01-04-12 DRC Agenda
Conference Room “C”
Design Review Committee:
Bill Cathcart, Chair
Joe Woollett, Vice-Chair
Tim McCormack
Craig Wheeler
Chad Ortlieb
Senior Planner
Sandi Dimick
Recording Secretary
Notice to Public:
If you are interested in addressing the Design Review Committee on any item, please
fill out your full name and address on a gray card provided at the meeting and submit
the completed card to the Chair. The Design Review Committee Chair will call your
name and allow you to speak when the item is considered. When you speak to the
Design Review Committee, state your full name and address for the record. Members
of the public must direct their questions to the Chair and not to other members of the
Committee, the staff, the applicant, or the audience. Speaking time is limited to three
(3) minutes per person, so please organize your comments accordingly.
The Chair will:
1. Introduce the item
2. Receive the staff report
3. Receive the applicant’s presentation
4. Receive public input
5. Lead Committee discussion and determination
NOTE: Any Public Record that is distributed less than 72 hours prior to the Design
Review Committee meeting will be made available at the Design Review Committee
meeting and at the City Clerk’s office counter at City Hall, 300 E. Chapman Avenue,
Orange, CA 92866.
Please turn off all cell phones and pagers.
Administrative Session – 5:00 P.M.
Location and Mailing Address:
300 E. Chapman Avenue
Orange, CA 92866
Conference Room “C”
The Committee holds an Administrative Session to receive general information from
the staff and to conduct an initial review of Minutes of prior meetings. The Session is
open to the public; however, no public testimony is taken and no decisions are made.
Following the Administrative Session, the regular meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m.
Telephone Number:
(714) 744-7220
1. Review of Agenda
2. Policy/Procedural Information
3. Review of Minutes: December 7, 2011
Regular Session - 5:30 P.M.
Design Review Committee
Agenda-January 4, 2012
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Opportunity for members of the public to address the Design Review Committee on
matters not listed on the Agenda.
(1) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 7, 2011
All matters that are listed above as Consent Items are considered to be routine by the
Design Review Committee and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no
separate discussion of said items unless members of the Design Review Committee,
staff, or the public request specific items to be removed from the Consent Items for
separate action.
Continued Items:
A proposal to construct a new 464 sq. ft. detached two-car garage and 112 sq.
ft. art studio, at the rear of a 1921 Craftsman Bungalow.
140 N. Cleveland Street, Old Towne Historic District
Staff Contact: Daniel Ryan, 714-744-7224, dryan@cityoforange.org
Preliminary Review at November 2, 2011 DRC Meeting
DRC Action: Final Determination
New Agenda Items:
(3) DRC No. 4534-11 - ALLEN RESIDENCE
A proposal to demolish a rear 376 sq. ft. addition and 103 sq. ft. basement,
construct a new rear 376 sq. ft. one-story addition with second-story deck, and
convert an existing attic to living area on an 1895 Victorian residence.
202 N. Cambridge Street, Old Towne Historic District
Staff Contact: Daniel Ryan, 714-744-7224, dryan@cityoforange.org
DRC Action: Recommendation to the Planning Commission
A proposal to relocate a 1,224 sq. ft., two-story barn within the existing
property and convert a portion of the barn to a new accessory second unit.
816 E. Culver Avenue, Old Towne Historic District
Staff Contact: Daniel Ryan, 714-744-7224, dryan@cityoforange.org
DRC Action: Recommendation to the Planning Commission
Design Review Committee
Agenda-January 4, 2012
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(5) DRC No. 4589-11 – KHAN RESIDENCE
A proposal to remodel an existing residence by adding 2,594 sq. ft. to an
existing 6,011 sq. ft. house.
7628 E. Santiago Canyon Road
Staff Contact: Doris Nguyen, 714-744-7223, dnguyen@cityoforange.org
DRC Action: Final Determination
(6) DRC No. 4599-11 - KEEGAN RESIDENCE
A proposal to change a roof form and add a new porch addition on a 1904
single-family Victorian residence.
225 W. Culver Avenue, Old Towne Historic District
Staff Contact: Daniel Ryan, 714-744-7224, dryan@cityoforange.org
DRC Action: Final Determination
Adjourn to the next regular meeting on Wednesday, January 18, 2012.
Any final determination by the Design Review Committee may be appealed, and such appeal must be filed within
15 calendar days after the action is taken. This appeal shall be made in written form to the Community
Development Department, accompanied by an initial appeal deposit fee of $1,000.00.
The Community Development Department, upon filing of said appeal, will set petition for public hearing before
the City Planning Commission at the earliest possible date.
If you challenge any City of Orange decision in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or
someone else raised at the public meeting described on this agenda, or in a written correspondence delivered to the
Design Review Committee at, or prior to, the public meeting.
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