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12-12-1984 - Minutes TC
, e_1� ' ' ;�' '. — 'y �f. . CTTY TFtiA.FF?C CJMMISSION MIl�TUTES OF A. REGUL�R. MEETING December 12, 1984 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES � ROLL CALL PP�ESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, D. Yarger, M. Baumann, D. Smith, D. Turner Staff: B. Dennis, P. Kelley, Sgt. Hernandez ABSENT - Cornmissioners : APPROVAL OF MI'NUTES MOTION M... Baumann .. SECOND G. Shaw au Meeting of November. l4, ._1984 . AYES Unanimous CONSENT CALENDAR � A. 374 N. C.enter.Street Request for Limited Time Parking � Judith R. Cassedy Chapman Collec�e Child Study Center 374 N. Center__St're.�,t.__r.____.__...._�._. ,..��..�,, �..... __ - _._ .. .. . Orange, CA 92 666 . ....... ._ _ . RECOMMEND:_ Approve B. " 301-330 W. Katella Avenue ' Request for Vision Zone . -- - - - Linda B. Vandercook � Kevstone pacific ' � ' 2082 S.E. Bristol, Suite 207 Santa Ana, CA 92707 � RECOMMEND: Approve _._ . . MOTION M. Baumann - " SECOND G. Shaw � ' AYES Unanimous _ d I CITY TRAFFIC CO�SIS S ION - MI�TUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING December l2, 1984 Pa�e 2 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES , CON5IDERATZON ITEMS l. Almond Avenue between Glassell St Ed Clifford from O,C.T.D. gave a brief and Cambridge St�eet summary on O.C.T.D. 's position on Route 54 Request �or Bus Route Removal from Glassell to Cambridge. Trarisit District Darrelynn Smith findings indicat�d insufficient ridership 837 E. Almbnd Av�enue in this reach, to. maintain the. route as� - Orange, CA 92666 currently outlined., O.C.T.D. would support . : relocation of that portion.of Route 54 on RECOMMENDATION: Approve request Almond between Glassell and Cambridge to for Bus Route Removal on Almond Ch,apman between Glassel.l and Cambridge. ' Avenue between Glass�ll and O`.C.T.D. will expedite as soon as possible Cambridge. Relocate to Chapman after Council approval. between Glassell and Cambridge. . Recommen.dation: Approve Route 54 for . reTocation on Almond between Glassell and Cambridge to Chapman be�ween Glassell and � _ � Cambridge. MOTZON D. Turner SECOND M. Baumann � AYES Unanimous , 2. 300 N. Everett O.P.D, presented a brief summary on their ; Request for Permit Parking_. _ _ _ _ _ �findings regardirig permit pa�king. The report� Kay.Meyer - indicated that agencies utilizing permit � 321 E. E�erett Avenue parking do so for specific parking problem Orange, CA 92666 � areas. Zn nearly euery Case of permit � parking, an abnnrmally high consistant RECOMMENDATION: Deny volume of traffic during all hours of the day " , , ,_. _ ,__, ._ � _ . _ ._ and night is involved. This would include � _ _. . the Anaheim Con,vention Center, the Amphi- - - theater, Disneyland or the Beach facilities � area. High density pa�king problems of major : - - amusement and entertainment centers does not � yet exist within th� City of Orange. In most . ._ _ _ .__ cases, administration of a permit program is . . ___ . __ � - - handled through several cooperative efforts �- among city de�artments. Currently, the City � � of Orange has no process to implement � ; administration �f a p�.rking permit program . _ similar to that req�.ested by the applicant. � __._ . _ _ . Recommendation: Deny request for permit � parking in this residential area at this time. ' � MOTION G. Shaw SECOND D. Smith � ; � A�ES Unanimous � � CITY TRA�'�'IC COM�I�SION : , ;_. :_ , . , , _ . MINUTES OF A REGULA�. ME�TII�G ._ . _. ___.. _. ___.. . _: _, . ._._.�....�._._...�._�..._.. December 12, 1984 Page � AGENDA MOTION MINUTE� , 3. La Veta @ Devon • ' City Traffic Commission heard eomments from- - Request for Tr�.�fic Signal � the citizens as an of.f agenda item. ^A. .._ NMr. Brad :l�.ollins � ; conting�nt of r�sidents in the area were `� . . . . _ r , present to voice their concerns- ar�d su�po:�t- , _._....._ . _ � �or immediate installati�n Qf_ a�traffic. ,__:� .�._ . � . ; :.;..�__...._ .._ ' signal at :La-Veta-_and•�Dev.on .:....._�hi�� �tr� � _.. . _ Recommendation: , ; recent a�pearan.ce before th� Traf�ie �- � . 1. Police Department to conduct ; - :k �_. . � spee�. enftircement measures ; Commission was �esultant�'of .a fatal ._� ..� -._ � ' pedestrian acCiden:t th�t ocCurre�.