Attachment No 20 Appeal to the Planning Commission ApplicationoV, o City of Orange Community Development Department 300 E. Chapman Avenue 6Prange, CA 92866 714-744-7220 APPEAL APPLICATION APPEAL APPLICATION NO. D 5 65 - 2-4 This application must be filled out completely. Any appeal shall be filed with the Community Development Department Planning Division within fifteen (15) calendar days after the hearing or action from which the appeal is made (OMC Section 17.08.050 Q. The $1000.00 filing fee (initial deposit — actual cost required) must accompany the appeal. Name of Appellant(s) The Orange JCP Project Owner, LLC, Peter Vanek Address of Appellant(s) 888 San Clemente Drive, Ste. 100, Newport Beach CA 92660 Phone No. (day) (949) 9995716 (cell) �(949) 307-3482 PROJECT INFORMATION: Appeal of action on case number: TTM 0053-23, MSPR 1140-23, DR5123-23, M " 0002-23 Project address: 2200 North Tustin Street REASON FOR REQUEST: Please s ep cify and explain WHY you are appealing the decision or determination and indicate specifically the error or abuse of discretion (OMC Section 17.08.050 Q. As explained in the attached brief, Mr. Chad Ortlieb abused his discretion in declaring Appellants Application as being incomplete. (See attached Brief and Supporting Declarations and Exhibits thereto.) The Appellant reserves the right to provide additional argument and evidence prior to, and at the hearing on its appeal. The record for this appeal includes this Appeal Application, its attachments, and the record before the City pertaining to the Appellant's Application. Signature of Appellant ( PLANNING DIVISION USE ONLY: Date of hearing or decision and hearing body �OCGyIR )-:I. �-Oar1 i Application checked by _ �t (� 0� — l,Af ANrv�\ Date & Time Received :z"•AQ PM _ 10/2024 rte N:ICDDIPLNG1Administration\Forms & TemplateslAppeal Form.DOC W„ �. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RUtan d Tucker, LLP attorneys et law RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP Hans Van Ligten (State Bar No. 119323) hvanligten@rutan.com Travis Van Ligten (State Bar No. 301715) tvanligten@rutan.com 18575 Jamboree Road, 9th Floor Irvine, CA 92612 Telephone: 714-641-5100 Facsimile: 714-546-9035 Attorneys for Appellant The Orange JCP Project Owner, LLC THE ORANGE JCP PROJECT OWNER, LLC'S APPEAL OF MR. CHAD ORTLIEB' S MARCH 27, 2024 NOTICE OF INCOMPLETENESS Orange Municipal Code section 17.08.050 -1- 2545/016909-0637 JCP PROPERTY O WNER's APPEAL FROM MARCFI 27, 2024 NOTICE OF, 20439611.2 a04/10/24 INCOMPLETENESS I I. Introduction 2 Pursuant to Orange Municipal Code section 17.08.050, The Orange JCP Project Owner, 3 ILLC's ("Applicant") hereby appeals the determination of Principal Planner, Mr. Chad Ortlieb, 4 dated March 27, 2024 ("Incompleteness Determination"), declaring Applicant's Application 5 incomplete. As explained herein, the Applicant has met all of the necessary requirements under 6 the Permit Streamlining Act ("PSA"), while the City of Orange ("City") has missed numerous 7 deadlines and otherwise failed to comply with the requirements of the PSA and its own Municipal 8 Code. As a result, the Applicant respectfully requests that the City Planning Commission overturn 9 City staff s determination, and find that the Application is now deemed complete. 10 Please note that the Applicant reserves the right to update and supplement this appeal prior 11 to the City's chosen hearing date. 12 IL Backeround 13 On June 5, 2023, Applicant submitted, in person, an application (the "Application") to the 14 City of Orange using the Land Use Project Application form that was available on the City's 15 website. (See Declaration of Peter Vanek ["Vanek Dec."], ¶ 2, submitted concurrently herewith.)' 16 The Application was intended to act as both a preliminary and complete application for a 17 residential project on 7.8 acres within the existing Village at Orange Mall that will include 167 18 for -sale condominiums, 42 affordable (below market rate) accessory dwelling units ("ADUs") 19 with kitchenette (for a total of 209 units), a recreation center, and a 1,500 square foot restroom and 20 community meeting room (the "Project"). (Id.) Further, the ADUs will be deed restricted such 21 that any lease or sale of the ADU shall be at 80% AMI in order to provide housing for lower 22 income households to meet the requirements of Government Code section 65589.5(h)(3). (Id.) 23 On July 5, 2023, City Principal Planner, Mr. Chad Ortlieb provided a Notice of 24 Incompleteness ("July 5 Notice") to the Applicant. (See Vanek Dec., ¶ 3; Exh. 1.) 25 On September 1, 2023, the Applicant submitted a response to the July 5, 2023 notice, 26 responding to the various points raised by the City. (See Vanek Dec., ¶ 4; Exh. 2.) On or about 27 ' All Application materials have been provided to the City to date, and as such are part of the 28 record of these proceedings. For the convenience of the City, the Applicant has attached copies of the relevant documents demonstrating the correspondence between the City to date. Rutan & Tueket, LLP -2- attorneys at few 2545/016909-0637 JCP PROPERTY OWNER'S APPEAL PROM MARCH 27, 2024 NOTICE OP 20439611.2 aO4/10/24 INCOMPLETENESS I II October 5, 2023, Mr. Chad Ortlieb provided a supplemental response to the City outlining various 2 concerns the City had with the Applicant's September 1, 2023 submittal. (See Vanek Dec., ¶ 5; 3 Exh. 3.) On October 6, 2023, the City Attorney for the City of Orange also provided a response to 4 counsel for the Applicant, setting forth the City's legal position as to certain points raised by the 5 Applicant's September 1, 2023 submittal. (See Vanek Dec., ¶ 6.) 6 After receiving the City's October 5 and October 6 letters, the Applicant and City staff 7 agreed to conduct an in -person meeting at City Hall to discuss the various points at issue in this 8 case, so that the Applicant could adequately respond to the points raised by the City. (See Vanek, 9 ¶ 7.) 10 On November 8, 2023, members of the Applicant's team and City Staff attended the 11 agreed upon meeting. On behalf of the City, Chad Ortlieb, Russel Bunim, Anna Pehoushek, and 12 City Attorney Mike Vigliota attended the meeting. (Vanek Dec., ¶ 8.) 13 At the start of the meeting, Chad Ortlieb confirmed that Table A to the October 5, 2023, 14 letter was all that was needed to be addressed for the application to be deemed complete from the 15 City's perspective. (Vanek Dec., ¶ 9.) When the Applicant explained that some of the City's 16 requests were vague and/or unclear, the City directed Applicant to continue to work with the City 17 to address the comments raised therein. (Vanek Dec., ¶ 9.) 18 In regards to Comment No. 98 of the October 5, 2023 letter, the City explained that the 19 comment was stating that the Project had to be served by trash bins rather than trash carts. 20 However, because the City's code allows the City to approve Projects that are serviced by trash 21 carts, the Applicant asked for clarification on this purported requirement. In response, the City's 22 representatives at the meeting instructed the Applicant to contact Josh Soliz with the City to 23 determine what this condition required. (Vanek Dec., ¶ 10.) 24 Subsequently, on November 27, 2023, Mr. Peter Vanek conferred with Mr. Soliz, wherein 25 he stated that he had no ability to approve the Project if it included trash carts rather than trash 26 bins. (Vanek Dec., ¶ 11.) As a result of that conversation, Mr. Vanek followed up with Mr. 27 Ortlieb, and asked for Mr. Ortlieb to provide guidance on how best to move forward via a 28 November 27, 2023 email. (Vanek Dec., ¶ 11, Exh. 4.) Rutan S Tucker, LLP _3_ attorneys at law 2645/016909-0637 JCP PROPERTY OWNLR's APPEAL FROM MARCH 27, 2024 NOTICE OF 20439611.2 a04/10/24 INCOMPLETENESS N 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2.8 On December 1, 2023, Mr. Ortlieb responded, stating that he had not forgotten about Mr. Vanek's inquiry, and stated "I'm still awaiting an internal response." After not receiving any response, on January 3, 2024, Mr. Vanek again followed up with Mr. Ortlieb, at which point Mr. Ortlieb informed him that he was working with Senior Assistant City Attorney Melissa Crosthwaite who was out of the office for the remainder of the week, and that he would follow-up IIon the trash enclosure issue upon her return. (Vanek Dec., 11-12, Ex. 5.) On January 11, 2024, Ms. Crosthwaite contacted Applicant's counsel to set up a meeting to discuss the ongoing discussions between the City and Applicant, which meeting initially occurred in mid -January 2024. (Vanek Dec., ¶ 13.) During that meeting, Ms. Crosthwaite agreed to coordinate with City Staff and to set up a call in the future to convey their decisions. (Vanek Dec., ¶ 13.) Subsequently, on January 29, 2024, Ms. Crosthwaite and the Applicant's counsel again met and conferred, where she agreed (a) that the City had the authority to allow cart service rather than bin service, but (b) the City would not deem the application complete unless the Applicant submitted a site plan for the Project that utilized bin service. (Vanek Dec., ¶ 14.) However, Ms. Crosthwaite also confirmed that the Applicant could still submit its preferred alternative for cart service as an alternative to the submittal. (Vanek Dec., ¶ 14.) Shortly thereafter, on February 26, 2024, the Applicant provided its most recent submittal in an attempt to work with the City, and address the outstanding issues that the City wished to see addressed. (See Vanek Dec., ¶ 15; Exhs. 6-7.) On March 27, 2024, Chad Ortlieb sent a new incompleteness letter to the Applicant, wherein it only identified the General Plan Amendment and Zone Change application as the sole remaining item outstanding that would be required before the City would consider the Application ,omplete. (See Vanek Dec., ¶ 15; Exh. 8.) Having now exhausted all attempts at working with City staff to address their concerns, his appeal follows. Rutan & Tucker; LLP attorneys at fa6v -4- !545/016909-0637 JCP PROPERTY OWNER'S APPEAL FROM MARCH 27, 2024 NOTICE OF !0439611.2104/10/24 INCOMPLETENESS I III. The Application was deemed complete as of either June.5 2023 or by September 1 2 2023 at the absolute latest 3 The Application has been deemed complete as a matter of law as of June 5, 2023, or 4 September 1, 2023 at the very latest. Accordingly, the Planning Commission should reverse Mr. 5 Ortlieb's determination and find that the Application was deemed complete as of June 5, 2023. 6 A. The Application was deemed complete as a matter of law as of June 5 2023 due to 7 the fact that the City does not have Government Code 6 65940 compliant submittal 8 requirement checklist 9 The Permit Streamlining Act ("PSA") applies to all public agencies, including the City. 10 (Gov. Code § § 65920-2.) As relevant here, the PSA requires the City to post online, a list of all 11 information that will be required from the applicant for a development project as well as all zoning 12 and development standards applicable to each parcel. (Gov. Code §§ 65940(a) ["Each public 13 agency shall compile one or more lists that shall specify in detail the information that will be 14 required from any applicant for a development project."], 65940.1.) Additionally, the PSA 15 requires that "[c]opies of the information ... shall be made available to all applicants for 16 1 development projects and to any person who requests the information." (Gov't Code § 65940(a).) 17 Lastly, any revisions to these lists "apply prospectively only" and cannot form the basis for 18 finding an already -submitted application to be incomplete. (Gov. Code § 65942.) 19 The City ran afoul of these requirements by failing to provide a copy of the list required by 20 Government Code § 65940 when requested by the Applicant, and because the City in fact does not 21 have any such list. With regards to the first point, in February 2023, the Applicant's counsel 22 reached out to the City's Planning Department to request a copy of the list that is required to be 23 provided pursuant to Government Code § 65940. (See Declaration of Erik Leggio, attached 24 hereto.) Despite this timely request, the City Planner that did respond, claimed that they were not 25 aware of any such list, and further failed to provide a copy of that list. (Id.) Additionally, when 26 the Applicant began searching to see if the submittal list was provided on the City's website, the 27 Applicant was unable to locate any such list. 28 By failing to provide any such list, the City failed to comply with the plain requirements of Rutan & Tucker, LLP -5 attorneys at sew 25451016909-0637 JCP PROPERTY OWNER'S APPEAL FROM MARCH 27, 2024 NOTICE OF 20439611.2 a04/10/24 INCOMPLETENESS 0 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Rutaa & Tucker, LLP attorneys at law Government Code § 65940. This failure resulted in Applicant not being required to submit any particular information in order for the Application to be deemed complete. Government Code § 65943(a) states that a City can only find an application as incomplete by identifying in detail those items from the statutorily -mandated submittal requirement checklist. (See Gov't Code § 65943(a) ["If the application is determined to be incomplete, the lead agency shall provide the applicant with an exhaustive list of items that were not complete. That list shall be limited to those items actually required on the lead agency's submittal requirement checklist."]; emph. added.) Accordingly, because the City did not have a Government Code § 65940 compliant submittal requirement checklist at the time Applicant submitted its Application, the City was prohibited by State Law from finding the Application incomplete, rendering the Application complete upon its submittal. B. The Cit 's Planning Director has not Coined on the completeness of the Application, and therefore the Application is deemed complete. At the beginning of the permit application process, the PSA requires public agencies, such as the County, to "determine in writing" whether the permit application is complete, and to "immediately transmit" that determination to the applicant "within 30 calendar days" of its receipt of the application. (Gov. Code § 65943(a).) The agency's "incompleteness" determination is subject to statutory limitations under Section 65943(a): (i) "If the application is determined to be incomplete, the lead agency shall provide the applicant with an exhaustive list of items that were not complete. (ii) "That list shall be limited to those items actually required on the lead agency's submittal requirement checklist." (iii) "In any subsequent review of the application determined to be incomplete, the local agency shall not request the applicant to provide any new information that was not stated in the initial fist of items that were not complete." (iv) "Upon receipt of any resubmittal of the application, a new 30-day period shall begin, during which the public agency shall determine the completeness of the application....." -6- 2545/O16909-0637 7CP PROPERTY OWNER'S APPEAL FROM MARCH 27, 2024 NOTICE OF E0439611.2 a04/10/24 INCOMPLETENESS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RUtan & TuCker, LLP attorneys at lab Section 65943(b) further limits the authority of the public agency in determining the "completeness" of any supplemental or amended application submitted by the applicant in response to the agency's initial "incompleteness" determination:" (b) Not later than 30 calendar days after receipt of the submitted materials described in subdivision (a), the public agency shall determine in writing whether the application as supplemented or amended by the submitted materials is complete and shall immediately transmit that determination to the applicant.... [T]he public agency is limited to determining whether the application as supplemented or amended includes the information required by the list and a thorough description of the specific information needed to complete the application required by subdivision (a). If the written determination is not made within that 30-day period, the application together with the submitted materials shall be deemed complete for purposes of this chapter." The City adopted an ordinance to provide for this review process, and specifically granted certain individuals the ability to review and comment on submitted applications. In particular, per the City's Zoning Code, the City's Community Development Director is required to decide whether an application is deemed complete in writing within 30 days of receipt of an application for a development project. (See Orange Municipal Code § 17.08.030(E); see also Government Code § 65943.) If the City fails to comply with these requirements, Government Code § 65943 mandates that the application be "deemed complete." (Government Code § 65943(b).) To date, the Applicant has never received a notice of incompleteness from the City's Community Development Director. Instead, the City's July 5, 2023 letter was sent on behalf of Chad Ortlieb, a planner within the City. Accordingly, the City failed to make incompleteness determination as required by the City's own Municipal Code. Therefore, the Application must be deemed complete as of June 5, 2023. (See Gov't Code § 65943(a) ["If the written determination is not made within that 30-day period, the application together with the submitted materials shall be deemed complete for purposes of this chapter."].) Despite failing to respond in the required amount of time, on September 1, 2023, Applicant submitted an updated application responding to the City's July 5, 2023 letter. Subsequently, on October 5, 2023 and October 6, 2023, 34 and 35 days after Applicant's September 1, 2023 Submittal, the City provided two letters in response, again claiming that the application was _7- 2545/016909-0637 JCP PROPERTY OWNER'S APPEAL FROM MARCH 27, 20439611.2 a04/10/24 INCOMPLETENESS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 incomplete. However, again, the letter was not signed by the City's Community Development Director, but was instead signed Mr. Chad Ortheb. Additionally, the City's response was more than 30 days after Applicant's submittal. As such, the Application was again deemed complete as of September 1, 2023. (See Gov't Code § 65943(b).) Based on the foregoing, it is clear that the Application has been deemed complete by operation of law at least twice — June 5, 2023 and September 1, 2023. C. Applicant submitted a complete application through the September 1 2023 submittal at the absolute latest. 9 In reviewing the Applicant's September 1, 2023 submittal, the City identified only five 10 items as outstanding issues that had to be addressed before the City would deem the Application 11 complete. (See Table A to the October 5, 2024 Letter.) In particular, the October 5, 2023 stated 12 that the Applicant needed to provide the following information or perform certain actions for the 13 application to be deemed complete: 14 s A request to amend the City's General Plan and Zone Code to accommodate the 15 proposed Project 16 • Landscape plan, wall and fence plan, a curbing plan and a lighting plan 17 • Provide revise roof plans 18 • Lighting requirements 19 . Revise the Project to only utilize trash bins. 20 • Coordinate with CR&R 21 However, none of these items are identified in a Government Code § 65940 compliant 22 submittal requirement checklist, because the City does not have one. Furthermore, the City's own 23 Land Use Project Application Information Packet, which was and is available on the City's 24 website does not identify these items in the Land Use Project Application Packet or the associated 25 submittal checklist. (See Vanek Dec, Exh. 1.0.) Because these items were not listed in either a 26 Government Code § 65940 compliant submittal checklist, or even the City's own materials, the 27 City's attempt at requiring those items later was improper. (See Government Code § 65943(a) 28 ["That list shall be limited to those items actually required on the lead agency's submittal Rutan & Tucker, LLP _8_ attorneys at law 2545/016909-0637 JCP PROPERTY OWNER'S APPEAL PROM N[ARCI-I 27, 2024 NOTICE OP 20439611.2 04/10/24 INCOMPLETENESS 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 KK Rutan & T4Cker, LLP attorneys at law requirement checklist. In any subsequent review of the application determined to be incomplete, the local agency shall not request the applicant to provide any new information that was not stated in the initial list of items that were not complete."].) Accordingly, because the City's incompleteness determination only focused on those six impermissible items, the City's October 5, 2023 letter essentially admits that the Application was otherwise complete. As such, the City must recognize the Application as being deemed complete no later than September 1, 2023. IV. The City cannot require the submittal of an application for a General Plan Amendment and/or Zone Change because the Project ualifies for the "Builder's Remedy" under Government Code & 65589 5(h) A. The Project Qualifies for the Builder's Remedy The Housing Accountability Act generally limits a locality's ability to disapprove of or impose certain conditions on qualifying housing development projects that provide the requisite percentage of the relevant affordable units. In particular, where the applicant has proposed a qualifying housing development project, localities are restricted from denying the project or imposing certain conditions, unless the locality makes one of the following findings: • The City or County has exceeded its Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) for the proposed income categories in the development. • The project would have a specific adverse impact on health and safety that cannot be mitigated without making the project unaffordable. • The denial is required by state or federal law, and there is no feasible way to comply with such law without making the project unaffordable. • The project is zoned for agriculture or resources preservation, or there are not adequate water or sewage facilities to serve the project. • The project is inconsistent with the city's zoning and/or general plan regulations. The Builder's Remedy is a legal tool that allows developers, such as Applicant, to bypass While not at issue in this case, the City has not claimed that any of the first four findings vould preclude the City's approval of the Project. -9- 1545/016909-0637 JCP PROPERTY OWNER'S APPEAL FROM MARC$ 27, 2024 NOTICE OF :0439611.2 a04/10/24 INCOMPLETENESS t local zoning and general plan regulations when the relevant city has not adopted a substantially 2 compliant housing element as determined by the California Department of Housing and 3 Community Development ("HCD") , and provided the Applicant is pursuing a project "for very 4 low, low-, or moderate -income households." (See Gov't Code § 65589.5(d).) In particular, the 5 Builder's Remedy narrows the City's authority to rely on the fifth finding (i.e., zoning code and 6 general plan inconsistency), by not allowing it to rely on that finding if the City does not have a 7 housing element that is in substantial compliance with State law. (See Gov't Code § 8 65589.5(d)(f).) 9 Additionally, California law states that provided an applicant has submitted a preliminary 10 application within the meaning of Government Code § 65941.1 prior to the City's adoption of a 11 compliance housing element and the HCD's approval of the salve, the subject project will 12 continue to be subject to the Builder's Remedy even if the City subsequently adopts a compliant 13 housing element. In short, provided the Applicant submitted their preliminary application prior to 14 the City's adoption of the housing element, the Project continues to enjoy the Builder's Remedy. 15 In this case, the Applicant met this deadline. 16 Per Government Code § 65941.1, a preliminary application shall be deemed to have 17 submitted its preliminary application (and thus vested its application in its ability to rely on the 18 Builder's Remedy), upon submittal of all of the information identified in Government Code § 19 65941.1 to the local agency, and payment of any permit processing fee. (Gov't Code § 20 65941.1(a).) Furthermore, whether the City agrees that an application contains the requisite 2t information is irrelevant. (See Gov't Code § 65941.1(d)(3).) 22 As explained in the Applicant's prior correspondence, the Application met the 23 requirements of Government Code § 65941.1 with the original June 5, 2023 submittal, and 24 provided further explanation and justification to the City through its September 1, 2023 submittal. 25 (See September 1, 2023 submitted by Applicant to City in conjunction with resubmittal; see also 26 October 6, 2023 Letter from Orange City Attorney [confirming preliminary application was 27 deemed complete by September 1, 2023 at the latest].) Accordingly, it clear that the preliminary 28 application was deemed effective as of June 5, 2023 and/or September 1, 2023 at the absolute Rutan & Tucker, LLP. _ 1 Q_ aftornsys of low 2545/016909-0637 JCP PROPERTY OWNER'S APPEAL FROM MARCH 27, 2024 NOTICE OP 20439611.2 04/1024 INCOMPLETENESS 1 latest. 2 Both of these dates are well before the City's adoption of its current housing element, 3 which was submitted to HCD on or about November 3, 2023, and ultimately approved on or about 4 January 2, 2024. (See Vanek Dec., Exhibit 9 [printout from California's HCD website].) 5 Accordingly, if the Project qualifies as a "housing development project" under Government Code 6 § 65589.5 for very low, low-, or moderate -income households, the Builder's Remedy applies. 7 A "housing development project" is defined as any use consisting of (i) residential units 8 only, (ii) mixed -use developments where two-thirds of square footage is for housing, and (iii) 9 transitional housing or supportive housing. Of course, the Project is for residential uses only, and 10 as such meets this definition. 11 Furthermore, "housing for very low, low-, or moderate -income households" is defined as a 12 housing development that is conditioned to ensure that at "least 20 percent of the total units shall 13 be sold or rented to lower income households, as defined in Section 50079.5 of the Health and 14 Safety Code." (Gov't Code § 65589.5(h)(3).) As explained, in the Application, the Project calls 15 for 209 units, inclusive of 42 affordable units, which is greater than 20% of the total Project. 16 Therefore, the Project qualifies as "housing for very low, low-, or moderate -income households." 17 Because the Project is a housing development project where 20% of the available units will 18 be sold or rented to lower income households, and because the preliminary application was 19 submitted before the HCD's approval of the City's housing element, the Applicant can rely upon 20 the Builder's Remedy in this case. 21 B. The City cannot Require the Applicant to Process a General Plan Amendment 22 and/or Zone Change 23 Having established that the Project can rely on the Builder's Remedy, this also means that 24 the City cannot require the Applicant to process a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change to 25 accommodate the Project. As explained above, under the Housing Accountability Act, the City 26 lacks the authority and/or discretion to deny a qualified housing development project, unless it can 27 make certain enumerated findings under Government Code §65589.5(d)(5). 28 One of these findings provides that a City can deny a qualified housing development Rutan & Tucker, LLP _11_ attorneys at law 2545/016909-0637 JCP PROPERTY OWNER'S APPEAL. FROM MARCH 27, 2024 NOTICE OF 20439611.2.04/1024 INCOMPLETENESS I project if the City finds that the project would result in inconsistencies "with both the 2 jurisdiction's zoning ordinance and general plan land use designation as specified in any element 3 of the general plan as it existed on the date the application was deemed complete ..." (Gov't 4 Code § 65589.5(d)(5).) However, because the City did not have an HCD-approved housing 5 element prior to the Applicant's submittal of its application (inclusive of the preliminary 6 application), the City cannot rely on this finding in denying the Project. (Gov't Code § 7 65589.5(d)(5).) 8 Therefore, when as here, the application is utilizing the Builder's Remedy, the City cannot 9 require an applicant to process either a zoning code or general plan amenchnent, as such a 10 requirement would be directly contrary to the Housing Accountability Act. 11 C. The Application Must be Deemed Complete as of February 26 2024 at the 12 Absolute Latest 13 In its March 27, 2024, incompleteness determination letter, City staff confirmed that even 14 from the City's perspective all of the necessary application materials were submitted to the City as 15 of February 26, 2024, except for the requested application for a General Plan Amendment and 16 Zone Change. (See City's March 27, 2024 Letter, Table A; Vanek Dec., Exh. 8.) As explained 17 above, the requested General Plan Amendment and Zone Change cannot be required by the City 18 where, as here, the Applicant is entitled to rely upon the Builder's Remedy. Accordingly, the 19 Application must be deemed complete as of February 26, 2024 at the latest. (See Gov't Code § 20 65941.1(d)(3) [noting no affirmative completeness determination is needed from the City for the 21 Application to be deemed complete].) 