ORD-03-70 REGULATING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF BUILDINGS CONTAINING LESS THAN 200 SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA (2)ORDINANCE NO. 3- 70 AN INTERIM AND URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ORANGE AMENDING SECTION 9l08(f) OF THE ORANGE MUNICIPAL CODE AND REGULATING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF BUILDINGS CONTAINING LESS THAN 200 SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA.WHEREAS, several applications have recently beenmadetotheCityofOrangefortheestablishmentofsmallconnnercialboothsforthedistributionandprocessingofphotographicfilm; and WHEREAS, said booths are occupied by one or more but usually not more than two employees and contain less thantwohundred (200) square feet of floor area; and WHEREAS, said commercial booths and other similar booths are often separated from other commercial buildings and establishments located on the same or adjacent parcels of real property and said booths are often designed to serve the occu-pants of automobiles as a "drive-up" use; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Orange is of the opinion that commercial booths separated from other larger commercial buildings occupied by one ortwoemployeesandcontaininglessthantwohundred (200) square feet of gross floor area should not hereafter be permitted to be established in the City of Orange due to the adverse effects on pedestrian and vehicular traffic and because of the small floor area of such commercial booths there is an inability to provide for the essential needs and for the protection of the occupants of such booths;NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORANGE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I:Section 9108(f) of the Orange Municipal Code is herebyamendedtoaddSubdivision4toread as follows:4. Any btJ.lding, with a gross fbor area of lesa than 200 square feet,all of the walls of which are separated from anylargerbuildingsanddevotedtoanycommercialusewhichisoccupied, or designed to be occupied, by one or more persons engaged in the retail sale of goods or services from aaid building shall require approval of a conditional use permit when such a building is intended to be,and is, used for the conduct of a principal or primary permitted use and such a building is not accessory to another prinCipal or primary permitted use conducted on the same parcel ofrealproperty.Provided, nothing contained herein shall permit the establishment of such a building for the conduct of a principal orprimaryper-mitted use in any M-l or BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance shall be effective for ninety (90) days from the date of adoption thereof: SECTION II: The reasons for the urgency of this ordinance are as follows: Representatives of the Fotomat Corporation have recently made application to the City Council to construct a small commercial booth on certain vacant real property located on the south side of Katella Avenue, west of Tustin Street, in the City of Orange. Both the Planning Commission and City Council have rejected this application pursuant to the requirements of the Orange Municipal Code. The City Council of the City of Orange is of the opinion that this interim and urgency ordinance should be enacted in order that the public peace, health, safety and welfare will not be endangered by the construction of small buildings containing less than two hundred (200) square feet in gross floor area on large undeveloped parcels of real property. The construction of such buildings on large parcels of vacant land result in the creation of such small buildings that the needs of the public and persons employed to occupy such small buildings cannot be effectively served when few other supporting facilities are located near said building. Further, the location of such small commercial booths constructed near public streets and thoroughfares will result in a danger to, and an impediment and delay in, vehicular traffic circulation on said streets and thoroughfares. ADOPTED this 13th day of January 1970. ATTEST: J'y' /' l- t:..Lv'. ;'/"-(--L-drC''''''"i: c(.. City C7erk of the City of Orange i\ Mayor of the t ,,_ (..<>' l-:''':~_ ~..""",_ c;/'/ c.. .(~,'%~" v;;-... /",I? (":' ,.' / 'CityofOrange "2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ORANGE ) I, EMILY L. WILSON, City Clerk of the City of Orange, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was regularly introduced and read and was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council, of the City of Orange, held on the 13th day of January, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: JORDAN, HOYT, PEREZ, SMITH. NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: HILEMAN WITNESS my hand and seal this 14th day of January, 1970. SEAL)e: .'f xfy./Vk/>nv Emil: jYrL. Wilson City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I,EMILY L. WILSON, CITY CLERK hereby certify that rOam Barbara L. Sack, Deputy that on January 29 19 70 , I posted a copy of the hereinafter described public document, a copy of which document so posted is attached hereto, made a part hereof, and incor- porated herein as though fully set forth herein, at the follow- ing locations: 1e./ x (1) k(2) eo-- x (3) The Orange Civic Center, 300 East Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. 4) Orange Public Library, Main Library, 101 North Center Street, Orange, California. United States Post Office, Main Office, 308 West Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. W. O. Hart Memorial Park, 701 South Glassell Street, Orange, California. Initial at least three (3) places at which posting performed.) designated by Ordinance of the City of Orange as public places within the City of Orange for posting copies of the aforementioned and described public document. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in the City of Orange, California, on the 29th day of January 19 70 J2~ 4~2( Ordinance No. 3-