SR - - PURCHASE OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT1. SUBJECT Purchase of a temporary construction easement at Orange Villa Park Motel, 2085 N. Tustin Street for the purpose of street widening. 2. SUMMARY This temporary construction easement is necessary for the Tustin Street and Meats Avenue Intersection Right Turn Lane Project (SP- 3892). 3. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION Approve the purchase of temporary construction easement at Orange Villa Park Motel, 2085 N. Tustin Street at the purchase price of $2,120. 4. FISCAL IMPACT Funds are budgeted and available in the following accounts: 550.5011.56330.30025 Tustin Meats Right Turn Intersection $ 1,817,586 284.5011.56330.30025 Tustin Meats Right Turn Intersection $ 4,550,820 (TSIP B — West Orange) $ 6,368,406 5. STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL(S) Provide for a safe community — b. Provide and maintain infrastructure necessary to ensure the safety of the public. 2. Be a fiscally healthy community — d. Effectively manage and develop City assets. 6. GENERAL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Circulation and Mobility Element Goal 1.0: Provide a safe, efficient, and comprehensive circulation system that serves local needs, meets forecasted demands and sustains quality of life in neighborhoods. Policy 1.2: Identify key intersections and streets with historical or projected traffic congestion problems and apply creative management measures to improve overall circulation. 7. DISCUSSION and BACKGROUND The intersection of Tustin Street and Meats Avenue was recently widened on three of the four corners to accommodate high traffic volume. The southeast corner was not improved because of budget constraints. Public Works staff has recently received grant funding from OCTA through the Intersection Capacity Enhancement (ICE) program to improve this remaining corner of the intersection. The right of way required for this project, in front of the Orange Villa Park Motel, was acquired by the City in 1988. The temporary construction easement will allow the project contractor to do work on the Orange Villa Park Motel property to ensure their driveway makes a smooth transition to the new sidewalk and street. The project is expected to take place in 2018 and be a 90 -day project. The temporary construction easement is for use of 848 square feet for a period of 120 days. The value of the temporary construction easement is $2,120. Staff recommends the approval of the temporary construction easement purchase by City Council. 8. ATTACHMENTS • Purchase Offer and Temporary Construction Easement ITEM 2 4/11/17