08-13-1996 Council MinutesAPPKOV~U B1 ~H~ Cll1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING COJ~CIL U~ ~~21~~3EK _~UI _Y~b. ORANGE, CALIFORNIA August 13, 1996 The City Council of the City of Orange, California convened on August 13, 1996 at 4:30 P.M. in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 300 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. 4:30 P.M. SESSION 1. OPENING 1.1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Councilman Slater 1.2 ROLL CALL PRESENT - Murphy, Barrera, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Slater ABSENT - None 1.3 PRESENTATIONS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS/ INTRODUCTIONS Resolution No. 8674 was presented to David Singleton ofthe Orange Fire Department commending him for more than twenty-eight years of loyal and dedicated services.A Certificate of Recognition was presented to Norm Phillips honoring his efforts to improve railroad street crossings throughout the City.The City Manager announced the appointment of Bob Clevenger as the new Fire Chief for the City of Orange and introduced Fire Chief Emeritus Floyd Higgins.1. 4 PROCLAMATIONS - None 2.CONSENT CALENDAR Tape 304 2.1 Declaration of City Clerk, Cassandra J. Cathcart, declaring posting of City Council agenda of a regular meeting of August 13, 1996 at Orange Civic Center, Main Library,Police facility at 1107 North Batavia, the Eisenhower Park Bulletin Board and summarized on Time Warner Communications; all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said regular meeting.ACTION: Accepted Declaration of Agenda Posting and authorized its retention as a public record in the Office ofthe City Clerk.2.2 Request Council confirmation of warrant registers dated July 18, 23 and 26,1996 ACTION: Approved. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 2.3 Approve City Council Minutes Regular meeting of July 23, 1996 and Special Meeting of August I, 1996. ACTION: Approved. AGREEMENTS 2.4 Request Council approve agreement with Lawrence and Sharlene Goodman, owners of property located at 20682 Santiago Canyon Road, to connect to City sewer. (A2l00.0 AGR- 2654)FISCAL IMP ACT: None. All fees have been paid.ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City.2.5 Request Council approve agreement between the City of Orange and the County of Orange for Fiscal Year 1996-97 for animal control and shelter services. (A2l00. 0 AGR- 0135.M)FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are budgeted in Account No. 100-4031-427100-2350 (General Fund - Police Department) for $223,451.Councilman Slater indicated the County costs for animal control services had increased this year by $45,000; commended staff for pursuing alternatives for animal control services providers for Fiscal Year 1997-98; and inquired whether any private contractors provide animal control services.Mayor Coontz indicated a speaker card submitted by Barbara DeNiro, Orange, asked what justifies the $45,316 and 20% increase for animal control services?The Senior Assistant to the City Manager responded the County charges the City on the basis of their actual costs, as a large part of the gross costs are off-set by the revenues from license fees. Costs vary from year to year depending upon the canvassing cycle of the County, which is done approximately every three years. Optional animal control services are provided by private contractors in other cities. The City's existing contract for animal control services expired this summer. The options for service providers can be explored this fall; notice would need to be provided to the County by December 31st if the City plans to change service providers; and a report will be provided in December outlining various alternatives for service providers. Detailed statistics on the breakdown of the City's cost on an actual costs basis for the field services could be provided which would be off-set by revenues the system generates.ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 2.6 Request Council approve agreement to transfer ownership and retire Police Service Dog Dery" to his handler, Orange Police Officer Keith Marshall. (A2l00.0 AGR- 2655)FISCAL IMPACT: None.ACTION: Approved.APPROPRIATIONS CARRY-OVER 2.7 Request Council approve additional carry-over of appropriations for approved projects budgeted in Fiscal Year 1995/96. (C2500. S.I.1)FISCAL IMP ACT: Funds have been appropriated and reserved in the Fiscal Year 1995/96 Budget for these projects and are available and recommended for carryover.Mayor Coontz indicated a speaker card submitted by Barbara DeNiro, Orange, asked for an explanation of the additional $10,000 for Old Towne parking?The Director of Public Works responded the project continued beyond the end of the fiscal year. The funding had been previously budgeted and was reappropriated because the work carried on beyond June 30th. The project was significantly upgraded to include planters, curbs, concrete gutters, realignment of parking spaces, and trash enclosures after the contract was awarded.The Finance Director indicated a Schedule of Continuing Appropriations is listed under Capital Projects in the original budget document. The appropriations listed in this agenda item were not included in the original budget document, but were identified after the document was completed and approved by the City Council.ACTION: Approved.APPROPRIATE FUNDS 2.8 Request Council to appropriate funds to provide payment for the two years additional service credit covering theperiod from 6/26/95 through 10/23/95. (E1200. 0.3.4)FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of$253,7l5.00 should be appropriated to the following Public Employee Retirement System Service Credit- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 100- 0201- 417102 100- 0401-417102 100- 5012-417102 100-3011- 417102 100- 6001-41 7102 100- 4041-417102 44, 178 36, 474 20, 889 13, 120 20, 514 15, 717 100- 7022-417102 100-5011-417102 100-7001-417102 100-5031-417102 600-8041-417102 12,986 23,015 14,116 32,307 20,399 Mayor Coontz indicated a speaker card was submitted by Barbara DeNiro, Orange,asking for an explanation of two years additional service credit = $ 253,714.The Personnel Director responded the $253,714 funds the early retirement program that Council approved last year.ACTION: Approved.BIDS 2.9 Request Council authorization to invite bids for the annual street maintenance contract for fiscal year 1996-97. The estimated cost ofthe project is $745,000. (S4000. 0)FISCAL IMP ACT: Funds are budgeted in the following accounts:262-5021- 483300- 3112 (Measure M- Arterial Sts.)