02-10-1982 - Minutes TC CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COi�'�IISSION MEETYNG MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING February 10, 1982 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES . ROLL CAL]L PRESENT Co�missi<sners: G. Shaw, D. Yarger, M. Baumann, R. Sl�.�e, D. Smith Staff: B. Denni�, T'. Kelley, L�, Leintz ABSENT Commissioners : None APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION D. Yarger ' SECOND R. Slate Meeting of Janua�y l3, 1982 AYES Unaniinous MOTION CARRIED CON5ENT CALENDAR � The Commission��s wished to consider each item of the Consent Calendar separately. . A. 444 S. Tustin 5t. Reques� for Vision Zone Mary Rhyne Busa.raess Representative Gables Homeowners Assoc. 444 S. Tustin St. Orange, CA � RECOMMEND: Approve MOTION G. Shaw � SECOND R. Slate AYES Unanimous B. 626 N. Eckhoff St. Request for Vision Zone Alfred E. Seguine " President ° � Globa]. Services Inc. � 626 N. Eckhoff 5t. Orange, CA RECOMMEND: Approve MOTI,ON D. Yarger � . SECOND M. Baumann AYES Unanimous cz�rzzFrrs TR�F�,zc s�FL��� �or�rsszoN M�r�c11�c MINUT�S OF �, RFGULAR I�i�:ETIN�G Felaruary 1Q, 19�2 Pa e 2 AGENDA MUTION MINUTES CONSENT CALENDAR CO�d'T. C. Center St and Almond �ve N�C Request for Vision "Lone Martha McEwan �QO—E_.—C_hapmax�_Au� — _ — ' —_——---- . Orange, CA 92666 RECOMMEND: App�ove MOTION I9. Yarger SECOND R, Sl�.te AYES Unan�mous D. E/� Chapman f3rside Espl�.nad� Request for additional Red Curb Dan Gates Stops & Zones O.C.T.D. P.O. Box 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 RECOMMEND: Approve MOTION R. S�late SECOND D. Yarger AYES Unanimous E. E/B Katella f arside Gla�sell Request for additional Red Curb Dan Gates Stops & Zones O.C.T.D. � P.O. Box 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642� RECOMMEND: Approvc� MU'I'ION D. Yarger S�COND M. Baumann AYES Unanimous F. E/B Almond nearside B�tavia Request fo� Red Curb Dan Gates . Stops & Zones O.C.T.D. � P.O. Box 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 � RECOMMEND: Deny Residential parking is at a premium and the removal of on street parking in this area could prove t� be a hardship on the propert� owners. MOT7ON R. Slate SECONll D. Yarder AYES � Unanimous CI.'1'I'I.ENS 1'RAFFIC SA�'I�TY (;(.)T1MI SSIUN MFF,'1'IN� MINUTrS OF A KFGULAIt �1��I;TING February 10, 19�2 Pa�e 3 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES CONSENT CALENDAR CON'Tm G. W/B almond far�ide Batavia Request for Red Curb Dan Gates �.r-o--��s—���e s — --- O.C.T.17. P.U. Box 3005 . GardenAGrove, CA 92642 RECOMMEND: Deny Residential parking is. a� a premium and the removal of on street parking in this area could prove to be a hardsha.p on th,e property owners. � MOTION R. S�ate SECOND D. Yarder AYES Unanimous . H. N/B Glassell nearside Almond Request for Bus Exempt Sign Dan Gates � Stogs & Zones � O.C.T.D. , P.O. Box 3005 � Garden Grove, C�1 92642 RECOMMEND: Approve MOTIUN ll. Yarger SECOND R. Slate AYES Uttanimous I. S/B Glassell nearside Taft - Request far Bus Exempt Sign Dan Gates O.C.T.D. P.O. Box 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 RECOMMEND: Approve MOTION R. Slate SECOND G. Shaw AYES Unanimous J. 1223 N. Batavia Request for Vision Zone Larry Summerf ield � Business Forms Press, Inc. 1223 N. Batavia Orange, CA 92668 � RECOMMEND: Approve MOTT.ON I). Ya.r�;er , SI�CONll R. Sl�a�� AYES Unanirnous CITIZENS TRAI��'IC SAI�"L"I'X CnT7MIS5I0N MEETING MINUT�S OF A RFC�ULAR A'1T�ETING February 10, 1982 Page 4 A(7FNDA MU1'I ON MINUTES CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. Ko 446 S. Tustix� Request for Vision Zone Gene Shaw ---e:�� . _ --- RECOMMEND: Approve � MOTION G. Shaw _ SECOND �. S1ate � AYES Unanimous CQNSIDERATIQN ITE1�5 l. Orange-0l.ive Rd N/0 M�ats Request for Safe School Rout� Toma Talamantes 2555 Fernside Cir Orange, CA. 92665 RECOMMEND: Junior High School �tudents, attending ' Peralta Jr. High, and living in the resi- dential area bounded by Fletcher, Lincol�, Batavia and Orange-Olive Road have no defined or protected school r�ute. This condition is occasioned by, generally, three factors: 1. Limited Crossings of the A.T. & S.F. Railroad - An uncontrolled access exists at the easterly terminus of � Fl.etcher Avenue. This crossing ancl access rights were abandonded in 1967 in conjunction with a new crossia�g at .Meats Avenue. 