2016-09-07 DRC Final Minutes CITY OF ORANGE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES - FINAL September 7, 2016 Committee Members Present: Carol Fox - Chair Craig Wheeler—Vice Chair Robert Imboden Tim McCormack Anne McDermott Staff in Attendance: Robert Garcia, Senior Planner Chad Ortlieb, Senior Planner Anne Fox, Contract Planner Sharon Penttila, Recording Secretary Administrative Session—5:00 Chair Fox opened the Administrative Session at 5:07 p.m. Committee Member McCormack was not present for the first Administrative Session. Chair Fox inquired if there was any Policy or Procedural information. Mr. Garcia indicated there was no Policy or Procedural information. Mr. Garcia introduced Vidal Marquez, the new Assistant Planner, to the Design Review Committee. Committee Members reviewed the Design Review Committee minutes for August 17, 2016. Vice Chair Wheeler made a motion to close the Administrative Session of the Design Review Committee meeting. SECOND: Anne McDermott AYES: Carol Fox, Robert Imboden, Anne McDermott, and Craig Wheeler NOES: None ABSENT: Tim McCormack MOTION CARRIED. Administrative Session adjourned at 5:21 p.m. Chair Fox reopened the Administrative Session at 5:26 p.m. The Committee discussed the Villa Park project on the agenda in which the Mitigated Negative Declaration had only been given to them today. There was concern that there had not been adequate time to review the aesthetic section of the MND which had some impacts. Concern was also voiced about having the staff report put together before the document was available for review and saying ok to a document they had not had the opportunity to look at. The Committee discussed hearing the project as a preliminary review or continuing the item. City of Orange—Design Review Committee Fina) Meeting Minutes for September 7, 2016 Page 2 of 12 Mr. Ortlieb explained what was in the MND that involved the Committee's purview. Committee Member Imboden requested that the Committee be given a design review submittal and not a progress set of construction documents due to the amount of time it takes to review the documents. Vice Chair Wheeler made a motion to close the Administrative Session of the Design Review Committee meeting. SECOND: Anne McDermott AYES: Carol Fox, Robert Imboden, Tim McCormack, Anne McDermott, and Craig Wheeler NOES: None ABSENT: None MOTION CARRIED. Administrative Session adjourned at 5:38 p.m. City of Orange—Design Review Committee Final Meeting Minutes for September 7,2016 Page 3 of 12 Regular Session—5:39 p.m. ROLL CALL: All Committee Members were present. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Opportunity for members of the public to address the Design Review Committee on matters not listed on the Agenda. There were no speakers. CONSENT ITEMS: (1) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 17,2016 Committee Member McDermott made a motion to approve the minutes from the Design Review Committee meeting of August 17, 2016, as emended during the discussion at the Administrative Session. SECOND: Craig Wheeler AYES: Carol Fox, Robert Imboden, Anne McDermott, and Craig Wheeler NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Tim McCormack MOTION CARRIED. City of Orange—Design Review Committee Final Meeting Minutes for September 7,2016 Page 4 of 12 AGENDA ITEMS New Agenda Items: (2) DRC No. 4838-15 Villa Ford Showroom Addition And Parking Structure • A proposal to remove two existing service buildings and replace them with a single three- story parking and inventory/service building, and to expand the existing showroom. • 2550 N. Tustin Street • Staff Contact: Chad Ortlieb, (714) 744-7237, cortlieb(a�,cit oforan e.org • DRC Action: Recommendation to the Planning Commission Chair Fox informed the applicants that since the Mitigated Negative Declaration was only distributed to them today and there were a couple of the Committee Members who did not have a chance to review it, they could not make a final determination on the project today. She said it could be continued or it could be treated as a preliminary review in which the applicant could still present the project. Chad Ortlieb, Senior Planner, presented a project overview consistent with the Staff Report. The applicants who were present for this project were Greg McCafferty, Casey Griffin, and Franz Nalezny Public Comments: Chair Fox opened the item to the Public for comments. There were no speakers. Chair Fox opened the item to the Committee for discussion. • Asked which panel material would go on the east fa�ade. Mr. Nalezny explained that the silver metallic material was the primary material and the secondary material would be the recessed corrugated material. • Concerned that the color of the parking structure was a gray concrete which was not seen as friendly to the residential area. • Questioned the proposed landscaping. Mr. Griffin said they had met with the homeowners who requested Italian Cypress not be used and so the Carolina Cherry had been selected. • Clarified where the planting areas between the garages would be. • Noted using the Carolina Cherry 12' on center would not provide screening for the next 20 years. Suggested