10-28-1997 Council MinutesAPPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON NOVEMBER 25, 1997 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ORANGE, CALIFORNIA OF A REGULAR MEETING October 28, 1997 The City Council ofthe City of Orange, California convened on October 28, 1997 at 4:30 P.M. in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 300 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. 4:30 P.M. SESSION 1. OPENING 1.1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Councilman Spurgeon 1.2 ROLL CALL PRESENT - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez ABSENT - None 1.3 PRESENTATIONS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS/ INTRODUCTIONS Mayor Coontz announced the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast will be held on Thursday,October 30th, 7:30 a.m. at the Doubletree Hotel in Orange.Mayor Coontz announced the City of Orange and the Orange Unified School District are celebrating D. A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Week by wearing red ribbons.Mayor Coontz reported on October 14, 1997, the City Council unanimously approved the McPherson Athletic Project to include construction of five baseball fields, four regular soccer fields, a walking path, outdoor play equipment, multi-purpose athletic courts, and a number of measures to address homeowner concerns. The project was designed to benefit the use by South Sunrise Little League, Orange Junior Soccer, McPherson Magnet School, and the entire community. The majority vote ofthe Orange Unified School District ( OUSD) Board of Education on October 23, 1997 was not to accept the City's proposal as presented after eight months of intense negotiation by City staff with the neighbors, McPherson School representatives, the administrative staff, and elected representatives of OUSD. The City approved over $2 million for the athletic center that would have a direct benefit to the youth ofthe community. The requirements placed on the City by the School Board are in direct conflict with the City's duty to exercise due diligence on behalf of the taxpayers with the County funds appropriated for the proj ect.The City is looking at other options to serve the community of Orange.The City's new management employees Victoria Beatley, Investment Revenue Officer,and Eden Shirey, Personnel Analyst, were introduced.Employee Recognition Service Awards were presented to Josie Heading, Jose Ortiz, and Chuck Lau. (Robert Miller and Dave Alton were unavailable to accept their awards).C2500J. 4.18)PAGE 1 I! CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 1.3 PRESENTATIONS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS/ INTRODUCTIONS (Continued) Frank Wein, President of the California Planning Foundation and Dan Fox, Director of the Orange County Chapter of the American Planning Association (AP A), presented Jim Donovan, Community Development Department, with the State Award and Scholarship for Academic Achievement from the AP A. 1.4 PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation was presented to Nancy Orchard honoring the California Retired Teachers Association, Orange County Central Division #44. Michael Krouse, Director of Sales and Marketing, Doubletree Hotel, was honored as Central County Regional Occupational Program (ROP) 1997 Business Leader of the Year" in Orange. NOTE: At this time, Council concurred to recess the 4:30 p.m. Session to a Closed Session at 5 :45 p.m., or as soon thereafter, to receive a status report on the current personnel investigation involving the Police Department. Oral Presentations for the 4:30 and 7:00 p.m. were heard at the beginning of the 7:00 p.m. Session. URGENT ITEM - CLOSED SESSION The City Attorney presented an urgent item to be added to the Consent Calendar concerning entering into an agreement with the law firm of Shernoff, Bidart, Darras &Arkin to represent the City in a legal action against the former Treasurer's performance bond. Council action needs to be taken right away as the time for filing the lawsuit is critical. In response to Mayor pro tern Slater, the City Attorney responded it would be appropriate for this item to be heard in Closed Session since it is a matter of pending litigation. MOTION - Mayor Coontz SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved that the urgent request be added to the agenda as the need to take action arose subsequent to the posting ofthe agenda.MOTION - Slater SECOND - Alvarez AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved that the item be further discussed and a final decision be made in Closed Session.PAGE 2 lfi CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 2.CONSENT CALENDAR Tape 730 2.1 Declaration of City Clerk, Cassandra 1. Cathcart, declaring posting of City Council agenda of a regular meeting of October 28, 1997 at Orange Civic Center, Main Library, Police facility at 1107 North Batavia; the Eisenhower Park Bulletin Board; and summarized on Time Warner Communications; all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said regular meeting. ACTION: Accepted Declaration of Agenda Posting and authorized its retention as a public record in the Office of the City Clerk. 2.2 Request Council confirmation of warrant registers dated October 14 and 17, 1997. ACTION: Approved. 2.3 Request approval of City Council Minutes, Regular Meeting, October 14, 1997. ACTION: Approved. 