RES-8446 Approving Tentative Tract No. 15027RESOLUTION NO. 8446 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP ORANGB UPHOLDING THE RECOMMENDATION OP THB PLANHING COMMISSION OP THE CITY OP ORANGB AHD APPROVING THE SUBDIVISION OP PROPBRTY SITUATBD ALONG BITHBR SIDB OP LOD STREET, NORTH OP SBRRANO AVBNUB AHD BAST OP THB CITY OP VILLA PARK, AHD ADJACBNT TO SOUTHERN CALIPORNIA EDISON'S SERRANO SUBSTATION. Tentative Tract 15027 SOUTHBRN CALIPORNIA EDISON RECITALS: After report thereon by the Planning Commission and after due public hearings as required by law, and after receiving a recommendation from the Planning Commission, recommending, by Resolution No. PC 45-94 that the subdivision of property along either side of Loma street, north of Serrano Avenue and east of the City of Villa Park, and adjacent to Southern California Edison's Serrano Substation be approved, the city Council considered Tentative Tract 15027 and determined that the recommendation of the Planning Commission should be upheld and Tentative Tract 15027 be approved. Subject property is more particularly described in Exhibit " A"attached hereto and incorporated herein.During the public hearing, the City Council found the facts as follows:1. In 1989, the Tracy Building Corporation obtained the city' s approval of a residential subdivision on "surplus" property owned by Southern California Edison, adjacent to the Serrano Substation. The property is located north of Serrano Avenue,between the City of Villa Park and the "Anaheim Hills"community. The project is also dependent upon construction of Loma Street, north through the hills to Imperial Highway in the City of Anaheim.2. Loma Street is not yet open to the public, but is presently constructed to one lane in either direction, with a central raised median. The street will ultimately have two lanes in each direction. Alignment of a roadway is no longer consistent with the original design found on the prior tract map, so the adjacent land uses that were originally planned have also been affected.3. Approval of the tentative tract map expired, although future residential development of the property is presumed through current residential zoning and general plan land use classifications. The initial applicant, Tracy Building Corporation, is no longer affiliated with this application.S.C.E. intends to market the property for development. 4. The applicant proposes a residential subdivision of the property through a new tentative tract map. A zone change is requested to modify standards and specifications within the Southridge" community plan, which was prepared by the applicant, and to make minor adjustments to boundaries between residential areas and the adjacent substation lands, which are currently zoned M-1 (Light Manufacturing) and A-I Agricultural). A conditional use permit is required because estate lots west of Loma street would be served by private streets. In addition to issues related to the realignment of Loma street, buyer preferences within the real estate market compel the applicant to propose more single-family detached residential units, rather than apartments or condominiums.5. The primary difference between the previous and revised proposals lies in the distribution of planned residential densities on the west side of Loma street. One planning area that was previously designated for development of 106 condominium units has been eliminated altogether, and the number of estate residential lots would increase from 35 to 68.6. The new map increases the total number of single-family residential lots from 219 to 277, while reducing the total number of apartments or potential condominiums from 176 to 40.7. Because the project is both similar and less intensive than the tract map that was approved in 1989, the city's Environmental Review Board considered the environmental impacts to be essentially the same, except for those issues detailed within an addendum to the original report.Environmental Impact Report 1204 was previously accepted and certified as complete.NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Orange that Tentative Tract 15027 be approved for the following reasons:1. The proj ect 's evaluation is partly based upon background information and analysis contained within an accompanying staff report, and reviewed upon adequate public notification and participation.2. The request is substantially consistent with a map that was approved for the property in 1989, except for modifications that reduce the planned residential density.3. The proposal is consistent with the city' s General Plan, and would help to implement key I inks wi thin the city's Master Plan of streets and Highways, and Master Plan of Recreation Trails.BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Tentative Tract 15027 be approved subject to 1. Drainage shall be designed so as to limit the flow of water, in the event of a 25 year storm, onto the Mabury Ranch to no more than the pre-development level (216 cubic feet per second). This shall be done to the satisfaction of the city Engineer.2. Developer shall participate in the control of low flow water from the tract through Mabury Ranch and resolution of design and costs for such shall be negotiated between the applicant and the Mabury Ranch Homeowners Association.3. Heavy construction and grading equipment associated with development of this tract shall be prohibited from using Serrano Avenue for access, except as permitted by the city.Enforcement of this requirement shall be the responsibility of the developer.4. The traffic signal proposed to be installed at E Street and Loma shall be operational at the same time traffic signals are installed at Via Escola, Serrano and Taft. All costs associated with the design and construction of the Loma/ E Street signal shall be the responsibility of the developer.5. The