RES-8013 Rescinding Mandatory Conservation Program and Reinstituting a Voluntary Water Conservation ProgramRESOLUTXON NO. 8013 A RESOLUTXON OF THE CXTY COUNCXL OF THB CITY 01' ORANGE RESCXNDXNG A MANDATORY CONSERVATXON PROGRAK AND REXNSTXTUTXNG A VOLUNTARY WATER CONSERVATXON PROGRAK. WHEREAS, recent heavy rains in the state of California have lessened the impact of the 5-year drought; and WHEREAS, the city council did impose a mandatory water conservation program pursuant to Resolution No. 7793; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been informed by the Water Superintendent that such mandatory measures are no longer necessary and that suitable levels of water conservation can be achieved with a voluntary program; and WHEREAS, the City Council has previously adopted Resolution No. 7563 providing for a voluntary water conservation program; and WHEREAS, the City Council does retain the right and power to reimpose a mandatory water conservation program should conditions hereafter warrant.NOW, THEREFORE, BE XT RESOLVBD that Resolution No. 7793 adopting a mandatory water conservation program for the City of Orange is hereby rescinded.BE XT FURTHER RESOLVED that the voluntary water conservation program set forth in Resolution No. 7563 is hereby reaffirmed; and BB XT FURTHER RESOLVED that if drought conditions reoccur or worsen and voluntary water conservation measures do not achieve appropriate water use reduction goals, the City Council will again consider a mandatory water conservation program.ADOPTBD this 26th day of May, 1992. ATTBST:cit~~d ~ J:~~~I hereby certify that the foregoing regularly adopted by the city Council of regular meeting thereof held on the 26th by the following vote: ---- Resolution was duly and the city of Orange at a of May, 1992, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Reso No. 8013 COUNCIL MEMBERS: STEINER, BARRERA, MAYOR BEYER, COONTZ, SPURGEON COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE 17t4'-t"'~ ~ {k4'f-f!'/~city Cle of e ty of Orange 2-SSH/