RES-7965 Approving Pre-Zone Change No. 1144-91RESOLUTION NO, 7965 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORANGE UPHOLDING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ORANGE AND APPROVING THE RECLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTIES SITUATED EAST OF RANCHO SANTIAGO BOULEVARD AND SOUTH OF SANTIAGO CANYON ROAD PRE-ZONE CHANGE 1144-91 CITY OF ORANGE RECITALS:After due public hearings as required by law, the City Council of the City of Orange considered a recommendation of the Planning Commission of the City of Orange recommending by Resolution No. PC-43-91 that certain property situated on the east of Rancho Santiago Boulevard and south of Santiago Canyon Road by reclassified from the County 1ooE4-20,000 District to the R-1- 20 District, and approved said recommendation after finding and determining the hereinafter described facts. The real property which is the subject to the reclassification is more particularly described in attached Exhibit "An.Upon the public hearing before the City Council, the following facts were established:1. That Annexation #395 is currently being processed by LAFCo for the purpose of annexing the properties to the City of Orange.2, That the proposed R-1-20 zoning conforms with the City's General Plan Land Use designation for the area of Estate Low Density Residential, as well as conforms with the East Orange General Plan Amendment designation of Low Density Residential.3. That the development standards and permitted uses of the existing County zoning are very similar to that of the proposed City zoning. The County 1ooE4-20,000 zoning requires a minimum lot size of 20, 000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 100 feet. The City R-1-20 zoning also requires a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet and a minimum lot frontage of 125 feet and depth of 100 feet.4. That seven of the twenty-five parcels to be pre-zoned R-1-20 contain less than the required minimum lot size area of 20,000 square feet; five are developed with single family residences and two are undeveloped, These parcels will be considered legally non-conforming. Any new construction or remodels on the developed parcels would That in regards to the two undeveloped, non-conforming parcels, one appears to be restricted for use as an access easement, given that it is approximately sixteen feet in width and contains only 2,800 square feet of land. The other is a land- locked parcel containing approximately 4,800 square feet of severely sloping land. It could potentially be developed if adequate access is provided and if geotechnical and soil reports deem the property as truly buildable. Otherwise the property could be consolidated with a surrounding property.5. That of the 25 properties to be pre-zoned, a few individual parcels gain direct access from Rancho Santiago Boulevard, which is maintained by the City. However, most of the parcels gain access from either a private road and! or a private access easement.Staff is aware that a private maintenance agreement exists between the property owners who gain access from GIen Arran Lane, one of the private roads in the area. The other private roads (Glen Albyn Lane and Wonderview Lane) do not appear to be under a maintenance agreement, however, the City will not be responsible for any street improvements or maintenance in the area.6. That the Fire and Police Departments have been consulted and are currently investigating the provision of services to the area. This issue will be finalized during the annexation process,7. That approval of this pre-zone change request would allow the properties to be annexed to the City and be provided with municipal services. The annexation would eliminate a portion of this "County Island", and consolidate jurisdictional responsibilities to the City, The zoning would become effective upon completion of the annexation,NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Orange that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be upheld and the Pre-Zone Change 1144-91 reclassifying the subject property to the R- I- 20 District be approved for the following reasons:1. Approval of this Pre-Zone Change request would allow the properties to be annexed to the City and be provided with municipal services.2, The annexation would eliminate a portion of this " County Island" and consolidate jurisdictional responsibilities to the City.3, The existing single family residential uses are consistent with the permitted uses ADOPTED this 10th day of