applicant shall have the option to install rolled curbs without sidewalks for the estate lots west of Loma.6. Traffic speeds on Loma shall be monitored by the city Traffic Engineer for the purpose of establishing a posted speed limit in accordance with State law.7. within two (2) days of the final approval of this project,the applicant shall deliver to the Planning Division a cashiers check payable to the County Clerk, in an amount required to fulfill the fee requirements of Fish and Game Code section 711.4(d) (2) and the County administrative fee,to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code 21152 14 California Code Regulations 15075. If the applicant has not delivered the required fees within such two day period, the approval for the project granted herein shall be void.Conditions numbered 8 through 11 shall be completed to the satisfaction of the city Traffic Engineer 8. Developer shall design and install a traffic signal at the intersection of Loma Street and "E" Street. The signal shall be installed prior to issuance of the 151st (one hundred fifty-first) building permit for development on the east side of Loma street, or when the average daily traffic count on Loma Street reaches 10,000 vehicles per day, whichever comes first.9. Developer shall dedicate easements for safety sight distance purposes at all street intersections with Loma Street.Easement areas shall be determined using 550 feet corner sight distance, per highway design manual for the Department of Transportation ("CaITrans"), and in substantial conformance with city Department of Public Works Standard Plan No. 126. Easement lines shall be shown on all tract maps, grading plans and landscaping plans. 10. Any gate that controls access to Street "F" shall be designed and constructed so that: (a) a minimum 3D-foot turning radius is provided and easily accessible without necessitating a backing maneuver for vehicles not gaining tract entry; (b) a minimum of 75 feet of storage distance is provided between the gate and the edge of the public right of way; (c) the gate is operable by portable electronic openers provided to residents, and (d) ingress and egress is restricted to residents only, with appropriate notice posted for the general motorist.11. The gate that controls access to street "0" shall be designed and constructed so that: (a) a minimum 3D-foot turning radius is provided and easily accessible without necessitating a backing maneuver for vehicles not gaining tract entry; ( b) a minimum of 100 feet of storage distance is provided between the gate and the edge of the public right of way; ( c) if external visitor parking spaces are required, a minimum of 2 spaces are provided so as not to require a vehicle to back up into the public right of way before leaving, (d) the location of any visitor electronic communication device is a minimum of 75 feet from the public right of way, and (e) the gate is activated by a guard and/or by portable electronic openers provided to residents.12. Access to public property shall remain available via streets E" and "Z" for future park development.13. Dedicated park lands shall not be used to mitigate any impacts of development within tract boundaries.14. Lot "F" will be dedicated to the City of Orange for flood control purposes, and potential expansion of the park site,pending further negotiations related to street improvements,proposed mitigation measures and landscape maintenance requirements.15. Lot "G" will be dedicated to the City of Orange, as an addition to the park site.Conditions numbered 16 through 25 shall be completed to the satisfaction of the city's Fire Department.16. The developer/owner shall provide the City a finished graded site (Lot. No. 278), approved of in advance by the Fire Department, for permanent fire protection facilities.17. Fire protection provisions shall be in made, including a water supply system to the area, prior to the storage of combustible materials anywhere on the project site.18. All streets shall have a 20 foot wide clearance for emergency vehicle access. 19. The Fire Department access roadway shall be provided with adequate turning radius for Fire department apparatus. The cul-de-sac streets must have an adequate turning radius for Fire Department vehicles. A 37-foot outside radius is the minimum.20. Fire Department emergency access must not exceed 12 percent grade.21. All streets less than 36 feet wide shall be marked and signed as a fire lane. The marking and signage shall be provided and installed per the city of Orange Fire Department's Fire Lane standards.22. All buildings constructed on dead-end streets in excess of 600 feet will be required to have fire sprinkler systems installed.23. All mechanical gates shall be provided with a key-operated over-ride, per city of Orange Ordinance 9-84, and a manual release in case of electrical failure.24. This project shall comply with the city of Orange's Fuel Modification program, which includes the requirement of a minimum twelve foot passage way from a public street to the fuel modification zone to provide access for emergency personnel and maintenance workers. Access ways are to be located no more than 500 feet apart with locations approved by the fire department. The access areas are to be designated as a letter lot on the approved tract map and a condition of construction shall be that the Homeowners Association is responsible for the maintenance of all fuel modification areas. A proposal addressing fuel modification maintenance and emergency access shall be provided to the fire department prior to approval of the final tract map. The fuel modification access is not addressed on the current proposed map for tract 15027.25. City of Orange Ordinance 3-94 requires all roof coverings to be fire retardant U.L. listed Class A assembly with fire stopped and enclosed eaves. In addition, a spark arrestor is required on chimneys, maximum one-half inch screen required.Conditions numbered 20 through 31 shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Water Department.26. An on-site and off-site dedicated water system shall be installed as designed by the Water Department.27. A 15 foot easement, located either on Lot 223 or Lot 224,shall be dedicated to 28. A 15 foot easement, located between Lots 73 and 170 shall be dedicated to include the water main, meters, detector checks, and fire hydrants. 