08-11-1982 - Minutes TC i r �1 I�l;�'r.NS TRAFFIC SAFETY CO�ZMISSION MEETING :��t�vl,�'I'ES OF A REGULAR MEETING AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, R. Slate, M. Baumann, D. Smith, D. Yarger Staff: B. Dennis, Lt. Leintz, . , � Sgt. D. Flanagan ABSENT Commissioners : APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION M. Baumann _ � SECOND R. Slate , Meeting of June 9, 1982 AYES Unanimous MOTION CARRIED ----------------------------- --------------------------------------- CONSENT CALENDAR A. Riverdale and Hearthside � Consent Calendar Item C withdrawn requ�st : for vision zone. by appl.icant. All other items Jerry Goble approved as recommended by staff. 505 E. Meadowbrook MOTION R. Slate Orange, CA SECOND M. Baumann AYES Unanimous RECOMMEND: Approve B. Sycamore St. w/o Glassell Requ�st for Driveway Vision � Zone. Ned Khorey, D.C. 402 N. Glassell St. Orange, CA 92666 R.ECOT�^�IEEND: Approve C. 300 Block Bedf ord (west side) ' Request for Limited Time Pkg (2 hour) Jim Moore P, n. Box 1928 Corona, CA 91720 RECONIMEND: Withdrawn by Appli- can� D. 2271 Robinhood Place � Request for Red Curb Vivian Murray 2271 Robinhood Place Orange, CA 92667 , RECONIl�IEND: Approve = - , 4 CITIZE2�5 T1�.A.F'I'IC S�"�FLTY Cn^�s i SS I c�N r11't"TI�vG MI2�rTUTES OF A RFGULAR MEE'T71�G August, 11, I.982 Pa�e 'I�ao �,;�, � AGE2�TDA MOTI aN l�IIh�UTES �. C�NSIDERfiTION ITEI�� l. S�ntiaga Blvd and Taft AtiTe - Request '�he sigh� dis�anc� for. nori h anc� s���h f o� No Ri.ght Turn Qn Red �range ���un� traf f ic �Tis�-tir�g ta make right turns Traf f ic Division ontc� Ta.i t �.ue. f rom ��.r�tiago is i�xs�.��i- cit�:�-,�L f or �he 35 �rtph speed limit, align-� m�.�.� and physical features oi� Taft Avenue. PrioL �o t�e signalization of t�e sub�ect � inter�ection, the sight distanee res�tric-- � tian �..:.� nat pres�nt a problem due to the 4--waST �TOP cantr�l, however, w�..�n signal c�rtrol a potential hazard does e�is�. Du�-.y�a the fu11 actuated made of the �i�nal ap���ation, minimal i.nconzTenience or del�y woula resu�t �.Ti�h the ��;sting. - Estimated cost of the t�aa sign installaticn is S6Q.04. Ongoing ar maintenance cast wouf.: be nominal. � It �.� recommended by staff that the request � f or � '_�o Right Turn on Red" be approv�d. >ioti.on was to A�cept Staff Recornmenda�ion MQTION D. Yarger SECOND D. Smi.th " A7�'ES Unani�aus ?. Sa�.��a�;a Ca�yon Road �nd J�.�P�sto�an Santi�go �anyon Road is classed as a pri- Reque�t f or Traf f ic Stud}= �rLari�T ar te��:;_al s'-.r�et and in the vicini�y Hack Scott � of Ja��st.Qwn �+.s 42' ��ide Pasterl_�T of the 58!+9 Va11ey Forge intersection and 66` Caide w�sterly of the inte�-- Orange,fCA sec�ion. There are bike ?anes an the north and south side of Sant��.,�.,:.: Ca.n.von Road and the inters�����_an is stri�oed taith a left turn and t�-1ru lanc in each direction. P�ese�fi traf f ic volume an Santia.go Canyor� R? (SCF�) �s av�ro�imate��7 7,1�C� �rehicles p�r da:- ti,?zth an anricipated ulti�ate ADT of 24,Q00 to 26,��0. The inters�ction of Jam�stawn and SCR has a horizantal curve tiTith a l,000 ft rariitizs and �Tith a design U�eed of 45 rnph. Posted sgeed limits on SGR zs 40 mph artd the 85th percen.�il� �pe��' is bet��een 44 and 46 mph. �ccident history of the location zndicates �` 6 repa:�-�ed accidents �rithin the last 18 mc�nths �-.ith a possibility af four ac�ditio��.�:: acc�de�ts h�vi.ng occure� with.ir� the s�me tzme �eri�ct. Five o�.t of �ix of the acci-- �e�,t� ����re �imilar characteristics: CITI2EhS Tt�A�'FIC SA.FE'I'Y COr�'�i'ISSTC�tv 2�iEg:TZNG MINUTES C?F A P.£GUL�iR MEETII�G August 1�., 1482 �'age Three AGENDA MQT�ON I�'f Zi�'UTES � -- l. A�I saere w�st bound. ; 2. A=1 �,Tere sin�le vehicles. 3. A�l left the roadway at generall� the . a�?x of the curve, within 75' to $0' of e��h other. 4. Feur of th� five were "laca�." and p��bably had some knowledge of the road. 5. Fcur of the f ive were eitl�er "U�" or "�=_3d been drinking." 6. T?��xee a� the f ive oc�cured at night. � 7. T�,.� of the f ive havir�_�; Ieft the roadway Q�. the norfih side, "c�.me back., out of cc�tral to tl�e south side. 8. �:_lv one of the accide�.