06-09-1982 - Minutes TC CI'I`Il,�; �':`; 'IRAFi�'IC SA��:i��Y t:ta'��t'���I�STUN MEETIN� � � � MINU'I���S OF A REtrL'I,�R �1r F:'.I'ING � June 9, 1982 � AGENDA MOTION MINUTES �, . ROLL CALL PRESENT Cornmissioners: G. Shaw, R. Slate, M. Baumann, D. Smith Staff: B. Dennis, P. Kelley, Sgt. Adams ABSENT Comrnissioners : D. Yarger � APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Smith - Meeting of May 12, 1982 AYES Unanimous MOTION CARRIED .,..------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- �ONSENT CALENDAR � A. $05 E. Katella Avenue Request for 2 hr Lmtd Pkg Monica Price � Pet Care Veterinary Clinic 805 E. Katella Avenue Orange, CA 92667 RECOTSMEND: I��ny B. 370 N. B��.tavia Street Requ�st for Z hr Lmtd Pkg 870 N. Batavia Street Orallge, CA �2667 RECO?��tEND: Approve C. N/B Parker f.s. La Veta Park Cir Request far I3us Stop and Red Curb (rt 5 O.C.T.D. P,Q, £ax 3005 Garc�en Grove, CA 92642 � � RECOr�TEND: Approve _ - , ' CITI7.ENS 'I'RAFFIC; SAFETY �Gr�^iISSIUN MEETING � ?�1INUTTS OF A REGU?.AR MEETING June 9, 1982 _ Page 2 � ..1�..�,.�_..�..�....�._..�--- ��...�.,��_,�_.,.�.m..�� � _ -�.�..�.,.�.: -.�..�� �.. AGENDA MOTION , MINUTES .:4:.�._._��_,,....,.�"b.m..��_,��..��:�-� - .�-���.,�. .��.._._ _�. �,�.�.. ..��,� CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. �. N/B Parker n.s. La Veta Avenue �equest for Bus Stop (rt 55) ).C.T.D. :t ?.o. sox 3005 larden Grove, CA 92642 � 2ECOA��ND: Approve �. S/B Parker f.s. La Veta Avenue Zequest for Bus Stop and Red Curb (rt 5 ).C.T.D. '.0. Box 3005 _ �arden Grove, CA 92642 ZECOTSriEND: Approve i. SiB Parker opp. La Veta Pk Cir �equestfor�Bus Stop and Rec Curb (rt 55) ).C.T.D�► ?rOr ��� 3005 iarden Grove, CA 92642 �EC��QSEND: Approve T. � F�B Town & Country f.s. Main tequest fur B�s Stop RT 55 ).G.T.D. '.a. Box 3005 =arden Grove, CA 92642 ZECOr�iEND: Approve �. E/B Tocan & Country f.s. Lawson Way �equest for Bus Stop & Red Gurb (rt S5) ).C.T.D. � '.0. Bc�x 30�5 iarden Grove, CA 92642 . �ECQ�i�iEND: Approve _. E/B Tocan & Country n.s. Parker . �equest for Bus Stop & Red Curb (rt 55) ).C.T.D. �.a. B�A �aos Tarden Gr�ve, CA 92642 tECOrIl�iEND; Approve � , c. CITIZENS lRA.FFIC SAFETY COr�^'IISSION MEETII�G �iINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING - , June 9, 1982 -. Page 3 �.a��........e.,..�,m..,,�......,� ...���.�.�.M1.,.u.�- _ -� _ „�.,. ��.� ��.r���%-�,�„���-�..�.�,,. r�-��A.� .�.-����.�.�,�"� AGENDA MOTION . MINUTES ��..s�-�,_.�....a,_.,�.,s..._,�,._:�„�__�_...�,��.: --- ., -.�:�:��. -. _,�-.m...�.w-,:-- T_.�.�..f.����.���-�-..__ _ �F �.x,�.�.�� �, ...-_ .._._ CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. �� .T. W/B Town & Country f.s. Parker Request for Bus Stop RT 55 �7.C.T.D. �' P.O. Box 3005 Garden Grave, CA 92642 ' RECOr�iEND: Approve K. N/B Main f.s. TQ�n & Country Request for Bus Stop RT 55 O.C.T.D. . P.O. Box 3Q05 - Garclen Grove, CA 92642 RECOTi�iEND: Approve L. E�B Palm n.s. Grand Request far Bus Stop RT 69 O.C.T.D�' P.O. Bvx 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 _ REC�TIl�IEND: Approve ' M. E/B Palm op�. Lincoln Street Request for Fus Stop RT 69 O.C.T.D. . P.o. Box 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 RECOrIl��ND: Deny N. W/B P�.lm f.s. Lincoln Street Request f car Bus Stop RT 69 a.C.T.D. P.O. Box 3Q05 Garden Grove, CA 92642 • RECO:��'IEND: Deny 0. E/B Cha�aman f.s. St. College Request fcar Bus Stop Relocation RT 54 & RT 205 O.C.T.D. �.o. Ba� �oos Garden Gro�ve, CA 92642 RECOri�iEND: Agprove - CI�.II.IE?