Tax Rolls 1931-32 Annexed Territory A-Z In tlJis Assessment. Roll lire fall. ,~illg Abbn!l;Jialiorl!i nrn Ilsrtl for tile words set opposite to t1lwII: N.-North of Northerly N, \V,-Northwesterly $-Dollo.rs S.-South of Southerly S. \V,-Southwesterly Cts,-Cenls E.-East of Basterly N. E.-Northeasterly COl'.-Cornol' W.~West of Westerly S, E,-Southensterly St.-Street Ft.-Feet Imp.-IUlprovements Ave.-Avenue No.-Numbel' Bub.-Subdivlslon Th,-'['honce R R. M.-San Bernlt.t'(lIno Base and Meridian. Sec.-Section ~ FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orangt ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS THIEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN ~ \~'IHI_~.I.e .S,~__,~'~.!I:'~:7< SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN 2 TAXPA YER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE AIlDm,ss DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY , o " ~ ,g,s o ,~ .9<'"' A O.lll 101... ~.;J 0 ~~ ~p~ .$~ ~~OQ - '" o e1~ "'u ::!l< ;J ;<: Value of Reo] Estate Vnlue of Improvtlll1cnts1j Thereon I' $1 '; '? 4.1 ,_. L .. , Akex s, James _156 . Eepp.e.x..... Personal Property . .. n.....T.ract.No.6.7.4n. .....__.~6 .!t.50._ .2050., Antisdel. J.G Perscnal Propexty ......:.6. ......nu..............2295.,.........._.JLf5, ......_..l:L..?.........n..__.._.__.............. . _.c................._......._....._............_T..I~l.'LC.t.....NQ..2.o3........._ " Arohibald, Lawrence ...n_...123-1L..Q.ellli.ex_._.__n..__.__.__n_......_......T.:r:ml.LRQ...6.b5_._....u.___._._....__._.......__~li..__.__--=-__._..__-_.lt5.CL..-.-...--, 1-,= '" '-'01,- Bank 1st Natll of Gaxdcn Ox. Personrul Property .___2.ac..1n.SW.J\;", 762.22ft. S""LaYeta.Av.e, . 3L.,.. 4.._. 9.. ..2... ..2700.._.[1,400.; ...G.ar.d.en..Grnlle.,..Cal.. . Bd W By l,[ain at __...J1.\JnILS!;J..9.....L..t;JJL.J:lJ\l.LQLL...JL... _..........._.__E~rEQnal PI.9.12e.r.li1. , ,.~.. ,.,...".,"" R 2 Box 248 Qrql'qo (';'~4'~' 17.62 ac in SW ~- Bd by Parker Ave, E by Batavia St, 30 4 9 17.62 11910 1100 ,'1> Jennie P Mur;.~~l~.;., ,,;." ,I, Bank .lst Natl of Orange 'rract. No 679 1 c 600 II II ,II ;; " 490 y)O ______...._..4$0-___..___."" 330 II " II It ........_~- 6 " ~i..~____J!_,...l!.____,__.__..~..__..._..______.__._,.._."_____,.__....__...__,_.___..._..,_ "_~__.._IL_u_,,___,_ " II II' 11 " I ...; '-" .l)1;jJl~ 1st Natl of Oxange ...Tr.acL'N.o.-6.7..9.____......__u.._.___._...._..._.....1.._..7- .._-C...... 4<0 I --.......n..'j--_.-.--.---t " II " is " 330 II II " 9 11 490. II " II " II 11 II II In -this Assessmelll. Roll tile Joll ..-ing Abbl'f!'..'iariOlu (Ire II.,.d fur tll. 1I'0rd, 'et opposite to the"" FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD 01 N.-North of Northerly N. 'V.-Nortbwesterly $-Dollnr8 S,-South of Southerly S, W.-Southwesterly Cts,-Cents Assessment Bool( of the Property of Cl'ty of Orange.'. E,-East of Easterly N. E,-Northeasterly Cor.-Corncl' 'V.--West of 'Vesterly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Ft.-Feet Imp.-Improvements AVe.~Avenlle No.-Number Sub.-Subdlvlslon 'I'h.-Thenco "s, R, ~f.-San Dem",''''no Bnse and "orldlnn, Sec,-Secllon ASSESSED TO ALL OWNEIIS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO :WU,II~JLl!l...I~J~.~'J:Y._ H:nnl)\,J. , , _t)!f,~ 'NC} l~ . _,(:,\ '.!l.!" ~. TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST 0 FFI CE An IJImss DESCRWI'ION OF PROPERTY SAN BERNARDINO 2 MERIDIAN '"' ___,M__"___'_'__ 0 Value of , .9<'" 0:12 Value of Improvements 0 ~o: "~ '" 0-" ~~ OQu Renl Estate Thereon .~j I ~-S g o . :E< ~"- O!~ ;:0 0 ~~OQ . '" 00 $ '$ $ '" ;'~' ,j Bank 1st Natl of Orange 'l'rllcctJTQ 1512 II " II " " II II II " c 400 ....-'..... l~. II 330 15 " 490 16 " -'" }'-' ,~ Ba.nk 1st tTatl of Orange 2 II 345 L~65 3 II II 5 6 II 4:95 l~15 II ,': Bank 1st Natl of Orange Tract No 679 7 D 52';. _..JL,_. __,I!..,~_ _.II. 3 4'0 ...9' II II II 9 II 675 II II II 10 " 600 .,l>' :',j '__J ,<- Bank 1st Natl of B.A Tr. Sa.nteAna,Oal Tract No 346 14 ~ I ,." h", ~,;' ".! Bank '" N.:- Of-S~:-~--------------- --...... - ... . ....._-;- - '70 MaUlda-LNetrhood I, hac'.:. No 656 I 9 :. A i ....._l:4-a.J4r.p;c.e.Ji>S-- --r--------.-.-'L--.--JI..--- L___._..___..._... - -- j_l~__JI. ~.-..-.-----._. I ~i " , I ~ i. Personal Propert I ..~ Meehans ltesub,,:::,N 45.:Lt-S lEi2ft-:lL1-.~}.. . . . Ii -..i.-..-----.-.- .-. (ji;X.. Jlt) ."..~,,- ,""'C"":'''::~.''"''''''"'''if~'~''''"'"'== II (i [' ,I 300 .,--_._'"--------~~"-',.~ 330 ._}}Cl..-___.........__ ., Barnes, AlphaH 176s..cj,..:I;.x-us 1100 IP1 this Assessment Roll tire foll ..ing Abbrct1iatfmrs. ore us"d for tile words set opposite to tlleru: N.-North of Northel"ly N, 'Y.-Northwesterly :$-Dollars S.-South of Southerly S. W.-Soutlnveslerly Cls,-Centa E.-East of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Co:r,-Corner W,-'"\Vest of Wes.terly S. m,-Southoasterly St,-Street Ft.-Feet Imp.,-Improvements Ave.-Avenue '. NQ.-Number Sub.-Subdlvlsion Th.-~rllCnco .}s, n.lI.L-San Bernal"dlno Base 110(1 Moridlan. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange : ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO TSAN~gf~~ii~INO i'--~- I ~.. ~~~ ~~ '8:l ~~..9 ~~ I ~ ",,~ ~ 00 ,.. 00 . ] . 2' TAXPAYER'S NMlE AND POST OFF! CE AlJDH ESS DESCRIPTION 01' PROPERTY '"' o 0:12 ~o: OQu ::;!< ::> '" Value of Real Estnte Value of IlIlprovemcntA Thereon 1 $ '$ $ Bay, fiiyrtle E Personal } PropertYi I ... . 2Q2_S.BushSt. m .................T ract609... ,...+, .2,_,__.mM ..600.. .1.6.20... Santa Ana,Cal , , I I Pexsonal Properttr .._..rraCLNO._2Q3...___....W5.4f.t."'E_l.Dill.t"'j.2... I " "N lit, 9fit 3 " " " " " :'i . ....-...............-3.75..-l025..... Beaoh, J.W __.._.I,L09f ...LB.road'liD.Y. 'j I 1 ..."...-,,-__""""_.__..,,___..:...___.___,,__._..._P..ex.sonaLP.r.opertit....----.. Meehans Re sub--S 45ft-N 375ft-E lbl,05jft (Ex St) i I Personal propert~ I 31 L> ..."_m_..._".__._".."""_'__......._.".w___._~.._'_~ .__......Ee.clL_.\'LJi.........___._..... 156 S.Oitxus 540 1055 Bennett, Annie P R 2 Lot 75 X 250ft in 9 2775 1750 515 ._".._.J3.d.'iY..by_J~aiJL.s.t.,a.by AlmQnd St _. ..lO}.l.'ILAlIllQud. . .l.25.....acinNW~,.. ...(ex...2lots)... Bd S by Almond Ave, W by Uain St I I I i/ .l.3L. .-Lj'.-9 ,...,,,,..D.::),-,-,,.. .750, ..2 75~-. ':"tr" ""i,r",,; Bennett, a.Linooln 1234 w. uhaprnm I .l2.eraonaLJ.r.o.p.ex.:t'1'.' i i ~ . __..._....._____..._.____.._.m_____..._._.._. .1'ex.s.o.nal..Ero.pert*_...... ......____.._ i Forrester & Smith Sub all-(ino N~alfW 73 II II II adj I 74 i I . I .""..------- _.___ll1.y.enS.,....M..E___.. 904 w. uhapman Tract No 609 12 525 :.~,f:" <~ '5.. _---Bo.wn.,....L,..E-._.._.___....._ ...--.-...---..--..-,-.-.....-,-...-..-.---------.- 1825. ..........JI.. .-_J!._.-........_.--...N...lJ5-f:t~..-- ..75-,--'"" 750 750 7 5D..---.-..-'.---- Bower, Ruth Ii II ""'''''1'''' ~ H ....w,-'.....-rr' .'. _........~,.-..".,,_.._-,,~_._.,~",.. 'I - ;"."'.""",;;"'"'="'.."';,t."'j"'''''"'':-,..,,'tl::;;=''''''"~=~'=m;O'~1I:~-,;;,.~,=';:'''=;:r.l="';I'.r",,=m.::":~~"'~~.",:;,..'.:::;.,s:;~0 1:1 " r: \! T r 11 0 t. N.o...63.9.__._.___._._._.___._.._._ \ .. .19D7..1L....E1o.wer...S.L Santa Ana,Cal ""~~~:t~,Q,~,... "."',~B1~", , , , " " ,I ",;:11': In this AS8C1SSl1IeJlt Roll tile foll ..'ing Abbreviations (ue uSf"d lQr the words set opposito to tllem: N.-North of North.arly N. '''.-Northwesterly $-DoHars S.-South Qf Southerly S, W.-Southwcsterly Cts.-Cents ]~.-En8t of Easterly N. E,-Northcasterly Cor.-Corner ,V.-West of Wasterly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Streot Ft.-Fect Imp.-Improvemcnts Ave.-Avenue No,-Numbcr Sub.-Subdivlslon 'I'h,-Thence R J-I, 1r.-Sall Rernardino Base and Meridian. Rec.-Sectlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT nOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO I :>TUlUY_.,lllt,l~G.11_, ~:"l,~.I",. SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN 2 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE A[)J)HESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY .. o "~ '3:l Jl <><, ;,ao,.!.d 1:l~ 8 ):=:::::: ~~~ ~tl . " v ~I=' '"' o o:l:l ~o: OQu ::;:< ;:0 '" Vallie of ReuI Estate Value of ;Improv(~ments Thereon v, I 1 , 1 (I I ~l7... p""nal "'P"t~ ........._P e..PPJ~.r._S.:!L..