RES-8121 Approving Amendments to Conflict of Interest CodesRESOLUTION NO. 8121
WHEREAS, the Political Reform Act, sections 81000, et seq.
of the Government Code of the State of California ("the Act")
requires state and local government agencies to adopt and
promulgate Conflict of Interest Codes to be applicable to
certain designated employees, and to amend such codes from time
to time when such amendments are necessitated by changed
circumstances: and
WHEREAS, shortly after the Act was enacted, in compliance
with section 87300 thereof, each department of the City of
Orange subject to the Act designated positions to be covered by
the Act and a Conflict of Interest Code was approved by the City
Council (the Code Reviewing Body for the city of Orange) and
adopted as Ordinance as 2.14 of the Orange Municipal Code: and
WHEREAS, since the approval of such ordinance, the State of
California Fair Political Practices Commission ("the
Commission") has developed and adopted a standard Conflict of
Interest Code which requires minimum monitoring and updating on
the local level (Section 18730 of the California Code of
Regulations): and
WHEREAS, the Commission has approved the process of
adoption and promulgation of said standard Conflict of Interest
Code by incorporating the provisions of Code of Regulations,
section 18730: and
WHEREAS, by use of this process, changes in codes which are
necessitated by amendments to the Act and Commission regulations
or by court cases will automatically amend codes which
incorporate Code of Regulations section 18730. Further,
additional action by local code reviewing bodies will only be
necessary when the responsibilities of designated employees
change significantly, when agencies reorganize, or when new
agencies are formed.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the
city of Orange as follows:
section I:
The Conflict
submitted herewith
shall be January 1,
of Interest Code for the City of Orange
is hereby approved and the effective date
section II:
The Conflict of Interest Code for the Departments contained
in Appendix A of the Orange Municipal Code submitted herewith,
are hereby superseded effective January 1, 1993.
Seotion III:
Only those employees who are designated in the Conflict of
Interest Code submitted herewith for the first time are requiredtofileaninitialstatementasdefinedinSubsection (A) ofSection5ofsaidCode.
ADOPTED this 8th day of
A'4/~ c; fl:?h'~?f/City Cler of t~ ci 0 Orange
I hereby certify that the foregoing
regularly adopted by the City Council of
regular meeting thereof held on
December , 1992, by the following
Resolution was duly and
the city of Orange at a
the 8th day of
nA'~~~~ (k~;W1/City
Cler r i~ of Orange Reso.
No.8121 2 -ROF:ajj
The Political Reform Act, Government Code sections 81000,
et seq., requires state and local government agencies to adopt
and promulgate Conflict of Interest Codes. The Fair Political
Practices Commission has adopted a regulation, 2 California
Code of Regulations section 18730 which contains the terms of a
standard Conflict of Interest Code which can be incorporated by
reference, and which may be amended by the Fair Political
Practices commission to conform to amendments in the Political
Reform Act after public notice and hearings. Therefore, the
terms of 2 California Code of Regulations section 18730 and any
amendments to it duly adopted by the Fair Political Practices
Commission, along with the attached appendices in which
officials and employees are designated and disclosure
categories are set forth, are hereby incorporated by reference
and constitute the Conflict of Interest Code of the city of
Pursuant to section 4 of the Standard Code, designated
employees shall file statements of economic interest with the
City of Orange by filing the original thereof with the City
Clerk who shall be the filing officer for the City. Upon
receipt of the statements of the City Manager, city Treasurer,
and the City Attorney, the City Clerk shall make and retain a
copy and forward the original of these statements to the Fair
Political Practices commission.
Members of the City Council and Planning commission shall
file required statements of economic interests pursuant to the
provisions of the Political Reform Act, California Government
Code sections 81000 et seq. and the regulations of the Fair
Political Practices commission.