$150, 000 262-5021- 483300-3120 Measure M-Local Sts.) $650, 000 ACTION: Approved.CLAIMS 2.10 Application to present Late Claim a. Erin Ettinger Claims b. Roseland Gudvangen c. Margaret CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) CONTRACTS 2.11 Request Council approve a contract change order in the amount of $24,681 for additional services to perform the preliminary engineering work for the remaining portion of The City Drive widening project southerly to the SR-22 (Garden Grove) Freeway. (A2100. 0 AGR- 2592.l)FISCAL IMP ACT: Funds in the amount of $24,681 are available in the Capital Improvement Program Account No.: 284-5011-483300-3235 ( TSIP B - West Orange).Mayor Coontz indicated a speaker card was submitted by Barbara DeNiro, Orange,asking for an explanation of the $24,681 additional services to be performed.The Director of Public Works eXplained the cost is for additional design work that was incorporated into an expanded project which would take the project from approximately 400 feet south of Chapman Avenue down to the 22 Freeway.ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City.2.12 Request Council approve contract change order in the amount of $23,210. 54 for F. T.Pipeline Construction Co. for additional construction work required for Bid No. 956-15,replacement of water lines, Palmyra and Oak Streets. (A2l00.0 AGR-2564)FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in the project Account No. 310-6058-474501-1812 (CDBG Waterline Replacement).ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City.2.13 Request Council awarda contract in the amount of $25,807.44 to Hillcrest Contracting Inc., Corona, CA. Bid No. 966-03, SP 3185, Interlocking paver crosswalks on Glassell Street between Almond Avenue and Maple Avenue. (A2100.0 AGR-2656)FISCAL IMP ACT: Funds in the amount of $25,807.44 are budgeted in the following account: 262-5021-483300-3120 (Measure M Local Streets). ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City.2.14 Request Council approve the award of a contract to Wittman Enterprises for Paramedic and Emergency Medical billing services, estimated expenditure in the amount of $75,000 annually. (A2l00. 0 AGR-2599.A) FISCAL IMPACT: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Mayor Coontz indicated a speaker card was submitted by Barbara DeNiro, Orange, asking for an explanation of the $75,000 necessity and how it came about. The Fire Chief explained the $75,000 is approximately 6.5% ofthe revenues collected which is the fee that would be paid to Wittman Enterprises for the service. The previous contractor declared bankruptcy and the City is in the process of recovering the funds. The accounts receivables are being transferred from the old company to the new company. The City has been with Wittman Enterprises approximately three months and they are doing very well, however, due to the lag time for collecting from Medicare, Medi-Cal and insurance companies, a definite figure would not be available for a few months.Barbara DeNiro, Orange, asked if the6.5% is an estimate?Mayor Coontz responded that 6.5% is a standard and depends on what the income and projection is.ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City.EQUIPMENT PURCHASE 2.15 Request Council authorize the purchase of three new defibrillators, one refurbished defibrillator and nine new battery charger testers from the sole manufacturer/vendor, Zoll Medical Corporation. The Fire Department will convert two remaining engineering companies to Paramedic Assessment Engine Company. (C2500. H)FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are appropriated in the 1996/97 Budget from Account No.100-3022-471301, Furniture, Machinery, Equipment Additions ($ 38,436. 00)ACTION: Approved.FUND TRANSFERS 2.16 Request Council approve fund transfer in the amount of $25,000 from Acct. No. 285-5032-483100-6095 to Acct. No. 285- 5032-483100-6125 for the purpose of installing protected left turns at the intersection of ChapmanAve. and Rancho Santiago Blvd.S4000.S.3.3)FISCAL IMPACT: There are currently $20, 000 and $135,000 available in Acct. No. 285-5032-483100-6125 and 285-5032-483100-6095. The requested fund transfer does CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) RESOLUTIONS 2.17 RESOLUTION NO. 8677 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Orange and the Orange City Fire Fighters, Inc., Local 2384 of the International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL-CIO concerning wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment effective March 1, 1996 through February 28,1998 and repealing Resolution No. 7624 and amendments thereto for said employees.C2500J.4. 3)Mayor Coontz indicated a speaker card was submitted by Barbara DeNiro, Orange,asking if the information is anything that can be revealed to the public?Mayor Coontz responded it is an agenda item and available for public review.ACTION: Approved.2.18 RESOLUTION NO. 8678 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange finally accepting the completion of a certain public work and improvement; Bid No. 956-31; Street Maintenance 1995-96,Slurry Seal various locations. ( A2l00.0 AGR-2590)Roy Allan Slurry SealInc.ACTION: Approved.2. 19 RESOLUTION NO. 8679 A Resolution of the City Council ofthe City of Orange approving Lot Line Adjustment LL 96-8 adjusting lot lines of certain real property situated at Parcels 2, 3 and 4 of Parcel Map No. 80-770 in the City of Orange, County of Orange, State of California.C2550.M.16.l LLN-96-8)Owner: Kurt and Lana HamiltonLocation: 6833 E. Oak Lane ACTION: Approved.2.20 RESOLUTION NO. 8681 A Resolution of the City Council ofthe City of Orange finally accepting the completion of a certain public CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Bid No. 956-15; F. T. Pipeline Construction Co.Location: Palmyra and Oak Street ACTION: Approved.2.21 RESOLUTION NO. 8682 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange finally accepting the completion of a certain public work and improvement; Bid No. 956-27; ADA Wheelchair Access Ramps at various locations. (A2l00. 