�?ts �.n- ` vc�.ved a driver under 21 years old. ?t i� �tafz4s cQnc�usi�n that there is l�ath a �o.n�- a�.d a short terrn solution to t�� �.ccic=���.t problern. Lon� term improtTements af �:he s�r�et will result in three design and d��o�ra�h�.c ieatures to reduce the in- ciden�.` �f accidents. . � 1. P�-vsical T�'idertin�_af�_he �.aadway. TL_is ��.11 inerease vi�;ibility af the � hc�zzontal curve and al1o�T additional . ,., maneuv�ring room 2. C�:��t� and R3x.sed Islands. These would � te=��� ta keep the vehicl�s within the r�ad�4Tav. ` 3, If-::�r:�ase Police Surveill�x�ce. This will oc���� as t�e area develop�s and traf f ic � ir_�r�ases. Short �E�r. improvements cauld include the i� �l:�t�_�n� �.nfierl.�im mea�,,,=es. ?, nc._��anal �at�t�T li�hting to be instal.- lE� cn the north side af SCF� b��snnZng SC��' easterly of Jamestown. 2, Ins�a11 a chevron sign series through th� cury� far westbound �ra�f ic. 3. In�t�ll curve sign and ri�mUle strip on w����oun� apgroaeh. Corlvert to flasher w�-:�.n i��ands a�a�lab��. ::. CITIZENS TRA.FFIC SA.:FET�' CQ��'fISSZO�I �EETZI�'G MI2�UT�S OF �. F�.EGULAR NiEETI]�G .. . - Au ust 11 1982 P��� F��r ::. .l�.�EhIDA r�C}r.�"I.�I� I��:��5�.:T ES .__ �;, �ns�a11 ?�+" �'iF �raina�e pipe an north s�.< ... o'� �a�tz�-.�o `�rcr: c�ntc��line of� Jarn�stown :: 2�Q' �est�r�y. C��ar shoulder e��..:Apt for .-: � �- �stility pales. -- _ 5. Inst�ll "heavy" pavement ma:��er delin�ati� ��� _ Tatal estimat�.d cost of propasal is $3,37�R ��� �nnual/nainten��nce cost is estimated at $1�4. ��� A��itionally, a f lasher may be �aarr�.nted in ��- .::��is area. � � Th.c ;�m�ri�sie�n should be advi�ed that si�ii- ��� 1Gi �r�blems of this type are gcaing to occur �-- . �r �he developing hi�I.si�e ai ea. T1�e commi�- :.. sicn' s r�eomrnendatian c�n this item will pro- - � �Fi��. �ame ty�pe of gu.id�line for the �it�r C��^ciI fQr action an future IQcatio�s �,�it�-� siL�_lar characteristics. ��,�t�zer �n�ut � �-?. Scott af 5843 L'alley :�ore, C�range, CA �-- R. Scott of 5�15 Valley Fc��`�, Orange, CA :. 1��. �erstac of 6027 East `jalley Fareg, Orange� ... p � They concurred �rith staff' s analysis and recoz -- - mendations. T��eir concern involved speed of �� west 'tiound vehzcles, aceidents involvina spee�. ` 3nc loss ot contro�, a.nd street mar.king and _ visibility �rablems at the inte�section. Mo�� _. of this ��as discusse� in the recommendations c sta�i as �resent�d. Ri�T I 0:�: .. A `ive aoint recomr�end�tion list in the repo�-� ::: by staff, plu� a Ri�ht Turn On1y Lane and in- -� s��?1G�ion of a stop bar on Ja.mestown. MOTIOI� D. �arger �� SECON� R. Slate :.. As�.'ES Unanirnous 3. Citizen Advisory Committee ��o action taken. P�. Slate is already an tLze ��� �or��itt�e and will serve as the representativ; 4. rlaster Plan af Arterial Fi.ighwa��,� :��r. Jc�e E. Foust, JEF Engin�ering, pres�nted :� .�,:alysis t� �;>�: commission possib.le means to solici�e r�.��"C3?�'�NI�: I�eturn to City �ouncil t�i� attitud�:9s and a�inions of the general pu�: ' . A Direet Maile� wcauld be the best means of Yo� have three viable al.terr���tives: � cornplianc� with th� Caunci:'.'s eammitment. ; r'�r+-;m.�,;-�.,,� „,.�+ fi-�� n r�`. � ` GITIZE�`S �RL�.FFIC SA.FE'I'�' CC}��fISSI01� MEETII�G � MI�I�3'I°ES OF � REGIII�..�. MEET�I�rTG � . � A�.i�ust 11, 1982 �� ' T AGEI�IIDA . 2'�aTIQN MI�'UTES �._..:.,�,.�. -- .�..�._..�..�.d a ---- --- " l. Direct Mailer. A high degree af assurance that it ZkTill be receiued by everybod�. � 20 to 25 cents per piece. Formal letter - and return envelop. � 2. Pennysaver. At a substantially lawer cost ($2,300) and a le�sser de�ree of confidence �hat �he community would be reaehed. 3� Utilization of Cadet Pragram �ar a 4:���all f e�.: Qth�r Possib�lities: �zons an ln combinatie�n. Direct to re�idents, handaut to businesses. Combine 1 and 2 - Mai1 to businesses and PennS�saver to the reside�ts. Ivlr. Foust yndzcated that the council ma�e a commi�ment when the�T were asked by a r.Esident if "k7e would be notif ied?" They answered "Yes.` The typieal notificatian process is through th� t�me honored systern of the ne�Tpape�. �, l��otion was to recommend that c�ouncil approve th.e Direct Mailer to r�.�tify izldividua2s. - Estimated Cost: 510,�(�0. � r � .