P xorrssr v s rtviccs .cRrLmcNT
I' Se vicesJ
IIi[S PI2()I+.CSS[(}NAI srlivrcrS AG12E]CN1 NT (the "lgreement") is made at
range, Calii'ornia, an this 1'0 day of oire. 2020 (the "I:i'f'ective D ke") by ancl
bet veen the CI1'Y 4 ORANGE,a municipal corporation("City"),and N. II.ARRIS COMPUTER.
COit.['ORATION, a Canada corporation doir business as NorthStar Utilities Solutions
Contraetor")}4i ho agree as follows:
1. Scrvices. Subject to the terms and conditions set fo th in this 1lgreement,
Contrac;tor shall provide tu the reasonable satisfaction of City the services set forth in:Exhibit"A,"
which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. As a material inducement to City
to enter into this Agreement,Contractor eepresents and varrants that it has thoroughly investigated
and considered the scope of services and fully understands the difficulties and restrictions in
p;rforn ing tl vork. Contractor shall perform all services in a manner reasonably satisfactory to
Cit:y and in a manner in conformance with the standards of quality normally observed by an entity
provided such sei-ices to a municipa( agency. Il services provided shall conform to all federal,
st te and local laws,rules and regulations and to the best professional standards and practices. The
terms nd conditions set focth in this Abreement shall control over any terms and conditions in
E hibit "A" to the contrary.
famey Taulbee,Finance Manager('`City's Pcoject Manager"},shall be the person to whom
Contractor will report for the aerfonnance ofservices hereunder. lt is understood that Contractor's
pertorma ce hereunder shall be under the supervision of City's Project Manager (or his/her
designee), that Contractor shalt coordinate its services hereunder with City's Project Manager to
the extenfi required by City's Project Manager, and that all performances required hereunder by
Contractor shall be performed to the satisfaction of City's Project Manager and the City Manager.
2. Com ensation and Fees.
a. Contractor's total compensation for all sec-vices performed under this „ '
Agreement,shall not exceed TI-IIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS and UO/100($30,000.00)without
the prior written authorization of City.
b. 'I'he above compensation shall include all costs, including, but not limited
to, all clerical. administrative, overhead, insurance, reproduction, telephone, travel, auto rental,
subsistence and all related expenses.
3. Payment.
a. According to the payment schcdule in Exhibit"A," Contractor shall submit
to Cit an invoice for the services completed, authorized expenses and authorized e tra work
actually performed or incurred.
1. All such invoices shall state the b 1515 OI' IIIE'. amount invoicecl, including
services com leted, the number of hours s enl and any extra work perfbrmed.
e, CiCy will pay Contr ct r the amount invoiced within lhirty (3U) c3ays after
the t pproval of thc invoice.
d. Pay nent shal( coi stitute payment in full for all services, authorized costs
and ai.ithorized extra vork covered by that invoice.
4. Cl ant c Orders. No paytnent for e:tra services cause i by a change in the scope
or complexity of work, or for any otl e reason, shall be made unless and until such e,ctra services
and a price therefor have been previous(y authorired in writing and approved by City as an
amendment to this Agreement. Thc amendment shall set forth the changes ot work, extension of
time, and adjustment of:the conlpensation to be paid by City to Contractor.
5. Licenses. Contractor represents that it and any subcontractors it may engage,
possess any and all licenses which are required uncler.state or federal law to perform the work
contemplated by this Agreement and that Contractor and its subcontractors shall maintain all
appropriate licenses, including a City of Orange business license, at its cost, during the
perfornzance of this Agreement.
6. Indepenclent Contraetor. At all times during the term of lhis Agreement,
Contractor sl all be an independent contractor and not an employee of City. City shall have the
right to control ContractUr only insotar as the result of Contractor's services rendered pursuant to
this Agrtement. City shal( not have the right to control the means by which Contractor
accomplishes services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor shall, at its sole cost and
e pense, furnish all facilities, materials and equipment which may be required for furnishing
services pursuant to this /lgreement. Contractor shall be solely responsible for, and shall
indemnify, defend and save City harmless from al! matters relating to the payment of its
subcontractors, agents and employees, including compliance with social secur.ity withholding and
all other wages, salaries, benefits, taxes, exactio s, and regulations of any nature whatsoever.
Contractor ack.nowledges that it and any subcontractors, agents or employees employed by
Contractor shall not,under any circumstances,be considered employees of City,and that they shall
not be entitled to any of the benef ts or rights afforded employees of City,including,but not limited
lo, sick leave, vacation leave, holiday pay, P ublic Employees Retirement System benefits, or
health, life, dental, long-tenn disability or workers'compensation insurance benefits.
7. Contt-actor Not A ent. E:cepl as City may specify in writing, Contractor shall
have no authority, express or implied, to act on behalf of City in any capacity whacsoever as an
agent. Contractor shall have no authc rity, eapress or implied, to bind City to any obligatioii
3. esi nated 'ersons. Only thosc c ualified persons authorized by City's .t'rojcct
Manager, or as designated in Cxhibit"A,"shall perform work provided for under this Agreement.
It is understood Uy the parties that cicrical and ot.her nonprofessional vork may be performed by
persons other tha t those designated.
9. Assi nment or Subc ntractin. No assigntnent ar suUconUacling by Cantractor
oPzny F art af this A or of fiinds ta be received under this Agreement shall be of any force
or et te4C unless tt G assi nment has khe prior written apprnval of Giky. C.ity nay terminate this
Agreen ent rather tl an accept any p-c posed assignme Zt or subcantracting. Such assi nmerie. or
sul cc ntracting may be approved by thc City N]anager or his/her designee.