__ . ....... ...._._......:...._...._I:ract.J{Q.6Jlt......_.... .. ............_................1.)._ ...9.,....__.._....._...lt.5Q......-lllii5-...__ i 1 Personal Fropert~ .._...l32..a.lll.tx.u6.............____....._._.___ Il e ph aruLRe.aub.__.___.__.._....____._.._._.._._..~----,-.-..-..---.-...-...-.-...~..._-.--.. I - , , $ r!s "$ .', Bxowne, Edwin J ... ..T.:r.B..c.t..N 0.68 s.._ .500.15-45-.. ." ~.' ~. p' Campbell, John D i) Cassidy, John C N 42ft-S 117ft-E 161.05ft-(ex St) 500 1~15. " <') "::0' ..,...' \ 253 N.Pine Tract No 639 \ 13. 1125 '- ' ..1", l ...........~..........-,-....... ........._...__........_.........._..._.._,..........__...m_..._ \I ' I ' .....~.~:::~._~_.2.~.5 ~_t~.:.l~~ .05:~~__(e x_St~. ..1 I I ! I, /r ~. ' _-;:-___._.__..__________._...:...._.._.._.JLY:5Jt::.i:LJ4.z.f~::~JL),QL_Q5..:t'J;=..tf:).~..JLt1....~...::.__m=.____.._._...__5ltQ,.._),lO~L..:. "J....'...1 I' , . .a "_,J f.; : I I I V Tr a.Q:Lli~Q.7.~._.___.__..___._._..... ...... ...j,(;+_.__---____~__.__J].5.--.-.-.-.+--. ___..Ghambex.s.r_Wffi_A...mm._...m..._.._mm..__..._._._._.._'_". 154 S.Citrus Meehans Re sub 525 1175. (''j, ') l'-' " ,,"r...., '(j Chuml, Leo 164 S.Citrus Meehans Re8ut: .. .. .. Cochems, Ed\V8Xd .__._---+~---- i"'i " ."'" ~ ',' .., ""J Cogsw.e.1.L,.J....E. ._._.~..a. C i t 1''' e I __.-t_.____.1lee.hallEL.B.eauh--._.S-lOOfk...1l;.23.5f:b-..._...f. . . W 13l.05ft- E l61.05ft- ......l....................................... "--~ --"-~- ---""- -- ...-,---t-'"--_._"'~.--.. ...;-,~--_.>-,.,....,,---"-_._*,----_. 105Q 10201, "'--"~"',"':'.",,"""e:_""',"mr=:==:z , ': '--+--~-'---'r-- ."._"~.._~._--_.":'"._---,.._---n~----------t.- i! il "'!'! Irl tltfs Asse.ssment Roll ,lie foil .:il.g Abbre\-liotimu nrf' used fur the wurds set oppo,~ite to them: N.-North of NortherlY N. W.-Nol'thwealel'jy $-Dollnt'S S,-Sou th of Sou therly S. W,---:-Sou thwost-orly Cts.-Cen ts E.-East -of Euaterly N. E,-Northeastel'ly Cor.-Col'ner .W.-West of 'Vesterly S.lU.-Soutl1f;lastorly St.-Street Pt.-Feet Imp.-Im}ll'ovements Avo.-Avenue No.-Numller Sub.-Sub(llvlston '!'h.-Thence K B. M,-~:l.n Be1'nardlno Baso amI Meridian, Sec.-Section FOR~I OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD 0 Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO AU OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN T( '1 , . WIMIIUI ,lj:.._,M~;.;.!:t.._I~ltu;:nli~;,Jin.;l_II',.l '- Plt'9~,~,I~,^_";:;HA}f,. Collins, J. J \ ....rSAN~rjJi~lWINO t.--- I ~ 1'13 L '" I I pexsonal Propext~ I ;;.q9(lIJJnN1L~___._ _.__.. . _ __ 'rl...3l.. l~.9. 2Lc,6. S80.77ft- S-Chapman Ave bd E by) i I , ...._lml':l.9_.t.ll.l!WJ...._.__._........ m ... ...-1~._. II I 1033.07ft-S- Ohapman Ave & 396ft '/1-) i ! . - I . 2 TAXPAYER'S NAMIi AND POST OFFICE ADonESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY .9<1-< .. 0-" <.;J'o ~=s o~OQ ,'" 1'.~ " ~ O!~ '"' o 0:12 ~o: ~~ ;:0 '" Value of Real Estate Value of Improvements Thereon '8 s $ 224. ::;. ~'1:tavt[l it ;;QQ_ ).3;;5.. Batavia St) "........:1_ 7;;5.. Batavia St ;'" Ii; OOlumbia, 'Ohas L R 2 Box lJ.lj. Traot i'io 348 E 10ft- 5 60. _ _ ___ _ __ ..~,.__..___."_m.__m.__,_'.."'."_.'"'__~_,",,,.__,_,~,,.___. '.._m~~" .."..,.._"",,~!. II II II II 7 s 375 375 II 11 II II II 11 10 . 375 ,~ .,~ 1,.1 ___h .__.9.Q1'dIDyj.a,_Qh.a!;LL R 2 Box 44 Tract No 341.1 11. 3"15 II " II 12. 375 II " II II II II 14. 380 300 II II II 15 II II II ._------'--"~'---,._,._'----"._._----'----_.__._-~-_..---~,._---_._----,. ...1 .1i:L........"'..~................ ...................-3.QQ........_.........~..- ,. ,... '.... ',...., \,\ Columbia,Chas.L ...___....--EL2 Rnx 44 .._.....--..T:ra.c.t...~o.~J+.6.._.__..__.._..._ ! I -- ..I. I .1.{,.. ---;3.00,..-...--.-+-- " II II II II II II II II ,---_._--_.~ ,..--.--'----..- i 18. 375 I I. 19. 37~ ~ i ' 1 --2Of-~+._..r--t--~7-1_------,. , ," I' ;' " , '. I,' [...21-' i 2..0:; I: II : ! ~~1~~~ll,"J~2j'J ;;; .' In tlds Asse.'lsmcllt Roll tlw foil ..'ing Abbreviations are Wlpd for tllo words set opposite 10 '''em: N.-North of Northerly N. 'W.-Nol'thwestorly $-Dollal's S,-Soutll or Southerly S. W.-Southwoaterly Cls.-Conts Jii,-East ot Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Cornel' r 'V.-'West of Wosterly S, E.-Solltheastorly St,-Street : ' f)I,'t.-Feot Imp,-Improvcments Avo.-Avenue '_^ ,j ,::..oNo.-Ntlmbel" Bub.-Subdlvlslon Th.-Thence R. H. M.-San HN'nnrdlllo Base and Meridian. Hec.-Scctlon WJLD1I.lLl:I. .1,J:lN'J'JL1',IIIJ;'Tl.NO ..IHIlUIU, UII.l.l\1(;lh__(,--,\Mj~..,~ TAXPAYER'S N,IME AND POST OFFICE AIJDHESS Columbia, Charles R 2BoJl Condon, llargery R 3 Box 116 , Clark, Donald 607 VI. Pa.lmyra FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange : ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO .. f" I SAN IlEllNARDINO MERIDIAN I:-'~"-~ o <><, I ;E 0", t\,~ . .~. ~.;J~"O ...~ ~ =_ RIb. ~ ~~OQ "',. 2 r '"' o 0:f2 ~o: OQu :E< ;:0 '" Value of Improvements Thereon Value of Renl Estate , DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY $ '$ $ 135.. " " 23 375 30 " II E 28ft 24. 170 Forxestex & Smith Sub 12 675 Tract No 609 7 750 750. II II " Olaxk, Donald --..-C.Of..Wr..Palmy.r-a.--....-.._.._....._......_J!'.Q..Q!;.JI9...9.1..~_ .\ ~ - .-~, () . Personal \ .--.....c.......-.-.Me e hf'l n~.. He S ub._..._...____ 01arkson, Percy W ..---__-LagJJJJ.l:l,.Q.al_..... a,"'; ",!1 ,'~ i. ,,. 01arkson, Percy W ._.-..-_....L<1/i!;llJJ.a.,......QaL_........... .., ..~.'_..._._----.....-_._._-,-~.....- ,,,,,",,, ',. ., Oudworth, Florence M -----.l~..s........ill..:!il:J,liL.__........ ., J ~ !.~I ;' --.-.--..-J)al~-..Lo.tlnf5-J 293 S. Main ---.Dallis,...Cha,xles A 175 Lester Dx \ ..-......T~'e_ct..NQ...639 . -rJQ. i I i i I ~ t. .Q- , :1. 26Q, 90Q..... ..'l.'r.a.G.:t...NQ.6Q 9 5._.. ....750,. i I prorextf I I ...-.---.-..---. -..-........ ...t S 45ft~ N 465ft- S 161. 05ft- (ex St) ,.._.._...._--_.....-_._,-----_.~ 54Q 1130 -.._-.~---'-----------~~------,-_.,'----- Traot No 609 17: i 75Q l590!, Pe:c.aons J f.x.o.p.eJ;::t: : , i L I i :--.---.---.f+----.--.lo--~ I! ..l+5Qlr ...11$5i .. Ii ' 7'1"d't'L~"' ,-~, ----+-..----1. , 131 ......'1 i In tlJis Asses-smellt Roll lire foll .. iug Abbre\!'iatimlS are u.sf'd fin' the lI'ol,ds sot opposite 10 them: N.-North of Northerly N. 'V.-Northwesterly $-Dollal's S.-South of Southerly S. ,"Y.-Southwesterly Cta.-Cents E,-East of Eastol"ly N. E.-Northeasterly COI'.-Col'ner W.-West of 'Westerly S. El,-Southeasterly St.-Street ~t.-Feet Imp.-Impro\'ements A\'o,-Avenue ~)o.-Numbet' Sub.-Subdlv:lalon Th.-'l'hence R H. M,-Snn Bermll'cl:lno Bllse O1u1 Merhl1nn. Sec.-Section FOR"'I OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO I SAN BEHNARDINO I 2 MERIDIAN '"' 0 Value of , .g.J.o o:gj Value of Improvements V, 0 ~o: "~ .-" o~ %h~ OQu Real Estate Thereon 1 '~:l \ e-:3 0 " . :E..: ~ ."- OIl=' ;:0 . ooOQ '" 00 ,.,00 $ 'S $ TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDHESS DESCRIPTION 011 PHOI'ER'l'Y Dearing, H,L \ .... ....'.l':i:;'\Q:tNQ'.6!S.s . ! 4 __ _ __ _ __ _p'...._,,_. 'm.'..... ,..'. . ......'...__ , 4"0 ...... J..., . .CJ:'i3.nge ..R''\Y. ..BanI.<:Blg,g " 11 " E lOft- I I I 121. .........t-.. , i 25 I i 26 , ; , .....__..?9.9._ 375 60 "" ,~' , . Dewitt, S.H ....t.li!.E. Almond \ .._.',\'.r.?&:L~~Q_J1t.~_.... ......Yt32.:L~=..........._....... 11 11 " J' . Dilley, Haxxiette E 130 W. Ohapman 1.10 aa in: NW t '-''''''--'''~'''--''-l'-'-''-''-''~''---'-''-'-''-----'~-'-'----- 131 I , ....+ I , 4. 9 1.10 4500 1125 --------------..--------.,..-.--.-,,--.,---,,---..------..--_._'-....----_.._-----~_..__._._--------_.__.~_.- ...... I'ld.N,.r,l'.. Ql1? ErnlJ 11 ".YEOL'I! by Main St .._:l.a:LNa.U..JlanlL.B.lQg ~ , I .....T.I:Q.ct...NQ.63.9...._................ .... ...................... .......-r 5...... I I I ! ....--.............. .... .......... ........ ............."......... .. ........-.t.-.. .........1.2.Q.Q...:...................~..... Drumm, F.G San taAna, Gal ,,,,',. _llw:nba.ugh .....Q...E 1225 & 1127 W.klmond TXhct No 674 _..E.d.wud..._.LE.ll.i.fL.................... Bush St ..1'e.U.Q..ual in I ! I ; ~. I .J::.X.QP.e.l:ty...~......_._...... 375 1870 Tract No 741 .4 o Lf15 1800 (-, "" (., "J " F:hlp.l1,li: P \ _...