RES-8182 Approving General Plan Amendment No. 2-93RESOLUTION NO, 8182 A RESOLUTION 01' THE CITY COmrCIL 01' THB CITY 01' ORANGB UPHOLDING THE RECOMMBIlIDA- TION 01' THE PLANlUNG COIUlISSION 01' THE CITY 01' ORANGB AND APPROVING TIlB GBNERAL PLAN CLASSII'ICATION 01' PROPBRTY SITUATBD DIRECTLY ADJACBNT TO AND NORTH 01' SMl'l'IAGO CREBK AND SOU'l'H 01' JlABURY AVB:NUB BBTWEBN LASsn AND ORANGB PARlt BOULBVARDS, GBNERAL PLAN AMBIlIDMBNT 2- 113 JIA)ISON PROPBRTIBS WEST. INC. RECITALS:After due public hearings as required by law, the City Council of the City of Orange considered a recommendation of the Planning commission of the City of Orange recommending, by Resolution No, PC 7-93 that certain property situated directly adjacent to and north of Santiago Creek and south of Mabury Avenue between Lassen and Orange Park Boulevards be redesignated from the resource area designation to the low density residential designation and approved said recommendation after finding and determining the hereinafter described facts. The real property which is the subject of the redesignation is more particularly described as follows:See Exhibit " A" attached.The City Council finds in favor of the proposed residential use of the site although it precludes mineral development, as intended by the designation as a regionally significant aggregate resource sector by the State Mining and Geology Board, based upon the following considerations:The entire 120 acre aggregate mining property, of which 12,6 acres forms the project site, has been utilized for mineral extraction for more than 40 years and the extraction life is mostly depleted, On a regional scale, there are greater extracting opportunities elsewhere in the County.The 12,6 acre project site is physically isolated from the rest of the mining property by Santiago Creek, thus deferring any possible mineral extraction opportunities,Furthermore, the 12.6 acre site has not been utilized for mineral extraction due to its proximity to neighboring single family residences which, if such extraction activities whereto occur, would be impacted by noise and dust associated with Upon the public hearing before the City Council, the following facts were established: 1, The irregular shaped project site is 12,6 acres in size and consists of four parcels of land: a 9.6 acre parcel, and an approximately 2,7 acre portion of a 15,6 acre parcel, which are two of several parcels that form the Sully- Miller aggregate mining property: a 0,14 acre parcel known as Lot B of Tract 9827: and the majority of a 0,18 acre parcel known as Lot A of Tract 9827, The site is located directly adjacent to and north of santiago Creek and south of Mabury Avenue between Lassen and Orange Park Boulevards, It borders the residential neighborhood to the north commonly referred to as Mabury Ranch,2. The applicant proposes to develop the project site for residential purposes and requests approval of the following discretionary permits, The project also requires that Tract 9827 be amended to allow Lots A and B to be part of the development site,A, General Plan Amendment 2-93 - to amend the Land Use Element of the city's General Plan, changing the project site's land use designation from Resource Area to Low Density Residential, 2-6 dwelling units per acre,B, Zone Change 1146-93 - to change the site' s zoning designation from S-G (Sand and Gravel Extraction) to R-1-8 (Single Family Residential, minimum lot size requirement of 8,000 square feet),C. Tentative Tract Map 14747 - to subdivide the site into 25 residential parcels, ranging in lot size from approximately 8,000 to 17,000 square feet, and 3 lettered lots,D. Variance 1947-93 - to allow a reduction in the 80 foot minimum lot frontage requirement of the R-I-8 District,California Government Code Section 65358 allows the City to amend its General Plan Land Use Element a maximum of 4 times a year. Orange Municipal Code Section 17,06.050 permits change to zoning classifications subject to public hearing before both the Planning Commission and City Council.Orange Municipal Code Chapter 16,08 sets forth regulations that pertain to the processing of tentative tract maps,Orange Municipal Code Section 17. 