10-14-2015 - Minutes TCCITY OF ORANGE CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting: October 14, 2015 I. OPENING A. Flag Pledge B. Roll Call Present — Commissioners: J. Beil, A. Feliz, M. Lebeau, C. Vaughan Absent — Commissioners: None Present - Staff: J. Scott, M. Llanes, D. Hoard, D. Allenbach, Sgt. B. Marcotte, P. Then C. Approval of Minutes March 11, 2015 - Approved as published by the Recording Secretary. MOTION: Glasgow SECOND: Beil AYES: Beil, Glasgow NOES: None ABSTAIN: Lebeau, Feliz II. ORAL PRESENTATIONS III. CONSENT CALENDAR None this month. City of A digital recording of this City Traffic Commission meeting can be made available for your review and /or purchase. 'Oran � Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714) 744 -5536 in this regard, ad notice is appreciated. 1 R ll Public Works Department 077 October 2015 [N:/PublicWorks /Traffic /CTC /2015 Minutes] Printed On Recycled Paper Pace 12 Minutes of a Regular Meeting City Traffic Commission October 14, 2015 IV. CONSIDERATION ITEMS 1. Request for the installation of red curb markings on the north side of the driveway at 404 N. Batavia St. Millicent Riddle 404 N. Batavia St. Orange CA 92868 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report; please refer to your copy. Chairman Beil opened the public hearing for the following discussion. Millicent Riddle, 404 N. Batavia St . — I'm aware my request may inconvenience neighboring driver but I feel the matter of safely exiting my driveway is important. Batavia St. is a 35 MPH street yet it's not enforced and nobody goes at 35 MPH. I believe the safety of myself and others should be considered before inconvenience. I also believe the impact the reducing available curb next to my driveway for parking will be minimal, only one driver will need to find another place to park. Parking on the street can get tight the residents that park next to my driveway live 2 and 3 houses north of me, and in the condominiums across the street. The majority of the vehicles are large pick -up trucks or high - profile trucks and vans. These vehicles completely block my view of the street when I'm backing out of my driveway. When I'm not afforded the ability to pull out on an angle, I'm backing straight into two lanes of oncoming traffic, I must inch out of my driveway with my neck craned to the right watching for any sign of oncoming vehicles and I must be ready to quickly pull forward to avoid being hit if necessary. This is a safety issue for me, for cars traveling down Batavia St., for cyclists on the road and pedestrians. Visitors have described backing out of my driveway as scary and dangerous. Additionally, the parking issue offers me inconvenience in regard to trash and street sweeping service. As the homeowner I'm allotted 4 CR &R bins but unfortunately I'm only able to put out the number of bins available based on curb space. I usually find room for two regardless of how many bins I put out in front of my house they are regularly moved, shuffled or shoved by somebody making space to park near my driveway. Parking is available elsewhere but it's not as convenient as parking across the street. I feel that my request for No Parking has validity based on safety concerns. If nothing else I don't want to have to brace for impact every time I leave my home, so I respectfully ask for this to be approved. Commissioner Vaughn — I've gone out there a couple of times in the evening and I didn't see anyone parked there but I feel your pain with respect to the vehicles that encroach, especially the ones that are rude enough to go over your actual curb shoulder and encroach on your driveway. Is there a specific peak time when it's always a problem? City of A digital recording of this City Tragic Commission meeting can be made available for your review and /or purchase. ran ge Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714) 744 -5536 in this regard, advance notice is appreciated. Public Works l)epartmen October 2015 (N:/PublicWorks/Traffic /CTC /2015 Minutes Z4) Printed On Recycled Paper Pace 13 Minutes of a Regular Meeting City Traffic Commission October 14, 2015 Millicent Riddle - I'm not home during the day either because I work. So I leave in the morning between 6:45 and 7:00 AM and so do my neighbors. When I go out in the morning it is blocked, there is no view down the street. Occasionally if a sedan is parked there you can see enough down the street and exit, but when you get to that certain point where that white van is parked there, once you get just past that sidewalk there is zero view of the street, you can't see anything. In the evening I get home between 5:30 - 5:45 PM and at that point it's just starting to fill up and sometimes there will be somebody there and sometimes not. Commissioner Vaughan - Is it more the overall sight distance that's troublesome or the encroaching on your driveway. Millicent Riddle - It's the sight distance. When they encroach you can reach out the window and touch their car it's so close. I sent in pictures when I sent in my request. Depending on how many high profile vehicles are parked up and down Batavia, it's not just my house it's also the house next to me and another one further down. If they're all lined up you get to the sidewalk and you can't see Batavia and you can't