SR - AGR-6326 - FACILITIES CONDITION ASSESSMENToP o � a CO�; CtY AGENDA ITEM March 8, 2016 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council THRU: Rick Otto City Manager FROM: Joe DeFrancesco Public Works Dilrector ReviewedNerifie City Manager Finance Dire or VJ4L To Be Presented By: Joe DeFrancesco X Cons Calendar City Mgr Rpts Council Reports _ _ Legal Affairs Boards /Crates Public Hrgs Admin Reports _ Plan/Environ 1. SUBJECT Award of Consultant Services Agreement to EMG Holding LLC (EMG) for preparing the Facilities Condition Assessment (SP- 3950). 2. SUMMARY This contract authorizes EMG to perform professional services for preparing the Facilities Condition Assessment. 3. RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Award the contract in the amount of $123,000.00 to EMG and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City. 2. Authorize the appropriation of $10,000 from the unreserved fund balance from the Capital Projects (500) fund to expenditure account number 500.5028.56020.20204, Facilities Assessment. 4. FISCAL IMPACT With the approval of the appropriation, funds will be available in the following account: 500.5028.56020.20204 Facilities Condition Assessment $127,000.00 5. STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL(S) lb. Provide for a safe community - Provide and maintain infrastructure necessary to ensure the safety of the public. 4b. Provide outstanding public service - Provide facilities and services to meet customer expectations. ITEM 3 A !) 1 3/8/16 Printed on Recycled Paper 6. GENERAL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Infrastructure Element Goal 5.0: Ensure lifeline infrastructure systems that meet the City's public health and safety needs. Policy 5.3 Identify engineering vulnerabilities in lifeline utilities exposed to human- caused and natural hazards, including seismic activity, wildland fire, and flooding. 1 7. DISCUSSION and BACKGROUND The City is in need of a facility condition assessment of the various City owned and maintained properties. The City does not have an assessment that provides a thorough examination and lifecycle assessment of the buildings and major systems including plumbing, mechanical, electrical, roofing, seismic risk, general code compliance, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance. The assessment will also provide a recommended comprehensive reserve schedule to help in the budgeting and replacement of assets as needed over the next 20 years. The project seeks to prioritize capital improvement projects, repairs, replacements, and maintenance. The City owns over 450,000 square feet of building space. These buildings are cared for by Facilities Services and contractors on as needed basis. The construction dates of the facilities range from the early 1900s to as late as 2007. The mix of facilities includes, but is not limited to, City Hall, eight fire stations, a police headquarters, park concession buildings and restrooms, athletic fields, office space, corporation yards, and a new gymnasium. The current maintenance approach is reactive for the most part with no systematic plan. The Facility Condition Assessment Report will lead to coordinated efforts for repairs and allow savings to occur through the bundling of projects. As part of the project, the consultant will also update the City's ADA Transition Plan. City staff requested proposals from five qualified engineering firms specialized in the preparation of facility condition assessments. Four proposals were received, evaluated, and ranked. Staff interviewed the two top ranked firms and selected EMG. Staff recommends awarding a contract to EMG for their thorough understanding of the project scope, challenges, requirements, and reasonable fee. The cost of the study will be $123,000 to be funded through CIP funds. Work will start upon Council approval and it is estimated to be completed in October 2016. 8. ATTACHMENTS • Consultant Services Agreement and scope of work. • Consultant Selection Worksheets and related documentation are on file in Public Works. JD;mf;ly NA\Public Works\ADMIN\LYoung \Council Items \C0UNCIL\March- 2016\Award CSA for Facilities Condition Assessmentt - EMG.doc ITEM 2 3/8/16 QPrinted on Recycled Paper