putting a tree at 3' to 4' on center creating a privacy screen in 5 years. Concerned with the landscaping dying due to a lack of light. • Asked that dimensions of the trees be a part of the next submittal. • Wanted to discuss the color material. Mr. Griffin indicated the colors of the showroom were Ford driven but they had latitude on the parking structure. Mr. Nalezny said the metal panels were the same as the Chevy and Toyota dealerships. • Wanted a residential feel given to the parking structure by creating a vertical garden. City of Orange—Design Review Committee Final Meeting Minutes for September 7,2016 Page 5 of 12 • Noted the rounding of the square elements in the corners and that the face of it lined up with the panel above it but it was shown with a new 4' wall and asked what was going to happen with the top of it. Mr. Nalezny explained that it would be furred out along the upper area. • Wanted clarification on the location of the corrugated panel and wanted to see a sample of it. • Asked what the transition was between the corrugated and flat panels. Mr. Nalezny explained it would be a drip edge that would break that plane. Committee wanted to see a detail of that. • Questioned the level of the photometrics. Mr. Nalezny explained it would be in the first and second floor inside the parking structure. • Asked how the roof top would be lit. Mr. Nalezny said it would be a 10' light pole in the center and wall packs would be inside the parapet walls. • Suggested adding the light fixtures to the elevations so they can be seen. • Did not want hot spots to be seen on the ceilings and wanted a uniform glow from the floors. • Not convinced with the color because the presentation did not include a color rendering. • Concerned the Committee was not given a design review package but a progress set of construction documents which require a lot of time to review. • Not convinced that the proposed screening with the trees was the best thing. • Noted the drawings are thorough but had a hard time understanding the depth. Having a color rendering of shade and shadow would have made a difference. • Thought it was a huge improvement to the building; happy with the design; compatible with The Village; proposed color added life to the fa�ade; and were leaning towards more color contrast by using accent colors. • Concerned with how it would impact the neighboring properties. • Noted that raising the parapet would hide the trucks on the top floor of the parking structure. Mr. Nalezny indicated they have a height limitation. • Wanted a site section that would give a view of the lighting and cars on top of the parking structure and the person on the street. • Suggested having some of the green screen on the west elevation brought around to the Heim elevation. • Wanted to see a color copy of the color rendering; photographs of the color and material palette used by other dealerships; how the corrugated metal was being treated on the corners and more information on the canopy. • Noted the landscaping with the green screen would fix the architecture. • Suggested making a small planting area replacing the curb stops. • Noted sometimes when they have parapets that step down or are staggered they pull them back onto the building but this was not an issue with this style of architecture but wanted to be sure that this was recognized now in case it was going to be an issue. • Wanted to see the parapet heights called out on the roof plan. Committee Member Imboden made a motion continue DRC No. 4838-15, Villa Ford Showroom Addition and Parking Structure, to September 21, 2016: SECOND: Tim McCormack AYES: Carol Fox, Robert Imboden, Tim McCormack, Anne McDermott, and Craig Wheeler NOES: None ABSENT: None MOTION CARRIED. City of Orange—Design Review Committee Final Meeting Minutes for September 7,2016 Page 6 of 12 (3) DRC No. 4851-16 Rapids Express Car Wash • A proposal to construct a new 4,914 square foot building and related site improvements to establish an automated express exterior car wash. • 2045 N. Tustin Street • Staff Contact: Anne Fox, (714) 744-7236, afox o,citvoforange.org • DRC Action: Recommendation to the Planning Commission Anne Fox, Contract Staff Planner,presented a project overview consistent with the Staff Report. The applicants who were present for this project were Ulises Araujo and Geoff Von Der Ahe. The applicant said he had researched the industry and he was putting in a quality project. Public Comments: Chair Fox opened the item to the Public for comments. There were no speakers. Chair Fox opened the item to the Committee for discussion. • Suggested areas where landscape planters could be added. • Asked staff if the tree requirement was specific to the Tustin Street Design Standards. Ms. Fox said it was a commercial zone standard applicable to all commercial zoned properties. • Concerned with allowing this project to have fewer trees than required and what to tell the next applicant that cannot fit the required trees. • Noted that some other Tommy Car Washes come in other styles, colors, and sizes and asked the applicant how they chose the modern theme vs. the neighborhood theme and the color. The applicant