RES-11211 Chick-Fil-A at 202 S. Main StRESOLUTION NO. 112ll A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORANGE APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3044-17, DESIGN REVIEW NO. 4909-17, MINOR SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 0904-17, ADMINISTRATIVE ADNSTMENT NO. 0271-20, AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 1858-18 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 4,527 SQUARE FEET CHICK-FIL-A RESTAURANT LOCATED AT 202 SOUTH MAIN STREET. CONDITIONAL USE PERNIIT NO.3044-17 DESIGN REVIEW NO. 4909-17 MINOR SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 0904-17 ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT NO. 0271-20 MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 1858-18 APPLICANT: CHICK-FIL-A WII REAS, the CiTy Council has authoriry per Orange Municipal Code (OMC) 17.08.020 to review and take action on Conditional Use Permit, Minor Site Plan Review, Design Review, and Adminish ative Adjustment applications, and Mitigated Negative Declarations; and WH REAS, the Land Use Element of the CiTy's General Plan establishes goals and policies in the General Commercial (C-2) district designed to encourage and implement the creation of high quality development; and WH REAS, applications were filed by Chick-fil-A, in accordance with the provisions of the OMC, for Conditional Use Permit No. 3044-17; De ign Review No. 4909-17; Minor Site Plan Review No. 0904-17; Administrative Adjustment No. 0271-20; and Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 1858-18 was submitted for approval, for the construction of a one-story, 4,527 squaze-foot Chick-fil-A restaurant building with a double drive-through lane and associated surface pazking, landscaping, and utilities on a 41,672 square foot site (the Project) upon property described in Attachment"A"to this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the applications for the Project were processed in the time and manner prescribed by state and local law; and WHEREAS, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 1858-18 was prepazed to evaluate the physical environmental impacts oF the Project, in conformance with the provisions of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15070 and in conformance with the Local CEQA Guidelines. The Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) finds that the Project will have less than significant impacts to the environment, with the implementation of standard conditions and mitigation measures; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declazation was published and the MND was made available for a 30-day public review and comment period, from August 29, 2019 through September 27, 2019, in compliance with Sections 15072 and 15105 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WI REAS, subsequent to issuance of the Draft MND, the Project applicant submitted modifications to the proposed Project. Potential impacts resulting from modifications to the proposed Project aze discussed in the Final MND. These revisions represent modifications to the previously analyzed Project description. The revisions do not change the conclusions presented in the Draft MND and the revised Project would not create any new significant impacts or the need for additional mitigation; and WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee reviewed the Project at its September 18, 2019 and December 18, 2019 meetings and recommended approval with condiUons pertaining to the aesthetics and design features; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a duly advertised public hearing on January 20, 2020, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support of or opposition to the Project and rewmmended the City Council approve Conditional Use Permit No. 3044-17; Design Review No. 4909-17; Minor Site Plan Review No. 0904-17; Administrative Adjustrnent No. 0271-20; and Mitigated Negative Declazation No. 1858-18 and associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a duly advertised public hearing on February 11, 2020, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support of or opposition to the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the CiTy of Orange approves Conditional Use Permit No. 3044-17; Design Review No. 4909-17; Minor Site Plan Review No. 0904-17; Administrative Adjustment No. 0271-20; and Mitigated Negative Declazation No. 1858-18 and associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the construction of a one-story, 4,527 squaze-foot Chick-fil-A restaurant building with a double drive-through lane and associated surface parking, landscaping, and utilities on a 41,672 square foot site, based on the following: SECTION 1 —ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Mitigated Negative Declazation No. 1858-18 has been prepared for this Project to evaluate the physical environmental impacts of the Project, in conformance with the provisions of the California Envuonmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15070 and in conformance with the Local CEQA Guidelines. The City Council finds that the MND and associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program contain an adequate assessment of the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Project. The City Council finds that the Project will have less than significant impacts to the environment, with the implementation of standard conditions and mitigation measures included in the MND. 2 SECTION 2—FINDINGS General Plan Required Findings: 1. 