06-08-1983 - Minutes TCa CITY TRAFFIC COfMTSSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING ,Tune 8, 1983 t Pa+ AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT 'Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann, D. Smith Staff: B., Dennis, P. Kelley, Lt. Dawson ABSENT Commissioners: D. Yarger, D. Henley APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION D. Smith SECOND M. Baumann Meeting of April 27, 1983 -- ---------------------------------. AYES Unanimous �l ---------- -_ --------------------_------ CONSENT CALENDAR A. 1900 Vanowen Avenue Request for Clearance Zone Mel Clipper, Prop. Mgr IFS Management Co., Inc. 'P.O. Box 6348 Orange, CA 92668 RECOMMENDATION: Approve B. Cambridge St and Old Orchard Lane Request for Intersection Vision Zone Gary Roberts 968 Old Orchard Lane Orange, CA 92667 P.ECOMIIENDATION: Approve CMetropolitan Dr - Rt 45 Request for Bus Stop EB FS Lewis Street. O.C.T.D. P.O. Box 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 RECOMMENDATION: Continue CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 8, 1983 AGENDA CONSENT CALENDAR CONtT. D. Metropolitan Dr - Rt 45 Request for Bus Stop EB Opp 3845 Metropolitan O.C.T.D. RECOMMENDATION: Continue E. Metropolitan Dr Rt 45 Request for Bus Stop EB Opp City Pkwy South O.C.T.D. RECOMMENDATION: Continue F. Metropolitan Dr - Rt 45 Request for Bus Stop EB Opp Metropolitan Way O.C.T.D. RECOMMENDATION: Continue G..,.: Metropolitan Dr - Rt .45 Request for Bus Stop, .WB NS Metropolitan Way O.C.T.D. RECOMMENDATION: Continue H. Metropolitan Dr - Rt 45 Request for Bus Stop WB NS City Pkwy South O.C.T.D. RECOMMENDATION: Continue I.. Metropolitan Dr -'Rt 45 Request for Bus Stop .WB NS #3845 O.C.T.D. RECOMMENDATION: Continue J. Metropolitan Dr - Rt 45 Request for Bus Stop WB NS Lewis Street O.C.T.D. RECOMMENDATION: Continue Page 2 MINUTES CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 8, 1983. AGENDA CONSENT CALENDAR CON'T. K. Harwood Street and Chapman Avenue Request for marked crosswalk Councilman Smith RECOMMENDATION: Approve CONSIDERATION ITEMS l.- Flower St @ La Veta Ave Request for Traffic Signal Brad Rowland 1921 W. La Veta Ave #18 Orange, CA 92668 RECOMMENDATION: 1) Continue for six months and reeval 2) Increase selective enforcement - 3) Send letter to O.C.T.D. on behalf of Commission to advise drivers to obey speed limit there and elsewhere in City 4) Work with State of California, Division of Highways to see what can be done in respect to advance .signing and improve posting 5) Investigate cost, feasibility, possibility of installation of yellow flasher 6) Possible installation of rumble strips. e MOTION SECOND AYES Page 33 MINUTES G. Shaw D. Smith Unanimous Staff presented report. Flower Street is a north -south commuter street with a travelway width of forty (40). Flower Street is posted 25 MPH. La Veta Avenue is an east - west modified primary arterial street running between the 1-5 overcrossing to the west and Cambridge Street to the east. La Veta Avenue has a.travelway..width of fifty-two (52). There are two lanes in each direction with left -turn pockets. No Parking is allowed on the north side of La Veta Avenue. There'is a small area on the south side where parking is permitted. La Veta Avenue between Main Street and the 1-5 overcrossing is posted 35 MPH. The intersection of Flower Street/Flower Circle and La Veta. Avenue is a two-way STOP controlled, offset cross -intersection (4 legs). Southbound traffic on Flower Street and northbound traffic on Flower Circle must stop before entering the intersection. Lighting at the intersection is provided by one street light on the northeast corner of La Veta Avenue. Lighting along La Veta Avenue is staggered with spacings of approximately 130' between street lights. The channeli- zation at the intersection consists of two striped travel lanes for east and westbound vehicles. There are also left turn pockets provided for thes.e. -. two directions of traffic. Between Flower Street and Main Street there is also a two-way left turn lane striped .in the center of the street. Striping for southbound Flower Street consists of a solid double yellow centerline. At the intersection .of Flower Street at La Veta Avenue and Flower Circle at La Veta there is a STOP legend, CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION IMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING. June 8. 