�S T:�AFFIC S��ETY CO?���ISSION MEETING MINUTES UF A REGtTLAR MEETING � . June 9, 1982 � Page 4 ���...�....� ,.���:,-�a..��_.�.�-x.,.s:,�:�,.,..�, - ..�...�.:�..��- _.,.� �. � -----=—,�-�--..�.��,-.. _. z��.�. AGENDA MOTION . MINUTES v.�.:�.,�,��..�..����.�....�....�,��t��,:�.��� _.��a, - ---��._.-,�-� �-�s .�,.�. CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. � ^� P. EjB Taf t n.s. 0'Donnell Way Request f or Bus Stop RT 46 �.C.T.D. �� P.O. Box 3005 �ard�n Grove, CA 92642 � ZECOrgsEND: Locate f ar side, Approve �. E/B Taft f.s. Maplewood �equest f or Bus Stop & Red Curb (rt 46) a.C.T.D. P.O. Box 3005 - Jarden Grove, CA 92642 �ECOMT�END: Approve �. W/B Taf t opp Maplewood �equest f or Bus Stop RT 46 �.C.T.D� P.O. Bc�x 3005 _ Jarden Grove, CA 92642 , �ECOMMEND: Approve S. W/B Taf t n.s. Glassell �equest f or Bus Exempt Sign �.C.T.D. • P.O. Box 3005 �arden Grove, CA 92642 �.EC4PQ�END: Approve T. W/B Taft opp 0' Donnell Way - �equest for Bus Stop RT 46 �.C.T.b. P.O. Sox 3005 3arden Grove, CA 92642 ' �.ECOMMEND: Approve U. 178 S. Glassell, Almond frontage �equest for Driveway Vision Zone 5atellite Market l78 S. Glassell �range, C,A RECO?�'�iEND: Approve MOTION D. Smith SECOND R. Slate " AYES Unanimous CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFE'rY COr1�'IISSION MEETING ' r1INUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING 3une 9, 1982 Page 5 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES �^. � w�.. � - CONSIDERATION ITEMS �� L. 700 E. Sycamore Street The City received a petition with the �equest for 1 Hr Pkg 8A-4P , re�quired number of signatures. A request 'etition from the residents of the of this r�ature does not involve a safety -esidents of the 700 Blk East or traffic hazard. Mr. Dennis noted that the City's policy in regards to a request tECOI�END: Approve for Limited Time Parking is the following: A) If a sufficient number of the residents are in favor the City will recommend Approval. Bl If at a later time, the same residents find the restriction to be a hardship, and request removal under the same percentage, then Staff would recommend removal. C) If B occurs, the City will not re- establish the Limited Time Parking. It is the recommendation of Staff to approve this recommendation for Limited Time Parking of 1 hour during the hours of �' 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. , school days only, on the �' 700 block of E. Sycamore Street. MOTION G. Sha� SECOND M. Baumann AYES Unanimous ?. Bobwhite Way & Partridge - Bobwhite Way is a north-south local resi- �.equest for STOP Controls _ dential street running between Partridge �ick Yarger, C.T.S.C. Lane and a cal-de-sac to the north. Partridge Lane is an east-west local resi- �.ECO?�'1MEND: Deny dential street running between Bobwhite Way to the west and Crawford Canyon Road to the east. The intersection of Bobwhite Way and Partridg;e Lane is an uncontrolled, tee-intersection (3-legs) . The inter- section is located approximately 165 feet west of Crawford Canyon Road. The accident history at the intersection of Bobwhite Way and Partridge Lane indicates no reported accidents at the intersection in the past twelve months. Traff ic volume counts taken during the A.M. peak hours of 7:00 a.m, to 9:00 a.m. on May 5, 1982 indicate a peak hour volume of 39 and a peak hour ratio of 2.18 to 1. � i CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY CO����ISSION MEETING i ^iINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � ' June 9, 1982 Page 6 AGENDA ri0TI0N MINUTES .� ,� ..�„m.� - - CONSIDERATION ITEMS CON'T. The Citizens Traffic Safety Gommission has a policy of establishing a 3-way STOP ' control at a local intersection if any of , the following warrants are met: 1) Accid�ent History 2) Traffic Volumes 3) Intersection Alignment or Design - The intersection of Bobwhite Way and Partridge Lane did not satisfy the required warrants for the establishment of three- way STOP control at a local intersection. It is the recommendation of the Traffic Section that STOP controls at the inter- section of Bobwhite Way and Partridge Lane be denied. MOTION R. Slate SECOND G. Shaw AYES Unanimous 3. Or�nge-Olive Road and S.A. Cyn Road Orange-Olive Road is a north-south arterial Reques� for STOP Controls street. Santa Ana Canyon Road is an east- Deanna Chase west local street running between Orange- -Mayor's Hotline- Olive Road to the west and Tustin Street to the east. `The intersection of Orange- RECOMMEND: Deny � Olive Road and Santa Ana Canyon Road is a single-way STOP controlled, tee-intersection (3 legs) . Westbound traffic on Santa Ana . Canyon Road must stop before entering the intersection. The accident history at the intersection of Orange-01ive Road and Santa Ana Canyon Road indicated no accidents that might be susceptible to correction by stop controls. Traff ic volume counts were taken during the A.M. peak hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on June 9, 1982 and indicate a peak hour volume of 567 and a peak hour ratio of 3.5 to 1. The Citizens Traffic . Safety Commission has a policy of � establishing a 3-way STOP control at an arterial intersection if any of the following warrants are met: 1) Signal Study 2) Accident History 3) Traffic Volumes 4) Intersection Alignment or Design , CITI?ENS TRAFFIC SAFETY C�r1MISSION MEETING , ' riINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING . June 9, 1982 Page 7 � AGENDA MOTION , , MINUTES �.� , CONSIDERATION ITEMS CON'T. The intersection of Orange-Olive Road and . Santa Ana Canyon Road did not sat�isfy the required warrants for the establishment � - of a 3-way STOP control at an arterial intersec�ion. The assignment of Right- of-Way is not indic�.ted to be a problem. Speaking in `favor of STOP controls was: • Mrs. Whipple, 1218 E. Baldwin Avenue, Orange, CA 92665. She said there were many accidents occurring in this vicinity and there had been damage to their own property. Staff pointed out that those accidents had not occurred in the inter- section. Mr. Dennis suggested looking into the possibility of having guard- rails installed. It is the recommendation of the Traff ic Seetion that the reque5t for a 3-way STOP control at the inter- section of Orange-0live Road and Santa Ana Canyon Road be denied. � '' MOTION G. Shaw . SECOND R. Slate AYES Unanimous , ''i �