77ae Project must be consistent with the goals and policies stated within the City's Genera[ Plan. The Project is consistent with the City's General Plan Land Use Element in that the proposed restaurant helps to provide a service that conuibutes to a diversified mix of land uses in the surrounding community. The site is positioned at a gateway location into the South Main Street medical comdor. Additionally, the Project corner is a gateway onto the neighborhood to the west from the Main Street corridor. Site redevelopment provides an opportunity to establish a positive and integrated relationship to the recently renovated medical office building to the nor[h, the medical office complex to the south, and the medical office use to the east. Redevelopment also affords the opportunity to improve the appearance of the site as a transitional proper[y into the adjacent neighborhood. Conditional Use Permit Required Findings: 1. A Conditional Use Permit shall be granted upon sound principles of land use and in response to services reguired by the community. The Conditional Use Permit is granted upon sound principles of land use and in response to services required by the community. The primary uses pernutted in the General Business (C-2) zoning designation generally involve retail businesses and food establishments and drive-through windows are conditionally permitted. The proposed Project will accommodate the business' growth and allow operation of the business more efficiently. Pazking for the business is provided on the subject site and the configured drive-through will function similaz to other fast-food restaurants, keeping the internal circulation on-site, a typical expectation for customers of this business and community. 2. A Conditional Use Permit shall not be granted if it will cause deteriaration of bordering land uses or create special problems for the area in which it is located. The Project will not cause deterioration of bordering land uses or create special problems for the azea in which it is located, as the proposed Project is confined to a one-story, 4,527 square-foot Chick-fil-A restaurant building with a double drive- through lane and associated surface pazking, landscaping, and utilities on a 41,672 square foot site. The subject site accommodates all available area for pazking and landscaping for the restaurant use to the best extent possible. Surrounding businesses aze commercial in nature. Special attention has been given to the Project site planning and drive-through orientation to avoid potential vehicle queuing onto City streets and into the adjacent neighborhood. A queuing management plan is also included as part of the Project to address the same issue. 3 3. A Conditional Use Permit must be considered in relationship to its effect on the community or neighborhood plan for the area in which it is located. There is no communiTy or neighborhood plan for the azea other than the City's General Plan. The Project site is within an azea of the City that is developed and where public right-of-way is established and constructed. The surrounding properties to the north, east, west and south aze established commercial properties, while there aze residential properties in close proximity to the site. Conditions of approval have been incorporated which are related to potential nuisances related to menu boazd noise, installation of lights, loading area activity, trash enclosure maintenance. These conditions, and others, have been incorporated into the Project to ensure the site will not impact the neighborhood. 4. A Conditional Use Permit, ifgranted, sha[1 be made subject to those conditions necessary to preserve the general welfare, not the individual welfare of any particular applicant. Conditions have been included to ensure that the vehicle queuing and noise associated with the drive-through restaurant are continuously monitored by the City and restaurant operator to preserve the general welfaze of the immediately surrounding businesses, and the residential neighborhood to the west. On-site circularion also designates the Almond driveway as for exiting only. Conditions include a circulation and queuing management plan to prevent traffic impacts into the sh eets. Design Review Required Findings: 1. The Project design upholds community aesthetics through the use of an internally consistent, integrated design theme and is consistent with all adopted specific plans, applicab[e design standards, and their reguired f:ndings. The proposed Chick-fil-A drive-through restaurant facility has been designed in a contemporary azchitectural sTyle with various azchitectural building elements that provide a contextually sensitive appearance for the adjacent neighborhood to the west and surrounding commercial and medical office uses. The location of the building at the northeast corner of the site make it a prominent structure at the intersection of Main Street and Almond Avenue. Pedestrian pathways aze proposed within the central pazking azea and across the drive-through lanes neaz the pick-up window and southern restaurant entrance. Direct pedestrian access is available from the Almond Avenue and Main Street sidewalks to the restaurant. The Project site is located within the former Southwest Redevelopment Project Area, which has design standards. The Project site is located in Thematic District#3 South Main/La Veta, which has an urban contemporary theme. The azchitectural theme for the proposed fast food restaurant is of a contemporary style, which complies with the themaric district for the azea. There is no specific plan for the site. Minor Site Plan Required Findings: 1. The Project design is compatible with surrounding development and neighborhoods. The Project site is located within the former Southwest Redevelopment Project Area and is subject to compliance with the Southwest Design Standazds. According 4 to the Southwest Design Standazds, the Project site is located in Thematic District 3 - South Main/La Veta, which has an urban contemporary theme. The district includes established financial, medical, and business offices as well as retail commercial developments. The Project as designed will generally be compatible with the contemparary azchitecture on South Main Sh eet, and is compafible with the predominately one and two story medical, retail, and service uses along the Main Sh eet corridor. The position of the building at the northeast corner of the site will make it a prominent structure at the intersection of Main Street and Almond Avenue, meeting the intended goals of the Southwest Design Standazds. This street-orientation creates a more pedestrian-friendly relationship for the Project, with direct linkages between the building, transit, and sidewalks. The position of the building will also be similaz to existing buildings in the Project azea that define the street edge along Main Street. In addition, by placing the restaurant adjacent to the sidewalk, the potential for on-site pedestrian/vehicle conflicts will be minimized. Site landscaping and building orientation consider the relationship of the site to the neazby neighborhood to the west. New street trees and landscaping along the Almond Avenue frontage will provide an attractive transition from Main Street to the neighborhaod. 