1Q. Timc of Comnletian. Cxcept as otherwise specifed in Exhibit "A," Contractor
shall commence the work provided for in this Agreement within five(5)days of the Effective Date
of this Agreement and ditigently prosccute comptetion of the work in accordance with the time
period set fordi in Exhibit"A"h reto,or as otherr ise agreed to by and between the representatives
of the parties.
11. Reserved.
12. I2cserved.
13. llclays and xtensions of Time. Contractor's sole remedy for delays outside its
control,od er th n those delays caused by City, shall be an extension of time. No rnatter vhat the
cause of the delay,Contractor must d cument any delay and request an extension of time in writing
at the time of the delay to tlie satisfaction of City. Any extensions granted shall be limited to the
length of the delay outside Contractor's controL If Contractor believes that delays caused by City
will cause it to incur additional costs, it must specify, in writing, why the delay has caused
additiona( costs to be incurred and the exact amount of such cost at the time the delay occurs. No
additional costs can be paid that exceed the not to e:cceed amount stated in Section 2.a, above,
absent a written amendment to this Agreement.
l4. Products of Contractor. The documents, studies, evaluations, assessments,
reports, plans,citations, materials, manuals, technical data, logs,files, designs and other products
produced or provided by Contractor for this Agreement shall become the property of City upon
receipt. Contractor shall deliver all such products to City prior to payment for same. City may
use,reuse or otherwise utilize such products without restriction.
15. Equal Employment Opportunity. During the performance of this Agrecment,
Contractor agrees as follows:
a. Contractor shafl not discriminate against any employee or app(icant f'or
employment because oi'race, color, religion, sex, national origin,mental or physical disability, or
any other basis prohibited by applicable law. Contractor shall ensure that applicants are employed,
arld that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion,
sex, national origin, mental or physical disability, or any other basis prohibited by applicable law.
Such actions shall include,but not be limited to the following: employment,upgrading,demotion
or transfer•,recruitment or recruitment advertisinb,layoff or termination,rates of pay or other fonns
of compensation and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Contractor agrees to post in
conspicuous places, available to cmployees and applicants for employment, a notice setting fortli
provisions of this non-discrimination clause.
b. Contractor shaf(, in all solicitations aiul advertisements for employees
placed by, or on behalf uf Contraclor, stale thaC all qualifiied applicants will receive consideration
f'or employment without regzrd to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, mental or physical
disability, or any other basis prohibited by a plicable law.
c. Contractor shall cause the foregoing paragraphs(a)and (b)to be inserted in
all subcnntracts f r any work coverecl by this Agreement, provided that the foregoing provisions
shall nat apply to subcontracts for st ndard commercial supplies or raw materials.
G. Coi flicts of Tnterest. Contractor agrees that it shall not make, pai-ticipate in the
making, or in any way attenipt to use i[s position as a consultant to influence any decision of City
in whicli Contractor knows or lias reason to know that Contractor, its offcers, partners, or
enlployees have a tinancial interest as defined in Section 87103 of the Government Code.
17. IndeRenitv.
a. City and Contractor recognize that circumstances may arise entitling tfie
City to damages for breach or other fault on the part of Contractor arisina from this Agreement.
The parties agree that in atl such circumstances the City's remedies and Contractor's liabilities
vill be limited as, set forth below and that these provisions will survive notwithstanding the
termination or other discharge of the obligations of the parties under this Agreement.
b. xcept for damages arising out of(a) damage to tangible property or (b)
injury or death to persons, both parties agree that the aggregate liability of Contractor to City for
all claims,suits,actions and proeeedings howsoever arising,directly or indirectly,w der or relating
to this contract or its subject matter, including those based on breach or rescission of contract,tort,
breach of trust, or breach of fiduciary duty shall not exceed the fees paid by City to Contractor
under this Agreement.
c. In addition to the foregoing,neither party shall be liable to the other for any
claims for consequentia] damages, incidental damages, indirect damages, special dama es,
aggravated damages, loss of revenue, lass of profits, tailure to realize expected savings, loss of'
data, IUss of business opportunity either under or relating to this Agreeme nt or its subject matter.
whether based on breach of rescission of'contract,tort, breach of trust,or breach of :fiduciary duty
even if such other party has been acivised of the likelihood oEthe occurrence of such damages.
18. Insurance.
a. Contractor shall carry workers' compensation insurance as required by law
for the protection of its employees during the progress of the work. Contractor understands that it
is an independent contractor and not entitled to any workers' compensation benefits under any
City program.
b. Contractor shall maintain during lhe life of this Agreement the fol(owing
minimum amount of comprehensive general liability insurance o• commercial general liability
insurance: the reater f' (1) O te Million Dollars ($1.,000,000) per occu-rence; or (2) all the
insurane covcrage and/or]imits e rried by or available to Contractor. Said insurance shall cover
bodily injury, deall and property dam ge and be written on an occunence basis.
c. Resc;rved.
d. Any insurance proceeds in excess of or broader ihan the minimum rcquired
coverage and/or minimum rec uired litnits which are applicable to a given loss shail be available
to City. No rcpresentation is made thae the minimum insurance requirements of this AgreemenC
are sutrcient to cavcr the obligations of Contractor under Chis Agreement.