2.4 Consideration to waive reading in full of all ordinances on the Agenda. ACTION: Approved. AGREEMENTS 2.5 Request Council approve Caltrans Utility Agreement No. 12- UT-365 for coordination of sanitary sewer line relocations. (A2100.0 AGR-2919)FISCAL IMP ACT: This agreement provides for reimbursement to the City of Orange of up to $6,000.00 for the cost of inspecting the sanitary sewer line construction.ACTION: Approved and authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City.2.6 Request Council approve Program Supplement Agreement No. 002-M Local Agency -State Agreement No. 12-5073; STPL-5073(008) in the amount of $1, 035,583.00; Tustin St. from Collins Ave. to Bixby Ave. ( A2100.0 AGR-0343.S)FISCAL IMPACT: Federal funds will be received from Caltrans for this agreement.Funds in the amount of$I,035,583.00 will be deposited into Account No. 262-5011-483399-4024 (Measure M).ACTION: Approved and authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) BIDS 2.7 Request Council a) Approve plans and specifications and authorize advertising for bids for Assessment District 86-1 Santiago Hills Jamboree Road Streetscene and Paseo Landscaping Improvements.b) Appropriate additional funds in the amount of$50,000.00 for construction costs,contingencies and contract administration costs as follows:25,000.00 - 550-5011-485100-3024 (Metropolitan Water District of Orange County Share)25,000.00 - 590-5013-485100-3024 (AD 86-1 Contingencies) (LI200.0 ASD-86-1)FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of$110,000.00 are appropriated and available in Account No. 590-5013-485100-3024 (AD 86-1 Assessment District). Additional funds in the amount of$ 50,000.00 are required to complete the project.ACTION: Approved.CLAIMS 2. 8 CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES FROM:a. J erzy Borys b. Katarzyna Brandt c. Gail Weidner d. Sid Landau ACTION: Denied claims for damages and referred to City Attorney and Adjuster.C3200.0)CONTRACTS 2. 9 Award of professional services contract to Parsons, Brinkerhoff, Quade & Douglas, Inc.PBQ&D) in an amount not to exceed $45,972.00, for preparation of a " Feasibility Study" for SR- 22/Main St. (Town & Country Rd./LaVeta Ave.) Interchange Improvements. (A2100.0 AGR- 2921)FISCAL IMPACT: Funded through TSIP Area "A"/CIP funds in Account No. 280-5031-483300-3125 (SR-22/Main St. Ramp CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 2.10 Request Council award a contract in the amount of $219,000.00 to Steve Casada Construction Company, Inc. for waterline relocation in conjunction with the 1-5 widening W-578). Bid No. 978-12. ( A2100.0 AGR-2922)FISCAL IMPACT: Funding in the amount of$788,655.00 for this project is included in the 1997-98 budget in Account No. 601-8041-484501-8320 (Pipeline Improvements, 1-5 Freeway).ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City.REMOVED AND HEARD SEPARATELY)2.11 Request Council approve a contract change order in the amount of $5,000 to Med-Tox,Inc. for demolition, right of way clearance at 127 East La Veta Avenue and building remodeling at 492 South Orange Street. Bid No. 978-04; SP3200. (A2100.0 AGR-2871)FISCAL IMP ACT: Funds are budgeted and available in the following accounts:2,500.00 271-5011-483399-3017 (GlasselllLa Veta Critical Intersection Gas Tax)2,500.00 - 271-5011-483300-3017 (GlasselllLa Veta Critical Intersection Gas Tax).NOTE: Mayor pro tern Slater abstained due to a property conflict.MOTION - Mayor Coontz SECOND - Alvarez AYES - Murphy, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez ABST AIN- Slater Moved to approve.EXPENDITURES 2. 12 Request Council approve the expenditure of COPS funding for the new full-time positions of Armorer, Neighborhood Enhancement Specialist, Police Service Officer, and Crime Prevention Specialist; one part-time Report Analyst position; the addition of two police vehicles, miscellaneous equipment, and specialized training for Field Training Officers and Sergeants. ( C2500.K)FISCAL IMP ACT: None. The proposed expenditures will be financed solely by the COPS funding, Fund 354.ACTION: Approved. 2.13 Request Council approve appropriation of $3,580.00 of Unappropriated Funds for seven members of the Police Department's NarcoticNice unit to CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) FISCAL IMPACT: Unappropriated reserves in the amount of$119,000 are available in Account No. 355-0000-294000 (Federal Asset Forfeiture Fund). ACTION: Approved.LIBRARY SERVICE HOURS 2.14 Request Council approve a proposal to adjust Orange Public Library service hours during the holidayseason. ( C2500.I)FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION: Approved.RESOLUTIONS 2.15 RESOLUTION NO. 8837 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange requesting the Orange County Transportation Authority to allocate Combined Transportation Program Funds for the design project on Cannon Street (formerly known as Lorna Street) and bridge widening from Santiago Canyon Road to Lexington Avenue. (S4000. S.7) ACTION: Approved.2.16 RESOLUTION NO. 8840 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange temporarily closing section of Spring Street between Swidler Streets and Esplanade Street for a Special Event at Fred Kelly Stadium. ( S4000.SA)Date of Event: November 15, 1997 ACTION: Approved.TIME EXTENSION REQUEST REMOVED AND HEARD SEP ARATEL Y)2.17 Request extension of time for Chuck's Auto Sales to continue operating at 1135 W.Chapman Avenue for an additional three months, until February 12, 1998. ( C3300. 