~nl~JI'~.=l'.I~r~~ ,,- . - '..~....... 'II ,r . I --- II II II II I 97511 II II II -----i.--.---.------------ II .1' "[II _ I i, '_ I __-..l____ I :1 i II II . - 180 1 1 ! 41 2,Hutchings, Mary A. Spetts Villa Tr. w60 ft...E116 ft 1 o 10 3535 W. Ohapman 4 _.-..._--"_.__...,~"-,-_.._--_.~._-""".~-~.-,--"..._--_.--~...------I:--.."_._""'--_.__..._..-._--_._-.....-._---_.."-~-".___..____~__"._"_ , 5 : " , I' (1' ~) ..- ~..... 6/,Hutchins, C. D. 7 ,311 N. Lemon __J3___ ____..__________________,____________,__._ Personal Property Arthur West Add. W 94 ft 9 l' l'~ Ii 20. !! :. i! ..".._._.._--+--"~---"-_..~---,,----_._...._-~--_._--_.__..------~"------_._---~---+----_.~--_._.~- " ! , 51 .~"."....,_".'_..~.m^"._,__.. ''"''''.."~-"-,-_...--,,,. . CL5:.rJJ 5~