29. Each unit be metered separately unless otherwise approved by the Water Manager. 30. The developer shall pay all water Department fees and charges prior to Council approval of the final map. 31. Twelve-inch water lines shall be installed as designed by the Water Department. These water lines shall be installed and in service within 6 months after issuance of the first grading permit for the development. The locations of the 12 inch water lines are as follows:a. The north side of Cerro villa Road from the existing 12 inch water line at the northerly tract boundary approximately 450 feet to the existing 12 inch water line at Loma street.b. From the existing 12 inch water line at the top of the slope between Lots 223 and 224 to the existing 12 inch water line on Loma street 35 feet north of street " E".32. Sixteen-inch water lines and 4 inch and 2 inch conduits shall be installed in the reservoir access road as approved by the Water Manager. These water lines and conduits shall be installed and in service within 6 months after issuance of the first grading permit for the development. The water lines and conduits are as follows:a. A 16 inch water line from the existing 16 inch water line at Loma street to the 900 zone reservoir.b. A 16 inch water line from the existing 16 inch water line at Loma street to the 1100 zone reservoir.c. A 4 inch conduit from Loma Street to the 1100 zone reservoir with a branch going to the 900 zone reservoir.d. A 2 inch conduit from Loma street to the 1100 zone reservoir with a branch going to the 900 zone reservoir.33. The developer shall dedicate two graded reservoir sites, on or off site, with pad elevations of approximately 860 and 1,100 with ingress and egress, and utility easement.Location and size of the sites shall be determined by the water Manager.34. The geological report for the development shall address the suitability of the two reservoir sites for the construction of an above ground steel water storage tank.35. The reservoir access road from Loma street to the two reservoir sites shall be paved to a width and structural section approved by the water manager. The paving shall completed within 3 months of the completion of the steel water storage tank. 36. The developer shall dedicate a graded booster station site, at Loma street and the reservoir access road, with an ingress and egress and utility easement. The location and size of the site shall be determined by the Water Manager. provisions for utility service shall be provided to the property line, including a 3 phase 480 volt electrical service, and 4 inch electrical and 2 inch telephone conduits. 37. The developer shall provide for utility service to the property line, including 3 inch and 2 inch telephone conduits for a booster station site to be located on Lot 278. Conditions numbered 32 through 40 shall be complied with to the satisfaction of the Police Department's Crime Prevention Bureau. 38. All lots that do not allow visibility of building address numerals shall display the address number at the street entrance to the lot. Numerals shall also comply with minimal requirements for specific structures. 39. Landscape designs shall consider the placement and growth patterns of tall shrubs and trees. Future landscape growth shall not interfere with distribution of required lighting, or visibility of addressing, and shall be maintained after installation. 40. Access to, and design of, each drive shall be reviewed and approved by the fire, police, and public works departments prior to the approval of the final map. 41. Open spaces and non-buildable (lettered) lots that are located near buildable lots shall be designed and maintained to discourage casual trespass, and access to the rear of neighboring lots. Landscape designs should consider visibility, and reduce the opportunity to create ' youthful gathering locations'.42. Fencing, where required, or used as a security device, shall be a minimum of 6 feet in height, and of a nonclimbable design, as approved by the Crime Prevention Bureau, and Design Review Board.43. Recreation trail entries shall employ devices to prevent trespass of unauthorized ATC, OHV, and motorcycle type vehicles, yet still allow access by horses. This design shall also incorporate adequate access for emergency response vehicles (Knox, Medeco key). The use of adjacent gates may be considered.44. security devices shall be employed along recreation trails when the trails traverse or interconnect the lots in order to minimize the opportunity for trespass and thefts from these properties. certain landscape barriers will be considered as security devices, and should first be approved by the Crime Prevention Bureau. 45. Vandal resistant lighting devices, approved by the Crime Prevention Bureau, shall be installed upon the Loma bridge where it crosses over the established equestrian trail. 46. Temporary street signs shall be posted at each street intersection within the project to identify the street name assigned by the city. The signs shall be posted after the streets are graded and shall remain during all phases of construction until the official City of Orange street sign has been installed. 