STANDARDS WHEREAS, on June 18, 1984, the Planning
Commission adopted Resolution No. PC 26-84 which
recommended approval of the Specific Plan - Upper Peters Canyon with
Addendum Sheets; certification of Final Draft Environmental
Impact Report No. 868, including comments thereon; a Statement
of Findings; Statements of Fact; a Statement of
Overriding Considerations; and General Plan Land Use Element
Amendment No. 2-
84-A; and WHEREAS, on August 14, 1984, the City
Council held a public hearing on the recommendations of
the Planning Com-mission as set forth in Resolution No. PC
26-84 and additional Addendum Sheets submitted by
the Planning Consultant Phillips Brandt Reddick, dated August 9, 1984,
and by The Irvine Company, dated
August 14, 1984; and WHEREAS, on August 21, 1984,
the City Council adopted Resolution No. 6156 which adopted Chapters 1
and 2 of the Specific Plan - Upper Peters Canyon,
subject to certain addendum sheets and specific agreements made
at the public hearing; approved General Plan Land
Use Element Amendment No. 2-84-A; certified
Environmental Impact Report No. 868;and resolved to proceed
forthwith to annex the
230-acre Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, Chapters 1 and
20f the said Specific Plan set forth the guidelines for
the development of said Project and Chapter
3, entitled "Development Standards", sets forth regulations to provide for
the orderly development of 2,000 dwelling units and 15 acres of
mixed use in the Upper
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the
provisions of Chapter 3 should be implemented by ordinance
to insure proper notice and hearing prior to any amendments
thereto; and
WHEREAS, a copy of Chapter 3, entitled "Development
Standards", of the Upper Peters Canyon Specific Plan, consist-
ing of Pages 3-1 through 3-27, is attached hereto,
made a part hereof and designated herein as
Exhibit "A".NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City
of Orange does ordain that Chapter 3, entitled "
Development Standards",of the Upper Peters Canyon Specific Plan, attached
hereto as Exhibit "A", is
hereby adopted.ADOPTED
Orange ATTEST:City Cler of he ity
of Orange STATE
l ss CITY
OF ORANGE )I, MARILYN J. JENSEN, City Clerk of the City
of Orange,California, do hereby certify that the
foregoing ordinance was introduced at the regular meeting of the
City Council held on the 21st day of August ,
1984, and thereafter at a regular meeting of said City
Council duly held on the 28th day of August , 1984
was duly passed and adopted by the following vote,
SMITH 7Juul ~~Cityclerf:l'Jl t C Y
of Orange ORD 30-84
a) Purpose and Intent
The regulations set forth in this chapter have been established to pro-
vide for the development of 2,000 dwelling units and 15 acres of mixed
use in the Upper Peters Canyon Specifi c Pl an area. These standards
provide for the arrangement, development and use of a variety of
residential housing types and supporting commercial and community
facilities compatible therewith. Application of these regulations is
specifi ca lly intended to encourage the most appropri ate use of the
1 and, create a harmoni ous re 1 ati onshi p among 1 and uses and protect the
health, safety and general welfare of the community. This Specific
Pl an is consi stent with and sat i sfi es the requi rements of the "PC-
Planned Community District", Chapter 17.67 of the City of Orange
Zoning Code.
b) General Notes
1. The continued use of the land for agricultural purposes shall be
permitted subject to the applicable regulations of the "AI-
Agricul-tural District", Chapter 17.08 of the City of Orange Zoning
Code.2. Any land use proposal not specifically covered by the
provisions contained herein shall be subject to the regulations of the
City of Orange Zoning
Code.3. Whenever the regulations contained herein conflict with the
regula-tions of the City of Orange Zoning Code, the regulations of
the Upper Peters Canyon Specific Plan shall take
precedence.4. The maximum total number of dwelling units permitted by the
Upper Peters Canyon Specifi c Pl an shall be 2,000. The maximum number
of dwelling units within each residential category is established
in section 3.1(d), < Statistical Summary. Development of the
maximum number of dwelling units within any residential category shall
be permitted subject to a corresponding reduction in the total
number of dwelling units in one or both of the other residential
cate-gories such that the total number of dwelling units does
not exceed 2,
3-1 EXH\B\
5. The density of any residential development shall be computed by divid-
ing the total number of dwelling units in the parcel by the gross
acres for that parcel. For this purpose, gross acres shall be measured
to the center-l i ne of any i nterna 1 pub 1 i c or pri vate street or to
the ultimate ri ght-of-way 1 i ne of any arteri a 1 hi ghway as des'
i gnated on the City'
s Master Plan.6. All areas designated for residential use may be
developed at a lower resi dent i al dens ity without requi ri ng an
amendment to
the specific plan.7. All construction shall comply with all
provisions of applicable building codes and the various mechanical
codes related thereto.8. Model homes and their garages and private
recreation facilities may be used as offices for the first sale of homes
