RES-7803 Amending Certain Sanitation and Service ChargesRESOII1l'ION NO. 7803 A RESOII1l'ION OF 'lHE CITl{ axJNCIL OF 'lHE CITl{ OF ORANGE AMENDING SECl'ION 13.60.020 AND SECl'ION 13.60.030 OF 'lHE ORANGE MJNICIPAL CXlDE ~ CERrAIN SANITATION AND SERVICE all\RGES BY <nn'RACIDR. WHERFAS, Section 13.60.015 of the 0rarJ::Je Municipal Code provides that dlarge adjustments in Section 13.60.020 ani Section 13.60.030 rray be rrade by Resolution of the City Camcil; ani WHERFAS, the City Camcil was notified by the County of Oran3'e of a gate fee increase fran $17.75 per ton to $22.75 per ton of trash to effective July I, 1991; ani WHERFAS, the City Camcil has detennined that due to the County of 0rarJ::Je gate fee increase, the City's =ntractor dlarge shall be c::han;Jed as set forth herein to reflect said gate fee increase. N::M, 'IllEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by City Camcil of the city of Oran3'e as follows: Section I: AInerrl Section 13.60.020 of the Oran3'e Municipal Code to read as follows: 13.60.020 Charaes in Connection with Sanitation ani Sewaqe SYstem. he City furnishes to its residents services ani facilities in connection with its sanitation ani sewage system, ani other services to provide a clean ani healthful envirornnent. For such services ani facilities, the followin3' dJarges are fixed to premises to which a sewer rrain is available: A. Sin3'le family dwellin3', $10.50 per month. B. Sin3'le family dwellin3' ill'lits in any duplex, double house, ani other buildin:Js containirg only sirgle family dwellirg ill'lits, $10.50 per month per ill'li t. C. Apartment house, $9.50 per ill'lit per month where bin service is utiliZed; $10.50 per ill'lit per month where bin service is not utilized. When the Director of Public Works detennines that it is not reasonably possible to place a trash bin at an active water meter service for a buildirg generatirg trash in excess of five forty-five gallon containers per week, the dlarge of eachill'lit of such Im.l1tiple family buildirg shall be an additional $10.50 per month perill' D. Hotel, JOOtel, !::unJalaw court, or auto court, $9.50 per 1IOI1th for each dwellin;J unit therein with c:ookin3' facilities where bin service is utilized; $10.50 per unit per IOOIlth where bin service is not utilized. E. Hotel, JOOtel, !::unJalaw court, or auto court, $1.00 per 1IOI1th for each dwellin;J unit with private toilet facilities only, other than a dwellin;J unit described in SUbsection D above. F. For each water closet in any hotel, m:>tel, !::unJalaw court, or auto court other than a water closet in any dwellin;J unit in SUbsections DamE hereof, the sum of $9.50 per water closet where bin service is utilized; $10.50 per IOOIlth where bin service is not utilized. G. Rocani.ng house, $10.50 per IOOIlth, together with $1.00 per 1IOI1th for each rented roan. H. Clubhouse, equiwed with sanitary plumbin;J facilities, $9.50 per IOOIlth for one water closet where bin service is utilized; $10.50 per IOOIlth where bin service is not utilized, am $1. 00 per 1IOI1th for each additional water closet. I. utilized, IOOIlth. For each office situated in any building where bin service is 9.50 per IOOIlth; where bin service is not utilized, $10.50 per J. Trailer canp;; or trailer parks, $10.50 per =nth for each trailer space; provided that if any such trailer camp or trailer park utilizes bin service, rate shall be $9.50 plus $1.00 per IOOIlth for each trailer space. K. For all other premises not specifically mentioned in this section where such pr-;~es are occupied by one or =re persons, or is used for ccmnercial, professional, manufacturin;J, or processin;J pmposes with sanitary plumbin;J facilities, where bin service is utilized, $9.50 per IOOIlth; where bin service is not utilized, $10.50 per IOOIlth, plus 1.00 per 1IOI1th for each aditional water closet. L. For corrlaninitmlS am townhouses with in:J.ividual water lOOters am utilizin;J bin service, $2.81 per IOOIlth per unit, where bin service is not utilized, $10.50 per 1IOI1th per unit. M. A surchaIge of $1.50 for each dwellin;J unit not utilizin;J trash bin service as described in SUbsections A through L herein. Section II: AmeIrl Section 13.60.030 of the Orange Municipal Code to read as follows: 13.60.030 Trash Disoosal Contractor - <llarqes. '!he City's Trash Disposal Contractor may charge for other than regular residential service in ao::ordance with the follawin;J schedule:RESO. NO. 7803 2 - PER BIN PER KNIH WI'IH BINS 'IO BE FURNISHED BY cx::NI'RACIDR 3-cubic Yard Service y Service 01arcres Gate Fees** Total 49.00 per llDl1th + $ 17.00 = $ 66. 00 62.60 per llDl1th + $ 33.85 = $ 96. 45 78.40 per llDl1th + $ 50.90 = $129. 30 98.10 per llDl1th + $ 84.70 = $182. 80 112.35 per llDl1th + $103.10 = $215. 45 11.00 per load + $ 17.00 = $ 28. 00 N\mtJer of pickulls Once weekly Twice weekly lhree times weekly Five Times weekly Daily Except SUOOay Extra pickup Requestai By 0Jstaner 2-cubic Yard Service (4- P1ex ADarbnents Onlv)34. 60 per llDl1th +44. 70 per llDl1th +11. 50 per load +11. 40 22. 50 11. 40 46. 00 67. 20 22. 90 Once weekly Twice weekly Extra Pickup Requested By 0Jstaner Droo-Off Box 42.55 for 1st 3 cy. Bin + $17.20 = $ 59.75 Extra pickup - $ 25. 00 per load Service 01arcres Gate Fees** Total size County Code 117. 80 per load 117. 80 per load 130. 45 per load 130. 45 per load 220. 20 = $338.00 206. 60 = $324.40 210. 20 = $340.65 225. 70 = $356.15 18 x 3 18 x 6 22 x 6 22 x 7 Construction Debris M N o Bale Service*7.35 per bale + $10.85 gate fee ** = $18.20jin excess of 100 lbs. and less than 1,000 lbs.15.80 per bale + $21.80 gate fee ** = $37.60jin excess of 1,000 lbs.and less than 2,000 lbs.he term bale shall be defined as: "Refuse that has been manually or mechanically CCIIllpacted, CCIlpressed, p~~-=d, tied, Wn:lled, or sealed into units weighi,n] in excess of 100 poums, but shall not exceed 2,000 poums per bale."3 -RESO.NO. 7803 Gate fee chaJ::ged shall be at the rate aa::ordi.n;J to fee schedule established by the Colmty Board of SUpervisors. '!he arrounts shcMn are estllnates only; actual gate fee arrounts will be adjusted based on the actual Y/eight of the load. 8Pecial Bin Cleanin7 service 20.00 Bin cleanin:J service charge per bin. AOOPl'ED this 14th day of Mav 1991. A'lTEST: C1ty Clerk of ci of e I hereby certify that the foregoirg Resolution was duly and regularly adcpted by the city eooncil of the City of ~ at a regular meetirg thereof held on the 14th day of May 1991, by the followirg vote: AYES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: BARRERA, MAYOR BEYER, COONTZ, SPURGEON NOES:roJNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSENT:roJNCILMEMBERS: STEINER 1t:")~~" r ~ city Clerk of ci of e RESO. NO. 7803 4 -