06-10-1981 - Minutes TC ! 1 I � i � CITIZENS TRAFF�C SAFETY C0.`�II�IISSION MEETII�G MINUTES OF A R$GU�AR MEETI:vTG JUNE 10, 1981 � AGENDA *10TION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, D. Yarger, R. Slate, D. Smith S'��: B. Dennis, P. Kelley, Lt. Leintz ABSENT NONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Meeting of May 13, 1981 MOTION D. Smith SECOND R. Slate AYES Unanimous MOTION CARRIED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CONSENT CALENDAR A. 300 S. Cla�k St. ----- MOTION D. Yarger Request for removal of Red SECOND M. Bauma�n Zone, Orange City Council AYES Unanimous RECOMMEND: Approve MOTION CARRIED To accept recommendations for consent calendar items A, B, C, D, E, F, & G. B. 100 S. Lemon St. ----- Lemon Street Post Office request for removal of loading zone across the st. , Orange City Council RECOMMEND• Approve C. 12Q1 E. Katella ----- Request for extension of existing red curb vision zone, Wayne F. Miller, President Orange National Bank 1201 E. Katella Ave. Orange, CA. 92667 RECOMMEND• Approve CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COrgTIS�ION MEETING PAGE 2 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � June 10, 1981 � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSENT CAI�ENDAR CONTIi�UED ' D. 300 E. Almond ----- Request for Vision zone, Orange 1'olice Department RECOMM�ND: Approve E. Orangetaood and Main ----- Request for "No Stopping An�- time" zon.e, Orangewood frontage � Oran.ge Traf f ic Section RECOIKMEND: Approve F. 700 N. Eckhoff ----- Request for °'No �topping A�.y- - ' time" zoned Varco International 800 N. Eckhoff, Orange, Ca. 92668 RECOMMEND: Approue G. 126/12� S. Woodlawn ----- _ _ _ ReQueSt foY ttReCl Cu�'b°1' .Ta.1ri�S S. Gillogly, Jr. , 1409 NoLinwood San�ta Ana, Ca. 92701 RECOMMEND. Appgove o � CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY CO�g'lISSION MEETING PAGE 3 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING .Tune 10, 1981 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS 1. Wanda & �atella----- 1. Mr. Dennis presen�ed the staff report. Request for crossing guard, The intersection of Wanda & Katella is Orange Police Department a four-way cross-intersection. The Citizens Traffic Safety Commission has a RECONIl�IEEND. Deny policy of establishing an adult schaol crossing guard at a signal controlled location if all of the following conditions exist: 1) At least 20 elementary ag�d - � ped�strians per hour use the crossing going to or coaning from shcool. 2) �here is no other con�trolled c�ossing � point within 600 feet of the subject location. 3) At least 300 vehicular turning movements occur during the green signal- indicat�on.per k�our across any one crosswalk at the signalized intersection. There were 13 elemen�ary aged pedestrians , crossing at the intersection going to school and a maximun of 997 vehicles executing turning anovements tl�rough a crosswalk at the intersection. 'Th.ere were large numbers of high school students crossing at the intersection. Adult school Crossing Guards are provided. for - elem.entary aged (K-6) pedestrians only. The intersection of Wancla Road and Katella Avenue does not meet all the required criteria for the establishment of an adult school crossing guard at a signalized inter- section. It is the recommenda.tion of the Traf�ic Section that the request for aa adult sch.00l crossing guard at the inte�- � s�ction of K.atella Avenue and Wanda Road be denied. MC�TIOI�I G. Shaw SECONl� D e Yarge� AYES Unanimous M[OTION CARI2IED . To deny the request for an adult school crossing guard at the intersection of Katella Avenue and Wanda Road. CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COA�IISSION MEETING PAGE 4 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING 3une 10, 1981 AGENDA MOTI ON MINI3TES CONSIDERA.TION ITEMS CONTINUED 2. 1465 N. Batavia St. ----- 2. Mr. Dennis presented the staff report. Reques�C for mid-block crosswalk, A c�osswalk is generally established to Donald. Brenn, Industrial Engineer, channelize pedestrians into a pathway that Thermco Products Corp., 1465 1V. is the least� confusing to the pedestrian, Batavia St. Orange, Ca. 92668 positions the pedestrian where he is best seen by oncoaning traf f ic, and provides, a RECON.�IEND: Approve pedestrian route with. the least exposure as per prioritized to vehicular traf f ic .and vehicle �canf lic.