22 V. The Applicant Complied with the Timing Requirements of Government Code & 23 65941.1 24 In correspondence from the City Attorney's office, the City Attorney claims that the 25 Project is not entitled to the Builder's Remedy because the Applicant somehow failed to comply 26 with the timing requirements of Government Code § 65941.1. This argument is both factually 27 incorrect, and legally wrong. 28 RUM & Tucker. LLP attorneys at low -12- 2545/016909-0637 7CP PROPERTY OWNER'S APPEAL FROM MARc1127, 2024 NOTICE OF 20439611.2 04/10/24 tNCOMPLEMNESS 2 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Rutan & Tucker, LLP. afforneys of low First, from a timing perspective, Government Code § 65941.1(d) provides as follows: (1) Within 180 calendar days after submitting a preliminary application with all of the information required by subdivision (a) to a city, county, or city and county, the development proponent shall submit an application for a development project that includes all of the information required to process the development application consistent with Sections 65940, 65941, and 65941.5. (2) If the public agency determines that the application for the development project is not complete pursuant to Section 65943, the development proponent shall submit the specific information needed to complete the application within 90 days of receiving the agency's written identification of the necessary information. If the development proponent does not submit this information within the 90-day period, then the preliminary application shall expire and have no further force or effect. (3) This section shall not require an affirmative determination by a city, county, or city and county regarding the completeness of a preliminary application or a development application for purposes of compliance with this section. The Applicant met each of these deadlines. As explained above, the City did not have a Government Code § 65940 compliant submittal requirement checklist when the Applicant submitted its application. Further, the City never issued an incompleteness determination from its Community Development Director, as required by the City's own code. As such, the Applicant's original submittal of June 5, 2023 was both the final and preliminary application for the Project, and was deemed complete as a (natter of law, without any further action from the City. (See Government Code § 65941.1(d)(3).) Alternatively, even if the June 5, 2023 submittal was not complete as a matter of law, the September 1, 2023 would clearly meet the 90 and 180 deadlines discussed above, meaning that the Project is still able to continue to rely on the Builder's Remedy since its application was deemed complete as of September 1, 2023. Furthermore, contrary to the City's insinuation, Government Code § 65941.1(d)(2) does not create an iterative process that requires an applicant to continuously update its materials within 90 days of receiving any incompleteness letter from the City. Instead, it only requires that the 90 day deadline be met once: "If the public agency determines that the application for the development project is not complete pursuant to Section 65943, the development proponent shall submit the specific information needed to complete the application within 90 days of receiving 13- 2545/016909-0637 JCP PROPERTY OWNER'S APPEAL FROM MARCH 27, 2024 NOTICE OF 20439611.2.04/10/24 INCOMPLETENESS 1 the agency's written identification of the necessary information." (Gov't Code § 65941.1(d)(2).) 2 In this case, the Applicant provided its response to the first incompleteness determination (dated 3 July 5, 2023) by September 1, 2023, and well within the 90 days required by the code. 4 Importantly, even if the Application was not deemed or otherwise considered complete on 5 June 5, 2023 or September 1, 2023 (which it was not), the City had agreed to continue to extend 6 the Applicant's resubmittal while the City clarified its position with regard to the items listed in 7 Table A of the City's October 5, 2023 letter. Per Government Code § 65943, the City and 8 Applicant are able to agree to extend any deadline imposed by that section, including the City's 9 response to the Applicant's submittals. In this case, the record shows that the parties agreed to 10 wait for the City to provide additional clarification on its comments before the Applicant would 11 provide its response if any. That additional "clarification" was provided at the end of January 12 2024, as conveyed by the City Attorney's office. As such, the Applicant clearly responded within 13 ninety days of being relayed that information from the City Attorney's office. The City's attempt 14 at "gotcha" by stringing the Applicant along is improper. 15 Lastly, the City failed to advise the Applicant of the relevant deadline that the City 16 apparently believes was supposed to have applied to the Application. Per Government Code § 17 65941.5, the public agency is required to notify all applicants of the time limits established for the 1.8 review and approval of development permits under Article 3 of the Government Code, which 19 includes the 90-day limit of Government Code § 65941.1. Because the City failed to notify the 20 Applicant of the City's understanding of this provision, the City is precluded from enforcing its 21 draconian interpretation. 22 Based on all of the foregoing, the City's Application is timely and can still rely on the 23 Builder's Remedy, which means that the Application must be deemed complete. 24 VI. ADU's Can Satisfy the Affordability Requirements Under the Housing 25 Accountability Act 26 The City Attorney's office has opined, without citation to any authority, that the Project's 27 reliance on accessory dwelling units is improper because the Applicant cannot "guarantee or 28 require that any of the forty-two (42) units will actually be made available for rent at all, as it Rutan & Tucker, LLP -14- attolneys. at law 2545/016909-0637 JCP PROPERTY OwNER's APPEAL FROM MARCH 27, 2024 NOTICE OF 20439611.2 a04/10/24 INCOMPLETENESS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Rutan & Tucker, LLP attorneys at cannot require a purchaser to rent their ADUs." This argument is nonsensical, and would mean that no rentable units could satisfy the requirement of Government Code § 65589.5, because there is no way to guarantee that any property owner would actually rent out their property. The only control a developer has is to ensure that if a unit is sold or rented, then the buyers or tenants would be required to meet certain income categories. This is all that the Housing Accountability Act requires, nothing more, and is exactly what the Project provides. Additionally, it should be noted that is well recognized, even by the City, that its RIINA numbers can be satisfied with ADUs, and as such those units can obviously be counted as residential units.3 For the City to argue to the HCD that it is working to incentivize the development of ADUs as a means of meeting its RHNA numbers, and to simultaneously try to prohibit the development of ADUs within the Project is duplicitous at best. (See also 2021-2029 City of Orange Housing Element, p. 3-53 ["The City also anticipates the development of 217 affordable ADUs based on the methodology described in this section."]; see also 2021-2029 City of Orange Housing Element, Table 3-56 [stating that the City intends to provide 80 units of extremely low/very low income ADUs, 137 low income ADUs, and 96 moderate incomes, as a means of reaching its RHNA numbers].) Since the City is clearly relying on the use of ADUs to meet its housing numbers, it must also recognize that developers can rely on ADUs to meet the affordability requirements of Government Code § 65589.5. As such, the City's contention that ADUs cannot be used to meet the affordability requirements for a project to qualify for the Builder's Remedy is demonstrably false. 3 See City of Orange 2021-2029 Housing Element, p. C-5: "The City includedADUs as part of the candidate housing sites strategy and included a program which commits the City to updating the Municipal Code to permit ADUs and JADUs in all zones which allow residential uses and update Section 17.13.030 Permitted Uses table to clarify where ADUs and JAD Us are permitted in compliance with State law. The City is also developing informational materials and train staff to work with residents on permitting and building ADUs." -15- 25451016909-0637 JCP PROPERTY OWNER'S APPEAL FROM MARCH 27, 2024 NOTICE OF 20439611.2 a04/10/24 INCOMPLETENESS EWAJI WA 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Rutan & Tucker, LLP attorneys at taw VII. Conclusion: In light of the foregoing, the Applicant requests that the Planning Commission overturn the directive of City staff and find that (i) the Application, including the preliminary application, was deemed complete on June 5, 2024, and therefore, the project is subject to the Builder's Remedy under the Housing Accountability Act, and (ii) to direct staff to process the Applicant's Application accordingly. Dated: April 10, 2024 RUTAN & TUCKS HANS VAN LIGTEN TRA AN TF By: Hans Van Lig`ren Attorneys for Appellant THE ORANGE JCP PROJECT OWNER, LLC -16- 25451016909-0637 JCP PROPERTY OWNER'S APPEAL FROM MARCH 27, 2024 NOTICE OF 20439611.2 n04110/24 INCOMPLETENESS L 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP Hans Van Ligten (State Bar No. 119323) hvanligten@rutan.com Travis Van Ligten (State Bar No. 301715) tvanligten@rutan.com 18575 Jamboree Road, 9th Floor Irvine, CA 92612 Telephone: 714-641-5100 Facsimile: 714-546-9035 Attorneys for Appellant The Orange JCP Project Owner, LLC DECLARATION OF PETER VANEK Rutan &-Tuak®r, LLP attorneys at law _ I _ 2545/OI6909-0637 20460786.1 a04/10/24 DECLARATION OF PETER VANEK I DECLARATION OF PETER VANE, K 2 I, Peter Vanek, declare as follows: 3 1. I am the Vice President of Forward Planning for Integral Communities, and have 4 acted as The Orange JCP Project Owner, LLC's ("Applicant" or "Appellant") representative 5 throughout its application process with the City of Orange. I make this Declaration in support of 6 The Orange JCP Project Owner, LLC's Appeal of Mr. Chad Ortlieb's March 27, 2024 decision 7 declaring the Applicant's Application incomplete. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth 8 in this Declaration and, if called as a witness, could and would testify competently to such facts 9 under oath. 10 2. On June 5, 2023,1 submitted an application (the "Application") to the City of Orange 11 using the Land Use Project Application form that was available on the City's website for the 12 development of a residential project on 7.8 acres within the existing Village at Orange mall that will 13 include 167 for sale condominiums, 42 below market rate accessory dwelling units ("ADUs") with 14 kitchenette (for a total of 209 units), a recreation center, and a 1,500 square foot restroom and 15 community meeting room (the "Project"). Further, the ADUs will be deed restricted such that any 16 lease or sale of the ADU shall be at 80% AMI in order to provide housing for lower income 17 households to meet the requirements of Government Code section 65589.5(h)(3). 18 3. On July 5, 2023, a City's Principal, I received an email from Mr. Chad Ortlieb, in 19 which he attached a Notice of Incompleteness ("July 5 Notice"). Attached hereto as Exhibit 1 is a 20 true and correct copy of that July 5, 2023 notice, and the attached letter. 21 4. On September 1, 2023,1 submitted a response to the July 5, 2023 notice on behalf of 22 Applicant responding to the various points raised by the City. Attached hereto as Exhibit 2 is a true 23 and correct copy of my email delivering the Applicant's response to the City. 24 5. On or about October 5, 2023, Mr. Chad Ortlieb provided a supplemental response 25 me outlining various concerns the City had with the Applicant's September 1, 2023 submittal. 26 Attached hereto as Exhibit 3 is a true and correct copy of Mr. Ortlieb's October 5, 2023 email, and 27 the attached letter. 28 6. 1 am informed and believe, and on that basis allege, that on October 6, 2023, the City Rutxn &Tucker, LLP attorneys at law _2_ 2549016909-0637 20460786.1 e04/1024 DECLARATION OF PETER VANEK I Attorney for the City of Orange also provided a response to counsel for the Applicant, setting forth 2 the City's legal position as to certain points raised by the Applicant's September 1, 2023 submittal. 3 7. After receiving the City's October 5 and October 6 letters, the Applicant and City 4 staff agreed to conduct an in -person meeting at City Hall to discuss the various points at issue in 5 this case, so that the Applicant could adequately respond to the points raised by the City. 6 8. On November 8, 2023, members of the Applicant's team and City Staff attended the 7 agreed upon meeting. On behalf of the City, Chad Ortlieb, Russel Bunim, Anna Pehoushek, and 8 City Attorney Mike Vigliota attended the meeting. 9 9. At the start of the meeting, Chad Ortlieb confirmed that Table A to the October 5, 10 2023, letter was all that was needed to be addressed for the application to be deemed complete from 11 the City's perspective. When my team explained that some of the City's requests were vague and/or 12 unclear, the City directed Applicant to continue to work with the City to address the comments 13 raised therein. 14 10. In regards to Comment No. 98 of the October 5, 2023 letter, the City explained that 15 the comment was stating that the Project had to be served by trash bins rather than trash carts. 16 However, because the City's code allows the City to approve Projects that are serviced by trash 17 carts, the Applicant asked for clarification on this purported requirement. In response, the City's 18 representatives at the meeting instructed the Applicant to contact Josh Soliz with the City to 19 determine what this condition required. 20 11. Subsequently, on November 27, 2023, I conferred with Mr. Soliz, wherein he stated 21 that he had no ability to approve the Project if it included trash carts rather than trash bins. As a 22 result of that conversation, Mr. Vanek followed up with Mr. Ortlieb, and asked for Mr. Ortlieb to 23 provide guidance on how best to move forward via a November 27, 2023 email. On December 1, 24 2023, Mr. Ortlieb responded, stating that he had not forgotten about my inquiry, and stated "I'm 25 still awaiting an internal response." A true and correct copy of that email chain is attached hereto 26 as Exhibit 4. 27 12. After not receiving any response, on January 3, 2024, 1 again followed up with Mr. 28 Ortlieb, at which point Mr. Ortlieb informed me that he was working with Senior Assistant City Rutan &Tucker, LLP attarmys at law _3_ 2545/016909-0637 20460796.1 a04/10/24 DECLARATION OF PETER VANEI{ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Rutan 8 Tucker, LLP atfor-rleys at law Attorney Melissa Crosthwaite, and that he would follow-up on the trash enclosure issue upon her return. Having not heard from Mr. Ortlieb, on January 11, 2023,1 sent another email to him asking for the City to respond. A true and correct copy of that email chain is attached hereto as Exhibit 5. 13. I am also informed and believe, and on that basis allege that on January 11, 2024, Ms. Crosthwaite contacted Travis Van Ligten and Hans Van Ligten (Applicant's counsel) to set up a meeting to discuss the ongoing discussions between the City and Applicant, which meeting initially occurred in mid -January 2024. During that meeting, I am informed and believe and on that basis allege that Ms. Crosthwaite agreed to coordinate with City staff and to set up a call in the future to convey their decisions. 14. Subsequently, on January 29, 2024, I am also informed and believe, and on that basis allege that Ms. Crosthwaite and Mr. Van Ligten again met and conferred, where she agreed (a) that the City had the authority to allow cart service rather than bin service, but (b) the City would not deem the application complete unless the Applicant submitted a site plan for the Project that utilized bin service. However, Ms. Crosthwaite also confirmed that the Applicant could still submit its preferred alternative for cart service as an alternative to the submittal. 15. Shortly thereafter, on February 26, 2024, I submitted the Applicant's most recent submittal in an attempt to work with the City, and address the outstanding issues that the City wished to see addressed. Attached hereto as Exhibit 6 is a true and correct copy of that February 26, 2024 email, and as Exhibit 7 a true and correct copy of the February 28, 2024 email. 16. On March 27, 2024, Chad Ortlieb sent me a new incompleteness letter. A true and correct copy of this March 27, 2024 email and its attachments are attached hereto as Exhibit 8. 17. Attached hereto as Exhibit 9 is a printout of the California Department of Housing and Community Development's ("HCD") website showing when the City of Orange submitted its housing element for review, and HCD's ultimate approval of the same. 18. Attached hereto as Exhibit 10 is a true and correct copy of the City of Orange's Land Use Application Packet, which is available at the following URL: https://www.citvoforange.ora/business/planiiina-division, 2545/016909-0637 20460786.1 a04/10/24 -4- DECLARATION OF PETER VANEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Rutan & Tucker, LLP attorneys at law Executed on r 2 at at Newport Beach, California. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 25451016909-0637 20460786.1 a04110l24 -5- Peter Vanek DECLARATION OF PETER VANEK Exhibit 1 Van Ligten, Travis From: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb@cityoforange.org> Sent: Wednesday, July S, 2023 5:08 PM To: Peter Vanek Cc: Anna Pehoushek; Russell Bunim Subject: The Village District at Orange Attachments: The Village District at Orange Incomplete Letter 7-5-23 Final.pdf Peter, Please see the City's attached comment letter for the Village District at Orange. Regards, Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner City of Orange (714) 744-7237 001ELopnaCNr a E-mail correspondence, along with any attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act, and as such may be subject to public disclosure unless otherwise exempt under the Act. OT oe t: r CITE' OF ORANGE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT www.cltyoforange.org ADMINISTRATION (714)744-7240 fax: (714) 744-7222 July 5, 2023 PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING DIVISION CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION (714) 744-7220 (714) 744-7200 (714) 744-7244 fax: (714) 744-7222 fax: (714) 744-7245 fax: (714) 744-7245 The Orange JCP Project Owner, LLC Attn: Peter Vanek 888 San Clemente Drive, Ste. 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 pvanek@intejzralcommunities.com ELECTRONIC MAIL RE: Tentative Tract Map No. 0053-23, Major Site Plan Review No. 1140-23, Design Review No. 5123-23, Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 0002-23, and General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Environmental No. to be determined — The Village District at Orange, 2200 N Tustin Street Dear Mr. Vanek: On June 5, 2023, PIanning Staff received applications and preliminary plans seeking vesting rights pursuant to developer remedy provisions of State statute. The project description accompanying your preliminary application includes the following: • A residential development on 7.8 acres on the former JC Penny Site at the Village at Orange mall • 167 for sale condominiums plus 42 below market rate deed restricted (at 80% AMI) accessory dwelling units ("ADUs") with kitchenette (209 units total) • A 1,500 square foot restroom and community meeting room • Demolition of approximately 100,000 rentable square feet of existing retail space, consisting of the former JCPenney building • A residential density of approximately 21 units per acre, not including the ADUs • Processing of one or more tentative map(s) for condominium purposes • At present, the Project does not include any requests for density bonus, incentives, concessions, waivers or reductions of development standards, or parking reductions under the Density Bonus Law At the .tune 14, 2023, Staff Review Committee Meeting City staff reviewed your preliminary application, plans, and supplemental materials and determined that your preliminary application is deemed incomplete, pursuant to Government Code Section 659411(a). Please find attached Table A, which details the additional information required. Should you be eligible and decide to submit a revised preliminary application or formal application, please fill in ORANGE CIVIC CENTER 300 E. CHAPMAN AVENUE ORANGE, CA 92866-1508 The Village District at Age July 3, 2023 Page 2 of 60 the Applicant Response Column of Table A and provide the requested application materials. Staff will fill in the "Completed" column when the issue has been addressed. You must include a copy of this letter with your application re -submittal. Table A can also be provided to you electronically in Word document format if requested. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at (714) 744-7237 or cortlieb@cityoforange.org. Sincerely, Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner Enclosures: Table A Table B N:\CDD\PLNa\Applications\Tentative Tract Maps\TTM 0053-23 The Village District at Orange\SRC 6-14-23\Staff CommentsUncmnplete Letter 7-3-23 Final.doex a� a� o � a °J ej ell I.Y � 0 p U a � 0 0 0 C� k a o d o Cd o cn a� o ai k Guo - + �. O ;-4o U �0 �, U 17 > b Cd cd n3 a� v1 gl, o CIE, o �,cd ^C 91, ? r p _ as ' 'd . Q. U o o Ed�4N 0� a y� Cd U cn .o o, ,cu i o o o oLP y U a4-4 '� °' U 0 v a) Q p .. O -+ 'CS 43 p O" O O �. ,P,+" U y y n .�-i O N O C./a OJ `n U y, O v" Y 1.04 .� O bf .^ by CON Ld Cd r rtit O m U p U cd O Or P. r.+ O z � ° 9z -� Cam cd aZ 1:4'0 �•�..� o to N d p Q; a) y Q �Q u oy a k o cC�d+ m "' M 4--. 0-4 m � U � F � W u f i ID bA 10. v N ? N un a tcS a� [il N O U T X QU] U N O Qy O Lt i "CrA W N b cd U "d O cd H OLF-4 � CJ cad U` a 1-4 N � •p 'd O N .� cR` � U U N N C a " � nn Cd En P4 o 47 N DI cG A U �+ '�+ ' 'r1 4 ice, •- id 'd rQ7n G v U` , y `. P1 0 �U . 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R u �C .°r ° N y0 5H y .n y .qUy W Vl od U m ram- U O O U c� H N 'O . v 'y U O p UJ t y o ^3 N U .f7 •.(..�' O yF N 'd bA N .O f7 N +' L7 bA bq `prZUv a s a 3 U a. �A W° OJ o 4z rA g M M oz dU y .Ur O q ca w O u a Q � U O O N � h M r-I 1� d 4 Cd FtiP. a 0 a a a a N p U > o •l3 o q'Is0.w 'p p o�a�i °o11 b q 30�apiP75 � '�dJ- ryj • y N N ,.p O° U N P• � a°p' N O l� N ONO 3 a q 449 •� o '. °O� Y C6 p "U� o o U .� U O .0 ~ 0, f]Jj V] cr n y 0° o Y -o - 9 :�Cd .n oNpy o y p O 91 .iOpWV H- � qN 0 OC � N CPdu ° . � ❑ '+� U Id ❑❑ cCC g �-' O p �a O U, F. 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Or'� U U q O cNd N O 9 4=a dd '� •� '� 'L3 CZ ay�1 bEj A o q Cd cd .-.. v, '-, ` O w e p 5 3 a A rq o P U Cd v d o rA Z d m °z U dd a 0 LOD U d a 0 a a b a a a � cd '� 5 ° ° G q o w .o o ai P. ��" abi a .� ca F. 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O W -p ,Sj O y .�i �o � W yO .� A o p w$ o m 'b o o � a�i .� o •C a° ma'b-0aa owa,�oa 3�Oa� NO bq o ° h a5i °' b S °o U o � 9 0 p a� 'O .� 4n U m U .� FL O. O w O O� C9 N al a�❑-! ti , .t7 .� .� O O p F. c� ° rN ;�❑ u '+'7 a °� edbID td "i �' R Cd U iG ° w w w td U Vl p a p �bo a ,—U. v' a q� q cd �y O U N 4i rp+ ° N °+ Ui `❑n fi V q y ° 'o a ,q o Q°U 00 c5+ o.° pj o °�`d (z'n 0 �O ° Zq.aai.� .° Gw UU N"t p 0O 4y FN• wcUod a'O9Cd '� N F. 'U w x0 a'p w ' A .O o Q a'Ct td N N bp'd O U �•� O \ ,-p .o «' w a, O t°. '°o'• G�+, V] pU U t� V] U w l0 N R. O cd y, q T U o i� q p+'O .F, ,.O w w w w 4) (D 6 Wz A � kn �z U dU .d. a U rA d q 0 a a a a a �3a a a N S� N m N� O a• Ry 'o U 0 Ua$ ++ p.� U 3Oa O O U b11 F4 bq O O Fa U N .-. 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O Oo O O t OA od O PLO Id 3 H eUpn °wa o S o o P; a o o w cd " '� 0 ami ac7i o '" •a o H O p �rpJl H U '� Y 0 G. y U U m O U bq U U P'5 Uj .. U a w O �j N a en Rai p o W N N �PS y Y �❑ FFx�j U' ��yy O N 0 b Oa oO `�O 22 ' P, 10 ti pU Gn i- t� U 0 P� ° U10 .� alPp ] O cd Y Y P�+ 'C fA ro F.1I H A O N .,may U m O U O '� ° A 'd Y •��y+4 N O O cC FGOi O pa 0O V"y P� U Fl H fq6 U yO cz t- p L'LdO" m P. �r `O P bq cd .b Y "o, PA Y .o ° x 0 o � a u >, o a3 aoi P ° N N N N M M M M M M 'cl �° ,.a U •l]° � ° 5 9 ni � � CO o v b U o cc 90 o Y ° O a ai O Y C, U g p o ti •ly° O 'i"' •r-' U Co ° b z O D bq o w O cN 'tl m " tj G °Y' ,fj C j7 C O r7. tr U a� O O C �" •�" bU N ro � � N 4 Eby "y C (� Qi74 'Cyr Y Y Y Y GJ U O@ '^ P O A+ P1 .-C Y V A P4 CV y U U N td cd a ttl �Wy pJ O •ba U .ky a"�- f.'y U N U y U P+ o O N a yp; '° U U O J❑' U by U 10, O •may � y Ny � •Y ti �+ G N N N Y U Y U Y� y 11 V lod ❑p .�I y� C" M bA bA V] a.r Cd a bA . 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U o P, W F 3 a is oho � o rn rn rn The Village District at Orange July 3, 2023 Page 60 of 60 N:\CDD\PLNG\Applications\Tentative Tract Maps\TTM 0053-23 The Village District at 0tange\SRC 6-14-23\Staff Cornments\Incomplete Letter 7-3- 23 Final.docx Exhibit 2 Van Li ten, Trams From: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Friday, September 1, 2023 12:25 PM To: Chad Ortlieb Cc: Russell Bunim; Anna Pehoushek Subject: RE: Village at Orange resubmittal Good afternoon Chad, Please seethe below link for our resubmittal package. As requested, one full size copy of the plans, and three half size sets will be delivered to you this afternoon. If there are any additional hard copies of documents that you require, please let me know. Thank you, have a great long weekend! htt s: www.dro box.com/scl/fo/w4e3egtvcacpfe76vveup/h?rlkey=cmfypfeitezt6v7u2y-cret7t]&d1=0 Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning 0 INTEGRAL �i'ftix�irl[1�0.rA1 [i �-rrE l]:sUr\rl 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb@cityoforange.org> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 2:27 PM To: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Cc: Russell Bunim <rbunim@cityoforange.org>; Anna Pehoushek<apehoushek@cityoforange.org> Subject: RE: Village at Orange resubmittal Hi Peter, To clarify, are you submitting the formal application? If so, our reiterated position is that you need the Zone Change and General Plan Amendment as part of the application. I'll also need 1 full size set and 3 half size sets, and all the information that wasn't provided in the preliminary application as stated in the City's Land Use Application. Apologies for the delayed response, I'm on a first day back from vacation. Regards, Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner City of Orange (714)744-7237 v��JELOPl4�F�T0 OF Oil FA rq�M: TP m From: Peter Vanek < vanel< inte ralcommunities.com> Sent: Friday, August 11, 2023 11:58 AM TO. Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb@cityoforange.or > Cc: Peter Vanek <pvanel<P inte ralcommunities.com> Subject: Village at Orange resubmittal Chad, We are readying our plans for resubmittal. Please let me know if a fully electronic submittal is acceptable, or if you would like hard copies of the plans. If hard copies are requested, please let me know how many, sizes, etc. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning INTEGRAL :r mn)unitles 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 E-mail correspondence, along with any attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act; and as such may be subject to public disclosure unless otherwise exempt under the Act. Exhibit 3 From: Chad Ortlieb To: Peter Vanek Cc: Mike Vinliotta; Melissa Crosthwaite; Russell eunim; Anna Peh ushek Subject: The Village District At Orange Comment Letter Date: Thursday, October 5, 2023 3:16:49 PM Attachments: imaae00J.g_na FINAL Incompleteness Letter 10-5-23 Village at OranaP ndf Peter, Attached is the City`s comment letter on the subject project. Please let me know you received it. Cordially, Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner City of Orange (7 1 4) 744-7237 W E-mail correspondence, along with any attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act,• and as such may be subject to public disclosure unless otherwise exempt under the Act. 4 OT QR rl " CITY OF ORANGE cap*r / DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT www.cityoforango.org ADMINISTRATION (714) 744-7240 fax: (714) 744-7222 October 5, 2023 PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING DIVISION CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION (714) 744-7220 (714) 744-7200 (714) 744-7244 fax: (714) 744-7222 fax: (714) 744-7245 fax: (714) 744-7245 The Orange JCP Project Owner, LLC Attn: Peter Vanek 888 San Clemente Drive, Ste, 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 pvanek e,inte ralcommunities.com ELECTRONIC MAIL RE: Tentative Tract Map No. 0053-23, Major Site Plan Review No. 1140-23, Design Review No. 5123-23, Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 0002-23, and General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Environmental No. to be determined — The Village District at Orange, 2200 N Tustin Street Dear Mr. Vanek: Thank you for providing revised plans for the subject project which included hard copies date stamped received on September 5, 2023. In a letter dated July 5, 2023, staff had previously commented on your plans and supplemental application materials which you first submitted on June 5, 2023. You have stated that your June 5, 2023 application is a formal, and not preliminary, application. Hence, your September 5, 2023 resubmittal is in furtherance of a formal submittal and presumably seeking to address staff s comments in our July 5, 2023 comment letter. As you know, that letter identified the parts of the application that were incomplete and indicated the manner in which they could be made complete, including a list and thorough description of the specific information needed to complete the application. The project remains the following: • A residential development on 7.8 acres on the former JC Penny Site at the Village at Orange mall • 167 for sale condominiums plus 42 below market rate deed restricted (at 80% AMI) accessory dwelling units ("ADUs") with kitchenette (209 units total) • A 1,500 square foot restroom and community meeting room • DemoIition of approximately 100,000 rentable square feet of existing retail space, consisting of the former JCPenney building • A residential density of approximately 21 units per acre, not including the ADUs • Processing of one or more tentative map(s) for condominium purposes ORANGE CIVIC CENTER 300 E. CHAPMAN AVENUE ORANGE, CA 92866-1508 The Village District at l dge October 5, 2023 Page 2 of 86 At present, the Project does not include any requests for density bonus, incentives, concessions, waivers or reductions of development standards, or parking reductions under the Density Bonus Law At the September 20, 2023 Staff Review Committee Meeting, City staff reviewed your resubmitted and supplemental plans and materials. Based on the comments provided in attached Table A, your application remains incomplete due to the omission of submittal items and plan content as specified in the City's Land Use Project Application. Attached Table A details the additional information required. Please fill in the Applicant Response Column of Table A and provide the requested application materials. Staff will fill in the "Completed" column when the issue has been addressed. You must include a copy of this letter with your application re -submittal. Table A can again be provided to you electronically in Word document format if requested. Table B is also included in this letter noting plan comments that do not meet code requirements, including those correlating to matters of public safety. All comments within Table B must be addressed during the processing of this proposal. Table C includes a list of comments that have been resolved with your most recent plan resubmittal. Table D is a partial list of potential conditions of approval. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at (714) 744-7237 or cortlieb@cityoforange.org. Sincerely, Eir Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner Enclosures: Table A — Incompleteness Items Table B — Substantive Comments Table C — Resolved Comments Table D — Partial List of Potential Conditions N:\CDD\PLNG\Applications\Tentative Tract Maps\TTM 0053-23 The Village District at Orange\September 2023 Submittal\SRC 9-20-23\SRC Comments\FINAL incompleteness Letter 10-5-23 Village at Orange.doex y o -� � M cu 4.0 � ANC � a� cl E-4 -41 z •o o � cql ;> ID UA (U ci ti m U by cd 3 �� ��WU�� 0 T��°�'� V F-•y .�- N % l U En 4J U m ^ �a-t � � Ez G1 $:" e cn U) tJ W Yam+ �•d r , U LF .Ti O cC � U Ra U CD bA N N d i" �" y Z o° R" o o N L" -- 'o y o N U cz aq En 4-1 7%tea qOcnj Cdd U a �toou� CA OQ, C�� �•3� a ? v o U cd ed �+ 3 d C) o 0 0 a s o �; R-' o a o n b 3 U O q �. O `� � N �' o N O� cr �tD .sue N 0 Q o = z t�: A � Un U U U U Q nt C p L IX o o Y� -' � o- o 0 o U o -� L r = 4° °�' d 3 ¢ �. i. 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O to 2 •y • ol o a Cd 4- a��i— irn CA U4-1 M v U � cn ') U U O O C1. N ar v, o u � � ttt au Q vi Ln '00 4,1 .> ° . or. 3 - G o a o 'I)� a U (u v a� d J U 3 � � 4 0 Q. Q. CC • 'Z 0 O cd �I ai rVi In i� V] [a� f•.1 rs1 V %�-II cd 10 a Ct + Q O %-I . rl N I- ice• C� �!1 CO i••.w i• 0 Ln U 0 O = cd O � ° 3 cd ra, + VV O H cs V U O �z 9z 'a 06 O� uz a wc) a. U M n 0 1# a a a 'a cn Ln LnIn ,.. a'aj a) Q cc aj o o Q" o � U Q o p �o o �. -o ro •_ CO S m Q) E `*a) cn q �p a' "i ai �. v N o In U i +- cz °at ol In 3 bn v cd q, t� v 4� U E C t4 cc ,may r� Q) _� U ate-+ " N bA Ul ice„ j, �•71 C/] • -1 Cd O 7. O Q) N G� Q) CHy cd N fu cr U on� A, � a do Q� a� o � v Q a P v o w cu 0 ^O ° v a� g 4-1 0. � q o fs, 00 O � � 0 rn cz > by (1) a] Q) a . 4 v F. �j a D 4- � o a. O as WFJ Qz o O �+ O � �z 4! C o � U N i m CD 0 F F v F y y ton L," O .. O U O `4' U ULO p C� rn O U In r..,.-� v1 L..--0 bA U O to O rn c�G O' C O ~ E w7 6' U cn cr cr U U 0 a4 N sU, p cd p vp yto U v, T7 CC Lt 30 0 '-' 0 0 = ai °' o W � p 0 E g o hr��3i� ~ � 0. � �-+ U �" O •�; � � � � � � � � � U N .. } O .'. 1- U+ U O _ O O -p U . � FD-5 .�.+ a rn `J U 41 '0 ''� •". cd 'B c +- O U A Q �, Vl _ 03 y _ _ o .° 0 U U Cdd En c O"Vl � O�C U [n um O C� �' O ti x "Q d O M O IL4 c� ccn f�, � U co,'O O" DO cc U . o > s�syy U U D = un 1Ln •Ui Z [d U .� Up 4 Coo 0 C3 � u A O O O +. bJU UL, D U SJ] '� U Vl ^y U $-4 W Y O 0 Cd cda� + Lt a O Erl W ` U Ln as bl).r b bf]� goy O p 0 4- Ln cd CD ~ U cd rm = O v U 'a ."n .p '� O O O [n �' }' kn -0 cn C Q1 ,� p W U �' , U o O a`"i 03 n '� T y }O .� U U by `* C° a a o m cd$ Mr":I� Lt O a° �z � 0 U Z U 41 o CAO co (n CIE Ln O 0 a 4*Cd Ln Ln N bIS U rh m vy +� In ai ° p ° n o a� ° C.) ti o~ + 4--O� -=, O O.° O O. U En Cd all m '� ^p Lo V3 En G. m A U rn +� �bA j 4 r Cl, Ga o 3 °' ¢, fin ° a� • ° 4,1E v bn _ a x cc ^a N c U ai H U W Cdd n 9a o o m Ct ca Q, 3 d a� cd a, C�. 4-4 CZ En cUd cd $a, Cd r cc =s -° cd GJ O N Z o E, 4-1 Cd u y b Eas LI) 4 O O O U ;-4 cn 1 ?+r FL A U CD MEn ay y U o CC N ct bn p Cu O" `Q r..� O "C3 ca o O O J O O cz En bA . ��+ by � U � +, cC • � v� � bn U -p bA b4al cr .� al O N , > O O, cc c. > C/] C1, �i� ct M. aui o � z o° U Z a� o * U � C3 } `l o ' v +a ocn rrcq y on � o rA +- O i. O •fir." aU Q 40 N r •moo .� - 3 �_ o � c,.,o � 3 � .�� —14 U of 0 00 cn 'm bju o o G `� �' ° '� t� C� ° Q a tb cz -0 c o o ay u bjO En ul) ^' r� vF -�4 Q �+ G �"r Q� 'C3 bCJ 03 y� b O ct T O r E u bia cd O `n y r-A �co � R M v� _ O CA Cl 47 En r ^d M u Q, do en M o al cq o >rn �.� rs. o u �•� �j O U cn rn b!} N C44 cd 43 C. U CU p N v cil Q 3 v a a Cd u ,2 o 3 0 O N 03 cq u U5 r�r^M Z V1 � L oz 2 � O.� U v u �°u� 7E,oi' (L) cd o Lori �� odi ca� cd a) a) r �.Gn bJJ O a cl - --, M r Via, M F-`4 (Tj r v _ 7 - �j cd .C1 cn O U Fr I rn E o 0 F~ 'cd . a a � Q 4.1 6 3 2, a) 3 M > U v 'a —" to o 6" � n a) v cdO - � MbaCA o v d a , 3 � o a) > V3 O .� � cd �. C � � 1/3 °, co 3 bl) b o n c CD Q A. U -o o �� N2 o �CbA �C•„r iO'" O N In 0 M— a) wba)Eli - U O pa) y� 'O rn ! tC cd cad ��• v a 0 v ' C3 p •� *� N a) " - ° d 4 i +' p< tea) O ) _O v bf) -ZI v E 7 j a U 0 R, .un � Q M a .� ct a � 0 0 0 c� _ c`di m d v ai 01 Z' a bQ U �' o o. •- O -0 o U _" D-C. v +� v a" Ln ¢ v Q v Q O UO M a) O � v bA a3 °) C) ++ N a) v UCOO a a) '��v+ _ •a? +cn ,-� Cd z 0 a '� � � a, m a, "° d ... c�c ° N O O ca v n U U 22 ' ai cd cC 3 rn o O a�i �+ .r.a �z G N 0 Uz w a.� U m N r.i 0 0 E-+ U i F C9 L. 4., � O O � O � cr U rq 4--1 O '� Cr x Ana Cqu w � r � U U_ O .= Ln ed O U U d�a Cd }�•r+ En � R ^d U ' bU t U O � � O . p -I-, m ? N M Q _ py cd' OU F� O .sd + cn 44 4� O U cci [d j O + Ln U c� rn ID TS on U � cUi a > n U j O U o 4-- o o -0 U A, 0/•• ctjO r+ii 4^' �, .�G `��1 a�'i r�i� O tom,' in /�/�• rA o cd cd m QO o> 4" � a .a a 0 ° o o •u U zn + a� O rA U O U U O U �, C `C U U o� o to G L al o a N M i" O O cd O~ � O Ql = 0 0 Ln d) En O p U y O o Cdd �v i-I cnL)o o O ��� .W oQ.o'a �o N N oz U y "O �O Q3 , a) U bO y3 sr. c p ^ tb m G O b O O p 6'Z cz U bU u `� l) v R O bA m co Or Ot ycd�°Oa m .D p p 3 v UO [Vd 03 �4 c� U(1�-� U '•O Cd U � � •, O C. rn cn :0 : cz od C744i H p y U �A m ,� U � � --� y r•-� "a U � U Ln ol o N U W O ^d S cG ,O cr OULn s "O y R, N _� N ?C D A, D' CDO y O cd o a -+co) 'r y cn c? c+ LA y (�E C cn cd 0 IL-4O ++ 'p r O O O y m c� c; y 4- cd cd W o o to 'O ti U �" "" _ O U p O p 4- N tr c, rn 3 L. D c�i y " • y rn 2 -, cal O a x m ia; C' cu cdd _ cd ONcl . v -0 U i U c) cu . u A ° N O G i " 4�3 U M U 03 a� m o �z QJ VI s N o0 o Z u vp o w U 0 IME r O N a�j to' sU- R3 [�+ O CD En un OcG C O 3 d } cG a, `� ate o o as a �,, LnCN cC O, 6' a3 (D O U O �O C cn �" a] ° 3 cp7 U v3cn coo w, 2.1 cpa u "C a N °0 4- v> b U cF p �+. Q03 CD ° � Ln o C a . � U C a� � � � . � a, -8, t a) C '� > O cn `Z O a in, aj U vn - ' " chi ��." � awl Dcn � •• N Q] � r- � � 'f- � � �'..y1 `J FI •� fl •.—`Y •ter +� -� � {-.1 dyes y it i� 1 �.] •n"'i M cd o-o cn o }' bn o U a C/) (D p .� Es Ez b ° Q od cd a) 4 a U > U w ++ U U "O d.) � aj ca > ]p cz; r 0O 'is y U � In O d N Q U ri) 4rclU c, w p cG U O R C il] ( U C cn — LZ o•� 0 3 N C o Cam•° C a �. •n o U � D O U] U .r W w un O E cd p > `y� • j 3 a un sue.. M Ld � 4; " M CUi U ryn Q, y E C -� O c i aj N cd cY > U vz U) o > o 3 U H 6� O �z m N OC �z Vi U N = U) U L. N 0 O 03 O �] d.0 5 .0 � U Q D w O U N P. a) vi "� N 7 vUi O c�G O cC U U On O ccS R U -0 r cs o � ° o k cr ca cn bll C/3 'o o x C—d 0 7 m O Cd c� R� cj U� N U o R AUi cq bD Cd U U Q ' r by ~ G F." a 60 N C,� O 't r O —i- � y M to 41 4 0 R p U c, p .0 cd Cs 314- cd ° Ed 54- fl � U w C G cd 4r N O S7 U ° o a�It rn Cz�i i 0O U U Qom}Cd •a„ �' is L' O � o a� U �-d� use` � � U U � � c� A [� � ;� •O 1U, Cd �a �z WO � M M U a O U v ramJ, L cd a Cd ul v ° 'bb 3 �, a b�° o 03 i U 0 ° o O cad o v ?' r� o O O a, o � ��4-4 ° a~� rUi� • cn cd Uc":r] 'C3 • ~ un cd O O � P, Cd ^C A Cc by cd "' �? y " cG N -- ca cd obD aU 30 �(4 � as Ln a; I U `� � U CL, U " •^ Fy� Ucz 1-r rl � � •� 3.0 v Qy �a4. 0 0 O w t� rj� o . p ^ • 'a U 1-4 Cl. vi O O U p o. � O U y � N U d) N 't Cl 'O b!] O U O ° U , cu � = cn ° r y 4 m m Q Q of c3 +a� a� cn eery cJ} bn N CD U rn N O Q O U y+ O Ooju] Ul �1 Cd Ca 0 cd O O0y S Q1 dl U L cz Cd U 0 O r^^n- Q) U] H V R UJ x it d O sz x. � 00 U 'Z UPI o U — U U O id m Y U Y �--� 0,0 m a+ O •a 0 i ?e U r�• C °J 3 °'U o � Q o tea, 0 oCZ o S= p v Et O Oa N y0y O v a o .� 3 cr U n b Di OO cd aw cd 4A1 Q a U O U 0>-U+ U Uaj O � - o' T a� — W m w cd C r c3 p p > ° .� p rn U l� o 0 U $� L 0 O u U O O Ln cd O > 3 ` zUn y A as ai sU. R. U d O �z V oz U r'I'•i 0 U Cie r-0 p7:) u O -Cc) y •> .G cps d) b. ui 4� U O Ej o �P,/o - Y U j cu �, p" G � � U O .O m D U 13 D *� � O a4 � a a�i � ° o v b a, CA ° Uul o . +, w � o v cd o y Ln Cd cd ct 'cd cc a -`�o 104 o bG a) � o +, U v� a� r� U � � � ° bb m s 064 s~ w sA3-e U `� 0 v .�"r "a .�. ice, 41 ow CIA Q Cl e.) y o r �•❑� a al U. b bu ~ o 3 � u c� o o a] a°i � s-. � --� cc3 cC ., .� 0 O O D ` � V A d V CL., u cd L o �I W oU) n u u m b 0 00 00 7 !Z A a o °3 U� o u0 0� m 0 n u O 'C C C d a� a� 3 o � o � U Ce � •� N ar cd to Q] N cz rC cz o to Ln o > o Mo.- 3 0 o i a, � cd x eM >cl cd `` Ed o Xa "' o bo ro o o (D L: �. cr ro a� ed v ro *� M b �. n 3 rz 1-4 4-1 En O O —P CD Cd +; ryo 0 cn r U �-+ �j U c� O bA LLj T1 U 4� U ram- Go Q 0c cn U o N N U Q3 p \D it ocd v Ln c] O c� c�" +' rn "a " 0 .. N b!1 n 4-170 3 • � �a cui "J o > 0 cd Q- a cd o0010 o > cu r 4-41r En N U U bb cd o H.R 3 arq 3 a �' ° W r�O � Fa r.. U U Q uz c+ � o *� U� 0 U 1 s-. p a� � O • ��"{ Gn U cC U b�A a o a 3 •� a .� o �? A cd C -° ° � a o o —ul En u y }-+ bn cd q Q3 3 7:1 ��-> U O 0 0 3 �� a C o - G Cd o U �_ =p El"p p U U emui] > O v, p ° CS O U p U cn 3 y o 3 a o cd w b71 'a .w .. (D ,may bl) o Fy Q� tin 't3 cu G� rq ,x''� CD O� o �--� cn N 'd p 0 Q � p cd .a U ;L. > 44 O a a� m o �z ��o E � � o� U Z a� 8� o � as rr} O a" •t- sti -- } rd C P Q3 ed p ' � vi D bA .� U C� Cd 3 o + 'o cd b `� — 0 o ID � U aEQO o 0 -' o w n, 0 i _4 U 0�� G� o U� �,cet d a 0 b 3 d oC� �~ o N a7 s• U N a p r. FbA 'a to O U s, O A U cd U U v1 -0� w � .0 � •� 4� a3 cd -= 'o o In 03 aj Pa c cc o i v n cl G a o 0 4: U ci ca. sn.g o Q, ar cd c ° 0 o pq ;.. w r 3 U 'a U � CD0 N `V tm LC U "' 0 TS O Vj U a O cn N P, ' ed cl V) Ra m 0 � � 6� O �z O � �z QM wQM a 4� U 0 a d r Mr 0 a, w o 0 � 0 z 0 z a�0 bb (D a) U O u bA 'a Ci 'a = ° = N ti w cd n U • _0 +- y a U rq cd • O "a � ° �, a� � n � O O Q G ¢" �' cd O m rUi ra�3 aj N � LUi, � RUC bk • � m •?, bA k ��"+ � 43 .OU ,� O p~C=>q ' o o 0 Q o r 0xo °�° 0 `Z o o v a, w m U y x Q} O U o cd cl a� •a Y ��. c p a� O R o a'�i y • c� ° cd cad i .! cn pa p ayy� o U r cn O� 4_ Q Cli nui ° GJ m � d o~ �, LA Cl) `� ° Y a)Z�'4; u o tn O `c 1 3 NLn CUi U s G wF cG cd p u C/3 ll� A., o w d O �z q t, 43 d ,` Vl Lr) OO �z a� U v 3 m c° C) cn U ed Cd to U C]. � n O o� �O to o Zen tll y `" ID cc = tad o '° 3 p 0 O o p u O 4-1> > 4~ o +abb o o a�i as •t b�fl cd rn �Or 0 ar. .LU�i cd O 1, � oj O CC cd � � O id U a� -- L. rn eQ - En 'n ¢ o s� � •. z 4r m V , 2 f". cz o �d � a� Ln o o d � cd o o 3 a UD a a ti a� a� �, Cd ''O o cd 10,U cn ° a)td Q 0 o o � GTy U cd � rr o o -a to o .: kr) � c �, .�' o � ^ 0 3 Z O y cd cd yUy V VS o v� s0 C T. 'o U cd p id) N 'a 6O N M a c, ^ cs. 2 I .° Con .a �° eLs rn o w W O �z kn O O z U a� U O � O OU U O O a O O O R F O H s0i � N y y iF iF a O O bq Pr ti U 0 vi 0 0 C p+ C "ZIN ^, 'O N N '�• ti ti b ++ N r9 tl 5 ,'I�HV CI � CL O � Vl "6 O •�' V N N Q-i 40i ryV N U y +C 'w d' bbl o J] U 1 C'bo cn C U N i+ aC O `�"" .c'i .� i.. it �•,� �' .� U 0. O O N .O F' y. a bp N 40, U b bA o m n o O o O. a; � � 0 bA Q o u a O 0 bbG aCi 0 Q P. C3 Li cn O. cn �. ds s>; • s� 0 m 4-1 o+�Cd U 0.0. I m 0 M m r, a a b � u � � o � o z ° ° cncn o o m° o -d > '3 ccl N u O � m oE a) � 3 .a o ai c� o o 03 ° t:y. bf0 93 cncq a ~ >, 3 � _m : -a bQ -0 � bn a cn a� O L cO t +" m cd a3 O bb boLon G) +� Ljn CU n Q b4 ran ° P v 4- b<� a cd o U °' �°� cn U��o, •. a� o U oQ. &. CIA 0 v P `� ° N N Ln ~ cn O n �� N trj ? m e}'!" m y cUG M c3 m �? u at U •'a �=+ B 'p r> �°j cd cd 4" �z d � O � uz QM QM Cr,w� 5 w 0 U 4 U a� > U m o a `� rA cl R+ ai v bjD 4! a� tD N a R, rn r cpl- A � 'O cd ++ m W 4-4 •_ V O > ILI O O O [d O "O N "�j 'L3 O CUC wcc V ^� �� U O 0� = � v � C3 O � O O + O V� 4+ 0 tU- a)Op rr cq w tip R O Ocr cG y U4 u CIO to cG U 4a Uto +� ? r� a 3 N Q] u -0• Ln ?� o M Cf) Y v O A, 0 `r- v A In o 4] r.• E; U v xi U .0 N M p O N Y� O r.D N ate+ a Q, M N N o rq O V Mz$ 0 'o O V (1) V � V � kn O .a 67 rA bq O� L2 4. c�i COD N a Q R U o •r V O '� ' r a] G �z LOD C � 00 00 O Z PC d d U v a Cn ro o 'ra vi uoi r, r•. O 7:; O O p • U � V � y � +� � � "'� • Y.+ .ems 00 cl � N O> N b� Q, o1 z"ai .O L O> asU�o Ln o rn O N M U U O 10 o � � o, c�F, ro O O O aJ U Cat ' O - E] !� O F, ++ C� �-+ a3 U _4;, U CAS 0.1 %, = �O U1 O C/] LO O u�3 o Cd W a o sz cd M 0 47- v U Oro'. bju O •� p, N GA CSC O � c'O-' bA `� U U U � `O � ' 1es4 i`n+ bb ed 0 cG O O j 0 U clo U a" a" s- �+ O O z >El >, E ° a 00 o s- Vi U Z y NO AWN 0 cd ►S 4" °' Ln p 1 lzt � 0 UL40 a� a�� z w c E E 0 U P4 m C. N CIO a N O N d E C Q q h C. 0 r� H a .0 a d Q i PI � v a o � w � U Qy p ccS y U � 6' H ti 'II O j v h0 by N d Q O 14 a}i u -CJ b� ^ to �+ O Cd 71 0 .n it p A U U �Q � c�cf 'U d v S m r� U + O w, m Cd 0 p as Cd -- a) c, Cd In d '� "Q m� "d y O N d W > > > > > N —' O O a O 0 O k, Q 0, p a� y s; ram+ � O • � • • • • • • • • Q 43 r" � ° �S Cd o O O 0O al �z A 00 00 r+ti R+ i1" Vl a � = O O (U "O RrQ sue+ o n. ° `� C7 Cd c N o pa, U .O U 'a R r 'a a En O cn O Lo O ) U .Q O rn + c A � = o N o a o M U y � U V:3 o L En -o — Cal '� � "CJ a 00 3C4) U U '6 �U6' m L� N CD .2 p r� a�i Cdd O 4 cm 0 Ln O o o v, cn cd o � N a v b4 �' N CIA v 0 v, Lo cz ^o °' n 3 } +� � O N o r al bf) a- > U Q 0 A G e� C/I a ++ o o Q — o �o �z FO7 � uz Q� rij a) Ln O 7-i 40. O. 9 Ff1 Lr � Vl En O � O t3 z to t CN V bj U � U •a H 0 a� b 0 o bk r o U c� � Gn N as 4 O ro SJ O �z cn 'm o 0 uz 'TS � co U a 0 a a� c[v o a � t„ o Q � H d H 0 ec Cd a�LM 4" +; a ern o R [ N U j cG 00 Obju 4° U U 'II O s O ^� m¢ U rn p [- U' 3 U U 1 a`�i 75 o Cj N �cd Cd a a N Cf! p [� c�G" O CD N � .a O a CAI � Cd U ir' 3 E '^ 9 Lr o' =Ln v L.v� a) ' bA �. a� a a, Q a U > C!] A a cz R, , rn U a�i ran s- 2 4. J.- O o O �O V] r.+ to �.., �oq. O AA•+kn `n W kn C Uv a� 1pq A- U M A c �o y N 00 cbr o od ei r.+ bL NOa zCN . kri o 4-4 co -a c U a� j-- ° tZ ° 0 cd ., ° a o + U a. g o at U o '�+ +, r-• + + cdcl 0.i m LZ o Cd •� °' o � � o o o t7 U4. Yy � a r cd 03 O ljrA Qr U] lb c -- (V i•N • Ul cd > C/J ti F� Ln ca ++ N Z z O. Ln [5By r, O %-f cd m O, .4 O u co- c O cl U 'atn (] C Q] N o � ° to o U CIO ral Ln [d Q r a+ 13 M O O U C '� M M N^. � Q" � a� N +.�-� cl • • • a • y O �z q y O � o U z a a � a� C o � U �.. rE s a� a; - -d Ob 4° U o U aCl + O C + ❑ c U N y m y,— = Lt E OCA D U U 0 J oW o °o to � 0 O Ej } ms h�•1 •/w� •1--� O TN T V iii • FFU--II (� �! p 1 ul ��•ICd rp} . ti hi as . rr• p y U U >1 *'• C'r p Q m y cd U En U3 N o Q" 73 U' t 3 � 0 ca �, � p al G] r O �+ 0 U U) y y oa 0 o ,� Cd ° p +- U v ° cr S OU U N U ,cli G � ID a a 4J bAcz 3 'Ci cC �2 6 p > O as yr 4�i O �z i.+ 4 m d N O� �z d o U� 3 > L o as cd Ld o C c o '4 ° 3 -� W ) 3 to Cr cd v C� U U • s dj can -= in,F•+ ,� ..ter. N , " O., Q '�.. •-� ^ � .•� � .1••� ice,.+. y O N cti m Q. ; S. S.2� ca bA r� �: O ' 3 Cj n p s`a-� dam] �, 3 0 3 Ln -d Z o o ° o CL p a U "D cn U cn cG G] U En un U ul ^ G �U�.3I -0 .D Cf] U C o cZJ o o y a� � � En C > U a� 0 m °,, O '-O M m 4.o y O > o � c L) U 113, o O O m a� m \ cn o ra 3 �. `i7 �A 0 • U -0 t ' L"" cif tj cn +- 1-4 m Q nn cd o� �" �0 � o � � � o �CL o `� -b ca• 3 a U. -o ,• cd t" O iy C!] U o o, to O C1 U U O � Z y M V C� U v o � � � a � o s� oU 1-4 � U bA O O U x o en o as o Ln _14° zIn N N "a'" y N �••� N ,� cn bb ct Cd m sa f. � G � • r rCn O G � � � '� c�G � � u CC/] wal '� U U CSC U GO eJ ' •� `3 "i y > cx a0i ai a1 O w Ncz: U bBcn U D rn O G' U G U.4r d C �3 C U U as "C G U O U U C CD U U o �z O �z �4m E� U ca W u N A Cq 0000 O Noa U co, O U � r� o 40 x o o C7 c� to •a o _(4-4 .r o ~p Rom. w iU, � ..i �L�^i O rO"rr, . • � kn Er zQ � � U ) ' > i (D13 as t bLn bl) r. U > O [C � � a..' U cd .O ❑�., O � C� ' o Z > 0 w oo �bA a`"i U 37 L. Q(M 00 U Ul CA (D 0 o u o � � U +, U o m N "O 'o 0 o m o ^� tZ v71,3 M R O O O al Ln [d 0 U sU. vj kn v o > > w o � O aj cn � O �z N N CIA o � ~ w� a� U � y a O a a u O. o o P, O ..r7 •v' Xi C'r W O .�'. y 'C �+ F.' N Pr y a�+ �ti P N N N O N .1^. .0 L•+ H o o o 3 .� C m to O UUy^ •Y f�, �] V . ^yam P, SD cl U . O Q Cd ca 0 o cA 3 U bh cn 3 p o m G• 0 3 •o O N N N a�i 'p o p •�°' O �•oWra ¢, .^ 4�J o N P'v a o. OC [L' tyC n.. y N O o, p o ° a •y c0 y.: fy" 0 aF pONOH Pr N C b v, CIO U Cd IO. O CA H e doh G �+ Cd u>'i F kn FF H e s� .. to �0 u q O CL d CG q u a N W Y O" O cC m O O •C a+ ,_ 'jo` .� C.i .+ cam. •u �' O N Q ++ O u '� q C •j3 'CS 'O '° '27 A ' •� N •� N N W O q bb cd U bq :3 N '3 4-. O N 9 N .S'r •� ni bU q ." .� p O p cd w.� o v', W aP°i b bpn ° •chi '° m cd. bq .-:3 vUi .,�. U U6.' •A N •�,.N W C3 P. U °O yf.7 p .p N F-' pNp �, of • O cC p ' r• ,� cd�. '" }' • ti '' t. 't7 y y cd U N Ucd q N •� 'c�J+ 'N U WO ,� bq . G' �O cC cV id ^O b❑❑ �pp cC °O r, N iC O ' D o W y'''S b0 bo '' .fl bU-0 Y .Ui �- � � 300 u U U CV w .q z aqi 06 rn o E- �, z M4 a, w r 0� woo c7 L4 U � o � 3 cd u o`� o� o o n, In In" 3-4 cn o ° - o� c� pY a� . a; > �~ o ° , Eoj En a� o y ca a 'o o c� cl4.-oo �o 0.o o ch N O ., U B •� ; o A�o� a� Cd U o;C,3C) a rya�� tin U c° op o o s.. o' m ¢� U Ll UZ A t Awe 0 00 ✓ 00 .� CV c� }En U cd se l�J as u _0 v o +• a4 r4 � GO) tb r>k w O 'O 7:; U by O L?rA En .O U .Q cj 4a - m b bA ��" 4 U Q Q C ' a a Ln at 3 �n bn -n i a 0 4: `r cz C S. Cd � CJ 4� L, °� .o y SZ, O N > moo' Cd�¢��� an L rn Cd U C a m U 4) CMG cn LA Cd cd b a) Cd F a) F a) rn Lt w 3 3 M ca y Ln b w w 4; y U O'' al U U •—' � � 3 >, •° 3 cn a O 0 �� En `� U a) 1'-4LA t�� bn o '- � `s � Cd O a0 O v� s'- w > o U W Cd u M c i N U d' 3 .- p O Ycd�.' UO U _ o _ a Pi i o f o o cd ' y N w U N td N 'Cd .Cd cd O H cd P..� U th ed Cd UI ¢1 4l bb a o cd U � Ed ��+ Fi U !/ H N N b�+ •.y y W w Q.i O U �+ Uaa .° R •� Ju N cd H id q N U N U N Ogo r U 3 U: 64 zi . ti ,, U ed 'U ¢ a d• a 0 v a Q'i a o 3 a N V] .� bA >1 m by U 00.2 bo w bi bq aJ bA v ti bA r� ❑ U C! A o U v v b o g o -0 cd H cd H q _ q y y. N�. 0 R b � OO U O � O � O H O� O •� ° O� Q a'" Gn 3 cC � off., � �: a. a c� � a a. a 3 � a � a. � •� w v � ri d- vi m 4) w uw ,� cCa p. a�i o P G N N cYC P W p N 5 ¢3 0 cd vi W •� U p W U �45Ej O •n'ai C 'd N O u R a� ti Y 0 cad cd °' �'n ° ¢' " a. cr , = > U p N vz N R. 4a CK�p. '� ..0 U a� aai N N O O v 3 w W ��^+{ W O �ijU+ Y•�+ al pNO "' 'yU F N CQ U N W y U Y y > 3 y Y o wC� o w o,cd v o W p p U U 0 o a G o o. U 'l7 A. 0 U i-i N + [d m r3 � (CS N it U 0 O cod Y o 3 ;.°rb U � s. �"' P" q O �. N Y �' � v • � F'i "" '(C�i N YO ' 7 N p U U O O U S-1blD U N Fpi N .."i G' •t•UiC U '�' 4i U~ N Off+ V UO N ,GO O •P-I 5 W C� ai U H ob U Y bD U U o Y m ropi U 3 p� ti U L bnOfJ'p by .fJ �+ 'N" N Y U itl U O � b-0 W �! u P .>. p o >O N 0� � A o � � N D �� N U G � ro O Y❑y y iy ��ti++ Y Id gyp+ .p N A O p rnYYp LGLm ,7Om N -OG `A UOU O O N� O U O �D bUCL O .aN ❑ ,, a a r a o w a o U a c a A w 3 a d .° C4 O Pr C1 ++ 0 � U ,a M C w c� h O a) U O C a� U O' 7 U � O at � t) b rn O a) �" G ++ O G cc • - 14 -0M � Md �� m `ia cd U O al c� aj b —D O Ln " � � { > a) as 0 CC - a .0 1a O �. 3 p >' i O ,� cd tz a) P, OU v u v� U d % � �i �cd S yp� bn cl W ca `" �Un wJ >1 i-� 2 � M o O > `� a V) W R+ b o OU s c� O O � � p r. K aa, U . � o = C o `� > oo o o o cd i o 0 0 En aki k d V��.,... aU U o boa. a�i 3 O O O ° N OCd G� O p ° = g '� -0 • � > "d �. A ,� �O U U .O P" o > 41 cd _ �-1 �--+ O ;..+ C� U • �^•� n 1-4 cd U C M l� •� �U+ G '� O �,L EEn n OV cCd .�-� • _ N rl1 Vl I �i + M ° ° �r ° cd 0 m « 3 O cd C cG 3 0 cd cz o A W o 0 0 a W .� a '° ° en ¢• cUi 0N oEi ul g a U �cts CL ��� cl a, b tod 3 �^ O � N N �. aJ O U = O� M U a" A. ai d) u c0. + t 40 � O - C ;Ho � M Cl) -o ^ 0 V� cl U H UUt 5 ,� = o_ coo cd L j c—d o o �, +� E � U 3 a� a�i czncn fY 3 +, Ionai (D Ln EAcn o aj cd LA LO) a, °r� Q °��' 6 0 U p � Qy o a a � 0 4. ai � a a� cd .a � 4 p pC o c NO a D cC1 O U 4.1 C � • r/3 a> u o rn w gs. E, w Cd Ln 57. N P Q U O �" Ln O w U :LO kdC > O" cd d81 O D .� ~ � � •� � � TO1 � U r a +1 � 01 4-•i � :::: ;� U O } O al ^^ N D O O ct Ed U > U v, o l v, o Y U 14 P. C" O isLn U p s cQ (U0 cd d CCU C-, 7 r M+ •� ° �` �-Et is. ^, .r G� D N "a tD 00 ici ^ O vi m vi v v � cOC O U p U O cad1-4 0~ Q r) O O � O �z a.+ L � d �z U a � o� U U � N Acl00 c o =� c. 'r 0 kn CJ CZ HOf6 Ln C,3 o �, 0,0 a a) 1:� U °�' cd o ° 0 t°° .r CS 0 La `z 4�J p° O d o v b).- aj = a� ° U 10 0 0 C � 'a 4 a p , °' -a -tO +� � M r .� 0 O C, o m ° C U "O N 1-i _ va P. .�cn - bA . 03 v O c + d} U tb rn - o ° d 0 Ln cz ti b cl in. ul Ln a� 0 �? o o Cd U [d" M ° ++ •'N-' vi �+ C`1 A ti L N C3 by 6. }O o � c In Cy O U � O � Z cn q U z a w � e4ya O }' U �- 0 ai t m N rn h CD CD F F c ai F M o -- �'� o U o z t4. v � n Gr Py � U N � i" �•+ �U �' U M N o o w P. U cad m > N Oa Pm �' vi �' '❑O N ^ t , 'O U 'pO N .GR]'+'7 p U o m W f. O RZ N �." r� N S'. O •n cad � U Y r �.+ T. U b9 '+UNi W N 'o p U •r�'i O 'O •� "wd ~ai U •� o Er C) F.`��'1 bl)C� ��' ,o [O 't7 ..o 9 — O N E c 0 p y O m W p: O aJ a i.., b9 N cd 'yrS C •'p P N m _ N !31 O U a U ki U O UU h U vi it OA U P. 7 Uj"+ cd O y ,�. N U > a �•+ O > cd m w O D O ,� vi 0. •S O. p b N d' t. ..O U G". mp SC •O m p m bA m 4" Om' O •F� 00 ' � a z bA � o m . 5AO . O O d- w � e W O NN O .m P, .SC bloN U U b9 iL N .p O U'fl U U N N N > H o� r 3 o° R p ^moo o a��. ° �da� by O p abi ad • O A. O N •.-�f 'O � � r-. •N � .� cd Pr 'O ,0' N m C9 y �a 'C � O. O imy N ,�'.+ "O c6 td p m .Q' 'O C�'i m ymZ3 m •ic N U =3 cd I'" i-� � •O �j U a+ s. O •� N i. ^, 0 u p .0 d o rz d A (+1 cn l0 O °z U ^o � m uU� Q q q X rl O IS ybO ,° o U o o ° o by fr . o m o U "o by �n q F� Z O O U f�. q coo Q G p N O .R P. b❑q P..."�" U 'v� p 6'(+' O O .•� bA aU+ O .R N 'C Q y O U b > O N ° 'o p O O 3 " Y b9 p F q ° o r o p x ? .� 3 NO Nw. O U �+ bq �. q O. L" O q ' N q U O ti"O q 0.... U •O 'Q ��+ U °U U O U ti N a+ 'C U G S > > 'S NJS 2 Cr omi U cd) O U O O oU bb O d q q iLfAJ W N i-� y� U Cd N � •i+ rA V] �' N W m N U ,a Fr+ G❑�r Ri O. •� O ,c, m •[ O p /• 0 vUi :� N bq. v U z 2rA � O rz 67 %+ N O q Uz orA U .. O G' 'L N N " 0 ° CO pp++ cUd U O bA U '° N U�"+ Rai �+ ' U CC O td N Oto i •�' 'C q N U O S-i �• Cry cd U'F'' F"i N O p" 'b L7 �, cd O '--i U .y Y �-+ y N a] 'O m o o ca Ms0. .o ca a i. p U U 0 ° t N 'O A '�'' N • W U U N O U a a1 N lldd^ L." Q q r. iJ d 'O ON N ,e' 7 'O y ' � Ti � � 0 U cd bq9 •'��°9" > N a� >1 cJ ° x7 O N❑ O N ' Q CA 0 rn A7 c OV J rn,y"' vqi U 0 N bq N O bp U w E y b w G � 0 tir. � ... U _ o OU '+a cd y o �d c:> ti ? U a o°' o a 6 u El °' 'o rA Cd Oc~d p U N U ' o N u r�i p w° m v O ° u Li. id -o P, of w w° d d O �z q �+ A N N M M n M 'z U o� U 0 o w w ;. au v 4-� v 4- O N tjl ^-' -0 0 s� +� r� ° ° c' � fl °' ..O U tn+ d Z° cd }' bU ai U M C G q O v rn OR Ln p^" N U ti U Q" ran r� f�. R � U 6" 0 �, o "0 y N is ✓� O U +1"+ p m Q., U cd p � vi U 4+ .S"-r U N y 7 r e�IDv ba ao a as y U ro ro a 5 3 ,=64 N y o bD ° .a p F. .� cn a a3 a> m-- 'J cd `�x 4 en° o ° o a.°.CQ di4-1 a a� rn o v a o a o a� ° o o � L) w UEn O bjU *' d) m O D . O •� O a U ° r" o 's ca O W w, � + a P. -cl bo d, o a asa 3 ro a? � 3 O cd N_ a LS . cC p . U f , �1, '" Uo x. B U iU �1 .O cn *�' a3 a� �'] ar 0 3 ran # cd sro U� `bl) Er U cd cd 11 En o ad o, s ro � `� `� P. a o `a _ >, o n . � v 4� U 'O V. 0 vd ° o i c v r p_z U;� r0 U�N � cd cz O 0-U U� N � >cn U cd O Q µ !]. O rn cV +S r, �+ aJ (D (u by ii O v ° O "O to � � � CLy O. rn ai Cz cd 0 -- 4; W 'o �+ R 0 N O O U U ° ' 14 s U ' U O �" 1-4 Cd • • • sUc� 'O qQj O r.+ y O �z U d nA ci i.l IX � � a) 4-:. p =s E +} oU o o 3 axe U 0 ti o o 'M (D4-1 � Y S �n O i '+ cz 0 U 'G VD � O c> .� v� Q cn U V U O o o o C ai o Qy y 1 En led o x U aJ 4- ai a, (U o a, rn OZI G Q) O 'O CU1 r,; a3 Ll v v as 47 O p 4i rn P, cG rn CD cG r-1 � .Si cn cn Go w ' rm w � .. > c� ca � U is Z3 `� a) y� cn + �G bA �" 13 ° a 3 a� °? U o 0 ,�. Y ow cd Ln 1 [� C y N x U CSC Uv u84 y q m a � A u vpp� v�+i •y �C cd a. A, .O •C a� 0 m 0 z z 'Cd N N Y H ♦N+ N N N ♦+ r� Y O N N •� ' O N •g Pq w W N Cd po o • � ' b "o u cs b ° 'S p •N O �, 6 �O O P Y O O Or-d Q" F. 'O aj�j h c U Y N P. by p Oti C F: C. O �' N cs w o �A bi)Y Ul Y O N C3 5" 'O vll N O O ti y "� cC O N i0., 0 Gy P a� 0 o N Era & 94 'El Aa ObA •�' m c P. O •y C m "'I ccd. aWi 'c� H � [�•^ F '� l� 0 Co.. A " C O;2Qj AU f� w c o Cd �6 o v a; w a. d � F _o N °s ow A DC U . Lai a U 'd ro � o 3 •5 � � a Fy bn O • a bo O U Sc� H O �u G a 3�. o w k5 o 5 y �. 5b bo R'p o o v o �E-,04 P 'i� ,� �+.�•-' � a0+ � .� � O �p v� U � N aU+ r'�'j bvi w 'O yU. U U y U d U 'O .� N O N bA d yUy H S O. `� „O O bA U bD'O ram�!! U '� + U pOp T r. Cd VW W a+ N U O N w 0 0 N 0 O U N O a• U y CMa i��y+ G' .0 O" N cad" 'L3 •ai y� q hwQ ° I --I 3 o o m bo> H CA _ cd a�'i . U w •~ N m aUi a• b y bb bb 3 w° Cd d m o 4z d y oz U `� U tu a s. 0 0 m > G O a 'O r.+ � ui • btiA a a N o c�C a c�tl a 'O a d' 0 •o 0 -° 0 � � m z z z z z v000 O w O 0 y> O 0 p U o o o y w so .2 r ?? q o o P Boa �vcc �3e5� o �O ao r >kn on w ,. 72 O W Nm =O O C ° ,ems� WC O •°R p v ° y+ � o p 4p Q> r, 7 (z)R, N y to ti N to- OR Y a N W U rn acl Py o N a v on � c LQ ° �y O �iy ^� rl O ° W 4'1 O Ri a w% �"'� i-� • C G O Q" .� N N R"�°° 'p o n ° .� aA o �i > ti °Cd o > �] r a o U o o P, a a o i 6n �' a o 's h h tn �-. V �.. •;.0 u N � d i' ad U M Yi � v cc Q1 = v C 0 a. ami C4 � u m G d o 0 b v ^o b z z y� :7 P. U f: Wes. O N N O .d 5 ,.sGO�. 0,0 �+ 79 o >o•-a�,a qC .. p u° a p r m o 0 0 0 3 k o 0 V W ° Uj ..°+ .N U �+ f.% N �-} bQ a¢ W OJ bb 0 0 �]y.�r ° 3 3 P o y o Cd uu .° o° cr ° bq �n U q p c. cd td w o > .o 2 q ❑ b0 u•o � W N U O V] 'O .O W +-+ RS Ca)N U U 0 A)s� N W m y ..�. >bb p 0 cd 0 O U :� O `p� +� U 0 ,.��1 is m W p O�". + 0 O,O •Ur-r cc.ypN� OU CA CZ cd r7-'i O' .Ud O . cd =Up U,. m M N ,�� ^titON-I d . u e �z g3 a� o z U d o� U a ao 0 A O O O b O � U o o = aO G o w Q'.❑yam ' a•� �1 O Y •� w ++ .y .Ui .L' YY�r b9Cd m N O ttl N O •O� O N F O O N Ri b x b9���i O T3 tC �' F. .6r.Iti O O a as � a°2 �. V m OP: ,� O .O O rn > to U] a m �,b4 bb Y tb v-mg cd biD v o o b> o f u o o o O v al ''' cC -. 'O is O O� 4, �+'i CJ ./� 0 N y N N cC N Q i�-i 'CI N U O "OO O ow 0,0 o E—, UO 0, Zi O N OT QO OoO ° d F YiU 0c`d a u I-1 Y '0 yy Q-I 4i ill LC C6 0 U U CH Y �I •�j 0 Q� 1�� 4! 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N U t ccd Q ow ocd U • N ow a` O V G O T1 Ri O z N N �'l7 Y Ya •o C 'C m Pr •� .o P YO � cC � U p 0 N U Pr U V] Pryp 0 aPi q U N aV'i �6A U ^ o W p N p N (� 0 N O C, b� U^ �� N b➢ +7 P, .Y� N W N bD O '3 cq CS�' -0 N N P 0 O A N O bb.2 h .� a 0-o� a 2 � o 2 �n cod p Pa P � bA P, p � .� O •� U Y •U U� cn V N U 0 0 45 •p O p ly 'd IF r1 U F7 GD Q P •� p o '"'Q.1 N VJ ZF-I rO-I di W+❑�U Uf] 1.-1 a.l `b N p+ bA O Cr O U p py P p GI cd O p N ❑❑ r'F" N �O 'C 0 Q > w 0.r P r m •o > •' ° o s C)'-' pas B Y p Q EJ N ti s. ..Ni G. .r N yyp i{cydy �1a+." 44 'C to U ' N P� � U ; O U by rn N yyyy cct • '�+ N 2y U td 0 N •Y �' N 'C Ln j �m U P-i ,pi W U id p O bb bA ❑❑ , F 13 FUi £'. p [n bA N p Y 6" +Q+ U N bq A U fJ� N ' 1 o ' bo 'g .0 U i-� N 'c O N xa P � ed P, Z y N 2 ' 0 a0 o Yi o 40i)� o O p •Hi y Ri v, _� 'li N Py w 0 N U N 2 ..