47. There shall be no further subdivision of single family residence lots within the tract. Multiple family lot (No. 279) may be subdivided for future development consistent with the approved planned community text. 48. All multiple family units shall require Planning Commission review of site plans, and approval of a C.U.P. prior to development. 49. In accordance with Government Code Section 66474.9, subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Orange, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City, its agents, officers or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of this map by the City, its City Council, its Planning Commission or any of its advisory agencies. 50. Developer shall construct recreation/equestrian trails as shown on tract map, to connect with existing area trail system, and shall dedicate an easement to the City of Orange, for public use of trails. Developer shall provide for maintenance of said trails by homeowners' association. 51. Developer shall incorporate concepts of contour/landform grading and planting, as required by Landform Grading and Landscape Guidelines. Contour grading shall be indicated on grading plans, and shall be reviewed and approved by the Departments of Public Works and Community Services. Landscaping and irrigation plans shall be prepared by the applicant and submitted for review and approval by the Design Review Board. 52. A homeowner's association shall be established to maintain all prominent slope areas (those facing public streets, as indicated on approved Tentative Tract Map) , as well as all lettered lots. Developer shall landscape and provide permanent irrigation facilities over slope areas and lettered lots. 53. In addition to landform grading and landscaping guidelines, Condition No. 46), all grading shall conform to city's grading ordinance. 8 54. Subject to Department of Public Works standard conditions for subdivisions: "Addendum Sheet ill. 55. A final map shall be recorded within 24 months after tentative approval, and prior to the sale or lease of any lot. 56. Monument shall be set based on a field survey. 57. Dedicate and construct all streets east of Lema to city standards. 58. Developer shall construct left lane turn pockets at intersections along Lema Street. 59. Vehicular access rights from Lema street, Serrano Avenue, and Cerro Villa Drive shall be dedicated to the City of Orange. 60. Developer shall post a separate improvement bond or other acceptable security to guarantee the ultimate construction of Loma street. 61. Street lights shall be installed by developer as approved by Department of Public Works and system dedicated to the City of Orange. 62. All street tree plantings to include the installation of root barriers on the sidewalk side of the tree, or where conditions warrant, the installation of a deep root box as directed by the Director of Community Services. 63. The storm drain system shall be constructed to City standards. 64. The drainage retarding basin shall be designed to eliminate low flow nuisance water accumulation, unless an alternative design is submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. 65. Subdrains shall be installed to remedy ground and nuisance water conditions. Subdrains will also be required for improvement to the north side of Serrano Avenue, per adopted standards of the city Engineer. 66. Cable television facilities shall be provided for, as required by the city's cable television franchisee. 67. C,C&R's shall incorporate all requirements expressed within these conditions, and will be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney and Community Development Department prior to approval of final tract maps. 68. Developer shall comply with all recommendations contained within the geotechnical report that is part of the E.I.R., as amended. Compliance shall be verified by the project soils engineer, in the form of written statements to the city Departments of Public Works and community Development. A statement shall be filed at such time as plans are submitted 9 or grading plan check, verifying incorporation of design recommendations (such as building setbacks, slope treatments, etc.), and another statement filed at completion of grading, indicating compliance with all recommendations, including field techniques. 69. Developer shall mitigate lost riparian vegetation, subject to review and approval of a streambed alteration permit, to be issued by the state's Department of Fish and Game. All rock outcroppings located outside the tract's boundaries shall be protected from grading activities. This area should be designated on grading plans, and specifically noted as area to be preserved. Additionally, the applicant will revise plans to decrease the extent of grading along the north edge of Lot J, so that the slope is reduced to a maximum 1 percent grade. On-site project superintendent shall submit a statement to the city departments of Public Works and Community Development verifying that precautions are taken prior to issuance of grading permits.Compliance with conditions 64 and 65 shall be verified by written statements, submitted on a biweekly basis, to the city departments of Public Works and Community Development by the on-site job superintendent.70. In order to mitigate impacts to air quality, the following shall be implemented to control dust emissions during construction a. Apply water and keep earth and stockpiles reasonably wet.b. Shallow piling of earth that is stockpiled, and covering of any stockpiles.c. Installation of landscaping on slopes and common areas immediately after " finish grading."71. In order to mitigate impacts to the air quality, the following shall be implemented to control emissions from construction equipment:a. Use of four degree fuel injection retardation system see EPA-600/S7-81- 127, July 1982) for diesel construction equipment.b. Use of low sulfur fuel oil ( 0. 