12-09-1981 - Minutes TC CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSYON MEETING MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEET]LNG December 9, 1981 3:30 P.M. . � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLY, CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, D. �arger, M. Baumann Staff: B. Dennis, P. Kelley, Lt. Leint� ABSENT Commissioners : R. Slate, D. Smith APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION D. Yarger SECOND M. Baumann Meeting of November l8, 1981 AYES Unanimous MOT]CON CARRI�D ____________________�__-�_____------- --____-----�----------�------�---------------------e CONSENT CAILENDAR A. Collins Ave. and Morgan St. (SEC on Collins Ave.) 01360430 Request for Vision Zone � Orange Police Dept,. RECOI�Il�.END: Approve - B. 900 W. Taft Ave. 0608 Request for Vision Zone Trudy Smi�h, Off ice Manager Louisiana-Pacific Corpora�ion 900 t�. Taf t Avenue - Orange, CA 92666 RECONIl�END: Approve C. Almond Ave. and Feldner Rd. 0008 221 Reques� for No Parking Anytime Zone (Almond Avenue frontage) J.B. Shepard 215 S. �eldner Road � Orange, CA 92668 RECONIl�'IEND: Deny CITYZENS TRA�'FIC SAFETY COMMI3SION MEETING . � MINUTES i)F A REGUL�AR MEET�NG , ; . LSr�r�LtL��L 9,� 19�1 � � �.� � . � Page �a .. � A�ENDA 1�i0TI0N MII�TTJTES . CONSENT CA.�ENDAR CON'T. � � � Y�. 322 N. �ustin Stxeet 0622 , ; Request for Limited Time Parking � John E. Baird, President , ': Bai,rd--Crockett Plumbing . � 322 N. Tustin Street ; "-Or�nge, CA 92667 � RECOMMEN`D: Deny � �.E. 2237/2221 N. Batavia Street 0�33 Mr. Kelley presented_ a video tape on this i Appeal of CTSC Denial on 9-9-81 consent item that was taken on De�emb�r 9th. � Request for Limited Time Parking He pointed out the red curb on each side of i Randall R. Wilson, President the comanon driv�way between the two buildings. ': Wilson Y�abratories, Inc. There are two parking pl�ces past the red ; 2237 N. Ba:tavia Street � c.urb on eacl� �ide. Speaking in favor. af , Oran�e, CA 92665 the I,irnited Time Parking was Dean Shipman . (Employee at Wilson Labs) , 224 20th St., : �ECaI�lMEND: Approve Newpa�rt Beach, CA. �Ie stated tt�at the �two vehicles parlced out front were not employ�e ' . : � _ a�r cu�tomer vehicles. The number ef empl+o�ees at Wilson Labs has increased two-fold, th� parking lot in back is full �nd visitor parking is being utilized by employee�. : Customers and sales people h�.�re to p�.rk down the road. The average stay is between � hour . - A hour. A designated Limited Time Parking - area mig�t deter some peopl� from p�:rking out front all day. Limtted Tiffie Parking in this �re�. (North Batavia) would be difficult to enforce with only two parking con�rol o�f icers. The Police will re�pond, . - haw�ver, to a c�ll f rom Wil�on Lab�: on a � . � vehicie that has been parking out front for � an extended periaad_.of �3,me. Mr. Shipffian ggre�� � � th�t, this wouTd be f ine. F. 300 E. Chapman Avenue . . � R,�quest for 1 Hour Limit�d Time Parkin� � � Ora�.ge '�raff ic Section � � � ItECO1�IEIVD: Approve � � � MOTION G. Shaw � � SECt�ND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAF1sTY COl`�'II SSION MEETING MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING December 9, 1981 Page 3 AGENDA � MOTION MINUTES 4 Y�^�Y,CW'' TM�'�ttaw0.rXlY . DISCUSSION ITEMS Mr. Dennis ind�icated that at the wish of the commissioners he would begin t� g��esent information, updates, studies related to � � Transit pro3ects concerning the City af Orange. Currently there are at least three , such studies underway; 1) T.S.I.P. (Trax�sportat ion Systems Impr�vement Program) 2) Fixed-Rail Transit Corr idor Study 3) Airpart Lc�cation Study Meeting adjourned 4:09 P.M. - . ,