March 1992. ATTEST: 07./4<~ ~ (b<j#/l/R/ City Clerk the ty gf'Orange I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Orange at a regular meeting thereof held on the 1 Othday of March , 1992, by the following vote: AYES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: STEINER, BARRERA, MAYOR BEYER, COONTZ, SPURGEON NOES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE A<~/9-~ City Clerk e irfy Orange Reso No, 7965 3-cw ATTACEMENT RESO. 7965 Pagelof2 BLOCK H:lDlJLE EXHIBIT "A" ANNEXATION NO. 39.5 TO 7HE CITY OF CflAOOE 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 2.2 23 24 2.5 26 27 2B 29 30 31 3.2 33 34 3.5 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 That portion of Lo1: 14 of Lotspeich and C<:>"lI"""lY'S T.rac1: as Shown on a map recorded in Book 3, Page 162 of Miscellaneou.sRecords of Los AnBeles County, California, Book 26 P888 1.5, Book 26 P~e 3.5, Book 30 P/ I8e29, Book .57 Pqe 24, 1:hat portion of Book 60 P~e 41 and Book 69 P/ I8e43 of Record of Surveys, Ofticial Records of Orange County,California, end Parcels 1 through 4 of Book 178 P/I8e 4B of Parcel Maps, Document No. 88-683.591 and 8.5-3.2773.5, Records of Orange County,California, in the t1nincorpora1:ed Terri1:ory of the County of Orange,Sta1:e of California, described as follows'4. 5 46 BEGINNING a1: a poin1: on 1:he existinB boundary of the City of Orenp,California, said poin1: beinB a1: 1:he Northeasterly terminal poin1: of bearinB end dis1:ance "Nor1:h 620 43' 00" Eas1: 30.00 fee1: " as described in Annexation No. 314 to the City of Orange per Ordinance No. 42- 77 as recorded October 18, 1977, said poin1: also being on the centerline ofRancho Santi/l8o Boulevard (San1:i/l8o Boulevard) 60 feet in width, said point also being on the boundary of Annexation No. 191 1:0 the City of Orange per Ordinance No. .59-62 as recorded November 19, 1962; thence along said existing boundary of the City of Orange as created by Aid Annexation No. 191 through ita various courses in a general Northeasterly, Northerly, Northeasterly, Easterly, Northeasterly,Southeasterly, Northeasterly, Southwesterly, Northwesterly,Southwesterly, Southeasterly, Southwesterly, Southeasterly,Northeasterly, Southwesterly and in a Southeasterly direction a distance of 71.92 feet along a bearing of "South 370 44' 20" East" as recorded in saidDocument No. 8.5-3.2773. 5; thence leavinB said Annexation No. 191 along the following bearings end distances as described insaid DocumentNo. 8.5-3.2773.5: South .590 42' 26" West 244.76 feet, North 33. 41' 00" West 30.00 feet, North190 41' 00" West 10.5.00 feet, North 3. 11' 00" West 26.3.2 feet, North 20 11' 00" Wu1:119.68 fee1:, North13. 11' 00" West 1.53. 00 fee1: to the Northeasterly terminal point of bearing and distance "North .50. , 56' 12" Eas1: 142.71 feet", said point being on said boundary of Record of Survey as ahOW1'1in said Book 60 P/I8e 41, Ofticial Records of Orange County,California; thence South .50. .56' 12" West 142.71 feet; thence South 89. 27' 00" West 268.00 feet; thence South 00 11' 00" West 180.00 feet to a point on the boundary ofsaid Record of Survey Book.57 P888 24,Official Records of Orange County, California; 1:hence South 890 27'00" West 170.00, feet to a point on thecenterline of said Rancho Santi/l8o Boulevard, said point beinB on the boundary of said Annexation No. 314; thence along said existing boundary of the City of Orange as created by said AnnexationNo. 314 through its variou.s courses in a general Northerly end Northwesterly direction 1: 0 the Point of Beginning. Containing approximately 17.,38 acras.Attached and made a part of is a map designated ATTACHMENT RESO. 7965 P~ZofZ EXHIBIT "A" ANNEXA770N NO. :J9S ro '!HE cur OF ORANGE r.. EXH181T "8" Moov~e AN NEXATION NO. 395 TO THE CITY oF' ORANGE 17.38+ ACRES . . ATTACHME~T RESO. 7965 BLOCK HEWES s7""~lr 1-.. 1 n) ~J t, ~ f::::.:It.. "'. Itl ~ tt:... ~" I 1 ~ ~ O /Y~2'>M'OO"e 30.00' @ .4=&2'02'.30' f:Jt 170.00' L- 184.(J&' @) N34'.j.S:JO'~ r. oa' t;;:. EASTI 8"00' @) N88'II'(J(J"e Zoo,ot>' @ :583'15'00'= 2&S, 00' o S&5"S3'OO',C 1/.50' @ N8&':32'.30i!: 57.01" ev S3Y'3~'Od'W 315."~' tI3I.52'00"WVEJ St;J. (),,' 6~~Nb I, A IIINMA 7'/(,)04' .-YO. ,"/1 ORblNANCI N.'),Sf'-.:e t i C. A~4 IN_ zoo's, '-; 11-..4.i32-P' OIV. '- 0'T'14-1.0' TS~WIC-lo/ CO, ""'ACT 4f. No ..'!I / 1(#2 ~. A. CO, CA.t .' M. 17e--M r---- ,-- - - -..-....- -~--...--I '\..I I '"I I A'1......_.".j!llf.. s.,;0.. 4~\ ' ... n-.....?IQ'..... I _\g '"",,"i--~' i-' ir\I ,@ @...I... 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