�. c+ R P. �F-I f7 O U N y 0 � N y 'S Py 0 , r P. cC c3 r� O o o z ti C P. o cYi ^ N O o a A c'"i ° P 0 CD „� by � � .5 Quo 0 c PN.UO ' •'�� o Pr N O P p °� ' q wtl o a 0, yp 3° z U p y Y U U Cd .p N > Fr' U N c p N" U N '9 cd R' O `S Yp o cC H N fn .^' W cC 18 O Yv,' Cd i�'r p �pR+� y •i-I ;� p ' Ro p, 5.y -o iJwo Y Q R. m vi N Pr o 'k] od Pr U .-• N Vl p p o cy �P. U N' U U p Otj P U 0 U OD rNC� W o bn.U. P Cd .oa'' Pa� p � o �u pqq 'YO P3, 0 o o6 o r v Q b0 b Lam. W O O O 0 C. cd �`�i a3 N O y Q .-• c6 U '+ O cCC cd N r >'b U° N 41, o � P. ��, •� Q. O. ° '� as H '� c„i � :� � m bll _ w° v V N R y y I-1 '• y U •O Haa DA ram- Lli pp Cc, H Q Y •rn PLC o b mm RH w O "cc Cd 3 w o o °moo 0 °Ap o o o o 'a ?°., N o m Q '° N Lr, `r, ry w o U o V aCi d ai ?? V'� ao o o .� b�A a Y at U p ry-4 r°� td •P.O y bb10 OQ o o r ° , q o bb ro o o oU 4 4� >, °ov Q Qa •i�•1 u U �" Y G� 'fG � Ltl m ° Q Q °JQ •� �1 •iYi m !U/J o v .� 'rl o a A 1. 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N .Y�C+ .�., +"t�+ O O N,'�N 'F�' �v, 5 ', P, q� •.�+ by U mg, U IUr N N z7 O U Pr U] O UO ° 'C ° N •cd yd SEC r, as wA) 'o�o � a o U � o o o �i o °o u b4 u u ° ; ai o Pry A �F, N o q G w ..j N N U bD C H i, ,y C, O2 y ° ¢, o•� o a �a� o N by p x U 1r N vUi U 0 t, C b P" .0 Q U 00. N N N N m N M M M M M y o O o N ,ray"14 iG G UU N W P, 01 O O UU O p ^° id ❑ 3 U ,y. ., p o N "� ju A p o > � � � � o � oo} a�i � /°•�� Ca A `� °o o Y ti CC � ° O U �O CUC \d � rid � •�^� a�i ra��i y a�r� � �� p, yyy 3A43 "C� w d o 0 o a�i r2 G UO❑ Q O •o O OM a O O, U Y: O G.'p ,> •U N by h d U FTy hCd Y F1 O tjrp U cC o O A 03 lb O N � N O U 0 •� GO +U+ N 0 .bp j�M o bb O C V O 5 O J N 0 E Y � '� 0ill Lei '� ❑ YO f'fC 'C � A U m ZY p y Y ' L� 1LO-I yy (J� O ryjr- � p (� A '�-1 •[ " w �V! yy 0 W •� ri, ,-. 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'S 0 U N O `n �' > U O ' o Gbo O p GO O 00 cO U Q O o. G ro O N O U �UC4 U wU o ,O Z P �3 O O ro 0-0 pM 'P R The Village District at Orange October 5, 2023 Page 86 of 86 Reserved N:\CDD\PLNG\Applications\Tentative Tract Maps\TTM 0053-23 The Village District at Orange\September 2023 Submittal\SRC 9-20-23\SRC CommentsTINAL Incompleteness Letter 10-5-23 Village at Orange.docx Exhibit 4 Van Ligten, Travis From: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb@cityoforange.org> Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 3:53 PM To: Peter Vanek Cc: Van Ligten, Travis; Anna Pehoushek; Russell Bunim Subject: RE: Village at Orange - Trash Enclosures Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Hi Peter, I haven't forgotten about your inquiry. I'm still awaiting an internal response. Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner City of Orange (714) 744-7237 Oolopm%m , 0 a s z From: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Monday, November 27, 2023 10:37 AM To: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb@cityoforange.org> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLigten@rutan.com>; Anna Pehoushek <apehoushek@cityoforange.org>; Russell Bunim <rbunim@cityoforange.org>; Peter Vanek <pvanek@ integralcommunities.com> Subject: Village at Orange - Trash Enclosures Chad, As a follow up to our meeting on November 81h, I did speak with Josh in Solid Waste, and he indicated to me that SB1383 requires bin service for multi -family residential developments, and he has no ability to approve any other alternative. I pointed out to him that the City's code, OMC § 8.28.010, allows for cart service to multi -family developments. The text is as follows: ""Multi -family residential dwelling" or "multi -family" means of, from, or pertaining to residential premises with five or more dwelling units. Multi -family premises do not include hotels, motels, or other transient occupancy facilities, which are considered commercial businesses. Multi -family premises generally receive collection service through the use of bins but may use carts with City approval." As discussed in our meeting, we feel bin service to a for sale housing development is an inferior design and inferior experience for the future residents of the City of Orange. Although Josh does not feel that he can approve cart service to the project, the City's code clearly allows for it. Please provide us direction as to how you would like us to proceed with the design of the waste pickup for the project. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning INTEGRAL (_0rl]rrluI-,ii.Its % I'Mitrrlrrtarnl rctitt rVWrk5-, 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 E-mail correspondence, along with any attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act; and as such may be subject to public disclosure unless otherwise exempt under the Act. Exhibit 5 Van Ligten, Travis From: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 9:15 AM To: Chad Ortlieb Cc: Van Ligten, Travis; Van Ligten, Hans; Praveen Chandra; Anna Pehoushek; Melissa Crosthwaite; Peter Vanek Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Good morning Chad, i am following up on the City's feedback regarding the trash collection. Please let me know where you stand on this. Thanks, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning INTEGRAL 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Chad Ortlieb <cortiieb@cityoforange.org> Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 11:40 AM To: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLigten@rutan.com>; Hans Van Ligten, <hvanligten@rutan.com>; Praveen Chandra <pchandra@integralcommunities.com>; Anna Pehoushek <apehoushek@cityoforange.org>; Melissa Crosthwaite <mcrosthwalte@cityoforange.org> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, Happy new year. I had a conversation with Melissa Crosthwaite, Senior Assistant City Attorney and I followed up with some additional information for her to opine upon. She will be in next week and I will get back to you asap upon her return. Regards, Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner City of Orange (714) 744-7237 o04tiLopMFNr 0 From: PeterVanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 11:06 AM To: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb cit oforan e.or > Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLigten@rutan.com>; Hans Van Ligten, <hvanligten@rutan.com>; Peter Vanek < vanek irate ralcommunities.com>; Praveen Chandra<pchandra@integralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Happy New Year Chad, I am following up to see what direction the City would like to go with the trash enclosures. Please let me know. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning INTEG►,L (��:) CI! rn U 1-1 ! 1 1 0 S % 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek < vanek@intePralcommunities.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 3:06 PM To: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb cit oforan e.or > Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLi ten rutan,com>; Hans Van Ligten, <hvanli ten rutan.com>; Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Subject: FW: Orange - New Residential Project Chad, Good afternoon, see below from CR&R. Please confirm if this is sufficient to satisfy your request that we coordinate with CR&R. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning 0 INTEGRAL rr3fibunIIIf�S r �r'rtll�ll lr"^-.IAI 117111 1 .,ti^l«- 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Tingyao Li <tiin yaol@crrmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 8:59 AM To: Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Cc: Isabel Morales <isabelm crrmail.com>; Chrystal Denning <chrystald@crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, Thank you far your response, we have no further comments/questions regarding this proposal, final approval will be determined by the City. Tingyao Li Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 https_://link.edge Rot,com/s/74clb34f/sNmuLNEpSUurA8yVIS-Wg?u=http://www,crrwasteservices.com/ n e a+ r a+ r a environmental servfcas the race a1 a greener gene¢ali" 11@J 0 In4'� From: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 3:17 PM To: Tingyao Li <tin aol crrmail.com> Cc: Isabel Morales <isabelm crrmail.com>; Chrystal Denning <chrystald@crrrnail.com>; Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good afternoon, The width of the driveways varies throughout. See attached VTfM for the dimensions. See my other responses below: Peter Vanek VP of forward Planning INTEGRAL ,nJmtur i = i r.ATlift qb Uhl '. - , I l 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Tingyao U <tingyaol@crrmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 3:12 PM To: Peter Vanek<pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Cc: Isabel Morales <isabelm(@crrmail.com>; Chrystal Denning <chr stald(cDcrrmaii.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, I just had a couple additional questions regarding the property: 1) Could you provide me with the dimensions of the driveways within the community? I just wake to make sure they are wide enough for ourtrucks to navigate. 2) What is the plan for organics services at the property currently? The plan is to have individual carts for each owner for organic waste 3) Are there any plans currently to have communal enclosures for trash/recycle bins and food waste carts throughout the property? We do not want to do communal trash bins, we want to have individual carts for each homeowner. Tingyao U Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 htt s: ]ink.ed a ilot.com s 8f7b19e0 HQ4Om-kiZkee NRu!Oeaaw?u=htt www.crrwasteservices.com environmental services 1h® tlooe o1 a pmvne{ genwafiors Ral inl) From: Peter Vanek<pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 12:51 PM To: Tingyao Li <tingyaol@crrmaH.com>; Craig Dibley <CDibley@crrmail.com>; Orange-Recycles@crrmail.com Cc: Angelo De Guzman <an elod crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. All, I am following up on this again. Please provide me comments or an approval on this plan asap. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning INTEGRAL 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Tingyao Li <tingyaol@crrmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:39 AM To: Peter Vanek<.vanek@integralcommunities.com>; Craig Dibley <CDibley@crrmail; corn>; Orange- Recycles PcrrmaiLcom Cc: Angelo De Guzman <angelod@crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, I will make sure to bring this up to my supervisor Chrystal during our weekly meeting tomorrow- she usually helps review plans for Orange along with our operations team. I'll let you know if they have any further questions. Tingyao Li Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 htt s: link.ed e ilot.com(s/b388016a/-K VKWGSRkGAygNR7roQQg?u=httP://www.crrwasteservices.com/ environmental services 1he lute 41 a greener gene:alicrn Orloi inl3 From: Peter Vanek<pvvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:34 AM To: Craig Dibley <CDible crrmail.com>; Orange-Recycles@crrmaii.com Cc: Angelo De Guzman <angelod@crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Thank you Craig. Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning 0 INTEGRAL 9 r; u I i I! i d s �'0"1 U IliP Orel rVI-Tr Is UPVIOI 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Craig Dibley <CDibley@crrmaiLcom> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:33 AM To: Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com>; Orange-Recycles@crrmaiLcom Cc: Angelo De Guzman <angelod@crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Peter, I have included Angelo who is the Lead for Orange. Angelo of Tingyao will review the plans again with the route manager. I believe they were working with Rolber who left our company a week ago. Thank you, Craig Dibley Sustainability Lead CR&R Incorporated Office 877-728-0446 Direct 714-372-8287 Mobile 714-863-4949 https://lin1<.edgepilot.com/s/8a9bcb93/QHOQ uNn7ESsrQvhTX9U-w?u=http://www.crrwasteservice,5.com/ C M M R enviromenial services s� t:s:s iJ4Yoa M .Jp�-•Tti� R0 aj inEi From: Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:09 AM To: Orange-Recycles@crrmaiLcom Cc: Craig Dibley <CDiblev@crrmaiLcom>; Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good morning, I am following up on this again. It has now been seven weeks since I submitted this plan, with no comments received. Please let me know ASAP. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Ifol *00 INTEGRAL. U6ii.liUf7J_1 - 1116yi111f 1111 �W i 1 j4111_ - 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek<pvanek@integralcornmunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 11:00 AM To: Orange -Recycles <Oran e-Rec cles crrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibley@crrmaiI.com>; Peter Vanek<pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Good morning, am following up on this again. If you could please let me know if you have any comments, I would appreciate it. Thank you! Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning INTEGRAL C0fnfriUr1191-5 •;r7"IM 11n ITAn F;lAlt 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 8 From: Orange -Recycles <Orange-Recycles@crrmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 4.11 PM To: Peter Vanek < vanek2inteRralcommunities.com>; Orange -Recycles <Oran e-Rec cles crrmaiI.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDiblev@crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, I have followed up with our Operations team to determine if they have any comments on the project- thank you! Tingyao Li Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 htt s: link.edgepilot.com/s/e352110d/DfYsOsoYdOichRmZ_eGZYQ?u=http://www.crrwasteservices.com/ Q)CRr=WR ertvlronmental services the toC9 of a grrsvnc+r genwahon �7 infi From: Peter Vanek <pva nek@ integra Icommunities.com> Sent: Friday, November 10, 2023 10.41 AM To: Orange -Recycles <Orange-Recycles@crrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDiblev@crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good morning, If you could please let me know the status of the review of this plan, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning 0 INTEGRAL ComrnunIiies (IT"1041E1, tfAl rllbtt Eigi�'\ in 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 3:37 PM To: Orange -Recycles <Oran a-Rec cles crrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibley@crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek <pvanek inte ralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Good afternoon, I am following up on your review of our refuse collection plan for this new community. Can you please let me know a status. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning INTEGRAL . 4l "IAL 4 Uilii I e S VVIlt}f 1111 rt1: 16 jiR[;UWV� 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek < vanek irate ralcommunities.com> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 9:43 AM To. Orange -Recycles <Oran e-Rec cles crrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibleV@crrmall.com>; Peter Vanek<pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Good morning, If you could please let me know the status of your review of this plan, I would appreciate it. Thank you, 10 Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning 0 INTEGRAL J M rrf u rI I I I e, S ',1 401111- t.rnt rKTAtt r-'Mrke� 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Orange -Recycles <Orange-Recycles@crrmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 1:12 PM To: Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities com>; Orange -Recycles <Orange-RecyclesPcrrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibley@crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Thank you, I will have it reviewed by our operation department. From: Peter Vanek < vanel< inte ralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 1:05 PM To: Orange -Recycles <Oran e-Rec cles crrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibleVCcDcrrmail.com>; Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities,com> Subject: Orange - New Residential Project l.AU I IUN: I his email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good afternoon, The City of Orange has requested that I solicit your input on the attached plan for a new residential development. See attached. Feel free to call me to discuss. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning 11 0 INTEGRAL 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice. The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and 12 may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. E-mail correspondence, along with any attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act; and as such may be subject to public disclosure unless otherwise exempt under the Act. 13 Exhibit 6 From: Peter Vanek To: Chad Ortlieb Cc: Van Li ten Travis; Praveen Chandra; Anna Pehaushek; Melissa Crosthwaite; Russell Bunim; ]ohn Stanek; Van Li ten Han ; Peter Vane Subject: Village District at Orange Resubmittal Date: Monday, February 26, 2024 11:47:45 AM Attachments: ima e� Q01.onn imaQea02.ang ima—e80. 3—onn imagg005.nna ima e— 006- m im e_�q 007.nnn im eb0 n ima eg_ o10.pn❑ Chad, Please find the below links to our resubmittal packages for the Village District at Orange. The first link includes all of the plans and responses with individual trash bin pickup to each home, the second link includes all of the plans and responses with common trash enclosures and trash cans, per the direction of Melissa to submit plans with both alternatives. As we have expressed, Integral desires to do proceed with the plan with individual trash bin service. Hard copies of these plans will be submitted to you today as well. We look forward to working with the City going forward on this exciting residential project. Thankyou! https://www.dropbox.com/sclifo/vm;ziuQocvb63e4lx6srw9/h? r1key=1 skpucmtrioxzuv2zbnrzvtsz&d l=0 hitps://www.dropbox.coM/3c1/fo/14837bs1 dos7apfugt9yq/h? rlkey=dezyy0zpn4p9inttftfpmfdo3&dl =0 Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled MIR 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 COIL (949) 307-3482 From: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb@cityoforange.org> Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2024 2:50 PM To: Van Ligten, Hans <hvanligten@rutan.com>; Peter Vanek<pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanUgten@rutan.com>; Praveen Chandra <pchandra@integralcommunities.com>; Anna Pehoushek <apehoushek@cityofcrange.org>; Melissa Crosthwaite <mcrosthwaite@Ctyoforange.org> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Hans, The follow up I'm seeking is internal between me and Melissa. We don't intend to have a City and applicant meeting. We're finishing up our discussion and I will get back to the group shortly. Thanks, Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner City of Orange (714) 744-7237 M From: Van Ligten, Hans <hv nli ten ru an.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 4:05 PM To: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb(o-)cityoforange_org>; Peter Vanek < vanek inte r Icom unities.com> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLi ten@rutan.com>; Praveen Chandra < chandra in e ralcommunities.c m>; Anna Pehoushek <a ehoushek cit oforan e.or >; Melissa Crosthwaite < crosthwaite cit of ran e.or > Subject: RL: Orange - New Residential Project You don't often get email from li anii en _ r tan.con . Learn wliv i)is is intI201-tan; Hi Chad, Just a heads up that I plan to attend so we probably have to coordinate with Melissa's availability as well? Happy New Year! a Hans Van Ligten 18575 Jamboree Road, 9th Floor I Irvine, CA 92612 O. (714) 641-5100 1 D. (714) 662-4640 by li en r tan corn j htt s://]ink.Qd e ilot.com/s/d2O2a8c 1 e17cD32kS5ucuFv - RA? m:—:bttp://www.rutan.com/ u Privileged And Confidential Communication. This electronic transmission, and any documents attached hereto, (a) are protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (18 USC §§ 2510-2521), (b) may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information, and (c) are for the sole use of the intended recipient named above. if you have received this electronic message in error, please notify the sender and delete the electronic message. Any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of the information received in error is strictly prohibited. From: Chad Ortlieb <-cortlieb@cityoforange•org> Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 11:40 AM To: Peter Vanek < vanek 'nt ral om unities.com> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLi en rut n.c m>; Van Ligten, Hans <hv nli ten rut n.c m>; Praveen Chandra <,pchandragintegralcommunities.corn>; Anna Pehoushek <apehoushek(@cityoforange org>; Melissa Crosthwaite ge org> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, Happy new year. I had a conversation with Melissa Crosthwaite, Senior Assistant City Attorney and I followed up with some additional information for her to opine upon. She will be in next week and I will get back to you asap upon her return. Regards, Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner City of Orange (714) 744-7237 From: Peter Vanek <pyanekPinteUgralcommuni ies. am> Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 11:06 AM To: Chad Ortlieb <cor lieb cit foran e. r > Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLigtenl�rutan.com>; Hans Van Ligten, <hv nli en ru an.com>; Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com>; Praveen Chandra < cha dra inter communities.com> Subject: HE Orange - New Residential Project Happy New Year Chad, I am following up to see what direction the City would like to go with the trash enclosures. Please let me know. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled L00 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek <pvanek(@integralcommuni ies.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 3:06 PM To: Chad Ortlieb <cotlieb9cityoforange org> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLi ten ru an. om>; Hans Van Ligten, <hvanli ten rutan.com>; Peter Vanek < vanek int raicommuni ies.com> Subject: FW: Orange - New Residential Project Chad, Good afternoon, see below from CR&R. Please confirm if this is sufficient to satisfy your request that we coordinate with CR&R. Thank you Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 3C7-3482 From: Tingyao Li < in aol rrm il.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 8:59 AM To: Peter Vanek < vane inter Ica munitie .co > Cc: Isabel Morales <isabelm@crrmail corn>; Chrystal Denning <ch[ystaldPcrrmail com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, Thank you for your response, we have no further comments/questions regarding this proposal, final approval wi I I be determined by the City. Tingyao Li Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 h t s: link-ed e ilot.com s 74 1b 4f NmuLNE 5(1urA8vVl -W 7 u=h t : www.crrwasteservices.com a [00 10 u From: Peter Vanek <pvanek(@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 3:17 PM To: Tingyao Li <tingyao]Pcrrmail.com> Cc: Isabel Morales <isabelmPcrrmail.com>; Chrystal Denning <chrystald(@crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek<pvanekPintegralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good afternoon, The width of the driveways varies throughout. See attached VTTM for the dimensions. See my other responses below: Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning 'Description: untitled 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Tingyao Li <tingyaof@crrmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 3:12 PM To: Peter Vanek <pvanekC@integralcommunities.com> Cc: Isabel Morales <isabelmPcrrmaH.com>; Chrystal Denning <chrystaldPcrrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project H i Peter, I just had a couple additional questions regarding the property: 1. Could you provide me with the dimensions of the driveways within the community? I just wake to make sure they are wide enough for our trucks to navigate. 2. What is the plan for organics services at the property currently? The plan is to have individual carts for each owner for organic waste 3. Are there any plans currently to have communal enclosures for trash/recycle bins and food waste carts throughout the property? We do not want to do communal trash bins, we want to have individual carts for each homeowner. Tingyao Li Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 htt s: Iink.ed e it t.c 7b19e0 H 40m-kiZke NRu'0eaaw? u=http://www.crrwasteservices.com U u u u From: Peter Vanek<pvanekPintegralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 12:51 PM To: Tingyao Li <tingyaol(@crrmail.com>; Craig Dibley <CDible) CPcrrmail.com>; Orange- Recycles(@crrmail.com Cc: Angelo De Guzman <angelod(@crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek<pvanekPintegralcommunities.com> Subject: RF: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. 0 I am following up on this again. Please provide me comments or an approval on this plan asap. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled M 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Tingyao Li <tingyaoI(@crrmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:39 AM To: Peter Vanek <pvanekPintegralcommunities.com>; Craig Dibley <CDible crrmail.com>; Orange-RecyclesPcrrmail.com Cc: Angelo De Guzman <angelod(@crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, I will make sure to bring this up to my supervisor Chrystal during our weekly meeting tomorrow- she usually helps review plans for Orange along with our operations team. I'll let you know if they have any further questions. Tingyao Li Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 https://Ii.nk.edgepilot.com/s/b388Dl6a/-K_yKWG5RkGAygNR7r0QQg? L;=http://wwmz.crrwasteservices.com From: Peter Vanek <pvanekna integralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:34 AM To: Craig Dibley<CDibley_@crrmaJl com>; Orange-RecyclesPcrrmail.com Cc: Angelo De Guzman <angelod(@crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Thank you Craig. Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled no 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Craig Dibley <CDibley(@crrmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:33 AM To: Peter Vanek<pvanekPintegralcom,munities.com>; Orange-Recycles@crrmail.com Cc: Angelo De Guzman <angelod(@crrM ila com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Peter, I have included Angelo who isthe Lead for Orange. Angelo ofTingyao will review the plans again with the route manager. I believe they were working with Rolber who left our company a week ago. Thank you, Craig Dibley Sustainability Lead CR&R Incorporated Office 877-728-0446 Direct 714-372-8287 Mobile 714-863-4949 https://Iink.edgepilot.com/s/8a9bcb93/QHOQ�uNn7ESsrQvhTX9U-w? u-http://www.crrwasteservices.com/ M I a a a From: Peter Vanek v n inte ra]communities.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:09 AM To: Orange-Recycles(@crrmail.com Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibleVPcrrmail.com>; Peter Vanek<pvanek(a7integralcommunities.cc)m> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good morning, I am following up on this again. It has now been seven weeks since I submitted this plan, with no comments received. Please let me know ASAP. Thank you, Peter Vanel< VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999 5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek < vanek in e ralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 11:00 AM To: Orange -Recycles <Oran e-Rec Iles crrm i .com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibleyPcrrmail.com>; Peter Vanek<—vanek(d)integralcommunities:com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Good morning, I am following up on this again. if you could please let me know if you have any comments, I would appreciate it. Thank you! Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning ,Description: untitled El 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Orange -Recycles <Oran e-Rec Iles crrmaJ.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 4:11 PM To: Peter Vanek <pvanekPintegralcom.munities com>; Orange -Recycles <Orange- Recycles@c.Crmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibley@crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, I have followed up with our Operations team to determine if they have any comments on the project- thank you! Tingyao Li Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 https://link.edgepiIot.-o s e35211 DfYsOsOYdOichRm7- GZY ? u=http://www.cruwast2es!erv!ces.com/ U ❑® U a From: Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Sent: Friday, November 10, 2023 10:41 AM To: Orange -Recycles <Oran e-R cles crrmaii.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibleyl@crrmaiLcom>; Peter Vanek<pvanel<Pintegralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good morning, If you could please let me know the status of the review of this plan, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled u 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek<pvanek(@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 3:37 PM To: Orange -Recycles <Orange -Recycles(@@ crrmail com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibley(@crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommuniti s.