e. ach policy of eneral liability sha(I provide that City, its ofticers,off cials,
agents, r nd em loyees are d clared to be additional insureds under the tenns of the policy, but
only with respect to the work performed by Cnntractor undcr this Agreement, A policy
endorsement to tl at effect shall be provided to City along with the cr;rtificate of insurance. tn )ieu
of an 8RCI01'SC1T1C-:Ilt City will accept a copy of the policy(ies) which evidences that City is an
additional insured as a contracting party. The minimum coverage required by Subsection 18.b
shall ap ly to City as an adclitional insured.
f.Contractor shall maintain during the life of this Agreement professional
liabilicy insurance covering enors and omissions arising out ofthe performance of this Agreement
with a minimum Iimit of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per claim. Contractor agrees to keep
such policy in f'orce and effect for at least five (5) years from the date of completion of this
g. The insurance policies maintained by Contractor shall be primary insurance
and no insurance he(d or owned by City shall. be called upon to cover any loss under the policy.
Coniractor will determine its own needs in procurement of insurance to cover liabilities oChec than
as stated above.
1. Before Contractor performs any work or prepares or delivers any materials,
Gontractor shall fiirnish certiFcates of insurance and endorsements,as reasonably required by City,
evidencing the aforementioned minimum insurance coverages on forrns acceptable to City, vhich
shal( provide that the insurance in force will not be canceled or allowed to lapse vithout at least
ten (10) days' prior written notice to City.
i.Except for prafessional liability insurance coverage that may be required by
this Agreement, all insurance inaintained by Contractor shall be issued l y companies
conducl the pertinenl line of insurance business in California and having a rating of Grade A or
better and Class VIT or bettcr by the latest edition of Best Key Ratin Guide. In tl e case of
professional liability insurance cnverage, such coverage shall be issu:d by cumpanies either
licensed or adenitted to conduct business in Californil so long as such insurer possesses tlie
af'orementioned F3est ratin.
j Contractot•shall imnlecliately notify City if any required insurance lapses or
is otherwise modif ed and cease performance of this Agreemcnt unless otherwise directed by City.
ln sucl a cast, City may procure iri ur.ancc or sel[=ins.irc the risk ancl charge Contract r for such
costs 1f1C any and a1l d ma es resulting therefrom, by way oF sct-ofF from any sums owed
Co itractor.
Ic. Contractor agrees thal in the event af loss due to any of the perils for vhich
it l as agrecd ta provide insurance, Contractor shall look solely to its insurance for recovery.
Contractor hereby grants to City,on behal f oi'any insurer providing insurance to either Gontractor
or City with res ect to th;services of Contractor herein,a waiver of any right to subrogation which
any such insurer may acquire against City by virtue c f tf e payment of any loss under such
19. Tcrmination. .In addition to thc se provisions set forth in Section 7 ofExhibit"A:"
a.lf Contractor should neglect to perform the Services proper(y or otherwise
fail to comply with the requirements of this Agreement, City shall notify Contractor in writing of
such default(a"Defauit Nntice"). Upon receipt of a D fault Notice,Contractor inust either correct
the default at no additional cost to City, or issue a vritten notice of its own disputing the alleged
defauit, in either case within thirty(30)days immediately following receipt of a Default Notice. If
Contractor fails to correct the default, or issue a notice disputina the alleged default, in either case
within ninety (90) days following receipt of the Default Notice, City may terminate the whole of
this Agreement or part of this Agreem;nt relating to the provision of Services and shall be entitled
to pursue its rights and remedies at law or eyuity
b. lf City should fail to comply with its obligations under this Agreement,
Contractor must notify City in writing of such def'ault (a °Default Notice"). Upon receipt of a
Defau(t Notice, City must correct the default at no additional cost to Contractor, or issue a written
notice of its own disputing the alleged default, in either case within thirty (30) days immediately
following receipt of a Default Notice. If City fails to correct the default,or issue a notice disputing
the alleged default, in either case within ninety {90) days following receipt of the Default Notice,
Contractor may tei7ninate the whole of this Agreement and in such case City will be responsible
for ayment to Contractor of only that part of the fee earned by Contractor(except for the disputed
amount of'any invoice, which shall be payable only if such dispute is resolved in Contractor's
f vor) for that part of the Services performed in accordance with this Ab eement up to the time of
communication.of such notice of termination to City.-
2O. Mai tenance and Insnection of tecords. In accordance with enerally accepted
accounting principles, Contractor and its subcontractors shall maintain reasonably full a id
complete books, documents, papers, accounting records, and other information (collectively, the
records") pertaining to the costs of and completion of seivices performed under this Agreement.
City and its authorized representatives shall have access to and the right to audit and reproduce
any of'Contractor"s records regarding the services provided under this Agreement. Contractor shall
maintain Il such records for a period oi'at least ihree (3) years after termination or completion of
this Agreement. Contractor agrees to make available all such records for inspection or audit at its
ofl7ces during norma( business hours and upon three(3)days' notice fram City,and copies thereof
shall be furnishecl if requested.
2l. Gotnlili:ncc with all L.arvs/lanmi ration Laws.
