SR - - REPORT ENDING JANUARY 31 2014pF OlZ, c�UNTY CP TO: THRU: FROM: 1. AGENDAITEM March 11, 2014 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council John W. Sibley City Manager Investment Oversight Committee: Eric H. Woolery, City Treasurer John W. Sibley, City Manager Richard Jacobs, Finance 1p irgeQo , SUBJECT: Reviewed/veri ed By: City Manager Finance Direc r To Be Present X Cons ndar City Mgr Rpts /Cal Couneports Legal Affairs Board mtes Public Hrgs A i ports Plan/Environ , q-0- Investment Oversight Committee Report for the period ending January 31, 2014. 2. SUMMARY: This report summarizes the activity of the Investment Oversight Committee. 3. RECAMMENDATION /ACTION: Receive and file. 4. FISCAL IMPACT None. 5. STRATEGIC PLAN GOAUSI 2d. Be a Fiscally Healthy Community — Effectively manage and develop City assets. 6. GENERAL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION N/A ITEM 3/11/14 7. DISCUSSION and BACKGROUND As required by the Orange Municipal Code Section 2.50.020, the Investment Oversight Committee reports to the City Council summarizing the Committee meetings and submitting any recommendations of the Investment Advisory Committee. Since the last Investment Oversight Committee Report, the Investment Oversight Committee held a meeting on February 19, 2014. This meeting was combined with the Investment Advisory Committee meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to review current investment activity and to discuss relative Treasury issues. Following is a summary of the specific items discussed at this meeting. 1) Investment Rates Update — Rate reports were presented for the period October through December 2013. There were discussions regarding the interest rate environment. In addition, attention was given to the recent interest rate trends in both the U.S. Treasury market and in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF). It was noted that the current LAIF rate was 0.24% on February 19, 2014. 2) Treasurer's Investment Reports — The investment activity for the months of October, November, and December 2013, and the City's position in each category of investment that includes Treasuries, Agencies and Pooled Investments was presented. 3) Proposed Changes to the Investment Policy — A discussion was held in regards to proposed changes to the Investment Policy. 8. ATTACHMENTS None ITEM 3/11/14