4/18/2000 - Council Minutes - CC Minutes Adj APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON MAY 9, 2000 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ORANGE, CALIFORNIA OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING April 18, 2000 The City Council of the City of Orange, California, convened on April 18, 2000 at 5:20 p.m. in an Adjourned Regular Meeting in the Weimer Room, 300 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. 5:00 P.M. SESSION 1. OPENING 1.2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Mayor Coontz 1.3 ROLL CALL CITY COUNCIL PRESENT - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz ABSENT - Murphy, Spurgeon, Alvarez (Note: Councilman Murphy arrived at 5:20 p.m.) PLANNING COMMISSION PRESENT - Bosch, Pruett, Romero, Carlton ABSENT - Smith (Note: Commissioner Smith arrived at 5:40 p.m.) 1.4 PRESENTATIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS/INTRODUCTIONS - None 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None 3. CONSENT CALENDAR All items on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and are enacted by one motion approving the recommended action listed on the Agenda. Any member of the City Council, staff or the public may request an item be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion or separate action. Unless otherwise specified in the request to remove an item from the Consent Calendar, all items removed shall be considered immediately following action on the remaining items on the Consent Calendar. 3.1 Declaration of City Clerk, Cassandra J. Cathcart, declaring posting of City Council agenda of An adjourned regular meeting of April 18, 2000 at Orange Civic Center, Main Library at 101 N. Center Street, Police facility at 1107 North Batavia, the Eisenhower Park Bulletin Board, and summarized on Time-Warner Communications, all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said adjourned regular meeting. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 18, 2000 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) ACTION: Accepted Declaration of Agenda Posting and authorized its retention as a public record in the Office of the City Clerk. MOTION - Slater SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz ABSENT - Spurgeon, Alvarez Item 3.1 was approved as recommended. (Note: The Consent Calendar was approved at 6:25 p.m. with a quorum.) END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 4. REPORTS FROM MAYOR COONTZ - None 5. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS - None 6. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS - None NOTE: Mayor Coontz convened the meeting at 5:20 p.m. when Councilman Murphy arrived and a quorum was present. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 7.1 Report on the Seven Year Capital Improvement Program. (Report on file in the City Clerk's Office.) The City Manager reported the CIP identifies 207 projects that are being proposed for the seven year period. For the upcoming fiscal year 38 new projects are being proposed and 135 projects are a continuation of previously approved projects. With these projects, the City Council is investing over $35 million in capital improvements in the upcoming fiscal year and more than $159 million over the seven year CIP planning horizon. Maintenance of effort calculations have been made in order that the City should remain eligible to receive Measure M funds for street improvement, maintenance and traffic safety projects. The following department heads gave an overview of their projects: Public Works In response to Planning Commissioner Carlton's questions and concerns, the Director of Public Works commented on the following: City Monument Entry Sign Project - It was approved by Council and is out to bid at this time. The new signs are the same design except they are concrete rather than wood with landscaping surrounding the base. PAGE 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 18, 2000 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) Realignment of Hewes - The developer has built their portion and the City's project is to complete the roadway. The developer has to put up cash which goes into a deposit trust account the City holds until the project begins. The interest earnings are utilized to offset any inflationary costs which may occur. Cannon Street Project - This is an alignment study at this point. No rights-of-way are being acquired at this time. The study will be completed at the end of this year. The City has acquired three houses on a voluntary basis. There is one more full parcel to acquire and two partial takes remaining. However, the City will not pursue those until funding is identified for the project. Sidewalk - Funds identified in the CIP are targeted for the next fiscal year. This sidewalk program is to fill in gaps and provide sidewalks where there are none. Commissioner Carlton did not feel that $50,000 was enough to handle the project. The Public Works Director indicated sidewalk repair was handled elsewhere in the budget. Taft/Glassell Left Turn Phasing - This project is under design at the present time. Purchase of 190 S. Olive Street - The City has purchased the property for the future expansion of the Senior Center. Yorba Street Extension Project - Commissioner Bosch asked about the project at the Yorba Street extension and what process will be in place relative to the community impact issues. The Director of Public Works commented at this time the City is in the process of completing alignment studies. When complete the City will take the proposed alignments to the community for meetings to receive input and incorporate community comments to be presented to Council for adoption of the alignment. Pending private development in the area north of Chapman and also the potential Rock Creek Park expansion will be