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Good afternoon, I am following up on your review of our refuse collection plan for this new community. Can you please let me know a status. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled R 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek<pvanekgintegralcommpnities.com> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 9:43 AM To: Orange -Recycles <Orange-RecyclesPcrrmail com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibley(@crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek <pyanek(@integralcommunities com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Good morning, If you could please let me know the status of your review of this plan, I would appreciate it. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled to 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Orange -Recycles <Orange-Recyclesftcrrmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 1:12 PM To: Peter Vanek<pva_nek(@integralcommunities.com>; Orange -Recycles <Orange- RecyclesPcrrmail.com,> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDi I crrmail.c > Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Thank you, I will have it reviewed by our operation department. From: Peter Vanek < v ne��gralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 1:05 PM To: Orange -Recycles <Orange-RecyclesPcrrmail.com,> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDi crrmail.c >; Peter Vanek<pvanekpintegraicommunities,com> Subject: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good afternoon, The City of Orange has requested that I solicit your input on the attached plan for a new residential development. See attached. Feel free to call me to discuss. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled E 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. E-mail correspondence, along with any attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act; and as such may be subject to public disclosure unless otherwise exempt under the Act. E-mail correspondence, along with any attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act, and as such may be subject to public disclosure unless otherwise exempt under the Act. Exhibit 7 Morehead, Sylvia From: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 10:06 AM To: Chad Ortlieb Cc: Van Ligten, Travis; Praveen Chandra; Anna Pehoushek; Melissa Crosthwaite; Russell Bunim; John Stanek; Van Ligten, Hans Subject: RE: Village District at Orange Resubmittal Attachments: image00S.png; image009.png; image010.png; 2024 02 23_Letter with attachment.pdf Chad, My apologies, but we had inadvertently forgotten to include a copy of our prior letter to the City dated September 1, 2023, which is referenced as an attachment to the letter that was submitted as a part of the packet. I have attached a copy of that letter, with the corrected date, and the attachment for your convenience. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning INTEGRAL .:,,iiic„unitles i PA4mamlr trh4 M&IL MUPIRl 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-S716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb@cityoforange.org> Sent: Monday, February 26, 2024 4:09 PM To: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLigten@rutan.com>; Praveen Chandra<pchandra@integralcommunities.com>; Anna Pehoushek <apehoushek@cityoforange.org>; Melissa Crosthwaite<mcrosthwaite@cityoforange.org>; Russell Bunim <rbunim@cityoforange.org>; John Stanek<jstanek@integralcommunities.com>; Hans Van Ligten, <hvanligten@rutan.com> Subject: RE: Village District at Orange Resubmittal Hello Peter, I'm confirming receipt of your email, digital files, and of two boxes of various plan copies receive today. Thank you, Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner City of Orange (714)744-7237 p�yELOPM&NT OF 0'q Oy From: Peter Vanek < vanel< irate ralcommunities.com> Sent: Monday, February 26, 2024 11:47 AM To: Chad Ortlieb <cortUeb@cityoforange.org> Cc. Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLigtenPrutan.com>; Praveen Chandra<pchandra@integralcommunities.com>; Anna Pehoushek <a ehoushek cit oforan e.or >; Melissa Crosthwaite <mcrosthwaite cit oforan e.or >; Russell Bunim <rbunim cit oforan e.or >; John Stanek <Istanek inte ralcommunities.com>; Hans Van Ligten, <hvanli ten rutan.com>; Peter Vanek<pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Subject: Village District at Orange Resubmittal Chad, Please find the below links to our resubmittal packages for the Village District at Orange. The first link includes all of the plans and responses with individual trash bin pickup to each home, the second link includes all of the plans and responses with common trash enclosures and trash cans, per the direction of Melissa to submit plans with both alternatives. As we have expressed, Integral desires to do proceed with the plan with individual trash bin service. Hard copies of these plans will be submitted to you today as well. We look forward to working with the City going forward on this exciting residential project. Thankyou! htt�sallink.dgepilot.com/s/978�ideb0/Bl< Zn DGPkiUdCG9Je9 BA?u=htt sa/w dro boom/scVfo/vmzju6o cv 63e41x6s_rw9/h?rlke�=lskpuc�trioxzuv2zbnrzvtsz%2�d1=0 https:/https: llink.edgQ ilot. OMIS147052.9�ltot. om/s14705259� o4L<PO2kotRIbLijzH ?u=htt_ s�www dro boxcom/scl/fo/14837b 1 dos7apfugdos7apfuql9yq/h?rll<ey=dez�Ozpn4/h?rll<ey=dez�Ozpn4 9inttftf mfdo3°/a26d1=0 Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning ANAL INTEGRAL 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Pit (949) 720-3612 Coll (949) 307-3482 From: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb@cityoforange.org> Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2024 2:50 PM To: Van Ligten, Hans <hvanligten@rutan.com>; Peter Vanek < vp anek@inte2ralcommunities.com> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLigten@rutan.com>; Praveen Chandra<pchandra@integralcommunities.com>; Anna Pehoushek <apehoushek@cityoforange.org>; Melissa Crosthwaite <mcrosthwaite@cityoforange.org> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Hans, The follow up I'm seeking is internal between me and Melissa. We don't intend to have a City and applicant meeting. We're finishing up our discussion and I will get back to the group shortly. Thanks, Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner City of Orange (7 1 4) 744-7237 p�VElOPA4Fn,l O From: Van Ligten, Hans <hvanligten@rutan.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 4:05 PM To: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb@cityoforange.org>; Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLigten@rutan.com>; Praveen Chandra<pcchandra@integralcommunities.com>; Anna Pehoushek <a ehoushek cit o€oran e.or >; Melissa Crosthwaite <mcrosthwaite@citvoforange.org> Subject: RE: Orange- New Residential Project You don't often get email from hvanl€aten@rutan.com. Learn why this is important Hi Chad, Just a heads up that I plan to attend so we probably have to coordinate with Melissa's availability as well? Happy New Year! H Hans Van Ligten 18575 Jamboree Road, 9" Floor I Irvine, CA 92612 O. (714) 641-5100 1 D. (714) 662-4640 bvanlia-tenLalutan.com I https://IirLk.edael2ilot.com/s/d2O2a8ca/lgeI7cD32kS5ucuFvq- RA?u=htt Wwww.rutan.corn/ RUTAN lWAfH 0 FOOMIL Uffir Privileged And Confidential Communication. This electronic transmission, and any documents attached hereto, (a) are protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (18 U5C §§ 2510-2521), (b) may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information, and (c) are for the sole use of the intended recipient named above. If you have received this electronic message in error, please notify the sender and delete the electronic message. Any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of the information received in error is strictly prohibited. From: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb@cityoforange.org> Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 202411.40 AM To: Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLigten(@rutan.com>; Van Ligten, Hans <hvanligten@rutan.com>; Praveen Chandra < cp handra@integralcommunities.com>; Anna Pehoushek <apehoushek@cityoforange.org>; Melissa Crosthwaite <mcrosthwaite cit oforan e.or > Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, Happy new year. I had a conversation with Melissa Crosthwaite, Senior Assistant City Attorney and followed up with some additional information for her to opine upon. She will be in next week and I will get back to you asap upon her return. Regards, Chad ortlieb Principal Planner City of Orange (714) 744-7237 ,O���LOPMF,�T O ;or aka :. Fa P '` 2 From: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 11:06 AM To: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb cit oforan e.or > Cc. Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLi ten rutan.com>; Hans Van Ligten, <hvanli ten rutan.com>; Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com>; Praveen Chandra<pchandra@integralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Happy New Year Chad, I am following up to see what direction the City would like to go with the trash enclosures. Please let me know. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning APIAL INTEGRAL 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek<Pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 3:06 PM To: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb cit oforan e.or > Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLi ten rutan.com>; Hans Van Ligten, <hvanligten(d)rutan.com>; Peter Vanek <Pvanek@inteF-ralcommunities.com> Subject: FW: Orange - New Residential Project Chad, Good afternoon, see below from CR&R. Please confirm if this is sufficient to satisfy your request that we coordinate with CR&R. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning 0 fNTEGRAL rnrnUnlslo.S I'+4t 161 t'1/1l llhl J$TArr cawrC%, 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Tingyao Li <tingyaol@crrmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 8:59 AM To: Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Cc: Isabel Morales <isabelm@crrmail.com>; Chrystal Denning <chrystald@crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, Thank you for your response, we have no further comments/questions regarding this proposal, final approval will be determined by the City. Tingyao Li Sustainabi[ity Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4S88 https://Iink.edgepilot.com/s/74clb34­f/sNmtjLNEp5UurA8vV[S -Wg?u=http://www.crrwasteservices.com/ N E 4• 14 x• x r P environmental services The lace of o grow)er gerwao on From: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities_.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 3:17 PM To: Tingyao Li <tingyaol@crrmail.com> Cc: Isabel Morales <isabelm@crrmail.com>; Chrystal Denning <chrystald@crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek <pvanekPintegralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good afternoon, The width of the driveways varies throughout. See attached VTTM for the dimensions. See my other responses below: Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning 0 INTEGRAL rtC MMtinII ICS I#4Twilib RFAJ FT14TL Lw16ivk" 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Tingyao Li <tingyaol@crrmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 3:12 PM To: Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Cc: Isabel Morales <isabeim crrmail.com>; Chrystal Denning <chrystaldcrrmaiLcom> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, I just had a couple additional questions regarding the property: 1) Could you provide me with the dimensions of the driveways within the community? I just wake to make sure they are wide enough for our trucks to navigate. 2) What is the plan for organics services at the property currently? The plan is to have individual carts for each owner for organic waste 3) Are there any plans currently to have communal enclosures for trash/recycle bins and food waste carts throughout the property? We do not want to do communal trash bins, we want to have individual carts for each homeowner. Tingyao Li Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 https: link.edgepilat.com/s/8f7bl9e0/HQ4Om-kiZkeegNRu!Oeaaw?u=http://www crrwasteservices.com/ OcReR w G 9. ! t G 4 F e 1 0 envlronrnental services the Ioce of v greener geneeolion From: Peter Vanek<pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 12:51 PM To: Tingyao Li <tin aol crrmail.com>; Craig Dibley <CDibley@crrmail.com>; Orange-Recycles@crrmail.com Cc: Angelo De Guzman <angelod@crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. All, I am following up on this again. Please provide me comments or an approval on this plan asap. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning 0 INTEGRAL ' i�'Ifi41'f kFA(I{ljil[i'z�i�i'lF1' 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Tingyao Li <tin aol crrmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:39 AM To: Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com>; Craig Dibley <CDibley@crrmail.com>; Orang_e- Recycles@crrmail.com Cc: Angelo De Guzman <an elod crrmail,com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, I will make sure to bring this up to my supervisor Chrystal during our weekly meeting tomorrow- she usually helps review plans for Orange along with our operations team. I'll let you know if they have any further questions. Tingyao Li Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 https://link.edgepilot.com/s/b3880l6a/-KvKWG5RkGAvqNR7rOQQg?u=http://Www.crrwasteservices.com/ G)CRMFq .. c o� r a a• F r n env€conmental services the face of a gredw,er gemralOn From: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:34 AM To: Craig Dibley <CDiblev@crrmail.com>; Orange-Recycles@crrmail.com Cc: Angelo De Guzman <angelod@crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Thank you Craig. Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning INTEGRAL C.0111;11Uri IIIt's 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Craig Dibley <CDiblev@crrmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:33 AM To: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com>; Ora nge-Recycles@crrmaiLcom Cc: Angelo De Guzman <angelod@crrmaiI.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Peter, I have included Angelo who is the Lead for Orange. Angelo of Tingyao will review the plans again with the route manager. I believe they were working with Relber who left our company a week ago. Thank you, Craig Dibley Sustainability Lead CR&R Incorporated Office 877-728-0446 Direct 714-372-8287 Mobile 714-863-4949 https://Iink.edgeoilot.com/s/8a9bcb93/QHM-uNn7ESsrQvhTX9U-w?u=http://www.crrwasteservices.com I CR&fq en+�ra+m�nle� servl�� From: Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:09 AM To: Or3nge-Recycles@crrmai[.com Cc: Craig Dibley <CDiblev@crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good morning, I am following up on this again. It has now been seven weeks since I submitted this plan, with no comments received. Please let me know ASAP. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning 0 INTEGRAL (-'ofnrnunitles 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 io Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 11:00 AM To: Orange -Recycles <Oran e-Rec cles crrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDiblev@crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek<pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Good morning, I am following up on this again. If you could please let me know if you have any comments, I would appreciate it. Thank you! Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning 1 TEGRLA . ' -C.a rC1it ll rl 1 1 1 t.; s . V017l1(t,n a,AI 14S tTf n7 ktrklj 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Orange -Recycles <Oran e-Rec cles crrmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 4:11 PM To: Peter Vanek<avanek@inteeralcommunities.com>; Orange -Recycles <Orange-RecVcles@crrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDiblev@crrmaH.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, I have followed up with our Operations team to determine if they have any comments on the project- thank you! Tingyao Li Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 htt s: Iink.ed e ilot.com s e352110d DfYsosOYd0ichRmZ-eGZY ?u=htt www.crrwasteservices.com R environmental services 1h12 love of o greolwr generolian 11 From: Peter Vanek<pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Friday, November 10, 2023 10:41 AM To: Orange -Recycles <Orange-Recycles(@crrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibley@crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good morning, If you could please let me know the status of the review of this plan, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning 0 INTEGRAL i 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 3:37 PM To: Orange -Recycles <Orange-Recycles@crrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibley@crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Good afternoon, I am following up on your review of our refuse collection plan for this new community. Can you please let me know a status. 12 Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning INTEGRAL {. sel i17 iti �.1 f11 S I W. S a n+eTjwia is ie alnf e�_irrr ruurani 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 9:43 AM To: Orange -Recycles <Orange-RecVcles@crrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDible crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek<pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Good morning, If you could please let me know the status of your review of this plan, I would appreciate it. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning I NTEG ILAL LJfrafflurliIIts 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Orange -Recycles <Orange-Recyclesecrrmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 1:12 PM To: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com>; Orange -Recycles <Oran e-Rec cles crrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDible crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Thank you, I will have it reviewed by our operation department. 13 From: Peter Vanek<pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 1:05 PM To: Orange -Recycles <Orange-Recycles@crrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDiblev@crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek < vanek irate ralcommunities.com> Subject: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good afternoon, The City of Orange has requested that I solicit your input on the attached plan for a new residential development. See attached. Feel free to call me to discuss. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning INTEGRAL 1'+"'I I If t F] SEA! $MT1 CisSf rAn"{ 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not 14 the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. E-mail correspondence, along with any attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act; and as such may be subject to public disclosure unless otherwise exempt under the Act. E-mail correspondence, along with anyattachments, maybe subject to the California Public Records Act; and as such maybe subject to public disclosure unless otherwise exempt under the Act. E-mail correspondence, along with anyattachments, maybe subject to the California Public Records Act; and as such maybe subject to public disclosure unless otherwise exempt under the Act. is RUTAN RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP February 23, 2024 VIA E-MAIL AND FIRST CLASS MAIL Chad Ortlicb Principal Planner City of Orange 300 E. Chapman Ave. Orange, CA 92866 Travis Van Liven Direct Dial: (714) 641-3435 Re: Tentative Tract Map No. 0053-23, Major Site Plan Review No, 1140-23, Design Review No. 5123-23 — The Village District at Orange, 2200 N Tustin Street Dear Mr. Ortlieb: As you are aware, this office serves as legal counsel for The Orange JCP Project Owner, LLC's ("Applicant"), which has submitted an application for the development of housing referred as The Village District at Orange (the "Project"), located at 2200 N. Tustin Street, Orange, CA. This letter is being submitted in conjunction with the Applicant's submittal of supplemental information in response to various discussions with the City and its legal counsel regarding the City's requests for additional information. 1. Background On June 5, 2023, Applicant submitted a formal application (the "Application") to the City of Orange using the Land Use Project Application form that was available on the City's website. On July 5, 2023, the City provided a Notice of Incompleteness ("July 5 Notice") to the Applicant. On September 1, 2023, the Applicant resubmitted a response to the City's July 5, 2023 notice, responding to the various points raised by the City. On or about October 5, 2023, the City's Principal Planner, Mr. Chad Ortlieb provided a supplemental response to the City outlining various concerns the City had with the Applicant's September 1, 2023 submittal. On October 6, 2023, the City Attorney for the City of Orange also provided a response to counsel for the Applicant, setting forth the City's legal position as to certain points raised by the Applicant's September 1, 2023 submittal. After receiving the City's October 5 and October 6 letters, the Applicant and City staff agreed to conduct an in -person meeting at City Hall to discuss the various points at issue in this case, so that the Applicant could adequately respond to the points raised by the City. Rutan & Tucker, LLP 1 18575 Jamboree Road, 911 Floor Irvine, CA 92612 1 714-641-5100 1 Fax 714-546-9035 2545/016909-0637 Orange County � Palo Alto I San Francisco I Scottsdale I www.rutan com 20260157.1a02/23124 RUTAN NUUry6TVCNEnLLp Chad Ortlieb September 1, 2023 Page 2 On November 8, 2023, members of the Applicant's team and City Staff attended the agreed upon meeting. On behalf of the City, Chad Ortlieb, Russel Bunim, Anna Pehoushek, and City Attorney Mike Vigliota attended the meeting. At the start of the meeting, Chad Ortlieb confirmed that Table A to the October 5, 2023, letter was all that was needed to be addressed for the application to be deemed complete from the City's perspective. When the Applicant explained that some of the City's requests were vague and/or unclear, the City directed Applicant to continue to work with the City to address the comments raised therein. After some back and forth, the City was able to clarify a few items: • Table A, Comment Number 30: and 77: Applicant to provide a photometric plan with regard to only those areas with parking spaces. • Table A, Comment Number 31: Applicant to update plans to show location of mechanical equipment where applicable. Table A, Comment Number 2 included the City's repeated request that the Applicant submit an application for a General Plan Amendment and a Zone Change application. For the reasons stated in our September 1, 2023 letter, this demand is unlawful under the Housing Accountability Act. (The September 1, 2023 Letter is attached hereto.) At the end of our meeting, the parties "agreed to disagree" on this particular issue, and to focus on those issues the parties could address to limit any areas of future dispute. Table A, Comment Numbers 98 and 102 address the waste management requirements of the Project. In particular, Comment Number 102 directed the Applicant to coordinate with CR&R and Operations with regard to the Project's trash requirements. This has been done. Comment No. 98, however, was more vague, and stated that the Project had to be served by trash bins rather than trash carts. However, because the City's code allows the City to approve Projects that are serviced by trash carts, the Applicant asked for clarification on this purported requirement. In response, the City's representatives at the meeting instructed the Applicant to contact Josh Soliz with the City to determine what this condition required. Subsequently, on November 27, 2023, Mr. Peter Vanek conferred with Mr. Soliz after that meeting, wherein he stated that he had no ability to approve the Project if it included trash carts rather than trash bins. As a result of that conversation, Mr. Vanek followed up with Mr. Ortlieb, and asked for Mr. Ortlieb to provide guidance on how best to move forward via a November 27, 2023 email. 2545/016909-0637 20260t57.1 .02123/24 RUTAN Chad Ortlieb September 1, 2023 Page 3 On December 1, 2023, Mr. Ortlieb responded, stating that he had not forgotten about Mr. Vanek's inquiry, and stated "I'm still awaiting an internal response." After not receiving any response, on January 3, 2024, Mr. Vanek again followed up with Mr. Ortlieb, at which point Mr. Ortliebe informed him that he was working with Senior Assistant City Attorney Melissa Crosthwaite, and that he would follow-up on the trash enclosure issue upon her return. On January 11, 2024, Ms. Crosthwaite contacted my office to set up a meeting to discuss the ongoing discussions between the City and Applicant, which meeting initially occurred on January 18, 2024. During that meeting, Ms. Crosthwaite asked some background questions, and ultimately agreed to coordinate with her client on the following issues: • Is the trash enclosure issue an impediment for having the application deemed complete? Substantively, can the City approve trash cart rather than trash bin service for the project at issue here? Subsequently, on January 29, 2024, Ms. Crosthwaite and I met and conferred again, where she agreed (1) that the City had the authority to allow cart service rather than bin service, but (b) the City would not deem the application complete unless the Applicant submitted a site plan for the Project that utilized bin service. However, the Applicant could still submit its preferred alternative for cart service as an alternative to the submittal. Since receiving that direction, the Applicant has been working to respond to the City's requests in an attempt to work with the City. 2. The Application is Deemed Complete As an initial matter, it bears noting that the Applicant has been working in good faith to try and address as many of the City's issues as possible, even if the Applicant does not believe that the City had the right to demand certain pieces of information at this stage. Despite attempting to work with the City, the Applicant maintains that the Application has been deemed complete as of July 5, 2023, or September 1, 2023 at the very latest. Per the City's Zoning Code, the City's Community Development Director is required to decide whether an application is deemed complete in writing within 30 days of receipt of an application for a development project. (See Orange Municipal Code ["OMC"] § 17.08.030(E); see also Government Code § 65943.) To date, the Applicant has never received a notice of incompleteness from the City's Community Development Director. Instead, the City's July 5, 2023 letter was sent on behalf of Chad Ortlieb, a planner within the City. Accordingly, the City failed to provide the proper notice as required by the City's own Municipal Code, meaning that the application must be deemed complete as of June 5, 2023. (See 2545/016909-0637 20260157.1 a02/23/24 _R_UTAN XVl NP 6NCXFR. LLP Chad Ortlieb September 1, 2023 Page 4 Gov't Code § 65943(a) ["If the written determination is not made within that 30-day period, the application together with the submitted materials shall be deemed complete for purposes of this chapter."].) Despite failing to respond in the required amount of time, on September 1, 2023, Applicant submitted an updated application responding to the City's July 5, 2023 letter. Subsequently, on October 5, 2023 and October 6, 2023, 34 and 35 days after Applicant's September 1, 2023 submittal, the City provided two letters in response, again claiming that the application was incomplete in a certain manner. However, again, the letter was not signed by the City's Community Development Director, but was instead signed Mr. Chad Ortlieb. Additionally, the City's response was more than 30 days after Applicant's submittal. As such, the Application is again deemed complete as of September 1, 2023, as an alternative. (See Gov't Code § 65943(b).) Based on the foregoing, it is clear that the Application has been deemed complete as a matter of law since September 1, 2023 at the absolute latest. 