SR - AGR-5773.A - SENIOR MOBILITY PROGRAM FUNDING SERVICE PLANpP 0 :. AGENDAITEM C, May 10, 2016 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council THRU: Rick Otto City Manager FROM: Barbara Messick Acting Community Services Director ReviewedNerified City Manage Finance Dir r To Be Presented By: Barbara Messick X Cons Calendar City Mgr Rpts Council Reports Legal Affairs Boards /Cmtes _ Public Hrgs Admin Reports Plan/Environ 1. SUBJECT Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Senior Mobility Program (SMP) Agency Service Plan for Senior Transportation Services. 2. SUMMARY Approval of the OCTA SMP Agency Services Plan in order to receive the SMP funds identified through Measure M2 sales tax revenue provided to Orange County municipalities for senior transportation services. � 3. RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve OCTA SMP Agency Services Plan and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City. � 4. FISCAL IMPACT The approval of the SMP Service Plan does not obligate the City financially. Services provided under the SMP will be included in a five -year agreement between OCTA and the City of Orange which will be presented to the City Council for approval at a later date. 5. STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL(S) 3. Enhance and promote the quality of Life. ITEM 05/10/2016 3e. Develop and strengthen collaborative partnerships to enhance and promote the quality of life programs, projects, and services. 6. GENERAL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION GOAL 5.0 Provide recreational facilities and programs that adequately serve the needs of residents. 5.2 Recreational Programs and Facilities- Provide a range of high quality recreational facilities and programming to serve a broad cross of section of residents including youth, seniors, young adults, mature adults, and people with disabilities. 7. DISCUSSION and BACKGROUND For many years, Orange Elderly Services (OES) has offered transportation services for Orange residents to the Senior Center for its congregate meal program. This service was coordinated, administered, and operated by OCTA directly with OES, using Measure M sales tax revenue funds. The City's only involvement in the program was a required 20% match of the cost of providing this service. Effective July 2011, OCTA no longer coordinated the senior transportation program and entered into a contract with the City of Orange to provide funds directly to the City for the services. As the City contracts with OES for senior programs and services, the City entered into an agreement with OES at that time to administer the senior transportation program utilizing Measure M sales tax revenue funds which the City receives directly. Approximately $110,000 in Measure M funds are received by the City annually for this program. On March 27, 2016 the OCTA Board of Directors approved new SMP Guidelines, requiring the City Council and OCTA Board of Directors to approve the SMP Agency Services as part of a two - step process in order for the City to receive the annual SMP funding. The SMP Agency Service Plan details how and what trips will be offered and will serve as a replacement for the Scope of Services in the Transportation agreement between the City and OCTA. The Transportation Agreement with OCTA and the OES Transportation Agreement both expire June 30, 2016 and will be brought forward for City Council approval at the June 14, 2016 meeting. Approval of the SMP Agency Services Plan alone does not obligate the City to provide the services outlined in the Plan, but is required to be approved by the City and the OCTA Board of Directors prior to the approval and execution of the upcoming OCTA Transportation Agreement. 8. ATTACHMENTS OCTA SMP Agency Service Plan 2 ITEM 05/10/2016