affected by the alignment. Signals - La Veta/Palmyra/Prospect - Commissioner Bosch noted for the past several years the signal proposals at LaVeta/Prospect and Palmyra/Prospect have been discussed and deferred several times until warrants became strong. The moneys are now budgeted again and he asked if land acquisition was involved? The Public Works Director reported there are no right-of-way acquisitions, and both locations do meet warrants. The Palmyra/Prospect is the stronger of the two, although they both are marginal in meeting warrants. Because of the McPherson Athletic activities, there is a lot of pedestrian activity and some high peak times. To get better separation of pedestrian traffic and vehicular traffic to handle it with a safe fashion, that signal would make sense to approve. Commissioner Bosch commented he was glad to see the Mall of Orange Transit Center Study listed in the CIP. However concern was expressed regarding the continuing problems interfacing with OCT A on Canal and Heim Streets and the protection of residential neighborhoods. It was asked if there is a better protocol now to work with them to resolve these issues? PAGE 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 18, 2000 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) The Public Works Director reported OCTA ultimately decides where the bus stops are located. They have been very cooperative with the City and have made adjustments. The Straight Line Project will reduce the number ofbuses in that area and an evaluation will be forthcoming. Commissioner Bosch noted the Edwards House access ramp sets a great example for Old Towne residents on how to conform to the historic nature of their residences as it relates to porches and stairs. Councilman Slater commented regarding the LaVeta/Palmyra/Prospect Street signalization issue, he had expressed major reservations concerning the signalization of these two intersections, and asked the Public Works Director to compare this site with the Handy/Collins intersection as it relates to how the process would take place. The Public Works Director reported Handy and Collins had a number of issues other than the traffic signals, i.e., parking, speeding, etc. It was proposed the City will conduct a community meeting to introduce the signalization proposal and find out what other issues are of concern. Councilman Slater indicated the bottom line before a final approval of the project would be to have the neighborhood buy into the project. Also, it is difficult to turn left from Fairhaven onto Prospect which is also in the County. Has there been any study done on that intersection and if not how could the City begin? The Public Works Director indicated he was not aware of any study, but could request the County as lead agency begin the process. The City Manager indicated he would look at the area when the annexation island studies begin. Councilman Slater also felt the intersection at South Prospect and Fairhaven be included. Mayor Coontz commented there have been many complaints concerning East Chapman Avenue and the condition of the pavement which has not been addressed in the CIP. These complaints have occurred over a period of time and even before the CalTrans work on the 55 Freeway. The Public Works Director responded most of the rehabilitation jobs are being done with grant funding. As the higher priority jobs are funded there will be more opportunity to submit rehabilitation projects for funding with a much better prospect. Mayor Coontz further commented after sidewalks are marked for repair and there is no follow through for the repair work, it was recommended the City prioritize sidewalk repairs ideally through a computerized program. The Public Works Director indicated a consultant has been hired for the work management program and it will include computerized reporting of outside calls on sidewalk repair and an internal work order system which will enable a better priority system and control. Mayor Coontz indicated when the public calls they need to know when the repair will occur. It is a matter of managing information. PAGE 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 18, 2000 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) Commissioner Smith commented on the Chapman Avenue pavement rehabilitation which is occurring at this time and informed the Public Work's Director the residents were not informed of the work being done at night, only the businesses that are located on Chapman A venue were notified. The Public Works Director responded the mind set was Chapman is a commercial street but they should have looked at the impacts to the residents also. Bob Bennyhoff inquired about the widening of Chapman Avenue from Crawford Road to Orange Park Boulevard. The Public Works Director responded it depends on what comes out of the environmental and traffic studies for the Santiago Hills II proj ect as well as subsequent projects. At this time there is no funding projected in this CIP. Mayor Coontz complimented the Public Works Director and his staff for their continued efforts to achieve grants and the management of their capital improvement projects. Management Information Systems - presented by the Senior Assistant to the City Manager Planning Commissioner Carlton asked if the center microphone in the Council Chambers had been repaired. The City Manager indicated it is being considered to possibly use the center microphone for the public and applicant presentations. Fire Department - Frank Frasz, Division Chief Mayor Coontz commented for future CIP documents, Fire Station locations need to be shown. Regarding Fire Station design, Division Chief Frasz reported the design was a schematic design that can be used for any future fire station. Councilman Murphy commented it was interesting how Station 8 was put together with