REBa 8121
Title 2 Fair Political Practices Commission S 18730
S 18730. Provisions of Conflict of Interest Codes.
a} Incorporation by reference of the tams'of this regulation alongwiththedesignationofemployeesandtheformulationofdisclosurecalc-
ganes in the Appendix referred to bclowconstitU1e the adoptIon and pTO-
mulgallon of a conflict of interest code within the meaning of Govern-
ment Code section 87300 or the amendment of a conflict of interest code
Within the meaning ofGovemrnentCode section 87307 if the terms of this
regulation are substituted for terms of a conflict of interest code already
U1 effect. A code so amended or adopted and promulgated requires the fC.
p::>rting of refXntable items in a mannersubstantiaHy equivalent to the re-
quirements of article 2 of chapter 7 of the Political Refonn Act, Govern-
ment Code sections 81000, et seq_ The requirements of a conllict of
interest code an: in addition to other requirements of the Political Reform
Act, such as the general prohibition against conflicts of interest contained
in Government Code section 87100, and to other state or loca1laws per-taimng to conflicts of interest.
b j The terms of a conflict of interest code amended or adopted and
promulgated pursuant to this regulation are as follows:
I ) Section I, Defmitions.
The definitions contained in the Political Reform Act of 1974. regula-tions of the Fair Political Prac;tices Commission (2 Ca!. Code of Regs.sections 18100, et seq.), and any amendments to the Act or regulations,
are Incorporated by refer-ence into this conflict of interest
code 2l Section 2. Designated
Employees.Theper.ions holding positions listed in the Appendix arc
designated employees. It has been determined that these penons make orparticipateinthemakingofdecisionswhichmayforeseeablyhaveamaterial
effect on financial
interests.3) Section 3. Disclosure
Categories.This code does not establish any disclosure obligation for thosedesig-nated employees who Jlfe also specified in Government Cooe
section 87200 if they are designated in this code in that same capacity or if
the geographical jurisdiction of this agency is the same as or is wholly
in-cluded within the jurisdiction in which those persons must report their
fi-nancial interests pursuant to article 2 of chapter 7 of the Political
ReformAct., Government Code sections 87200, et
seq.In addition. this code does not establish any disclosure obligation
for any designated employees who are designated in a conflict of
interest code for another agency, if all of the following
apply:ill Assuming Office Statements All persons assuming
designated POSItions after the effective date of this code shall fJe statements
withlO 30 days after assuming thedesignatcd positions. or if subject to State
Sen-ate confmnauon. 30 days after being nominated or
appointed C) Annual Statcments_ All designated employees shall file
statements no later than Apnl
I Dj Leavmg Office Statements. All persons who leave deSignated
po SltJons shall file statements within 30 days after leaving
offICe 5.S) Sectlon5.5 Statements for Persons Who Resign 30 Days
AppOintment Persons who resign within 30 days of imtial appolOtmen! arc
not deemed to have assumed office or left office provided they did not
make or participate In the making oLor use their position to influence any
deci-sIOn and did not receive or become entitled to receive any form of
pay-ment as a resuh of their appointment. Such persons shall not fJe
either an assuming or leaving office
statement 6l Section 6, Contents of and Period Covered by Statements of
Interests.A) Contents of Initial
Statements,nitial statements shall disclose any reportable Investments.
interests in real property and business positions held on the effective date of
the code and income received during the 12 months prior to the effective
date of the
cooe.B) Contents of Assuming Office
Statements Assuming office statements shall disclose any reportable
investments,interests in real property and business positions held on the date of
assum-ing office or,lf subject to State Senate confirmation or appointment.
on the date of nomination. and income received during the 12 months
prior to the date of assuming office orthedate of being appointed or
respectively.IC) Contcnts of Annual Statements. Annual statements shall
disclose any reportahle investments. interests in real property, Income and
busi-ness positions held or received during the previous calendar yearpro-vided. however, that the period covered by an employee's frrst
annual statement shall begin on the effective date of the code or the date of
as-suming office whichever is
later,A) ~e geographical jurisdiction of this agency is the same as oriswhollyIncl~ded within the jurisdiction of the other- agency;B) The ~lsclosure assigned in the code of the other agency is thesameasthatrequiredunderArticle2ofChapter7ofthePoliticalReformActGovernmen! Code section 87200;
and 'Ie} The fIling officer is the same for both agencies.