3. The Applicant Has Now Addressed All of the Outstandine Items in Table A While the Applicant maintains that the Application is deemed complete, it has continued to work with the City to address its concerns in a way that respects the City while also preserving the Applicant's rights. As such, in conjunction with this letter, the Applicant has responded to the remaining items in Table A as follows: Table A, Comment Number 30 and 77: Applicant has provided an agreed upon photometric plan with regard to only those areas with parking spaces as discussed during the November 8, 2023 meeting. • Table A, Comment Number 31: Applicant has provided updated plans to show the location of mechanical equipment where applicable, as discussed during the November 8, 2023 meeting. • Table A, Comments Numbers 98 and 102: Applicant has submitted both its preferred site plan, and a modified site plan that accommodates trash enclosure service per the direction received by the City's Senior Assistant City Attorney. The Applicant wishes to pursue the preferred site plan, but has provided the modified site plan as required by the City.' 1 The trash enclosure site plan adds two additional units, and moves the setback of the Project to 10 feet from Canal Street rather than 30 feet. These modifications have resulted in a less than 20% increase in the Project's total building area, and has maintained the required affordability ratio to be considered a housing development for very low, low-, or moderate -income households, as defined by Gov't Code § 65599.5. 2545/016909-0637 20260t57.1 a0223/24 RUTAN XVIAX6iVGXEX.LW Chad Ortlieb September 1, 2023 Page 5 Table A, Comment Number 2: The Applicant maintains that the Project does not require a General Plan amendment or Zone Change amendment. As such, it is not seeking either of those entitlements at this time. Therefore, Applicant cannot be required to deem the application complete. If the City ultimately attempts to deny the Project because of the lack of such a General Plan Amendment or Zone Change, the parties can litigate that issue at a later date. In light of the foregoing, the Applicant has addressed all of the comments listed in Table A, as clarified by the City through our ongoing discussions. 4. Conclusion: In addition to responding to the items in Table A of the City's October 5, 2023 letter, the Applicant has also provided supplemental responses to those ongoing issues listed in Table B, which responses are being submitted concurrently herewith. We look forward to the City processing the Application and to continue working with you to bring much needed housing to the City of Orange. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned if you should have any questions. RUTAN & TUCI{ER, LLP .. Travis Van Ligten cc: Ms. Melissa Crosthwaite, Senior Assistant City Attorney 2545/016909-0637 20260157.1 a0223/24 Exhibit 1 R_UTTAN RUTAN m TUCKER, LLP VIA E-MAIL AND FIRST CLASS MAIL Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner City of Orange 300 E. Chapman Ave. Orange, CA 92866 Re: Tentative Tract Dear Mr. Ortlieb: Hans Van Ligten Direct Dial: (714) 662.4640 September 1, 2023 No, 0053-23, Major Site Plan Review No. 1140-23, Design i-zs — The Ville Street Per The Orange JCP Project Owner, LLC's ("Applicant") response to comments listed in the provided spreadsheet, certain responses required more explanation than can be easily read in an Excel spreadsheet. To that end, we provide this additional explanation to City Comments 1 through 3, provided below, 1. Response to Comment No. 1: On June 5, 2023, Applicant submitted a formal application (the "Application") to the City of Orange using the Land Use Project Application form that was available on the City's website. On July 5, 2023, the City provided a Notice of Incompleteness ("Notice") to the Applicant. Turning to the City's Notice, it mischaracterizes the Application. In particular, the City's July 5 Notice states that the City has deemed the Application incomplete pursuant to Government Code § 65941.1(a), However, Government Code § 65941.1(a) simply describes the required contents of a preliminary application under Government Code § 65941.1(a). The Application in this case is not only a "preliminary" application, which is a term of art under the Government Code,' but also a formal application submitted to the City, which is subject to the strict review and timing requirements of Government Code § 65943. To be clear, all full applications also constitute preliminary applications. Nothing in the statutes can be read otherwise, 1 As explained herein, the Application meets the requirements of a preliminary application under Gov't Code § 65941,1(a) for the purposes of vesting Applicant's rights under the Housing Accountability Act and Permit Streamlining Act. Rutan & Tucker, LLP 1 18575 Jamboree Road, 91h Floor Irvine, CA 92612 1 714-641-5100 1 Fax 714-546-9036 235101690M637 Orange County I Palo Alto I San Francisco I Scottsdale I www.rutan.com 19553 174.3 009/01/23 RUTAN NUTµ f TUCN[P. LIP Chad Ortlieb September 1, 2023 Page 2 Accordingly, the City's July 5 Notice is untimely to the extent it focused on the requirements of Government Code § 65941.1, rather than requesting information that may have been omitted in the formal Application. As such, we believe the Application is deemed complete as of June 5, 2023 for the reasons I explain below, Pursuant to Government Code § 65943, upon receipt of the June 5, 2023 Application, the City had thirty days to provide a written explanation of whether that Application was incomplete or complete. If the Application was deemed incomplete, the City was required to provide "an exhaustive list of items that were not complete." (Gov't Code § 65943 (a).) Further, that list "shall be limited to those items actually required on the lead agency's submittal requirement checklist." (Gov't Code § 64943(a).) (As I mention above, when we inquired for the submittal requirement checklist, we were told there was none and told to use the City's application form.) However, "[i]f the written determination is not made within 30 days after receipt of the application, and the application includes a statement that it is an application for a development permit, the application shall be deemed complete for purposes of this chapter." (Gov't Code § 65943(a).) Here, the City did not provide a written determination under Government Code § 65943 within thirty days of the receipt of the Application. Indeed, the City states that it was finding the Application incomplete under an inapplicable provision of the Government Code — Government Code § 65941.1. Accordingly, by failing to provide the appropriate response within thirty days from both a timing and substantive perspective, the Application is deemed complete under the Permit Streamlining Act. (a) Under the Housing Accountability Act, an applicant for a housing development project, shall be deemed to have submitted a preliminary application upon providing certain identified information to the local agency, and payment of any permit processing fee. (Gov't Code § 65941.1(a),) The Application also meets these requirements: • The specific location, including parcel numbers, a legal description, and site address, if applicable. o Identified on Page I of Land Use Project Application • The existing uses on the project site and identification of major physical alterations to the property on which the project is to be located. o Existing use of project site is identified in the Project Description, and explains that "100,000 rentable square feet of existing retail space will be demolished including the JCPenney building." 2351016909-0637 19553174.3 a09101/23 RUTAN RUUN6TUCNCP�LLP Chad Ortlieb September 1, 2023 Page 3 • A site plan showing the location on the property, elevations showing design, color, and material, and the massing, height, and approximate square footage, of each building that is to be occupied. o Provided through numerous PDF documents, including a Drainage Plan, Site Plan, Fire Master Plan, Grading Plan, Sewer Plan, and other documents. • The proposed land uses by number of units and square feet of residential and nonresidential development using the categories in the applicable zoning ordinance. o This is identified in the Project Description in addition to other areas, • The proposed number of parking spaces. o This is identified in the Project Description, and on page 2 of the Application form. • Any proposed point sources of air or water pollutants. The Project Description explains that the project will exclusively include residential uses, which do not include any air or water pollutants. • Any species of special concern larown to occur on the property. Inapplicable. As explained above, the project site currently houses a vacant commercial space and associated panting. As such, there is no species of concern within the property, • Whether a portion of the property is located within any of the following; (A) A very high fire hazard severity zone, as determined by the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection pursuant to Section 51178, (B) Wetlands, as defined in the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Manual, Part 660 FW 2 (June 21, 1993). (C) A hazardous waste site that is listed pursuant to Section 65962.5 or a hazardous waste site designated by the Department of Toxic Substances Control pursuant to Article 5 (commencing with Section 78760) of Chapter 4 of Part 2 of Division 45 of the Health and Safety Code, (D) A special flood hazard area subject to inundation by the 1 percent annual chance . flood (100-year flood) as determined by the Federal Emergency Management 2351016909-O637 19553174.3 a09101/23 RUTAN .... R T.C,E,1 P Chad Ortlieb September 1, 2023 Page 4 Agency in any official maps published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (E) A delineated earthquake fault zone as determined by the State Geologist in any official maps published by the State Geologist, unless the development complies with applicable seismic protection building code standards adopted by the California Building Standards Commission under the California Building Standards Law (Part 2.5 (commencing with Section 18901) of Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code), and by any local building department under Chapter 12.2 (commencing with Section 8875) of Division 1 of Title 2.(F) A stream or other resource that may be subject to a streambed alteration agreement pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 1600) of Division 2 of the Fish and Game Code. o Inapplicable. As explained by the Project Description, the existing site is an empty department store with a surface parking lot. As such, none of these scenarios would apply, and nor could they. • Any historic or cultural resources known to exist on the property. o Inapplicable. The existing conditions are described in the project description. • The number of proposed below market rate units and their affordability levels. o 42 below market ADUs are identified on page 1 of the Application form, The Project description describes it as 42 low income units at 80% AMI. • The number of bonus units and any incentives, concessions, waivers, or parking reductions requested pursuant to Section 65915. o None identified or needed, • Whether any approvals under the Subdivision Map Act, including, but not limited to, a parcel map, a tentative map, or a condominium map, are being requested. o The City's Submittal Receipt confirms that the City was informed that the Applicant would be seeking a tentative tract map, which has been submitted to the City with this recent submittal. The applicant's contact information and, if the applicant does not own the property, consent from the property owner to submit the application. 2351016909-0637 19553174.3 a09/01/23 RUTAN flVlNIBiVCII[P�LLP Chad Ortlieb September 1, 2023 Page 5 o Contact information is listed on the Receipt for Review and Inspection Deposit and in the Land Use Application. • For a housing development project proposed to be located within the 'coastal zone, whether any portion of the property contains any of the following; (A) Wetlands, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 13577 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. (B) Environmentally sensitive habitat areas, as defined in Section 30240 of the Public Resources Code, (C) A tsunami run-up zone, (D) Use of the site for public access to or along the coast. o Not appliable. The Project is not located within the coastal zone, The number of existing residential units on the project site that will be demolished and whether each existing unit is occupied or unoccupied. o Project description explains the existing use, and it does not include any residential uses. • A site map showing a stream or other resource that may be subject to a streambed alteration agreement pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 1600) of Division 2 of the. Fish and Game Code and an aerial site photograph showing existing site conditions of environmental site features that would be subject to regulations by a public agency, including creeks and wetlands. o Not applicable. The application provides a description of the project site. • The location of any recorded public easement, such as easements for storm drains, water lines, and other public rights of way. o The easements that could be identified are discussed on the Existing Site Plan. (b) Accessory Dwelling Unit Information Has Ahfeady Been Provided As. an initial matter, the City does not have a compliant application submittal checklist that is otherwise required under Government Code § 65940, Accordingly, requesting any additional information for the accessory dwelling units that is included in the Project is improper. 235/016909.0637 19553174.3 a09/01/23 RUTAN RUIM 6 TUCMa. LLI Chad Ortlieb September 1, 2023 Page 6 That said, the Applicant has already provided all of that information through its original Application. However, the Applicant has provided a copy of the Accessory Dwelling Unit application form along with this subsequent material, 2. Response to Comment No. 2 This request is improper, Under the Housing Accountability Act, the City lacks the authority and/or discretion to deny a qualified housing development project (which the City acknowledges this Project would qualify as), unless it can make certain enumerated findings under Government Code §65589.5(d)(5). One of these findings provides that 'a City can deny a qualified housing development project if the City finds that the project due to alleged inconsistencies "with both the jurisdiction's zoning ordinance and general plan land use designation as specified in any element of the general plan as it existed on the date the application was deemed complete . , .," (Gov't Code § 65589.5(d)(5).) However, the City cannot rely on this finding where it does not have a revised housing element that is in substantial compliance with this article, (Gov't Code § 65589.5(d)(5).) This process is referred to as the "Builder's Remedy" because it limits the City's ability to deny certain qualifying projects where the City has not adopted a compliant housing element, Therefore, when as here, the application is utilizing the Builder's Remedy, the City cannot require an applicant to process either a zoning code or general plan amendment, as such a requirement would be directly contrary to the Housing Accountability Act. 3. Response to Comment No. 3. This comment requires the submission of an Environmental Impact Report for the project at the application phase. This is improper. Under Government Code §§ 65940 and 65943, the City can only require the submission of documents that are detailed in the list required by Government Code § 65940. As explained above, the City has no such.list, and therefore, cannot require the submission of any additional information other than what was previously provided, Further, Government Code §§ 65944(a) and (b) further precludes the City from requiring any additional information that is not otherwise included .in a list prepared pursuant to Government Code § 65940. Even assuming the Land Use Development Application form constitutes a list under Government Code § 65940, the application form does not list an environmental impact report as one of the required deliverables, Accordingly, the City cannot require the delivery of an environmental impact report for the purposes of deeming the application complete. Indeed, CEQA itself recognizes that environmental review of a "project" is supposed to start after an application has been deemed complete under Government Code § 65940, et. seq. 235/016909-0637 19553174,3 a09/01/23 RUTAN xu,nx cacnvx, uv Chad Ortlieb September 1, 2023 Page 7 Public Resources Code § 21080.2 states that the relevant initial study must be completed within thirty days after an application is accepted as complete. (See also 14 Cal. Code Regs. § 15102.) Please confirm that the lack of an environmental impact report will not stop or impede the City from determining the Application as complete. If the City does not address this response, the Applicant will assume that the comment has been sufficiently addressed. On another note, Applicant maintains that the project will ultimately not qualify as a "discretionary project" subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act in light of the City's lack of discretion to deny the Project. As acknowledged by the City's July 5 Notice, the Project qualifies for the "builder's remedy" under Government Code § 65589.5. As such, the City lacks the discretion to deny or otherwise condition the project at this time, unless it can make certain enumerated findings found in that section. However, in making those decisions, the City will have to justify its determination based on a preponderance of the evidence. Applicant maintains that the City will be unable to make this determination in light of the limited scope of the project, and the fact that the project site is already developed, and located in an urban environment, Accordingly, the City will lack any discretion to deny the project at that time. (Friends of Juana Briones House v. City of Palo Alto (2010) 190 Ca1.App,4th 286, 302 [noting that a project qualifies as ministerial, rather than discretionary, "when a private party can legally compel approval without any changes in the design of its project which might alleviate adverse environmental consequences." (emph. added)],) Therefore, because the City will not have the requisite discretion to deny the project, it is a ministerial project, and therefore is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act. (See Pub. Res. Code §§ 21080(a) and (b); see also Sierra Club v, County of Sonoma (2017) 11 Ca1.App.5th 11, 19-20 ["CEQA applies only to `discretionary projects proposed to be carried out or approved by public agencies.' (§ 21080, subd. (a).) The statute correspondingly exempts `[m]inisterial projects' (id., subd. (b)(1)), a term that has been assumed to refer to projects that are not discretionary."].) We look forward to the City processing our application and working with you to bring much needed housing to the City of Orange. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned if you should have any questions. Sincerely, IR TAN I s 2351016909-0637 19553174.3 09101123 Exhibit 8 From: Chad Ortlieb To: Peter Vanek Cc: Van Liaten. Travis; Praveen Chandra; Anna Pehoushek; Melissa Crosthwaite; Russell Bunim; John Stanek; Van Liaten, Hans; Mike Vigliotta Subject: RE: Village District at Orange Resubmittal Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2024 5:31:25 PM Attachments: imaae001.orin imaae002.onn imaaen03.ann imaae005.onn imaae006.pna imaae007.pa imaae009.pg imaae010.pa Incompleteness Letter Distributed 3-27-24 Viilaae at Oranae pdf The Village District at Oranae - 22TTM053 - SRC4.Ddf Peter, Good afternoon. Please see the attached comment letter regarding the Village District at orange resubmittal package. Please confirm receipt of this email. Regards, Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner City of Orange (714) 744-7237 From: Peter Vanek <pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Sent: Monday, February 26, 2024 11:47 AM To: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieb@cityoforange.org> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <JVanUgten@rutan.corn>; Praveen Chandra <pchandra@integralcommunities.com>; Anna Pehoushek <apehoushek@citycforange.crg>; Melissa Crosthwaite<mcrosthwaite@cityoforange.crg>; Russell Bunim <rbunim@cityoforange.org>; John Stanek<jstanek@integralcommunities.com>, Hans Van Ligten, <hvanligten@rutan.com>; Peter Vanek <pvanek@integrafcommunities.com> Subject: Village District at Orange Resubmittal Chad, Please find the below links to our resubmittal packages for the Village District at Orange. The first link includes all of the plans and responses with individual trash bin pickup to each home, the second Link includes all of the plans and responses with common trash enclosures and trash cans, per the direction of Melissa to submit plans with both alternatives. As we have expressed, Integra( desires to do proceed with the plan with individual trash bin service. Hard copies of these plans will be submitted to you today as well. We Look forward to working with the City going forward on this exciting residential project. Thankyou! https://tin1<.edgepitot.c0m/s/33c8e398/855xO4e yEy t7-ZmVEdow? u=https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/vmzju6ocvb63e41 x6srw9/h? rll<ey=1 skpucmtrioxzuv2zbn rzvtsz%26d t=0 htt s://ti n k. edgep iLot.com/s/29645068/W55c4rsDn00U3df6A67M'w? u=https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/L4837bsl dos7a,pfugl9yq/h? rtkey=dezyy0zpn4p9inttftfpmfdo3%26d1=0 Peter Va nek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled El 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Chad Ortlieb <cortliebPcityoforange_org> Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2024 2:50 PM To: Van Ligten, Hans <hvanii t n rutan.com>; Peter Vanek < v nek rote ralcommunities.com> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVani en rutan.com>; Praveen Chandra < than ra inte ralcommunit- .com>; Anna Pehoushek <apehoushek@ ityoforange urg>, Melissa Crosthwaite<mcrosthwaiteCE)cityoforange.org> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Hans, The follow up I'm seeking is internal between me and Melissa. We don't intend to have a City and applicant meeting. We're finishing up our discussion and I will get back to the group shortly. Thanks, Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner City of Orange (714) 744-7237 1 From: Van Ligten, Hans <hvaniigten(@rutan.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 4:05 PM To: Chad Ortlieb <cortlie dt ofor n e.or >; Peter Vanek<pvanek(@Integralcommunities.com> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TV Li ten rutan.com>; Praveen Chandra <pchandraPintegralcommunities.com>; Anna Pehoushek <a ehoushek cit foran e.or >; Melissa Crosthwaite <mcrosthwaite uncityoforange org> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project IYou don't often get email from hvan ieten(a7rutan.com. Lea why this is important Hi Chad, Just a heads up that I plan to attend so we probabiy have to coordinate with Melissa's availability as well? Happy New Year! W Hans Van Ligten 18575 Jamboree Road, 9th Floor I Irvine, CA 92612 O. (714) 641-5 100 1 D. (714) 662-4640 lmanligten�,.rutan.com i ht s link.e e iI t com/s/d202 8ca/1 I cD32kS5ucuFv -_ u=http://www_rutan.com/ FU Privileged And Confidential Communication. This electronic transmission, and any documents attached hereto, (a) are protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (18 U5C §§ 2510-2521), (b) may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information, and (c) are for the sole use of the intended recipient named above. If you have received this electronic message in error, please notify the sender and delete the electronic message. Any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of the information received in error is strictly prohibited. From: Chad Ortlieb <cortliebPcitvoforange.org> Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 11:40 AM To: Peter Vanek<pvanek(@integraicommunities.com> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <IVanLigtenPrutan.com>; Van Ligten, Hans <hvan igtenC0)rutan.com>; Praveen Chandra <pchandra Ctintegralcommunities;ccm>; Anna Pehoushek <apehoushekf@cityoforange.org>; Melissa Crosthwaite <mcrosthwaitePcityoforange org> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project H i Peter, Happy new year. I had a conversation with Melissa Crosthwaite, Senior Assistant City Attorney and I followed up with some additional information for her to opine upon. She will be in next week and I will get back to you asap upon her return. Regards, Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner City of Orange (714) 744-7237 El From: Peter Vanek < v nek inter commun'ties.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 11:06 AM To: Chad Ortlieb <cortlieloPcityoforange.org> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanU e rutan.c >; Hans Van Ligten, <hvanli ten rutan.com>: Peter Vanek <pvanekPintegralcommunities.com>; Praveen Chandra <pchandra C@integralcommunities,com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Happy New Year Chad, i am following up to see what direction the City would like to go with the trash enclosures. Please let me know. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek < va nek irate Talc mu ities.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 3:06 PM To: Chad Ortlieb <cortliebl@cityoforangeore> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLi ten utan.co >; Hans Van Ligten, <hvanli ten r tan. m>; Peter Variek < v ek irate r Icom uniti s.co > Subject: FW: Orange - New Residential Project Chad, Good afternoon, see below from CR&R. Please confirm if this is sufficient to satisfy your request that we coordinate with CR&R. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning bescription: untitled 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Tingyao Li <ting_y_aoll@crrmaiLcom> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 8:59 AM To: Peter Vanek <pvanekPintegralcommunities com> Cc: Isabel Morales <isabelmPcrrmail.com>; Chrystal Denning <chrystald(@crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, Thank you for your response, we have no further comments/questions regarding this proposal, final approval will be determined by the City. Tingyao Li Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714--372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 https://Iink.edgepilot.com/s/74clb34f/sNmuLNEpSUurA8vVISSWg? u=http://www.crrwast—eservices.com/ M ❑® 0 0 From: Peter Vanek < vanek i to ralcommuni ies.ca > Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 3:17 PM To: Tingyao Li <tingyaol(@crrmaiI.com> Cc: Isabel Morales «abelm(@crrmail.corn>; Chrystal Denning <chrystaldf@crrmail.coM>; Peter Vanek <pvanek(@integralcommunities com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good afternoon, The width of the driveways varies throughout. See attached VTTM for the dimensions. See my other responses below: Peter Vane VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled 'm 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Tingyao Li <tin of crrmail. om> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 3:12 PM To: Peter Vanek< vanek i to ralco muniti s.com> Cc: Isabel Morales <isabelm crrmail.com>; Chrystal Denning <-ChrystaldCtcrrmaii.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, I just had a couple additional questions regarding the property: 1. Could you provide me with the dimensions of the driveways within the community? I just wake to make sure they are wide enough for our trucks to navigate. 2. What is the plan for organics services at the property currently? The plan is to have individual carts for each owner for organic waste 3. Are there any plans currently to have communal enclosures for trash/recycle bins and food waste carts throughout the property? We do not want to do communal trash bins, we want to have individual carts for each homeowner. Tingyao Li Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 blips://li nk.edgepilot.com/s/8f7b i9e0/HQ4Om-k!7keegNRu iDeaaw? u=http://www.crrwastesaLyile-5..g;om/ R1 0 U U From: Peter Vanek<.pvanek(o)integralcommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 12:51 PM To: Tingyao Li <tingyao1Pcrrmail com>; Craig Dibley <CDibley(a7crrmail.corn>; Orange- Recycles(@crrmail.com Cc: Angelo De Guzman <angelodPcrrmail.com>; Peter Vanek<pvanek@integralcommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender_ CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Al I, I am following up on this again. Please provide me comments or an approval on this plan asap. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning !Description: untitled 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Tingyao Li < ingyaoI(@crrmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:39 AM To: Peter Vanek <pva ekPintegralcommunities com>; Craig Dibley <CDibleyl@crrmail com>; Orange-Recycles(@crrmail.com Cc: Angelo De Guzman <angelodPcrrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, I will make sure to bring this up to my supervisor Chrystal during our weekly meeting tomorrow- she usually helps review plans for Orange along with our operations team. I'll let you know if they have any further questions. Tingyao Li Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 htt s: link.ed e ilot.com s b388016a -K_ KWG5RkGA NR7r0 ? u=http://www.crrwasteservices.com/ a a u From: Peter Vanek <pvanek(@integralcommunities com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:34 AM To: Craig Dibley <CDible crrmail.com>; Oran e-Rec cles rmail.com Cc: Angelo De Guzman <angelodPcrrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not cgck sinks or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially frown unknown senders. Thank you Craig. Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled M 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Craig Dibley <CDibleV(@crrmail,.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:33 AM To: Peter Vanek <pvanek(d) integralcommunitie com>; Orange-Recycles(Dcrrmail.com Cc: Angelo De Guzman <angelodRcrrmail com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Peter, I have included Angelo who is the Lead for Orange. Angelo of Tingyao will review the plans again with the route manager. 1 believe they were working with Rolber who left our company a week ago. Thank you, Craig Dibley Sustainability Lead CR&R Incorporated Office 877-728-0446 Direct 714--372-8287 Mobile 714-863-4949 https://link.edgepifot.com/s/8a9bcb93/QHOQ uNn7ESsrQvhTX9U-w? u=http://www.crrwa5teservices.com u a o From: Peter Vanek <pvanek(oDintegralcommunities com> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 11:09 AM To: Or e-Rec les(@crrmail.com Cc: Craig Dibley <DibleyPcrrmail.com>; Peter Vanek <pva ek(@integralcommun.itfes com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good morning, I am following up on this again. It has now been seven weeks since I submitted this plan, with no comments received. Please let me know ASAP. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled I I ❑® 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek <pvan (@integralcommunities com> Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 11:00 AM To: Orange -Recycles <Orange-RecyclesPcrrmail. om> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDible crrmai _com>; Peter Vanek < van inter Icom pities. > Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Good morning, I am following up on this again. If you could please let me know if you have any comments, I would appreciate it. Thank you! Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled M 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Orange -Recycles <Orange -Recycles - crrmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 4:11 PM To: Peter Vanek <pvvanek(@integralcommunities com>; Orange -Recycles < ran e- Recycles@crrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibley(@crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Hi Peter, I have followed up with our Operations team to determine if they have any comments on the project- thank you! Tingyao U Sustainability Specialist CR&R Incorporated Office Phone: 714-372-8271 Cell Phone: 714-936-4588 https://Link.edgepilot.com/sle3521 JQd/DfYsQsQYdQJchRmZ-eG7YQ? u=http://www.crrwasteservices.com/ iBI a 0 a From: Peter Vanek<pvanekPintegralcomMtjnities.com> Sent: Friday, November 10, 2023 10:41 AM To: Orange -Recycles <QCange Recycles(@crrmaiI.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDible crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek <pvanek(@integralcommunities com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good morning, If you could please let me know the status of the review of this plan, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Peter Vane VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek < v nek in alcom uni ' om> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 3:37 PM To: Orange -Recycles <Oran e--R cles mail. > Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibleyl@crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek < v nek in e ralcom unities. > Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Good afternoon, I am following up on your review of our refuse collection plan for this new community. Can you please let me know a status. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled U 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Peter Vanek < vanek inte ralcommunities.com> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 9:43 AM To: Orange -Recycles <Oran e-Rec cl s crrmail.com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibley(L�crrmail.com>; Peter Vanek < vanek inter Icommunities.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Good morning, If you could please let me know the status of your review of this plan, I would appreciate it. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning Description: untitled 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 From: Orange -Recycles <Oran -Rec Iles crrmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 1:12 PM To: Peter Vanek < v ek inter commu ities.com>; Orange -Recycles <Oran e- Rec ci crrmail.co > Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibley(@crrmail.com> Subject: RE: Orange - New Residential Project Thank you, I will have it reviewed by our operation department. From: Peter Vanek < van inter Icommunities.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 1:05 PM To: Orange -Recycles <Orange-Recycles(@crrmail com> Cc: Craig Dibley <CDibieyPcrrmail.com>; Peter Vanek <pvanekC}int gralcommunities.com> Subject: Orange - New Residential Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good afternoon, The City of Orange has requested that I solicit your input on the attached plan for a new residential development. See attached. Feel free to call me to discuss. Thank you, Peter Vanek VP of Forward Planning on: E 888 San Clemente Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Direct (949) 999-5716 Ph (949) 720-3612 Cell (949) 307-3482 Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. Email Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this transmission is confidential, proprietary or privileged and may be subject to protection under the law. The message is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you received this transmission in error, please contact the sender immediately by replying to this email and delete the material from any computer immediately. E-mail correspondence, along with any attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act; and as such may be subject to public disclosure unless otherwise exempt under the Act. E-mail correspondence, along with any attachments, maybe subject to the California Public Records Act; and as such maybe subject to public disclosure unless otherwise exempt under the Act. E-mail correspondence, along with any attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act; and as such may be subject to public disclosure unless otherwise exempt under the Act. of 0* CITY OF ORANGE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT www.cityoforange.org ADMINISTRATION (714)744-7240 fax: (714) 744-7222 March 27, 2024 PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING DIVISION CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION (714)744-7220 (714)744-7200 (714)744-7244 fax: (714) 744-7222 fax: (714) 744-7245 fax: (714) 744-7245 The Orange JCP Project Owner, LLC Attn: Peter Vanek 888 San Clemente Drive, Ste. 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 pvanekgintegralcommunities.com ELECTRONIC MAIL RE: Tentative Tract Map No. 0053-23, Major Site Plan Review No. 1140-23, Design Review No. 5123-23, Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 0002-23, and General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Environmental No. to be determined — The Village District at Orange, 2200 N Tustin Street Dear Mr. Vanek: Thank you for providing revised plans for the subject project which included hard copies date stamped received on February 26, 2024. At the March 13, 2024 Staff Review Committee Meeting, City staff reviewed your resubmitted and supplemental plans and materials. Based on the comments provided in attached Table A, your application remains incomplete due to the omission of submittal items and plan content as specified in the City's Land Use Project Application. Attached Table A details the additional information required. Please fill in the Applicant Response Column of Table A and provide the requested application materials. Staff will fill in the "Completed" column when the issue has been addressed. You must include a copy of this letter with your application re -submittal. Table A can again be provided to you electronically in Word document format if requested. Table B is also included in this letter noting plan comments that do not meet code requirements, including those correlating to matters of public safety. All comments within Table B must be addressed during the processing of this proposal. Table C is a partial Iist of potential conditions of approval. ORANGE CIVIC CENTER 300 E. CHAPMAN AVENUE ORANGE, CA 92866-1508 The Village District at 6...nge March 27, 2024 Page 2 of 59 Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at (714) 744-7237 or cortlieb@cityoforange.org. Sincerely, t/ Chad Ortlieb Principal Planner Enclosures: Table A — Incompleteness Items Table B — Substantive Comments Table C — Partial List of Potential Conditions Orange City Fire Department Plan Redlines N.\CDD\PLNG\ApplicationslTentative Tract Maps\TTM 0053-23 The Village District at Orange SCP Site\pebmary 2024 Submittal\SRC\Comments\Incompleteness Letter Distributed 3-27-24 Village at Orange.docx bD c3 , •P4 O N p � c� N�a � A E-f a� O � U .9 n U iC �+ r0 y Mu �. O ran cr u cz_ �.•' Op N U U 2� O bB p bl] '� a] • N .� rn •^� cn = N 6' in., o Z C >cd U S-4 ? 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OO q7 O z 41 O C/� U C0 y 1.0 o Uz �•� iUm U G :�: m Q 0 o~ Q c� U ..r Rr G 3 ^G vL;4 4-1 4-1 Ln •Y o Q o R. a� ai Ln 6. Lg� m aCi N w al O N O O a o� � aaDa��o�vwo by r� �� cC as by 'i °� -0•C .� En n. ate' -0 a, C7 -0 � U _ a) 0 O p bA N aD 0) 'G Q N �, U - `+ccl c En c� cl c txq O a)ca r- p U m O �z o � U z c � U M n 0 y 9 zo „Ntn .� N M v N 6 0 H All a� 0 0 c. a c� M 4- a_0 ° [ o O O ca Cd U N 4-^d — Q~ -0 cd _� � n O = F U r3 0 O� Ln O O N O dy C 1. n } cd 1"•" O 4Jco O ed O i r O1 OC�, 0 .a Ln cd �0 A � 0 ^4-1 5> � O Ln o� QC1, bb o ON 0 �o p� cd p 0(u O U a U y Q k C> c� p> v W O N = a as O 0 p cd -C; c cG �" o� CAC!� a3 pr _ � C. ' - c� O cqja U N `� V N cd �J ate+ Q O 0 O O � d 0 00 �' oz U Ago rig 00 cC v) o o tr) a� Qi u G. al U ka p bio_ IJ ti m 4 > *, O C U y>1 � M 71 � o � O Cr cl OU r -- '� p U N 4J NJS U Ln ca r ai + o C�s cn v u M y 4- o 3 o N v� o N 'd - - O 7a - � Gn �A (U U b +a °O p O O p p o o � a . • . • • . • o z z �Cd Qo o.�ap ur U Z 9z 00 00 tm O � C/1 ai 0 ow a Rai w a d co) o o -a a� 4� oW ; o M y O 0 U O? ;� 'O o Q, of E~ �'' 0►3 A Cd o w 3 E a ; o �C' �4 U)o ��m�lr�0 �3 rl O V a —0 O . ° +� �� ¢ 0. �V.0, O +�+ rn ccd Cd u °�' `� 3 w LOA rn ai CPO 4� o ° V U ?, b ;-. O U i O o- U U �; omo m, o o o 4, oo cz -o � o 00 u U �yE- �znH ° o U Q o 0. o O C14 3 -0 � o 3 N r U� o 0 , o 0. y o �• r a� ti � a? U U O cd tin .O N �" U U3LA N °r�. aj O U U LO u 3° � O GO U w ai d �z all uz ram.+ 19 w 0 n, ca u cr, a d' rn O � O 'V U O cll �r C� to Cd to O O �cn bb r.., O �G•! 'O � R` `pyU is � C N O ter-` ' O O ;� U O OU a Q] O ++ U OU U O U aj O U O j - E 0. ? O O 4] a = 4-- 00 +� a 41 a 3 3 y aj m i U D � ol o 0P o M M U o ' o v -0= IIL� ¢' D oO 00 O U o c a+ N a R Q cU o c v hit O O N R GA bn O N +^[ O" N nokn O y p a' j o y U •.Wr v U O � O �z �z CA � W O � U .� m a 0 c as A` n G C b473 �' c cu Cd }i U) tr Q.� n C- 'L5 N O O 40 O — - O U p bA O O j F� +� bq `�^ " Lt v c�c3 a O O hfS v L c�cl p ^. R ' � rs o � v ¢ o `� 1) Ell w v o ¢ cq o o b cn a? r o a cGcn O ctC�j 3 a O n N -� C3 c, y s N .fir wca v ct' y oA vi p l� bn 3 b1] +a p, m avi Ed 3 W ' a " ra .a 4` .' r-r a .� U N ,� to 3• C o o '° o° cz i o :. 0 o u v o � o �z a+ o c� uz a� a� U u 0 m c� u d 3 •° cd L." U O O J5 O O � � N Ei N api a�i G a� U acn V p Cd +� U 0 a) L U Ncd , $4.1O Ln N y Cd(D to CI, �� O U i�r �. QJ cti •rui-� t� �a �z o� �z uo d 0 a, 0 c, a� o d) 7 � �o-a � � fl,o N cc3 LO cC 0 0 0 N O rUn 0 �" •� v' �� r+" O 4.S • ccS � � bA COCA N ' � U U � ,� � P, 4, OL N N co O C) cu ) Q) a r CCt bI] _O i+ +4 CG Oy� a U +a �� E a o C o 0 73 > ' o bk F- o n C o a�i � a N U M Q U Q On "O U 3 O d N N U cd N .O F" 0Cd N O p Q N +. a� O m O Q- O i O O C y U C) O V. O i?kr)yy, Lt U} W w N O N U7 N ..fir 4w w L!J Ln bCb �O r" •� yy v p O 0 O O 00 0 U •y 1.,n � •bU �I U cu ..CD U C� O O .--. uz Aar, � M lI.1 Fr U 94 U Q b 0 a, a w u r—. U v U 3 u O tl 4 � m U o o � o r n, � ca u p m +� >C +�'' O v' C a�i Q d p U) 4-1 lcO �' O w — o� oc Ln +' 3 oS. o Iti Qn l Cd W GJ L U +-+ � � a� O Nrq C ¢ ;-4 a o L d)u C) D w a o �z it � O O Z a O � v 0 a w c� u R+ a 'O O d) Cd �4-1 2 p p .� O x a) C/] vi b 1-4 +� O a) p a) �'-," O +�- O 00 N *� V cd O —eL. �^ • ❑ �+ ,� 7 .tom. Fes. N •.Uy O' o `o ° P, �, ° nn a� o *� tn cd p " 4. C EnM � ° o a Ln Ca O Zd Y nA � c� a r 00 D s �' ti U 'cd 4� Con a3 i G-r U cd ++ U U U O O N w cd` o. cd 0 M oqt� U O O �t 's'r O y U eu � a ai CO cd o1-4 O �— � to u 3 U N O 7a' cd _� - y co to � a, O ^~ Q a°�i O Q O N� CZ U N �O O a12 u O W v�i cad 0 Q° Q U p U sU. p�- u O �z i.laj o� U Z C4 V Q L: O C U 1-4 Ln 4U+ 'O 30 bU ✓� 4� *CU t.. U ;-4 a U W G y ,�,,, a in, U wCc N N cr al U ul ul i `� `� o o o o Y.- rr^^ ice+ V1 U W Vl o >, to M O "O G N L,� D ry EEn N rm t CIA"O a 1 cU a -^• U aj O En W U C¢ 4. �z r+ Q M ,-y uz #may G] U E U [C F g r v F c a U zo Q on e 0 ow a� 0 a C/3 dam.% VS iy--1� V] U •'1--� Q.% �. Gn z Op �m 73 O bl) bA1 CZ +. zs al tn a 3 Cl o ca a bn - cu �4 Q 7 0 U E �, .� En � ' +, _ 'ca m °� o v a U '� r M -a CKS o n Ln L) N `CA p c� v n N cth C�l N p Ln q. G] 03 O �z � o uz w � uG 0 a� a a a d 14-1 °En' cn v a En `� zcz r-4 U D v Q O ��. 'a v O, �` M -C7 .N v N �•"-+ v -" D om. � N �^^ 'a Ln v n � LW4 Cj V 9)91 � • U U � � � � QS cd Cd 'G Q � "" e>G O O s O N v > cz CDv N+ CO C? cd a bfJ D S� OJ v En •� En Cd c� U > p u� � � � � v y cad �.r 43 a] O �z �z T3 � v a� U Q� lZ 0 A o c, eq14� e o .`•.r 1p y � M 6 U h � � 0 a cn • N te ,YL-' p O v� cVj _ N 01 O O N En O[� O n act i w `d Cd o a bj > o N +� _14. ate, Q44 �' • ^ '� aj �,' N U U W-4 w , } .a+ sUr tC O O +s.+ aJ ti 4.1 iur O2 U N N • O - a m m O O ai U O 04 ¢ *I::$ 'a �bfl a vi U 4 ;-4 ti p m O N �" U N ti C O b cd O N C? m N N m G U N U -- N cz H -� p a)N U -U •� to p L •U C ,� CL v) Gn d O A N Q cif + N :t �W N a� m ae H Qz Arno cy _ 0 0 6. U t 0 O w +&O� C 0 4 i e.i If 3 0 obl) U L4 O y U O v_, CID m CZ cr �.�-�'a a �a U �a 0 4) c o a 3 L) U tur�, }, � uca M L. 0 cl N� Cdal a�o j Q U o cn' D O o . O ct } C7 O N }' m N o r 7t o � zs d 4 O Q c V °� d cy aD as �, }, +, N a� 0 H v rq 8 W N 5 as C.) '0 cy sn. �o �z o � uz o 4.1 U r� u y N ►n a 0 M a a O O f cl 0 y � � �n N R ti R, O bA 0 •� a 0 ' rjy Ln p . En Cd C: t� (]y by � LG � � �" [� `'C� • 3 G � cql (cn Q �"ct) Cal U 0 N �a -0a o -C U ran U D U) U U En U p v. C. Ay -0 N � al N bA N '� N bA O En N bq � bA O 14-4 'a .,� +� 'G N vs U 10 Qy N D U Qy fir" d a? Cd U C a3 t D U O *� ~ j p E = 0 0 O p N O � O 00 � I ti � � p i" y A, U � p cC 71 rQ '0 0 +� c�E w ! CA,�bA1 N r m O N N `� 4 CV U r� = En a.] CG 0 O 'O cp : Q Cay cl i a] G �z d� U Imo-, Gn n. o � U 'S 0 U Q 0 a, a a o� aas gate ta � � � by u] � �. virr � O ° >, al O +-' ° 7, a ° j, � = 71 �s M as cq3 C3 ol da U «i en 'p O .Y.. Cd ' GA U b to in ryy SU U 0 p � G] a` � N aJ p N y N 51 N tl Y,p Q O =. 4;LF, CA 0 + bA O O O d td O CD "d ca N td � ai o Eda��i a + �+ � en � a� cy N as U o U Cr N L ccz ' 4) U U U .� �y Cu) F—[ � Ef--i {-� 'm Q 0 Z � oz V Gn a. m U u rA a� a c� U ..r r4 cn Qom0 QEd O O N O ^- a o -0 ° ,o 'G U 4 c V U t U Y "OilQ" Q >� C� 7 O cgG' U ,) re O O �" N In cl N .�I i. o i.a Q � (� di ffj 9 aip''o �a,�.Vo.�r�+ �� n Enr,Qd �c a0�o r.>� 7Z ca a a> cn. o U ` O 3 a O cl u .a ai 71 W 3. o O o— $' rn LnW o C cn °-� -n Ln C/3 a �, U * a cd ——' psa.�— o a`�i 10 as4a �a o ' , Q.p p N 45 O r N ^p O �'' N O N +� ?+ .O N aCi CU O a U 9 U o En cn'a Cko° 3 aa"i p O 'bbn O O -y00 F+ v ccd u�i H N r� •r •� a31 cd cd 7s .E U U - h Z U �o �z �z U U G1 a U � F. Al U a� a a� Q A O -O a] � C7 CC 0 � O y c� 4 CY 1 15 > 3 3 '� 'a > s 3 > o a,1-4 ° Ln 0 v ° in,° > o o �•� Q" o U 0 VU U > it rii U U c O G7 �i CS" U y i--+ c ! a) CD p O L C, ° 0 '- sl, I o P. �p � U = a;a ° ocd SE Cd �. °� al U iyr p Ckj al cdcq U s Q) N cC O d)�� s c w o a N w ai " , a� -0 a, 1 A w � ° H �° O U o `' c 0 C7 > W _> d 7 Q G L Q U o z A tic A G 0 o 00 00 cC N [� ct 0-1 Q 020.7 - o ' o ka coCd 0 a� bn > 3 '' = p > O QJ da U cd O C/] O V +� ca m L1• J= U '6 -0 U F O V 4- U v � cci a� a� a� i-' G u = o Y nncc L Y w 3 a�i to o �' cn >- o 1° , 'j- °3 au +p p ctl d v'>cc a . Phi c;S cn&n a) A LO SO G{ � S p u 3 cn a +; 1 ai o o- ,- o r. }' - Cd C� 10 ul U... A U c� ran - O cz U v O U �O 3Lmn� cl al ~= A,cco�[9 c C y CV Q- rLo riEn N_ o iK N O U Rr 0 CG O O v� O' C bpO : Q c�C N O �' r A Q. *' C -bn o�cl Encd 3�.ct Ln �� a N � U ti cn� � � � � � � p 0 `� } � a) .14 � � bt �L/ � � � • C � � -- N m � vi � ppa„�I U 18 0 0 z a U ro en ,.° .� C o o ¢+, o o Cd -AQ p 0 o a 03 0C �a �a pe 5 ❑a ao dw wb;5 cn n �a 03° 124 63 L'+ ❑ ' O N� O w° y 4 C o Q r cd p � w .11 C N a•� or.0o a 0 3 3.0 y d 3j 3 0 0 cd pa uO Y h r s� 0 �: '� 0 0 Q °o ° o a 0 0 0 o o>a•o o M . m o c� b o c bn ❑� 0 U Y . v N Q U .° U ,� cl 0 U A UU. ° U r- U 8 U U 2 a w o> ¢ g ¢ o Q a a o o 10 ,�s"'..� � "6 �' � � � 27 $ "�� .'C "O Q � � N 'O of N '"6 � •'O f-' i°a Nr! N A 0 en ° y o w° a p 0 A a ° w� • 8 0 8 o o o ° o °; o 0 o m y a 0 3 col o o0> 0 0 °' o. o o o° .p aC. al. 3 4� a L am .,� P� v w� 06 ~ • q tj •S N U N h P P. r m > +A +° N� O Op r•�+ �� U N 5 v❑, P d'b iC N bp a '9 o � 4 . E � P. m o o a ,t F' U at � � m , S +°3 • � o a o e N C Q µy Vj iy O Y U U bA U o C •N 'U-1 i� e-ij 5 ;° O N by P4 � k V0 O 79b4. o n0' v°{ bn tC a aUi��� o,'^c"b � U c`�i a�i a Nbb 'd N 5C `•�' .y aQ .� P. LL .� N � y .+ ,� raj � H Rai �� A bJ)r 0 CO N Rn 4L ca P. F. 'a�7 FL P. O. c vPi O PE '� z F P. z o" :1M fi s"-' D�� U O L." c'�i OS-�., aU•' C ,� ,� C C G.l U �y rn C Q CA -'" 703 a.) cz O Cd aU+ tLoCd 91 r. Qr U C O N O O U y 0 d •-+ N a v a a� ,� TZ y � °Cda Eu a. °vicn C3 Cd LA 0 4 Cdbo cd a� q pV3b,oci Z �a Cd� o - o U Q3 b a o i U z � o v 3 th Cl o a M 4>, Z O v aqi q tia o o CC U � rid 'Ci" cd rn d) �+ Cd Qy �--+ Y a al m CD a m r., CU "' O 0 w ° q o � � � cn 2) d)cd oMuo U 3 C3 A a tic a 6) U o rn a o U U c� o r+ c� f-1, � C ° *. -- � c� y a °4 � C N o�° O o a �. ° ° o K— M o ct3 U xi cn Ln Ln s63 p =Y .n sz ' H °� 0 42 i N H H 3 > Cd -0 U in. 0 W a Q to O U Y OD CL E-� a� a U Yg zo C li«t F r ON 0 ° z '+� q O •� Q o P. o >, o oU R pUq �. .a � 'O N "C P. 0 0 >1�' tn a ° ° O bb U .^O N A U R 0❑ NU WO to .Y. bA p Yip '�'1- O U O 'o +' N a 4oz s. U O ° ti N m i7 O CG U R bA a p N O U U O 03 ,y cd U O O 't3 N' Y� V] cyd O TS U 0 U U U 0., O •/� •� O •:7 m Y O > U . r� U A U ry Y U W U w ,may Y Y r+, Rey" 1"i Ate+ DA y 'O G 0 Oi .: N y� � �� d q R' cd O O 'y U [❑] '>' .. � ❑ ° ii%y441 � U v 0 W ° O U°� W o ° N ..y CYO+ O cC .'1 'tl r" N r�� 3 N ��'� N b�yq > 'a A• V 'a j Fri' y '27 O •v �'w N x �o ��� °w p b° °" OJ N Y PRi'° O > (rrrCrrr O d UL's °' a ° ° d o R �A w U s °pul °' a o O G A r. bA o y U bA a a O.bn � ° ~ k o �PRrw U d W U N 1y WA N p N O ° R N C C N o 41 ° R � °' U -° Cd o p p s-^ 1 bA U t. -44 o W c3 . O v° N O 'S O U O 0 p N p td •� Q U O H qc�U i.i •'d y U W, Y CdR U .� U G7 cd ¢' ° +ya+ .fl Nr"• U N Ood �o O is .. R U N �ti 4W o � ,:�' �,� tivi a'o �. Y moo° R 4 aUo tlY�o cCjdd U U Rei3 Ya�i 0 o t. 0 ..U�. a� .� .• ypY o 'O .O ?, HU N �++ b�+A .�.9 N N N P,�Uy ,� O • W v1 N + 9 00 U ,+� td yvO U N 0 0 p�p 0 N 'd 'U a ar�° a , o a o N a0 0 0 q o o cd P. to U o N o A c O ° 0 a> i Q '!'� =� o �" Q •� �3 Cdd U 0 > � o A U Y a q Y C'%/�W bn 6q + Wto 0 � '� P.0 o W W w o rn o - T'P 96� o cu o U oId o Y 3 U a g°,a0 o A o A ° °° o o ' 0 • � pU Y U �O ' U bA P, Cd C'. P Cd U q O A ON+ U t UFyy R� ti U p id pp+' N° Y U m •bb U U 'q y O sQ�Q. N _glb rn 0 P. cPy rn O U q O U O O T w N ° P. O O U O N Y 'O .� N 6q •� g i ° 'OU cC U .Oti iC O O O '� T T q o•o .0 pd' r.0 0 0 P o E N a o a�i " Icy Y U .rl .H Cd 0 @ L� 0 0 '4g ' p o o a a ❑qU .�a •� cod Cd .� N 6q .O N cC :❑� N W .Cd N W .q a O •O Y �' q. cd N .-QTi LC cr 'yy ^' � O U v, cd U .R � vJ � •�, U .�i U Y " yPq ^�•`• o � o O.Y. q �p O U °u r.Q °J + p w qci C o o Y 4W .. •0 N ''O' 0 q U q N id cd ¢' 'O "O q N E N o U U bll q 0. °' U Aa w aoi N o A 's� Y In 0oo Q Cd o 0>� q Q F N i.r u q N o pQp, 0 .5 J9a Go •0 •O °iys . C o ca °d �° r �o e4 o U o w ° + 1'°, o °a •� ° U ° U o eu ? o o 0 > O O O Y U ii LC m to phi O 2 . f 42 Y W R a 1: •> ; U P -0 U 0 p C ¢' N ttr N .� .0 U > O V m " U 42 •�.. O U lot. Cl U ctl N 0 0 U N .° O N N Ac 0 a48 0 bbh 1 D O wC y a ��d d Lea aCi ° y ti ° Q 0 OZO N o q > P. 3° +o ; •� o 0 to .o P. �0 M > U � "Cl o by�o 0 > U 8p o ,'a o 0 Q > U 0-11 V] a z 5 p '�' •p '° >U m ro r. y� U W U p cd O r� O •U Fi N H N UU mt—� �+ > P" P U I-� ICa a°i 0 w ai .0 `� A 4y :tea! 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U O o, /. 00 CD 00 C� CO O C1 O1 N T The Village District at Orange March 27, 2024 Page 59 of 59 Reserved N:\CDD\PLNG\Applications\Tentative Tract Maps\TTM 0053-23 The Village District at Orange .iCP Site\Fcbmary 2024 Submittal\SRC\Comments\Incompleteness Letter Distributed 3-27-24 Village at Orange .doex Ell m m a yse�5�aeeaee@v��$�.bla�a�aa�A Exhibit 9 4/5124, 11:50 AM Housing Elef, .<ev"sew and Compliance Report I California Departme, lousing and Community Development - � x Community Needs Assessment Survey Letyour voice be heard! The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is updating its Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (A€I, which is our fair housing plan for the next five years, and we want to hear from you. Completing this survey will help HCD understand what California residents are currently experiencing and refine our goais to make afrordab!e, safe, and stable housing more accessible. We appreciate your valuable input. Begirt Survey Home (/) > Planning & Community Development (/planning -and -community -development) > Housing Open Data Tools (/planning-and-community-developmentlh ousing-open-data-tools) > Housing Element Review and Compliance Report Housing Element Review and Compliance Report Track housing elements (local housing plans) currently under review by HCD and whether plans are In or out of compliance with state housing law. ur s ng E.Icrn c1i Coripjia [.c Pupor, (r- Daia as of: 415/2024 Microsoft Power SI < 3 of 3 L T E Top hops:llwawv.hcd.ca.govlplanning-and-community-developmentlhousing-open-data-tools!housing-element-review-and-compliance-report 112 4/5124, 11:50AM Housing Eler, review and Compliance Report I California Departme, lousing and Community Development Contact California Department of Hausing & Community Development 2020 West El Camino Avenue Sacramento, CA 95833 Directions (https://www.google.com/maps/d it//2020+W+EI+Camino+Ave,+Sacramento,+CA+95833/@38.6122067,-121.5107101,172/data=!4m9l4m8i l mo! 1 m5!1 m1 !1 sOxF 121.5085161 !2d38.6122067!3e0) Division of Codes and Standards 9342 Tech Center Drive, Suite 500 Sacramento, CA 95826 (800) 952-8356 Regional Offices (/manufactured-and-mobilehomeslregistration-and-titling#collapse-4) Statewide Campaigns Register to Vote (https://registertovote.ca.govl) Save our Water (https://saveourwater.coml) Flex Alert (http://www.tlexaleq,oro Real ID (https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/realid) Housing Is Key (https://Iandlordtet)ant.dre.ca.gov/) Covidl9 Updates (https:!/cov!d19.ca.gov/) Vaccinate ALL 58 (https://covid19.ra.gov/vaccines/) Rent Relief (https:/Iurldefense.com/v3/_https:/www.bcsh.ca.govlab3088/--;!!KlquKgc!MkdD66}IgHAnQp6NTLPcjensK9wONCXU_tvyS_H_FAJ_vlrj UAzEptQyOLHW4i2p2tQct Conditions of Use (/condition -of -use) I Privacy Policy (/privacy -policy) I Accessibility Policy (/accessibility) i Contact Us (Icantact-us) I Site Map (Isitemap) I Servicios Bilingues (Iservicios-bilingues) Copyright O 2024 State of California Top https:IA&ww.hcd.ca.gov/planning-and-community-developmentlhousing-open-data-tools/housing-element-review-and-compliance-report 2/2 Exhibit ]0 SAND USE PROAr'JECT APPLICATION INFORMATION PACKET City of Orange Community Development Department — Planning Division 300 East Chapman Avenue, Orange CA 92866 (714) 744-7220 * fax (714) 744-7222 This application form is available online at: www.cityoforange.org City of -- range THE UTLETS AT ORANGE IML Community Development Department Mission Statement To guide the development and preservation of a livable, safe, and sustainable Orange. --- City C Land Use Project Application City of Orange Community Development Department Planning Division 300 East Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92866-1591 (714) 744-7220 (714) 744-7222 FAX www.cityoforange.org SECTION 1 — Site Information Project Title/Name: Project Address/Location: Assessor Parcel Number: Tract/Lot Number: This section to be completed by Staff APP. TYPE NUMBER FEE/DEPOSIT Historic District/Historic Property: Orange Park Acres: General Plan: Billing No: Date Filed: REQUIRED: Briefly describe your proposed project: SECTION 2 — Applicant Information Name of Company and Person Responsible: TOTAL: Yes No Yes No Zoning: Payment Type: Received By: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Number: Cell: E-mail: SECTION 3 — Contact Information (main contact person for project) O same as Applicant Name of Company and Person Responsible: Mailing Address: Gty: State: Zip: Phone Number: Cell: E-mail: SECTION 4 — Property Owner Information (land owner information, not tenant) O same as Applicant Name of Company and Person Responsible: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Number: Cell: E-mail: 1 City o range SECTION 5 — Billing Information (Person below is responsible for paying invoices and receiving refunds; must be filled in.) O same as Applicant Name of Company and Person Responsible: Mailing Address: City: State: Phone Number: Cell: E-mail: Zip: SECTION 6 — Project Information (Section Required. if no construction proposed, fill in Existing column only) Project Description/Request: Land Use (commercial, residential, industrial) Existing Proposed Lot Size Number of Structures on Lot Square Footage of Entire Building Square Footage of Subject Unit (if applicable) Number of Floors of Construction (if applicable) Number of Parking Spaces on Property Square Footage of Landscaping SECTION 7 — Land Owner Affidavit (If Property Owner and Applicant are the same, then notary is not required.) declares that I am the owner of the property addressed or (print name above) otherwise located as follows: (print address above) I hereby certify that I am the owner of the real property described in this application. I hereby authorize this application to be processed for my property, and grant authority to the applicant to represent me and to bind me in all matters concerning this application. I certify that all of the information contained in this application, including the information contained in all plans and other materials submitted with this application, are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and correct. Should any of the information submitted be false or incorrect, I hereby agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless, the City of Orange, its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all liability and loss by reason of its reliance on any such information. I grant authority to the City to place a public hearing notice on the subject property if one is required. Property Owner Signature: Date: 2 p City o. range State of California County of Orange On before ACKNOWLEDGMENT personally appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) SECTION 8 — Certification (Every application must be signed below by the Applicant.) I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Applicant Signature: Date: Print Name: Telephone No: 3 PM77 City a range Land Use Project Application Submittal Checklist The checklist below is intended to assist you inputting together a complete application packet so that your project can be processed in the most expeditious manner possible. If you have any questions about which items are required, please contact City planning staff at (714) 744-7220. Once your submittal is made, your Project Planner will review it for completeness and notify you in writing within 30 days as to whether the application is complete (OMC Section 17.08.030.E). Submittal Items Required With Every Application: O Application --Completed City "Land Use Project Application." (Pages 1-3 attached) The application must be complete, typed or handwritten legibly, and signed. Additional sheets may be attached if necessary. O Application processing fee(s) and/or deposit. Please note: The cost of processing your project is charged according to the hours spent by staff in checking plans; discussing the project with you, your architect, members of the public, and other staff members; writing a staff report; preparing/reviewing an environmental analysis; field surveys; public notices; and attending public hearings. You will also be billed separately for project related costs such as public notice advertising, postage, and City Attorney fees if these are required for your project. Total cost may vary widely according to the size of the project and the complexity of the issues. Submittal of i E your initial application deposit establishes an account to which project costs are charged. At the close of your case, any remaining funds will be returned to you. In some cases, depending on the complexity of the project, additional funds may be requested to replenish the deposit. O Landowner's Affidavit. (Page 2 within the Land Use Project Application attached.) The authorization confirms the property owner's authorization that a specific agent(s) may act on his/her behalf. The affidavit must be notarized, unless the Applicant and the Property Owner is the same person. If the property owner is a corporation or LLC, please provide documentation that the individual signing the affidavit is authorized to do so. O Letter of explanation/justification. Explain in detail what is proposed and the reason(s) why the City should approve the project. On a separate sheet(s) of paper include a detailed description of your proposal including the following items: 4 City of range 1. For non-residential projects, company name, type of business, use(s), hours of operation, company owned vehicles, number of employees, type of materials handled, history of the business, and any other information necessary to describe the proposed use. 2. Describe physical characteristics of the property including any existing structures on the site, the use, architecture, topography, mature landscaping/trees, and any other information necessary to describe the proposed use. 3. Describe the surrounding properties, including the type of land use (such as residential, commercial, industrial, etc.), intensity of land use (such as single-family, apartment houses, retail stores, etc.), and scale of development (height, frontage, setback, rear yard, etc.). 