92.020 allows the Planning Commission to rule on variance applications,3. The project site slopes slightly from north to south with more significant topographic changes along the proposed development boundary, created by the incision of Santiago Creek, where portions of the embankment experience 25 to 30 foot 4. The site has recently been cleared of most vegetation to allow for temporary agricultural activities, A few eucalyptus and other common trees are located along the northern portion of the property bordering an existing off- site recreation trail, Native vegetation exists within and along the creek bed. 5. The majority of the project site is part of the SUlly- Miller aggregate mining property which generally encompasses the approximately 120 acre area north of Santiago Canyon Road and south of Mabury Avenue between Loma Street and orange Park Boulevard (see attached exhibit A), Although this portion of the SUlly-Miller property has not been mined, the sand and gravel extraction use was approved in 1950 when the property was under the jurisdiction of the County of Orange,Annexation to the city of orange was initiated through Pre-Zone Change #370, designating the zoning of the property as S-G, Sand and Gravel Extraction District, with final annexation occurring in January, 1965 (Annexation #228),The aggregate mining operation on the property south of santiago Creek was modified through subsequent conditional use permit approvals to allow for the replacement of two asphalt batch plants and the installation of a concrete batch plant ( CUP #498 & #704),6, Lots A and B of Tract 9827 have been recently acquired by the applicant from the Standard Pacific development company to be part of the project site, These lots are two of three lettered lots that were created through the SUbdivision of Tract 9827, recorded in May, 1978. All three lots, which total approximately ,55 acres of land, are located along the south side of Mabury Avenue and appear to be remnant parcels created by the final alignment design of Mabury Avenue (see attached exhibit B).7. A 50-foot wide easement traverses the site from the northern central portion to the southeastern corner of the site, The easement contains a high pressure water line, 9-feet in diameter, that is own and maintained by the Municipal Water District of orange County (MWDOC).8, Access to the site's future residences will be provided through the proposed extension of Yellowstone Boulevard south of Mabury Avenue. Yellowstone Boulevard and Mabury Avenue are local streets as designated by the city's Master Plan of Streets and Highways and are built to their ultimate planned right-of-way widths of 68 feet and 66 feet,respectively, At this time, access to the site may also be gained from the south via the Sully-Miller aggregate mining properties off Santiago Canyon Road by crossing at a natural ford in the creek. Once the project is developed, however, there will be no access from the south,9. An improved recreational trail exists within the right-of-way of Mabury Avenue and borders the project site's northern boundary, The City'S Draft Master Plan of Recreational Trails refers to the trail as #29 by equestrians, cyclists and hikers, Trail #29 is part of the Santiago Creek trail system and provides a linkage to Santiago Oaks Regional Park, 10, The surrounding land uses include single family residences zoned R-I-8 to the north, and the remaining aggregate mining operations, which include a sand and gravel plant, a hot mix asphalt plant, and a concrete and asphalt recycling operation, zoned S-G to the south, east and west across santiago Creek,11, The project site is adjacent to, but not within the limits of, the orange Park Acres Plan and the East Orange General Plan (1976 Amendment) areas, Santiago Creek is the boundary for both of these land use plans, as depicted in exhibit C.Future development proposals for the remainder of the Sully-Miller property will be governed by these plans,12, The applicant initiated the development review process in December, 1991, with an application for a general plan amendment and zone change, These applications were placed on hold by the applicant pending the decision to concurrently process a subdivision map. In September, 1992,the applicant circulated three conceptual subdivision alternatives to the Mabury Homeowners Association for their review and comment, Some of the early issues that the applicant discussed with the Mabury residents regarded whether the proposed development should include homes that would front onto Mabury Avenue and if the proposed access to the development would connect directly with Yellowstone Boulevard, A tentative tract map application was subsequently submitted to the City in November, 1992,13. The applicant requests a change in the site' s general plan land use and zoning designations, which currently provide for sand and gravel extraction, in order to allow for a single-family residential subdivision consisting of 25 residential lots and 3 lettered lots. As indicated on the proposed tract map, the residential lots range in size from S,600 square feet to 17,480 square feet, The lettered lots provide for the street circulation system, an emergency access, and a maintenance road within an improved slope area adjacent to Santiago Creek,14, Approximately 120,000 cubic yards of import material is required to improve the area for development, The lowest portion of the site will be raised approximately 30 feet,and is the area surrounding lot 20. A manufactured, tiered slope (shown as Lot A) will be created along the boundary between the development and Santiago Creek, The slope area will contain a 20 foot wide maintenance road at the base of the first 2:1 slope, with the lower slope portions improved to channelize the creek's flow. TWo creek improvement alternatives are proposed; either using stone rip rap or soil cement along the creek's edge. Please refer to the tract map which includes a cross section of each proposed creek improvement alternative. 