-Ee.r.s..QuaL.E.r.ap.e.lit.;t... -_._._-_._----'"_.....--".._~-_..._,-_...-'"-,~-_._...__._------- -."'---<.---,--.--,.'''"..- ..._.,~'-'-_._._~--"_.~~._--_._-----_._..,._-- 1214 W.Stewart Dr 18 "-,~,-,-- -- ------ ",--- ~_~'UQD~l- ,,,"" t> I ~- ---. Ii Tract No CD 3 N 206.lft 1.1 I, l...... J II .-jL II .. . ................1... .................. ...................-...... I I Tract No 741 D 465 1970 ,,,,>. '" i: ~) ...Eyman ,Addi e 1244 W. La Veta --...-.---.",.--.-,--,-.-.,"-..--+------.-~i____-~ 1350 21l?5 , .,"":.-..,"~""'"~",';~,,."'-':,,'!'""'"''''''=I::I,=.-;: , '", 1), Tn tMs Assessment llolllhe foil ..illg Abbre\'intimu (/rl' Ilspd fur ,fw ~\'ords S(~I opposite to tllem: N,-North of Northerly N, 'V.-Nol'lhwesterh' $-Dallnra S.-South of Southerly S. W.-southwestorly Cts.-Cents K-East ot Easterly N. E.-NorthoasterIY Cor.-Corner W.-Weat or WostorlY S, E.-Southonstarly St.-Stroet Ft.-Foot Imlh-ImJ}rovcmonts A\'o.-Avenue No.-Numbor Sull.-SubdlvIslon 'l'h,-Thonco ~, B. M.-~,1I1 Bertlnl'llIno Buse and Meridian. Sec,-Sectlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD Assessment Book of the Property of Gity of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, ANJJJ WHEN UNKNOWN 7 ',', l .i ;,. ,j ~ WI,J..flBlI .., lo",..'I,'lI, 1.'.U....lJNf;>i'f,l1J1.1tJ, ,IJ!IA~.q/,l.!.(;-,.~L.l!.~". SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN 2 TAXPA YER'S NA\IE A~D POST OFFICE ADIlIlESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY , o "~ '~:l 00 <><, ; ;a 0 "" ~U ~~OQ " ~* OIl=' '"' o 0:12 ~,o: OQu :E,,: i:J Z Value of nenl Estate Value of Improv(~lUcnt8 Thereon ; 8 ;8 1 3 _ ~..."~~.g~:;J,1.,:,~.~i9 . '" ........'!'x,lQt.lfQJ!Hi ............ I lJ5 I ...30P 2 Figueiredo, Eleauox U ,1 53 Le~is St, Victoria,B.C 5 6 ....1"Q.wLex.J_ Axthur E ~"--""'~"'"''''''''''-~'''.'''''r'---'''--'-'''--''' 1126 S.F1ower - ____.._~_._._m.'_._..___.__._____.....____.'__'" 9 ., .._..~_____........__................._.... ...__..._____ I ............._...... ..')".-..--... I 2 ! 6 ....--.--.------.- , -.---.-,.----..-.-----.-;:~-~-:~;~-l-~~:~ e r t.;'r-'-~- '1tinsons J1esu:'b-N 50ft- $ 96ft-E ~34. 2~' A Tn1 at No 680 7 8 San ta Ana, Oal II II II 450 1370 450 ..._.._...._'__m_"...~'____"__._.__~_""._..,,_..__,..__._..._._..0__ 10 Frieden, John M 164 S.Batavia ~ 11 675 915 J2 " '--...."..M...._.'l'",._ 13 Gail, Harry M - Et al 14 R 1 Tract No 5+5 2 --_._--_.~_._"'--_._-- '-'-'-",\-_.__.'l..__..-'L.-.JL_._.._._.....__.._....._.__....__.__..._ -J. ..-.-,--..-,." 600 &DO .'!--.---.....--,-...-.-..".-.-...,....-, 15 16 II II II If r: "5 ~) c. 17 II II II " ? 600 18 L9 5~r' C.) II II II IS 50'" . '-) w n ~2 --....-.'-.-----.-------..,--.----.-, \ Traot No 515 9 600 ~3 II II II 10 525 !4 i -+--------- II II II ~5 -----..-----,.---------. 12~..r....:__.;-......;-._..__'_......5.g2+_..__.___.:..- 13 600 1670 14 525 ~--_.-.....------ P~i II II II :6 II II II :7 ---'---0,_-. .._~_...._._,..____~_.. II II II 8 9 ..-- ."""...., .. ...""""~ o 1, ."...--..-""..-----..- ------------- ['1 rhi~ _hs.usstlllwl JllJll.!h~ foil ., iug AbbJ"rwiutilJII,' url.' wled for "'8 words S(!t opposite 10 them: N,-Nort-h of Northerly N. ,V,-Northweaterly $-Dollars S.-So\lth or Southerly S. W,-Southweaterly Cts.-Cents E,-Baat of Easterly N, E.-Northeastoesrly Cor,-Col'nal' \V.~'W(l8t of Westerly S. E.-Southenfltc1'1y St,-Street Ft.-Feet Imp,-Imp:r-o"ements Ave.-Avenue NO,-Number Sub.-Subdl"lslon TI1,-'rl~encc A, H, j\,(,-Rn.n Bel'nRl"dlno Bnse and Merldlan, Sec,-Sectloll I . I,. FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRJ);D;BY THE STATE BOARD OF I Assessment Book of the Property of ~ity of Orange f{ . I ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN/ AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO l!. TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POS'!' OIIFICE ADDlIESS SAN BERNARDINO I '''2m . MERIDIAN '" 0 Value of - ,eo", o:&j Value of Improvements V.l DESClIWI'ION OF PROPERTY 0 ~o: =~ .... 0", !'n~ OQu Heal Estate Thereon T. ,S:l ~.;J g = ~ :E..: 13 ;t:::l- 01.. ;:0 . ~JlOQ '" 00 "'$ '$ , $ Gai 1. Bal'ry rL- et al .R.l \ .. .Tx.act m ;Ilo;;l5. ----,.---"".-".,.,.-...-- II II II II II II II II II II " II II " " ,.17 16 525 19 1125 21 1050 1050 '0" t~ C, ~j ,\ v,j iJ ...,..---_._----_.~_._.__._-_._-_..__.~..._._-_._----"----_.""""'""'"---- Gail, Harry M- et al R 1 l'ract No 515 23 600 ... " II II 95 ....525.~.m95-._....- " II II ,5 525 95 20 5~:) 95 " II II II II II 28 t)')5 ,- 95 .. " <J _u-.G.all..l:l.aUY_..~",..E.:t......aL_._..._.___.~.._.__.._. R 1 .,___, ,___.___.__...,___..._.__,." ....__,-._..0-.__"._.._._._.." _._.__.._,..__ ._...,__."._.__~.,,_.___,..,_,__'.....__.._ Tract No 51':; 29 525 95 \, ). " II " 30 525 95 _____..___.._~_.___._~___._ ._.__..___...___,_..__.__.!~..~..___ " 'I '11 h?r;, at:;, - .---...----.---.-...---...-----.-.-.--..-...,.Lk-.-.=---.----...--..---."''----,---..".,I-7-.-.'~ " II " 32 1125 95 " II II 33 1050 95 , :" -- .' ___0._.__-. --~_._." i '-" ") "U ",1 Goddicksen, Peter .... .30b....N..Cen.t.e.r... ~ .-.-.".,..-,-_w..it- ii !; lr .Tl.,.ct-No..34Z 11 oOf..t.. 1 ....!!...__-'-'-.....JI...._lUl."'.(..e1LlLZ7_4 ft- F._5DLt.)..!..z..-;._-=_. 4"5 ..,.',0....,'1" _6n~---5 30 :1 " II I' ... ...... _._---------.. --.......-.ij-.-..-.-.- . ..............--. . 'I ~ t ' T .., ^ T I: ---.-",.{).o>.: -z.""..~~ t ,7 r~rY.l' ,F k~~.€;l~~~~j~c;;:;;,.;).,"~ --t-.--.-..._.'t!::..9L: L~.~.:L.. ;~~~,l:"c.<ol~.~';::~;!/{:"~"'.,.e:,~~t_b;AL"';~;~:~===~ I ' I ,:0:,::::" II .\1 ,tt. 3 ,. 695!: 120 .. u . ..n- ....___J.L)'J.~.B::.~_??~J.:1;::_. _..~_..... In ti,lS Asse$sm~nt Roll il~e foil. iug Abbreviations are 1Mi'd for the ~\'ord$ set opposite to them: N',-Norlh of NorthorlY N.1Y.-Northwestel'ly $-DolJal"s 3.-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwestel'ly Ct~.-Cents I!:.-East of Easter-Iy N, E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner \V.-West of 'Westerly S. E,-SouthensterlY St.-Sbeet !"t.-Fe-ot llTIp,-]mprovements Ave.-Aven\IC \!o.-Numb(!,I' SUb.-Sl1bdlvlslon 'l'Il,-Thenc:e t J3. I\L-San DOl'ltnl'fllno Base and Mel'ldjan. Sec.-Section FORM. OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUI Assessment Book of the Property ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNO ity of Orange , ND WHEN UNKNOWN T( TAXPA YEll'S NAAIE AND POST OFI"JCE ADDRESS SAN DEHNARDlNO MERIDIAN DESCRlJ>1'ION OF PHOPERTY , o .~ '3:l o " 00 .9<J.< -" o~ ~;9 15 ~ "- o oOQ ,.,'" ~I)'" . ~ 011:< "- o o::~ "'lo:: OQu :<l...: ~ z Value of Real Estate Value (If Improvements Thereon 8 $ GOillme 1,El~:le8trrm ..1:;'0 }Wu..OhapWillL \ ..--...--,.,.---.-. .. ....-.63 <LQ.J.n.&mli.::.._ Fersonal txoperty ..._..3Q........l, u,..9...-'-~.~L..?o.Z7.5u..JgJ5............ Bd S by Chapman Ave, E by Tr # 639 ,) - .-..::.tr.ll.hn.+uJUJ:l.Qi.lL.lL..._...._.__...._.~_._.__..._u_....__.u____......_.'..__......__u....._...__ .._'----_.._...~._._.__._.._.-."'-..-"""-_._-...__._-_.._,., _._----_.._-,--""--.-........_-""-"...._,-,_....,.,~"~. 1~)3 N,CitruE' \. Tl'EJ ct l'Jo 639 "'1 .Lc 7rO J . 1215 r U il _..G.r..uw.e.ll.,-1'ho.ma.8.,.E___....._.___~_.___........_.uU___._......._...__._._______._..._._.._.._..___.__........__-+_....-;...__._.~-... ---'-_._------"'~..',.~"- R 1 \ Lot 100 X 120ft in 31; II 9 1500.. ~, .'^, , . 10Sft,.,N-Almond St, bp, W by lviainSt Gruwell, Bessie J- et al rt 1 Box 113 .\Lot If.O X 22l.70ft- in 31 '-I. 9 1050 930 ..--..---..-....---.---.-.---..-...---....--,--_.._.....Jld...N.~..Q.hap.man...A:v.e...,.._...E._lly_..RQJ;::teJ3.:lL.er.a_SjJ,ll..._~.._..__._....___._._.....___'''_''~'''_'__uU'_'''__ (') tJ ,', Gustlin, Evelyn A \. -J.;?.Ejl.-N. .Ne.s.t~uoJ.' e.la,n ej... .... -..-__......__...11' a, Q.:t.H Q..JIt.6....._. ._.._1 ....13.95._......1;1,25..___ LOE 'Angeles,Cal " " II W 20ft- N 92, 60f't- 5 lCD -.1iai.e.l:..,..LL_.____._......_________.__.____....__...____._....__....._..........-....--....-...--.......llI.aQnal_.Er.Q.p..tl:t.y:~.-..-,-,..-.----_-..____.._...__..._........_.......__.__.._.._._._ R 2 \ 6.56ao inNW ~.' 31: 4. r ~ '.~ 90.:;>D 10500 21+5 Bd. S by La Veta. Ave, IV by j';.iin St r:;" i: I; ;'l ----..--.-.---.-----~__._N._"".___,___.____ -.---.----j---.----+'-.-~_i____________."'."'__.__"_:....~__.____,_.