within a recorded tract and within subsequent simil ar tracts util i zi
ng these same architectural desi gns subject to the regul ati ons of
the City of Orange governing said
uses and activities.9. Grading plans for all projects shall comply with
the City Grading Code. A preliminary engineering geological
report and soil engi neeri ng invest i gat i on showi ng evi dence of a recommend at
i on for a safe and stable development is to be submitted
with the tentative tract map. The recommendations by the
engineering geologist and soil engineer shall be incorporated into the
grading plan design prior to grading permit approval. The soil
engineer and engineer-ing geologist must certify the stability of the
project site prior to issuance
of building permits.10. Grading will be permitted outside of the area
of immediate develop-ment when it is consistent with an approved
grading plan. Stock-pile and borrow sites may be permitted within
areas scheduled for future development, subject to an
approved grading plan.11. Terms used in this document shall have the same
definitions as pro-vided in the City of Orange Zoning Code
otherwise defined herein.12. Plans for the noise attenuation of units
located near arterial highways shall be subject to the approval of
the planning commis-sion to insure that interior noise levels do not exceed
45 CNEL at the time of site plan and/or
13. Conventional developments shall be subject only to tentative tract
map consideration. All other development proposals shall be sub-
ject to Site Plan approval.
14. The regulations and development standards contained herein shall
be subject to the provi si ons of any pre-annexat i on or
development agreement defining the boundaries and locations of regional
trans-portation and recreation
facilities.15. The property owner shall reserve all Eastern Transportation
Corri-dor routes identified by the Orange County Board of
until :a. A route alignment is adopted;
or b. Such routes are otherwise eliminated by the Board
of Supervi
sors.16. pri vate st reets may be permitted subject to Site Pl an revi ew
or the issuance of a Conditional Use
Permit.17. Administrative adjustment permits may be allowed subject to
the provisions of Section 17.94.070 of the City of Orange Zoning
Code.c) General Development
Standards 1. Building setbacks from streets: The following minimum
setbacks shall apply to all structures abutting the following streets.
Set-backs shall be measured from the ultimate right-of-
way line or residential property line
whichever is
Oesignation Newport
Boulevard Chapman Avenue
Canyon View Avenue Co
11 ector
2. Public street standards: Public street rights-of-way
and improve-ments shall be in accordance with City adopted standards,
or as approved by the Director of
Public Works.3. Pri vate st reet standards: Pri vate streets shall be
in accordance with the
following standards:a. Private streets serving 4 or less dwelling units and
having no parking within the travel way shall have a minimum
paved width of
20 feet.b. Private streets more than 150 feet in length,
serving more than 4 dwelling units and with no parking within
the travel way shall have a minimum paved width of
28 feet.c. Private streets where on-street parking will be
limited to one side only shall have a minimum paved width
of 32 feet.d. Private streets with on-street parking
permitted on both sides shall have a minimum paved
width of 36 feet.e. The paved street wi dth (or where requi red
by the City, paved street width and sidewalks)
shall constitute the total right-of-way for
of establishing setback lines for structures.f. Private streets 150 feet or less
in length, serving 4 or more dwelling units and with no
parking within the travel way shall have
a minimum width of 24 feet.4. Fences, walls and hedges: Fences shall
be 1 imited to a maximum height of 6 feet, provided that walls in
excess of 6 feet shall be permitted if required for
the purpose of noise attenuation. Fences within front yard setbacks
or within intersection areas shall
con-form to applicable City regulations.5. Common area landscaping:
All commonly owned property within resi-dential developments shall
be landscaped with a combination of trees, shrubs and ground
cover. Landscaping shall be provided with permanent watering
facilities and shall he perpetually maintained in
a neat, clean and healthy condition.6. Trellis: Open trellis and
beam construction shall be permitted to attach the garage or ca rport to the dwell
i ng and may also extend from the dwelling to the property line
d) Statistical Summary
Land Use
Low Density
Medium Density
Hi gh Dens ity
Mixed Use
Maj or St reets
and Easements
Maximum Density
Units/Gross Acre
Dwell ing Units
229.3 2,0001
For the purpose of these regulations, words, phrases and terms shall be
deemed to have the meani ng ascri bed by thi s sect ion. Words, phrases and
terms not specifically defined herein shall be deemed to have the meaning
described in the City of Orange Zoning Code.
When not inconsistent with the context, the word "or" includes "and", and
the word "and" i nc 1 udes the word "or".
The words "Specifi c Pl an" shall mean the Upper Peters Canyon Specifi c
The word "used" i ncl udes the words "arranged for," "des i gn for", "occupi ed
for" or "i ntended to be occupied for".
