11-10-1982 - Minutes TC � , � . - ' � . . . . � � � � ' �� . � • � CITIZENS ,TRAFF�� SAFETY CON1rI�SSI�N I�.EETING � MINUTE5 �� ,A REGULAIt PgEETING ° . • ' i Novemb�r 10, 1�82 � � . , . , AGENDA MOTI�3N MINUTES , , ROLL CALL FRESENT �o�nission�rs: G. Shaw, R. Slate, D. Yarger, M. Baumann, D. Smith staff: 6. Dennis, P. Kelley, L. �Dawson � �S1�NT �o�ni��ior�ers s None APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION D. Varger S�COND Mv Baumann Meetinq of October 13, 1982 AYES Unanimous � ..�...�.....�.�..��..�.n....�..��.����.r.�r�.���...�..�...�r�rw� ..awr..rr�.rn. �.w rr..rrrrr�or.w�rwr w rr.�w��r��Mnnr..rrrr. CONSENT CALENDAR . � A. Ch�pman Ave E� NS Flawer St. Request for �us Stop � O.C.T.D. P.O. Box 3005 Gard�n Grove, CA 92642 RECOMMEND: Approve B. Chapmar� Ave WB FS Floaver St. Request f�r �us Stop O.C.T.D. P.O. �ox 3005 Garden Gr°ove, CA 92642 RECOMMEND: Approve C. F1 owet^ St S� FS Mi 11 s Dr. Request �For �t�s Stap and Red Curb O.CoT.�. P.O. �ox 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 RECOMM�ND: Approve . , . � � � � � n .. � . cr�rzz�Ns T��zc s�°�� cor�ass�or� r�E�zrt� � r�zr�u�Es o� A �cu�R r�ET�r�� . � . ,. November 109 1982 Page 2 � A�GENDA MOTION MINUTES � � . � : , CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. � D. Flower St NB FS Alm�nd Ave �� Request for Bus Stop and Red Curb • � O.C.T.D. � � PoO, Box 3005 . � Garden Gr�ve, CA 92642 � RECO(�MEND: Approve , � E. l�l mos�d Ave EQ NS Po i nsetti� Dr. Request for Bus Stop and Red C�arb ' � O.C.�'.D. P.O. Box 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 � RECOMMEND: Approve F. A�mond Ave EB FS Cam�11e Circle Request f�r �us Stop and Red Curb , O.C.ToD. P.O.�ox 3005 . Garden Grave� CA 92642 RECOMMEND: Approve �us S�t�p w�thout Red Curb G. A1 mond Ave EB FS Fel dne�r� Rd. � �Request f�r �us Stop and Red �urb - � O.C.T.D. P.O. Box 3005 �arden Gro�e, CA 92642 . RECOMMEND: Approve � H. Almond Ave WB NS F'eldner Rd Request for Bus Stop . O.C.T.D. . P.O. �ox 3005 Garden Gr�v�, CA 92642 RECOMMEND: Approve , I. A1mor�d Ave W� FS Marks Way Request for �us Stop O.C.TmD. P.0. Box 300�5 Garden Groere, CA 92642 REC�MMEND: App�ove . , d � ,., CITiZENS TId.AFFIC SA.FETY C�Mri7[SSION MEEaING 1�INUTES ��' A REGUIJAR MEET'ING ' - . November 10, 1982 Pa e � � � � . � AGENDA MOTION I�III�J7CE3 • � �. ; . . . A CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. � � � l J. Almond Ave WB FS Poinsettia Dr. . ' Request for Bus Stop and Red Curb � naC.T.D. . P.O. Box 3005 � . Garden Gra�re, CA 92642 � ` � RECOMMEND: Approve � � � K. St. Colleqe NB NS #166/216 . Req�es�t for Bus Stap RT 55 . : O.CoT.D. P.O. Box 3405 � Garden Grove, CA 92642 RECOMMEND: Approve L, Sto College SB F5 An�heim �lvd. Request for B�as Stop O.C.T.D. . P.O. �ox 3005 � Garden Gr�ree, CA 92642 , RECOMMEND: Appr°ove M. Chapman Ave E� FS Flower St. Request for �us Stap R�MOVAL � O.C.T.D. � . P.O. Box 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 RECOMMEND: Approve � N. Fel dr�er Rd SB NS Robi n Rd. Request �or E3us Stop REMOVAL O.C.T.D. P.O. Box 3005 Garden G�ovey CA 92642 � RECOMMEND: Approve 0. Feldraer Rd NB NS Chapman Ave. . Reques�t for �us Stop REMOVAL O.C.Y.D. P.O. �ox 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 RECOMMEND: Approve , � ,. CITYZENS TRAFFIC S�'ETY COMNdI5SI0N MEETING MINIJTES �F A R.EG�JI,AR NlEETII�TG . . Novemb�r 10, 1982 Pa e 4 . � � � � AGENDA 1�it7TI0N MINLI'TES � ; . � � CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. � � ' P.� 243 S. Bush � � � Request for Red Curb :� Art Munoz, Principal . � West Orange Elementary Scho�l 243 S. Bush � � Oranqe, CA 92668 RECOMMEND: Approve � P�OTION D. Yarger SECOND R. S1�te . AYES Unanimous CONSIDERATION ITEMS 1 . 2271 R�binhood P'lace �taff gave presentati�n. The Murray°s had Reques� foa^ Red Ccarb Removal originally r�quested red curb oe� each side Petition from surrounding residents �f their driveway b�cause vehicles were parking there and extending over �nto their driveway. , REC'OMMEND: Approve Her request was approved. Because of � 1) �the radi us of the cu1�-d�-sac 2) the curvalini.ear distance. betwe�n the driveways (approx�mately 21 ' ) 3) City s�tandard of 18' m7r�imum for parkin-g stall � the entire frontage at 2271 Robinhood Place was painted (approx. 