--.;.___ :1 Hagen, 'Ii G ILl,S N.Gle.v.eland. TraotNo 6S8 . !~SO .- Haines, E. A Personal Fropexty 192 iLLest 15 ' . 500: llUG. "",.,~,,,,,,,,=,w"m~'",^"">'"''"~'''~'~~'"''"~'~'"~_,^''' In t'li~~ As,~essmC1lt Roll the fall. rllg Abbreviations are used Jor tlU! ~\'ortl~ 5(>1 oPJlo5ite to them: N.-North of Northerly N. '\V.--:'lorthwestol'IY $-Dollara S,-South of Southerly S. 'V.-Soothwcsterly Cts,-Conts g.-Enat of Easterly N. E.-NorthensterIY C'Ot'.-Corner "( r'j 'V.-'West of ,\Vesterly S, E.-Southoasterly St.-Street ;, Ft.-F<!ct Imp.-Improvement.s Avc.-Avenue ." .J f! NO.-Number Sub.-Subdlvislon 'l'h.-Thence :'4. B.~r.-gan Bernnrdlno Base find Meridian. Sec,-Sectlon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARI Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orang ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN TAXPAYER'S N^ME AND POST OFFICE ADIlIlESS DESCRIPTION 01' PROPEIlTY , o o~ '3:l o o '" .9< ~ ..C; e~ ~... ~H3 g l=l [l ~g11l 01>- ~oo '"' o 0:l2 ~o:: OQu :E,,: ;:0 '" Value of Reftl Estate Value of Impl'oV(llllcnt Thereon s s Baxm:;n, Lillie A- et al . .... L}76.3.;;>haffer. \ T I.) "':If)" E' ,.." +,. "r 171 Jf't ,"....._",,__. I.ac.t-..,J.\.o_.CU.,..l.,_._c.::,,~. ..._~;;,':':l:..L...t_,,:,,:...._ll.-~. ..." _. " _..' ,2~.~,. } .........LL5Q... " "N llL9ft 3 "' I~,:' ..____._._..Har.:tJtan..,._..~'" r' i.e_.1-'~......._..._...._...__.___..____.._..._._._......_._........:""'._._......._________..... R 2 Box 1,2-A 4 ~" i . c:~tac n 31 II 9 4.2Lf 51.1-75 \. 1'10 E by Batavia St,3 by: La Veta Ave -....-.-.-..--..._....__._._____..._._______...___._...__..__~t,_6.Q2.Q_ i 11_.__.__. " ." "4.60 "02r:: ________._..___....____..:.1...._2.___..._.__ 334ft 11 Batavia St, bd 3 by La Veta Aye .. , .Har:tlliB.IL,....cNaLt.eJ::.._...___._...___...___.._.._...._.__.._..............-.-...._......__....Ee;c.sonn.LP.:t:o.pe.r..t);t........._..,_..........__. \ ' El. 2 Box 42-A . Tract No 741 .. 2 C 560 1565 "'" l,) ,I Hc.seman S.O ii _..______.__.L_____~.____*--____________~.__._.__~"_______~_._,.,._~_.,_~____"+__,_,_.,_,.w.._______..~___.,_."..~ Venago, NebI' \ 3tineona Resub --3 lOOft-E 131+. 25ft ( . , W 164. ~;5ft ) A 1350 -.-------..--.---..--.---.--~-----,,_.__._fL5..0il:JL.,J,OOH::--JiLU.It...1::i;L:L...__.._..._...._. IV ..161+. 25ft- (Ex N ~.ft- E 10ft,) n " N 50f~-E 124. 25f't., W 191.25f) II 675 635 r', ." l"~ '. I Hatch, Olarence C J22!$W.. Palmyra Personal :Prope 1 348 ..' \'{ 12 ft- 2:1, -1.... E 38' ..._---~......_-_.__....__...... ,{~..;--._. --.---- Fersonal Propert~ 375 L,95 '.\..' Tract No. ." . . ""tj Heaton, Forrest li$lLe ste:r:Dx. \ .. ........... .T"&ct No6~~ ,A, , , ,..A..... .00-- 15 450 1500, c, . , '---~'-- 1;;'2 N. . Bata.via._..).._. ii !i " "Ii ,. I Ii -_-m_-,.__..__..._"..__t-__,,_.._.~ ----__o______,,__u..__'''__.____...~..,_<._____'"~__''''_.,~________,.....-"~_..-~-...__.,~_,~____..__."."_.___......._____ Hensohel, John Personal h'operty -....,--~ , I ! ......TxaotJ:Jo 639, 11 I 645.1 I ""_..__._m_~___.__._~.._.____.j I I I . . ,t......... "1 ~!I! J'2'2~~,:1 ",....,..."--,..--..',,,...._,..'..,..,..,",. ", ";.';, ,":'"," " ':,:',':",:<;.":,",..,::',',.i',",',.-,.-,>,,,,;'.";..','....;',.'..",,1, .... .... .. .... . . ""'5 boo ' -:r-'---------.----------___.__,__ . .-"~--.-_.~.-...,_tj___"---'"7'-.--...- :' ii,'-,., ------ III this As.~essllumt Roll/Ire joll., ,ing Abbrevialio1lS fire ItSl'rl for the words scl opposite 10 them: ~North of Northerly N. 'V.-Northwesterly $-DolJars South of Southerly S. W,-Southwesterly Cts.-Cents .East of Easterly N, E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner -West of Westerly S, E.-Southeasterly St.-Street -Feet lrnp.-Imprm'cments Ave.-Avenue -Number Sub.-Subdl\'lsion 'I'h.-Thence , :M.-San Bernardino Base and Mcrldlnl1. Sec,-Scctlon r FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF , Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange j ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO TAXPAYER'S NA~IE AND POST OFFICE AIlDHF.SS DESCRII'1'ION OF I'IIOPERTY SAN DEHNARDINO 2 MERIDIAN '"' 0 Value of , "'~ o:~ Value of Improvements V 0 ;ao"u; ~o: .~ fntt, OQu Real Estate Thereon '3:l 1:1-;9 " ~~ :E..: ~:s.s: 0 ool'Q ;:0 " '" <fl ,..'" $ $ $ Hertzler', Jeo , J.., ,t~, 1:<1/ , Ji ( .... I /' i.J\".::? r . '" ,..-..,/ ~._ ~...T.r&.ct.l!o.6D.9~. ...._LL n...~.. ........525- 1.06..S......C.ambridge Higgins, S.M- et al 32SLiL Ll in \ , s.t....._._.__..__..___~~__..___...TLacJ;...l:l.Q,..._).l,tEL_..._._..._._....._..__...._.___.~..._._..!L.._..=- Personal Fropexty. '--'''-~_'-..n..6.95u.........2Q&O.......__ " ;..,' Hitohcock, A.L '\ .-u..---...---.--...--.----u--._._.__T.xflc.:t;...::No_6.7-(f_._~__.._.__.._.__._._____.._...~. ~3-f -.----.-..J.7..;;....--.~.-.--.---- -J Howard I Olivel' R ..R....2_._._............_._...___._______._..l_..._.__....:J,,57.fHLJn.K,yJ;:=.. .._.l:L+__..1:L_~_2.):,.5L_...Y..719........ ... Y.'?Q. 221.70ft S -Chapman Ave, 8d W by Main St R 4 Anaheim,Oal \ Tract No 6$S 19. 1725 ')~5 C:J. I.,.'" J!1,l:l!~.IO.EL_:rb_ol!l.f.tsu B .... . -._..____.. ._. ....~.u. ....._.~_.. !'~XJ;l9n;;l,J JJ.:.Q.Ilf;.r.t y:._.......~. H 2 \ Tr8ct U0203- All(ex N 14,9ft) 3 1665 335 05') . " . Johnson V.D ._____.._.__._:-1............_.....__., _"...__....__...___m_.____.,,_______,.""_._..._,.__.___..~_"~"~__.._~"_,_.._...,_.___""'___....,..,__._~,..___,_~...__~____,____.__.._....~~_.,.,_.._,,_,,_..,__.__._,,_.._.,~,._,___"'_.._.._,____._.____....'___,...-.__.,_..~..+..___.....""~__,.__..._.._,.._ \. 532 E Washington Stinsons R~'8Ub- S 50ft- N lO'.lft- E. ].34. 25ft- A 675 ;L' \ --.------"..-.....--~.~--.,,---.__..j....,----_._---....~_.-.-...---.-.-.-.....__~._____.__._.",.,...._.__.__..______".."_.___+.________.~____,..._.__.,._.,_"_._"'__.__.~_~_._,~_.___""_'"n._"'"'._'_."__'~'_____ / Personal Propert~ Kroenex, Lizzie Forrester..& Sjdth Sub " u S :por~-Nb-.Aney, Adj 71 --1-2~-=....... ........,.---~--.-7-90---.-6~- 7~6 = ~ 770 750 II -..-__,____.._,.___~_._n....~"_.n_." ......---.....!!..--ll~ i n c 12ft " " w 15);). .95f.t~( inc 1 S2' aLl;.ey adj " " II " II N 24ft-'/\' 1 "'C",-"','",",,,,,",'';:.''' ,r..';"",\:t.""",<;;"'ii,;"'C, .._,.., In this ASS(!SSllIel1t Rolllhe foIl. ing Abb1"el,);alio1is lire UM,d fo/" fhe words set opposite to ,lIem: N.-North of Northerly N, W.-Nortbwesterly $-Dollars S.-South of Southerly S. W,-Sollthwesterly Cts.-Conts E.-East of Eastorly N. El,-NortheasterIY Cor.-Corner W.-West of Westerly S. E.-SouthoasterIY St.-Street Ft.-Feet 1Il1p.-hnprovementa ^ve,-Avenue NO.-Number Sub.-Subdlvlslon '1'h.-Thence R. R. ].-L-8an BlJl'nnl'dlno Base and 1[erldinu. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f, ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO ( 1I.' SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN DI,SCRIPTION OF PROPIIRTY , o @~ '~:l o " 00 0." :.ao~ ~-:3 ~ ~"- ooP'l ,.,'" ~fJ'" " ~ OIl=' '"' o 0:12 ~o:: OQu :<i..: ;:0 '" Value of Real Estate Value of Tmprov(!ments Thereon v. 1 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE A 1lI11mSS $ s $ Kr'ohe, Fxed L 16r.Lestel'Dl' / Personal Property . . ......Tl'act.N.o...6.S.6............. .....11.........._ .. ..Jt5D.U20... ~ L .- , Kxohe, ~"xedL __.1b.7_.L.e.st..eJ:...Ilr_.___.__...........__..__......._...T.l'ac..t_..Nn...bD.9......_.__..._..__.._._....____..__..)__._'=-......................-...750...... ..1lt.Q_..... " :,,_, Laswell, Susie Fexsonal fropexty _~.9 29-.\L e h-'!PJ:l1a~L___.._.._____L___......Me eh.anlLll~ su~::::-=}L5} . '):f t E 16 L.5.tL._____+-_.__~_.._._...__..___._________.~-.__- N l35ft- 1275 1310, ;~ t.J .Lgm:Q.Q.K~.,._a,.CL.e.t..a1.___._._.L..__.._.__....._.........__._____.......1'.eI.aonalJ1:Qp.ar.t~.....-...---.-..-.-.-..... 353 N, Cleveland TrElot No 656 2 A 330 2190 " ; ~J \.:.... --..Les.t.ex,Ca~-D--.......--.---..-.----- ,/ 1111 \II. Chapman .-..____..__.____.__.__._.____._.._...._Po};);c.8 o.na,l-.k.rops-;J;.t-)" ......--.--..-........... Tract No 638 1 1950 1095. " '" U -'J .........1S1.ll'J.S.,.S,!J:t. . 14.09 Century Dr' . ......1'gI.69.\1QLJ:r.9P.e.ItY........ / Tract No 346 W 120ft- 4 560 1215' '" ',~' __.1ie.a.U.._FJ.Q'y:.d...R 537 N.ulark St u.~.____.____.__~_"...._.."__...,"__'__W._"~m_~._'~_"_._.._._m'.