198 AGENDA Paize MJNLITE�S bar and sign. All signing and striping is clearly visible and marked. The accident history at the intersection of Flower Street and La Veta Avenue indicates one accident in the past twelve months; pedestrian fatality. The intersection of Flower Street/Flower Circle did meet the interruption of continuou traffic warrant. A number of intersections are surveyed each year for possible traffic signal installations and prioritized on a point basis. For consideration of funding for traffic signal installation, a location must first meet the required signal warrants. Locations that meet the necessary traffic signal warrants are then submitted to the City Council on a numbered priority list with the highest need listed first. The inter- section of Flower Street/Flower Circle and La Veta Avenue did meet the required warrants for the installation of a Traffic Signal The critical .(85th percentile) speed for La Veta Avenue was 41 MPH and reduced the required vehicular volumes to 80% of*normal. The average volume lume of traffic during the highest eight hours was 1347 vehicles. The eighth highest volume of the major street was 1038 vehicles. The eighth highest approach volume for the minor street was 82 vehicles. There was one accident in the past twelve months, a pedestrian fatality. The pedestria fatality occurred 97 feet east of the inter- section. There does not appear to be a problem with the alignment or design of the intersection. Speaking in opposition of the Traffic Signal were: Doug McDaniel 2003 W. La Veta #B, Orange Rick Jones V.P. La Veta Townhome-Association La Veta & Flower Circle Their concernsw*ere:- 1) Speed of the O.C.T-6-D. busses 2) Traffic on Flower 3) Signal would be an extreme type of solution and would not mitigate the real problem - speed 4) Increase speed enforcement 5) Possible installation of rumble strips and yellow flasher. CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 8, 1983' AGENDA Page 5 M I N LJT) `IS Recommendation: 1) Continue for six months and reevaluate 2) Increase selective enforcement 3) Send letter to O.C.T.D. on behalf of Commission to advise drivers to obey speed limit there and elsewhere in City 4) Work with State of California, Division of Highways to see what can be done in respect to advance signing and improve* posting 5) Investigate cost, feasibility, possibility of installation of yellow flasher 6).Possible installation of rumble strips. MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Smith AYES Unanimous 2. Shaffer St @ Sycamore Avenue Staff presented report. Shaffer Street is a Request for 4-way STOP Controls north -south residential street with a width Mr./Mrs. O'Dell of thirty-four (34) feet. Sycamore Avenue 414 N. Shaffer Street is an east -west local:,residential street Orange, CA 92666 with a travelway width of thirty-four (34) feet. Parking is permitted on both sides RECOMMENDATION: of the street and each street has single 1) Deny 4-way STOP Controls travel lanes in each direction. The 2) Increase selective enforcement during intersection of Shaffer Street and. Sycamore peak hours and after school Avenue is a two-way STOP controlled, cross- 3) Public notification regarding intersection (4 legs). Eastbound and west - enforcement bound traffic on Sycamore Avenue must stop before entering the intersection. Traffic volume counts were taken during the a.m. peak hours of 7:00 'a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on May -31, 19$3, and indicate a peak hour volume of 368,and a peak hour ratio of 8.68 to l.- The intersection of Shaffer Street and Sycamore Avenue had no reported accidents in the previous twelve month period. There does not appear to be a problem with the alignment or design of the intersection.- Total vehicular volume entering the intersection for all approaches during the peak hour was 368 vehicles. The, ratio of Shaffer Street traffic versus Sycamore Avenue traffic was 8.68 to 1 in favor of Shaffer Street. The intersection did not satisfy the required warrants for 4-way STOP .controls at a local intersection. CITY TRAFFIC COILMISSION PIINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 8, 1983 AGENDA MOTION SECOND AYES 3., Fletcher Industrial,area Request for NO PKG for Street Sweeping Tom Jordan 2434 Millstream Orange, CA. 92665 Page 6 P11NVJT'.S Speaking in favor of the STOP Controls were: John O'Dell 414 N..Shaffer, Orange Danielle Walsh 456 N. Shaffer, Orange Martin Sather 358 N. Shaffer, Orange John Bertain 382 N. Shaffer, Orange Their concerns were: 1).Heavy traffic in a.m. and p.m. hours 2) Heavy pedestrian traffic 3).,Speeding, especially after school, evenings and weekends 4) Children 5) Dip at the intersection 6) Need better enforcement of speed limit Recommendation: - I 1) Deny 4--way STOP Controls 2)*Increase selective enforcement during peak hours and after school 3) Public notification regarding enforcement M. Baumann D. Smith Unanimous Staff. gave report. The request.for restric- tive parking on -sweeping days was received from Tom Jordan, 2434 Millstream, Orange. His request was prompted by the apparent lack of sweeping of the street due to parked. .vehicles. Traffic Division has taken a field investigation and review of the area with the following results. There appears to be all day parking occurring on the street to such an extent that the sweeping opera- tions of the City cannot be performed. 