03.11 Mobile Work Order System Upgrade1. SUBJECT Professional Services Agreement with N. Harris Computer Corporation for upgrade of the current mobile work order system for the Utility Billing and Water divisions. 2. SUMMARY Authorize an agreement with N. Harris Computer Corporation to upgrade the current mobile work order system-mCare. The upgraded software will replace a 14-year-old system as well as provide cost savings and integration features. 3. RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve the agreement with N. Harris Computer Corporation in the amount of $30,000 for the upgrade of the mobile work order system-mCare for the Utility Billing and Water divisions and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City. 4. FISCAL IMPACT The total expenditure for this agreement is $30,000 and is funded in UB Software Upgrade (20242) through: Solid Waste (220) 15,000 Water (600)15.000 Total:30,000 5. STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS 4b. Provide facilities and services to meet customer expectations. 4c. Enhance technology to improve public accessibility to information and services. 6. DISCUSSION AND BACKGROUND The mobile work order system (mCare) is an electronic work order program that assists staff in the office and in the field. The office staff creates work orders in the Utility Billing System and the field service representatives (FSR) are able to pick up the work orders electronically. The FSRs can complete the work orders and submit the completed ITEM 3, i i 03/10/2020 information. This is submitted in real time and office staff are able to view and process the work orders in a timely fashion. Current processes include: move in and move outs, leaks, recheck reads, shut-offs and turn-ons, and meter exchanges. The added feature for meter exchanges will assist the efforts of implementing the AMI, advanced metering infrastructure system, for smart metering. These upgrades will allow integration with our GIS program, as well as provide new features that will enhance workflows including providing faster customer service for emergencies that require the water to be shut-off. The system can identify which FSR is closest to the emergency and dispatch them to the location. Other enhancements include approval queues to allow office staff to approve or send back work orders, thus saving more time in the field and avoiding repeat visits. 7. ATTACHMENTS 1. Professional Servcies Agreement 2. Statement of Work mCare Implementation ITEM 2 03/10/2020