Contractor Shall L r: Icnowledgeable of and comply willl all local, stale and
fcderal {aws vllich may a ply to the perCor nance of'this Agceement.
b. If tl e work provided for in this Agreement constitutes a"public works,"as
that cern is defined in Section 172Q ofthe California Labar Code,for which prevailin;wages must
be paid, to the extent Cont.ractor's employec;s will perform any work that falls within illly Of tI1G
classifications far which t}ie Departmei t of Labor Relations of the State oE California promulgales
prevailing wage detet7ninations, Contractor hereby agrees that it, and any subcontraelor under it,
sh ll pay not less than the specitied prevailing raCes of wa es to all such workers. The general
prevailin wage dc;terminations for c afts can be located on the website of the DepartmenY of
ndustrial [Zelations (ww Additionally, to perfarm work under this Cantract,
Cantraetor must meet all State registration requirements and criteria, including project compliance
monitoru g.
c. Contractor represents and warrants that Contractor:
I) Has comp(ied and shal( at all times during the term of this
Agreemenl comply, in all respects, with all immibration laws, regulations, statutes, rules, cades,
and orders, including, without limitation, the Immigration Reform and Controi Act af 1986
IRCA); and
2) 1-Ias not and wi(1 not knowingly employ any individual to perform
services under this Agreement who is iueligible to work in the United States or under the terms of
this Agreetnent; and
3) I-las properly mainta.ined, and shall aC all times during th term of
this tlgreement properly maintain, all related employment documentation records including,
without limitation, the completion and mainlenlnce of the Porm I-9 for each of Contractor's
employees; and
4) Has responded, and shall at all times during the term of this
Agreement respond, in a timely fashion to any government inspection requests relating to
immigration law compliance and/or Form I-9 compliance and/or worksite enforcement by the
Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Labor, or the Social Security
d. Contractor shall require all subcontractors or subconsultants to inake the
same representations and warranties as set forth in Subsection 21.b.
e. Contractor shall, upon request of City, provide a list of all employees
working under this Abreement and shall provide,to the reasonable satisfaction of'City,verification.
lhat ali such employees are eli ible to work in the United States. All costs associated with such
verifcatron sEiall be borne by Contractar. Once such request has been made, Contractor may not
chan e emE lc yccs 4varkirlg under tliis lgreemenl wilhoul written notice to City, accompanied by
lhe veriticaeiory required herain for such ernployees.
f.Contractor shall rcquire all subconlractors ar sub-consullants ta make the
same verification as set fortll in Subsection 21.d.
g. If Gnntractor or subcontractor knowingly employs an em loyee provicJing
vork under tfais Agreernent vho is nok authorized to work in the United States, and/or fails to
follow federal laws to determine the status at'such employee,lhat shall constiCute a material breach '
of this Agreetz et t and may be cause for immediate termi ation of this Agrcement by City.
I. Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold Gity, its officers, offcials, agents
and employees harm(ess for, ofand fro n any loss, incluciing but not limited to fnes, penalties and
corrective measures City may sustain by reason ot Contractor's failure to comply with said laws,
rules and regulations in connection with the performance of this Agreement.
22. Governin Law and Venue. This Agreement sliall be construed in accordance
with and governed by the taws of tf e State of California and Contractor agrees to submit to the
jurisdiction of California courts. Venue for any dispute arising under this Agreement shall be in
the £ederal c:aurts of Orange County, California; provided, however, that if jurisdiction in said
federal courts is improper, venue shall he in the state courts of Orange County, California.
23. nte r tion. This lgreement constitutes the entire agr;ement of thc: parties. No
otl er abreement,oral or written,pertaining to the work to be perfarmed under this Agreement shall
be of an} force or effect unless it is in writing and si ned by both parties. Any work perfonned
which is inconsist nt with or in violalion of tlle rovisions of this Agreement shall not be
24. Notice. Cxcept as oti eewise provided herein, all notices required under this
Agreement shall be in writing and deliv red personally, by e-mail, or by first class U.S. mail,
postage prepaid, to each party at the address listed below. Either party may change the notice
address by natifying the other party in writing. Notices shall be deemed received upon receipt oi
same or vithin three(3}days of deposit in the U.S. Mail, whic}ever is earlier. Notices sent by e-
mail shall be deemed received on the date f the e-mail transtnission.
N. Hari•is Computc r Cot poration City of Orange
I Antares Drive, Suite 400 300 6. Chapman Avenue
Ottawa, Ontzrio K2E $C9 Orange, CA 92866-1591.
Attn_: Pav Sekhon - nttn.: Jamey Taulbee
Telephone: G:IG-226-5511 x2397 Telephone: 714-744-2244
E-Mail: psekhan a7harciscon puter.corn Mail: jtaulbee@cityofora
25. ountcrparts. This Agrcement.may be executed i l,nnc or more counterparts,each
c,f vhich shall be dee ied zn original, bur all of which together shall constitute one and lhe sarne
insrn ment. Sign tures transmitted via facsimile and electronic mail shall have the same efFect as
original signatures.
IN YITIVESS af this Agree«ient, the parties have entered into this Agreement as of the
year and day first above written.
Canada corporation
3y: .. ,-''f .,.-._--`. /,----- By:
Printed Name: S-C r G-S ark A. Murphy, M r
1'itle: ( c-e - Mnrke-+
By: A I r sT:
Printed Name:
Pamela Coleman, City Clerk
Mary E. B nin;
Senior Ass stant City Attorn
NOTI: City reyuires the following signature(s) on behalf of the Contractor:
1) the Chairman of the I3osrd,the Pre.sident or a Vice-Yresident,AND (2) thc
Secretary, the Chief Financial Officer, the Treasurer, an Assistant Secreta y
or an Assistant Treasurer. If only one corporate officer exists or one corporate
ofticer holds more than onc corporate ofGce,please so indicate. OR
The corporate officer named in a corporate resolution as authorized to enter
into this Agweement. A copy of the corporate resolution, ccrtified by the
Secretary cfase in Eime to the executdon of the Agreement, must be provided to
r •m
r I t ti
City of Orange
February 4, 202Q
Version 1.1
SC?1n!VAI_1D lli lTlL:April 4, 020
Revision Control
Document Title: Orange—NorthStar mCare 6 Implementation SOW
1/er on;., ate ;. A. R ar E3etails/ ol aments, '.'.?4: '<,-.