2. The Project conforms to City development standards and any applicable special design guidelines or specific plan requirements. The proposed development conforms to City development standards in the G2 zone and the Southwest Design Guidelines. The South Main Street comdor azea of the City is chazacterized by a mix of contemporazy azchitectural styles. The azchitecture and landscape design of the proposed Project complements and enhances the aesthetics of South Main Street comdor. The Project design provides varied and articulated building elevations, streetscape enhancements that provide an appealing pedestrian environment to encourage pedestrian activity and linkage between the Project and surrounding uses, and enhances the "sense of place" in the South Main Street comdor by replacing a vacant restaurant building and pazking lot with a new restaurant building that is compatible with the contemporary azchitectural aesthetics of the azea and reinforces the linkage beriveen complementary uses. 3. The Project provides for safe and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation, both on- and off-site. The proposed Project incorporates streetscape improvements that reinforce the pedestrian environment and quality of the pedestrian experience in a manner that better defines pedestrian corridors to improve defined linkage between uses and pedestrian safety. Pathways link the sidewalks to the building. Vehicular access points have also been designed to ensure safe circulation conditions including an exit only" driveway on Almond Avenue. With adoption of Conditions of Approval and mitigation measures, the proposed Project provides for safe and adequate circulation. 5 4. City services are available and adequate to serve the Project. As evaluated in Mitigated Negative Declazation No. 1858-18, the proposed Project will result in less than significant impacu to police, fire, recreation, and or pazk services. The Project incorporates design features and mitigation measures to address potential impacts. The applicant will be subject to payment of impact fees associated with schools, parks, libraries, sewer, and Sanitation District fees. 5. The Project has been designed to fully mitigate or substantially minimize adverse environmental effects. The proposed Project includes mitigation measures that minimize potential adverse impacts to aesthetics, air quality, cultural resources, geology/soils, hazazds & hazazdous materials, hydrology/water quality, noise, public services, recreation, transportation/traffic, and utilifies/service systems. Mitigation measures aze also included in Mitigated Negative Declazation No. 1858-18 to address potential impacts to Air Quality, Biological, Cultural Resources, Hazard and Hazardous Materials, Noise, Transportation/Trnffic, and Tribal Culhual Resources. The MND includes mitigation measures reflected in the Conditions of Approval that aze adopted with the certification of the MND. These measures reduce potential impacts to a less than significant level. Administrative Adjustment 1. The reduction in standards will not be detrimenta[ to the public health, safety, and general welfare ofpersons residing or working on the subject property or in the vrcinity. The 1-foot reduction in the pazking lot drive aisle width, from 25 feet to 24 feet, will not be detrimental to the public health, safeTy and general welfare of persons residing or working in the area because it accommodates a functional and efficient site plan, on-site circulation, and additional landscape. 2. Issuance of the permit does not compromise the intent of this code. Granting of the Administrative Adjustment does not compromise the intent of the OMC because the requested reduction continues to accommodate a functional and efficient site plan, on-site circulation, and additional landscape. SECTION 3—CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following conditions aze imposed with approval: 1. The Project shall conforxn in substance and be maintained in general conformance with plans and exhibits date labeled January 20, 2020, including any modifications required by conditions of approval, and as recommended for approval by the Design Review Committee and Planning Commission. Any future expansion in area or in the nature and operation of the use approved by General Plan Amendment No. 2018-0002; Zone Change No. 1287-18; Conditional Use Pernut No. 3044-17; Design Review No. 4909-17; Minor Site Plan Review No. 0904-17; Administrative Adjustment No. 0271-20; and Mitigated Negative Declazation No. 1858-18, shall require an application for a new or amended Site Plan Review. 6 2. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Project is approved as a precise plan. After any application has been approved, if changes aze proposed regazding the location or alteration of any use or struchue, a changed plan may be submitted to the Community Development Director for approval. If the Community Development Director determines that the proposed change complies with the provisions and the spirit and intent of the approval action, and that the action would have been the same for the changed plan as for the approved plan, the Community Development Director may approve the changed plan without requiring a new public hearing. 3. Within two (2) days of final approval of this Project, the applicant shall deliver to the Planning Division a cashier's check payable to the Orange County Clerk in an amount required to fulfill the fee requirements of Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(d)(2) and the County Administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code 21152, & Cal Code Regulations 15075. 4. The applicant agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liabiliTy or claims that may be brought against the City arising out of its approval of this permits, save and except that caused by the CiTy's active negligence. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any such claim, action, or proceedings and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 5. Conditional Use Permit No. 3044-17; Design Review No. 4909-17; Minor Site Plan Review No. 0904-17; Administrative Adjustment No. 0271-20; and Mitigated Negative Declazation No. 1858-18 shall become void if not vested within two yeazs from the date of approval. Time extensions may be granted for up to one year, pursuant to OMC Section 17.08.060 6. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Queen Palms along Main Street shall be changed to King Palms. 7. Prior to the issuance of building permits, one additional King Palm shall be added along Main Street subject to Public Works approval. 8. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Strawberry trees along the southern property line shall be realigned to line up with the striped pazking lines of the pazking spaces. 9. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the pazking space adjacent to the trash enclosure shall be removed and the electrical transformer moved into that location; the Crepe Myrtle shall be shifted to align with the second pazking space striping and a Magnolia planted in its place. 10. Prior to the issuance of building permits, all Magnolias shall be changed to standards and the Magnolia at the southeast corner of the properry shall be changed to a Low branch Sycamore. 11. Prior to the issuance of building permits, plans shall be corrected to reflect the accurate door locations on the exterior elevations. 12. Prior to the issuance of building permits, agave pots along Main Street shall be centered along the wlumns of the building. 13. Prior to the issuance of building permits, bollazds in the pazking lot shall be replaced with a simple metal fence. 7 14. Prior to the issuance of building permits, color/material board and fence replacement shall retum to the Community Development D'uector or designee for review and final approval. 15. Subsequent modifications to the approved architecture and color scheme shall be submitted for review and approval to the Community Development D'uector or designee. 16. Any modifications to the plans including, but not limited to, the landscaping and parking as a result of other Department requirements such as Building Codes, Water Quality, Fire, or Police shall be submitted for review and approval to the Community Development Director or designee. Should the modifications be considered substantial, the modifications shall be reviewed and approved by the appropriate detemuning body. 17. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy, all landscaping located within public azeas shall include the installation of root barriers acceptable to the Public Works Department on the sidewalk side of the tree, or where conditions warrant, the installation of a Deep Root box as directed by the Public Works Director. 18. Prior to building permit issuance, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director that new mechanical equipment screening shall be installed that azchitecturally matches the building. 19. Prior to building permit issuance, CiTy required irrigaUon and landscape inspection notes shall be placed on the final landscape plan, to the satisfaction of the Community Services Director. 20. The Project is considered a Priority Project and will need to prepaze and submit a Final Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) with treatment BMPs and site design features such as more permeable pavements, landscaping infilfration, directing roof runoff into planters and other BMPs that will serve as buffers for runoff from the site. The WQMP shall be approved prior to issuance of building permits. 21. Prior to building permit issuance, the final landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Orange Fire Department. 22. The Fire Department connection will be required to be within 40 feet of a fire hydrant, on the address side. 23. Prior to building permit issuance, final landscaping plans for the Project shall be designed to comply with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Guidelines as described in Section IX et al of the City of Orange Landscape Standazds and Specifications. 24. Prior to grading permit issuance, the applicant shall dedicate 1 foot along Main Street for public right-of-way. 25. Prior to grading permit issuance, the applicant shall dedicate a corner cut-off of 15' x 15' at the corner of Main Street and Almond Avenue. 26. Prior to Cer[ificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall reconshuct the public sidewalk along Main Street to full 8-foot width and restore brick banding. 27. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy, for the 13-foot pazkway along Almond Avenue, the applicant shall either conshuct an 8 feet landscape pazkway along the curb face with a 5- foot sidewallc behind, or install 3' x 4' tree wells at intervals to be determined by City Street Tree Coordinator. 8 28. The trash enclosure area shall not have a sewer drain, which may introduce storm water into the sewer system. If the sewer drain is desired, then, a roof cover should be designed forthe trash enclosure. 29. A note shall be added in the Grading Plan to explain how storm water runoff at the southwest corner is to be carried by the southern neighboring property. 30. The applicant shall demonstrate the 100-year water surface elevation is 1 foot below the building finish floor given wall opening shown in Detail "A" of the Grading Plans. 31. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, including all CiTy regulations. Violation of any of those laws in connection with the use will be cause for revocation of this permit. Mitigation Measures 32. All Project Mitigation Measures and Project Design Features shall be complied with and implemented as stated in the Mitigation Monitoring and Report Program located in Mitigated Negative Declazation No. 1858-18. ADOPTED this l lth day of Febniazy 2020. r - Mark A. Murphy, Mayor, City range ATTEST: c_ f:YVLfl l_i LJL-C'1'_ Pamela Coleman, City Clerk, City of Orange I, PAMELA COLEMAN, City Clerk of the City of Orange, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regulazly adopted by the City Council of the CiTy of Orange at a regulaz meeting thereof held on the l lth day of February 2020, by the following vote: AYES: COLTNCILMEMBERS: Alvarez, Murphy,Nichols, Monaco NOES: COLTNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COiJNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COiJNCILMEMBERS: None Pamela Coleman, City Clerk, City of range 9