��a,�t ��1�� � 2. Tra�fic Enqineering pursue >, ` .� _. _ , .. � .., _: , upgradin.g -reflective markers subject 1oc�.tion c�n November 6, 1-g84 � Concerns expressed by this grou,�_��nc�;,�.d�d�_�..� _ : and street lighting at the ' _ . ; ... ..., ,_ _ . _ _, .. , . _ �__ .__, ._.:.�. ; . .outrage -over....th-e f�.tal...a��ide°�.�t�;..,.rr.�e�li�g�`�,�"�.�..'.�' ; subj ect:�l'ocation. �: ; ,.. 3: � To �omplete study and report` of the City t� prohibit the a�cide+nt, -� : � back to Commission at January r�qla.est� �e�a�ding th� .inabil_ity. of .moto,r�sts_ : ' ' to observ� the marke�. :crbsswa-lk,-���e�d, ..�. meeti�g. ; ..:. .. _, .� w. � ; _ .; � cl.psing of�' �tr�ets onto La V-eta ..and- .tl�e__,._w,____. . ; lack of police �nfo�ce,ment in, the.;area ...._�: ._,...�. ; , - � ` ... .. . . ..r. :,.:: _ . . ._.. _ _ .. . . : ..�' :_. ._ _. --� ..�._. , . . ; .and._ a, lackada�is-%cal--att���.-de._..:��..� e.,�.c��....,.�,�.,�...� < . , _: _. . . .. �, .., _ ; towards tY�e coz�cerns .of the�.residents:_of.�_.s.... ; _ . - th� area m St�.f:� had not� p�epared ,a com�,?lete.., � : ;' - � _ ; ' repo�t for this area r ;but I�r:-Denn;i�: .. ..,,.,,�__.. ��_.. � . ... , � , __ ._ _...� __._. _. . : ___�.= __ , , ' reviewed some o� �:�e s,tudies cu�.�:e�n,tl�y..�.. -..�_,_._. ._ : _ , ` unc�e�way in th� area and' _addre�sec�: some. �..�...._._� . ; ' . .. . � ' . . . � .J .,. �.. ...� :......... �.... ......._�.�. . _.......:�..... ..... ....... ..... ....�.r ........... ..w.,....._v.. :.:� .._ _...... .r........ . . � . . ' , wn.. . �'; of.:.the• po��-ible a-lterx�at��e�s-�sfl��.��rz�� a��-�~ � A :. . .._.. ._.. _. . ._.. .�.��., .... . , � ,result�.nt _prs�blems fram..._znit�igation, �e.asi��:�s-*:�-_ ; . - � ; '; He; speci�fically foc���d on. the�Fashion. ; .. .- .. .. � ._. � �.. , _, ,I : _ , : ;' . ; Squaare De�elopme�t with its -implica��ions.. .0 .. ._: ; ; . _ . _ . -�. , _.. p , , _ ; _ , ; and impacts on the Ci�y of_ .Orange in,�_t�a.e...; ;.. _. ; , ; : � ` suba ect are�.. The Cit�� re�ogriizesn mar�Y.��,.�.;__ _' . , .. . _LL ,. _ . __.__ .._ .�._,.�.... : ; � -. ?� �� ' ,....�.r.ww..,�'�w .... w ,, _.... .....ri„_ .. .. _ : ,_.... __ .. . ,.� . ..th;e pro.blems..:..�h�a�.._��-��t.....a�-c�.�a�l�--e -�� . , , , , , : . �_.: ���.�.,,�_.._.. . ; _ , ' �rozn the Fashion Square D.�ve,lopmen:t. ax�.d-�-4_��,�.. . ; � . , , _ , is eoncexned primaril� with '3 area's .��a.... ::._.-- _ ; : � 1� �'raffic sic�nal(s) �i�ll:rn.ost lik.'ely...}�.e�.�_;. �, � : ' _ xeguired on La Veta a:s; a resU.�.t ofk th'�.�...�.� ', � .w � _ developm�nt and as suC`h shr�ult�'b�` �1�:�ed` � .: .__._ . ....:.... . :.. .__ .__. :_�.. ..,, ;�__. .. ..._�. ._ ._�_..._ ..��_ .. ._ _ _ at th,e_ most._apn�op�ia.:�e�.-anc�.-�logica���3-a��c�;��.k , .....; , , : ' 2� Th.e neigh�aorhood . . . :: r. �.:� -�, - - . , pres.ervat,io��:�xag.�.amv...:� ... ;. ; . , . ; `. ? tQ-minimize the impaets fresm the '�d�v�l`�p�;��.t �: �, . _ __� _ ,,. �.� , ,� _. , ;: � `which may incTude the cul-�de�-sacin�g--o�..T�i�:e.._�.._.. ! _ . . ' � of the local streets, .. . _ - i . _ a . _. , ; ` 3. 'That p,roJression off implementi�n� , _ -:`"_. :�.�.. ; _ :.. . : .. _....... .": . .,.._ ,. .... ............_.__,. � ..:_ . . ... _ .. - " � _ _ . .. . ._. _..,_ �.,�..,._ w _ _._, ; m,i:ti,qatian. m.e.a.s��es,..�.b.e .d�n$.�._�aot�.�-��.�..-��-���1�_; . ; , .....�.. ; ? A and totally cooperativ�e_ ef�`�rt �GQ: �.d.c�:a�.�.�s:�...... � . . . . _ _ ; . , ; , � � .. .. _ . . ,. ,_ � ,_:.�:: .__ , . __ .. , .__ ._ . � _ ; the issues., � - , . :, : .. :_ _ _ t .. � �_ , ` ' It was str.essed that a;s. the- neighborhood - ;1 : ' _ . � , . .,.:_,_ . �. . . _ � ; , p:reservation program proc�ress.es, .cit���n�._ . _. � � � , ; input will; be encouraged..and inst'r�.m��.�t�.� � , , ..... .. ___ .,r._. .. .. . .,„_���.._..;.�.,�. _ _,.._; ___ ..... .._�__ .._ ._.....�.._,m... _. ....__ w..�.. .., ... ....�. ,,...�.�_..�._ .' ..i � . - 'n:�..the resol.la�,i.o�..o..�'�.�-�._�.:.�..�ota���-�a�f����:-� ' ,�. ; ; . ;.. ,_._. __. : : . . ; coricErns of the :area. 1 ., , :..._... . . ._. . ,. _ : . � . .. ___...._. _. . . , _ . �. MOTION G. Shaw � ; - _ i ; , :.. � _ . ., . � SECOND D. Smith . � . � '; ; , ; � AYES ; Unanimous . ,_.. __ , . , � , j