4. Explain any unique conditions of the site such as location, shape, and/or topography. 5. Explain any phasing of the project. 6. For Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) applications, provide: hours of operation, number of employees (total and per shift), how alcohol will be displayed on the premises, 4 copies of the menu if serving food, number of seats broken down by table and/or bar, design of outdoor seating barrier/gate, and name of ABC investigator if known. O Proof of property ownership. Proof of property ownership shall be provided in the form of a grant deed, title report, or other similar instrument that officially documents property ownership. O Preliminary title report and legal description of the property. Staff will review the title report to ensure no easements or other restrictions exist on the property which may cause changes to your plans or hamper approval of your project. O Checklist. Please submit this checklist with your application information. E V 1� orange Submittal Items Required for Your Application (Per Consultation with Planner): Plans and Supporting Materials Site plan, elevation(s), landscape plan(s), and floor plan(s) shall be submitted per the requirements beginning on Page 11. "Half Size" plans are recommended for your proposal, provided plans are to graphic scale and text is legible. The Project Planner may require large scale (full size) plansforyour project depending on the comp€exity. All plans must be stapled into sets, then folded to approximately 8'/z"x11." For projects requiring review by the City's inter -departmental staff review committee (SRC), visit www. j cityoforange.org/our-city/departments/community-development/ planning-division/staff-review-committee. O A. Plans. Submittal of following plans will be required: O Electronic format plans (PDF) O Zoning Administrator: Three (3) sets of detailed plans O Administrative Design Review: Three (3) sets of detailed plans O Design Review: One (1) initial set, additional sets required as specified by planner O Site Plan Review: Four (4) sets O B. Grading Plan. A preliminary grading plan may be required at the discretion of the Public Works Department. Detailed information about grading plan content is provided on page 16 of this application. Please contact Public Works Department Subdivision staff at (714) 744-5525 and visit the SRC Development Services webpage for further information. O C. Landscape Plan. A landscape plan for al I projects that involve new construction or building additions must be submitted for review and approval (for individual single-family residential projects, over 5,000 square feet). If your project requires a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) (see page 8), please ensure your landscape architect and civil engineer coordinate plans. Please contact the City's Senior Landscape Coordinator in the Community Services Department at (714) 532-6464 for further information. O D. Photos of site and surrounding properties. 1. 3" x 5" or 4" x 6" mounted on 81/2 x 11 " cardstock (digital reproductions acceptable). 2. Label each photo with address and orientation. 111 orange O E. Notification Map, Mailing List, and Labels. The timing of label submittal will be determined by City planning staff once a mailing date has been identified to ensure that the labels represent current information. 1. Obtain copies of assessor parcel maps and ownership lots for the subject parcel and surrounding properties within a radius of 400' from all property lines. 2. A Title Company or Ownership Listing Service must furnish maps and labels, with evidence of preparation provided by the company or service, and a declaration that the information is based upon the most recent equalized assessment or up-to-date records of the Orange County tax assessor. 3. On map, draw radius/circle line (to scale) 400 feet from and around the exterior of the parcel, 4. Obtain three (3) sets of self-adhesive labels that identify names and address- es of: a. All owners of real property located within 400 feet of the subject parcel as identified by the assessor's parcel maps. b. All tenants and/or occupants located on the subject parcel and within 400 feet of the subject parcel as identified by the assessor's parcel maps. For example, if rental properties are located within the notification area, provide a list of the names and addresses of each tenant or occupant. If names are unknown, use "tenant" or "occupant." c. Project applicant, if different than property owner d. Homeowners Association e. Parcel numbers must be identified on each label. O F. Color and Materials Board. A color and materials board is required for each project requiring Design Review. The Board should be no larger than 8 1/2" x 11 ", unless the scale or complexity of the project warrants a larger size to present the colors and materials and how they are being used, and include: 1. Paint colors 2. Roof material 3. Stucco or other finish material Technical Studies and Focused Information Needs O G. Alcohol Sales. The City of Orange requires any establishment requesting the on- or off -site sales of beer, wine, or distilled spirits to obtain a conditional use permit. Staff will submit your completed application to the Police Department for review. The Police Department will evaluate the crime statistics and number of alcohol licenses existing in the area surrounding your location and make a recommendation of approval ordenial. This determination is required priorto Planning 7 'Pow — ^ City c ra 6%, Commission review. The Police Department requires a separate deposit, which can be paid at the same time and location as the Planning Division fees. You may contact the Police Department at (714) 744-7551 to discuss your project and the related processing fee. O H. Fire Master Plan. A Fire Master Plan may be required for your project to ensure that site planning and project design factor in fire access, hose pull distances, and laddering areas in the early stages of project review. Please contact Fire Prevention Staff at (714) 288-2541 and visit the SRC Fire Prevention webpage for further information. O I. Crime Prevention. Project design features that address the Orange Police Department's Building Security Ordinance and Guidelines may be required to ensure that site planning and project design foster a safe environment through factors such as site lighting, clear sight lines, and window placement. Please contact Crime Prevention staff at (714) 744-7327 and visit the SRC Crime Prevention webpage for further information. O 1 Environmental and Technical Studies. Staff may determine, based on the description of your project, that specific technical studies will be required. Additional studies may be required once staff reviews your project in greater depth. Please also be advised that payment of environmental filing fees through the County of Orange may be required based on the type of environmental review needed for your project. The Project Planner will inform you if fee payment is required. O Noise O View Simulations O Cultural Resources O Traffic O Greenhouse Gas Emissions O Hazards (Hazardous Materials) O Air Quality O Biological Resources O Other O K. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP). A WQMP is required for most projects with few exceptions. The WQMP is a plan for managing the quality of stormwater or urban runoff that flows from a developed site after construction is completed and the facilities or structures are occupied. Please contact Surfce Water Quality in the Public Works Department at (714) 744-5525 and visit the SRC Water Quality webpage for further information and related processing deposit. O L. Solid Waste Management. Coordination with the City's solid waste hauler and submittal of a Solid Waste Plan may be required for your project. Please contact the City's solid waste hauler for setting up solid waste collection service. For additional resources, please visit the City's SRC Solid Waste webpage. The Solid Waste Management Plan shall include a generation estimate for trash, recycling, and organics (TRO Estimate) in cubic yards per week and discussion on how each solid waste component will be managed. As part of the review process, all projects will be reviewed for compliance with AB 341: Mandatory Commercial Recycling (MCR), and AB 1826: Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling (MORe). These regulations also address waste management for multi -family residential developments of five units or more. Please contact the Public Works -- City U range Administrative Manager in the Public Works Department at (714) 744-5588 and visit the SRC Solid Waste webpage. O M. Wireless Facilities. In addition to the application requirements identified in OMC Sections 17.08.030 and 17.12.025, Wireless Communication applicants shall also submit the following: 1. A statement, map, and list identifying the addresses of all ofthe providers wireless communication facilities within in a one (1) mile radius of the proposed site. The statement shall include a declaration regarding: a. The facility's capacity for future co -location. b. Information stating why the proposed wireless facility location is required. c. Why the site was not co -located, located within the public right-of-way, or on a publicly owned or controlled property or utility if a nearby facility was available. d. An assessment of the potential for co -location opportunities shall be provided, including a statement and evidence of any refusal by other wireless telecommunications service providers regarding co -location. In the case of non -stealth, non -co -located ground -mounted facilities the declaration shall include a list of alternative sites considered in the site selection process along with an indication as to why such alternative sites were rejected (the applicant shall demonstrate a good faith effort to co -locate on existing facilities, within the public right-of-way, or on a publicly owned or controlled property or utility). e 2. A visual impact demonstration using photo -simulations, elevations, and/or other visual or graphic illustrations from adjacent properties and/or public rights -of -way as coordinated with Planning Staff depicting the potential visual impacts) of the wireless communication facility in its proposed setting. 3. A report detailing operational and capacity needs of the applicant's system within the vicinity of the proposed wireless telecommunications facility. The report shall detail in laymen's terms how the proposed site or facility is necessary to address the current demand for service and limitations of the applicant's current system. 16 VJ L ulISt, Neighborhood - Specific Information Needs O N. Historic District Supplemental Information. For projects within a historic district, additional information may be required to evaluate your projects compatibiiity with the neighborhood and conformance with the design standards for the historic district. Staff may request information on the streetscape pattern of properties in the immediate vicinity of the project site, the average Floor Area Ratio for the block around the property, and specifications for proposed building materials and features. Staff will inform you of the required supplemental information based on the scope of your project. Historic Preservation design standards are available at https://www.cityoforange.org/ our-city/departments/community-development/planning-division/historic-preservation. O O. Orange Park Acres Community Review. Per City Council Resolution 10081, certain project types within the Orange Park Acres (OPA) Plan Area are subject to review by the OPA Board prior to consideration by other City determining bodies. The project types include: General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Specific Plan Amendment, Tract Map, Major Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit, and/or zone Change. Please contact the OPA Board at "Orange Park Association; P.O. Box 2293; Orange, CA 92859" or www.orangeparkacres.org. Staff wilt provide you with an additional hand-out regarding OPAs Procedure for Review of Development Proposals. 10 City 01 range Plan Content Requirements Plans submitted with an application typically consist of site plan, elevations, floor plans, grading plan, and landscape plan. Please number all the pages of the plans and take note of the requirements below. Omission of the requirements will delay the processing of your application. A. Site Plan: All portions of the site plan and elevations should be adequately detailed and dimensioned so that no measurement is left blank. The following lists each item that must include an accurate dimension: O Buildings — depict footprints and indicate square footages: • Existing • Proposed • Setbacks —front, side, rear, building -to -building O Distance between the proposed project and buildings within 100 feet of site O Easements: • Existing • Proposed including all property to be dedicated to the City for streets, corner cutoffs, or other purposes O Landscape areas O Publicright-of-wayimprovements—All existing improvements within the public right-of-way abutting the project including: • Driveways • Sidewalks • Street trees/tree wells • Water/Electric meters/equipment (on- and off -site) • Utility boxes + Fire hydrants • Street lights • Traffic control devices • Public transportation stops • Backflow device 11 O Parking area: ® Parking spaces (standard, accessible, electric vehicle, and motorcycle. Typical parking space detail Pedestrian walkways Accessible access routes • Drive aisles Driveways (on site, across the street from the site, and adjacent to site) Loading zones and pick up/drop off areas Bicycle racks b Streets and alleys intersecting into abutting streets (centerline to curb, centerline to property line, curb to property line) O Utility meters/transformers/back-flow preventors (on project site) — existing and proposed B. Elevations: The elevations shall be accurately prepared according to a standard architectural or engineering scale. All portions of the elevations should be adequately detailed and dimensioned. A checklist of the required project information follows for your convenience: O Architectural detailing O Building: ® Height * Width Finished floor elevations O Colored rendering of all four sides of proposed building(s) �+ O Colors O Delineation of existing versus proposed area for additions O Depth of architectural transition O Exterior finish materials (i.e. stucco, wood siding, etc.) • Buildings * Fences and walls ® Roof O Roof mounted mechanical equipment and screening C. Elevations for sign(s) and/or sign programs: Elevations shall be accurately prepared according to a standard architectural or engineering scale. All portions of the elevations should be adequately y N__. WN City Q'. 1 S%, detailed and dimensioned. A checklist of the requirements follows for your use and convenience: O Color rendering — provide rendering or indicate colors on elevations O Colors O Dimensions ® Height * Width Depth O Illumination — indicate method of illumination, if applicable (contact the Police Department at (714 ) 744-7327 to inquire about address illumination) O Letter type style O Materials O Attachment detail (for historic districts only) O Site Plan shall include: Building and tenant frontage Setbacks * Sign locations ® Vehicular sight distances if located near street intersections and/or driveways D. Floor Plan: The floor plan must include: O interior layout and dimensions (show all existing and proposed floor plans) as well as square footage on each floor. 1. Floor area calculations -- non-residential: Non-residential structures are calculated according to gross floor area and use the exterior wall dimensions. 2. Floor area calculations -- primary residential units: Primary residential structures are calculated according to GFA and use the exterior wall dimensions. All floor spaces within the structure are included in the wall-to-wall calculation. Exterior porches, decks, and balconies, which are open on at least two sides, are not counted towards the square footage. Attached and detached garages and other accessory structures shall count towards the overall Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and lot coverage of the primary residential structure. Garages shall not be counted as habitable space. If the primary structure has multiple stories, the square footage of the stairs, or horizontal floor area of the stairwell shall be counted on each floor. For example, on a two-story house, the square footage of the stairs shall be counted towards the first floor. The horizontal floor area 13 orange of the stairwell shall be counted towards the second floor. If there are more than two stories in the primary structure, the square footage of the stairs shall count on each floor, with the top floor counting the stairwell only. Any floor space surrounding the stairwell would be counted towards the square footage calculation and the FAR. 3. Floor area calculations —accessory dwelling units: accessory dwelling units (ADU) are calculated according to GFA and use the exterior wall dimensions. All floor spaces within the unit are included in the wall-to-wall calculation. Exterior porches, decks, and balconies, which are open on at least two sides, are not counted towards the unit floor area. If the proposed ADU has multiple stories, the square footage of the stairs shall be counted on the first floor only. The stairwell on the second and subsequent floors of stairs would not be counted in the square footage calculation. Any floor space surrounding the stairwell would be counted towards the square footage calculation. O Finished floor elevations (show adjacent finish grade and floor elevations). O ADA compliance (handicapped accessibility) when required. E. Roof Plan. A plan depicting the placement and dimensions of all roof mounted equipment. The plan should show the roof pitch, direction, and any proposed screening. F. Site Plans (Existing and Proposed): Separate existing and proposed site plans are required for all projects. The site plans shall be accurately prepared according to a standard architectural or engineering scale and include a north arrow and legend. All portions of the site should be adequately detailed and dimensioned. Checklists of the required project information and dimensions follow; however, additional information may be required: 1. Project Information: O Contact information: Company name/contact person Mailing address Telephone number s E-mail address O Site information: • Address • Assessor's parcel number 14 -- city o Existing entitlements Lot number Tract number O General Plan land use designation: Existing Proposed O Zoning designation: ® Existing ® Proposed O Land use (on -the -ground use such as residential, retail, or industrial): 4 Existing ® Proposed O Lot size: Existing Proposed O Floor area: 9 Existing ® Proposed O Density: * Existing Proposed O Property lines — indicate which lines will be removed or created and by what process (lot line adjustment, parcel map, etc.): z m Interior Q Perimeter I O Building Code information for existing and proposed buildings: Construction type (Type IN, A or B) Occupancy Type Type of construction (steel, wood, masonry, etc.) ® Size, use, height, and roof if existing building size changes or new building proposed. 15 ,....1 1 �lYS%' ® ADA Compliance O Parking information: • Total existing • Total proposed i • Number of accessible spaces O Residential projects: • Unit type (number of bedrooms per unit) • Mix of unit types O Trash Enclosures G. Fire Master Plan: The Fire Master Plan must be scaled and include: O Identification of sprinklered and non-sprinklered buildings. O Identification all on and off site fire hydrants within 400 feet of project site along fire department access route. O Identification all existing and proposed Fire Department access lanes. O Preparation of a Fire Master Plan may also be required identifying means of access, laddering areas, emergency vehicle turnaround, Fire Department connections, and information as specified by the Orange Fire Department. H. Preliminary Grading Plan: A Preliminary Grading Plan must include: O Section details for areas where project site joins adjacent properties. O Quantities of cut and fill when earthwork is being performed. O Finished floor and pad elevations for all proposed structures demonstrating compliance with the Orange County Hydrology Manual, O Drainage patterns and features including flow line grades, and elevations of all swales, gutters, and drainage structures. O Path of runoff to street or storm drain facilities, with details for entrance to storm drains or that runoff to street is directed over drive approaches. O For multi -family residential and commercial development, the location of trash enclosure(s) designed to comply with City of Orange Public Works Standards 409. 16 -" brange City of Landscape Plan: A conceptual landscape plan must address hardscape and paved areas, and include: O Amount of existing and proposed landscape area (sq. ft. and as percentage of site). O Amount of existing landscape area (sq. ft. and as percentage of site) to be refurbished to water efficient plant material and irrigation. O Amount of site area dedicated to pools and/or other water features. O Show and label all plant material (including existing trees to be retained or removed, and the location, quantity, percent of landscape/hardscape, size, spacing, species and plan symbol of all new trees and plant material). O City inspection notes should be included on planting and irrigation plans. The City's Senior Landscape Coordinator can provide information about the City inspection notes. MA I z 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP Hans Van Ligten (State Bar No. 119323) hvanligten@rutan.com Travis Van Ligten (State Bar No. 301715) tvanligten@rutan.com 18575 Jamboree Road, 9th Floor Irvine, CA 92612 Telephone: 714-641-5100 Facsimile: 714-546-9035 Attorneys for Appellant The Orange JCP Project Owner, LLC DECLARATION OF ERIK LEGGIO Rutan & Tuek@y LLP aftomeys at law _ ] _ 2545/016909-0637 20463542.1 aovto/24 DECLARATION OF PETER VANEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DECLARATION OF ERIK LEGGIO I, Erik Leggio, declare as follows: 1. I am an associate at the law firm Rutan & Tucker, LLP ("Rutan"), counsel of record for The Orange JCP Project Owner, LLC ("Applicant" or "Appellant") in this appeal. I am a member in good standing of the State Bar of California. I make this Declaration in support of Applicant's Appeal of Mr. Chad Ortlieb's March 27, 2024 Notice of Incompleteness. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this Declaration and, if called as a witness, could and would testify competently to such facts under oath. 2. On February 1, 2023, I visited the City of Orange website to locate the development project checklist required by Gov. Code § 65940. Pursuant to Gov. Code § 65940.1, a city that has art intemet website is required to make such list available online. Unfortunately, I was not able to definitively locate such checklist. 3. Subsequently, I called the City of Orange ("City") Planning Division and spoke with the receptionist desk regarding obtaining the development checklist required by Gov. Code § 65940. The receptionist transferred me to the Planner on Duty, in which no one answered. Later that afternoon, I called again to speak with the Planner on Duty, but again there was no answer. 4. On February 2, 2023, I again called the Planning Division in an attempt to speak with the Planner on Duty. During one of the calls from this morning or the previous afternoon, I left a voicemail with the Planner on Duty explaining that I was looking for the development project checklist required to be posted on the City's website pursuant to Gov. Code §§ 65940 and § 65940.1. 5. On February 3, 2023, I called the Planning Division in an attempt to speak with the Planner on Duty_ Unfortunately, I had no luck in reaching anyone. 6. In the late afternoon of February 6, 2023, as I had not heard anything back from the City, I called the Planning Division again, but was unable to reach anyone. 7. On the morning of February 7, 2023, I again called the Planning Division and was sent to the Planner on Duty's voicemail. During one of the calls from the morning of February 7ch or the previous afternoon, I left a voicemail asking for the development checklist required by Gov. 2545l016909-0637 20463542.1 a04/10/24 -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Code § 65940. Later that morning, I received a call from Emily Golubow, City of Orange Planning Aide, and we briefly discussed the development project checklist. She informed me that she was unaware of any list pursuant to Gov. Code § 65940 and that she would email me the developrnent project list that she did have. At the end of the call, I provided Ms. Golubow my email address. 8. Later that afternoon, I had still not received an email of the list from Ms. Golubow, and thus called the Planning Division again to further speak with Ms. Golubow. The receptionist informed me that Ms. Golubow was away from her desk for lunch and I left a message with the receptionist to confirm that Ms. Golubow had my correct email address. Three hours later, I had still not heard from Ms. Golubow, and I again attempted to reach her with no luck. 9. To date, I have not received a copy of any list purporting to be the required submittal checklist mandated by Government Code § 65940. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this I Oth day of April, 2024 at Long Beach, California. C Erik Leggio 2545/016909-0637 20463542.1 .04/10/24 spa CITY OF ORANGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECEIPT Date: 4/10/2024 Receipt # P002855 Project Number: APP-0565 Site Address: 2200 N TUSTIN ST Payee: The Orange 3CP Project Owner, Check # 708 Amount APPEALS TO COUNCIL OR COMM $1,000.00 THE FACE OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS A COLORED BACKGROUND ON WHITE PAPER THE ORANGE JCP PROJECT OWNER, LLC 888 SAN CLEMENTE DR SUITE 100 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 949-720-3612 CALIFORNIA BANK AND TRUST 16-33911220 1900 MAIN STREET SMITE 100 IRVINE, CA 92614 Pay: thousand dollars and no cents TO CITY OF ORANGE THE 300 E CHAPMAN AVE ORDER ORANGE, CA 92866 J' OF 3 THE BACK OF THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS AN AHTIFICIAL WATEHN 708 DATE 04/08/2024 $ ****1,000.00 -DATANANGLE TO VIEW--- - - 111000000MIPE 1: L 2 200339D:S79L. LEI 5933o Receipt Total S1,000.00 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES — APPLICANT BILLING INFORMATION 50% of the deposit is held in trust until all staff work is complete and all outstanding invoices have been paid. APPLICANT ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP #ACRE 111631 PHONE CONTACT PERSON APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE BILLING INFORMATION (if different from applicant) BILLING PARTY PHONE ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON CITY STATE ZIP FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY CHECK: NEW BILLING DEPOSIT PROJECT NAME - C r-- k ADDITIONAL DEPOSITIEXISTING CASE LOCATION REOPEN OLD BILLING # RELATED RECEIPT # CONTACT PERSON BILLING 4 DEPOSIT AMOUNT: RELATED CASES: DEPOSIT WAIVED - EXPLAIN: LJ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL f WHITE —FINANCE YELLOW F DEPARTMENT COPY PINK— APPLICANT N:1CDDTLNGIPIanning Master CopiesOEVELOPMENTSERVICES.doc