Version 1.0 06-19-2019 P.Sekhon Initial Draft
Version 1.1 02-04-2020 P. Sekhon Revised pricing and date.
1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Objective..................................................................................................................................4
2 mCare 6 Core Functionality.............................................................................................................5
3 Service Description..........................................................................................................................8
3.1 Areas within Scope...................................................................................................................8
3.2 Areas Out of Scope................................................:................................................................11
4 Estimated Timeline........................................................................................................................12
5 Change Management Process.......................................................................................................14
6 Fees&Payment Schedule...:.........................................................................................................15
6.1 Fees .......................................................................................................................................15
6.2 Payment Schedule..................................................................................................................15
6.3 Travel and Living Expenses.....................................................................................................16
7 Termination...................................................................................................................................17
8 Project Assumptions.....................................................................................................................18
9 Document Acceptance and Signoff................................................................................................20
AppendixA-NorthStar mCare 6—Hardware Requirements................................................................21
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This Statement of Work (SOW) defines the work to be performed by NorthStar Utilities Solutions,
hereafter referred to as "NorthStar", an unincorporated division of N. Harris Computer Corporation, for
the City of Orange, hereafter referred to as"Orange",to migrate from the NorthStar mCare 1 application
to NorthStar's mCare 6 platform. This SOW includes a high level timeline, fees, and other terms and
conditions specific to the services requested by Orange.
The purpose of this document is to provide information on the features and value of mCare 6, along with
the level of effort associated with the implementation,for those customers upgrading from the mCare 1
1.1 Ob jective . . a ..x .. .
The overall project objective is to provide Orange with a `workforce management' solution that will
address daily operations challenges and provides measurable benefits for in-field staff around
performance, safety and job satisfaction.
The high level objectives of this project are to:
Install, configure and implement core mCare 6 solution defined in section 2. This solution will
be installed on a Orange premise based server.
Deliver system training designed to develop user competency with the use and configuration of
the mCare 6 solution.
Changes to this document shall be made through a change management process as described later in this
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This section outlines the key functions and features of mCare 6.0.
The mCare product supports the following utility services and meters;
Electric(please note that CT/PTs are not supported at this time in mCare 6)
Version mCare 6.0 is compatible with following CIS service order types:
Move In
Move Out
Generic(re-reads, meter install/removal/replacement)
o Administrator:
Administrator can set which color will be used for service order priority label.
Administrator can set a list of standard terms that the FSR can use while completing a
service order.
Administrator can set a list of generic service orders that can be created by an FSR from a
Administrator will be able to set which service order call types have mandatory meter
Administrator will be able to set which service order call types will be auto-completed by
the system (do not require manual approval)
Administrator will be able to set which service order call types will contain meter installation
Administrator will be able to set up meter number 0 padding rules-used to lookup a meter
in CIS during install.
Administrator will be able to set which service order call types will contain meter removal
Administrator will be able to set which service order call types will contain meter replace
Administrator will be able to set which service orders will need register swap functionality.
Administrator will be able to set which service orders will need transponder swap
Administrator will be able to add/remove users and change/modify their roles and
permissions in mCare.
o Dispatch
The dispatcher will be able to filter and sort the list of service orders that arrive from CIS and
are ready for assignment.
The dispatcher will be able to see the service order location on a map.
The dispatcher will be able to organize service orders into shared queues.
The dispatcher will be able to assign/unassign service orders to/from FSRs.
The dispatcher will be able to see FSR availability and their service order count by status.
o Field Service Representative(FSRj
FSR will be able to see the service orders assigned to him or her directly by dispatch.
FSR will be able to see the service order location on a map.
FSR will be able to claim service orders from shared queues
FSR will be able to accept, discard or delay a service order.
FSR will be able to re-order the accepted list of service orders.
FSR will be able to select a service order and automatically get directions to the location
google map application will be opened with all standard turn by turn functionality)
FSR will be able to'take back'service order when service order is in review.
FSR will be able to create service orders in a field from a context of another service order
FSR will be able to complete a service order with completion notes.
FSR will be able to complete a service order and record water/electric/gas meter install
FSR will be able to complete a service order and record water/electric/gas removal meter
FSR will be able to complete a service order and record water/electric/gas replace meter
FSR will be able to complete a service order and record a swap of registers on water/gas
FSR will be able to complete a service order and record a swap of transponders on
water/gas meters.
o Back Office Clerk—Reviewer
BOC Reviewer will be able to sort and filter service orders
BOC Reviewer will be able to send service orders back to FSR for rework.
BOC Reviewer will be able to make adjustments/corrections to service orders before they
get approved.
BOC Reviewer will be able approve service orders completed in a field.
o Back Office Clerk—Reporter
BOC Reporter will be able to sort and filter service orders
BOC Reporter will be able to export the list of service orders to CSV file for
advanced reporting in Excel
Refer to mCare 6.0 User Guide for more information.
