08-19-2019 Library Board of Trustees MinutesORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Approved 10/21/2019 MINUTES Monday, August 19, 2019; 3:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance (3:30pm) 1.1. Roll Call Present: Steve Freeman, Rebecca Martinez, Patti vanVoorst, Marva Hitchcock, Peggy Calvert 1.2. Approval of Meeting Minutes dated July 15, 2019 Motion: Martinez Second: Calvert Ayes: Freeman, Martinez, Hitchcock, Calvert Abstain: vanVoorst (was not present at the 7/15/19 meeting) 2. Adult & Branch Services (Keisha Loidolt) 2.1. The Summer Reading Club lasted 7 weeks (this was one week longer than prior years) with 3,109 total participants; this was a 35% increase from last year. Of that, 662 were adult sign-ups who completed 171 game sheets, which was a 42% increase. Staff attributed the increase to three things: 1) the additional week, 2) the ease of the new one-stop sign-up location, and 3) having one game sheet for all ages. The Library hosted a total of 113 programs (all locations) with 4,500 total attendance. They were assisted by 89 teen volunteers who donated a total of 1,480 hours of service. 2.2. Lunch at the Library program was held at the El Modena Branch this year. The California Library Association provided a $3,000 grant to purchase the equipment, supplies, activities and lunches for the participants. The Library collaborated with The Youth Centers of Orange for staffing assistance and Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County for the food. The program ran from June 17 to August 1 with a total of 303 lunches served, that’s an average of 11 children per day. This was a $1,000 saving to the community; each meal cost approximately $3.30 each. 2.3. The Library currently has three ukulele kits with another one on order. Each kit has been checked out twice and there are currently 13 holds. 2.4. Staff is working on shifting collections on the second floor to create more seating space. 2.5. Staff is surveying adult groups to see how they can better serve their needs. 2.6. New Librarian II starts on 9/3/2019. 2.7. El Modena Branch is have an open house for their homework center on 9/12/19 from 4 -6pm. Trustee Martinez asked if there was anything the Library needed for the Homework Centers (from OUSD), and if so, to let her know and she could try to assist. 2.8. Ms. Loidolt invited the Board to stop by her office anytime if they had any questions. 3. Library Director’s Report 3.1. Updates 3.1.1. The Librarian III candidate is moving forward in the process. 3.1.2. The City is launching a Historic Walking Tour app. You can access the website here: https://www.cityoforange.org/1003/Plaza-History, the app should be up later this week. 3.2. Financial Report – new fiscal year, so all is going as expected. 4. Board Reports 4.1. Report from Orange Public Library Foundation Liaison (Martinez) 4.1.1. The Foundation is looking for volunteers to work the Street Fair. 4.1.2. The Foundation’s Strategic Plan committee met and are looking into creating a new logo & updating their mission statement. 4.2. Report from Friends of the Library Liaison (Hitchcock) 4.2.1. Friends are looking into accepting credit card purchases. 4.2.2. Friends approved to fund up to $700 for the purchase of candy, prizes and OPL marketing materials. 4.2.3. Free book coupons redeemed, total 445: 309 Summer Reading, 2 National Night Out, 1 last Halloween, 4 Concerts in the Park, 18 miscellaneous, and 115 Friends. 4.2.4. The Avila’s fundraiser raised $103.46; the next fundraiser is on 9/24 at Woody’s. 4.2.5. Next book sale is 9/7/19. 4.2.6. Internet book sales for July net $809. 4.2.7. Friends is working on their Festival of Friends Jubilee set for 10/12/19. They are still working on the details. They want to promote “Fun for Families” and highlight what the Friends do to help the Library. 4.2.8. Friends have been receiving an overabundance of book donations, and have sold over 10,000 lbs of books to the organization they wholesale too. 4.3. Report from Chair Freeman 4.3.1. Wanted to remind board about the upcoming Treats in the Streets event on 10/24 – he may not be able to work the event this year. 4.4. Reports from Trustees 4.4.1. Calvert asked about the Ukulele program – she was interested in stats and was happy to hear it’s doing well. She did the math to figure out the stats, and stated that the 3 Ukulele kits have been in place for 15 weeks and can be checked out for a 3 week period. There have been 7 checkouts in the past 15 weeks, and there are currently 16 holds. This means that they won’t get a ukulele for at least 4-5 months. She would like to encourage the library to purchase more Ukuleles. She also pointed out that at their last Ukulele Soup program, none of the participants had one of the checked-out Ukuleles. 5. Old Business 5.1. Show Your Library Card & Save 5.1.1. The survey is still being compiled; the Director has not seen any results yet. 5.2. National Night Out recap 5.2.1. VanVoorst felt there were less people in attendance. 5.2.2. Freeman liked that the venue was spread out and less cramped. 5.2.3. Freeman and Martinez thought there were about 350-450 in attendance. 5.2.4. They didn’t feel it was the right venue for setting up Library Cards. 5.2.5. They had a double booth area with three tables. Freeman said it worked out fine. 6. New Business (none) 7. Public Comment (none) 8. Adjournment (4:18 pm) The next Board of Trustees meeting is Monday, September 16, 2019; 3:30 p.m. Orange Public Library & History Center – Rotary Room