February 11, 1981
Gene�.Shaw, Chairman , Bernie Dennis, Traffic Engineering
Dick Yarger Pat Kelley, Traffic Engineering
Rose Marie Slate � Lt. Mike Leintz, O.P.D.
Matt Baumann
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MINUTES OF JANUARY 14, 1981 - Apgroved
MOVED by Commissioner Yarger, seconded by Commissioner Baumann to appoint Commissioner
Slate as Vice Chairman. MOTION CARRIED
A. 2237 North Batavia Street - Request for Driveway Visi.on Zone �
Recommendation: Approve
B. 1045 W. Katella Avenue -- Request for Driveway Vision Zone '
� I
Recommendation: l�.pprove ,
C. 286 South Batavia Street - Request for Driveway Vision Zone
Recommendation:,, Approve
D. 170 South a�..a��tir��,�:�treet - Request for Marked Farking Stalls �
Recornmendation: Approve
E. 101��'��i�. Bat�.��i:a� ,-���'�t.equest for 2 Hr. Parking - °���ve Wong, 1010 N. Batavia, Orange '
Recommendation: Removed from Agenda, to b e continued.
MOVED by Commissioner Slate, seconded by Commissioner Baumann, the Commission recomrnends_ y
to the City Council to approve Consent Calendar Items A, B, C and D, with Item E to be
continued to the next meeting. MOTION CARRIED .
1. l70 South Olive Street - Request for mid-block crosswalk - Petition containing 76
- Homer Hickrnan, 841 N. Maplewoad
Mr. Dennis presented the staff report using a video presentation. He indicated that the -
Senior Citizens Center, located at 170 Sout�� Olive Street, was approximately 150' � :
north af the two-way stop controlled intersection of Alm.ond Avenue and Olive Street. The
requested location for the crosswalk would be between the driveways into the Satellite
Market on the east side of Olive Street.
. , - 2 -
Placement of a crosswalk at this location would introduce pedestrians (and in this
c;�se, mainly elderly citizens) into the travel lanes of Olive Street at an unexpected
location. �
Staff observation indicated difficulty in observing pedestrians wishing to cross Olive
Street because of vehicles utilizing the on--street parking. If a crosswalk were to be
placed at this location it would necessitate the removal of 50' to 104' of on-street �
parking on both sides of the street to provide adequate sight distance. This trans-
�.ates into a loss of approximately 3 parking spaces and the removal of an existing
passenger loading and unloading zone in front of the Senior Center.
A safer location to cross Olive Street would be at the intersection of Almond Avenue
and 01ive Street. �
The staff recommendation was to deny the request for a mid-block crosswalk for the
following reasons:
1) A crosswalk at this location would introduce pedestrians into the travel lanes
af Olive Street at an unexpected location.
2) It would tend to increase the hazard to the users of the crosswalk.
3) A crosswalk would reduce the available on-street �parking being utilized by the
Senior Center.
MOVED by Commissioner Yarger, seconded by Commissioner Smith, the Commission directs
City staf� to appropriately mark a crosswalk across �live Street at Almond Avenue
and recomrnends to the City Council that the request for a mid-block crosswalk at
170 South Olive Street be denied. MOTION CARRIED
Meeting adjaurned at 4:03 p.m.
Next meeting: �l�arc�. 1�.i l�tSl