07-09-1980 - Minutes TC �,� a � /� CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION : P 2 MINUTES ��`� � ;, July 9, 1980 MEMBERS PI�ESENT: STAFF PRESEl'JT: - . � Gene Shaw, Chairman Bernie Dennis, Traf f ic. Eng. ` 4 Ma.tt Baumann Pat Kelley, Eng. Aide ` Tam Strickland, Sgt. , P.D. i Maria Kearney, Secretary - F The regular �cheduled meeting of the Citizens Traff ic Safety Commission was " adjourned due to lack of a quorum. , � ,: The Cormnission and 5taff reconvened for a Workshop Session concerning the _ � � current guidelines govern3.ng Stop Gont'ro1 Installations, and it was the consensus that no changes should �e implement�d. r Workshop ad�ourned at 4:45 � � Next Meeting will be held August 13, 1980. . � g � �