RES-8251 Amending Resolution No. 7624 Orange CIty FIre Fighters, Inc. Local 2384RESOLUTION NO. 8251 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORANGE APPROVING THE LEITER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF ORANGE AND THE ORANGE CITY FIRE FIGHTERS, INC. LOCAL 2384 OF THE INTER- NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, AFL- CIO CONCERNING WAGES, HOURS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT FOR THE PERIOD OF ocroBER 12, 1993 TO JUNE 24, 1995, AND AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 7624 FOR SAID EMPLOYEES. r-WHEREAS, the City of Orange (hereafter "CITY") and the Orange City Fire Fighters, Inc. Local 2384 (hereafter "UNION") have met and conferred in accordance with the requirements of the Meyers-Milias- Brown Act; and WHEREAS, the CITY and the UNION have reached agreement on wages, hours and other conditions of employment for the period of October 12, 1993 to and including June 24,1995; and WHEREAS, the CITY and the UNION have agreed upon amendments to Resolution 7624 as more particularly set forth in the attached Letter of Understanding;and WHEREAS, such changes as have been agreed upon by both CITY and the UNION represent meaningful efforts on the part of both parties to address significant financial difficulties and resulting budget shortfall currently faced by the CITY.NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Orange does hereby adopt the changes to the existing Memorandum of Understanding and adopts the Letter of Understanding attached hereto as Exhibit "A" between the CITY and UNION as fully set forth herein.ADOPTED this 12th day of October, 1993. ATIEST:A'"~~ O~~City Oerkof I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Orange at a regular meeting thereof held on the 12th day of October, 1993, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: SPURGEON, BARRERA, MAYOR BEYER, MURPHY COUNCIL MEMBERS: COONTZ COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE 07A'N<~r'~ Q r7~/P'~ City Clerk of th Ity o~n~ 0 EXHIBIT "A" L~D CW UJID"'!rUDDlCI rim CJ:ft CW 0ItUCI. Am> OJlUlD C%!!~ 7DUI: J'%GJl'J!D8, f,N'1I.'I. 21'4, IftDD!!%QDJ, U8OCU!rZOIf CW J'XU J'ZClftD8, an.-c%O Thi. x.ttar of under.tan4!n9 (~ "LOU") i. ent:are4 into by and betv_n the City ot orang. (the "City.) and tha oranq. city Fire Flghter., Local 2384, Xnt.rnational AalJOCiation ot Fire Fighter., MI.-ClO, (the .union.). 1. nDDLa/BUZ8 J'o. anWDD'r In March un the Union and the city anqaqad. in dl._.1ema ClOncerning fiscal probleaa that the Clty QCO\U\ter~ tor the 1992-93 "{acal Year. Such dl.cussiena resul~ in a Latter ot Under.t&ndinq (March 19n) wherein pur.uant to t:ha City'.reque.t the Union agreed that tor the balance of the 1992-93 i.cal Year (t:hrouqh June 30, 1993), the union vould not entor~ oertain _ployment rlqht. ot bargainlng' \ U\lt ploy.e., relatlng to fllling of vacanoie./flre depart: aent prOllOtional policy, a. provided for by the City- Local 238C Koorandwa ot Undar.tan4inq ("MOU"), and the "abruary 4, 1993,Avard ot Arbitrator Jos.ph Gentlle, "Rar PrOllOtion to I'ill peraanent Vacancy".b. During the .....tand c:onfer"/neqotiation proce.. tor a successor KelIIorandwa of Underst&ndinq, the City again advised the union a. to on9oin9 :U.oal probl_ that the Cityi.axperienc!n9 tor the 1993-94 Flscal Year, and In a4d1tlon the ant!~ipation ot fi.cal proble.. for the 1994- 95 Fi.cal Year.a.o. Theratore, pur.uant to the City'. request, the union ba. aq_in agreed that tor the 1993, 1994 and 1995 "boal Yor. (through June 26, 19915), the Union vill not entorce certain Slllployment right..ot bargainlng unit _ployea. a. hereinafter .at torth and de.cribed. 2. 