AGR-0281.18 - CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM - PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEMA6 R-oa$.i8 i, Ca1PERS California Public Employees' Retirement System d 1 1 1 A Between the Board of Administration Caiifornia Public Employees' Retirement System and the City Council City of Orange The Board of Administration, California Public Employees' Retirement System, hereinafter referred to as Board, and the governing body of the above public agency, hereinafter referred to as Public Agency,having entered into a contract effective Jufy 1, 1958, and witnessed.May 13; 1958, anii as amended effective October 1, 1966, October 7, 1971,January 16, 1977, August 26, 979, April 1, 1982,July 24; 1983, March 31, 1985, December 31, 1989, .July 23, 199,1, December 7, 1997, July i, 2000, May 20 2001, January t, 2002, .lune 29, 2Q03 June 22, 2012 and April 15, 2018 which provides for participation of Public Agei cy in said System, Board and Public Agency hereby agree as foilows: A. Paragraphs 1 through 16 are hereby stricken from sa'sd contract as executed effective April 15, 2018; and hereby replaced by the following paragraphs numbered 1 through i 6 inclusive: 7. All words and terms used herein which are defined in the Pubiic Employees' Retirement Law shall have tiie meaning as defined therein unless otherwise specifically,provided. "Norrrial ret'trement age"shall mean age 55 for ciassic local miscellaneous members, age 62 for new local miscellaneous members, age 50 far classic local safety members and age 57 for new local safety members. s i, 2. Public Agency sfiall participate in the Public.Employees' Retirement System from and after July 1, 1958 making its employees as-hereinafter provided, members of said System subject to all provisions of the Public Employees' Retirement Law except such as apply only on election of. a contracting agency and are not provided for hereir and to all.amendments to said Law hereafter enacted except those, which by"express provisions thereof, apply only on the election of;a contracting agency. 3. Public Agency agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Califomia Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) and its trus4ees, agents and employ es; the CaIPERS Board of Administration, and"the Califomia Public Employees' Retirement Fund from any claims, demands, actions, losses, Iiabilities,.damages, judgments, xpenses and, costs, including ut not limited to interest, penalties and attorney fees that may arise as a result of.any of the following: ; aj Pu61ic Agency's election to provide retirernent benefits, provisions or formufa"s uncie"this Contract that are:different thanlthe:retirement benefits,provisians`orforrnulas provid d underthe Public Agency's prior non-CalPEFtS retirement prograrri. b) Any dispute, disagreement, alaim, or proceeding {including withou# limitatian arbitration, administrative hearing; or litigation) between Public Agency and its empfoyees (or their representatives) which relates to Public Agency's electian to amend.ttiis Gontract to provide reti ement benefits, provisions or formulas thaf a e diffierent than such employees' existing retirement benefits, provisions or formulas. c} Public Agency's agreement with a#hird party otherthan CaIPERS to provide, retirement benefits, provisions, or formulas that are differ nt than the retirement benefits, pravisions or formulas pravided underthis Contract and provided forunderthe Califomia. Public Employees' Retirement Law. 4. Employees of Public Ag ncy in the following classes shall become rnembers of said.Retirerinent System except such in each sucfi class as are excluded by law or this agre ment: a. Local Fire Fighters (herein referred to as loca( safety members); b. Local Police Officers (herein referred to as local safety mernbers); c. Employees other than local safety members (herein referred to as Iocal miscellaneous members). 5. In,additiorr ta the;classes of employees excluded from rriembership by saidRetirementLaw,, the .folfowing classes of employees. sF all .not becomemembersof'said:Retirement;System: a. ELEGTED OFFIC[ALS HIRED ON OR AFTER JUNE 22, 2Q12. 6: The percentage of:final compensation t`o be proV'rded'for each year ofcreditedpriorandcurren# service for classic.local miscelfaneous.mem iers in employmentebefore,and nof on or after,June-29, 2003 shall'be cfetermined in accordance with Section 21354.of said Retirement Law,subject to the " reduction ;provided therein for service prior to September .30, 1971, termination of Socia( Security; ,for members ,wfiose service has lieen ' included in'Fetle;ral Social Security (2°lo af agLLe 55,Full antl Motlif'ied}. 7. ,The percentage of final cornPensation 'to ,be provided for each year of,. . credited.prior arid current seryice#or,classic local'miscellaneoys membe s in employment on or after June 29;2003 sFiail be detemiined in accordance wifh Section;,21354 5 of said 'Retirement Law, subjec# .fo the°reduction proyided therein for service prior'.