15, Access to the residential development will be provided through the extension of Yellowstone Boulevard south of Mabury Avenue, Shown as Lot C on the tract map, the extended roadway creates an internal circulation system consisting of 3 cul-de-sacs (A, B, and C streets) that are to be designed to public street standards, constructed by the applicant and maintained by the City of Orange, The cross section for the proposed streets details 36' wide roadways with 5'5" wide sidewalks and 6'1" parkways to be contained within a 60' wide right- of-way, The street entrance to the tract is shown to have a 70' wide right-of-way to accommodate a landscaped, center median, Maintenance of the landscaped median and the parkways will be the responsibility of the future property owners through the formation of a homeowners association,16, An emergency access (Lot B) will be provided at the terminus of the cul-de-sac detailed as street A. This 20 foot wide emergency access links to the 20 foot wide creek maintenance road and then to Mabury Avenue. It provides for a secondary access to Street A, which exceeds 600 feet in length,17, The site is located within an area designated as a regionally significant aggregate resource sector (Sector J)by the state Mining and Geology Board, The city's General Plan Technical Report describes Sector J as containing approximately 16 percent of the known sand and gravel resources with the region. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 2763, the City must prepare a Statement of Findings specifying the reasons for permitting a land use that precludes mineral development to submit to the State Mining and Geology Board for their review, In making such a Statement of Findings, the city of Orange should consider the importance of potential mining opportunities to the market region as a whole and not just the importance to the City,18, The requested proposal involves the redevelopment of a limited portion of an area designated as a significant aggregate resource sector, Although the applicant's intent is to eventually redevelop the entire property for residential purposes, the subject proposal was initiated prior to the an overall redevelopment proposal because of several factors unique to the project site, The site's aggregate mining opportunities, if any, are limited by the residential development of the adjacent property to the north because noise and dust impacts associated with mining would have deterred such opportunities, Furthermore, the site' s proximity to existing residential development and it's separation via Santiago Creek from the property utilized for sand and gravel operations, supported the proposal to redevelop the area for residential purposes,19, The project site contains two parcels, Lots A and B of Tract 9827, that are designated as non- buildable sites,Traditionally, non- preserve open space areas as means of conservation, and to provide for recreational opportunities, visual relief, and/or development buffering. The lots in question do not serve such purposes. They are undeveloped parcels of land that appear as remnant parcels created by the final alignment design of Mabury Avenue. By amending Tract 9827, the City will be removing the non-buildable restriction to allow for the proposed development, Justification for this action could also be supported by the recognition that the proposed tract will provide an open space area adjacent to Santiago Creek,20, Primary issues in the development of this tract relate to Santiago Creek in regard to the proposed improvements, and the maintenance and liability responsibilities, The proposal requires the construction of creek improvements in order to stabilize the creek's embankment and to protect residents from a 100-year flood. The submitted tract map details two creek improvement alternatives, It is the city's preference to see rip rap used to improve the channel rather than soil cement, However, the improvements proposed must comply with the Orange County Flood Control District design and construction standards given that it is the City's intent for the facility to ultimately be dedicated to the County through an irrevocable maintenance easement.Improvements to the creek area also require permitting through the State's Department of Fish and Game. This State agency may have an improvement design preference as well.As a condition of approval, the applicant will be required to meet the requirements and obtain the necessary permits from the above agencies,The tract