0 CUP-2171- 97)FISCAL IMPACT: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) The Director of Community Development reported the applicant has conformed to the conditions set by Council at the August 12, 1997 meeting but has been unsuccessful in securing another location. NOTE: Mayor pro tern Slater requested the item be removed and heard separately as he wished to remain consistent with his no vote on August 12, 1997and felt that six months was too much time. MOTION - Murphy SECOND - Mayor Coontz AYES - Murphy, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez NOES - Slater Moved to approve noting that February 12, 1998 is the final extension date.MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Item Nos. 2.11 and 2.17 were removed and heard separately. The remainder of the Consent Calendar was approved as presented.END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 3.REPORTS FROM MAYOR COONTZ Tape 845 3.1 Presentation by Orange County Transportation Agency concerning SR-22 Freeway Widening.Mayor Coontz reported the SR- 22 Freeway, including portions of the 405 and 605 Freeways in Orange County, have insufficient capacity on the freeway and major adjacent surface streets,aggravated by inadequate freeway interchanges, lack of continuous parallel arterial routes, and a host of other problems. In response to these undesirable conditions, OCT A and Caltrans initiated a Major Investment Study to improve mobility along the SR-22 Corridor. City staff has been working with OCTA and Caltrans to coordinate the project with two City sponsored projects on the SR-22 at the interchanges of The City Drive and LaVeta Avenue/Town & Country Road.The City has ongoing concerns with Caltrans and OCTA's communication with the residents and businesses on these projects.Clarita Reambillo, OCTA Project Manager, briefed the Council and community on the scope of study for the SR-22 Freeway widening.PAGE 7 l~....l"..- I Ii ii CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 4. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS - None 5. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS - None 6.REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER Tape 1212 6.1 Report relating to the City's participation in the Orange County Taxi Administration Program ( OCTAP) to approve taxicab operation regulations, and to adopt a taxicab rate schedule. (A2500.0 Vehicles for Hire)The Assistant to the City Manager reported in April, 1997 the City Council gave preliminary approval to join OCT AP, which switches regulatory and inspection services from the City to a centralized function at OCT A.ORDINANCE NO. 26-97 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orange creating Chapter 5.79 of the Orange Municipal Code adopting the Orange County Taxi Administration Program Model Ordinance for regulation of taxicabs.MOTION - Alvarez SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved that Ordinance No. 26-97 be read by title only and same was set for second reading by the preceding vote. RESOLUTION NO. 8841 A Resolution ofthe City Council ofthe City of Orange adopting Orange County Taxi Administration Program rates of fare and regulations.MOTION - Alvarez SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved that Resolution No. 8841 as introduced, be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.6.2 Report on the qualification review of the candidates for the Internal Audit Committee. It is recommended Council receive the recommendations of the Qualification Review Panel and make appropriate appointments. The City Manager requested this item be continued to November 25, 1997 to allow time for Council to complete the interview process on one of the recommended candidates.PAGE 8 r- II CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 6. REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER (Continued) MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to continue to November 25, 1997.7.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Tape 1296 7.1 Treasurer' s Report for the period ending September 30, 1997. (C2500.F)The Finance Director presented the report. The cash disbursements exceeded cash receipts in September, which can be attributed to the semi-annual debt service payments on the redevelopment bonds and the assistance provided Chapman College for the parking structure. In response to Councilman Alvarez, the Finance Director responded the stock market decline would have more impact on the employee-directed investments in the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan which does not come within the scope of the City's Statement of Investment Policy.MOTION - Slater SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to receive and file.7.2 Report from City Treasurer recommending Council confirm the delegation of Victoria Beatley as Deputy City Treasurer. (C2500.F)The City Treasurer reported the City's Investment/Revenue Officer, Victoria Beatley, has been trained in the City' s policies and procedures relating to the investment and cash management of City funds. The recommendation is based on Ms. Beatley's experience and her current understanding ofthe City's Cash Management and Investment Operations. Jeanne Arehart,Assistant Finance Director, will maintain her Deputy status to be available as a back-up in Ms.Beatley's absence. Councilman Spurgeon commented for the record: "I just want to make sure that this individual,as qualified as she is, and we are happy to hear her credentials, certainly appears that she is qualified; that we still have our checks and balances, not only on the Oversight Committee, but the Director of Finance, yourself as the elected Treasurer, and Mrs. Arehart, that we have this and that you are all actively involved in decisions, regardless of who initiates them. As far as I am concerned, at least personally, I would hope that the final decision on any of these investment things are certainly you as the elected Treasurer of record, when these things come forward,despite the other people that are very important to this process."Barbara DeNiro, (address on file), thanked Councilman Spurgeon for his comments and asked if this is a new or replacement position?PAGE 9 li I[ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) The Finance Director explained in April, 1997, Council approved a change to the part- time Investment Officer position to a full-time position. Revenue duties were added to the position.In response to Councilman Alvarez, it was explained that the Investment Officer is in charge of daily cash management, investment responsibilities, banking relationships, preparing investment reports, and working with auditors on investments. The Revenue Officer is responsible for monitoring the revenues, preparing the revenue budget, and is currently involved in coordinating cost allocations and cost of services.MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to confirm the delegation of Victoria Beatley as Deputy City Treasurer.7. 