2. Unimgroved Tracts of Industrial Lands Southerly of Fletcher - .The lands south of the described residential area are pre- . dominate�.y zoned for industrial use and are not, at the present time, fully developed. This has resulted in an approximate 1000' reach of roadway, (SEC of Fletcher & Glassell) having no pedestrian use facilities (side- walk and curbs) and bicycle access. , This cond�.tion i� further conpaunded by the interim use of the undeveloped land for agricultuxal purposes, �he high percentage of truck traffic (10%) , a relatively high instance of a�.l-day parking adjacent to the developed industrial land uses, and a 40 MPH speed limit on Glassell within the subject area. CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFLTY GOPIMI.SSION ATE��,`TING MINUTES OF A RFGIJLAR MEETING Februar 10, 1982 Pa e 5 � AG�NUA MO'f I ON MINUTES CONSIDER.ATION ITEMS GON'T. 3. Ava3.lable Pedestrian/Bicycle Facil3ties - Existing pedestrian and h�.cycle facilities ar potent3�a1 facilitie� currently exist easterly of Orange-Olive Road but are only , accessable vi�. one or more of the railroad ��o g�i�g—go-s L� m.�'�tr�r-o�M�at-�.--- Directional pedestrian/Bicycle counts conducted indicate the majority of pedestrian and bicycle activity occurs at or near the Fletcher crossing and dissipates tor�ard � Peralta Junior High via either Glendora , ° or Vista De�. Gaviota (Note: Vista Del - Gaviata is the predominant return route � while inbound is equally divided between the two streets) . Pedes�.rian crossing control at Orange-Olive Road and the Fletche� access is limited to a marked school cross- walk. �nd advance signing. Adher�nc.e to or use of the crosswalk was observed to be, at best marginal with a large number of random crossings, of Orange-Olive Road, occurring southerly of the crosswalk. • Motorist adherance to the crossing activity was, due probably to fam�.liarity, within an �.cc�ptable Ieve1.. Fletche�r/Glendora � Based on exis�in.g pedestrian ch�racteristics and acce�sability to the adjacent residential 1.and use and street system the Fletcher/Glendara route would be the most desirable alternative. � . . The ina�or problem with establishing and developing this raute is the concurrence of the A.T. & S.�'. railroad and the Public Utilities Commission. Although the City still has dedicated right of way acro�s the railroad right of way we have no crossing rights per the ref�renced agreement. To ignore the lack. of these rights and to encoura�e the crossing of tlie tracks by design or directi�on could place the City in a position of liability in the event of an accident. The co5t of implementing a pedestr3an crossing at Fletcher to include a pedestrian railroad warning device, ' road � and. track work, and a pedestrian actuated signal for the crossing of Orange-0live Roa.d is estimated to be $37,000. (Note: � The complexity of the railroad signal, if the crossing is approved, could increase the estimate) . CITI.ZENS TR�IFFTC S�FETY CC�TIMISSTON MFETIt�G T1I NUTrS 0� A KFGt1I.AR MI?F.T]NG Februar 10 1982 Page 6 AGI,NDA MO1'ION MINUTES CON5IDERATION IT�MS� CON'T. Glassell/Meats - The implementation of this route woulri inv�lve the const�ruc�ion af an asphaltic sidewalk/bikeway 6'-�° in width • ad�acent to the existing edge of pavement of Glassell for a length of approximately 1-000-'�he ex ension-��—a-w�1 the railroad tracks at Meats, modification of certai.n drainage facilities and the possible pasCing of Glas�ell and �ieats between the residential area and Peralta �7uni.or High for bike lane pa.rking restric- tions. There are tl�ree major problems with the route: 1. It is not presently used. 2. It is questior�able, that the parking restrictions would be accepted by the ad j acen� land owa�.ers. 3. Maintenance of the sid.ew�lk/bike way �djacent to the interim agricultural uses would be continuo�s. � The estimated cost for th� route � (excluding fencing and a signal a�t Meats and Glassel.l) is $30,600. If both �ides of Glassell we�e �.ncorporated into a bike lane systeau and a signal was required at Gla�sel�/Meats an additional $5$,000 would . be requirede If fe�cing were installed along the agricultural land �use an additional. $9h00 would be needed. Tatal cost fox t�is route would therefore �ange from $26,$t70 to $97,400. It is therefore recommended that negotiations with the A.T. & S.F. Railroad toward the routes implementation be pursued with a status � report to the C.T.S.C. within 6 months. MOTION D. Yarg�r SECOND M. Baumann AYrS Unanimous 2. Batavia St and Palmyra l�ve � � Request for STOP Controls Maggie Gibb� 379 N. Batavia St. Orange, CA 92668 RECOMMEND: Continue �to March meeting MOTION D. Yarger - SECOND G. Shaw AYES Unanimous Meeting adjourned 4:15 p.m.