2016-05-11 DRC Final Minutes CITY OF ORANGE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES — FINAL May 11, 2016 Committee Members Present: Carol Fox - Chair Craig Wheeler — Vice Chair Robert Imboden Tim McCormack Anne McDermott Staff in Attendance: Robert Garcia, Senior Planner Sharon Penttila, Recording Secretary Administrative Session — 7:02 Chair Fox opened the Administrative Session at 7:02 p.m. Chair Fox inquired if there was any Policy or Procedural information. Robert Garcia, Senior Planner, indicated there was no Policy or Procedural information. Special Session — 7:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: All Committee Members were present. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Opportunity for members of the public to address the Design Review Committee on matters not listed on the Agenda. There were no speakers. CONSENT ITEMS: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None City of Orange — Design Review Committee Final Special Meeting Minutes for May 11, 2016 Page 2 of 5 AGENDA ITEMS New Agenda Item: (1) DRC No. 4831 -15 Olson Co. • The Olson Company proposes to construct 37 new single story townhomes in a one story overlay district. • Vacant lot south side of Washington and Hamlin • Staff Contact: Robert Garcia, (714) 744 -7231, garcia @cityoforange.org • DRC Action: Recommendation to Planning Commission Chair Fox explained that the intent for last week's DRC meeting was to have a recommendation to the Planning Commission but the agenda said preliminary review so the meeting had been continued to tonight to ensure anyone from the public would have an opportunity to comment. Robert Garcia, Senior Planner, presented a project overview consistent with the Staff Report. He explained that during the May 4th DRC review of the item, the Committee provided feedback to the applicant concerning the lighter colors on some of the garage doors, bigger eaves, 8' garage doors, different door trim on the cabinets, larger planting areas, and breaking up the long ridges. The applicants who were present for this project were Doris Nguyen, Todd Olson, Michael Boyd, and Peter Durate. Committee Member Imboden asked Mr. Garcia to clarify the zoning compliance for the project. Mr. Garcia explained that the current zoning for the property is R3 with a single story overlay and this project does meet the zoning requirements. Public Comments: Chair Fox opened the item to the Public for comments. George Gallardo, address on file, lives next to the project and wanted trees or bushes to help cover the noise and lighting from the proposed complex. He also voiced concern with increased parking 011 Washington Avenue. Kimberly Johnson, address on file, explained her biggest concerns were lighting and noise pollution. She wanted reassurance that the lighting would not be a privacy issue and the grading would be at the same level as the existing neighborhood. Ruben Garnica, address on file, was concerned with water runoff flowing onto his property. Chair Fox invited the applicant to respond to the specific Design Review Committee and community concerns. City of Orange — Design Review Committee Final Special Meeting Minutes for May 11, 2016 Page 3 of 5 Ms. Nguyen responded to the concerns: 1. Garage door colors — shared the new lighter color palettes for Scheme 2 and 3 2. Tree selection — shared 3 different tree options: Magnolia Samuel Summer, Golden Rain Tree, and the African Sumac 3. Utility cabinet — showed a louvered door with a lintel on top and the door could be a pressed louver door or an open louver door 4. Eave extension — extended them to 14" on Buildings 1 and 2 which front Washington Avenue 5. Roof ridge — preferred to keep the ridgeline as proposed but shared a revised elevation with lower plate heights 6. 8' garage doors — not able to accommodate this request Chair Fox requested the public concern of water runoff be addressed on Via Largo. Ms. Nguyen explained that they would be collecting the water on Via Largo as part of their project. Ms. Nguyen discussed the grading plan with an elevation difference of 1'; the site lighting on Sheet L8 including the Police Department standards and how the photometric study would determine the pole heights and locations; and the portion of the walkway they were able to remove for a larger landscape area. Chair Fox opened the item to the Committee for discussion. The DRC had the following comments: • In agreement with the new proposed lighter garage door colors. • Preferred the Magnolia Samuel Summer or the Golden Rain Tree. • 14" eaves and the ridgeline: Did not understand the justification for the changes being make only on Washington and thought it should look the same throughout the complex. • Thought the 12" eaves did not get the water away from the house. • Suggested 8" rakes with 14" eaves throughout the project. • Preferred exhibit provided that breaks up the ridgeline and wanted the alternative roof plan that lowered the roof plate on some units by 1' on Buildings 1, 2, and 3. • Noted the one planting area was now larger by removing the sidewalk providing room for a larger tree. • Noted the public comment regarding the water flow issue was not the purview of the DRC and would be addressed by the Planning Commission. • Lighting issues: • Wanted to see the photometric study to make sure the street lights along the channel were shielded properly so there would be no spillover onto the neighbors. • Wanted to see how the pole heights and the number of lights would be affected by the photometric study. • Concerned with Unit 26 that has a street light right outside the house and suggested using a lower light standard throughout. • Wanted the street tree locations looked at in relation to the lighting. • Wanted the lighting plan coordinated with the landscape plan and the photometric study to come back to the DRC for approval. • Wanted to see what the shielded feature would look like. City of Orange — Design Review Committee Final Special Meeting Minutes for May 11, 2016 Page 4 of 5 • Discussed the concern with the light spill into Mr. Gallardo's home. Ms. Nguyen said there are no lights proposed on that side of the units and there would be a 6' block wall. Vice Chair Wheeler made a motion to recommend approval of DRC No. 4831 -15, The Olson Company, to the Planning Commission based on the findings and conditions listed in the Staff Report with the additional conditions: 1. The lighter garage door colors as presented at the meeting were acceptable. 2. The tree selection be either the Magnolia Samuel Summer or the Golden Rain Tree. 3. The units all incorporate 14" eaves and reduce the rakes to 8 ". 4. The ridgelines be adjusted to show a variation in accordance with Sheet A1.2 dated May 10, 2016 as presented at the meeting and the differential in height be approximately 1' between ridges and it apply to Buildings 1, 2, and 3. 5. The new trim and treatment of the utility cabinet doors as presented at the meeting were acceptable. 6. The changes to the tree sizes on Sheet L7 dated May 11, 2016 revision was acceptable. 7. Prior to issuance of the building permit, the new site lighting plan showing both the lighting and tree locations plus a photometric study showing how the lights are shielded and details of the shielding come back to the Design Review Committee for approval. Committee Member Imboden thanked the Olson Company for listening and working with the community. He disclosed that he, and other Committee Members, had met with the Olson Company recently to see what they were coming back with ahead of time and the Committee had shaped this project as much as they could within their purview. SECOND: Robert Imboden AYES: Carol Fox, Robert Imboden, Tim McCormack, Anne McDermott, and Craig Wheeler NOES: None ABSENT: None MOTION CARRIED. City of Orange — Design Review Committee Final Special Meeting Minutes for May 11, 2016 Page 5 of 5 ADJOURNMENT: Committee Member Imboden made a motion to adjourn to the next regular Design Review Committee meeting on May 18, 2016. SECOND: Craig Wheeler AYES: Carol Fox, Robert Imboden, Tim McCormack, Anne McDermott and Craig Wheeler NOES: None ABSENT: None MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.