a temporary site first, then the permanent site and with no disruption of service to the area. Mayor Coontz asked if Fire Station No.3 would be moving to the industrial area? Chief Frasz said their preference would be to relocate it for better coverage, but it is not proposed at this time. Police Department - Chief Romero Community Services - Director Gary Wann Commissioner Smith asked about a community center. The Director of Community Services commented the funding has not been proposed. The City Manager indicated funding sources for a community center have been discussed however other projects have taken precedence. The owner of the Adray's Building was contacted for this use, however Mr. Adray has a value for the property that is astronomical. PAGE 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 18, 2000 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) Mayor Coontz commented one of the problems is in the planning of a community center that everyone has a different concept of what a community center is. Some people believe a community center is primarily for sports, others believe it should be for meetings and cultural events. We need to concentrate on what sites are available now for use by the community. Commissioner Carlton asked what would be the ideal square footage for a community center. The Community Services Director estimated more than 20,000 square feet which would be the focal point in the community like the City of Brea and Garden Grove. Mayor Coontz asked the status and timeline for Belmont Park. The Community Services Director indicated two bids have been obtained from environmentalist and a third is being sought. Parking and traffic issues need to be addressed and when completed, it will be presented to Council. Councilman Slater asked for the timeline. The Community Services Director commented as soon as the third bid is obtained, the RFP will go to Council. The construction will take approximately 90 to 120 days. Councilman Murphy commented it would be wise to place a community center line item in the CIP even if it has zeros to keep it as a priority for discussions. Also, the City Manager is to provide a target of square footage and factor in a number as an estimate. Plaza Rennovation Mayor Coontz commented when the plaza work begins, the community needs to be informed of what will be happening and when. Communication is important and must indicate the progress and steps that will be taken as the project progresses. The City Manager indicated a professional consultant service will be hired to assist with this project. The target is to have the project bid and ready to begin construction after the holidays. Meetings need to be held with the merchants to confirm there is a consensus to meet the January to March window and if delayed, there will be a March to May window. Economic Development Councilman Slater inquired what amount was considered for the Mobile Home Rental Assistance Program? The Housing Manager reported it began at approximately $200,000 and is now down to twelve people. PAGE 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 18, 2000 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) Councilman Murphy asked if Experian will meet their obligation through 2003 and will it take them that long to build the building? The City Manager responded their lease will go through and they indicated they will honor their agreement. Commissioner Carlton asked if the priority was a parking lot at 190 S. Olive St. The City Manager responded there are parking problems at the senior center and this will alleviate them. It may turn into an expansion ofthat facility. Seismic Retrofit of City Hall - City Manager The City Manager reported on the costs and logistics of seismic retrofitting City Hall. In response to Mayor Coontz, the City Manager reported a new City Hall could come before Council with a financing mechanism, but will be very costly and there are other priorities such as community centers, libraries, etc. The Public Works Manager reported they will be preparing the plans for the retrofit work through the remaining fiscal year. There will be probably six months of down time, maximum of nine months. Contingencies have been factored in the costs. Commissioner Carlton asked if the current City Hall buildings would be equipped to hold a second story? The City Manager answered they would not. Mayor Coontz indicated City Hall buildings were built in 1961, and at the time it was believed to be strong enough in structure to withstand earthquakes. The buildings were also designed as a civilian defense center which is why there is a basement. However, after the Northridge earthquake priorities changed. Bob Bennyhoff asked how old the City Hall buildings were? Mayor Coontz answered they were 40 years old. Commissioner Bosch asked about FEMA funds and their time constraints on grants? The City Manager reported it is nearing the end of the time frame to access the money. If it is not used it will go back for reallocation. Mayor Coontz asked if the seismic retrofitting will be happening the same time the plaza will be renovated? The City Manager indicated yes. 8. REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER - None 9. LEGAL AFFAIRS - None PAGE 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 18, 2000 10. ADJOURNMENT MOTION - Mayor Coontz SECOND - Slater AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz ABSENT - Spurgeon, Alvarez The City Council joint meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. NOTE: Commissioner Bosch announced the Planning Commission will adjourn to a Study Session on May 1, 2000 at 5:30 p.m. in the Weimer Room for a presentation on the West Chapman Avenue Project. The motion was unanimously approved. CltA~-(A'$J1~~d CASSANDRA J. THCART, CMC CITY CLERK JOANNE COONT / u MAYOR PAGE 8