3 Report from Director of Community and Library Services on the Main Library Renovation. ( C2500.I)Robert R. Coffee, Robert R. Coffee and Associates, architect for the Main Library Renovation Project, presented drawings which illustrated the remodeling plans for the Main Library.Mayor Coontz expressed appreciation for the utilization of space and the historical element being incorporated into the design. Concern was expressed with archived records, which have been recognized by the State, being stored in the basement, noting that the basement has flooded in the past. The roof problems need to be analyzed and addressed. It was suggested to allocate and utilize the basement space in the Orange Economic Development Department which would enable the public to view historical documents.Councilman Alvarez commented he had formed a Focus Group, with the concurrence of the Director of Community/LibraryServices, that will meet tomorrow to give Mr. Coffee some fresh ideas for the Children's Story Time Area.Councilman Murphy commented on the potential for reuse of the existing building materials,equipment, and technology when a new library site is developed in the future and what the return would be on the investment.MOTION - Mayor Coontz SECOND - Alvarez AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to declare the project as categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15301 ofthe State CEQA Guidelines.PAGE 10 Yli CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) MOTION - Mayor Coontz SECOND - Alvarez AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to approve the conceptual plan for the Main Library Remodel. The questions and concerns of Council to be addressed at the November 25th meeting.RECESS The City Council recessed to Closed Session at 5:50 p.m. for the following purposes:a. Public employee discipline, release and dismissal pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.b. Conference with Legal Counsel - anticipated litigation. Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (two potential cases). The second case was added as an Urgent Item to the Closed Session earlier in the meeting.RECONVENE The City Council reconvened from Closed Session at 7:10 p.m. to continue the 4:30 p.m. session.INVOCATION Director of Public Works, Harry Thomas 8.LEGAL AFFAIRS Tape 2440 8.1 ORDINANCE NO. 22-97 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orange repealing Chapter 5.45 of theOrange Municipal Code and adding a new Chapter 5.45 to theOrange Municipal Code pertaining to filming activities. (A2500. 0 Film Making)MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Slater AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved that Ordinance No. 22-97 be read by title only and same was set for second reading by the preceding vote.PAGE 11 Ii r- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 8. LEGAL AFFAIRS (Continued) RESOLUTION NO. 8838 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange amending and revising the Master Schedule of Fees and Charges as authorized by Orange Municipal Code Chapter 3.10 pertaining to filming activities. MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Slater AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved that Resolution No.8838 as introduced, be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote. 8.2 ORDINANCE NO. 23-97 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orange creating Chapter 12.02 ofthe Orange Municipal Code adopting the 1997 Edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works construction. (Public Hearing date December 9, 1997.) (A2500.0 Public Works Construction Specifications)MOTION - Slater SECOND - Alvarez AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved that Ordinance No. 23- 97 be read by title only and same was set for second reading by the preceding vote.8. 3 ORDINANCE NO. 25-97 An Urgency Measure of the City Council of the City of Orange amending Chapter 10.42 of theOrange Municipal Code relating to off- street parking lots. (A2500.0 Parking Off-Street)MOTION - Alvarez SECOND - Slater AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to waive reading in full on Urgency Ordinance No. 25-97 by the preceding vote.MOTION - Murphy SECOND - Slater AYES - Murphy, Slater, Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved that Urgency Ordinance No. 25-97 be read by title only and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.PAGE 12 Il Ii CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 9. RECESS TO THE MEETING OF THE ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 10. ORAL PRESENTATIONS NOTE: Oral Presentations were heard at the 7:00 p.m. Session following Item No. 12.5. MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved that Oral Presentations be moved to the beginning of the 7:00 p.m. session.MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved that Oral Presentations be heard for up to thirty minutes after the staff reports are concluded on the subject ofthe Police Chief; items agendized for the 7:00 p.m. Session to be heard after the thirty minute time period.Councilman Murphy commented he would like the City Manager to move forward with a recommendation to Council on agenda management, i.e. putting public comments at the beginning of the agendas. Mayor Coontz indicated the City Attorney has been working on proposals that will be brought to Council's attention.11. RECESS NOTE: The Council recessed for the remaining Closed Session items at the end of the 7:00 p.m.Session (see Page 22).7:00 P.M. SESSION 12. 