05% WS) for diesel equipment.72. Final drainage plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer, City of Orange. Plans shall also be submitted to the city of Villa Park for review and comment. Developer shall notify the City of Orange Departments of Public Works and Community Development that plans have been submitted to Villa Park.73. All drainage devices must conform to the City of Orange Landform Grading Guidelines, to be as inconspicuous as possible. Developer shall utilize colored concrete to cause drainage facilities in slope areas to blend into surroundings. These methods shall by city departments of Public Works and Community Development. 74.All manufactured slopes should be seeded to native wildflowers, including California poppy and lupine. species would provide forage and shelter for various wildlife species.) These bird and 75. The landscape palette for the developed site should emphasize low water use trees and shrubs, as well as fire retardant species. Also, emphasis should be placed on shrubs that produce seeds, berries, or nectar to attract and support suitable bird species. To reduce the amount of waste generated by the project, low maintenance trees and shrubs are recommended. Landscape plans shall incorporate the use of mature specimen trees and shrubs from larger than normal containers. 76. Landscape plans shall indicate riparian vegetation and rock cliff area in the northeastern sector of the project site, as required under condition no. 63, above. 77. Landscaping shall be used as a means of visually buffering future project residents from the Edison substation including lighting) and from Lama street. 78. Developer shall prepare a wall and fence plan to be submitted for Design Review Board review and approval, which includes a detailed barrier analysis. Plans shall clearly indicate the location and height of all proposed walls, including any noise barriers, and shall include the supporting technical documents (noise studies, lighting photometrics) which establish wall heights and locations. Appropriate sections of technical reports shall be highlighted in a manner which points out specific recommendations regarding barriers. 79. Developer shall retain the services of a paleontologist, to monitor grading and to assess the potential significance of any fossils encountered during site grading. Prior to issuance of grading permits, developer shall advise, in writing, the city Departments of Public Works and Community Development of the firm or individual chosen to perform this function, and submit a report prepared by the paleontologist outlining the manner in which such monitoring shall take place. 80. Copies of the Final Environmental Impact Report for this project shall be available at the sales office, and the following information shall be fully disclosed to potential future residents: a. Existence of the MWDOC water line and easement, and of the possible consequences of pipeline maintenance and repair activities. All sales maps shall clearly show the MWDOC easement. b. Proximity of the Edison substation and its potential associated impacts, including helicopter operations 11 flight and expansion plans). All sales maps shall clearly show the Edison substation building location, powerline easements and helipad. Additionally, the booklet regarding possible health risks from electric and magnetic fields, prepared by the Department of Engineering and Public Policy of Carnegie Mellon University, should be made available at the sales office for reference. c. Developer shall certify that all tract sales maps have been prepared in conformance with (a) and (b) above, prior to opening of the sales office/model homes, and that all buyers have been made aware of the possible health risks related to electric and magnetic fields. 81. Developer shall dedicate ultimate Lema street right of way. 82. Building plan submittals shall include an acoustical analysis showing compliance with indoor and outdoor noise standards. 83. The developer shall participate in funding of school facilities through either the existing school facility fee program, creation of a Mello Roos Assessment District, or execution of some other voluntary agreement with the District. This condition shall be complied with prior to issuance of building permits. 84. Developer shall utilize energy efficient built-in appliances to aid in conservation of energy resources. Developer shall certify compliance with a written statement to Department of Community Development.85. Developer shall pay County sanitation District 2 fees, and City of Orange connection fees.Conditions numbered 80 through 84 shall be completed prior to issuance of building permits, and written verification of compliance shall be provided to city departments of Public Works and Community Development.86. Prior to completion of grading within Planning Units D or E,the developer shall conduct limited testing along the boundaries of the project site adjacent to the former county operated disposal site (now designated for park purposes), to assure that waste materials do not extend onto the project site. Testing shall also include Methane soil gas migration tests.87. If wastes are encountered during construction, the Orange County Health Care Agency, Waste Management Section should be contacted for assistance in making final determination of waste constituents, to assure proper handling and/ or disposal.88. If soil and/or ground water con~amination are found to exist at the site the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, sant~ Ana Region must be contacted in regard to remediation measures to be implemented before completing construction activities. 89. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, evidence of the applicant's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System N.P.D.E.S.) permit for discharge to surface waters, and a Waste Discharge Requirements permit (for discharge to land) will be required. 