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3.1, . Areas within Scope , -` . ` `. '
3.1.1 Implementation Scope
All activities to be performed remotely, unless otherwise stated.
NorthStar will deploy two instances of the mCare platform and applications in the Orange environment:
one Test instance and one Production instance.
3.1.2 Project Management
A NorthStar Project Manager (PM) will be the primary point of contact for Orange on the mCare 6
implementation. The PM has the overall accountability to successfully deliver the services required for a
successful mCare 6 implementation within agreed upon timeframe and budget. The project team will
directly report to the PM and the PM will have the authority and support to manage the project team in
the best interest of the project. The PM is also accountable for the following high-level project activities:
Interface with Orange assigned PM.
Conduct regular internal project meetings to ensure that all aspects of the project are
understood by the team and that progress and risks are properly reported.
Conduct regular project meetings with Orange.
Review of project status,schedule, risks, resources as well as any other issues that may affect
the success the project.
3.1.3 mCare Installation& Configuration
Orange will be provided with an mCare Deployment guide as part of the project kick off. Orange
IT will be responsible for obtaining and installing the necessary applications detailed in Appendix
A—Hardware Requirements prior to the installation of mCare 6.
mCare 6 has dependencies on NorthStar database and code libraries being up-to-date.
Oranae's production environment will need to be patched up to the latest CIS maintenance
release prior to the commencement of the mCare 6 proiect.
3.1.4 mCare Functional Review
A NorthStar Technical Consultant will perform a code review of mCare 1 to determine w.hat
customizations, if any, had been made for Orange. Once this analysis is complete a NorthStar
Application Consultant will conduct a functional review with Orange to identify where this
custom programming has been replaced by mCare 6 core functionality, what new mCare 6
functionality will be utilized and what custom modifications will no longer be available for
3.1.5 mCare Training Remote End User Training;4 days remote
mCare Administrator Training Session:
mCare Administrator training is held with those users who will be responsible for maintaining
the application post Go LIVE.This session will be a combination of hands on configurati'on and
process training.The NorthStar Consultant will show administrators how to manage users, roles
and permissions and will familiarize them with those elements of the mCare application that
they have the ability to update and/or add content to. An example of administrator training is
installing and configuring the mCare Field App.
mCare Dispatch Training Session
The mCare Dispatch training sessiori will introduce those who will be responsible for assigning
work to Field Service Representatives.As part of the session we provide a walk-through of the
basic functionality to assist with understanding the mCare solution and features to managing
service orders and requests.
mCare Office Training Session
The mCare Office training session will introduce those who will be responsible for reviewing and
approving field completed work by FSRs.As part of the session we provide a walk-through of the
basic functionality to assist with understanding the mCare solution and features to managing
service orders and requests.
mCare Field Service Representative Training Session
The mCare FSR training session will introduce those who will be responsible for carrying out
work in the field to mCare features for mobile devices.
3.1.6 mCare 6 UserAcceptance Testing(UAT)
NorthStar will provide Orange UAT test plan and the mCare 6 User Guide for User Acceptance
testing. Upon completion of testing Orange will submit a signed copy of the UAT test plan
confirming all areas of mCare 6 have been successfully reviewed as a prerequisite for NorthStar
to schedule the Go LIVE activities.
Orange will have two weeks to complete the initial round of User Acceptance Testing. During
that two week period NorthStar will work with Orange to remediate all priority 1 issues. Orange
will then have one week of final Acceptance testing prior to scheduling Go LIVE.
If a project delay is encountered due to external factors outside of NorthStar's control, and User
Acceptance Testing needs to extend beyond the initial two week and subsequent one week
windows for UAT remediation testing NorthStar and Orange will analyze the results of this
external factor on the project timeline to determine if there is a need for a change request to
reflect a substantial change to the project plan, budget, or timeline.
3.1.7 Go LIVE and Go LIVE Support
NorthStar will deploy mCare 6 to production; including clearing the mCare database and
repointing to NorthStar production database.
NorthStar will create a copy of the mCare 6 instance which will become mCare TEST.
NorthStar will provided dedicated support for 10 business days post Go LIVE before transitioning
to NorthStar Support Services.
3.1.8 Orange Responsibilities
Following are the key responsibilities of Orange under this agreement:
Purchasing MS-SQL license—if required.
Mobile devices ready to run mCare Field App.
Installing and configuring mCare Field App
Ensuring NorthStar has direct, dedicated remote technical connection capabilities with
administration access to any server that the NorthStar applications reside on for the duration of the
upgrade project
Ensuring that underlying infrastructure for mCare is acquired and installed by the required time per
agreed upon project plan (Note: minimum specifications for servers and workstations should be
discussed and agreed upon at commencement of project)
Installing server with appropriate network connectivity
Installing operating system and partitioning disk space
Installing database software
Creating users at the operating system level
Installing VPN connection
Configuring back up and maintenance routines for new database
Testing hardware components and environment
Conducting mCare Acceptance testing
Leading Go LIVE activities
Timely completion of the mCare Configuration checklist
3.1.9 Engagement Completion Criteria
The Engagement is deemed completed once upgraded application has been deployed to the live
environment for twenty business days and that any Priority 1 items raised during that period have been
resolved. NorthStar has the exclusive right to classify call types according the definitions below.
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j Priority 1—Urgent or High Priority
g ' Sys n a;, tem Down(Software Application,Hardware,Operating System,Database) e
slmpacts Critical Business Function`without a workaround
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Performance issues of severe nature impacting critical processes.