'rDJl OF ..mo.......,Thi. x.ttar of under.tanding shall re..in in tull torae and etteat:to and inolud1nq .:rune 24, 1995. Except a. . et forth herein, the term. of theKeaorand\IJI of Unc1eratanc1ll\9 batveen the City and the union, for the period July 1, 1990 to JUne 26, 1993 (the .MOU.)ahAll be extended andramain in full forc:e and aftaat: to and includlng J. .u.IllT fte-. .ull be no incr.a.. 1n .,... aalulu during the UJ:a ot 1:hl. Latte- ot Undu.tancu'nll ot:hU ~ 1:ho.. inor.a... alr.adr zoeQU1red by ~. IIOU (.. II. , prOllotioJUl, .t..p 1ncn'....., a..lan-ant. par, to.).4. OVDTDm - ~..~% ~DUl OR Artlol. V of ~. MOV shall be amended to provlde. -Efteatlv. 8eptAlIlha-r , 1~1I3, suppresslon PU'sonnal ahall bave ~ e opportunlty to accrue 'COKP'rXKB' for tbe vorJte4 ln thetollov! n9 JUUUler. Xl the eploy.e VorD a24-!loUr overt1aa ahlft, be/.be" r elect: to raeeiv. up to a ..xiaua ot 24 houra ot 00IlP tt- and 12 hours caah torJ'I.8A prea1ua paY".I. BOLID1Y llJ. Y For the duratlon ot this Letter at Understand1n9, 1'1re Suppre. slon pU'.onnel .hall raoaive hollday pay, and not -hollday COKP TIME-tor the stated le9al holidays (10), provlded for in the 1100,Article IX -HOlidays-, sectlon 11.2 ( A)).U8. OJ' .Bau'. SOUD ,. llllJUlomrBL a. 1'01' ~e duration of thi. Letter of unde-.tandlng, Bru.h 8czuad 7 personnel will conti.nue to be utilila4 t.o till po.itions of Flre l'i9htars who are at.ten41n9 par_eello .chool, a. aet forth in ~. Karch 1993 Latter of under.tanding between the city and e union.b, Brush Squad 7 per.onnel ..y also be utllbeel to fl11 po. itlon.tor daily manninq requirement. (HOO 514.2), when a po. ition i. toporarily vacant, due to employee illne..or di. ability.0, Upon written notice by the I'ire Chi.t to the Union, Brush Squad 7 personn.l may also be utili.eel to tl11 positlon( s)which ..y beooaa vacant on a -peraanent- baal..1'J!:K1l0llU'I' VloClATIHG" OJ' POIITIOH.a, Th. union aqr... to extend the -tlllllporary vacat.inq- at tour 4) position. (reterred t.o in th. Karch UU 1At.t.e- of Understan41nq) tor the duration at. thl. lAtter ot Under.tand1ng. fte.e po.ltlonll are:TWo Fire Inllp.ctor position. (toraerly tlllAcS by MacDonald and Hl11)Traininq captain ( Wallarle)Deputy I'ire Harahall ( Salth)b, The Union aqr..s that. the -Fire Inspeator Posltlon-, current. ly tilled by Fire Engineer Brian Ford, may be - tamporarily vacat:e4- during tha tara ot thi. LOU, provided 'ire Zft9ineer Ford b p'ant:a4 a PIRS indu.trial 4i.ability rat1raaent (with Lebor C048 .ca50 Leave vocational ....h.bilitation Righta), retir.. or re.ip8. . . c. 'l'ha city and the Union a9r- that SU.an Gus.etta ahou1d ...t with ~tr..entative. of the per.onnal Dapartaent to di.ClU*s the r ficationa (financial, .. wall a. any other.) ot .her worJd.no a r.4uoed week. Th. City and tha Union ap'.. that they wou14 .upport: her 4.ci.ion. d. 'l'ha City and th. Union ap'aa that no indiv14ual be 4i.a4vanbqed or advantaqed it proaot:1onal 11.t. are extended. Bv"'Plet If a vacancy beaoaa. open 4Uri1\9 the -noraal- lifa ot a pro~tional li8t the -appropriata- aan4idata on -that- 11.t will raoelve th. prOllOt:1on when that vacanoy ia fillad. a. Pilling o~ Vaeanaies. All taaporarily vacant poaitions will be f1llad and Bruah Squad 7 will be raturnad to noraal uaa ttactive June 25, lU5, (unl... the Union alJZ'e.. to extend tor a apec1tic period ot ti.a -tUlporary vacating- ot poaitiona-, or other use of Bruah Squad 7 paraonn.l). Th. Union and the City a9r.a that tha -.tatua quo- prior to the Karch lU3 LOU b tha terms of th. 111110-113 HOU and the Fabruary 4, 19513, Award of Arbitrator Jo..ph Ga1\tlle ReI PrOlllOtion '1'0 Fill peraanent Vacancy. The parti.. a9ree that by enterin9 intothia Latter ot Uft4eratandin9, n.ither party vaiv.. it. riqht to .a.t and conter in qoo4 faith to cban;a that -.tatWJ quo- upon the expiration ot