I Such. persons are covered by this code for disqualificationpurposesonJtWllhres~ct to all other designated employees, the disclosurecate-ganes set fonh U\ the Appendix specify which kinds of fmancialinterestsarereportable. Such a designated employee shall disclose in his orherstat.ernen! oC economic interests those fmanciaJ interests he or shehaswhlCh.are o~the ~i\d described in the disclosure categories to whichheorsheISaSSignedintheAppendix. It has been determined that thefinan-Cial inte~ests set ~ designate<:! employee's disclosurecategoriesareth~ kinds of fmanclal Interests which he or she foresceably canaffectmatenallythroughtheconductofhisorher
4.. S~tements of Economic Interests: Place ofFiling,The code revlewmg body shall instruct all designated employeeswith-In Its code to.fIle.statements of economic interests with the agency orwiththecod;: reYle~m,~y, as provided by the code reviewing body intheagencysconfltctofmterestcode.
2 5) Sec~on 5. Statements of Economic Interests: Time ofFiling.A) [mtlal State~ents. All de~ignated employees employed bytheagencyontheeffeCl1vedateofthiScode, as originally adopted. promul-g~tc~ and approved by the code reviewing body, shallfi.lestatementsWithin30da.ys after ~e effective date of this code. Thereafter, eachper-Son already 10 a positIOn when it is designated by an amendment tothiscodeshallfileaninitialstatementwithin30daysaflertheeffC(;tivedaleofthe
amendment.D) Contents of Leaving Office
Statements.Leaving office statements shall disclose reportable investments,
inter-ests in real property, income and business positions held or received
dUT-iiJg the period between the closing date of the last statement fJed and
the date of leaving
office.O} Section 7 _ Manner of
Reporting,Statements of economic interests shall be made on forms
prescribed by the Fair Political Practices Commission and supplied by the
agency.and shall contain the following
infonnation:A) Investment and Real Property
Disclosure.When an investment or an interest in real propertyl is required to
reported,4 the statement shall contain the
following:1_ A statement of the nature of the investment or
interest:2. The name of the business entity in which each Investment is
held.and a general description of the business activity in which the
business entity is
engaged;3. The address or other precise location of the real
property:4. A statement whether the fair market value of the investment or
inter-est in real property exceeds one thousand dollars ($l.()(x)), exceeds
ten thousand dollars ($10,000). or exceeds one hundred thousand
dollars 100.
000).B) Personal Income Disclosure. When personal income is required
to be reported.5 the statement shall
contain:1. The name and address of each source of income aggregating
two hundred fifty doll"", ($250) or more in value, or fifty dollan ($50)
or more in value if the income was agift.. and a general description of
the business activity, if any, of each
source.2_ A statement whether the aggregate value of income from
each source, or in the case of a loan. the highest amount owed to each
source,was one thousand doUars ($1,000) or less, greater than one thousand
dol-lars ($1.000). or g=Hcr than ten thousand doll"", ($10.
000);3. A description of the consideration, if any. for which the- income
RESO 8121
Title 2 Fair Political Practices Commission 18730
4 In the case of a gift, the name, address and business activity of the
donor and any intermediary through which the gift was made; a descrip-
tion of the gift; the amount or value of the gift; and the date on which the
gift wa<; received;
5. In the case of a loan, the annual interest rate and the secunty, if any,
given for the loan
C) Business Entity Income Disclosure. \Vhcn income of a business
entity, mdudmg income of a sole proprietorship. is required to be rc-
ported.6 the statement shall contain:
1 The name, address. and a general description of the business activity
of the business entity;
2. The name of every person from whom the business entity received
payments if the flier's pro rata share of gross receipts from such person
was equal to or greater than tcn thousand dollars (SlO.OOO).