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Impactto business function is not criticaL• j
Performance issues not impacting criticalprocesse's". d
Usability issues `
Workstation connectivity issues(Workstation specific)
k'Priority 3—Low Pr ority ~ Er . . p%linimalror no irnpact to critical-business function
R eport fo'rmatting:issues. o,.
Training questions;fiow to,or implementing°new processes j
Aesthetic issues
Issu'es with workaround's'for large majority of accounts
a,,• Recommendations for enharicements on system changes
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j Questions on documentation:
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3.2 °Areas Out of Scop e ;,
Anything in this section and not listed in the above "Areas within Scope" is considered out of scope for
this SOW.Specific items that are currently out of scope of this engagement include:
Single Sign-on Authentication with mCare 6 and CIS
Integration with a GIS system.
Supporting third party workforce and service order integration
Any customizations made to mCare 1 that are not part of current functionality within mCare 6.
Any standard mCare 1 functionality that is not part of current functionality within mCare 6.
Database maintenance and backups (As part of the mCare 6 implementation,the NorthStar
team will work with the customer to ensure that they understand what the requirements are for
backup and frequency of backups)
Go LIVE cutover taking place on during regular business hours. If the customer requires a Go
LIVE on a weekend or weekday evening outside of business hours, a change order for the
overtime work may be required.
Training of Orange's customers.
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The estimated duration of this engagement is approximately 7 weeks. The possibility and feasibility of a
reduced duration will be evaluated during the Customer Preparation phase as it will depend on availability
of resources and involvement of Orange Team members. Adherence to the project plan and timeline is
critical. NorthStar will prepare a formal project plan and timeline. Orange will review, provide comments
on, and provide NorthStar with approval of the project plan and timeline.
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There are a number of factors to be considered that will have an associated un-planned increase in effort
and will therefore impact the project schedule. These factors are typically not determined until project
kick-off and will be a key input into the final Go LIVE date and may result in additional cost. NorthStar will
notify Orange of any increase in effort and will provide Orange with a Change Order according to section
4 Change Management Process.These factors include:
Project Resourcing:
In the event that Orange staff is unable to be dedicated to the agreed upon project plan,
resulting in an extension of the timeline, NorthStar will evaluate the need for a Change
Order for additional Project Management and dedicated support services to extend the
project timeframe.
5 py CHANGE Ml NAGEMEaNT PROCESS . . . .. .,
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NorthStar will maintain the SOW with formal documentation denoting agreed upon changes.Orange and
NorthStar may propose changes to this SOW addressing services falling outside the scope of services
described in this SOW ("Change"). The Change Order form must be used for all change requests.
NorthStar shall have no obligation to commence work in connection with any change until the fee and
schedule impact of the change is agreed upon in a written Change Order form signed by the designated
representatives from both parties.
Upon identifying the need for a change, NorthStar shall submit the ahange on our standard Change Order
form describing the change, including the impact of the change on the schedule,fees and expenses.
Within 5 consecutive business days of receipt of the change order form, Customer shall either indicate
acceptance or rejection of the proposed change by signing the Change Order form or any other period of
time mutually agreed to by the parties. If NorthStar is advised not to perform the change,then NorthStar
shall proceed only with the original services. In the absence of Customer acceptance or rejection of the
Change Order, NorthStar will not perform the proposed change.
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6.1 Fees ` .
mCare 6 Implementation
Services Total
Professional Services
Project Management
Installation &Configuration
Training 27,800
Acceptance Testing
Go LIVE Cut Over
Post LIVE Support
Technology, Communication,Administration 1,390
Project Total 29,190
6.2 Payrnent Sch edule
Any mutually agreed upon change controls will be billed at the standard NorthStar hourly rate of$215
when incurred. An additional amount equal of 5% of the total fees billed has been included in the fee
charged to cover technology, communication and administrative costs. Price excludes any applicable
The NorthStar fees for the scope of services described in this Statement of Work,including the technology,
communication and administrative fee, is $24,990 USD based on fixed price plus any travel and logistics
T&L)which may be required.
6.2.1 Professional5ervices
1. 50%on SOW signing
2. 20% on installation of mCare 6 software in the customer environment on a non-production or
production server.
3. 20%on move to production environment
4. 10% 10 business days post go-live
Invoices are payable upon receipt,
Quote is valid for 60 days from date of delivery. After 60 days the quote will be considered expired and
would need to be reassessed and re-quoted if still required.
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6.3 Travel and Living Expenses
The above mentioned fees do not include any travel and per diem expenses incurred for on-site visits for
this engagement.
Any travel time will be billed at$75/hour. Orange shall also pay or reimburse travel expenses plus a per
diem reasonably incurred in furtherance of NorthStar duties hereunder.
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Unless NorthStar and/or Orange exercises its right to terminate this SOW due to material breach or
default, NorthStar must provide, and Orange must purchase, services from NorthStar for the items
defined within this SOW.
If Orange and/or NorthStar exercises its right to terminate this SOW due to material breach or default, or
Customer and/or NorthStar terminates this SOW without cause,
Customer's obligation includes the following:
1. Provide notice of 10 calendar days for termination without cause;
2. Return the software to NorthStar and certify, under the hand of a duly authorized officer of
the Organization,that all copies of the software or any part thereof, in any form,within the
possession or control of the Organization have been returned to NorthStar. ('if applicable)
3. Complete payment.for services performed and expenses incurred prior to termination
a. Any amounts previously invoiced but unpaid;
b. Fees for services performed through the termination date which has not been
invoiced; and
c. Any approved travel and living costs.