map indicates that the improved creek may be dedicated to the County Flood Control District or the city of Orange, It is staff's understanding through discussion with the applicant's consultant that the County does not want to accept a portion of the improved creek, and prefers to wait until the entire segment of the creek through the SUlly-Miller properties is improved and offered for dedication, The City of Orange, thus, needs to agree to accept responsibility for the maintenance and liabilities during the interim, until the entire segment can be improved and offered to the County,21. The applicant is requesting a residential land use designation of "Low Density (2-6 dwelling units per acre)",which is the same as that of the adjacent residential development to the north, The proposed density of the development is 1,98 units per gross acre, The proposed development is therefore compatible with the adjacent residential development in regard to type and intensity of use and complies with the requested density designation,22, The applicant is requesting zoning designation of R-1-8,which is the same as that of the adjacent residential development to the north and thus provides for a natural extension of the existing neighborhood. The requires that the m~n~mum building site area for each single-family residence shall be 8,000 square feet, and the minimum lot frontage and depth shall be 80 feet, as measured at the setback line, and 100 feet, respectively, All of the proposed residential lots comply with the minimum building site area and lot depth requirements, However, 18 of the 25 lots do not provide the required minimum lot frontage,23. Variance 1947-93 has been requested in order to allow a reduction in the 80 foot minimum lot frontage requirement,18 lots have reduced lot frontages, as measured at the setback line. They are as follows: Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12,13, 15, 23, 24, and 25 have 70' of lot frontage (12, 5% less than required); Lots 7, 11, and 19 have 72' of lot frontage 10% less than required); Lots 18 and 22 have 73' of lot frontage (approx. 9% less than required); Lot 8 has 75' of lot frontage (6% less than required); and, Lot 16 has 77' of lot frontage (4% less than required),The code does offer an administrative remedy for cul-de-sac lots and lots that require a 10 percent adjustment in the lot frontage requirement. staff, however, collectively presented the requested waivers as a variance application given the number of reduced lot frontages,24, The zoning code currently requires lot frontages to increase proportionally with the required lot size ( i,e, 60' is required for Rl-6,000, 70' for Rl- 7,000, and 80' for R1-8,000, etc,), which standardizes development tracts by creating uniform, rectangular shaped lots. Traditional,grid- oriented neighborhoods reflect this approach to zoning standards. In the comprehensive update to the zoning ordinance, staff has proposed revising the lot frontage requirements to allow for variety in lot configurations and subdivision layouts,The lot configurations differ from and offer more variety than the traditional, grid-oriented subdivisions as a result of the proposed "cul-de-sac" circulation system, The proposed lot frontages range from 70' to 100', The proposed reduction in frontage from the 80' requirement does not appear to hinder access to the individual lots and no detrimental impact is anticipated due to narrow lot configurations proposed by this subdivision. The minimum lot frontage proposed is 70' which adequately provides for a driveway access and a front landscape setback area,Furthermore, the narrower lot widths are compensated by increasing lot depths, which in turn provide for more usable open space opportunities in the rear of the property,The proposed lot configurations were somewhat constrained by providing a direct extension of Yellowstone Boulevard into the site, This constraint may have been eliminated by offsetting the entry street, but such a solution presented traffic safety concerns, Furthermore, a direct extension of Yellowstone provides a better integration between the development. The applicant has informed staff that the direct access was also preferred by the Mabury residents. A similar variance request was included proposal for Mabury Ranch (Tract 9319), allowed a reduction in lot frontage for 388 residential parcels, 25. Orange Municipal Code section 17,92,020 lists the following criteria for the approval of variance requests; in the master tract Variance 1424 12% of the proposed A, That any variance granted shall be subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustments thereby authorized shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated, B, That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the zoning ordinance is found to deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification, 26, The importation