Notwithstanding that, the sum of the maximum of the dwelling unit for
each residential category is 2,374, the maximum total number of
dwelling units permitted by the Upper Peters Canyon Specific Plan
shall not exceed 2,000. See General Note No.4, Section 3.1 (b).
The word "permit ted" means permi tted without
discretionary permit but subject to all applicable
the requi rement
for a
II All
Abutt i ng 1 and:
common boundary
a common boundary except that parcels
than a common corner shall not be
havi ng no
consi dered
Admi ni strati ve offi ce: A pl ace of bus i ness for the renderi ng of servi ce
or general administration, but excluding retail sales.
Area per Unit: The rat i 0 of the total area, measured hori zonta lly as a
level plane, of the total land within the boundaries of a development pro-
ject, not including any street right-of-ways or easements
that prohibit surface use of the property, to the number of dwelling units in
a develop-
project.UBI!Building site: A parcel or contiguous parcels of land which
is establish-ed in compliance with the building site requirements of
this code.Buil di ng site coverage: The area of the 1 and withi n the perimeter
of all structures located on the building site, not including the area
under eaves and post supported overhangs and swimming pools, divided hy
the building
site area.Business or commerce: The purchase, sale or other
transaction involving the handling or disposition of any article, substance or
commodity for profit or livelihood; the ownership or management of
office huildings;recreat i ona 1 or amusement enterpri ses; mai ntenance and use of offi
ces by professions and trades
services.ell Centerline: A line in the center of the ultimate
Commercial: Operated or carried on primarily for financial gain.
Commercial recreation: Any use or development, either puhlic or private,
providing amusement, pleasure or sport, which is operated or carried on
primarily for financial gain including establishments where food and hever-
ages are sold as a secondary or ancillary use.
Common area _ commercial (areas used in common): The total area within a
unified shopping center, town center, or business park that is not designed
for rental to tenants and which is available for common use by all tenants
or groups of tenants and their invitees; examples: parking and its appur-
tenances, malls, sidewalks, landscaped areas, puhlic toilets, and service
facil ities.
Common area - parking: A parking plan whereby tenants of a commercial site,
a shopping center or business center share use of a parking area even though
lot lines may bisect the parking area. Some or all of the required parking
for a given use may be located on a separate and non-abutting lot.
Common area _ residential: The area within a residential development that
is not designed as a residential building site, which is owned in common
by homeowners in the development, and which is available for common use or
enjoyment by all property owners in the development and their invitees;
example: common parking facilities, recreation areas, landscaped areas,
open space areas, and natural areas.
Community facility:
benefit and enj oyment
A noncommercial use established primarily for the
of the population of the community in which it is
Communi ty i nformat i on center:
pally used as an information
offi ce for the fi rst sa 1 e < of
related facilities.
A temporary or permanent structure princi-
pavilion and/or temporary real estate sales
homes in the community including parking and
Conventional developments: Conventional developments are defined as areas
developed in such a manner that each dwelling unit is situated on a resi-
dential lot of record and no lot contains more than one (1) dwelling unit.
Designation of conventional development shall be shown on the tentative
tract map. Zero lot line subdivisions are considered conventional
deve 1 opment s.
Cl uster developments: Cl uster developments are defi ned as combi ni ng or
arranging attached or detached dwelling units and their accessory struc-
tures on contiguous or related residential lots of record where the yards
and open spaces are combi ned into more des i rab 1 e arrangements of common
areas which are not a part of the individual lot or record. Designation
of cluster development shall be shown on the tentative tract map.
Condomi ni ums: Condomi n i ums are defi ned as attached or detached dwell i ng
units developed under the statutory condomi ni um requi rements estab 1 i shed
by the state real estate commissioner's office; designation of con-
dominiums shall be shown on the tentative tract map.
Density: The number of dwelling units per gross acre.
Oevelopment project: A project submitted for City revi ew and/or approval
in accordance with City codes and ordinances, eg., site plan, tentative
subdivision map, conditional use permit, etc.
Drive (driveway): A vehicular passageway for the exclusive use of the
occupants of a project or property an their guests. A driveway shall not
he considered a street.
Floor area, gross: The total horizontal floor area of all floors of a
building, including the exterior walls thereof, measured in square feet;
excepting that for commercial, professional and administrative office or
industrial buildings or building complexes, areas used in cOl1l1lon such as,
but not limited to, covered malls, covered walkways, hallways, mechanical
equipment areas, stairwells, roofed patio areas, covered entries, covered
parking, covered driveways and covered loading areas shall not be included
when calculating off-street parking
requirements.Floor area rat i 0: The numeri ca 1 value obtai ned by di vi di ng the
gross floor area of a building or buildings located upon a lot or parcel of
land by the total gross area of such lot or parcel of
lIGII Gross area (gross acres): The entire land area (acres) within
the boundary of a project, measured to the right-of-way line
of any abutting arterial highway or the centerline of any internal
or private street.ross residential density: The density of a
residential project computed by dividing the total number of dwelling units in the project
by the gross area
the project.