NorthStar's obligation includes the following:
1. Provide notice of 10 calendar days for termination without cause;
Under no circumstances shall NorthStar be liable for any special, indirect, consequential, punitive or
incidental damages of any kind and shall not be liable for loss of profits, works stoppage, system failure
or malfunction, loss of data or any other damages or losses in connection with this statement of work,
even if NorthStar has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In any event, NorthStar shall not
be liable to pay any amount, in the aggregate,that is greater than the fees received by NorthStar under
this statement of work.
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The Services,fees and delivery schedule for this engagement are based upon the following assumptions:
Any items not explicitly identified within this document are considered out of scope. Any changes to
those responsibilities and/or deliverables will be considered a change in scope for the engagement.
Any proposed change to the engagement scope must be put into written format and be submitted to
NorthStar during this engagement for review and consideration.
This engagement currently has,and will continue to have,the support of senior Orange management
and will be assigned sufficient priority with respect to other project to ensure its success.
Orange will assign a lead to act as an internal resource and guide throughout this engagement.
Orange will secure the appropriate staff in a timely fashion in order to discuss or review the various
materials produced when required.
Orange will provide access and support from the IT group and any other stakeholder, as deemed
necessary by NorthStar throughout this engagement.
Orange agrees to facilitate any required Orange Corporate logistics for the fulfillment of this
Orange will secure, as required and in a timely fashion,the assistance and cooperation of third party
vendors(e.g. CIS,AMI, Payment, Bill View)to ensure a successful mCare 6 implementation.A change
control may be created if the third party vendor is unavailable or non-cooperative and as such results
in an impact to the schedule or effort.
Third party vendor solutions are able to provide information required by the mCare 6 as well as accept
information provided by the mCare 6.
All documentation provided by Orange shall be up-to-date and accurate or if that is not the case,
advise NorthStar as such.
All hardware, software, and network components supplied by Orange are working properly and are
free of defects and will meet minimum hardware standards provided during the engagement.
To minimize project costs, the majority of project work will be performed at one of the NorthStar's
locations except for project activities where face-to-face is deemed more effective.
Orange will provide the appropriate remote access to its network, facilities, and systems as may be
required to perform activities from one of NorthStar's locations. NorthStar shall abide by all rules and
directions of Orange when accessing the Customer's network,facilities or systems.
Price does not iriclude Orange approved travel and living expenses that may be required as part of the
delivery of the engagement unless specified in the contract (i.e. air, car rental, gas, per diem and
hotel). NorthStar will work with Orange to identify most cost effective accommodations for Orange
on-site activities that are mutually agreed upon.
Orange resources will be available as required for Acceptance Testing. It is expected that the
individuals identified will have experience in the day-to-day operations and will work closely with the
NorthStar Consultantto resolve issues as required.The main purpose forthis interaction is to provide
a quick and consistent response to procedural issues so that the NorthStar Consultant is not required
to contact a large number of Users.
mCare 6 may have dependencies on NorthStar database and code libraries being up-to-
date. Orange's TEST environment will be patched up to the latest Maintenance Release prior to
deployment of the custom mod. Note; mCare 6 testing phase may need to be extended based on
the number of upgrade patches required to properly update the TEST environment to the NorthStar
recommended release state.
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Accepted on this day by:
City of Orange NorthStar Utilities Solutions
gy: !a.e,- Tau.e 6.e,e, By; ' '
rvame: amey Taulbee Name: Sean Sykes
Title: Finance Manager Title: Vice President Sales & Marketing
Date: 03/11/2020 oate: 03/25/2020
Please sign and return this document by email to Paven Sekhon at
o_.. . _ ._.. _ ____.._}
mCare 6 recommends two installation environments, a test instance and a production instance. All
environments can be run within a virtual configuration so long as the adequate number of physical
resources are allocated appropriately to the virtual machine.
In all cases, the database environment recommended is SQL Server 2016 and this will be installed and
configured as part of the implementation process.
The production environment will require the purchase of a certificate from a central authority (CA) to
ensure that the application can be configured for use on a secure port for SSL.
Recornmended iOS,Android,i Jindows 10 Tablet Specs:
Screen Size 8" (320 ppi density)or 9.7" (^'264) (4:3 ratio)
1536 x 2048 pixels,4:3 ratio
CPU dual-core 1.5 GHz(min 133 GHz)
2G6 of RAM (min 1.5 GB)
Back Facing Camera
LTE or LTE adapter
Recommended Devices (Used in Development Testing):
Apple iPad Mini 4 8"
0 Apple 5th Gen 9.7„
Galaxy Tab S2 8"
Galaxy Tab S2 9.7"
Surface Pro 4 12.3"
Device Resolution Check
To check if device you are planning to use has the right resolution CSS width and CSS height,you can
connect to the website below with the actual device
https://www.mvd evi ce.i o/
If you do not have access to the device,check the reference list below
To run mCare 6 on your tablet you will need the CSS width to be min 750 pixels,CSS height to be min
1024 pixels.
You can also apply this formula if you do not have access to the device at this time and the device is not
in the list above
CSS Width= Physical Resolution Width/(Screen PPI/160)
CSS Height= Physical Resolution Height/(Screen PPI/160)
Example: 1536 x 2048 pixels,4:3 ratio(^320ppi density)
CSS Width= 1536/(320/160)=768
CSS Height=2048/(320/160)=1024