21 '.) . Any distance less _ �than that painted would have resulted in a substandard parking stall . A11 of the residents own mu1tiple v�hicles and . park where there is an available spot in the cu�-d�-sac. In Octob�er, the City began to receive phone calls compl�ir�ing about the red curb and a petition .ag�inst the red curb was � received. There are three options t� consider�: � 1 ) Let the red curb stand as .is 2} Remove r�d curb southerly of the driveway � provid�ng one parking space . � 3) Remove the red curb entirely Three people sp�ke�in f�vor of the red curb removal . They wer.e Jim Robertson, 2287 Robinhood Place, Orange, CA. He would like , to see the red curb removed entirely. He does r�ot feel that there is any. neighborhood feud over this matter. He also feels that it is an unfair application to have put the red curb in front of the Mu.rrays house. Lind� Hope, 2294 Robinhood P1ace, Orange, CA also �spok�. Her house ha5 the largest parki�ng area in front and she �nd everyone else in . � CITIZEN5 TiZAF�I� 5AFETY COMMISS��N MEETTNG MINLTTE5 0� A REG�R MEETING November 10, 1982 ' � PaeS � ' � � AGENDA MOTION , MINIJTES • , . � u. CONSIDERATION ITEP�IS CON°T. tf�e neighborhood parks th�re. 7'he issue she feels �hat's important is that 7t�s fine that they all use each others park�ng ar�ea, but since the Murr�y's have no parking in front of their house, all her company and "all utilitie must park in front of �veryone elses house. The �hir°d person to speak was Geneveve Haerner, 2295 Robinhood P1ace, Orang�, CA. She said � ,that this 7s a very nice neighborhood and the � red �urb is ugly and �ut of place. She doesn't feel th�t anyone obuses th� Murray's parking spae�. I� is �he .recommendation of the � Commiss�on to elirninate c�mpletely the red curb: MOTION D. Yarg�r SECOND D. �mith AYES Unanimous 2. Lemon St and Sycamor� Ave S�a�f gave presentation. Leonon S�reet is a Request for 4-way STOP Controls north-south loca1 street runn7ng between La Veta Carol San Roman-Skagqs Ave. and Callins Ave. to the north. Sycamore 429 N. Lemon St. Ave. is ar� east-west loc�l residenti�l street Oranae, CA 9266� running between C,ypress St. t�o the west �nd G�assell St. to the east. The intersection RECOMMEND: Deny of Lemon St. and Sycamore Ave, is a �-avay - STOP controlled, cross �ntersection (4 legs). � The accident history at the intersection of Lemon St. and Sycamore Ave. indicates no - repor�ted accidents at the intersee�ion in the past twelv� months. Traffic volume counts . taken dcaring the A.M. pe�k hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m, on October �4, 19�2 ind��ca�e a peak hour vol.ume of 245 and a peak hour ratio of 12.6 to 1 . The Citizens Traffic Safety Commissi�on has a policy of establishing a � 3-way S`fOP control at .a lm�al intersection if any of the following warrants are met: 1 ) Accident History 2) Traffic Uolumes 3) Intersection Alignment or Design The intersection of Lemon St. and Sycamore Ave. did not satisfy the required warrants for th� establ�shment �e�f 4-way STOP control .at:a loca� inters�ction. It is �the recommendation of the Traffic Sectior� that STOP contra�s at the intersection of Lemon St. and Sycamore �ve. be denied. MOTION �. Smith SECOND R. S1ate AYES Unan�mous : • � ., � cx�zz�r�s T��ac s��E�Y �co�zsszoN r���rN� � � r���u�Es o� � �E�� r����N� . . Nuvamber 10, 1982 Pa e 6 i , AGENDA MOTION , MINLITES � � , h CONSIDERATION ITEMS CON'T. � 3. Batavia St. � and Fletcher St/Ave Staff gave presentatian. In October 1981 , � � Request for Crossing Guard �he City Council appra�ed a recommendati�on Ann Perar�ington by the Traffic Commission to install' a 4-way 2448 Mi1lstream S1'OP control at the intersection af Batavia Orange, :CA 92665 and Fletcher: The STOP was to provide positive pratection for the elementary age � RECOMMEIVD: ,pedestrians crossing Batavia a�t this location. 1 ) Deray request for Crossing Guard At the time of th� 1981 study there were 2) Ir�stall median mour�ted STOP signs �ou� crossings �f �atav�a at Fletcher. 3) Install flasher when funds are During the p�destr.iar� counts conducted available Octover 20, 1982 (7-9. a.m. and 1� :30-12:45 p.m. ) as part of this investigation the total crossings had increased t� six during the entire three hour period. Since the installation of �th� STOP there has been one . auto�bicycle acc7dent at the intersection. Pedestrian activ7ty has not incr�ased t� �v�n 50% of the minimum warrant for adult guard plac�ment, it is recommemded that the � request, at this time, be denied. The � Commi ssi on feel s a co^ossi r�g guard woul d raot . have prevented the accident. �t�ff recommends that median mounted STOP signs be ir�stalled. The C�mmissian also recommends � that flashers be installed when funds are available. MOTION M, 6aum�nn SECOND R. S1ate AYES Unanimous 4. Almor�d Ave. and Feldn�r Rd. No actian taken. Coorered under Consent �Almond Av�. Frontage) Calendar Item G. Request for ,N� Parkir�g Anytime Zone J.�. Shep�rd . 215 S. Feldner Road Orange, CA 92668 RECOMMEND: Deny � . � ,