0 AGR-2573) Shields Industries, Inc.ACTION: Approved.2.22 RESOLUTION NO. 8683 A Resolution ofthe City Council ofthe City of Orange approving Lot Line Adjustment LL 96-9 adjusting lot lines of certain real property situated at 111 and 125 South Main Street in the City of Orange, County of Orange, State ofCalifornia. ( C2500. M.16.1 LLN- 96-9) Owner: Orange Redevelopment Agency ACTION: Approved.2.23 RESOLUTION NO. 8684 A Resolution of the City Council ofthe City of Orange finally accepting the completion ofa certain public work and improvement. (A2100.0 AGR-2545)Bid No. 956- 23, Robison- Prezioso, Inc., Reservoir No.2 ACTION: Approved.TRAFFIC ISSUES 2.24 Request Council approve the placement of a school crossing guard at the intersection of Spring St. and Seranado St. Additional appropriation in the amount of $5,234.52 from General Fund Unappropriated Reserves is required. Authorize the Personnel Department to amend thePosition Control List to reflect this change. (S4000.S.3.5)FISCAL IMPACT: Annual salary of$ 5,234.52 to be appropriated from General Fund Unappropriated Reserves, to Police CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Barrera AYES - Murphy, Barrera, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Slater All items on the Consent Calendar were approved as recommended.END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 3. REPORTS FROM MAYOR COONTZ - None 4. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS - None 5. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS Tape 771 5.1 Appoint Councilman Dan Slater as the City's representative to the Orange County Council of Governments. (OR1800.0. S.2)Mayor Coontz indicated Councilman Slater had been appointed several months ago to the Regional Planning Advisory Council (RAPC) which the Council of Governments (COG) will replace. None of the cities involved in the area which Councilman Slater represents are members of SCAG, which include Villa Park, Tustin and Orange. If the cities of Villa Park or Tustin become a member of SCAG, their representative would take over.MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Barrera, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Slater Moved to approve the appointment of Councilman Slater as the City's representative to the Orange County Council of Governments.5.2 Appoint Robert Reilly to the Design Review Board to fill the unexpired term of Erika Wolfe, "At Large Category," term expires September 30, 1999. (OR1800.0.8.l)Mayor Coontz indicated a speaker card was submitted by Barbara DeNiro, Orange, asking what Mr. Reilly's interests are in preserving the City of Orange.Mayor Coontz responded the new requirements for the Design Review Board are to review large developments and Old Towne Design Guidelines. Mr. Reilly indicated he would follow that direction.MOTION SECOND AYES Coontz Slater Murphy, Barrera, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Slater PAGE 9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 5. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS (Continued) Moved to approve the appointment of Robert Reilly to the Design Review Board for a term to expire September 30, 1999 and directed the City Clerk to send a letter of confirmation. 6.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Tape 855 6.1 Addendum to Treasurer's Report for period ending June 30, 1996. (C2500.F) The Finance Director indicated the state now requires the City to submit quarterly reports providing supplemental information on funds held with contracted parties, which are fiscal agents that handle bond funds and deferred compensation providers that handle the employee directed retirement funds. These funds are not included in the Treasurer's portfolio because they are invested by the bank or trust company. All available information on funds held with contracted parties will be included with the monthly Treasurer's Reports. MOTION - Murphy SECOND - Barrera A YES - Murphy, Barrera, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Slater Moved to approve. 7.REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER Tape 921 The City Manager requested his report on Wal-Mart traffic issues be moved to the beginning of the 7: 00 p.m. session.8.LEGAL AFFAIRS Tape 933 8.1 ORDINANCE NO. 16-96 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orange amending Title 17 to the Orange Municipal Code relating to wireless communication antennas. (A2500.0)Amendment 1-96 City of Orange MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Murphy A YES - Murphy, Barrera, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Slater Moved that Ordinance No. 16-96 have first reading waived and same was set for second reading by the preceding vote.PAGE 10 I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 8. LEGAL AFFAIRS (Continued) 8.2 ORDINANCE NO. 20- 96 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orange amending Section 17.06.020 of the Orange Municipal Code and approving the reclassification of property situated on the east side of Alpine Road between Culver and La Veta Avenues. (Z1500.0 ZCG-118l-96) Zone Change 1181- 96 City of Orange Orange Redevelopment Agency MOTION - Murphy SECOND - Spurgeon A YES - Murphy, Barrera, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Slater Moved that Ordinance No. 20-96 have second reading waived and be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.9. RECESS TO THE MEETING OF THE ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 10. ORAL PRESENTATIONS Wayne Lewis, 2442 N. Park Blvd., Santa Ana, former owner of Alley Cuts hair salon on Main Street and La Veta Avenue, indicated his business was displaced over two months ago and he had not yet been compensated for his furniture and fixtures.Mayor Coontz responded the issue was being handled by the City Attorney and referred Mr.Lewis to communicate with him.Carole Walters, 534 N. Shaffer, asked if the Brown Act was violated because three members of the Council remained at the August 6'" study session after the meeting was closed, since the issue would later be heard before the City Council?The Interim City Attorney indicated he would review the matter and requested to be provided the facts for review.Barbara DeNiro, (address omitted at request of speaker), distributed material to Council she had received in the mail. She requested the status on the lingerie shop on Tustin Street; asked if the sign ordinance had been adopted yet; and reported on graffiti in the area of Tustin Street behind the liquor store, ice distribution facility, the wall in the Lucky store area, and the wall at the corner of Fletcher Avenue and Glassell Street. She expressed concern for the unsightly property at the northeast corner at Chapman State College; the unkempt property on Taft Avenue; and vacated shopping carts. Ms. DeNiro commented on various issues regarding the Wal-Mart site presentation; indicated the newspapers did not receive a Wal-Mart packet of information that was hand delivered on August 8"'; and commented on newspaper articles regarding concerned citizens that spoke out in opposition CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 11. RECESS MOTION SECOND AYES Murphy Barrera Murphy, Barrera, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Slater The City Council recessed at 5:20 p.m. to Closed Session for the following purposes:a. Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 - existing litigation.Daum vs. City of Orange, et aI., Orange County Superior Court Case No. 73-86-30 b. Conference with Labor Negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: City Negotiator: Personnel Director.Employee Organization: All Employee Organizations (List Available in Personnel Office).c. To consider and take possible action upon such other matters as are orally announced by the City Attorney, City Manager, or City Council prior to such recess unless the motion to recess indicates any ofthe matters will not be considered in Closed Session.7: 00 P.M. SESSION 12. 1 INVOCATION Pastor Paul Meyer, Salem Lutheran Church 12. 2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Councilman Slater 12. 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS The City Manager introduced Bob Clevenger as the new Fire Chief for the City of Orange. 12. 4INTRODUCTIONS - None 12.5 PROCLAMATIONS - None 12.6 PRESENTATIONS - None PAGE 12 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER (Continued from the 4:30 p.m. Session) The City Manager indicated staff will provide an update to the City Council on issues of concern i.e. traffic, security, bussing, truck routes, and other issues surrounding the Mall of Orange. The Director of Public Works reported on the anticipated traffic increase on Canal Street, Glendora, Meats and Heim Avenues, assuming a Wal- Mart goes in; indicated approximately 10- 15% of the Wal-Mart traffic would use Canal Street; the remaining 85-90% would be coming via Tustin Street; and approximately half of the traffic accessing Canal Street would be on Heim Avenue and half on Meats Avenue. It is not anticipated there would be any measurable traffic using Cumberland Road, Glendora Avenue, or Vista Del Playa, which intersect with Canal Street. The streets have sufficient capacity to accommodate the additional traffic at acceptable levels of service.Staff will look at whether traffic signals should be provided at the intersections of Canal Street and Heim Avenue and Canal Street and Lincoln Avenue, indicating there has not been an opportunity to conduct traffic counts necessary for an assessment of the need for signals. A report will be brought before the Traffic Commission and the City Council at a later date.The posting of "no truck" signs on Canal Street is not necessary from an enforcement standpoint.The Vehicle Code requires truck route signing or weight limit restrictions be posted at the intersection of the unrestricted street, which is Tustin Avenue, and the restricted streets. In special circumstances additional signs could be posted, however, it would not alter the level of enforcement that could be obtained within the area. At Council's direction, it could be accomplished.It was further indicated it does not appear additional "pedestrian crossing" or " children crossing"signs would be needed in the Canal Street area, however, further studies would be conducted after school opens.OCTA indicated the ability to move staging and layover activities on Canal Street to Tustin Avenue. An assessment will be done in November of their bus operations and OCTA expects changes could be accomplished by February, 1997. The existing bus bays on Tustin Avenue could most likely accommodate the present operations and would require refinement of timing and scheduling. Additional bus bay capacity would be needed on Tustin Avenue for any future expansion and for current operations to assure there would be no spill-over.There are seven bus lines that have a terminal point at the Mall of Orange. All turnaround activity currently takes place on Canal Street, Heim and Meats Avenues. A letter was received from Mr. Newman, General Partner of Newman Properties, indicating his willingness to participate in the cost of a feasibility study to move turnaround activities on site.Two ofthe three bus stops on Canal Street could be eliminated. OCT A would like to retain the bus stop located just north of Meats Avenue which is adjacent to the former school CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS 13.1 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-96, CITY OF ORANGE:Time set for a public hearing on petition by the City of Orange to consider General Plan Amendment 2-96 to identify a new fire station site (Station 8). The site is located at Lorna Street and the entrance to the Southem California Edison Substation, 2800 feet north of Serrano Avenue. (C2300. E GPA-2-96)The Manager of Current Planning gave an overview of the proposed site location for a new fire station site.MAYOR COONTZ OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING.THERE BEING NO SPEAKERS, MAYOR COONTZ CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING.The City Manager indicated the project is scheduled for Fiscal Year 1997-98 to consider construction, however, before decisions are made, an analysis would be done of the City's budgetary situation.MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Murphy A YES - Murphy, Barrera, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Slater Moved to approve Negative Declaration 1502-96 finding there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment or wildlife resources. MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Barrera, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Slater Moved to approve General Plan Amendment 2-96 as outlined in Planning Commission Resolution No. PC-38-96.13.2 APPEAL 433, MAJOR SITE PLAN REVIEW 16- 96, WAL-MART STORES, INC.:A4000.0 APP-433)Mayor Coontz announced the City conducted a Study Session on the Major Project Review Process for the proposed Wal-Mart on August 6, 1996. Numerous letters have been received,both pro and con. Many citizens, as well as Wal-Mart and mall representatives have been met with regarding the proposal. The Council received the minutes of the Planning Commission hearing and are fully familiarized with the information provided, the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) The Interim City Attorney stated the following: "The issue before the Council tonight is whether the applicant meets the criteria for Major Site Plan approval, and if so, what conditions are to be imposed on the project. Pursuant to the City's zoning ordinance, the owner or applicant has the legal right to develop