~_.__...__~u__m_..~.___.__ Tract No 515 11, 6GO 1715 .0 _ __Lipp:l. ,~LP..__..___d____. 263 S..Main ..__.____.__.__._._..Ee~.J.:.QP.ex.1Jl_..._____.._._.,___...._~..__.-..--'-'-"-------""" Tract No 609 13 750 185 U. .1.1 .1.1, 14: 52[;i "-'-" '" t) (./ '~I Loescher, Emil 16![ Pepp Pexsonal Propexty Tract. No 674 7 "",-";",=,,,,;""-C"="''-''',j,",","-,C~'''''''''',~,,,,, ,,,,,,-,,--,,,,",,,,.,~~.~,,","' In this ASSfl.WIICllt Roll tire foil.. jug Abb,'e",ial-iolU art> ItSP{1 for the I\-'(Jrrl~ ~et opposite to t:!UJII,: N.-North of NorlhOl'ly N. 'V.-Nol'lhwoatel'ly $-Dollars S.-South of Southerly S, 'V,-Soulhweatcrly Cts.-Cenls E,-East 01' Easterly N, E.-NortlwaaterIY COI".-Corner 'V.-"\Veat of Westerly S. E.-Southeusterly St.-Streot .. Ft.-Feel Imp.-lmpl'ovemcnts Ax e.-Aveml 0 (j No,-Numbol' Bub.-Subdivislon 'rh,-Thonce R. B. ]\[,-San Bernnrdlno Base and }'fer1dlnn. Sec,-Sect!on FORii'I OF ASSESSMENT nOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOAR Assessment Book of the Property of City of Oranl ASSESSED TO ALl, OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWI SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN I 2 TAXPAYER'S N,IME ANn POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPEUTY " o .S<"" 4.l Q ~ ..tI o...!lll ~rJ<;P o~ IJl..oQ~. ,~.s ~S,g I=' ~ ~rl5lX1 ~ o i>::gJ ~i>:: ::;:U ;:J-< Z Value of Helll Estate Value of Im}ll'ovl1lUeJ Thereon $ $ LOl'ee. John 0 . ... BOX5d".".C.oI'.ona,. OaL..... .,L'......-.TrflGt..NO.-741-....... 1+. ......,...D............... 525,.. 1525 ... '," Luton, Frank, M . .' ('. ..._..._R...2...liOL6+.__....._._........___._.____.Tx.8.C.L.No....ii.39--_......._..._._.....__......._................._._....lQ.......... ...935.. Me Dowell-Valerius luc . .__.__.J3ox 27.5],__..__.._______/. ___.l'ra.e t .. NQ.._6.5Q.___,____________L~__..A__.._...__.._..___._._255_.___..._ " II 3 " 330 3 ~'o " ." 11 " " " " " " 3:;5 II " 15 ~. " 330 .. c Mo Dowell & Valerius Inc Box 2731 / Txact No 656 6 A 330 II \I --_._,._---_._--~~-~_._...__._-"---_.._",.~_..._-,------,---. 1._...l:L._. " " 3 " 1+1Cl " " O' J " LI10 .-----.----..--.---._..___,_______2._..._'.~__._..._.__.._.._.____.___._._.__.______._._._..._._1.._.... II II 9 " ':I:J::2" /+10. II -" ,~. ___.Mc....Do.WA 11 LV", 1 prill" Tnn z Box 2731 Traot No 656 11 B 410 " " " 2 II 355 ___.J.L...__,_ II II .......,..6 ....11. n 11 II 6 II -3 ;)0-.-.. 330 P.!t _, n II 10 II 330 ...JL II .Jl-------..-..--.--_______.._...._l.2....._.".IL.....__._. -...-----......9:30.--...-..-- --- ,~-~-- h! this As.~essmellt Roll the folt. iug Abbrevi(JliollS are USN) for the word.. set opposite to them: -North of Northerly N. ,"V.-NorthwesterIY $-Dollnrs South of Soutberly S. \V,-SouthwesterlY Cts.-Cents -East of EasterlY N, E.-Northeasterly COl'.-:-Corner -"Weat of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street -F-eet Imp.-lmprovements Ave.-Avenuo -Numbel' Suu.-Subdlvislon 'l'll,-Thcnce . M.-San Bernardino Base and Merfdln.n. Sec.-SectJon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO ALL OWNEUS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO I SAN DEHNARDINO MElUDIAN TAXPAYEH'S NAME ANIl POST OFFICE AIlTHIESS DESCHIP'fION OF PROPEH1'Y , o "~ ,g..s o " 00 .S<'"" ,..J::l o,.!lll ~... U~ ~~ '"' o 0:12 ~o:: OQu :E..: ;:0 '" Vllluc of Relll Estate Value of ImproVf~lIlents Thereon v, s $ $ Ko Gill, Rexford 8 PexBonal fropextr 2a~J: _,J..e.we,l,l._._Place ,; . .Txaet ..No.65.6_______ ........ ...4.. . ....B.. ..........33Q .1790. Me Intosp, Ixene M _Enc.enit as.,.-QaL_-_...-__~"_.____T.xa(l:t....N'(L6-3.;:L:~_._._..__._~_--_...~_....----S.".--=...---.._.-.-935.-.. ... Me Murphy, Oathexine-et al ...R-4-Ana.heiffi-r.C6W.._____.__-'-i___..__..T.~..? c"j;_N Q~--.--.--.._.------~-.l.lr-_::__..___.____.__.5.Q__...._..__.___ " ";,, E 30ft- 12 2;:'5 .JI'[E.a,.h.S_._\Egg.lj._LmK~m_..m_.____...m"L.___.~....__.__..-.-.--.----...-_:r~..J,:.<l.Qn!J.l.J:'.;t:Q.12~J.:j;;y__J,-~---".-.--..-..~..___.... 393 N.Oentel T:('aet No 656 5 A 330 !",- .1La::rQn.e.y"_,_.E.~Il",_..e:t....aL___.__..~L_____....__~___..._..___..____.---------.F:.ex.s.onal_fr.ap.ar.tlt.__..._"......._.. 940 IV. "hap man Foxresters & Smith Sub " " 3 4 1215 750 9400 1215 " " " II " 62. 63; 450 450 " . " c '7. i' , i; Ii ----~---~---_,__~_._.._.__..o..._.._._____ Meehan, H.O Personal Pxoperty 153 S.Pepper Meehans Resub--W 163.70ft-N447ft- 1.68 4650 1555 . .a-..~__ Meyer, Henry F 115 E. "hapman Personal Froperty Tr.a.otNo 5;/,5 1 675 '1605 . ._~,._-.-.,._-_..._-,._-.,--_.__.._.~._._.__._____.____.____.__...:,____~_.o-._____,.____._.___ , "tr" i._Jdl"~1L~~LfJJb~~~=__---, -~. ..~ ~. I Ii I I' .1 r -Ii "." '~'''''''''''''Y,;-'''-m)~~" ,',mc<e,>e*",*""if",",,""Nlm',",,,,'-' [,I lhis Asse.~snlfml non the foU. ing Abbrel.l;athms ar/! "sed for tile wonls set fJf'pos;te to t1lem: ~,-North of NortherlY N.1V.-Nol'thwestel'ly $-Dollars ;'~Sollth of Southorly S. W,-Southwesterly Cts.-Cents i: -East of Eastcrly N. E.-Northeastorly Cor,-Cornol' ,,;'.--':Weat of 'Vesterly S. E.-Soulhellstorly St.-Street i't.-li'eet Imp.-lmproverncnts Ave.-Avcnue 'lll-Numller Suu.-Subdlvislon ']'h.-Thencc :, it M.-Silll Rnl"Jlllrtllno Basl} nnd Merlalan, Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange 1 ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO i SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN DESCRIPTION OF PHOPEIlTY 5 1'S<15,~ 4J J:l... - ~'it o Q ..g 8 J:l ~ 'g... ~ siil OIl> ~ ~U") '"' o 0:12 ~o: OQu :E..: ;:0 z Value of Real Estate Vlllue (If ]mprov(~ll1eIlIS Thereon v, TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS -'-.,_.....~.._-~~,-~--.--- s $ g !liles, F.]; Personal Propert~ ~O.}jSBt ' 'c.'" . a..1!v:La v' ..1tJ.6.Ja.C:-......JJLliiYlk.Le)LB:tJ....._... ....-._.__3.1,.. ....4 . ,94,81 7215..2015... 627ft-S Chapman Ave, by]; by Batavia .. :".1.' ____~:t:iJ,JgI..,__.E.~ t eJ lJL ./ '~---~-----'--'-'-----'''--'--'--''-''''-----'._'-'--'- Tra.ct Ho 34(, 9 300 300 595 105 " II 10 ~d.-.!L_,----_________.____~______.____ ---___.____.._ ....-____~__...____.____.m..~~__'_________..._H.___ llooxe. E.Ray v R 3 Box 224 Txac t Nb 3Lr6 s 300 305 Mooxe,J.A 6723 Oedar Tract No 609 5 5:~5 ~-!4ln-t-i.ng::t-~~k..;..-0a.;l--.___.____.._.._._._..._._____.___..__._.._...__..____.....__..__._......_...__. Ie I ., ~ ' . i"') . ;J a 'I Namkrow, Rem1e N --:%-E..N..-W'Odr.mB.n--.-~--..._.....-c-......_..___h61.G:t._N'O-3./,j.6----___._.__.....__. ...---_.....1$..,_..__._.. ( 5'" ....,,';1'-.... 115 Main, Balboa, Cal -, _-Nehrhood, MatildA J..__ / .---......E.ar.s.OllaL..l'l:QL.e.x.tY;.___.~._._...._._..__"...._._...._..............._._ 184 S.Cypress Tract No 656 14, A 330 1305 i,)1 _-1iewcorrt. R R , / f ' .E.e.x.so.naL_.r.=ex.t{j'.... 5th & Broadway 15 ac in SW ~- 960.4.ftEMainSt-BdNby La Veta 31 4 9 15 13125 3545. Santa Ana.,CaL ,-' '. -----.---.,.------.---..-..---.----.....-. ._'_..,_.._...~~,----~-_.._--_...._-,--"'_._---....-._-_. Newkirk,Auguat G !i '1/ ---.....~---.:i,.. Personal Prorerty " 140 N Bata'lia ..... .' 7-.SYacL...inSW: 4-~ 177ft 1'1 _Ch~pman Ave, 30 , 4 9 7 . ~37 9450' .:14:00; Ed E bv Batavia" ' _._---~._--~-------j+~----..-_.._-....__.._~-- " . ii \ II I .....ir ....+.. I ","M""';"'__' ....."-.._,_.~..."..,-,..._- , :i , ], ,: " ]' h i ..2%01 0 Ii di :L'I.=Q._L.I1:, ~":"~1r""-' '1=r.;-1>:W\11=-~"'''\ .'-'"=rr-..M11! " I II ."',..,........11 :"",(',"'''', ''''.'''''"'''.'''''''''~''''i-=.''''-''''J..,'''',V'''',"~',~---'''''if.-""-",,,,, In .thi.~ As.,essU!cmt Holllhe foIl., illg Abbreviatiol1s arc uspll for the words set opposite to them: .Norlh of NortherlY N. 'V,~Northwef.ltet'IY $-Dollal'B 30utlt of Southerly S, W,-SouthwosterIY Cts.-Cents East of EasterlY N. E,-NortheaaterlY Cor,-Corner wWest of Westerly S. E.-SoutheasterlY St.-Street -Feet lmp.-lmpl'Ovements A....e.-Avonue -Numb-tW Sub.-SubdlYislon Th.-Thence llL-E1an Bernardino Base and Mc)'idlan. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OFi Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange fc ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO U SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCHIPTION OF PROPERTY , . .