08-08-1984 - Minutes TC CITY TRAFFIC COMMTSSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING August 8, 1984 AGENDA MOTION MINUTES ROLL CALL PRESENT Commissioners: G. Shaw, M. Baumann. D. Turner - Staff: B. Dennis, P. Kelley, Sgt Hernandez ABSENT Commissioners: D. Yarger, D. Smith APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION D. Turner SECOND M. Baumann Meeting of Ju1y 11, 1984 AYES Unanimous � CONSENT CALENDAR __ _ _ A. W/B Katella @ Glassell Street � Request for Bus Exempt Signing O.C.T.D. P.O. Box 3005 Garden Grove, CA 92642 , RECOMMENDATION: Approve B. N/B Tustin Street @ Seba Request for Bus EXempt Signing O.C.T.D. P.O. Box 3005 � Ga-rden Grove, CA 92642 RECOMMENDATION: Approve C. 2005 W. Palmyra Request for Vision Zone � M. Spurget�n 2005 W. Palmyra Avenue Orange, GA RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION M. Baumann SECOND D. Turner AYES Unanimous CON5IDERATION ITEMS l. Flower Street anc�. Maple �ven�.e Staff presented the report. Flower Street is Request for 2-way STOP Control a north-south loCal residential street with Melanie Deidrich a travelway width �f �'orty (40) feet curb-to- 205 N. Flower Street curbm 'Fhere are single lanes in each direc- Orange, CA 92668 tion and parking on both sid.es of the street. RECOMMENDATION• Approve 4-way Maple Avenue is an east�-west local residential street with a travelway width of forty (40) STOP controls at the subject feet curb-to�-curb. There are single lanes in location with appropriate vision :�� zones for all approaches. each direction and parking on both sides of the street. r �.'" � � -__. . . czy�r T���rzc c�i�,L��s4=t:.F� � ����u��v o� � .���c7�La�. F��..�.�.���1�� Au ust 8 1584 Page 2 .�.g���:.=�:.�..�� �..,,.,� ����.� r,�-- �_.,x,,...�.�,r.s���.�,��:� ..�.���-,�. a _. �„ ��� A�'E�iD� MOTION M�NUTES ��_�..�:�:��.�,.-,���:.�;:,�.�.,.�.��. ,��b.-�,���a��� � _ �. _ . _ _ . .. The intersectir�n of Flower Street and Maple � Avenue forms a cross-inte�s�etion (4-legs) . with no STOP Controls for �ny of the legs. The accident. history at the intersection of Flower Street an�. Map�.e Avenue inc�.icates no reported acCi�.ents �.t th� intersection in . the past twelve months. Traffic volume counts taken during th� a,m, peak hours on • July 31, 1984 in�i�ate a peak hour volume o.f 77 and .a peak ho'ur ratio of 3 to 1 in favor ' of Maple Aven�ae. The�� does not appear to be , a problem with the alignment or design of. the intersection. The intersection does satisfy the required warrants for two-way STOP . cQntrols at a local intersection. Resident � concerns inclu.ded: excessive speeding and hea�ier traffic aft�r working hours. It is the recommendation of t�e Traffic Division that vehicles an Flower �treet be, required ,to stop before entering th� iritersection of Flower Street and Maple Avenue, thereby approving the ret�uest for two=way STOP controls at the iriter�e�tic�n with appropriate � - vision zones installed 'with the instalTation of the STOP_ cont�ols: . _ _._ ___.�_.._.A...__._.... ._ .,. MOTION D. Turner � . SECOND M. Baumann AYES Unanimous 2. Main Street and Sturck Avenue ' Staff pr�sen-�ed the• report: Main Street is a Request for T�affic Signal � north-south arterial street with a travelway Leigh Roberts width of eigh�.y-f�ur. (84) f�et curb-to-curb 1095 N. Main Street in the subject area. StruCk Aven.ue is an Orang�, CA 92667 east-west local street in an industrial area . with a travelway width of forty-four (44) RECOMMENDATION: Approve request - feet curb-to-�urb in th� subject area. for traffic signal control and place , . ��The intersection .of Main Street and Struck this location on the signal priority Avenue is currently a two-way STOP controlled, list. cxoss-intersection (4 legs) . Eastbound and . westbound traffi� on .Struck Avenue is required � to stop be�fore enteri.ng th� intersect:ion. The acciden;t-history at the inter-section-�of Main Street and Struck Avenue indicates four accidents that might be susceptible to � correction by traffic signa� controls.. 2-18-83 - Right angle - .property damage only 6-3-83 - Right angle - property damage only . _ - . - 11-18-83 - Righ-� ar�gle - property damage :only � 6-18-84 - Left turn - prop�rty damage only ' \ . _ /� f r!f L�!\�. 1�� Gi:i Y i�-y?-�IC �,{�------- A1s?`�?'E5 OF A �.i�.;,.-`;�pyF� ;��'�TING P age 3 ��:.:,,.��.,�,.�,__��r,N��.�..�e�:�,..�-,��..�.�_:�:.._n.���.�-�,��:.:..�,��:�:�.��.� �.-._.._�,�.�,,.�.� :.:�..::�.�.,�:�����..�,.,,�+....�-.�,�.,:�-����..,�,��.________n� -- �����TDA I�'�OTION ?�INUTES �n^me-e�,.:�-ar:ae.,.,,,�,:-..xw��..iraxa�a=.-._...�a..-v.�%�.e:},e.�w�.,�,.wa��:arnax.w<am.,rswu,.m��._ ^.._,aor_-rs�s�-i-:ta�x*awnaa�..mcawsss,uas^st+d*r�-wo�.a:.uFa+c•...� .r�em+�>-.�.a�. . - s Evaluation of signal warrants indiGates the � following: Warrant 1 Minimum Vehicular Vol�.une - Satisfied Warrant 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic - Satisfied � • . Warrant 3 Combinatior� of Warrants - Satisfied ' Warrant 4 Accident Experience - Not Satisfi�d The location o�' Mair� Street.and Struck Avenue met ..the minimum requiremerits for installation of traffic signals. This loCation should be Placed on the priority listing of possible traffic signal .locatioris and be monitered - for the installation. Staf� recommendation was to approve the l�cation for installation of tra:ffic signal cor��ro1 and place this location on the �riority listin.g,of potential intersections of signalization and compete for funding within th� normal budgeting cycle. MOTION. G. Shaw : ' 5ECOND D. Turner � AYES Unanimous _ . ... _ ,.__. _ _ _ . � � �