ORD-01-70 ADDING CERTAIN SECTIONS TO ARTICLE VIII CHAPTER 1, OF THE OMC RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITSORDINANCE NO. 1- 70 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ORANGEADDINGCERTAINSECTIONSTOARTICLEVIII, CHAPTER I, OF THE ORANGE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS.THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORANGE DOESORDAINAS FOLLOWS:SECTION I:Section 8100.18 shall be added to the Orange MunicipalCodetoreadas follows:Section 8100.18 BUILDING PERMITS. ISSUANCE PROHIBITED IN CERTAIN CASES.No permit for the erection of any building or structure,or license to permit the conduct of any use shallbeissuedforaperiodofthreemonthsafterthequestionofamendingtheZoningOrdinancesoastoprohibit the use or building contemplated in the area concernedhasbeenreferredbytheCityCounciltothePlanningCom-mission to hold a public hearing on the question of adopting such amendment. Provided that if finalactionbytheCityCouncilisnottakenonthequestionwithinthreemonthsofthetimethematterissoreferredtoholdapublichearing, the permit shall be issued. If within such three-month period, the City Council shall pass an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance soastoprohibitsuchbuildings, structure or use, no such permit shall be issued. " SECTION II:Section 8100.19 shall be added to the OrangeMunicipalCodetoread as follows:Section 8100.19 SAME. REVOCATION.If a permit for any such building or structureoralicensefortheconductofanysuchbusiness oruse, has been issued prior to such reference, but the business or use has not been established, or no substantialpartoftheconstructionhasbeencompletedatthetimeofsuchreferencesuchastocreatealegalvestedright to a building permit, or license, such license orpermitshallbesuspendedandnoactiontakenthereunderforaperiodofthreemonthsafterthequestionofamendingtheZoningOrdinancehasbeensoreferred. If final action by the City Council is not taken on the question within three months of the time of reference, the rights under the permit or license may be exercised. If withinsuchthree-month period, the City Council shall pass an ordinance prohibiting the use, building or structure on the site involved, such prohibition shall be applicable to the holder of such permit or license and such permit or license shall thereby be revoked bytheBuildingInspectorof the SECTION III: Section 8100.20 shall be added to the Orange Municipal Codetoreadasfollows: Section 8100.20 SAME. ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITDEFERRED. No permit shall be issued for the erection of any build-ing or structure, other than a residence building, untilafterthenextregularorspecialmeetingoftheCityCouncilfollowingtheapplicationtherefor. If at suchmeetingthequestionofamendingtheZoningOrdinancesoastoprohibittheerectionofsuchbuildingorstructureonthesiteconcernedisreferredtothePlanningCom-mission to hold public hearings thereon, the issuranceofsuchpermitshallbedeferredinaccordancewiththeprovisionsofthissection." SECTION IV: Section 8100.21 shall be added to the Orange Municipal Codetoreadasfollows: Section 8100.21 SAME. VARIANCE. If unnecessary hardship or results inconsistent with thegeneralpurposeofSections8100.18, 8100.19 and 8100.20resultthroughthestrictandliteralinterpretationsandenforcementthereof, the Planning Commission shall havetheauthoritytograntsuchvariancesasmaybeinharmonywiththegeneralpurposeandintentofsaidsectionssothatthepublicsafetyandwelfareshallbeservedandsubstantialjusticedone. Applications for variancesshallbemadeinthemannerandformandshallbecon-sidered as provided for in Sections 9114 et seq. ofthiscode." SECTION V: This ordinance shall be posted at three (3) public placeswithintheCityofOrangeasdesignatedbyordinancewithinfifteen (15) days after passage by the City Council of theCityofOrangeinaccordancewiththerequirementsoflaw oftheStateofCalifornia, and shall take effect thirty (30)days from and after the date of its final passage. ADOPTED this 27th day of January, 1970. ATTEST: i. ..,//) 1 Citi~)C~~{~;f ~h~ ~i~~ C~~-<'~~~nge cJ'?': C,'Orange-- 2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ORANGE ) I, EMILY L. WILSON, City Clerk of the City of Orange, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY tha t the foregoing ordinance was in tro duced a t a regular meeting of the City Council duly held on the 13th day of January, 1970, and thereafter at a regular meeting of said City Council duly held on the 27th day of January, 1970, was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, and that said ordinance was passed and adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COUNCILMEN: JORDAN, HILEMAN, HOYT, PEREZ, SMITH NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE WITNESS my hand and seal this 28th day of January, 1970. SEAL) 1 ' I,. A:. -'I ~./ /~'" J y', z,'-? ','. -. r-< C<2......'Y(J Emily.rY. Wils on City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY OF ORANGE )CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I,EMILY L. WILSON, CITY CLERK hereby certify that r-anr Barbara L. Sack, Deputy that on January 29 19~, I posted a copy of the hereinafter described public document, a copy of which document so posted is attached hereto, made a part hereof, and incor- porated herein as though fully set forth herein, at the follow- ing locations: Lx (1) kX(2) ha/ X (3) The Orange Civic Center, 300 East ChapmanAvenue, Orange, California. Orange Public Library, Main Library,101 North Center Street, Orange, California. United States Post Office, Main Office,308 West Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. W. O. Hart Memorial Park, 701 South GlassellStreet, Orange, California. Initial at least three (3) places at which posting performed.) designated by Ordinance of the City of Orange as public places 4) within the City of Orange for posting copies of the aforementioned and described public document. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in the City of Orange, California, on the 29th day of January 1970 2e,f' AJ ~-t7' 1-" ~Ordinance No. 1-70