discussed the Santa Ana car wash location, which does not use the Tommy equipment and design, and the Fullerton location, which is similar to the applicant's location, and that Tommy's dictates some of the design choices. • Noted the amount of red color being used on the project. • Applicant discussed the mini version of the car wash which does not wash as many cars. • Applicant shared an aerial view of the property with the tree locations • Noted the rendering of the trees along the back but wanted a little bit of that along the front which was stripped bare. Suggested using palm trees in the front. • Thought there should be trees south of the tower. • Verified there would be 20 vacuums. • Concerned with overdevelopment on the property with no room for the required amount of trees. Wanted a serious effort made to meet the tree requirement and suggested reducing the drive aisle or reducing the number of vacuum spaces. • Concerned with the plant palette that had diverse shrub material, which is unusual in bio swales. • Thought the site plan needed to be redesigned to include more trees or green screens. • Suggested making more planters near the parking areas that were used for bioswales. • Concerned that only a third of the tree requirement was being met. City of Orange—Design Review Committee Final Meeting Minutes for September 7,2016 Page 7 of 12 • Discussed additional areas that could accommodate additional trees and the applicant gave his input on possible locations for additional trees. • Wanted to see how the landscaping issues were going to be handled before recommending approval to the Planning Commission. • Thought the color of the shade cloth over the vacuums was in conflict with the concept. Suggested using a silver/gray color. • The applicant stated they would put as many trees as possible on the project based on the DRC comments. • Noted that if the applicant was not able to accommodate all the required trees that they could use green screens or larger tree boxes. • Suggested using various types of grasses. • Wanted it to be shown on the street sign that they are restoring the street numbers. Staff explained that this project would have to have all signs comply with Code and that it would be reviewed as part of the sign permits after building plan check. • Complimented the applicant on the packet which was very thorough, clear, and concise. Committee Member Imboden made a motion to continue DRC No. 4851-16, Rapids Express Car Wash, to address the Committee's concerns to a date uncertain: SECOND: Tim McCormack AYES: Carol Fox, Robert Imboden, Tim McCormack, Anne McDermott, and Craig Wheeler NOES: None ABSENT: None MOTION CARRIED. City of Orange—Design Review Committee Final Meeting Minutes for September 7,2016 Page 8 of 12 (4) DRC No. 4843-16 3800 Chapman Apartments (Orange Collection) • The applicant proposes to construct 277 multiple family residential apartment units with an internal parking structure and a commercial office parking structure to replace existing surface parking. • 3800 W. Chapman Avenue • Staff Contact: Robert Garcia, 714-744-7231, r a� rcia(c�cit oy forange.org • DRC Action: Preliminary Review Robert Garcia, Senior Planner, presented a project overview consistent with the Staff Report. The applicants who were present far this project were Donald Lamm, Byran Sevy, Tarek Shaer, and Peter Quintanilla. Mr. Lamm indicated they were focusing on the parking structures tonight. He thought they had addressed the comments and recommendations made by the DRC for the apartment buildings. Mr. Quintanilla provided an overview of where the project started to the present time. Mr. Shaer said they had tremendously evolved the architecture to a product they are proud of which was due to the DRC's direction. They had redesigned some of the areas of the parking structures that are more apparent to the public. Mr. Shaer discussed the original landscaping and architecture plans for the 3800 Chapman Apartments, the comments made at the second DRC meeting, and the plans as they are now. Public Comments: Chair Fox opened the item to the Public for comments. There were no speakers. Chair Fox opened the item to the Committee for discussion. • Noted the rendering was different from the elevations and Mr. Sevy said the rendering was the correct one. • Noted on the front elevation of the parking structure they were controlling the growth of the vine at certain levels but it could be difficult to maintain. • Suggested covering some of the openings with plant plaids to soften the parking structure. • Wanted to ensure there was enough ground space for landscaping and to establish a hierarchy for all four sides. • Verified the green screen was just attached to the structure and not a frame. • Noted the amount of maintenance needed for Boston ivy. • Thought the green screen looked like it was eating the structure. • Previously had noted the pitch of the green screens were slightly off the pitch of the columns but now that was no longer applicable. • Confused by what was green screen and what was ivy planted on the concrete and asked that it be shown more clearly on the drawings. Mr. Sevy said the area facing the