~ '3"s o . Cfl .9<~ ",0-", ".;J " ~ ::l~ o oil< ,.,00 ~~ . . <21=' '"' o &1~ ~~ ;:0 Z Vnlue of Rcnl Estnte Vuluc of ImprOV(!mcllts Thereon Val T, s $ s Newman, Esthex, B Ferscnal rrocert~ 434 3.Center Tract l~O 609 16. 525 1190. <. -.Norj,na-,--Real.t.y,Do._~nc-._.__._.____._,.,__.._.__...__.____.._."...,J:5?r s,o na l_.rr or~]::.~.Y.,.__,..".__.,_,. .;;, R Van Drimlen Tract No 203 5 1920 2;::5 n60 3033 N.Main St,3anta Ana, .(". ., Obarr, Riohard Box 221 Tract .No 346 11 300. P5... 415 ..~.._-......,.._-........lL_"-".._....._...!!.___._m...........__W.....lOLt.m_.._....__......_.._._~._.~2.~"....."'....____."....__.. Olson, ehas 0 .. / Personal Fl'orert~ ! .l9.Q_..s._Oi.:tI1lS...-_._.._......,_.v-:.__.._Jle.e.hans..Res.Ub__..N..JI:2f.t.::o-_S....7~k_E..16l._~I__...L._.'-_ (ex 8t) 900 '''''5 c"' ..Dne.al"R..M........__.._ Box 635 ..'----.---.---..-'.---'.-.-.'.'--^.."4'--.---..-.-.----_..,._'____m____,.,__...__"~_________,_..._,_.___.___,_~_____ / Tract No 3!!-6 17 300 :375 ;) .,; -O.r:ang.e.-Gi.t.y....,lnll'_.Co..._...._...___..;....____.___._______.___..........---.-,---..---.-."..-----.-f..-.-..-....--...---"'------..........--...____.. Trac:t No 6<;6 ~ 7 A 11 II 10 II 330 330 ..~ ~..,i , ,._-'-~-------t- , _._--~--_.__._~._-+----:---~._-'~.__._---_.--....-_._.,_.._--.-,...-.- Fa.texson, Ma.xy B 21115 Heliotrope E.!1:nta Ana....Oal :1 Personal Property T}'aot No 741 1 D 4-85. 11 11 ___,___.u.___~_"_~___..._.____,_..-.-_,.__s."_~_.._,__",.,~_'."m 3 .. __._.."_,,.__,,_.JiQ.Q......._.____~_._...... 1!-59 7430 '-1: 11 11 11 -...!:..- ., p.~.~J::J.~t3.E.'-g.onc];e.te Pipe ~ 2738. "'t1 in ....... ~.,...__. .....Txac.t No 609.. .' per S ollliLh.Q.o.e r 1iL__...... .. II J.....15 .'>.._,.__.__m.'._."_.~..____...;.-.H.~...-_+_--__:__--_ I' ~o~'o'"''.''''"'''''''=,..::;c:'''''"";''''ii"'''=."...''''''"..~-''''-'-~'"=''''=''''''.::~:::c-~i'J:'''=""'~"""'l.w,::c""':c";;;m:::~~~o;:::=~==='"-_,__:_"'.;p;==~.~ II II I: ." ... ".,.. . ..-If; Cj..... . .21+ 0."... ii I, Int.t I '" !i _... .' J2_:~, ''4r=:~T'""''''''iJ!~b~;1''lL-r'-~ H i' c...I! In Jlris Asses-snlfmt nollllle foiL ing Abbreviations are Itsi'd for the wortl, set opposite to them: '.-North of NortherlY N, 'V.-NoI'Unvesterly $-DolJars ,-S-outh of Southerly S. W.-Southw<cst(lrly Cts.-Cents .-East of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner T.-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street to-Feet Irnp.-Improvements Ave,-Avenuo o.-Numb.er Sub.-SubdivisIon Th.-Thence n. U,-San Bernardino Baso an(l MOl'"ldtan. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT nOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD 0] Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN DESCHIPTION 01' PROPERTY ~ .~ ,3:l o Jj .9- Jo .-tl O..w ~~ ~-S ~ = 4.l , ~J;;:; ~I=' '"' o 0:12 l:jo: :EU ;:0": '" Value of Relll Estate Value of Intprov(~ments' Thereon TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OI'FICE ADDRF.'iS ~~"""-"'-'~-r~'-_~ $ $ $ Peterkin, '/I. H /' ....!.222.__. 16it1luleoQ1a_.... , l",- i) ~,.i ' , Phillips, L V / -..6D.5..:lLW 11 B hi ngt.o1L.Apt....B..--j t'......__.B.t.inBillla..Re.ailb:::=..:N 10 f t _ E ] 4Lt~25f.:t=..__..+-__...."_____.________.oi--_____~_ N 54ft- A 50, Santa Ana,Cal , yj H) ( 257 Hi 11 Tract No 609 6 525. Lemore,Cal '.") J ".I (I Pope, John H R 1 / FOl'I'esteI'S Smith Sub 11 675 --Eunting.toll__E.each,.. . .Ga.l........._.... " r~ j (.J :l Poxter, J.R Personal Property .__R~~_.~,!3a ~.~.\T.:h~.._........._... ....-....L..._........,.22?..CJ.ln...~_i'Y_.:d:___........_...__.._.____-_._...__~JJ.._...I}_. 9 ....~.2l_____:IJ25L__J.J.~-j_.__ 1033.7ft S Chapma.n Ave, bli E by < ~' Batavia St), f",',\ !r '<.J .....--..---.------+...-/-.-.---.....-.--.-.--....-........--......--.--.----.---.-.-"- Raymond J , ./ !, -----_._----.~_.._---"'.,-_._._> ~.>"'~._._._".~---,_._._.~.,,-"--.-.'_..~ Potter, " " 450 . 52$ EilanB.1b.ber Tract No 686 Powell Per.sanal Property ....172..3. .Ee.ppe.r. 11I tlUS ...USe.s61l1Cnll\oU "'e JtHL ing Abbl"N'ialiolM au us..tl ji/1' tlw ,,"o,.,/s set opPo5ire to t!wm: N -North of Norlh.e.rty N. "r,-NorthweslOl']Y $-001l0r8 S.:"'-South of Southerly S. W.-SollUnvealerly Cts,-Centa B.-En.st ot Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor.-Corner W.-Wcst ot 'Vostel"ly S. m.-Southenatorly St.-Street ~'t-I<'eot ]mp.-Tmprovemcnts AVE!,-Avenue ~.-Numbcl' Suh.-Subdl\>fslon Th.-T.hence ~" '. n, M.--f;;m nornal'd'no BURf! nnd Morldlan. Se(',-Sectton FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD I Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN T< . 2 SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN 'l'AXPA YER'S N'\~IE AND pas,!, OFFfCE ADDHESS DF.sCRIP1'ION OF PROPERTY 5 Q.q.. =... :ao~ ~til 00' ~..;l8 s:lv '~.... ~ "-'I=' ~ ~~~ a;; '"' o ei~ OQu :E< ;:0 '" Value of Heal Estate Value (If Improvlllllents Thereon s s s Pxentiss, Elma C 1110 '<'iP<l;),md ... ....._.T;rac .t.J1Q.6S6..... 16 d.A """.'''~''''''-''''''-r'-'''' ... dd355.,.. d ;'::,ItQ:,_ Rees, R. R PexsQnal Fx'operty ...JL5.,-AJJa.11e.im.,--Q.al'_d..____...i__,__.9~.6J-..aQ...,i!L.NLih---.--.--...-----.--.........,..JJ.......l,L._'l........9,J2J.....1.1 ato.. . _?L?5......... 1135,20ft N- La Veta Ave, bd E by Batavia st, Reynolds, LD Box 1t6E'i ,~ Tract No '346 Pereo nal Pxopex'ty, W l20ft- 2 560 360 '" ~,... Richards, B.F % Folioe Dept -/ Pexsonal Propexty Tra ot . No 609 1 660 l61j.0 ",., ,-" Richardson, John ';'0 Archi e Freeman Me e hans Re s1,lb ----311.-2nd-S:t::;ilc.eansi.d.e:..,llaL,.._____.___...E.~Q4Lt."'...N.....13-BLt"'-_(.ex._St~ ., 1-, " , .. ...............23I,Q, ..... 337'),-. Richaxdson, Will J ----.l 'I;i:..s -Bat ' . ;/ -. Q!: -,... a'ILJ.a_.._.__....._____ F "l:' 7' e ater.-.&..SmLth.::.suh.__.__..._..____.._..._........,:-_l8..__.."'...____-...........-.--...6+5........................---.. .. L; ;. Richardson, W.J -_....1W-S._Batall:ia-_.. t" Pe r sQual F'xop exty: . 4 " i St i 1) 80ns-Re.auk-.a...., M.:bL.LJ1t.25LL_J~-.A._;--_""-+_..___...______.ii.25-___116il._._ II " All-(ex W 30ft- & S 33f~) B 1675 ,..,. I ...--... .RionmQ.oo,-.Ola-1'a-4or-d-oF.h 140 S.Batavia ----..-.-.----,..---P-e.r.s.Qnal....P.r.Qpe.x.ty~--...._r._......., ~~._---~._-_.-.,."-----"--,._-~_.~,-._--~._.-.__.- Forrestex8 & Smith Sub 13 675 1630 Tn tllis A.sSe.'l-Smellt Rollllle foll.. iug Abbr(!~iulj01lJ (Ire uspd for tile !\lords set opposite to them: -North of Northel'lY N, 'V,-Northwe.ster!y $-11oll8.1's -South of Southerly S. W.~Sout1l\vesterly Cts.-Cents -East of Enstel'ly N. ID.-NortheasterIY Cor.-Corner --':West of Westerly S, E,-SouthcJlsterly Sl.-Streot -Feet llUp.-Improvements Ave.-Avenuo ,-Number Sub.-Subdlvtslon Th.-Thence ~. M.-8an Bernal.tllno Base nnd l'\[(ll'ldlal1, Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange f ASSESSED TO AIL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO 1 TAXPAYER'S NAMIC AND POST OFFICE ADnIlESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SAN BEHNARDlNO 2 MERIDIAN '"' 0 Value of .9<"'" ffii2 Value of Improvements V, ..fl o~ (,l_ OQO: Heal Estate 1 "~ ~~~ ~~ :E:.1 Thereon '3:l ell ooOQ'~I=' ;:0 ,.,00 '" $ 'g $ Rimel, A!'thur 'ii' 931..3.RaSfLSt 1/ .. .."..-....-. bact.. H.ll}46 .E....34Lt'" , , ~ ,...,._-\.-__c.__,-_ i Lk50._ .;105. Santa Ana,Oal " " " " 3 4 " " " II -...-.-............_...._.......__,.,..........__..____II..._._.w.. :)1) f .t=_S_.l2b.f.t",- , i 1'.5- Roustan, Natalia -lbQ-L.e.at.er..lli..___._____._...L:_.r.xact-No...6.6S-..___.____.__.__.____......___ . LlQ.,--~---.--.-----.-490_--..J..99-9.-.--. Rusk, Ethel V -L_ ...La<l"-BlLL. ~,,:Ml p~~'rty~ 627ft N-Ohapman AvE', Bd E by Bat~lvia JQ,Lt ...9,_2.... ...16QO". 365........ ...'j9J..H.Ke-",l ;),r,d.B....-. Box 725 -R.y.mex.r..Ji.:.LBi.6:.__...... 'rxact No 683 ....-... .....t-.....-......-................-...- l I 9' I 450.. 1790 _Sae.z.~_.J~li:us ___ 176 Leete!' Dr .--...-.....--iLt-.-.... . ........__.. ........Ee..r.sfluaL.I':r.ape Txac1L No 68iS 14 450 1415 14535 Jreenleaf St Van Ruys, Canf Traot. No 3415 W 50ft 26 315, 315 " " II 11 ( i 5.' . Schiefla, Roy 2539Cass Place Txact No 346 Ii: 20ft 5 150 11 " 7 295 616 W, Chapman TI:aO.t No 674--AU-(j,nc aUey a<ij on 1" this A~sessrlwnl Roll tile foIl.. iug Abbrevi(ltj(JII.~ arc> ust>d for the words :wt opposite to them: f.-North of Northerl)' N, 'V.