'The problem is heightened by the -fact that the area includes industrial uses.as well as residential. The industries concerned begin their operations prior to the time that the City sweeping operation is in effect. Additionally, an Elementary School (Fletcher Elementary) is located in the same area. The location of an Elementary School in this area adds to the problems indicated by the request letter because of the I "buildup" of debris and sand. in the area CITY TRAFFIC C0�24ISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 8, 1983. AGENDA MOTION SECOND AYES 4. Prospect Street @ Spring Street Request for Crossing Guard J. Thacker, Principal 379'N. Prospect Street Orange, CA 92669 Page 7 M I NIITRS due to an inconsistant cleaning of streets. This situation can create a problem for those students having to traverse this walking route to school. The City initiated .a trial run to determine or ascertain the effects of this kind of -a restriction in the area. Field review indicated that compliance with the restriction was encouraging. The area (north side) was posted on Tuesday for No Parking on Wednesday. On. Wednesday the sweeping operation was able to fulfill its function and obligations. Based upon the area characteristics and the indicated need for sweeping of the streets in the area it is the recommendation of staff that.the area be posted for No Parking on Fletcher Avenue East of Batavia on sweeping days. Such a restriction would apply, for this area, on Wednesday the day after trash pickup. Recommendation: Approve posting on Fletcher Avenue East of Batavia Street for No Parking on Sweeping days. I M. Baumann D. Smith Unanimous Mr. Dennis gave report. The Traffic Engineering Division has conducted an investigation pursuant to the placement of an adult crossing guard at the intersection of Spring Street and Prospect Street (East). Results of the investigation indicated that: 1) The minimum warrants for the placement of an adult crossing guard are not met due. to the proximity of an existing crossing guard at Spring and Prospect (West) which at the present time controlled by a 4-way STOP sign and a crossing guard. In reference to the warrants, there are three general criteria: �r CITY TRAFFIC CO�IISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 8, 1983. Page 8 AGENDA MOTION r1 I Nlt'1`ES 1. A minimum of 20 pedestrian crossings 2. 300 opposing vehicles 3. No existing controlled crossing point (traffic signal, 4-way STOP sign or crossing guard within 600' of the requested controlled placement). 2.. The crossings of Spring observed during the survey period were not specifically - at Prospect, but at random points easterly of Propsect and at the existing Olympia and Swidler crosswalks. The crossings originated (by observation) primarily from the residential development on the south side of Spring between the two Prospects. The survey indicated 44 pedestrian crossing Spring between Prr:spect east and Swidler to the east. The conflicting traffic volume was 302 vehicles at that point. The accident history since 1980 incidates that at Prospect East, Olympia, and Swidler there were no pedestrian accidents,and very few vehicular accidents. 3. Although Spring is not a continuous arterial street, it does serve as the main access to the El Modena High School parking lot and experiences significant school f orientated traffic. i It is the opinion of the Traffic Division E that.the distance from the existing control point to that of the requested location of the crossing guard is not an exorbitant distance for the elementary age children to be asked.or directed to walk. It would seem that in a time.period when the City may be forced to reduce the number of crossing guards City-wide, the placement of a guard, at this particular location, 400 feet from an identical service (crossing guard) would be inappropriate. It would also seem that the parents of those students crossing Spring could be asked, via the Prospect School Parent Teachers Association, to reevaluate their child's walking route and perhaps redirect them to the presently controlled crossing point which would add approximately five minutes to their total home to school trip. CITY TRAFFIC MU4ISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING. June 8, 1983 Page 9 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES MOTION SECOND AYES 5, Almond-Ave/Chapman Avenue Request for Bus Route Realignment Orange Traffic Division RECOMMENDATION: 1. 