ORD-35-70 CREATING AND ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AND PRESCRIBING THE POWERS AND DUTIES THEREOFi.....- Pleasepublish Wednesday, November 11, 1970, only, and send PPOOF and Proof of Publication to City Clerk, P.O. Box 449, Orange, Calif. 92669.EMILY L. WILSON, CiTY CLERK J!.ANGE CITY NEWS:ORDINANCE NO. 35- 70 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORANGE AMENDING ARTICLE IX, PLANNING AND ZONING, CHAPTER 1, ZONING, BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 9130, ET SEQ., CREATING AND ESTABLISH-ING THE OFFICE OF ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AND PRESCRIBING THE POWERS AND DUTIES THEREOF.THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORANGE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 9130 Intent and Purpose.SECTION I: The office of Zoning Administrator is hereby established to perform certain duties hereinafter specified pursuant to the authority granted to municipalities by the State Planning Act. The office of Zoning Administrator shall be created for the following purposes:a) To provide a means of appeal by an applicant request-ing relief from administrative determinations, actions and decisions as specified herein.b) To provide a method by which minor adjustments from ordinance requirements may be permitted without the necessity of the delays incident to the setting of such matters for public hearing before the Planning Commission.Section 9130. 1 Creation of Office of Zoning Administrator.c) To relieve the City Planning Commission from the performance of certain functions of a minor routine nature which tend to divert this body from the planning and major zoning functions entrusted to said commission by the Orange Municipal Code and the laws of the State of California.d) To provide better and faster municipal service to the citizens of the city and to those persons desir-ing to develop projects within the city through the reduction of the time necessary to consider minor adjustments from ordinance requirements.For the purpose of performing the duties hereinafter specified, there is hereby created the office of Zoning Administrator pursuant to the authority granted to cities in Section 65900 of the Government Code of the State of California.1- Section 9130.2Appointment of Zoning Administrator.The City Manager shall appoint the Zoning Administrator and such additional persons to act for, and in behalf of the Zoning Administrator during his absence as the City ,Manager shall deem necessary. Qualifications for the office of Zoning Administrator and such additional persons shall be as determined by the City Manager.Section 9130.3 Authority of Zoning Administrator.The Zoning Administrator shall have authority to grant administrative adjustment permits as provided herein and to hear and grant applications for variances,conditional use permits, and other matters more particularly specified herein.Section 9130.4 powers and Duties of Zoning Administrator.The Zoning Administrator shall have power to consider the following matters:a) Applications for certain conditional use permits.The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to determine the following conditional use permits subject to the criteria set forth in Section 9l14.l of this code and subject to the requirements set forth in Sections 9114. 2 through 9114.5 of the Orange Municipal Code. The following conditional use permits may be approved, conditionally approved,or denied by the Zoning Administrator:1) Creation of lots or building sites with no direct access to a public street.2) Application for permit to move any existing structure or building onto a building site from another location or building site.3) Permits for the on-sale sale of alcoholic beverages in bona fide restaurants.b) Applications for variances.The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to determine the following applications for variances subject to the criteria set forth in Section 9l14.l of the Orange Municipal Code. The requirements of Sections 9114.2 through 9114.5 of the Orange Municipal Code shall be applicable to the consideration of 2- variance applications. The following variances may be approved, conditionally approved or denied by the Zoning Administrator: ' 1) Alterations to existing structures which do not conform to yard, areas, and height provis ions. 2) Th7 c?nstruc~ion and location of accessory bu~ld~ngs wh~ch do not conform to the require- ments of the Orange Municipal Code. 3) Waiver of the following building site require- ments for buildings constructed on a sing Ie lot or for buildings constructed on separate parcels of land provided there are less than five (5) lots or parcels: a) Building height. b) Building setback and yard requirements. c) Building site area. d) Building site coverage. e) Building site width. w 4) Waiver of fence requirements. 5) Waiver of garage location and access requirements. 6) Waiver of landscaping requirements. 7) Waiver of parking lot standards. 8) Waiver of sign requirements. c) Adminis trative Adiustment Permits. The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to determine applications for administrative adjust- ment permits in appropriate cases and where the basic criteria for said permits are met. The following shall be deemed to constitute administrative adjust- ments which may be approved, conditionally approved, or denied without a public hearing before the Zoning Adminis trator: a) Front yard - a maximum of 20% .b) Rear yard - a max imum of 20'70 .c) Side yard - a maximum of 20'70 .2) Allother dimensional or percentage requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.All Zones - a maximum of 10% .1) Dimensional requirements of yards and setbacks. d)The Zoning Administrator shall have the following additional authority and duties:1)Subject to the provisions of this code the Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to make a declaration as to what constitutes the front of a lot.3)The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to approve site development and building elevation plans referred to him by the City Councilor the Planning Commission.The Zoning Administrator shall have authority to permit the use of a mobile home for temporary use as an office and/or for storage of material in accordance with the policy set forth in City Council Resolution No. 3252.2)4) The Zoning Administrator may grant extensions of time on any of the variances or conditional use permits heretofore approved by the Zoning Administrator.5) The Zoning Administrator may choose not to make a determination on any application which comes within the scope of his review if he deems it to be in the community interest that he not make such determination, and in such cases, he shall refer the application to be heard and determined by the Planning Commission, as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. e) The Zoning Administrator may approve any application,deny any application, or approve any application conditionally upon reasonable conditions, or approve any modified application.f) All matters decided by the Zoning Administrator may be appealed in writing by any interested party or by any member of the City Councilor Planning Commission within fifteen (15) calendar days after the decision of the Zoning Administrator. Whenever the Planning Commission has initiated the appeal,the matter shall be placed on public hearing before the Planning Commission and may be appealed further in writing to the City Council by any interested party or by any member of the City Council. Any decision appealed may be affirmed, reversed, or modified by the body hearing the appeal.4- L,., h) The Zoning Administrator shall adopt rules and regulations to govern the procedures at the public meeting and is to set a time for such meetings as he may determine for any application. All public hearings shall be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall and shall be open to the public. The Zoning Administrator shall record his findings in full in writing, and his written order, based on such findings, shall be conclusive and final unless appealed in writing in the time set forth in Section 9114.10. g) Section 9130.5 Interpretation of Inconsistent Provisions. In the event any inconsistency is found to exist between any of the provisions of Sections 9130 through 9130.4, and any provisions of the Orange Municipal Code other than Sections 9130 through 9130.4, the provisions of Sections 9130 through 9130.4 shall prevail. SECTION II: This ordinance shall be published once within fifteen 15) days after its pas sage in the Oran ge City News, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the City of Orange, and shall take effect thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final passage. ADOPTED this 3rd day of November 1970. I I I I H i[ i f...e'<z:<',<,) o t e C~ty 0 Orange STATE OF CAL IFORN IA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ORANGE ) ATTEST: I, EMILY L. WILSON, City Clerk of the City of Orange, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance wss introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council duly held on the 13th day of October, 1970. and thereafter at an adjourned regular meeting of said City Council duly held on the 3rd day of November, 1970, was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, and that said Ordinance was passed and adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COUNCILMEN: HOYT, PEREZ, SMITH NOES: COUNCILMEN: JORDAN ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: HILEMAN WITNESS My hand and seal this SEAL) 4th day of November, 1970., j. " fJI< h / .. ) h;>.?..,.<;~ (. . ~~_,,: a.'" 2<' Emily .Y-' Wi son City Clerk5-