-Nol'thw~sterIY $-Dollar8 ,-South of Southerly S. \V,-SoutlnvesterlY Cts.-Cents J,-Enst of Easterly N. E.-Northeastel'ly COI',-Corner V,-Weal of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Stl'eet 'to-Feet Imp.-Improvoments Ave.-Avenue lo,-Number Sub.-SubdtvtsIon Th,-Thence- . H, M.-SRn Bernardino Baso and ~-1erldlaJ1. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT nOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD 0 Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN, AND WIlEN UNKNOWN TO '~'1~'11:,fi:1l_ s. l'Jjl:::fq~~; SAN BEHNARDINO ~IERIDIAN 2 DESCRIPTION OF PHOPEHTY '.-....--t a ! ,eo;:; l:l... I "5l..a~ .~j =... 0 Q ~g~ Jj ,.,00 fo~ . ~ O!~ '"' o o:~ ~i>: OQu :E< ;:0 2; Value of Real Estate Value of Improvements Thereon TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDlIESS s s s Schulte, Fredexick W R.l.....Box.l2.4: . / .....TractN.o..71u u_ ~.6..D ... I I I . 525- . Yorba Linda, Cel ...........S.h.af.Ler.....GeQ_..T.. R 2 , , , ..... --_..~_.._.,--.---T Showalter, Hollis - ~ ....----.-.-...--,__..._.___.__._____n___._._._.....__......_.n_..-.--~--.-.....--r.--.T-.-....-- I' I Personal Propextyj I I i ............................-.. ...... . r.10, .........,-.... / Tract No 203 W 117. 3ft- 0' ~ 975 120 1635 II II N 14.3ft- II ., ~ ..~_..._---'-"..~..-_._.__..._--,-'----f""---,."_..__.,.-~.".,..-.__ .242..Buah..8.t....................:.;., .._.........-'~"J( ------....'l'.xac.t.-Nc..6.09.-...... . '92Fj...153 0... i !. I ~hxOde, Algie , . '. I _._Zq_t~.:t..J!.f;t.1(LItlLQ;L.l2_jL.1r- ~~L':___.....1.:r a.Q:LJiQ.Jlt.Q...._......._.'.&_.J,?Qf 1l:_.__....._..L #132 I i i i i I I .J-1-.-... ....... ....5QQ.....cQIQ___ Santa J\.na,Ca,l drfreve-rn:A'Ve, Ea-e-tpurr,- Md ._........_...L_. I! t: ,(. J.' , I 0 I.. - '" (>Ui-t,) ~-(L/~'j I ~ . , -)..) , (+.. / L! 7 ,'i 'l~(l't,"'A,< ,.'~J ---,-~_. .......&l.mi.1h. ,..Q1U<1.M Tract No 515 7 600, 18.15 " ~ r-.i~ ~ , -..---.-------.----...---..-.-....----..--~'"!"..._--.--_.-.-..---___.,.___~____..__._"H..__'____'m__.."-'-.._'...,_.~._________. , :1 ji, !i/Tr"ct No 6138 ., 16 :,' I:'" "'. I .. ~-_._----~-,._._----_..~_.--+--_.._~-_._--~-------,---_..._--,._-------+.._.,-"-~-~~--_.._._-;..._._--+_.- Steely, Ellis A I! Personal FropextJj. i : ' I , l2l0W.LaVeta ii 5. 79a.'oin SW ~- (Ex lot 50 X 95ft) t. 31: 4 9 5. 6~ Ii .....--.- .._...-t--'--'--9OD.lWf.:L...E",.-MailL.St_rBd..J~ b.y.-La.JLeta.. ......-.-!--..- .. ..-...---..,......---.-..~.._.'--no--- ij ~ '., I I I . .., Ii I ' ' .. ,i .... .'. ............. -----.---....-.-------------......-.-I.....-+----r-t.---r~~.-'~"l-'-'--~--- I =..,11 JJlJ.L'."~ 1=1.~~-.l.,,,.; II il Starkey, A.M. 139 N Lemon 450 ._"____"_m._.'__.4--_~___'"___...___ 61"80 1'625" :i " iJ .... H ~ Ii +- .jl._. Ii '=';"""="";"''''''"'"''''''''''''''''-1' - .I:.~_'""'~;:..""""""""=~'c:.:)~"":.=;..'''''''':.-:::;''c;=~'=.''''''''''~=::o-"'=''~'"'~"",~='I<>'"-#'l~I'~~"""~=~~:?~,,,,:~"oIT':::=""~"" I i l' .1 In this A.ssess'Ncnt Roll ti,e fall., illg Abbreviations fire 1l.H.d for tire words set opposite to them~ N'.-Nol"th of Northerly N. W.-Nol'thwesterly $-Dollllrs :),-South 01' Southerly S. 'V-.-Soutbwesterly Cts.-Cents lit-East of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly COl',-Corner \V,-West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street Pt.-Feet Imp.-Jmlll"OVemonts Ave,-Avenue N'o.-Number Stlb.-Sllb{llvlslon 'l'h.-Thence ;,;, B. hr.-San B(lI'nnl'dlno Buse alld Merjdilm. Sec.-SecHon F(i)RM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD ( Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED '1:0 ALL OWNERS WIlEN KNOWN. AND WHEN UNKNOWN T( WIl_~RJq~ _S,'. .:>'l'epll,). ,~~!.lN_~Y__,. (;_.H.t't._ DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SAl'i BERNARDlN@' MERIDIAN '-'-1--~ S I (J.. "'" =... ;;'EQ-a;~ .~ 0 ' ~ -S : 9"'6 0" ~ g~ P'il=' Jl ~(/) 2 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADIlHESS '"' o 0:12 ~o: OQu :E< ;:0 '" Value of Helll Estate Value of ImproVllmenta Thereon $ '$ Stewaxt Amy G Personal I Fropexty' I .m_ '1 , 1(3 I I ' I .J. ., "I A. ,{ II II " .. . . "11. , " II ..____.'.._.__M__._ " II " II II 750.2360. 1+50 .1'.raQtNpzLfJ. II 750 II II 5 6 II 750 ~'50 25(:')5 Stewart, Amy G HR2- .. ...._..T.rac.t.No..'(:.4L__ II 1.'1 ..A- I I e 1\ ...J~:~L..~: I i L' B .... .7:)0.. 1\ 11-50 1\ II 900 ._.._..__J!.. u_____m._m.!t_______... 600-. 1\ II 600 I II II ')~ c. 1\ L>60 '. Stewart, Amy G y Tract No 741 3" B II II II 525 465,.. "25 ? . 465 ...465.._ 2170 R 2 n II ._----^-_._-~--_.,~.._---'.--_._-_.._~~._---_.__._.~--..+_.._-_._------_."-"-------~-_..._-~._,, .......4.:c... ...11................. II II 5 6 I ./ w.. ...t..: I I I m..l... II / II ..._-----~...-._---------~--~._.__..__._._- " I' II II II II L>50 ....s.te.war.t,-Alll-yc-G--..--....-~f_...----------...........-.--.-.-..-_..__ R 2 TI'act No 741 I B 465 II II 9 10/ II .II II II 'Il II 1\ II. II II I~IO 15 1 \' S' In ,Ms Asses.mumt Roll ,lie foU.. ing Abb,"cvint;om arc> rued fm' the \l'onts set opposite to them: -North of NortherlY N. \V.-Norlhwesterly $-Dol1arB -South of Southerly S. W.-Soulhwesterly Cts.-Centl:1 -mast of Easterly N. E.-NortheasterlY Cor.-Corne:r- -West of Westerly S. E.-Southeasterly St.-Street -Feet Imp.-Impl'ovements Ave.-Avenue .-Number Sub.-Sul>dlvisiQn 'I'h.-Thence fl. ?\-L-8an Bernardino Base an(l Meridian. Bec.-SecUon FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD 01 Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO I'!.nfl:~ DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN '"' . ......__.___ 0 s ! .g.~ ~ ~ =:... '...a o,.!.d~'" ~ I:C .S: 0 ~"<'3 ~ = II ~ < ~.... ~":::: OIl=' ;:0 U rJi ~~- z 2 TAXPAYER'S NMIE AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS Value of Heal Estate Value of Improvements Thereon $ $ s Stewaxt, Amy G ,( II " II i l- i I I 17 i 1/;; II ..-r......... ........... i ! .15, 16 .B ..... 'r.ra.c:tNo..74l... II 450 II II II II 270 II " II 255_ ~.._'_..,_.,---_._..~,.._._---_.__._,--.__.._,._--"._. ._,..._-_.."......._--,._-'...-~---,_._..._"- Stewart, Amy G II " II I I ---- --r 3 I ~..-;-..Q......._._.-..-_..-_.82.5-.llf5L5__.._ -..R...2....-.....--.--.---...__.___.____._.___._____T.r.ac.t...lIQ--7-4.l.-.--_.._.______.. II 715 .SteWELI't., .Ha,r.r.y.E. -?-. R 2 Traot No 741 II II II 5 u .J.~:, I s v' I I o 720 - .... II 420 .. -.--.---.-.._.___.__..___._____.___11..__. _'U__.___.ll_.___.__.__ II L2Q..... n II II II 4aJ. II II II 9 I / [-..10, I I I i I I 11 71" ') _La;;. 161') ..!,!- 11."'..__.______~.I~__ II Stewart, HarI'Y F " ....-------:.. /.-.-.-.--!I:.);~.t-N.o...:~L.l,l r...nL.c .~".R---,g,--_..----.-.~--.,.-...-..,--.^-..,-. II II II ,/ ..........7.5.Q~...... 4"'Q 7: 12. II II II II 5 y D 465 .A5Q._ 450 450 c II .11 11 "_....._,.~._'-_._"-,..._-_.__.~--_..~-,._-'_.'-:'-----~.-~_.~------"'_._._--_._._._~_.- -7-.i/~... -11.-.........-.-. n II I' .-.+. I i I i 9~' II ll,v II n II II ..-.-_~_,..__.. .____.._.__m"_.....~_.._._,_,_._,_,_,.__~...._"._.__,,"'..__.., ......' ..,._ '..'.._.,.,. " Stewaxt, Harry F- et al / R 2 Traot No. 741 II " " II n II II II II II II lOiV D! [II this Assess/luml Roll the foU_ illg Abbrevitct.hms ",'e llSf!d fur tlte lI'ords !let opposite to them: .-NOI.th of Northerly N. 'V.-North'weste.rly .$-Dallal"a -South of Southerly S. ,"Y.-Southwesterly Cts.-Conts -East of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Car.-Col'ner ".----West ot 'VesterJy S, E,-Southef\sterly St.-Stroet :.-Feet Imp.-Impl'oveme-nta A'\'e,-Avenue D.-Numller Sub.-Subdl\"islon ~l'h.-Thence B. l\L-Ran Bot'nnl.tlillo Base find Mf.lrldinn. Sec.-Section .'\:t.J.lI~TI FORM OF ASSESSwIENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD 0 Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO tJH~TI)';:U" ~'l,:(i.II-'.I,l, ,.,I"UIAlI:'!=,-J;,,!, DESCRIPTION OF PHOPERTY ;' i SAN BERNAROINO , MERIDIAN , iI~~f~1 j~ ,,] ~~lXl_ 2 TAXPAYER'S NAME ,I NIl POST OFFICE A DIlHESS '"' o 0:12 ~o: OQu :E< ;:0' '" Value of Renl Estate Value of Improvements Thereon $ '8 $ Stewart. Earxy F I R2 Tra,ct..No .{'Lll .l},' D .. .. -'---..._,..."._~'"'...,.- " " 11 . t 1 I I ! 15 II " 17 " .4~0.. 450 225 11 " " ~..__...+ Stollex, Elsie K (" Personal Propext~ 1326 IV.Palmyra Trbet No ~543 E 50ft I 1 , -.