of 120,000 cubic yards of fill material will require approximately 8,000 truck trips to the project site. Grading and hauling operations may have an impact on nearby residences from blowing dust, noise and increased truck traffic. The applicant has indicated that the hauling trucks will access the site from the south by traveling along Santiago Canyon Road, entering the Sully- Miller aggregate mining property and crossing the ford in Santiago Creek, In accordance with the City'S Manual of Grading,this haul operation will require City Council approval,27. The residential development of the site will alter the scenic views of the adjacent residents to the north looking southward. As discussed in the Negative Declaration, the proposed pad elevations are slightly lower than the elevations of the existing residences along Mabury Avenue and the proposed construction of 1 and 2 story homes will impact views, The R-1-8 development standards may lessened that impact by regulating a structure's maximum height and placement on the property, Furthermore, proposed development standards contained in the updated draft of the comprehensive zoning ordinance, if adopted, will regulate a structure's bulk and mass in relationship to lot size.28. The tract map shows lots 1-8 and 21-25 with frontage along the proposed cul- de-sac street system and Mabury Avenue.The applicant has indicated that no homes will front onto Mabury Avenue, which is in response to concerns expressed to the applicant by the Mabury residents, To further support this concern, staff has included a condition that the access rights to Mabury Avenue will be dedicated to the city as a requirement of the final map approval, Furthermore, it is likely that the development will include along the Mabury frontage, adjacent to the existing recreational (equestrian) trail, staff has added a condition that all perimeter walls shall be reviewed by the Community Development Department, 29. The Environmental Review Board reviewed the project several times throughout the application process, The proposed extension of Yellowstone Boulevard south, it's intersection with Mabury Avenue (including the equestrian trail), and the subdivision's proposed circulation system were issues of concern that were resolved through the review process by revising the tract map or conditioning its approval, The design of Yellowstone at the entrance to the site was revised to include a landscaped median similar to the existing medians in Yellowstone north of the site, Inclusion of this design feature acts to tie the new development with the existing neighborhood, as does the direct extension of Yellowstone south of Mabury, staff has noted that the cross section for proposed streets A, B, and C details a sidewalk directly adjacent to the street curb and then a parkway, The existing designs of Mabury and Yellowstone include parkways between the curb and sidewalk, This feature should be continued throughout the new development, and therefore, staff has added condition 14 requiring the construction detail to be modified accordingly, and to comply with public street minimum standards for sidewalk and parkway widths. 30. The Municipal Water District of orange County (MWDOC) owns and maintains the high pressure water line that traverses the site, Potential future maintenance and repair activities may impact property owners and may impede access to residences within the tract development; lots 1, 12, 13, and 16 would appear to be the most impacted by such activities, MWDOC retains the right to remove any facilities or improvements (such as roads, driveways and landscaping) constructed within their easement in conjunction with maintenance to the pipeline. Furthermore, removal and replacement of such facilities and improvements will be at the expense of the homeowner's association, except in the case of public improvements such as public roads and sidewalks. 31. Previous development proposals along the creek have experienced difficulty in connecting to the city's sewer system because the residential pads were designed at lower elevations than the existing sewer system. In response to the city's preference for gravity fed sewer lines rather than the installation of sewer pumps, the applicant has designed the subdivision accordingly, Lots 13 and 14 have the lowest pad elevations of the tract, that of 422,5 feet, The Mabury/Yellowstone sewer connection is at 413.26 feet, and therefore positive flows can be accomplished for the entire tract, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 9 Reso No. 8182 City of Orange that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be upheld and that General Plan Amendment 2-93 redesignating the subject property to the low density designation be approved for the following reasons:1, The proposed land use designation is the same as that of the adjacent properties to the north, and therefore