2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Councilman Spurgeon 12.3 ANNOUNCEMENTS - None 12.4 INTRODUCTIONS - None 12.5 PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation declaring the week of November 3, 1997 as CPRlFirst Aid and Triage Week was presented to Suzette Gibbs, Jane McCloud and Ruby Penner. Also recognized were Police Officer and Explorer Scouts, Fire Fighters, and the faculty of Santiago Middle School, Fletcher Elementary and St. Norbert Schools. Sheri Trejo of Port 01 a Middle School was recognized for being a Good Samaritan.PAGE 13 I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 12.6 PRESENTATIONS - None ORAL PRESENTATIONS Tape 3060 The City Manager reported on what the City has done in regards to the Police Department and the concerns that he and Council had about the action that was taken to place the Police Chief on Administrative Leave. To protect each individual that works for the City, very specific federal and state guidelines for personnel actions must be followed to ensure that any claims against any individual be investigated thoroughly, completely, fairly and independently. It is his intent to ensure that the allegations are handled properly and quickly, and to bring the Chiefback should the allegations prove untrue. In the meantime, Acting Chief Richards has been directed not to make any changes in the Police Department or its strategies.The Personnel Director reported the Police Chief is not being disciplined but has been placed on Administrative Leave so that investigations can be done in a proper manner. The obligation of the Personnel Director is to protect all City employees, regardless of rank and title, to ensure a safe work environment for all employees. The Personnel Director is required by law to fairly and thoroughly investigate all claims relating to workplace and how the employees are treated. The three objective goals to be accomplished with the decision are:1. To insulate and protect the Chief from any further allegations that the Chief had retaliated against those who came forward and intimidated those who wanted to speak.2. To protect the integrity of the investigation. Independent outside investigators have been hired to review the matters so that no one is accused of being unfair.3. To help the City comply with federal and state law which regulates the workplace.The City Attorney commented the California Penal Code prohibits the dissemination of information regarding personnel investigations involving police officers, except to state the nature and number of the allegations. The City cannot comment on the personnel investigation.Councilman Alvarez commented for the record: "I feel that it is very important that I should clarify my reactions to the current situation as reported in the press so that the people in Orange can better understand the actions that I have taken since the last Council meeting.I have in the past requested that the City Council be given all information pertinent to any decisions that are being made in executive session. It has been two weeks since the action was taken by we as a Council, and it wasn't until tonight that I received a formal written list of the allegations proported to be and who is making them.According to the City Council Legal Handbook, Page 6, Section IV, says that the Council is entitled to this information, and had not received it in this case.In my view, this is compounded by the fact that the City Manager has the authority to make this decision, and he does, it is by ordinance. Such as the one before us, without first communicating his actions to the City Council. The ordinance that governs this should be changed, in my view,PAGE 14 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 ORAL PRESENTATIONS (Continued) to improve the lines of communication, in order to give the City Council lead time in order to react to and to minimize any misunderstandings. Communication is a two-way street, and there can be situations where, despite the best efforts of our City Manager, communications can break down. However, the City Manager has a special responsibility, in my view, to work to keep those channels of communication open between the City Council and the City Manager.It is also my view, that this kind of authority cuts the City Council out, because the people that are here before us are the ones that hold us most responsible. I want you to keep in mind I am looking at the system, and I think there is a problem with it.I believe that the City Manager must respect and be sensitive to the political responsibilities of the City Council. Similarly, the City Manager must recognize that the City Council has the final responsibility for any policy direction and that the work done by the City's management team should be, both in perception and fact, responsive to that policy direction.These are some of the reasons why I want the people of this City to understand why I have not supported this action in the past and I continue not to support it.Over the past week, I have had meetings with the City Manager and the City Attorney to develop some changes in how we can proceed from here and I intend to bring those before the City Council at our next meeting. My whole intent is to try to learn something from this system, try to learn something from the action that we have taken. From this point on, we have to take the lead of Stephen Pham, who is our Personnel Director."Harold Pugh, 146 N. Harwood Street, expressed concern with a block wall which is causing flooding to his property.J. W. Sorrell IV, J. W. Construction, Inc., 317 N. Sacramento (submitted a card and petition reo Milford Street Storm Drain Project, but was not present at the 7:00 p.m. Session). Andrew King,211 N. Sacramento Street (submitted card reo Milford Street Storm Drain Project, but was not present.)Mayor Coontz requested the City Manager direct staff to contact the above individuals.Barbara DeNiro, (address on file), expressed concern with the accusations made against Police Chief Robertson. (Written comments available in the City Clerks' office). (C3500. 