plaza on the City of Orange—Design Review Committee Final Meeting Minutes for September 7,2016 Page 9 of 12 west side was green screen and the rest of it was ivy and on the north elevation there was green screen at the right side. • Liked the general approach. • Asked if either of the two proposed ivies grow 70 feet and would intermittent planters need to be between floors. • Disappointed that the vertical elements were lost. • Liked the creeping fig when it is heavily maintained. • Thought there was a huge improvement to the parking structure. • Suggested having something to stop the height of the vines. • Noted the apartment lobby had been moved to the corner of Chapman. • Wanted to have an understanding of the commercial parking requirements. • Requested the Boston ivy and creeping fig be called out on the landscape plan. • Wanted more detail on what would be happening on the ground including the location of footings, planters, and lights. • Wanted the applicant to think about the treatment of the building and how the removal of the vines could affect the painted surface. • Disappointed the commercial component of the project had been eliminated. For Preliminary Review—no action required. City of Orange—Design Review Committee Final Meeting Minutes for September 7,2016 Page 10 of 12 (5) DRC No.4844-16 City Parkway West Apartments (Orange Collection) • The applicant proposes to construct 213 multiple family residential apartment units with an internal parking structure and a commercial office parking structure to replace existing surface parking. • 500 & 600 City Parkway • Staff Contact: Robert Garcia, 714-744-7231, rgarcia@cityoforange.org • DRC Action: Preliminary Review The applicants who were present for this project were Donald Lamm, Byran Sevy, Tarek Shaer, and Peter Quintanilla. Mr. Shaer pointed out changes made after the first and second DRC meetings and explained the changes made as a result of Fire Department requirements. Mr. Shaer took the Committee's suggestion to create tree palette connectivity throughout the site. Public Comments: Chair Fox opened the item to the Public for comments. There were no speakers. Chair Fox opened the item to the Committee for discussion. • Suggested having something that signaled"entry" like a canopy. • Corner of the Lewis Street elevation may not reflect the two trees that were there. • Suggested addressing a ground plane on the south elevation at the entry. • Verified there would be rolled curbs on the plaza. • Discussed the Heritage tree in the plaza. • Suggested using three different vines on the three parking structures. For Preliminary Review—no action required. City of Orange—Design Review Committee Final Meeting Minutes for September 7,2016 Page 11 of 12 (6) DRC No. 4845-16 City Plaza Apartments (Orange Collection) • The applicant proposes to construct 331 multiple family residential apartment units with an internal parking structure and a commercial office parking structure to replace existing surface parking. • 1 City Boulevard West • Staff Contact: Robert Garcia, 714-744-7231, rgarcia@cityoforange.org • DRC Action: Preliminary Review Robert Garcia discussed how this parking structure was different from the previous submittals. The applicants who were present for this project were Donald Lamm, Byran Sevy, Tarek Shaer, and Peter Quintanilla. Mr. Shaer explained changes since the second DRC meeting which included the elimination of the live/work units; relocation and pattern change of the sycamores due to the Fire Department requirements; shifting some of the elements of the hotel from one side to another and reducing the space where it was now a courtyard garden; and eliminating the roundabout since it was not on their property. Mr. Shaer explained how the east facing facade of the parking structure had been enhanced. Public Comments: Chair Fox opened the item to the Public for comments. There were no speakers. Chair Fox opened the item to the Committee for discussion. • Liked the way the south elevation wrapped around to the east elevation. • Concerned with the execution of the monument/tower. Wanted more information about the material being used on it and requested a material board be provided when the project comes back for final determination. • Did not want the landscaping on the north elevation to be forgotten. • Concerned with car headlights shining into bedrooms. For Preliminary Review—no action required. When the projects return to the DRC, the Committee wanted to be sure the source of the light in the parking structures could not be seen; wanted a section cut showing a person on the street looking up and not seeing the fluorescent fixtures; and wanted the sheets in the package to be in a numerical sequence. City of Orange—Design Review Committee Final Meeting Minutes for September 7,2016 Page 12 of 12 ADJOURNMENT: Vice Chair Wheeler made a motion to adjourn to the next Design Review Committee meeting on Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. SECOND: Robert Imboden AYES: Carol Fox, Robert Imboden, Tim McCormack, Anne McDermott, and Craig Wheeler NOES: None ABSENT: None MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:19 p.m.