ORD-32-70 AMENDING SECTION 6400 OF THE OMC BY ADDING THERETO DEFINITIONS OF CERTAIN TERMSf, CITY NEWS:Please publish Wednesday, September 16 1970 onl diPV, au' B CU( ROOF an d Proof of publication to City Clerk POBox 449' Or C lifIangeta . 92.669. EMIL U_,-Ii' 1I.SON_....f.:lJL.-C hrk ORDINANCE NO. 32-70 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ORANGE AMENDING SECTION 6400 OF THE ORANGE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO DEFINITIONS OF CERTAIN TERMS.THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORANGE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:SECTION I:Section 6400 of the Orange Municipal Code shall be amended by adding the following definitions thereto:PREMISES shall include land, buildings, vehicles and ships and other vessels wherein food is handled,stored, distributed, prepared, processed, served or sold, and also equipment installed or used in food establishments or on such premises.BAKERY means any room, building, premises or place which is used or operated for commercial baking,preparing, manufacturing, processing or packaging of bakery products. It includes all rooms of a bakery in which bakery products or ingredients are stored or handled. It does not, however, include any restaurant as defined in this Section.RESTAURANT means any coffeeshop, cafeteria, short-order cafe, luncheonette, tavern, cocktail lounge,sandwich stand, soda fountain, private and public school cafeteria or eating establishment, in-plant or employee eating establishment, and any other earing establishment, organization, club, including veterans' club, boardinghouse, guesthouse, or political subdivision, which gives, sells, or offers for sale, food to the public, guests,patrons, or employees as well as kitchens in which food is prepared on the premises for serving else-where, including catering functions. The term restaurant" shall not include itinerant res-taurants, vending machines, food vending vehicles or vessels, cooperative arrangements by employees who purchase food or beverages for their own con-sumption and where no employee is - assigned full time to care for or operate equipment used in such arrange-ment, or private homes; nor shall the term "restaurant"include churches, church societies, private clubs or other nonprofit associations of a religious, philan-thropic, civic improvement, social, political, or educational nature, which purchase food, food products,or beverages or which receive donations of food, food products, or beverages, for service without charge to their members or for service or sale at a reasonable charge to their members or to the general public at occasional fundraising events, for conswnption on or off the premises at which the food, food products, or beverages are served or sold, if the service or sale of such food, food products or beverages does not constitute a primary purpose or function of the club or association, and if no employee or member is assigned full time to care for or operate equipment used in such arrangement. Provided, however, that any itinerant restaurant, vending machine, or cater- ing vehicle designed and constructed by a private, profit-making person, firm or entity for continuous or periodic use as a~ises for food or beverage distribution shall be required to have a permit issued by the Department regardless of whether said premises is owned or temporarily or permanently in the possession of any of the aforementioned described clubs or nonprofit entities. w-ITINERANT RESTAURANT means any restaurant, operating from temporary facilities, serving, offering for sale,selling, or giving away food or beverage, and includes,but is not limited to, a restaurant where only wrapped sandwiches or other wrapped and packaged, ready-to-eat foods are served, and any mobile unit on which food is prepared and served. Itinerant restaurant does not include catering vehicle.VENDING MACHINE means any self-service device which,upon insertion of a coin, coins, or token, or by similar means, dispenses unit servings of food or beverage, either in bulk or in package, without the necessity of replenishing the device between each vending operation, but not including devices dis-pensing peanuts, wrapped candy, gum, or ice exclusively.CATERING VEHICLE means any vehicle from which ready-to-eat pre- packaged foods and beverages, in individual portions, are sold to the public, including wrapped sandwiches, wrapped pastries, bottled soft drinks,bulk soft drinks and coffee, canned soups, tamales and other similar foods. "Catering vehicle" does not include bakery vehicles, produce peddlers, ice cream peddlers and similar food-selling vehicles.j~CT1QN II:This ordinance shall be published once within fifteen 15) days after its passage in the Oranle City News, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the City of Orange, and shall take effect thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final passage. ADOPTED this 8th dayof September 1970.g rJ; ~t:L( r' , '" Mayor 0the City 0 Orange ATTEST: xz';")1,',,-, \Ci ty -> ci~ / ~t:~~~ t~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA )COUNTY OF ORANGE )CITY OF ORANGE )ss. I, EMILY L. WILSON, City Clerk of the City of Orange, California,00 HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council duly held on the 25th day of August, 1970, and thereafter at a regular meeting of said City Council duly held on the 8th day of September, 1970, was duly passed and adopted by said City Council,and that said ordinance was passed and adopted by the following vote, to wit:It AYES: COUNCILMEN: JORDAN, HILEMAN, HOYT, PEREZ, SMITH NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE WITNESS my hand and seal this 9th day of September, 1970.SEAL) t~{~ tf, { c/4'?l'a_CX-l. lyWilsonCity lerk