ORD-40-70 DEFINES DRIVE IN OR WALK UP RESTAURANTS AND DRIVE IN THEATERS AND REQUIRES THE APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH SUCH USES IN ANY C OR M ZONESGE crTY NEWS:Please publish Wednesday, December 2, 1970, only, and send PROOF and Proof of publication to City Clerk, P. O. Box 449, Orange, Calif. 92669. EMILY L. HILSON. CIT'! CLUU, ORDINANCE NO. 40-70 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORANGE DEFINING DRIVE-IN OR WALK-UP RESTAURANTS AND DRIVE-IN THEATERS AND REQUIRING THE APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH SUCH USES IN ANY C OR M ZONE IN THE CITY OF ORANGE.THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORANGE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:SECTION I:a) b) following uses shall be permitted in the C-l, C- 2,M-2 zones only upon the approval of a conditional accordance with the requirements of Section 9114.1 Munic ipal Code:Drive-In or Walk- Up Restaurants,Drive-In Theaters.The C- 3 M-l and use permit in of the Orange SECTION II:The following terms shall be defined as follows: a) Drive-In or Walk-Up Restaurants: Any establish-ment where food or beverages are sold to the con-sumer where provision is made for the serving and consumption of food or beverages to patrons in vehicles parked on the premises or where facilities are located on the premises for the serving and/or consumption of food or beverages outside the confines of the main building.b) Drive-In Theater: Any premises conducting an entertainment activity outside the confines of a. building consisting of an outdoor screen on which motion pictures are projected or consist-ing of outdoor theatrical performances presented for viewing to patrons seated in vehicles or on outdoor seats and for which an admission charge is made.I I SECTION II I:The foregoing is adopted as an urgency ordinance. The facts constituting the urgency are as follows:A drive-in theater has been established in the industrial area of the City of Orange located at the northwest corner of Katella Avenue a.nd Main Street without being required to seek the approval by the City of a conditional use permit. As a conse-quence, the City was unable to review this proposal as a condi- tional use permit with the result that many problems have T~, location. The traffic situation on the public streets adjacent to this use is extremely dif~i~ult to manage at certain peak hours. By the use of a condltlonal use permit applications for drive- in theater uses can be reviewed and ~ppropriate con- ditions and safeguards imposed to protect the public interest and promote the general welfare of the City of Orange. In view of the fact that further applications for drive-in theater uses are possible, it is necessary in order to preserve protect and promote the general health, safety and welfare of the City ,of Orange to establish some requirements by which such a use may be reviewed by the Council and Planning Commission of the City.In addition, recently many applications have been received for sma.ll commercial booths and small drive- in and walk-up restaurants in commercial and industrial areas of the city. These applications have been established without benefit of a conditional use permit review and therefore the Planning Commission and City Council were unable to impose conditions,limitations and safeguards to protect the public safety, health and welfare of the city. The requirement of approval of a conditional use permit in order to establish a drive-in or walk-up restaurant will permit the City to review applications for such special use restaurants and will permit the City to impose appropriate safeguards and limitations to protect the general welfare. At the time of the enactment of this urgency ordinance, an application for a small walk-up res taurant is pending at the southeast corner of Katella Avenue and Tustin Street, which location poses many problems for the City and aggravates a pre- existing difficult traffic situation at this intersection.Therefore, in order to protect the public health,safety and welfare, the City of Orange does hereby enact this ordinance as an urgency ordinance to take effect immediately and to be effective for a ninety-day period unless further extended pursuant to law. A danger exists that persons, firms,or entities may seek to establish drive-in and walk-up re~taurants as well as drive-in theaters within the City of Orange prlor to the effective date of any permanent zoning ordinance designed to regulate the aforementioned types of businesses and during the time the Planning Commission and City Council of the City of Orange are holding the public hearings necessary to establish a permanent zoning ordinance necessary to regulate said bus inesses .i I I Therefore, pursuant to the procedures of Section 65858 of the Government Code, the City Council ~f the City o~ Orange hereby enacts this ordinance as an interlm ordinan~e ln order to protect the public health, safety and welfare prlor to the enactment of a permanent zoning ordinance regulating the matters contained herein. STATE OF CALIFORNIA )COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss.CITI OF ORANGE )I, EMILY L. WILSON, City Clerk of the City of Orange, California,DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was regularly introduced, read by Title, and was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council,of the City of Orange, held on the 24th day of November, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: JORDAN, HILEMAN, HOYT, PEREZ, SMITH 1 NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE WITNESS my hand and seal this 25th day of November, 1970.SEAL) y / JL1~r~j Emil~~. Wilson City Clerk l I