90. An Urban Edge Treatment Plan shall be submitted by the developer to the Manager, EMA-Harbors, Beaches and Parks Program Planning Division, for those areas of the project abutting county Open Space. Developer shall provide a copy of this plan to accompany Design Review Board submittal,along with a written statement verifying submittal to and comment by County EMA.91. Dedicate Lot 278 to city of Orange for Public Institutional uses.92. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the developer shall establish a 24 hour emergency hotline to facilitate immediate response to adverse weather conditions.93. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, developer shall submit a plan for dust control, which shall include identification of the location and timing for sources of water.94. The developer shall post a two-year faithful performance bond with the City, to insure proper installation and maintenance of the landscaping during the first two years.95. Approval of this development, by the city of Orange, does not authorize the applicant, successor, or heirs, to violate any federal, state, county or city laws, ordinances, regulations or policies, including but not limited to the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, nor any amendments thereto 16 U.S.C. Section 1531, et seq.).Upon the city's authorization of a grading or building permit, the U.S. Fish and wildlife service (U.S.F.W. S.) has 30 days to review the city's decision, and may disagree with its final determination. If the U.S.F.W.S. disagrees with that decision, the service may stop the project pursuant to authority of the Federal Endangered species Act.Should any work commence prior to the end of the U.S.F. W.S.30-day period of review, the applicant, developer, property owner, or successors and heirs, may be subject to civil and criminal prosecution by the federal government.96. The applicant agrees to satisfy the following "stipulated"conditions related to prior approval of the project site:a. Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of the 51st unit within planning unit E, the developer shall construct the north side of Serrano Avenue, central median, paving, curb and gutter (no sidewalk or recreation trail) from the eastern boundary of the project to Loma street, per standards or requirements of the Department of Public Works. b. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the developer shall establish (and maintain) a 24-hour emergency ( telephone)hotline" with live response to help facilitate an immediate response to problems that might occur during development.c. The developer shall dedicate property for right-of-way improvements along Mesa Drive, or "Old Dump Hill Road," to the City of villa Park, as indicated on the tract map.d. The Planning Commission recommends that community concerns discussed during the hearing on November 7, 1994, and specifically related to speed limits, construction traffic,traffic control devices and the timing for improvements within adjacent public rights of way should be considered by the Traffic Commission, if further discussion is warranted.The following code provisions are applicable to this project and are included for information only. This is not a complete list of requirements, and other Code provisions may apply.Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall pay all applicable development fees, including but not limited to:Transportation System Improvement Program, Drainage Assessment Fee, Fire Facility, Police Facility, Park Acquisition,Sanitation District, School District, and Eastern Foothill Transportation Corridor, as required.All structures shall comply with the requirements of Municipal Code Chapter 15.52, Building Security Standards, which is related to use of specific hardware, doors, windows, lighting,etc... (Ord. 7-79). Architectural drawings shall include sections of the ordinance that apply under "Security Notes".An "Approved Products List" of hardware, windows, etc., is available through the Building Division of Community Development Department.ADOPTED this 11 th day I ATTEST: y~.tJ"" ~~f'-<d Deputy City Cl k MARILYN J. JENSEN city Clerk of the City of Orange I hereby certify that the foregoing regularly adopted by the city council of regular meeting thereof held on the 11 by the following vote:Resolution was duly and the city of Orange at a th of Apdl , 1995,AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: MURPHY, BARRERA, MAYOF COONTZ, SPURGEON, SLATER COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE MARILYN J. JENSEN city Clerk of the city of Orange BY:~~ Ju/kdtihLA7 puty City C rk SSH: dh Reso. 8446 15 r oJ0... m It -.II o~ l')'" 0 DESCRIPTION OF LAND TO BE CONVEYED BY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY ATTACHMENT "A" EXHIBIT A That certain real property lying within the City of Oranqe, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows:That portion of projected Sections 10, 11 and 14, all in Township 4 South, Range 9 West, in Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, described as follows:BEGINNING at a found bolt and square brass plate set in concrete set at the Southwest corner of said Section II, said Southwest corner also beinq the Northerly corner of Lot 17 of said Tract No. 166, said Southwest corner of Section 11 being South 000 41' 14" West, 5705.26 feet, measured alonq the Westerly line of said Section 11 from a 2 inch iron pipe with a Southern California Edison Company brass cap marked "R.C.E.721P, set at the Northwest corner of said Section lion the Westerly line of Lot 1 of Tract No. 936, as shown on a map filed in' Book 30, pages 1 and 2 of Miscellaneous Maps in ,the office of said County Recorder: thence, a10nq that portion of the Southerly boundary line of the lands described in that certain deed to