0 C.. D.'Bus''Route 53A/54 be reverted back to Chapman Route Mr. day Thacker expressed his concerns: 1) Speed of traffic .2) Vehicles are not stopping .at STOP sign 3) Large shrubs, blind spots 4) Problem lies at S/B Prospect (East) and Spring, not N/B Prospect (West) 5) Guard is in the wrong place Recommendation: 1. Continue Crossing Guard Consideration until October meeting and reevaluate 2. Trim bushes 3. Signing G. Shaw M. Baumann Unanimous Bernie presented report. The request concerns bus route 53A/54 on Almond Avenue between Flower and Cambridge. This route ran along Chapman from the 57 to Tustin. Because of the narrowness of Chapman there was insufficient room for stopping busses and they would have to stop in the travel lane. When originally.proposed, Almond was chosen as a temporary substitute for Chapman until Chapman was fully improved., I About a year ago, the route on Chapman turned at.Feldner to reach Almond, then went to Camridge and back out onto Chapman. At that time, it was then moved from Feldner to Flower partly for the better turning radius. In the last six months afforded at Flower versus Feldner there have been complaints from the residents concerning noise, pollution and vibration from the busses. Traffic staff met with O.C.T.D. to change Route 53A/54. If.approve, by C.T.C. and City Council., the Tine will be placed back up onto Chapman between, Flower and Main Street, then down Main Street to. Almond, then Easterly and Westerly on Almond connecting with the existing route. This would delete that section on Almond between Flower and Main. This change will involve two things: 1) Abandonment of all bus stops along Almond in this section 2) Abandonment of bus service along street. CITY TRAFFIC CO?1MISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 8, 1983. Page 10 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES MOTION SECOND. AYES. 6. Briardale Ave @ Lincoln St Request for STOP Controls Marie.Beck 1788 N. Lincoln St, Orange, CA 92665 Vera Mater 1774 N. Lincoln St, Orange, CA 92665 RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve request for two-way STOP Controls at the intersection of Lincoln Street and Briardale Avenue 2. Install appropriate vision zones at the intersection. If approved by the Commission, two sets of bus stops could be implemented. One at Flower and.Chapman where there are provisions for bus space and the second in the area of Feldner where busses will be required to park in the traffic lane. Concurrent with that,"'in the hope of eliminating any future litigation there would be posting of signs on Chapman Avenue indicating bus stops ahead similar to that on Main Street. As Chapman is improved, busses will be moved off Almond along its entire length. Expressing their concerns .were: Larry Works 2125 W. Almond Bob Savoy 2120 W. Almond Rick Shaw 2130 W. Almond P Their concerns were: 1) No one was notified that O.C.T.D. was going to use Almond f 2) Only one person who signed.the petition was notified of C.T.C. meeting. More should have been notified. 3) When will this go before Council? 4) Will there be a newspaper notification? S) All in audience agreed to getting the. busses .off Almond. Recommendation: 1. O.C.T.D. Bus Route 53A/54,be reverted back to Chapman Route M. Baumann G. Shaw Unanimous Staff presented report Lincoln Street is a north-south.local residentzal.street with a travel way width.of thirty-six feet curb - to -curb. Parking is permitted on both sides of the street. Briardale Avenue is an east -west local residential street with a travelway width of thirty-six feet curb to -curb. The intersection of Lincoln Street and Briardale Avenue. is an uncontrolled tee - intersection (3 legs). Traffic volume counts taken during the a.m. peak hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on June 1, 1983 indicate a peak hour volume = 128 and a CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 8, 1983 Page 11 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES MOTION SECOND AYES 7 1500/1600 E. Palm Avenue Request for Limited Time Parking Mr/Mrs Theodore Junghas. 