~. 260 735 ---..--.---.-._...-'L_...''L .....lL..-.-----.-..-:w:-2'1-.i+:L:t-...E-.S;Of.:tt....a--i.-=.. __.._.._.~......___..............._._ I' i, . " I / I ......S.tinSQIlS.R~,.a.1).b:::"'~L5.lJ:n"..E;:utL,25f:t'" ,,~...A.... ...... ".." .....__.. ..665.- i Styxing, Mable ..1}46..01'ange.Ave.".. Sa"ta Ana,Oal ,'; , I I I ......".-. '-""'--'-"'"'''''''''''''' ""...........-."._.-..""."....".-_."..J2.exaonaL.E:COp.eJ;t:~..._.._ / . I Tract No 203":-E54ft-W 225.3ft- i 2 ! "" " "N 14. 9ft I 3 375 1035. _,,3u't.:t.on.,..iJar.L._. R 2 Box 27 0 Swuxtzbaugh, John J "T---'" I , !~ " il "'1: ... '...___._.__."... ..........".".",,,__,,.,,......... r--- ,1 it."" ....... ..................."..... .... ..... II -""..:.""::~'''';~.,s'''~~~~'t^?'";.='''-''''=,'''=:"..'"*"i'''':'''i:Z.WJW=7_"''''m.=;ll;m,.,..~"=,,:==::!!:!:""'~~;;."t:~"'~.;O;)l;"::;'"'=";',m"=~.""':::.""""""--::""''''':~~~.'''="l:='---. I, ii 1: i i ! I 18 i . .. "''''''---'''-r'''''''''-'''''' Personal Propert~ 9.76 ac in I 31 i , ..._...-..."......__4B2..f.:tJ:l:i':La..JLe.:ta...A.v:.~~.Jlli.E._hy..Ea:t"'Yit.... ..j.-"."._.... I I I / t . L i ...."..tt--.. ... ...T r.ac't..No.6j'.L..........."._.. -..-...... ... "-f-.-3--....."" , I I I 4 I I. , l TrclCt No 609 525 R 2 Box 137 . ; ."....,~"-.._~-,---------..^.,--,- The Sistexs of St Joseph 380 S. Batavia 4 9 9.76 101555 256325 Thompson, Margaret B ..1+2.6-S...Glas.alllJ.___.__. 11 " " . ..-4s;q.".. 456 :1 I: d " I] "'.:.t<.~"':;;~",,_'~"''' ~~.__~. ~'__"'_'_~'_'___'_.~H__'_'M+__.~_"~"'_'__~~_'_'._~_""'*.~_.__ , ':1' !i Ie '[ " I' \ II i: rU~lm~rl~' .:"";:X:~ IJ T" this Asse.~S"llml Roll III(! foiL jug AbbredatiollS flre USNl for the lI'ord! set opposite to them: N.-North of Northerly N. W.-Northwestcl'ly $-Dollllrs S,-South of Southerly S. W.-Southwosterly Cte.-Cents B,-East Gt Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor,-Corner \Y.-West of Wosterly S. lit-Solltheasterly St.-Street Ft.-Fect IlllP.-Imllrovements Ave.-Avenlle No.-Numbcr Sull.-Subdlvlslon 1'h.-Thence R. H. i\f.-Ran Bllrunrdlno Base nnd Meridian. Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOAHD 0 Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO 311 TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 2 SAN BEHNARDINO MERIDIAN '"' ---~'-'------ 0 Value of , <><, 0:12 Vallie of IllIprOV(~lllcnte 0 ~o: ;ao lb~ Heal E!ltnte .~ . ... ~~ Thereon '3:l rU ~~ 0 ;:0 . ooOQ '" 00 ,..'" j. $ $ $ Thoxp, J.Howaxd 12.6..3.Lacinc... .._"'L.. __.TX1Wt.No.J!Hl__.____......... ................ ],9. ......3.90. Redondo Peaoh,Calif . I~, .q ... ---.--...-.l.indall..,....M.L 408 Marietta. Pl TrBct No 639 II II 3 lJ. 1050 1050 ,,",. '1 Todd, ehas A 1304 W.La Veta :(' Fexsonal Property Traot No 203 E 54ft ,;....-:J 375 1035 . ... - ".~.,.._-_._..._"',_,.._.._._~_'__.m__ '..--..,.--".,...-._-,..-.~...-----~..........,--...-__'~_......'!.N,.llJ:~.sn=.__ Tyrxell, Archie H -'; -;T~_~G4-'G-lLa-fige-_._.-_.--,..~,,_._. T rs!"Q:L!i9j2J.9__~_____.____.__......"__.__.___._,__.:L..___..=.._ 1440 '...-..-...'....--..0, Van Dximlen, R -------JQ.3J--1LMain-.S:t..__..__.........._{._..:.._hac..t_llJL.2.Q..3..___.. ... ....[2.11~.Lt._. \ Santa Ana,Oal 105 ::Ie. , , "" .-. '--~----~.lL&...ln.tm:L.___._,..~___...______________4______..J'~onS!..:t..12I_O.lL~tlY. 0/. . " --...;.----.'-....---..--.-.. 338 N.Glasse11 Tract No 609 ' 11 "'"--~~'''"''-'''"," '4 .~. 750 2460 Jillll p~ r lLLalliL.Ey.nd....lnQ/~~__. Traot No 656 -- --------- -.---t-----'t-..--......,---...--..-..-~"~..-.-,.,~"___~_..____t'...". i 3 A 339 , ~-_.-._,,-....----- q "! 325 N. Batavia Meehaus Resub W '65.95ft-(ex N l63.70ft ",. (ex S 33ft) 4.22 ....-............ ~( 3 Tn lhis Assc.ssmmlt flaIl the foIl.. illS Abbreviati01IS (In' uspd jar rhe words set opposite to them: N.-North of Northerly N. '''.-Northwesterly $-Dollars S,-South of Southerly S. W.-Soutlnv6Bterly Cts,-Cents E,-Eaat of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly COl".-Corner W.-'\Vest of Westerly S. E.-Southoasterly St.-Stroet l;'t.-I"eot Imp.-Iml)rOVements Ave.-Avenue No.-Numllel' Suh.-Subdlvh;lon 'fh,-'rhenco s. n. l\[,-~:ln Bernardino Base uOll Meridian, Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY THE STATE BOARD I Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange ASSESSED TO AU OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN T ,<) 1 "" SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN 2 TAXPAYEH'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPEHTY , o "~ '3:l ~ 00 "" :.a 0 ~ oo.;l~ 11:; ~",S ~ o~OQ . ,.. '"' o o:~ ~o: OQu :E< ;:0 '" Value of Renl Estate Value of Improvement8 Thereon 5$ Watts, Pearl USJI.:Cul'leL. . .................1o.ts..-5Q.x.95U.in. ... .....Jl....lJ....6..m 30Q. nQ. Oompton, Oalif 90ft-E-Tr # 203 pd N by La Veta Ave , l~; '::.,. <", ..J ~_._...____.....jYh1..tll.e.Y-,.Jlor.llla.JL.J......... .( 127 N. Pine Foxxester & Smith Sub 26 525 16150 II -l.._____.__.__.._. ._._____.__..._~~______;--_____,___ II 27 525 II A] 1,... (.inc_.alley-...adj.)-+_..2~--""~___._...____--525_.___..._15_._ II ., .,., '~.: ',;Ii Whi tney, Norman J...et 27N..E.i.ne-..--. al/ . .....- _ ..... ..........--'I'xac.t-.No..6.74-..- .......--....._.:.._.L.+-___"'_.,. ....... 625 750.. Oil .~.. .... Williams, Kittie r-----.%-J-,.b.Me.tlp.in.--.--.-.-.-.-.-- 1.42 S Pixley ,/ ___..Maeha.n.a.Re.J311b___...__._._..._____. N 45ft- S 252ft~ E l61,5ft-(ex St) "._~..._,_,_,,_....._.~_...~.".,"~_. n__".__"_~~_~~~~ "'",~,~_~_._"m'_"_.".~"_" "._nn'..".~_."_,_,w__""',", ,; '..:: ...;; 54Q __._.._.___Wils'Oll,..._O...LJI.... 135 N.Main ( -...--.-.-_...___._.._........._.............Eex.sonaL.E:r.op.e.I'..t.y, Traot No 515 15 600 1710 . , ~, . "" .'. ',~, ____.____Windo.1ph.,__.E...L...._.._.__._.___.____...___.... , 143 Pepper ..:,./ Tra.ot ....-~--_._....._..___.ml'.ex.a<lUaL.PIQpetly__--+... ,I'-"" 6rk' 5 450 154.0 "". .__1.,- ______...Jling.,_.Jllable._.G..-_._.____~---_----___.____;...:..~.:..__.1'..erao.naLl'r.op.e.xty.._.._;...._._-+_...__._........_.._. 250 N.Batavia ,; 4.06ao in SW j 30' lj.' 4, 9 4.06 4200 785 / /"~ .;"t" '" - ."._,.._.._-,,---~'"- 759 ft N...Ohapman Ave, bd E by Batavi~ , t ""-----~~-----------_-_-_--__-._-n_.__.-__-.-_~--__..---..._._._'_............._...._. ;, "---i-~-.~---i-.-_.,,~_..._-'-.,~--- ..-".--,-_.__.;.<--".__."'_.~-~-_.._.;....~,_.-.._,--~...."'----,...~- Wing, Homer. W 250 N. Eat.avia....... Personal Pxmperty .3. 94acin'SW\~. 30. 4' 9 3.94 In rllis Asse,'fSInCnl Roll ,he Jail., irrg AbbrtWiations are "sed for the words set opposite to tllem: N.-North of NortherlY N. W.-Nol'thwcstcrly $-Dollars S,-South of Southe.rly S.1-V.-Southwesterly Cts,-Cents J!1.-East of Easterly N. E.-Northeasterly Cor,-Corner 'j ') W.-'West of Wosterly S. E.-Southeasterly St,-Street .. ~)Ft.-Fcet Imp.-Imptovemcnts Ave.-Avenue - 'No.-Number Sub,-Subdlvlalon Th.-Thence S. n. 1\r.-San BOl'nnrcllno Base and Morldinn, Sec.-Section FORM OF ASSESSMENT BOOK REQUIRED BY 'fHE STATE BOARD OF Assessment Book of the Property of City of Orange j ASSESSED TO ALL OWNERS WHEN KNOWN, AND WHEN UNKNOWN TO SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN TAXPAYER'S NAME AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS DESCRIP1'ION OF PllOPERTY s 1.!3-''''' ,..go~ w.;J 8 ~"- ooOQ ,.,00 Ih~ & ~ 0:" '"' o ~~ OQu :E< ;:0 '" Value of Renl Elltate Value of Improv(~ment8 Thereon v, "~ '3:l o " 00 $ '$ $ "! Wieck, Otto Pexsonal Pxoperty ..U..... R2 ......6.32aoin..BWi_.____.u__....u..u....... .... . .,.3L)t. ..96..32. ........ . ..85-5Q. ..1155........ 549.lft s-La Veta Av.e, Bd W by Main St .", ~.: . , ._._.._m--l'l'e.at.'m'.WnL.A.._............,u...u....uu._....u_.um........U_-'''__'_'U''''U''U'_'__u___muu'',,,,,_u___,, .,_.__._.._"-_.,-_._--~..._.,'_.,,_._-->._.,....-._.._--._.,......,,-.-. __"".'._..".n._..'.. ._ _._..____....__..__..'._m.'.. ...' ._"~.__._,~,_ R l--Garden GI'd;;~;, Gal' . 70ao" in NW ~. 31 4 9 .F;;; 4500 2405 Bd N by Chapman Ave, W b~ Main St ".< i~.J Worra.ll, James H 478 a.Grand ./ Tract No 639 7 1125 455 Wyman,S.C Personal Property: 913 W. Chapman ( Tract 'No 639 2 675.. (~i 1050 '.... -~ . Zamudio, Andrew, Personal Property 168 l,esterDr ~/ Txact No' 688 12 450 1290