05-14-1980 - Minutes TC <�:
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May 14, 19II'0
Gene Shaw, Chairm�n Bernie Dennis, Traffic Enq.
Stan Mi11ar Pa� Ke.Z.�ey, Eng. Aide
l�iek Yarger Lt. Mske L�int�
�Zase Mar�e S1ate : Maxia K�arney, ,5ecretary
1'�1INUT�'S OF° �iP'RI.L 9,' 1980 -� APPROVED
A. L,iracaln ��rreraue and' Tustin S'treet - Ftequest for "N� 5Tf�PPTNG ANYTIME" Zone
- Orsng� Traffie Section.
' Recom�nerad Approval � .
B. xustirz Stz�eet ar��,Meats AT1"erlue � Re�uest f'or "NO S�'OPPING ANYTIME" Zone
-- Orange Traffic Sectio.n .
. Recan7mend Appra�ra.t
' G. Tustin Str�et ar�d �'eba Ave. - R�quest :�ar "N4 STOPPING AIVYTIME" Zane
�. .�range Police Departme.nt �
' Recvmrrtend Appro'va 1
D. 432 N. Tustin ,�treet -- Request far Limi ted Time Parking
- A. Adam T.;c�ek & Sa.�e Co. , (Mr, Adamo)*, 432 N. Tustiaa Stre�t
, Recammehd Denial
�'�Ir. Adamo attended the m��t.ing and reques�ed to be nd�ified when this
item will appear before the City Council.
MOVED by �ommis�ioner Mi11ar, secor�ded b� Commissioner Yarge.�, the Comm.issian
. recommends �o the City Councz.l to approve the Traffic E�gine�ring Sta.ff's
. r�oT.ra�r c�.R�z.r�n �
1. Request for "NQ S�'OPPING ANYTIME", 2one �- .�atavia Street & ColTzns Ave.
� Referrec� back to C.T.S.C. by City Corxncil 4-22-80
� � -
Th� Commissioners had individually chec�ked the area fo.r p�rk.ing/�o�ding/
unloadirzg facili�ies �hat a.�e avaiZab�.e t� the businesses/tenan�s in
this area. It was unanimor�sly agr�ed that there a.re suf.f.�c�ent on-s�.te :
facilities to a.ccommodate the needs, a3thaugl� much o.� th.�s space is
c�urrentZ y beix�g usec� .�or ot�ier pu:rposes.
C�.ti2ens �°ra.�'fsc S�.�et� Cammission Mintxtes
May Z4, 1980 Page 2
����; The Commission stron�ly urges the area .residents to check their own re-
sources and f.acilities in an effort to solve the pa.rking problems, and
to a11ow pub.Zic streets ta be utiZized for their proper �unctions.
Chairman Shaw summarized tha� the Commissaom's recommendation was to install
the traffic sign�ls with left-turn pockets as origina.�.1y planned, and with
the re.la�ed parkinq prohibitions.
MOVED by Cvmmissaoner MiZ1ar, se.conc�ed b� Commissioner Ya,rger, the Ce�mmisSion
recommends tv the City Council �o approve the Traffic Signals at the Tntersectian
of Batavia Street and Co.�Zins Avenue in accordance w.�th �he plans and specificatiams �
of the Traffic Enginee.�ing Sta.ff. '
Commissioner Mi1Zar requested to be notified when this item will appear
before the City Couneil
Z. Request for Remova.l of One-Hour Lirr►ited Time Parking - 4OC1 Block N. Shaffer
- Joseph N. Baker, City Manager
Mrs. Post, 44� N. Shaffer, who had requested the above act.ion th:rough th�
City Ma,�ager"s offi�e, was present at the meeting. A1so in atfendance
were residen�ts of' th� 400 block N. Shaffer who voiced opposi�io� to the
limited time parking removal. Mai.Z received on �bis sub�eet also ran 2-1 .
in opposi tiora to the remaval�
1►�r. Den.nis stated that it was the statf's po.Zicy on this �ype of parking
1imi.ta�ion ta comply with the major�it.y residents' wishes and, as the
majority in this particular case preferred the present 1-hour parki�g
Iimitation, he would recommend that no claange be made. .
MOV.D by Commissioner Mi11ar, second+ed by Corrnnissioner S1ate, the Commission recom-
mend� to the Cit� CaunciZ to retain the l-H�ur Limited Time Parking at the 400 B1ack
of Nor�h Shaffer Street. �
3. Request fo.r STOP Contro.ls. - Summitridge Lane & Rockridge Cixc.1�/Place
' - Hu h Purser, 3702 5umm.ztrid e / Mrs. Lambeth, 364d Summ�t.�idge
A simi.Zar request had cvme before the Commission:six months agoP at cahich
time the occupancy rate and traffic va.�ume in this newly dec�eloped sub--
div:�sion did not warrant STD.P Controls.
A recent fielaT observation indicates that a vision problern exis�s at the
.zratexsectYon of Rockridge Circle and 5ummitridge Lane. The curv�3inear
d�sign and steep qrade (5��7�) of Summi t.�ic�ge I,�ne hamper the v�,si�ili ty
o�' drivers approaching th� intersection.