his property as a retail store. The City Council does not have the authority to dictate whether that store will be a Nordstrom's, a Macy's, or a Nieman Marcus. The City does have the authority to consider whether the project incorporates high quality land planning, design and development standards required by the City of Orange, whether the project is compatible with the surrounding development, whether traffic and circulation issues have been taken care of, whether City services are adequate to serve the site, and whether the environment will be protected. Therefore, what are relevant factors for the Council to consider are the factors of design, size, landscaping, traffic, parking, circulation, setbacks and security measures. What is not relevant to your consideration is the name of the store, specifically that the applicant is Wal-Mart, or the type of people that might shop at this store. If you approve of the project, you will be making the following findings:That the project will not cause a deterioration of neighboring land uses.That the project conforms with the City development standards.That there will be no significant environmental impacts.That off-site circulation is adequate.That City services are adequate.That the project is compatible with community aesthetics.Conditions may be imposed on the project that will enable you to make these findings. If you approve the project, you will also be affirming a Negative Declaration that has been prepared and is before you. "Mayor Coontz announced this is the time set for a public hearing on petition by Wal-Mart Stores,Inc. to appeal the decision by the Planning Commission on July 1,1996 denying Major Site Plan Review 16-96 to demolish the existing vacated Broadway Store and construct a new Wal-Mart Store, approximately 142,000 sq. ft. in size. This site is located at the north end of the Orange Mall, 2300 North Tustin Street. Negative Declaration 1504-96 has been prepared to evaluate the environmental impacts of this project.APPELLANT STATES THE FOLLOWING REASONS FOR THE APPEAL:Applicant's site plan for a proposed Wal-Mart was denied by the Planning Commission on July 1,1996 and is the subject of this appeal. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project was approved and as such is CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) The proposed Wal-Mart is consistent with all zoning requirements, is a permitted use and complies with all pertinent development standards. The Planning Commission's denial was arbitrary as they appeared to consider improper criteria including, proximity of other discount retailers and demographics ofWal-Mart's clientele, and site or design requirements in excess of local ordinances and development standards historically applied by the Planning Commission."The Planning Division Manager confirmed Council's receipt of contents in their informational packets. This is a request by a major retailer to replace the existing 167,000 square foot three-story building, formerly occupied by the Broadway store, with a 142,000 square foot one- story building.Key characteristics of the new building are: the primary entrance would be from the Tustin Street side with access to and from the Mall; a garden center would be located at the northeast corner of the building; service uses including the truck loading docks would be located on the west side of the building; and two trucks a day would be making deliveries to the site. The retailer has agreed that all trucks would enter and exit the site from Tustin Street. The Design Review Board recommended approval of the project, but attached 18 conditions to ensure a more attractive product. Some of the prominent conditions imposed included major revisions to the store's entry to make it more compatible to the architecture of the Mall; addition of a significant number of new trees to the parking areas; and the screening of the mechanical equipment and service areas and addition of more texture and architectural features to the building walls.There are now twenty proposed conditions of approval. A total of ten conditions were initially proposed at the first Planning Commission hearing; staff recommended two additional conditions prior to the second Planning Commission hearing, making a total of twelve conditions which the Planning Commission took action on. The eighteen conditions of the Design Review Board are listed under Condition No.8.The Planning Commission denied the project based on the following four issues:The location and configuration of the loading docks could cause conflict between trucks and theater patrons.The potential for circulation and safety problems stemming from the location of the handicapped parking stalls.Safety and circulation concerns associated with the on site drive aisle and intersection configurations in front of the entrance to the new store, at the access points from Tustin Street and at the northeast corner of the new store near the garden shop.Potential increase in truck traffic on Canal Street.It was further indicated that issues raised at the August 6th study session included concerns with the number of buses and bus routes on Canal Street; the posting of Canal Street with "No Truck" signs; the potential for an increase of traffic on streets surrounding the mall; and the PAGE 16 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) way in which Design Review Board and Planning Commission concerns will be addressed. There were various requests for information relating to the economic impact of a major retailer, like Wal-Mart, on the community. Those questions were responded to in a separate handout accompanying the staff report. They were also distributed to the Council and made available to the public.The location of the handicapped parking spaces adjacent to the building were also analyzed. It was recommended the twelve handicapped parking spaces on the east side of the building be moved to the westerly limits of the general parking area between the proposed Wal- Mart and Tustin Street. This would eliminate potential conflicts between vehicles pulling out of the handicap parking stalls and through traffic using the main aisle east of the Wal-Mart building,indicating it was staff s intent to add this condition.Staff reviewed the information and the issues and concerns raised over the past two months as the project proceeded through the public review and hearing process. Particular attention was given to the Planning Commission's concerns and public comments. Eight additional conditions were proposed which staff believes would significantly improve the