IlJll KII IlLII Lot: Any parcel shown on a recorded tract map, a record
of survey recorded pursuant to an approved division of land, lot line
adjustments, a parcel map, or recorded Certificate of Compl iance. A lot is
not necessarily a buil
di ng
Net residential area: The area of land remaining in a project, measured
in acres or square feet, after deduction of the area contained in public
streets, school s, parks, fl ood control works and any other use, easement or
encumbrance which prevents the surface use of the property for a residential
building site or construction of structures.Noncommercial:
An enterprise or activity which is not normally conducted for
profit or gain.11011
area: An area of land, not necessarily contiguous, which is shown
on the Specific Plan Land Use map.Preliminary
landscaping plan: A plan indicating the general location,size,
type of plant materials and groundcover to be located in the yards and
other open areas of a development.Principal
structure: A structure, building or area housing a primary permitted
use. Not an accessory structure.Professional
office: A place where facilities are maintained primarily for the
purpose of consulting with and maintaining records for clients and visitors
and where office and research services are performed for clients.11011
The selling of goods, wares or merchandise directly to the ulti-mate
Riding and hiking trails: Any trail or way designed for and used by eques-
trians or pedestrians.
Ri ght-of -way: An area or stri p of 1 and, either pub 1 i c or pri vate,
on which an i rrevocab le ri ght of passage has been recorded for the use
of vehicles or pedestrians or
lISlI Service commercial: A commercial use which charges for a service,
rather than a commodity, and which is carried on primarily for financial gain
profit.Setback area: The area between the building line and the property
line,or when abutting a street, the ultimate right-
of-way line.Site plan: A plan showing the details of
building locations, structures,parking, vehicular access, landscaping and architectural
design for a project
site.TII IIUII Ultimate right-of-way: The right-of-
way shown as ultimate on an adopted precise plan of
highway alignment, or the street rights-of-way shown within the boundary of a
recorded tract map, a recorded parcel map or a recorded PC development
plan. The 1 atest adopted or recorded document in the above case
shall take precedence. If none of these exist, the ultimate
right-of-way required by the highway classification as shown on the
Master Plan of Streets. In all other instances, the ultimate right-of-way shall
be considered to be the existing right-of-way in the case
a private
Vehicul ar accessway: A pri vate, nonexcl usi ve easement affordi ng vehicul ar
access to abutting properties.
Zero Lot Line: The siting of dwelling units in such a manner that one
side-yard setback is reduced to "0" feet in order to provide a
more desirable outdoor living space for the other side-yard
area. Dwelling units so sited shall have no door or window openings in walls
located on the side
The purpose of site plan review is to implement the provisions of this Specific
Plan and the City of Orange Zoning Code. The standards and criteria
for review shall be solely those contained in this Specific Plan
and applicable Zoning Code sections. Where required by this document,
a site plan shall be submitted to the Planning Commission in accordance
with the following procedures:A.
The applicant shall submit 20 copies of the site plan to the Plan-ning
Department. The site plan shall be drawn to scale and shall indicate
clearly and with full dimensioning the following informa-tion:
Lot dimensions.2.
All buildings and structures: Locations, size, height, proposed use.
Yards and space between buildings.4.
Walls and fences: location, height and materials.5.
Off-street parking: Location, number of spaces and/or dimen-
sions of parking area, internal circulation pattern.
6. Access - pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular, service: Points of in-gress
and egress.7.
Signs: Location, size, height.8.
Loading: Location, dimensions, number of spaces, internal cir-culation.
Lighting: Location and general nature, hooding devices.10.
Landscaping: Location and general nature.11.
Street rights-of-way and
improvements.12. Typical elevations of all
structures.13. Such other information as may be required by the
Planning Oi
rector.B. Within thirty (30) days after submission of the site plan,
the Planning Commission shall approve, approve with conditions
deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare, or
dis-approve the site plan. If no action is taken within the
allotted time the site plan shall be deemed approved, unless the time
limit is waived by the
C. Appeal: The applicant may appeal in writing to the City Council.
Such appeal shall be filed in duplicate with the Planning Depart-
ment within ten (10) days after the decision. The Planning Direc-
tor shall forward the duplicate copy of the appeal to the City
Clerk. The City Council shall consider the appeal at a regular
meeti ng withi n thi rty (30) calendar days fo 11 owi ng the recei pt by
the Clerk of the duplicate copy of the appeal, or within such time
as the Council shall continue the matter. The City Council shall
review the site plan and shall recommend approval, approval with
conditions, or disapproval.