D) Business Position Disclosure. When business positions are re-
quired to be reported., a designated employu shall list the nam<: and ad-
dress of each business entity in which he or she is a director, officer, part_
ner, trustee, employee, or in which he or she holds any position of
management, a description of the business activity in which the business
entity is engaged, and the designated employee's position with the busi-
ness entity
E) Acquisition or Disposal During Reporting Period. In the case of an
annual or leaving office statement, if an investment or an interest in real
property was partially orwhoUy acquired ordisposedof during the period
covered by the statement, the statement shall contain the date of acquisi-
tion or disposal.
8) Section 8. State Agency Prohibition on Receipt of Honoraria.
No member of a state board or commission, and no designated em-
ployee of a state agency, shall accept any honorarium from any source,
if the member or employee would be required to report the receipt of in-
come or gifts from that source on his or her statement of economic lnter-
eSIS. This section shall not apply to any part-tunc member of the
govern-109 board of any public institution of higher education, unless the
member is also an elected
official.Subdivisions (b), (C), (d), and (e) of Government Code Section
89502 shall apply to thc prohibitions m this
sectlon f8.ll Section 8.1 State Agency Prohibillonon Receipt of Gifts of 52
50 or
More No member of a state board or commiSSIOn, and no designated
em-ployee of a state agency, shall accept gifts with a total value of more
than two hu~dred fifty doUars ($250) in a calendar year from any
single so~rce,tf the m~mber or employee would be required to report the
receipt of mcome or gifts from that source on his or her statement of
economic lnterests. This section shall not apply to any part-time member
of the governing board of any public institution of higher education,
unless the member is also an
elected official.Subsections (b), (c), (d), and (el of Government Code
Section 89504 shall apply to the prohibitions In
this section 9) Section
9. Disqualification.No designated employee shall make, participate in making, or
in any way attempt to use his or her official position to influence the
making of any governmental decision which he or she knows or has reason
to know will have a reasonably foreseeable material fmancial
effect, distinguish-able from its effect on the public generally, on the official or
a member of his or her immediate family
or on:A) Any business entity in which the designated employee has
a direct or indirect inves.tment worth one thousand dollars; ($1.000)
or more;B) Any real property in which the designated employee has
a direct or indirect interest worth one thousand dollars ($1,000)
or more;C) Any source of income. other than gifts and other than loans
by a commercial lending institution in the regular course of business
on terms available to the public without regard to official status,
aggregating two hun~ fifty doU~ ($250) or more in value provided to, received
by or prormsed to the deSIgnated employee within 12 months prior to
the time when the decision
is made;D I Any business entity in which the designated employee is
a director,officer, partner, trustce_,_e_mployee. or hol~s any p(~~i~~~~ of
mana~cmen~tEl Any donor of. or any intermediary or agent for a donor of.