Louis E. Nohl, et UX, dated June 14, 1946 and recorded in Book 1426, page 204 of Official Records in the office of said county Recorder, which extends from that certain course described as having a bearinq of "North 59035 ' West"and a lenqth of 630.70 feet to that certain course described as having a bearinq of "North 100 12' East" and a length of 432.35 feet, as recited in said deed also beinq a portion of the Northeasterly boundary line of Tract No. 166, as per map recorded in ~ ook 12, paqes 9 to 11 inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the ,County Record~ of said Oranqe county: thence the followinq courses and distances: South 58"43' 35" East, 630.23 feet: South 490 46' 56" West, 122.4. feet:South 550 II' 28" East, 126.62 feet: South 800 05' 30" East,240.53 feet: South 600 41' 010 East, 133.98 feet: South 860 19'05" East, 155;00 feet: South 550 43' 40" East, 194.19 feet:South 710 53' 12" East, 205.97 feet: South 600 03' ,02" East,110.50 feet: South 230 54' 24" West, 149.63 feet: South 140 24'51" West, 100.09 feet: South 020 02' 510 East 69.96 feet: South 150 19' 30" East, 192.54 feet: South 320 31' 39" East, 69.91 feet: South 770 28' 20" East,' 86.90 feet: North 61" 43' 52"East, 145. 79 feet: South 480 37' 48" East, 115.11 feet: South 790 57' 07" East, 147,.64 feet: South 080 58' 30" East, 70.21 feet: South 380 51'17" West, 62.63 feet: South 12" 22' 28"East, 63. 97 feet: South 430 41' 35" East. 242.04 feet: South 030 48' 3P East, 812.98 feet: South 560 23' 18" West, 330.21 feet: South 620 47' 04" West, 921.36 feet: South 740. 42' 28"East, 389. 90 feet: South 110 06' 32" West, 29.13 feet to a 2-inch iron pipe with' a Southern California Edison Company t brass cap marked ~R.C.E. 7211- set at the intersection of the Northwesterly boundary: line of the lands described as PARCEL 1 in that certain deed to wayne E. 'Reynolds. et ux. dated June 12. 1951. and recor,ded in Book .2201. page 388 of Official Records in the office of said County Recorder. with said certain course described as having a bearing of "North 100 12' East" and a length of 432.35 feet. as recited in said deed recorded in Book 1426. page 204 of Official Records. said Northwesterly boundary line being a line that is parallel with and 20 feet Southeasterly from that certain course described as having a bearing of -North 53- 30' 32" East" and a length of 81.62 feet. as recited in said deed recorded in Book 2201. page 388 of Official Records: thence -North 54- 28' 24" East along said parallel line 102.81 feet. more or less. to a line that ia parallel with and 20 feet Southeasterly from that certain course described as having a bearillg of "North 530 17' East" and a length of 203.39 feet. as recited in.said last mentioned deed: thence North 54- 12' 08" East along said last mentioned parallel line 201.24 feet. more or less. to a line that is parallel with and 20 feet Southeasterly from that certain course described as having a bearing of "North 650 50; East" and a length of 249.0L feet. as recited in said last mentioned deed: thence North 66- 42' 44" East along said last mentioned parallel line 284.54 feet. more or less. to the Southerly line of the lands described in that certain deed to the County of Orange dated ,December 16. 1946. and recorded in Book 1506. page 532 of Official Records in the office of said County Recorder: thence. along that portion of the Southerly. Westerly and Northerly boundary lines of the lAnds described in said last mentioned deed which extends from that cert~~n course described as having a ,bearing of "North 860 16' 58" Vest" and length of 987.15 feet to that certain course described as having a bearing of "South 39056'10" East" and a length of 479.75 feet. as recited ill said last mentioned deed the following courses and distances': North 850 24' 14" West. 42.76 feet: North 520 36' 05" East. 333.44 feet: North 56- 36' 10" East. 193.76 feet: South 83- 33' 20" East. 406.97 feet: North 610 46' 24" East. 521.06 feet: South 89- 59' 07" East. 537.62 feet: South 390 02' 05" East. 478.18 feet. more or less. to .Station 37~ referred to in the description of the Southerly boundary line of the lands described in said deed recorded in Book 1426. page 204 of Official Records: thence. along that portion of said Southerly boundary line Which ~xtends from that certain course described as having a bearing of .South 880 06' West. and a distance of 83.40 feet to that certain course described as having a bearing of .South 630 30' West" and a length of 446.10 feet. as recited in said last mentioned deed. said portion of the Southerly boundary line also b~ing the Northerly boundary line of a parcel of land as shown on a map filed in Book 3. page 54 of Record of Surveys in the office of said County Recorder. the following courses and distances: North 89" 10' 32" East. 83.11 feet: South 21" 08' 25" East. 122.95 feet; South 04" 36' 49" East, 345,32 feet; South 20" 09' 52" East, 153.60 feet; North 2- J i I 86" 15' 43" East.. 853.20 feet to "Station 32" referred to in said last mentioned deed; thence North 64" 28: 16" East. along said certain course described as having a bearing of "South 63" 30' West" and a length of 446.10 feet. a distance of 136.32 feet. more or less. to a point. in the Easterly 1 ine of said Section 14: the'nce North 00" 43' 51" East along said Easterly line ot Section 14. a distance of 3131.31 feet to a 4-inch by 4-inch stake set at the intersection of said Easterly line of Section 14 with the Southerly line of the land described and designated as PARCEL 2 in the RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT dated June 4. 1962. and recorded in Book 6136. page 76 of Official Records in the office of said County Recorder. said 4- inch by 4-inch stake being South 00" 43' 51" Wes~. 179. 