D. The approved site plan, with any conditions shown thereon or
attached thereto, shall be dated and signed by the Planning Commis-
sion's Secretary. One copy of said approved site plan and condi-
tions shall be mailed to the applicant.
E. Before a building permit may be issued for any building or struc-
ture in a development requiring site plan review, the building or
structure must be in conformity with the approved site plan.
F. Revisions to an approved site plan shall be made pursuant to the
procedure set forth in this section.
b) Site plans may be processed concurrently with tentative tract maps.
a) Conditional use permits, where required by this document shall be pro-
cessed in accordance wi th the requi rements of Chapter 17.92 of the
City of Orange Zoning Code.
a) Amendments to the IJpper Peters Canyon Specific Plan shall be in accor-
dance with the provi si ons outl i ned in Ca 1 iforni a Government Code Sec-
tion 65500.
a) Purpose and Applicability
The Low Density Residential district is established to provide for the
development of detached single-family dwelling
units.b) Uses
Permitted A. Detached single-family dwellings (including zero lot
line), with not more than one dwelling on
anyone lot.B. Schools, parks, playgrounds, non-
commercial recreation facilities,and riding, hiking, bicycle
and pedestrian trails.C. Easements and facil it i es for ut il it i es, i ncl udi ng
those for storm drain
and flood control.D. Accessory bui 1 di ngs, structures and uses customa rily i nci
denta 1 to a
permitted use,
including:1. Garages.2. Swimming pools,
spas and jacuzzis.3.
Fences and walls.4. Patio
covers and trellises.5. Garden
structures and greenhouses.6. The keeping of pets of a type readily
classified as being customarily incidental to a permitted
residential use not involving a commercial activity. The
keeping of equine,bovi ne, sheeps, goats and swi ne sha 11
be prohi bited.c) Uses Permitted Subject to a
Conditional Use Permit A. Churches, temples, synagogues and other
places of worship.B. Private and parochial schools,
day care centers.d)
Temporary Uses Permitted A. Model homes, temporary
B.Temporary construction offices
Rea 1 estate signs, future
di rectory signs in conformance
and facil Hies.
development signs
with Section 3.6.
and subdivisionc.
e) Site Development Standards
A. Maximum density: 6.0 dwelling unit per gross residential acre.
B. Minimum area per unit: 6,000 square feet in Planning Areas 1 and
2; 4,500 square feet in Planning Areas 3 and 4.
C. Minimum building site width: no limitation.
D. Minimum building setbacks shall be as follows:
1. Front yard - 20 feet minimum measured from curb 1 ine. Garages shall
be setback a mimimum of 8 feet from curb line, provided the
garage is equi pped with an automati c garage door opener.Garages
shall not be setback from the street between 8 and 23 feet
to ensure that cars parking in the driveway do not over-hang
the si dewa 1 k. If no si dewa 1 k is requi red, the 23-foot
setback may be reduced by 5 feet. If 1 i vi ng areas are pro-
vided above garage, garage sethacks shall apply.
For residential developments with minimum lot areas of 6,000
square feet or greater, a garage setback of 8 feet shall not
occur in more than 20 percent of the lots in any p 1 anni ng
For residential developments with minimum lot areas less than
6,000 square feet, a garage setback of 8 feet shall not occur
in more than 30 percent of the lots in any planning area.
2. Side yard - "0" feet one side, provided that the aggregate of both
side yards shall be a mi nimum of 10 feet. Corner lots shall
provide a street side yard not less than 10 feet.Oetached
garages or other accessory structures shall be situated
a mi ni mum of 4 feet from the main buil di ng and may abut
the side lot line provided:a.
The hei ght of the buil di ng at the si de lot 1 i ne does not exceed
10 feet;3-
b. No eave, projection or overhang extends beyond the property
line; and,
c. Measures are taken to insure the deflection of runoff away
from the property line; except that a minimum setback of 10
feet from the streetside property line shall be maintained
on all corner lots.
3. Rear yard - 15 feet mi nimum, except that extensi ons withi n 10 feet
of the rear property line are permitted provided:a.
The structure is one story (or if two stories, it abuts a street,
alley or public use); and b.
The extension does not exceed 50 percent of the area re-quired
in conforming to the 15 foot rear yard standard.c.
Garages or other accessory structures may abut the rear lot
line provided:1)
That same are detached a mi nimum of 4 feet from the main
Coverage does not exceed 50 percent of the requi red rear
yard area, including any area covered by exten-sions
permitted by (b) above.3)
The height of the building at the rear lot line does not
exceed 12 feet;4)
No eave, projection or overhang extends beyond the pro-perty
1 i ne; and 5)
Measures are taken to insure the deflection of runoff away
from the property line.d.