#o.September 30, 971, terrninatiori of, Social:Security, for me'rribers;irvhose seniice has been_=in clud d in'Federal. Social Security (2:7'/o at age 55 Full arid Modified)., 8. Th e perc ntage of, finaL compensation: ta be,provided for each' year,.of .credited rior antl current service.;as a new 1oca1 miscellaneoys-memberP shall be determine:d m accordance;,with Section 7522.2p of said Retirement Law(2°l at age fi2?Fulf):;, 9. The - ercentage a f' pcredited ,rior and:current servic nsation to ,be rovided „for each 'year of.. ; _p final .compe P e as a class c.local safety mernaer shalf be dete rmined in accordance;with'Section 21362:2 of said Retirement l.aw (3%at age 50 Full). 10. The percentage of fmaf compensation to be provided- for each year ofcretlitedprior`.and current service`as a new local safety member shall be, determined in accordance with Section 7522:25(d) of said:Retirement Law2:7°ro-at age 57 Full): 11. iPublic Agency elected and elects to be subject to the following`.optionalprovisions: a.,' `Sections 21624 and 21626 (Post-Retirement Survivor Ailawance), ' b. -Section 20042(Qne-Year Final Compensation) for classic memb er's only c. Section 2Q903 (Two Years`Addi#iona(Service Credit): . d. Sec#ion 20516 (Employees Shiaririg Cost of Additional Benefits): Section 21354 (2% @,55 Fu11 and Modified) for local miscellaneous members. From:and after D,ecember 7, 1997 and until July 1, 2000 the rniscellaneous employees of Public Agency shall be assessed an additional 4% of.their compensation for a total contribution rate of11%,pursuant to Govemment Code Section 20516, e. Section 21024 (Military Service Credi# as Public Service). f.Sectlon 21027 {Military Service Credit for.Retired Persons). g. Section"21574 (Fourth Level of 1959 Survivor Benefits). 12: Public Agency,, in, accordance irvith. Government Cade Section .20790, ceased to. be,:an. "employer" .for purposes,of Section .20834 effectiv,e .on January`16, y 977. Accumulated contributions of Public Agency;shall be fixed and determined as provided in Govemmen#Code Section 20834,and accumulated contributions thereafter shall be held_by the Board as providedinGoverrimentCode'Section 20834. 13: . Public Agency shafl contribute ta said Retirement System the contributions . determined by actuariaf valuations of prior and _future.service liability with r.espect to local miscellaneous mernbers and local safety.mernbers of saidRetirementSystem.. , 14. 'Public Agency,shalJ also.contribute to said Re#irement, System.as folfows: a. Coiitributions re,quired per covered member an account of the 1959 Survivor Benefits pravided under Section 21573 of said RetirementLaw. (Subjectto annual"change.) !n addition;all assets and liabilities of Public Agency ,and;its employees shall be poaled in a single account, based on term insurance rates; for survivors of all local miscellaneous rnembers. b: Contributions required per covered inember on account of the 1959 Survivor Benefits provided uncier Section 21574 of said Retir'ement Law. (Subject tb annual change:) In addition,all assets and liabilities of Public Agency and its employees shal! be poolec! in .a single account, based; on term insurance ,rates, for sunrivors of all (ocal safety members. c. A reasonable amount, as fixed by the Baard; payable in one installmenf witfiin 60 days of date of. con#ract to cover the costs of administering said System as it affects ,the employees of Public Agency,. not including the costs of special valuations or of the periodic investigation and valuations required by,law. r r d. A reasonable amount, as fixed by the Board, payable in one instaflment as the ocoasions arise, to cover the costs of special valuations on accbunt of employees.of Pubiic Agency, and costs of the periodic investiga#ion and valuations required by.law. 15: Contributions required of Public Agency and its em pfoyees shall be subject ta adjustment by Board on account of amendments to the Public Employees' Retiremen# Law, and on account of the experience under #he Retirement System as determined by the periodic investigatian and valuation.required by said Retirement Law. i 6: , Cantributions.required of Public Agency and its employees shall be paid byPubEicAgencytotheRe#irement System'witfiin fifteen days aftertFie end of the period to which said; contributions refer or as may be, prescribed byBoardregulation. lf more or less than the correct amount af contribu#ions is paid for any period, proper adjustmenf shall be, made in connection.with subsequent.remittances. Adjustments on account of,.errors in contributions required of any employee may be made by direct payments.between #he employee arid the Board. B. This amendment shall be effective on"the a1s` day of an..a,qa.o: BQARD QF ADMINISTRATION CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC EMFLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM CITY OF ORANGE BY- Arnita Pzige(Jun 9,202008:40 PDT) Y ARNITA PAlGE, CHIEF PRESIDI ' G OFFICER PENSfON CONTRACTS AND PREFUNDING PROGRAMS DIVISION PUBLIC EMPLQYEES' RETfREMENT SYSTEM ao Witness D`ate Aftest: C(erk AMENDMENT CalPERS IU N2643484567 PERS•CON-7d2A