a gift or gifts aggregating 5250 or more in value provided to; received
bv. or promised to the designated employee wnhin 12 months pnor to
the time-when the deCision
is made 9.3} Section 9.3-. Legally
ReqUired Participation Nodeslgnaled employee shall be rreventcd from making
or partICipat-ing In the making of any decision to the otent hiS or her
parttclpation is legally reqUired for the decisionto t-.e made The fact that the vote
of a designated employee who is on a voting body IS needed to break
a ttedocs not make his or her partiCipation legally reqUired for purposes of
sec-Uon 9.5) Sectlon 9.5. Disqualification of State Officers
and Employees.n addition to the general disqualification provisions of section
9, no stale admirustrative official shall make, partIcipate in making, or
use hiS or her official position to influence any governmental
decision directly relating to any contract where the state administrative offtcial
knows or has reason to know that any parlY to the contract is a person
with whom the slate administrative official. or any member of his or
her immediate family has, .....ithin 12 months prior to the time when the official
action is to
be taken:A) Engaged in a business trnnsactlOn or transactions on
terms not available to members of the public, regarding any investment
or mteresl In real
property; or Bj Engaged in a busmess transaction or transactions on
terms not available to members of the public regarding the rendering of
goods or services totaling in value one thousand dollars ($1,000)
or more IO) Section 10. Manner
of Disqualification When a designated employee determines that he or she
should not make a governmental decision because he or she has a
disqualifying in"terest in It, the determination not to act must be accompanied
by disclo-sure of the disqualifying interest. In the case of a voting body,
this deter-minauon and disclosure shall be made part of the agency'
s official record; in the case of a designated employee who lS the head of
an agency,thiS determination and disclosure shall be made in writing to his
or her appomting authority; and in the case of other designated
employees, this determination and disclosure shall be made in writing to
the designated employcc'
s supervisor.11 ) Section II. Assistance of the Commission
and CounseL Any designated employee who is unsure of his or her duties
under this code may request assistance from the Fair Political
Practices Commis-sion pursuant to Government Code section 83114 or from the
attorney for his or her agency, provided tbat nothing in this section requires
the attor-ney for the agency to issue any formal or
informal opinion.12) Section
12. Violations.This code bas the force and effect of law. Designated
employees vio-lating any provision of this code arc subject to the
administrative. crimi-nal and civil sanctions provided in the Political Reform
Act, Government Code sections 81000-91014. In addition, a decision in
relation to which a violation of the disqualification provisions of this code
or of Govern-ment Code section 871 00 or 87450 has occurred may be set
aside as void pursuant to Government
Code section 91003.NOTE: Authority ci~: Section 83112, Government
Code. Reference: &cticms 87300-87302,89503
Gove-rnment Code.H.lSTORY I. New section filed 4-2-80 as
an emergency; effective upon filing (Register
80,No. 14). Certificate of Compliance included.
2 Editorial correction (Register 80, No. 29).3. AmendmenI of subsection (
bl filed 1-9-
81; effective thirtieth day thereafter Register 81, No.2).4. Amendment of subsection (
b)(7}(B)I. filed
1-26-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No.5).5.
Amendment of subsection (b)(7){
AI filed 11-10-83; effective thirtieth day-thereafter (Register
83, No. 46).6. Amendment filed 4-13--87; operative
5-13--87 {
Register 87, No. 16}.7Amendment of subsection (b) filed 10-21-88;
operative 11-20-88 (Register 88. No. 46).8.
Amendment of subsections (b)(8KAl and (b)(81(B) and
numerous editorial changes filed 8-28-90; operative 9-27-90 (
Reg. 90.
RESO 8121
De'3.ignated employees who are required to file statements of economic inter.
ests under any other agency's confltct of interest code. or under article 2 for a dif-
ferent jurisdiction, may expand their statement of economic interests to cover reo
portable ml.crests in both jurisdK:tions. and file copies of this expanded statement
with born entities in lieu of filing separate and distinct SU(('ments, provided that
each copy of such expanded statement filed in plac-e of an original is signed
and verified by the designated employee as if it were an original. See
Government Code section
81004.1 See Govemmenl Code section 81010 and 2Cal. Code of Regs. section
18115 for the duties offiling officen and persons in agencies who make and retain
copies of statements and forwMd the originals to the filing
officer.3 For !.he purpose of disclosure only (not disqualification), an inteiesl in
real pwperty does not include the principal residence of the
filer.hwestments and interests in real property which have a fair- marl:et value
of less than $1.(0) are not investments and interests in real property within
the meaning of the Political Reform Act. However. investments or interests in
real property of an mdividuat include those held by the individual's spot1St'
and dependent children as weU as a pro rala share of any investment IX interest in
real property of any business entity or trust in which the individual, spouse and rlq>
en-dent children own. in the aggregate, a direct. indirect or beneficial interest of
10 percent or
greater 5 A designated employee's income includes his or her commWlity property
in-terest in the income of his or her- spouse but does not include salary or
reimburse-ment for expenses received from a state, local or federal government
agency.61ncome of II business entity is rqxxtable if the direct, indirect or benefICial of the filer-and the filer's spouse in the business entity aggrega~ a
to per-cent or greater interesL In addition. the disclosure of persons who
are chents-ii customers of a business entity is required only iIthe clients or
customers are one of the disclosure ca~gories
Cateqorv 1
Category 1 relates to interests in real property within
or close (2 miles) to the City of Orange in which the
designated employee, spouse and dependent children have an
aggregate interest of $1,000.00 or more in value. It
includes interests in real property held by a business entity
or trust in which the employee, spouse and dependent children
have an aggregate interest of 10% or greater.