thi. ~tt.r ot Under.tandinq.rLSA OVD~Dm A~ Hmaux .AT AmIln4 S.ction 5.5 ot the MOU to read:Overtllle shall be paid in accordance with tha _i.tinq requir... nt. ot the Fair Lebor Standard. Act, (MFLSA-),all . pr..J.WIIMovert i_ hour. worked by covered (non-exapt) .. ploye.s (either reqular 40-hour work w.ek or 24-hour day/56-bour ..uppr...ion- work waek) . ball be compen.atad at on. and ona-balt (1- 1/2) the ..ployaa'.r.gular rate ot pay. Halt-ti_ overt i.. (pr_i\Dl pay)ahall be calculated on a 27- day FLSA cycl. and will b.received durinq tha pay period following the end of the 27-day cycla in which it is workad. Reqular achedulad hour. worked, . inWJ l.ava tiJDa taken, plWJ ovartla.worked, d. t~ina. actual hour. worked. Ellploy... are entitled to pr_ iWII pay (halt tiaa) on actual hour.workad in .xca.. ot 204 hour. durin9 the 27-day JI'L8A cycl..UTULX8~ 01' 1 MI'IR. UID IlUftY 1tRO'l~IO. ~UJt 1'0JlO.-The city and the union . qraa to establisb a -Fire and satety Protection Taak Force- cOJlPO.. rapr_entat.iv_ froa Pira Departaant. 1IIln&9eaent. and th. union. Th. 1'allk Porce Hall aonit.or a!I4 atwly the illpaot of .t.aff1ft9 levela on .-ploy_ ..rety, --Veney ..4ioal .ervl~ delivery a1\4 the claHvary ot fir. protectlon for the Clt.y a!I4 lta oltbana. ft. '!'ask Porce Hall ...t on a QUarterly baal. (or a. ~.eary) and llhall report ita recoaaen4at.lon. t.o th. city, Fir. Depart:JMnt and the unlon.t 10. a. b. c. U8cu.LUaOU' Procedure.. 'the Union agre_ t.o _to with the l"ire Ada btraUon t.o et.tellIpt. t.o develop a layoff prQ9r-/ procedure wlth the intent. that. thair COIIJ:)ined effort w111 be agreed t.o by the City. d. Rladuet:ion/1tH..lnation of On-Dutv SDO~~;,nif:riee and the R..ultln9' Co.t.. The union agr... t.ot.--v'~U' ly auapend all competitive .porta until the Union and the l"ira ......lnlltr. Uon have ..t, reviaved -injuri..- .ttribut.a4 to -ocmpat.itlve porta- , a!I4 r_ch agreeaent on any apeaial r..triotiona aniJ./or equip..nt that will be required, or identify .pacitlo c01lpetitive .porta which ahould be panumantlY dlaocntinWl4. Article xn:. Retirement. 'the city and the Union agree to ..et aa .oon a. po..ible to resolve thi. i..ua and oomait to writing an aqre...nt of impl..entation. other Usa of Brush Bauad 7. The Union agree. to .e.t with the Fire Adminl.tration to reviaw th. -dratt. boX- and other procedur_ and wher. the operation/orqanl&ation of the l"ir. D.partaant would not be interrupted, davelop u.a9a ot Bruah SqUad 7 per.ann.l tor vacant vacat.ion and ooap po.itlon.. COJl'.rUC'1'XllCI 01' I'IU sUVICES11. Tha City agr... that it ahall not contract out, conaolidate, .ar9a Or antar into ne90tiation. with .ny third party over contr.otiDlJ out. oolUloli4atin9 or mer9!nq barqainlnq unit work durin9 the duration ot th18 Lett.r ot Under.tanding. It ia not. t.be intent ot the parti.. to re.trict th.ir ri9ht:a to qath.r intoraat.ion. conduct tudie. cr .aka raque.ta tor propo.al.. 11. .BQVI'~ ~ un PD CODa Upon writtaD notice and raquest ot either party t.o ao4ity the t.erm. ot ~ city - Union Memorandum of UndaratancUn9 Prior t.o June 2.,151515, tha partie. Hall ..at and conter in 9004 taith tor the purpo.. a of reachinq a new agreement..13. ltA'.rIl'lCA~IO. PD ~U'.rIOMThe City and the Union aoknowle4qe that thi8 Letter .of Under. tandin9 .hall not be in full forca an4 etteat. unt.il ratitied by the Unicn and adopte4 by the city Council of t:heCity of oraDlJe.Subject to the foreqoing, th1a Letter ot Under.tanding 18 hereby 4 exeoute4 by the authorized repre.entativ.. of the City an4 1:h. union aD4 entered into 1:ht. 4ay of S.pt.....her, 1913. Cl'IY 01" 0ltAHG1 By By: ORAlfGI CITY no 1'1uft1RS,LOCAL 2384, ~IOHAL AS8OCIA' l'IOH01" FUll: nOllTl:lUl,BY:,' a~BY:~ A(]~~ By: I~~ e P tlh:a;!-By:BY: By: 5