project and address most of the concerns raised by the Planning Commission and the public. The eight conditions (Condition Nos. 13-20) would be added to the 12 conditions recommended previously.Councilman Spurgeon asked if the proposed Wal-Mart project is approved and they decided to have a 24-hour operation, how much more, if any, patrols or presence would be needed.Lieutenant Gustafson reported on the Police Department's response if there is an increase in calls for service during the daytime and after hours of operation. A Police substation currently operates from the Mall of Orange.The Planning Division Manager referred to a fax that was received on August 13th from an Attorney for Orange residents, Andrew Kahn of the firm Davis, Cowell & Bowe. The major categories of concern in Mr. Kahn's letter were addressed. It was found that the circumstances, the project, and the cases cited in the memorandum from Mr. Kahn are not similar to the project and that no fair argument had been made. Staff took a conservative approach in their analysis and are confident the environmental documentation prepared for the project is more than adequate to comply with CEQA. Staff agreed with the Planning Commission's finding that the Negative Declaration meets the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). MAYOR COONTZ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) Robin Cochran, attorney representing Wal-Mart Stores, 600 N. Arrowhead Avenue, San Bernardino, commented it is their position the Negative Declaration related to the matter is not properly included in Council's decision, as the Negative Declaration was approved by the Planning Commission on July 1, 1996. On July 15, 1996, Wal-Mart appealed only the Planning Commission's denial of the Major Site Plan Review. Further, the scope of the Major Site Plan Review is limited by the City's ordinance and the scope is set forth in the zoning ordinance which dictates that retail stores are allowed. The letter the City received from attorney, Andrew Kahn, was referred to, and it was indicated that neither Mr. Kahn or his client properly appealed the Planning Commission's decision approving the Negative Declaration, therefore, the decision is final. Ms. Cochran submitted a letter with her comments to be introduced into the record.Mark Ostoich, attorney representing Wal-Mart Stores, 600 N. Arrowhead Avenue, Santa Bernardino, agreed with staff's presentation; it's historical perspective on the project; the recommendations in its staff report; and the overall position. Also agreed to was the City Attorney's parameters on the Council's decision making. It was requested a binder entitled,Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. - City of Orange - Prepared for the City Council" be entered into the official record.Harry Newman, Jr., General Partner of Orange Mall Development Associates, 2298 N.Orange Mall, indicated with any postponement the mall would not be able to open the Wal-Mart in time for Christmas, 1997. However, if it is expeditiously processed and approved,they plan to open in time for back to school in 1997. The City would loose approximately 800,000 a year in sales tax revenue if Wal-Mart is not approved. A petition in favor of the inclusion of Wal-Mart in the Mall of Orange was submitted for the official record.The City Council recessed at 8:55 p.m. and reconvened at 9:05 p.m.The following individuals spoke in opposition to the proposed Wal- Mart at the Mall of Orange:George Chiales, 2204 White Lantern Lane, Orange Lynette Perry, 2525 Bourbon Street, Orange (Not specifically opposed to the development)Carole Walters, 534 N. Shaffer Street, Orange Michael Alvarez, 360 So. Glassell, Orange Barbara DeNiro, Orange Barbara Jensen, 2160 Mori Lane, Orange Steven Rios, 2436 Robinhood Place, Orange (Identified Andrew Kahn as his attorney)Robert Douglas, 743 N. Siavohn Drive, Orange Adele Graves, Orange Ed Mowbray, 1010 E. Chestnut Avenue, Orange Tom Berrey, 2593 Franki CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) Judy Kidd, 3521 White Spring Lane, Orange Sharon Rockmore, Orange (Exhibits presented to City Clerk's office for official record) Beverly Marsh, shopper in City of Orange The following individuals chose not to speak but went on record in opposition of the project: Kathy Modore, 1119 E. Buckeyewood, Orange Mr. and Mrs. Maloney, 507 Vista Del Gaviota Avenue, Orange Concerns expressed were as follows: Affect on quality of life and impacts on the neighborhood Image of City of Orange On and off site traffic circulation and loading zone Noise levels caused by late night & early morning hour truck deliveries Holiday traffic Crime and security issues Geological boring on the property near the theater by Wal- Mart Size and mass of the building; positioning of the building on the property Destruction of former Broadway site Intrusion on theater parking No demolition plans 24- hour operation Pedestrian and vehicle safety and liability Shopping carts Track record ofWal-Mart Proper Environmental Impact Report was not prepared Type of store Recreation use for drop off and pick up of youths The following individual expressed a neutral position on the proposed project:Nick Lall, speaking on behalf of the Orange Taxpayer's Association. A copy of his letter was distributed to the City Manager, City Council and City Attorney.The following individuals spoke in support of the proposed Wal-Mart at the Mall of Orange.Norton Lee, 2623 E. Collins Avenue, Orange Jerry Thibodeau, 1828 W. Flower, Orange Mary Towns, 2225 N. Orange Mall Way Jerry Dicker, 3532 Westridge Drive, Orange Patty Dicker, 3532 Westridge CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) Debbie Sigler, 171 N. Shaffer Avenue, Orange Resident, 2404 Parkside, Orange Robert Mickelson, 121 W. Rose, Orange (Expressed support of any retailer, not specifically Wal- Mart)Paul Nelson, 1411 N. Batavia #120, Immediate Past President of Chamber of Commerce Fred Whitaker, 80 Plaza, on behalf of Scott Parker, 1825 Collins, Chamber President Jeff Fronk, 1551 E. Concord Avenue, Orange Ron Martin, 1895 N. Shattuck Street, Orange (Expressed concerns with project)The following individuals chose not to speak but went on record in support of the project:Henry Winslow, 3019 Sheri Street, Orange Jane Buffett, 3024 Sheri Sheri Street, Orange Jim Furry, S.A.S. Shoe Store, Mall of Orange Ajaz Siddiq, 321 S. Lilac Ct., Anaheim Hills Russel Monroe, 2505 E. Locust Avenue, Orange Harry Minnick, 455 N. Clark, #20, Orange The following comments were expressed:Sales tax revenue generated Kids Court in the Mall Generates jobs Vacant department store not good for Mall of Orange Crime worse with vacant Mall Merchants support Wal-Mart Retailer' s rights Good for the community Meets zoning code criteria The Senior Project Planner indicated a building demolition permit would be needed to demolish a building. There is no judgment used in determining whether or not to issue a building permit. A permit would also be required through the Air Quality Management District for demolition.The Director of Public Works explained the trucking of demolition material would require a hauling permit through the Traffic Department and the trucks would be limited to truck routes as required by law. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) The Planning Division Manager confirmed that traffic mitigation measures were not included in the Negative Declaration. It was felt there would be a less than significant impact. Existing City ordinances would provide adequate protection so that no mitigation is needed. Joe Meyer, representing Wal-Mart Stores, 3750 University Avenue #200, Riverside, indicated soil tests are being done on the proposed Wal-Mart site, which does not include the theater portion.The Planning Division Manager commented the applicant had not indicated they would be operating 24 hours, however, they want the flexibility. The review of the proposal looked at potential impacts with additional traffic in the evening hours, which is normally insignificant.Truck deliveries currently at the mall occur at all times and would not change with this proposal.The impact on the theaters by Wal-Mart was addressed at the Planning Commission hearing.The Planning Commission requested modifications to the site plan to reduce potential impact on the theaters, which includes additional landscaping to address the issues of pedestrians interfacing between the loading dock areas and the AMC Theaters. The Planning Commission had also requested that Wal-Mart evaluate a redesign of their store by rotating it 90 degrees and placing the loading docks on the north side of the store. Wal-Mart evaluated this request and felt that it was unacceptable to their operational needs.Councilman Slater asked if merchandise would be displayed outside of the Wal-Mart store?Joe Meyer, representing Wal-Mart, indicated there would not be outside sales at the store.Councilman Spurgeon asked the Wal-Mart representative what his response would be if the Council put a limitation on a 24-hour operation?Harry Newman, Jr. responded in terms of leases with all of the tenants, there are no restrictions on operating hours. Mr. Newman indicated if there is an uncertainty about providing additional security services in the unlikely event the Wal-Mart goes to a 24-hour operation, the mall would provide additional security services, either at their expense or at Wal-Mart's expense, one of the two, and ifWal-Mart is unwilling to, the mall will.Joe Meyer, representing Wal-Mart, indicated that based on Mr. Newman's response, if Wal-Mart did go to 24-hours, they would consider some type of review by the Chief of Police with respect to what Newman Properties and Wal-Mart could do.Councilman Murphy asked the Wal-Mart representative if there are any guidelines, in terms of times of day, that are placed on their delivery companies? In addition, he indicated there is a lack CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) Joe Meyer responded there are two sets of deliveries. The Wal-Mart trucks are owned by Wal-Mart and are Wal-Mart employees. The drivers would be instructed to adhere to the traffic circulation plan as far as access and loading. One or two trucks a day would come at various hours. The doors that face into the mall have not been designed but would be a minimum of 12 feet wide.In response to Mayor Coontz, Mr. Meyer responded that Newman Properties had indicated the width of the present opening from Broadway into the mall is 24 feet.THERE BEING NO FURTHER SPEAKERS, MAYOR COONTZ CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. MOTION - Slater SECOND - Spurgeon A YES - Murphy, Barrera, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Slater Moved to approve Negative Declaration 1504-96, finding that the project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment or wildlife resources.MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Barrera AYES - Murphy, Barrera, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Slater Moved to support the appeal to include 25 conditions which include those requested by the Design Review Board and the Planning Commission and those added by staff addressing Council's concerns. It was determined that the handicapped spaces should be left adjacent to the store ( as shown on the plans) and did not need to be relocated. The 25 conditions are as follows:1. Within two (2) days of the final approval of this project, the applicant shall deliver to the Planning Division a cashiers check payable to the County Clerk, in an amount required to fulfill the fee requirements ofFish and Game Code Section 711.4(d)(2) and the County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code 21152 14 Cal. Code Regulations 15075. If it is determined that there will be no impact upon wildlife resources, the fee shall be 38.00. If the applicant has not delivered the required fees within such two day period, the approval for the project granted herein shall be void.2. Project shall be constructed in substantial conformance with plans approved as part of this application, and with conditions as included herein.3. That an on-site dedicated water line be installed as designed by the Water Department.4. That a 15 foot easement be dedicated to include the water main, meters, detector checks and fire hydrants.PAGE 22 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) 5. That each building be metered separately unless otherwise approved by the Water Manager. 6. That each building be protected with separate fire services (detector check) unless otherwise approved by the Water Manager. 7. A drainage/grading plan shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval by the Public Works Director or his designee. 