0)Chris Poysa, 226 S. Rosalind, expressed disappointment with the McPherson Athletic Project.PAGE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 ORAL PRESENTATIONS (Continued) Mayor Coontz responded the requirements placed on the City by the OUSD Board are in direct conflict with the City's duty to exercise due diligence on behalf ofthe taxpayer's with the County funds appropriated for the project. The City is looking at other options, to the disappointment of thousands of children and their parents in the Orange Unified School District. The following individuals spoke in support of Police Chief Robertson: Carole Walters, 534 N. Shaffer John Volkoff, 365 No. Cleveland Nick Lall, 6231 E. Mabury Avenue Mara Brandman, 7319 Equitation Way Pastor Orlando Barela, 910 N. Hart Diana Robles, 13022 Ethelbee Way (submitted card - did not speak)Shannon Tucker, 556 E. Culver Susan Tindall, 2602 Meridian Patti van V oorst, 610 N. Hart Adele Graves, (address on file)Karen Grandbouche, 1072 Windy Ridge (submitted card - did not speak)Neil Grandbouche, Anaheim Hills (submitted card - did not speak)Melissa Owens, Anaheim Hills (submitted card - did not speak)John McCain, 2100 W. Palmyra #82 David L. Miller, 1851 E. 1st Street, Suite 1060, Santa Ana, attorney for Chief Robertson Mayor pro tern Slater requested Council prepare a Resolution for the next Council meeting that would recognize the accomplishments of Chief Robertson in the City. Mayor Coontz responded the request would be agendized as an issue for the vote of the Council at the next Council meeting.Councilman Alvarez requested, through the Chair, that his office in City Hall be secured to prevent unauthorized access. Mayor Coontz asked the City Manager to address the issue with each Councilmember.Mayor Coontz commented Council has been ordered and advised legally not to speak regarding the Police Chief issue. The City is trying to proceed with the investigation as quickly as possible.RECESS The City Council recessed at 8:45 p.m. and reconvened at 9:00 p.m.PAGE 16 rT CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 13.NOTICED HEARINGS Tape 6596 13.1 PROPERTY ACQUISITION BY EMINENT DOMAIN, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF CHAPMAN AVENUE AND THE CITY DRIVE, CITY OF ORANGE Time set for a noticed hearing on petition by the City of Orange to acquire the following property by eminent domain: S/E corner of Chapman Avenue and The City Drive; Assessor's Parcel Nos. 231-062- 05 and 231-062-08.Property Owner: University of California ( UCI) (C2500.M.14)The Director of Public Works presented the report. The projected traffic volume on The City Drive is 65,000 vehicles per day, which will be used as a substitute freeway-to-freeway connector road for approximately four years. Possession of the right-of-way is needed by February, 1998 to ensure advertisement of the construction and for City work completion prior to The Mills opening in November, 1998. It is the City's desire to continue negotiations with UCI to resolve their concerns and issues and to assure their needs are met relative to access and circulation during construction.The findings which must be made by the City Council on the property acquisitions listed in Item No. 13.1, 13.2, and 13.3 are as follows: 1) the public interest and necessity require the proposed project; 2) the proposed project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; 3) the property described is necessary for the proposed project; and 4) an offer to purchase the property pursuant to Section 7267. 2 of the California Government Code was made.In response to Council's questions and concerns, the Director of Public Works confirmed as a result of discussions with UCI, the condemnation of land was reduced to a 10 foot to 28 foot wide strip. Meetings and/or contacts were made with UCI representatives approximately eight times since June, 1996. No significant response was received from UCI until the Noticed Hearing was received.MAYOR COONTZ OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING.Mark Laret, Director ofUCI Medical Center, 101 The City Drive, asked Council to delay the implementation of the legal actions for the condemnation ofthe property from the University.Ned Reynolds, Associate Director expressed concern with the location of the helipad to the adjacent parking structure and the proximity of the right turn lane to the helipad. UCI does not yet have confidence that they will be able to continue to operate the helipad under the FAA variance if space is lost. Mr. Laret commented UCI would like to work CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 13. NOTICED HEARINGS (Continued) consultant cooperatively, and the FAA, if necessary, to revisit the report that was done on the helipad and to make sure pedestrian, air, or automobile traffic is not endangered by the widening in the helipad area. UCI's goal is to maintain access to the heliport for the purpose of being a