even see the light down at the corner. Chairman Beil - Dave, on the one aerial map in staff report you showed some other locations where there is existing red curb. Do you know the approximate length of those red curbs on the east side of Batavia? Dave Allenbach, Transportation Analyst - There are about 30 ft. This is really more of an approximation of where the red curb is located. Chairman Beil - I recall in the past in the areas of Batavia south of here closer to Palm and then also on Batavia further south of Chapman, in the past we've approved a number of red curb requests. I think we've shortened those just based on the distances between driveways rather than using the standard 30 ft. vision zone length. Do you recall some of those past approvals? Dave Allenbach, Transportation Analyst - We have had requests elsewhere in the City to shorten size of red curb and some of them were approved, and some were not. Our problem is that it is beginning to add up. We have several other areas in sections of road, not just Batavia Rd. but over on Main St., Collins Ave. Commissioner Vaughan - Was there any response from the neighbor that shares that little slice? City of A digital recording of this City Traffic Commission meeting can be made available for your review and/or purchase. ran ge Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714) 744 -5536 in this regard, advance notice is appreciated. Public Works Departmen � October 2015 [N:/PublicWorks/Traffic /CTC /2015 Minutes ) Printed On Recycled Paper Page 14 Minutes of a Regular Meeting City Traffic Commission October 14, 2015 Chairman Beil - Are you talking about 400 Batavia St.? Yes, there is just a sliver of space for the telephone pole is all that separates your driveways. It wasn't really addressed in the letter and I was wondering sometimes we get dual responses when we do the survey on whether or not it was going to affect people and I was curious. Joseph Fleuete - 400 N. Batavia St . - We have the same problems but we have the benefit of her driveway as a buffer. It seems to me you can displace cars you displace them on streets that have less traffic and less hazard when you back out. You've got a full red curb for the lot line of 396 from that corner and even turning left from Sycamore that's with peril. I'm looking at the STOP light on Walnut to train time and left turns and coming out of the driveways is not much different. Some of it is about vision and some of it has to do with traffic speed too. When I pullout of my driveway I'm ready to go back into the drive because I don't know what I'm going to see. The red curb will help me a lot more than it will help Millicent. She'll be in the position that we have right now which is better but it's still not great. Vice Chairman Vaughan - What was the current proposal for the amount of red curb? Chairman Beil - 30 feet. Commissioner Lebeau - I'd like to move to install a vision zone with red curb north of the driveway at 404 N. Batavia St. Chairman Beil - We have a modified recommendation for a 10 foot red curb vision zone. Due to problems with the public address system additional comments by the Commissioners is unintelligible and cannot be provided. Chairman Beil - Would you recommend anything larger than a 10 ft. red curb? I guess we're trying to compromise so you can still fit 2 cars there and it is really taking away 1 car. Chairman Beil closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for further discussion and a motion. ACTION: Approved the installation of 18 ft. of red curb on the north side of the driveway at 404 N. Batavia St. MOTION: M. Lebeau. SECOND: C. Vaughan AYES: Unanimous NOES: None ABSTAIN: None End of Consideration Items City of A digital recording of this City Traffic Commission meeting can be made available for your review and/or purchase. ran ge Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714) 744 -5536 in this regard, advance notice is appreciated. Public Works Departmen 4M 0�7 October 2015 [N:/PublicWorks/Traffic /CTC /2015 Minutes S0 Printed On Recycled Paper PaQe 15 Minutes of a Regular Meeting City Traffic Commission October 14, 2015 V. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS City Traffic Engineer, Jacki Scott, recognized Dave Allenbach, Transportation Analyst for his 30 years of continuous service to the City of Orange. VI. ADJOURNMENT After discussion of today's Agenda the City Traffic Commission meeting was concluded, and as there were no further requests for action under Oral Presentations, the Chairman adjourned this session of the City Traffic Commission. The next meeting of the City Traffic Commission is scheduled: 5:30 EM. Wednesday - November 18, 2015 Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Then, Recording Secretary Traffic Engineering Division pthen @cityoforangg.org CITY OF ORANGE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 300 E. CHAPMAN AVENUE ORANGE CA 92866 PH: (714) 744 -5536 FAX: (714) 744 -5573 City of A digital recording of this City Traffic Commission meeting can be made available for your review and /or purchase. ran ge Please contact the Recording Secretary at (714) 744 -5536 in this regard, advance notice is appreciated. Public Works Departmen. A' � October 2015 [N:/PublicWorks /Traffic /CTC /2015 Minutes S40 Printed On Recycled Paper