8. Project shall comply with the following conditions recommended by the Design Review Board: a) Upgrade paving sections to support truck loading areas and truck travel paths. b) Add a total of four (4) trees at division strip island in front of AMC two (2) at island ends and two (2) in center. c) Add one tree in east parking field, tree planting shall be coordinated with installation of light fixtures. d) Remove existing Eucalyptus in field area of new parking and replace with new trees elms). e) A void excessive contrast of different lighting levels with existing and control spill over at edges of site. f) Provide planter along north side of garden center parking lot. g) Provide vine pockets or vertical shrubs at CMU pilasters at north side of garden center fence. h) Require review of details and more development of concrete entry treatment (patterns, textures, etc.). i) Provide 5' -0 x 5' -0 openings at tree wells for palms. j) To screen palettes, provide expanded metal lath screening behind wrought iron at palette enclosure. k) Provide Boston Ivy in lieu of cats claw and train on rear of building, west side. I) At rear of building, provide minimum 2 ft. or higher masonry parapet to screen air conditioning units on roof as viewed from Canal Street. m) Add two (2) trees on north edge of property line at tree hedge to fill in voids. n) Provide additional "coin treatment" on all building corners. 0) Wall pack lights to shine straight down and away from residential units. p) Entry treatment - continued for revisions - Board concerns were:Better looking entrance with more of a statement.Entry style should be integrated and or complementary to architecture of the Mall, possible in a contemporary "California Style."Applicant return with revisions after Planning Commission hearing.q) Add an additional palm tree to the group of two palm trees at the front of the building between the two trellises to enhance the exterior of the building.r) To enhance exterior of building provide horizontal rake joints on painted precision block at appropriate locations.9. Final plans submitted to the Design Review Board (as required in condition #8 h & p)shall also incorporate all other DRB recommendations listed in condition #8.PAGE 23 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) 10. All project signage shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board as a separate submittal, with complete details (size, colors, placement, style...) prior to issuance of sign permits. 11. The parking lot immediately west of the garden center shall redesigned to eliminate the dead end parking aisle condition. 12. Site Plan Review 16-96 does not include approval of "Future Pad" indicated at northeast corner of the property. Any future construction will need to be reviewed in accordance with standard procedures in effect at the time of application.13. All Wal-Mart trucks will enter and exit from Tustin Street.14. The applicant will provide a detailed shopping cart collection and containment plan for approval by the Community Development Department prior to occupancy of the structure.15. The applicant will cooperate and contract with the mall management for security services.16. That clearly marked crosswalks across major drive aisles be provided at all public entrances.17. That the T -intersection adjacent to the main entry area have stop sign controls for all three directions.18. That a hedge be planted in the landscape island between the theaters and loading area to discourage pedestrian traffic.19. That the widest door opening possible between Wal-Mart and the Mall be provided. It is expected that the doors/opening be a minimum of 12 feet in width with architectural enhancements consistent with the scale of the Mall.20. That the two access drives entering Tustin Street be redesigned to accommodate 150 feet long barriers along the center line of the access aisles.21. If and when Wal-Mart makes a decision to go to a 24 hour operation, there be a process of consultation with the Chief of Police or his representative and the mall owner on any levels of security that would be required to meet those demands 22. Commitment from the mall for financial participation in feasibility studies by an independent consulting firm to study using the mall property for turnarounds or staging of buses.23. Efforts be undertaken immediately in conjunction and cooperation with staff and OCT A to remove the staging area from Canal Street to Tustin Street and remove the two northerly bus stops on Canal Street.24. The Mall cooperate with the Orange Police Department for a total restriction of use of Canal Street by delivery trucks.25. At a point in the future, when the City would like to initiate this process, that the Orange Mall Development Association work with OCT A and the City to develop a permanent transit center on or near the mall.The Interim City Attorney indicated the conditions could be imposed, however, the four conditions could be met by a separate agreement of Mr. Newman. A Resolution would be brought before Council for formal approval at the next Council meeting. The CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) would be satisfied by Mr. Newman's agreement, thereby, Wal-Mart would not be impacted.The condition is satisfied once the agreement is entered into with Mr. Newman. MOTION SECOND AYES Murphy Coontz Murphy, Barrera, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Slater Moved to direct the City Manager through staff to continue efforts to address the other issues of the neighborhood that were identified earlier this evening.14. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT - None 15. ORAL PRESENTATIONS Carole Walters, 534 N. Shaffer, asked for a definition of "property rights" and reported two senior citizens had fallen on parking barriers located at the Senior Center.Adele Graves, Orange, asked for Council's assistance in stopping obscene and pornographic letters.The City Manager responded the items were turned over to the Police Department. A letter previously was addressed to the Postmaster to involve the postal investigative services. The City is limited in what it can do.Barbara DeNiro, Orange, commented the Post Office has not helped with the obscene and pornographic letters she has received; expressed disappointment that Wal-Mart representative,Mr. Meyers, did not make a presentation; and referred to the poor condition of the assisted living proj ect on Taft.Sharon Rockmore, Orange, reported Mall of Orange denied her the right to obtain signatures in the mall and mall security told her pictures could not be taken in the mall.PAGE 25 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 1996 16. ADJOURNMENT MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Barrera AYES - Murphy, Barrera, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Slater The City Council adjourned at II :35 p.m. to August 20, 1996 at 4:30 p.m. in the Weimer Room to consider the Mills Project.4b~~ASSANDRA J. $" THCART, CMC CITY CLERK JOANNE C. COONTZ MAYOR PAGE 26