trauma center. The Director of Public Works added the consultant retained by the City was the same consultant that worked on the original helipad. The consultant did obtain study information from UCI which addresses issues that UCI has concerns with. The City proposes to continue the meetings with UCI representatives to resolve the issues. THERE BEING NO FURTHER SPEAKERS, MAYOR COONTZ CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. RESOLUTION NO. 8835 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange finding and determining that the Public Interest and Necessity require the acquisition by eminent domain of certain real property located at the southeast corner of Chapman Avenue and The City Drive for public use and authorizing and directing condemnation. MOTION - Alvarez SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved that Resolution No.8835 as introduced, be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote. 13.2 PROPERTY ACQUISITION BY EMINENT DOMAIN, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CHAPMAN AVENUE AND THE CITY DRIVE, CITY OF ORANGE Time set for a noticed hearing on petition by the City of Orange to acquire the following property by eminent domain: SIW corner of Chapman Avenue and The City Drive; Assessor's Parcel Nos. 231-061-37 and 231- 061- 38.Property Owner: Metropolitan Life (C2500.M. 14)The City Attorney reported the City is close to an agreement with Metropolitan Life. Due to time constraints, it is recommended the City go forward with the Resolution. The Director of Public Works commented this condemnation is approximately a 9 foot to 13 foot wide strip of land along Chapman Avenue.MAYOR COONTZ OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING.PAGE 18 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 13. NOTICED HEARINGS (Continued) THERE BEING NO SPEAKERS, MAYOR COONTZ CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. RESOLUTION NO. 8836 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange finding and determining that the Public Interest and Necessity require the acquisition by eminent domain of certain real property located at the southwest corner of Chapman Avenue and The City Drive for public use and authorizing and directing condemnation. MOTION - Murphy SECOND - Alvarez AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved that Resolution No. 8836 as introduced, be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote. 13.3 PROPERTY ACQUISITION BY EMINENT DOMAIN, NORTHEAST CORNER OF CHAPMAN AVENUE AND MANCHESTER AVENUE; CITY OF ORANGE Time set for a noticed hearing on petition by the City of Orange to acquire the following property by eminent domain: N/E corner of Chapman Avenue and Manchester Avenue; Assessor's Parcel Nos. 137-471-18 Property Owner: Metropolitan Life (C2500.M.14)MAYOR COONTZ OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING.THERE BEING NO SPEAKERS, MAYOR COONTZ CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING.RESOLUTION NO. 8827 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange finding and determining that the Public Interest and Necessity require the acquisition by eminent domain of certain real property located at the northeast corner of Chapman Avenue and Manchester Avenue for public use and authorizing and directing condemnation.MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Mayor Coontz AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved that Resolution No. 8827 as introduced, be adopted and same was passed and adopted by the preceding vote.PAGE 19 TITITI CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 14.PUBLIC HEARINGS Tape 630 14.1 APPEAL NO. 440; TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 96-183; VARIANCE 2031-97;PAUL CLARK AND GEORGE ADAMS (A4000. 0 APP-440)The public hearing on petition by Paul Clark and George Adams to appeal the decision by the Planning Commission on July 7, 1997 denying Tentative Parcel Map 96-183 which would subdivide a 19,860 square foot parcel into 4 lots and Variance 2031- 97 which would allow for waivers of site development standards for lot size, lot width, lot depth, building setbacks and parking upon the property was continued from August 26, 1997 and September 23, 1997 to this time. The Planning Commission found that approval ofthis proposal would likely intensify existing access and parking problems in the area; increase non-conformities of existing development on the site; create lots that are substandard to zoning requirements; and grant a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the same vicinity and zoning district.NOTE: The applicant has modified the proposal to subdivide the property into three lots. The variance is still required to request a waiver of site development standards pertaining to lot size, lot depth, building setbacks and parking.The property is located at the northeast corner of Maple and Parker (633 West Maple). Negative Declaration 1520-97 has been prepared to evaluate the environmental impacts of this project.THE APPELLANT STATES THE FOLLOWING REASONS FOR THE APPEAL:We feel very strongly that this project is the right type of development for the City of Orange.We feel that Orange does not need more apartments. Converting these four rental houses into four single lots that could then be sold so that families would live there who have pride of ownership is the most positive thing that could happen to the property. We are not trying to increase the density - there are four existing single family houses and we are trying to keep four single-family houses. We feel that we met all the conditions of the proper variance and we would like to present our project to the City Council for Orange. Therefore, because of the above, we respectfully request a