�s. alternatives A marked crosswalk of ten provides the pedestrian with a false sense of security�. This was e�idenced in the 1970 study �onducted by the City of San Diego, - e'Pedestrian Crosswa��� Study.er The requested crosswalk would p�ysically cross _four lanes of �traf f�c which is.. ---. .-- traveling at approximately 40 M.P.I�. This would require a vehicle stopping distance of 130 feet, or a sight distance of 160 � feet fron� the point of cro�sing. This sight distance would be requixed on both sides of the s�reeto This would equate to ' approxianately 7 parking spaces ox lengths on either approach to the c��ssswalk. Th.ere are three pos�ible alternatives � available. 1) Deny the request for a mid- block crosswalk and maintain the status quo. 2) Approve the request f or a m�.d-block crosswalk with certain conditions. An estimated cost for installation only of the flashers would begin around $ 8500.00. 3� Deny the mid-�block crosswalk and suggest �that the applicant investigate the construction of an underground/overhead pa�ssage between the buildings on either s�de of Batavia Street. Donald �renn was present and voiced the following concerns: 1) Existing plant layout reduces the crossing to the minimum number possible. 2) Plant operations requ�re pedestria�s to c�o�� between the buildings on either side of �atavia S�t. 3) Pedest��.an crossings can be contained at a common point. CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COT�IISSION MEETING PAGE 5 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 10, 1981 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CONTINUED 2. 1465 N. �atavia St. ----- MOTION R. Slate - Request for mid-block crosswalk, SECOND D. Yarger Donald Brenn., Industrial Engineer, AYES Unanimous �hermco Products Corp. , 1465 N. - Batavia St. , Orange, Ca. 92668 MOTION CARRIED - Continue for 60 days to allow applicant RECOMfMEND: Approve �o determine the impact of the l�ss of as per prioritized _ park�.ng _if a crosswalk_w�re approved at _.. al�ernatives the subject locations: Applicant at that -- _ ._ _ ________ _ _ time is to advise the commi�sion as to the status of th.is request. �. 3. Maple anci Holly ----- 3. Mr. Kelley presented. Staff report. � . . Request for Stop con�trols, The Ci�tizens Traffic Safety Commission has �� Rose Bencivenga, 1841 W. 1vlaple a policy of establishing a 2-way STOP Ave., Orange, Ca. 92668 control at a lacal intersection if any of the follo�aing warra�.ts are met: RECOMMEND: Approve 1) Ac�ident History , 2) Traffic Volumes 3� I�tersection Alignm�,nt or Design The intersect�on of Holly Street and MapTe Avenue had no geported accidents in the previous twelve month period. - There does not �appear to be a problem with the alignment or design of the intersection. The average vehicular volume entering the intersection from all of the approaches for the peak hour period was 163 vehicles. The peak hour vehi�le volume rat�o was 7.59 to 1. Th.e intersection does satisfy the required warrants for two-w�.y STO1' - controls at a local inter�ection. It is the recommendation of the Traffic Section t'hat vehicles on Holly Strer�t be �equi�ed to stop before entering �the inter- section of Holly Street and Maple Ave. , - tl�ereby approving� the request- fo� �two-way STOP controls at the intersection of Holly St. and Maple Ave. CITI2ENS TR.AFFIC SAFETY COr�IISSION MEETING PAGE 6 MINUTES OF A REGiTLAR MEETING ; June 10, 1981 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEM� CONTINUED 3. Maple and Holly ----- 3. Rose Bencivenga was pre�ent and expressed Request for Stop contr�ls, Rose the following concerns: 1) Sight problems Bencivenga, 1841 W. Map1e Ave. , exiting Holly St. onto Maple Ave. because Orange, Ca. 92668 of parked vehicles on Maple Ave. 2) Speed of vehicles on Ma.ple Ave. 3) �a�ge con- RECOMMEND. Approve centration of children in the area. : MOTION R. Slate __ _ ._ _ ' SECOND G. Shaw ' �. .. _ _. _ _ _ _. . _ . : AYES. Unanimous' _ _ ., _ _.. MOTION CARRIED _ . _ �. To ins��.11 .vision zones on Maple at Holly, :� � upgrade signs and increa:se police enforce� , ment in the area. Continue the request _ _ or__ 0- days,,_...� __. _ _.__.___._,.. _..,..___..._ ._......._..__.�... .. ._._.. REPQRT � Glassell & Ma�ile ----- M�TI�N G. Shaw An officer will be contracted to SECOND D. Yarger � act as crossing guard om Sund.ays AY�S Ur�animou� at Glassell & Maple. Applicant wi�hdrew original request. � NfOTION CARRIED� To accept final �olution. � AD,JOURNMENT 4:4 6 P.M. - NEXT MEETIN� A,U�UST 12, 1981