ORD-10-70 GOVERNING BUILDING AND STRUCTURAL SET-BACK REQUIREMENTS ALONG CERTAIN STREETSORDINANCE NO. 10- 70 AN INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ORANGE AMENDING SECTION 9113.43 OF THE ORANGE MUNICIPAL CODE GOVERNING BUILDING AND STRUCTURAL SET-BACK REQUIREMENTS ALONG CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF ORANGE, to assist of Orange WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of in the redevelopment of certain portions in the vicinity of the Plaza Square; and Orange des ires of the City WHEREAS, the change and reduction of the building and structural set-back requirements hereinafter described are necessary to, and will assist in, the redevelopment of the hereinafter described streets; and WHEREAS, Section 65850(e) of the Government Code as well as Section 65853 of the Government Coderequirethatregu-lations establishing set-back lines be enacted pursuant to the procedures specified in Sections 65854 to 65857, inclusive, of the Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Orange is desirous of establishing set- back lines on the hereinafter described streets which set-back requirements shall be effective immediately and during the time that the Planning Commission of the City of Orange and the City Council of the City of Orange are conducting public hearings for the establishment of perma-nent set-ba. ck lines along the hereinafter described streets.NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORANGE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:SECTION I:Subsections 2 and 4 of Section 9113.43 shall be amended to read as follows:I. NORTH-SOUTH STREETS. 2. Glassell Street, from La Veta Avenue to Almond Avenue, on both sides, forty-six 46) feet from the centerline.4. Glassell Street, from Maple Avenue to Collins Avenue, on both sides, forty-six 46) feet from the centerline. Glassell Street, from Collins Avenue to Taft Avenue, on both sides, fifty-three (53)feet from the centerline. Subsection 2 of Sec tion 9113. 43 shall be amended to read as follows:II. EAST-WEST STREETS.2. Cha.pman Avenue, from Main Street to Lemon Street, on both sides, fifty (50) feet from the centerline. Chapma. n Avenue, from Lemon Street to the BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance shall be effective for ninety (90) days from the date of adoptionthereof. SECTION II: follows: The reasons for the urgency of this ordinance are as The City Council, pursuant to the authority grantedbySection65858oftheGovernmentCodeoftheStateofCalifornia,desires to enact the foregoing ordinance as an interim urgencyordinancefortheprotectionofthepublicsafety, health andwelfareinorderthatbuildingandstructuralset-backrequire-ments along the aforementioned streets in the City ofOrangeshallbeapplicableduringthetimesubsequenttoFebruary10,1970, in which both the Planning Commission and CityCouncilwillbeconductingpublichearingsinordertoestablish a permanent ordinance regulating building and structural set-back requirements along the aforementioned streets in theCityofOrange, In the meantime, prior to the effective date of a permanent ordinance establishing building and structural set-back requirements, the interim urgency ordinance shallregulatetheaforementionedset-back requirements. It is necessary that the revised set-back requirements hereinbefore set forth shall be applicable to the aforementioned streets in the City of Orange in order to expedite the redevelopment of the Plaza Square area of the City of Orange.ADOPTED this 10th day of February, 1970.n /~Mayor of t e ~ y 0 Orange ATTEST:STATE OF CALIFORNIA )COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss.CITY OF ORANGE )I, EMILY"L. WILSON, City Clerk of the City ofOrange, California,DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was regularlyintroducedandreadandwaspassedandadoptedataregularmeetingoftheCityCouncil, of the City of Orange, held on the 10th day of February, 1970, bythe following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN:COUNCILMEN:JORDAN, HOYT, PEREZ, SMITH NONE HILEMAN WITNESS my hand and seal this 11th day of February, 1970.SEAL)r./ '{/ .c.4'Ij,::-, /, ~,~ j X-.I;?'1- z.( ~ Y' t~*/l-<._ -' '~-' ......... Emily ,15, Wilson City 'Clerk 2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ss COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I, EMILY L. WILSON, CITY CLERK ,hereby certify that that on Barbara L. Sack. Deoutv Februarv 12 ,19..19.-, Ipos ted a copy of the hereinafter described public document, a copy of which document so posted is attached hereto, made a part hereof, and incor-porated herein as though fully set forth herein, at the follow-ing locations: i~ X ( 1)X (2) lL- X ( 3)The Orange Civic Center, 300 East Chapman Avenue, Orange, California.Orange Public Library, Main Library,101 North Center Street, Orange, California.United States Post Office, Main Office,308 West Chapman Avenue, Orange, California.W. O. Hart Memorial Park, 701 South Glassell Street, Orange, California.Initial at least three (3) places at which posting performed.) designated by Ordinance of the City of Orange as public places 4)within the City of Orange for posting copies of the aforementioned and described public document.I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.12th day of Executed in the City of Orange, California, on the Ordinance No. 10-70 Februarv 19 70 A~~,\ y1J)~~ ~~c:?'