1611 E. Palm Avenue, Orange, CA 92666 Mr/Mrs Steve Biczo 1614 E. Palm Avenue, Orange, CA 92666 RECOMMENDATION: Approve request for 2-hour limited time parking between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. except Saturday, Sunday, and holidays for the 1500 and 1600 block of East Palm Avenue and the 300 and 400 blocks of North Shattuck Street. peak hour -ratio = 1.2 to 1. Safe approach speed for the intersection = 9 mph. Intersection alignment or design problems are indicated by an approach speed of 10 mph or less. The, intersection of Lincoln Street and Briardale Avenue had. no reported accidents,in the previous twelve month period. There does not appear to be a problem with the alignment. or design of the intersection. The average vehicular volume entering the intersection from all of the approaches for the peak hour period was 128 vehicles. The peak* houi vehicle volume ratio was 1.2 to 1. The intersection does satisfy the required warrants for.two-way STOP Controls at a local intersection. Speaking in favor of STOP Controls was: Vera Mater, 1774 N. Lincoln Street, Orange Her concerns were: 1) Speed from Briardale 2) Need more enforcement 3) Poor sight distance at intersection.. Recommendation: 1. Approve request for two-way STOP Controls at the intersection of Lincoln Street and Briardale Avenue. 2. Install appropriate vision zones at the intersection., G. Shaw M. Baumann Unanimous Staff.presented report. The area of Palm Avenue and Shattuck Street is a primary residential area westerly of Tustin Street. Business and commercial type.operations exist on the corner of Tustin Street and Palm Avenue. Historically, the City has accomodated this type of request when certain conditions have been fulfilled. These conditions are that posting will be on a block to block basis and posting will be implemented when 50% ormore of those residing along these blocks indicate by petition that they are in favor of such posting. The City Traffic Commission CITY TRAFFIC CO!ffISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 8. 1983' AGENDA MOTION SECOND AYE S 8. Walnut Ave between Cambridge & Tust Request for Traffic Study Gregory.Pezzetti 1045 E. Walnut Avenue Orange, CA 92667. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Upgrade advisory legends on.streets 2. Increase enforcement Page 12 MINUTES has received such a petition with all conditions.being met, i.e., at least 50% of those residing along the 1500 and 1600 block of East Palm Avenue and the 300 and 400 block of North Shattuck Street, are iz favor of the posting., It is understood by the residents that the posting of 2-hour limited time parking is applicable to all vehicles parking in those posted areas. It has been conveyed to and understood by the residents in the effected area that this will be a one time posting of limited time parking., If, at a later date, a request is received for removal of limited• time parking, it will be considered in the same manner as th--s request for the posting. Recommendation: Approve request for 2-hour limited time parking between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. except Saturday, Sunday, and holidays for the 1500 and 1600=block of East Palm Avenue and the 300 and 400 blocks of North Shattuck Street. G. Shaw' M. Baumann Unanimous Staff presented report. A request was received from Mr. Pezzetti concerning the signing, accident history, speed characteristics and traffic volumes on the street., The.:Traffic.Division checked for accidents, signing (speed, school, parking restrictions). Accident history in the last 3 years from 1980.f or all the intersection with Walnut indicate at: Cambridge - 16 accidents Waverly - No, accidents Maplewood -,l accident California - 1 accident Lincoln - No accidents Shattuck - 1 accident at the signalized intersection of Tustin and Walnut _ 46 accidents. - There is a 4-way STOP at Cambridge and a traffic signal at Tustin. All intersecting streets are.posted with STOP signs to stop for Walnut. A bike route exists on both sides of the street. There is posting for CITY TWiFFIC COTMDiISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING June 8 1983' Pa e 13 AGENDA MOTION MINUTJ S no parking 7:30 - 9 and 2:30 - 4 on school days and there are bike route signs. There are four 25 mph speed -signs eastbound and westbound. There is a school sign indicating school zone @ Maplewood. And there is a school crossing @ Cambridge and Walnut. The vehicular traffic on Walnut is 7500 v.p.d. On Tustin N/0 Walnut 28,000 v.p.d. and on Tustin S/O Walnut 35,000 v.p.d, Our records indicate that there is a speedin.; problem. The 50% and 85% percentile of our surveys are higher than the 25 mph posted speed limit. Upgrading of legends and police enforcement may help with the r speeding problems. Mr. Pezzetti expressed his concerns: 1) City of Orange drivers need to slow down. 2) Speed in general 3) Noise is too loud for students - they can't hear in the classrooms. Recommendation: 1. Upgrade advisory:'legends on streets 2. Increase enforcement MOTION G. Shaw SECOND AYES