Cateqorv 2
Category 2 relates to investments held by the designated
employee, spouse and dependent children with an aggregate
value of more than $1,000.00 in business entities having real
property in the city of Orange or doing business, planning to
do business, or having done business in the City of orange
within the past two years. It includes investments held by a
business entity or trust in which the filer, spouse and
dependent children have an aggregate interest of 10% or
Cateqorv 3
category 3 relates to sources of income (including
loans) aggregating $250.00 or more if the source is located
within or doing business within the City of Orange. It
includes gifts aggregating $50.00 or more whether or not the
source (donor) is in Orange. It includes sources of income
to the designated employee, community property interest in
the income of a spouse and the employee's pro rata share of
any income of a trust in which the employee, spouse or
dependent children have individually or collectively 10% or
greater interest.
Cateqorv 4
Category 4 relates to employment
positions in business entities.
and management
RESO 8121
1 of 13 POSITION
Assistant City Attorney Assistant
City Attorney RESO
2, 3 1,
2, 3
Clerk Deputy
City Clerk Records
City Manager Senior
Assistant to the City Manager CATEGORIES
2, 3, 4 1,
2, 3, 4 RESO
Development Services Manager Zoning
Administrator Senior
Project Planner Chief
Building Official Code
Enforcement Manager Code
Enforcement Officer Lead
Plans Examiner Inspection
Supervisor Combination
Building Inspector Economic
Development Manager Economic
Development Operations Manager Block
Grant and Rehabilitation Manager Housing
Services Specialist Senior
Housing Services Specialist Loan
Officer Assistant
Finance Director, Redevelopment Redevelopment,
Project Manager Assistant
Project Manager CATEGORIES
2, 3, 4 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3, 4 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 RESO
Manager Park
Maintenance Manager Administrative
Manager RESO
8121 PAGE
2, 3, 4 1,
2, 3, 4 1,
2, 3, 4 1,
2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4 Assistant
Director of Finance 1, 2, 3, 4 Deputy
Treasurer 1, 2, 3, 4 Revenue
Manager 1, 2, 3, 4 Fiscal
Agent 1, 2, 3, 4 RESO
Fire Chief Administrative
Chief Fire
Marshal Captain,
Deputy Fire Marshal Administrative
Captain Fire
Safety Specialist, Inspector Investigator
Materials Specialist Firefighter
Inspector Engineer
Inspector Inspector
2, 3, 4 1,
2, 3, 4 1,
2, 3, 4 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2, 3 1,
2 1,
2 1,
Officer senior
Buyer RESO
8121 PAGE
2, 3, 4 1,
2, 3, 4 1,
2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4 Library
Manager 1, 2, 3, 4 Senior
Library Manager 1, 2, 3, 4 RESO
1, 2,
4 1, 2, 3,
4 RESO 8121
2, 3, 4 1,
2, 3, 4 RESO
1, 2, 3, 4 City
Engineer 1, 2, 3, 4 street
Division Manager 1, 2, 3, 4 Traffic
Engineer 3, 4 Real
Property Representative 1 Assistant
city Engineer 1, 2 , 3, 4 Senior
civil Engineer 3, 4 RESO
Division Manager Assistant
Water Division Manager Senior
civil Engineer CATEGORIES
2, 3, 4 1,
2, 3, 4 4