Where the rear lot line abuts and is common to the boundary of
a street, alley or public use, the depth of all rear yard
requirements may be reduced by 5 feet.4.
Projections into required setbacks:a.
Covered patios, unenclosed on at least two sides, shall be setback
a mi nimum of 5 feet from any property 1 i ne except the
street-side property line of a corner lot, in which
case a minimum setback of 10 feet shall be maintained.
b. Eaves, cornices, chimneys, balconies and other similar
architectural features shall not project more than 4 feet
into any required front or side yard, nor more than 6 feet
into any requi red rear yard.
E. Maximum building height: shall be 35 feet.
F. Offstreet parking requirements: A minimum of two spaces, enclosed
within a garage, shall be provided for each dwelling unit.
a) Purpose and Applicability
The Medium Density Residential district is established to provide for
the development of a vari ety of resi dent i a 1 uses i nc 1 udi ng detached
single-family, attached single-family and
family dwelling units.
b) Uses Permitted A. Detached single-family dwellings
including zero lot line.B. Attached single-family dwellings sharing one
or more common wall(s)including, but not
limited to, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes,town homes and stacked fl ats), subj ect to
an approved Site Pl an.Each dwell i ng may be located on a si ngl e
lot or two or more dwellings may be located on anyone lot
so long as the other provisions of
this article are complied with.C. Multipe-
family dwellings including
condominiums, stock coopera-tives and apartments.D.
Schools, parks, playgrounds, non-commercial recreation facilities,
and riding, hiking, bicycle and pedestrian trails.E. Easements and
facilities for utilities, including
those for storm drain and flood control.F. Accessory
buildings, structures and uses
customarily incidental to a permitted use, including:
1. Garages, carports and open parking
areas.2. Swimming pools,
spas and jacuzzis.3. Fences
and walls,.4. Patio covers
and trellises.5. Garden structures and greenhouses.6. The keeping of pets
of a type readily classified as being customarily
incidental to a permitted residential use not involving
a commercial activity. The keeping of equine,bovine,
c) Uses Permitted Subject to a Conditional Use Permit
A. Churches, temples, synagogues and other places of worship.
B. Private and parochial schools, day care centers.
d) Temporary Uses Permitted
A. Model homes, temporary real estate offices.
B. Temporary construction offices and facilities.
C. Real estate signs, future development signs and subdivision direc-
tory signs in conformance with Section 3.6.
e) Site Development Standards
A. Maximum density: 15.0 dwelling units per gross residential acre.
B. Minimum area per unit:
1. Detached single-family: 2,400 square
feet.2. Attached single-family: 1,400
square feet.C. Minimum building site width:
no limitation.D. Minimum building setbacks for detached
single-family dwellings shall
be as follows:
1. Front yard a. Fifteen feet from any public
street right-of-way line.Garage and carports shall be setback
a minimum of 8 feet from curb line, provided the
garage is equipped with an automatic garage door
opener. Garages and carports shall not be setback from the street between
8 and 23 feet to ensure that cars parking in
the driveway do not overhang the sidewalk. If no
sidewalk is required, the 23-foot setback may be reduced by
5 feet. If living areas are provided
above garage, garage setbacks shall apply.Detached
single family residential developments with any lot proposed to have a garage
setback of 8 feet shall
be subject to site plan review.b. Three feet from any
private street or drive. Garage and carports shall be setback a
minimum of 10 feet from curb line, provided the
garage is equipped with an automatic garage door opener.
setback from the street between 13 and 23 feet to ensure
that cars parking in the driveway do not overhang the
sidewalk. If no sidewalk is required, these distances may
be reduced by 5 feet. If 1 i vi ng areas are provi ded above
garage, garage setbacks shall apply.
2. Si de yard - "0" feet one si de, provi ded that the aggregate of both
side yards shall be a minimum of 10 feet. Detached garages,
carports or other accessory structures shall be situated
a mi nimum of 4 feet from the mai n buil di ng and may abut
the side lot line provided:a.
The height of the accessory structure at the side lot line does
not exceed 10 feet;b.
No eave, projection or overhang extends beyond the property line;
and c.
Measures are taken to insure the deflection of runoff away from
the property line;3.
Rear yard - 10 feet minimum for main buildings.Garages, carports
or other accessory structures may abut the rear lot
line provided:a. That
same are detached a mi nimum of 4 feet from the ma i n buil di
ng;b. Coverage
does not exceed 50 percent of the requi red rear yard area;
c. The
hei ght of the buil di ng at the rear lot 1 i ne does not exceed 12
feet;d. No
eave, project i on or overhang extends beyond the property line;
and e. Measures
are taken to insure the deflection of runoff away from the
property line.4. Projections
into required setbacks:a. Covered
patios, unenclosed on at least two sides, may abut any side
or rear property line.b. Eaves,
cornices, chimneys, balconies and other similar architectural features
shall not project more than 4 feet into any
required front, side or rear yard.3-20
E. Minimum building setbacks for attached single-family and
multiple-family dwellings shall be as
follows:1. The minimum building setback from any public street
right-of-way line shall be 10 feet, except that the pOint of
entry to any garage shall be a minimum of 20 feet from any
public street right-of-way line unless the garage is
equipped with an auto-matic garage door opener, in which case it
shall be a
minimum of 5 feet.2. From any private street or drive 3
feet minimum provided that enclosed garages situated within 20 feet of
any street or drive shall be equipped with
automatic garage door openers.3. The minimum side yard setback for each
dwelling unit and/or accessory structure
shall be 10 feet.4. The minimum rear yard setback for each
dwelling unit and/or accessory structure
shall be 10 feet.5. The minimum horizontal
distance between principal structures
shall be 10 feet.6. Structures which abut a park,
greenbelt or other permanent open space may abut
the common property line.7.
Projections into required setbacks:a. Covered patios, unenclosed on at least
two sides, may abut any side
or rear property line.b. Eaves, cornices, chimneys,
balconies and other similar architectural features shall not project
more than 4 feet into any required front,
side or rear yard.F. Maximum building height:
shall be 35 feet.G. Trash storage and collection
areas: Any residential development proposing three or more dwellings on
anyone building site shall provi de adequate and conveni ent trash storage area (
s) meeti ng City standards and shi e 1 ded from vi ew by an opaque screen
not 1 ess than
6 feet in height.
H. Off-street parkiQg requirements:1. A minimum of two covered spaces
shall be provided for
each detached single-family dwelling unit.2.
Attached single-family and multiple-family developments shall provi de a mi nimum number of res
i dent
Unit Type
2 Bedroom
3 Bedroom
or more) 2.0
Developments proposing 10 or more dwell ing units shall al so
provide guest parking at the ratio of 0.2 parking space per
3. Parki ng area dimensi ons, 1 ocat ion and access shall conform to
the provisions of Section 17.76.060 of the City of Orange
Zoning Code.
a) Purpose and Applicability
The High Density Residential district is established to provide for
the development of attached single-family and multiple-
dwelling units.b)
Uses Permitted A. Attached single-family dwellings sharing one
or more common wall(s), (including, but not limited
to, duplexes, triplexes,fourp 1 exes, townhomes and stacked fl ats) subject
to an
approved Site Plan.B. Multiple-family
dwellings including condominiums, stock cooperatives and apartments, subject to
an approved Site Plan.C. Schools, parks,
playgrounds, non-commercial recreation
facilities and bicycle/pedestrian trails.D. Easements and facilities for
utilities, including those for
storm drain and flood control.E. Accessory buildings, structures
and uses customarily incidental
to a permitted use, including:1. Garages,
carports and open parking areas.2.
3. Fences and walls.
4. Patio covers and trellises.
5. The keeping of pets of a type readily classified as bei ng
customarily incidental to a permitted residential use not
involving a commercial activity. The keeping of equine,
bovine, sheep, goats and swine shall be prohibited.
c) Uses Permitted Subject to a Conditional Use Permit
A. Churches, temples, synagogues and other places of worship.
B. Private and parochial schools, day care centers.
d) Temporary Uses Permitted
A. Model homes, temporary real estate offices.
B. Temporary construction offices and facilities.
C. Real estate signs, future development signs and subdivision direc-
tory signs in conformance with Section 3.6.
e) Site Development Standards
A. Maximum density: 24.0 dwelling units per gross residential acre.
B. Minimum area per unit: 1,200 square feet.
C. Minimum building site width: no limitation.
D. Maximum building site coverage: 70% of the total gross site area.
Covered area shall mean all developed areas including dwellings,
streets, drives, garages, carports and parking areas, exclusive of
open areas, patios or recreation facilities.
E. Minimum building setbacks:
1. The minimum setback from any public street right-of-
way line shall be 10 feet for principal structures and 5
feet for
accessory structures.2. The mi nimum setback from any pri vate street or dri ve
shall be 10 feet for
all structures.3. The mi nimum hori zonta 1 di stance between pri nci pa
1 structures shall be
10 feet.4. The minimum' horizontal di stance between
accessory structures shall be
5 feet.5. Structures which abut a park, greenbelt or other
permanent open space may abut the common
property line.F. Maximum building height: shall be
G. Trash storage and collection areas: Any residential development
proposing three or more dwellings on anyone building site shall
provide adequate and convenient trash storage area( s) meeting City
standards and shielded from view by an opaque screen not less than
6 feet in height.
H. Off-street parking
requirements:1. A minimum number of resident parking spaces per unit shall
be provided as
Studio 1
Bedroom 2
Bedroom 3 Bedroom (or
Parking Spaces/
Unit 1.
0 1.
5 1.
8 2.
Covered Space/
1 2. Guest parking shall be provided at the ratio of 0.2
parking space per
unit.3. Parking area dimensions, location and access shall conform
to the provisions of Section 17.76.060 of the City of
Orange Zoning
Code.3.5 MIXED USE
REGULATIONS a) Purpose and
Applicability The Mi xed Use di stri ct is estab 1 i shed to provi de for the
development of commercial, retail, office, business, and public/quasi-
public uses.All development in the Mi xed Use area shall be subject to
an approved
Site Plan.b)
Uses Permitted A. Banks and
financial institutions.B.
Charitable organizations.C. Community facilities
D. Day care centers.
E. Fraternal and service clubs.
F. Offices, administrative, business and professional.
G. Public facilities including:
1. Libraries
2. Post offices
H. Restaurants (exc 1 udi ng fast-food estab 1 i shments and those servi
ng alcoholic
beverages).I. Retail commercial
uses.J. Retail service
uses.K. Accessory uses and structures clearly incidental to any
principal permitted
use.c) Uses Permitted Subject to a Conditional Use
Permit A. Auto service
stations.B. Bar, tavern, cocktail
lounges.C. Commercial
recreation.D. Hotels and
motels.E. Public safety facilities (police and
fire).F. Restaurants, fast-
food establishments;
alcholic beverages.
restaurants serving d) Site
Development Standards A. Maximum building site coverage: shall be 70%
including principal structure(s) and
parking areas.B. Minimum
building setbacks:1. From any st reet - 20
feet.2. Side setbacks - 10 feet; may be reduced to 0 feet provided that
the main building on the abutting lot is 0 feet and both
parcels are developed at the same time.
3. Rear setbacks - n feet.4.
Nonresidential structures and uses which abut a Low Density,Medium
Density or High Density residential district shall main-tain
a minimum setback of 25 feet, 20 feet and 20 feet, respec-tively,
from the abutting common property line.3-
C. Maximum building height: shall be 35 feet; a maximum of 60 feet
shall be permitted subject to the condition of the Eastern Trans-
portation Corridor in a location adjacent to the Specific Pl an
Lighting: Exterior lighting is required for all parking areas,
walkways and building entrances. All lighting shall be designed
and located to confine direct rays to the premises.
Loading: All loading shall be performed on the site.
areas and platforms shall be screened from view from
streets and residential areas.
Trash and storage area: All storage, including cartons, containers
or trash, shall be sheilded from view by containment within a
building or area enclosed by a wall.
G. Offstreet parking requirements: shall conform to the provisions of
Chapter 17.76 of the City of Orange Zoning Code.
Landscaping: shall be installed and maintained subject to the
following requirements:
1. Boundary landscaping is required for a minimum depth of 5 feet
along a 11 property 1 i nes adjacent to any street. A 1 andscaped
strip with a minimum width of 3 feet is required along all
interior property lines.
2. An additional amount, sufficient to make the total landscaped
area of the site equal to a minimum of 15% of the building site
area shall be landscaped.
3. In addition to requirements 1 and 2 above, a minimum of 15% of
that portion of the site devoted to parking shall be land-
scaped. Parking area shall include parking spaces, drives,
aisles and maneuvering areas.
4. Landscaped areas shall be separated from an adjacent vehicular
area by a wall Or curb at least 6 inches high.
5. All landscaping shall be provided with permanent watering
facilities and shall be maintained in a neat, clean and healthy
conditi on.
I. Screening: shall be installed and maintaned subject to the follow-
ing requirements:
1. All building operating mechanical equipment shall be screened
from view.
2. An opaque screen shall be installed along all exterior bound-
aries, other than streets, where the parcel abuts areas desig-
nated for residential use. Said screen shall consist of one,.
or combination of, solid wood or masonry wall or fence, earthen
berm or dense evergeen plant material, and have a total height
of not less than 6 feet.
3. Screeni ng shall be of a hei ght of 3-1/2 feet withi n 20 feet
of the point of intersection of any vehicular accessway and
a street, sidewalk or other vehicular
accessway.J. Signs: shall comply with the provisions of Section 3.
6.3.6 SIGN
REGULATIONS Signs in the Specific Plan area shall be subject to the provisions
of Chapter 17.78, Sign Ordinance of the City of