57 feet. measured along said Easterly line of Section 14 from a 2- inch iron pipe with a"Southern California Edison Company brass cap marked "R.C.E.7211" set for the Northeast corner of said Section 14: thence North 72" 44' 06" West along said last mentioned Southerly line 3818.30 feet to a 4-inch by 4-inch stake set at ,the intersection of said Southerly line of PARCEL 2 with the Southerly line of the land described and designated as PARCEL 1. in said last mentioned RIGHT 01" WAY EASEMENT: thence South 72" 26' 07" West along said last mentioned Southerly line.1751.63 feet: thence leaving said last mentioned Southerly line South 00" 41' 14" West. 212. 75 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 16 of said Tract No. 166. said Northeast corner being the Northwesterly, terminus of that certain course described as having a bearing of "North 23" 39' West" and a distance of 153.00 feet. as recited in the description of the Southerly boundary line of the lands conveyed to Louis E. Nohl. et ux. by said deed recorded in , Book 1426. page 204 o~.Official Records:thence South 22" 46' 46" East along said last'mentioned certain course. 152. 75 feet to the Point Of Beginning.EXCEPTING from the above described land that portion thereof. described as follows: That portion of projected Sections 11 and TownShip 4 South. Range 9 West in ,Rancho Santiago described as follows:14. both in de Santa Ana.BEGINNING at a found liblt and square brass plate set in concrete set at the Southwest corner of said Section 11. said Southwest corner also being the Northerly corner of Lot 17 of Tract No. 166. as per map recorded in Book 12. pages 9 to 11 inclusive. of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. said bolt and square brass plate being South 22" 46' 46" East. 152.75 feet. measured along the Northeas ter ly line of Lot 16 of sa id Tract No. 166 f rom the Northerly terminus of that certain course shown as "N 23" 39'W 153.00" on the map of said Tract No. 166; thence North 22"46' 46" West. 152.75 feet; thence North 00" 41' 14" East.212.75 feet. more or less. to r described and designated as PARCEL 1 in the RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT dated June 4, 1962 and recorded in Book 6136, page 76 of Official Records in the office of said" County Recorder:thence North 72. 26' 07" East, measured along said Southerly line, 1751. 63 feet to a 4-inch by 4-inch post set at the intersection of the Southerly line of said PARCEL 1 with the Southerly line of the "land described and designated as PARCEL 2 in said RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT: thence South 720 44' 06" East along said last mentioned Southerly line 999.29 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence along the following courses and distances: South 30. 15' 54" West, 1750.12 feet: South 59. 44' 06" East, 2150.00 feet: North 30. 15' 54" East, 2246.49 feet to the Southerly line of said PARCEL 2. said point being South 72. 44' 06" East. 2206.56 feet from the Point of Beginning: thence North 72. 44' 06" West, along said last mentioned Southerly line 2206.56 feet to the Point of Beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING from the above described land that portion thereof. described as follows: That portion of projected Section 14. Township 4 South, Range 9 West, San Bernardino Meridian. in the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, in the City of orange. County of orange, State of California. described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the East line of said Section 14 and being the Northeast corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Southern California Edison Company. a corporation, by Deed recorded December 23, 196!1 in Book 8824. page 52 of Official Records, in the office of the county Recorder of said County. said point being distant South 00. A~' 51" West 179.57 feet from a2-inch iron pipe with a Southern California Edison Company brass cap marked "R.C.E. 7211" set at the Northeast corner of said Section 14: thence North 720 44' 06" West. along the Northerly line of said parcel conveyed to Southern California Edison Company a distance of 612.45 feet: thence South 300 15' 54" West 1813.99 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this description: t,hence North 590 44' 06" West.109.50 feet: thence South 30. 15' 54" West. 205.00 feet: thence North 30. 15' 54" East, 205.00 feet: thence North 590 44' 06"West, 95.50 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.ALSO EXCEPTING from the above described land a parcel of land approximately 205.00 feet by 223.00 feet for a Reservoir Site lying adjacent to and Northeasterly of that certain existing Reservoir Site granted to the City of Orange by Grant Deed recorded June 13. 1975, in Book 11430. page 177 of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County.EXCEPTING all oil. gas. petroleum and other mineral or hydrocarbon substances in and under or which may be produced from said land. together with the right to use that portion only of said land which underlies a plane parallel to and five hundred (500) feet below the present surface of said land. as reserved in the Grant Deed from Louis E. Nohl. individually. and Louis E. Nohl. as the duly appointed Executor of the Estate of Margaret Elliott Nohl. deceased. recorded December 23. 1968 as Instrument No. 15164. in Book 8824. page S2 of Official Records in the' office of the County Recorder of said Orange County. ALSO EXCEPTING from the hereinbefore described lands Southern California Edison Company's existing and proposed Transmission Line Right of Ways. A legal description for said Transmission Line Right of Ways will be furnished at a later date. ALSO RESERVING from rights for any existing facilities. the hereinbefore described lands Southern California Edison Company The exact recital of rights being reserved and "legal description will be furnished at a later date. Ii> 5-