07-28-2022 Minutes PPCE APPROVED BY THE PARK PLANNING & COMMUNITY EVENTS COMMISSION ON NOVEMBER 1, 2022 MINUTES City of Orange Park Planning and Community Events Commission July 28, 2022 The Parks Planning & Community Events Commission of the City of Orange, California convened on July 28, 2022 at 5:30 pm in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chamber, 300 E Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. 1. OPENING/CALL TO ORDER Chair Freeman called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 1.1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Commissioner Adam Litwin 1.2 ROLL CALL Present Perez, Ahlswede, Fields, Litwin, and Freeman Absent Rouse, and Vaughn 1.3 ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Freeman welcomed Commissioner Ahlswede. Community Services Director Leslie Hardy introduced the new Community Services Assistant Director, Emily Bustamante. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3.1. Approval of meeting minutes of the Park Planning & Community Events Commission of the City of Orange for the April 27, 2022 Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Fields, seconded by Vice Chair Perez to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Perez, Ahlswede, Fields, Litwin, and Freeman Noes: None Absent: Rouse, and Vaughn 4. REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS 4.1 Eisenhower Park -Adam Litwin Commissioner Litwin deferred his request to be included in the CIP discussion. Page 1 of 3 SCANNED Park Planning and Community Events Minutes July 28,2022 Commission 4.2 9/11 Remembrance Event Summary -9/11 sub committee On behalf of the 9/11 subcommittee, Commissioner Fields reported that the Elks Lodge and the Community Foundation of Orange are sponsoring a 9/11 event. The Elks Lodge will take the lead on hosting the event and will submit a City permit application. Other Reports With Commission consensus, Commissioner Fields requested a report on logistics, infrastructure, and cost of hosting a 5K event assuming that the streets downtown were already closed for another event and another organization hosted the event. Chair Freeman thanked Robert Ambriz for taking the commissioners on a tour of Grijalva Park. Chair Freeman requested a report evaluating the frequency of commission meetings, including the impact of having a meeting every two months and the process for changing the meeting schedule. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 5.1. Community Services Capital Improvement Program update. Update was received and filed. Commissioner Litwin requested a report on the area of land at Eisenhower Park where a barn and former zoo is located and information on potential use of that space. 5.2. Developing criteria for the Commission to collect public input for potential names for new parks. The Commission requested a report on collecting input for park names from the community. The Commission's goal is to provide Council with a recommendation on selecting park names based on community input before a new City park is named. 5.3. City Led Special Event Update. Staff requested input from Commissioners for possible keynote speakers for Veterans Day and a recommendation for a tree lighter for the Tree Lighting Event. Commissioner Eugene Fields recommended actor Milo Ventimiglia as the Narrator for the Tree Lighting. 6. COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR'S REPORT 6.1 Pocket park at the well site Christopher Cash, Public Works Director presented an update on the Well 28 project and the pocket park as part of the project. Page 2 of 3 Park Planning and Community Events Minutes July 28,2022 Commission Danielle Valadez, Recreation Services Manager, provided an update on the following: 6.2 Concerts at the Park Survey Update 6.3 Upcoming City led events - National Night Out 6.4 Non-profit partner events - Creek Clean Up, Love Orange Service Day, and Field of Valor 6.5 Non-City sponsored events -Orange International Street Fair 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m. The next Regular Park Planning & Community Events meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 5:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber. s le Hardy Community Services Director Page 3 of 3 i Y ' .IN F I I' . \ • r Ii 1