compatible with the surrounding properties,2, The redesignation to residential would allow for new housing to be developed in order to satisfy the goals of the General Plan's Housing Element,ADOPTED this 18th day of May , 1993.o of1!rt ci Y of ang ATTEST: it' #;'~~7'7/ 0t/~/ ~#/city Cler of y of Orange I hereby certify that the foregoing regularly adopted by the City Council of regular meeting thereof held on the 18th the following vote:Resolution was duly and the City of Orange at a of May , 1993, by AYES: NOES: ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS:COUNCIL MEMBERS:COUNCIL MEMBERS:SPURGEON. BARRERA, MAYOR BEYER. COONTZ, MURPHY NONE NONE Q C2n::#'P' 4l/.City Clerkthe:YCi,~ of Orange Reso No. 8182 SSH: dg lEGAL DESCRIPTION IN ~HE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF ORANGE, AND IS DESCRIBED ASfOI,lOWS: PI?OI'OSED TRACT NO. 14747 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF: BE~'IYNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF A TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO HENRY SNYDER BYDEIllECORDEDINBOOK77, PAGE 22 OF DEEDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGElES COUNTY, CALIFOR-NIA THENCE SOUTH 83 DEGREES WEST 952.71 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 509 FEET; THENCE NORTH83IEGREESEAST760FEETTOTHEEASTBOUNDARYOFSAIDSNYDER'S LAND; THENCE NORTH 19DEREES45' EAST 5&&.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, AlliN TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE9 \^. ST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. EXC~PTlNG THEREFROM ANY PORTION LYING WITHIN TRACT NO. 9827. BE<:1INNING AT A SYCAMORE TREE MARKED "V. M.., THE SAME BEGINNING THE SOUTHEAST COR-NE OF A TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO VICTOR MONTGOMERY BY JONATHAN WATSON BYDEERECORDEDAUGUST12, 187S IN BOOK 38, PAGE 32& OF DEEDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGElESCONTY, CALIFORNIA, AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 19-3/4 DEGREES EAST 17.87 CHAINS TOADITHLEADINGFROMTHESANTIAGOCREEK; THENCE, ALONG THE CENTER OF SAIDDITCH,SO TH 83 DEGREES WEST 18.50 CHAINS; THENCE NORTH 55-1/2 DEGREE5 WEST8CHAINS;THE CE SOUTH 84 DEGREES WEST 7.8& CHAINS; THENCE SOUTN 61-3/4 DEGREESWEST9.50 CH INS; THENCE, LEAVING THE LINE OF SAID DITCH, SOUTH 45-1 2 DEGREES EAST 8.78 CHAINS; THENCE NORTli 55-3/4 DEGREESEAST5.89 CHAINS; THENCE SO TH 35-1/2 DEGREES EAST 15.09 CHAINS TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE CARPENTER TRA ; THENCE, ALONG SAID NORTH BOUNDARY, NORTH 85DEGREESEAST15CHAINS TO THE POI T OF BEGINNING.EXC~PTING THEREFROM, THAT PORTION THEREOF DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:BEG NNlNG AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF A TRACT OFLANDCONVEYEDTOHENRYSNYDERBYDEERECORDEDJANUARY6,1881 IN BOOK 77, PAGE 22OFDEEDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES CO~NTY' CALIFORNIA; THENCE SOUTH 83 DEGREES WEST14.435 CHAINS ALONG THE NORTH lIN OF SAID SNYDER'S LAND; THENCE SOUTH11.515CHAINS; THENCE NORTH 83 DEGREES EAST 10. 2 CHAINS TO THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID SNYDER'SLAND; THENCE NORTH 19-3/4 DE-GRE S EAST 12. 796 CHAINS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.AL~ EXCEPTING THEREFROM, ANY PORTION INCLUDEDINTHELANDDESCRIBEDINTHEDEEDTO . E. FARNSWORTH AND OTHERS, RECORDED JANUARY 6, 1920 IN BOOK 355, PAGE 98 OF DEE S.ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM, ANY PORTION INClUDEDINTHELANDDESCRIBEDINTHEDEEDTOCHARLESW. MORROW AND WIFE, RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1929 IN BOOK 338, PAGE 106 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND IN THE DEED TO LEROY F. ROBINSON AND WIFE, RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1929 IN BOOK 338, PAGE 115 OF OFFICIAL RCORDS.ALSO EXCEPTINGTHEREFROM, THAT PORTION THEREOF DESCRIBED AS FOLOWS:BEG(NNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THELANDCONVEYEDTOA. B. HEINSBERGEN AND WirE BY DEED RECORDED APRIL 27, 1935 IN BOOK 748, PAGE 222 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND RUgNING THENCE NORTH 19 DEGREES 45' EAST AlONG THEEASTERLYLINEOFSAIDLAND, 334.88 FE TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OFTHELANDCONVEYEDTOSULLY -MILLER CONTRACTING CO PANY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAli' LAST MENTIONED LAND, 268 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LAND CO VEYED TO HEINSBERGEN; THENCE NORTH85DEGREESEASTALONGSAIDSOUTHERLYLINE,550 EET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.ALsq EXCEPTING THEREFROM, THAT PORTION OFSAIDLANDDESCRIBEDINTHEDEEEDTOSTAIjIDARD-PAClFIC CORP., RECORDED AUGUST 20, 1976 IN BOOK 11858, PAGE 164 OF OFFICIAL R((<!lRDS.LOT rB" & A PORTION or LOT "A" OF TRACT NO. 9827, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 432, rAGES 1 TO S, BOTHINClUSIVE, OF MISCEllANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS