04-14-1982 - Minutes TC • ��� ' CITI7FIVS TRAFFIC SAFETY co�izssloN MNETING MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEE'1'ING Apri1 14, 1982 AGENDA MUTION MINUT�S ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, D. Yarger, M. Baumann, D. Smith staff: B. Dennis, Lt. Leintz AI3S�N'd' Commissione�s : R. Sld�� APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTTON D. Yarger S�COND M. Baumann - Meeting of March 10, 1982 AYES Unanimous MOTION CARRTED CONSENT CALENDAR _ , , A. Lincoln Ave ss W/0 Canal Request �or No Stopping Anytime Lirocoln Ave Baptis� Church 1310 E. Lincoln�Ave arange, CA Recommend: Approve B. 401 La Veta on Lemon St Frontage Request for Loading Zones Therese Welsh Project Co-ordina�or ici Investment Concepts Inc 161 Town & Country Rd Orange, CA 92668 . Recommend: Approve . C, Corner of W/B Katella & farside Mai Relocate existing bus stop on NE corne Parker Smith , Federal Truck Dri vi nc� School �l 201 W. Katel l a Orange, CA 92667 � Recomme�d: Approve CI1'IZENS TRAFFIC SAFLZ'Y COr7MISSION MEE'rING � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING Apri 1 14, 1982 Page. 2 AGENDA MOTION MINU�ES .,, . � CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. D. Mall of Orange, northern driveway Request for Driveway Vision Zone 2298 Orange Mall Orange, CA 92665 Orange Traffi c Secti on Recommend: Approve MOTION D. Smith SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous CONSIDERATION ITEPIS : 1 . Cerritos & Encanto Staff presented revi�w of report given ta Request for S70P Controls CTSC at Apri1 14, 19�2 meeting. En�anto oAnne Rinald7 Street �s a north-south local residentia1 1114 Encanto St. street running between Cerritos Driv� and Orange, CA 92669 Granada Dr. Encanto Str�et has a travelway' width of thirty-six (36) feet curb-to-curb. Recommend: Cerritos be stopped for Cerri�os Drive i5 an east�we�t lacal Encanto and centerline be instal�ed residential street running between �ncanto on grade on Encanto up ta Cerritos Street to the west and Cannon Street to the east. Cerritos Drive has a travelway width of sixty-four (64) feet curb-to-curb. � Cerritos Drive is �the southerly entry point � into a new, and as yet sparsely accupied, residential development. The intersection � of Encanto Street and Cerritos Drive is an . � uncontrolled, tee-�nterseciton (3 legs). . The intersection �of Encanto Street and � Cerritos Drive had no reported accidents in the previous twelve manth period. There does not appear to be an alignment problem � at the intersection, however, Cerritos Drive has a 7% grade at its. intersection with Encanto Street. The averag�: vehicular volume entering the intersection �rom all of the approaches for the peak hour period was 14 vehicles. The peak hour vehicle volume rat�o was 3.67 to 1 . The intersection of Encanto Street and Cerritos Drive did not satisfy the required warrants for the establishment of thre�-way STOP control at a local intersection. It is recomme.nded that a STOP control be installed on Cerritos for Encanto and a centerline be installed on grade on Encan�o up to Cerritos. _ � � MOTION D. Yarger SECOND M. Baumann - AYES Unanimous CITI7,ENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COrZMISSION MEETING MINUT�S OF A REGULAR MEE�ING � Apri1 l4, 1982 � - Page 3 AGENDA MUTION MINIITES C(�NSIDERATION� ITEP15 CON'T. � . 2. Summitridge l.ane & Queensgate Way Queensgate Way is a north-south local Request for STOP controls residential s�reet 1 block long running : Kay Trapolino � between Rolling Green to the north and 3847 Rolling Green Lane Summi�tridge Lane to the south. Queensgate Oranqe, CA 92667 W�y has a �travel-way wid�h of thirty-four (34) f�e�t cc�rb-to-curb. Summitridge Lane Recommend: Summitridge Lane be p�st�d is an east-west through street runnina w7t H speed limits and the Polic betwe�n Mea�ts Avenue to the west and Cerro Departmen t be notified to enforce Villa to the east. Summitridge Lane has the.speed iimit, Also, in six months a �ravelway widt�i of forty (40) feet curb- review the speeds on the streets, to-curb.. 7he intersectian of Queensgate Way and Summitridge Lane is a single STQP controll�d tee-�ntersection (3 legs). � . Vehicles on Queensgate Wa,� are required to . STOP before .entering the inter�secti�n. The . intersection af Queensgate Way and Summitridge Lane had no reported accid�nts in the . previous twelve month periQd. There does not appear to be a problem with the alignment . or design of �he intersection. The average � vehicul�r volume entering the intersectivn firom all of the approaches for the peak � hour period was 135 veh�cles, Th� inter- section of Queensgate Way and Summitridge : Lane di d r�ot sati sf,y the requi red' warrants for the establishment of three-way STOP . control at a local intersection. The recommendation is to deny the request for . STOP controls, In addition, it is recommended that Sumr��tridge Lane be posted with 25 MPH speed limits ar�d th� Police Dept. . be not�fied to enforce the speed`limit. . � � A1so, in s{ix months review the speeds � on the streets. MQTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous , CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFrTY C�r1MISSION MEETING � r1INUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING � April 14, 1982 Page 4 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CC�P�SIDERAT�ON IT�MS 60N'T, 3. Anchor Ave & Lincoln Ave. Anchor Avenue is a north-s�uth �ocal street. Request for STOP Controls � Ar��hor Avenue has a travelway width of Ann Fielden � thirty-six (36) f�et curb-to-curb. Lincoln 149 N, Wheeler St. Avenue is �an east-west arterial street . Orange, CA 92669 � running between Batavia Stre�t tc� the west � and Tustin Street t� th� east. Lincol.n Recomr�end: a) �iorthbound Anchor be Avenue has a travelway width of eiqhty� posted for right tur�n only b) channeli� four (�4} feet cu�rb-tca-cuv°b between �atavia an eastbound right turn lane on Street and Tustin Str�eet. The int�rsection Lincoln Ave, c) channelize an east- of Anchor Avenue and Lin�oln avenue is a bound me�^ge lane for traffic cominq . single-way STOP controll�d, tee�intersection �ut onto. Lincaln Ave. from Anchor Ave (3 legs�. Nor�hbo�nd tr��ffic on Anchor d) the above to be acc�mpanied with Avenue must stop before enter°ir�g the inter- appropriate signing, sectiono The inter°section of Anch:or° Avenue. and Lincoln Avenue had one r�ported accident in the previous twelve month p�riod. The or�e accident would r�ot have been suscep- �ti b�e to c�rrecti on wi th a 4-way STOP control . There does not appear to be a probl em wi th the al i gr�m�nt or �esi gn of the intersection. Motorists northbound on Anch�r Avenue do have di�ficulty observing vehicles approachinq from the west, hence� the No Parkinq Anytime rest�iction. The av�r�ge vehieular volurne �ntering the inter°section from all �pproaches for an eight hour period was 11�2 vehicles. The int�rsec�ion of Anchor Avenue and Lincoln Avenue d7d not satisfy the r�quired warra�ts for. the establishm�nt of a 4-way STOP con�rol at an ��rterial intersection. The assi qnment of Ri qht-of-Way i s not � indicated to be a problem. Yt is � recommended that a) northbound Anch�r be � posted for right turn or�ly b) channelize an eastbound r°iqh� turn lane on Linco1n c) chann�lize an �e�stbound merge 1ane. for traffic coming out onto Li.ncoln Aveo fr�m Anchor Ave. d) the �bove to be accompanied with appropriate signing.; � MOTION G. Shaw , � : SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous � CITIZENS TR.AFFIC SAFETY COPZMISSION MEETIN� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING Apr71 14, 198� - page 5 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSIDERATION ITEMS CON'T. 4. Taft Ave btwn Sycamore � Loma The cities of Orange and Villa Par�k h�ve Request for No Parking Anytime agreed to cooperat� to resolve a potential Orange Traffic Division problem dealing with channelizatian on 1'af� betweer� Sycamore and Loma. Compl a�nts Re�ommend: Approve have been received by bo�th cities regarding the diffi�ulty encountered �by motorists in determining their portion of this roadway. . Both C7ty staffs recommend channelizing a centerline to allevi�te this problem. To , accomplish this end will ne�essitate . parking removals on both sid�s of the street � - in this ar�a. Channellzatio� p1ans have been reviewed and approved by both cities. � It is therefore the recommendation of the - City of Orange staff to approve parking r�moval along those fron�ages of Taft w�th- � in the City of Orange. Vi11a Park wi11 pursue acquiring the necessar°y parking restri cti ons wi thi n thei r Ci ty►. MOTTON M. �aumann SECOND D. Yarger � AYES Unanimous . 5, �Batavia St btwn 345' s/o Struck Ave The Traffic Engineering Departmer�t is in the � and Katella Ave process of prepar°ing revised chanr�eliza�ion Request for No Pl�g Anytime . �street stripinq) plans for a number of Oranqe Tv°affic Division streets withln the City. The purpose of the revised stripinq on Batavia Street is two- Reco�mend: Continue this item if fold. First, to provide two-way left turn arrangements cannot be made for the pockets at cert�in locations where this � Mon7co Company to lease the lande insta�lation would reduce delay and conges- tion, and improve �raf�Fic safety; secondly, � concurrent with their restriping, to install raised, reflective pavement marker5 as was recently done �n Tustin Str�eet. The ma,jor problem 7n establishing the two-way left turn pocke�s is that due to the s�reet . wi dth of Batavi a Str°�et between Kat�l l a Avenue and 345 feet south af Struck Av�nue, the pocket i nsta1 lati on wo�ld requi re ful l time, on-s treet. parki ng prol�i bi ti on al ong the �frontaqes �f those properti�s on Batavia. Th�s item was thcn opened to public �iscussion� Speaking in opposition of the No Parking Anyt7me were Curtis Lines and Rick Estes of Mon7 co Co, , 1211 N. B�tavi a St. , Qranc�e CA 92667, CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFLTY COTIMISSIUN MEI�TING MINUTES OF A REC�ULAR Nf�ETING Apri1 14, �982 Page 6 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ��NSI�ERA�ION��ZTEP9,S�CON'T. They i ndi cated that a) on stre�� parki ng is at a prer�ium for �atavia Str�et and � b) custom�rs tend to park wherev�r they � can' find space. They suggested t� the committe� that the parking lot adjacent to the City Y�rd could be used by the public. They further stated, if this were done. they would be in favor of the No Parking Anytime � restric�ion. They could lease the dirt lu� � from the City and impro�� the 1ot for parki nc�. Thi s woul d b� acceptabl e to �hem. CTSC directed staff and Police to pcarsue and explore the possibility of mun�cipa:l - parking on the City yard 1ot� The recom- mendati oro i s to conti nue thi s i tem i f arrangements cannot be made for the Monica Company to lease th� 1and. MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D� Sm�.�fi � ,: . AYES Unanimous Meeting Adjourned 4':45 p.m.