hearing at the City Council as soon as possible."NOTE: Mayor Coontz reported a request was received from George Adams requesting this item be continued to December 9, 1997.MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to continue to December 9, 1997.PAGE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 15.PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT Tape 6164 15.1 APPEAL OF CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION DECISION; REQUEST FOR "25 MPH, WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT" SIGNS (S4000.S.3.4) Appeal of the City Traffic Commission's (CTC) decision denying the installation of "25 MPH, WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT" signs on Canyon View Avenue in the vicinity of Chapman Hills Elementary School. It is recommended the City Council set aside the City Traffic Commission's recommendation of June 11, 1997 denying the installation of "25 MPH, WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT" signs on Canyon View Avenue and direct staff to install "25 MPH, WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT" signs for both directions of Canyon View Avenue on its approaches to Handy Creek Rd. in the vicinity of Chapman Hills Elementary School. FISCAL IMP ACT: Funds are available for installation of these signs utilizing General Funds in the Minor Traffic Control Devices Account No. 262- 5032-483100-6302.NOTE: Upon a request from those in attendance, this item was heard when the Council reconvened from recess at 9: 00 p.m.The Director of Public Works reported the concern expressed by the appellant is " 25 MPH, WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT" signs are needed due to the volume and traffic speed in the area.Mayor pro tem Slater requested the following minute order: "Well, I like to give credit where credit is due. I really want to compliment Councilman Alvarez for seeing this through. I know he has been working on it for a long, long time. And while he is here, too, I wanted to make sure you all know a personal friend of mine is the principal of Chapman Hills Elementary,Principal Kissee."Mayor Coontz also recognized Carol LaBounty. Councilman Alvarez expressed appreciation to Carol LaBounty and Ed Kissee and others who helped with this issue.The following people submitted speaker cards in favor:Margaret Clarke, 8022 E. Elderwood Avenue Kathy Eckstaedt, 7946 E. Elderwood Avenue Jack Swain, 7925 E. Elderwood Avenue Hans Van Ligten, 308 S. Santa Maria Drive Daryl Smetana, 7948 E. Timberland Avenue Terri Sargeant, 137 Cobblestone Kimberlee Nichols, 7317 E. Morninglory Way Carol LaBounty, 8245 E. Ironwood Avenue Ron Kuskie, 7702 Live Oak Ed Kissee, 2144 E. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 15. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT (Continued) MOTION - Alvarez SECOND - Mayor Coontz AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to set aside the City Traffic Commission's recommendation of June 11, 1997 denying the installation of"25 MPH, WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT" sings on Canyon View Avenue.MOTION - Alvarez SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to direct staffto install "25 MPH, WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT" signs for both directions of Canyon View Avenue on its approaches to Handy Creek Rd. in the vicinity of Chapman Hills Elementary School.16. ORAL PRESENTATIONS NOTE: Oral Presentations were heard after Item No. 12.5.RECESS The City Council recessed to Closed Session at 9:42 p.m. for the following purposes:a. Public employee performance evaluation pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: City Attorney.b. Conference with Labor Negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: City Negotiator: Personnel Director. Employee Organization: All Employee Organizations (List Available in Personnel Office)c. Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) - existing litigation.City of Orange v. KPMG Peat Marwick; Orange County Superior Case No. 772237 City of Orange v. First Interstate Bank, et al.; Orange County Superior Court Case No. 777753.City of Orange v. Robert C. Richard and Shirley R. Richard, Trustees of the Richard Family Trust, et. al.; Orange County Superior Court Case No. 777756.City of Orange v. Geneva Fulton, et al.; Orange County Superior Court Case No. 777757.City of Orange v. Mary Jeanette Morton, as Trustee, et al.; Orange County Superior Court Case No. 777760.PAGE 22 i: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 28, 1997 RECESS (Continued) City of Orange v. Geneva Fulton, et a1.; Orange County Superior Court Case No. 777762. City of Orange v. Geneva Fulton, et al.; Orange County Superior Court Case No. 777763. d. To consider and take possible action upon such other matters as are orally announced by the City Attorney, City Manager, or City Council prior to such recess unless the motion to recess indicates any ofthe matters will not be considered in Closed Session. RECONVENE The City Council reconvened from Closed Session at 10:35 p.m. The following action was taken: MOTION - Mayor Coontz SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with law firm of Shernoff, Bidart, Darras & Arkin to represent the City in a legal action against the former Treasurer's performance bond.17. ADJOURNMENT MOTION - Alvarez SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez At the request of Councilman Alvarez, the City Council adjourned at 10:35 p.m. in memory of Norma Fronk, a thirty year resident of the City of Orange. Norma and her family were volunteers in the City of Orange. Mrs. Fronk is survived by her sons, Mike and Jeff Fronk.CUMA.& 1-c~CASSANDRA JOCATHCART, CMC CITYCLERK JOANNE COONTZ MAYOR t PAGE 23 I- II'